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BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.


VVHEREAS by the good and wholsome Lawes of this Realm; It hath been ordain­ed and Enacted, That for the more surety of the Country, Night-watches should be kept from the day of Ascension, unto the day of St. Michael, and from Michaelmas unto the Feast of Easter yearly in manner following (that is to say) In every City Six Men at every Gate; In every Burrough Twelve Men; and in every Town six or four, according to the Number of Inhabitants of the Town, And that they should Watch the Towne continually all Night, from the Sun setting, unto the Sun riseing; And if any stranger doe pass by them, and no suspicion be found, He shall go Quitt; But if they find cause of suspicion, Then they shall deliver him to the Sheriffe, and the Sheriffe to receive him without damage, and shall keep him safely until he shall be Acquitted in due manner; And if such person or person 3 will not Obey the Arrest, the Watch­men shall Leavy Hue, and Cry upon them, and such as keep the Towne shall follow with Hue and Cry, with all the Towne and the Townes Near; And so Hue and Cry shall be made from Towne to Towne, until that they be taken, and delivered to the Sheriffe, in man­ner as aforesaid; And that for the Arrestment of such Strangers, None [Page] should be punished: And whereas many Burglaries, Thefts, Rob­beries, Felonies, and Murders have been of Late Committed in di­vers Cities, Burroughes, Townes and Villages of this Kingdom, And the person and persons who Committed the same, have made their Estapes, and could not be then apprehended by any Indeavours that have been used, which yet in all probability they might have been, if the aforesaid Lawes had been duely Observed in all Places through­out this Realm.

Now Wee the Lord Lieutenant and Council taking the same into our Consideration, and minding by all wayes possible we can, to presarve, and keep all his Majesties good Subjects, their goods, and Persons in Peace, and safety, as well by night, as by day, and to secure them against the like Mischiefes for the time to come; have thought fit by this our Proclamation to Publish and Revive the Execution, and Observance of the aforesaid good, and wholsome Lawes. and there­fore We doe hereby will and require, and in his Majesties name straightly Charge, and command all, and every the Magistrates and Officers in the several and respective Cities, Burroughes, Towns, and villages of this Kingdom, That they do forthwith cause the afore­said Lawes, and Statutes to be put in Execution, and duely observed: And we do likewise require the several Iustices of the Peace in the respe­ctiv [...] Coun [...]i [...]s of this Kingdom, that they take special Care that Night-Watches be duely kept in the several Towns and Villages, within the respective Counties wherein they dwell. And we command and require, That all and every His Majesties good Subjects in their respective Townships, and dwellings, be ready, and forward to pursue the [...] Execution of the said Lawes by Hue, and Cry, from Towne to Towne as often as occasion shall require; As they will answer the contrary at their utmost Perills.

  • Ja: Armachanus.
  • Mich: Dublin Cane,
  • Barrymore.
  • Arran.
  • Strafforde.
  • Blesinton.
  • Lanesborough.
  • R: Fitz-Gerald.
  • Char: Meredith.
  • Jo: Bysse.
  • Ol. St. George.
  • Ja: Cuffe.
  • Walter Plunkett.


Dublin, Printed by Benjamin Took, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesties and are to he sold by Joseph Wilds Book-seller in Castle-street. 1677.

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