By the Lord Deputy AND COUNCIL. A PROCLAMATION FOR A Thanksgiving for the late Victory by His Majesties Naval Forces.


WHereas it hath pleased Almighty God in his late Providence towards His Majestie and His people, to manifest at once the glory both of his power and mercy, in giving His Ma­jestie a happy Victory over His Adversaries at Sea, filling the hearts of His Maiestie and His people as full of joy and thankful­ness, as becomes so transcendent a Mercy: We cannot upon due consideration thereof, but with all humility admire and adore the Mercy and Goodness of God in this His Signal manifestation thereof. And We look upon it as an invitation from Heaven to His Majestie and all His people unto most intire thankfulness for the same. And to the end some solemn time may be set apart for the publick performance of this Duty; and that We and all His Majesties Subjects throughout this Kingdom, may pay our just tribute of praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God; We do hereby publish and declare, and also strictly charge and command, That Tuesday the Fourth day of July next, be set apart and observed as a day of publick Thanksgiving, in and throughout this His Majesties Kingdom of Ireland. And We do also direct and appoint, That this Our Proclamation be publickly read in all Churches and Chappels on the Lords Day precedent to the said day of Thanksgiving hereby appoint­ed; to the end that notice may be taken thereof, and due thanks and praise may upon the said day be offered unto Almighty God. And that hum­ble supplications be poured out before him, for his continual assistance and improvement of this, and all his mercies to the honour of his great Name, and the peace and benefit of His Majestie and His people, willing and strictly commanding all persons within this His Majesties King­dom of Ireland, with all sobriety, reverence and thankfulness to observe that day, as becomes so solemn an occasion.

  • Ja. Armachanus.
  • Mich. Dublin.
  • Arran.
  • Dungannon.
  • Hen. Midensis.
  • Massareene.
  • Santry.
  • Jo. Bysse.
  • Paul Davis.
  • Robert Byron.
  • G. Wentworth.
  • Ja. Ware.
  • Robert Meredith.
GOD Save the KING.

DƲBLIN: Printed by John Crook, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie, and are to be sold by Samuel Dancer, Bookseller in Castlestreet. 1665.

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