Biceps Mons Pernassus

Alte Volaris


Fons Helicon

Longe Monstrans






To which is Annex'd THE GROVE: Consisting of Divers SHORTER POEMS upon several Subjects.

By J. H. Esq

Mundi Schema & Effigies Historia; Triste cum Jucundo; Dulce cum Amaro: Bonum, malumque Humanum Genus; multum fragile Animo, ut Corpore: summa per Observa­tionem Prudentia; Plena varietatis Natura, & Fortuna etiam; Ʋtraque admiranda.

LONDON, Printed for William Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple Bar, near Devereux-Court. 1684.


THat time of Year when th' Earth grand Parent shews;
Doth beauties choice, new flaunting Brood disclose:
When paints her Cheek, with Gems adorn'd (as 'twere)
Imbroidered Garb; may Curtisan appear:
Whilst, more advanc'd, the Sun with wanton eye,
Much fonder ray doth Court her from the Sky,
Smiling in Beams: when spruce-drest Groves abound;
Thro chirping Consorts noise withal resound,
Sweet Songs of joy: Heaven chearful, pleas'd survay'd;
Cloud- masks discharg'd, bright, azure Face display'd,
Dropt pearly Dews; then free from Congelation;
The World restor'd since former Youth's privation.
No sooner had the Lady Morn in state,
Usher'd by Star, walk'd forth her Eastern gate;
From glorious Couch Rose-spread to take the air,
That still might seem with blushing Cheeks more fair;
Scatt'ring her Dew like Crystal Pendents round,
As Favours to adorn the fruitful Ground:
But straight beheld on large Ortesian Plain
(Prime Rendezvouz) great store o'th Pastor-train,
Arcadia famous for Shepherds.
Arcadian youth, most active Men,
Each walking from their Country-grange as then.
Young Females (last) conjoyn'd, that gaudy Day
Quick, early Risers too, but mirthful Play
Was their chief end, supreme; and more to grace
PAN'S Festival, stil'd God of Sheep, that Place,
Each Shepherdess shew'd trim'd and beautifi'd
With handsom Garb; careless, neglected Pride;
Nice, formal freaks of Art could shun, forbear,
Tho flaunting too: good skins and Features there:
As Nature thought to th' World it should be known,
She was not ti'd to gorgeous Courts alone.
Let it suffice, some had the name of Fair,
Might Princes please: Young Pastors too did share
For manlike Form, ingenuous Parts combin'd:
Tho Shepherds call'd not prov'd of servile kind
(Since kept their Own or Fathers Flocks) but there,
Like Graziers now, gentiler Stamp did bear.
These searching for their several Loves with joy
O'rerang'd the cheerful Vale: when those less Coy,
Soft, gentler Hearts somtimes, by purpos'd chance
Like Willing Strays (mistook for Ignorance)
Soon found out them: met both did freely prove
What sports, delight Conceit with harmless Love
Could best commend, repasts of Youthful pleasure;
Songs chanted, walk'd, or danc'd in Country measure;
Green banks like Plush bespread, with Flow'rs each where,
(As heaven with Stars) begem'd, embroider'd there.
But Fame's record, amongst the rural Train,
Does one advance as Glory of that Plain;
Their Prince esteem'd, whose gallant Form excell'd,
ORSAMNES call'd: pronounc'd unparallel'd.
Clearest brown Cheek: his bright, triumphant Eyes
Born conquerours, fair Virgin-troop their Prize;
Such lovely flames and Manlike both survay'd:
Seem'd court-bred Star: well-mounted Brow displai'd.
Each feature, part conjoin'd choice Ornament;
NARCISSUS might, ENDIMION represent.
His large, spread Locks in many a gallant Curl
Shew'd sportive Wantons there, like trembling Purl
O' th' shoulders danc'd when mov'd, whom wand'ring Wind
Did dandle oft like Playfellow, untwin'd;
Whilst Nimphs their Sighs did breath, enamour'd train;
Heart-gives they seem'd those Gazers to enchain;
Howe're Himself less then dispos'd to Love:
For body's form did rarely builded prove.
Transcendent Mind, adorn'd with noblest Parts:
Choice Virtue too advanc'd his grand deserts.
Age twenty one: whose certain Birth we shall
E're long declare, Breeding conjoin'd withal.
Spruce Hat he wore, th' height, breadth indiff'rent Crown'd,
Green Taffaty; neat-folded Wreath went round
Made of the same: for Garments too excell'd;
Suit, Coat green Taffaty, clasp'd down beheld
With silver Plates, o' th' brest and sides, behind;
Long, branched form; with choice Aurora lin'd.
Short Buskins (last) for color, Stuff compli'd,
With ribbond-knots of fair Aurora ti'd,
Such prov'd the Youth: whilst most o' th' Pastor-train
In Rural way their minds did entertain,
With Games and sports, Himself (reserved brest
Of late howere) that time beyond the rest
Contemplative, (through weightier Cause (which we
Shall name ere long) dispos'd for privacy;
Walk'd farther off towards delightful Vale,
From whence did blow fine, gentler-breathed Gale,
To calm his thoughts; then view the lovely Spring;
Found Cordial-ease whilst Birds in quires do sing.
'Twas May's first Day; whose Flower'd beauty appear'd
That time beyond young Female ones prefer'd,
Cheeks, lips and eyes; that Champain dress beheld,
Through sober glance sad Clouds in part dispell'd.
Drawn further on to th' Vale at last, one while
His silver'd Bow's imploi'd then; to beguile
Slow Morning-hours, Philosophy, choice Book
Maintain'd discourse by Crystal-streamed Brook:
Till solemn Thoughts return, rais'd (last) again,
Did softly tread that flow'r-imbroider'd Plain:
Earth smiling round (as 'twere) upon the Skies,
As Heav'n on earth; for Cheek Serene complies.
By this the All-surrounding Sun with hast
(Swift, fiery Steeds) Day's Morning-Stage o're-pass'd;
No need of drenching them, nor Southern Bait
Took for himself drives on his Chariot strait.
ORSAMNES when, being still dispos'd to rove,
Cast pleased glance upon the walled Grove;
Don two miles walk, Noon's heat offensive found;
Whilst That appear'd on gentler rising ground,
Spring's gallant Plumes; by Pastors talk excelling;
Like Fortress fair Sun's beamy Darts repelling:
At hand besides, yet nere by him survai'd;
Strong Fancy draws to view that branched Shade:
March'd further on to th' Gate, from whence he might,
If open found, have clearer Glancing Sight.
'Twas walled round;
The walled Grove
near that close Gate within
Stood Porter's lodg: Porter himself had been
Rambling that Morn to th' Ale-house standing nigh,
Whence drunk return'd; so, entring there (none by)
The Wicket left unlock'd (nor strange, forgot)
Well clos'd, no more, like fudled, drowsy Sot
Roul'd on his bed; whilst kennel'd Dog did keep
Bad watch withal (chain'd up by day) asleep.
ORSAMNES seeing clear way, the Lodg-door clos'd,
None to debar, strong, fair Excuse suppos'd,
He step'd within, us'd wary feet and Eyes,
Thoughts to retreat ere Rangers glance surprize:
First Prospect on't far more encouraging,
It seem'd prime Bow'r, Plantation for the Spring.
The Form was thus: 'Twas cut out round by Art;
Some Mossy Roads, more large, from th' walled Part
(Free Shade from beams, Tops something open tho)
Did streit as lines directly point and go
To th' middle Ground, where handsom Habitation;
The Rest, more narrow Walks in circle fashion
Did wind about, grand Theatre beheld;
Close tops like Arch, by growth not least compell'd:
Thick, thinner Trees between, tho here and there
Small spaces found might Garden-plots appear,
Worn Flower'd dress. ORSAMNES view'd, approv'd
That branched Maze; whilst Silvan Songsters, mov'd
To gen'ral chanting joy, their Chorus sing;
That Princess-month like Servants welcoming.
Birds pleas'd and Shades, which gave conjoined shroud;
King skreen withal 'gainst beams of Noon allow'd;
Shun'd streight Road from the Gate (with wary glance)
For th' planted part, where he might best advance,
Cross'd winding walks, march'd further on conceal'd,
Till came to th' midst, small dainti'st Green beheld;
Cut Orb-like round, where purling Riv'let stray'd,
Did seem to dance through small carv'd Channel made
To view the Spring; two foot for breadth bestow'd;
Whose Crystal stream Gold-sands (as 'twere o'reflow'd,
Mixt gaudiest colour'd Shells, by Art design'd:
In midst of all neat-formed Mansion shin'd.
Thin Trees dispers'd like Tufts adorn'd the place;
Some Park-stands, bow'rs conjoin'd Prospective grace.
ORSAMNES now, least caus'd perchance offence
By curious mood, through Shades retir'd from thence;
Way trod before, towards th' unguarded Gate,
Refreshment found by what beheld of late:
When from that part most soft and gentle Noise
Stole to his Ear, whether 'twas Humane Voice,
Which talked, sung, complain'd, or what not knowing;
Till nearer drawn prov'd chearful Sound, sweet growing;
Well chanted Song for pleasure, brought thus far,
And dandled by the pleas'd, delighted Air,
Since loth to loose. His mind could not dispense,
For truning back, if sidewaies rang'd from thence
Much wanderer; those streight broad Roads were fear'd;
This sculking way most free, reserv'd appear'd.
'Twas stronger now, seem'd choicely rare, surpassing;
Hast bad conciev'd, thus, gentler forwards tracing,
(To smallest Noise) he marched by that ground,
Close larger Plot with Hedg encompass'd round;
Where lurking Shades would stragler's glance repel,
Some longer stay might be adventur'd well.
Prime Musick 'twas of Lute and Voice compos'd;
ORSAMNES there, with bord'ring Parts inclos'd,
More to regard (befriended by that Shade)
Each other Sense to th' Hearing servant made.
Those nimble Birds which mov'd about that Bow'r,
Inspir'd appear'd throught her Harmonious, pow'r;
Lute, charming Voice: Leaves danc'd, when smaller pause
( Wind-shaken oft) shew'd gentle Claps, applause.
Those chirping Songsters seem'd as mute and dumb,
Sat pearch'd as 'twere her Scholars then become.
Last words o'th' Song were these,
This World abounds in Care and Strife,
Best suits my Thoughts the Virgin-life.
By which ORSAMNES plainly did conclude
She was a Maid, or th' Tongue did much delude,
Air lastly upon the Lute, in which her Hand
Did nimbler way, more sweet the strings command;
Both ended thus, Birds seem'd to practise round
In thankful Song, whilst from well-shaded Ground,
ORSAMNES heard, applauds; choice female Art:
Found now more ling'ring thoughts, loth to Depart.
Good mind he had to see that place inclos'd,
Then view those Lips, those Hands which form'd compos'd,
These warbled sounds, if might be termed Fair,
Whose Voice and Touch proclaim'd themselves so rare:
Then would be gone. Thus rouz'd, with gentle paces
He stalk'd about that Hedg, through se'vral places
Sight strove to dart, till found reserved Dore;
Not lock'd, forgot; one Person saw, no more.
Transcendent Form, in midst of all descri'd,
Prime Excellence, by none on Earth outvi'd:
Sweet lovely Face to that might Cheap appear,
So rich in Beauty shew'd; conjoined there
Her Body's daintiest Shape, exact Compound;
Task for all Pens; whose praises to resound,
Fame's trumpet Breath might want; the Sight would move
Proud Kings themselves (perchance) to fall in Love.
Fond Suitors turn'd; much more inferiour Men
To view, Admire: conceiv'd small marvel then,
ORSAMNES tho, upon that Gazing score
Imploi'd his Eyes, as hearkning Ears before.
A Virgin 'twas as did by th' Song appear;
CLERMANTHE nam'd, tho call'd PARMENA there;
Who midst the heat, by chance withdrawn descended
To th' Bathing Fount; there (Song with Musick ended,
Thence manly Spies debar'd) to th' foot at last
Unclouds her beauteous World, which seem'd to cast
New Beams upon that gloomy place as tho
Bright second Morn were breaking from below,
More choicely Fair: or perl skin'd Nimph reveal'd,
Some feigned Lady o' th' Water then beheld.
Upon the Bank fine Sattin Mantle lay
(Sky-colour'd) spread, did Silver knots display:
Silk under- robe or Petticoat beside,
Green like the Spring, Hood, Sandalls there descri'd.
The Fount was large,
The Fountain.
Long-square; for art excell'd:
Ore th' midst half way, by Pillars strength upheld,
Square carved Frame; left open either side:
On th' top sate
God o'th' Sea
NEPTUNE crown'd (Triumphant pride)
In Chariot drawn; Sea-horses form presented
(All done with paint and Gold) which Water vented,
Dropt through their Mouths, part froth, like Foam below
Champing the Bit. Beneath there seem'd to flow
High swelling Sea, and at four Corners made
Meaner Sea-Gods.
TRITON'S shape which Trumps did use displai'd,
On Dolphin backs advanc'd; whence Waters fall
Like sportful Streams, through th' Fishes mouths withall.
View'd Fount it self, at either distant End
Wild, carved Rocks did near to th' bank ascend:
Goddess of Wood.
DIANA nak'd sate bathing there on one,
Coy Nymphs behind; ACTEON farthest shewn,
Whose branched Crest speaks bold presumptuous prying:
Near th' other Rock, their hands with Harps complying,
Mermaids beheld; and partly above the Stream
Fish-heads appeared from Craggy sides of them:
Through Engins too dispers'd thir Water- Show'r,
Squeez'd from both Tops like Arched Cystal-bow'r,
Quite o're those Nymphs beneath, small Rail the place
Encompassed, where, rang'd with painted grace
Stood carved Beasts like rampant Guard to th' Fount,
View'd o're against (near th' hedg) Prospective Mount;
Whose stairs with gilded Rails shew'd beautifi'd,
Where perching (last) prime-coulour'd Fowls descri'd.
Who look'd upon the Place but glancing fashion,
Might think he saw some small, New-coin'd Creation,
Fish, Birds and Beasts; CLERMANTHE Goddess there
(Bathing below) to th' Fancy's eye appear.
Whose beauties now with sob'rer Smile, and then
More serious thoughts ORSAMNES view'd ag'en.
Her Eyes were black spread flaming Rays
Which Diamonds could far outblaze;
Clermanthes Person.
Transcendent beams: fair Soul from thence
Did shine with glorious Form to Sense.
Two glist'rng Mints of Lightning were;
Choice beauties Worlds; mysterious there;
In whose full Globes Night, Day intwin'd,
Both black and Fair at once combin'd,
Seem'd darker- veyl'd least else confounded
Mens view, destroi'd, tho sweetly wounded;
For Persons struck by that fair Eye,
Well pleas'd appear'd still so to Die.
Such lovely fires withal beheld,
Faint Stars, Sun's gaudy Beams excell'd.
Lights, fountains seem'd on Earth (survai'd)
New Morning kindled thence, displai'd.
Her Forehead large, high-rais'd to th' Eye,
Spread forth like pure, Majestick Sky;
Did Throne of State to Beauty there
Join'd Chastity withall appear:
Warm whitest Alps of Snow present;
First lovely Part, choice ornament.
Then view'd those Cheeks, delicious Bow'rs,
Where constant Spring, enlivened Flow'rs;
On Lillies there, fresh Roses blowing
Two Suns above their beams bestowing.
Here us'd that Archer small to lie
( Love's Boy) made wanton by her Eye,
For mirthful play; each outward Part
Still pleas'd to Range, if barr'd her Heart.
Next, daintiest Lips; fair Ruby-gem
But Mean-complexion'd, thought to them:
Prime modells clos'd, when smil'd howe're,
More graceful Shapes presented there:
New beauteous Forms through Speech descri'd,
Tho words pronounc'd like Death, Deni'd
Whose living Marmulade might shew
(Enjoi'd) Restorative, as tho
Chill, frosted Veins could warm repair;
Breath'd Sweets against Infectious Air:
Pearl-store conceal'd. 'Twere sad that none
Should kiss such Lips but Maids alone.
Her dainty rising Nose most white,
As curious- form'd, to please, delight:
Fit Part for that transcendent Face:
The Chin conjoin'd Perfections Grace.
Fine, gallant Hair, wreaths lofty-spread,
Like silken Crown adorn'd her head;
Some wanton, dangling Curls altho
Resplendent Cheeks made fairer shew;
Choice heightning Foyl: seem'd Courted, danc'd
By ev'ry blast of Wind, advanc'd:
'Twas clearer Brown and serv'd for Shade,
Whilst Sun-bright Eyes their beams displaid:
Love's Ambushment might well appear;
Pity such Hairs should wither there
Under coy Virgin-vow, since Strings
For CUPID'S BOW; fit bredes for Kings.
Her Neck might stately Fort present,
Pillar to th' Breathing Firmament.
Strange Clime displai'd, where Lillies, Snow
(Conjoin'd) did Summer-winter shew:
Upon that Frame with glory mov'd.
Prime choice Compound by Mortals lov'd,
Di'monds there worn, to Fancies eye,
Shew'd sparkling Joy being plac'd so nigh.
Then Brests survey'd which swell, aspire;
Nurses conjoin'd to th' Babe Desire:
Did soft like trembling Jelly shew,
Or Streams when gentler Gale doth blow,
Dimpling their Cheek. These th' Eye supposes
Love-gods beloved Mounts, whence loses
His Arrows oft in wanton play,
Doth Wound withal: Between there lay
Milk-path for's Walk; still slumber'd on
Those Pillows too when weary grown.
Her Arms like Twins in gentle fold
Play'd with themselves, by Nature's Mold.
Exactly cast; where Pearl descry'd,
Grown Envy-pale by th' Wrists outvy'd.
Free Pris'ners th' are who there remain,
Find beauteous Grate, choice Guardian:
'Twere sad these should imbrace none other
But Female Arms, or one another.
Her dainty, curious Hands (prime Pair)
By Queens might envy'd prove, so rare,
Those nicer Palms, soft, smallest Stream
Each azure Vein conceiv'd in them,
Like beauteous Founts that wander'd o're
Choice Lilly-banks, made Island-store.
Seem'd prime for Tooth, as could send out
Diseases rage, advance the Gout
To Galliard's lofty Height, and stroke
Fierce Panthers tame so fair a Yoak.
Now, lower wading strait, beheld
Her silver Wast, unparallel'd:
Wreath'd by th' enamour'd Stream in sign
Of fond regard, so Crystalline;
Choice-form'd withal: much blest be Those
So wealthy an Armful may inclose:
Like Zodiack, surround (as 'twere)
That gallant World of beauty there.
Orsamnes in Love.
never before till now
That taking way (such Form, so beauteous too)
Did Woman contemplate; pierc'd through the Eyes:
Th' unlook'd-for Chance might more withal surprize.
Strong, secret Charm like Plant still there detain'd,
Porter forgot, past Griefs, Love primely raign'd
Nere Woman thought worthy of Sigh, or Passion,
Till view'd that Princess, Queen of the Creation;
In whose fair Eyes bring troop of Masquers shin'd,
Virtues did seem with Beauties there combin'd.
That Man crown'd Fortune's Favorite confest,
By whom this Pearl, conjugal Gem possest.
Her costly Cloaths upon the ground, beside
Rich Jewels worn chief rank Gentile imply'd:
Whose worth although conceiv'd Transcendent, rare;
Why should his Person, Parts, Birth join'd despair?
Her Song's last Words howere, as prov'd inclin'd
To th' Virgin-life, least fixed Cours, design'd,
Bred qualmish thoughts; made solemn Vow, if so,
(Bent to observe) he then might seem to Woo
Some marble Statue's shape, there Suitor be;
Or Court the Northern Ice, as melting, free;
Deaf Winds and Wave, coy Light'ning grasp, infold:
But those faint Thoughts by stronger were control'd.
Thus, he resolv'd his Mind to break, discover,
Nor lose the Man whilst shew'd the fervent Lover.
Mus'd straight withal how near Approach to gain,
Some Parley, speech, join'd Kiss-salute obtain.
When from that Place sad Damping cause appear'd,
(Nice, hardest Task) lest strange Surprisal fear'd,
Some Lust-design, she should scriek out, exclaim
Ere he could Speak; destroy'd that courting Aim.
Found Naked (next) would move, incense far more,
Thus view'd, beheld: if waited there at dore,
She might whole Hours (perchance) in Bathing spend,
Till Scouts betray'd; so lost desire End:
What posture best, what Words to settle, please
(If should come forth) her Troubled thoughts, Appaise,
How t' order all: he first imploy'd his Brain
To drive her from that Fount, till Cloath'd again.
Thus softly trod to th' Fenced part Behind,
Nearest to her, where shak'd (as had design'd)
Those Branches, Leaves; as some had faln by chance
Against the Hedg, no view nor naked glance:
When Noise o'reheard, like one from th' Fount below
Trampling the Bank, Cloaths rus'led to and fro:
Which proving well, to th' Door he strait did trace
(One side thereof) as newly reach'd that Place:
Where heard Silk garment mov'd, Feet tread the Grass:
By th' Hedg conjoin'd to th' Entrance nimbly pass.
Which Noise her Self conceiv'd, good Omen thought,
As Fortune there by gentle Hand had brought;
Did with his Plot like Patroness combine:
So (drawn most near) prepar'd for's Love-design.
'Twas she indeed; for, rus'ling Noise o'reheard
Through shaken Leaves, conjoined Hem had scar'd;
Thick Trees behind; no Men approaching there
(But one i'th' House) imploi'd Maid-servants were.
Thus then (sad Virgin-thoughts) it seem'd a Stranger,
Slunk into th' Grove unmark'd; some Lustful Ranger
Might naked view, watch closely at Door withal;
When she forsook the Fount surprize, enthral;
Door left unlock'd by chance, remember'd then:
She long'd therefore till 'twas made fast agen
So, hurl'd to th' bank; Smock on, silk Petticoat,
Short upper Robe, fine Mantle near forgot,
To th' entrance strait she ran, where (much more bold)
Might lock the Door, or Persons face behold:
But then hard Task increas'd CLERMANTHE'S doubt,
Door opening from the Green, Key left without.
While stepping forth, ORSAMNES bowing the knee
Almost to th' ground, seiz'd on immediately
That Door witheld, (when coy, strange Start she made:
Fear, wonder joyn'd) thus Blaz'd his thoughts and said.
Orsamnes Courting Clermanthe.
Transcendent Star, which beauty's Queen dost shine
( As of this Grove) whilst Each their Crowns resign
And bow to Thee, th' Imperial excellence;
Pardon this Bolder Act, and leave dispense
That I may kiss your Hand: next Thanks declare
For my Repast; those Musick- strains most Rare,
Like th' Author 's self. CLERMANTHE then had grown
Much frighted, Scar'd, withal Disdainful shewn,
But that she saw her Young Surprizer there
I'th' lowlyest way; small grounds for Rape appear:
Mild gentle Brow, well civillized Tongue;
That Silken Garb should to none Base belong:
For Person (last) excell'd, Prime Male perfection;
Lik'd all, approv'd, tho free from Love-reflexion.
Thus, bashful Glance, still prone to Virgin-fear,
She joyn'd reply: Pray Sir, withdraw, Forbear
That stop, Restraint; like Stranger to this Grove,
As unto Me; tho chance thus far to Rove
Through kept, well Guarded Gate: Kissing my Hand
Seems vain Desire; where Lonely grounds Command
Bad Thoughts may cause: Too formal Thanks exprest,
Such Musick prov'd; my own Reserved Brest.
'Twas meant withal to Please. ORSAMNES then,
Joyn'd humble Bow, this Answer fram'd ag'en.
Fairest, believe, nothing thought dangerous
Shall hence proceed, tho Door surprized thus;
I'l Honour boast, 'twas done from sober Mind;
Chast like your Own, for virtuous Love inclin'd.
My Entrance (next) with Ranging Walk thus far
Excuse may plead, None there to stop, debar.
For th' Musick, Voice, if not given thanks to You,
I shall thank Fortune for't, Sight Lovely'st too.
Person conjoyn'd; Both Prais'd, advanc'd howere.
Prime, dainty'st Blush, CLERMANTHE answer'd there.
Since then the First you Heard, the last Beheld;
This Grove survey'd withall (scarce paralell'd)
Pray, Sir, withdraw; shewn Civil way retire:
Your Self commended so. Sad harsh Desire,
ORSAMNES thought, those words by Her exprest
Departing Doom; breath'd from so noble Brest,
With milder Terms soft Voice allay'd, the more
His Heart through Love inflam'd, Captiv'd before.
He thus reply'd: Sweet'st Madam still conclude,
My Carriage shall be far from Wanton, Rude;
Unsoyled prove; your Favor sought from thence;
Still kept, observ'd those Bounds of Reverence:
And yet defer that late condemning Voice
Of leaving you so soon; thought Fairer Choice
Sentence of Death CLERMANTHE setled now,
More quiet thoughts, thus spake with gentle brow
I cannot, Sir, yet charge You (I confess)
With any Act, the least Unworthyness:
But you must know I here live close, conceal'd,
Hid from the World (the cause not now reveal'd)
Mind (next) Contemplative; here, lastly do
But sojourn late, may be Observ'd with You:
Wanton Compliance thought: when roul'd about
Her full black Eyes (each choice resplendent Scout)
Before and on the sides tho partly Fear
Their Beams might them betray: Bird flutt'ring there,
Next, babling Leaves oreheard, with wand'ring Blast.
ORSAMNES when; Be those Nice Thoughts orepast
(Madam) I pray, such jealous Clouds dispel;
Your Honor shall be vindicated well
By Me whatere: that Fault mine own be told;
And let me joyn short Lovers Suit, unfold.
'Tis Love, I grant, tho may withal protest,
Conjugal Flames do warm this faithful Brest:
And if thought Crime to Love, what Heroes ( found
In choice Records) Offenders are renown'd.
Heav'n Love commends, Applauds, since chearful This
The Creatures Joy, and Conservation is:
World's grand supporting prop, large Spheres infold
Each other there; Vines th' Elm conjoyned hold:
Bright Sun does court the Earth in smiling Rays,
Till that her Fruit and Flowry Brood displays;
As tho were meant for Amorous, design'd
Examples both of Love to Human kind.
Your own Cheeks, Lips and Eyes such Charmers proving,
Chide pow'rful Those, but blame not Me for Loving.
Beg'd Kiss-salute; CLEMANTHE'S Cheeks display
Large blushing Tide, when heard that Rising way
From th' hand to Lips; tho strait call'd back ag'en
Each crimsOn Stream, new Thoughts perplexed then,
As fear'd some Tramplers Noise (confirmed tho
Men came not there, Maids task'd at Home did shew)
Sweet, wilder Glance; ORSAMNES joyn'd withal
That strong perswasive Point (till then let fall
Orsamnes made known to Clermanthe.
Through Lover's Heat, and Courting part) that He
Was better Man in all regards than She
That time conceiv'd; if thought no cheat orehold,
Nor forg'd device: did strait the same unfold:
Ere long by us, tho now reserv'd, exprest;
CLERMANTHE when (with Wond'ring Thoughts possest)
Casting on him more serious Eyes, fixt there,
From Lilly-cheek'd did turn all Rose as 'twere:
Remember'd well sh' had seen him once before,
At great Court-Masque, some two Years since, no more:
In th' old King's days (his Father too beheld)
Inform'd 'twas He; thought Person choice, excell'd,
Then but Nineteen: heard gallant Praise of him
That Time, more afterwards, spread grand esteem.
Which view declar'd, her own Rank then and Name
She sober told withal. When heard the same,
ORSAMNES strait remember'd with best pow'r
He saw her too at Court, that Masquing hour:
Thought Grecian Star, inquir'd, was told 'twas She,
Then but Fifteen (her Father there did see)
Plac'd not far off: th' old King soon after Dy'd;
Great Change conjoynd, as shall be specify'd.
This told to her, Himself in thoughts surpriz'd
Through that unlook'd-for Chance, much cordialliz'd
Since th' Omen rare; he strait his former Suit
Repeated thus. I hope that Kiss-salute,
Sweet'st Madam, now your Servant may obtain,
High Favour thought: She silence shew'd again.
He therefore tasts with chearful Gratitude
Those choice Preserves. ORSAMNES then pursu'd
His first Assault, throught stronger Flames did prove
More earnest Combatant i' th' field of Love.
Fairest o' th' Sex, so strange this Accident
May be conceiv'd, that I should hope the Event
Might Happy prove, and you my blissful Choice
Ordain'd by Heaven, may your Confirming Voice,
By gentle Grant accomplish my Desire;
So Honour'd more what now I Love admire.
CLERMANTHE sweet with streaming Blush reply'd,
More pure than from the Morning's Cheek descry'd,
(Startled through Noise withal conceited so,
Servants at work) It strange indeed may shew,
( Such things i'th' World) what consequence so'ere
Th' Attendant prove. Soon spoke, she paused there.
You may suppose, Love's Archer-boy this while
Close Ambush'd sate, with many a pleased Smile
Dimpling his Cheek, to see this amorous Duel,
Choice Lovers Scene; tho would not seem too cruel:
Brandish'd small Dart, then clap'd his Hands, as tho
Had plainly say'd; Thus pow'rful proves our Bow,
If task'd too far, that little God was sorry.
And from CLERMANTHE now will raise his Glory.
Sweet, beauteous Maid she saw prime choice Affection,
Clermanthe in Love.
Rare Man conjoyn'd; nere meant for Coy rejection:
Love shining through most Lovely Person found,
Bright Virtue's Beams withall, more prais'd compound:
Words, Actions then proclaim'd his Noble Brest;
Of equal Rank unto her Self confest:
Clear'd shortly All: Thus Love's warm, pow'rful Dart
Doth kindly pierce the fair CLERMANTHE'S Heart.
ORSAMNES from those Suns her Eyes beheld
Sweet gentle Morn to break, fair Hopes reveal'd,
Made new Love-charge for Marriage-grant, assent,
Which should be Ingagement-like, with Joy, Content
Writ on his Heart: His Case because (as there
Most briefly told) long, Formal ways, whate're
Admitted not; open Address and known;
Thus crav'd her present Grant, that She'd alone
Meet strait without the Grove, on shaded ground;
Thence walk to large Dervan; close Lodging found.
She answer'd then; Her Case the same appear'd;
Hid from the World, withdrawn, else Danger fear'd.
He urging more, CLERMANTHE sweet reply'd,
Such Noble worth could not be long Deny'd:
And since Necessity conjoyn'd withal,
His Way approv'd, whate're Event befal.
ORSAMNES when to shew his Grateful sence,
Kiss'd strait her Hand for that rare Confidence
In him repos'd; desir'd with chearful Brow
A Kiss for Seal, which she did Grant, allow.
Thus from her Hand he mounts to th' Lips, from whence
Snatch'd Cordial food with sober violence;
Restoratives; as after that long Fast
Would eat, devour: took Second, Third Repast;
Short time that way improv'd; neglecting neither,
First Beg'd, then Kist, kist, beg'd as 'twere together:
Well shrouded so her Bashful Cheeks (uncloy'd)
By numb'ring more, till Ten for Seal enjoy'd:
How could she cross, Deny? one might suppose
Her Lips Blush'd too, since prest so oft by Those.
Stoln Flight resolv'd.
Both for the Main resolved thus howere,
For Ord'ring all they strait consulted there:
Choice Meeting ground, thick-shaded Rock design'd,
Flight-shoot beyond the Grove, to either's mind:
Thence four miles Walk to th' Burrough-Town which Place
Pastors less us'd; some Lonely House, tho base,
For Lodging got; sent Letter strait that Night
To Uncle of his i'th' Pastors Vale, t' invite
His friendly help for close retreating Grange,
Like Sojourners, till Calm, more setled Change.
New Suitor fear'd.
For th' Lady of the Grove, she might suppose
(Since Lines sent dangerous) some did Disclose,
CLERMANTHE inform She there discover'd prov'd;
Might be Surpriz'd, if fled not strait, Remov'd.
But if now told her Self, her Man or Maid
She'd send with Her, ORSAMNES found Betray'd.
This further Cause to th' Sudden way (as 'twere)
That Speedy Course compel'd, told briefly there.
That Lady o' th' Grove had Stout young Son, a Knight,
(Years twenty one) tho Lordly honour might
Claim for Estate: good Person, Parts enjoy'd;
Much proud thereof; had Year and half imploy'd
In Travel then. Come back to Thracian Land,
His Mother sent him by convenient Hand
A Scroul of Lines, in which her Pen exprest,
CLERMANTHE was so long there Lovely Guest:
Whom he had View'd at that Court-masque before;
Now choicely improved grown for Beauty's store,
Both Body, Mind; as Daughter priz'd, Belov'd:
This first She heard her Read (as Fortune prov'd)
In Garden-bow'r. An Answer from the Son,
Ere long was brought, Observed well, which don,
CLERMANTHE follow'd her to th' selfsame Bow'r,
List'ned behind whilst all she Read that hour.
There heard her Self like Star advanc'd to th' Sky
In his conceit, fond Amorous Thoughts most high,
As Love-inflam'd, Pearl, Gems (to th' height commended)
Presents for her from th' East, by him Intended:
Would fly with Wings of Love to's Native ground
Court her for Wife, that choice Advantage found:
And doubted not from's Horse there to alight
Next day at Noon. Thus then, more speedy Flight
So long defer'd, 'twere strange to Steal away
His Men, Himself like scornful, squeamish Stray
Might follow Her, ORSAMNES so surprize;
Fixt on Revenge, no Sword to equallize:
Strong, Daring prov'd, at Nineteen years, no more,
Had Two Disarm'd in Field, proud Conquerour.
ORSAMNES joyns, He scorn'd his Rage, altho
Us'd but short Poyniard's help with Shafts and Bow;
Yet must Advance her Goodness prime, howere,
More Quiet gift her Self's Possession there.
Orsam. leaves the Grove.
Thus, Things resolv'd, taking then brief Farewel;
He chose that Way which (thought) might best Conceal
To th' guarded Gate; Wicket still open found;
That Porter fast through Drunken Slumber bound.
Good fair Excuse to curb howere, oresaw
Since Absent so, clear, friendly Entrance saw:
Tho 'twas Resolv'd by Them (perchance Descry'd)
That He should walk about the Grove's right side
(Half-part thereof) She turn Contrary way,
Lest (bad Conceit) that Fellow might betray:
So, march'd to th' shaded Rock, where, shrouded well,
For's best Belov'd stood Amorous Centinel.
Clermanthe fo­lows.
CLERMANTHE strait stept back to th' Foutain-grot,
Where (tho her Lute Discharg'd) not prove forgot
Hood, Fan, nor ribbon'd Gloves through nimble Speed;
Much less small Jewel-box, Rare chance indeed;
Brought down that Noon, where Pearl of dainty'st kind,
Necklace thereof, strung on the Bank, design'd.
So spirits rouz'd, Face veyl'd like Skies o'recast,
She smoothly trod through branched Shades at last
To th' mention'd Gate, where Wicket found but clos'd;
Else had she knock'd as for the Fields dispos'd.
Thence ( Glancing round with flaming Eyes, less fear)
Through bord'ring Clump of Palms, well shrouded there,
She cross'd Flight-shoot to th' Rock, conjoyned shade;
Where dampt Noon-day, smal [...]inkling Dawn display'd.
Being enter'd there, ORSAMNES (joyful man)
Giv'n kindest Kiss, Imbrace, thus spoke, began.
Welcom most Fair to this reserved Cell,
Love's friendly Bow'r; where no Though shall Rebel
Against your Chast Command, like Temple deem'd
You being here: This Favour ( choice-esteem'd)
Your Servant shewn was nere by th' Sex outvy'd;
Prime confidence. CLERMANTHE Blushd reply'd.
Your Love Desert conjoyn'd outweigh'd thus far
My strict Resolves, Both termed singular;
Of equal height; well Conquer'd me, oresway'd,
ORSAMNES then; Dear, sweetest Madam, (said)
Your Goodness pleas'd ( Transcendent that withall)
To prize them so, which like Sun- beams did fall
On doubtful Heart. This spoke, but short Demur,
Choice Kisses onely there obtain'd from her
(Now Free, Themselves) those thought prime Bait Repast
For's voyage then to great Dervan at last:
'Twas four miles Walk; with Quiver arm'd and Bow
Poyniard by th' side for's precious Charge did shew.
Thus on the walk'd through that small Shade combin'd,
Which Screen-like cover'd them from Ground behind.
The Sun did then drive down his Western Road,
Noon past some hours; with blazing Chariot shew'd
Like Prince of Day as large Evening-stage behind:
Whilst th' Azure skies smil'd on their Walk design'd.
Scarce half a Mile they measur'd o're, when heard
Loud-sounding Voice; CLERMANTHE partly scar'd,
As Porter from the Grove, but branched Fence
Standing between, they hearkned both from thence:
When spake again, conjoyn'd from Rocks above
Vanlor and the Eccho.
Shrill Ecchoes Noise. No; No (said there) Mad Love
Best fits thy Name, here then sit down, Bemoan ye:
Ay me! Ech. Ayme! Heark, there's DIONE: Ech. DIONE;
'Tis she. Ech. 'Tis she. My joy, Contents the more;
O dost still think on thy Vanlor. Ech. Vanlor:
Indeed. Ech. Indeed. It sounds like pleasing Ditty;
Say't once again, dost truly Pitty? Ech. Pitty.
Dearest Dear. Ech. Dear. Thus then my Heart renew Love;
DIONE's kind, and proves thy True-Love. Ech. True-Love.
False never. Ech. Never. Cease then to Importune;
Her Brest pertakes in thy hard Fortune. Ech. Fortune.
Sighs, Groans. Ech. Sighs, Groans. O soft and gentlest-hearted,
Day dismal 'twas these Hands thus parted. Ech. parted.
Accurs'd. Ech. Accurs'd. What friend did speak, unfold it;
That I was here? Winds surely told it. Ech. told it.
'Twas strange. Ech. 'Twas strange. Stay Nymph, and do not pass me,
DIONE sweet, but first Imbrace me, Ech. Imbrace me.
I' th' Ghostly Shades. Ech. Shades. Where not storm shall sever,
But we shall Love intwin'd for ever. Ech. Ever.
I come then. Ech. Come then.
This Party by those Names forementioned
ORSAMNES knew; 'Twas handsom Youth, well bred,
Of birth Gentile; dwelt near their Pastors Plain
And call'd VANLOR: amongst the Beauteous Train
His Choice DIONE fair, was rank'd, allow'd,
Who being Wore, long Friends debate like Clowd
Dispell'd at last; that Afternoon before
Their Marriage-day, when Love's Conjugal store
He thought t'enjoy (as Bedfellow surmis'd)
By burning Feaver's Rape was seiz'd, surpriz'd.
Bad Rival thus consum'd that gallant Frame,
To feed that Fire, unquench'd the Lover's flame;
Dead in few Days: when, Grief o'recharg'd his Mind,
(Strange Feaver there) to Frenzy grown: confin'd
By's Mother ought Enrag'd strait did prove;
Would Range abroad, since hop'd to Grasp his Love
Midst fields and Shades; us'd sad Complaint, where found
Kind Echo's answering Noise, upon that Ground
He'd Parly, stand; sick Fancy pleasing so;
Till, Lost through Rambling Mood, most Dumpish grow,
Mute many hours: might sad Example be
Of world-bred Change and frail Humanity.
Whom there they left to seek th' uncertain Cell
Of's Ayr-born Love; compassionate Farewel.
Thus on they Walk'd, till near three Miles o' th' four,
Main Task dispatch'd; when chanc'd to traverse o're
Smooth Velvet Plain, with Flow'rs adorn'd to th' eye
Like Summer- Gems, large River gliding by,
Which through the midst in various Wanton Maze
Sported it self; whilst Trees their Plumed grace
Joyn'd from the Bank; Sun-fans or Screens (as 'twere)
To th' Pearl-cheek'd dancing Nymph resembling there.
Orsamnes and Clermanthe surpriz'd.
Close by that Stream their Journey lay, delight,
When thund'ring Noise ere long, did partly affright
Of Horses hoofs, beheld Six Armed Men
(Some distance off) Loud throats conjoyned then,
Much bawling heard: Those, Those are they, They sayd,
Quick, Seize 'em both. O Heavens! we are Betray'd;
CLERMANTHE strait; This seems some foul Design.
Madam (said He) if Rogues they prove, Combine
To Rob, enthral, I may some while Defend
Till Rescue chance. For that Surprizing end
Approaching near; ORSAMNES with bent Bow
(Back turn'd to Her) cry'd stand; your Business shew;
Or he that first Assaults doth meet his Death.
When staring round, with wild, confused breath
O Fates, (they cry'd) This proves not He, past doubt,
Nor is that She. Like stange mistaken Rout;
Held on withal their former rambling Quest:
Much chear'd, reviv'd FERNANTHE'S drooping Brest.
The Cause was thus: Not full two Hours before,
A handsom Sharking Youth, fine-cloath'd (no more)
Had stoln young Girl, which wealthy Portion claym'd,
From crabbed Guardian, TORQUARES nam'd;
Whose Daughter Bride that day, great Celebration:
This Youth to dinner came, Intruding fashion,
With certain Friend; Danc'd with that Golden Lass;
Found Courting pause sometimes, no Heart of brass,
Softned, orecame: yet once before beheld;
Woo'd then by Looks, now th' Hand and Tongue reveal'd
Love's pow'rful Charms. She sitting by as tir'd,
Whilst others Danc'd, slunk forth to Grove (desir'd)
He follow'd strait, as Prize convey'd from thence.
These Horsemen strait pursu'd, lest for Defence
Should Marriage plead: inform'd, they cross'd this plain,
For Stature, Garb much like those Two (in vain)
ORSAMNES and FERNANTHE thought; howere,
Fast ty'd, conjoyn'd in Wedlock-bonds they were.
The Storm orepast, those Banks they travers'd so
Under green Arched Bow'r (Trees order'd Row
By th' wand'ring Stream) with more delight, contented;
Birds from each Branch their Songs to May presented.
Next, cross'd the Plain, where blazing Sun forth shin'd;
Too Hot FERNANTHE thought, no gentler Wind:
Large Wood did stand close-rang'd o' th' other side,
By which their way, whence marching out descry'd
A Man and Horse; small Paniers bare the same,
As tho not far from private Lodg they came.
Reaching that Path, they suddenly beheld
Arm'd Troop of Horse, warlike, before conceal'd;
(Which turning down from th' end of Wood appear)
March'd towards them: CLERMANTHE strait through Fear,
New doubtful Thoughts retir'd within the Shade,
Pull'd back ORSAMNES too, did then perswade
They might withdraw within that Path, Retreat
(Since winding shew'd) till marched by that great,
Offensive Troop; still found disturbed Brest,
Fear'd sad Events. ORSAMNES strait exprest,
Her Motion not displeas'd, but did Conjure,
Presaging Less, she'd prove more Calm, secure.
Somewhat withdrawn, beheld not far below
High wall and Door, that shrouded Lodg might shew
Whence th' Horseman came which they did late descry:
Through longer Walk CLERMANTHE when grown Dry,
Much Heat withal, some cooling Drink desir'd;
Mile yet remain'd, small Time howere requir'd.
Thus, down they went, knock'd, open prov'd the Door;
View'd, pleasant Place, which draws them on far more.
Large Green there was, Part finely Shaded found,
Part Open left; well order'd, handsom Ground:
High-wall'd about, to th' Gazer seem'd express
Chearful Reserve, more Solemn Pleasantness:
Shew'd fitted for Grave Philosophick mind
For contemplations cause Retreat design'd:
Art tir'd (as 'twere) with curious Courtly way,
And weary'd grown, thought here a while to Play.
Hereafter more: i' th' Nook beyond the Green,
The Hermitage
Large Hermit's Cell (yet like to Bow'r) was seen.
Approaching near 'twas formed all, cut out
From Natural Rock, seem'd Thunder-proof about,
Thick Iron Door, the Walls with Vines orespread;
Spruce, civil Wildness shew'd, discovered.
Its pleasant Front proclaim'd, the Dweller there
Had thought to steal some Comfort, Joy (as 'twere)
From th' open World and Grief withall; would shew
Translated Man, th' Elyzian Fields below
This Ground conceiv'd; till ( Mortal part lay'd by)
True Ghost become, would fold his Arms and Die.
No Person there they saw, yet all found Neat;
Furnish'd tho plain, as served for Retreat
Some Master still: Stools, Table, Chair and Bed
Trunk, Linnen-Chest, Hour-glass, well ordered:
Bright Sword o' th' Wall, whereto did Belt belong;
Vessels of Earth, for Books convenient Throng.
Large Cupbaord too, where Cheese and Butter store,
Bak'd-meat conjoyn'd which for Half-week, or more,
Would th' Host content; brought newly in, there laid
By th' Country-man forenam'd, still so convey'd
Twice every Week, Dervan from thence a Mile
Beer (last) there was, Strong waters; tho some while,
His Tast was pleas'd with Pure adjoyned Fount;
Of Natur's Wand'ring Cellar made account.
Soon looking forth, Glance cast, from Corner there
( Garden of Herbs, beyond) did strait appear
Lusty, ancient Man, then Fifty years might shew;
Mean, plainer Garb, joyn'd comely Persontho;
Naught Dazl'd when their Finer Ones beheld,
As if had seen what far (in Youth) Excell'd.
Salute discharg'd, ORSAMNES said, They were
Two Strangers come from Corinth lately there;
For Delphos next, kind Uncle where surviv'd,
(Rich, wealthy man) of golden Coin depriv'd,
And Horses both by Thievs, Six Miles from thence:
Should now Retreat to th' worthy Friend, from whence
They came that Morn, for courteous Aid, Supply:
The Lady, through Hot, toilsom Walk grown Dry,
Would gladly Tast of his Refreshing Beer.
Th' Hermit conjoyn'd, You both are Welcome here;
Some Noble Rank proclaim; my Mother prov'd
Corinthian born, my self long Travel lov'd
And now may Honor'd seem through that Request,
So fair a Lady found my Drinking Guest.
Led strait the Way, whilst Each to Muse began;
As tho mistook this Plain-cloath'd Hermit-man.
Both ent'ring next, there sitting down, He draws
Fresh, milder Beer which Heat dispell'd, the Cause
Of droughty Thirst; retired then to Chair,
Set Countenance, as something would Declare
Which mark'd by Them, FERNANTHE gave close Sign
They yet should Stay, with his Discourse combine.
ORSAMNES asking him, How long did Dwell,
So Hermit-like, in that Reserved Cell.
The Hermit 's Story.
He thus reply'd: Know I have Travell'd far,
View'd much o' th' World conjoyn'd large Sorrows share:
This prov'd the cause, I nobly am Descended,
And born to Prime Estate, had Stars befriended;
TIMONDES call'd; My Father of chief Repute;
But Uncle vile ( Degenerate like Brute)
DORSENGAR nam'd, Court- Servant them Design'd
To this King 's Grandfather, of sordid Mind;
Most Covetous; through Malice too the rather,
By Forged Witness brought, did Brand my Father
O' th' Bastard- Brood, his Mother term'd a Whore;
Seiz'd all the Land: Gems, Gold (convenient store)
Small Farm my Sire reserv'd, which left to Me:
Soon after Dy'd. Thus faln to mean Degree,
My Nursing Soyl conceiv'd Disast'rous Ground,
I Travell'd strait, through Change Contentment found
Did rove this Earthly Maze, like Winds Comrade
Sun 's Fellow-traveller; large Part survay'd:
Both Southern Heats and Northern Frosts endur'd;
Till thoughts for Home, Arcadian Grave allur'd;
Best Bed at last, so trod my Native Shore;
Purchas'd this Ground, still kept good useful store.
Resolv'd to spend my weary'd Age Retir'd,
And Contemplate, Life's Active term inspir'd:
EUPHORBUS call'd. Sol 's comfortable Beams
Here full Six Summers shar'd; for cold Extreams,
My Winter- Grange stands at Dervan, so nigh;
Kept by that Clown which brings me Food- supply;
Small, meaner Form, Reserved too like This.
Good Friend howere not Harsh, Distastful is
I well can Read and Walk, may Study now
Patience, content, although with older brow.
ORSAMNES, whisp'ring her, did say, That Name
Himself had heard, Misfortune both by Fame.
Strait giving Thanks for their Repast does end
With hasty Leave; still Five miles to their Friend.
That longer Walk? Five Miles? said He again;
Will you so far that Beauteous Charge orestrain?
Adventure both? since now does Later prove;
Rob'd next of Cloaths, and Her perchance, your Love
This Honor ( pray) conjoyn, small Supper take,
Then homely Bed; clean Sheets you shall not lack.
For She your Spouse appears: My self shall rest
In that old Chair; 'tis Rational Request.
My Wife, I grant, ORSAMNES strait reply'd;
But for one Month her self to Chastness ty'd
By Solemn Vow. TIMONDES said agen;
If such Conjugal League, you boldly then
May lie down on the Cloaths, next Noon depart.
CLERMANTHE still bare sad-presaging Heart
Against Dervan, new Damp-like thoughts arose;
Thus, jog'd ORSAMNES strait, that he should Close,
Accept the Terms: Who well was pleas'd, the rather,
Since seem'd to Both like Noble-minded Father:
These words return'd: Grave Sir,
Orsam. Clerman. lodg'd i' th Hermitage.
I shall imbrace
Your Offer for my part ( such being the Case)
As Friendly, wise, if She'l conform, Allow.
CLERMANTHE strait reply'd with smoother Brow;
I joyn assent; but for clean Sheets (She said)
None shall be us'd; best way for Bashful Maid
To lie down Cloath'd: nor fear of Cold this time,
Since Night unto May- day; warm Grecian Clime.
Both took their Seats, repos'd; Their Landlord then,
If this Night please (said) try the Next agen.
I'm half Corinthian blood ( as first did shew)
My Mothers Country- folks more Welcome so.
Conjoyn'd withal, 'Tis strange with me to leave
My utmost Door unlock'd thus long, receave
This for the Cause; Man late Departed hence
That brings my Food: Dervan yields store from thence.
So walk'd forth; Now safe Reserv'd they be;
ORSAMNES strait CLERMANTHE grasp'd, more free.
( Kisses conjoyn'd) Did pray, She would compose
Her troubled Thoughts; calm, chearful Looks disclose.
Found safe Retreat whilst in that Rocky Bower
Th' Host Noble, kind, till longer Journey's hour.
Th' Hermit return'd; after exchanging there
Some pleasing Talk with them (more free from Fear)
With joyn'd Content; to shew them was dispos'd
Small Garden- Plot behind the Cell, inclos'd:
Fresh Arbour there, where set down (as desir'd)
He left them Both that Private way, retir'd
(Young loving Pair, sad late Misfortune past)
To chear, refresh themselves (while pleas'd) at last.
ORSAMNES strait welcom'd CLERMANTHE now
In kindest way, each shewing chearful Brow.
That Branched Place the Grove by far excel'd,
Since Free withdrawn no fear by Scouts beheld.
Their Stories then, Time, Place fit for t' related;
Small Parcel touch'd i' th' Grove communicated:
ORSAMNES first began, that her Request;
His briefly told, by us more large exprest.

The Story of ORSAMNES.

His Father was a Prince, of great Estate,
The Prince Orontes.
High Parts conjoyn'd; withal unfortunate:
Might Kingdom claim; whose Grandfather did wear
Thessalian Crown, but, lost through Conquest there.
Fled to this Realm; to th' King by Match ally'd.
Stout, gallant Spirit this Prince enjoy'd beside;
Not Rash howere; Commander's Heart and Brain:
Frank, bounteous Hand, belov'd by Vulgar Train
Grand State-affairs could manage, bear as well
As Titles weight; in Nobler Points excel.
Much Travel'd had, then sought at Home Repose
(Now Forty four) prime Person joyn'd to those;
Orontes call'd. By th' former King was deem'd
His Realm's defence, choice Guardian esteem'd;
And so with other Offices (where gain'd
Much Honour, wealth) Lord General ordain'd.
For th' Active part, did thrice o'recome, defeat
Laconians strength (proud Borderers) tho great,
In dreadful War. Third Battle fought, howere,
ORSAMNES Deeds prov'd Memorable there;
Nineteen for Age, yet had so much of Man.
Joyn'd Souldier both, to lead their Army's Van:
Did prime Exploit, when through fresh Troops supply
The Foe rush'd boldly on, Shout rais'd to th' Sky,
His falling back, Himself inviron'd then
(Some Captains more) fought 'gainst a Croud of men,
That courage, Valour shewn; cut forth a Way
For safe Retreat, strait Rally'd all that day,
Charg'd, routed them; the Prince main Body led;
Took Banners store, the ground with Slaughter spread:
This Younger Act ORSAMNES Fame encreas'd,
Two years ago; when that old King Deceas'd.
Orontes disgra­c'd.
Thus shin'd the Prince like glorious Constellation
For Fifteen Years, till dark Eclips, privation
By this young King th' unworthy Son, at last;
Oreclouded strait with Divorce more disgrac'd:
Minions advanc'd like Stars about the Throne,
Which errors daub'd, his Vice could fawn upon;
Did Meteors prove, with feigned Beams appear;
Whereas the Prince still truely blazed there
To th' Grecian World. The Story, fortunes thus
Of's Grandfather shall be declar'd by us.
Thessalies King he prov'd,
Thessalian King's Story.
an old Greek Nation,
ACHILLES Soyl, of famous Celebration;
Chief Town Larissa there whose Borders be
By th' Corinth-Sea disjoyn'd from Arcadie
Was Brother's Son to th' former King, no more
Then Daughter left, by Law Debar'd therefore;
No Women there to Raign; Bergonda nam'd;
With haughty Brest, was Handsom too proclaim'd.
He seized thus the Crown, of Noble Mind
And Parts Himself, with graceful Form combin'd.
Some half years Raign orepast, Important Reason,
Friends too conjoyn'd (disposed well that Season)
To move that Princess for his Wife incited;
Thought Safe, secure their Persons so united.
But such the Chance, she then contracted prov'd
To one o' th' greatest Lords, by her Belov'd:
Wherefore she would not break those former Vows,
Nor change her Choice; soon after did Espouse.
He scarce had Raign'd whole Year, when thus th' Event:
That Lord grown Strong for Party eminent
To th' Neighbour- King of Macedon Ally'd;
His Wife great Spirit too conjoyn'd with Pride;
Ambitious Both; her Father, (last) th' old King
Much Lov'd, esteem'd, thence more encouraging;
They shew'd their Aym t' usurp the Crown, Design:
Which soon perceiv'd, (nor Grateful to Resign)
The King prepar'd t' Oppose withal Prevent:
But this advanc'd their Treasonous thoughts, intent,
They found at Councel-board a Traytor-friend;
And Second near his Person did Attend.
Such proves great Princes Fate sometimes; Those told
His Secrets oft, State-Cabinet controul'd;
By which grand loss though Ambush-Plots devis'd:
Strong Towns and Forts by sleights Betray'd, surpriz'd:
Much sunk and weakned so: It came ere long
From Skirmishes to Battles Armed throng,
That Game of Blood: where sent him no supply
Th' Arcadian King, tho Friendly, near Ally;
Wars with Laconia then; whilst th' other ayded
From Macedon. But ere that time, perswaded,
Doubts of th' Event, huge, massy Sum (unknown
To th' Traytors there) he sent by Night alone
To 's trusty Friend near Corinth-Sea, that Shore,
Where ready Bark for swift Transport before.
Battles fought.
Both Armies joyn'd, much doubtful Conquest there;
Whilst Fortune with uncertain Wings (as 'twere)
Hover'd aloft: Till Party o' th' Lord's o' restrong,
Forc'd Squadron o' th' King's Horse upon the Throng
Of their own Foot; much Broke, Disorder'd so:
Reserve o' th' King's beside (for greater blow)
Joyn'd to the Lord: down rould the stream withal
Like Floods by th' Wind: more sad; their General
(Brave, valiant Man) fighting amongst the Croud
Was slain i' th' Back; by whom (as under Cloud)
None could Affirm: by's Own conceiv'd Betray'd:
When Total Rout, next, Flight ensu'd Dismay'd.
The King fled.
The King (not far) being soon Inform'd, took Flight,
Reach'd with some Few that faithful Friend by Night;
His Mass of Gold embarqu'd (with's Treasure free)
Cross'd o're that narrow Sea to Arcadie.
There purchas'd great Estate, help Kingly Style;
Made also Arcadian Duke, in shorter while
Young Lady chose, his Son call'd Prince; as now
To th' Grandchild that (ORONTES there) Allow;
ORSAMNES Duke. The Arcadian King that time
MISENI rul'd, with all that Western Clime
To th' Adrian Main; th' Isles Samos, Ithaca;
On South rich Isle of Rhodes. Laconia
Made Argos then (to th' Corinth-bounds) obey;
Th' Isls o're against it in the Aegean Sea.
For Close of all: That Counsellor of State,
Vile, treacherous, was by false Wife (just Fate)
Betray'd Himself; who to Appaise Desire
In second Spouse, did Villain fee, Conspire
To Murther him: Strip'd then and seiz'd his Gold,
'Twas thought by Thievs: Chance soon did all unfold.
That Rogue, ere long, was Hang'd for's Robbing trade;
Confest this Fact at Death, plain, open lay'd
By each chief Circumstance; a Note her Hand
And Seal produc'd, which did with Murther brand.
So lost her Head, that Trayt'rous Courtier there,
Till from his Horse, when Scull did broke appear:
To th' Prince again:
Orsamnes Story again.
Hence 'twas his Noble Heart
Chief Wound receiv'd, from Wif's conjoyned Part
CLARENZA call'd; much Good proclaim'd, as Fair;
Whose Rape believ'd and Death, we shall declare;
Year and Month past, then Thirty five, no more;
Tho May was done, June's gallant form she wore:
Strange manner too thereof, Disast'rous fashion
To th' Loss conceiv'd most Dreadful aggravation.
Thus prov'd the Chance: Being with her Retir'd
To Country-house, far off, by Both desir'd.
(Near April's) month, which then shew'd Spring-like Dress)
For calm Repose since Court-bred Heaviness;
Fine, neat Park-lodg, choice Place for recreation,
Deer, stor'd Ponds, strange Beasts and Fowl, Plantation
From diverse Shores; the Senses Summer- Bow'r:
To Range well pleas'd for Prospect-cause one hour;
Nature's chief Picture-draught, Hills, Dales combin'd,
Groves Chrystal Streams, th' Eyes wand'ring Maze design'd:
They travers'd from their Gardens Postern-dore
In sudden way (small Dog for train, on more)
To th' joyning Park, through that beyond the Fence,
To planted gloomy Walk, few yards from thence;
Soft Gale whist gently Breath'd as thought, Unseen.
When Coach, six horses wheel'd along the Green
Behind their Backs, from Shades that border'd there;
Came up to them, Six Armed Men did bear.
Which strait Leap'd down like Thunder-bolts to ground;
Four with drawn Swords (since no Defendants found)
Orontes Assayl'd.
Aslayl'd the Prince; whose nimble Poyniard warded
Some Fatal thrusts, his Back with Elm close guarded
Some Deep receiv'd, such Courage, Valour shewn,
Skill, strength conjoyn'd (short Weapons ayd alone)
'Twas wonderful: Help! call'd with strained Breath:
CLARENZA'S Fortune thought like second Death.
Their Cheif at first (nor Stranger prov'd) thus Crying,
Now, Villian, pay th' old Mortal Score; th' art Dying.
Wide seem'd his Wounds, large Doors resembled there
For Lifes sad Marching forth, whose Colours were
Clarenza seiz'd.
In Blood display'd, CLARENZA her Self (Forlorn,
Mouth stop'd with Glove) by th' other Two was born,
With dismal Eyes her Lord beheld, as tho
Would Toss like Balls for last love-tokens so
To their Coach-Den: which by the Comrades espy'd,
They follow'd strait, least Danger chanc'd, Descry'd.
Down fell the Prince; Those joyful Gallop'd on:
Soon after made that Mention'd Walk to groan
Loud Woman's Voice and Page, Two Keepers came;
Sad mournful View. Strange Cry conjoyn'd they frame
Wild, stragling Girl, she call'd to th' Lady round,
No Answer heard but Tongues Redoubled Sound
(False Eccho'd Noise, complaint) which pierc'd her Ear.
Both Beepers strait did raise with Sorrow there,
To th' Lodg transfer Corps-like their Dying Lord;
Whose Soul and Body's joyn'd League, accord
Best care preserves, till Surgeon prime attended.
Some Horsemen scour'd the Plain, those Hills ascended
Woods, Rocks withal seem'd pleas'd to Chant from far
CLARENZA'S sounded Name, tho senceless are:
Gon now She prov'd. Thus, Parties Feigned still
To th' weak, Orewhelmed Prince that she was Ill;
Through Fright small Feaver caus'd safe-harbour'd tho;
Inquir'd his Health: Forg'd Letters (lastly) shew
Confirming way; by th' Woman made, whose Pen
Her Lady's Hand well counterfeited then.
Got hopeful Strength in time through pow'rful Art
Disturbed tho for Brain, much Gauled Heart.
Through Wifes grand Loss, since say their Coyn'd Delusion;
Still more Delays, he formed Sad Conclusion
That she was Dead; and as conceiv'd by Day
Such Nightly Dreams would Fancy draw, portray;
New Act those dreadful Thoughts, so strong, that He,
'Twas Truth, affirm'd, like Waking Sense and free.
Slumb'ring one Night (tho not obser'd) in Bed,
Orontes's Dream.
When full-fac'd Moon with fainter Beams bespread
His chamber-walls; near Twelve, that Solemn Hour
Curtains left open wide, large Gazing pow'r
Before him strait (as was conceited) stands
CLARENZA'S perfect Shape those very Hands
Cheeks, Lips, and Eyes (such Cloaths conjoyn'd) beheld;
Transformed far from That which late Excell'd.
Striking her Brest, where mortal Wounds appear,
She sadly Points to th' Crimson Fountains there,
Torn Garments, Blood. When Furious grown, and wild,
He reach'd to Grasp; Wak'd thereupon, Beguil'd.
Sounds loud her Name, tho call'd to th' fleeting Ayr;
Confirmed Thoughts that should her Ghost declare,
CLARENZA'S Shade: through Noise came Tumbling then,
Like Goblins too, the Rouz'd, disturbed Men.
Thus know the Ground of that sad Chance,
Gordanus the Surprisor.
Chief Villain there once pass'd for Eminent;
Was Earl for rank, Estate; same time beside
Did Move t' enjoy CLARENZA for his Bride:
GORDANUS call'd; but lodg'd unworthy Soul,
Mean parts, Debauch'd; whom Vice did sway, controul:
Nor Handsome Form, bad Choice conceiv'd, unwise;
Grand Quarrel too, ere lost that Beauteous Prize,
Between him and the Prince; Thus Both he hates
To th' utmost pray'd for Vengeance from the Fates.
This melted Lord, consum'd through Riot now,
Had brought along ( Sold all to th' Cart and Plough)
Some Golden Cash, large Regiment's command
Procur'd by chance in Creet, that Forreign Land,
Now Candie call'd: those Five Comrades (base Men)
Ow'd like Himself, liv'd much by Cheats as then.
Tho some years past Lower Officers they were
Under the Prince, till He discharg'd them there
( Lord General) did for bad Crimes remove,
Whence loath'd to Death. Now under this they prove,
Grand Coronel should march Laconian way
To their Sea-port, which Realm conjoyned lay.
Thus, prancing on Quarter of Mile below,
Humour to see that dainty'st Lodg, bestow
Some Cursing Coin their last Farewel's expence,
They rod to th' pale, prospective View, from thence.
So, driving forwards near that Pale, Conceal'd,
Through clump of Trees, none from the Park beheld;
They saw the Prince and Princess walking there,
Both glancing back: beyond Park-gate, howere;
Prime, Single Ods no Sword, through last Disgrace
More bold by far; their Lodg remoter place;
Nor us'd that Way beneath, they soon contrive
Foul Stratagem, to Both Storm-like did drive:
Left him for Dead (they thought) Seiz'd her by Pow'r,
Mouth stop'd with her own Gloves, that dreadful Hour.
So carry'd strait along i' th' Coach's end,
Arms held by two, whilst Cloak did Mufler lend
(Nor heard, nor seen) beyond Arcadia's bound
In shorter time; more pleas'd Laconian ground.
Wood, Rock conjoyn'd they chose, for Savage Heart
Fit Scaffold, Stage conceiv'd; where (formost part)
Revenge began: that grim GORDANUS sought
To Ravish her, th' Hands firmly ty'd when brought
Now She should prove his Paultry Whore at least,
Tho not his Wife: in vaunting way exprest.
Not far from th' Act, when almost Wand'ring flyes
Her grieved Soul in Sighing Gale to Skies;
Loud Huntsmen scar'd them there, approach'd that Shade:
Death was resolv'd; lest Blood or Corps betray'd,
Found quickly out, nor Strangling time perchance
(Too gentle Doom) ere Dogs and Men advance;
Confirmed thoughts that Rock would batter well
(Neer side thereof) securely Breath expel;
Dark Trees below; her Body's dainty'st Frame,
Clarenza thrown down a Rock.
Like noisom Trash, was hurled down the same.
Good Friends still sought to please, perswade howere
That she might prove Unharm'd, Restored there.
That Lordly Rogue, Comrades this Vengeance found,
Passing by Sea (large sops for Whales) were drown'd.
Conjoyn'd to these, sad last Affliction prov'd,
His onely Daughter, beauteous Pearl, belov'd,
(Seventeen for age) o' th' choice Transcendent kind;
FONTANA call'd, much Goodness too combin'd;
Soon lodg'd in mournful Vault amongst the Dead;
At Mantinea then, where Sojourned
With Countess-Aunt; which He by chance orehead
After that Dream, so long thereof Debar'd.
Through Sorrow's weight oreburthen'd now, opprest,
He liv'd withdrawn; Reserved, pensive Brest:
Yielding too far (unwares) to rising Passion,
Strong Fancy's pow'r, which in great Grief vexation
Do Lord it oft like Tyrants o're the Mind;
Joyn'd Custom's ayd, leave strange Effects behind:
Bad Fogs produce in clearer Reason's sky:
Lost Blood withal (till Spirits fresh supply)
More wrong to th' Brain and Heart sad Spleen diseas'd;
Much heightned too, since Physick-course displeas'd.
Then 'twas hard Task to curb those Thoughts, suppress;
That Lodg was loath'd where caus'd so great Distress.
Too near to th' Court, large Mantinea found
Chief Country-house; Third on that City's ground.
Musing upon some Gentler Place he chose
Their Pastor-soyl's Convenient Repose
Orontes turn'd a Pastor.
New Clime, as 'twere, to th' Court-bred Pomp contrary:
Pleas'd Thoughts withal, that might some Braveness carry;
Shew Scorn, contempt thereof; tho Pastors then
(As first we Said) not counted were Base men;
But own'd the Sheep, like Grasiers now, more free:
Far Nois'd the Pipes and Flocks of Arcadie.
Thus, Fixt, resolv'd; nor strange t' onserve Extreams
Lodg'd in one Brest; like Sun's declined beams
Withdrawn to th' lower World, from State he falls,
Transcendent height to Pastors meaner walls:
Large, gorgeous Pomp (best pleas'd with Those) forsook;
Green Fields, conjoyned Shades, and wand'ring Brook:
Most harmless Life, Contentful thought, as Plain;
Took handsom Grange amongst the Pastor-train.
Fed Flocks withal; nor must his onely Son,
Styl'd Duke by birth, the brave ORSAMNES shun
That Farm's retreat Arcadiaes glory tho
(Then, Twenty's age) for gallant Parts might shew;
Best Warlike Grounds conjoyn'd; tho men may now
Choicely improv'd ( age Twenty one) allow:
Since gave Himself to Study, Contemplation;
Philosophy; Great horse for recreation:
Thus long perform'd that Duteous Task beside,
Still with his Father's Solemn Way comply'd;
As then whole Year.
Four Gentile Pastors.
Same Pastor's life imbrac'd
Four of the Gentry's Rank, thrown down, Disgrac'd
(As was the Prince) by that unworthy King;
Men of Desert, conjoyn'd in suffering
As Friendship late: kind former League exprest;
Some under him great Offices possess'd;
Strong Ground altho to th' Prince shewn high Regard
Till times might Change. Near Farms by chance prepar'd;
Two Widdowers, with Sons, conjoyn'd in One;
Two more Wives, Daughters had, took Farms alone.
Both whom the Prince, Wives, Daughters so Esteem'd,
That He with Lord ORSAMNES urgent seem'd,
To joyn High Blood with Theirs, and chuse for Bride
One o' th' Two Girls; should (lastly) i' th' Grange reside:
PHILAURA th' one, MERDONE th' other nam'd,
Two Gentile Shepherdesses.
Much Handsom Both for Person, Parts proclaim'd;
Whilst seem'd to th' Prince most Rare, unparallel'd:
Did so conceive ORSAMNES scarce compell'd,
Since Prime the Choice, might Grant, comply from thence;
Tho Both did fail to please his curious Sense:
Nor prov'd withal to Marriage-thoughts inclin'd,
Or Pastor's Grange. The Prince (through clouded Mind
Disturb'd before) for last Half-year, that Part,
(Since seem'd Withdraw) made Sad ORSAMNES Heart.
This briefly Told, wherein did Sympathize
FERNANTHE'S Looks and Heart, with Sun-like Eyes
Breaking, as 'twere through Cloud, these Words exprest:
Your Story heard, my Lord, does manifest
Sad, Strange Events; much noble Virtue found
In bearing all, with Wreath Triumphant crown'd.
Madam, ORSAMNES said, like darkned Sky
My Mind appear'd, but through your Beams supply
Much Cheared proves: those Winter- Fogs dispel'd,
Fresh-blossom'd Spring of Joys ( as 'twere) beheld:
Conjoyn'd withal, one Kiss from her Desir'd
To chear his Thoughts, with that late Task o'retir'd.
FERNANTHE then in brief her Story told
ORSAMNES there, which we shall largely unfold.
Sad Fortunes past; for Words, so choicely laying
Unkindness to her Stars, bright Looks displaying
Conjoyn'd that while, that mournful Sounds might shew
Tun'd thence to Sweet, and Sorrow Lovely grow.

