By the LORDS JUSTICES and COUNCIL of Ireland.

Mich: Dublin: C. Art: Granard.

WHereas His Majesty hath been graciously pleased to grant a Warrant under His Royal Sign Manual, to prepare a Bill to pass under the Great Seal of England, containing a Grant or Demise of all His Majesties Revenue in this His Kingdom of Ireland, to Sir James Shaen Knight and Baronet, Sir William Petty Knight, William Hill, William Ry­der, Robert Gorges, Thomas Hoare, Francis Soane, William Muschamp, Edward Richbell, Stanhop Mill, Lawrence Sta­nyan, and William Hanway Esquires, for the tearm of Seven years, from the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord God, One thousand six hundred seventy five, and now next ensuing, under the Rents, Covenants, Agreements, Limitations and Restricti­ons therein mentioned; and hath been also pleased by like Warrant, to direct a Commission to pass under the Great Seal of England, for authorizing and appointing Sir Charles Meredyth Knight, Chancellor of His Majesties Court of Exchequer in this Kingdom, Sir James Cuff Knight, John Stone Esq Robert Wood Dr. of Laws, Thomas Taylor Esq Robert Gorges Dr. of Laws, Thomas Sheredan, William Hannaway, Edward Wigg, Thomas Waller, and Murtagh Dowling Esquires, to be His Majesties chief Commissioners and Go­vernours of all His Majesties said Revenue in this Kingdom, to prevent any loss or damage which may happen before the passing of the said intended Grant of His Majesties Revenue.

And whereas the said Commission with the said Warrant annexed thereunto, may not arrive so timely out of England, as that the said Commissioners may by virtue of their said Commission, settle and authorize the several Officers that will be necessary to be appoin­ted for managing of His Majesties said Revenue, from and after the Twenty fifth day of this instant December, when the present Farm of the Revenue will determine: To the end therefore that His Majesties Revenue may front and after the said Twenty fifth day of this instant December, be duly collected, received and answered, and all loss and damage for want of the said Commission may be prevented.

We the Lords Iustices and Council have thought fit hereby, to authorize, constitute and appoint the said Sir James Cuff, John Stone, Robert Wood, Thomas Sheredan, and Mortagh Dowling (being such of the said Commissioners as are now residing in this Kingdom of Ireland) to be His Majesties Commissioners and Governours of His Majesties said Revenue, until the arrival of the said Commission out of England. And We do hereby give unto them, or any three of them, full power and authority in the mean time, to appoint such Officers and Ministers, upon such security and with such allowances as they shall think fit, for receiving, collecting, answering and managing the several Branches of His Majesties said Revenue in the several Sea-ports, Cities, Counties, and Towns of this King­dom, that shall grow due from and after the Twenty fifth day of this instant December, until further course shall be taken therein by the said Commissioners, after the arrival of the said Commission.

And We do hereby also require all persons that shall be authorized or employed by the said Sir James Cuff, John Stone, Robert Wood, Thomas Sheredan, and Mortagh Dowling, or any three of them, before the arrival of the said Commission out of England, or that after the arrival thereof, shall be authorized or employed by the Commissioners in the said Commission named, That they do diligently and faithfully execute and discharge their Offices and Trusts respectively; and that they do from time to time give a just and true account of all such Summs of Money, as they or any of them shall receive during their said Imployments, and of all their Actings and Proceedings therein to the said Commissioners, so often as by them, or the major part of them, they or any of them shall be thereunto required, any Law, Statute, matter or thing to the contrary notwithstanding. And we do further hereby require and com­mand all Officers Civil and Military, to be aiding and assisting to His Majesties said Commissioners hereby nominated, until the ar­rival of the said Commission and to His Majesties said Commissioners named in the said Commission, from and after the arrival there­of, and to such persons as shall be authorized and imployed by them in the execution of their respective Offices and Places as they and every of them will answer the contrary at their utmost perils.

Ja: Armachanus. Thomond. Clanbrasill. Blesinton. O: Brien. Hen: Midensis. J: Povey. Jo: Bysse. Will: Stewart. John Cole. H: Ingoldesby. Ri: Gethin. Theo: Jones. Wm. Flower.
GOD save the KING.

DVBLIN, Printed by Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the KING'S most Excellent Majesty; And are to be sold by Joseph Wilde Bookseller in Castlestreet. 1675.

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