A Just NARRATIVE, OR, ACCOUNT Of the Man whose Hands and Legs rotted off: In the Parish of KINGS-SWINFORD, IN STAFFORD-SHIRE, Where he died, June 21. 1677.

Carefully Collected by JA. ILLINGWORTH, B. D. An Eye and Ear-Witness of most of the material Passages in it.

LONDON: Printed by A. C. for Henry Brome, at the Gun at the West-end of St. Pauls, 1678.

To the Reverend S. FORD. D. D. Rector of Old-Swinford in Worcestershire.


BEing importuned by divers (Gentlemen, Ministers, and others of our Neigh­bourhood) to draw up a full Narrative and Account of that late sad Providence (which hath filled the hearts and mouths of the Country round about us, the fame whereof is also spread into remote parts) I was at last prevailed with to endeavour their satisfaction: And the rather because of a general rumour in the Country, that the man had declared se­veral things to me of near concernment to himself, which he concealed from all other Visitants. That I might not therefore suffer such Reports to pass uncertain, nor be wanting in that which was by some urged as my duty; I did (by travelling, at several times, above sixty miles in the parts adjacent) enquire in­to divers particular circumstances, which I was not before fully clear in: and have now at last set all down in plain words (sutable to such an account) that the meanest concerned to [Page] know and make good use of the providence, might at first reading clearly understand it.

Sir, That I address this to you, is, that I may take an opportunity to make my hearty ac­knowledgments for your learned and useful Discourses in the Pulpit upon this occasion, to the general satisfaction of your Hearers; and I must in my own name, and many of theirs, intreat, you would make the substance of them more publick from the Press, that the Readers may learn not to be too censorious in things of this nature, nor yet to pass by so signal a Pro­vidence without that just Observation it de­serves, and due reverence toward that God who is known by the Judgments which he executeth, as you have fully shewed us. I hope, Sir, I invite you to nothing, but what your own Judgment accounts worthy your labour; and I am confident it will be no mean addition to your former elaborate services of God and his Church. In which that you may be long con­tinued for his Glory, and the good of his Peo­ple, shall be the hearty Prayer of (Reverend Sir)

Your most affectionate (though unworthy Friend) to honour and serve you, J. ILLINGWORTH.

Being requested by Mr. Illing­worth to give you an account of what I am able to say concerning John Duncalf, I apprehend the best way is by a bare and brief Narrative of that dis­course that passed between us whilst I was with him; if there is any thing worth your cogni­zance, you may make use of it as you please.

Our Discourse was as followeth.

May 1st 1677.

Quest. SPeaking to him of the deplo­rableness of his Condition, and that sure there was a more than ordi­nary hand of Gods Providence in it arising from some evil act or actions of his.

[Page] Answ. Answered yes, 'twas for his sins.

Quest. When I told him that sin was generally the procuring Cause of every mans sufferings; but under such remar­kable and dreadful sufferings as these were, there is usually one or more special sins to be inquired after, as the nearest procuring Cause or Causes.

Answ. He answered yes; so it was in his case. He stole a Bible from a Woman, and being charged with it, denied it with this fearful wish, [That his Hands might rot off if he stole it.]

Quest. Then I asked him, whether his hands began to blacken, or change Colour, or tingle, &c. presently after the impre­cation, or that fearful wish of his?

Answ. Answer'd no; but his Con­science tingled sadly.

Quest. John, how long was it e're your hands began to rot, or had any signs of putrefaction upon them after the Curse?

Answ. About a fortnight.

[Page]Quest. Have you made your peace with God for so great an offence?

Answ. [Being a man not apt to speak, and ignorant withal] made little answer, only shaked his head.

Quest. Have you asked the Woman forgiveness, and to your power endeavour­ed to make satisfaction; or if the Bible were in your hands, to make Restitution?

Answ. Yes, he did send for her, and she came accordingly, and pray­ed God forgive him, for she did.

Quest. John, canst pray? I have not found in thee any motions or inclinations thereunto since I came.

Shakes his head again, and nothing he said.

Quest. John, dost thou know how at so great a distance as sin hath made thee, to go to the Father?

Answ. Yes, by Jesus Christ, whi­spering it softly, yet so as I might hear him.

Quest. Then fearing he did not under­stand what Christ hath done for the World, I very briefly opened to him the Tenor and [Page] Conditions of the Covenant of Grace, and so how he must expect Mercy at the hands of God.

Answ. Then (so far as I could guess) he began somewhat to relent, for the Tears trickled down his cheeks, and many Symptoms of conviction and sorrow seemed to be upon him; say­ing these words, or to this purpose: For Gods sake, Sir, pray for me.

Quest. John, I am glad to see some, though the least tokens of penitence in thee — The Lord enlarge thine heart, and make thy Conscience tender — I am willing, John, to pray for thee, and so I perceive is this whole company: But it would be great satisfaction to us, if you would acquaint us, what we should more particularly desire of God on your account.

Answ. Good Sir, that my sins may be pardoned, as loss of Time, neg­lect of Duty, and the service of God.

Quest. Is not Sabbath-breaking one?

Answ. O yes, yes!

Quest. Have you any thing else to say?

Answ. No. Then let us pray.—

[Page]Ending with the Lords Prayer, he repeated the Petitions after me, say­ing Amen, with somewhat an elevated voice; being observed to weep seve­ral times whilst we continued prayer.

After which I parted with him, making me to promise him the con­tinuation of my Prayers.

About a fortnight after he sends a Messenger to me to tell me he desired my company again; at which time I made it my business not so much to ask him Questions, as to inform him of those Truths that as I thought had a necessary conducency to our eternal peace. [Spending some hours with him that day, as I could bear the noy­som stench that then came from him.] Before I came away that time, which was the last time that I saw him; his Keeper told me, that a Po­pish Priest had been with him some few days before, earnestly endeavou­ring to proselyte him to their Religi­on; using this Argument: That if he would turn Roman Catholick, I will [Page] pawn my Soul to thy Soul thou shalt be saved. But all he could obtain of the poor man, was only this, that he would consider of it. Then asking John Duncalf, whether this was true? He answered, Yes. Praying with him, I took my final leave and fare­well. This is all (worthy Sir) that I know concerning him. I can only add that I am

Your most humble Servant, JONATH. NEWEY.

WE whose Names are here­unto subscribed, living in the Neighbourhood of Kings-Swinford, where John Duncalf the subject of the preceding Narrative, whilst Gods hand was so severely up­on him, for the most part resided; and having most of us visited him and discoursed him in that condition, and the rest of us received frequent Infor­mations of the Passages herein men­tioned from a multitude of credible Witnesses; do (in order to the ren­dring so useful a Relation more credi­table so far as we are known) attest, that we judge it to be very exactly and impartially penned in all the par­ticulars: and especially, in those Passages of it which contain the fre­quent serious acknowledgements of the mentioned John Duncalf, (That he did imprecate that Judgment upon himself which is here expressed, and upon the occasion here related) which he made [Page] not only in the hearing of the Author, but also of most of us: as also, in the substance of those that relate the rotting off of his Hands and Legs before his death, in the manner herein men­tioned. And this attestation we make with no other design, but that God may have the glory, and the world the benefit of so Exemplary a Provi­dence. For which end we as heartily accompany this Narrative with our prayers, as with our hands.

  • Simon Ford, D. D.
  • Tho. Wilsby.
  • Amb. Sparry.
  • John Raynolds.
  • Samuel Mountfort.
  • Edward Paget.

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