The Story of CLERMANTHE.

Her Father was a Duke,
The Duke her Father.
by splendid Birth
And Fortune great, since Lord of spacious Earth:
Prov'd Her withal to Cyprus Crown (which we
Shall yet Reserve) for Parts past mean degree:
Life temperate till Thirty's Age out-worn,
Did for Ten years the Marriage-bed adorn:
Was Noble-minded thought, as nobly Train'd;
Soon afterwards to Private Lust enchaind.
Nor that so Stoln, as unsuspected neither,
Whence alter'd seem'd, more Weak; like dancing Feather
Rul'd and o'repowr'd by wanton Female's Blast:
Did Charm'd appear, Transported so at last:
Who Crost him ought that way might Thunder move,
Deep Hatred raise from strongest former Love;
VERDORUS call'd. Her Mother was the Niece
To th' great Corinthian Queen, might challenge Greece
So Good and fair, Gems seldome found in One;
Fit Mother for CLERMANTHE'S Self alone.
EUGENE nam'd; whose Beauty's wrong'd in part
By Ten years time,
The Dukt's Concubine.
tho flourish'd well (his Heart
Dispos'd withal for Change) VERDORUS kept
Lov'd Concubine, which Meals did take and Slept
Under's own Roof; by Match far off Ally'd;
GONDACE call'd, for Wanton way comply'd:
Th' House-Governess, if so mean-stiled be,
(Plac'd at same Bord) EUGENE'S Deputy.
Choice, handsom Form she had, but Foul within
As that shew'd Lovely, Fair; Wise for all Sin,
Bad thoughts, Exploits, for Deadly Practise too;
Where Spite Ambition's cause could Murther do;
Prime Boldness, Garb; Enchantment- Spells (as 'twere)
Her Looks display'd, joyn'd Graceful Carriage there:
Ingenious, last; Smooth-tongu'd with Haughty Spirit,
Could Goodness Feign, to voyd of Virtuous merit.
This Minion, Pearl, afraid Wife's dear Relation,
Desert conjoyn'd, with pow'rful, Friends perswasion.
Might cause her Self to be Discharg'd; Estrange
Her great, Fond Paramour; most loathsom Change;
Plump Fortune shrunk to Want, High Dreams beside,
What Glory, Wealth if she could prove his Bride;
Wife to the Duke: or Govern all howere
In Wifely Room, were not EUGENE there:
She was resolv'd, when Sick Distemper found,
To Poyson her; close, Advantageous Ground.
As for EUGENE'S Thoughts, less Jealous head,
Soft, gentle Heart, but small Disturbance bred
(Those Actions for Two Years to Her unknown)
Kind Favors spake Ally's regard alone.
Son also had brought forth EUGENE'S womb,
One Daughter more couch'd in their Slumb'ring Tomb.
That Season past, by Fit of Sickness when
The Duchess seiz'd, that Vile GONDACE then
For Poysonous Feat prepar'd; but Night before
Dutchess dyes.
Through Feaver Dead: well pleas'd th' Ambitious Whore:
Though Friendly Fates therein with Her Conspir'd.
Twelve Years CLERMANTHE'S Age; then Flow'r admir'd:
Some Thirty two GONDACE'S Self, tho seem'd
By View not Twenty four, fresh Coin esteem'd,
And tho faln short of her main Mark, the Seizing
Wife's gallant Style (that looser Way then pleasing
The Duke's depraved Tast) she's Mistress grown;
Doth Planet-like that Sphear command alone.
The Servants all Fear'd, Flatter'd strangely now,
Run, fly like Purchas'd Slaves, most humbly Bow.
Nor question'd least what was his Lordship's Will,
Her Nod does check, Command, and her Frown still
Cashiering Doom appear'd: his Treasure lyes
Open as Day for her Vain Masqueries,
Pomp, gaudy Furnitures; whose Golden Tide
She seem'd to Rule; could Draw from thence beside:
Choice future Hord, enlarge her Private Store;
As seiz'd his Heart, that Rifled long before.
Which ways (her Female World enjoy'd, Resign'd,)
The Duke observed not; Transported Mind.
Son too she had Sixteen Years old, kept there;
Gondace's Son, Brisoldan.
Her Forward Self that, scarce Sixteen, did Bear.
Tall Man-like Branch, much Handsom Person fram'd;
For Carriage, Garb compleat, BRISOLDAN nam'd:
Own'd her strong Natural, Ingenious Head,
As baser Heart; with Council- Milk so Fed,
He thriv'd like Hopeful Youth, to her Desire,
For bad Exploits; lov'd t' over-reach, Aspire:
Much Favour'd (last) Rang'd at the Duke's own Table.
This Spark to make more mounting, Great (if able)
She Rouz'd her Thoughts, strange Plot resolv'd upon;
CLERMANTHE th' Heyr his Wife must prove alone.
Thus spent no Day,
Gondace's Plot upon [...]lerman.
wherein her Female Art
Play'd not some Forged Scean, bold Stage-like part
On Young CLERMANTHE'S weakness. First, she Aws
With her new Greatness, State; thereby to cause
More Reverent thoughts of her (forsooth) Esteem;
So, valu'd High (joyn'd Choice regard) might seem
Following Kindnesses; then, more Descended,
Showr'd gentle Favours oft, with Love attended:
Such Birdlime us'd. Call'd forth to th' Garden, Grot,
Walk'd, chats with her; then, as Grand Height forgot,
Familiar grown, the Wanton Wag she plays;
Toy'd there sometimes, conceiv'd no meaner Grace.
Then, Gifts for Baits; no tempting Knack, Device,
If well could draw CLERMANTHE'S Younger Eyes,
Too Costly thought: brave Cloaths conjoyn'd, the Father
Free in th' Extream, to please, content the rather
GONDACE'S Mood: fine shews and Masquing sports;
Which Way withal BRISOLDAN choicely Courts,
Chief Revel-master there; so Forward Brain:
How Active when she wanted ought, does strain
Ere fully Spoke, exprest, as in that Ayr.
Of her Commands did Breath; then (soft Love-prayr)
Small Sigh was dropt for Cloze: Thus, having won
(First) Love her Self, she thought th' Observant Son
Kind Liking, next; She might Advance the better
To th' main Exploit, FERNANTHE grown her Debtor:
Since deep-implanted Love betrays the Mind
To baser Motions oft, struck Fondly blind.
Five Months dissolv'd, to th' Garden, summer-bower
GONDACE walk'd, where known (withdrawn that Hour)
CLERMANTHE was; and after Grave salute,
To which more solemn Gloomy Smile did sute;
Set down by Her, with Crafty Brain as bold,
She thus began. Madam, I must unfold
My hopeful Son' s Misfortune,
Gondace's Mo­tion to Fernan.
Change, whatere,
Who may like th' early Blasted Bud appear.
Hence proves the Cause; 'tis so, Love 's wounding Dart
Transpierced hath (Unarm'd) his Tender Heart;
Thrown from your Eye, which foul Effect displays,
Long Watchful Nights, and sad, complaining Days.
Good, Gentle Youth! you may be Informed still
More Glory 'tis to save by far, then Kill.
My Self withal that choicely valu'd Son
Should owe like Debt to You, ere Lost, undon.
'Tis for grand Cause, the Light of my own Eye
And your true Servant, next, sworn Votary
That thus I Plead, Perswade, Things, proving so,
Fair Innocence should not foul Murth'ress shew.
Nor move I strange, Injurious Thing, that jars
With Friendship ought; tho from th' unkinder Stars
Small Turfy ground Enjoy'd, He's Rich within;
Whose Breast appears Young Virtue- magazin
For Person, Parts by None whatere Excell'd;
If Mothers do not Doat, Prime Piece beheld.
Nature ( well Task'd) not Playd at all when made him;
And my Alliance weigh'd, let none Degrade him
From Nobleness, if that Transcendent Mind
Stile him not so: for Wealthy Lands combin'd,
You'l have Estate for Both; let sordid Moals
Dig still beneath, to Brave and Virtuous Souls
All's in that Term, Enough: besides 'twill prove
Obliging Grant, ingage to stronger Love.
For Titles, last, no Doubt conceived there,
My Son in Wedlock ty'd to th' lawful Heyr,
Shall strait great Lord become, advanced Head;
Styl'd Duke in th' End, Your Father being Dead.
CLERMANTHE, first this Motion entertain'd
With Wonder's Glance, then dainty'st Blushes stain'd
As tho she would that Silent way upbraid
GONDACE'S setled Cheeks, since none display'd.
Rouz'd strait her Reason's strength, tho Young descry'd
Unworthy Plot with fairer Gloss, outside,
Prime-varnish'd ore; Covetousness conceiv'd,
Ambition's threads that Garment, tho Weav'd
With Silken Love. Nor was by Friendly Bond
Oblig'd so far, as to be Strain'd beyond
Her Sober Self, fit Honour's Bounds; altho
Directly 'gainst the Stream she dar'd not go,
Thought Soothing best a while, since Match'd orehard;
High Spirit saw, joyn'd Father's Fond Regard.
These Modest words for Answer fram'd alone;
She no such Beauty's Stock could Challenge, own;
Nor well conceive such Amorous Passion sorted
With her Son 's tender Years; Those rather Courted
Pleasures, Pastimes, were Strangers found to Love:
Thus, Suckled Hope; whatere the Lord might prove.
Forth strait they Went to Gallant Water-grot,
Conjoyned Grove, GONDACE'S Order'd Plot;
Fine Summer-house, with Trees encompass'd round;
Space left for Walk; where on the Shaded ground
(Choice Turf withal) carv'd Fountains store beheld,
In Circle rang'd, whose Curious Art excell'd.
Six 'bout the Room, shewn Dancing Streams from far,
(Joyn'd Murmur's noise) like Watry Theatre
That Room it self with costly Marble shin'd,
Pictures, Rock-work, for pleasant Bow'r design'd.
Being set,
Pastimes to please Clerman.
repos'd; Prime Musick-strains in Parts
(BRISOLDAN joyn'd, not wanting for those Arts)
Flow'd sweetly round like Streams in one full Tide
Or th' Ears Perfume, to th' Lady's sense did glide:
For Storms (as 'twere) good pleasing Lullaby;
The Soul's prime Minion thought, since Harmony
Makes up th' Amired Soul: how cordial Passion
Those can present, Tune forth in various fashion:
Now Joy, then sad Complaint; as also prove
Kind Melting Sounds, more Soften th' Heart for Love:
To th' curious Hands conjoyned (last) Voice-quire,
Whose Language, Words more Raise, advance Desire.


Two Voices.
What's choice Beauty bar'd from Love?
Dainty'st Meats and Drinks vain prove.
Two Other.
Whilst kept Withdrawn, untasted:
Those Treasures small Felicity
Give th' Owner till Enjoy'd they be;
In Handsom Time, well wasted.
Chorus of Six.
Rainbow-Clowds, for Show appear
Your Red amd white; 'Tis Man's fruition
Makes substantial Comforts there:
Best Conjoyn'd seems your Condition;
So y' are most Your Selves, whenere.
Two Voyces.
Whilst Youth, Beauty crown thy brow,
Gems Combin'd;
Ripened Fruit for Tast design'd,
Two other.
Rot not on the Summer's bough.
Autumn-Blasts will scatter all
Your Pride, well mounted Glory;
Those to Earth despised fall,
When You too late are Sorry.
Chorus of Six.
Froward Coyness then restrain
Wisest way, since Harsh Disdain
Few Commend;
Reap Beauty's end, reap Beauty's end;
Those choice Delights, which else you nere Attain.
Next walking forth, there Warbled through the Grove
Clear, lively Cornets which for Conquest strove,
'Mongst Boughs aloft; first One heard Single sounding,
Another then, Former's lost Noats rebounding,
Like mirthful Eccho's Play, did Flourish o're
Short, ending Strain; to that conjoyned more:
Third, Fourth succeed, still Answer'd round by Course;
Lodg'd circular, till from some Place (perforce)
Nymph Eccho rais'd, turn'd Wanton Pratler there.
Then joyn'd their Noise, as meant the Grove to tear
With pow'rful piercing Blast, and Fright those small
Plumed Inhabitants (rare-voic'd withal)
Through their Green branched Cabins. These for Cloze,
Seem'd swallow'd by Recorders Sound, with those
Strong, larger Throats, Sackbots and Shalms, unview'd:
When Wood-Nymphs came, by Satyrs strait pursu'd,
From Shaded part, (feign'd wild-bred Silvan Lovers)
Shew'd Antick Dance: the Girls with Leaf-wrought Covers
Bedrest and Flow'rs; their Men like Goatish kind,
Skins Hairy wore, small Horns and Hoofs design'd
Pipes held in sport, Nymphs Hunting Darts aloft:
What Wanton Postures there; fond Kisses oft:
Strange freaks beheld: whilst, Shrouded close on high,
Their Musick seem'd Celestial Waits o' th' Sky.
These Courting ways BRISOLDAN pay'd (whenere)
His prime Observances,
Brisoldan's feigned Love to Clermanthe.
Love-duties there
( Dissembled tho) as Vital Pow'rs were lent
For that Regard: would Verses too Present
(For Parts, ingenious Brain well furnish'd, stor'd,
As those Young Years could probably afford)
By th' Mothers hand, Ambassadress compleat:
Nay, Chamber kept, at last, Love-qualms so great;
Befool'd his Night-cap, Health; whilst former Road,
Kind Favours still, the proud GONDACE trod.
And when sometimes her Lover's Charge renew'd,
CLERMANTHE, falling back, would thus Delude,
Fence gentler way: Her Son's approv'd Desert
Not question'd was, but Light, inconstant Heart
That doubtful Age, those younger Years; her One
Does Plead withal, yet Fancy 's Pow'r not known,
What Choice to make; these further Thoughts unfold,
Her Father 's Frown, at last: when strait the Bold
GONDACE Smil'd, with careless Glance reply'd:
Were They but once confirm'd by Vows, and Ty'd
Marriage-time come, when fit to make Relation,
Discovery; her Pow'rful, short Perswasion,
FERNANTHE 's Planted Love, Son great in Favour,
Should eas'ly draw the Duke: yet seem'd to Waver
The Lady's thoughts, Conjoyned grounds of Fear;
Some gentle Change, event still Hop'd for there.
Thus held they on their Ling'ring Siege (grand Prize)
Till Time Four Years near Progress'd through the Skies.
During that while,
His true Love to Clermanthe.
BRISOLDAN play'd so long
Love's fonder Part, Tormenting, last, more Strong
Those Amorous thoughts, Desires grown Elder now,
Near Twenty's Age; the choice CLERMANTHE'S Brow
Love's Royal Throne, as 'twere, transcendent Beauty;
Drest round with Darts and Flames, commanding Duty;
Tall Person, nigh Sixteen advanc'd in some,
Perfection shew'd, all Ravishment become:
That he had Qualms sustain'd, True, sober Fires;
Tho swel'd with Love Ambition's vast Desires;
Saw brave Estate, was there Enamoured,
Honor conjoyn'd; prov'd Duke her Father dead:
Some Lord before. Proud, haughty Soul did own,
False, Treacherous; great Parts corrupted grown
On Vice did wait, Base Ends far more than other,
Ingenious, Bad betimes, like th' Harmful Mother.
Who still could Hope; with Fondest Thoughts survay'd
His Person, Parts; Fine gallant Garb Display'd:
Court-gem conceiv'd; such Things might do the Feat;
CLERMANTHE at length Enjoy'd, tho Fair and Great.
Large MANTINEA then Proclaim'd in State,
With Publick Shows, their New, chief Magistrate;
Prime Town some eight Miles off, where born along
Choice Pageants were, through Vulgar, gazing Throng.
But that CLERMANTHE had beheld before,
'Twas Yearly done, so Disregarded more.
Next gaudy Day, with various Pomp to th' Eye,
Embassadour from Egypt-land passed by:
Egyptian Am­bassadour.
His Lady afterward, when Wives they brought
(Left Space howere) Show more Triumphant thought.
Then Publick Entrance made, Strange People seem'd;
Large Tawney Train; beyond first Sight esteem'd:
Tho clearer Tawny, better Fac'd by far
(Less Southern Clime) than True Moroccos are.
These to behold CLERMANTHE was inclin'd
(Tho seldom saw that Town, more closely Shin'd)
GONDACE too conform'd, BRISOLDAN waited;
Set tho are in large, Long-window'd Room, dear-rated.
Th' whole Room not Free, left to themselves, howere,
Places by Others first Bespoken there.
A great Young Lord by chance was there before;
Soon after Second came, trod selfsame Floor,
Took th' other side; i' th' Midst CLERMANTHE sat:
Who scarce Regarding Them, well pleas'd with that
Her Window shew'd; on Her they Fondly Gaz'd
Transported way, such Beauteous Form, Amaz'd.
Strait Marked by BRISOLDAN'S Jealous Glance;
Fortune did both for Rank, Estate advance.
Known Lords to him by Name; turn'd watchfull Scout,
He Steals near man to th' Last, bad Rival-doubt;
Lean'd Slily there as tho the Street beheld,
Heard speak to's Friend; She's Rare, unparallel'd:
His Page sent down from th' Servants told below
Whose Coach, what Lady brought: Resolv'd did shew
For Suitor thus; Her Father known in part:
Stung through the Ear BRISOLDAN'S gauled Heart.
Slunk then to th' Formost Lord (like Stranger howere)
Stood sneaking by, as Glanc'd through Window there:
Face cover'd tho with Handkerchief, unseen,
Wiping his Nose, as pass'd those Lords between:
Heard him no less her Beauty's Praise admire;
Boy charge withal o' th' Coach-man to enquire
Whose Daughter 'twas; inform'd thereof, Relation,
Strait to 's Comrade us'd strongest Protestation,
Two Lovers in Love with Fernanthe.
He would her Servant be: Both Gaz'd again,
Till view'd each other Both with Heart's Disdain.
Last-ent'ring Lord did monstruous Doubts discover,
That Formost would (whom nam'd) prove Rival-lover.
BRISOLDAN thus now Hot, then Cold appear'd,
Like diff'rent Climes, as burn'd with Rage, or Fear'd:
Since Those he thought, the substance might Enjoy
(His Part the Shade) long, Hopeful Dream destroy.
Then came the Show; scarce pleas'd BRISOLDAN'S Sense:
Cheif Sight to th' Lords CLERMANTHE'S Excellence.
Others fair Eyes, with Her's being look'd upon,
Like Window's Glass conveiv'd to th' Diamon.
Ambassadour passing by.
Th' Ambassadour was Pompous way beheld
In Chariot drawn; for Glist'ring Robes excell'd:
Shew'd Tauney Cheek; Twelve Moors, coal-black to th'Eye
(Strange Garb) on foot; Gay, mounted Boys led by
Fine Horses cloath'd: Twelve Servants rode before
With colour'd Darts, short, Gaudy'st Garments wore:
Three view'd as formost Rank, loud Trumpets bearing
On either side the King's tall Guard appearing.
Then follow'd strait, for State, Two Coaches more,
Six Horses each, Arcadian Coaches store.
His Lady, last, in Gorgeous Chariot shin'd
(Good Space between) Two Handmaids sate combin'd
Beneath her feet; Eight Tauney Youths attended:
Spruce Pages hors'd; Coach follow'd all; so ended.
This done, perform'd, CLERMANTHE Rose, pass'd by;
Such Light'ning-stream conceiv'd to th' Gazers eye;
As walk'd along, Lords joyntly Bow'd, which She
In modest, Sob'rer way return'd, less Free;
On each small Glance: BRISOLDAN forc'd to Low'r,
Whilst Usher'd down prime Grecian Star that hour.
Returning Home, he told GONDACE all,
Which rais'd no less her Spleen, ambitious gall;
That those great Lords, should thus Delude in th' end:
Hope not yet Dead, each Brain does now Contend
To stop their Course, Love bear'd on either side
BRISOLDAN (last) for th' Actor's Task comply'd.
Thus order'd 'twas: He when next Morn display'd,
To Mantinea Rode; bought ready-made
Spruce Cloaths Gentile, false Hair, with Youngest Beard,
Black Patches strait to th' Front and Cheek prefer'd
For Souldiers Scars; grown Tall, of Man-like frame;
To that Last-enter'd Lord most boldly came
Where Lodger prov'd: with Forged Craft assayl'd;
Whose Haughty Mind, (since Duels fought, prevail'd)
Soon Fired was, conceiv'd; great former Brawl
'Twixt him and th' other Lord, Swords Drawn withal:
Still fester'd Grudg: So Valliant, Stout (whatere)
That Formost Lord, unus'd Affronts to Bear.
After Salute; he said,
Brisoldan's Plot upon the Lords.
That he was known
To th' other Lord, tho well Acquainted grown
With this Lord's Worth, by Fame; Transcendent, high;
Told him; That Lord, come from the Show (base lie)
With's glass of Wine pronounc'd in Vaunting fashion,
He saw CLERMANTHE there; Grand Admiration!
Would Suitor prove: This Lord (said) did no less
By Looks and Words ( which Page oreheard) express:
But he could Spoyl his Game; to th' Duke would Write,
He kept his Whore, Diseas'd through that Delight;
Drunk oft withal (so, Daub'd his Nobler parts)
If met would Slash him there for's Love- deserts.
Was crost, oresway'd, or else in former Jar
He had well mark'd his Flesh, like Man of War:
Another by, who Smil'd at all in Sport;
Then drank CLERMANTHE'S Health in Ranting Sort.
Brag'd, that he had her first Salute that day
First Glance (conjoyn'd) Farewel, when walk'd away,
BRISOLDAN said; tho he conceiv'd, as then,
He scarce would Write ( proud Rival 's Tongue, bold Pen
Bad Trusting tho, howere ( yet for th' Abuse,
'Twas foul and Base; did Loathsom thoughts produce.
Tho wish'd well to that Lord, yet He much more
True Honour Lov'd; Disclos'd it on that Score.
His Lordship now might best Discretion use
For Noble grounds, Prevent, or Season loose.
The Lord's Enrag'd; each younger Lover found
(Where Spirit bred) Hot, Credulous compound:
Kept lately his Whore, indeed; last month Diseas'd
(BRISOLDAN so heard from Comrades, well pleas'd
Since serv'd his Turn) could Drink Carousing part;
Yet this foul, strange Affront did Stab to th' Heart;
Some things tho True: conjoyn'd their former Jar
Like Fester'd Wound, more Gal'd withal by far:
Those Terms on that: base Rival-threats, at last,
If at the Duke's should meet; no Point orepass'd:
Two Others there. BRISOLDAN shew'd that while
Of Honest Stamp, Parts, Person, Garb Gentile.
Thus, Thanks return'd, he vow'd straitways his Page
Should Challenge bear, with Rival's storming Rage.
BRISOLDAN'S glad; conjoyn'd; Were it not Best
To talk, Confer? since what that Lord exprest
He may Recant; for th' Suitor's Game, howere,
Your Lordship's Cards as Hopeful, Good appear.
No, that's in vain; Blood drawn, (the Lord reply'd)
Disarm'd at least CLERMANTHE'S more my Bride.
Th' Hour, Place, in Fuming Mood, told thereupon;
Five th' Afternoon: forth false BRISOLDAN'S gon.
Pen, Paper brought, this angry Stream did flow,
For Challenge meant; Time, Place set down below
The Challenge.
The Challenge.
Sir, stead of Lord, take these in shortest way;
Your Saucy, foul Affronts orepass'd, I say,
Strong Ground enough for Challenge this shall prove,
Presumpteous Thoughts to Court CLERMANTHE'S Love:
If that Disclaim'd; then I shall Draw howere
For th' Praisant part in Words, Chastise you there.
Meet me if you dare, by Five, &c.
Swel'd th' other Lord; nor much those Points admir'd;
Since fondest Looks did speak what Both Desir'd,
That day before; Suitor's Resolve might fall
From Servant Friend by chance, oreheard withal;
Th' Affronts there nam'd last Quarrel seem'd indeed;
Nor would be Dar'd from Love; to meet agreed.
BRISOLDAN was with Doning Food well pleas'd,
Since Hopeful Thoughts Both might by Fate be seiz'd;
Dead Pair perchance; or grant, but One should Die,
CLERMANTHE would that Killers Tongue Deny:
If Both escap'd Wounds may Love-suit defer
Some Mischeif claw'd BRISOLDAN'S Heart howere.
When Twelve was past, he rode to th' Meeting-place;
Cops branched Shade conceal'd Dissembling Face,
False Treacherous Brest; th' Horse, Man oreclouded so;
Those Lords well match'd Appear'd, might equal shew,
Skill, Valour, Strength,
The Duel of the two Lords
on each their Page attended
High Wrath, Disdain Words Talking quickly ended
The Fight began; Both first and second Pass
Deep-wounded were, their Flesh no Steel, nor Brass.
Much wasted prov'd those Crimson Streams of Life:
When Third Assault, resolv'd to close the Strife;
That Lord, term'd Challenger (Each changing ground)
Advancing made most furious Thrust, large Wound;
The same receiv'd; Both plentifully Bled,
Grapling withal, First Lord fell down as Dead,
Th' Other aloft; soon Rouled tho o' th' side
Stretch'd Conquerour: small Joy Triumphant pride.
When both did Cloze, Youth from next Hill descended,
On gallop came; Six more well arm'd attended;
Whose Voyces loudly exclaim'd from far, Hold, Hold:
But came too late, both Bleeding on the Mold.
Young man Dismounted streight, falls on his Brest
Who fell beneath; sad Voice conjoyn'd exprest.
With Sighs and Tears: his Body clasped round,
Some fonder Brother thought, most strange Compound
Of Sorrow shew'd; the lordlike Corps appearing,
(Sense vanish'd, gone,) his Hair most wildly tearing;
Off came the False: True Womans Hair instead
Flow'd largely down ( Plaits broken) from that Head.
Young Lady 'twas, of Beauteous Personage,
Young Lady in Man's Cloaths.
To whom that Lord himself did far Ingage.
By former Vow; now second Choice advanc'd;
Small Marvail tho, since on FERNANTHE glanc'd,
That Wonder saw, chief Mistriss stil'd, Supream.
That Lady by some Page (sad Fear extream)
Told their Resolve, (what Quarrel's cause unknown)
Went cloath'd Man-like to th' Magistrate alone;
Had Order streight to stop them Both, surprize,
But came so late, that Death before her eyes
Seemed first to Grasp, detain'd as Prisoners there:
So Arraigning them, Sense, motion found, howe're,
Good signs of Life; to MANTINEA then
Both carry'd are, Restor'd by skilful'st Men:
That Lady too her Lord enjoy'd; Frustrated
Th' other Lord's Suit, for cause anon Related.
BRISOLDAN with GONDACE pleas'd th' Event
Since thought them Dead;
Gondace's last Tryal of Fer­nanthe.
vain Art's Experiment.
She then Resolv'd on last Assault, by Storm;
Madam (began) four years, I may inform
My Son and Self has waited for kind Grant:
You cannot now (this Age) be Ignorant.
Of your own Brest, what choice your Fancy pleases;
BRISOLDAN'S Tall, to Manlike Frame encreases;
Shewn Excellence for Body's part and Mind,
And as the Sun still constant Servant shin'd.
To th' Globe beneath, proves (last) most faithful Lover:
Pray, now your Thoughts for clearest view discover.
CLERMANTHE when, with sob'rest, radiant Eyes,
Good, gentle voice (shunn'd Scornful part) replys.
BRISOLDAN may with far more ease, success
Seek other's Grant for Wedlock's Happiness.
I feel my Heart no way to Love dispos'd;
And when shall change, least Marriage- thought disclos'd.
Should Poise things well for that so prime Relation;
Conjoyn'd with all my Father's Approbation.
Such Looks and Words, shewn plain Refusing there,
GONDACE now might Raise their Siege, Forbear.
Thus had she Time, much Care with thoughtful Brain
Still fondly Sow'd, th' expected Crop to gain;
Tho Reap'd but empty Wind, at last: She saw
CLERMANTHE now grown Tall, past Girlish Awe
Woman become: four years produc'd and bred
Much Wisdom too: Hope fail'd, like Vapor fled.
For then the Lady's thoughts did more despise
That meaner Choice, GONDACE'S self, whose Prize
Her Father made; his Wench long time concluded:
Next, Mother wrong'd; the Daughter (last) Deluded.
Tho, pow'r too weak, shew'd Carriage fair discreet;
Prov'd much Reserv'd, withdrawn as fear'd to meet
Fresh Love-assaults: GONDACE therefore now
Turn'd off, dispair'd with angry Female-Brow.
Destructive Heart. Tho monstrous Aggravation
Swell'd, hightned all, that Scornful Indignation
Should she Oretop, or Clash, with her contend;
Yet Regent there, her Father at Boards-end:
Thought Loathsom, Rack: Thus, She's resolv'd for trying
Sure Fatal ways; CLERMANTHE'S shortly Dying.
Then could she advance, Ingraft withall her Son
To the Duke VERDORUS'S Heart, no Marvel don;
Plant him for the Heir; That Man who best might claim,
Since nearer far Ally'd to th' Duke became.
( Wife's Nephew 'twas) Conceiv'd, in Travel Drown'd
(None left of Blood) or Dead on Persian Ground.
Nor Spleen so well conceal'd but it appear'd;
Flashings whereof CLERMANTHE saw, and Fear'd.
Two Weeks dissolv'd, CLERMANTHE'S Breast and Head
Through Sorrow pain'd; joyn'd watchful hours in Bed;
Broth was bespoke: Asking the Girl, (when espy'd)
Whose making 'twas; The old Nurse, she strait reply'd;
GONDACE there withal: bad, Jealous Qualm
Disturb'd her Heart; Door lock'd, she gave the same
Fernanthe's Dog Poysoned.
(Great Part) to little Dog, who Pining lies
Some smaller while, then Rouled, gasps, and Dyes.
Death Honour'd found his Lady's Taster there,
Then Life's Reprieve; her Mortal pangs did bear.
This view'd, beheld, strange Horrors seiz'd, possest
Her fainting Powers, sad, Storm-distemper'd Brest;
Such wickedness in th' World should be diclos'd,
Nay Woman-kind; her self withal Expos'd.
To that grand danger Death: like Glass was seen
In that poor Dog what She should there have been,
Sighs for whose FUNERAL, belov'd of late,
More for her Fears conjoyn'd, perplext Estate
Laid on the Bed she Rose, then Walk'd about;
Life's Sickly Lamp seem'd near to going out.
Death's dreadful Masque, Ghosts, Sables Winding-shrouds
(For Musick Knells and Groans) her Fancy o're-clouds.
Through sad conceit like Graves that under Floor,
Since durst not speak (tho fatal Storms did Roar.)
Acquaint the Duke, complain; confirmed mind,
Such prov'd GONDACE'S boldest Front, combin'd.
Smooth, crafty Tongue, encourag'd (last) far rather
Through Powerful Charms o're her inchanted Father.
( High thoughts of Her conjoyn'd withal) that She
Would Swear, 'twas a Lye; base, spleenful Forgery:
CLERMANTHE kill'd her Dog, had poyson'd there
That Broth herself; 'Twas made by th' Nurse howe're:
(Tho confident the old Nurse abhorr'd that Sin;
Step'd partly aside GONDACE dropt it in)
Out-staring all till seem'd but Envious Spight,
As Saucy check'd their close Content, delight.
The Duke enrag'd, found her Life become,
Through either's Hate, like Rack's tormenting Doom.
If silent was, Death shortly seiz'd her still,
Her Soul howe're the Whore's Tenant seem'd at will.
Thus down she sate, like Sorrow's mournful Spouse,
Death's Bride as 'twere; did th' utmost Courage rouze.
Still Beauteous, Lovely, tho with self debated:
What should she do? each hand Destruction waited.
When clearer thoughts these words did seem t' impart,
Clermanthe's Flight.
CLERMANTHE'S Hope; kind Beam did chear her Heart.
Thus rais'd, resolv'd ( young years ne're more discreet)
For flight she streight prepar'd her nimble feet.
The rest o' th' Broth was thrown away, lest spy'd;
Supp'd by that Girl, whoe're, thereof they dy'd.
Th' Old Nurse, (poor harmless Wretch) condemn'd for all
That little Dogs might seem Death Natural.
Small Linnen-change, much Gold, rich Jewel-box
In her large Scarf convey'd; Back-door she unlocks;
Which friendly led to th' Garden's shaded side,
Glance thrown like Lightning round, lest caught, descry'd;
So through long cover'd Bow'r where if beheld
Sh' had walking seem'd did smoothly trace conceal'd.
(Oft glances back) to th' Postern-door, at last;
Mufl'd from thence conjoyned Fields orepass'd
Towards her Nurse, MORNEDA call'd (whose Farm
Mile distant was; whom chanc'd to take by th' Arm.
In midst o' th' way to Bushes drawn, runs o're
Her mournful Tale with Tears; which Perled score
Nurse dropt as fast again; concurr'd that She
Would find her out some Lodg reserv'd (whilst Free)
Some sheltring place from dreaful Storms whatere,
That she might closely Lurk, and Sojourn there.
Two years expense and charge to undergo,
Gold Coyn she brought, for after- times did show
Rich Jewel- box, thought worth three thousand pound,
Mothers kind gift; when death did seize, surround;
As tho she would that needful chance Presage,
Nurse, some of them might for more Coin ingage.
Good, gentle Nurse was walking softly then
Some five Miles off, Week ere return'd agen;
To visit Aunt; at home no wonder so
Through absence caus'd: CLERMANTHE poized tho,
She had but one Maid, true faithful Wench beside,
If Search should prove, as if themselves comply'd.
Strong Hopes to please her mind Nurse briefly told;
Ill staying there, by th' way would all unfold.
Thus, forth they rush'd from Trees, bad danger fearing;
Their Journey's course began, no Scouts appearing.
Nurse then informed,
The Lady of the Grove.
that Lady's house seem'd best
Within the Grove, her self kind noble Brest
Her Mistress prov'd; Married from thence, before
CLERMANTHE'S Nurse; ne'r Maid regarded more.
Long Widow there did dwell, withdrawn, retir'd;
Had but one Son who Travell'd, lov'd, desir'd;
Was newly gone to th' Eastern Parts, inclos'd
By th' Asian Bound for several years dispos'd.
This (last) conjoyn'd; when, visited of late,
She had CLERMANTHE Prais'd at th' highest rate;
That Lady wish'd, she had such a Gem, 'twould be
In Daughters stead to chear her Privacy:
Coach streight they hired, since forty miles from thence
(Close veil'd withal) needful convenience.
CLERMANTHE set at Neighbour-town, conceal'd,
Nurse first to th' Lady went, her Case reveal'd;
Who lik'd the thing: their motion did advance,
CLERMANTHE i' th' mean time, lest crush'd perchance.
Her Fortune's hoped for to empty Ayr
High Daughters claim (GONDACE'S earnest care.
To urge she thought) strong Fancy in her Father
That she was Lost, or plainly, Dead much rather;
BRISOLDAN'S hopes no Poisonous Plot exprest
(Flight's cause) howe're lest seem'd from Lying Brest.
More hated, loath'd; there gentler Lines she penn'd
For his own View: deferr'd till Journy's end.
(Ink mix'd with Tears) lest stop'd by th' War debar'd:
Given by Nurse to Boy soon afterward.
When going back, for Duke VERDORUS Hand
Well mufled too, lest he should ask, demand
What Face she had, or known by th' Boy descry'd;
Question'd with Threats where th' Lady did reside.
For the Duke VERDORUS.
My Lord, your poor CLERMANTHE'S gone;
Clermanthe's Letter to her Father.
Tho stragled far, not left alone;
Heaven knows the cause, yet time shall ne're
Dissolve true Daughter's Love, wheree're.
She's Living, Safe; once more may see
Your Walls by gentle Destiny.
Thus, brought by Nurse to th' Lady's Grove, at last,
Clermanthe in the Grove.
(Choice, pleasant Seat) kind welcome also past;
As Cousin sent by dying Mother's Will,
Left to her Charge: call'd there PARMENA still;
Year nigh consum'd in Solemn way, till now,
With what content hard Fortune would allow.
This briefly told (by us enlarg'd far more)
Some General Points touch'd only i' th' Grove before;
ORSAMNES did for Sympathie comply,
CLERMANTHE sad beheld, whose sober Eye
View'd his again; both struck with wonder there:
Much shorter while, since so conjoyned were:
Their Princely Births and their disastrous Fortunes
Like gentle Loves; the thought whereof importunes.
Sigh, Smile from both. ORSAMNES then began,
First silence broke, Dear Madam, with what Train
Of Sorrows, Griefs have you convers'd, thought rather;
Caus'd by that Whore and Charm'd, Seduced Father.
To th' Poisonous cloze, embrac'd her kindly then
'Tis true my Lord; said she with sigh agen.
I've suffer'd much for my young years, howe're;
Stranger to th' World, shew'd newly enter'd there,
Weak Combatant. Madam, did then express
ORSAMNES strait; Y' are Crown'd prime Conqueress
As of my Heart; such courage shewn thus far
Wisdom conjoyn'd, both like your Person Rare.
My self have lost those Spirits in sympathising
With your Discourse, I may need cordialising:
One kiss do want for choice restorative
Which, oft obtain'd, did drooping Thoughts revive.
Here shall be joyn'd (as fit) more short Relation
Touching the Duke, GONDACE both, Narration.
Of those neat things to th' Lady's Flight o'repast,
When from that Boy her Lines receiv'd, at last:
Brief, calm Farewel; no Poison there exprest,
Lest caus'd more Hatred, Rage in either's Brest.
The Duke did read with troubled thoughts, displeasure,
Dukes Story with Gon­dace,
Bad, secret Qualm GONDACE shewn at leasure.)
Since strange departure seem'd of only Child,
Which might for worth deserving Gem be styl'd.
But strong Self-Love, close, wanton Flame endear'd,
GONDACE'S Charms those Vapors largely clear d.
Caus'd great Allay, since discontentment found
Through their delight conceiv'd th' o're-powerful Ground.
Deep Grudg withal GONDACE gain'd that Favour,
High room, regard; still meat of dainty'st Savour.
For Poisonous Plot, no glance upon that Score,
Nor had believ'd such painted Masque she wore.
Thus calm'd best way his Thoughts, that since one House
Fayl'd to contain them both with friendly Brows;
She prov'd withdrawn; no Clashing Jars, Contest
Through Envy, Pride, was safe her Lines exprest.
Conjoyn'd withal She might return again,
Those Fogs dispell'd (perchance) which seiz'd her Brain.
Mean time, he thought, that Jewel-box supply'd
For use, expense, large heap of Gold beside:
GONDACE too seem'd griev'd she so was Hated;
By cunning Arts th' Offence still aggravated.
Tho known her self grand Cause, foul guilty Soul.
No news heard of the Broth, she thought the whole
By th' Dog devour'd, who might through Nature there
Seem Dead, Disease; Glad that she's Gone howe're.
Tho was confirm'd, that She could all outface
To th' Fonder Duke preserve her wonted Grace.
For Death, that Task might soon performed be,
Through Grief, Mischance, despair by Destiny,
Four Months dissolv'd, the Duke with thoughtful Brain
More Poizing all, for Temperance again.
First Marry'd life; now either way had prov'd;
Nor could that Pearl discharge, so much belov'd:
And wanting Son withal, one former Dead,
( Fond, eager grown thereof) strong Fancy bred,
Heaven would more his last desire befriend,
Upon that Ground to's Mistriss condescend:
Good fruitful Soil GONDACE thought as Fair;
Under sixteen BRISOLDAN'S self She bare.
Those things once mov'd, no want of heightning Charms
Suckled they seem'd 'tween proud GONDACE'S Arms.
Thus, by consent, both joyned were together,
Man, Wife indeed; no Pompous business neither;
The Duke Gondace Mar­ried.
'Twas stoln, conceald from all but Houshold- eyes,
Since no great cause to vaunt of such a Prize:
Enough 'twas done grand Fortune's wealthy Sum,
Good, honest Choice more stately Forms become.
GONDACE now did mount that Glorious Tow'r,
Prime Orb she aimed at that Dismal hour.
When thought t' expell his Wife EUGENA'S Breath
By Poisonous Art (two years before her Death
Long pause endur'd) she's plac'd i'th' Dutchess-row,
For gorgeous Pomp th' Arcadian Queen might show.
Bad News whereof MORNEDA fail'd to send
(CLERMANTHE'S Nurse) lest more should griefs extend.
Both thinking on that Evening-task behind
Two Letters came; for th' Uncle first design'd
In Pastor-grange; the Prince ORONTES last:
They walk'd to th' Rocky Cell, lest time o'repast.
TIMONDES said, he hop'd they had that hour
Well chear'd, refresh'd themselves ith' Garden- Bow'r.
They told him yet: good the open ayr, clear Sky
With Azure Cheek the Place did Beautify.
'Twas branch'd serene 'gainst Beams withal, well spread,
Th' Hermit conjoyn'd; tho ne're was Courtier bred.
Like that base Uncle of mine, yet I have us'd
Great Courtiers company; not scorn'd, refus'd
By th' Prince ORONTES self at twenty's Age;
E're woo'd his Wife; when we did both ingage
For Fellow- Travellers, ( mine thirty tho)
First year abroad eat, drank together so:
Parting with him on farthest Persian Ground:
ORSAMNES known by Fame, brave Youth, Renown'd.
That former time with Duke VERDORUS too
I've Hunted, Boul'd, ere his fair Wife did Woo,
EUGENE call'd. They answer'd; he might be
(In smiling way) worthy of such company.
Joyn'd other talk; for stepping forth alone
He ask'd their leave; when both more chearful grown.
Those Words observed, consulting strait for best,
Resolv'd their Case should be to Him exprest.
Their names withal, since lik'd their Host so well:
Beyond Dervan conceiv'd that private Cell;
If found franck Offer made (their strong conceit)
Till th' Uncle could inform of grange-retreat
TIMONDES view'd, they told him who they were;
Their skulking aim, Dervan, short while howe're.
When he with Joy ORSAMNES did imbrace,
Then kiss'd her Hand; pray'd them command that Place.
Whole Week, if pleas'd: Widow there was dwelt nigh,
Wash'd Cloaths and made his Bed, for Food supply.
Should charge that Clown which kept his Winter-grange.
Mile off, DERVAN; conjoyn'd, what pleasing change
They lik'd cold meat; by her inform'd, 'Twas so,
For Corinth-friends; themselves withdrawing tho
To th' Garden Bow'r (nor known by her) and she
Should bear their Letters Seal'd conveniently.
Orsam. and Cler­man. lodge in the Hermitage.
Thanks given; Pen, Ink, Paper brought, they fall
To th' writing work, shewn nimble speed withall.
To th' Uncle first; his worthy Choice declar'd,
Then help desir'd; some place tho mean prepar'd
For their Retreat till Fathers mind compos'd;
Sent by some Swain that Note to him inclos'd:
Pray'd th' Uncle to Appais: directed well,
He there should find them both in th' Hermits Cell.
To's Father, last, penn'd these few Lines alone,
Soft, gentler way, as tho for Travel gone.
For the Prince ORONTES.
My Lord, being Noble, Young, much tir'd
Through Pastor's Life, Travel desir'd,
I beg your Pardon for short space;
Shun'd dangerous, Remoter place:
Those Virgins, which may worthy prove,
I cannot grant Conjugal Love:
That Widow knock'd at Gate, convenient hour
(Her custom, use,) who, by TIMONDES power,
Conjoyn'd their large reward, was well inclin'd,
(Both call'd Corinthian Guests) for th' walk design'd.
'Twas soon agreed: three Miles (we said before)
It was to th' Grove, to th' Uncle's Grange two more:
Prime Evening then, May-day; those Letters were
Took nimbly thus, with plain Directions there.
Now, Reader, from that Hermitage a while
To th' Pastor-coast transferr'd our Ranging Style,
The Pastors Sacrifice.
Those Actions there this days grand Festival;
What Offering prov'd, joyn'd Rural sports withal.
For Pan design'd, this Flocks Protector nam'd,
Near to ten's hour by signal Noise proclaim'd.
They Sacrific'd on large, convenient Mount
(From whence did flow their God's exalted Fount.)
Twelve choicest Kids, twelve white selected Lambs,
With Garlands dress'd of Flowers ( their bleating Dams.
Whilst mourn'd their Loss) Milk, Frankincense and Wine,
Some lively Youths did joyntly then combine
To louder Musick's sound in chearful Dance
Round th' Altar there, both heels and Hearts Advance;
Devotion thought: their Feast at noon o'reflowing:
Then, th' After-time in Country-games bestowing.
These Rural- Strifes, which Greeks did well regard,
The Pastor-Games.
Performed were, prize joyn'd for each, reward.
First Running prov'd; who, thinly cloath'd like Ayr,
Could formost touch the Post, adorn'd made fair.
With Ribbons, Flowers; that nimble way excell'd.
Next Wrestling was; who most to th' ground compell'd
By strength and Art; could braveli'st Foyl, o'rethrow
May Lady should keep either Prize, bestow;
Choice for that Year; like Princes rang'd in State:
Persons set by to Judge and Arbitrate.
Musick conjoyn'd; who, for their ear well-mounted
On Scaffold rais'd, was skilful thence accounted;
Could sweetly th' Harp, Pipe, Cithron, voice, command;
Bay-wreaths alone, took from their Lady's hand.
For close of all; whoe're in handsom Verse,
View'd on that Stage could well pronounce, reherse
Their great god Pan's their Love's, or Pastor's praises,
Those Poets style with Crown of Laurel graces.
The choicer Ground, large Theatre for these
Was Verdant Plain, whose sides by slow degrees
Increas'd to small, thin-planted Hills, from whom
Pure streaming Founts, like Daughters of their Womb,
Broke gently forth; not Born to th' world before;
Whilst Brooks beneath that Champain Wander'd o're.
Square Plot there was, with Palms inviron'd high,
All but Fore-parts that void for the Ear and Eye;
Plank'd Galleries conjoyn'd, their backs inclos'd;
Top like some Bow'r for Nimphs and Swains compos'd.
The Widow reach'd that Grove, walk'd strait from thence
To th' Pastor's Ground, fit times convenience.
Well came to th' Lord THERSANDER'S Grange,
Lord. Ther­sander his Un­cle.
(so prov'd
That Uncle call'd) much valu'd Man belov'd.
She found him there, return'd from Rural sport;
Who, dwelling far ( Past former Life) from Court,
Liv'd too withdrawn; no medler in the State,
High, publick things, which oft to Envy, hate
Does more expose; yet since his Wife there dy'd,
Times doubtful thought, for Pastor's Grange comply'd:
One void by chance (those Farms forementioned
By th' Owners left, laid by through Age, or Dead;
Prov'd also near) allay'd his Brother's Sorrow;
Since for Himself small comfort need to borrow.
Prime, chearful heart, as stout, resolv'd withal
What chance soe'er; more Frankly liberal:
Industrious for his Friend, there strongly Loving;
As faithful found, rare poized Temper proving:
Young, handsom Widower, had then no Child;
Might (well set forth) dear Uncle (last) be styl'd.
Was talking then (return'd) in pleasing way
With's House-keeper o' th' Rural Games that day;
Fair Virgin 'twas, well born, well bred beside,
Wife's Cousin-german prov'd, so near ally'd;
With whom she sojourned, by both esteem'd:
Since her Decease: this Lord so worthy deem'd
For Rank and Parts, next, kind Regard so great;
That she conjoyned in this Change, Retreat,
(Whose newness both did please) as Friend bacame;
Mild, gentle shew'd, Florena call'd by name.
THIRSANDER read those Lines, for gallant Choice,
By's Nephew there declar'd, did much rejoice:
Approv'd that way, withdrawn; as Travel'd so;
Wrote nimbly back ( Florena of Council tho)
His strong belief for Place, as they desir'd,
With Country-friend twenty miles off, retir'd:
Should thither Ride, howe'er; inform them well
Third day ere night within their Hermit-Cell:
She thus return'd; that Note inclos'd, by Swain,
Was sent to th' Prince ORONTES Farm again.
The Prince that time did tread those pleasing Grounds,
Conjoyned lay, in whose small Pastor-bounds
Kingdom conceiv'd; with calmer thoughts surveigh'd
His wandring Flock, where harmlesness display'd
Mild innocence: those Flow'r-deck'd Banks beheld,
Spruce branched trees, where Natures work excell'd.
Courts proud and gaudy'st Art: there Christal stream
Did slide along, Glass to the Sun's Gold beam.
Soft Murmur's noise; whilst Springs Musicians sounded
May-carols forth, with Azure Sky surrounded.
Whose general Calm comply'd with thoughtful Brest,
If its own Heart enjoy'd, free way possest.
He had much Action shar'd disastrous Passion,
Orontes Con­templative.
Now subject found for sober Contemplation:
Had read large World of Men, might study there
The whole Globe it self Celestial Hemisphere.
Prime Model thought; did nature's Map afford,
Grand Volumn, Book, each Leaf with wonders stor'd.
Page, Line thereof, but that so common view'd
He causes, grounds of things could name, conclude;
Their Order, use observe, more private pleasure;
Then best enjoy'd that Phylosophic. Treasure.
Conjoyned Thoughts withal where day doth Range,
Or night succeed, dispers'd Scense of Change;
I' th' Monstrous Deep, four wandring Seasons shewn,
Like Fortunes of Mankind; such prov'd his Own.
When after all those later Griefs would rise,
Like damping Fume, or gloomy Cloud surprize.
Last Cross appear'd, ORSAMNES found so slow,
Where Wifely Choice prime Persons rare did show.
(Their Fathers worth to th' height esteem'd, commended)
And with unpleasantness on him attended
To either's Farm; as they by th' Fathers (taught)
To his own Grange for conversation brought:
ORSAMNES where allow'd (though free from Courting)
Fit, kind Regards, which prov'd to them Transporting.
Nor swell'd those Rival-girls, since the one at least,
MERDONE nam'd, of milder, gentle Brest:
Their worthy Fathers too, well temper'd Men,
Still kept th' old friendly League unbroken then.
His two Friends Do­rin, Vernon.
That Evening both the Prince saluted there;
THERSANDER (last) conjoyn'd part did bear.
All came to th' Grange; that Notes deliver'd strait,
By Shepherd brought; THERSANDER'S Order late:
When read the same, his eyes did Wrath disclose,
Joyn'd angry Words; bad Fume from Spleen arose;
Then, chang'd that way, he thoughtful, sad appear'd;
First, absent Son belov'd, whose Danger fear'd:
Next, Marriage-aim destroy'd, where Choice design'd
One of those Girls. THERSANDER, they combin'd.
To calm his thoughts, each part well vanish'd o're;
For Travel, said, 'Twas done same way before
By's Grandfather (which thing the Prince confest)
Short time, no dangerous place, that note exprest.
ORSAMNES too, the Prince conjoyned there
Much Gold receiv'd his Travell's charge to bear.
THERSANDER'S mind shewn plainly thus to th' view,
DORSIN, VERNON took their Farwells, withdrew.
Nor ended so; PHILAURA, nam'd of late,
Worse Torment seiz'd through Love's dispairing Fate;
Who, from her Glass more Beauty's stock descrying,
Prime handsome Girl, each Shepherdess outvying.
May-Lady call'd last Year (MERDONE tho
This day their Choice might almost equal show)
Wit's stronger Parts, and for confirming Ground,
More kind respects from Duke ORSAMNES found,
As she conceiv'd; high Spirit (last) did prove;
Bred more Ambitious Dreams conjoyn'd with Love.
To Bow'r withdrawn, where Gales soft murmur made,
(Whilst th' Envying Sun last pleasing Glance display'd)
Through sober thoughts; her Father was o're-heard
To tell that News;
Philaura's trou­ble for Orsam­nes.
with which like Thunder scar'd,
Heart's Qualm began, that rather seem'd to bleed;
Strange Soul-convulsion felt, Hope's gasp indeed.
She louder Sigh'd, then wept Love- Storm as't were,
Deep Groan the last: but being less private there.
Small Garden 'twas, She mounts from thence back-way
To th' Chamber, Bed, whereon Prostrated lay.
Sighs, Tears, and Groans increas'd to mournful Sum,
As lost th' whole World, Grief's perfect Draught become.
She nought beheld but brave ORSAMNE'S Face
Her Fancy saw, Portray'd in every place.
There last she view'd his Person thought; and there
Last heard him speak; such looks for wounding were.
Bright Darts and Flames; such, such his words then found,
Love's Musick Notes, Harmonious Compound:
There last he spake to her, joyn'd kiss-salute
Pleas'd that Sense too; what Sighs did breath compute.
What Groans for them, by Turn, as those should prove
Loud Funeral-Knells to all her Joys of Love.
Tongue rouz'd at length,
Philiura's com­plaint.
tho seem'd in part to Fail,
She thus began: prime wonder of the Vale
Of Greece, the whole World (paus'd there) O most refin'd,
Choicest of men, but hard withal, unkind.
Thy Conquest Trophies, to our Anguish, smarts,
On Maiden Ruins built, and, broken Hearts.
I sent thee mine, which, tho discharg'd to day,
Ne're whole return'd; 'twas broken by the way:
Such here it proves: That Heart, once Ayr-like Free,
Now worn Tormenting Chains; loath'd Destiny!
Nor Marvel thought since seiz'd by Love- distraction:
I hop'd too much; with Hope conjoyned-action.
Too much I look'd, alas! too strangely Lov'd,
Fond, easie Soul: till Freedom Blasted prov'd.
Weep, weep my Traitor-Eyes, in kindness now
O're [...]low and Drown me quite; sigh Breast till thou
Want'st Ayr to breath; rend, break my Heart outright;
But live ORSAMNES still, enjoy this Light.
O Love! thou worst of Tyrant- Lords, to whom
Death mild appears! how lingring, slow thy Doom!
True Lovers oft in Torment, pain surpass
The rest o'th' World, die ten fold o're, alas!
Not Lov'd again: groan'd there for sad Rejection,
Then Mus'd, streight, thought of each rare Perfection;
His Body more advanc'd by far, and Mind,
Thus (lost) new-rated all, as Love inclin'd.
Week's term expir'd, more strange resolve possess'd
(Shewn afterwards) her Wave-distempered Breast.
That other Nimph, mean while, MERDONE nam'd,
More humble Girl, of calmer Temper fram'd;
Less smoth'd by Hope (Choice, Beauteous tho to th' eye)
Could better far with Grief's sad weight comply;
Such Fortune bear, tho Lov'd as well as she;
Since loftier thoughts may raise the Storms degree.
Sigh'd, wept her Sorrows forth in Gloomy Bow'rs,
Like April's gentle Blasts and sober Showrs.
This far that Pair: tho seem'd revived now
SILVANOR'S Heart, with Love-perplexed Brow;
PHILAURA'S Servant long;
Lovers of those two Maids.
began to feed
More chearful hopes: same did MONTANUS breed,
MORDONE'S that; both born Gentile howere
Their Fathers with the Prince turn'd Pastors there.
Liv'd in one Farm with single Pastor then,
Both Widowers (these th' Heirs) well-landed men:
Choice, gallant Youths, for each regard might shew;
Much darkned through ORSAMNES Glory tho,
From Suit refrain'd, Transcendent Rival-fearing:
In Looks (Glass-like portray'd) their thoughts appearing.
Writ Poems (last) where those young Virgins shin'd
Terrestrial Stars. To these by voice assign'd,
Since Conquerors, that running wrestlers prize
May-day, last year; when Pan's great Feast did rize.
Took from PHILAURA'S hand, May Lady then;
All newly come to th' Pastor-Farms, tho mean.
This Day MERDONE She; from whom Both gain'd
Their Laurel wreaths, for Musick, Verse obtain'd.
We shall Revisit now (still safe and well)
That Princely Pair within their Hermits Cell
When Seven's Hour,
Orsamnes and Clermanthe in the Cell.
TIMONDES spreads his Table
With cleanly Cloath, such Food, as he was able.
( Good, wholsom kind) did Range before them there;
First, Cold Bak'd meat, Cheese, Butter in the Rere:
Wish'd Frankly eat, meats for th' whole Week beside:
(If th' are dispos'd) soon from DERVAN supply'd.
Both thanks return'd, whilst hightned more their Food
Strangeness o' th' Place, wing'd Chanters from the Wood.
Their Supper done,
The Hermit's Ground.
Both walk'd forth contented
To view the Ground, thus briefly represented.
Large Green there was, Long-square i' th' midst did rest
Small, handsome Pond, four-squared Form exprest.
Clear, smooth as Glass; 'bout that low Mount was rais'd
For broader Walk; the sides adorned, prais'd.
Through well set, comely Trees; those order'd so,
That every Third did pleasant Fruit-tree grow.
Like Gems to th' Rest, or painted part, as 'twere,
First glanced or might Orchard-Grove appear.
Beneath that Bank, on each enlarged side
(Since Mount long square) good open space descry'd.
Flat, verdant green, did single Arbour stand
Of Laurel, Bays, which Winter- blasts command;
Still Freshly branch'd, conjoyned close to th' Wall:
Same planted Trees set round that Fence withal;
Mixt Cipress there; and near to one of them,
(That side o' th' Cell) small Fount from Rock did stream,
Adorn'd by Art, tho something Wild, o'regrown:
At foot beneath, where Watry Cistern shown,
Nine Muses Carv'd beheld, in Silvan Dress,
With Instruments joyn'd consort to express:
Apollo's self (then Patron) higher rais'd;
Whilst from the Top rude, wanton Satyrs gaz'd.
At either end o' th' Bank (still space between)
I' th' Flat beneath, where thorow Prospect seen.
On every Part small closer Walk beheld,
Whose length went cross to the Gate-side excell'd.
With flaunting Palms, their tops like Roof combin'd;
That noblest Branch for Conquerors design'd.
'Twas large and various Ground; first open space
Led from the door to th' Hermit's dwelling-place.
Bank by the Wall prov'd here and there beset
With Corans, Roses, Paunsey, Violet.
CLERMANTHE found in this unlook'd-for Sight
(Joyn'd Nature, Art) ORSAMNES both delight.
Not much past Nine (still lusty, ancient tho)
Their Woman knoc'd, THIRSANDER'S Note did show:
Both nimbly read those Lines (by th' Hermit heard)
Contentful way; gave the Agent great Reward.
ORSAMNES then declar'd, of Virgin-vow
His Wife had made three Weeks remained now;
He therefore would sad Fancy charm, delight,
And Feign at least that prov'd his Bridal night.
CLERMANTHE Blush'd, their Landlord smil'd withal;
ORSAMNES when to's pleasing Task did fall.
Cropt several Flowers, wherewith that verdant Ground
Did flaunting shew, till gather'd choice Compound.
CLERMANTHE then (whilst th' Hermit led the way,
Grave Father-like) to th' Cell did guard, convey.
In formal sort, Saluted her at Door;
Then finely strewed with Paunseys round the Floor.
Pinks, Violets; Rose deck'd the Marriage-Bed:
Clean Pillow-bear provided for her Head.
Want of Night-cloaths; which being worn at Home,
(Choice couching Garb) did rarely well become.
The Duke seem'd active tho, as for that end
Pull'd off her Hood; did Handmaid-like attend.
Reach'd, holds the Glass; till caus'd in her that fashion
Sweet, sobrest Blush through strong imagination.
He leads her Bridegroom-like, prepared so,
To th' larger Bed, where couched down might show.
Shot Lightning-flash, or falling Star expos'd:
Whilst th' Hermit sat with's Friendly Chair inclos'd.
Thus, Curtains drawn 'twixt them, TIMONDES there;
Still Window's Light CLERMANTHE'S Face howere
Thence to behold; he lay down by her side;
Both in their Cloaths; warm season well comply'd:
Grasp'd her in's Arms, whilst Silver Moon that hour
With Fainter Beams adorn'd the Rocky Bowr.
Blush strain'd into her Cheeks, least then might prove
Years Vow forgot: those formost Fruits of Love:
In Kisses seiz'd, which should his thoughts content;
Nere in that way (so free, so excellent)
Enjoy'd before, for Posture's pleasantness,
Time, Pillow, Bed; Bridal resemblances.
Her Beauties sparkled round, those fairest eyes
(on Gloomy Couch) like Morning-Stars when rise.
Or Rosie blushing East when Break of Day,
Her Cheeks and Lips conjoynd' did shew, display.
TIMONDES slept that while, good Honest Heart,
Becalmed thoughts, till bare, Loud snorting Part.
At later Heurs, the Rest themselves dispos'd
Conforming Both, their Gallant Eyes they clos'd.
Come gentle sleep, bind this Transcendent Pair
In Silken Bands, most beautiful and fair
Of all thy drousie Realm (with Slumbers now
Bedew'd their Eyes) since to thy Scepter bow.
Give Cordial-like Repast, no strange Offence,
Unpleasing noise disturb their quiet Sense.
Here Joyned more touching that Shepherdess,
Philaura again
Fair Nimph Gentile, who Mourn'd in sad Distress.
PHILAURA call'd, Belov'd ORSAMNES gon;
Vesta Diana, Goddess of Chastity.
Ere break of day this Plot resolv'd upon:
Close walk by stealth to th' Vestal Nunnery,
Far distant Place, known vow'd Society
Of Heathen Maids (such found in Rome, elsewhere)
For Chaster minds, reserv'd provided there.
She would make One; by th' Father tho discry'd
They Lock'd her up, persuasion-salves apply'd
To cure this last Disease; broke forth in View:
SILVANOR whilst for Love did strangely Sue:
Pastor Gentile, which mourn'd for her before;
Tho hid, conceal'd; Advanc'd upon that Score.
By Parents, Friends, since might her thoughts reclaim
From Vestal mood, and th' old disastrous Flame.
Such th' other too, MONTANUS call'd exprest;
Still constant serv'd MERDONE'S gentle Breast,
Soon noised was ORSAMNES Voyage round,
Who then whole year upon that Pastor-ground
Had dwelt reserv'd. A second Festival
Third day did prove, to Ceres due withal;
Goddess of Corn; performed chearful fashion:
In th' Afternoon us'd Sports for Celebration.
Prime Shepherds did short Masque-device invent,
The Shepherd's Masque.
The Lord ORSAMNIS Praise to represent.
(So much belov'd, esteem'd) Spruce for th' Attire;
Worn Flowry wreaths, the best of their Voice-Quire.
SILVANOR and MONTANUS Song compos'd.
Fram'd Notes and Words, each Stave with Chorus clos'd.


