BY THE Lord Lieutenant and Council.
WE the LORD LIEUTENANT and COUNCIL, do Command and Proclaim Publick Humiliation, Fasting and Prayers to be observed in all the Parts and Parishes within this Kingdom, on Wednesday the 17th of April next. And therefore We Will and Require, That the Ministers and Parishioners of every Parish within this Kingdom, do duely repair to the Cathedral or Parish-Church on the said Day, as aforesaid, to Divine Service and Sermons: Upon which Day, the Minister is to call upon the People, That they abstain from Labour, and from Pleasure, and from the Ordinary works of their Callings, and dedicate themselves on that Day to Humiliation, Fasting, Prayer, Works of Charity and Devotion, Bewailing as well their own Sins, as the great and known Sins of the Kingdom; And supplicating Almighty God of his mercy and goodness, to bless and prosper all His Majesties Councils, and all His Armies and Fleets by Land and by Sea, and particularly His present Expedition. And We Will and Require every Archbishop and Bishop to call upon his Clergy for the diligent and due performance thereof.
- Ja: Armachanus.
- Mich: Dublin Canc.
- O: Bryen.
- Art: Forbese.
- Ro: Booth.
- Paul Davys.
- Theo: Jones.
- Char: Meredyth.