WILLIAM IDELL obtained his Majesties Order in Council, in consideration of his Service in retaking his Ship in the Bay of Cadiz from the Dutch, and his great expence in attending to receive his Majesties reward, his Majesty in Council did order the said William Idell should have the Office of Registring Sales, Pawns and Broaks, bought and sold in London and Suburbs thereof, in lieu and recompence thereof, and referred the same to the Attorney General, who made his Report as follows,
IN obedience to this Order, I have considered of the matter therein contained, and I am humbly of opinion that such a course of Registring Pawns, &c. might be so ordered, as might be very profitable to the Kingdom, as well to prevent Robberies, Burglaries and Larcenies, as to help persons to their goods when stollen from them; but I think the same cannot be done legally without an Act of Parliament, and therefore it is fit the Petitioner should apply himself to the Parliament.
The Proclamation and Reasons following were shewn.
WHereas the secret Pawning or Selling of Goods unjustly gotten, unto Brokers. Broggers, Hucksters and others, and their vending of such Goods to others, hath been a long time observed to be the Ground and Nursery of Burglaries, Robberies, Felonies, and Frauds, which the Care of former times hath been studious to reform and prevent: and to that end several Acts of Common Council have been heretofore made, and an Office of Registry, for that purpose erected and exercised within this City, to good effect, till of late years, that by Interruption or remiss Execution, the former Evils so carefully provided against, are revived and multiplied, to the great Mischief, Detriment and Abuse of his Majestie's Subjects as experience shews by frequent instances at every Sessions of Gaol-delivery at Newgate; And this Court having considered of reviving the good and diligent Execution of the said Office, and thereupon taken order with the present Registers thereunto formerly appointed by this Court, in pursuance of the said Acts of Common-Council, who accordingly are betaking themselves to the discharge of their Duty, and have provided Offices convenient for that purpose in Aldersgate-street and in Houndsditch.
It is therefore, for the more effectual and perfect prevention and suppression of the aforesaid Offences, and other unjust and undue practices, and for the better Execution of the said Office, and the Punishment of all such as shall neglect the same; thought fit and Ordered by this Court, That all and every of the retailing Brokers, Broggers, Hucksters, or such other persons inhabiting or residing within the City of London and Liberties of the same, and which shall keep any Shop or Room for the Buying or taking to pawn of any Goods, Apparel, Houshold-stuff, Remnants of Silks, Uelvets, or of Linnens, or Woolen Cloth, or such like other wares or Commodities, to sell again, or shall use to buy or take to pawn any such Goods, shall and are hereby required from henceforth duly to register the same; and in all other things to conform themselves to an Act of Common-Council in that behalf made the 19 day of June in the 20 year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King James, as they will avoid the penalties of the said Act.
And it is farther Ordered that for the better notice and information of the Rules and Directions of the said Act in this behalf, the same Act together with this Order, be forth-with printed and published.
FIrst, By several Acts in Common-Council, and Proclamations in London, and by several Letters Patents from the Kings and Queens of this Realm, to several persons: endeavours had been to erect and establish this Office, but the Brokers disobeyed, because as it may rationally be conceived, they reap the most profitable bargains of stollen Goods, and if discovered▪ there being no Law to secure them from Indictments of Felony, they do desire to conceal them, whereby not only the Thieves but also their Receivers escape undiscovered.
Secondly, If Buyers of Horses in open Fairs, à fortiori, Brokers, ought to be secured for buying and taking Pawns in their open shop, and accustomed places of Trade.