BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.


WHereas His Majesty out of His Princely care for securing the true Protestant Religion, and to satisfie the minds of all His loving Sub­jects therein, for the more effectual discovery and suppression of the most horrid and erecrable Popish Plot, and the encouragement of all per­sons who have any knowledge thereof, to make discovery of the same, hath thought fit to set forth His Royal Proclamation, bearing date at His Court at White hall the Thirtieth day of October last past, thereby promising and assu­ring His free and gracious Pardon to all and every person and persons who within Two months after the date of the said Proclamation should come in and give further information and evidence concerning the said Po­pish Plot. Now We the Lord Lieutenant and Council, for the like en­couragement of all persons within this Kingdom, who have any know­ledge of the said Plot, to make discovery of the same, do think fit to set fort [...], this our Proclamation, hereby promising and assuring His Majesties free and gracious Pardon to all and every person and persons within this Kingdome, who within Two months from the date of this our Proclama­tion shall come in, and give further information and evidence concerning the said Popish Plot.

  • Blesinton.
  • Lanesborough.
  • Hen. Midensis.
  • R. Coote
  • Rob. Fitz Gerald.
  • Ca. Dillon.
  • Char. Meredith.
  • John Keatinge.
  • He. Hene.
  • Jo. Davys.
  • Will. Stewart.
  • Ol. St. George.
  • W. Wentworth.
  • Mau. Eustace.
  • Tho. Newcomen.

God save the King

DUBLIN, Printed by Benjamin Took and John Crook, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Mary Crook at His Majesties Printing-House in Skinner-row. 1680.

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