Two Voyces.
Honour's chief Gem, brave Lord Farewell;
Still Shine, excell:
Tho chang'd these Flocks rude Bleating sound,
With Native Ground,
For Climes remote where Wonders dwell,
Chorus of all.
Gentlest Gales on Waters Floor
Conduct thy Barque,
Conduct thy Barque to Foreign Shore.
Two Voices.
Next Pan himself Thou here didst Reign,
Like Star o' th' Plain;
And through thy Beams the Pastor fries
Could'st Civillize:
Much Rais'd advanc'd their Rural Brain:
Chorus of all.
Choicest Honour (last) did'st shew.
With vulgar Rank,
With vulgar rank conjoyn'd below.
Two Voices.
Prime Male Compound, whose Virtue, Parts
Did take our Hearts.
And Forms united excellence
Much pleas'd our Sense.
Small Grange would Cloud thy grand Deserts.
Chorus of all.
Pastors shall howere Record,
They could long time young Duke afford
Advance, Proclaim
Thy Praise to Fame,
And Glory in the Lord ORSAMNE'S Name.
Song ended thus, their nimblest Youth and Art
All shew'd in Masquing Dance, for second part;
Loud Musick's Noise; as would perform thereby
Some Court-exploit for th' Ear and gazing Eye.
ORSAMNES health then Marched stoutly round,
Triumphant way, to th' clearer Cornets sound.
Whist Hills and Rocks, like chanting Eccho's station,
Did Partners seem conjoyn'd for Celebration.
That drunk by all, one of their Masquing Train,
Great Friend to Shepherds, Sheep, with chearful Brain
These Words pronounc'd (OSAMNES since dispos'd
That Life to leave) set Speech; their praise disclos'd.
Kind Brothers of the Flocks, to gentle whom
(Grand Patrons thought) for constant dwellings come.
Peace, Quietness, joyn'd harmless Innocence;
There seek protecting Roofs, find shelter thence.
If any where. O Choice, contentful Life!
Unus'd to Jars, that boiling envious Strife
Of haughty Courts, their Wanton Luxury
Proud, gorgeous Pomp withal; from Projects free.
No painted Vizards worn, but th' inward heart
And outward Face alike; match'd either part:
Kings have left Thrones by your retreat befriended;
As Swains from you have Kingly Thrones ascended.
Then chose they strait, for well conjoyned pleasure,
Prime Virgins there at hand, danc'd Rural measure.
Whilst Grandsires nodded off, talk'd are and o're,
Themselves had done the like in Youth, more.
Now for the Court we shall advance more high;
To that young King our Pen conform, apply,
Whoso the Prince Disgrac'd; Acts there declare:
Great Lords conjoyn'd, some strange, as various are:
But if too Long conceiv'd, o'repass, refrain;
Third Book presents our Chief, large Story again.
The End of the First Book.


THat King fore-nam'd which now two years had Reign'd
(Brought up Prince-like) bad Humors bred maintain'd;
The Arcadian King.
So wrong'd Ingenious parts; made also less,
Corrupted them through sensual thoughts, excess.
Good Reason had (nor th' outward Form did want)
But Fancy rul'd, by far Predominant.
Extream for Lust and Wine withal appear'd:
Chief Men, great worth conjoyn'd, dislik'd and fear'd.
Nay, loath'd the more, if by his Father seem'd
(Such Prince ORONTES was) Belov'd Esteem'd.
Prime Courtiers, Lords like Coin himself pourtrai'd:
Luxurious Stamp Commanders (last) displai'd.
His former Acts, remarkable altho,
Not glanc'd upon, we shall some Later show.
Outlandish Prince was entertained there
( Month past) with Sports, and Dancing Balls i'th' Rere.
Proud Tilting came, perform'd as choice Farewell;
Tilting at Court.
In which those Lords might others Parallel.
The King was plac'd i'th' End, one Story high,
(Large Gallery) that Stranger- Prince set by;
Prime Ladies, next beneath on either hand
Tall Scaffold, Arch'd for Gentry's Rank did stand:
'Twere long their Pomp and Braveness to recount,
Both Man and Beast; whose acts did there surmount:
Th' Attendants Garb, each Amorous Device
While prancing pass'd; well well pleas'd those Grecian eyes.
Two take for all; whom we shall mention more,
Joyn'd afterwards o' th' Lovers Rival-score:
Two Lords, Melargon, Va­lenson.
Both now for Honour sought, that Mistriss Fame,
MELARGON and VALENSON call'd by name:
Earls by Degree, Court-gems might represent
For Person, Parts; its noblest Ornament.
Both of the Kings own Years, now Twenty-four;
Companions too; choice marks of Favour wore.
First Armour had Grass-green, well silver'd, brave;
White and Green Plumes his lofty Crest did wave.
Red Sorrel Horse mark'd with black spots, whereon
(Imbroider'd work) Rich, Prime Caparison.
Where th' Artful Hand Spring-banks could represent,
Drest round with Flowers. Before in Order went
Two Pages Footmen two, attir'd in Green,
Silk, Silver knots, as all had Pastors been;
Such Hooks and Bags: each formal Shield did bear;
Fine Mount portray'd, Sheep grazing painted there;
These words beheld, large Characters, above
My Master feeds on Hope; Device of Love.
Armour Sea-green the last; gold works adorn
Th' Horse Dapled-grey, like Clouds; by whom was worn
Choice Furniture; by Art imbroider'd o're,
Rocks, mounting Waves: his Gallant Helmet bore.
Sand-colour'd Plumes, Sea-green; so, gently pranc'd:
Two Footmen, Pages joyn'd before advanc'd;
Coats of Sea-green, like Merchants all array'd;
Knots silver, Gold; their Buskins Sand portrai'd;
Those Sprucely Deck'd with feigned Pearl, embost:
Their Shields like Seas, where Barque by Tempest tost
Amongst the Rocks; ore-clouded, Stormy Skies:
Their Words aloft; I venture for fair Prize.
Both well perform'd; Curvets, joyn'd Race Carrier;
Broke well their Staves, might equal match'd appear.
The King ere long those Scaffolds view'd o'th' side;
Some Leisure, Pause, where Gentry's Rank descry'd:
Tilting that way, instead of Warlike Lance,
With wandring Eyes, he cast Lascivious Glance
Chiefly on Two; for Nature's Gems design'd;
Which 'mongst the Rest like Planet Beauty's Shin'd.
View'd, as he thought before, remember'd tho
Their Pictures 'twas; large Female Train for show.
In's Gallery; Corinthian Painter these
(Exactest drawn) sold him for Rarities.
The King Ena­mour'd on two Women.
Inflamed thus, he turn'd and whisper'd strait
'Two Courtiers there (behind his Chair did wait)
Of's Bed-chamber, could wanton Princes please;
Call'd VANDIMONT by name, and DARDIGUES.
Both Active found, had Serv'd him oft till then
For close Venerious ways; confiding men.
The First commands to trace one Party home
( Cloaths, Person, Seat describ'd) learn well the Sum
What, who she was, each needful circumstance,
Then charg'd the Last with cautious Care advance.
After that next, below, enquir [...]d the Main
Concerning her, inform him strait again.
Both said, they knew their Party, and also where
They lodged last week; would follow them howe're.
Night being come, and all for Bed retir'd,
That VANDIMONT, done th' Agent's Task, desir'd
(More knowledge got) inform'd thus far the King;
Knight's Wife she was who did small Portion bring:
Had Married been four Years, yet at that time
Scarce Twenty two; was Wedded in her Prime
Forty himself, but fair Estate orecame;
Hous'd where she was; DORASTA call'd by name:
Her Nurse withal chief Waiter prov'd for Pow'r
Might serve as Baud; found great regard that hour.
Dorasta one, a Wife.
Then DARDIGUES inform'd him of the Last,
That Maid she was, scarce nineteen Years ore-past;
Gentile for Birth, small Portion tho, less Pride:
With Widow-mother too did still reside.
Not far from whom a second Widow lay
(Known to himself) who liv'd but meaner way;
Familiar Friend to both; kind visitings;
Choice private House for such Venerious things.
Himself had wanton Plots on her, but now
Those Lustful thoughts to th' King his Master bow:
That Royal Town as constant Seat they chose;
Fit subject for Temptation hence arose.
The King with both well pleased seem'd; for he
Lov'd Maids since fresh, ungathered. Flowers they be;
Most Long'd withal for Joys unknown of Love:
Next, fanci'd Wives, since more restrain'd did prove;
Unlawfuller: Good Choice (conjoyn'd) if Old
Their Husbands last, bred strong Desires, more bold:
Yet Fancy's vote the Maid preferr'd;
Mardiva the Other, a Maid.
by name
MARDIVA call'd; first place that Virgin-flame,
Thus, DARDIGUES should Tempt that Neighbour-friend
By golden Bait to serve their wanton end:
That to her House, or his Own drawn (where-ere)
The King might speak, and closely enjoy her there,
For 'twas his Humor, choice sometimes to Woo
By his own Person, Parts; o'recome them so:
High Self-conceit had prov'd Victorious
(Conjoyn'd Reward) more proud o' th' Conquest thus.
DARDIGUES lik'd th' Imployment well, since found
Strong PANDAR'S Brain; good Advantageous Ground.
That Foreign Prince to Corinth being gone,
To th' Widow calld SILEUCA walk'd anon,
Unfolded there the King's Desire, exprest,
Dardigues Plot upon Mardiva.
How grand Reward she thence might reap, made blest,
If clos'd, compli'd or else, the Royal Hate,
And Anger both prov'd her oreclouding Fate.
SILEUCA, tho less Friend to Bawdy ways,
Did Virtuous Courage want such sharp assays
To cross, Repell; nor glistring bait despis'd;
So Poizing all, since Regal Stamp compriz'd.
The King commanded it; to joyn Consent
Best course she thought, whatere the last Event:
Tho was inform'd MERDIVA'S Stock should prove
To Wealth advanc'd by that concordant Love.
Thus, 'twas agreed; her careful maid should bear
Some Patterns strait (things then expected there)
To th' fair MARDIVA'S hand, with Lines inclos'd
Which this contain'd; That were she pleas'd, dispos'd
To come next Day i'th' Afternoon, near Three,
Prime Rarities, left in her Custody
She should behold; and hear important thing
Concern'd her self: close, private Visiting.
Nor danger of her Mother's sight at all,
Gone forth alone great way to Funeral.
Note pen'd and seal'd, the Girl with nimbleness
Her Task discharg'd, found good effect, success:
MARDIVA there, she would not fail (reply'd)
About that hour; stoln lastly, undescry'd.
Glad DARDIGUES return'd to Court from thence,
And gave the King this warm Intelligence:
By whose Command takes up on Liking, strait
Choice, gallant Stufs, Silver, Gold, for Bait.
(The King had Gems) those to SILEUCA soon
Price left, convey'd, for next days afternoon.
Next chearful day, Court-Dinner being ended,
The King took Barge, by DARDIGUES attended;
Who fine, small Building own'd by th' Water side,
Half mile from Court; good Prospect thence descry'd:
Spruce Garden-plot beyond, adorn'd with Flowers;
Carv'd Statues there, clear, Perled Fount and Bow'rs:
Prime Chamber 'twas, with Pictures garnish'd round,
Choice Room for Bed; fair Parlor next the ground.
Thither would come the King, like private Station
For calm retreat, Books, sober Contemplation;
Met Women tho, enjoy'd; back way for them
Prepar'd by Land: if prov'd Nice, coyer Gem,
By Hacney- Coach to other Places rang'd:
Now to SILEUCA'S came, disguised, chang'd.
The King with Mardiva.
Suit-Hair and Beard; by her receiv'd however.
Like Merchant- friend, convenient Chamber there.
Things order'd well for th' Plot Venerious,
Near th' hour of three (word kept precisely thus)
MARDIVA came in plain Silk Robe attir'd;
Beauty from thence the more advanc'd, admir'd;
Sky-colour'd 'twas with Scarlet Ribbons trim'd,
To which the Face like Sun resplendent seem'd;
White Sarcenet-Hood, same Scarf, with Roses drest,
Much like the Morn; part-veil'd her Snowy Brest.
Bright, curl'd brown Hair, which whilst their Beams displai'd
Her gallant Eyes, Spruce, Lovely Clouds portray'd.
Tall, handsom Form for th' Body's Shape design'd;
Prime Carriage last, to take the more, combin'd.
Door shut, withdrawn, SILEUCA told the King,
This was that Virgin friend, whom she did bring
Jewels to see. When rais'd, with Amorous Eye,
Respective Bow, the King joyn'd strait reply,
She welcome was; her self transcendent Gem
Would his dull Toys disgrace, shew'd Box of them.
Stars Sparkling Light did seem from thence to rise,
Whilst Day breaks forth through fair CLERMAMTHE'S Eyes.
Part dazled tho by Those whom view'd, beheld:
Then Stuffs survey'd which on the Board excell'd,
Prime, gallant Choice; each sight did praise, advance
The King conjoyn'd with wanton Lovers glance
Those at your Service are, much startled when
Blush stain'd her Virgin Cheek, conceiving then,
Some Suitor 'twas of Merchant-rank (what ere)
By th' Widow brought. False Beard discharged the re.
She back retired strait, shewn Reverence,
Jewels forgot, more Wonder blaz'd from thence.
Sweet, flye not, said the King; I come in Love,
Not harmful way: Next part Salute did prove.
Fond, Amorus MARDIVA (strangely Try'd)
She look'd not for so great a Guest, reply'd:
Amazement seiz'd the King conjoyn'd again,
That Guest your Lover's found withal, restrain
Those wandring Thoughts; two Kisses more conferr'd:
Went farther on, whilst Silent she appeared.
At Tilting late, MARDIVA fair (said he)
Whilst others broke their staves with Gallantry,
Your Eyes Encounter'd mine; Dart beam from thence
Struck through my heart. Great Sir (she said) th' Offence
Was to my thoughts unknown, these harmless Eyes
Not Guilty of that Treasonous Charge, Surprize.
Wound pleasant 'twas (the King conjoyn'd) your pow'r
Holds Balm withal; the Traitor lov'd that hour.
Strange chance (she said) most mighty Sir, that I
Should fondly seize, far rarer Objects by,
Orecome your Princely Heart. I view'd none so
(Joyn'd he again) snce then Love-qualms do grow,
And cross'd desire does turn to strange Disease;
Your gentle Brest may Cordial yield, appease.
I now would you enjoy. Great, Royal Sir
She answered then (short blushing pause, Demur;
Unusual streit) I should in noble kind
Most gladly serve you, Handmaid-like, Resign'd.
Count you this then Ignoble, he reply'd,
Your Prince to meet in Lovers Joys uney'd?
That natural way which Humane stock preserves?
Next, chears the world. Your Majesty observes
What's Truth ( she said) confirm'd, but in this Case
Unfit, irregular; 'twould wrong, Disgrace
Clear Virtu's Rule. The King conjoyn'd agen;
Why should Brute Beasts more freedom have then Men?
Their Lords and Masters, in Delight and Pleasure,
Because (said she) Man's stor'd with higher Treasure.
Reason in him commands, does curb, restrain
That roving mood. Fancy ( said he again)
'Tis fond Conceit: True Man, and Rational
I boast my self, yet no such check at all
Do find, Restraint. Tho feel not now perchance,
Great Sir ( she said) You may ere th' Morn advance:
No, no, nor then ( he said) except in Dream;
Thrown by such waking toys ( looks angry Beam
Strait darting forth) Your Portion more shall rise,
By Thousand pound, if gentle grant complies:
Brave Cloaths withal. When glancing on the ground,
MARDIVA thus; that Love, Sir, I have found,
Zeal for yur Honor's Cause (joyn'd boldness too)
Lastly, your Health, I dar'd t' expire for you.
Choice Riddle, Paradox; said then the King,
To dye for th' Honour, Health, ( amazing thing.)
Not Live to my content. Great Sir (said she)
Unlawful that; nor pure such Joys would be:
My Fame struck dead withall, I should where ere
Like Canker'd Rose to th' virtuous World appear.
Thou shalt my Rose be thought (he said) Persume;
What World can know? These are sworn Friend; Presume
Close plac'd, withdrawn, where we kind Arms may spread,
For many Hours conjoyn'd in naked Bed.
Let not thus change, Coy, froward mood, translate
That nobler Passion Love in me to Hate.
'Tis your King speaks; Great Ones would sue for this
Now Offer'd you; come, seal the Grant with kiss:
So, drawn most near, conceiving then less Wise
Word-batteries, did strait her Lips surprize;
As scal'd the Fort. Your Majesty (said she,
Obeysance made) I hope will Pardon me;
Some Moral Rules, long since by Mother taught,
Joyn'd Virgin bashfulness, produc'd and wrought
Those Arguments; Love-motions (last) soon ended,
Breed Slightings oft, with value scarce befriended.
Well, (said the King) since now dispos'd for th' Action,
Grand Patience prov'd, make Amorous Satisfaction.
This earnest take for all (Box open there)
Choice Diamond Ring, since the hand did baer appear,
Thrust on her Finger strait; seal'd Kisses then
Rouz'd from deep thoughts, the fair Mardiva when
These words conjoyn'd. Great Sir, my Mother may
Want me ere long, through some regards this day;
Will guess that I am here: She's Passionate,
May wrong your full content in Bed, create
Disturbance strange; asking your Royal leave,
I shall step down door lock'd, the Key receive
With mine own hand; maid charg'd to answer none
( As Folks abroad) for staying till night unknown.
Her Hood and Gloves dropt on the Board howere,
Like gentle Pawn for th' handsom Person there.
Walk'd nimbly forth, so down the stairs withal;
The Maid below did in their hearing call:
Being come to th' Door, Your Mistriss tell (said she)
Mardiva slips away.
I could not stay: went forth most hastily.
For thus it was; Pure, Chast, MARDIVA prov'd,
Till saw the King to Roughness, Anger mov'd;
Talk'd (lastly) of Hate; then seem'd to cloze, comply;
Plain Forcing fear'd, those two Assistants by
(Faint Virgin-heart) this way resolv'd upon
For her Escape; felt wrack till she was gon.
Trip'd towards home, whose passage prov'd by chance
Close and obscure, till did small way advance;
When thought o' th' Ring, so long through fear forgot,
Orewhelmed Brain with this departing Plot:
Mardivas trou­ble.
Sad Qualms perplexed her through double Crime;
The King deceiv'd, Rob'd, Cheated then same time.
Was griev'd far more, since might have left that shrouded
Under her Hood and Gloves, till gone o'reclouded.
Thus, dar'd she not go Home least was pursu'd,
There seized on; nor backward course conclude
To tell and trust the Maid: might prove beside
By th' King again or DARDIGUES descry'd.
She therefore chose this nimblest way, did go,
I'th' joyning Street, to her young School-fellow;
Rich Tradesmans Wife, DELPHINE call'd; conjur'd
To give SILEUCA back that Ring, secur'd
For th' Royal hand; perhaps remaining there;
Or carry strait to th' Court, s [...]h D [...]ng [...], fear.
DELPHINE came, sent up that Wench with speed;
SILEUCA stealing down, o' th' Ring was freed.
Walk'd to MARDIVA'S Mother then, exprest;
MARDIVA prov'd that time her friendly Guest;
And Husband lodg'd two Nights abroad, place free,
(By her desir'd) her Bedfellow would be:
So pray'd her not to expect; alltho design'd
To ease that way MARDIVA'S troubled mind.
MARDIVA fair, glancing next Morn below
On Garden-plot (from her new Lodging so
Balcone joyn'd) She was that time beheld
By brave young Man, whose Preson, Garb excell'd;
And he by her; tho strait her self withdrew
Behind that Glazed Screen from further view.
Yet so observ'd, he prov'd Enamoured thence,
Face, Body's form, conjoyned Excellence.
It was a Young, Corinthian Lord, lodg'd there,
Of gallant Parts, Estate did grand appear.
Who ranging far, set down for Travels cloze
Th' Arcadian Realm; from whence for Corinth goes,
His Native Soil; VENDORMES call'd by name,
These things DELPHINE heard, receiv'd the same
From's Country-man that brought him first well try'd,
Her long-known Merchant friend; lodg'd there beside.
VENDORMES thought, his Travels large and free
Did nere present like beauteous Rarity;
Ask'd what she was: DELPHINE (since no danger)
Informed him to the full, found Noble Stranger.
After high Praise, strong Love conjoyn'd exprest,
Her Friendly help he sought, (then Lordly Guest)
For some acquaintance. She reply'd that Hour,
She would perform what lay within her Pow'r.
DELPHINE told MARDIVA'S self again;
His Rank, prime Parts, Estate, did nought restrain.
VENDORMES, she had Plot devis'd before
So, up ere long he came, pass'd by that Door,
DELPHINE; call'd; as wish'd to speak with her,
DELPHINE; loud; she said, without Demur,
I'm here, my Lord, (the Door unlocking strait)
Few words with special friend, and I shall wait
On you beneath, when glance, with humble Bow,
If proves your Friend, he said (shewn pleasing Brow
Entring upon't) I may presume to kiss
Her Fairest Hand (altho conjoyn'd to this
Her sweetest Mouth) for Rudeness in the Action
I do her Pardon crave,
Corinth Lord Courting Mar­diva.
as satisfaction.
Blush th' Answer was. You were too quick for me,
My Lord (DELPHINE then) I had more free
Come down to you. VENDORMES strait replys;
Most powerful Charm sent from that Lady's Eyes
Did draw me in. MARDIVA answer made;
She taught them no such Charms. VENDORMES said;
But Nature did, might boldness thence excuse,
She's now reserv'd (DELPHINE said) Recluse.
Then second Pardon's beg'd; said he again;
That former Pow'r doth here to stay constrain,
Which first O'recame: while does with you Dispence,
I may presume yet more, no great Offence.
MARDIVA then; she was my Schoolfellow;
May Partner fit for close Retirment shew.
Conjoyn'd VENDORMES there; Tho Fram'd she be
For Sighs, or Smiles; Joy, mournful sympathy.
My self may equal prove: Please but thus far
To take from her my natural Character;
I might be then confirm'd Co-partner too
When she with Blush, DELPHINE that of you
Has given my Lord (reply'd) most Noble one.
If thought (said he) sincere, that Favor shewn;
Then, Gentlest, grant still leave to stay, enjoy
Sight of those Eyes. DELPHINE strait (convoy
To th' Amorus Plot) My Lord will scarce remain
Two days within the Realm. He joyn'd again.
'Tis Truth, indeed, and so may well-Improve
My precious Hours in point of Chaster Love.
Tho wander'd far, I n'er did see, behold
This Lady's Beauteous Match; She's prime enroll'd
Thought Singular. Since then my Lord (said She)
You Travel'd scarce awake, with Senses free.
'Twas not in Dream, Madam, you may conclude
(VENDORMES said) your mind more Rare, unview'd.
Thus, longs my Heart, till for Corinthian home
You pleas'd t'advance; Travels grand Prize become:
Those daintiest Arms my Port conceiv'd (as 'twere)
Haven of Rest, content. Shewn Blushes there,
MARDIVA joyn'd; more knowledge in that Choice
Of Wife methinks ( my Lord) e're pass'd your voice
With Wisdom should concur. He strait reply'd
I've found so much, in this short space descry'd,
And heard much more through that great Friend's Relation,
As hath confirm'd my thoughts. Whence took occasion
DELPHINE strait to speak: I did inform
His Lordship how you fled Lascivious Storm,
The King himself ( still purely Chast, unstain'd)
Young, Handsom tho; Gems, Gold like trash disdain'd
VENDORMES joyn'd, like Hope-exalted man,
'Twas primely good; I'le be your Guardian.
Best Maid, through Arcadie; Convoy where're;
Grant for Reward, tho Life endanger'd there.
This Lov'd compound; Mind, Bodies, choice perfection,
When Blushing she, well pleased glance reflection;
Something, my Lord, Y'ad need to mark (reply'd)
That's good in me, since little else beside.
Small worldly Fortune have. VENDORMES when,
Fairest, I valu't not; conjoyn'd agen;
Throw't all in Alms away, what would you more?
DELPHINE said; did summon strait to th' Dore
Their Merchant- friend; who, being admitted free,
Confirm'd his Rank, Estate, in each Degree.
This heightned too, might pleasing thoughts advance;
Kind Uncle of hers at Corinth dwelt, by chance
Well known to both, informed of his Name:
Thus, joyntly all Confederates became
For present Grant, importunate did shew;
Choice Grounds on either side enforcing so.
VENDORMES pray'd, She rather would strange Doom
That hour pronounce, than bid him leave the Room
Unsatisfi'd; since shall most constant Lover,
As earnest be, no Paper-flames discover.
Turning from them to th' Window strait, retir'd
As 'twere for sober Pause (tho small requir'd)
Things thought of, Poiz'd before; such light from thence
Clear Reason blaz'd, Love, Fortune's eminence.
(Her Mother too, for certain grounds, well pleas'd
Might follow them) here thoughts of Danger seiz'd
Still doubtful Fears o' th' Royal pow'r, that Ring:
N'er by SILEUCA given perchance to th' King:
VENDORMES Person (lastly) much approv'd,
These joyn'd o'recame; the fair MARDIVA lov'd.
So, turn'd again, pure Blush withal, refin'd;
My Lord ( She said) Your Person, Parts, combin'd.
Mardiva, Lord contracted.
With noble Love, of choice, deserving Rate
Have won me yours; may be contracted strait.
If you Desire; but for the Marriage- Bed,
Lest through Revengeful Storm Disturbance bred.
Delay till calmer hour I shall propound,
When we do reach more safe Corinthian Ground.
VENDORMES clos'd, much Joy; exchanged were
Kind, mutual Vows, with Kiss concluding there.
After some Talk, short general Discourse,
Which still did raise Affection-flames, enforce;
Love heightned more; down th' elder Merchant went,
DELPHINE both (being call'd) by their consent,
Took Order too for Journey the next Morn;
Leaving them there by Vows ingage'd and sworn,
To their hearts wish; since Love would private be
Whole Hours dissolv'd in pleasing Talk most free.
Choice kisses joyn'd, conserves more Cordializing
Since look'd not for (both gently sympathising)
Till th' Evening came, ere 'twas desir'd tho,
Much trampling Noise, loud Voices then below.
Through th' entry sound MARDIVA forth did glance;
Strait DARDIGUES, that Pandar view'd (sad chance)
I'th' Garden plot;
Mardiva's trouble again.
retir'd again, she heard
These Words from him; That, that's the Room, regard.
Whence strait conceiv'd, that Ring they wanted thus,
By false SILEUCA kept; Base Covetous;
So found her out. O fly my Lord (said she)
Or both undone. Why, joyn'd Amazedly.
VENDORMES there. I saw that Man, she said,
Came with the King; that Ring's the cause: Betray'd:
He nam'd this for the Room. Ile either Dye,
(Said he) or Rescue you. She joyn'd reply;
'Twill more enrage, they come; by all our Love
I beg, conjure, withdraw. I'l not remove
(Said He) this Sword at hand (Door fast howe're)
Heard trampling up their Stairs, then knocking there:
VENDORMES with drawn Sword seem'd Treble-liv'd;
Shall I go skulk (said he) my Spouse Captiv'd?
Who knocks there? speak, 'Tis I, DELPHINE said;
Standing without. MARDIVA when, Afraid,
Peace (answer'd strait) I saw beneath that Man
Came with the King. No harm (said she again)
Unlock, I'l tell you all: Opening the Door,
Soon closed then; Thus 'twas (She said) no more:
That DARDIGUES by th' King was lately sent
To th' Corinth Merchant here for this intent,
To take up Stuffs on Liking; gorgeous too;
Now back return'd, were meant (it seems) for you.
But why those Words (they ask'd) that, that's the Room,
Our Merchants Ware-house 'twas (she said) being come.
He shew'd them that bide there they should unlade;
Would soon depart, his price in Gold repaid.
She came to tell, her Maid inform'd her there,
MARDIVA'S Mother strait would Guest appear.
Both joyn'd Rejoyce. Soon walk'd forth DARDIGUES;
Their Merchant tho with franck Reward did please.
For clearing all; SILEUCA with that Ring
(Who had at first faln down before the King,
And Pardon beg'd, since well perform'd her part)
Now kneel'd again: MARDIVA'S honest heart
Humbly excus'd, grown sick forgot the same;
'Twas soon Return'd, no need of further Claim.
His angry Mood, that Gem beheld appear'd
More pacify'd, since then no Cheat was fear'd:
Young, peevish Girl, he said; would trust no more
Their Female Sex beyond the Chamber door.
To th' Widow paid howe're (Gold) fifty pound,
Took then false Beard (still Qualmish on that Ground)
Brought Hackney-Coach, rode strait with DARDIGUES
To th' Summer-Bow'r; warm Fit did there appease
With cooling Fruits; then joyn'd good Wines repast:
Cloath'd like himself return'd to th' Court at last.
Her Picture tho (discharg'd from th' honour'd Room
In's Gallery) condemn'd to Flaming Doom.
MARDIVA'S Mother came, by both desir'd;
Spruce Widow 'twas, chearful, but then expir'd
Her Fortieth Year: VENDORMES whom did shew
Much Love, regard. She was informed so
Of past Events; her Daughters Gallant Choice,
Journey resolv'd; gave her concordant Voice.
By th' Lord withal strong earnest Invitation
To Corinth joyn'd (as Neighbour-Soil, Greek Nation.
Kind Brother there) for constant Residence:
Which She imbrac'd; much pleased shew'd from thence.
Supper being brought they set themselves to th' Board;
Where Mirthful Talk did Musick's part afford.
Things were prepar'd for Horse by Morning light;
Her Mother too Lodg'd there that chearful Night.
By five next day, that Merchant their comrade
(Who still young Factor left) they entrance made
Upon their Course as did the rising Sun;
Ere night o're-pass'd th Arcadian Bounds, that done,
Reach'd few Miles off good, noble Friend, lodg'd there:
Third Morn beheld, they both Espoused were.
More Formal way,
Mardiva Mar­ried.
with mutual Joy, Content:
Might either shew their Sexes Ornament.
After some days repose they did proceed,
Till reach'd his Gallant House, for Rest decreed.
(By friend resigned strait) brave Country-seat:
In Corinth too large Winter-house, compleat.
Her Mother in short time sold all at home,
VENDORMES and MARDIVA'S Guest become,
Whose Virtue found reward, much magnifi'd;
Spent there her days, with Comfort liv'd and dy'd.
The King's fixt now for Knight's young Wife no less,
DORASTA nam'd, shewn ardent eagerness:
Call'd VANDIMONT, prime Wenching Engineer,
Concluded strait, that Nurse, which prov'd so near
To her own self in place, found choice regard;
Should first be drawn by tempting Golds Reward,
To bring her where he might the Business move:
Still Thoughts dispos'd (as strongest ground for Love)
By Person, Parts, to assault again the Last:
Next, VANDIMONT'S own House for place surpass'd:
Like that of DARDIGUES, by th' Water side.
Beneath the Court, few Buildings there deserv'd.
Back-door to th' Field withal through th' Garden led:
Thus VANDIMONT th' Affair strait managed.
He sent his Boy with meaner Cloaths attir'd,
Valenson's Plot on Dora­sta.
Who Nurse inform'd, one from some Friends desir'd
To speak with her, Field lay by th' Garden gate
Where remain'd; that Business prov'd of weight;
Bequeath'd to her fair, handsom Legacy;
Nurse said she'd follow him, more privately,
State Garden-way; strait VANDIMONT (being come)
To corner Nook withdrawn, disclos'd, in sum,
What Golden Show'r might cause, or Storm produce
The King's kind motion made if should refuse,
For private Meeting with her Lady, where
His Love might speak; found Grant, enjoy her there.
Nurse (fainter heart) scarce dar'd to Jar, dissent,
Lik'd well the Gold; nor Lady's stoln content
Grudg'd, Envy'd ought. Yet should she not Agree,
Fear'd casting off, tho pleasant Brain and Free.
Told VANDIMONT, she much approv'd that way,
The King's own Person, Words might best oresway.
Tho long'd withal, it could be so contriv'd
As not to seem her Act; least thence depriv'd
of Favor, Place, DORASTA'S Heart unknown;
Yet hoped well, Frank, pleasing Temper shewn.
She could entice her forth perchance to View
Prime Needle-works (which valu'd well she knew)
To House reserv'd, the King concealed there;
But that would plainly her design appear.
Chief Place affirm'd well-shaded Park, that stood
Short Mile from Town which pleas'd her walking mood.
Through th' open Fields from Garden-gate would call
Nurse single forth, each slightly veil'd withal:
Next day resolved was for tracing thither,
Where the King might (with VANDIMONT together)
Salute disguis'd, as chance, if found less Coy,
Love- Parley past, 'mongst branched Shades enjoy.
Old broken Lodg there also stood, combin'd,
Close Garden-plot, dark Arbour there behind.
Wise VANDIMONT approv'd her Female-Brain,
Tho that scarce close enough to entertain
For longer Dalliance thought; the King beside
Lov'd naked Bed, his House to th' wish comply'd
If her could draw through selfsame Fields below
By's Garden-wall (since pleas'd with walking so)
He had prime Plot to fetch her in, that She
Should not Gain-say: Nurse Guiltless thought and Free.
Which told her strait; in view the Place beheld
Nay then 'twas Right (she said) bad fears dispell'd.
DORASTA once each Week with her alone,
Walk'd by that Door to th' Bathing Place unknown,
For Women us'd; the time two days from thence;
Past one half-hour: bred last more confidence;
Her Husband gone this Morn, weeks stay design'd:
Thus, both withdrew, for next exploit combin'd.
Day come and Hour, DORASTA, Nurse attending,
Each veil'd withal, from th' upper Field descending;
Pass'd by that Garden door, where Scout did stand,
Arriv'd VANDIMONT, view'd sign from Nurses Hand
That those they were; least some mistake perchance,
Good Marks beside; he forth did strait advance;
The Lady Arrested so in the Kings name,
Then Treason's charg'd pronounc'd, being in the same.
Joyn'd with her Spouse; the King's Seal'd Warrant shewn:
He Guard could call; best gently walk unknown.
DORASTA, guiltless Heart, next, confident
'Twas Spleen against them both, with calmness went;
Whist Nurse attends. Lock'd fast his Garden door,
Midst gloomy Shades she was informed more;
At her own House surprize was meant that Day,
But Knight's withdrawn; so, walking down this way,
View'd from her Postern-gate (observ'd howere
The like last Week) he seiz'd her veiled there.
For Traitors Charge, that might from Envy grow,
Or weak conjectures ground, soon answer'd so.
Close Passage trod, some Stairs they mounted then,
Strait entred Lobby-door, lock'd fast agen:
Next to large Room he both did lead, convey,
Which might the Masters bounteous Hand display.
Prime furnish'd 'twas, adorn'd with Painters Art;
Rich Ayr, Perfumes to th' Smell did yield, impart:
Choice Cupbord shin'd; to smaller Table led
With daintiest Banquet for the Tast bespread.
Where VANDIMONT pray'd, she'd sit down, Repose;
'Twas meant for her; chair last of Velvet shews.
Wondring at this (Nurse seem'd t' admire withall)
Since Prisner brought; he gave loud hem for call;
When from th's one side (close Room, reserv'd tho near)
Soft Musick sound conjoyn'd to please her Ear.
As 'twould be Chief; with Sight, Tast, Smell contend:
She sat and heard, Door mark'd i'th' furthest end.
Forth came the King, did gorgeous,
The King Court­ing Dorasta.
brave appear
For Gems and Gold; Crown only wanted there.
When, rising strait, perform'd most humble Bow,
The King saluted her with pleasant Brow.
Whilst Blush adorn'd her cheek: Madam (did say)
I hope you'l pardon all, that boistrous way
Which brought you here; tho Rude, uncivil Action,
The end's gentle, kind; shall speak large satisfaction.
Great Sir (said she) I grant, that foul pretence
Did much amaze my thoughts, but innocence,
Untainted Heart ( same does my Husband bear)
Supported me. Pray then, sit, Tast howe're.
( The King conjoyn'd) or I shall guess but ill,
First wrongful Qualm lyes on your Stomack still.
I'll share with you. So both began to eat;
Drank Wine in Christal-glass; that Sugar'd meat
Touch'd slowly found; Madam, so nice? (said he)
No Poison's there; if not for Tast more free.
Let's talk withal, amongst those Ornaments,
Prime Rarities my Gallery presents,
Your Picture hangs, and I much long'd to see
How far that Shade might to your self agree.
Sure, Royal Sir, ( she then, with Blush distain'd)
Your Painter's Art heightned the Life, o'restrain'd.
If it becomes that place. The King reply'd,
It much doth wrong, by sober Judgment try'd;
And I should punish him for th' Fault, if were
Within my Realm, ask'd you not Pardon there.
Madam, in brief, I lik'd your gallant Shade,
The Substance tho, whence living Beams displai'd.
More Beauteous far ( words smiles conjoyn'd their part)
Through Longings hath Inflam'd my gentle heart.
For sweet enjoyment. Said DORASTA then;
I hope, great Sir, you now but Jest agen,
As in that Formal Treason Charge before,
Not so (he said) that was but varnish'd o're.
This earnest Truth confirm'd Her chearful Tongue
Coyn'd strait reply; I hope your Grace ere long
Will choose a Queen for your content. Perchance
(He said) I may; mean while my Joys advance.
Kind Madam, want relieve (Kiss Seal'd between)
I shall from you learn to imbrace a Queen.
(More Kisses there) as my choice Governess.
But I am bound, great Sir (she said) no less
Then to an Husband's Yoke, wave that, reply'd
The King again, why should you more be ty'd
Than Brute Beasts are? next, grant you did enjoy
Young, handsom, strongest Spouse, which oft doth Cloy.
Yet change for Bedfellow need not offend;
Joyn'd Royal too: Your King's desires befriend.
As for your Spouse, Earl's Title, place we shall
Of profit, pow'r on him confer withal.
And free from least suspect, upon this Ground,
Her Father since Dy'd for the State, Renown'd:
Those lost rewards the Son shall have, inherit;
Tho Knightly Rank, not void of Nobler Merit.
There VANDINONT; his warlike Service shewn
Of grand Concernment prov'd, most publick, known.
This also her Self from th' Husband's mouth had heard;
Who wondring seem'd they found no more Regard.
The King proceeds; Your here conceal'd remain,
Time, Place doth serve; choice Room shall entertain.
Five Hours in daintiest Bed, compos'd for Love;
Your Spouse far off; that man does faithful prove,
(Whose Oath conjoyn'd) should th' other blab, betray
Her great Reward's to Ruin turn'd next day.
Nurse kneeling strait, swore secret Oath, whatere
Her Lady and his Highness Acted there.
DORASTA'S Chang'd no longer could contend,
Dorasta yields.
Keep Virtues bounds; shewn streaming Blush in th' end
(Like Morning-Cloud, these words did joyn, disclose:
Your Majesty so prime a Champion shews
For th' Courting way, choice Person view'd rare Parts,
That I want strength to check th' orepowerful Darts;
Nor further can Deny. Kiss given, th' King
Th' Agreement Seal'd; taken by th' Hand, did bring
To th' joyned Room; while, signal knock for cause
From VANDIMONT their Consort strait withdraws:
There Windows shin'd, bedeckt with many a Flower
In Christal pots; adorn'd like Summer Bower.
Large Bed appear'd; white Sattin half beheld,
Mixt broad Carnation- Panes, to th' eye excell'd;
Four gallant Plumes above, sprigs silver Plate;
For Venus self: th' whole Chamber delicate:
That (said the King) should prove new Marriage- bed.
Nurse then was call'd, since useful Waiter bred,
Pins soon with Cloaths discharg'd, both Couched were;
Nurse strait withrawn, the King embrac'd her there:
Fierce Tyrant plaid, as ore his Subjects Wives
(MARDIVA lost) would claim Prerogatives.
Her Beauty's view'd by Day; thought singular,
Choice Prince's Bedfellow; like Morning-Star
Couch'd by his side, or Chloris Queen of Flowers:
Thus, pamper'd way, dissolv'd the pleasing Howers.
Nurse was mean while by VANDIMONT invited
To th' other Banquet there, her Tast delighted.
(Himself for Slumber's laid) like Queen she sat
On Velvet Chair; her belly cram'd with that.
Then stuff'd large Hankercheif, till drowsie grown,
Clasping her Arms (like kind Companion shewn
To VANDIMONT) sleep yauning way devours
In goodly State, whole comfortable Hours.
As thought by Dreams t' enjoy her Ladys pleasure,
When waking view'd choice Pictures round at leisure;
Talk'd (last) with VANDIMONT; till summon'd then,
'Tween Seven and Eight, for th' Handmaids Task agen.
DORASTA Rose, Drest takes her leave, retires;
Walk'd out unknown, well slack'd the Royal Fires.
Six days dissolv'd, her Knight returned home;
Of Princely word the King's discharg'd become;
Coyn'd Earl he was through Father's grand desert:
choice Place obtain'd withal for second Part.
No Jealous Thoughts disturb, since long ago
Th' old King (conceiv'd) might more regardful shew.
DORASTA Poising now that She had stray'd
From Virtu's Path, much wrong'd her self, betray'd
Kind Husband too at once; thur far vain Pride,
And sensual humour both had Gratify'd.
That those Delights, unlawful Joys did send
Sorrow to th' Heart, prov'd bitter Sweets in th' end;
'Twas sober point, awak'd from former Dream,
Whereof the King main cause appear'd, Supream:
For She might more unfortunate be Guest,
Since Tempted so, than Bad, Lascivious Brest:
She fixt upon Retreat as Loyal Wife,
Tho found hard Task, howere, internal Strife.
To do, perform; all wandring thoughts again;
No vulgar Act, Sense, Fancy where did Reign
Usurping Lords, to make them know Subjection;
Mount Reason on the Throne, wise circumspection.
Thus should the King new move, maintain the Chase;
Tho she might well in that reserved place;
When Bathing-walk conjoyn'd; she strait compos'd
Brief Letters form, this modest Sense inclos'd.
LETTER to the King.
Great Royal Sir;
Dorasta's Let­ter to the King.
I have thus far comply'd
With your Desire, which seem not satisfi'd:
Tho may my self now Staler grown appear,
Strong, powerful grounds do cause me to forbear.
Intreat withal, You'l Pardon and Excuse;
Much Beauteous Choice, unlikely to Refuse
This City yields: thus gently stoop, Dispense;
Nor take from That I cannot Grant Offence.
Nurse charged strait (who was chief Woman then
To th' Countess styl'd, besides her Gift, not mean,
O'th' Royal Gold) when second Message came
By VANDIMONT, through new enkindled Flame,
Meeting defir'd, those Lines should answer prove,
That wanton King, whom stronger Power did move,
Than that the fair DORASTA once enjoy'd
Can thoughts appease; u [...]g'd strait again, uncloy'd:
This Note receiv'd then Poizing (last) the case,
True Bargain was by her perform'd; that Place,
Title conferr'd, small wrong to th' Regal Chest;
Urg'd then no more; Fears might perplex her Brest.
Let none by such Example prove bold Strays,
Since few reduced found; tho in that Maze
If wandring are, conceiv'd with Roses spred,
Let them in Time like her Return Misled.
Next for those Lords,
Those two Tilt­ing Lords.
whom Tilters we proclaim'd;
MELARGON and VALENSON also nam'd:
Who likewise had great Wenchers been, altho
That first did cheat the last of's Bedfellow;
Dark Winter's night, her Spouse being lodg'd from Home
Admitted was; VALENSON not then come
(Close Friend the Maid) enjoy'd conceal'd howere:
Now Suitors both to brave young Lady were
For different Ends; MELARGOM sought a Wife
For good and lawful Heirs, but wanton Life
Meant to reserve; hold on this Ranging Pleasure;
Wish'd Beauty too, conjoyn'd large Golden Treasure.
VALENSON aim'd at Marriage-Beds delight,
More Honest thoughts, Reformed Appetite:
Whith Rival-chance not to themselves unknown,
Lord's Daughter 'twas, grand Portion call'd her own.
Choice Beauty too with prime of youth beheld;
MARDIVA'S Form, DORASTA'S Parallel'd:
CANDORA nam'd. Mother Earl's Wife so great;
Near to that Royal Town their Country-Seat.
Both had been there Strong, earnest Suitors deem'd,
For Lordly Rank and Youth, Parts, Person seem'd
So equal both, Estates, that doubtful shews
Her Female Judgment oft for choosing cloze,
Such Chance befell, that both one Night did send
They would next day for Answer wait, Attend.
Her plain Resolve declar'd (if th' Honour done
To kiss her Hand) Four the Hour that Afternoon.
She both did Grant, still doubtful thoughts on either
To fix her Choice, till saw them both together;
Thence best confirm'd, tho startled at the thing,
Next days Resolve; besides well managing
Th' whole Business so when they themselves should view,
No Rival-jar might afterwards ensue.
Thus, being withal of pleasant Brain, conceit,
And Virgin-freedom, Pow'r (yet held compleat)
Dispos'd to use; She th' following way contriv'd:
Such Order gave, who Formost man arriv'd
They should Conduct to certain Room; express,
She'd strait be there: the last (gave charge no less)
To joyning Room convey, withal advise
To wait some while: both kept their Hour precise.
VALENSON first appear'd, to th' further Room
No sooner led, but strait MELARGON'S come,
To th' next convey'd. CANDORA Rouz'd her Brain,
Thought fit VALENSON first to entertain.
Entring which Place, she caus'd that door to send
Such loud Report, joyn'd trampling noise i'th' end,
MELARGON strait (next watchful, hearkning ear
Like Suitors oft) spy'd larger Window there,
Corner o'th' Room, which look'd into that other;
Glanc'd through the same, small start, since saw another;
Unpleasing Man; loath'd Rival there beheld
Salute his Mistress Lips, through Envy swell'd,
Bad, doubtful Mood: and tho few words were caught,
To mark by stealth their Actions thence he sought.
Salute perform'd,
Valenson's Courting Can­dora.
I hope my Lord (said she)
You'l bear with some delay. Most willingly
Madam (reply'd VALENSON strait) since 'tis
Favour whene'r to grant your Servant this
The sight of you. Both in Couch-chair repos'd,
Whose Prospect was to th' Window's view disclos'd.
Madam, he said (kissing her hand) I have
Thus long your Servant been, tho men more brave
For Person, Parts my Rivals prove by none
In Love of you this Faithful Brest's outgone.
My Lord ( She joyn'd) 'Tis Truth, I may declare,
More Suitors plead for Grant. Yet to compare
Mens Persons, Parts I like not now; for Love,
Whereof you Boast, that may Dissembling prove.
Madam (he said again) that splendid eye
Of your Choice Mind, conceiv'd mst searching spy,
Judicious one, False, Counterfeited Lover
Through his play'd Scene, Disguise would soon discover:
Grant such it were, my Lord ( She strait reply'd)
Yet skilful Art perform'd on th' Actor's side
May Cheat, Deceive, conjoyn (VALENSON said)
Madam, withal, if view'd in Glass, Survey'd
Your Powerful Beauties and Perfections be,
'Twill frame strong Argument for Love in me.
I doubt perchance (reply'd CANDORA there)
The truth of those; nor does that Coin appear
Alike to all; Opinions, Fancies vary
What Beauty's or Perfections name may carry:
Such Men i'th' World. VALENSON strait replys;
Sure, Madam, You may read Love in my Eyes.
Those pro [...] [...] Books (said she again) as Tongues
False [...] we, to whom belongs,
Judg well by them (weak Woman-kind, Alass!
How many might choose better Husbands, pass
For happier Wives! You now withal may Love,
Yet change soon afterwards, inconstant prove.
I beg, intreat, fair Madam, Try me then,
VALENSON said: She joyned there agen;
But I must take before I try, be bound
In Wedlock fast. Those future Points Profound,
Madam (said he) none can presage, they may,
Where likeliest thought suppose that's Truth you say,
My Lord; She strait reply'd. When further he;
And I shall crave that Candor, Charity,
You'll now Believe my Love and Hope the best
For dark, succeeding Times with gentle brest:
Strong, Solemn Vows if more confirming Spell,
Command, they ready are. You can speak well,
My Lord (CANDORA joyn'd) would Action prove
The Consequence; howe'er ( Hand strait did move.
Behind that Couch, took Chaplet thence beneath)
I crown you thus with this fair Laurel-wreath,
As Person of much Honour, high desert:
Adorn'd his Head: while star'd (view'd closing part)
MELARGON first; then Rub'd his Louring Brow;
Since Rival's Crown'd (as seem'd) Victorious now
In th' Amorous Combat Conqueror; for he
Wish'd handsom Wife, tho ranging thoughts, still free.
VALENSON'S Words; as your fair hand hath made,
Madam, this Wreath more green appear, display'd
Fresh Beauties thence; so my rais'd Hope doth spring
(Pardon presumptuous Heart) more flourishing.
My Lord ( she joyn'd) I must withdraw some while,
Another waits for me (also, pleas'd Smile)
Departs the Room. VALENSON'S thoughts advanc'd:
MELARGON frown'd; that way no longer glanc'd.
Hearing next Door to open strait, much noise,
VALENSON curious too (tho heard no voice,
Speech yet conjoyn'd) that Windows Light descrying,
In th' end o'th' Room, look'd through, must needs be prying,
When Rival saw, CANDORA both appear,
Green Laurel Wreath in hand, Salute him there.
At which did start, amaz'd, as tho beheld
Some Vision strange; exploit unparallell'd.
The Lady chose this formal Way,
Candora wood by Melargon.
MELARGON saw first Part, his mind bereaving
Of calmer thoughts; VALENSON now should see
Like done to Him; shewn pleasant brain and free:
These words exprest: My Lord, I shall desire
You would excuse my stay, speech did require,
Since formost came, another Person of Honour
MELARGON strove to check, whilst gaz'd upon her
Distemper'd Mood, Glance on that Wreath, more freed;
Madam (conjoyn'd) I thought it long indeed,
Since came this day to wait on you, enjoy
Your presence thus. She answer'd there, less Coy.
(Still Laurel shewn) truly, my Lord, before
I was ingag'd upon that civil score;
To each confirm'd last night my Promise too;
Had you come first I had done so to you.
Now, being here, I shall your Brow present
With Laurel-wreath, as noble Ornament
Thing due to your regarded worth, Desert:
So plac'd it on. When secret Qualms of Heart
VALENSON feels, which told, he truly Lov'd;
Chang'd Countenance, so unexpected prov'd:
Lost how t'expound her thoughts, dark Ridling way,
Misterious; as Dream'd that Wooing day.
Since seem'd Himself crown'd singular, lik'd best
MELARGON Pleas'd in part, these words exprest;
Madam, this Branch proves Glory's Engin, worn
By Conquerors; in publick Triumph born;
And so imbrac'd by me: Strong Hopes as well
Your Hand and Heart conjoyn, each parallell.
Marriage perform'd, you will conceive that I
Did both deserve. CANDORA fram'd reply;
That best appears, my Lord, by real action,
Thus found this last amends, good satisfaction.
Then walking to the side, Room's middle part,
She there by Sleight unclos'd (small piece of Art)
Close Wainscot door, to th' other Passage made;
VALENSON call'd; who came with's wreath display'd:
She standing just between them in the Door,
Both the Lords view'd by her at once
The Rivals strait, whilst each green Laurel wore.
Viewing Themselves as meant to Fight some prize;
Less pleasing way, when she these words applies:
Observe, my Lords, I both thus make Renown'd;
In Honour's Sign, not Conquest's tho, have Crown'd;
That's due to One, here's Promise, Grant to Neither:
Be that deferr'd untill the King comes hither;
To Hunt i'th' Park within two days Dispos'd:
When I my Choice shall name, by stealth disclos'd.
Mean while no Message heard; and here from both
Intreat withal, you would ingage by Oath
No Quarrel now, nor afterwards t'advance
Concerning me; on each cast pleasing Glance;
Tho, all that time, Survey'd with curious Eye
Their Persons both; plain Objects standing by.
The Rival-Lords disjoyn'd, injoyned thus,
(Some lowring looks Assault less dangerous)
CANDORA view'd; then, poizing well the Case,
Self-flattering each; VALENSON in first place,
Since first was Crown'd, might Choice proclaim more free;
MELARGON pleas'd the last, held firmer be,
Best second thoughts; concluding Parts imply'd;
Th' whole former Act excus'd by her beside.
That Lord came first: nor dar'd they least gainsay
Their Regent-queen, both swore most formal way.
This done, She said, She now must take her leave,
Third Suitor waited long, whom should receive
In Manners too; tho did withal intend
To cast him off. So, marching to th' Room's end,
Betwixt them both, VALENSON joyful seem'd
On her Right hand; which Chance MELARGON deem'd,
Worth small regard; was pleas'd, in his own Room
Since left by Her: to th' Door thus being come,
Th' Earl, Countess both, by call did strait appear;
Enter'd that Place; CANDORA leaves them there.
Wine being brought, th' Earl fairly drank to One;
To th' Other She; no first nor last then shewn;
Shun'd all distasting Cause: himself did lead
VALENSON down, the Countess, who did plead
MELARGON'S Suit, (being faour'd most by her)
Walk'd down with him to th' Court; where short demur,
(Footmen and Pages call'd) no Jars intent,
Both several ways to MANTINEA went.
Third Suitor was Young Country Squire, well born,
Third Suitor to Candora.
Person indifferent, Cloaths (fondly worn)
Fine, Brave enough; for Wealth by far,
Third Suitor to Candora.
Outvy'd those Lords, but joyn'd an empty pate;
Light, shallow Brain; where Worldly means do swell,
Not always found good Heads to order well,
Tho spending Hands. His Father had much Gold
Sent to this Lord, which made his Mother bold
To send him there 'mongst Courtiers Game to play;
Since Promise had of fair and open way
To speak with her, in private too, that hour;
If could o'er-come by Loves enchanting Pow'r.
Long time He walk'd i'th' Gallery, there made
Fine Legs to th' Pictures oft well painted shade,
In's Mistriss stead; stretched forth himself with Hem;
Then wip'd his Nose, brave Bandstrings, toy'd with them.
Kiss'd his hand too, choice Parts survey'd all o'er;
His Cloak now cast this way, then that, he wore.
Long Practice-time; at length CANDORA appear'd,
When Dazeled grown, his eyes through Beauty blear'd,
He kiss'd in hast the Lady o'th' wrong side,
At which she smil'd, tho Laughter that imply'd;
Which he grand Favour thought: inform'd i'th' end,
(Service forgot) his Mother did commend
Her self to Her; charg'd him withal to wait
Upon her thus. Well pleas'd CANDORA strait
Did thanks return. Loud Hem, then gazing round.
Fine Pictures there (he said) tho braver found
In's own Long Gallery, with Cap and Feather
Th' huge Court- Baboon, Bear, Dog fighting together.
Then's House advanc'd, Those Lordships rare; which all
Were his (did say) and should to th' Heirs befall
From his own Body sprung for Everlasting.
Then praises on his Hounds and Horses casting;
But for brave Mouth Jouler did Chant, excel.
If Mouths so brave (CANDORA joyn'd) 'twere well,
If one had brought to speak for him. when he
(Large smile) reply'd; her self beneath might see
Whole Brace of them; but those for Hunting noise
Then wooing better far: bad, take her Choice.
When prov'd his Spouse ( He strait conjoyned then)
His Hauks should make her Qualmish, Sick agen
With Patridg- food; his Horses cram with Plate
( When won the Rases all) for gallant State
Her Cupboard round; nor should she want great store
Of Parrots, Dogs and Monkeys too, that wore
Their Silver chains. CANDORA smil'd, reply's;
She should the man much more regard and prize
Than Monkeys, Dogs. Indeed? he answer'd there;
Then I shall fit, well-serve your Turn whatere
My Father got twelve Children; I'l outgo;
Boys, Girls o'th, Gyant- kind, if you'l but shew
Good Breeder, last. Fear then (CANDORA said)
They'd eat too much. For that be nought afraid,
The Squire conjoyns; I can maintain them all,
Back, Belly's part: did both content, enthrall.
Then ask'd, How goes the day? large Dyal spy'd
Through th' window there; his own (said) that outvy'd.
Daub'd round with Gold: Best those, which th' hour of night.
Could point withal, twelve months by fair Moon- light.
Informed her; next hour shall serve to tell
His Voyage, Traunt to th' Court; 'twould please her well
Till Laugh'd again. Which story Alarm'd as 'twere,
CANDORAS thoughts, such Terror caus'd to th' Ear.
No end of Fooling Game; straitways She said;
Fine Evening 'twas to walk: when answer made;
He'd wait on her: if that she lov'd to do,
More gallant Mornings found, and Evenings too
In his large Garden, then all Arcady.
Scarf wanting was (CANDORA joyn'd) which she
Must go about. The Squire would needs attend:
No (said CANDORA strait) Some private end
Business she had. Said he, if for Maids Water
Himself would Bason hold, that none might scatter.
She pray'd him rather there to wait somewhile
Till her return. Walk'd forth with pleased Smile.
After short Pause, this stout-grown Wooer advanc'd
To Window large, thence for the Garden glanc'd;
Candora steals away.
His Mistress where beheld (with Maid again;
Long walk they pass'd; what Damp, confounded Brain.
As Dream'd, or saw some Cozening Apparition,
Since far from thought, in that high-flown condition,
She'd serve him so: till gazing more and more,
To th' Fields they went (at last) through Postern door.
When scratch'd his Head, next, staring strangely round
As Tooth then drawn; uncertain where, what Ground
He trod that time; at door, upon th' one side
(Seen further off) he painted large descry'd
Grim Conjurer, long Gown, small Wand and Book
View'd Spirits dreadful Form, Hobgoblin-look
On th' other side, as raised by him then:
Which lively Draughts, carv'd out like Painted Scene
In Board compleat, as standing on the floar,
Sense, Fancy so possess'd (disturb'd before)
He strait conceiv'd, that Fellow rais'd her Shape
To abuse him there, when pondring (large Gape)
How best to send for her, since durst not well
Come nigh the Door; maid did those Clouds dispell,
Entring that way, bad, Dreaming thoughts diffuse:
Who told, he must her Lady Pardon, excuse;
To Wife in Labour called forth, desir'd
Till the next Morn when, yauning strait, o'ertir'd
With's wooing Task, it seem'd (he said) that she
Could like Women in Labor 's Company
Better then his; he'll now take Horse be gone;
Mother inform of all: for Wives, 'twas known,
He could have those i'th' Country far and near,
Would Leap at him. The Earl, Countess both appear;
Said, two great Lords that day did Suitors wait;
And Foremost came. Those Lords then take her strait
Between them both (reply'd) brave Hunting Day
Was lost for her. So, Wine in Courteous way
Being offer'd there; like Blow that gentlier smarted
( Men loudly call'd, and Dogs) he strait departed.
CANDORA thus withdrawn spent serious hour,
Near gliding Brook repos'd, where nature's Bow'r
Large branched Palm; whilst gentle murmur made
Wi [...] tossed Leaves and Streams, to th' Ear convey'd;
Birds chanting round: sate musing there upon
Each Lordly Servant's weight, poiz'd (being gon)
In all Regards; lest should too late Repent
Unwiser Choice: so, back to th' Chamber went.
Next day dissolv'd, which well did fix, Compose
Her doubtful thoughts for Person, Parts in those;
Tempers conjoyn'd;
The King Hunts there.
the King with gallant Train
For Hunting came; that Lordly Pair again:
By him regarded each, tho sought indeed
Prime Virgin course, who stood for Spouse Decreed.
The Earl to th' Park attends with Countess there;
CANDORA might DIANA'S self appear,
Goddess of Groves (so lovely thought, beheld,
Pure-chast withall) on daintiest Horse excell'd.
The lofty Stag, chief Silvan Burgess grown,
From cool, dark Cabin rais'd, pursu'd alone
By dreadful Hounds (strong scented Rout) beyond
His branched Forts, though Lawn, refreshing Pond;
Chas'd, driven still in Flights hot Burning Feaver
From whom the Herd (scar'd Friends) themselves did sever;
Whilst different Horns rung doleful Knells as pass'd,
(Joyn'd Eccho's noise) till reachd, Assail'd at last,
Us'd Forked Head when Feet but vain for Flying:
Sunk after Gallant Bay, shewn Courage Dying.
So Noblest Persons fall by th' Vulgar Crowd;
Concluding Peal for Obsequies allow'd.
The King went then to th' Mansion-house, Invited
(Mongst Courtly Train those Rival-Lords recited)
For prime Repast; to th' Chamber being come,
CANDORA pleas'd withdraws to joyned Room,
The Countess next, th' Earl talking with the King:
Good order took for Banquet's managing.
Stole when return'd, unto MELARGON strait,
Inform'd, her Daughter would not Choice relate
Till Banquet past, whereof she hoped well;
VALENSON saw, who strait began to swell;
Then damp'd his stouter thoughts, as tho declar'd
That Choice by her: thus, almost half despair'd:
Yet rouzing Patience there, lest Resolution,
When Banquet came took part till the conclusion.
That done, tho Qualm his Lordly Stomack found,
The Countess too gone forth on choosing ground
Strait towards Him did chearful way advance
CANDORA'S Maid, view'd by MELARGON'S Glance,
From first beheld, who musing thereupon,
Civil Discharge conceiv'd she brought alone:
Countess her self should best declare the Voice.
That Girl, howere, VALENSON nam'd for Choice;
Valenson cho­sen by Cando­ra
From th' Lady (last) intreats to stay behind;
Thus, private way, disclos'd her gentle mind.
Well pleas'd he was; the Countess entring then,
Informed strait MELARGON'S Ear agen,
Her Daughter Choice on th' Other chanc'd to fall,
Nor could she help: MELARGON'S vext withal.
CANDORA thought (nor Err'd) he was more high;
Of prouder Strain, might least in Love Comply:
Best lik'd that Other's Person too, at last;
By whom ere long in Joyful Arms imbrac'd.
VALENSON thus Bob'd him o' th' Wifely score;
Tho Cheated prov'd in Wanton aim before.
Next Drinking large, Venerial Game's there found)
The Court did through ambitious Arts abound;
Mines, Counter-mines grand Avarice, but one
More pleasant Passage thought, shall here be shown.
An ancient Earl there was, ALVARUS nam'd,
Who held great Place for benefit proclaim'd;
By this Young King confirm'd at Coronation,
Now two years past, whom he in pleasing fashion
Had humour'd from a Boy, till Man compleat:
Prov'd Widower of pleasant Brain, Conceit
As chearful Heart, being told for certain then,
His Place was aimed at by two such men,
Alvarus's Plot against two Lords.
Of Lordly Rank, who hop'd to Beg, succeed,
After his Death; joyn'd former Grudge indeed;
Were VELDAR DURAS call'd: Strong thoughts, dispos'd
To gull them Both, his Project was disclos'd
To's Doctor's Son (last, Chamber-Groom combin'd)
That th' only Heir, by Nature's Gift design'd.
The King was then some nine miles off from Town,
At Country-Seat belonging to the Crown,
SILENDROS call'd; those Lords that time; howere,
I'th' City with their Train, Resided there.
Which known o'er night, scarce Four, nor Break of Day;
That Groom, Lodg'd at his Feet, call'd up straitway
The Doctor, Son (both in their Cloaths) desiring
Their help, his Lord found near to gasps, expiring.
Ere long by Them. Declar'd that he was Dead;
Convulsion- fits, joyn'd Apoplex in th' Head.
By Seven that Morn Herse brought before the Dore;
Six Horses in't, for large attendance more:
Then th' Earl but loosely veil'd, and wrap'd in Gown,
Betwixt the Doctor, Groom was carry'd down,
Laid in the Herse; that Servant Guardian there;
Since left command they should his Corps interr
At Country-house, some twenty Miles remote:
Son also rode along: This lastly note;
By th' Houses of those Lords, which near did stand,
Th' Herse was to pass, beheld on either hand,
So might to Them that Earlier Hour be known;
When scarcely prov'd for Court Silendros gon.
If were perchance, their Wives (being left behind)
Would send them strait the posted News like wind.
VELDAR, whose Door the Herse first marched by
(Since sat up late) in Bed did prostrate lye;
But soon inform'd (more Life from thence appearing)
ALVARUS Death; tho DURAS greatly fearing,
If Ready was; strait called up two Men,
Which came from's Country-House, and should agen
That day depart, unknown to DURAS both;
Gave private Charge, whilst there Himself did Cloath.
The King would not SILENDROS leave that Day
He heard o'er Night; Seven Miles from whence (side-way)
Did DREMOS stand, which next chief Mansion shew'd:
Four Miles from Town out SILENDRO'S Road,
Large turning Lane to that call'd DREMOS went:
They should choice Horses take for this intent.
The First should keep just o'er against that Lane,
SILENDROS Road, where shrouding Trees, most plain
Might DURAS see far off; the last close by
I'th' Lane conceal'd; whn DURAS came, drawn nigh,
The first should Ride forth strait, then th' other meeting
Perform their Parts enjoyn'd, like Friendly greeting.
Fit Beasts mean while prepar'd, much shorter Race
Through Pasture-grounds, they timely gain'd the place.
On Gallop DURAS came, approaching there,
First Scout rod forth, as from SILENDROS were
That Morning come; Lane left with all the other
Like DREMO'S man, Saluting one another.
The first loud spake, What, did you meet the King?
Yes (said the last) some four miles off: which thing
When DURAS heard, he ask'd where he was gon;
To DREMOS- Park for Hunting Game anon.
That Fellow cry'd; towards MANTINEA going
Whilst he took DREMOS Lane, round gallop shewing.
They told their Lord (soon after met) th' Event;
Who with much speed towards SILENDROS went:
No Gallants could, inflam'd with Amorous Fire,
More Poast it for choice Mistress whom desire.
Alighting there, his Face i'th' Gate descry'd
Third Courtier strait through Windows glass uney'd;
Who had like Aim, news then brought from his Wife;
And guessing VELDAR'S Plot, lest Rival-strife,
Walk'd to the King near hand in's Gallery;
Spring-lock'd that Door for time more large and free;
Soon got the Grant: those Persons all so great,
That who first spake was sure to do the Feat:
So pass'd through furthest Door to Garden known,
Since cropt this Flow'r of State Triumphant grown.
VELDAR strait reach'd the Door, which finding clos'd,
Some thoughts the King might private be dispos'd.
Paus'd there a while; tho trod but thorny Ground,
To th' furthest Door then trac'd through Garden round;
Which Friendlike open stands, the King at leisure,
His Suit prefer'd who answer'd to small pleasure,
Another came before: did strangely amaze;
As tho some envious Sprite the News should blaze.
Groom to that Last walk'd by howe're, indeed
When th' Herse preparing was, with nimbler Speed
The Wife inform'd (lodg'd not far off) agen:
Thus, VELDAR might have kept his Bed till then.
Tir'd VELDAR came, dismounts before the Gate,
Who finding ( Gaul'd) no King at Dremos late,
That Party Drunk conceiv'd, the News that brought,
Himself, mad to believe; with Jealous thought.
Spur'd for Silendros strait; how long'd to reach,
Whole Acres every step, well warmed each
Both Horse and Man; joyn'd chafing Feaver too
Still VELDAR in his eyes would all undo.
Went in at last, his Suit did then declare;
Tho came too late, walk'd forth for Garden air,
Hot Journey thus endur'd; tho pleas'd in part,
Since DURAS Bob'd, whom thught of less desert.
ALVARUS well mean time, whose Herse (as't were)
Seem'd trouling Couch, made up contented there
Small nightly Rest i'th' Chamber-Grooms soft Lap;
Slep [...] many Hours; for Cloze to pleasing Nap,
Smi [...] on the Way, those- Lords deluded so;
To think how like the Fable-Dog they'd shew,
Which snatch'd at fleeting Shade; cross'd one another;
More Ayr in th' Herse allow'd,, no Veil could smother.
At Journey's end his Legs began to move,
Next th' Arms and Head, which did amazement prove
As Joy to th' Servants shew'd, Revived thus:
Tho said to be thing less Miraculous
Benum'd, Lethargick Corps one present there
Saw born to th' Grave, Sense, Life restor'd howere.
He entred th' House, large Supper's meat did eat,
Like former Man; best Musick, Sauce to th' meat
From his own sportive Brain: did there repose
Three Summer Nights: refresh'd (for final Cloze)
Pass'd MANTINEA'S streets, Fourth day again,
Well Mounted by those Lords,
Alvarus Tri­umph.
attendant Train.
The Herse following: as March Triumphant 'twere,
Death conquer'd, Foil'd; might Ghost to them appear.
More Patient tho, third Man their Partner found;
ALVARUS Bob'd them all upon this ground.
Short time orepast, yet something Lusty Man,
Tho Fifty five, this second Freak began;
He was for Wife resolv'd, those Lords foresaid
As should that way more doubtful make afraid:
Wish'd Portion tho conjoyn'd, that also Loves;
Something (would say) to buy her Pins and Gloves.
Just o're against his Lordships House did lye
A Persian Dame, view'd from his Gallery:
Widow she was, compleat for Persian Dress;
Ag'd Forty years, shew'd Person's comliness.
Next day at Neighbour's House, the same he found
(Once Fellow-Traveller on Persian ground)
Set by his Wife; who jesting said, Kiss past,
There was good Spouse for him. ALVARUS cast
Much fonder Glance, joyn'd pleasing Words withal,
Since Persian spoke; strait Business home did call.
He lik'd her well, Advanc'd the Persian Nation;
Sent Man next day to th' Lodging for Relation
What, who she was: her self mean time (since thus
That Friend inform'd, he seemed covetous)
By Servant spread, if sent to the House t'inquire,
She had in Gold two thousand pound entire;
Jewels five hundred more. Kind Visit made,
His Lordship saw Gems, Cash by her display'd;
Her self most Priz'd affirm'd;
Marries the Persian Wi­dow.
seal'd Countess there
Upon her Lips: third Morn conjoyn'd they were.
Strong Fancy, thought of Boys and Girls, brave show,
Since found at Night good, pleasing Bedfellow.
But, Morning come, she told him plain, that Treasure
Her Brothers was; being gone for ( Vow not pleasure)
To Delphos late; if Dy'd by Hand and Seal
'Twas Hers confirm'd, whose Person howere might well
(She hop'd) content: Lords Daughter too, for cloze.
Part- cramp'd altho, yet pleas'd the Bridegroom shows
Week spent, her Brother come, made private claim;
Whose Man, by stealth, did back convey the same,
Lest known abroad: ALVARUS thus at last
Was caught himself; by weaker Sex surpast.
They left their native soil upon this ground;
A Lord he was near Persian Gulf, renown'd;
Who having slain one of the Royal Blood
Defensive way, Assaulted in large Wood
Through spiteful cause; the Sophy's Anger fearing
Strait Gallop'd home, grand, Dreadful Storm appearing,
Fifteen short Miles; two Sisters where remain'd
This Widow, whom himself through want maintatin'd,
And Virgin-one by second Wife beside
(Scarce twenty's Age) since Father Intestate Dy'd.
Those took, with Gems and Gold by joynt accord;
Seeing Barque for Egypt bound, he went aboard,
Reach'd Memphis Walls, that Sister where was lost,
In strangest way, unknown: Thus sadly crost,
By Nile through Mid-land Sea soon hither came;
To Athens then, Renowned Place by Fame.
(Not distant far) Rich Uncle's welcome Guest
Where calm Retreat enjoy'd, contented Rest.

