A PROCLAMATION BY THE LORD LIEVTENANT AND COVNCELL, FOR AN IMPOSITION upon diverse Commodities, for the raising of monies for His Majesties Armie, expressed in the BOOKE following.

DƲBLIN, Printed by VVILLIAM BLADEN, Anno Dom. 1644.

By the Lord Lieutenant and Councell.


WEE having taken into Our serious con­sideration the present state and con­dition of this Kingdome, doe by this Our Proclamation in pursuance of an Act of Councell made at this Board, bearing date the 4th day of December, 1644. Publish and declare, that for the reasons in the said Act of Councell con­teined, and for the raising of a summe of money weekly towards the maintenance of the Army for six moneths next ensuing, that there be during the time aforesaid (if the necessities of the Army be not in the interim otherwise relieved) a rate and Imposition set upon the particulars hereafter mentioned, in manner and forme hereafter expressed, to be duely paid unto Thomas Leigh, Daniell Foster, & Thomas Cuffe, gentlemen, upon whom WE have for the present conferred the Office of Impostmasters, or to such as shall be lawfully Authorized to be the Impostmasters, and at the Office appointed to be kept at the House of Henry King in Castle street, or elsewhere, for the Im­post Office, by such persons, and in such manner, as hereafter is declared: and that the monies arising thereupon, be weekly paid by the said Impostmasters, unto His Majesties Vice Treasurer and Treasurer at Warres, or to whom he shall appoint, to be by him issued from time to time, as this Board shall direct.

The Rate or Imposition upon Ale or Beere, Beere. to be retailed in the Citie or Suburbs of Dublin, or in any part of the County of Dublin, by them that brew it, viz. All manner of Ale or beere, to be sould at three pence the quart to pay ten shillings Imposition per barrell, and so rateably for other gages.

Ale or Beere to be sould at two pence the quart, to pay six shillings eight pence per barrell and so rateably for other gages.

Ale or Beere to be sould at one penny the quart to pay three shillings foure pence per barrell, and so rateably for other gages.

The rate or Imposition upon Ale or Beere, bought of the brewer, to be retailed or Imported, or brought from forreigne parts, and bought here to be retailed, viz. Ale or Beere to be sould at three pence the quart, to pay eight shillings Imposition per burrell, and so rateably for other gages.

Ale or Beere to be sould at two pence the quart, to pay five shillings per barrell and so rateably for other gages.

Ale or Beere to be sould at one penny the quart, to pay three shillings per barrell, and so rateably for other gages.

The rate or Imposition upon Ale or Beere spent in any private house, [...]use. in the Citie or Suburbs of Dublin, or in any the liberties adjoyning to the said Citie, whether the same be brewed by the persons themselves that spend it, or bought from the brewers, or forreigne parts, viz.

Ale or beere of sixteen shillings and upwards per barrell, to pay foure shillings Imposition per barrell, and so rateably for other gages.

Ale or Beere of eight shillings per barrell, and upward to sixteene shillings per barrell, to pay two shillings per barrell, and so rateably for other gages.

Ale or Beere of five shillings per barrell, and upward to eight shil­lings per barrell, to pay twelve pence per barrell, and so rateably for other gages.

And WE hereby declare that it is meant and intended by this Proclamation that housekeepers in the Countrey, not selling or retayling Ale or Beere, shall not pay any Imposition by vertue of this Proclamation for or by reason of the Ale or Beere they shall brew and spend in their owne houses for themselves and their families.

The rate or Imposition upon Aquavitae and all manner of hot waters, Aquav [...] Hotwa [...] in the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or any part of the County of Dublin, viz.

Aquavitae and all hotwaters bought or sould to be retailed againe, to pay one shilling and foure pence Imposition per gallon.

Aquavitae and all Hotwaters bought or sould by or to any that shall not retaile the same againe, to pay eight pence Imposition per gallon. Wines.

The rate or Imposition upon Wines bought to be sould againe by retaile in the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All manner of French Wines rackt or unrackt, to pay six pounds Imposition per Tonne, accounting foure Hogsheads to the Tonne, and all other gages rateably, and allowed to be retailed at eight pence per quart.

All Wines of the Spanish growth, rackt or unrackt, to pay six pounds Imposition per Pipe or Butte, and all other gages rateably, and allowed to be retailed at one shilling foure pence per quart.

