A True Copy of a Letter, WRITEN BY Mr. HARRISON, In Newgate, to a near Relation, after his Condemnati­on for the Murther of Doctor Clinch.

Dear Cosen,

NOW accept of my hearty Thanks for all your Services and loving Kind­nesses; and God Allmighty reward you: I am now preparing my self for another World, and do heartily forgive all my Enemies. There was Four of my Witnesses that did not appear; one Mr. White and his Wife, Mrs. Fairelace and the Maid, where I was that Night. Let not God lay my Blood to their Charge: and God forgive all those that swore falcely against me. And whether before my Execution, or after, God is pleased to do it (but I am sure he will Reveal it) and when it is brought to light, the World then will know my Wrongs. In the mean time I resigne my Soul and Body to him, who is a just God, and by this means will bring me to himself. This Affliction is a great one, and more than human Nature can bear; but I trust in him, that he will not lay more on me, than he will give me the Grace of his holy Spirit to undergo. And indeed I look upon it as a Fatherly Chastisement, for whom he loves he doth chastise:For if I had my Deserts, he might have taken me off in the midst of all my Sins, and have rewarded me with the Punishment of the everlasting Prison ( Hell) prepared for all impenitent Sinners: But I hope he will give me the Grace of his holy Spi­rit to repent my self of all my Sins; which I have, and do, and shall, with a hum­ble, lowly, and obedient Heart, and not in the least cloke, or dissemble them before my heavenly Father, who gave up his only begoten Son to dy for Sinners (and me the greatest.) And I hope he will give me the Grace to follow his Example, who was falsly Accused, Condemned, and suffered a shameful Death upon the Cross; I being now falsly to suffer a shamful Death: At which time I sincerely and heartily beg of him to support me, which I trust in God he will: Humbly beging Pardon, and confessing the Sins I have been guilty of. Now I have Two Things to beg of you, for Christ his sake: The First is, That you will take it from me a dying Man, without the least Hopes of Pardon here, from any mor­tal Man, That I am Innocent, Clear, and Free, In Thought, Word, and Deed, of this bloody, barbarous, unheard of, and inhuman Murther, for which I do suffer, sure­ly knowing, and certainly believing no Salvation can be had from the Almighty God, the Searcher of Hearts, That at the Houre of Death dies with a Ly in his Mouth. Therefore I desire your Prayers (for me being Innocent) and all other good Christians Prayers, That God Almighty will be pleased to bring to light this bloody Deed, not when we would have him, but at his one appointed time (not our Will, but his own be done.) The other is, That you would be pleased to speak to your Minister, or any other Divine you know, to visit me, and get him to come as soon as you can; and let me see you, for I have desired that no body may come at me, but your self, and Cozen William, and some Divines; being I will not now discourse any Persons relating to worldly Affairs, but what may tend for the Salva­tion of my poor Soul: So recommending you to god, I rest

The most wronged Man, the most unhappy Man, as to this World; yet one of the most happy Men through Christ my Saviour, in whom I trust for my eternal Salvation. HENRY HARRISON.

London, Printed for Randal Tayler near Stationers Hall.

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