Whereas in the present treaty concerning the setling and establishing of a firme & perfect peace within this Kingdome, (which treaty stands already adjourned to the 10. day of this Ianuary) severall matters of [...]eight and consequence have been treated and deba [...]d of, which doe necessarily require to be yet further [...]epared for the satisfaction of all parties, and conse [...]tly and adiournment to a further time, beyond the [...]d tenth day of this January, is become necessary.
We the Lord Lieutenant his Majesties Cōmissioner [...] & in the behalf of his Maiestie on the one part, and [...] Donogh Lord visc. Muskery, Alexander mac Donell [...]icholas Plunket Esquires. Sir Robert Talbot Baronet, [...]rmot ô Bryen, Patricke Darcy, Geffrey Brown, and [...] Dillon Esquires. for and in the behalf of his Ma [...]ies Roman Catholique Subjects of the other part. [...] [...]e thought fit to adjourn, and doe hereby adjourne [...] treaty of peace till the tenth day of February next, for better preparation of sundry matters concerning said treaty, and conducing to a Peace. It is agreed [...] the said Donough Lord visc. Muskery, Alexander mac [...]ell, Nicholas Plunket, Sir Robert Talbot, Dermot ô [...]en, Patrick Darcy, Geffrey Brown, and John Dillon, [...] [...]ny one or more of them may repaire to Dublin, as [...] and remaine there as long in the meane time as [...] shall thinke fit, or continue intercourse to that [...]ose by letters or messages as they shall finde ne [...].