An Incomparable COLLECTION OF Original Paintings, And others; By the Best Masters both Ancient and Modern, some whereof are part of the Collection of a Person of Quality.
The Masters Names▪ are
- Sir P. Paul Ruben
- Sir Ant. Van Dyck
- Rembrandt
- Breughel
- Bergham
- Jourdan
- Romulus Aquinus
- Anthony Moore
- Albert Durer
- Den Bos
- Van Cole
- Woolfert
- Floerteer
- Goltzius
- Halse
- Old Molinus
- Vander Bergh
- Brower
- Van Troyen
- Van Goyen
- Bot
- Hondius
- Vandevelde
- Griffiere
- Hemskirk
- Bogdan
- Housman
- Verelst
- Vander Meer
- Van Diest
- Wagener
- Henny, &c.
Will be Sold by AUCTION at VVills Coffee-house at the West-end of the Court of Requests, over against the Painted Chamber, near VVestminster-hall, on Monday the 22d. of this instant February, 1691. and the following Days till all are sold; and then will conclude (this Season) the Sale of Paintings at Westminster. The Sale beginning at Ten of the Clock in the Morning.
Catalogues are Distributed Gratis at the Coffee-houses in Westminster-hall, and at the place of Sale.
The Conditions as usual
- 1 A Sea piece curiously done by Robinson
- 2 a Frost Piece by Vander Stratten
- 3 an original Landskip by an Italian
- 4 a curious prospect on board by Kickheer
- 5 a Winter piece by a Dutch Master
- 6 a Landskip curiously painted
- 7 a small Carpet finely painted
- 8 a piece of Still life by a good hand
- 9 a Sea Fight by Salemaker
- 10 a Dutch Duty by Hemskirk
- 11 a winter piece by old Molinus
- 12 a set of fine engraven glasses for a side board Table
- 13 a man a reading by old Hemskirk
- 14 a Sea storm by Salemaker
- 15 a piece of Figures the manner of Brughel
- 16 another by the same Master
- 17 a Droll piece supposed by Brower
- 18 a Landskip with figures finely painted by Van Diest
- 19 a Frost piece curiously Printed by a Dutch Master
- 20 a Landskip with figures by an Italian
- 21 a Quakers meeting on Copper by old Hemskirk
- 22 a History piece by Marah
- 23 a piece of Fruit by Vander Meer
- 24 Venus and a Satyr finely painted
- 25 Lot and his two Daughter by Bryan
- 26 a head will Painted
- 27 Anthony Mores head done by himself
- 28 a piece of Still life finely painted
- 29 a dead Hare well done by a great Master
- 30 a piece of Fruit by Van Brughen
- 31 a head by Rembrant
- 32 King William finely painted
- 33 a curious Landskip by Bergham
- 34 a Landskip with Venus & Cupid &c. an orig. painted by an [...]
- 35 Meleager & Diana by that great Master Rubens
- 36 St. James the Apostle by Jordan
- 37 Mary Magdalen by Spekerman
- 38 The Princess of Newburgh by Lyster
- 39 a Landskip curiously painted by Van Goshen
- 40 a curious History piece by Romulus Aquinos
- 41 Democrates the Philosopher by Hemskirk
- 42 The Virgin Mary & our Saviour by De Vos
- 43 a Conversation piece an original
- 44 Mercury & Argus very fine
- 45 a Landskip full of figures by Housman
- 46 a Robery finely painted by Van Rust
- 47 a Fishing piece by Sailmaker
- 48 a Landskip with the Hist of Judith & Tamer by Den Bos
- [Page 2]49 Sir Walter Rawleighs head by Anthony Moor
- 50 A large Landskip on board curiously painted by Van Goyen
- 51 A piece of Vanity by Hagar Stratten
- 52 A set of curious engraven Glasses for a side board Table
- 53 a Landskip by Leonard
- 54 Another by the same master
- 55 Christs Resurrection by Albert Durer
- 56 a Pickle herring by old Barkham
- 57 Heraclitus the Philos. by Hemskirk
- 58 Neptune curiously painted by Jordan
- 59 a Landskip by Elstade
- 60 A sleeping Venus by an Italian
- 61 a winter piece by Larue
- 62 A small Landskip with figures
- 63 an Italian Landskip by a great mast.