The STORY of the Persian Lady ZELMANZA.

THat Sister gone Transcendent Beauty shin'd
ZELMANZA call'd; as choice for virtuous mind:
To Pity whom if (Reader) th' art disops'd,
Conjoyned take her Fortune strange disclos'd:
If tho with-held too long thou shalt appear
From our chief Story, until next Book forbear.
In Memphis Lodg'd prime Town of Egypt known,
Now Cairo call'd; she Garden trac'd alone
( Brother gone forth, i'th' House their Sister maid)
Where Field close joyn'd neglected Banks display'd;
Step'd through the Door, on Fortunes Changes musing:
When four tall Rogues, bad Thievish Practice using,
Zelmanza Sei­zed by Thieves.
Tho seiz'd sometimes on Virgins Young and Fair
Advantage got, then sold for gainful Ware
To Out-landish Customers, Fresh Merchandize;
Viewing her Form and Youth, convenient Prize,
As pass'd along; brave Persian Cloaths withal;
One slip'd between Her and that Door, t'enthrall,
Pull'd close, Spring-lock'd the same, a second Glove
Thrust in her Mouth. Third Poniard sharp did move,
That held against her Brest, threating for Dead
If march'd not on with nimble Foot, where led.
They cross'd that Field to River near at hand,
Blind nook where fifth with Boat did waiting stand
For such Exploits; so down the Stream they row'd
Whilst her fair Eyes like Christal Founts or'erflow'd:
New dismal Voyage thought, most strangely fear'd;
Till at the length their dreadful Place appear'd.
Wild, loanly Walls with Moat encompast round,
Dark shaded Creek for Gloomy entrance found.
'Twas Lodg 'mongst lofty Trees, fit Den descry'd
For Murthers, Rapes, ill gotten Goods beside:
Mean Couch howere they could by chance impart;
Whereon she lay in Cloaths, sad, gauled Heart.
There prov'd that time a Lord Embassador
Sent from Morocco's King, grand Tawny-Moor;
That Fez conjoyn'd to's Master's Scepter bending;
Dominion large, by th' Western Seas extending.
Most Lustful Prince, most Proud withal, as great;
This Lord next day should towards Home Retreat:
Wherefore that Night their Captain like Comrade
Inform'd his Ear what gallant Persian Maid
(True Virgin found) they had; of noblest Birth,
Such known to be; Young, Beautiful as th' Earth
Could then produce. Choice, Lovely Brown indeed;
Prime Feature, Person joyn'd, might wonder breed.
The Lord was pleas'd, since Kingly Present thought,
ZELMANZA'S thus next Morn by Water brought,
Convenient way unto his Garden Door,
Sold to Moroc­co Embassa­dor.
Sea-prize by them affirm'd, on Lawful Score.
Her Person view'd, tho Face bedrench'd in Tears,
Whilst through that Showr bright Sun-shine breaks, appears;
Maid being approv'd; then mounting Golden Sum
For Price discharg'd, he Lanched forth for home.
Sad Glances back the fair ZELMANZA cast
On Memphis Walls whilst Nilus Streams she pass'd;
Some Comfort tho, since from that Barbarous Crew
To Nobler Hands transfer'd; o'rewhelmed too,
Since wandring farther off from Sister, Brother,
Kind Uncle, last (what Heart such Griefs could smother!
To strange and Tawney World, she knows not where
(Tho heard it nam'd) sighs constant Breath, as 'twere.
Reach'd Midland Sea, they Western Course began,
Propitious Gale, like waiting Guardian,
Attends their Barque; convey'd them smoothly o're
The brinish Deep, pass'd Carthaginian Shore,
Where Dido dy'd then turn'd to Northern Dance,
South-west again with pleasing Dalliance;
Till Mauritania past in large Degree,
Where Tunis, now Algiers, call'd Barbara.
When Storm arose,
Great Storm at Sea.
the Winds in blustring Fray
Contending met, orewhelmed prov'd the Day;
Heaven masqu'd in Cloudy Black; the Seas did rise,
And foaming Waves discharg'd against the Skies;
Th' Air Field for all; whilst those incensed round
Pour'd Floods beneath, with Ordnance seem'd resound,
Grand Thunder-claps: where Lightning seem'd the Fire:
As tho the World would raging break, expire.
With Horrors strange the General Face orespread
What view'd, beheld; Men wishing themselves Dead
Through Dying Fears: whilst Bandy'd seem'd and lost
Their labouring Barque, from Water-Mountains tost
To Watry Vales confused Noise doth grow,
Loud Storm within, extream; false Sands below,
Rocks fear'd above, Waves, sinking strait from thence:
ZELMANZA'S Heart much calm'd through Innocence
More sudden Fate (if seiz'd her there) might free
From lingring Death withal, strange Slavery.
Long Strife orepast, the Winds did make retreat;
Clouds spent, withdrawn, smooth'd Waves allay as great.
Tho toiling Barkere's disorder'd Tackling, Dress
(Much wrong'd by th' furious Storm) caus'd heaviness.
Till primely advanc'd their Voyage (last) they found,
Driven near to Mauritania's Western Ground;
Now call'd Tangier; where soon repair'd they are
So, Steer'd along through Streits of Gibraltar.
By Southern Course rech'd warm Morocco's Shore,
Rude-formed Towers; she Persian saw before.
Arrived safe, ZELMANZA (Beauteous Maid)
To his own House th' Ambassador convey'd;
Whose White all wondred at, fair She again
Their Sun-burn'd Croud; tho brought by Tawny Train:
That Lord went strait to th' Court, shewn humblest duty;
The King inform'd, what Noble Persian Beauty,
Maid also, brought; was charg'd that Female Prize
He should next Morn present to th' Royal Eves.
ZELMANZA came, Young Courtiers Gaz'd large store,
Deep Tawny tho not Black Complexion wore.
Not such big Lips, flat Nose, out- Brows designed
As Black-Moors have; tho some that way inclin'd:
Prove Deeper then the Northern Tawneys far,
Tunis Algiers, if th' Ancient Natives are.
Mounting the Room, unveil'd; when Sorrow there
Did heightning Foil to th' Beauteous Face appear.
The King advanc'd, with light silk Robe array'd,
Zelmanza viewed by the King of Mo­rocco.
Where gaudiest Flowers (some Silver, God) display'd;
Reach'd past the Knee; long Breeches, small below,
Linnen that time: from calf all bare did shew.
Fine Girdle wreath'd of glistring stuff beheld:
Black, short eurl'd Crown, whose Gorgeous Role excell'd.
Us'd high rais'd Cap abroad, of Silken kind,
Choice Sprig thereon, some Linnen mixt, combin'd.
Pure Linnen Cloaths on Tawney Neck was worn,
Much pleated, spread: wrists Pearl and Gems adorn.
View'd proper Person, large; bad Features there,
Grim Countenance; Years twenty five did bear.
Approach'd with Loftiest steps, ZELMANZA Bow'd;
Whom he did take by th' Chin, great smack allow'd;
Cheeks clap'd withal; told certain standers by,
Who Persian spoke, he lik'd her Lip and Eye;
Th' whole Person there; that Nation pleasing seem'd,
Stout Gallant 'twas; her self the more esteem'd.
Inform'd whereof, no Words returned then,
But sober Look; Joyn'd Reverence agen.
Next, order gave, to th' Female Mansion she
(Some private Room) should strait conducted be;
Therefore Twelve Days with choiceness Dieted.
Strong, heightning Meats, so brought to's Royal Bed.
Given Larger time, since Health perchance impair'd
Through Voyage long and bad withal; declar'd.
Thus, She's convey'd, where noble Slave must shew,
To th' Captain-Eunuch's Power, Seraglio:
Which croud of Women held, all tended there
By Eunuch-slaves, to who their Quarters were,
And Wards assign'd. ZELMANZA lodg'd alone,
Was by the Kings command (at first unknown)
Left to Arabian's Charge, being born and bred
Nigh Persian Bounds; which somewhat comforted;
That Language spoke; inform'd her many a thing,
What time she should be imbraced by the King.
An Africk Princess, maid, last night enjoy'd;
For Beauty's Gloss who wanting prov'd, and Void,
Since Tawney Face, their Climates near the same;
Well-Featur'd tho, good proper, Handsom Frame:
Whose Life far off, nigh the Red Sea began,
With Feathers drest, as now the American.
Stragling not far from Shore to Isle of Pleasure,
[...] [...]oyned Maiden Treasure.
In th' Afternoon, there was perform'd at Court
Triumphant Scene, which did grand Pride import.
Tall Black-moor-King and Queen, took Pris ners late,
Were Marshall'd up, were under Cloth of State
This King enthron'd; great Lords and Ladys by
Much Naked they were, tho part did shrouded lye;
From bottom of their Wast down to their Knee
Silk Garments worn, large, Loose withal and free,
Small Panes conjoyn'd; did divers Colours shew:
Short Buskins each, Sandals on feet below.
Wreath'd Stuffs went round his Head, brave Flap behind:
View'd Taudry Quoif for Hers which flaunting shin'd.
Drawn near, the Man's stretch'd Prostrate on the ground;
Whilst th' Haughty King (Triumphant Garb then Crown'd)
Trod on his Sable neck, like Threshold laid,
The Woman, last, along the Floor display'd;
When Sister caus'd, with those great Ladies there
To tread on Hers, that they might Brag where-e'er,
They Trampled on a Queen: Examples prov'd
Of Fortune's change; late like to Rocks unmov'd,
Now from their Thrones cast down (sad Wars event)
By th' Conqueror did Footstools represent.
Then Glancing forth, two thousand Black-moors Bow'd
In Ranks beneath, like sad Captived Croud.
Three days dissolv'd,
The Morocco Princess's Mar­riage.
great Marriage Celebration
Performed was, Chief Persons of that Nation;
His Sister Bride, with choice, Grand Favorite,
Prime Lord conjoyn'd; which we shall strait recite.
When Sister, Daughter of a King to Wed
Subject was pleas'd, new way 'twas ordered,
Form singular; unless the Bridegroom found
O'th' Royal Blood, so march'd on equal ground.
Princess her self there Paragon esteem'd
For body, Face; that Lord transcendent seem'd.
I'th' Morn their Marriage was at Dinner plac'd,
Her Table near the King's, like Princess grac'd,
Silk Canopy; whilst greater Ladies tho
(Distance between) as Guests were Rang'd below;
The Bride-groom came, fine Napkin large did bear,
Chief Carver's Task perform'd in Duty there
Till second Course was brought; the Princess then
Carv'd him thereof, same daintiest meat agen.
Drank unto him through Wifely Kindness, last,
Which he did Pledge: so with that choice Repast
Taking his Leave, new Carver for the Board,
To joyning Room withdraws where Table stor'd;
Lords, Courtier-guests; he took the highest end,
First on her Morsel feeds; who strait did send
Large boul of Wine as third Conjugal Favour,
Wine there Lawful before Mahomet.
In which he drank her Health with pleasing savor;
That done by all to rude loud Musicks sound:
For th' Afternoon some Masque-like shews were found.
When Bed-time came, the Bridegroom (Formal sight,
As Chamberlain's great place) bare Waxen light,
And Pot of choice Perfumes before the Bride
To th' Chamber door; with Reverence comply'd:
Then to some Lady gave, not far withdraws.
She entred there; undrest, by Marriage Laws.
Laid first in Bed, she rang small Silver Bell;
To th' Bridegroom Summons 'twas (her Virgin-knell
Might be conceiv'd) who forth most bravely pranc'd,
Loose Garment worn, to her Beds feet advanc'd.
Then Naked crept in there, with Blind-fold Art,
Did Travel thus by every prostrate Part
O'th' Female world, which should Subdue, enjoy:
To th' Pillow come, She Rising strait (less Coy)
Conjugal Kiss vouch-safe'd, exalting so
His humbleness; who then might bolder grow.
For th' Evening part (which touch'd before alone)
The Morocco's Masque.
Masque-like Device, by them thought Rare, was shewn.
Where th' King himself conjoyn'd, not Vizarded;
Spectatress chief the Bride, over whose head
View'd Cloth of State; Young Bridegroom at her Feet:
Whereto (Grand Favour there) ZELMANZA sweet
Was brought, convey'd, plac'd 'mongst Nobler Train;
That might behold his Active Parts and Brain;
Thence more Enamour'd prove for wanton Fire
Match well his Kingly heat, sublime Desire.
Rude fashion'd Scene beheld, for Wood pourtray'd,
Rocks on each hand, which Wildest shew display'd.
Thence five Black-Moors cloath'd middle Part, appear,
Whilst Gaudy Toys th' Arms Legs adorned there;
With Truncheons each; led tame Baboon in string
(Most jovial Way) strait fastned to a Ring:
Then joyn'd in Antick Dance, which Ruder Part
They could well do, perform by Nature's art;
That done did all their comely Beast surround,
Strange Postures us'd to stranger Musick sound:
Whilst that danc'd in the midst (tho Brutish Fashion)
Taught so before, still true to's constant Station.
Last came five Tawney-Moors, Morocco-kind,
Their Truncheons held aloft, as tho inclin'd
For th' Angry Stroke (skin clad, fierce Roaring Boys)
Who joyned with th' other five to Musick-noise,
In Skirmish-Dance; their Truncheons knock'd to Tune,
Till drove the Black-moors forth, Triumphant soon:
Then danc'd about that Beast of largest Size,
Which hal'd away like goodly Conquer'd Prize.
Then came the King; six Servitors before,
With choice perfuming Pots, who midst the Floor
Fell off one either hand, eight stalk behind:
Great Persons saw, strange, glistring Robes design'd.
He danc'd alone, would like himself appear;
Now up did lead to ruder consort there,
Those joyned Pairs, then down, then on the side;
I'th' midst withal shew'd frisking, lofty Pride:
Such us'd his Lords, some vulgar Forms beheld,
Like plainer Country-dance, tho there excell'd.
Last, Herald's voice pronounc'd in bawling way,
The King was Foreign Prince; pass'd nigh that day
Their Glorious Court, and so was pleas'd to be
Kind sharer in this Grand Solemnity.
Whilst drooping Glance ZELMANZA cast on all,
Foregoers thought to th' Maiden Funeral.
His Royal Person then did strait advance,
Took forth the Bride for gallant Country Dance;
Fantastick Jig might seem; which being ended,
To take the Bridegroom forth she condescended.
He next took Lady there, she chose a Lord;
That Ruder half dispatch'd, by joyn'd accord
They fell to mixed Dance, where best was shewn
Their jumping Art: his highness seiz'd the Throne.
This Dancing done, their Tast contentment shar'd
With th' Eye and Ear, Choice Banquet being prepar'd.
To which the Bride, great Ladies also mov'd;
ZELMANZA, last (grand, second Favour prov'd)
Zelmanza cal­led to the Banquet
Was brought along; like Rose conjoyn'd wi [...]h them
'Mongst Champain Flowers, midst Beads of Glass the Gem.
Tho Qualmish then for th' Tast, as dancing sight;
Sad Reason, Fear close Damp to Sense-delight;
View'd thier preserves, then stranger Faces round,
Did touch, tho scarcely eat; hearts Grief profound.
Each wanton Glance thought mortal Dart to be,
Directed from his Tauny Majesty;
Who Drank to her (choice honour meant) for cloze
Transcendent Acts, ne'er us'd before to those
Slave-Concubine; but Private way retir'd.
Bred Wonder, Envy both, (so strange, admir'd)
I'th' Female Croud;
Envy'd by a Great Lady.
one She 'bove all the Rest,
Whose Father Second Lord, (of late Deceast)
Within the Realm; took next the Bride-groom the place.
Who being indifferent for Tawny Face,
Good Countenance, brave, Gallant Limbs combin'd;
Most Proud thereof; Ambitious Lofty mind;
Throught some grand Favours by the King bestow'd,
Had thoughts of being Queen; nor Dream it shew'd:
Her Fancy could in confidentest way
Grasp Royal Crown, ascend the Throne that day,
Obeisance made by all: turn'd Jealous now
ZELMANZA might be she, her Greatness Bow
(So others fear'd) to thing by Fortune brought;
That White, Outlandish Baggage call'd, in thought
Resolved was, Death's Bride she should become,
E're prove the Queen; for Bed cold Marble Tomb.
Young, Noble Lord, for Person handsom fram'd
Well Featur'd last, much more did Burn, Inflam'd
With Love of Her; grown Jealous of the King,
Those Beams of Noon to th' Twilight's glimmering.
Since strange she seem'd of late, shewed Disregard
If Truth confirm'd, tho wanted Heart so hard
To Kill his Sovereign, himself that hour
Resolv'd to Die; such Love's strong, fatal pow'r:
Since oft observ'd, where Moral honesty,
Nor setled strength o're-rules, that Men will be
Revengeful found on such as cross, oppose
Or Act theri Wrath upon themselves, for cloze.
That Violence 'mongst Tawny Brood discovers,
And Black-moors too, like European Lovers.
Their Banquet done, ZELMANZA in a Barge
Was strait convey'd to her Arabian's charge,
I'th' Womens House; whose private Chamber more
Consorted with her Grief than Courtly floor;
Tho Birds enthrall'd more Blissful seem'd to be,
Sung, Chanted oft in Cage-Captivity.
One Week o'repast,
Zelmanza's Pi­cture drawn for the King.
her Eunuch-Guardian
The King imploy'd, since prov'd ingenious Man,
Good Painter found, her Face to draw, pourtray;
Fine Tablet size, contracted Form; did say,
He would her Picture have, Night cloath'd for Bed;
Now in the Prime ere lost her Maiden-head:
Which he perform'd, tho tedious Task it shew'd
In poor ZELMANZA'S thoughts, long Hours bestow'd;
That shade since should like Harbinger fore-run
Substance it self; through his vile grasp undone:
Till Beg'd the Workman oft for pleasing Face,
Kind, Chearful Glance, least caus'd his Arts disgrace:
Nor Credit all, might forfeit, loose that Hand
Through Pencill's fault, by th' Tyrant's Mood, command.
ZELMANZA thus for Wanton strength, delight
Was choicely Fed; Venerial appetite;
Tho pamper'd Maid but for the Shambles seem'd,
His Royal Couch and Arms no better deem'd.
She number'd oft both Nights and Days (sad sum)
Like Men Condemn'd till th' Execution come.
No hopeful Daun t'avoid, escape descry'd
But the King's Death; then Slave to th' next beside.
Last mournful Night, then troubled Fancy well
Might keep awake (each lodg'd in Christal cell)
Those Lovely Eyes, choice Gems in silver cases,
Yet gentle Sleep o'repower'd with soft imbraces,
And Soak'd them both long time in Slumbring Dew;
As pity'd for that Night which should ensue,
Grasp'd by the Moore Rest long might there forsake;
Whose Lustful Arms conceiv'd Tormenting Rack.
Sleep fled by Seven, last Virgin-day allow'd,
When wish'd bright Skies o're-veil'd with Sable Cloud;
The Sun close Mourner turn'd (who gilds the Glass
With gaudy Beams) like her sad Brest, alas!
Choice Bathing was for th' Afternoon design'd,
Her last day's Bathing.
Every third day observ'd; This tho combin'd
With heightning Sweets, more wanton Sense to please;
Which would breed Qualms in her ( she thought) Disease.
Next; curious Smock perfum'd she should put on;
Like Shroud conceiv'd, her Winding-sheet anon.
Meant for his Bed. Prime Night-cloaths then should wear;
Which through Conceit caus'd loathsom Head-ach there;
Morocco's daintiest Garb. Drest (beauteous Maid)
When th' Evening came, she should be Veil'd convey'd
To th' Lodgings of the King, Court-meal, repast
For Supper joyn'd; to's Royal Bed at last.
Each Fancy saw. (like Mournful Scene beheld)
As Cloud no way but by his death dispell'd;
Tho poor ZELMANZA thought not of her own,
Great Ladies Plot on her
Same Day Resolv'd; sad, Tragick Point, unknown.
That great, young Lady whom we mentioned,
Through Jealous thoughts, proud Heart Distemper bred
(BRINDOTA call'd) much heightned too their Rage,
ZELMANZA'S Form when heard (more bad Presage)
For Tablet drawn; with Gems adorn'd, most bright;
She vow'd her Death before their coupling night:
Lest Fonder Mood that time the Match conclude;
Or else remain still Guest at Court, delude
Her hopes ere long: choice Means, convenient found
For Actor, took; whereof thus prov'd the Ground.
Women they us'd, Cooks places some enjoy'd
For th' Concubines; whilst others were imploy'd
In carrying up; wash'd Cloaths, made their Bed;
Serv'd th' Eunuchs too, their Quarters limited.
That Landress, which did tend ZELMANZA fair,
Her Eunuch both, had Girl (Temptation snare)
Who this great Lady serv'd, preferment high;
Her self in Want withal found large Supply:
Whom visiting the Lady in private Room,
Oath pass'd for Secrecy, ZELMANZA'S Doom.
Thus told, declar'd: would have this Dining meal.
To Poison her, which she might temper well
With her choice Broth; 'twould work midst second hour;
When close Lock'd up, fear'd no complaining Pow'r.
Soon striking Dead. Tho, when enjoy'd by th' King,
Free leave for Gallery, brave furnish'd thing.
Garden high-wall'd below, Moat round howere;
No Bathing Task till Four performed there.
Face Drawn withal, Landress beheld the same;
So kept, reserv'd: Thus, when 'bout Four she came
With th' Eunuch, those things brought, ZELMANZA Dead;
She should admire: Some Appoplex i'th' Head,
Impostume broke might cause that speedy Fate
(In Words conjoy'd) since she would point of late
To that, and Throat sometimes, large Golden sum
Now promis'd Her, choice place when Queen become.
This Woman prov'd hard Heart, besides those Great
Ingagements past, to come; the Poisnous Feat,
Tho Murther 'twas, could not deny, refuse;
That way applauds, her utmost Care would use;
The Poison took; her Daughter (last) must not
Be told, inform'd, kept, stranger to the Plot.
ZELMANZA, whilst lay musing under Cloud
That Morn through Virgin-fears, to Sorrow bow'd;
She heard the Door unlock'd, which startled her;
Thought strange that Hour: soft way, without Demur
That Eunuch entring; more serious Eyes,
As tho the Brain did weightier thoughts comprize;
Which startled more: He pray'd her nimbly then
To Rouse, be Drest. What Cause? said She agen:
Madam (He joyned) I come to set you free;
Your Honour sav'd withal, and Chastity;
Freed too my self, next Life great'st Satisfaction;
If You'l be Rul'd. What Danger in the Action?
Kind Sir, said she again; None valuable,
He strait reply'd; Tho Fortune proves unstable:
You must be lock'd within that larger Chest
For safe Convoy: So, told her all the rest.
The Lady thought 'twas hopeful way, and yet
Found Horror in the same; joyn'd Trembling Fit:
Loth to Decline, nor tedious pause allow'd,
She's ready strait; Silk under- Robe for shroud,
Then Persian Mantle worn, with nightly Dress,
Which well became; shew'd sweet in heaviness.
Zelmanza lock­ed in a Chest.
Sad, drooping thoughts howere, that darksom Room,
When enter'd first, least might presage her Tomb.
Lock'd fast She was, like Beauteous Corps, some fine
Choice Jewel there, resplendent Silver Mine.
Door Lock'd withal, He Marched down from thence
For th' main Exploit of solemn Consequence.
This Eunuch, when some two years past Captiv'd,
By th' King's command of Manly parts depriv'd,
The Eunuch's Plot.
Soon Gelded was; of Sanguine Temper fram'd;
Prov'd Wanton, Amorous; thus therefore Tam'd.
Of Life's chief Joy, contentment Rob'd as 'twere,
'Twas Butchers Act conceiv'd. Nay, Guarded there
His sportful Flesh in Concubinal Station;
Oft saw, but ne'r enjoy'd, grand aggravation.
Wherefore, if could of this choice Gem debar
(Whom Piti'd much, born Neighbour too) so far
Cheat his desires, Revengeful Stab it seem'd:
Freedom conjoyn'd withal, most dear esteem'd.
That Bondage more (stout Heart) didained thus,
Since Baser Nation prov'd, term'd Barbarous:
Nay more, his Friend their Master-Eunuch late
Advanced was, and One whom This did hate,
First under-Eunuch, should i'th' Room succeed.
That very Morn, ten for their Hour agreed,
Cart should bear forth his various Furniture
(More than what Goods to th' Place belong'd) thing sure,
Known certain 'twas; from which concordant chance
Strong, chearful Ground did fainter Hope advance.
Great Roman Lord Ambassador beside,
Ambassador from Rome, Philarchus.
PHILARCHUS call'd, did there as then Reside;
Prime Person, Parts, most Noble temper'd Brest,
Who Travel'd Persia long; their Speech exprest.
Imploy'd for State-Affairs, unpleasing Jar
Caus'd by this King, which might produce a War.
Should now return, provok'd in high Degree;
For Rome was then in her Minority;
Like spreading Branch, th' Italian Queen, no more:
Contest with these maintain'd, as Quarrels, store
With Carthage had, North-Eastern Clime to them;
This Rul'd South-West, worn Powerful Diadem.
That very Noon he should his Barque ascend,
So th' Eunuch heard, might their Escape befriend.
Thus, Morn before day slunk to th' Lord Disguis'd,
Old Coat, false Hair, Beard Roman-like (devis'd
For such exploits) clapt on abroad, close laid;
The Lord himself could Persian speak, we said.
ZELMANZA'S Form, drawn for the King, was brought,
Face, Bodies half, strong tempting ground, as thought:
In private Room th' whole Plot unveil'd, descry'd;
Lords Daughter 'twas, great Neighbour born, beside:
Her Brother known to th' Lord on Persian Ground,
When Travel'd there, being much ingaged, bound
By friendly League; then shew'd her lovely Shade;
Fine Persian Garb, choice Nightly Dress purtray'd.
'Twas Sorrow's draught, much more might Pleased move;
She, Virtuous Spouse (Informed) as fair would prove.
Prime, Noble Act, howe're; if chanc'd to find
Some sturdy Servitor, fit strength combin'd,
He th' Hands and Face could Tauny turn by Art;
Black, frizled Hair, Frock brought for Porters part:
High, Monstrous Walls, deep Moat beyond there lay,
Unpassable, through th' Gate their only way.
The Lord sa­ved Zelmanza.
The Lord bred Noble thoughts, much Piti'd there
Her Goodness, Beauty joyn'd, sad Virgin-fear
Th' obliging Bond by which to th' Brother ty'd,
When Stranger trod their Persian Soil, beside.
Last place believ'd he could produce prime Man
For Porters Task, as told the Guardian:
Yet was dispos'd, from whence she came should be
Kept from his Train; the Eunuch did strait agree.
Base Rogues (he said) did both of them enthrall,
No Prize of War; then sold for Slaves withal.
Conjoyned thus; would He but leave afford
Himself might come with Chest of Goods on board,
'Bout Twelve or One; or if hard Chance prevented,
When th' Evening came (to which the Lord assented)
Barque Lanched forth, he could in publick fashion
(Thanks given the Lord) make this devis'd Relation.
That driven by Storm, some while there Landing then
For needful Cause, their frighted Country-men
Throught fearful haste (alarm'd) left them on Shore,
Partly withdrawn; when thought of Slavish Whore,
Like dreadful Rack ZELMANZA terrifying,
Or Poison'd also told, One great in pow'r
Would seize on them for Spies, and her Deflow'r:
Like Chest of Goods he strait convey'd her thus,
Throught that Friend aid, their Lodging Dangerous,
The Lord seem'd pleased, strait called up to th' Room
One that in Persia served him, his Groom;
Strong back'd was known, stout heart withal, of free,
Ingenious Brain; given Oath for Secresie,
Th' whole Plot disclos'd; if well brought off the Prize,
He should to place of Wealth, advancement rise;
Mean while large Golden Sum; 'twas ample Wages:
Whilst th' Eunuch there to own the stealth ingages;
As hir'd that Man for Chest of Goods no more:
The Groom conjoyn'd on that adventurous Score.
Left daubing stuff, whereby with ease he might.
(Black, short curl'd Hair) seem Moorish chang'd o're Night.
Next Morn Frock us'd,
The Plot for freeing Zel­manza.
ty'd Porters Cord, and Sack,
Well-colour'd too, that Groom with Lusty Back,
'Tween Seven and Eight, to Cloister did repair
(Shewn him last night, such was the Eunuch's care)
Dark, skulking Place near th' House of Concubines;
Viewing their Gate; most fit for such Designs;
Whence saw all Passengers, should lurking there
Watch well that Cart for carriage did appear.
Nine's Hour at hand, that Cart came marching by
To bear the Captains Goods, two Porters nigh,
Attending it; their Gate being open spread,
Groom follow'd strait, behind the Cart did tread,
Like Moorish, Porter imploy'd; pass'd freely through,
Entring their Cout, much cheared, rejoyced too
( Few then observing ought, not least suspected)
He th' Eunuch soon descry'd, by Glance reflected
Upon his Window there (thing ordered so)
Which view'd the Court, and Gate; close place below:
There met by th' Eunuch was, to th' Lady's Room
Conducted then, Short, Private way to whom
Did prove by chance; Rap given for sign (tho small)
Porter was brought, he's lock'd in too withal.
Down the Eunuch walk'd again, for second part,
To's Window there, till Loaden saw the Cart;
When driving on, lock'd fast his Chamber door,
With nimble Foot did mount ZELMANZA'S Floor.
Entring whose Room, door lock'd, well Corded found
That Chest besides; Rap given for warning sound
'Twas bearing forth (th' agreement so) in hast
Fix'd on that Roman's Back, securely plac'd;
No Noise ore-heard, clear way when peeping through,
March forth, he said; Door nimbly locking too.
Some thoughts, at first, to bring Her forth by Night,
Drest in Man's cloaths; great Dangers tho did Fright.
Thus, down the Stairs ZELMANZA strait was born,
Zelmanza car­ried down.
Next through the Court; bedew'd with Tears that Morn.
Her Coffin-wall; each Morrish voice, as said,
Down there, and search that Chest, her thoughts dismay'd.
Th' Eunuch come nigh (large Wicket known) to th' Gate,
With angry Words inform'd the Porter strait,
Their Captains Cart was gone, Chest left behind,
They must o'retake the same: shew'd Troubled mind.
Th'are not gone far; the Porter cry'd withal:
Had drank large Draught that Morn, grand Festival:
Well knew, that Eunuch 'twas by th' Captain Favour'd;
With Cart the Porter came; thus nothing waver'd,
Unlock'd it there. Being marched through, more Free,
Third Rap he gave; for Sign ordain'd, that She
Had pass'd the Gate; which seem'd like Musick sound
Unto her Ear, as chearful Cordial found
To th' pleased Heart; Life-spirits rouz'd from thence,
Sad Qualm altho, fear'd Stormy consequence;
Since She conceiv'd much clouded Fate remain'd;
More windings in that Dangerous Maze contain'd.
Reach'd that dark Hole where left, he strait put on
That Coat, Hair, Beard, turn'd Roman-like, unknown.
They Walk'd not far till had prospective View,
Of open Place, where sight appear'd, grand Crew,
Which made him Stare; the King beheld withal
His Courtly Train, that day choice Festival.
The King [...] Riding to the Temple.
Then marched to th' Temple prov'd for Sacrifice
Unto their God, since late Victorious Prize;
That Black-moor King and Queen, enslaved Crowd:
Sad Glance howere by th' Eunuch was allow'd.
First Oxen went, brave Gilded Hoofs and Horns;
Ribbon each Neck with Garland too adorns.
Then Courtiers came, Great Lords, his Majesty
Mounted behind on Beast of Barbary;
Gay Foot-cloth shewn; th' Umbrella such, large spread,
Least scorch'd his Tawny Cheeks born o're his head.
Footmen and Guard in gaudy Coats descry'd;
With painted Bows and Darts, on either side.
The Princess next, in Gallant Charret drawn,
Fine colour'd Robe; her Scarf of Cobweb-Lawn,
Wrought with Silk Flowers and Gold: whilst in the Rere,
That Royal One Triumphant did appear;
Eight Black-moon Slaves like harness'd Beasts compell'd,
Whose squinting Glance the dreadful Whip beheld.
Th' Eunuch was cloy'd, that Hour, for Moorish show
When first perceiv'd, least stop'd, surprised so;
Soon Turned off. Few Lanes in nimbler sort
Being marched through, clear way to their Sea-port,
Fourth Rap he gave, which sound proclaim'd that She
Now reach'd the open Fields (that Sign should be
By both observ'd) much cheer'd her gentle Heart;
Less Pantings now; small Hole through th' upper part
Gave purer Ayre, she thought, more pleasing Breath;
Though still did Range Confines (as 'twere) of Death.
For, marching on, new Sight did startle, invade
His watchful Sence, beneath broad Beaches shade
Eight sturdy Moors descry'd (not far from All,
One chanc'd to know) that Gladsom Festival.
Triumphant met; some Drinking were, did soak
Their Tawny throats, whilst others danc'd to stroke
Of Instrument, did Rudely beat the Ground;
Wild, Antick Dance as prov'd their Musick-sound:
Shouts joyned oft. These things observ'd and Fear'd;
Worse through their Ranting, Drunken Mood appear'd;
Tho trod less used Path, he stragled more
So, Stalk'd along, till reach'd the Blissful Shore.
Fifth Rap then gave, whose Voice ZELMANZA taught,
She now, at length to th' Roman Barque was brought:
Heart Dancing through that's pleasing Melody;
Pure Blood refin'd did mount withal more free
Her Christal Cheeks; now Light would Bless her Eyes,
When from that Chest as from the Grave should rise.
Zelmanza took aboard.
The Lord's inform'd, receiv'd him strait from Shore
As Friend to th' Groom, resolv'd upon before;
That Precious Chest like Goods withall Aboard,
His Gallant Barque tho thought with Beauty stor'd.
This Business done, convenient Gale of Wind,
They Launched forth for Northern Course design'd;
When th' Eunuch told that former fram'd Relation,
(Mindful of Fair ZELMANZA'S Restauration)
In Publick sort to th' Lord, as was agreed:
Who seem'd well pleas'd the Lady so was freed
From Danger's jaws, commands t'unlock the Chest:
ZELMANZA when being Rouz'd, with chearful Brest,
Call'd all her Beams into her Radiant Eyes;
So Morning Sun from th' World beneath doth Rise.
Which Beauty there like fairest Coin beheld,
With Virtue's stamp (conceiv'd unparallel'd)
Charm'd all his Thoughts; whilst th' Eyes with love o'erflow;
Whence She might view the wounded Heart below.
Himself by her thought Rare Accomplish'd Man;
Who stooping strait, like Gentle Guardian,
To raise her up, Saluting then, did sound
Her Language forth, which learn'd on Persian Ground.
The Lord and Zelmanza.
Madam (said he) Y'are welcome to the Day,
Which doth, as 'twere, your Beauteous Form Pourtray;
To Freedom, last. My Lord (her Answer so)
Both chear my Heart; great change for Beauty tho
That Stifling Chest, tormented thoughts beside
May cause, produce. Madam (the Lord reply'd)
Your Cheeks Triumphant prove, so fresh appear,
As slumber'd on soft Bed of Roses there.
(Kiss'd strait her Hand) I hope you will believe
Y'are now secure, tho sadly'st late might Grieve,
Under my Charge, whilst Rang'd this Watry Floor
( Next powr's Divine) as 'mongst your Friends before.
Choice Country men. My Lord (ZELMANZA said)
Such Noble worth there seems thus far display'd
That I may hope to find in you dear Brother,
LOCRINUS Lost. Madam, that Name's another.
Obliging Bond; said he ( Your Virtue One)
My Self to him good while Ingaged, known
On Persian Ground. So, taking Her by th' hand,
He pray'd She would his Cabbin use, Command:
Conducted Her. Hot Waters strait were brought,
Cordial Restoratives; convenient thought.
(Long, dreadful Qualm endur'd) to chear her Spirits:
Shewn Choice regard, so high ZELMANZA'S Merits.
Small pause, their Dinner came, handsom Repast;
Fine, pleasant Room for th' Lady-guest at last.
The Lord sate down, that Eunuch too, their Friend;
ZELMANZA, Mistriss like, must take Board's end,
Adorn'd the same: whilst curious Artist there
Touch'd sweetly Roman Harp, to please her Ear.
Dinner being done, She pray'd, She might (for cloze)
Her shaken Limbs on Bed sometime Repose;
And Calm withal her late Distemper'd Brest
(Where stranged disorder'd Thoughts) throught gentle Rest:
Silk Roman Couch (the Lord's) at hand, in view;
Who taking leave, in Civil sort withdrew.
Laid down thereon, She slept some pleasing hours,
Till frightful Dream of loath'd Morocco's Tow'rs,
The Tyrant's Bed, Imbrace discharg'd her Sense,
Wak'd her again; felt Deaths assault from thence:
When musing say (not twice Redeem'd as 'twere)
On her Grand Change, past, present Fortune there:
As for the King,
Morocco King.
when News was brought anon,
Th' Eunuch and She (Doors open broke) were gon;
Amazement seiz'd: Porter with Oaths deny'd,
Such pass'd the Gate; nor by others Mark'd, descry'd:
In th' Eunuch's Room withal, for Pleasure made,
They Picture fram'd Hobgoblin strange Pourtray'd,
Which his Familiar's shape was thought conceiv'd;
By th' Laundress's mouth, Ly nimbly weav'd;
Who said (when peeping through) she saw him stand
Last Night near Twelve, with small black Book and Wand,
For th' Porters sake; thus bred appear'd strong Fancy,
That She was Conjur'd forth by Negromancy:
And that of Late, he try'd that Magick Art,
To free Himself, conjoyn'd ZELMANZA'S part.
Wherefore the King, storm past of Rage, disdain
(Witch, squeamish Baggage term'd) Town scar'd in vain;
Tho fed more High through late conceit, that night
Would th' Africk Princess grasp for known delight:
(Here's) Royal Flesh, did Brag confirm'd) that so
He might not want good pleasing Bedfellow.
Tho large Choice there, both Fair and Brown beheld,
But courser Form; ZELMANZA'S far excell'd.
That Lady, next: whose proud, aspiring Mind
Decree'd ZELMANZA'S Fate; when all combin'd
To serve her Turn, hope's lofty'st elevation;
Her Lids were drawn awry in strangest fashion,
Soon afterwards; th' Eyes staring made that hour,
Looks Horrid grown, malignant Humour's pow'r.
Shew'd Branded thus by Heaven, since sought to blast
Anothers Beauty, Life withal, at last.
Hopes of the King, like Dream, or Vapour fled;
Lord-Servant to, once deeply enamoured.
Now on the Couch ZELMANZA claims your Eye,
Who, having kept her thoughts compos'd thereby,
For th' Eunuch call'd, who enter'd strait: did then
That Dreadful Mornings Maze range o'er agen
In Talk, Discourse; Morocco's loathsom Ground,
Some time dissolv'd, the Lord admittance found.
After Salute to th' chast ZELMANZA there,
The Roman Lord and Zel­manza.
He hop'd (conjoyn'd) that Bed, how mean soe'er,
For Travel us'd (by his own self beside)
Offended not, nor Slumbers calm deny'd.
She answer made; that harmless Couch was free
From such Offence, like her own Fantasie,
(No bad Infection there) gave kind Repose
The Lord with Smile declar'd, He should from those
Good Omen draw, since slept upon his Bed;
To which with Blush, no more, She answered.
Kissing her Hand, ere long the Lord withdrew;
Whilst those, well-pleas'd, did former Talk renew.
When Supper came, they joyn'd in neat Repast;
Till bed-time stay'd the Lord; to th' very last:
ZELMANZA then must needs accept, command
His Chamber, Bed, small Cabin near at hand
Himself would take, lodg'd Guardian-like appear'd;
To which gave way, sin he was Master there.
Calmly the choice ZELMANZA slept thereon,
Whilst seem'd to Rock, not Rouling Waves alone,
But gentle Winds to Lull her Brain asleep;
Untill the Sun long gilt the watry Deep.
And Glass'd him there; gave fair ZELMANZA'S Eyes
( Light's smaller Orbs) good-morrow from the Skies.
Well drest by Nine, the Eunuch had leave to enter,
Call'd strait by Name; tho formerly dar'd venture
With boldest Foot; the Lord would wait, forbear:
Short Pause observ'd, did thus Salute her there:
Madam, I hope, you well have Nature paid
Her Slumbring Debt, midst darksome Nightly Shade,
The Lord Courting Zel­manza.
If Winds and Seas disturbed not. My Lord,
(Said she again) both joyn'd in Friendly accord
Did Sleep advance; my self withal to those
Long time Companion prov'd, tost Bed's repose:
Troubled how'er, your Lordship was discharg'd
From your own Couch. When he thus Speech enlarg'd;
Good Madam, please t'o're-pass that Complement,
Your sadness mine becomes, least discontent.
Both sitting down, the Lord with Lovers Eyes,
Which mutely spoke, whilst th' Heart did sympathize,
Proceeded thus: Pray (Madam) think, conclude,
Y'are Mistriss of this Taller Barque (tho rude)
Grand Train, my self; as of that Roman Bed;
Queen of my Heart. ZELMANZA answered;
Your Friend, my Lord, that name conjoyn'd shall be
Great Honour thought. Transcendent worth (said he)
Madam, like Your's deserves that Mistriss- style
O'er Kings themselves. When she with sober smile:
Enough my Lord, preform'd; what's Noble, brave;
To Freedom's height advanc'd dejected Slave.
Choice Title bears, tho You should add no more;
Which Heav'n, I hope, will pay like gallant Score:
With Prime of Joy's Reward. When he agen;
Your Virtue 'twas ingag'd my thoughts as then
To that exploit, whate'er. Were that the Ground,
My Lord (she said) yet none but Brest Renown'd
Would so take part on falling Virtue's side;
Your Praise thereby Proclaim'd. The Lord reply'd;
Worth, Madam, may shew powerful Influence
Where Lustful Heart; tho in that wanton Sense
If Guilty ought, I should not Court your Love:
For Wages, last, choice Blessing from above
Your self appears: You shine that Regent Star
Which Rules in me, hath steer'd (as 'twere) thus far
My Gentle thoughts; and now the Haven prove
Of grateful Joys whereto their Barque do's move.
Pardon, my Lord (said she) this Virgin-Brest
If scarce your mind conceives, in words exprest.
That Dark, Mysterious Way, the Lord again,
Madam, (reply'd) then I shall speak more plain,
Cloath'd like Sun- Beams; I love with Heart entire;
You for my Spouse in Marriage joyn'd desire,
When Blushing strait, You speak, my Lord (said she)
There plain enough; altho how Cautiously
For your own Interest, Good Wifely Choice
Doth Question prove. That Self- arraigning Voice,
Madam ( he then) doth charge my Judgment thus,
Which I conceiv'd exact and curious
For Body, Mind withal. My Lord (she said)
There hangs a Lute, may't thence be known, displaid,
Whether your Tongue be match'd by skilfull hand?
That wants no speaking Art. Through which Demand,
The Lord Observ'd, shewn pausing thoughts, intent
To wave some time that Wooing Argument:
Lute taken down, Madam (said then) your Will
Thus far o'resways, whatere my Ruder skill.
Warbled forth pleasant Strains performing so
What th' Artful Hand, well-Languag'd Ayrs could show.
With pleasing smile, Madam conjoyned there,
Methinks, those daintiest Fingers should appear
Musitians too ( Lute held forth on the Board)
Teach mine, impove. These hands shall wait, my Lord.
Rather (said She) on yours, learn more from thence;
Those Master-like: Shew'd Female Excellence.
So choicely plaid her Lute might seem to be
That Timber Womb gave Life to Harmony.
Madam (he said) methinks that Voice withal
Should match the Hand, whose Speech sounds Musical.
Both mean alike, my Lord, (said she agen)
Long joyn'd at last, far more transporting then;
Prime Gestures us'd, whilst Voice and Beauty so
Did heightned by themselves, advanced shew,
Dinner being come, since pleas'd his Ear and Sight,
ZELMANZA next should her own Tast delight;
Choice Wines command: that done; each want supply'd,
The Lord altho in thoughts unsatisfi'd:
He (all withdrawn, but th' Eunuch-friend) pursu'd
His former Aim, that Love-Assault renewd:
Thus strait began; Madam, my last request
I now shall Raise again, this Lovers Brest,
Whilst calm abroad, doth swelling Sea appear,
Till your kind Grant allays the Surges there;
Tost Barque my Heart, when forced to discover
Pure, Crimson Blush so fervent seem'd her Lover;
My Lord (said she) I'm yet but Veiled shewn,
So strange to you for th' Wifely Choice unknown;
Your Noble Heart may split perchance become
On Marriage-Rocks; Wed Discontent at Home.
Madam (He said) in you those Virtues shine,
Like Heaven of Stars clear Firmament combine;
That fixt I am, resolv'd. She answered;
Such worth, my Lord, rather adorns your Head
Like Wreath of Beams, my thoughts may well propound,
That I should choose upon the surer Ground.
Dear Madam, ( then said He) for I'll take hold,
Last Words so gently breath'd; he kind and bold,
Conjoyn for cloze, 'Tis Truth, my Lord, ( She said)
You Harbour'd thus, when lost, enslaved Maid,
So bound me Your's ( if worth the claim, howere)
That Thraldom, Death conceiv'd, next, Strumpet there;
Those worst of Ills; How can I then Deny,
Seek Courting Forms. PHILARCHUS made Reply;
Sweet Madan then, since Love strange fears o'recloud,
Bind all contractive way. Which she allow'd;
Tho Blush'd in Grane. Before the Eunuch past
Ingaging Vows; with Kiss Confirm'd at last.
Philarchus and Zelmanza Con­tracted.
Here th' Eunuch beg'd withdrawing leave, should go
And drink kind, Friendly Glass (th' agreement so)
With that Comrade in Danger Roman Groom,
Who Persian spoke; departs withall the Room.
New Crimson Flood when drowned strait (as 'twere)
ZELMANZA'S Cheeks, th' Escutcheons blazed there.
Of Modesty, conjoyn'd with Virgin-Love;
Thus left alone; tho Spouse PHILARCHUS prove.
Who first with Eyes, in Glance, Tongues pleasing strain,
Next, clasped Arms his Lover's Charge began;
Then, Kisses Seal'd, each like to Balmy Dart:
Whence chiefly spoke the Language of his Heart
Hers gently answer'd there, contracting Vow
Did Charter late, choice Priviledge allow.
For then She seem'd in large Degree his Own,
First Fruits might Reap gather'd from Lips alone,
Midst which transported thoughts would there express,
Drop Latin Words sometimes: when She no less
Fine Persian spake, in answer to that other;
Seeming to understand thus one another:
Thence pleased both, till finding their mistake,
Laugh'd at themselves, as from some Dream awake.
Did Kisses strait, with Language joyn'd, renew;
Tho talk'd in Persian all, which either knew:
Kind Dialogues contentful way exchanging
(Such Virtuous wantonness) no farther ranging,
Till four choice Hours, in private Cabin-room,
Dissolved were; as Tast of Joys to come.
When th' Eunuch call'd; the Lord himself retir'd
For some regards, his Spouse more lov'd, admir'd.
By six that Even their Barque had Travell'd far,
Reach'd Midland Sea through Streights of Gibraltar.
'Twas Month of June; when, passing Cape of Land,
Two Ships they strait descri'd on their Right hand;
With Roman Flags, like Country-men, display'd;
Which drawing near, (as meant to Seize, Invade)
Sea Fight with Carthage men.
Set Carthage Flags aloft, like Mortal Foes,
Well Man'd they were for Fight and Bording Cloze.
Men fill'd their Decks, whose ugly Captain there
ZELMANZA saw like Beauteous Blaze appear,
When Glanced forth; himself by her beheld;
More loathsom thought, as she with him excell'd
For Dainty Prize; inflam'd his Lustful Brest.
The Romans Arm'd for Fight themselves address'd,
With Gallant Lord, whilst poor ZELMANZA fear'd;
In Clouds again, new dreadful Fate appear'd.
Still more observ'd this World's vast maze of Change,
Where Joy and Grief by turns do wander, range:
Night Day succeeds, doth mournful Scene present;
Late Comfort's Dawn, now Warlike Bows are bent:
Her Self and Lord for Death, or Slaves design'd;
Grief most she thought did Seize on Humane kind.
Praid him in Sighs withdraw; who answered,
He fought for her; was their Commander, Head,
Example both; should freedom Heaven's deny,
He would in Thrall partake, or bravely Dye.
Th' Arrows began, each seeming Mortal Dart
Sent to her Lord, next, aim'd at her own Heart.
Few Roman's harm'd, because the Carthage-men,
Knowing their Ods, advanc'd for Grapling then
With all their Power; would try the Game by Sword:
These fiercely Shot, those strove drawn near to Board:
Th' Assault encreas'd on Fair ZELMANZA'S Score;
PHILARCHUS'S Wife, or th' Captain's Slave and Whore.
When blustring Storm, most Furious Blast did rise,
Like Jar 'tween Winds and Waves, o'er-clouded Skies;
Tempest at Sea.
Which broke off theirs, strait parted them asunder;
Now near to feed the Deep; loud claps of Thunder:
Barques tost like Balls upon the Foaming Main;
Some comfort 'twas her Lord enjoy'd again;
Tho, dreadful Thoughts, least should with her be drown'd;
Who cheer'd her Heart, did strait to Her propound
Hope's Anchor there; that freed from Barbarous Foes,
They now were left to Heaven's wise dispose.
Thus Both conjoyn'd sate waiting when the Waves
(Sharp Rocks, or Sands) might prove perchance their Graves.
Till hurl'd, at last upon th' Italian Shore,
Bad, Craggie part, where streams did beating Roar;
Split thence their Barque, with Planks the Waters swell'd
Like broken Limbs, third Dreadful Change beheld.
Those Romans there, since practis'd swimming Art
From Boyish Age, made towards that nearest part.
I'th' River's mouth; which way strong Winds constrain'd
The floating Waves (more ease) the Bank obtain'd.
Th' Eunuch, Hurt men got each their Friendly Board
(Like divers more) brought all to Land restor'd.
ZELMANZA kept i'th' furthest end her Seat,
For Death's cold Rape prepar'd; like daintiest meat
For th' hungry Whale; PHILARCHUS by her side:
Near Sinking now, through Streams o'er-whelming Pride,
Loud Scriek withal; the Lord, whose faithful Brest
Philarchus, Zel­manza on his Back swim­ing.
Soft Groan conjoyn'd, Love, Sorrow thence exprest,
Laid down his Back; her Folded Arms were cast,
Like Christal Collar, Chain, in nimblest hast
About his Neck (most dear, Conjugal Gem)
So takes the Waves, as She Grasp'd Him with Them:
Life's Guardian thought, small Barge conceiv'd as 'twere,
Whilst th' Arms and Legs well formed Oars appear
(Her Face tho drenched oft) with Labour, toil
He sought that Bank fore-nam'd, whence Waves Recoil:
But Winds still driving on, like Helpful Hand,
That precious Load he brought most safe to Land.
Kiss'd off those Briny Drops (when gather'd Breath)
On her fair Lips and Cheeks, from Thraldom, Death
Thus freed, discharg'd; said there, he should requite
Her kind Imbrace upon his Wedding Night.
Who, dew'd with Pearl-like Tears of Joy again,
His Prize thrice o'er (declar'd) She should remain.
Then Servants came, congratulated round;
Who first that clearer way their passage found.
This Fortune joyn, the Lords (with many more)
Prime Box of Gold came floating to the Shore.
PHILARCHUS and ZELMANZA both were then
Franckly receiv'd by Neighbour Fishermen;
Large Village near to th' Roman Lords that Bow'd,
Whom Fires and Beds, strong Waters too allow'd.
Hard Couches soft that time appear'd, less plain;
Sweet, coarser Food; want curbing nice disdain.
Third Morn by Coach they trod the surer Land,
Reach'd Lofty Rome, which did that State command;
The Lord's own House, prime, gallant Seat beheld,
For Furniture, choice Garden, Grot excell'd.
Th' Event of his Ambassage being shewn
To th' Senate-Lords, both Married were, less known;
Married at Rome.
PHILARCHUS when, transform'd that Water-bed
To Gorgeous Roman Couch (small Danger bred)
True waking Act, ZELMANZA fair Imbrac'd
( Moroccoe's King in fondest Dreams) at last.
That Groom for Porters Hire Place Wealthy found,
Such th' Eunuch to, since Lov'd their Roman Ground.
The Lord ZELMANZA last (like equal prize)
For Gallant Temper, rare did sympathize.
Ship Saild e're long for Athens, Grecian State;
ZELMANZA'S Brother where, since Flight of late
From Persia's King, with Uncle did reside;
Rich, Beauteous Heir enjoy'd withal for Bride:
To whom she Lines convey'd, tho thought her Dead;
Now to's great Friend conjoyn'd in Marriage-Bed:
Lines thence to th' Countess-Sister carried were,
In Arcadie, much pleas'd, rejoyced there.
The End of the Second Book.


