AN ACT FOR THE INLARGEMENT OF THE Periods of Time, LIMITED In an ACT for the better Execution of His Majesties Gracious Declaration for the Set­tlement of His KINGDOM of Ireland, &c.


DƲBLIN: Printed by John Crook, Printer to the KINGS most Excellent MAJESTY, and are to be sold by Sam. Dancer, 1662.

AN ACT For the Inlargement of the Periods of Time. Limited in an Act for the better execution of his Majesties graci­ous Declaration for the Settlement of his Kingdom of Ireland, &c.

WHereas in an Act made this present Parliament, intitu­led, An Act For the better Execution of his Majesties Gracious Declaration for the Settlement of his Kingdom of Ireland, and satisfaction of the several interests of Adventurers, Souldiers, and others his Majesties Subjects there, several Periods of time are appointed and li­mited for the proceeding upon, determining and set­ling of the Interests of sun­dry Persons who are provided for by the said Act, and for the payment of such Sums of Moneys as are to be paid unto His Maiestie, or others by His appointment; and for that by reason of the retarding of the Execution of the said Act, by some emergent occasions which have in­tervened, it may so fall out, that the times so appointed by the said Act, may not be long enough for the due and or­derly performance and determination of those things, for which by the said Act they were limited, and thereby much preiudice may arise to several persons and interests therein concerned; Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most excel­lent Maiestie, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, that the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom, and six or more of the Council for the time [Page 4] being, as occasion shall require, may by Act or Acts of Council from time to time to be made, inlarge all or any of the said se­veral Periods of time in and by the said Act appointed, so far as they in their wisdoms shall finde necessary. Provided, That none of the said Periods of time be so inlarged beyond the space of twelve moneths in the whole, next ensuing from and after the several and respective times whereunto by the said Act they are limited. And forasmuch as there is not any time limited for the Determining and settling of some other par­ticulars mentioned in the said Act, which may very much ob­struct the Settlement intended; Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom and Council as aforesaid, may by Act or Acts of Council from time to time to be made, limit and appoint such Period or Periods of time for the adiudging, determining and settling of the Qua­lifications of innocent Protestants and Papists, and the re­prizing of such persons as shall be removed thereupon, as they in their iudgements shall think fit; so as the said Period or Periods of time so limited, do not exceed the space of twelve moneths next, after the first sitting of the Commissioners ap­pointed for the putting of the said Act in execution, upon the execution of the said Act. And it is by the Authority aforesaid further Enacted and Declared, That the Period or Periods of time which shall be limited, and the said Periods of time which shall be inlarged by virtue of this Act, in such manner as aforesaid, shall be as good and effectual to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been particularly inserted into, and appointed by the said Act, any thing in the said Act con­tained to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Letters Patents passed under the Great Seal of England or Ireland, to any person or persons whatsoever, of any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments settled upon, or confirmed unto, or intend­ed to be settled upon, or confirmed unto Sir Theophilus Jones Knight, his Heirs and Assigns, by his Maiesties gracious De­claration of the thirtieth of November, One thousand six hun­dred and sixty, recited in one Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for the better execution of his Majesties gracious De­claration for the settlement of his Kingdom of Ireland, and sa­tisfaction of the several Interests of Adventurers, Souldiers, and other his Subjects there, shall be of any force or validity to hinder the said Sir Theophilus Jones, his Heirs or Assigns, from inioy­ing the full benefit intended to the said Sir Theophilus Jones, his Heirs and Assigns, by his Maiesties said Declaration▪ Any thing in the said Act contained to the contrary thereof notwith­standing.


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