VPon consideration of the annexed Instrument, whereby it is concluded and accorded that there be a further continuation of the Cessation of Armes, and of all Acts of Hostility in this Kingdome, untill the fifteenth day of August, 1645. at the houre of twelve of the clock the same day. ME the Lord Lieutenant and Councell doe by this Proclamation in His Majesties Name, Ratifie, confirme, and publish the same, And doe Require all His Majesties Subjects whom it may concerne by Sea and by Land to take notice thereof, and yeeld all due obedience thereunto in all [...]e parts thereof.
WHEREAS Articles of Cessation of Armes were agreed and concluded on at Sigginstowne in the County of Kildare, the fifteenth day of September, in the nineteenth year of His Maiesties Raigne, By and between Vs the Lord Lieutenant by the name of Iames Marques of Ormonde, Lieute [...]nt Generall of His Maiesties Armie in the Kingdom of Ireland, For and in the Name of our Gracious Soveraigne Lord CHARLES by the grace of God, [...] of Great Brittaine, France, & Ireland, &c. By vertue of His Maiesties Commission bearing date at Dublin, the last day of August, in the said nineteenth [...] of His Maiesties Raign, of the one parte, And Donogh Lord Viscount Muskery, and others authorized by His Maiesties Roman Catholicke Subiects [...] in Armes in the said Kingdome, &c. of the other parte: Which Cessation of Armes was by the said Articles to continue for one whole year, beginning [...]. of September, 1643. at the houre of twelve of the clock of the said day. And whereas by his Maiesties Commission under His Great Seale of England, [...]d the foure and twentieth day of Iune 1644. We the Lord Lieutenant are authorized to Treat concerning the setling & establishing of a firme and perfect [...] within this Kingdom. And wheras We the Lord Lieutenant by vertue of His Maiesties Authority entrusted with Vs as His Lieutenant Generall, [...] Generall Governor of this His Kingdom, and by advice of the Councell, and For and in the Name of His Maiesty on the one part, And the said Lord [...], Muskery, and others deputed and Authorized in that behalfe by His Maiesties said Subiects now or late in Armes in this Kingdom, of the other part, [...]n the fifth day of September last conclude, and accord that there should be a further Cessation of Armes, & of all Acts of Hostility in this Kingdom, untill [...]rst day of December then next, at the houre of twelve of the clock of the said day. And whereas We the Lord Lieutenant by vertue of His Maiesties [...]nty entrusted with Vs as His Lieutenant Generall and Generall Governor of this his Kingdom, and by advice of the Councell, and For, and in the [...]e of His Maiesty of the one part, And the said Lord Viscount Muskery, and others Deputed and authorized in that behalfe by His Maiesties said [...]eets now, or late in Armes in this Kingdome of the other parte, did on the 11 day of November last, conclude and accord that there should be a further [...]inuation of the said Cessation of Armes and of all Acts of Hostility in this Kingdom, untill the last day of Ianuary, then next, at the houre of twelve of the [...] of the same day. And whereas We the Lord Lievtenant by vertue of His Maiesties authority entrusted with Vs, as His Lievtenant Generall and [...]rall Governour of this his Kingdome and by advice of the Counsell and for and in the Name of his Maiesty of the one part, and the said Lord Viscount [...]ery and others deputed and authorized in that behalfe by his Maiesties said Subiects now or late in Armes in this Kingdom, of the other part, did on [...] last day of December last conclude and accord that there should be a further continuation of the said Cessation of Armes and of all Acts of Hostility in this [...]ingdome untill the last day of March then next at the houre of twelve of the clock of the said day. And whereas We the Lord Lievtenant by vertue of His [...]iesties authority entrusted with Vs as his Lievtenant Generall and Generall Governour of this His Kingdome and by advice of the Councell and [...] and in the Name of his Maiesty on the one part, And the said Lord viscount Muskery and others deputed and authorized in that behalfe by His Maiesties [...] Subiects now or late in Armes in this Kingdome on the other part, did on the first day of March last, conclude and accord that there should be a further [...]tinuation of the said Cessation of Armes and of all acts of Hostility in this Kingdome untill the last day of April then next, at the houre of twelve of the [...] of the same day. And whereas We the Lord Lievtenant, by vertue of His Maiesties Authority entrusted with Vs, as His Lievtenant Generall and [...]enerall Governour of this His Kingdome, and by advice of the Councell, and For and in the Name of His Maiesty of the one part, and the said Lord [...]nt Muskery, and others deputed and authorized in that behalfe, by His Maiesties said Subiects now or late in Armes in this Kingdome of the other [...] on the one and twentieth day of April last conclude and accord, that there should be a further continuation of the said Cessation of Armes and of all [...]ct of hostility in this Kingdome, untill the twentieth day of May then next, at the houre of twelve of the clock the same day. And whereas We the Lord [...]tenant by vertue of