Orsamnes with Clermanthe in the Hermitage
AFter so long digressive way, Retreat,
Whole second Book, while seemed to forget
That Princely pair (cloath'd on the Hermit's Bed)
Our wandring Pen, th' are now re-visited.
Both well did sleep till near to eight next morn,
When fair Sun-beams their Window's Glass adorn;
Birds chanted from their Bow'rs, whilst (gentle Heart)
Good-morrow Each to th' other did impart.
ORSAMNES joyn'd his own with many Kisses,
Same Posture there counts o'er his Morning-blisses;
With twofold Joy CLERMANTHE imbrac'd, reviv'd
As 'twere from Death whom Sleep pourtrays, new-liv'd.
TIMONDES tho waked earlier, because
Much sooner slept then they; with musing pause,
Would not disturb them ought, till, by consent
Both rising Cloath'd, did Day's salute present.
ORSAMNES said, That they had wrong'd so far
His elder years, unkindly to debar
From his own Bed, that it might seem a spite
To claim his proffer'd Grant for second Night;
Distemper caus'd; tho their sad Fortunes then
Did urge, enforce. TIMONDES joyn'd agen.
No Danger fear'd; that Chair ( He thought) would be
Convenient Couch; for several Nights agree.
Thus, forth they walk'd for Morning Air survay'd
That pleasant Ground which we before display'd;
Mounting that Bank,
Their Pastime there.
well planted either side
Whose ev'ry Third fair Fruit-tree was descry'd;
They marched round that Pond i'th' midst inclos'd,
Like Glass Long-square, the Bank for Frame suppos'd:
Whence Tarrass-like th' whole Greeen could view, command.
Cherries were there beheld, not far from hand,
With paler Cheeks since short of Ripening time,
Tho forward show'd through warmer Southern Clime:
Like Curtezans allur'd the Sense to pleasure;
TIMONDES pray'd them tast his Orchard-treasure,
ORSAMNES well those dangling Gems could reach,
Cropt bunch thereof, was Taster next to each:
And then disposed for more pleasant Mood
Held to CLERMANTHE Part (enticing food)
But draws them by her Rubie mouth, deceiv'd;
Who smil'd withal, that cozening way bereav'd.
Then proffer'd one more Choice, but there again
Deludes her daintiest Hand, held forth in vain.
(TIMONDES pleas'd) which She well to requite,
When given in earnest prov'd, through feigned Spite
That Gift refus'd; till he must make her eat;
So gratify'd for th' former Wanton Cheat:
Holds some of them by her fresh Lips, compar'd,
When ripe i'th' Prime Inferior far declar'd
Then near her Cheeks advanc'd the Blushing Rose
(There partly blown) mean Beauty thought to those:
As Diamonds had held before, laid by
For gloomy Trash to th' Radiance of her Eye.
After good Walk,
The Hermit's Travels.
set down, TIMONDES there
Form'd shorter Map discoursive way (as 'twere)
What Parts he saw o'th' World; tho now confin'd
To this small Nook, still free, unbounded Mind;
Such their Request, did Travels there display,
In which beheld the lesser Asia;
Tirus and Sidon South; so, further on
To Antioch, th' Assyrian Babilon:
Next, Persia's Soil, that great Mogul's, where brood
Of Elephants; Fields wash'd by Ganges Flood:
Rang'd China's self, then th' Indian Isles returning;
View'd th' Ethiopian Parts, still Summer's burning,
Black, Sooty Croud: that warm Arabian Shore,
Where Aden's Tawney Crew, choice Spices store:
Next, through Red-Sea, joyn'd Aegypt Realm to those;
Much Western Ground, by Midland-waves, for Cloze.
Large Bag of Gold, by Friend which chanc'd to die,
Fellow-Travellor, given him as great supply.
Prime Towns he nam'd, what Customs, Fashions there;
Conjoyn'd withall his own bad Dangers were.
Far more the Duke had read; both with content
And wonder heard, those elder years t'invent
Such Form, good Words; like faithful Book remain
For Memory, that stronger temper'd Brain:
Tho thus withdrawn, Inter'd (as 'twere) alive,
Kept active Soul that Hour, contemplative.
When Dinner-time their Stomacks both (he said)
Being likely rouz'd through larger Voyage made,
Long Morn's Discourse, he would their Tast at last
(Since th' Ears were cloy'd) refresh with small Repast;
So walk'd away; that branched Bank commended
For Dining-Room: ORSAMNES strait attended.
Brought, laid the Cloth (us'd Nature's Carpet there,
Green, Flowry Soil) Meat, Drink, conjoyned were,
Himself, choice Servitor upon that Ground;
Good cold Bak'd Meat, Cheese, Butter ready found:
Their Landlord saving, till Summers warmth deny'd,
His Stomach well with that cold Food comply'd.
Joyn'd also, his Man (being warned strait for more)
Should still Supply with fresh, convenient store
From great Dervan, Mile distant off, where he
Small Winter Grange left to his Custody.
Plum'd Chanters heard, Thrush, Black-bird, Nightingale,
Which striving seeem'd who should for Voice prevail.
Dinner being past, Discourse conjoyn'd to please,
Ways for con­tent.
They walk'd about that Pond again with ease,
Where Angle lay; TIMONDES pray'd them, try,
What Fish there was then Hungry tho not Dry;
Shew'd Baits withal. ORSAMNES sitting down,
CLERMANTHE near, her Sexes choice renown,
He took the Rod; Fishing (did say, conclude)
Was th' Ancient Game o'th World, t'o're-reach, delude:
Small Prizes caught: whilst, gathering Flowers there,
Some mov'd by gentle Gale did crave (as 'twere)
CLERMANTHE'S Hand, through humble Bow exprest,
Till planted in her Clear, Transcendent Brest.
Pinks, Violets, the Maiden blushing Rose,
Well pleas'd with sight, perfumed smell of those:
Fish tost like mirth, (or chance) did make to fall
I'th' Water, Pond beneath, redeem'd from thrall.
Prisners Captiv'd; so sprucely shew'd (e're Dead)
With their Pearl-Coats and Scales enammeled.
She then should th' Angle take, tho (charmless Brest)
Was loth to learn, since Treachery exprest;
Fail'd there, deceiv'd: how could she choose? for why,
Th' enamour'd Fish (most part) might Gazing lye
On dainty Lips, the worm regard no more:
That Master-Angler caught the Day before.
From thence they pass'd to th' Walk beneath, flat Green;
Where th' Arbour joyn'd to th' Wall, good Space between
That and the Bank; which trod a while, inclos'd
Within that Bow'r they sat them down, Repos'd.
Close by that Fount from Rocky Womb descending,
Which Subject gave for large Discourse, well tending
To th' Philosophick way, that learned Sphere;
Between ORSAMNES and TIMONDES there:
Natures chief Causes and Effects design'd,
Discourse of the Hermit and Orsamnes
Firm, Constant Course with various Change combin'd:
Such th' Earthly Globe's night, day, four Seasons prove;
Whilst th' Heavenly Orbs their certain Wheels do move
Still round, grand Machine, Frame: Star-Gems on high
(Yet Worlds of Light) adorn that vaulted Skye;
Planets their Rooms; low'st th' Ayry Regions spread,
Strange Volume, Book, where wonders may be read;
Each Character, green blade of Grass that's found
Worthy regard; what then the whole Compound?
That multitude term'd things of Vegetation;
Roots, Herbs and Plants, Trees, Fruits and Flowers formation;
Spice, Grane, Perfume: That different Sort where shines
The Pearl and G [...]m; Stones, Marbles, various Mines, &c.
Wind, Thunder, Lightning, Meteors, Hail and Snow;
Ebbs, Tides, Earth-quakes, things caus'd above, below.
Joyn'd things of Sense, from the Insect brood, so small
( Wing'd, Creepers both, quick, liveliest found withal)
Scarce seen, discern'd, to th' Ostrich, Elephant;
Such like the Sea from least to th' Whale may vaunt.
Fine Artist prove those Waxen Desks the Bee,
Spider round Web, Bird Chambers in the Tree.
Last, Humane Rank, grounds Moral, Rational;
What Noble, Wise, and Good in Men they call:
What Best befits, and Graces ev'ry Action;
Knowing themselves, conjoyn'd, that satisfaction.
With curious Arts and Tongues, State-Wisdom too
Man furnish'd seem'd, much knows and much can do.
Sad Frailty howere both Body, Mind display,
That brighter Coin bad Mixture does Allay;
Where Fancy, Passion much o'er-rule, and grown
Usurper like, Mount Princely Reason's Throne.
Joyn'd Crosses, Cares o'th' World, sad Accidents
Disturbing too (dreadful as strange Events)
From Men, from furious Beasts; things nam'd before,
Fire, Water-floods, &c. Nature's Destructive store.
Thus 'twas resolv'd, Man's chief Content does rest
Within the Mind, reserv'd in his own Brest:
Tho outward things Nature support, maintain
Like Building props ( Life-food, what may sustain
Essential found) next, Chear'd 'gainst Worldly ill,
Advanc'd our Joy, yet th' apprehension still
Doth Rule, O'er-sway: but Loathsom Feasts appear
When faintish Qualm, distemper'd Palates there:
Prime Colours, scarce bad Jaundice-Eyes restore,
Nor Musicks please where Storm-vext Waves do roar:
The Sun seems lost when Fogs make dark the Sky,
Such Passion found where Lordly grown, two high:
Many that heap of Worldly Comforts claim,
Still wretched Poor through troubled Minds became;
Whilst others in great want (Life's Winter-season)
Setled Brains, Hearts, themselves enjoy'd, sound Reason.
Upon these Grounds fixt their Discourse, altho
For several times; did well concordant show.
Each th' other gave what full Content desir'd;
TIMONDES oft ORSAMNES Youth admir'd
So much to gain: ORSAMNES (truly scan'd)
His ancieet Age so much could bear, command;
Knowledg grand Weight with Years distemper'd Load,
Nor Task unpleasing to CLERMANTHE show'd
(Wise, as ingenious Brest) still to discover
More Solid Parts in her Selected Lover
To Goodness choice conjoyn'd, brave Gallant Spirit;
Worth Prizing thought that stock of Manly Merit.
TIMONDES fear'd Time might too far be spent
Upon this Grave, more Solemn Argument,
Philosophy for Lady's tender mind;
Conceived too, young Lover's (heart combin'd)
Would be sometimes left to themselves, alone
Whose Love's not yet day and half old were known;
That might withdraw for hours retreat (he pray'd)
Some things in th' Hermitage should be Survey'd.
Our Princely Pair that Arbour when beheld,
Both Lovers in the Bower.
Wood, planted Ground (what farther parallell'd)
Walls lofty Fence, conjoyned Fountain there,
Past Acts o'th' Lady's Grove revived were,
ORSAMNES pleas'd, CLERMANTHE sweet entwin'd,
More freedom now with these last Shades combin'd;
Much heightned thoughts that way, Seal'd many Kisses,
Both well conformed then to th' present Blisses.
( Chast sober Hearts) what gentle time allow'd:
Reap'd while Sun-beams: ere long black, stormy Cloud
Might Darken all; which being by Heaven declar'd,
For Change, howere, their noble Brests prepar'd
Then forth they walk'd to th' Fount on furthest side
By th' Arbour there, which from small Rock did glide,
(Mention'd before) nine Muses carved round;
Phoebus above; where good contentment found,
Whilst Pratling way clear silver Stream did flow,
(Soft murmur's Noise) to th' Cisterns fram'd below
ORSAMNES styl'd CLERMANTHE i'th' pleasant mood
Bright Venus there, as met in shady wood
By Young Adonis self (tho Chast that Hour)
I'th' Loving prime, e're felt Boar's dreadful pow'r:
His Poniard laid o'th' Gross, conjoyn'd intent,
That should Adonis Boar-Spear represent:
Delightful Scene was thus performed then,
Till Both well pleased, resum'd themselves agen,
Done hour and half, TIMONDES came, inquir'd
(Convenient time) where they to Sup desir'd:
Both close that first Low Walk i'th' level Green;
Planted with Palms; fair space (we said) between
That and the Bank, their Parlor called there;
Could ready Food good Meal did then appear;
Cloath spread, they couched down, for Carpet Grass;
Grove- Songstress seem'd best Musick-noise surpass
(His Man 'gainst Noon, by th' Widow warn'd, design'd,
Brought large supply; themselves withdrawn behind
To th' Garden-Bow'r) their Supper being ended
Joyn'd various talk, till Sleep prov'd recommended.
Thus spent their Hours in choice, contentful way,
(Sometimes alone, reserv'd) well pleas'd by Day,
That past, upon the Hermits Bed repos'd
Kind, sweet Good-nights, Good-morrows there inclos'd
Lusty TIMONDES slept i'th' former Chair,
Strong Signs whereof, heard Snort by th' Noble Pair,
ORSAMNES wak'd third Morning first; and now
Some Damping thoughts through her years Virgin Vow
Three Weeks behind, for clearing Fancy's Sky
This Song did frame, his Lute supposed by.


Come thou friendly Hand and Voice,
Let your Art,
Orsamnes's P [...] ­em.
Well conjoyned, sooth my Heart
(Grief by Charms allay'd) Rejoyce;
Riddles shewing:
Time howere
Do's Bound appear
For Payment, full content bestowing.
Master of my Beauteous Flame,
I Burning. prove;
Whilst oreflow dear Streams of Love
Thirst-like want of Joy proclaim:
Daunt with pleasure,
I do own
Chief Mine alone,
Yet not dare to Grasp the Treasure.
Ripe and Wealthiest Ground of Corn,
Grapes Possess
Of Transcendent Lusciousness,
Starv'd withal, since Fruit forborn:
Hope still eases,
Seems t'afford
Sweet Crop, Gold Hoard,
Whilst Delay'd sad Fancy pleases.
This He at Noon did to her Hand present,
Who found in that Poetic way content.
Third Day being come, i'th cloze whereof, third Night
(Whole second Book between) we did recite,
That Uncle of his, the Lord THIRSANDER nam'd,
The Prince Orontes.
Who well to th' Pastor-life with's Father fram'd,
By th' Widow wrought, he would inform them there
Touching close place, reserv'd till Cloud of Fear,
Caus'd by his Fathers angry mind, dispell'd;
Thoughts pacifi'd (which made him thus conceal'd
Like Traveller) for Choice of One of those
Two Nimphs Gentile, whose Fathers same Life chose,
Philaura and Merdona.
Still strongly bent: thought needful to repeat
His mind being well conform'd by that Retreat,
CLERMANTHE would ( Husband enjoy'd, to own
Her safe Defence) be to her Father known,
VERDORUS, Duke.; Year past from whom She fled,
Since by his Concubine near murthered.
Through Poysonous Broth soon rais'd to Dutchess glory:
Things thus reviv'd, we shall enlarge our Story.
THIRSANDER came not then, by Ten at Night;
Nor Trouble caus'd, since various Chances might
Produce Delay; well harbour'd both howere:
They thought to wait till fifth, sixth Evening there.
If fail'd that time, their Widow should be sent
To's House again, for knowing more th' Event.
Sixth Evening come, TIMONDES walked strait
To th' Widows Lodg, whom found Distempr'd late,
Not fit to Go; then 'twas resolv'd, design'd
ORSAMNES should, for ease of doubtful Mind;
Five miles the Walk (as we declar'd before)
'Twas three to th' Lady's Grove, to th' Grange two more.
Thus by Tens hour,
Orsamnes goes to his Uncle.
th' Hermit's old Coat preferr'd
Hat, for Disguise, false Hair, with younger Beard.
In Travels kept by him, least (wandring Stranger)
Through spiteful Chance pursu'd; more free from Danger;
Borrow'd one Sword (second from Foreign Land
TIMONDES brought) with Quiver, Bow at hand,
Poniard by's side, before we mentioned,
He pray'd CLERMANTHE rest upon the Bed
Till Walk perform'd; Moon shining from the Sky
(Choice season, calm) with paler Majesty.
Then, taking Leave, her hand he grasped there,
Sigh breath'd upon't, 'gainst Mischief Charm, as 'twere,
Preservative; which She again repay'd;
Kiss strait conjoyn'd: Eyes cast to Heaven, as said,
O guard from Thrall Mine and the Worlds best Treasure:
So, marched forth, scarce Journey thought of pleasure.
Th' Hermit attends to Lock the outmost Door,
Returning strait; to th' Cell (we said before)
There prov'd an Iron one, two Bolts beside,
Guard strong enough, scarce Robbing Fears descry'd:
No more remain'd but wishing her good rest,
So to his Chair withdraws like Drowsie Guest.
The Duke went on his Nightly Pilgrimage,
Then seventh of May did his best powers ingage
For speedy work dispatch; renew'd (as twere)
Acquaintance with those good Informers there,
Choice marks he saw: the way not much unknown,
Trod the same Week by him, first Book 'twas shown.
Yet stragling Err'd sometimes, blam'd here is hast.
There slowness tho; till two full Hours o'repast,
(Well breath'd withal) did reach THIRSANDER'S House,
Whom strait from Bed by gentle knock did rouze.
THIRSANDER thought, FLORENA both, 'twas he,
His Cousin nam'd first Book.
One faithful maid door opened presently.
Salute discharg'd, THIRSANDER inform'd him there,
He had procur'd close Place, reserv'd (how ere).
For their retreat, with Country-Friend; desir'd;
Twenty miles off; Himself withdrawn, retir'd.
Conjoyns th' unlucky Ground of that delay;
Returning back with speed the second day,
Riding five miles, he was assaulted then;
Horse, Money seiz'd by four stout Highway-men,
Strip'd to his Hose: strait walking back again,
Near that Friends House he got diastrous strain
In his right Foot; for skilful Surgeon sent,
Whilst fresh and warm, us'd Salves convenient
Suppling the Nerves, till time did strength restore;
New Horse and Cloaths supply'd o'th' friendly score:
Came home that night, th' Horse strait by Swain return'd,
(Such promise made) so, 'till next Morn adjourn'd
His Walk to Them. DERVAN would furnish well
For Horses, Coach when left their Hermit-Cell.
Thus, forth they March'd, both Arm'd with Swords combin'd,
Made nimble Hast the Moon while Friendly shin'd.
We now return to her that seemed then
Like Mateless Dove, CLERMANTHE'S Self agen:
Who laid o'th' Bed in Cloaths, and long conceiv'd
ORSAMNES stay, of him sleep both bereav'd;
Clermanthe's Loving Fear.
With whom she was ( Night-wanderer besides)
Resolv'd to wake, She nimbly rouz'd, then Glides
To th' Window strait: Clear Moon beheld did there
Like sober Handmaid shine, Trees calmest were;
Shew'd Solemn Brows; tall guard resembled round;
But nought for Lovely Shape adorns that ground
Like to her Lord: when, gentler voice; My Dear,
O why so long! She said, Displeased here,
ORSAMNES fail'd with Moon, tho well contented,
Torch-bearer thought o'th' Sky; more harm prevented,
Less Wandrng too; She sadly back retir'd;
And falling on her Couch, straitways respir'd
Complaining Sigh; Then Pearled Tear did move,
Steal softly down; th' Arms lastly folded prove,
Bemoan'd her Heart. She mus'd with thoughtful Brow,
First, Time could grant for Journeys length, allow;
THIRSANDER (next) till drest; last, for Return;
Then, counting th' Hours (as thought) began to mourn,
Her several Scores cast nimbly up, as tho
Too much the Time for th' Labour, Task did show.
Done longer pause, short word conjoyn'd, alass!
She rouz'd again, to th' Window strait did pass;
There looking forth, Not yet? tho fairest night;
Ah me! She breath'd:
Clermanthe's sad Complaint.
when lamentablest sight
That Earth could forge did wound her Beauteous Eyes;
That Man appear'd, whom her own Heart did prize
Transcendent way, born at full length between
Two Corps-like, Dead, cross th' open part o'th' Green;
To's Shirt uncloath'd; whilst Moon did faintly gaze
Like sad Spectator there, unveiled Face.
Lamp gave to all: his Shirt with Spots distain'd
Like bleeding Hearts, whilst hung beneath disdain'd
Large, dangling Curls: upon his Youthful Breast,
ORSAMNES-like, Green Silken Robe did rest,
That Coat nam'd in the first Book.
Long, broad Plate-Buttons joyn'd; Hat, naked Sword
Like th' Hermits, Lent; too plain she saw, abhor'd:
Broad Garter round his Arm held forth to View,
Bright Scarlet Dye, which well CLERMANTHE knew;
Such given by Her, and worn still Wreathed there:
Sad, dreadful Marks! whose Corps thrown down, as 'twere,
For branched Grave, i'th' small, low Walk bestow'd
(That with Palm-Trees) the Men departed show'd;
This Object view'd, O Horror strange (she cryes)
Sight, sight enough to blast Heav'ns purer Eyes,
And damp their sparkling Flames! O Tenfold Death!
Ah, Wo, Wo, Wo! Why do I fondly Breath?
The World my self undone, Farewell, farewell
Choice, Noblest Worth, same Form, what things excell;
Joys flye for ever, lost my Dearest All,
And I'm no more. Tears Gem-like stream did fall;
Wrung Whitest Hands, as would the Fates o'erpow'r,
Charm back this harsh Event: obscur'd that Hour
Bright Beauty's World. TIMONDES, that could take
Deep, Sober Rest, much less prone to awake
Kept longer up, joyn'd Midnight's season then;
Doors thought secure, was loth to Rouse agen:
First noise not heard, near th' End like Dream conceiv'd
CLERMANTHE strait, almost of Voice bereav'd,
These Words conjoyn'd. I come (she said) I come,
To share withal sad, strange disastrous Doom,
My dearest Lord; to take last Frozen Kiss
Then dye upon thee there, my living Bliss
But lately thought, now opened prov'd his Eyes,
To th' Window reel'd; he star'd on th' Earth and Skies
Amazed Man, nought View'd unknown before:
CLERMANTHE hurl'd meanwhile to th' Iron Dore
Where found the Key; what nimblest strength could do
That way imploy'd, unlock'd, unbolted too.
Forth strait she ran; My dear ORSAMNES; cryes:
Four Villains when did grasp her there, Surprize,
With sturdy Arms bruis'd Fairest Innocence
CLERMANTHE tho scarce Frighted seem'd from thence;
Since those conceiv'd the Butchers of her Lord,
Whose Hands might Death to her own self afford,
Cure bleeding Heart; strange Griefs extream that Hour
Nature's Grand Fears did stifle much, orepow'r.
Life's Joy discharg'd: yet struck to th' Soul, confounded,
They stop'd her Loving Course, these words she sounded
(Sad voice) from mournful Brest. Come, welcome You,
My Lord's joyn'd Murtherers, since I shall sue
For that Death's stroke, to which constrain'd of late,
Enforc'd himself; tho, worse than Savage Hate,
Kill me not here: Spare th' ancient Man i'th' Cell,
Next, let me breath o'th' Corps my last farewell,
Then wound my Heart; I shall confess y'are Men;
Beasts, Furies else, broke from th' Infernal Den,
Three of that Rout leap'd in at first for Prize,
TIMONDES grasp, whose Sword before their Eyes
Took then in hand; fast bound he prov'd howe're
Her Jewel-box, much Gold they seized there
The Fourth in sport CLERMANTHE rudely led
To th' Sable Curtain'd Walk,
Nam'd in the first Book worth 3000 l.
whose Fatal Bed
Black Couch appear'd of all disastrous Ill;
That Stygian Wood where Ghosts inhabit still.
The Corps when view'd, She takes her nimble flight
(Tho sent sad voice before) and like some bright,
Shot Meteors Flame, falling upon his Brest,
These Words conjoyned there: O thou, the Best
Of Men but late ( true Lovers honour, Glory)
As now of Ghosts; tho for thy Fortune's Story
To th' worst of Fates ordain'd; I'm come, I'm come,
My dearest Lord ( clasping her Joy's spread Tomb
His Body, Neck) thy Wretch'd CLERMANTHE 'tis
O Cursed Name! that kneels to take last Kiss;
Last Dire Farewell; then break my Loving Heart,
Ah cold, cold Kiss of Death (small, sudden start
Conjoyn'd, She said; Quick, hast, that Villain crying)
Death's Frost Alas! then, blood-steep'd Wounds espying,
Ah Crimson Founts (said she) that you had flow'd
From mine own Heart: Life's open Sluce and Road,
Sad Forts (as 'twere) whence bravest Soul convey'd:
Had we not Both [...] One? Why Tardy stay'd
My half b [...]nd? [...] Marble felt, no Voice
Breath'd Wi [...]per [...]ard; Death's my resolved Choice;
Life torment found: You that did prove of late
Cruel, Severe, now Kind become; stern Fate
Divorc'd us here on Earth, grown Friendly now
Joyn us again in th' other World; I how
To th' Stroke withal, with him would partner prove:
O Kill me or'e my breathless Lord and Love.
Here stooping down, upon the Face she gaz'd,
When like false Dream beheld, most strangely Amaz'd,
She started up, strong thoughts, Conceit implying
'Twas not ORSAMNES Corps:
She spies 'twas not Orsamnes Corps.
O you all-eying
All-knowing Powers, am I awake ( She cryes)
Or are you Pleas'd thus to Delude mine eyes
With painted Form and Cloud? then is not This
My dear ORSAMNES? hah! such Cordial bliss!
Transcendent change! whence that green Robe (before)
Long, Silver Plates? his Arm broad Ribband wore
( 'Twas Scarlet) round; whence came that Hat and Sword,
By th' Hermit lent? what Signs could more afford,
Th' hour, place, conjoyn'd?—my Heart 'tis like, not He;
'Tis not ORSAMNES Face, tho th' rest agree.
Ah! lives my Lord? some gentle, wand'ring Wind
That Fear discharge, miraculously kind:
Fain would I so avoid the stroak of Fate
Which threatens me like Brat unfortunate
Cast out to direful Chance; for thee could Live:
Thus more concern'd, since through th' Heart- wounds they give
Thy Self withall may Bleed, contentment fled,
Nor long survive, known poor CLERMANTHE Dead.
Here came those Three: that Youth was call'd VANLOR,
The Corps of frantick Van­lo [...].
Of rank Gentile, and nam'd by us before
In the first Book, who Frantick way did Rove,
Sad wanderer, talk'd near that Walled Grove
With Eccho long (oreheard by th' Princely Payr)
That his dead Love conceiv'd, DIONE fayr;
Next Morning meant for th' Marriage-celebration:
He thus would Range about lamenting fashion,
Seek for her Ghost in fields and Darksom Shade,
Ere 'twas unto th' Elyzian banks convey'd.
Would Furious prove by's Mother kept, confin'd,
Else quiet with that overclouded Mind,
Came Home for Supper, Bed; this stragling Night
Kil'd in that Place: from longer Torment might
Free'd thence appear, Heart's Wound as cur'd his Heart,
Lanc'd Sorrow's Ʋlcer thus by wholsome smart,
Life loathsome grown; which sad CLERMANTHE found,
Her Lord thought slain: thus take the Cause and ground.
These wandring Rogues did prove the youthful Scum
Of false DORSENGAR'S Train, undon by whom
The Hermit's Father was first Book did shew;
Great Courtier bred his younger Brother tho;
Which made him Bastard thought by subornation,
Seiz'd all the Land: at length ( Revengeful fashion)
Stab'd by his Slave, Blackmoor one evening-hour,
On drowsy Couch in's Garden, Summer-bow'r.
The Men discharg'd by 's ranting Son, whose name
TERGORAS call'd, (vile Coyn, for stamp the same)
Bold Cheats they turn'd, stout Highway- Thieves at last,
Grim Landlords of the Road; for six Years past
Good thriving Trade: tho call'd Gentiler way,
On Horse-back then, till fall'n to bad decay
Through drink and Whores, their Horses sold or Dead,
Deeply ingag'd, more sculking Life they led
And rob'd on Foot; Four others joyn'd anon.
Thus, Sergeants fear'd with Hues and Cryes well known
From MANTINEA'S Coast they took their Flight;
Chief City there.
This Wood did reach Thirty Miles off that Night.
Half hour agoe made hungry Baiting pause;
Then were for next Sea port resolv'd, because
Lik'd Pirates robbing way, th' unfriendly Land
Less favouring; some Stock withall in hand
For lanching forth. These scouting by th' Wood side,
To see how clear the Plain, they strait descry'd
Hapless VANLOR (still thirst for Booty there)
In gallant Garb,
Vanlor kild.
large glist'ring Plates appear,
Brest, sides, behind; no weapon, Arms display'd;
Entring that Path, dispos'd for branched Shade
Dark like his Clouded Thoughts (turn'd Silent then
More mute sometimes, orewhelming Dream agen)
Near-hand withal; good Golden Cash perchance:
Whose Lodg not far might well their Prize advance.
In's Pocket born the Key: they gently move,
Dog'd him along till drawn most near did prove.
Ent'ring that outmost Door (why open found
Anon declar'd) they did the Youth surround,
Thrust forth by Stabs his Noisless, musing Soul
In bleeding Stream; with Corps then softly stole
(Born longest way) to th' small low Walk exprest,
By th' Lady there beheld,
Cause of Cler­manthe's mis­take.
whilst on his breast
Hat, Coat and Sword (convenient place) where laid,
Till cross the Green to th' planted Palms convey'd.
That Hat she thought the same worn by her Lord,
From th' Hermit took, and his the naked Sword;
Tho each to Thief belong'd, the Corps then bearing.
That Scarlet Ribband round his Arm appearing,
Came from his Love, DIONE dead of late,
Green Silken Robe, long Buttons, broad of Plate
(Her Lord's such too) for's Marriage was intended,
Prime Fancy's Garb thus fondly apprehended;
Conceit sometimes, that worn, 'twas Marriage- Day,
His Love at night enjoy'd, such Dreaming way.
By all these Marks, his Body's equal size,
Face, handsome form, curl'd Locks (that last Disguise,
False Hair and Beard forgot, tho might howere
Be pull'd, fall off in blust'ring Scuffle there)
Time, Place at once, CLERMANTHE strait concluded
'Twas lov'd ORSAMNES Corps, with ease deluded:
Through double Night near-hand conceal'd sad Passion,
Dark Shades withal. The Rogues thus hasty fashion
Corps hurling down, small Coyn about him tho,
But Key to's Chamber-door, that plain did shew
True Key to th' Cell beneath, which might howere
Yield gallant Prize; Himself mistaken there
For th' Owner on't; Retiring strait they All
Stole by that Pond (unseen) to th' blinder Wall,
(Else Window fear'd) when, open found the Door,
They seiz'd CLERMANTHE, as you heard before.
For Door to th' Green, TIMONDES since did wait
To let ORSAMNES forth, till something late,
Dull, drowsy grown more hast; CLERMANTHE'S rest
Regarded too; the Lock (less strongly prest)
Did shoot too short; or Stop, had hindrance there:
Those Bolts above beneath forgotten were,
The Wall it self so smooth and High that none,
Except by Ladder rais'd, could mount thereon.
Ransack'd the Cell, where Box of Gems they found
(CLERMANTHE'S nam'd) thought worth three thousand pound;
Gold-heap (the Duke kept his, whilst Faithful Man
TIMONDES store reserv'd at great Dervan)
Two of their Clump drag'd that Dead Corps in hast
To deep Pit, Well, by which they lately pass'd
I' th' Wood, near going back (might eas'ly do)
Less danger afterwards: The other Two
Clermanthe led away by Thieves.
CLERMANTHE hal'd along, keen Dagger shown,
Sheath'd if Refus'd (what Cause shall be made known)
In her white Christal Brest; tormenting Fear
Tho seem'd like Death, yet She chose rather there
To be so Drawn by them in slower fashion;
Some Time for Help that way and preservation,
Cast dismal Glance o' th' late contentful Cell,
Whilst breath'd in Sighs to all her Joys Farewel.
Thus led between that ugly Guard, did shew
Fair Innocence it self captived so:
As Sons of Hell conjoy'd to Massacre
Prime Excellence, what counted Perfect, Rare.
Dismal Death's walk it seem'd, great Justice when
Intranc'd appear'd, and Rapine from his Den
Govern'd the World: Mouth stop'd with her own Glove
For Noise, Complaint, less Danger thence did prove.
She gaz'd on Trees, on shining Moon, whilst Those
The Monsters Shroud; might th' other Lamp suppose
Helping their Work; all's calm and Lull'd as 'twere;
Bad Nature seem'd Confederated there.
Leaving the Green, then Path, th' adjoyning Wood
They enter'd Both; when One of them (vile brood)
Sounded small Whistle strait, to which Another
Answer'd far off; Four more ( Each being sworn Brother)
Their Stuff did guard, Captain stay'd there beside;
That follow'd they, through Branched Ground best guide.
'Twas their Design CLERMANTHE should be led
Unto their Chief,
After Rape, to be Sacrific'd.
for's pleasure Ravished;
To PLUTO next, term'd God of gainful Prize
And Hell conjoyn'd, prove Off [...]ring, Sacrifice:
One's Motion lik'd by All, their Hands so late
Imploy'd in Blood; mean Beast tho serv'd for that
With Brimstone-sume, by Thieves perform'd before,
First week of May, on that Devotion-score
As by Themselves, through sculking fears and Flight
So long deferr'd, then May the Seventh Night:
Beast wanting tho, Man, Woman seem'd t [...] excel;
PLUTO thought King of Ghosts, whose Empire well
They had enlarg'd Zeal stronger now, since He
Not only brought them off, from Danger free,
But that choice Prize (which grand Advancement shew'd)
Rare Box of Gems, joyn'd heap of Gold bestow'd.
Her dainty'st Body, Head should strait be thrown
In that deep Well, lay'd by VANLOR unknown.
Their Captain's pleas'd, long'd for that Rape, agree'd
For th' Sacrifice, whom so they styl'd indeed:
BRISOLDAN 'twas, her Suitor found o're bold,
Thieves Cap­tain Brisoldan.
GONDACE'S Son (whose Plots we did unfold
First Book, at large) her Father's Concubine:
Held on Four years to the Pois'nous Broth's Design,
CLERMANTHE'S flight, his Feign'd then earnest Love,
Ambitious thoughts till fondest Dream did prove:
Near Death withal Two younger Lords ensnar'd
Least through their Rival suits himself debar'd,
Tho She withdrawn, Disdainful Part exprest,
That Love turn'd monstrous Hate, enraged Brest.
CLERMANTHE view'd, BRISOLDAN swell'd with Pride,
Strong Lust, Revenge, that gallant Theft descry'd:
Fate Servant shew'd to th' Wish, like rare Convoy;
Could ( Scorn'd before) CLERMANTHE now enjoy
(Willing, or not) so Greedily desir'd;
Scarce Waking thought, Chance singular, Admir'd:
Coy Mistress there to 's Wench transform'd, a Slave,
Then follow'd Death; smooth passage ore her Grave
To th' Style, estate of Duke; yet kept he on
False- Hayr and Beard, nor would by Words be known
Till Ravishment. Her Spouse there slain (they told)
Deep Well receiv'd; Bonds did their Father infold.
Brisoldan's for­tune.
how joyned with those Men
We thus impart: That proud GONDACE when
The Duke to Wifely Honour pleas'd t' advance,
He swell'd with Haughty'st Mood stranger Arrogance;
Gam'd, Drunk and Whor'd; for costly Garb by none,
(Rich, gallant Choice) nor courtly way outgon;
Best Lords Comrade; Years Twenty one did bear.
Chief Town did haunt; at Dice ingaged there
On Tavern-board with Son of Prime Grandee,
Lov'd by the King (Coyn plenteous store and free)
Good while He could not Fortune charge, condemn;
Till great Stakes lost, bad words, then Rage extream,
This surly Youth stab'd that young Lord to th' Heart.
Then grasping his own Bag large Golden part,
Bright Sword unsheath'd, broke down with's Man, no more
(Th' House favouring) to th' Court, where backward-Door;
Took each their Horse (kept ready-sadled there)
So gallop'd through; till such bad Chance (whatere)
Lam'd both their Beasts. At length to Ford they came,
But monstrous Show'rs had swell'd last night the same.
Known Bridg far off: Both paus'd did Gazing stand,
When Armed Troop beheld on their right hand
Marching that Way, upon their lest Another:
Large Wood beneath appear'd, which us'd to smother
Those mention'd Thieves. If back to th' Field they pass'd,
Or sculking Wood, those Troops might seize at last.
His Man (constrain'd) prime Cellers Vault disclos'd
In Uncle's Lodg, whose entrance so compos'd.
With that Nice, curious Art 'twas admirable;
Midst of that Wood; Who, when more wealthy, able,
Kept Inn i'th' Royal Town, had harbour'd long
Those Thieves, their Horses too, as Sharer strong
In their Exploits, till broke, to th' Lodg retir'd:
Those turn'd Foot-rogues withal, when Case requir'd,
Done Robbery fled to that Celler-vault,
Th' Host partner still: there they might Lurk uncaught
That Night, next day, till slow Pursuit appear'd;
Then slinking March abroad, small Danger fear'd
To Corinth-Realm, with Kinsman there remain,
Till Pardon's grant Duke, Dutchess could obtain.
Their Horses least, as tho the Men not far,
Suspition caus'd, unsadled left they are
In Pasture-ground. Thus through that Branched Maze
His Man did guide, BRISOLDAN'S lodg'd, repay'd
Large Golden Rent; or Rogue- Comrades howere
Grand heap for Stook bestow'd, styl'd Captain there.
Those fearing too bad Seouts, that second Night
By gen'ral Voyce resolv'd with Him for Flight:
Knew well these Parts, would prove like Guard, defend,
March'd Thirty Miles, stout, Praieant grown i' th' end.
Nor touch'd himself past [...]rime, or this to come
Since with few Words might have Revers'd the Doom;
'Twould Acted be by others Plot, design,
Next, by their Hands; None Him could Undermine,
Nor charge as knowing Her, whose Man by th' way
Imposthume seiz'd: 'Twould prime Revenge display.
First Rape then Death; when Beard pull'd off, descry'd
'Twas done by Him, Tormenting Rack beside;
These words conjoyn'd [BRISOLDAN'S here] alone,
Well stop'd her Mouth for making her self known.
Thus should She be disrobed strait to th' Wast,
Pure Flesh beheld, white Hands by Cord imbrac'd
Led forth by Two (Triumphant Form, Slave prize)
For easie Ravishment, then Sacrifice.
ORSAMNES, thou not know'st this Dreadful Cross,
Th' endamag'd World's, but most thy Fatal Loss:
Does no kind Gale Sigh, Whisper'st in thine Ear?
Loud Thunder roar the chance, nor Earth-quake there
Tremble it forth? such Strange-tongu'd Prodigies
Would Suit such Monst'rous Act: do not the Skies
Inform by scroul of Stars? some Raven crying,
Fatality! choice worth, chief Beauty's Dying.
ORSAMNES with THERSANDER enter'd well
Orsamnes with Thersander come to the Wood.
That Hermit path, near th' outmost Door to th' Cell,
Shewn nimble Speed, when on the Shaded Side
ORSAMNES large, white Hankerchief descry'd
Dropt on the Ground (sad Storm his Thoughts) believ'd
CLERMANTHE'S 'twas; leap'd strait to th' Door, Soul-griev'd,
That Open found, Orewhelm'd; within the Green,
CLERMANTHE, call'd: heard th' Hermit's Voyce (unseen)
She's gone, Surpriz'd: ran strait to th' Door again,
View'd Glimm'ring Light, good distance off, remain;
( Moon shining forth) That for those Rogues concluded.
With soft but nimble Pace (nor least Deluded)
They reach'd that Ground, where small Turf-Altar rear'd
( Men trampling through small open Glade) appear'd;
Bright Sword, few Flow'rs thereon: o'th' nearest side
Dim Taper burn'd: on farther Bank descry'd
Some hurling down a Woman there, fair Load,
Since, Petticoat discern'd, CLERMANTHE shew'd.
Strange, horrid Scene; whilst clearest Moon display'd
Her fainter Beams. Both rush'd into the Glade;
Swords drawn, turn'd Tigre-like, some Targets found,
Thrown there by chance, strait snatching from the ground.
The first of them ORSAMNES Sword did make
Soon breathless Corps. then Second Life forsake
(Half-arm'd, confus'd) with Spirit prime, undaunted,
Love joyn'd, Revenge; Third Soul enlargement granted,
Pasport for Hell: that valiant Rage did shew,
As freely would such Mortal Dooms bestow.
Tho Dy'd Himself. Some, whilst did staring range
For Targets there, less us'd their Swords, so strange
Sudden Assault. THIRSANDER (whose Courage bold
Might almost Match with's Nephew be enroul'd,
Their Cause the same) Fourth Villain soon did leave
Carkase on ground; then Fifth of Life bereave
With Active hand; Sixth prostrate lay'd for Dead;
Lastly, with Seventh ingag'd, Eighth Person fled.
Orsamnes fight­ing with Brisol­dan.
BRISOLDAN now (strange, startling Accident)
Had found his Shield; ORSAMNES by th' Event
Her Husband thought; with Coat tho meaner-priz'd
( Fine Cloaths beneath) Hat and false Beard disguis'd;
Since Flight disdain'd, with naked sword advanc'd:
ORSAMNES whom (view'd costly Garb when glanc'd)
Their Chief conceiv'd, good Cause brave Courage suited;
Sharp language, thus, Villain, thou Dy'st, saluted.
Villain thy self (BRISOLDAN said) art thou
That Woman's Spouse; fierce voice joyn frowning Brow.
ORSAMNES joyn'd, I am. BRISOLDAN strait,
Then know, above all Womankind I hate
That Harlot first, who Prostrate there lyes Dead;
And next her Thee: ORSAMNES answered:
I now conclude, BRISOLDAN th' art, most base,
Scorn'd, Loathe'd Name; my Sword upon thy Face
Shall print that Style and Heart. With sternest Pride
BRISOLDAN, Th' Hand I'll first chop off, reply'd;
Thy Throat shall sheath this ravenous Sword therein.
ORSAMNES joyn'd, Thou talk'st Mad- like, unseen
Death's Fate so near; lest should the Strife enlarge,
If so thou Dare, let's Both our Shields discharge,
Lay'd on the Earth. Agree'd; BRISOLDAN cries:
Thrown down they were. Both prov'd of equal Size,
Same Proper height, breadth, strength; well match'd for Age,
Years Twenty one; did fairly so ingage.
First sharp Assault, ORSAMNES made large Wound
In th' Oth [...]r's Thigh, more Active Body sound;
Blood stream'd withal, his gallant Garb oreflowing
(New Crimson-died) thence much enraged showing.
Monster dost Bleed? the stout ORSAMNES said,
Nezt, Death may seize. I scorn thy paultry Blade,
(BRISOLDAN joyn'd) and Thee. ORSAMNES then
Prov'd second Pass, encount'ring Each agen,
Broke th' Other's force, soon caus'd his Dreadful smart
Slash'd off whole Cheek reght Hand, next cleav'd his Heart:
Falling on whom like pond'rous Fate (howere
Small Scratch receiv'd) confirm'd great Conquest there.
THIRSANDER held Seventh sturdy Thief that while,
(Hard Grapling task) till joyn'd to th' Slaughter'd Pile;
His Soul unkennel'd too; Skin rac'd (no more)
Came bravely off: Eighth fled, we said before:
Tho tumbled down that mention'd Well, by chance,
As did that Way with hasty Foot advance:
Clermanthe found o' th' ground.
Then running to th' World's Glory late, so prime,
CLERMANTHE'S Self (sad Conquerours that time)
Half-nak'd she lay, not seen till then, reveal'd
Farther than Neck; by th' Altar's Turf conceal'd:
(ORSAMNES thoughts orewhelm'd) found Senseless lying
Head tho left on, She seemed more than Dying:
Where sadly exclaym'd' O strange, disast'rous sight!
As ever was brought forth by dreadful Night;
Black mischiefs Womb! CLERMANTHE, call'd, did say,
It was ORSAMNES voyce. Each needful way
THIRSANDER strait (that Time afforded) us'd,
Her Temples bath'd, strong, powr'ful Spirits infus'd
(Brought little Glass) since not least Wound appear'd,
Nor Bruise beheld; some strangling Death was fear'd;
Rub'd, bow'd her Body oft. Ah Horror! crying
ORSAMNES mournful voyce; You never dying
Powers above discharge my Life, since take
Chief Joy from me, so cease tormenting Rack
Prime worth's destroy'd. THERSANDER bath'd her Brest,
'Twas Cordial juice as good for th' Head exprest,
(Seldom forgot) her Body th' Other bow'd:
Through friendly Chance cold Water was allow'd,
Left by those Thieves, o' th' Face drops sprinkled were:
ORSAMNES calling still, CLERMANTHE, there.
Clermanthe free'd from Trance.
When strait appear'd soft Motion in each Part,
Deep Trance desolv'd, like curious Watch by art
Whose nicest Wheels do move in order round;
Such was that dainty'st Frame, reviv'd compound.
Her wand'ring Soul, as newly wakened then,
Travers'd with Joy it's Beauteous House agen;
Choice Rooms survey'd; fine Progress 'twas and rare;
Delightful Scene, to see that World of fare,
Prime- Lovely, sweet like Model new-created,
By Heaven Inspir'd: each wonder Grace restated
In Cheeks and Lips: those gallant, Sun-bright Eyes
Break through their Morning lids while th' Eastern Skies
Sol broke to view't as 'twere: ORSAMNES tho
Was pleas'd to think, those Rays from Her did flow,
His Light of Joys at least: spring-like fresh, warm
CLERMANTHE shew'd, much industry, that Charm
ORSAMNES Voyce new-blest the World; howere,
THIRSANDER'S Art prov'd instrumental there.
When, grasping, Her with joyful violence,
He second Trance t' endanger seem'd from thence;
Such Kisses joyn'd as stifle would in Love,
Change so supreme, might well transported prove:
Both mutely sate. Parley'd with Hearts combin'd,
Souls whisp'ring forth sad Tales as 'twere (intwin'd)
Of former Grief: whilst Rape declar'd prevented
Rogue's gasping Tongue, ORSAMNES thoughts contented:
Who thus did silence break, You losty Skies,
Immortal Pow'rs of Day-light do these eyes
Behold sent back belov'd CLERMANTHE ( as 'twere)
From Shades of Death, or Heaven's triumphant sphear?
Soul on the way, Body deflowr'd by none?
Transcendent Gift! this Flesh that Honour shewn
To Bleed sin Her, worthy of Fame's record.
When she again; Has then kind Heaven restor'd
To these glad Arms my worthy'st Lord, and Gem?
So long bewail'd in that disast'rous Dream,
As Carkase, Dead? Another's Corps altho,
My Champion joyn'd withall, much heightned so!
No more lost precious Blood, my Joys revive;
Now do I Breath ORSAMNES found alive.
Thy Conquest Palm deserves, that Trance was kind,
Since made me prove to thy great Danger Blind.
She strait declar'd that dead Corps view'd before,
ORSAMNES-like; how running through th' Cell-door
They seiz'd on Her, next to their Captain brought:
Then bound her Arms for Rape, strange Torment thought;
His [...]ard pull'd off, these words conjoyn'd beside
[BRISOLDAN'S here] plainly Himself descry'd:
With dreadful Wonder struck, Mouth stop'd that hour,
So near his loathsom Grasp, then Murth'ring pow'r
(Hopes to be th' Heyr, like Poyson's second part,
Death mea [...]t by whisp'ring saw) orewhelmed Heart,
She fell [...]tranc'd when laying down for th' Action;
View'd by the Duke: Thief gave more satisfaction.
Much joy'd ORSAMNES still, that rare escape
From deadly Hands, what next to Death a Rape.
Frantick VANLOR that Corps did strait appear,
Whom ranging so for Prize they Murther'd there.
Now troubled thoughts for's noble Host i' th' Cell,
Their trouble for the Hermit.
Whose Voyce, left there alive, inform'd him well,
Tho Bound hand, foot, it seem'd CLERMANTHE told,
It chear'd her when Thief did first unfold,
He lay look'd up in Bonds, upon the Ground
Thrown there the Key; with gladsom Fortune found,
Like Jewel caught; hard task to break the Door;
'Twould need long time, whatere Disturbance more.
Their Booty seiz'd upon the Earth was lay'd;
Her Box of Gems much Gold therein display'd,
As yet unshar'd; their Thievish Coyn, more high
BRISOLDAN'S Stock was left to th' Passer by.
THIRSANDER here should strait their Agent go
To th' Town Mile off, Dervan, preparing so
Fit Hackney- Coach for th' Journey was intended;
But chang'd the case, bad Chances apprehended;
Whole hours that Work requir'd, Straglers might well
View those Dead Thieves, then range to th' Hermit's Cell,
ORSAMNES Armed found, THIRSANDER there
(Perhaps return'd) Both known; or led howere
To th' Magistrate, known so; if not confin'd
Much Trouble caus'd, spoyl'd their Retreat design'd.
Walking themselves was thus resolv'd upon;
Cottage there prov'd by which Himself had gon,
Short of the Town, good Ancient payr descry'd,
Where they might sculk till could that Coach provide:
Say, they were Rob'd, unhors'd, some Gold altho
Reserv'd, conceal'd, their Host pay'd freely so.
Back strait they Walked,
All walk to th' Hermitage
TIMONDES Bond's discharg'd,
Whose Joy flow'd high CLERMANTHE well enlarg'd;
Griev'd tho for's drousie Hast, since th' outmost Dore
Mistook, not Lock'd: CLERMANTHE did deplore
Th' unhappy Chance, her opening th' other there
Large heap of Thanks to him returned were:
Tho pay'd for Food themselves, that Coat mean-priz'd
Borrow'd and Sword, false Beard, the Duke disguis'd.
Seiz'd on the Ground. Lastly, the noble pair
Promis'd Returns, when Fortune gave them Pow'r
For kindness shewn within that Rocky Bow'r.
CLERMANTHE upheld by them on either side,
They trod the Path till th' open Field descry'd.
That Prince of day now th' upper World had rais'd
From nights command, Tall, lofty Mountains blaz'd
With Gaudy Brows; Woods Golden Dress did wear;
And Men awak'd from Slumbring Trance appear;
Work, Pastime sought: whilst plumed, Silvan Quires
Chanted their Songs unto his Mourning-fires:
Who Proud did seem to dart his Beamings round,
View'd half the Globe like second Lordships ground.
Hear empty Coach, four horses through the Plain
Did pass by them, should fetch gentiler Train,
Lodg'd in Dervan, to Marriage-Feast that Day,
Their Walk resolv'd just then upon their way;
CLERMANTHE faint through longer Watch that night,
Joyn'd dismal sorrows Task, last dreadful Fright,
They Fe'd the Man for ease, convenience,
Much closeness too, more quick Convoy from thence.
Reach'd that but short o'th' Town,
All shrouded in a Cottage.
they all alighted
Back-passage where (less mark'd) to th' House invited:
That ancient Payr (found Drest) THRISANDER told
Their Rob'd Mischance, concealed tho much Gold,
Would them Reward: when strait small Parlor there
CLERMANTHE saw, which cleanly Face did wear,
But now adorn'd by her, prime Beauty shrouded:
So CINTHIA doth Masque her Beams o'erclouded;
So Gems and Gold are lodg'd in Earthen Cell;
Bright Pearls contain'd within the simpler Shell:
Good, chearful Hostess found. In Chair repos'd,
Needful that time, Strong-waters brought, disclos'd
From Christal Glass, for Cordial warmth, support;
To strengthen thence Nature's disorder'd Fort,
Th' Heart's drooping Spirits, Garrison restore;
Prime Body tho, transcendent Temper wore.
Burnt Frankinsence, to precious Ayr consum'd,
Whose curled Clouds that meaner Place perfum'd:
Refresh'd the Brain, to Slumbers (last) incline
If might with those more freely then combine.
Their Host mean-while THIRSANDER imploy'd with speed
For Hackney Coach, least there disturbance breed
That Troop found Dead: was soon inform'd agen,
None could be got that day, hir'd forth as then.
One they might have next Morn by th' early'st Hour:
Things proving thus they gave him second pow'r
That to bespeak. Then, since their Parlor spar'd,
And Room for th' Lords above. They had declar'd,
(Kept Garret for themselves till Morn disclos'd)
Clermanthe laid down for Sleep.
CLERMANTHE strait upon the Bed repos'd.
Her Beauteous World which Slumbers should o'ersway;
Curtains being drawn expell'd did seem the day:
When purest Lids, each Christal Box as 'twere,
Those daintiest Gems her Eyes inclosed there.
(Conform'd withal) till Sleep with soft imbraces
From Brain and Heart sad thoughts, distemper chaces.
The Lords had born (conjoyn'd) their Watchful share,
Long toilsom Walk, large Grief, did pleas'd repayr
To th' upper Room; their Horses then desir'd
When Dinner drest by Two (since much o'retir'd)
To call on them: so, prostrate Subjects there
To King-like Sleeps command did strait appear.
Thus Nature's pay'd her Slumbring due Repast,
Eight hours arise; all rested well to th' last
The Lords being Rouz'd, Both streit below descended,
CLERMANTHE rais'd, whose Sleep then newly ended.
Found primely Chear'd, which then their Case requir'd;
Strong appetite to th' Food by her desir'd:
ORSAMNES self gave ear with Joyful Passion
To th' Gladsom Change made known by her Relation.
Dinner was brought, she rising from the Bed
Since not uncloath'd; 'twas neatly ordered.
Their Hostess, Host sat down, invited there,
Their Host and Hostess.
Joyn'd pleasant Talk to th' handsom Meal whate're;
Chiefly the Man, who soberly confest,
That fairer then CLRMANTHE ne're had prest
That Marriage-Bed, but his own Wife (repay'd
With Thumps by her) who might be then best Maid
Perchance he thought. CLERMANTHE Blush'd, reply'd,
She scarce should wish her Servant by her side,
Those Words pronounc'd. Good Wife Thump'd him agen,
ORSAMNES smil'd; did ask his Reasons then
For those hard thoughts. Because (he said) She might
Prove Married Spouse to that brave Youth Downright,
Tho Sister call'd; his Wife ( esteem'd the Flow'r
Of all their Sex) did prove first grasping hour
Virgin compleat ORSAMNES answered thus;
I'm bashful Spouse, when't shews Presumptuous
To lie by her, O (said the Man) because
She has now some Breeding Qualms, that squeamish pause.
Distemper past You may with Arms infold her
(Which made the Duke with smiles again behold her)
Hard Wooing brunts (said he) could Trecite,
Plough the easier Task, before our Wedding Night:
Then bad Mischance, the Pis-pot was o'rethrown,
Foul Sign methought. Wife Box'd him thereupon.
Then she their strange Adventures told at Court,
Which serv'd for Cloze, when rode in stately sort
To see the King; grand Troubles with the Guard
(Huge Loobies there) torn Scarf by them debar'd;
Bad Fall by th' way, Yet after all (she said)
Found but a Man: with both her Arms display'd.
Dinner dispatch'd, more comfortable Meal
Remember'd scares, CLERMANTHE pleas'd so well,
Whilst homely Walls surround; may represent,
The Mind does yield 'bove th' outward Form content,
World's Gaudy store: strong proof whereof imparted
(Base for their Rank) th' Host, Hostess chearful hearted:
THIRSANDER pray'd, since still She seem'd inclin'd
To Drousiness, on Lighter Meat had din'd,
She would again repose more calmly there,
Two hours perchance; since should next Morning bear
That second Task, way twenty Miles, begun
(So weak of late) with th' Early Rising Sun.
All leave the Room, ORSAMNES wal'd above;
THIRSANDER then found th' Host good Agent prove.
For Hackney Coach; quarter past Four (day-light)
Which he bespake; well pay'd Himself that Night.
CLERMANTHE slept two good Hours more, till Five,
Which still did raise her fainter Spirits, revive.
ORSANMES then call'd down (the Door well clos'd,
Left to themselves) o'th' Bed by her repos'd
Where Acted o're kind further Chast Love-part,
Like th' Hermit's Cell; much chear'd his Gentle Heart
Till spent three hours in choice conjoyned pleasure,
Exchang'd delightfulness (convenient Leisure)
Till the Hour of Eight; when th' Horses did appear,
Their Supper brought; THIRSANDER entred there.
All sitting down took second good Repast,
That Season'd too with Frank Discourse, at last;
(Same mirth-conceits by th' Host and Hostess vented)
Till near Tens Hour, when all their Beds contented,
Laid down thereon in Cloaths, that way inclin'd
For th' early Journey more next Morn design'd.
Thus, leaving them to Rest, we Story shall
Relate, upon what Grounds Original
CLERMANTHE Heir to th' Ciprus Realm proclaim'd;
Which was in our first Book but only nam'd:
Tho Various, Large, it may the less offend,
Since she from thence did for th' half-part descend.

