A REMONSTRANCE OF the present estate of the KINGS ARMIE. Being an exact discovery of his Maiesties strength, with the number of his forces, taken at the generall Muster on Mervill-Heath the 6th. day of October.

With many remarkable Passages contained therein.

1. The two Princes Troopes.

2. The Earles in their order.

3. A List of the whole number presented to his Maiesty by the Lord Digby, Commissary Generall for his Maiesties Ar­my, which is 1950. Horse, and 6500. Foot.

4. His Maiesties honouring Prince Robert.

5. The effect of two Letters, the one from Marquesse Hartford, the other from the Lord Mohone, touching Plimmouth, and other Forts thereabouts.

6. The releasement of Captaine Wingate, upon 500 l. ransome.

London, Printed by Tho: Fawcet Octob. 12. 1642.

A REMONSTRANCE OF The Estate of his Majesties Army at this pre­sent, being taken at the generall Muster on Mervell Heath, Oct. 6.

SIR, I have, (in liew of your last Newes). sent you what hap­pened in these parts concerning his Ma­jesties Army.

Vpon Tuesday last beeing the 4th. of Octob. his Majesty came to Shrewsbury with a Guard of 500. Horse, and according to his summons, dated the 28. of Septem. Prince Robert and the rest of the Nobles, met his Majesty with their Forces, beeing a great [Page] company of brave gallants, his Majesty ha­uing had a view thereof, commanded them to depart to their Quarters for that day, and gave command to Prince Robert, and the rest of the Nobles, that he expected their attendance the Thursday following, with all their Force of Horse and Foot, for a ge­nerall muster, which was consented unto, and so they departd for that day.

Vpon Thursday following between 8. and 9. of the Clocke, Prince Robert and Prince Maurice, with their Troops of Horse con­taining about 500. were the first that came into the field, and Prince Robert himselfe put the Horse in Battalia, and exercised them at least an houre, before any came af­ter him, his Officers standing by all that time.

Then the Earle of Newcastle was bravely mounted, and brought with him 300. Horse and 1500. Foot.

The Earle of Lindsey with two hundred Horse, and one Thousand foot. The Earle of Darby, whose Companies attended his Majesty into the field, came almost with [Page] 700. Horse, and 4000. foot, the Earle of Cumberland came onely with 250. Horse, a great number of Horse and foot he hath more, which lyeth neere Barwick upon the borders of Scotland, but by reason the Heath beeing his Majesties place of Rendevouz, & so farre distant from the said Earles forces, they were excused, the certainty of the Earls forces we know not, but the report is he hath two or 3. or 5000. foot besides 800. Horse, but what number soever he hath, one halfe whereof are in severall Goals in York ­shire, for refusing to carry their Armes and divers of which were violently rescued and taken out of severall Goales up and downe the Country, and brought into Hull by Sr. Iohn Hotham, my Lord Marquesse Hartford is expected hourely from South­ Wales, who by report commeth with great forces of Welsh and Cornish, there was two Letters on this day presented to his Maje­sty, the one from Marquesse Hartford, the other from the Lord Mohone in Corne­wall, heereupon there was a great distur­bance, so that they were full two houres be­fore they could ranke them in order.

[Page] Which when they had accomplished, the Commissaries of each Regiment, mus­tered the Souldiers, and gave a list of the names of each regiment to the Lord Digby, Commissary Generall of his Maiesties Ar­my who presented the number of Horse and Foot then in the Field to his Majesty, bee­ing about the number of 1950. Horse and 6300. Foot. This is his Majesties compleat number he hath upon all occasions about him, besides the Earle of Cumberlands Forces neer Barwick, there is at Whitchurch in Shrop­shire divers Engines preparing by his Ma­jesties Engineere, but they have had little or no good successe as yet, for some persons have spoyled at night, what he hath done in the day, divers of which have been im­prisoned and severely punished.

Prince Robert hath had many Titles of Honour conferred upon him in the Field, and one Mr Moore (or Morrice) was made Knight Banneret in the Field, and others at that present by his Majesty were Knighted, I cannot write you certainely of the Gentle­mens names till the next Post, but for cer­taine [Page] Prince Robert is made Generall of all his Army in the North, at which there is no little grumbling and murmuring there­at, and it is supposed that the Earle of Cumberland and the Earle of Lindsey will leave their command, if by the way of Pe­titioning to the Parliament, they might be received.

I cannot give credit to the two Lords Letters, but somewhat I have heard from one of the Earle of Darbies Gentlemen, that the Lord Marquesse intendeth to land 2000. Horse and Foot at Appledore in Devon. where a Knight whose name I cannot well re­member, but Greenvill a Cornish-Knight, hath a great company of Horse and Foot, in expectation of the Marquesses Forces, to march to Plimmouth and enter the two Forts Plimmouth and Drakesford, or at Mountwise, Mountedgrombe, or at Lauceston-Castle in Cornwall, and for my Lord of Mohone his Letter, I cannot understand any thing there­in contained, till the next returne, and then I will write it at large, we are greatly bur­thened with Souldiers, & shall be wee feare [Page] it, this whole Winter, about 4. of the clock his Majesty went out of the Field, and the rest in order. Prince Robert brought up the Reare, and went with his Majesty to Whitchurch, my Lord of Essex is not full 15. Miles from his Majesty, and his Maje­sty hath halfe waies between his, and the Earle of Essex his Army, a continuall guar [...] of two Hundred Horse and Foot, which lyeth centinell to prevent a suddaine onse [...].

Captaine Wingate is in consideration of 500. pounds ransomed, and on Friday last the 7th. of this Moneth, was discharged out of Shrewsbury Goale, and thus for the present, I rest.

Your loving Cozen, I. H.

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