The rate or Imposition upon Wines, bought or brought into private Houses for their owne uses, viz.

All manner of French Wines, rackt or unrackt, to pay three pounds Imposition per Tonne accounting foure Hogsheads to the Tonne, and all other gages rateably.

All Wines of the Spanish growth, rackt or unrackt to pay three pounds Imposition per Pipe or Butte, and all other gages rateably.

The rate or Imposition upon Herrings, in the Citie or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All sorts of Herrings, whether full, shotters, or swimmers, Herring [...] be they pickeled or smoaked, to be spent within this Kingdome, and to be sould, to pay twelve pence Imposition per barrell, and so rateably for other quantities.

The rate or Imposition upon all sorts of Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Vinegar &c. Alegar, and Verjuice, in the Citie or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All sorts of Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar, and Verjuice, that shall be brought or made within the said limmits, to pay five shillings Imposition per Hogshead, and so rateably for other quantities.

The rate or Imposition upon Salt, in the City or Suburbs of Dublin, Sale. or County of Dublin, viz.

All sorts of Salt, to pay twelve pence Imposition per barrell, water measure, and so rateably for other quantities.

The rate or Imposition upon Tobaccoe, [...]oe. in the Citie or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All sorts of Tobaccoe in Rolle, leafe or Sneesing, to pay three pence Imposition le pound.

All Tobaccoe stalkes, to pay one penny halfe penny Imposition le pound.

The rate or Imposition upon Corne in the City or Suburbs of Dub­lin, or liberties adjoyning, viz.

All Wheat and Misceline, to pay two shillings Imposition per pocke heape; or barrell strike measure, and so rateably for other measures.

All Rye, Beare, Barley, Pease, Beanes and Buckwheat, to pay eighteen pence Imposition per pecke heape, or barrell strike measure, and so rateably for other measures.

All sorts of Meale, Flower, Grotts, Bread and Bisket, brought either by Sea, to the Port of Dublin, or any the Creeks or members of the said Port, or brought by Land from other parts, into the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or liberties adjoyning to pay twelve pence Impo­sition the hundred weight, and so rateably for other quantities.

And all Mault to be ground, shall be entred in the Impost Office, without paying any Impost for the grinding.

The rate or Imposition upon Candles, [...]s. in the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All sorts of Candles, to pay six pence Imposition per dozen pounds, and so rateably for other quantities.

The rate or Imposition upon Hydes and Skinnes, [...] & Skins in the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All sorts of tanned Hydes, weighing (before currying) ten pounds or upward, to pay twelve pence le peece Imposition.

All sorts of tanned Hydes or Skinnes, weighing six pounds or upward [...]o ten pounds, to pay six pence le peece Imposition.

All other sorts of tanned Hydes or Skinnes whatsoever, weighing under six pounds le peece, to pay six pence Imposition per dozen.

All Goats Skinnes or other Skinnes, tanned and dressed as Spanish

Leather, and all Buckskinnes and Stagskinnes, to pay six pence le peece Imposition.

All Goatskinnes dressed otherwise, to pay two shillings Imposition per dozen.

All Kidskinnes, Lambskinnes, Sheepskinnes, and Slinkskines, tan­ned or dressed, to pay three pence Imposition per dozen.

All Buffeskinnes, and all other Hydes and skinnes dressed after the manner of Buffe, to pay two shillings le peece Imposition.

The rate or Imposition upon Cattell slaughtered, Cattell. to be sould in the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All manner of Oxen, Bulls, Cowes, Steeres, and Bullocks, to pay foure shillings le peece Imposition.

All Calves, to pay two shillings le peece Imposition.

All Swine above six weekes old, and all Sheepe and Goates to pay 12 pence le peece Imposition. And all Lambs and Kids, to pay six pence le peece Imposition.

The rate or Imposition upon Cattell, slaughtered by any to salt up for their owne uses, or to eate or spend fresh in their owne Houses, viz. Private [...]

All manner of Oxen, Bulls, Cowes, Steeres and Bullocks, to pay two shillings le peece Imposition.

All Calves to pay twelve pence le peece Imposition.

All Swine above six weeks old, and all Sheep and Goats, to pay six pence le peece Imposition.

All Lambs and Kids, to pay three pence le peece Imposition.