The Cyprus STORY.

IN Cyprus-Isle, which stands by Fame Renown'd,
The Cyprus King.
A King did Reign, with Noble Virtues Crown'd
As well as Gold; much handsom Person prov'd,
As Royal Head; for Temper choice belov'd:
Of mild and Gentle Strain, to Peace inclin'd:
Learning Advanc'd, Ingenious Arts Refin'd.
Since Good himself, was prone to think (more free)
Others so too; for whih Credulity
Might seem less Cautelous than Crowns requir'd;
More open laid to Brests Ambition fir'd,
Young Bachelor, past twenty one of late,
Had Reign'd Two Years in grand Monarchal State.
Great Duke there was which from some Stock begun,
Duke Bromor.
One Grandfather, prov'd Second Brothers Son;
Next Heir to th' Crown (Four Years was Elder tho)
BROMOR by name: Tall, handsom form'd did shew.
The Sister marry'd had to th' Lycian King,
From whom one Boy (three years for age) did spring;
Proud sturdy Soul, most Iron-temper'd Brest,
As Subtil too; bad Stratagems possest:
Could well conceal what Mischief-plots design'd,
Farse, smoother Tongue Dissembling Face combin'd;
Ambitious Heart inclos'd: Sought Regal swall,
Crown drench'd in Blood, So cautious tho that way,
He'd stronger prove, well Fortifi'd before
Gave deadly Stroke, lest Clashing on that Score
Hard Grapple found from Rival-Earl of pow'r
(Joyn'd Valour, Noble Parts) o'th' Blood that hour,
Third Brother's Son it was, PISANUS nam'd:
Would so (next place) Destroy as least defam'd
Might prove to th' World, i'th' Dark; ingaging there
Few Instruments, th' Exploit would less appear
(Close Miner under Ground) those Faithful thought;
Few Tongues withal less Blabbing danger brought:
Fit Tempers too conjoyn'd, where Spleenful Spight
Gainst Greater Men, Wealth, honour should invite.
Strong Forts obtain'd, Arm'd Party for the Field
Choice Season (last) for which did also build
On some great Lords, who Male-content Aspir'd
To Chief Commands; the Souldiers Love acquir'd.
Things not yet Ripe to give that Mortal Blow
He sought to Bar the King from Marriage, so
Issue prevent, whence Troubles oft treated;
That deeply Fear'd might soon be celebrated.
Since thus did chance; the King had fix'd his Love
On Baron's Daughter late; which tho did prove
Beneath his Rank, was Princely Beauty deem'd,
ELVORA call'd,
The Kings Love to El­vora.
and high for Parts esteem'd:
Like Champaign- Star in's Progress- Road beheld,
Then Rang'd i'th' City's Firmament excell'd:
Whose Father BROMOR Hates, tho likely now
To Mount, advance his joy'd, exalted Brow.
The King did Court her first i'th' Country Air,
The City last, such ways as might declare
Marriage-resolves, yet not o're-hasty led
(That Point by th' Father greatly'st furthered,
Brother in Travel then) found Civil Duty,
Humble Regard from fair ELVORA'S Beauty.
This Lady, tho young Lord of handsome Fortune,
Elvora's Love to th' Lord Phi­lantro.
Prime Person, Parts, did fervently importune
For Spouse before, had strongest Zeal exprest,
Philantor call'd from deeply wounded Breast:
Found grand Return from Her, Exchange of Love,
Like balmy Salve, what next to Vows did prove:
But then discharg'd by th' Father was from Sight,
Gave clearer way to th' Sun's majestick Light.
Nor prov'd the King for Person much out-shin'd,
But he first seiz' her Heart, whose Fort resign'd,
Held there strong Tow'r; tho Gates through Reverence
The King receiv'd, Daughter's Obedience.
Partly in all the King's Addresses there
PHILANTOR look'd, PHILANTOR spake, as 'twere.
Which amorous League to BROMOR not unknown,
Slight Motion tho by th' King believ'd alone.
Prime Agent us'd for Councel and for Act,
(Tho meaner hands might serve for murth'ring Fact,
In that grand point more dangerously bold)
Was Groom o'th' King's own Bed-chamber inroul'd;
NORTHAMBRIS call'd: Both Fellow-Students were,
Young chief Comrades, might self same Coyns appear.
For Temper, Stamp; crafty and bold as he,
Dissembling too. Obtain'd that Place, Degree,
His Father had, when serv'd this present King:
Whom, tho in slighter way, found favouring,
Shewn good regard, small Honour, Wealth, and Pow'r
Thence hoped for: thought Drops to BROMOR'S Show'r.
'Twas thus contriv'd; PHILANTOR being at Court,
View'd by the King, since oft did there resort;
NORTHAMBRIS, having Letter ready pen'd,
Like Woman's Draught, the King at Dinner's end
Preparing for the Garden, Summer- Room
Where took Delight; most nimbly stole that Groom
To th' private Lobby, where the King should pass,
Drop'd there those Lines; at further Door (fit place)
Peep'd through to see th' Event: That Paper vile
[ To th' Lord PHILANTOR] superscrib'd for Style.
The King came in, view'd, takes it up, did stalk
To th' Casement strait, where spy'd PHILANTOR walk
Cross-arm'd beneath, as trod before this Ground,
Here dropt the same: Seals ready-broken found;
Unlap'd it then, Elvora's Name below;
Scarce view'd his Eyes did jealous Wonder shew,
Trouble conjoyn'd; which pleas'd NORTHAMBRIS well,
Strong Physick prov'd, no mean Inchanting Spell:
Both thought 'twould prove Qualm-like Demus at least;
So Gentle known his unoffensive Breast.
Forg'd Letter, as from ELVORA.
For the most Worthy, High-deserving Lord, PHILANTOR.
MOst Noble Lord,
Forg'd Letter.
in Answer to your Lines
Be these exchang'd, where loving Pity shines;
As wretched Love quite darkned Yours, o're-clouded:
You wish'd those Thoughts in bloody Ink were shrouded,
Drawn from the Breast (since Love's prime part doth shew)
As true Blood form'd that Heart portray'd below,
Kind Token sent, and sure I am mine own,
(Like Pearl-returns) were mix'd with Tears, o'reflown;
Since having long transferr'd my gentle Heart,
Lodg'd close by Yours, it needs must share in smart,
Mourn, sympathize. Nor can those Kingly Rayes
So blind my view, or Titles gaudy blaze
(Crown'd Queen) transform my Thoughts, so pow'rful prove,
That I should lose my self, forget your Love.
For were I 'twixt those Royal Arms in Bed,
On Marriage-night, with Shades environed,
Sighs breath'd I should think of PHILANTOR there:
Souls still may joyn, tho Bodies parted were.
I Subject am and Daughter both, o're sway'd
By strange Command, each claims Obedient Maid:
Yet, tho to other bound, shall ever be
What's here subscrib'd, to th' height: prove really
Your most Truly, Loving, Honouring, Compassionate, ELVORA.
Both cautious were in forming this, no Glance
On th' Lady's Chastity ('twould best advance
Their cheating End) before, or after wedded:
Least possibly the King, grown Jealous-headed,
'Twas forg'd Device, might urge, disclose the same,
By Love o're-pow'r'd; or through revengeful Flame
If Truth conceiv'd; she clear her self thereby:
Thus daub'd he'd smother all like Destiny:
Strong, former Love, unsoyl'd, that sober Mind;
Then leave her to Phil [...]ter's Charge resign'd.
Nor miss'd the Mark thus far, their pregnant Plot
First solemn Pause, concealment then begot.
But yet the King soon afterwards did send
Her Father Present choice, would so extend
His Bounty late, which doubtful Fears did breed
Some Visit least might follow that, succeed.
Both rouz'd their nimblest Brains for Confirmation,
Bromor's Plot.
To strengthen all through th' Eye, Ear's Demonstration.
Order'd 'twas; The Groom (as wish'd, desir'd)
Found th' Amorous Lord to th' Garden- Shades retir'd.
My Lord (said he) this Boldness pray excuse,
Since Friendly'st Crime, tho break your serious Muse;
And aims at your Contentment, Joy alone.
Take't briefly thus: 'Tis nought to me unknown
Your former Love on fair ELVORA plac'd,
Her kind Return, till th' Royal League embrac'd;
Out-rivall'd so, discharg'd, else choicely esteem'd:
I've been in Love, your sad Copartner seem'd;
Felt Tortures oft, did loose the Virgin-Prize,
And therefore can more strongly sympathize:
Conclude withal, you may be Victor crown'd,
One harmless Thing perform'd, which I'll propound.
The Lord reply'd: That former Love- affair
( Kind Sir) I grant, now wrap'd in dark Despair;
Tho I should close, conjoyn in any Thing
Not Trayterous, 'gainst Person of the King.
Thus then my Lord (said he) Do you conceive,
You could obtain, through bright ELVORA'S leave,
To meet Her in that Bow'r by th' Marble Cell
Within the Grove; vouchsaf'd as last Farewell
To all your Joys? Close way through th' outmost Dore?
Ʋs'd her Maid 's help next Week ( as I before
Am well inform'd) from Guardian- Father free,
Lodg'd then far off some Country- Works to see.
I think I could, reply'd PHILANTOR there;
Joyn'd th' other strait, then banish Drooping Fear;
I'll draw the King that time to th' Branched Stand
Mounted with Steps, which doth that Place command,
T'observe your Amorous Stealth; the Passion sway,
Joyn'd Kiss- Salutes in view: I shall display
( Prologue to th' Scene) your former constant Loves,
Exchanged Hearts: whose Noble Temper proves
So gentle, mild, that falling off ( no noise)
He'll leave you Both to share Conjugal Joys.
Foregoing Day tell me th' intended Hour
( Good Space between) for meeting in that Bow'r;
Which Summer Evenings now, should be desir'd
Near th' Hour of Four: from th' Hand-maid first requir'd
That friendly Grant, that she would let you pass
Soon after Twelve, that you might view the place
For sev'ral Hours, your Pensive Thoughts compose:
Then watch till each of us new-landed shews
By Boat, disguis'd, near th' Hour of Two (no more)
Then leave unlock'd (withdrawn) that Outmost Door,
That we may mount the Stand: I'll tell the King
'Twas done by th' Maid her self, concealed thing
This further Grant, when th' Lady doth depart,
That you may pause good while to cheer your Heart.
For setled Mind; walk forth soon after then,
That we may pass the Door I'll strait agen
Lock fast the same, the Key thrown over there:
Promise to th' Maid, you'l do't your self howe're.
Thus parted they, by each contented Glance;
The Lord did strait 'bout th' amorous Work advance:
Philantor writes to Elvora.
First, Letter fram'd ELVORA'S self should view,
Did strongly for that mention'd Favour sue,
As tho 'twere Life-support; term'd last Farewel;
Since lov'd and griev'd beyond known Parallel.
Nam'd th' Arbour, Hour; Suit she might grant much rather,
Going next day to lodge far off her Father:
Beg'd to take leave of Her like setting Sun,
E're Darkness seiz'd, that parting Grace if done,
Remembrance on't might cordial Warmth supply;
That Balm withdrawn through fester'd Wounds may dye.
Did mount in sob'rest height, Love prompting all;
True Passion shewn, as choice, Rethorical.
Then, Second for her Maid, smooth too, compos'd,
(Preparing Charm) which that First Note inclos'd.
Nam'd th' entring Place, near Twelve (expert before)
That further leave for pausing some time more,
When th' Lady gone, till calm'd disorder'd Mind,
He'd lock the Door. Sh' had found him bounteous, kind;
His Creature once, soft, gentler Heart beside;
Now Dimon-Ring for closing Bait apply'd;
Meranda call'd. His faithful Nurse (most wary)
Feign'd bus'ness with that Wench, the things did carry;
Found private Talk: She strait did Melting prove;
Her Lady more, Lines shewn, conjoyn'd to move.
She grants to meet him.
Elvora read, then sadly paus'd thereon,
Dropt moistned Pearls, short Answer fram'd anon;
Writ by her Maid: Such Acts might Tempest breed,
But high Regard did conquer Fears, exceed;
His Love o're-come, her Reason condescended:
'Twas true, next Morn her Father Journey intended,
Lodg'd Nights abroad; that Afternoon, Four th' Hour,
She'd Meeting grant in that Reserved Bow'r.
Glad Nurse return'd with speed to th' Lord at home,
Gave those fair Lines, who strait inform'd the Groom.
Northam­bris and the King.
assaults with hasty Mind
The King himself (by Bromor so design'd)
E're Day withdrawn: Great Sir, (said he, more bold)
I have important Bus'ness to unfold,
Worthy Regard; which tho unhandsome Face
Might bear, present, perhaps offend your Grace,
Yet Loyal Aim and Heart it owns, doth prove
Duty from thence; may well for Pardon move
There has betwixt ELVORA and the Lord
PHILANTOR been deep former Love- accord,
With Vows conjoyn'd; from You perchance conceal'd.
You may, when heard th' whole Truth thereof reveal'd,
Your best Discretion use in that Transaction:
As please proceed, more future Satisfaction.
The King reply'd, with solemn Glance, I heard
Of Motion made from Progress, tho debarr'd:
No Mutual Love exchang'd, the Lady free.
NORTHAMBRIS then, next Evening You may see
Meeting by Stealth, so satisfie your Eyes;
If pleas'd to take small Pains in close Disguise:
( Time, Place did name) by th' Wench disclosed there
As Dutious Act; no Lust- intent howe're.
That Arbour, Grove not then to th' King unknown,
Since had there talk'd with Her himself alone.
Through gentle Lines took lately up and read
Startl'd before, sees Thoughts of Wonder bred;
Yet nicely curious too, did only say,
He scarce believ'd: conjoyned strait that way
To go along, would trust his seeing Sense:
Perform'd with ease, whate're the Consequence.
The King goes to the Grove.
Next Afternoon, the King, Court-Dinner ended,
Close Lobby past, to th' private Stairs descended:
Where nimbly took false Hair and Beard, beside
Large Coat, which well NORTHAMBRIS Cloak did hide
(Himself transform'd withal by dext'rous hand)
Call'd pair of Oars, e're th' Hour of Two did land
Near to that Grove, it's Postern-door, the Men
Should wait till Seav'n, when they'd return agen.
PHILANTOR watch'd, set in by th' Maid before,
The King descry'd and Groom, unlock'd the Door;
Withdrew to sculking Shade, that clos'd alone,
Thence saw them mount their branched Stand (unknown)
Door lock'd by them: He walked there an Hour,
As enter'd then, pass'd by to th' shady Bow'r.
Which view'd, the King strait fortify'd his Heart
(Found secret Qualm) for next succeeding part.
Small open Place there lay, i'th' midst was rear'd
Fine Marble Cell, which Sacred once appear'd,
To th' God of Woods devote, adorned round;
Arbour o'th' side, for th' Lady's case on Ground.
Well view'd by th' lofty Stand, whose gloomy Shade
Had Lattice-Window there for Prospect made:
Adjoyning (last) did fall from smaller Mount,
With Murmurs Noise, the God SILVANUS Fount.
ELVORA came, about the Hour of Four,
( Maid strait withdrawn, fast lock'd the Garden-door,
None else should pass) might PHEBE there have seem'd
H [...]r Bow laid by (since Goddess fair esteem'd)
To range those Shades, or bath i'th' pearly Fount:
Doubts rising now to firm Belief's Account.
Drawn very near, PHILANTOR forth did stand,
And making humble Bow, kiss'd strait her Hand,
Then said, He should presume to reach her Lips
(Breast struck withal) after long Joy's Ecclipse;
Kiss seal'd thrice o're; so enter'd th' Arbour there:
Sad, Royal Scout the King might then appear.
The King He stands. Views Phi­lantor.
Both sitting down, the Lord did thankful shew
For this grand Favour, grant ( Looks mournful tho)
With sighing Breath; since last Farewel included:
Much former Grace, now by fond Dream deluded,
Since Rival prov'd the King. Then ranged o're
His World of Griefs, Misfortune's ample Score.
She Pitty's Coyn repay'd from gentle Heart,
His Noble Worth acknowledg'd there, Desert;
Which still should highly esteem, and constant Love,
Tho now by Fates must over-ruled prove:
Joyn'd Sigh withall for Eccho to his own,
Love-flaming Eyes, where equal kindness shewn.
He kiss'd how oft her Hand with pleased Sense!
Then dainty Breasts! us'd sober Violence,
Transported Way: Thus (last) dissolved were
Three amorous Hours; much Passion vented there.
The King falls off from her.
The King mean while, ELVORA'S Chastity
Not doubting ought, since left alone, so free,
There with himself long private Combate held:
Love-Passions sought to calm, which rose, rebell'd:
His Forces rais'd, to noble Virtue's Pow'r.
Joyn'd Reason's armed Band, till parting Hour.
PHILANTOR'S Worth well poiz'd, their former Love
In gentle Seal, which barr'd from Joy did prove
When near attain'd; his Kingdom's Sphear was stor'd
With Beauteous Stars, her Equals might afford;
Free, kinder Hearts: thus, Fancy o're-aw'd doth yield,
Passion gave way, whilst Reason kept the Field.
Forth late they came, PHILANTOR humbly bow'd;
Beg'd K [...]ss for last Farewel, by her allow'd,
Thrice counted, seal'd: Spectator from that Stand
The King of all; then, kissing her fair Hand,
She gone by giving knock, the Lord, sad-hearted
( Door lock'd by th' Maid) through th' Outmost walk'd, de­parted.
The King did follow soon, some Words exprest
For falling off, through deep-resenting Breast;
Concealment joyn'd of these kind, stol'n Affairs:
Door lock'd, that Key thrown o're, to th' private Stairs,
By Water came: NORTHAMBRIS Joy did rise,
There soon discharg'd his former Cloud, Disguise.
PHILANTOR gone, that Bitter- Sweet enjoy'd,
Her Father tho, like Storm did well avoid,
Came not off free from dangerous Consequence;
For, walking near to th' River's Bank from thence,
A Gentleman but lately set on Shore,
Outlandish Cloaths (whom he had seen before)
No sooner view'd his Face, but marching nigh
With glist'ring Blade, cry'd, Draw thy Sword, or Dye.
Wherefore, said he again; My Rival th' art,
Th' other reply'd: Thus soon to th' Fencing part,
From Talking fell; for Combate did advance:
That instant passed by (through lucky Chance)
Young gallant Earl (forenam'd) o' th' Royal Blood,
Third Brother's Son; next Child of BROMER stood
Heir to the Crown (behind▪ did Servants wait)
PISANUS call'd; Who, knowing PHILANTOR strait,
Ran, stept between, their Quarrels cause inquir'd:
My Rival, said th' hot Youth, through Love infir'd,
ELVORA sought to enjoy. PISANUS when,
Shew'd his mistake, since Royal Suitor then
The King himself; which cool'd his Youthful flame,
Thus parted They, and Reason overcame.
That Youth, well-born, the Lady foremost woo'd;
Being Discharg'd in Travel time bestow'd,
To cause Forgetful Cure; returning late,
PHILANTOR, (heard) should Marriage celebrate,
Enjoy the Prize, from whence this Passion swell'd;
The Lord so near her house, that Grove beheld.
The King being safe retir'd, more strongly now,
Truely Himself; from Sight withdrawn, the Brow
Through the Eye disturbed more, that ruling Sense,
Pause (last) conjoyn'd, whose cooling Influence
Damp'd Fancy's former Heat, Passions allay'd,
No mutineers has Calmer Thoughts o'ersway'd;
He fix'd on falling off, Retreat design'd
B [...]st manner tho, best way with sober Mind.
Would keep reserv'd the Cause, lest, swell'd with Rage,
The Father 'gainst the Daughter might ingage;
Their Wedding Hopes destroy'd, o'rewhelm the Lovers,
Nor Discontent (such Princely Brest discovers)
Would give the Lord; conceiv'd as slighting Action:
Wrote strait to him for Friendly satisfaction.
The King writes to her Fa­ther.
That He should then break off, on serious Ground
Known to himself, yet no Disgrace redound
To's Daughter's Virgin- fame; Person high-priz'd,
Good Parts withall: nor be by th' Lord surmis'd,
Bad disregard (Intreats) Truth would appear
By th' friendly Tokens sent to either there.
Patent there was for Earl, choice Place conjoyn'd,
Good Lining thought; his Daughter (next) was coyn'd
A Countess too: Third Parchment made her Spouse
(Blank left) an Earl, who e're her Vote allows:
His Picture sent her, last, pray'd, to be worn;
Which Diamonds did garnish round, adorn:
Her's plain desir'd, which worn by him should be
Till Wife enjoy'd, then kept as Rarity.
BROMOR was gall'd, that Lord advanced so,
Had Marriage held might prove much greater tho.
This noble King thus would not Joys possess,
Seem happy through Others unhappiness;
True Love confound; that Dutious carriage rather
Would well reward in Daughter both and Father.
ELVORA 'S Calm, some Lords, believ'd, his mind
Had chang'd of late; her Father so inclin'd.
PHILANTOR, when that Groom did all display,
The King's retreat, rejoyc'd triumphant way;
Tho Thoughts conjoyn'd, That, being discharg'd before,
The squeamish Lord on new Conjugal score
Would scarce proceed; yet like the Match, content;
ELVORA too might Judge the same event.
Thus, Best it seem'd to force, constrain (as 't were)
Her Father to what well Approv'd howe're,
Steal her away. Nor Fond those thoughts, untrue:
Pen'd smoothest Lines for fair ELVORA 'S view.
His suit prefer'd with that perswasive Ground,
Intreats She would some Day and Hour propound.
When He shall wait on Her with Coach-convoy,
Grove's Postern Door, same Night as Bride enjoy.
Request to th' Maid withall form'd thereupon,
Which baited was with second Diamon.
His Letter found ELVORA pleas'd, and kind,
Rare temper'd Breast; their former Loves combin'd
Did fill contentments Scale, that Side o're-poizing;
Tho Queen lay'd there, in Subject now rejoycing;
PHILANTOR 'S weight o'recame: their Thoughts did close,
That stealth would not her Father's Mood oppose:
Elvora stol­len away by Philantor.
Thus grants; one Evening fair, lock'd by the Maid
Their Garden-door, pass'd Grove's conjoyned Shade,
Both met unspi'd: PHILANTOR in his Arms
Strait caught Her up to th' Coach, least bad Alarms.
( Kiss seal'd withall) well knowing in his own Brest,
Through what late Storm did sail for Port of rest.
Grief's Coyn now stamp'd with Joy, the Ladie's Eyes
Close-panting Heart whilst sweetly Sympathize.
Six Horses brought, th'are gon most nimbly thus,
As ev'ry Beast were wing'd like Pegasus.
(Rais'd dusty Cloud) till came to private Cot,
Where Priest concealed lay for Marriage-knot:
Man, Wife they prov'd; PHILANTOR 'S House by Night
I'th' Country reach'd, free Place for their Delight:
ELVORA when did on her Lord bestow
An Earldom, joyn'd with Lovely Bed-fellow:
Queen call'd her afterwards. Next Day the Bride,
Through pleasing Lines, her Father pacifi'd.
Who stile of Earl for's Daughter's sake did bear,
And his own too; with gainful Office there:
Great Portion added strait; Her Brother come
From Travel next to Cyprus, Native Home.
New Wife mov'd to the King.
The King thus Free, some Lords did more perswade
To Foreign Match, conjoyn'd with Princely Maid:
More Honour brought more wealthy Portion so,
Strength through Allies; less Danger (last) would grow;
Prime Pow'r on Friends o'th' Queen confer'd perchance,
Of't envy caus'd did civil Broils advance.
Nor BROMER griev'd such Match, thought longer weaving,
More hardly found, as slower Task conceiving:
But some good Friends shew'd strait by Portraicture
The Tyrian Princess shape, might well allure
His Royal Eye and Heart; both Body, Mind
For Wonders choice by Nature meant, design'd:
ORNANDE call'd; ELVORA 'S Beams out-blaz'd
In his own Thoughts, while th' Person tho was prays'd
Beyond the Work, by those which her had view'd,
Thus, for that Voyage small, He did conclude.
It chanced so, that proud young Lycian King,
Bromor's new Plot.
Duke BROMOR 'S Brother in Law (both managing
Close friendly League) her Picture too beheld
With strongest Love as Pride conjoyned swell'd:
Thing known to th' Duke, had Navy great at hand,
For Voyage meant withall to Tirus-land.
BROMOR sent strait by BARQUE to Lycia,
(Which o're against, near th' Waves Aegean lay)
By secret Messenger, in trait'rous Lines
Inform'd him of the Ciprus-Ring's Designs.
Bad Councel gave more Ships to joyn, exceed,
Land there before, first Motion made with speed.
Since Cyprus-King with but few Ships would go,
Small Danger fear'd; if won, prevailed tho,
Love's prize enjoy'd, launch forth with haste to Sea;
There watch for th' King's return, that gallant Prey;
Bridegroom and Bride: small Pinnace left for Scout
Which should inform what time the King sets out
With's Tyrean Pearl; which was with speed intended,
Match being once made, short Bridal form, soon ended:
When might (grand ods) Assault them both, surprize
(Strong Quarrels ground) the King first sacrifice
To Vengeance there, destroy; the Queen detain'd
For slavish Whore, since scorn'd by her, disdain'd.
Which acted, past, BROMOR set on the Throne,
That yearly Sum (to's Father due, well known)
For two Aegean Isles, claim'd long before;
Should now be pay'd; Discharg'd the former Score.
That Lycian King, as young, was monstrous proud,
Most violent where's Fancy ought allow'd;
Joyn'd Lust, Revenge; did deeply grudge this King
For th' Money-cause, tho false, pretended thing:
Th' whole Plot approv'd, had Navy great in store,
Did formost Land on Tirus wealthy Shore.
Love-suit advanc'd, which late was motion'd here;
When Word receiv'd that Ciprus-King was near:
Which kept the Princess off, his Haughty way
Unpleasing found; that Game would slowly play.
Soon came the other King; Wise, faithful Head
( Dimon an Earl) left Ruler in his stead;
PISANUS brought with him, good Ships Convoy.
Being landed there, the Princess self with Joy
Beheld from Tarras-Mount, o're Garden-Wall
As rode along; fair Omen thought withal.
With lowly Bow salutes, which she repay'd;
Prime Person deem'd, beyond her painted Shade;
Did court her from his Eyes that Language free,
Whilst Hers did speak regardful Modesty:
Cheeks blushing too, both might conjoyn'd discover
Soft, gentle Heart, to cheer the Royal Lover:
Who was receiv'd, his Landing known before,
By many a gallant Coach on Tirus Shore.
The Cypri­an and Lycian King meet: Ri­vals.
Those Princes look'd but strangely on each other,
Yet check'd their Rival-heats, did Passion smother:
That Lycian's Heart close-boyled tho, and Eyes
To harbour seem'd offensive Jealousies.
Salute perform'd, the King his Thoughts declar'd
To th' Father first, where met with grand Regard:
To th' Princess then her self did strait advance,
Love's Pow'r disclos'd: kind Speech with pleasing Glance
Return'd from her. At several Tables plac'd
Both Strangers sat for Meals, t' avoid Distaste,
Each side the King; by whom the Princess there,
Might Food to both their gazing Eyes appear.
Nor came They in went forth (whene're) together,
For that nice point, Precedence giv'n to either.
If th' One her Morning- Presence had, enjoy'd,
Th' Other his Tongue for th' Afternoon employ'd:
But in three Days the Cyprus King was crown'd
Love-Conquerour, her Heart to th' utmost bound
Ransack'd, o'recame through winning Gracefulness;
So clear and cordial shew'd in each Address.
Whereof her Father inform'd, the Choice allow'd,
Tho cautious way his Thoughts would overcloud,
Before them both declar'd, Conjugal choice
He left, transferr'd to's Daughter's only Voice,
Whom most concern'd Disposal of her Heart:
Who mildly said, She should perform that Part
Two Days from thence, her Father's Coronation
Then kept, observ'd with feasting Celebration.
That Day being come, and Royal Dinner ended,
To th' gallant Tilting Course they were attended:
Great Tilt­ing.
In which the Tyrian Lords, as for their Dress,
Brave Cloaths, Caparisons, so Manliness
In breaking Staves, and Horsmanship might seem
Ciprus to match, th' Arcadians brave esteem.
When Supper past great dancing Ball ensu'd,
Choice, gentler Motions of the Foot there view'd;
Fine Masque of Peace, as th' other shew'd of War,
Wherein conjoyn'd (nice Sex) the Ladies are:
For Trumpet's sound, soft Musick proves the best,
Mars's-triumph that, This Venus's exprest:
The Tyrian King under brave Cloth of State,
His Daughter near; Those rival Princes sate
On either side (good space although between)
With Canopies; ORNANDE shew'd the Queen.
Great Lord appear'd, did towards her advance,
With humble Bow took forth for courtly Dance.
Which well perform'd, the Princess i'th' next place
The Ciprus-King invites, with pleasing Grace;
Who kiss'd her Hand, said, that, with her fair Eyes,
Both near conjoyn'd ( unskilful else, surprize)
Would make him Dancer prove; next hopeful part,
Th' Hand might withall on him bestow the Heart.
Much gall'd the Lician-King, since deeply fear'd,
Fore-goer kind that to th' Last choice appear'd;
Love's Vote imply'd; Great Lady (next) refus'd,
Told her he was to th' dancing Sleight unus'd.
All ending well, when he his Thoughts did strain
To varnish Wrath with careless show, disdain;
Ornande chose the Ciprus King.
ORNANDE walking up t' her Royal Sire,
Made known her firm resolve, at his desire.
Chose Ciprus-King: since first (did plainly say)
Was Neighbour-Prince; i' th' second place did sway
Three gallant Isles, by Nature fortifi'd,
Which pleas'd her thoughts 'bove Continent, outvy'd:
So since could wed but One, to th' other she
Wish'd fair conjugal choice, prosperity.
That Lician King, who thought both Person, Throne
Neglected thus, conjoyn'd with louder Tone
His Motion was first made; if th' other were
Nearer for Place, his Realm not stands howe're
Much farther off; like th' Under-World remote:
For Kingdom, next, it seems, Her Thoughts did Float
[...] [...] [...] [...]
'Bout Island- Ground; His Continent's fair side
Had Water too, whom could with Victor's pride
By Land enlarge, whilst th' other Sea inclos'd:
Wed Princely Neighbours, Fair when so dispos'd.
The Lici­an King goes to Sea.
Inform'd the King, He would next Morn depart;
Winds swell'd his Sails, as Rage, Revenge his Heart.
The Ciprus-King (chief Points confirm'd) did move
For Marriage strait, as drawn by earnest Love,
So State-Affairs i' th' Isle, next Morning there
(Done formall'st way) did Royal Spouse appear:
That Night enjoy'd choice, Princely Bed-fellow,
ELVORA'S loss forgot, Exchanged so.
Third Morn beheld, He left the Tyrian Shore,
Large Sails advanc'd to pass that Wat'ry Floar,
With's lovely Bride; whom gentle Winds befriended,
Like Servants there upon their Barque attended:
Tho Trayt'rous Blasts might be conceiv'd withall,
Confederates for their Destructive Fall:
Since Lician King did watch for them by th' way,
By Scout inform'd, they lanched forth that day.
Such chance did prove, that near same fatal time
This Ciprus-King should pass, from Egypt Clime
(Not Western far) great Navy steer'd along,
Whose purpose was t' invade with armed throng
The Syrian Coast, East-soyl to Tirus-land;
Their King on Board; who when beheld (left hand)
Those Licean Flags, seiz'd Barque had also told,
Their King was there (much proud himself and bold)
'Gainst whom bred former grudge; dispos'd with Fleet
Next year t' invade, North-east, partly opposite
On the Asian Shore; nor knowing whether now
Egypt might prove their end: with haughty Brow
Chang'd his Design, would fall on them by th' way,
If shatter'd all, advance for Lycia.
Joyn Conquest brave by Land: but, passing by,
Might more exalt their Hearts, base Fears imply.
Thus drawing near most dreadful Fight began,
Their Arrow-storm return'd by th' Lycian.
Who dream'd of smaller Task, triumphant Joy,
B [...]th sought by Arms each other to destroy.
Here raging Fire, whilst grapl [...]ng Fury swell'd,
There Streams of Blood upon the decks beheld.
Or both combin'd: Here ranging Darts brought Death,
There Glist'ring Swords; Now heard the Groaning breath
From wounded, dying Folks, from Sinkers then
To th' Wat'ry Grave; confused Noise of Men.
Grand Loss there prov'd, tho most to th' Lycian side,
Whose King two Wounds receiv'd, to tame his Pride;
Night parting Them, The Lycians slunk away;
Their Royal Pirat lost his Prize that day.
The Ciprus-King mean while pass'd fafely by
With's Gallant Queen, Thought strange, when Glancing Eye
O' th' Fighting Game; soon Famagosta view'd,
Grand Triumphs where, Solemnities ensu'd.
Whilst BROMOR Qualm did feel, tho gall'd much more
When heard of that Great Loss from Lycian shore;
Since failed of good Friendly help by Sea
From's Brother in Law, for Grasping more the Prey
Dear Ciprus-Crown: was now more strong, prepar'd
For th' Murth'ring Blow, yet still through Fears debar'd;
Confronting Broyls; State-Engines slowly moving
Through larger Wheels: the Queen with Child strait proving;
That Cross withall: thought Bug-bear-like an Heir
To his Conceit, more Trouble thence might fear.
Thus still Delay'd, till She's Big-belly'd grown;
Yet hop'd He for Miscarriage-chance, Dead one;
Or Mother, Child both dead: That Lycian-King
Then well Repair'd; strong Thoughts for Murthering,
Found also likely Way, less Dangerous
To his own Self, yet surely Done; 'Twas thus.
He kept stout Man, as Chamber- Groom prefer'd,
Bromor's fourth Plot
Much crafty too; Black Agent, choice apper'd:
Who formerly possess'd some good Estate,
Did Travel far; Returning Home of late,
Spent all on Cyprus-ground; then glad to sue
For Fort's Command, which being Another's Due,
More known besides, the King that Way bestow'd:
This swell'd with haughty Spleen, revengeful shew'd:
to BROMOR'S Service got by aid of Friends,
Who finding Him well Formed for his Ends,
Choice Journey-man, soon rais'd to Chamber-groom:
Then gave at Council-Board the second room.
This Traveller from Egypt-Country brought
A Syrian, whom there inslav'd he Bought
For Serving-man; by th' Fellow thence Belov'd:
But since his Fortunes broke, like Vapour prov'd;
Discharg'd, left Free, e're long so Fortunate,
To Lord prefer'd, whom BROMOR then did hate;
In th' Under- Butler's room, where kept the Wine,
Drawing it off; seem'd mark'd for their Design,
Both King and Queen well entertained were
I' th' Summer, Progress-time, Lodg'd also there.
The King being still for Mornings Draught dispos'd,
( Greek, Cretan Wine; or from those Grapes inclos'd
In Ciprus Isle) e're walk'd abroad, well known
To BROMOR 'twas, good way for Poys'ning shewn:
More private, close then Formal Meals appear'd,
Sent up by Page; less Deaths to others fear'd:
Tho if the Queen did Taste thereof by chance,
(Mother, Child dead) 'twould more his Ends advance.
That Lord withal, whom BROMOR loath'd, might be,
If Poyson thought, charg'd with that Treachery.
Nor knew these Two how then they were employ'd,
By whom, and where (since still That Lord enjoy'd
Himself in Country-Seat) till met one Day
I' th' Royal Town; inform'd Themselves that way:
So, near that Groom to's Lord was nam'd, nor Men,
As his First Master, Bromor's Servant then
For least Suspicion- glance. Thought useful, right,
He urg'd the Man to meet again that Night,
Such th' Hour and Place; when he would things unfold
Should that low Rank advance, yield heap of Gold.
BROMOR'S inform'd, 'twas thus resolv'd by both:
The Fellow met, being bound by solemn Oath
To Secrecy, that Groom disclosed there
His Spleen against the King: this Salve howe're;
If he could drop that Poyson, held i'th' Hand
In's Morning's Draught, he might that Gold command:
Large Bag descry'd. Spent near three hours 'twould shew
It's working Pow'r; less Poyson thought so slow:
He would be there (false Hair and Beard) disguis'd,
As view'd the Court: no Partner thus surmis'd
BROMOR at all: their Poison working well,
The Syrian strait to th' joyning Cops should steal.
So would himself, with bag of Gold attend:
To th' Prize howe're conjoyn'd sad bloody end:
Whilst gave the Gold, should stab him there to th' Heart
With th' other Hand (close Murtherers known Art)
Lest th' Author nam'd, if caught, e're left the Isle:
And BROMOR too would be engag'd mean while
To hunt, pursue, when lost the Royal Breath
Through Poison seem'd; 'twas Mouth well clos'd by Death:
The Ponyard tho left sheathed in his Breast,
As kill'd himself. This now (at last) exprest;
He might take Horse (there good Post-stage was found)
Soon th' Haven reach, imbarque for foreign Ground.
This Syrian was greedy o'th' golden Bait,
Rank more Gentile, joyn'd rambling Brain of late:
(Part-cloy'd with Cyprus-land) did strait combine:
Said, He sent up that Morning's Draught of Wine:
Last Progress there, could well have don't that Hour;
New-come to th' Place; had still that drawing Pow'r;
Would now perform: The Poison took desir'd:
Tho charg'd to hide it safe, till Ʋse requir'd.
BROMOR'S much pleas'd: King, Queen, with courtly Train
E're long that Lord two Nights did entertain,
Groom scouting near: but Night before struck dead
That Syrian prov'd, through Apoplex in th' Head:
Fate caus'd in Time his Execution there,
No Poyson found, BROMOR'S enrag'd howe're.
The Queen has a Daughter.
Soon afterwards the Queen was brought to Bed,
Of lovely Daughter there delivered;
MINDANA call'd: sad Qualm to BROMOR'S Heart,
Yet seem'd allay'd through Female Sex in part,
Since might excluded prove on stronger Ground
From Government; for Women there were crown'd;
Sometimes did nobly Sway: tho, when displeas'd,
Could of that Child, like Snuff blown out, be eas'd.
Nor found convenient Plot, till Lycian King
From's Neighbours Trouble found, discouraging;
Thence more debarr'd; the Queen grown big agen:
That second Stab, since Boy might nourish then:
Yet arm'd for that howe're. Brought forth appear'd
Prime second Girl, (more through their number fear'd,
Tho lik'd the Sex) AURELA nam'd the last.
The Queen with Joy two Months besides o're-pass'd.
BROMOR, inform'd his Brother in Law again
Was quiet, clear, forg'd on his Anvile-Brain
Fifth likely Plot; which was resolv'd upon:
Bromor's fifth Plot
The Groom joyn'd Actor there, tho not alone.
That Groom o'th' King less forward to engage
I'th' murtherous Part, play'd well behind the Stage;
Comply'd (whate're) for bloody Circumstance,
Scarce th' Act it self, since caus'd more doubtful chance.
There lay conjoyn'd to th' Garden-Wall at Court
Choice, planted Ground, green Walks of various sort;
Which used much Two Afternoons the King
Summer each Week (tho most i'th' pleasant Spring)
From Four till Seven; withdrawn for Contemplation;
As good Retreat, more private Recreation.
To th' Garden joyn'd the Door; Thus none would enter
(Tho 'twere unlock'd) those Afternoons, adventure,
To BROMOR known; the King being there beside
Would bolt the Door. I'th' midst thereof descry'd
Green branched Stand, Park-like, with Stáirs ascended
(Such in ELVORA'S Grove) for ease commended
And Prospect both; weary o'th' Walks below,
He'd mount that Bow'r; 'twas constant Custom so:
Known from Himself to that NORTHAMBRIS, Groom,
This was ordain'd his sad, surrounding Tomb.
That Planted Ground was wall'd so high with Stone,
And smoothly laid, by Ladder climb'd alone.
BROMOR'S base Groom had found a Parthian out
I'th' City there, young, rambling Fellow stout.
(Could speak that Tongue, since travell'd much that Land)
Greedy of Gain, tho grasp'd by Murther's hand.
Drinking with whom, his wilder way descry'd,
Spendthrift, debauch'd; great Money's want beside:
(Through that much gauled seem'd) bad Inclination:
Known BROMOR'S Will, tempted him next Collation.
First secret sworn, shewing large Bag of Gold,
He did at last foul Treason's Plot unfold.
That Youngster joyn'd; th' Exploit was order'd thus:
The way for Mur­thering.
Hir'd Ladder brought to th' Wall more dangerous,
Suspition bred; nor could themselves ascend,
Clamber to th' Top, this chiefly serv'd their End:
One set upon the Others Shoulders there,
Crouching down low ( both proprest Persons were)
That rising then, This might the Wall bestride,
Tree standing near; Ropes Scaling-Ladder ty'd
To Branch thereof, the next might mount the Wall,
Ladder pluck'd o're each Step to th' Green withal.
For closer way conceal'd, that Place was shrouded
With clump of Trees, fit for their turn, o'reclouded.
Then running up that shady Stand, Board-floor,
Rang'd with drawn Swords on either side the Door,
Might see him enter, walk, mount (last) the Stairs;
Just coming in seize on him strait, unwares
Stab giv'n i'th' Breast, Poniard which he did wear
Stuck in that Wound himself as murther'd there:
The Tree then climb'd by Cords, that Ladder so
Laid cross the Wall, one might descend below;
Rope-Knot unty'd, th' other slip down to Ground;
In's Fellow's Arms: no Sign for entrance found.
For surer way, NORTHAMBRIS to the King
That Key o'th' Grove, when Dinner past, did bring;
If Mind dispos'd to walk that Evening- hour,
Should strait tell Bromor's Groom, for timely pow'r
To reach that Branched Stand: if chance fell out,
Charg'd afterwards, he should (most watchful Scout)
Give notice by small Horn, from th' Garden-side,
For quick Retreat to th' Wall again unspy'd.
Thus was this Noble Prince (sought Worldly Prize)
By Kinsman, Servant, doom'd for Sacrifice:
Where Villain proves deep-planted in the Breast,
'Twill break through All through base self-interest.
That fatal Day appear'd, the Sun arose
With splendid Beams, fit for triumphant Shows
At Court design'd; but this that Morn's Event,
The King was seiz'd by Fever violent:
Clear, sanguine Temper prov'd, inflam'd the more;
Much heated too, Hunting that Day before.
BROMOR'S by th' Groom NORTHAMBRIS told, did send
To's Brother in Law, with Fleet to wait, attend
The Cyprus King dead of Fever.
For the King's Death: the King thus languished
(So L [...]mps do waste) till Week dissolv'd, then dead:
In's gallant Prime, tho Fortunate thus far,
Since BROMOR'S Hand escap'd, vile Murtherer.
Yet he had reign'd five Years, with Glory crown'd;
Two with that Queen for Good and Fair renown'd,
Three Years before; might Cyprus-Sun appear;
Much worldly Honour, Health enjoy'd howe're,
Much Blessedness; with Love the Scepter sway'd,
Now lost withdrawn beneath Death's nightly Shade.
Bromor seiz'd the Crown.
BROMOR strait seiz'd the Crown, strong Party's pow'r;
Joyn'd some great Lords: Two Female Babes that hour
Could claim alone, those void of Language too;
Whose Friends wish'd well, dar'd neither speak nor do:
Fear'd Lycian King withall, large Fleet-supply
Then ready known: They must conform, or dye.
For that young Parthian Rogue, made privy there
To th' Trayt'rous Plot, vile BROMOR'S Groom howe're,
(Since that Exploit NORTHAMBRIS did prevent,
King sick declar'd) paid th' Hire of Gold, content,
Known the King's Death; such BROMOR'S Charge, command,
As sure o'th' Crown; then stop'd with the same Hand
His talking Mouth; two Bottles got, choice Wine,
To's Chamber brought, like friendly Part, design
To drink the King's, young Prince his Health, infected
Through Poyson th' one, which to th' Rogue's Taste directed,
Drank th' other himself; then leaves him strait, could say,
His Kingly Master's bus'ness call'd away:
Slow Poyson 'twas, six Hours when took their flight,
That Morning's Draught prov'd his eternal Night.
The King deceas'd, and BROMOR on the Throne,
His grieved Queen extreamly jealous grown
Of further Baseness now, (suspect before)
That he who This could dare, would venture more
Till all secur'd; joyn Blood to's Usurpation;
She thought how to preserve in cautious fashion
The living Stock, whilst mourned for the Dead;
Those Remnants of her Lord, late honoured.
The eldest Girl sent away.
Thus th' Eldest Branch, sweet Comfort of her days,
(MINDANA call'd) with speediest Art conveys,
Nurse joyned too, to th' Earl her faithful Friend,
DIMON forenam'd; prepared for that end.
What Sighs and Tears, what clasping Folds and Kisses!
How call'd She back again her parting blisses!
Wept sober, new Farewels; till at the last,
Cry'd, tak't away: yet follow'd then in haste
To th' Threshold, Door; did k [...]ss, embrac'd it there:
Mothers most strong and yearning Loves do bear.
Forth Nurse did steal with Royal Infant-Gem
(Back-way, reserv'd) to Grove where stay'd for them
Coach and Six Horses, sent from th' Earl (exprest)
Which Matron bare, well known for faithful Breast
(Stranger to Nurse) his Keeper's Wife indeed;
Who cheering strait the parting Babe, with speed
Her Princely Charge receiv'd, by joynt Accord,
Term'd Kindred tho, small Orphan by her Lord:
To pleasant Lodge, in Park far off, did ride,
There had from Him Commands, with Coyn supply'd
(Told, Nurse should soon appear) for handsome breeding:
MINDANA'S lost, CLARINE'S Name succeeding.
Nurse back to th' House, as by the Queen desir'd,
(Since further Plot) through gloomy Walks retir'd:
Where, Fellow-Nurse Partner conjoyn'd, that Night
Small Coffin Sable-spread, by Torches light,
Was carry'd forth, as tho the Infant dy'd
Of Pest-disease, by th' Royal Mothers side.
The mournful Queen much heightned all, sick-brow'd,
Reserv'd became; thence hasty Grave allow'd.
Kind Nurse howe're soon afterwards (unknown)
To th' private Lodge and Little Lady's gon.
The second sent away to Arcadia.
Her Sister prov'd next Morn, since last Eye-sore
To th' Tyrant thought, sent down to th' wat'ry Shore
With tender Nurse, by Boat to pass away;
As't had th' Infection caught, and so should stray
For Country Grange beneath (feign'd Cause pretended)
To Voyage tho much larger recommended.
New Storm of Sighs and Tears, Woe's second Part,
Since given up to th' Wind and Wave (sad heart)
Vows, Prayers made that beauteous Innocence,
Sea- Tyrants charm'd, might scape withall from thence.
Nurse walk'd along the Bank, some Miles below,
Where not observ'd, Greek Merchant (order'd so
By th' worthy Earl) sent out his Boat that way,
Inbarqu'd them strait, soon gain'd Arcadia:
His Brother where did Dwell, choice Nobleman;
Lines sent Who 'twas, prov'd Gentle Guardian:
PENDARNE call'd, conceal'd AURELA 'S Name.
The Queen's infom'd to th' Grange they never came,
So, noised 't was if Pest by th' way they Dy'd;
Or might prove Drownd through sad mischance beside.
Her mournful self (no small Complaints as then)
Lock'd up, Reserv'd; deploring State again.
BROMOR well setled now, securer grown,
Both dead conceiv'd; proud Thoughts, as Heav'n should own
His trayt'rous Plots, himself choice Favourite,
Since snatch'd that youthful King from worldly Light,
Sav'd murth'ring Pains: those Princely Babes no less
Blasted by Fate, preventing Kindnesses,
Their Deaths when near decree'd: at Pamper'd leisure,
To Royal Cares joyn'd Royal Ease and Pleasure.
Rape made o'th' Crown, strong sensual Thoughts return'd,
Towards the Queen his lustful Humour burn'd.
Bromor's Lust to­wards the Queen.
Some grounds for Hope, Success; since would not wed,
Maid's Choice, preferr'd; besides, her Marriage-bed
To th' Lycian King Affront extream would shew,
Dear Brother in law; might well assault her so.
Such Fortune 'twas; PISANUS, nam'd before,
Young, handsome Earl, third Brother's Son, what's more
Heir next his Boy to th' Crown, of noble Parts,
Much lov'd the Queen; for Person, Estate, Deserts
Might hope t'obtain for Wife: had jealous guess,
E're the King dy'd, of BROMOR'S Treacherousness;
But loth to break their Calm, till Proofs appear'd
Strong, evident; now blazing forth, as fear'd.
Thought, the Queen loath'd him too, since trampled on
Those Royal Babes like Steps unto the Throne.
Vent'ring abroad, through Fever late confin'd,
He came to visit her, Love-suit design'd.
When walking up, BROMOR did land, unwares,
With those two Grooms and Guard at Water-Stairs;
Entred the House; ask'd strait, If then their Queen
Were private found: by th' Maids (first got between
The Room and them, from Her withdrawn, descended)
Was told, the Lord PISANUS there attended.
When, Blood disturb'd, He mounts the second Floor
(Place known to him) till reach'd a Lobby-door,
Where plants his Guard; then strait with either Groom
(Short, matted walk) trac'd to her Lodging Room;
Soft, gentle Steps, unheard as unexpected,
There list'ning stands, as some Device projected.
Salute perform'd, Absence excus'd before,
Thus heard the Lord his Speech enlarging more:
Madam (said he) I much condole,
Pisanus Wooing the Queen.
( Deep sharer found) your Loss, sad Discontent
For gallant Spouse, what did those Babes withall
( Each princely Branch from Kingly Root) befall:
Succeeded (last) by vile Usurper there,
Ʋnworthy Head. BROMOR could scarcely bear
Those thund'ring Terms. Yet check'd his lofty Pride,
Hearkned for more. The Queen again reply'd;
Most cautious that bad Time, reserved way
(Tho good Conceit) lest th' Earl should her betray;
Might stoop to BROMOR'S lure, deceive her thus,
Ensnare her Tongue; grown partly treacherous
( Charm'd in whole Months by him) with circumspection
Her Words did poize, whate're, no sharp Reflexion:
'Tis Truth, my Lord, she said, that treeble Loss
Proves weighty Load, but Heav'n. ordain'd the Cross,
And I must bow with patient Shoulders then
To bear, endure. He strait reply'd again:
Good Comfort, Madam, seem their natural Deaths,
Since render'd up that Way their mortal breaths;
Grand Tribute due: confirm'd my Thoughts, Belief,
That Tyrant was resolv'd to raise your Grief,
And seize their Lives, as grasp'd the Crown: tho I
E're you be wrong'd his quarter'd Slave shall dye.
BROMOR'S all Storm, scarce kept his Bounds, the Dore;
Still hearken'd tho, the Queen thus answer'd more:
Indeed, my Lord, conjoyn your best Allay,
Strange Wound it seems to lose them natural way;
Whether my youngest drown'd, does Doubt appear
Alas! dear Madam (strait PISANUS there)
I thought that Child by th' self-same Plague destroy'd:
To which the Queen, both Child and Nurse (imploy'd)
Prove dead by th' Way, or drown'd perchance; reply'd;
No News of them. Now swell'd with raging Tide
Proud BROMOR'S Heart, boyl'd forth against the Man
Tho pleas'd with Her; till Wooing▪ Task began:
Madam, I have most humble Suit to you,
True Lover's, chaste [...] thall. That joyned too.
Bromor assaulting Pisanus.
O'reheard enough; besides the Traiterousness,
Sharp, threatning way, did Courting Form express
To spoil his Aim; he rouzed then; unarm'd,
Saw Peeping through (Thoughts there to pass unharm'd)
Rush'd in with naked Sword, Door only clos'd,
Grooms following if need for Help impos'd.
( One seiz'd the Queen) These Words his Rage unfolding,
Traitor, thou breath'st thy last. The Lord beholding
This fierce Assault, convinc'd, o'reheard they were;
Case desperate; to dye, fall tamely there
Abhorr'd, did loath; snatch'd up strait smaller Stool,
Like [...]arget us'd; did with that Fencing Tool
Put by his first strong Charge; when second made,
Held fast th' intangled Sword; did stoutly invade
For grasping Close: but BROMOR got Command
Of nimbler Steel, sharp Poniard in's left hand,
Stab'd him to th' Heart, down falls he on the Ground,
Pisanus Kill'd
To Loyal Truth brave Sacrifice renown'd.
Cast scornful Glance upon the Corps, to th' Queen
He marched next, till then restrain'd between
One Guardian's Arms, lest might disturb (whose Heart
Had fainted there, not knowing what dismal part
Design'd for Her, but that her Noble Spirit
Gave Strength, upheld; now taught PISANUS merit)
Madam (began) I hope you will dispense
With this last Act, less pleasing Violence
Shewn in your Room, since 'gainst a Traytor prov'd;
One next in Blood; my Wrath so strongly mov'd
On pow'rfull'st Grounds, I could not damp the Flame
(Those witness shall) nor wait for Legal Claim
But did my self this Justice on him there.
The Queen reply'd, Reserved Thoughts howe're,
Much Trouble, Sir, seiz'd Me (like your own Rage)
My Chamber should be found th' unhappy Stage
Of that bad Accident, could not with those
Soft general Terms but melted Tears disclose.
Corps carri'd forth to th' Guard at lobby-door,
By his command, like Wanton paramour
He coin'd his Face in part; bedrest those Eyes
With lustful Flames, where raging late did rise.
(So sturdy Mars was term'd Venereous)
Left Private now, the Queen Assaulted thus.
Madam the Ground of my Approach was Love,
Bromor's wanton Motion.
Tho Wrath did enter first, O're-ruling prove.
Your handsom Form makes That again to sway;
Contrary pow'r, so Night's expell'd by Day:
Love now the Lord conceive, whilst Anger shew
Rough Marshal us'd to make my Passage so.
I cannot wed, foul Breach thereby effected
'Tween me and Lician King, whom You rejected,
My Brother in Law; wherefore my Heart desires
Some private way t' Enjoy, quench th' Amorous Fires.
The Queen whom shame, Grief both invovl'd, Reply'd:
Sir, I am sunk too much through Cares ( the Bride
Of Sorrow thought) to Clasp with sensual Pleasure;
And Virtue so regard (Choice Female Treasure,
Prime Coronet) Honour conjoyn'd as ne're
Those to Abuse through Act unchast, whate're.
BROMOR reply'd; Concerning Cares, You may
By willful Passion Wound your self, Betray;
Death All doth Seize: I lost a Princess, wife,
Beauteous, Choice Gem esteem'd; Young Daughter's Life
Strait follow'd Her's: for Virtue, next, and Honour
( There Tempting Looks, cast Wanton glance upon her)
Those Nice Regards, Fantastick Cheats they be,
Bar Nature 's gen'ral Due: nor plead Degree;
If you styl'd Queen, I'm King for Parallel,
Hereafter too your Cares from hence may swell;
Their Number rais'd if Grant withdraw, close Frown:
Your Lord small Portion had, much wrong'd the Crown;
And I may crave your Joynture on that Score
With fair Pretence, leave but Third Part, no more.
The Queen's disdain.
said the Queen (with Grief, conceal'd Disdain)
I could confute your Arguments as vain,
Joyn'd Morals in the midst; and for the Close,
You may proceed as Please, Deprive of those
My worldly Comforts left; yet never I
Shall Yield, Consent; Poor Widdow, Chaste shall Dye.
He answer'd strait: Time, Place do serve Combin'd;
None least shall Know, 'tis secret, close design'd
If now Disturb'd your Thoughts, untuned Jar,
Pause till the Morn. She said; more hard'ned far,
Sir, I shall prove through Thinking more, by then,
Never Conform. He should, conjoyns agen;
Then you may Thank your self, not blaming Fate,
If I'm Reveng'd upon your Fair Estate,
Just punishment, to th' Full Performed there:
This (lastly) if Blab'd, Disclos'd, ( which I shall Swear,
Was False, through Spleenful Grudge) as Final Doom,
Fifth part's your Lot. Abandon'd so the Room.
The Queen deep Gash receiv'd, tho found Allay,
Joyn'd Comfort too; since spoke that Cautious way
Touching himself, those Babes, believ'd both Dead;
That Act conceal'd withall: choice Courage bred
Strong-temper'd Heart: Then strained through her Eyes
To th' Lord PISANUS Ear, sad Obsequies.
BROMOR gon forth, at further Lobby-door
Strange Sight beheld, Young Lady Weeping o're
Young La­dy weep­ing o're the Corps.
That prostrate Corps; tall Guard on either side,
She kiss'd his Cheeks, as would their Rosy Pride
New-plant that way, recall; Lips blasted there,
Make Fresh again touch'd by her Own appear
Body then Clasp'd, Life's Province late beheld,
As grapple would with Death, till thence expell'd,
Found Conquerour, wip'd o're his Wounded Breast,
Sad mournful Breach whereby that Fort possest;
Invading there; Tears dropt for Balm thereon;
Loud Sighs, laments for Charming back (since gon)
Th' Enlarged Soul, drawn nigh, Transcendent seem'd
For Beauteous Form, Terrestrial Star esteem'd.
Asking, who't was; His Sister, strait they said,
Being VERDOLINA call'd: that hapless Maid
It prov'd indeed; who absent was long while,
With Noble Aunt remain'd in Creta's Isle,
Late Candie call'd. By BROMOR ne're beheld
Since Girlish Bud, now fair-blown Rose, excell'd.
Week past arriv'd, sick Brother visited,
Follow'd to wait o' th' Queen; tho rather led.
Drawn on that Hour his Love-suit to advance;
Till found Dead Corps nigh th' Lobby-door, first glance:
Known by the Groom did stay; tho heard below
The King was there, that Lobby free might shew.
BROMOR'S amaz'd,
Bromor in Love with Pisa­nus Sister.
such Beauty in Sorrow's Dress
Midst Sighs and Tears appear'd, choice Loveliness.
Such Lightning broke from Face o're-clouded grown,
Grief serv'd as Foyl to that fair Diamon.
More sparkling too conceiv'd since unexpected,
New Flame arose, beyond that last, rejected:
Which monstrous Fortune's Curse, transcendent seem'd,
Since Brother had destroy'd, so highly esteem'd.
His amorous Fancy rais'd, advanc'd of late,
Prov'd Tinder-like. The more in that strange Fate
Did strive to rouze his sturdy Mood, he burn'd
With stronger Fires; to new Excuses turn'd
Whilst She loath'd more: inform'd, tho hasty Fashion,
What caus'd his Death, foul treas'nous Procuration.
She only said, Whate're th' occasion prov'd,
She found most Worthy Brother slain, belov'd.
Permitted so PISANUS Foot-men there
Strait carry'd down the Corps, to th' Goach did bear,
Which serv'd for Herse: when ( fir'd in Streams) by Water
BROMOR return'd; tho joy'd with his late Slaughter.
Much time that Day reserv'd, alone he spent
(Partly transform'd) in thoughtful Discontent.
Fit toylsome prov'd, through strong Desire and Rage,
The first did burn, to th' Person's Form engage
The last tempestuous Roar'd upon that Ground,
Since Sister 'twas, Dear Brother murther'd found.
Both strangest Gall next Kingdom's Loss appear,
Tormenting Racks: Lust crav'd Enjoyment there
Like hungry Panch, Doubt swell'd his wrathful Mood:
Crushing those Thoughts increas'd th' unruly Brood.
That two-fold flame (near blinding Reason's Eyes)
To stifle strove till mounted, more did rise:
Tempting to th' bawdy Lure of Concubine
Thought vain Conceit, he fix'd o'th' Wife's Design.
For Person proud enough, great, princely Parts,
Bright Scepter, Crown conjoyn'd for Good Deserts:
Next Heir her self, but his own Boy, beheld;
Fit Spouse for him conceiv'd, unparallell'd.
She thus obtain'd, which gallant Conquest were,
For handsome Choice kept private Wenches there,
If was refus'd, on that provoking ground,
He had revengeful Salve t' allay the Wound.
Pisanus voted Trai­tor.
Thus Council call'd in haste, furnish'd with Men
Bad like himself, to whom declared then
What forc'd PISANUS Death from his own Hand.
Foul Slanders heard; first, mark'd with Tyrant's brand,
Then Murtherer; did threatning Words express,
Vile, Traytor-like (both Grooms sworn Witnesses)
So could he not confront his Passion more,
Wait Legal course, but o'th' Queen's Chamber-floor
That Justice did Himself, Pisanus Dead,
Pass'd Traytor's Vote; his Lands all Forfeited.
Strait publish'd Smooth and King-like Declaration,
The Councils Hands conjoyn'd, to please the Nation:
Then tuned were his Amorous Thoughts, o're-strain'd
For Writing Task; this Sense the Scroul contain'd.
Bromor writes to the Lady.
First said; Altho her Brother's Words did move
Distaste like Gall, to th' Sister His should prove
Soft, Oily, kind: as Blood stream'd from his Brest
(What Language cause, sworn Witnesses exprest)
So Chaster Love to her flow'd from his Own;
Wife there Queen joyn'd, with Marriage-bed a Throne;
Which Most would highly esteem, rang'd on Record
Her Brother Traytor was by th' Council-board;
Lands forfeited. Next Day, when th' Evening he
Would visit Her for Answer kind and free:
If slighted This through Froward, coy pretence,
Then thank her self for th' harmful Consequence.
The Lady found strange Qualm from BROMOR'S Love;
Bad Man conceiv'd, would scarce good Husband prove;
That Motion loath'd: Writ back with Weeping Show'r,
She'd wait for Him next day, Five th' Evening-hour.
Short Pause She made as sad, most serious too;
Resolved what in that Extream to do.
Since was next Heir to th' Ciprus-Crown but one
Bred jealous Thoughts (his sturdy way well known)
He'd seize on her, lest Marry'd keep confin'd
(Nor was't Mistake) as Treas'nous Plots design'd;
Still close Restraint, while play'd Refusal- part:
If but withdrawn, thought Foul, disdainful Start,
Might stop the Ports, Ransack the Town for her:
Thus Flight resolv'd, best seem'd the least Demur.
The Lady flies dis­guis'd to Creet.
For Agent's help her Faithful Man she chose,
Whom brought from Creet; sad Case did there disclose.
Charg'd him step down to th' Haven, what Barque, there see,
Launch'd forth e're Nine next day, for Rooms agree:
Or hire some Barque; Gold-bag in th' hand descry'd,
Her Brother's Gist; Two good men's Suits provide;
Gentiler That for Her, false Hair, no more;
For him false Hair and Beard; shrowd All before
I'th' joyning Cops, Fit Place t'undress as then;
Inform her (last) 'Twas Morning-hour, near Ten.
The Man things well discharg'd, successful there;
Informed Her; Soon Din'd through hasty Fear;
He first stole forth to th' Cops, she strait pursu'd
Through Lobby down to small back-yard, whence view'd
Those branched Shades, where each Disguises wore
(Suit, Periwig) then trod by three the Shore:
Where Barque set out by Six for Egypt-land;
Soon thence for Creet, where th' Noble Aunt remain'd.
She there arriv'd, like gallant Traveller,
Beautiful Youth; seem'd Male as female Star;
Compleat for either Sex, since tall did grow,
Choice, dainty-limb'd, Nineteen for Age might shew:
Worn dark-brown Locks and curl'd, black Patch (with Sword
For Souldier's Garb) did Foyl to th' Check afford.
Well hors'd next Day she march'd with Serving-man,
Her Course towards their Town supream began.
Young Lord of Crete lands there.
Young Cretan Lord there landed at same time,
From Travel back return'd to's Native Clime.
Prov'd great for Rank, Estate, more Worth from hence,
Through Body, Mind's conjoyned Excellence.
That Night refresh'd, next Morn with smaller Train,
For Voyage meant by Land, set forth again.
As Forest pass'd, fine chirping Consorts there,
Strong, mournful Cry for help did pierce his Ear;
Some rob'd, or wounded seem'd; no noise agen,
More dismal thought, as sadly expired then:
Nor distant far; when, Noble-temper'd Breast,
Couragious too, the Lord rush'd in, addrest
For their Relief: prime, gallant Youth beheld,
Four stripping him; Mouth stop'd by Glove, compell'd;
Man gagg'd and bound beneath: which Rogues descrying
The Lord, they all leap'd strait to Horse, were flying.
The Lady 'twas, whom Those surpriz'd by th' Way,
To strip began; great Fear, when should display
Her swelling Breasts, they might (not least controul'd)
Ravish her Person, next her Bag of Gold,
She cry'd out loud, like Death's Assault did strain;
Those vanish'd, gone, button'd her Cloaths again.
The Lord came in, Man-like salutes her there;
The Lady freed by him.
Said, Worthy Sir, I much rejoyc'd appear
In your Escape, nor should my Life have seem'd
Too hard a Ransome thought, your self redeem'd.
She Thanks return'd; Ʋnworthy was (declar'd)
Of that grand Favour shewn; next place, despair'd
Of recompense: but Heaven (She hop'd) would more
Conjoyn for all, Discharge that Weighty Score.
Fine handsome Garb, rich Bag of Gold (fore-nam'd)
View'd on the Ground, no mean Degree proclaim'd.
Both mounted strait; as Marched through the Wood,
She told the Lord, what way that Thievish brood
Surprised them; like Travellers rode by,
Till Two her man Disarm'd; dark shelter nigh,
Four seiz'd on Her; Next Death to Vote began,
Conjoyn'd, She was a Ciprus Gentleman,
But lately Landed there those Parts to see,
Some Friends withall of Noble Quality.
The Lord then chang'd his Talk to Ciprus-Isle,
Touching that Realm's Affairs; much pleas'd mean while
With her Discourse; so choice and sweetly flowing;
Of strongly Friendly League ambitious growing.
Forrest pass'd through, He said; I now must bend
My course to th' Royal Town, as Journies end;
And should be Glad, Kind Sir, if did Agree
Our ways, conjoyn to enjoy your Company.
The Lady fear'd her being discover'd so,
Through modest Thoughts withdraws; Predended tho,
That She should turn aside to the Right hand,
Visit some Friends else was at his Command.
So parted they, the Lord kept on the Road,
She turned strait to Village near, bestow'd
Some two Hours there, refresht since lately Frighted;
In th' Evening reach'd that Town Supream recited,
Th' Aunt's Dwelling Place, whose Husband was a Lord;
Large Portion left with Her by Will's Record.
Saluted th' Aunt, unknown, Tranformed so;
Then nam'd the Cause, that Deadly Murth'ring Blow.
Her Brother seiz'd, Lands forfeited withall;
Loath'd BROMOR'S Love, fear'd like Tormenting Thrall:
That Thieves surprize, each sad Event declar'd;
While th' Aunt conjoyn'd in Sorrow largely shar'd.
Discoursing thus, Great Person enter'd there,
Th' Husband's Ally, with whom did also appear
That Cretan Lord; who did by chance Attend
The Lady met by th' Lord again.
(Th' Other, well met i'th' Street) like Honour'd Friend
Coming to th' House: the Lady strait espy'd
E're could withdraw, Embrac'd with Joy beside:
(Being Stranger else to th' Aunt, who wonder does)
Said Noble Sir, I'm Glad to meet You thus;
Fortune, tho cross'd me on the Way, unkind,
Has now restor'd You Here, Amends design'd:
My Lord (She said, th' Ʋncle that Style allow'd)
Those Friends remov'd to th' Town, to whom I vow'd
My first Regards, I follow'd Hasty fashion;
My second Thanks for your Grand Obligation.
Last Words conjoyn'd did from her Aunt dispell
That Wond'ring Cloud, how Both were known so well;
Her Champion thought. When He did These express:
My Honour 'twas and Grateful Happiness
So to Redeem, whilst I ravell'd on the Road,
Then ask'd the Aunt, whence her Acquaintance flow'd:
He was a noble Ciprus youth (She said)
That knew her best Friends there, their Loves convey'd.
PALMEDON urg'd for more Acquaintance then,
To know her Lodging, Pray'd, She joyn'd agen:
'Twas in that House; her Aunt the Lady prov'd;
Should live with her, that Country well belov'd.
PALMEDON Pleas'd, Pray'd, He might have that Honour
(Which granted was) Next day to wait upon her.
Tho now enjoy'd her Presence there whole Hour,
Whilst his Friend talk'd to th' Lord in Garden-bow'r:
So closely Embrac'd sometimes, that Blushes Dy'd
Her Virgin-Cheek; Pulse strongly Beat beside.
Did last, That she would prove his Guest, Comrade
For various Sports, kind Bed-fellow: perswade,
Choice Cretan Horse Presented was next Morn,
(Rich Saddle That, Spruce, Ribon'd Mane adorn)
To ride that Day abroad: some Races were
Meant on the Downs, might serve for Pastime there.
Here may be joyn'd, what Pow'rful Conquest shew'd
Her Man-like Form, First Evening spent, bestow'd
In th' Haven-Town; where seen but Walking by,
Young, handsome Lass was wounded through the Eye:
Rich, Wealthy Maid; shed Tears, Transported so:
Nor soon Discharg'd those Qualms which thence did grow.
Next Day He came, their Dinner past agen,
Saw VERDOLINA Drest like her self then;
Brave Woman's Garb, compleat to th' Foot beheld
Tho Face adorn'd those Cloaths so choice, excell'd.
Salute perform'd, PALMEDON t' Ask began,
If Sister 'twas to th' Ciprus-Gentleman?
Palmedon in Love with Verdo­lina.
Th' Aunt told him strait, That she was still the same,
Disguis'd before; strong grounds whereof could name,
Enforcing all; true Woman now become:
When he did Gaze, like one struck partly Dumb.
Rousing his Thoughts; Pray, Madam (answer'd then)
Speak plainly, I do conjure, speak't once agen:
She's so, my Lord, indeed, (the Aunt replies)
(Fresh stream her Cheek o're-flow'd, more flaming Eyes)
My Neece she proves withall, conjoyn'd the Aunt;
Earl's Daughter born; next Heir but one, may vaunt,
To Ciprus-Crown: the King did (last) Refuse:
BROMOR'S Love-scroul strait pleased to produce.
PALMEDON joyning thus; O Gallant Mind!
For th' Empress fit of all term'd Womankind.
That kissing strait her Hand Regardful fashion,
'Twas happy Change (he said) choice Transformation,
If this last Sex to him found Gentle, kind:
Her Answer prov'd to bashful Blush resign'd.
Both th' Uncle, Aunt, her Self he now assail'd
For taking Coach to th' Races nam'd, Prevail'd:
Her new Horse too Side-saddle brought, Attended,
Whom she did mount when they the Downs ascended:
Well pleas'd with Air and Sport: nor need of Man,
The Lord himself prov'd watchful Guardian
To th' Sights conjoyn'd Good Parley-space howe're,
His Amorous Suit inclos'd, Advanced there
Strong Hope (poiz'd other Grounds, Gem to possess
So late Redeem'd from Thievish Barbarousness.
(Which she did Grant was Highest Obligation,
Life, Chastity preserv'd from Violation)
Found civil, fair Regard from Her, as One
Lov'd private Worth, tho scorn'd base BROMOR'S Throne.
His Charge Next Day renew'd, the Third o'recame
Choice Beautie's Fort; surrendred prov'd the same.
That Diamon was set besides in Gold;
Th' Aunt's Chest for her did Portion great infold:
PALMEDON 'S Joyn'd, no Tirant-Storms annoy'd.
True Woman, Maid in calmest Creet enjoy'd,
To th' Queen we turn,
The Ciprus Queen again.
who largely felt the Smart
Of BROMOR'S Threats, Revenge, Third onely Part
For Joynture left; o'th' Chaste and Virtuous Score
(Pretence small Portion brought) declar'd before;
Ʋnqueen'd appear'd, retir'd to Country-Grange.
Tho much her self did prove in Fortune's Change,
Mind fram'd to that; found sober Ease, Content;
Since oft 'tis known, that Comfort, Settlement
Seems from the Heart as well as World procur'd,
Calm, stedfast, Thoughts: Rock-like the Waves endur'd.
As for her eldest Hope (CLARINE now)
Good Fortune's Her did frequent Sights allow;
(Stoln Joys withal, transporting, sweet appear)
Since visiting that worthy Countess there
Th' Earl Dimon's Wife, as Friend ( Artesa nam'd)
Whole Month sometimes, who part in Council claim'd;
They Two would thrice the Week to th' Park repair,
Mile's distance off, to take the Evening-Air:
(Choice Prospect thence withall beheld) in Coach:
Which pranced round, they would the Lodge approach,
And enter there for pleasing Bait.
Queen with her Child in the Park Lodge.
The Queen
Her small CLARINE thus, brought always in
By th' wary Nurse (ARTESA'S View pretended)
Fondly'st enjoy'd▪ First Glance, dear apprehended,
Cross th' open Court she saw it gently go
In Nurse's Hand, whence Tears did stream; altho,
What strongest Yernings prov'd, Heart-meltings o're
Her harmless Babe! Nurse, Countess by, no more;
What Medley of Joy and Grief! Passions compound:
Both Tears and Smiles! such Drops and Sunshine found
In gaudy May; kiss'd, hugg'd, imbraced then:
By th' gentle Babe was clasped strait again,
Who smil'd withall; till wept poor Heart, at last,
For Company: when stronger Sorrow's blast
In Sighs did breath th' o'recharged Mother there;
Then babled oft, That spoke in Looks howe're:
'Twas rarest Scene, did cause from thence to rise
Sad Pleasure in those two Spectators Eyes.
The Queen did weep, yet weeping pleas'd withall,
Since joyn'd with Life, yet free, exempt from Thrall
Her Orphan-pair: Fortune (what's more) so kind,
That One of them prov'd in her Arms intwin'd.
CLARINE e're long could bear small babling part,
Some Words had learn'd, which joy'd the Mother's Heart.
Tho bigger grown, and apprehensive more,
Wary the Queen became (too fond before)
Lest ought betray'd; her Passions us'd to smother;
Tho, when constrain'd like soft and tend'rest Mother,
Such blossom'd Wit, small Buds of choice Perfection,
Rare Beauty, Growth observ'd, sad Glance, reflection
O'th' Father dead, then, Child's abus'd Estate
She whisp'ring Sighs would breath; or turning strait,
Weep forth kind, hasty Show'rs by stealth, as 'twere,
Chose Corners for't, discharg'd her Passions there;
Dropt molten Pearls: Then, clear'd her clouded Sky,
Toy'd, pratling Game renew'd; till wand'ring Eye
The Child and Nurse talking.
Of sweet CLARINE mark'd the Change, at last;
Who asked Nurse (sad Glance withall then cast)
What was the Cause that Lady wept for so:
Nurse answer'd there, Dead Lord the Ground does shew;
Two little Daughters also lately dead,
Th' one of your Years, Resemblance great, which bred
Strong Love to you (the Queen did thus ordain,
If Question ask'd) the Child reply'd again;
I pity her, so fine a Lady 'tis;
And for her Love, how great so'ere that is,
Methinks I love her more than she loves me;
Nor can I rest well satisfy'd, till she
Does kiss me oft, imbrace; kiss me again;
Fain would I dwell with her. Nurse pleased then,
Y' are yet too young, nor big enough, replies:
Ah! said the Child, with cheerful, sparkling Eyes,
I thus could talk with her, and find her Play
Sometimes howe're, when She's dispos'd that way.
By Nurse (next View) inform'd of all, the Queen
Would say her self, while kiss'd, imbrac'd between,
Your Mother (pretty one) most dear was found
To me, shew'd Sister- like, upon which Ground
This Love's exprest, declar'd; you (lastly) do
In Mind recall my bury'd Daughters too;
Most like the First; that Change of Passion breeding;
Love, Sorrow both by Turns (as 'twere) succeeding.
Madam (then said the Girl, with pleasing Grace)
Would Heav'n she was alive, that Servant's Place
I might enjoy, on her Attendant prove.
When th' Mother strait conjoyn'd, in Smiles of Love;
You may, Sweet-heart, reach nobler Rank, Degree,
And serve the Queen; Prime Maid of Honour be.
Thus then the Girl; That little Lady dead,
I rather should serve you, more honoured:
Although your self may prove the Queen perchance,
You look methinks like one. Did raise, advance
Her sober Joy, such pleasant Talk, replies:
Yet still the Queen departs with weeping Eyes.
PENDARNE (last) that faithful Earl could tell
(From's Brother Lines receiv'd) that She was well
In Arcadie; transported from that Clime
News oft by Sea: Epistles too in time
Sent from her self; when her small dainty Hand
Could Letters frame, and th' useful Pen command,
I'th' Lord's inclos'd: Her Mother's Rank howe're
But Baroness (new Name) informed there.
Nor knew that Merchant more (least blab'd, descry'd)
But that some Noble Orphan 'twas ally'd:
Eight years of Age, for Beauty's Stock improv'd,
CLARINE was transplanted strait, remov'd
To th' Lord's own House; like princely Gem, well set,
Prepared seem'd for Nobler Cabinet.
Much pleased found the Queen withall, uncloy'd,
Tho for whole Months still constantly enjoy'd.
When Twelve years old what beauteous Person there!
Such th' early April's blossom'd Cheeks appear
But mounted to that gallant height, Sixteen,
So tall as Woman thought, true Princess, Queen
Blaz'd in her Sun-bright Eye, breath'd from her Breast,
That Wisdom thence proclaim'd: fair Beauty's Crest
Her Brow presents, joyn'd Honour's glorious Throne:
The Queen made known to Mindana.
When Princely Birth unveiled was, made known
Unto her Self, the Queen, ARTESA by,
By th' faithful Earl, apart. What Extasie,
Kind Bosome- trance in each beheld that Hour!
Tears, Kisses, Smiles: Joy shew'd its Sov'reign Pow'r
At first in th' one Joy, Wonder in the other;
Grief (lastly) tho in Daughter both and Mother
Did equal sway, through Fortune's harmful Wrong:
That virtuous Passion there (which lasted long)
Prime Nature's Scene, clear Fancy better may
To th' height conceive, than my dull Pen portray.
Th' Earl Dimon now was Eager to behold
MINDANA grac'd with Father's Crown of Gold;
His pregnant Brest o'recharg'd (as 't were) did prove
Through Loyal Thoughts, conjoyn'd with ample Love
(So choice, transcendent Branches) as right and just,
E're long to th' Queen, some Lords of greater trust
His Mind unclasps, made Firm by solemn Oath;
Then Views of Her, reserv'd Conversings both
By them enjoy'd, brave, Princess-like Esteem'd,
All wept that Hour, Transported strangely seem'd
Both Eyes and Ears, Ingaged (last) their Hearts;
Whilst BROMOR loath'd as void of all Deserts.
The present Time serv'd choicely for their End,
Advantage gave, did well those Ways befriend.
that Tirant was much fall'n i'th' Gen'ral Rate,
His People's Love; as sunk from Manly State
Through sensual Vice and Ease; the Souldiery
Much Less'ned too, Debauch'd, expos'd more free
For Arm'd surprise: good, lawful Cause, well-grounded
Wise Agents felt that People's Pulse, Propounded,
What if alive their Queen MINDANA were;
That strongly Beats, strait Army's raised there.
Bromor slain in battel.
BROMOR advanc'd for Fight into the Field,
Prov'd mangled, Slain; Both Grooms; chief Town did yield,
Near all the Realm. His Son, then Twenty one,
Still kept a strong Sea-Town (stout, haughty grown)
Where then retir'd: Man'd Garrison before:
Good Shipping had, tho much from th' Asian shore,
By th' Lycian King, his Uncle, whose Heart Defy'd.
That Elder Queen, with Ships, Men, Food supply'd;
By her refus'd: could partly so contend,
Tho not Assayl; that place, Himself defend.
MINDANA thus did Mount her Father's Throne,
Mindana Queen.
The Queen well pleas'd, much Honour Glory known:
Prime Grace that Earl, Artesa both enjoy'd
Marriage forborn, till rooted out, destroy'd
Proud BROMOR'S Son; upheld by Near Relation,
That Lician King, Town's Natural Situation.
Her Sister like th' Arcadian Sun did rise,
With Pleasure, Joy to most Spectators Eyes;
Spread morning- Beams; for worth of Mind excell'd,
When but Sixteen, i'th' Royal Town beheld,
Young, Gallant Duke enamour'd doth appear,
(Love's Pris'ner caught) conjoyn'd in Marriage there.
Years Reign o'repast, They came to Ciprus Court,
Did both the Queens through gladsome Joy transport;
Who Her receiv'd as Raised from the Dead,
Four Months Detain'd withall: so visited
By Sea Fourth year; their Gentle Loves commending
Sixth too the same: which Year compleatly ending,
That virtuous Queen (far-fam'd) ORNANDE Dyes:
Whose Daughters both there clos'd her mortal Eyes.
In Either State Sh' had prime Example been,
MINDANA saw, did leave a Glorious Queen.
AURELA gon with Sails advanc'd behold
ORNANDE set Sun like, dark Clouds unfold.
That Sturdy Heir grown so much Elder now,
More strong, for Head-piece far, Revengful Brow;
Shut up by Land in that Port-Town, Confin'd;
Flight loath'd by Sea, to Abandon all, Resign'd.
Much strength at last from's Kingly Uncle gain'd:
Old Souldiers those, the like himself maintain'd
In's Garrison: the Queen's but raw, most part,
He Swell'd, Resolv'd to Stake (Advent'rous Heart)
His utmost All. By handsom Sleights were spread
Forg'd Papers round, that True MINDANA 'S Dead;
This feign'd, a Cheat; so, cozen'd of his Right:
Joyn'd Stronger, Manly Sex, to Draw, invite.
Battel with Bromor's Son.
Took then the Field; Both Armies met (tho far
From th' Royal Town) to try that Game of War.
First fierce Assault endur'd on Either side;
Both Horse and Foot; sharp Arrows storm descry'd.
The Queen's best Troops of Horse disorder'd were
I'th' second Charge broke, spoyl'd their own Foot there:
Their Captains tho led on: They flye, they flye;
Loud shouts, did Baul th' Insulting Enemy.
Commanders strove, Part-Rally'd them again;
But most i'th' Rear confus'd and Fled, in Vain
(Scarce looking back) the Van o'repow'red so
For Flight conjoyn'd; whilst their Triumphant Foe
Held on the Chase. The Queen's Inform'd by Post,
And Dimon th' Earl her Crown shew'd plainly lost.
Thus with that Faithful Friend, large Golden store
Laid up by Her, much BROMOR'S gain'd before
( Countess Deceas'd) whilst Open prov'd and Free
Th' Imperial Port,
Mindana. flies to Ar­cadia.
She sail'd for Arcady;
Having then Reign'd six years on Ciprus-ground;
Welcome from Sister there, th' Earl's Brother found.
After short time, less Pleas'd with Worldly Strife,
Vain Pomp conjoyn'd dispos'd for Single Life
Reserved too; no strange Extreams howe're
Nor Sullen mood, still She-Companions there;
Resolv'd to leave no Child, that might Disdain
Their wretched Chance, as gull'd of Crown complain:
(Tho could her Self Digest, rare Precedent,
That Fortune's Change) for sober Mind's content,
She fix'd upon that Vestal Nunnery,
Not distant far, where Maids might Live more free
From outward Chance and Worldly Cares, Retir'd:
Much Splendour known, by Others sought, admir'd
Thus with some Maids of better Rank attended,
Who honour'd Her; that Life the Place commended
(To th' Sister's Claim transferr'd lost Ciprus-Glory
She would as Nun conclude her Royal Story.
But here the young Arcadian Queen, (choice, Fair
For Beauty known, for Princely Parts as rare,
Of her own years) much taken with Her before;
Joyn'd with her Sister, some Great Ladies more
In earnest Suit, She would live less Confin'd,
Keep smaller Court, still Queen, reserved Mind:
Her Steward th' Earl (since brought great Mass of Treasure)
Offer'd fine House, Grove, Garden for her Pleasure:
Chast, Single there: with which She Clos'd comply'd;
Good Friends enjoy'd, a Virgin Liv'd and Dy'd.
From that dear Sister's womb, as great Grand-Child,
CLERMANTHE came; might justly so be styl'd,
Heir Next the Duke her Father, to that Crown;
Since th'onely Branch surviv'd of choice Renown.
Some few Days past, a Yearly Sacrifice
There was perform'd (which here we shall Comprise)
Within that Nunnery by th' Virgin- Train
Which Those for VESTA 'S Honour did ordain;
The Vestal Nunnery.
Goddess of Chastity, DIANA so
That House withall the Prime of Greece might shew.
We shall not first to th' fall Describe,
Such were in Rome.
Their Lodging-rooms, nor Garden-walks display,
Fountains and Bow'rs; well-planted Wilderness,
Green, wand'ring Maze, their Evening- sports express:
Fine Pencil's Art, choice Needle-works compos'd,
By which their Virgin-fancies were disclos'd;
Joyn'd Musick-Consort too, and Vocal Quire.
As for thir Garb, particular Attire
'Twas White and Green; First should resemble there
Pure Chastity, the Last fresh Spring appear.
Here too, by th' way this Sonnet take along,
Learn'd still by Them, and call'd the Vestal Song.

