BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.


VVHEREAS a most barbarous and outragi­ous Murder and Robbery was committed, on Sunday the seventh day of this instant October in the Evening, in the Town of Radr [...]m in the County of Wicklow, by several Traiterous and Rebellious persons then assembled together in Armes to the great terror of his Majesties good Subjects, and the disturbance of the Peace of this Kingdom, & whereas some of the said Of­fendors, being since apprehended, & committed to his Majesties Goal at Wicklow, We have caused a special Commission of Oyer and Ter­miner to be issued, for the speedy Tryal, & bringing to just punishment, the said persons so apprehended, & such others who shall be found to have been guilty of the said Crimes, but divers of the persons who were Actors therein having not as yet been discovered or taken; We think fit hereby, in his Majesties name straightly to charge & command, all his Majesties loyal Subjects, upon their duty & allegiance to his Majestie, not only to forbear to receive, or relieve, any the persons who were Actors in the sai [...] Murder or Robbery, but also to make diligent search and Enquiry after the said persons, and by all means possible, to apprehend and take the bodies of them, and them to bring or cause to be brought, under safe custody, to the High Sherriffs of the respective Counties, where they shall be apprehended to be by such Sheriffs, safely conveyed to the said Goal of Wicklow, to the end they may be there legally proceeded against, and tryed for their said offences.

And we do hereby further declare, that whatsoever person or persons shall knowingly comfort, relieve or abet, the said Offendors, or any of them, they are and shall be reputed, deemed and adjudged Traitors, in like degree, with the Offendors themselves, and to be proceeded against according to Law; And we do hereby also declare, that whosoever shall discover and apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, any of the persons, who were Actors in the said Murder or Robbery, and are not yet in custody, shall upon con­viction of any such persons, have for a reward for his said discovery and apprehension of any such Malefactors, for each Person so discovered and brought in, Ten pounds, for payment whereof, we will give Warrant as occasion shall require.

And whosoever of the said Offendors, not yet seised upon, shall first dis­cover, [...]ither to us the Lord Lieutenant, or any of his Majesties Privy Council, or Iudges in this Kingdom, the whole plot and Conspiracy en­tred into, for Committing the said Robbery, and the several persons en­gag'd therein, or shall at any time hereafter, bring unto the High Sheriff of any Country in this Kingdom, any of the said other persons, who were guilty of the said Crimes, and are not yet in Custody, he shall upon such his discovery, or the Conviction of such person so brought in by him, toge­ther with his said reward, receive his Pardon, and towards the speedy ef­fecting of this service, all Commanders of Horse, and Foot, and all other his Majesties Officers and loving Subjects are to be Aiding and Assi­sting as they and every of them will Answer the contrary at their Perils. Given at the Councel Chamber in Dublin the 19th. day of October 1677.

  • Ja: Armachanus.
  • Mich: Dublin. Cance.
  • Blesinton.
  • Lanesborough.
  • Hen: Midensis
  • R: Coot.
  • Ro: Booth:
  • J: Temple
  • John Cole.
  • Ja: Hayes.
  • Tho: Radcliffe.

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