By His Majesties Commissioners, Appointed for putting in Execution An ACT of PARLIAMENT, INTITULED An Act for the better Execution of His Majesties Gracious Declaration for the Settlement of His Kingdome of IRELAND, and Satisfaction of the several Interests of Adventurers, Souldiers, and other His Subjects there.

WHEREAS by a Proclamation bearing Date the Twenty third of September now last past, caused to be made in the City of Dublin by His Grace the Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governour of this Kingdome (according to the said Act) all Persons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who have not already put in their Claims before the Commissioners heretofore appointed for execution of the said Declara­tion for the Settlement of Ireland, are required to put in the same be­fore Vs within Thirty one dayes next and immediately after Monday the Sixth day of this present October: And whereas we iudge it ve­ry conduceable, to the due execution of the great Trust in Vs reposed, for setling all Interests, according to the said Act, that a fitting and regular course be observed in the forming of Claims which shall be ex­hibited before us: To the end therefore that all persons who are concerned in the putting in of Claims before Vs, their Councel, Atturneys, Solicitors and Agents, may have timely Notice of what is expected from them in this behalf, We do declare and publish, That the Claims which are or shall be exhibited to be proceeded upon by Vs, shall be in such manner and form as is herein after by Vs directed, which We do require to be observed and performed accordingly: That is to say, That all Adventurers, their Heirs, Executors or Assigns, and every of them, who shall claim to be confirmed by the said Act in any Houses, Lands, Tenements or Heredita­ments, allotted to them for their adventures, whereof they were possessed the Seventh day of May, 1659. shall by themselves, or by their Agents thereunto sufficiently authorized in their Claims to be exhibited before Vs (within the time prefixed by the said Proclamation) under their respe­ctive Hands and Seals, fairly written, express and set down the Original and other sum or sums of Money, and by whom, and at what time or times subscribed; for which satisfaction is deman­ded by way of adventure, and a particular of the Houses, Lands or Tenements to the said Ad­venturers, their Heirs or Assigns, or to their uses, respectively set out in satisfaction thereof, with the content and number of Acres, with distinction how many of them were set out for pro­fitable, and how many for unprofitable in each Town-Land, Village, Ballyboe, or Quarter of Land, as the same were to them set out, or for their uses; together with the County, Barony and Parish wherein the same lie, and that they insert therein the Denominations of the same Lands or Tenements exprest in the Survey called, The Down Admeasurement; in the first place, with Additions of such other Denominations afterwards (if they think fit) as they have been or are usually known by, together with the Name or Names of the former Proprietor or Proprie­tors of the said Houses or Lands: And if such adventures be for-Houses in any City or Corpo­ration that they deliver in, not onely the particulars of the Houses by them possessed, but also the value of the same respectively, as they were set out to them or to their uses.

And that all Officers and Souldiers, their Heirs, Executors or Assigns, and every of them, who shall claim to be established by the said Act in any Houses, Lands, Tenements or Heredita­ments, to them set out for Arrears or Debentures respectively, whereof they were possessed the said Seventh day of May, 1659. shall by themselves, or their Agents sufficiently authorized in their Claims to be before Vs exhibited (within the said prefixed time) under their Hands and Seals, express and set forth the Debenture or Debentures, for which Satisfaction was given in Houses, Lands or Tenements, and for what Service the same were so set out, and how much for English and how much for Irish Arrears, and at what time or times the same were satisfied, and with what Regiment or Company, and at what Rate, as also a particular of the Houses, Lands or Tenements, which they so claim to be confirmed in, inserting therein the content and number of Acres, and where lying, the Denominations thereof in the said Down admeasure­ment exprest; together with such other particulars as are herein before by Vs directed to be con­tained in Claims to be made by Adventurers.

[Page]And that all Protestants, Papists, or other Proprietors, and every of them, who have either entred upon, or are to be by the said Act restored unto their former Estates, do in their Claims to be exhibited before Vs (within the said prefixed time) under their Hands and Seals, or under the Hands and Seals of their Agent or Agents Lawfully authorized, express and set forth what benefit they or any of them claim by the said Act, and the ground or grounds upon which they claim the same, together with a particular of their respective Houses, Lands or Tenements, which they or any of them do respectively claim, & what estate they claim therein, whether in Fee-simple, Fee-Tail, or any other Estate, and how they derive their Right or Title to the same, and who was in possession thereof the 22 of October, 1641. and to whom the same were set out, and who are now in possession thereof; and they are likewise to claim their said Estates by apt Denominati­ons and Descriptions, expressing also the Counties, Baronies and Parishes where such Houses and Lands do lie respectively.