The Vestal Song.

VAnish all fond Love-Delights
The Vestal Songs.
Fleeting as the Air, or Hours
When they Please vain Appetites:
Frothy Bubbles,
Thralls tho fair,
False Sweets they are;
Dream'd Joyes, Waking whilst their Troubles.
Life's abuse and Reason's too,
Cheats they be;
Fondlings Brutes your Partners see
I' th' same sensual Mess with you:
Which Discovers,
As doth prove
Your Boy- God Love,
You are blind before turn Lovers.
Welcome Dearest Virgin-state,
Let my Soul
Thought of other Loves controul,
Thou my Choice and Beauteous Mate:
Pure, untainted,
Free alone
Your Bliss is known,
Whilst our Selves, not chang'd, Transplanted.
Let's then Twine,
Clasp, embrace, near Vesta's Shrine,
Joyes our Off-spring prove Divine.
Thus was their Sacrifice:
The Vestal Sacrifice.
I'th' furthest end
O'th' Temple there, which did with Steps ascend,
Great Vesta's carved Form, compleatly shin'd;
Advanc'd above: right hand thereof (design'd
On Painted Cloth, but rare) in Forrest-shade
She seem'd with all her Virgin-Train portray'd,
Hunting the Deer; 'twas formall, lively Chase.
On th' other side beheld with Beauteous grace
Washing her self, where chrystal Streams abound.
Beneath that Cloth o'respread the hallow'd Ground
With Damask Carpet was of purest white
And Green, conjoyned Panes. There (handsome sight)
Small Table appear'd, same Silken cloathing wore:
Near that did stand fine gilded Rayl, before.
First enter'd there, loose, comely Garment wearing,
With long white Veil, their Rev'rend Priestess bearing
Large, spread white Lawn; i'th' midst thereof display'd
Choice Garland, Wreath of Lillies, Laurels made;
Sprinkled with Drops of Froth for Winter- Snow,
Then Summer-time: Lillies should Chastness shew;
Pure Emblem that; and Lawrels Triumph boast
O're conquer'd Love; green Woods declare where most
Vesta delights: those Drops of Froth presented
Clear Virgin-Thoughts; swell'd so by Art, invented.
Then single Nun (chief, Senior) marched there,
Who small, white Wicker Baskets, choice did bear;
Fine open-work; well painted half with Green
(Same Ribons view'd) through Bars discern'd, between,
Lillies conjoyn'd with Laurel branches store
Held in white Cloth as Wreath in Lawn before.
Then came their Virgin-Train by comely Pairs
(Prov'd numerous) bound decent way, their Hairs
Worn long Lawn-Veil, with lofty, Tow'r-like Dressing,
White, mixed Green, puff'd Diadem expressing.
Held in one Cup small China-Dish by each
Of White, cold, trembling Jelly (meant to teach
Chaste Emblem too) fine Pot of Incense shewing
In th' other Hand, round sweet Perfumes bestowing.
Thus up they walk'd with formal, sober Pace
To th' Steps, made treble Bow, beneath which Place
Their Altar stands; then did themselves divide,
Falling off strait to Ranks on either side.
Priestess mean time, First Nun to th' Top advanc'd,
That Table's Foot, where seem'd Devoutly Intranc'd;
Both Kneeling there; then ( Rais'd o'th' Table's head
(Joyn'd humble Bow) that purest Lawn she spread,
Triumphant Wreath. Then from th' Attendant Maid
Those White, Green Baskets takes, which set, Display'd
In Handsome Form upon the Damask Floor
(Choice Present thought, that Carpet nam'd before.
Last th'Other Nuns did mount, Obeisance shew'd
(In Payrs conjoyn'd) their China-Dishes strew'd
On brims o'th' Table round; beneath Retir'd,
Fell off to Rank [...] again, as first requir'd.
Their Priestess then, from Joyning Room o'th' side,
Brought Sacred Coals, to th' Altar strait apply'd;
Who [...]e Hallow'd Top with Fagot small she crown'd
Of Juniper, whom white, green Ribonds bound:
Caus'd gentle Flame, in which did Spices throw
Arabian Gums, to smoke consumed so:
Whose sweet Devotion-Cloud ascended there:
No Blood beheld. These (last) Conjoyned were;
Whilst Burning thus, that Handmaid Nun (well taught)
Two Christal Vials forth, Large-fashon'd brought.
Same beauteous Form; through th' One discern'd White Wine,
Through th'Other Milk, pure Chastness to define:
The Priestess Each like streaming Fount Distill'd,
From those Transparent Wombs, till round She fill'd
Their Altar's Trench; to th' Goddess last Oblation.
During these Rites, for Anthe [...]'s Celebration,
Those other Nuns well rang'd on either side.
Grand Chorus All, thus Vesta Magnify'd
Their sa­cred Song of Anthem


GOddess, with Silver Bow Adorn'd,
Quiver of Gold; upon whose Brow
Bright Moon appears; let nought be scorn'd
These Maiden V [...]taries that Bow;
Thus beneath, with Ra [...]sed Eyes,
Fume of Incen [...]e Sacrifice:
Gentle fashion
Vowes regard, this small Oblation.
Beauteous Deity of Shades,
Transcendent Cheek, as Purest Brest;
Where fond Desire no Thought invades,
Love 's Archer still Disarm'd, deprest;
Virgin-troop Vouchsafe to Shroud,
As thy Handmaid- Train allow'd:
Greater Honour
None doth Wish to fall upon Her.
Brighter then those Lillies Shew,
Which were Presented late to Thee;
Emblems for th' Heart, Ʋnspotted too,
Shine mildly forth, and grant that We
Like our Goddess (tho less Fair)
Chast may prove as Purest Ayr:
Each Low-bending,
Chants thy Praise till Heav'n ascending.
Thus, th' Anthem past, their Priestess leads the Train,
With Senior Nun retir'd; the Rest again
(Conjoyn'd in Prayers) fall back like her; with Those
First Threefold Bows perform'd the Solemn Close.
None for this Sigbt Spectators were Allow'd
But Virgin-rank,
A Youth's conceit.
which prov'd sometimes a Croud.
Where may be joyn'd th' Exploit, adventur'd on
By Traveller Gentile of Macedon;
Who for their Nun's late Female Show inclin'd
(Amongst his Travel's Stranger things Design'd
For Talk at Home) good Person, smooth, no Beard,
Like Handsome Maid, neat Woman's garb appear'd
Well Acted 'twas; when All Walk'd forth beside
For th' Garden-air, First beauteous Nun descry'd
(This Plot conjoyn'd) He strait to Her Address'd
More ciyil, formal way, prefer'd Request
That She so far would favour Him to view
Their Garden choice, if Fame's report were True:
Was pleas'd with all the rest, e're long might be
One of their Virgin- Train, Society.
The Nun conforms; Survey'd and Prais'd that Hour
(Joyn'd too Discourse) each Walk and pleasant Bow'r.
Large Thanks return'd, He took his last Farewel;
Kiss firmly Seabd, thought beyond Parallel;
Her Order, Self combin'd; ten Travels don
Could boast at Home, Kiss'd handsome Vestal Nun.
We here shall Joyn more serious, Sad Event,
A Plot a­gainst the Prince.
Might raise the Prince ORONTES Discontent:
ORSAMNES too had shar'd, but Unreveal'd,
I' th' Cottage-walls near large Dervan conceal'd,
With's Ʋncle, Princely Love; from whence begun
Voyage next Morn should be by th' Rising Sun,
To th' Merchant's Grange for their more Calm Retreat,
Till Fathers Mind Compos'd: which we repeat.
That Youthful Prince, th' Arcadian King forenam'd,
From Sensual Thoughts, excess not least Reclaim'd;
Fantastick Ways; Worth noble Virtue slighted
(By's Father lov'd) with Humorous Moods delighted:
Damp cast on all Ingenious Parts by those▪
His Younger Lords, whom for Companions chose,
Near Servants too like Proper Coin (as 'twere)
Might of Himself Resemblances appear:
Having thrown down that Gallant General,
ORONTES nam'd, bad, Scornful Way withal;
Two Years ago; which Pow'r, Command had held
From the old King some Fourteen Years, excell'd:
Soon after that Wife's, Daughter's Loss, ( First strange)
With several Friends retir'd to Pastor-grange
Which, after that long Story told by us
O'th' Ciprian Queen, shews well Repeated thus.
Two Courtiers Great, which Spiteful Rancour bred
Against the Prince for Father's sakes then Dead,
Much for their Own; tho grudg'd ORSAMNES more,
Distastful Grounds; Who (as we said before)
Star shin'd at Court till Nineteen Years of Age,
Then Manly seem'd for Gallant Personage,
Transcendent Parts, conjoyn'd well Govern'd Spirit,
Great Battel fought, shewn Brave Commanders Merit:
Whose Parts withall now Rarely Improved were.
Not satisfi'd tho from that Courtly Sphear
Son, Father faln, since Liv'd still Unconfin'd;
Kept large Estate, their Ruine they Design'd.
Knowing their own Pow'r upon the King, whose Brest
Still much with Both displeas'd, by Tongue exprest.
Their Train well lay, They thus Gave Fire, began;
They told the King; for that great sturdy Man
ORONTES, Prince, no doubt there could be found,
But he was (well Discharg'd on Cautious ground
Of Jealousie) from that Commanding Height:
Bold, forward Son. Tho now, far greater weight
Fill'd Reason's Scale, Convincing Argument
Shew'd their Ambitious Ayms, Traytor's intent;
Revengeful too, their Sovereign t' Unthrone:
Since they had kept long time Abroad (unknown)
Their Agents, Engineers, Disguis'd with Clouds
To raise the People's Spleen, Tumultuous croud.
Confirming thence, that their Conjoyn'd Retreat
To Pastor-Life was but the more to Cheat,
Befool the World; till Arm'd for Action; then
This Rustick Swain's Lord General ag'en;
Might Seize the Crown; as Prince, ORSAMNES grac'd
The King's choice Parts and Person Blur'd, debas'd.
This entrance made, and certain Lord then Dying;
'Twas Friend to th' Prince conceiv'd,
Forg'd Letters as from the Prince.
in Plots complying,
They told the King: whose Warrant strait possest:
The Closet broke ( Each well prepared Brest)
Of that dead Lord: Two Letters (said) found there,
Grand Proofs of All; Pen'd by themselves howe're:
Which clasp'd within their Palms (sleight Juglers Art)
They seemed to Take up, with sudden Start,
Foul Treason; Cry'd: then shew'd Some Others by,
ORONTES Name beneath; well Feign'd to th' Eye,
Since Order they had got Two years ago,
Of Military kind (fair Copie so)
In th' old King's days, writ all with his own Hand,
When held that place, Lord General's command:
Same thought by th' King Himself. Th' whole matter pen'd
Did Treas'nous Plot most plainly comprehend;
T'advance their Ayms by th' Rising Multitude,
Old Souldiers joyn'd: the Crown did Their's conclude:
Light Head the King was call'd, fierce Tyrant there;
Could D [...]staff with more Art than Scepter bear.
This strengthen'd was by second Plot far more
In their return, tho Forg'd the Night before.
First Plot being lay'd when th' Lord on his Death-bed,
Their Letters ready pen'd; last Night known Dead;
One of those Two Yyoung Vagrant met by chance,
Corinthian Greek, who did toward Him advance;
Crav'd begging way some Alms, might help to bear
His charge for Home; did sturdy, bold appear:
Whom thought fit for his End, call'd strait aside
To Sculking Nook, thus for th' Imployment try'd.
He should but seem one of their Shepheard-Train,
Green Bonnet bought; Hour past, same Place again
Letter from him receive, in's Pocket shroud;
Next Morn near such an Hour, there (under Cloud)
Watch till he saw Him come that Way, with More,
Then March forth Nigh to him, by th' Tavern-dore;
Where, spoken to, such Certain Answers make
(Full Lesson taught) till some those Lines did take,
From's breeches Seize: should be secured then
I'th' House few Hours, till his own self agen
Caus'd his Discharge; no Harm, be Confident;
High Golden Fee (which nam'd) for his Content
Would Pay him there, the Rogue joyn'd strait, Comply'd;
Those Lines receiv'd; Green Bonnet did provide.
That Courtier with his Fellow- Cheat combin'd
(Those Witnesses) passing Next Morn design'd
Same street, their way to Court, don Prank before,
That Rogue march'd up to Them by th' Tavern-dore.
Green Bonnet on. That Courtier ( First o'th' Train)
Stopt, saying, What art thou? some Shepheard-Swain!
Said he, Perhaps I am. Joyn'd The 'Other then,
What dost thou here in this Great Town? agen.
I've Business here perchance: The Rogue reply'd
Some Gugaw for your sweet heart to provide:
Said Courtier, next. Not so, I Message have
To Person of Honour: joyn'd that Vagrant knave.
This seems a Prajeant Clown: fay'd He again:
Tho Shepheard am, I serve a better Man
(The Rogue conjoyn'd) then any here I see,
The Greatest Man but one in Arcadie.
Who's that? (Both said) the Prince ORONTES there?
He joyn'd; Perhaps the same. Said they; whate're,
In this shew's something more; Search him; did call
First Courtier strait to th' Standers by withall.
In's Hose that Letter found, o'th' Front Direction
To th' Lord, Deceas'd; Seal broke, for more Reflection,
ORONTES Name below; That Former Hand,
Judg'd for his Own: when, given by them Command
To bring't away; The Fellow kneeling Cry'd;
He was but Neighbour to the Prince, beside
Glad of some Gain; Cap should have left behind;
If any Harm 'twas sore against his Mind:
Beg'd to go home. That Courtier called strait
The Vintner forth, inform'd, 'twas Thing of weight;
Charg'd him to Lock that Fellow up, immur'd;
Till he more Order gave should be secur'd:
Three forg'd Let­ters shew the King.
Brought all three Letters to the King, with Those
For Witnesses: Each did plain Treason infold;
ORSAMNES joyn'd. For that young man, They say'd,
Whilst bred at Court, when but Nineteen, display'd,
His lofty thoughts, bold, Daring Spirit too;
Now twenty one, that Father might outdo:
Seem'd perfect Heir to's Haughty, Ambitious Brest,
And Peoples Love, Whose Darling, Gem exprest:
ORONTES Grand-father (they joyn'd agen)
Thessaha's King, expell'd by War as then,
Sculk'd in this Realm; got vast Estate, and so
Both Foreiners, no True Arcadians shew.
'T was Gallant way to seize them both by Pow'r,
Then Strongly Lodg'd in Mantinea's Tow'r
The King might of their Heads dispose at Pleasure:
Well hop'd themselves to share the Land at Leisure.
This also swell'd bad, Jealous Rage and Hate,
Some Rumours of a Rising Party late
Through Discontent; ore-burth'nous Taxes found,
Tyrannick scourge; no small Provoking Ground.
Two Troops to seize the Prince.
The King like Wax did take the Seal, inclin'd
That way before, from Two such Men Combin'd
Gave Order strait, Two Troops, whilst Evening-light,
Well Hors'd and Arm'd should March, on th' Second night
Bring up the Prince, ORSAMNES both Conceal'd,
To th' Fort Supream: Next Day, just Cause reveal'd
Chop'd off their Heads: Their formal Declaration
To th' Vulgar Croud, joyn'd Foulest Aggravation:
This was that Way resolv'd for their Surprize,
I'th' Prince's Grange; whilst slept with Drowsie Eyes
On Cottage-Couch the Duke; that Plot intended
Unknown to All; less Care their Hearts offended.
That Speedy Order giv'n more Handsome Ground,
Courtier that Rogue Discharg'd small Danger found
Through his Preventing foot; He knew 't was none;
Corinthian Cheat, pay'd th' Hire of Gold unknown.
That former Troop, descry'd (by th' Princely Payr
Near th' Hermit's Path (as did First Book declare)
Both falling back, should strait have seiz'd upon
Their late Lord Treasurer; false Grounds alone
Of Cheating us'd in th' old Kings Days; howe're
Escap'd their Hands, being timely Imformed there.
The End of the third Book.