his Maiesties Authority entrusted with Vs as his Lieutenant Generall and Generall Governour of this his Kingdom and by advicé the Councell, and for and in the name of his Maiesty of the one part, and the said Lord Visc. Muskery, and others deputed & authorized in that behalfe, by [...] Maiesties said Subiects now or late in Armes in this Kingdom of the other part, did on the sixteenth day of May 1645. conclude and accord that there sho [...] be a further continuation of the said Cessation of Armes & of all Acts of hostility in this Kingdom untill the fourth day of Iune then next, at the houre of 12 [...]f the clock the same day. And whereas We the Lord Lieutenant by vertue of His Maiesties Authority entrusted with Vs as his Lieutenant Generall and [...]nerall Governour of this his Kingdome, and by advice of the Councell, and for and in the Name of his Maiesty of the one part, And the said Lord [...] Muskery, and others deputed and authorized in that behalfe, by his Maiesties said Subiects now or late in armes in this Kingdome of the other parte, [...] on the first day of Iune 1645. conclude and accord that there should be a further continuation of the said Cessation of Armes and of all Acts of Hostility in this Kingdome untill the eighteenth day of Iune 1645. at the houre of twelve of the clocke the same day. And whereas We the Lord Lievtenant by vertue of his Maiesties authority entrusted with Vs as his Lievtenant Generall and Generall Governor of this his Kingdom and by advice of the Councell, and for and in the name of His Maiesty of the one part and the said Lord Viscount Muskery and others deputed and authorized in that behalfe by his Maiesties said subiects now or late in armes in this Kingdom of the other part, did on the fourteenth day of Iune 1645. conclude and accord that there should be a further continuation of the said Cessation of Armes and of all acts of hostility in this Kingdome, untill the fourth day of Iuly 1645. at the houre of 12 of the clock the same day. And whereas We the Lord Lieutenant by vertue of His Maiesties Authority entrusted with Vs as his Lieutenant Generall and Generall Governor of this his Kingdom, and by advice of the Councell, And For and in the Name of his Maiestie of the one parte, And Patrick Darcy, and Geffrey Brown, Esquires, deputed and authorized by his Maiesties said Subiects now or late in Armes in this Kingdome of the other parte, did on the thirtieth day of Iune, 1645. conclude and accord that there should be a further continuation of the said Cessation of Armes, & of all Acts of hostility in this Kingdome, untill the 18. day of Iuly, 1645. at the houre of 12 of the clock the same day. And whereas We the Lord Lieutenant by vertue of his Maiesties Authority entrusted with Vs as His Lieutenant Generall and Generall Governour of this His Kingdome, and by advice of the Councell, and for and in the name of his Maiesty of [...]e [...]ne parte, and the said Lord visc. Muskery, and others deputed and authorized in that behalfe by his Maiesties said subiects, now or late in Arnes in this Lingdome, &c. of the other part, did on the fifteenth day of Iuly, 1645. conclude and accord that there should be a further continuation of the said Cessation of Armes, and of all Acts of hostility in this Kingdome, untill the last day of Iuly, 1645. at the houre of twelve of the clock the same day. And in regard We desire to prevent any inconvenience that may happen by a too late continung of the present Cessation for such a longer time as may in likelyhood give the [...] and better opportunity towards facilitating the expected peace. We [...]he Lord Lieutenant by vertue of his Maiesties authority entrusted with Vs as his Lieutenant Generall and Generall Governour of this his Kingdome, and by advice of the Councell, and For and in the Name of his Maiestie of the one parte, and we the said Lord visc. Muskery, Nicolas Plunket, Esq. Sir Rob. Talbot Barronet. Dermot ô Bryen, Patrick Darcy, and Geffrey Brown, Esquires. Deputed and Authorized in that behalfe by his Maiesties said subiects now or late in Armes in this Kingdom, &c. of the other parte, have concluded and accorded, and it is accordingly hereby concluded and accorded that there be a further continuation of the said Cessation of Armes and of all Acts of Hostility in this Kingdome, untill the fifteenth day of August, 1645. at the hour of twel [...]e of the clock the same day, upon the like Articles and agreements, to all intents and purposes as are expressed in the said former Articles of Cessation, concluded on at Sigginstown, on the 15 of September, 1643. And as if the said Cessation first agreed on had continuance untill the said fifteenth day of August, 1645 at the houre of twelve of the clock the same day. In witnesse whereof, the said Lord Lieutenant to that part of this agreement which remaines with the said Lord visc. Muskery, Nicholas Plunket, Sir Rob. Talbot, Dermot ô Bryen, Patrick Darcy, and Geffrey Browne, hath put his hand and seale, and the said Lord visc. Muskery, Nicholas Plunket, Sir Robert Talbot, Dermot ô Bryen, Patrick Darcy. and Geffrey Browne, to that part of this agreement which remaines with be said Lord Lieutenant, have put their hands and seales the 28 day of Iuly, 1645. and in the one and twentieth yeare of His Maiesties Raigne.