And WE hereby declare, that it is meant and intended by this Proclamation, that Housekeepers in the Countrey shall not pay any Imposition, by vertue of this Proclam [...]tion, for or by reason of any Cattell they shall slaughter and spend in their owne Houses for themselves and their families.

All Bootes, Shooes, Slippers, Broages, Shooes, S [...] pers, &c. and all other commodities made of Hydes and Skinnes tanned or dressed, that shall be brought into the City and Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, to pay Impost according to the discretion of the Commissioners.

The rate or Imposition upon commodities hereafter to be Imported into the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, Commod [...] Imported. viz.

All commodities to be Imported or brought into the limmits afore­said, either by Sea or Land, to pay twelve pence per pound to be rated according the Booke of Rates in His Majesties Custome House at Dublin, except Victuals, and such other commodities as are mentioned in a Proclamation bearing date, the fourth of December, 1644.

[...]modities [...]ed. The rate or Imposition upon Broad-Cloath, and all other commodi­ties, that shall be exported or carried by Land out of the City or Sub­urbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All Broad-Cloath; and other commodities not having paid former­ly Custome and Impost in the said Custome House, by Importation to pay such Impost as is laid on them in the Custome-House, being expor­ted And all commodities not charged in the Custome-House with any such Impost, to pay Impost according the Booke of Rates in the said Custome. House.

The rate or Imposition upon fire wood, [...]wood. viz.

All sorts of fire wood, piled or laid up in yards or other places within the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or liberties adjoyning to the said City to be sould, to pay two shillings Imposition per cord, and so rateably for other quantities.

[...]coale and [...]e. The rate or Imposition upon Seacoale and Coome, in the said Citie and Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All sorts of Seacoale and Coome, that shall be sould after Landing, to pay two shillings Imposition per tonne, and so rateably for other quantities.

The rate or Imposition upon brewers, [...]ers. in the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All brewers of Ale or Beere that doe not retaile the same, to pay two pence Imposition per barrell for every barrell of Ale and Beere strong or small they shall sell.

The rate or Imposition upon Maulsters, [...]sters. in the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, viz.

All Maulsters and others to pay foure pence Jmposition for every barrell of Wheat, Pease, Beanes, Barley, or Beare Mault. And two pence Jmposition for every barrell of Oate Mault they shall sell.

1 And for the better performance and due execution of all and singular the premises, WE doe hereby in His Majesties Name strictly charge and command, that from and after the publishing of this Proclamation, no manner of person or persons whatsoever, within the limmits aforesaid, shall brew Ale or Beere, Entring o [...] names. either for sale, retaile or private use, or distill, sell or retaile, Aquavitę or any sort of Hotwaters, or sell either by wholesale or retaile any sort of Wine, forreigne Beere, Herrings, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar, Verjuice, Salt, Tobaccoe, Sneesing or Tobaccoe stalkes, or any sort of Meale, Flower, Grotts, Bread or Biskett, or any sort of Sea coal, or Fire wood; or make any Candles, or Mault, either for sale or private use, or sell or retaile the same, or any way deale or trade in any kinde of Hydes or Skinnes tanned, curryed or dressed, or any commodities made thereof, or any other commodity mentioned in this Proclamation, or use or exercise any kinde of Mill or Mills, for grinding of any sort of Corne, or slaughter any Cattell for sa [...]e, untill such time as he or they first enter his and their names and dwelling places, in the Impost Office, and these receive admittance, to deale in the said severall kinds respectively, upon paine of five pounds for every one that shall so neglect to enter his name.

2 That all Merchants and others that shall any way Import into the City and Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, either by Land or water. Aquavitae or any sort of Hotwaters, Wine, Beere, Herrings, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar, Verjuice, Salt, Tobaccoe, Sneesing or Tobaccoe stalkes, or any sort of Meale, Flower, Grotts, Bread, or Bisket, or any Candles, Hydes, or Skinnes tanned, curryed or dressed, or any Bootes, Shooes, Slippers, Broages, or other com­modities made of Hydes, or Skinnes tanned, curryed or dressed, or any Broadcloath, or other commodities particularly, Merchant [...] enter thei [...] names and commodit [...] mentioned or not mentioned in this Proclamation, shall before the Landing, Housing or Cellaring thereof, enter their names in the Impost Office, and deliver into the hands of the Impostmasters a true note of the quality and quantity of all the severall commodities they intend to Land, or bring within the limmits aforesaid, and to Land or bring in no more then they shall so certifie, And not sell or any [Page 8]dispose of any part thereof, without Ticquet from the Impostmas­ters first delivered him or them, or his or their servants, upon paine of forfeiture of the commodities so Landed or brought in, and not certified or sould or disposed of without Ticquet as aforesaid.

