
BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.


VVHereas by Proclamation, bearing date the se­cond of November last past, We did think fit to charge▪ command & require all and every the Sheriff [...]s and Iustices of the peace of the several and respective Counties in this Kingdom, and all, and every the Offi­cers of his Majesties Army, that from and after the expiration of twenty dayes next en­suing the date of the said Proclamation, they should search for, seize upon, and secure all such Armes, as should be found to be in the possession of, or belonging unto any person or persons of the Popish Religion (who had not licenses from the Lord Lieutenant or other chief Governour or Governours of this Kingdom, to keep, or carry the same) and that in case they should find any person or persons (who had such Licenses) to have or keep more, or other Armes then are Expressed in such Licenses, that they should also seize upon, and secure the same, and take care to have such persons in whose custodie any Armes should be found, contrary to our said Proclamation, to be bound over with sufficient security to appear at the next assizes or sessions to be held for such Counties wherein any such Armes should be found, and there to be prose­cuted for the said offences, & that they should also return the names of such persons to Vs, or to the Clerk of the Council, and that all such Armes as should be so seized upon, or secured by them should be brought into one of [Page] His Majesties Stores of Ordnance, and Ammunition in this King­dom, or delivered to some of the Persons mentioned in the said Proclama­tion, to receive the same together with the names of the Persons from whom such Armes were taken.

And whereas We find that the said Sheriffs and Iustices of the Peace; and also the Officers of His Majesties Army, have been very Remiss in Executing the aforesaid several matters Committed to their Charge, in so much as little or nothing hath been done by either of them in obedience to the said Proclamation, We cannot but hereby give them to understand that We do highly resent the same, and more particularly, their great neglect in not making strict search for, and seizing upon, all such Armes as immediatly after the 22th. of November last past might be found in the possession of, or belonging unto any person or per­sons of the Popish Religion, who have not Licences from the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governour, or Governours of this Kingdom, to keep and carry the same, and returning us an account of their pro­ceedings therein, according to the Tenor of the said proclamation.

Wherefore, We have thought fit in hopes and Expectation of their greater care and diligence for the future, to declare and publish; And VVe do hereby in His Majesties name straicly Charge and require all and every the said Sheriffs and Iustices of the Peace of the several and respective Counties of this Kingdom, and also the Officers of His Ma­jesties Army, that immediately after the date of this Proclamation, they do proceed with all care, Diligence and Circumspection, in the several Counties, Baronies, Cities, Garrisons, and Towns, where they reside, to put the Contents of the aforesaid Proclamation in due Execution, and to return an account of their proceedings therein, with all convenient speed unto us, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perils.

And We do also further in His Majesties Name, Straightly Com­mand and require all and every the said Sheriffs, and Iustices of the Peace, and also the Officers of His Majesties Army, that in Case any person or persons of the Popish Religion, of what Quality soever he be, shall pretend to have Licence for the keeping or carrying of any Armes, for himself or any number of Persons of his Family or Retinue; That they take a Copie of such his or their Licence, and of the Names of the persons who are by him allowed to keep, or carry any Arms as his Servant, or of his Retinue, by Vertue, or under Colour of such Licence, and send the same together with the Names of the persons so allowed by him unto Vs, or to the Clerk of the Council, with all convenient speed: And also to make strict inquiry after such Arms as they know, or shall be in­formed, any person or persons of the Popish Religion had in his, or their possession before or since the Date of our former Proclamation, which are not brought in according to the Tenor thereof, and what is become of them, and in whose Custody, or possession the same now are, and to take the [Page] same wherever they may be found, & dispose of them as is directed in our said former proclamation: And also to bind over all and every such per­son & persons of the Popish Religion, whom they shall finde upon dili­gent inquiry to have had any such Arms in his or their Custody or posses­sion without Licence at any time before the Date of Our said Procla­mation or since, which are not now to be found, and were not deli­vered in according to the directions aforesaid. And that they take speci­all care that every such person and persons be duely prosecuted for their respective Offences at the next Assizes, or Quarter Sessions to be held for the said County wherein such person or persons shall, or may be found.

And We do hereby further declare, that if the said Sheriffs, and Iustices of the Peace, or Officers of His Majesties Army shall prove as Negligent and Remiss, as formerly they have been, in the Ex­ecution of these Matters, which do so neerly concern His Majesties Service; We shall looke on them, as contemners of His Majesties Royal Authority, and Countenancers, and Abettors, of those who seek the Disturbance of the Peace of this Kingdom, and proceed against them with all imaginable severity.

Mich: Dublin C, Arran. Granard. Lanesborough. Hen: Midensis. R. Coote. R. Fitz-gerald. Ca. Dillon. Char. Meredith. Ro. Booth. Jo: Bysse. Jo: Davys, John Cole, Ric: Gethin. Theo: Jones. Walter Plunkett. Tho: Radcliffe. Hans Hamiltone. Tho: Newcomen.

God Save the King.

DƲBLIN, Printed by Benjamin Took, Printer to the KING's most Excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Mary Crook at His Majesties Printing-House in Skinner-Row, 1678.

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