BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.


WHEREAS by a Clause contained in the Act, intituled, an Act for the explaining of some doubts a­rising upon an Act, intituled, an Act for the better execu­tion of his Majesties gracious declaration for the settle­ment of his Kingdome of Ireland, and satisfaction of the several interests of Adventurers, souldiers, and other his subjects there, and for making some alterations of, and additions unto the said Act, for the more speedy and effectual settlement of the said Kingdom. It was enacted, that it should and might be lawful to and for the Lord Lieutenant, and other Chief Governor or Governors, and Council of Ireland for the time being, to assess and impose upon all and every the Lands, Tenements and hereditaments, which by virtue of the said Act should be restored or confirmed to any for­mer Proprietors of the Popish Religion, or granted to any the Roman Catho­licks of Ireland, such sums of mony as they should think fit, for the raising & leavying of thirty thousand pounds sterl. in the most equal and indifferent way that might be, in lieu and recompence for the mony commonly called lapsed mony, which is thereby discharged. And whereas in pursuance of the said Act, His Majestie by his Royal Letters, bearing date the first day of Feberuary 1674. did require and authorize us the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdome, and Council, to give order for the assessing, raising and leavying of the said sum of [Page] thirty thousand pounds, to be paid by such Installments as should be adjudged most convenient. And whereas the late Lords Iustices and Coun­cil in pursuance of the said Act, and His Majesties said Letters by their Act in Council, bearing date the seventh day of April 1676. did assess and im­pose upon the several Lands, tenements and hereditaments in a particular thereunto annexed, contained, that have been by virtue of the said Act re­stored or confirmed to any former Proprietors of the Popish Religion, or granted to any the Roman Catholicks of this Kingdom, the several and respective sums of mony in the said particular set down; towards raising of the aforesaid summe of thirtie thousand pounds, the same to be paid by the said Proprietors and Roman Catholicks, their heirs and asignes respec­tively, or to the Receiver by the said Act appointed for that purpose, or their Deputy or Deputies, in such manner as by the said Act of Council doth appear.

And whereas the said assessment doth now remain in the hands of the Clerk of the Council of this Kingdom, and is ordered to be returned into his Majesties Court of Exchequer, there to remain as a charge upon the several Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments therein mentioned, to the intent that process may issue there upon for such sums of mony as shall not be paid at the dayes and times therein mentioned, which may prove inconvenient to several of his Majesties Subjects, in case timely notice be not given thereof, to the several persons whose Lands are charged with the said payments, we have thought fit, therefore hereby to give this pub­lique notice to all persons therein concerned, that the aforesaid summe of thirty thousand pounds is to be leavied and raised, according to such rates and proportions as in the said Act of Council, and particular thereunto annexed, are mentioned and contained, and to be paid by the said former Proprietors and Roman Catholicks, their Heirs and assigns respectively, unto John Bence Esq the surviving Receiver by the said Act appointed, or his Deputy, by four equal portions; the first payment thereof to be at or upon the 29th day of September, in this present year one thousand six hundred seventy six; the second payment thereof, to be at or upon the 25th, day of March, which shall be in the year one thousand six hundred s [...]venty seven, the third payment thereof to be at or upon the 29th day of September, which shall be in the year one thousand six hundred seventy seven; and the last payment thereof to be at or upon the 25th day of March, which shall be in the year one thousand six hundred seventy eight, whereof all persons concerned are to take notice.

  • Art: Granard.
  • Hen: Midensis.
  • R. Coote.
  • J: Povey.
  • R: Booth,
  • Jo: Bysse.
  • J: Temple.
  • Wm: Gore.
  • Ol: St. George.
  • John Cole.
  • Hans: Hamilton.
  • Tho: Ratcliffe.

Dublin, Printed by Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie; and are to be sold by Joseph Wilde Booke seller in Castlestreet. 1676.

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