3 That all manner of person or persons whatsoever, within the limmits aforesaid, that shall brew any Ale or Beere, or distill Aqua­vitae or any Hotwaters, either for sale or retaile, or shall sell or retaile any sort of Wine, forreigne Beere, Herrings, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar, [...]ng of [...]. Verjuice, Salt, Tobaccoe, Sneesing or Tobaccoe stalkes, or any sort of Meale, Flower, Grotts, Bread or Bisket, or shall make any Candles, or Mault for sale or private use, or shall tanne or dresse any sort of Hydes or Skinnes, or receive for sale ready tanned or dressed, any Hydes or Skinnes, or any commodities made thereof, or receive for sale any other commodity mentioned in this Procla­mation, or shall use or exercise any kinde of Mill or Mills for grin­ding of any sort of Corne, or slaughter any Cattell for sale, from and immediatly after the publishing of this Proclamation, shal keep or cause to be kept a true account in a Book plainely written, of the quality and quantity of all the Ale, Beere, Aquavitae and Hotwaters he or they shall brew or distill from time to time, of all the Wine, forreigne Beere, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar, Verjuice, Salt, Tobaccoe, Sneesing or Tobaccoe stalkes, Meale, Flower, Grotts, Bread or Bisket, he or they shall sell or retaile, of all the Mault and Candles he or they shall make for sale or private use, of all the Hydes, or Skinnes he or they shall tanne or dresse, or shall receive for sale ready tanned or dressed, or other commodity made of the same, or any other commodity mentioned in this Proclamation, of the quantity and kinde of all such Corne (either Maulted or not Maulted) as he or they shall daily grinde, either for themselves [...]or others, with the names and dwelling places of all those for whom they shall so grinde, and of all the Beasts and kinds of Cattell, he or they shall weekly slaughter for sale, of which account they and every of them are to deliver unto the Commissioners of the Impost a true copie as often as they shall be thereunto required, upon paine [Page 9]of forty shillings for every neglect thereof.

4 That no Merchant or other that trades by wholesale, within the said limmits, in any Aquavitae, Hotwaters, Wine, forreigne Beere, Herrings, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar, Verjuice, Salt, Tobaccoe, Sneesing or Tobaccoe stalkes, Meale, Flower, Grotts, Bread or Bis­kett, Candles, Hydes, and Hydes tanned, curryed or dressed, None to d [...] ver witho [...] Ticquet. or any commodity made thereof, or any other commodity mentioned in this Proclamation, shall dispose sell or suffer to go forth of his House Cellar Storehouse or possession, any of the above named, or other commodities mentioned in this Proclamation before a Tic­quet thereof from the Impost masters first delivered him or them, or his or their servant, upon paine of five pounds for every default.

5 That no manner of person or persons whatsoever, receive or cause to be received, into his or their or any other house or custody, any of the above named, None to r [...] [...]eive with Ticquet. or other commodities mentioned in this Proclamation, by way of wholesale without Ticquet for the same, first obteined from the Impost masters, and Impost paid upon paine as above is expressed, and as well the seller as buyer of any of the above named or other commodities mentioned in this Proclama­tion, Quantity wholesale. are to take notice that by wholesale is meant no lesse weight, measure or number of the said severall kinds then hereafter is ex­pressed. That is to say Aquavitae and all Hotwaters a gallon, Wine one Hogshead, forreigne Beere a quarter of a barrell, Herrings halfe a barrell, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar and Verjuice, halfe a barrel, Salt halfe a barrell, Tobaccoe Sneesing or Tobaccoe stalkes fifty pounds, Meale, Flower, Grotts Bread or Biskett a hundred weight, Candles ten dozen pounds, Hydes and Skinnes of all sorts tanned curryed or dressed, as is before in the rates expressed.

