BY THE Lord Lieutenant AND COUNCIL.


VVE the Lord Lieutenant and Council do hereby think fit to declare and publish, that whosoever shall make discovery of any Officer or Souldier of his Majesties Horse and Foot guards in this Ci­ty and Suburbs thereof, or of his Majesties Army in this King­dom, who having formerly taken the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy, hath since been perverted, or hereafter shall be per­verted to the Popish Religion, or hear Mass; such discoverers upon information given to Vs the Lord Lieutenant, shall have a reward of ten pounds sterl. for every Commssioned Offi­cer, five pounds sterl. for every private Trooper, & forty shillings sterl. for every foot Souldier so discovered as aforesaid. And to the end this resolution of Vs the Lord Lieutenant and Council herein may be fully known; We have thought fit to command this our Order to be forth­with Printed and published.

  • Mich. Dublin C.
  • Lanesbotough
  • Hen: Midensis.
  • R: Coote.
  • Ed: Villiers.
  • Rob Fitz Gerald,
  • Ca. Dillon.
  • Char: Meredith.
  • Ro: Booth.
  • Jo: Davys.
  • Wm: Gore.
  • VVill: Steward.
  • John Cole.
  • Hans Hamilton.
  • H: Ingoldesby.
  • VVm: Flower.
  • Ric: Gethin.
  • VValter Plunkett.
  • Theo: Jones.
  • Tho: Radcliffe.
God Save the King.

DUBLIN, Printed by Benjamin Took, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Mary Crook at H [...]s Majesties Printing-House in Skinner Row. 1687.

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