[royal English blazon or coat of arms]

By the Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of IRELAND.


ALL persons that shall have occasion to prefer any Petitions to Us, are to take notice, That to such of their Petitions as shall come to the hands of Our Secretary Sir George Lane, they may expect Our Answer, and receive the same within four days after the delivery of the said Petitions at the said Sir George his Office under the Coun­cil-Chamber near the Custom-house, whereupon all parties may depend, if extraordinary Occasions shall not intervene, which may hinder Us from giving audience to Petitions. And in the mean time Petitioners are to forbear troubling themselves in calling for their Petitions. And they are further to take notice that when Pe­titions shall be answered, they shall be delivered out at the Offices of the Secretaries under the said Council-Chamber, and not, in the Castle; neither are any Petitioners to resort to the Castle for them, nor by their unseasonable solicitations to hinder Our Secretaries from the dis­patch of the businesses committed to their charge.

God save the King.

DƲBLIN, Printed by John Crook, Printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Samuel Dancer Book-seller, in Castle-street, 1662.

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