6 That no brewer of Ale or Beere, that doth not retaile the same, doe dispose sell or any way suffer any Ale or Beere to go forth of his house or storehouse, without a Ticquet from the Impost masters, Brewers n [...] deliver wi [...] out Ticqu [...] of the true quality and quantity of the said Ale or Beere first delive­red him or them, or his or their clarke and not to deliver any other or more Ale or Beere then he or they shall receive Ticquet for, [Page 10]upon paine of three pounds for every barrell so delivered for the first offence, and six pounds for every barrell for the second offence, and ten pounds for every barrell for the third offence.

7 That no person or persons whatsoever, receive or cause to be received into his or their or any other house, any Ale or Beere (whether the same be brewed or brought within the limits aforesaid) untill such time as the Impost thereof be paid and a Tic­quet obtein [...]d from the Impost masters, [...]to re­ [...] Ale or without [...]ct. of the true quality and quantity of the said Ale or Beere, upon paine of three pounds for every barrell so received for the first offence, and six pounds a barrel so received for the sec [...]nd offence, and ten pounds a barrell so recei­ved for the third offence.

That all manner of person or persons whatsoever, within the City or Suburbs of Dublin or liberties adjoyning, that shall brew any Ale or Beere, in his or their or any other house either for retaile or private use, [...]g of Ale [...]eere [...] twenty [...]oures [...]uning. doe within twenty foure houre, after the tunning of his or their Ale or Beere, enter or cause to be entred the quality and full quantity thereof in the Impost Office, and th [...]re pay the Impost, and take out Ticquet for the same, and shall not from henceforth presume to tunne or cause to be tunned any Ale or Beere, in any caske whatsoever, [...]ity of [...]es. save in Butts, Pip [...]s, Hogsheads, barrells, halfe barrells and quarter barrells, of thirty two gallons the barrell. And every Butt or Pipe to be accounted and entred for foure whole barrells, and every Hogshead for two whole barrells, and no lesse upon paine of three pounds for every offence.

9 That no brewer of Ale or Beere, within the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, that retailes the same, doe sell reta [...]le or any waies dispose of any part of such Ale or Beere as they shall brew, [...]s that [...]. either in guile or otherwise, before entry thereof made as aforesaid, upon paine of ten shillings for every gallon so sould, retai­led or disposed of, and so rateably for other quantities.

10 That no retailer of Ale or Beere within the said limmits, that brews the same, [...] of ould [...]ew. shall mixe or cause to be mixed any old with new, with­out licence first obteined from the Commissioners of the Impost, upon the like penalty.

11 That all brewers of Ale or Beere within the said limmits, that doe not retaile the same, Brewers [...] two pen [...] barrell. shall pay two pence per barrell for all the Ale and Beere strong and small which they shall weekly fell the same, to be paid as the Commissioners of the Impost shall appoint, upon paine of five shillings for every barrell not paid for.

12 That no retailer of Aquavitae or any Hotwaters, within the said limmits, or any other doe buy the quantity of a gallon or more of Aquavitae or any Hotwaters at any di [...]illers or others Importing or bringing the same by Sea or Land, Aquavi [...] the gall [...] by way of merchandize, untill the Impost thereof be p [...]id, and a Ticquet obteined from the Impost masters for the payment thereof, upon paine of payment of ten shillings for every gallon of Aquavitae or Hotwaters so bought.

13 That all Merchants and others, within the City or Suburbs of Dublin, or liberties adjoyning, that have now in their possession any Aquavitae, Hotwaters, Wines, for eigne Beere, Herrings, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Al [...]gar, Verjuice, Salt, Tobaccoe, Sneesing or Tobaccoe stalks▪ Meal, [...]lower, Grots, Bread, or Bisket, Candles, Mault, Entring [...] commodi [...] Hydes or Skinnes, tanned curryed or dressed, or any Commodities made thereof, Fire wood, [...]ac [...]l [...], Smith [...]oale, or Coome, for sal [...], or any other commodity mentioned in this Proclamation, within the limmits asore said, shall forthwith after publishing of this Proclama­tion, make true entryes of the full weight, number and measure thereof, in the Impost Office, and shall l [...]kew [...]se from henceforth before the Landing, Houseing or Cellaring of any of the above men­tioned, or any oth [...] commodities in this Proclamation c [...]teyned hereafter, to be received from time to time, make true entryes of the full weight, number and measure thereof in the said Impost Office, and shall not sell o [...] any waies dispose of any part thereof, before such entry made, and licence obteined for all such commodities no [...] rated in this Proclamation, from the Commissioners of the Impost, Impost by [...] position. who are hereby authorized to compound with them for the Impost thereof according to their discretions, upon paine of five pounds for every one that shall neglect to make such entry, or sell or any way dispose of any of the aforesaid commodities before such composition made.

