An Impartial ACCOUNT Of some of the TRANSACTIONS IN SCOTLAND, Concerning the Earl of Broadalban, Viscount and Master of Stair, Glenco-Men, Bishop of Galloway, And Mr. Duncan Robertson.

In a LETTER from a Friend.

LONDON: Printed, And Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westmin­ster. 1695.


PAge 2. l. 6. read Eustick. l. 24. r. and that some men suffer. p. 5. l. 1. r. this simple Discourse. l. 4. r. tenendae. l. 7. r. Corvis & Columbas. l. 15. for was, r. there were. p. 8. l. 6. & 7. r. the great men then. l. 8. r. did intend to leave the Bench, and to Travel abroad. p. 12. l. 30. r. bailiary. p. 28. l. 31. r. of all men in Scotland. p. 29. l. 12. r. if he were re­ally guilty. l. 17. r. byass or interest. p. 30. l. 34. leave out, I hope. l. 36. effectual and supply.

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