And that such Transplanted persons as do claim Lands in the Province of Connaught and Coun­ty of Clare, their heirs or assigns, and every of them, do in their respective Claims under their Hands and Seals, or under the Hands and Seals of their agent or agents, Lawfully authori­zed to be exhibited before Vs (within the said prefixed time) set forth, the substance of the respe­ctive Decrees of the late pretended Court of Claims sitting at Athlone, made on their behalfs, and of the final Settlement of the late pretended Commissioners at Loghreagh thereupon, together with a particular of the Lands and Tenements in Lieu and Right whereof the said Lands were so set out unto them, or to those under whom they derive their Titles; as also a particular of the Lands and Tenements so to them respectively set out, by apt Denominations and Descripti­ons, with the Content and Number of Acres, with a Distinction how many were set out for profitable and how many for unprofitable in each Town-Land, Village, Ballyboe or Quarter of Land; and also what Estates the persons so Transplanted respectively had in the Lands from which they were removed, whether in Fee-simple or for any lesser Estate, and how and by what Title they claim the same.

And We do further Declare, That We require and expect that all other persons (besides those herein by Vs mentioned) their Heirs, Executors or Assigns, and every of them, who shall make their Claims, shall in their respective Claims to be exhibited before Vs, clearly and certainly set forth what they claim, and upon what grounds, and under whom, and in what manner they de­rive their Rights and Titles unto that which they claim, and that they conform their Claims in all other particulars to such of the Rules and Directions before by Vs given for the Claims of o­thers, which shall be apt and fitting for their respective cases.

And forasmuch as many of the persons who have already put in their Claims before the said late Commissioners may finde it to be fit for them, to alter their said Claims for the making them confor­mable to the Directions abovesaid, or to withdraw their former Claims and to put in new Ones, which may better suit with their cases in relation to the said Act: To the end therefore that there may be no surprize in either of these particulars, We do hereby further Declare, That all persons who are concerned may be at liberty either to amend their Claims put in before the former Com­missioners, for the making them agreeable and conformable to Our Directions abovesaid, or else to Endorse a Retraxit on their said former Claims, and to put in such new Claims (conformable to Our said Directions) as they think fit and will stand unto, provided that they do the same within the abovesaid time prefixed for putting in of Claims before Vs.

And for the prevention of unnecessary trouble, which may arise by multiplicity of Claims to be made by one and the same person, We do declare and publish, That every Proprietor shall compre­hend all the Houses, Lands or Tenements, which he shall claim to be restored or confirmed unto him in one onely Claim, with the ground or grounds thereof, in such manner and form in all par­ticulars as the Claims of Protestants or Papists are before by Vs directed to be made.

And We do hereby further declare, That for Our more Orderly proceedings upon Claims brought in before the said former Commissioners or Our selves, We have nominated and appoin­ted certain persons, viz. Ralph Merry, Samuel Bull, Walter Scudamore, Robert Golborne, George Lam­bert, George Ryder, John Humphrey, John Coghlan, Dominick Dean, Gilbert Fitch, Tho. Heron, George Milner, Tho. Lloyd, Robert Pain, Samuel Mosely, John Brampton, Robert Pugh, John Moland, John Barber, Scarning Phillips, William Westley, Gentlemen; who (and no other) without Our Special Or­der to the contrary, shall be Atturneys in the Court for Adjudication of Claims to be held before Vs, and that We have agreed and ordered that every person which shall stand unto or amend his Claim brought in before the said former Commissioners, or which shall bring in any Claim before Vs, shall elect or retain one of the said persons to be his Atturney in the said Cause, and that the Name of the said person so elected be Endorsed upon the said Claim as his Atturney, and that eve­ry person which shall put in an answer before Vs unto any Claim, or if more persons than one shall put in a Ioynt-answer, that he or they shall likewise elect and retain one of the said persons to be his or their Atturney in the said Cause, and that the Name of the said person so elected be Endor­sed upon the said answer as his or their Atturney.


  • Henry Coventry,
  • Edward Dering,
  • Ri. Raynsford,
  • Tho. Beverley,
  • Edward Smith,
  • Edward Cooke,
  • W. Churchil.

DƲBLIN, Printed by John Crook, Printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Samuel Dancer Book-seller, in Castle-street, 1662.

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