14 That no Merchant or other within the said City or Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, that tradeth in Salt, both by whole sale and retaile, shall from henceforth presume to bring or cause to be brought from his Cellar storehouse or any other place into his shop or elsewhere, [...]an [...] [...]etaile any Salt to retaile before he have paid Impost, and obteined Ticquet from the Impost masters for such quantity as he intendeth to bring there for retaile, and a wayter from the Impost Office appointed to see the said quantity so brought into his shop or elsewhere as aforesaid, upon paine of forty shillings for every barrell of Salt brought without Ticquet and a wayter present.

15 That all Merchants and others within the said limmits, that sell by wholesale any Aquavitae or Hotwaters, Wine, forreigne Beere, Herrings, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar, Verjuice, Salt, Meale, Flower, [...]hants [...]te ex­ [...]. Grotts, Bread, Biskett or Candles, shall be rated and con­sidered of by the Commissioners of the Impost Office, for the Her­rings, Vinegar, Perry, Cydar, Alegar, Verjuice, Salt, Meale, Flower, Grotts, Bread, Biskett or Candles, they shall spend in their private Housekeeping, according to the discretion of the said Com­missioners.

16 That all Vintners and others within the said limmits, that shall retaile any Wines, shall be in like manner considered of for their spending and lecage Wine, [...]ners pri­ [...] expence. according to the discretion of the Com­missioners of the Impost.

17 That no manner of person or persons whatsoever, within the limits aforesaid, [...] of Mills [...] used. doe use or exercise any kind of Mill or Mills, for grinding of any sort of Corne, other then Horsemills, Windmills and Water mills, upon paine of twenty pounds.

That any Miller or other person whatsoever, [...] within [...]mmits. using or exercising the Mill of Templeogue, or any the Mills upon the River of Dodder, from thence downwards to the Sea, or the Mils of Rathfarnam, Mil­town, Clonskeagh, or Dunabrooke, or the Mills of Drumnagh, or any the Mills upon any streame issuing out of the River of Dodder, from Templeogue, to Dublin, or the Mill of Palmerstown, or any the Mills from thence to the Sea upon the River of Liffie, or any stream issuing [Page 13]from thence, or the Mills of Kilmaniam, or the Mills of Finglasse, or any the Mills upon the River of Tolky, or the Windmill of Clox­tarffe; or any other Mills in or about the City or Suburbs of Dublin, doe not receive or cause to be received into his or their Mill or Mils, either for themselves or any other, any manner of Corne, either maulted or not maulted to be ground, No Mille [...] receive a [...] graine wi [...] ticquet. or upon any other pretence whatsoever, without a Ticquet from the Impost Office first delive­red him or them, or his or their servant, expressing the quantity and kinde of such Corne, and to receive no more or other Corne or Mault then for which a Ticquet shall be delivered unto him or them or his or their servant, upon pain of twenty shillings for every peck or barrell he or they shall so receive and so rateably for greater or lesser quantities.

19 That no person or persons of what quality or condition soever, within the limmits aforesaid, shall send or cause to be sent, any Corne either maulted or not maulted to be ground, Non to s [...] any grain [...] grind wit [...] ticquet. in any Mill or Mills other then Horsemills, Windmills, and Watermills, nor shall send or cause to be sent to any such Mill or Mills, any kinde of Corn to be ground, or upon any other pretence whatsoever untill the Im­post thereof be paid or a Ticquet obteined from the Impost Masters, expressing the quantity and kinde of such Corne, and not to send any other or more Corne, then they shall so take Ticquet for, upon paine of twenty shillings for every pecke or barrell so sent. No Mill [...] dispose o [...] toll, with [...] ticquet. [...] bake bre [...] for his fa [...] and that [...] consider [...] the Com [...] ­oners.

