WHEREAS by an Act made in the last Session of the late Parliament held in this Kingdom intituled, An Act for the better ordering the selling of Wines and Aquavitae, together with all sorts of Strongwaters by Retaile, It is Enacted, That no person or persons whatsoever from and after the Twenty ninth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty six, unless he or they be licensed, and enabled in manner and form as in the said Act is prescribed and appoynted, shall sell or utter by Retaile (That is to say) by the pint, quart, pottle, or gallon, or by any other greater or lesser retaile measure, any kind of wine, or Wines, Aquavite, Vsquebagh, Brandy, Balkon, or other distilled Strongwaters whatsoever to be drunck or spent within his or their Mansion House, or Houses, or other place in his or their Tenure or Occupation, or without such Mansion House or Houses, or such other place in his or their Tenure or Occupation, by any Colour, Craft or means whatsoever, upon pain to forfeit for every such offence the sum of five pounds, the one Moyetie of every such penaltie to be to our Soveraign Lord the King, His Heirs and Successors, the other Moyetie to him or them that will sue for the same, by Action of Debt, Bill, plaint or Information in any of the Kings Courts of Record, in which Action or Suite, No Essoyn, wager of Law or protection shall be allowed; And it is further Enacted by the said Act that Commissions shall from time to time be awarded under His Majesties Great Seal into every Countie in this Kingdom to a convenient number of Commissioners to be nominated by the Lord Lieutenant or other cheif Governor or Governors of this Kingdom and Council for the time being, which said Commissioners or any two or more of them shall Licence according to the said Act such persons as they shall think fit to sell and utter by Retane all or any kind of Wine or Wines or Strongwaters or any other the Liquors distilled or strrongwaters whatsoever aforesaid to be Drunck and spent as well within the House or Houses, or oother [Page] place in the Tenure or Occupation of the partie so Licensed as aforesaid; as without in any Citie, Town, or other place within the Kingdom of Ireland, for any Term not exceeding three years from the Twenty ninth of September next preceeding the makeing of such Licence, and no longer, and that the said Commissioners by their Commissions shall be especially authorized to make the said Licences, and that every such Retailer of Wine or Wines as aforesaid, shall pay to His Majesties use, such sum as shall be agreed to be paid for such Licence, so as none do pay less than the sum of Forty shillings yearly, and that none be compelled in the Citie and County of the Citie of Dublin to pay more than Forty pounds yearly, and in all other Cities, Towns Corporate, and other places as well within as without Franchises and Liberties in this Kingdom more than Twenty pounds yearly, and that every such Retailer of Aquavite Vsquebagh or Strongwaters, Brandy, Balkon or any other Distilled Strongwaters whatsoever as aforesaid shall pay to His Majesties use such sum as shall be agreed to be paid for such Licence, so as none do pay less than the sum of Ten shillings yearly, and none shall be compelled to pay more in the Citie and County of the Citie of Dublin than Ten pounds yearly, and in all other Cities, Towns Corporate and other places as well within as without Franchises and Liberties in this Kingdom, than the sum of Five pounds yearly by two equall payments, the first thereof to be made before the person so to be Licensed take out his Licence, and the second payment to be made at the end of six months after the date of such Licence, to the hands of Collectors to be appoynted in every County for that purpose by the said Commissioners for such County or any three or more of them.
AND whereas in pursuance of the said Act, We the Lord Lieutenant and Council have Nominated Sir Richard Geth [...]n Knight, Sir Richard Kyrle Knight, Joseph Dean, John Stepney, and Denny Muschamp Esquiers to be added to such of the Justices of the Peace of each County in this Kingdom as we shall hereafter Nominate to be Commissioners in every County in this Kingdom for Executing and performing all and every the Matters and Powers by the said Act committed to the care of such Commissioners; we therefore do by this our Proclamation, Declare and publish the same, whe [...]eof all persons wh [...]m it doth concern, are hereby required to take notice, and to conform themselve as well to such His Majestie Commission as to the aforesaid Act, whereof they may not faile.
- Meath.
- Dungannon.
- Fran. Aungier.
- Kingston.
- Jo. Bysse.
- Paul Davys.
- Art. Forbess.
- Rob. Meredith.
- Theo. Jones.
GOD Save the KING.