- 64 A small piece of Stag hunting
- 65 a Sea port finely painted
- 66 A curious Landskip by Bott
- 67 a piece of Painting by Vander Borgh
- 68 a Landskip with ruines by Housman
- 69 A small winter piece finely painted
- 70 A small Frost piece by a great master
- 71 a Sick man making his Will, by Hemsk.
- 72 a Prospect of a Church, by Kickkeer
- 73 a Landskip with figures by a D. mast.
- 74 a Winter piece well painted
- 75 A curious Landskip by Vanderstratten
- 76 a Roman ruine by an Italian
- 77 a Night piece an original well painted
- 78 Chancellor Finch in Cryons
- 79 a fine head of Cornelius Hall
- 80 an old womans head by Rembrandt
- 81 a Fruit piece by Guilman
- 82 a Battle finely painted by Van Boss
- 83 a Landskip by Griffier
- 84 a Landskip by a great master
- 85 a mans head by Rembrant
- 86 a Fruit piece by Vander Meer
- 87 a curious Landskip by an Italian
- 88 a Grace piece by old Hemskirk
- 89 A piece of Still-life by Van Sutton
- 90 A piece of Fowls incomparably done
- 91 a Fruit piece by Verelst
- 92 a Landskip by Vander Stratten
- 93 a Sea port by a good master
- 94 a small Sea piece by Sailmaker
- 95 The Daught. of Fr. Halst the Painter by Henny
- 96 a Musical piece curiously painted by an Ital▪
- 97 A piece of Flowers finely painted
- 98 A piece of Fruit by a great master
- [Page 3]99 a Man courting his Mistris
- (100 a Landskip after Vosterman
- (101 a Womans head supposed by Dobson
- (102 a Country Fair by Brughel
- (103 a Sea piece by Bonaventure Peters
- 100 Achilles among the Daugh. of Agamemnon by Sebastian
- 101 a grace piece by old Hemskirk
- 102 a piece of Still life anoriginal finely done
- 103 a Landskip by De Groat
- 104 a Winter piece by a good hand
- 105 a Landskip by Larue
- 106 a Story in Ovid by an Italian
- 107 the Earl of St. Albans head well painted
- 108 Our Saviour feeding the Multiude
- 109 a Sea Fight between the French & Eng. by Sailmaker
- 110 a Sea pieee well done by Vande Velde
- 111 a Landskip curiously painted by Wooterson
- 112 St. Jerome by Hemskirk
- 113 a Rabit & Fowls well done by Van Haghen
- 114 Venus & Cupid finely finished
- 115 a Sea piece by a Dutch Master
- 116 a Fruit piece neatly painted
- (117 a piece of Fruit by Mr. Bogdan
- (118 a piece representing Hell full of Figures
- (119 a Landskip with Figures by De Keyser
- 117 a curious prospect through a Rock by Van Troyen
- 118 a half length postureby a Disciple of Lilly
- 119 a small Landskip curiously done by Brughel
- 120 a Landskip curiously painted by Waggoner
- 121 a large six leaved Screen done by the same master
- 122 a curious Landskip with figures by Van Cole
- 123 a large Landskip with Cattle by Woolfert
- 124 a man & his Mrs. playing at Tables by Halse
- 125 an extraordinary Landskip by Anglois
- 126 Cupid representing Time by Golizius
- 127 The Virgin Mary by Hookgest
- 128 a Landskip finely painted by Bot
- 129 The Salutation on Copper by Van Heyden
- 130 a Fruit piece by Verelst
- 131 a Landskip by a great Master
- 132 a Landskip by Molinus
- 133 The Circumcision of Our Saviour
- 134 St. Jerome by old Hemskirk
- (132 a piece of flowers by William Verelst
- (133 a Curious piece of Birds and Beast
- (135 K. William when Prince of Orange supposed by Wissen
- 135 a piece of Still life with Crabs by that gr. Mr. Bogdan
- 136 a large Carmish or Dutch Fair with figures by that great master Brughel
- 137 a Chymist an orig. finely painted by a great master
- 138 a Landskip with a Ruin curiously painted