That no Miller of any the said Mills in this Proclamation for­merly named, or other person whatsoever, using or exercising any kinds of Mils, shall sell or any waies dispose of their tole corne with­out ticquet first obteined from the Impost masters, nor shall bake any Bread other then to spend in his own family, for which he shall be considered of, by the Commissioners of the Impost, upon paine of twenty shillings for every of the said offences.

20 That all Merchants, Tanners, Skinners, and all others that doe or shall trade, Entring [...] Leather [...] sealing [...] or deale in any of the kinds of Hydes or Skinnes before mentioned, shall from henceforth enter in the Impost Office, the full number and kinde of all such Hydes and Skinnes as they shall [Page 14]tanne or dresse, or shall receive ready tanned or dressed from time to time, and shall not sell use or any way dispose of any of the said Hydes or Skinnes, before the same be throughly dryed and sealed by a seale of the Impost Office (without any fee to be paid for the same) and Impost paid for the said Hydes or Skinnes according to the rates before expressed, and a Ticquet obteined from the Impost masters, upon paine of forfeiture of six times the Impost set upon the said Hydes or Skinnes by this Proclamation.

21 That no person or persons whatsoever, receive or cause to be re­ceived, any of the kinds of Hydes or Skinnes before mentioned, [...] receive [...]ealing [...]me. from any Merchant, Tanner, Curryer, Skinner or other, before the same be throughly dryed and sealed as aforesaid, and Impost paid, and a Tic­quet obteined from the Impost masters, upon the like pain as above.

22 That all Chandlers and others, that shall from henceforth make or receive any Candles for sale, shall make true entryes in the Impost Office of all such Candles as they shall make, [...] of [...] or that shall hereafter come into their hands from time to time, upon pain of five shillings for every dozen pound so neglected to be entred.

23 That all Chandlers and others that shall sell or receive any Can­dles shall every Thursday before noone enter in the Impost office the full waight of all such Candles as they shall have sould within that weeke, [...] ac­ [...] and pay the Impost set upon the same and obteine a Ticquet from the Impost masters, upon paine of forty shillings, for every do­zen pound of Candles sould and not entred and paid for.

24 That all Butchers and others dwelling within the City of Dub­lin, or two miles thereof, that shall slaughter any kind or sort of Cattell before mentioned to sell, [...]o [...]es. doe before he or they slaughter any Beast, enter in the said Impost Office, the number and kinds of Cat­tell or Beasts that he or they intend to slaughter, and pay the Impost set upon the same, and obteine Ticquet thereof from the Impost masters, upon paine of five pounds for every Oxe, Bull, Cow, Steere [Page 15]and Bullock, and upon paine of three pounds for every Calfe, and twenty shillings for every Sheep, Swine, Goat, Lambe and Kid, so slaughtered.

25 That no maner of person or persons whatsoever, dwelling within the City and Suburbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, Entrie o [...] tell for p [...]vate use. (by whom any Impost is by this Proclamation to be paid) shall slaughter any of the said kinds of Cattell or Beasts before mentioned, either to salt up for his or their own use, or to spend or eate fresh in his or their owne Houses, untill such time as the number and kinds of such Cattell or Beasts as he or they intend to slaughter, be first entred in the Impost Office, and the Impost set upon the same paid, and a Ticquet thereof obteined from the said Office, upon paine as afore­said.

26 That all Butchers and others, dwelling within the City or Sub­urbs of Dublin, or County of Dublin, Butchers [...] City, Sub [...] or Count [...] enter and [...] Impost. that shall slaughter any of the kinds of Cattell or Beasts before mentioned to sell, or that shall bring or send any of the said kinds of Cattel or beasts into this City or Sub­urbs, ready slaughtered to be sould or salted up, doe before they offer to sale, or dispose of any of the said Cattell or Beasts, enter in the Impost Office the number and kinds of the same, and pay Impost after the same rate as is hereby appointed to be paid for Cattell slaughtered to be sould, and obteine a Ticquet from the Impost Office for the same, upon paine as above is expressed.

27 That no Cattell be hereafter slaughtered for his Majesties store, Cattell sl [...]tered for [...] Majesties [...] or Navy [...] pay Impo [...] Navie or otherwise, without Ticquet first obteined from the Im­post masters for the same, and Impost paid, upon paine as before is expressed.

28 That no Maulster or other person whatsoever, that shall make any Mault, either for sale or private use, No Mals [...] sell or dis [...] without t [...] & Impos [...] for which any Imposition is by this Proclamation to be paid, shall deliver or any waies dispose [Page 16]of any Mault which he or they shall make, untill they pay the Impost set upon the same, and obteine a Ticquet from the Impost masters, upon paine of five shillings for every barrell of Mault delivered or disposed of without Ticquet as aforesaid.

29 That no manner of person or persons whatsoever, shall from and after the publishing of this Proclamation, [...]road­ [...] to be ex­ [...] without [...] paid. presume to send or export by Land, out of the limmits aforesaid, any Broadcloath or other commodity (not having formerly paid Custome and Impost in the Customehouse by importation) without a ticquet from the Impost masters first obteined, and impost paid for the same, according the rates before expressed, upon paine as aforesaid.

30 That all person or persons, that have now in their custody or possession, [...]g to be [...]. any sort of fire wood, Seacoale or Coome, for sale, for which impost is by this Proclamation to be paid, shall forthwith after publishing of this Proclamation, enter their names and dwel­ling places in the Impost Office, with the full quantity of all the fire wood, Seacoale and Coome, they have in their respective possessi­ons, and not sell or any waies dispose of any part thereof, with­out Ticquet from the said impost Office, upon paine of forty shil­lings for every such default.

31 That no person or persons whatsoever, receive or cause to be received, [...]o receive [...]g before [...]e. any sort of fire wood, Seacoale or Coome, being already Landed, or hereafter to be Landed for sale, before the impost thereof be paid, and a Ticquet obteined from the impost masters for the same, upon the like paine.

32 That Officers and Souldiers, within the City and Suburbs of Dub­lin, or County of Dublin, [...]ers and [...]iers to [...]position [...]ers. brewing either for their own use, or retaile any Ale or Beere, or slaughtering Cattell, or committing any act contrary to this Proclamation, be compelled to conforme them­selves as well as others, to the said Proclamation. And to that end [Page 17]the Commissioners herein entrusted, are hereby Authorized to pro­ceed with them, as they doe with others that are no Souldiers; Wherein also We pray and require the Governor of His Majesties Forces, in the City and Suburbs of Dublin, or the time being, as also all Commanders, Officers, and Souldiers within the County of Dublin, to be ayding and assisting to the said Commissioners, or any by them authorized, from time to time as there may be occasion.

33 That no person or persons, of what degree or quality soever, None t [...] resistan [...] any imp [...] ­ment to [...] Officer [...] Impost [...] shall give any impediment or resistance to any of the wayters, or other Officers belonging to the impost Office, or any other authorized by the Commissioners thereof, for searching any part of his or their houses, shops, Cellars or storehouses, for and about His Majesties Service, in the execution of this Proclamation, upon paine of five pounds for every time he or they shall soe offend.

34 That all the paines penalties and forfeitures, hereby impo­sed or set upon such as shall offend in any of the before mentioned premises, Penalt [...] levied [...] the goo [...] the offe [...] be levyed upon the goods and chattles of the offenders, and to be paid to the Impost masters, and the one moiety thereof, by them given to the informer, and the other to be paid to his Majesties Vice-Treasurer and Treasurer at warres, or to whom he shall appoint, to be by him issued out and accompted for, in manner and forme aforesaid. And WE require all Majors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, and all other His MAJESTIES Officers, Ministers, and loving Sub­jects, whom it may concerne, and particularly all Collonels, All to [...] the ex [...] of this [...] ­clama [...] Commanders, Officers, and Souldiers, of His MAJESTIES Armie, to be helping ayding and assisting in the due execution of this Proclamation, from time to time as there shall be occa­sion. And WE Require the Major, and Sherriffes, of the City of Dublin, to cause this Proclamation, to be forthwith published and Proclaimed, throughout this City and Suburbs of [Page 18] Dublin▪ As WE also Require the Sherriffe of the County of Dublin, to cause the same to be forthwith published and Pro­claimed, throughout the said County of Dublin.

  • R. Bolton Canc.
  • Roscomon.
  • Ant. Midensis.
  • Cha. Lambart.
  • Fr. Willoughby.
  • Tho. Lucas.
  • G. Wentworth.

God save the King.

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