WE now Return to th' Noble Payr again,
Orsam. Cler­man. i'th' Cottage.
Thersander th' Ʋncle joyn'd, whom did contain
Those Cottage-Walls (lovely House not distant far
From that great Town, Dervan) which slumbring are
Upon their Beds in cloaths; next Morn by Five,
Hir'd Coach should Journey take (as did Contrive)
To th' Merchant's Grange, withdrawn some time t' avoid
Their troubled Fathers Sight; more Peace enjoy'd
(As said before) till Those well pleas'd agen:
Th' Host Hostess too Asleep since th' Hour of Ten.
Now three i'th' Morn; unheard that Noise tho Loud
(Good space between) by Arm'd, Tumultuous Croud
Robbing the Town, large, Wealthy Corporation;
Which Plund'ring Storm from hence took Derivation.
Laconians strong Bordering Neighbours were
Unto that Realm; more spiteful Grudge did bear
'Gainst Arcadie, for Three Grand Overthrows
By th' Prince ORONTES giv'n (as plainly shews
Our formost Book) being then Lord General,
In th' old King's Dayes: that Third much caus'd withall
By th' Duke ORSAMNES Hand, when but Nineteen.
(Near th' old King's Death) renowned valour seen.
This Prince then Reign'd; taking Advantage great
Of whose loose, Sensual Way, secure Conceir
Of his own strength, Commanders plac'd beside
In Frontire-Forts and Towns, whose Glory, Pride,
Dice, Wenches, Drink (small Souldiers worth) appear'd;
They th' other Night surpriz'd before 't was Fear'd
(Pow'r, Craft conjoyn'd) two Garrisons together,
None plac'd between. Having secured Either;
Embold'ned thence, such prime Retreats withall,
Strong Armed Bands Reserv'd, whate're befall;
Broke through their Bounds to plunder, spoyl next Day
In sev'ral Troops; some to Dervan did stray:
Laconians plunder Dervan.
Enter'd past Nine at Night, like Torrent spread
About their Plund'ring Task, Town fir'd they fled.
So 'twas one Great Commander came i'th' Rere
(Which rob'd the Towns next Part to th' Cottage there)
Loaded with Prize, th' Attendant Armed train;
March'd by that way through near Adjoyning Lane.
False Rogue there prov'd, that trod Laconian Ground
Like Vagrant once, then Paultry Neat-heard found;
Had nought Himself to lose, Grudge, malice bare
(Now prime Revenge) against that Ancient Payr:
To th' Captain step't, whom told in Fawning fashion,
That he had view'd their Soyl, much lov'd the Nation;
Could bring to special Prize just in their Road,
That Cottage strait (adjoyning Place) he shew'd;
Rich Miser's House, but far more to Invite
Three Persons lodg'd, by Coach convey'd, that Night;
Did noble Rank, Disguis'd withall appear,
Nor stir'd they forth, He tending Cattel there;
One Woman was, Fine-cloath'd, for Form excell'd,
Beautifull'st Creature e're their Eyes beheld.
Those Souldiers strait desir'd to Plunder them,
Their Captain grants; as for that Female Gem,
Choice Ladie nam'd 't would Present Race afford
To's Brother sent, Province-commanding Lord
(Whose [...] he thought to be) choice Concubine;
Those M [...]n for Slaves, great Ransom last Design'd:
If [...] [...] to [...]m convey'd withall;
But st [...]p, short Task, might soon surprise, enthrall.
Thus, choosing forth some Thirty Men howe're,
He Formost Led, must view the Lady there.
Broke open strait with ease their Outmost Dore;
Next then unlatch'd, soon trod their Parlour-floor:
CLERMANTHE saw like Morning-Star arise
Cloath'd from the Bed; tho scar'd through that surprize
Shriek'd loud withall; strait Grasp'd her Cabinet
O' th' Table there, whose Gems proclaim'd her Great,
Fine, glorious View; did hundred pound in Gold,
For Souldiers Share when th' Action past, behold.
The rest strait charg'd to take the Men Alive
If so they could; which words did cheer, revive
CLERMANTHE'S Heart; One told th' Host too at door
They were Laconians, thought Thieves before.
The Captain Her did leave to Faithful Guard,
Four of the Troop, with Box of Gems, Declar'd
For Present meant to th' Earl his Brother's hand;
Those Men withall: whilst she did mournful stand,
Could onely Intreat, They'd spare her Ʋncle, Brother;
By th' Captain thought of Noble Rank, no other.
Made haste to mount the Stairs, those Guarding Men
Charg'd there to stay, till He return'd agen.
This prov'd mean notice; CLERMANTHE'S Shriek so loud
Rais'd both the Lords, (whom still their Cloaths did shroud)
From slumber, Bed; to them did Robbers shew,
Till heard that Word [Laconians] from below.
Nay then we're Slaves (ORSAMNES said) Hard Chance!
Fighting perhaps our Freedom may Advance;
CLERMANTHE'S too; Reveng'd, if falling Dy:
Truth; said THERSANDER there, did joyn, Comply.
Orsam. Thersand. assayl'd.
Thus, snatching up their Swords, two Targets (last)
Hung there beheld, they ran to th' Door in hast:
Entry there was, with Stairs at either End,
Those furthest from the Kitchen did Ascend
To Garret-room; Trampling on Both they heard;
These First the Duke, Thersander next did Guard.
Indiff'rent Light through Windows view'd each side,
'Twas th' Hour of Three: then Day by Four descry'd:
Th' Assailants on the Stairs, from Wall to Wall,
But single Man could Mount at once withall.
They found them Both fill'd strait with Grim-look'd Faces,
And glist'ring Swords; Death seem'd in their Embraces.
The Formost this spoke to ORSAMNES there;
Yield, or th' art Dead: struck Target fiercely howe're,
Glanc'd on his Leg. The incensed Duke replying,
Thou Dearly Pay'st that Score; clear way descrying,
Pierc'd through his Belly strait: grown Humbler so,
He prostrate falls. The Next gave monstrous Blow
On's Target-Boss, reveng'd with Cloven Head,
Seem'd tumbling down to grasp Comrade there Dead.
A Third th' arm Lifted high, Foot hinder'd tho
By Fellow's Corps, lay gash'd i'th' Neck below.
A Fourth, like Steps upon their Bodies rais'd,
Striking his Shield, the Sword but gently Graz'd
On his left Arm; ORSAMNES strait (well Guided)
With Thund'ring Blow, Skull, Cheeks and Jaws divided.
The mounting Fifth ran through, gave Hasty Death:
Sixth follow'd then, Who Curs'd with Gasping breath.
THERSANDER had lay'd Five Asleep, tho found
One's Walking Mark in Thigh's unpleasing Wound.
The Cap­tain fights.
Their Captain now, Charge giv'n (as said before)
To th' Ladie's Guard; sounding to th' Parlour-floor.
Much jumbling Noyse, joyn'd Targets, Swords above
(Unlook'd-for Chance, since Harder Task did prove)
Rush'd wildly forth: Th' Ascent found strangely spread,
New Stair-case made compiled of the Dead:
Call'd not, Give way; Thus foyl'd by single Man
Well-armed Crowd? Slave, Death's thy fatal bane
Mounting a loft, He struck ORSAMNES Shield,
Whose monstrous Force made Part thereof to yield;
The Sword by glance did hurt his Shoulder then:
Take now thy Doom; ORSAMNES speaks ag'en:
With powerful Blow Chop'd off his Arm, beneath
Fell th' Hand and Sword, as loth to Part in Death:
Cleft then his Brain, whose Body Prostrate there
Might groveling Joyn'd to th' Hand and Sword appear.
Now raged All, Rush'd madly on Combin'd;
More than ORSAMNES thought for Spoyls design'd
So mean a Grange; for had they known their Number,
Which might the best Payr's Courage, strength incumber
(Tho prime the Place) They Yielded had perchance:
CLERMANTHE too their Spirits did Advance,
Voyce heard below. With Formost next did Clash
(Eighth Champion 'twas) good fortune had to Gash.
Th' Encountrer's Hand; down fell the Sword, and He,
Stooping to Reach, Lay there for Company.
THERSANDER Sturdy Sixth destroy'd that Hour:
Orsam. Thersan. Captive.
When, Torrent-like, (o'represt by growing Pow'r)
Stayrs Top they gain'd and Sword; some ran behind
ORSAMNES strait, whose Armes they grasp'd, confin'd
To Pris'ner's Bonds; pleas'd both did Bleed howe're;
Thus Foyl'd at last; Part-tir'd with Killing there.
Lieutenant then, which Captain's Place supply'd,
Did enter too, to that Great Lord Ally'd;
Chief Governour of that large Province known
Next to th' Arcadian Bounds, rul'd there Alone,
BORGANES call'd: the Lords being brought below,
To th' Parlour- Door (View'd by CLERMANTHE so
With streaming Tears, close Joy they were not Dead,
As they Saw Her) He charg'd they should be Led
To th' Band returning Home, with Lady sent
To th' Governour; their Captain's known Intent;
Fine Jewel Box: o're-heard by Each the same,
Which cheer'd their Hearts, more hopeful Thoughts did frame;
Not Parted thus; or Chance whate're should be,
Joyn'd Friendly Sharers seem'd in Misery.
ORSAMNES cast on Her sad Glance, Farewel,
As She on Him; tho Views oft-times befell,
They rode so Nigh: ORSAMNES Golden store,
And Her's by Souldiers Siez'd, o'th' Plundering score.
With th' Ancient Payr small Coyn as then they found,
Tho had put out to Use Four Hundred pound:
They also took their Captain's Corps along,
More valu'd Bulk, left there the Vulgar throng.
All brought to L. Bor­ganes Ca­stle.
Next Day, by One, to th' Borders All did trace,
By three their Charge brought to th' Intended Place;
Still Hope reserv'd, that Life o' th' Soul as 'twere,
Prime Anchor found midst stormy Waves, what'ere.
Grand Castle 'twas, large-compass'd Work beheld,
Tall, stately Tow'rs, for Gallant Form excell'd;
Fixt on a Rock, cut Passage out from thence
For Horse and Coach, seem'd Beauteous, strong Defence.
The Master on't was that Dead Captain's Brother,
BORGANES call'd (as said before) 'bove Other
Commanding Lord of that Provincial Coast
Next Arcadie; for, Younger Years might boast
Scarce Twenty eight, joyn'd Handsome Person too;
Then Widower; much Souldier's Way could Do;
Stout, Valiant Heart, Proud, Haughtiest tho beside;
Most Cruel where Displeas'd, that Harmful Bride:
Seem'd th' Hand of Fate, if Pow'r withall combin'd:
Brave Courtier's Garb, extreamly Lustful Mind.
Ent'ring large Hall, Lieutenant mounts Above,
Inform'd the Lord what from his Brother's Love
Choice Token brought; that Box of Gems presented,
Bright-shining Each; Worth ra [...]ely tho augmented
Joyn'd th' Owner's Self, most Gallant Female Prize;
Those Jewels seem'd Dark Foyls unto her Eyes;
For Beauty might her Sexes Queen appear;
Scarce Twenty's Age. Two Men Seiz'd also there;
One brave Young Man, was call'd at first her Brother,
Still Parted so agreed, their Ʋncle th' Other:
She Couch'd beneath, Those Lodg'd just o're her Head,
Disguis'd Great Persons seem'd, rouz'd then from Bed,
Tho when conjoyn'd his Brother Slain at last,
Cloud seiz'd his Brow, bad Damp his Thoughts o'recast:
Kill'd by her Brother, told, Seven more lay'd Dead,
( Self wounded tho) by Stayrs Advantaged,
On Top thereof: Six Slain at th' Other End
By th' Ʋncle too; did all below Attend.
BORGANES swell'd, that Captain since did prove
His onely Brother, whose observant Love,
Great V'olour joyn'd did Highly esteem, Advance;
Design'd for Heir: Then Thoughts on th' Lady glance;
Ponder'd her Brother 'twas; strong Combat bred
Lust, wrathful Flame, till th' Amorous Conquered:
Had Nephew too (seem'd Hopeful little Boy)
For Setling more, might his Estate enjoy.
Pris'ners mean time still kept Asunder were,
Sad Views altho; by Looks might Parley there.
Clerman­the shewn to Borga­nes.
CLERMANTHE then was brought to th' Dining-room,
Cheeks close, Obscur'd, since that Captived Doom;
BORGANES there; Who rose with Formal Grace,
Advance nigh, wish'd Her Unveil the Face;
Which was Perform'd: her Beauties from that Cloud
Strait Breaking forth like Morning fair from Shroud
Of darkest Night; tho Sweeter Beams beheld,
Far daintier Blush BORGANES thought, excell'd:
Saluted Her: Such Lovely Form there shewn
In Sorrow's Dress, what Joy'd! Triumphant grown!
Nor Singular that Lord's Conceit, the Rest
Much Wonder'd too: These Words He joyn'd, exprest.
Bright Nimph, Discharge Sad Thoughts, to Beauty's Sky
Lend pleasing Rays again; since shall Descry
Frank Lord within these Gentle Walls, and there
Like Governness more than Captiv'd appear;
Fair Ʋsuge prove like your Fair Self from us:
Wanting for Nought. CLERMANTHE answer'd thus.
If found such Noble Mind, so free from Blot,
Since born to Thrall, I should Imbrace my Lot;
And thank the Gods by whom 'Twas Ordain'd
Your Pris'ner first: Cheeks there with Blush distain'd;
Conjoyns withall; I hope that Nobleness
Perform'd to Me, will more it Self express
Towards my Brother, Ʋncle now Captiv'd;
Those Friendly Us'd more Cheer'd my Heart, reviv'd.
Both Lords apart con­fin'd
To That giv'n Gentler Nod, He strait Withdrew
To Lobby, Place which th' Hall beneath did View;
Both Lords beheld; Who shew'd their Due Regard,
Yet like themselves; Low Baser Ways debar'd:
Gave Order there, they should their Armes unbind,
Keep them within Two several Rooms Confin'd;
Their Hurts well Drest. Had Stout, convenient Man,
Who Jaylor prov'd to All, close Guardian;
Wore Poyniard Sword; Arm'd Under Groom attended;
Two Locks each Door with Iron Bar defended:
Young Lady near, the Lord's Half- Sister call'd.
Pitty'd that time both Wounded so, Enthrall'd;
ORSAMNES most, Brave Person, gallant Spirit.
Worth in her Self pleas'd with Anothers Merit:
Free Motion made to searth his Wounds (Admir'd
For Female Skill) since Haste that Task requir'd,
Bound up, no more: That Elder might be Drest
By his own Man. Conjoyn'd there to the rest
'Twould kindly took by th' Lady prove, sad Cloud
Darkning her Thoughts. BORGANES strait Allow'd.
Both lik'd their Ease thus far, some comfort thence,
Tho fear'd, prepar'd for Harmful Consequence.
BORGANES then Return'd to th' Dining-room,
CLERMANTHE where did Wait, to Fayrest whom
Shew'd new Respect; speaking to th' Lady by
Fore mentioned, MELVORNA call'd (whose Eye
Seem'd Handsome Glass to th' gentle Soul, as 'twere)
Joyn'd Matron grave, which th' Houshold order'd there;
She was by th' First, two Pages going before
Burn'd choice Perfumes,
Clerman­the's Lodg­ing Room.
convey'd on self-same Floor
To Gallant Room, most bravely furnished;
Prime Sattin, Flowr'd; Couch, Chairs, Stools, Table, Bed
Suiting to th' Walls; rich Lace, Purl-fringe beheld:
Shew'd Bridal pomp, tho chiefly Bed excell'd.
For Curtains Buttons, Loops behind, o' th' Side,
Silver Plate-flow'r Long broad quite down Descry'd
Inamell'd part; on Top at every End
Four stately Plumes did Gorgeous Sprigs extend.
From midst o' th' Roof, hung partly down below,
Pure, Branched Christal Candlestick does shew.
Bright Glass there was, whose Ebon-frame, Inlay'd
With Ivory, and Gold, prime work Display'd.
Silver Flow'r-Pots, in t' th' Windows Ranged there,
Most finely wrought did Flow'r'd by Art appear.
Choice Pictures, small Adorn'd the Room, but those
Of th' Amorous kind, did Want [...]nness disclose:
Fair Venus by Adonis Arm's imbrac'd;
Her Turtles near, his Hunting Dogs there plac'd,
Boar-spear withall; aloft Young Cupid hover'd,
Whose burning Torch lascivious Flame discover'd.
Cinthia next (Brow Moon did wear) upon
Green Latmus Mount, clasping ENDIMION;
Her Charet by; his Flocks beneath were spread;
Those truly Kiss'd, whilst Th' other Gaz'd or fed.
The Third prime Chimney-piece, great Jove descending.
Whilst Danae her beauteous Form extending
On gallant Couch; with Wonder seem'd behold
Th' enamour'd God through Falling Shower of Gold:
Blush joyned there; bright Looks from Her descry'd;
Tho Bashful She, He's Drawn most Wanton ey'd.
Two Windows shew'd Broad-Paved Court for State,
Two Gardens small (but Curious, delicate)
On th' other side; choice Flow'rs, green Arbours there;
Th' whole might Compound of Rarities appear:
Which Prospect, Room (tho both for kind Excell'd)
She sadly View'd with careless Glance Compell'd.
MELVORNA pray'd in Courteous Terms, Advis'd
That She would Clear her Braest, too much surpriz'd
With Damping Thoughts; nor Poison that Estate
Through jealous Fears as strange, unfortunate.
CLERMANTHE joyn'd; That She should frame that Hour,
Conform her Self what was within her Pow'r
To this Great Change; not bred nor us'd howe're
To foreign Thrall▪ MELVORNA answer'd there;
She hop'd her Treatment Fair would prove, and Free,
Not Pris'ner-like, tho such did seem to be.
Short Talk o're-past, that Matron enter'd then,
Clerman­the's Ban­quet.
Both Pages too (spruce, Flaunting Garb▪ agen:
The Cup [...] board strait with Glasses Chrystalline,
Much Plate adorn'd, (some things begem'd) choice Wine:
With sprinkled Flow'rs the Table-cloth o're-spread,
Neat, curious Banquet (last) replenished,
Both Wet and Dry; with Gallant Voyders grac'd;
From that small Room conjoyn'd, where ready plac'd:
Some fine, Raw Fruits, in Season, Ripe that time;
May's Week o'repast, more Warm that Grecian Clime.
MELVORNA Pray'd (as from the Lord desir'd)
Through longer Fast, bad Journey Faint, O're-tir'd,
CLERMANTHE with that Hasty Bait dispence
Till Supper 's Hour; made good Amends from thence
Intreats withall her Absence to excuse,
Since time about her Brother 's Wounds should use,
His Surgeon then. CLERMANTHE Thanks repay'd;
Much Honour'd by such Noble Hands ( She said)
Her Brother seem'd MELVORNA'S. Answer tho,
Slight, Small they were, Sh' had else not ventur'd so.
She being gon, That Matron mentioned,
To please her Master's Mood well Train'd and Bred,
CLERMANTHE inform'd (since order'd to Attend)
She might observe thus far how Noble Friend
His Lordship prov'd, what high Regard, esteem;
That Chamber there was Furnish'd, drest by him
For's Second Self, beloved Wife's delight.
With Solemn Glance conjoyn'd CLERMANTHE bright,
Meaner her Turn would serve: The Other when,
She was thought Worthy of That: reply'd agen.
CLERMATHE pray'd her to Sit down, Combin'd
As Partner so. She said, She was design'd
To Wait on Her. Thus, down the Lady sat;
More Comfort far (since thought unpleasing State)
ORSAMNES Wounds but small, well Treated there,
THERSANDER both Spirits refresh'd whate're:
Pay'd Natur's Due, could Stomach more invite,
Since Qualms of Mind breed Qualms in th' Appetite.
That well perform'd, She pray'd her Thanks might be
Return'd to th' Lord for's great Formality,
Joyn'd Bounteous Part; that Much might prove laid by
Next Time, Desir'd, since ill doth Suit, comply
With Sadder Thoughts: One Dish for Meal, no more
Would please Her Best; one Waiter for large store:
And that for Dressing Point, Undressing too,
She might be her own Maid, no more ado.
Being Ask'd, What Meat they should for Night provide?
One Dish (Eight th' Hour) what Wholesome thought reply'd.
Till then (intreats) She may be left Alone,
Reserved way; her Sences Drowsie grown.
( Night's watchfulness, long Journey's Task endur'd)
Want Sleep's repose. By th' Matron was assur'd
None should disturb her Slumb'ring Rest, Inthrall
More Private Thoughts; next Day Himself design'd
For Visit there. To whom in Grateful kind
CLERMANTHE sent her Thanks for that Regard
Her Brother found, no Needful Ease debar'd,
And Ʋncle both; same Favour hop'd for still.
The Matron joyn'd; It was his Lordship's Will,
Prepar'd for Them, their Wounds when onely Drest;
Were Sever'd tho. Things carry'd out again,
Both parted thus;
Clermanthe her Self confin'd.
She Spy'd th' Arm'd Guardian:
Two Doors were Lock'd on Her, besides her Own
Lobby's next That, Secur'd as left Alone.
There sad,
Her trou­ble.
Alas! She breath'd, since saw her Thrall;
True Pris'ner found, tho Handsome Jayl withall
Eyes fixt o' th' Floor: nor was that th' onely Grief,
Her Freedom lost, ORSAMNES thought the Chief.
Both parted too: when Sorrow's mournful Cloud
Did break in Tears, those Chrystal Drops allow'd
To ease her Heart; conjoyn'd large Sighs expence
For Stormy Blast, conceiv'd Allay from thence
Close folded Arms, as tho she would restrain
Hope's Cordial there, i'th' Gentle Brest detain:
Then from the Ground cast up to Heav'n her Eyes;
Submission and Imploring both descries.
More leave to Range, She glanc'd with smaller Start
On th' Pictures there, since seem'd portray'd in part
Her Gallant Lord; was pleas'd to think anon
ADONIS He, then choice ENDIMION;
Prime, lovely Forms, tho mean She thought to th'Other,
In whom was Lost more than Pretended Brother:
To th' Windows next she trod which view'd the Court,
Three sides thereof, perchance in Real sort
Good Fortune might his Person choice present,
From Window seen; but no such Ornament,
Brave, Manly Object found, her Eyes deluded
Long waiting time; whence not Lodg'd there Concluded;
Or else same kind Conceit Himself would move
To look for Her; strong Sympathizing prove:
Then Sighs at last) She draws his Picture there
By Fancy's Art, Life, Soul conjoyn'd, as'twere.
Till from dead Walls, short Pleasing Dream expir'd,
To her own Brest, chief Picture- Case, retir'd.
Told afterwards, He lodg'd in backward-room,
THERSANDER both, thought Either's mournful Tomb.
Melvorna the Lord's Sister.
Informed first (which Cordial did bring)
His Sister's well, was kindly Treated there;
As He himself should for her sake appear;
Altho had Slain (disast'rous hour) last Night
BORGANES onely Brother in the Fight,
And Heir's withall by th' Father's side. Displeas'd
To hear that Point (the Lady tho Appeas'd)
ORSAMNES joyn'd, He sorry was; that Chance
Did prove defensive way. With Sober glance
She told him then, Her self for Surgeon's Part
Was by the Lord imploy'd, which curious Art
She had much Ʋs'd, if he dar'd Venture on
Her Female skill. Who answer'd thereupon,
With prime Respect; Thought needless that Demand,
Since Honour 't was Allow'd so Fair a Hand,
And noble both. His Hurts unbound, Display'd,
Two Scratches prov'd, the Third but Slight (she said)
On th' Shoulder's Top; inflam'd howe're and Swell'd
Through Riding Motion long, that Act compell'd,
She drest Orsamnes Wounds.
Choice Instruments, to Task she strait did fall,
Shewn curious Eye, nice, Daintiest Touch withall; (Disdain'd
Cleans'd, Search'd, Asswag'd; tho Cheeks more Red
Skin seen so white, to Handle too constrain'd;
Soft-panting Heart: scarce knows what Fonder Guest
Might steal that way into her Virgin- Brest.
Each Crimson Drop lost Ruby did Conceive;
Thus, work perform'd, She takes her Sober leave.
E're long (conjoyn'd) All perfect well should be:
ORSAMNES thank'd her Gentle Charity.
For's Ʋncles Woundes House- Surgeon did provide
(Slight, smaller ones) at first was satisfi'd.
Refreshment- Bait o're-past, his Chamber- Door
Was Lock'd and Barr'd by th' Guardian, as before
Sad, jealous Fears of stormy Cloud behind
Tho Calmer Pause did Cheer his Princely Mind.
Sweet th' Intervals where Agues reign appear;
Stout Heart's conform'd to th' present Change whate're:
And partly through Night's Combat- work o're-tir'd,
Day's longer March; grown Drowsy, Rest requir'd;
He lay'd him down, to Cheer both Heart and Sense,
On friendly Bed, through Slumber's Influence,
(Like second Meal) Disposed seem'd to be
Sleep's Pris'ner too, more Choice Captivity;
Whose grateful Bonds his Pow'rs did seize, surprise;
Good Plaisters oft to Care, much Cordiallize.
THERSANDER was Drest there mean time by One
Which serv'd the Lord, First Hurt small Glance alone;
The next not Large: was Pleas'd when heard them Tell,
Good Bait receiv'd; same Toylsom Task endur'd
Both Night and Day ( lock'd up no less secur'd)
Found equal Cause to ly down on the Bed,
With slumber's Balm refresh'd his Drowsy Head.
BORGANES too thought 't was best Course to make
That time Retreat (since Grief for's Brother's sake
Distemper'd grown) for Calmer mind's composing;
Lest surly Glance, too boist'rous words disclosing,
Might strangely Damp the Lady's Breast, o'er-cloud:
Same cheerful Pause to her own Self allow'd,
For body, Mind; beholding so next Day,
More beauteous View; as clearer Beams display
When Fogs withdrawn: both Looks and Thoughts more Free;
Nice Female Sex much rul'd by Fantasie.
Strong, Amorous Mood his Wrath did balance well,
And serv'd, Sluce-like, when that began to Swell.
The Lady,
Clerman­the's wary Mind.
last, on Simpathizing Ground
With both those Lords (their sad Copartner found)
Sought Slumbers ease, Repose for Body, Mind;
When well refresh'd, for th' Evening-Task design'd
(E're Supper came to Pause and Contemplate,
What Carriage fit for her Enthrall'd Estate.
And that she might clear Fancy's Skie the more
From Clouded Thoughts, upon that Slumbr'ing Score,
Which hinder Sleep, 'gainst Reason oft Rebell:
Or break it through Disturbing Dreams expell:
She left her mind to Range in part, survey'd
That Gaudy Room, those Beauties there display'd.
Prime Garden then below, with curious Dress,
Where Nature's self did Bride-like Flaunt express.
Whose smaller Draught might even i'th' Windows there,
Fine Silver Pots with daintiest Flower's, appear.
Couch'd, last, on Bed, she clos'd her Radiant Eyes,
(Whilst Crimson Cheeks remain'd, like Western Skies,
Sun new withdrawn) as Courted Slumbers so,
Which strait Imbrac'd that Fairest Bed-fellow.
Spent near Three pleasing Hours, Awaking then,
Her Eyes restor'd to th' World their Beams agen.
Being well refresh'd, as Case did Ʋrge, importune,
She Mus'd upon this present Change of Fortune;
Since Slave become; though nobly us'd thus far,
How least might cause Offence, breed Fatal Jar
Touching her Self; ORSAMNES (next) Cap [...]iv'd,
THERSANDER (last) shew'd for her Sake Repriv'd:
Chief Captain slain i'th' Fight, by them perchance;
What Words to use, what Action, Countenance.
Those, She resolv'd, should Mild and Gentle be,
Shewn great Regard (joyn'd Chast) Conformity:
All i'th' Lord's Pow'r: Lustful as Haughty Mind
In th' outward Looks appear'd and walk combin'd.
Whilst ponder'd thus, bad Mournful show ensu'd,
Which might have Damp'd her Gentle Heart, if View'd:
Tall Souldier 'twas, found Mutineer, tho Slight;
By th' Lord's own Voice condemn'd to Death last Night,
Pinnon'd, nak'd Wast, to backward- Court was led,
Where kneeling down, Lopt off his Martial Head
By nimble blade; That Kiss'd the Dusty Ground,
Th' whole Body followed strait, late one Compound,
Now sad Divorce; Blood stream'd for Tears, as 'twere
Such High command BORGANES challeng'd there.
Near th' Hour of eight (for Supper meant) she heard
That Lobbies Door unlock'd by th' Armed Guard;
Clerman­the's fair u­sage.
Next opened was her own, MELVORNA when
Enter'd the Room; grave Matron for the Reer;
Spruce, single Page with Voyders did Appear;
Choice Linnen, Glasses brought, Perfumes and Wine;
Much Gorgeous Plate she did before Decline.
MELƲORNA there (salute perform'd) exprest,
She hop'd CLERMANTHE had well compos'd by Rest
Disorder'd Frame. What serv'd (she said) contented.
MELVORNA then her box of Gems presented
As from the Lord; these Words; That he Conceiv'd
They best her self became, therefore bereav'd,
So thus restored all. She strait repay'd
Large solemn Thanks; tho was not us'd (she said)
To handling Gifts, yet, since 'twas lately her own
Nor charge to him (less nice through Scruple Grown)
She should receive the same. MELBORNA then,
Her Brother's Wounds were Drest; inform'd agen;
That worst but small. Kind thanks from grateful Heart
Returned were, for that great Honour's Part.
Goodness conjoyn'd. Nought jealous of her Lord:
MELVORNA tho might Beauties Stile afford.
Cloth being spread, her Supper came; 'twas Neat;
Shew'd curious Look, as choice and dainty Meat:
Three Dishes brought, Preserves for Garnish laid:
Page strait withdrawn, that Matron onely stay'd.
MELVORNA there inform'd, Her brother chose
This short Repast Complyance-way to Close
With her Desire; Plate, Servitors prevented.
CLERMANTHE joyns: One Dish had her Contented
But for MELVORNA'S worthy Company
If would take part. Who did like Guest Agree.
Thus down they Sate MELVORNA'S Handsome way,
Civil Regard, Discourse conjoyn'd that Day
Much Pleasing prov'd; so that CMERMANTHE well
Could for Companion Choose, Thought, She'd excell,
I' th' close, Arcadian Grange, before Design'd,
But here sad Fears did Damp Conversing Mind:
Yet fram'd her Self. Concluded their Repast,
MELVORNA said (with Glance to th' Window cast)
She could not well, that later Hour, invite
To th' Garden- walks, CLERMANTHE joyn'd, The Sight,
Prospect thereof Contented her as then,
Till more Repos'd. MELVORNA said agen;
If rang small Silver Bell, Dispos'd whene're
For Walking was, Door should stand Open there.
And None disturb that time her privacy
More than She pleas'd. Thanks were return'd as free.
Done short Discourse, MELVORNA Fears exprest,
That She should prove Injurious to her Rest,
Then past Nine's Hour (that Month tho fair Twilight
Beheld abroad) wish'd strait to Her Good-night.
That Matron too, CLERMANTHE since Desir'd
To Dress her Self, Undress, took Leave, Retir'd.
Half-hour dissolv'd, She lay'd her down in Bed
Like Beautie's Mine, with Silken Quilt o'respread;
Clermanthe left alone.
Flowr'd Sattin Curtain's drawn; tho Sad the Heart,
Sense Drowsie grown, to slumber's Nightly part
Conformed prov'd: Sleep soon did bathe her Eyes,
Till Seav'n next Morn in Gentle Bands surprize.
Then Spirits cheer'd, She falls in sobrest fashion
To th' former Work, Behaviour's contemplation:
Since, Dinner past, encounter should (as 'twere)
BORGANES Strength; first Single Combat there.
Well slept the Lord, tho early Wakers be,
For Thoughtfulness did Partners prove, Agree.
She heard by Nine opened that Lobby- Door,
Then from that Place, on brave Good-morrow's Score,
Prime Musick sounds,
Good mor­row.
whose sweetly flowing Stream
Spread through the Air, in Consort joyn'd Supream
For th' Art-full Hands; Voices succeeded there,
Which last by Nature's Organs fram'd appear,
Are breath'd from Life, so th' Instruments excell'd,
Their Song it self most Amorously Swell'd
Through Love-conceits, to raise more fond Desire;
Warm colder Heart, Inflame where Former Fire:
She Sigh'd at all, bad End Presag'd and fear'd,
Those Courtly Forms so High, o're-strain'd appear'd.
Small Garden- Birds, at last, conjoyned too,
Shew'd Chanting round what Native Pow'r could Do.
She Din'd at Twelve, Two Dishes brought, no more.
That Matron left for Waiters, as before:
Eat pretty well, tho Qualm'd to think upon
Bad Second Course which should Succeed anon,
BORGANES there; All Voyded, carry'd thence,
She walk'd about, shewn Beauteous Excellence:
Near th' Hour of Two, her Musing's broke by Sound
Of Cornets heard from that small Garden-ground;
Such prov'd their Place besides (Conjoyned Those)
Three Ecchoes there did Dandle back the Close
Of ev'ry Strain, by Turns, in perfect way;
Retorted so like Nature's wanton Play,
Or sportive Dance; as Vaults and Walls thereby
Would speak their Joy, CLERMANTHE Lodg'd so nigh.
That Prologue past, BORGANES enter'd there,
Whose choisest Rube did Shining, Brave appear,
Flow'rs Silver, Gold; Pearl-buttons, large beheld;
Neck, Sleeves at th' hand with Rows of Gems excell'd;
Silk underneath: Same Buskins, garnished
Their Tops with Rubies, Pearl: on Gallant Head
Great, Flaunting Plume; like Princely Brides-Groom drest:
Young, hadsome Person too conjoyn'd to th' rest.
His Looks and Walk Proud, Amorous Mode display'd;
Giv'n Kiss-Salute (Both sitting down) He said,
Borganes courting Clermanthe.
Bright, Lovely Guest, having Convenient Pause
Afforded you for calm Retreat, because
Long Journey, Watch endur'd; to bar Complaint;
'Twas now Resolv'd, that Sober Visitant
I might appear: those Friendly Thoughts disclose
Lodg'd in my Brest. When Blush her Cheek o'reflows
She Thanks retun'd for's Lordship's Nobler way,
Kindness Vouchsaf'd; those Gems receiv'd last Day;
Things Lost in her Account. Grasp'd thereupon
Her whitest Hand, BORGANES thus went on:
Those mention'd Toys forego, Great Troop behind,
Like Harbingers, then Cheer perplexed Mind;
False Pris'ners Name can nothing Wrong, disgrace,
Where Truly Free; Commandress of this Place:
I shall be Your's my Self conjoyn'd beside,
No Vulgar Gift. CLERMANTHE again repli'd:
Those Words, my Lord, do Clouded, Dark appear,
Hold Double Sence, but th' Aim, Design whate're;
Methinks You should not Soyl your Greatness, State,
Nor Judgment Brand so far, to take for Mate
Such Homely Choice, Conjoyned Low Degree;
Mean Form and Birth. He Answer'd earnestly:
Love does not Prize grand Titles, Names alone,
Fond Shadows th' are; tho Noble Branch (unknown)
Your Self conceiv'd; for Person fair Prevent,
In my Esteem, all Doubtful Argument:
And tho I cannot Woo You as a Spouse,
Since choicest Wife Deceas'd, made Solemn Vowes
'Gainst that Estate (but Thraldom thought indeed,
Ʋnpleasing Bands) this may i' th' Room Succeed;
As Mistress I shall Court, Imbrace You so:
Be Constant, last. CLERMANTHE, Whose Blood did shew
Strange, Ebs and Tides for th' Crimson Stream, as then,
His Wanton Aim unveil'd, conjoyns agen:
Since so, my Lord, that You by Vows are bound
Against a Wife, I shall not on that Ground
Seek those to Break; unworthy Maid howe're
So high Regard; but yet, methinks, to bear
Your Mistress-Name You should Disdain, despise;
Ʋnchast withall. The Lord these Words replies:
Tho, Beauteous Nimph, found Pris'ner seiz'd by War,
I may Dispose of all You have, and are;
Appoint for Bed; yet such my Gentle Mind
Your own Good parts with Handsome Form combin'd,
That I shall Court your Grant e're Joy's Fruition;
Shew Servant-like. And for th' Unchast condition
You talked of, why should the Beasts more free
(Man 's Drudges born) that Pleasure take than We;
Leave those Fond Dreams, Conceits as far from True;
In th' Act of Love like Food pay Nature's Due.
CLERMANTHE saw the Wind began to Rise,
More Blust'ring grown; BORGANES Roll'd his Eyes;
Thus, Drooping Fear'd sad, Stormy Cloud from thence;
Best Sayls Withdrawn, us'd Anchor's Calm defence,
Mild, humble Way: her Person his Slave withall:
These words return'd: my Lord, first place I shall
This Favour beg, that You would Gently please
To Pause some time, for Cure of Love 's Disease;
Try whether Passion 's Force may Conquer'd shew
By Reason 's Pow'r, good Ransome taken so.
'Twere Simple Act (said He) that Task to prove,
When srongest Reason for't, as vain to move
For Ransome, Price; That Person 's Valu'd more,
Who's worthy thought these Armes. I pray implore,
CLERMANTHE joyn'd, large Time may be Allow'd
To calm my Heart, which Sadness doth o're-cloud,
Much Damp'd through Fortune 's Change, whose Qualm dis­graces
Both Body, Mind, unfit for Love 's imbraces.
Thus, not Deny'd, that Pause did Reason seem,
Sad Thoughts Weak Temper joyn'd; the Lord's esteem
Rais'd so likewise, Advanc'd; since less Approv'd
That Easie Girl, should fall when first was Mov'd
Into his Arm's: observed (next) a Maid
Her Self she call'd, more Nice that Way, o're-sway'd:
Some Time might be Allow'd upon that Score;
'Twould Heighten (last) Love's choice Delights the more.
Then talk'd at Large; first place his Travels told,
What Dangers there; Court-like did next unfold,
Gand Honour's heap; lastly his Commanding Pow'r,
High Government, Provincial Lord that hour:
In Each whereof shew'd Proud, vain-glorious Brest,
Short Chronicle of his own Praise exprest.
Which chang'd Discourse had Pleas'd CLERMANTHE well;
But after each Kind, her Form like Beauteous Spell
So Charm'd his Fancy through the Gazing Sence,
He could not hold from Wanton Violence:
Conceiv'd He had Rare Temperance descry'd,
That Longer Way of Argument beside.
Reach'd forth to Kiss; and tho She oft Withdraw,
Nice, Modest Look's conjoyn'd to Check, o're-aw;
Some Words withall; Nay, Pray, my Lord, excuse:
Nothing would Serve, BORGANES still Pursues
Her Lips till Seiz'd. Those Dainties must asswage;
Like Baits should prove for ev'ry Talking Stage
His Tongue o're-pass'd; Firm-Seal'd each Kissing Close,
Done often too: Love (said) poclaim'd by Those.
Strong Thoughts withall 't would Warm, prepare her Heart:
Who durst not Chide, nor Act the Scouling Part,
ORSAMN lest, THERSANDER Tortur'd be:
'Twas well if sav'd that Way her Chastity.
BORGANES (last) conjoyn'd, their Garden-door
Should Open stand when Rung that Bell (before
By th' Sister nam'd) or strait, if She desir'd;
With Proud Half-smile, slow, Stately Walk retir'd.
Clermanthe walks in the Garden.
CLERMANTHE then trac'd round, Distemper'd Way,
Her Chamber there for Troubled Mind's Allay,
Such th' endless Kissing Task; well pleased tho
That Rack withdrawn; did Cooler also grow.
After some Pause, Conceit their Garden-Air
With change of Place, might ease in Pensive Care,
She rung that Bell; which Signal giv'n alone,
Smaller Back-door (by th' Hangings hid, unknown)
Was strait Unlock'd: That Matron, there Descry'd
Ask'd, Would she Walk? CLERMANTHE fair reply'd;
She meant some time inth' Garden-walks to spend
If Private so: None should disturb, Offend,
The Matron said; Her Self would Wait above
Till She return'd; The Lord's Arch- Bawd did prove.
Down smaller Stairs to th' Garden-ground She pass'd,
Pleas'd, Kiss'd there by Gentle Gales (at last)
Stead of that Lord; Tormented more than Cloy'd
Those Warm Lascivious Bouts, now Pause enjoy'd.
'Twas Comfort too, First Clash so well oppos'd,
Ground laid for More; good Virgin-Fence disclos'd.
She softly Trac'd, Grief's Solemn Thoughts in part
That time Discharg'd, for more Contented Heart;
Sad Spirits cheer'd: So on Becalmed Shore
Weak Barks repair'd rough Storms confront the more.
She view'd their Flow'rs, May's fragrant Beauties shewing,
Green, dainty Knots, and Walks; small glance bestowing;
Prime carved Statues there for Art excell'd,
Wire-closed Room with choicest Birds beheld,
Which seem'd to chaunt her Welcome oft; fair She
Their Fellow- Pris'ner, joyn'd Captivity.
Walking enough, Sigh breath'd,
Clerman­the's trou­ble.
She made Retreat
To Arbour near, with Roses drest compleat.
Bad Sighing Cause, whose stranger Fortune shew'd
Like guilded Cup, with Poys'nous Draught o're-flow'd,
There Sitting down, She Thought-full ponder'd then
How best to Ward the Lord's Assaults agen.
Ransome was nam'd, prov'd Scorned tho, despis'd;
Crost Lust- Design; and were that valu'd, pris'd,
How loath'd to Move, while kept that Murtheress,
The Duke her Father in such Great Distress:
'Twas Prince (she thought) ORONTES should that Score
Discharge for Both, its Freedom did restore:
But Ransome pass'd for Dream; their Fortunes thus
Shew'd Dark, Confus'd, and Highly dangerous.
Nor durst She term her Self ORSAMNES Wife,
Fond, useless Plea, lest soon Destroy'd his Life.
BORGANES Words, that He would Visit so
Each other Day; did cheerful Pause bestow.
Thus, Hope preserv'd; near Seven, Supper's hour,
She mounts the Stairs with-drawn from th' Garden-bow'r.
The Ma­tron tempts Clermantis.
That Matron, e're did back return, made bold
(Well practis'd Part) her Thoughts thus to unfold.
CLERMANTHE inform'd, How Happy She might prove,
If would Comply with th' Earl BORGANES Love;
So Princely, Great, for Person, Parts admir'd:
And tho might well Constrain what He desir'd,
Did Court her Grant, esteem'd as choicest treasure;
Besides Himself, much Rare conjoyned Pleasure:
That Garden's use, brave Gallery at hand;
Might range the House, Horse, Charet both command
To take the Air, in daintiest Park below;
Next, Country-grounds; Her Self th' Attendant go,
His Sister call'd, when pleas'd; should Gorgeous shine,
Prove Wife indeed, tho Name of Concubine.
Her Brother, last, tho Eight had Slain, left Dead
Brother to th' Lord (till then not mentioned)
And Ʋncle (tho Six more) enlarged, Free:
BORGANES would Each Point confirm, agree.
CLERMANTHE saw her Bawd-like way, and Trade,
Prov'd Arm'd withall; short, Gentle Answer made,
As done to th' Lord Himself; no Granting One,
Nor lest Deny'd; Excuse, Demurs alone.
When Supper came, Two D [...]shes brought, no more,
But dainty Food; the Rest as Night before:
That ended, past, lest farther Talking cause,
Wish'd Privacy, the Matron strait with-draws.
ORSAMNES Room, THERSANDER'S both did stand
Delightful Way, remoter Fields command;
Large Nature's Draught, fine, Pleasant Prospect there;
Tho Her's by Art more Curious Ground appear.
From that Rock's height view'd Gallant Park below,
Where They could see BORGANES hunt the Doe,
And lofty crested Buck; Prime part of all
Their Silvan Chase, to th' Dying Funeral:
Heard Horns and Hounds, tho scarce their Sence at leisure;
Too Solemn Thoughts for such Discordant Pleasure.
BORGANES still each other Day renew'd
Fond Visits there,
Borganes way of vi­sits.
Surrender to conclude
O' th' Beauteous Fort; his Rampant Thoughts o're-aw'd,
And Pride extream (joyn'd Hunting Games abroad)
With utmost Art, that in the End he Might
Strong Fancy please, through Height'ned Love's delight;
Free closing Grant for mutual imbraces,
Or all Pretences Barr'd, such Lurking places.
Ne're tortur'd so by Self-restraint before;
At Second Time conjoyn'd o' th' Wanton Score,
For Pow'rful Grounds, what Matron did express,
Touching her self; those Grand Advantages,
Prerogatives (thought Mistress-like) should be
By Him perform'd; her Ʋncle, Brother Free.
His Manner was, giv'n first in Stately kind
Long Kiss-Salute, to Ask, next place combin'd,
If She enjoy'd yet Setled Thoughts, compos'd:
Her Answers Smooth, still Fair Regard disclos'd.
Hard Task conceiv'd so soon (She then exprest)
For that great Change to frame her Virgin- brest:
Still hopes withall, his Goodness might o're-sway
That Fancies Pow'r. Who Said, No Charm, Delay
Could Alter ought, nor Ransome taken be,
The Provinces, the Crown of Arcadie.
So chang'd Discourse, conjoyn'd oft-times, howe're,
That Amorous Charge those Kiss-encounters there,
Volley, Shot-like, as meant to take to Storm
Th' whole Garrison (to which She must Conform,
Sad, qualmish Heart) as would her Lips devour;
And leave none for ORSAMNES Self that Hour.
Those Fruit-repasts, since longer Pause, delay'd,
Should Fancy's Appetite conten (He said)
Till th' onely Food, that Meat Compleat of Love.
Thus, forc'd to bear (since Vain Excuses prove)
Th' Offensive Load; weigh'd her Enthrall'd estate,
Proud Temper, Harsh with which Ingag'd; sad Fate!
On her Wise Cards, well Acted part till ended,
ORSAMNES and THERSANDRE'S Cause depended.
'Twere Pleasing View to have Beheld what fashion,
This sweet Young Lady, aw'd by Pow'r, Lust, Passion,
Carry'd her Self; whose lips tho Suffer'd Rape,
Happy thus far th' whole Body chanc'd t' Escape:
Us'd Garden-walks sometimes for more Content
(Rung Silver Bell) tho Sad conceiv'd th' Event.
Tenth Day 'twas now,
Borganes fifth Visit.
Fifth Visit also there,
Near Two in th' Afternoon (same Hours they were)
BORGANES came; in Scarlet cloath'd, choice Dye,
With Gallant Lace and Gems adorn'd to th' Eye;
New Feathers flaunt. Had Buck run down that Day
For's Morning- Sport, then chang'd for Wanton play;
Renew'd his Female Chase, Domestick Man:
Giv'n Kiss-salute Thrice or'e, He thus began:
Speak, Beauteous Nimph, your Thoughts Composed now▪
Well calm'd your Heart! Serener grown that Brow
For kind Returns in th' Amorous Point of Love!
When Faintest glance, My Lord (said She) 'twould prove
More than Girl 's Task to rectifie a Frame
So much Disjoynted late (no smaller Main)
By Fortune 's Hand; than let me Beg how-e're,
Your Noble Breast would yet Dispence, forbear.
The Lord reply'd; You charge, bright Nimph, thus long
Ʋnjuster way Great Fortune 's Act with Wrong,
Since brought to Love 's kind, Friendly Arms: what's more,
Grand Person, Style conjoyn'd much Wealthy store.
I crave my Lord (said She) your Gentlest Gloss,
Ʋpon my Words, since former Freedom 's loss,
Joyn'd Chastitie 's, Injurious may appear,
Tho Walls of Gold, Bed Gems imbroyder'd there
BORGANES when: Those Things of meaner Weight
Through Fancy 's Pow'r to thier Gigantick height
Nurs'd, Foster'd are: cool Gales to Storms will rise,
Conceit them so. My Lord ( She then replies)
These Reall prove: New strangeness of the Thrall,
Faint Heart conjoyn'd both Plead for Me withall:
Ask longer Time: your Goodness claim'd from thence:
Sighs whisper'd forth their Softer Eloquence.
BORGANES Lowr'd; yet seeing her Gentle Strain,
Sole fault Demurs, becalm'd his Harsh Disdain;
Lust too in part; Ambitious Head to wear
Her Conquest- wreath, since Beauty's Star shin'd there,
Transcendent Form; thought Noble Rank beside:
Huge Fansie (last) what Joy, when Both comply'd,
In Love's Imbrace was found, Concordant Fire;
Her Lips with all gave Food to please Desire.
Prime choice Preserves; no Churlish Taunts exprest;
His Person too (thought) Warm'd the coldest Brest.
Well, Said the Lord, This Points prorogu'd a while
Some Business doth Disturb to Day, beguile.
Breaks th' Argument; Next Afternoon's agen
For Parley ordain'd, your faint, weak Heart till then
Rouse, strengthen, Cheer. To th' Kissing Task did fall,
Monstrous, extream; Her Fine conjoyn'd for All.
She dar'd not Low'r, ORSAMNES lest from thence,
THERSANDER both fell Dreadfull Consequence:
Was pleas'd this Day o're-past, and for to Morrow,
Some Hopeful ground did mitigate her Sorrow.
How Sad, perplext this Ladie's Fortune seem'd!
Submisful Pray'rs Demurs best Help esteem'd.
Next Afternoon BORGANES doth appear,
Borganes sixth Visit.
(Promise not broke) prime Gallant Garb did wear;
Choice Purple Velvet 'twas, imbroider'd high
With Silver, Gold; Buskins, brave Knots comply.
Saluting Her with Proud, advanced Crest,
Set down withall, his Language thus exprest.
Sad, Pensive Maid, I hope good Nature's Pow'r,
Discretion too Conjoyn'd, have well this Hour
Compos'd your Heart for kind Imbrace and Free,
Our Love's return. Scarce brought to that Degree,
My Lord, She said, (with Sober Glance) as might
Fit Hand-maid serve to Please your Appetite,
One farther Suit give leave to Name, which I
Presume your Pious Thoughts will not deny,
So sweetly Spoke that still She Charm'd,
Clerman­the's Suit to Borga.
His blust'ring Mood. What Suit? BORGANES said.
That first, my Lord, I may (She answer'd there)
Six days Devotion Keep, observ'd where-e're,
Some Yearly Rites to Pallace Honour done;
Next Morning through chief, Royal Town begun,
( Whence was my Birth) perform'd by Womankind
Since Goddess- name of Wisdom t' her Assign'd.
Which sacred Part shews Custom on Record;
And I conceive. You would not wish, my Lord,
This Body giv'n up then for Bed Ʋnchast;
Nor th' Hallow'd Even now that way Imbrac'd.
BORGANES Scoul'd, Things should so crosly fall;
True Custome 't was, well known through Greece withall;
Next Morn began, each May prov'd celebrated,
Like Frost to buds his Rampant Joy abated:
Yet still dispos'd to Please, some Thoughts beside,
PALLAS provok'd might spoil his Wanton Pride,
If such grand Deity; with short Demur
(Whilst She felt doubtful Qualm) thus Answer'd her:
Three Days I can, tho hardly, Grant, Allow.
When she Beseech'd, his Lordship would not now
Defraud the Goddess of her Ancient Right,
Nor her own Heart through Troubled Thoughts be night,
Which Clouded was before; increasing sorrow:
BORGANES Grants, tho Patience needs to Borrow.
Here Craving strait his Lordship's furtherance,
Command withall Things needful to advance,
That Matron came; by whom she was supply'd
With Olive-boughts, Flower's, certain Herbs beside.
Those First made Wreath that Goddess to present
Her branch proclaim'd; for sweetness, Ornament
The Flow'rs conjoyn'd, and strew'd i'th' Windows there:
Th' Herbs (last) Mysterious call'd: brought Spices were,
And choice Perfumes, which Evening, Morn did rise
In Fragrant Cloudsto Heaven for Sacrifice:
Still us'd sometimes their Garden-walks altho,
That Branched Bow'r, more cheer'd refreshment so.
Prime Truce 'twas thought? how sweet those Pauses be
To troubled Hearts in strange, Extream Degree,
None well can doubt; 'Twas like th' Enlarged Breath
Same strangling Cord withdrawn, Reprieve from Death:
So Dreadful Rape conceiv'd; faint Hope (but Glance)
That Heaven howe're might sent Deliverance.
MELVORNA fair (mean time) her Patient's Health
Through Cure regards,
Melvorna's love to Or­samnes.
till her own Heart by stealth
Did Wound receive. Transpierced through the Eye,
And wanted now, Kind Balms to pour, Apply,
ORSAMNES Hand; from Pitty grown to Love:
Which, whilst to Crush she thought, did mount above,
More sturdy far, like Tirant-Lord became;
So that Himself observ'd her changed Frame,
Both Looks and Words, tho scarce thought Love's Disaster;
Much less that Sore requir'd from Him the Plaister.
Wary their Talk, two armed Guardians there,
Inform'd by Her his Sister's Health howe're;
Her Six days close, Reserv'd Devotion Granted;
Joy to ORSAMNES Heart, which sadly panted
Through Fears of Her; yet Maid conceiv'd, unstain'd,
Free Pause that while: Told, th' Ʋncle well remain'd:
Contented more: foul Plots, presaging mind,
Were 'gainst CLERMANTHE'S Chastity design'd.
Tho midst her Solemn Task, far stranger Rites
Performed were, one of those Moonshine-Nights
Upon the Leads, just o're against her side,
Where builded large Two stately Tow'rs descry'd;
Her Roof adorn'd the Same, oppos'd to those;
The first of them did Pair of Stayrs inclose,
The Next, small Distance off, fine Lodging held,
Serv'd One o'th' Men whose craft in Stars excell'd.
Forth thence He came with swarthy Face and meager
Black, Garment worn, white Wand and Book, most eager
To making Circle falls; Strange Figures there.
E're long two Maids mounted the Top did bear
Wax- Taper Each, in Petticoats alone;
Who, Sign observ'd, walk'd to th' First Door, thereon
White Smock did lay, Back plac'd aloft well spread;
Then march'd Thrice round the Tow'r, whilst' th' Other Read▪
With Tapers first, next sprinkled Fountain-water
Last, Myrtle-leaves: (fair Venus-Branch) did scatter
Fond Joy, Vine: Then turn'd their Smock, the Breast
Upwards display'd; with Leaves that also Drest:
He Verses spoke, when sudden Whirlwind blew,
And Gently Danc'd those wanton Leaves in view.
They both to th' Circle walk'd, their Tapers bearing,
Glass shewn to them by Turns, in which appearing
Their Husbands Form: Contrived Plot that Night
I'th' Longing Mood: till, bent for plainer Sight,
Both march'd the Circle round, Bedew'd withall,
Strew'd that with Leaves; whilst Figures great and small
His Hand perform'd. Ent'ring the same, Affrai'd.
The Chief was rang'd (plump Lass, MELVORNA'S Maid)
Before his Brest; plac'd Landry-Wench behind;
He read from Book commanding Terms to Bind,
When from the Stairs well-formed Youth, in show
Gentle appear'd, Hand layd o'th' Brest, and so
Bending to Her, walk't strait behind last Tow'r:
Same Face she saw in th' Glass that wondrous Hour.
Then set before that Landry-Maid, whilst she
Retreats behind; By him pronounc'd agree
Same Blust'ring Terms: when Carcase of a Man
(Strange Spouse) came stalking forth, his march began;
Nodding to Her withdraws, with plain Death's Head;
Shewing the Grave should prove her Marriage Bed:
When she scarce startled seem'd, since was before,
Contemning Fates, inclin'd to play the Whore:
Life better far concluded from the Heart.
All throughly weigh'd: Both taking leaves depart:
He walk'd to th' Cabin-Tow'r, which Place did bring
From Stars above to downright Conjuring.
Those six Days past, which time the Noble Maid
Had often thought on best Resolves, display'd
Her strongest Hopes for choice Deliverance;
Some strange Event their Freedoms to advance;
But None appear'd; till near o'r-whelmed Brest:
Since now to her last Plot constrain'd, Distrest,
Last Fencing Ward; sole Anchor thought to be,
So nigh to Wrack her Virgin-Chastity:
Borganes visiting Clermanthe.
BORGANES came, that former Wanton Hour;
Still gallant, Brave to boast his Wealth and Pow'r;
Triumphant Looks withall, as Gain'd the Prize:
Such Caesar's us'd, when their victorious Eyes
Grand Spoyls observ'd: Kiss giv'n, salute he made
Short, sudden stop; her Gestures since display'd
Sad Gloominess; Like Damps from troubled Heart,
Disorder'd Mind: thus Blaz'd his own in part.
I Hope my calmness (Nymph) your late Devotion
Have hatcht no sullen Brod, nor strange Commotion
Within your thoughts, since clouded Eyes and brow;
I came your full consent to Challenge now;
That Fortress there, Assaulted long, Resign'd
To my Dispose. When Fainter Glance declin'd;
My Lord (she said) it proves my Grief, that I
Should still, tho more Ingag'd to Grant, Deny,
Your Patience beg: if Ask'd thereof the Ground,
This New Restraint, bad, secret Causes found
Within conjoyn'd ( which long before have seiz'd
Head, Body both) my Frame make so Diseas'd,
That, answ'ring your Desires, not Health alone
But Life's in Danger brought; and I am prone
To hope (my Lord) your Goodness may preserve,
And spare them Both. BORGANES might observe
Sighs breath'd withall, her Looks more faintly range;
These words exprest; I wonder at this change,
Since your Plump Cheeks small Sickness breach do shew,
Good colour, Blood conjoyn'd; Proclaimed tho
By you large Batteries: I deeply fear,
Proud, coy Disdain, some Froward mood howe're
This mock- Distemper wrought, these Qualms created;
Which First I scorn, the last most fouly Hated.
When gentlest she; That proud disdain, my Lord,
Next froward Mood, I humbly may Disown:
For weakness, last, that Fault's no wonder known
In Flesh and Blood; nor Apt my Cheeks, beside,
To tell forth a Disease, tho change descry'd
Not small in Them: I therefore Beg, Implore
Your Lordships tender thoughts: Time may restore
This Body's strength, and Partner make more able
For your Desires, not now considerable.
So sweetly Breath'd (True Causes to Complain,
Distemper'd Head) she charm'd him partly again:
He doubtful stands, confused Thoughts, as 't were;
Proud Heart sometimes, lest seem'd Neglected there,
Swell'd Boil'd aloft; then Lust's enraged Tide;
Till Reason warn'd, Perchance She not bely'd
Her Health that Hour: Strong Fancies (last) o'th' Pleasure
(Still constant Aim, reserv'd) in largest measure,
To th' height Enjoy'd o're-rul'd Him as before:
Orsamnes in a course of Physick.
Well (there He said) Six Days conjoyn'd yet more
I shall allow, Tho forged Plot, pretended,
Your strength t' Advance; prime Doctor's ai'd commended;
All Shifts thereby Debarr'd; his cautious Art
You'l scarce Deceive, tho Patience on my Part.
No Kiss-farewell, too Stout for Fondness grown,
Urg'd Sickly mood, like Storm withdraws o're-blown:
Such thought by Her: glad there CLERMANTHE seem'd,
From Virgin-wrack six Days again redeem'd.
Next Morn great Doctor came, with Gravest touch
Her Pulse did feel, Water observ'd as much;
Not far from Health, conceiv'd; sad Fumes altho
Clouding her Head, th' whole Bodie 's Frame might shew
Thence weakned more: the Stomach droop and fall,
Broke Nature's Rest through Watchful Thoughts withall.
(Those strength-Supports) which Ord'ring her own mind
Would Rectifie. Gave choice Receipts, design'd
To cleanse those Parts whence Harmful Vapours rise
Well clear'd the Spleen: with Cordial's (last) Supplies:
Took in his View: wherefore She waved none,
Dissembler else concluded thereupon:
Tho with Distemper'd Head most strongly She
Wish'd sharp Disease, apparent Maladie.
Was often too, by her Grand Doctor's care,
Prescrib'd to take below the Garden-Air;
Where having Walk'd, set down i' th' Branched Bow'r
Sigh'd, Mused oft; Wept forth moist, Pearly Show'r,
That Matron waits i' th' Chamber-Window still,
Made bold sometimes to use her Bawdy skill;
E're lock'd back-door, at last; Inform'd her there,
Her Lord from View would those Six Days forbear,
Left wrong'd their Physick-work, her Health withall;
Whose Absence pleas'd like freedom found in Thrall.
His Doctor tho vile Agent thought to be,
Should strength restore till lost Virginity.
Sixth Afternoon the Doctor told, Declar'd
His Learned Thoughts, but little Chang'd, impair'd
Her former strength, Convenient Temper then,
Tho troubled Mood might cause bad Fumes agen,
Disorder more: BORGANES Heart did please,
Now willful Qualm must prove her main Disease.
Borganes with Cler­manthe again.
Past th' hour of Five (too long that Night's delay)
His Lordship came, did Looks severe display.
Surpriz'd She was withall, far less Compos'd;
Last Thun'dring Storm (conceiv'd) that hour disclos'd.
Approaching near, same Clouded Eyes beheld,
Since troubled Heart (worse Anguish then Conceal'd)
Stout Pause he made; Plump Cheeks observ'd that time,
Fresh-colour'd too; choice Temper found, so Prime,
That Sorrow's hand had scarcely Plunder'd there,
Tho Lodg'd so long; small Spoyls from thence could bear.
The Lord demands; If Sickly Cause still vex'd her;
Or sullen Mood, Coy, froward Qualm perplex'd her;
By th' Doctor thought fit Partner for his Bed:
Strong frame restor'd. CLERMANTHE answered
Mild, gentle way ( of hope yet scarce bereav'd,
Tho Languishing) That Doctor was deceiv'd;
Nor could his Art with Wonders tho endu'd,
What she did Feel 'bove her own Sence conclude.
Cross Humour 'twas (BORGANES strait exprest)
That spoyl'd, Disturbed all from Wilful Brest,
If harm'd before; well practis'd Jugler's Trade
Prime Favour shewn with Cheats at last Repay'd.
Tyrant in Looks and Words, Imperious now
As known her Lord, put on Commanding Brow.
When Sighs with Tears conjoyn'd, most Humble She
Beg'd Gentle Thoughts, Forbearance, Clemency.
Vain Prayers (he said) thy Brother has thus long
Escap'd through Thee; Pamper'd and Heal'd, grown strong;
But now shall strait Discharge that Mortal Score,
By whom my Brother Slain, Sev'n Souldiers more.
(Tears wept She there, such May's soft Show'r discloses,
Which Christalliz'd her Cheeks bright Lillies, Roses)
And for thy Self, Coy Girl, convenient way
Shall teach Obedience, what I am. Display.
My Lord (She joyn'd; for my sad Brother's Crime
(If such there were) since prov'd that dangerous Time,
Defensive Act, it may for Pardon plead;
Ransome vouchsaf'd, like Crown adorn your Head.
And so for me your Gentle Beams I shall
Sill prostrate Crave. Such words, Tears joyn'd withall,
As might produce in Savage Brest compassion;
These mournful flow'd, those Sounded sweetest fashion.
Clermanthe threatned by Borga­nes.
Well (said the Lord,
Us'd Thund'ring Tongue) you're both enslaved Prize;
This Doom receive; if not next Noon, full ended,
E're, yeilding Grant strait brought, and Recommended
By th' Matron 's Voice, that Youth shall breath his Last:
Thy Rape Succeeds. Which Dreadful Judgement past,
My Lord (She said) tho should then for more
Dispensed Leave, yet longer Time implore,
I hope your Mercy may be found for Either:
Pearl-tears conjoyn'd: None (said the Lord) for Neither.
Vain prov'd Complaints, for now the Man was Right,
Himself become; Soft, gentle Thoughts take flight.
Most Proud he was and Lustful both, past change;
As Cruel too; Revengeful Flame not strange
Where crost, Oppos'd: n'er like Regard had shewn,
CLERMANTHE'S Charms that Pow'r could vaunt alone.
Thus, shaking th' Head; Go, sturdy Girl; He said;
Frown darted, last: left there th' or'e-whelmed Maid.
CLERMANTHE'S now through Direful streight distrest,
Grief-Labyrinth, Sad Thoughts, confounded Brest:
What Course remain'd? on Rack her Sould appear'd;
'Twas last Extream, tho long Presag'd and Fear'd.
If She Refuse, nor with his Lust Comply'd,
Next Afternoon the Lord ORSAMNES Dy'd.
If she did Grant, 'twould Wound her own sad Heart
And Fame to Death; Self-Murtheress in part.
That Way conceiv'd; most Loathsome to her Mind;
Here's Love to Him, to Virtue there Design'd.
The Last prevail'd, O're-came, much strength'ned tho
By Powerful Arguments: if Yielded so,
She likely lost ORSAMNES Love withall,
Tho sav'd his Life, were both discharg'd from Thrall;
Grand Forfeiture: still Friend perhaps Confess'd:
This farther thought, his Noble-temper'd Brest
Pure love preserv'd, did Goodness so advance,
He might Disdain that Life enjoy'd, perchance,
Which She should Purchase thus; o're-whelmed seem;
Such foul Deceit where Lodg'd so fair Esteem.
Nay, tho She Grant, the Tyrant's humour cloy'd,
He might howe're through Vengeance Fall, destroy'd
What credit, Faith in so unworthy Brest?
So vile thus far and Barbarous exprest?
What's more, his Death might prove to Her unknown,
Whilst they Affirm'd was Free, enlarged grown;
Dead th' Ʋncle too, she kept as Concubine:
Both ways Abus'd, thought Living Death's Design
Thing Possible throught strange Event, beside
Both might Escape that Doom, tho She deny'd.
If, lastly, Kill'd her Self, ORSAMNES sure
Was strait Condemn'd, should Mortal stroke endure.
Clerman­the's chaste resolve.
Thus, firm, Resolv'd She would not do that Base,
Unworthy Act; tho Dreadful found the Case:
Yet many a Sigh, sad Groan she breath'd, howe're,
For that hard Vote since did Ʋnkind appear.
Past th' hour of Twelve Sleep charm'd her drowsie Sence,
Took Pitty of most vertuous excellence.
BORGANES now, that he was Gull'd, deluded
By Female slights (strange Patience lost) Concluded;
Froward Neglect, not nice Conceit alone
Coy Virgin mood (if Cause thereof were know)
Which swell'd far more Disdainful Wrath, grand Pride;
Since handsome Person thought by none out-vv'd;
Few could his Charge withstand, make long Demur,
Much less inthralled Slave, so counting Her;
Joyn'd Greatness, Parts: Next Chief, Transendent Aim,
Compliance Cross'd; unanswer'd wanton Flame.
Now Burn'd Revenge; and thus the Spleen began;
ORSAMNES Dyes, his Brother's Slaughter-man.
Sev'n Souldiers more: Her Rape like Justice pleas'd,
If Granted not tho Death her Brother Seiz'd.
That Hour's declar'd for his appointed Doom;
Orsamnes death de­creed.
Which being o're-heard, MELVORNA i' th' next Room
(Half- Sister call'd before, and well Inclin'd)
In whose soft Heart Love, Pity were Combin'd,
Deep Wound it gave; to th' Chamber She retir'd,
Where 'gainst her Peace Tumultuous Thoughts conspir'd:
Strange Agony possess'd, Tormenting Fit,
Knowing BORGANES Wrath would surely hit,
Judgement pronounc'd. And tho her tender Soul
That Act abhor'd, yet could She nought Controul,
Nor Change, perswade his sturdy Mood, howe're;
Conjoyn'd withall, her Worldly Fortunes there
Sprung from that Brother's Hand, who Thwarting hated.
Thus, Doubtful Sad, whilst with her self Debated,
She onely dar'd (bold Point conceiv'd) by Lines
Inform'd ORSAMNES of those Black Designs.
Letter from MELVORNA.
Learn, Sir, from hence BORGANES Wrath, whose Ground
Doth Mortal prove, lost Brother's Blood, Renown'd;
Kill'd Seven more; tho Chief conjoyned Cause
Your Sister's chast Delay's if still withdraws,
Next Noon refuse, your Death makes Satisfaction,
Her Ravishment; no ling'ring stop, protraction;
Quick, Certain both: Ransoms contemn'd, Whate're:
And tho My Self too Feeble Maid appear
On your behalf, yet thought I to Inform;
That so you might Prevent that fatal Storm,
If possible, or else Prepare for Dying:
This Charity weak troubled Heart supplying.
Seven's Evening-Hour then come for Visit too,
(Next Morn the Last, when Cur'd, no more to do)
She thither walk'd, where Four did Armed stand;
Her Work perform'd, drop'd slily into his Hand
That smaller Note, unmarked by the Rest;
Next Morn by Eight She should Conclude; Exprest:
So, taking leave (close Sigh conjoyn'd) Retir'd:
ORSAMNES Heart found wond'ring Cause, Admir'd.
Door Lock'd again,
Orsamnes trouble.
that Paper he Survey'd
Dismal Contents; Perplexed more, dismay'd
For wrong'd CLERMANTHE than himself became;
Thus softly Breath'd; Ah, Tyrant's cruel Flame!
Poor, harmless Dove! For, cast but smaller Glance,
These dreadful Points through stronger Circumstance
Did Truth appear; That Person's Worth beside;
Four, not unarm'd, for Guard of late descry'd:
BORGANES Looks no less did Represent
First hour, He thought, at least her Ravishment.
Thus stands he still sometimes, Deep, musing fashion,
Then Walk'd about; Next, frown'd through Indignation:
Why Ransome scorn'd but for such Vile Regard?
So strong the Room, Escape Night, Day debarr'd.
Nor Arm'd to break through those four Men did prove,
Pass th' House and Gates, or Free in time his Love
Tho free'd Himself; by th' Lord soon Ravished;
Through Lustfull spite; THERSANDER Murther'd, Dead.
No Way conceiv'd but stoutly to Endure:
Yet if next Morn by Eight, for Perfect Cure,
MELVORNA came, Something He Forg'd, design'd,
Which might perchance Allay his Troubled Mind.
MELVORNA kept next morn her Hour for Close
O' th' Surgeon's Work, when time ORSAMNES chose.
Orsamnes suit to Bor­ganes.
All done, t' Intreat (o're-heard by th' Guard as then)
That She to Beg would please, since wanted Pen,
Thatfavour from BORGANES Hand, that He
Might move his Sister strait, Adviser be
Strong Hopes to Bow that Way, beyond All other,
If might Converse; use frankness of a Brother.
Tho Strengthning more, Sad last Farewell intended.
She said, His Message should be Recommended.
Departing thus, call'd Witness Guardian,
The Suit prefer'd; whereto, then boist'rous Man,
Somewhat imploy'd, the Lord no Answer made
But Frowns alone; sharp Language so repay'd.
CLERMANTHE too that Morning wak'd agen
With same resolve, tho thought,
Clerman­the's sad­ness.
She saw as then
ORSAMNES Funeral- Day; dark, Cloudy Skies
Like Sables worn; moist, sadly streaming Fyes;
Whilst those dropt gentle Show'rs as both would there
Conjoyn'd in Solemn Obsequies appear.
Disturb'd e're long She prov'd with Croaking Noise
From Ravens sent (strong Morning-Waits) whose Voice
Seem'd Ominous, caus'd sad, Presaging Brest.
By Ten again, that time completely drest,
Glancing through Window's glass o' th' Garden-side,
Stout Falcon seize with Tyrant-pow'r, descry'd,
Small harmless Dove, whose tender Flesh became
His choice Repast; She Wept, bewayl'd the same:
Bad Signs conceiv'd; The First did seem t' unfold
ORSAMNES Death, her Rape the Last foretold.
She Arm'd her Heart for All by meditation;
Grief's more Endur'd through serious Preparation.
Dinner being brought, she said, She would Eat none,
Nor Supper taste, for Private Reasons known:
No Granting sent by th' Matron to her Lord,
Forbearance Crav'd; which swell'd his Rage, abhor'd.
Past th' Hour of Three, whilst walked cross the Room
Still casting Glance (since fear'd ORSAMNES Doom)
To th' Window that his Chamber- Stairs beheld,
She heard loud Noise which tramplers Feet Reveal'd;
Soon after Saw brought down to th' Court (Pav'd Floor)
A dismal Corps, view'd Winding- Sheet, no more,
By Two convey'd; the Face then covered;
Some walking by, her Heart then closely Bled;
Since strait Confirm'd ORSAMNES 'twas by All,
No Coffin, Cloth, Course Shroud for Funeral
Thought good enough; by Scullions born below,
Those being his Stairs (that Matron told her so)
BORGANES Threats that very Time (as fear'd)
When Dinner done; right length and breadth appear'd.
That Under- Guardian follow'd Them (espy'd
Long since by Her) with Keys in th' Hand beside.
Carry'd from thence beyond the Gate, small Green,
(What Sighs and Groans) Grave there directly seen;
The view'd no more; that for last Couch, retreat,
Dark Curtains drawn, spread th' Earthen Coverlet:
When Groaning loud,
Clerman­the's long complaint.
through Sorrow strait struck Dumb,
Finding with all her Legs too Weak become,
For th' Heavy Heart, Grief's monstrous weight to bear,
She rouled down o' th' Bed; Supportment there,
Then beats her Brest, as that would Charging Brand
With her Lord's Death, not Vile BORGANES Hand:
Guilty thus far Conceiv'd, Disast'rous Cause,
Since th' Act refus'd, so by BORGANES Laws
ORSAMNES Dy'd: strange Case appear'd, that She
Without his Fall could not Chast, Vi [...]tuous be.
Then Horrid Thoughts her Mind did over Cloud
Through Passion's strength, Death th' onely Ease allow'd.
Long'd for That seem'd, Hopes of his Life before,
Now Dead by her beheld must still Deplore.
Her Rape Death-like; why not Ʋs'd shortest Way
By her own Hand? th' Enlarged Soul might stray
After her Lord, belov'd ORSAMNES find
In th' other World; their Ghosts howe're Combin'd:
Grief Slain withall (since Life but Rack'd, Tormented)
Joyn'd some Revenge, BORGANES Rape prevented.
Then Sob'rer Thoughts; Hope rather Pow'rs Divine
Might cross that Ravishment, base Lust-design;
Before that Hour ordain some Speedy Death,
Through Apoplex, Impostume seize her Breath.
Nor for that Act lest deadly thing there known,
Knife, Sizars, Bodkin, Garters caught and gon;
BORGANES saying, He'd wear like Favours Those;
Bed-cords were left alone for, strangling Close.
Thus sev'ral ways perplexed Mind beside,
Which might in Part o're-whelmed Thoughts divide
From that Grand Loss, ORSAMNES Death complaining,
That's Sense Allay'd; her own sad Doom remaining.
Each nearer Noise did Clap of Thunder shew,
Rape's storm at hand; th' Heart's Trembling caused so.
Past Sev'n it prov'd, no Supper brought howe're.
Nor Bed was made; by Her forbidden there.
She lay Reserv'd till Nine, o're-clouded Skies
Fit Season for that Ravishment, Surprize:
When plainly heard unlock'd the outmost Door,
BORGANES thought, some Trampling Noise next Floor;
Unlock'd her own, Dove's terrour felt She then,
Near th' Eagle's Claw; lock'd strait the same agen,
As tho he single stay'd, might Trial use
For Grant, at last, call more if she Refuse:
Next, bind Her to th' Bed-posts; enjoy'd at Pleasure
Such his Intent e're Grasp'd the Beauteous Treasure.
There casting Glance, half Curtain drawn, Descry'd
Dim Taper's beams, heard Gentle steps beside:
When Gazing wildly forth, She strait beheld
ORSAMNES Form which lately so excell'd,
Now Fainter looks conceiv'd, and Paler-fac'd;
White Linnen- Cap, Shirt only down to th' Wast;
Ghastly, as thought, his Ghost conceived there,
Such dismal kind Her self might then appear.
She thus began; If th' Art ORSAMNES shade,
My Longer Life do'st come to Check, upbraid:
Orsamnes came to Clerman­the.
ORSAMNES, stopt her Voice by sign (soon ended)
Hand on his Mouth, which softest speech attended.
CLERMANTHE, Peace (pointing to those at Door)
I True ORSAMNES am; Breath as before:
Tho scarce confirm'd, till felt his Hand and Lips:
So, raised Her from that Dark- Bed's Eclips,
(Lest Speech o're-heard) did lead to th' furthest wall,
Where found Couch-chair, soft Voice injoyn'd withall;
Both sitting down, She told with Panting Heart,
Did first what caus'd that Strange mistake impart;
View'd dismal Corps; what Torment bred, reveal'd
Next, thoughts of Death, what way those Clouds dispell'd.
Third place conjoyn'd, why She would not comply,
But th' Act delay'd, ORSAMNES tho might Dye;
Which Grounds you heard before; ORSAMNES when
Applauded All; inform'd her Self agen
MELVORNA'S Lines; who (lastly) th' Agent prov'd
For this short Grant, to view his Dear-belov'd.
Joyn'd the whole Cause: longing (He said) to take
Last sad Farewel, I choice Pretence did make,
For this Salute, as tho through my Perswasion
You might be Won to Yield; which strange Oration
I ne're shall Breath, tho Death's avoided thence,
But Cross, Oppose with strongest Eloquence:
Life on such Terms disdain'd; your Grounds allow'd
Keep Virtue still, tho Fate these Eyes o're-cloud.
CLERMANTHE when, It much, my Lord, Allays
Sharp Sorrow's Wound, since You conjoyn and Praise
My Act thus far; Hopes of your Life howe're:
But speak, My Lord, altho I Ravish'd were,
Would You still Love me as Friend, both free'd, Enlarg'd?
Since name of Wife cast off, that Thought's Discharg'd.
My Dearest Choice, ORSAMNES joyn'd again:
I Constant am: my Love Chief Cause (complain)
To those Grand Streights your Person so Expos'd:
Pure Virgin- mind in th' Act withall Disclos'd:
That Nobler Part does still Enamour Me,
For Real Friend bound in Supream Degree:
I'll Dwell with You ( if Please) like Dearest Brother,
And tho not Wife, Vow ne'r to Wed Another:
Thus shewing Your 's that Single way confin'd
From all the World, my Heart to You Resign'd.
CLARMANTHE there: those Gentle Words exprest
Do much, my Lord, Confirm, this Troubled Brest,
May satisfie; were You but Well Restor'd
Alive and Free, whate're my Case deplor'd.
My Souls late Joy, (ORSAMNES then, whilst Breath
Conclude me Thine, expect howe're my Death:
Hope brought to th' Gasp: You that such Torment found,
My Loss bewail'd since Three on Fancy'd Ground,
May better far the True Sustain (so nigh)
My Real Doom. She joyn'd with Tears reply;
I Mourn'd indeed upon this Chamber's Stage
In doleful Form, as at the Hermitage;
But Living now too Loose; I dur'st not yet
My hope Discharge. Then Faintest Hope permit,
( ORSAMNES said) lest deeper Wound from thence;
Shun'd those black Thoughts, Self- murth'ring Violence,
We Mortals are Subject to various Change,
Like those Four Seasons prove, which Wander, Range;
Or blust'ring Winds; for th' outward Fortunes so,
And Bodies both; much Frail, Ʋncertain shew:
I'm full Resolv'd: if Fate should seize on Me,
Love still thy Dead ORSAMNES Memory.
Tears streamed there, drown'd those Fair Orbs, her Eyes,
Sighs stop'd her Tongue, sad Pantings th' Heart surprize;
Falling on's Brest, as tho last Mournful Score
Would than Discharge, or Dye her self before
In his own View; whom he with Arms upheld,
That fainting Treasure th' Indies both excell'd:
Torn manly Heart: till rouzing Spirits again,
By Kiss reviv'd, She speaks with doleful Strain:
Know, my dear Lord; kind Thoughts of You each hour
Shall last till Death destroys Rememb'ring Pow'r.
ORSAMNES when, I owe to Nature said,
That Mortal Debt which now proves early Pay'd,
Some Fourty Years cut off; this World howe're
I've well observ'd, and known much Sorrow there;
Worst Change conceiv'd from thee to Go, Depart,
That keenest makes Death 's cold and frozen Dart.
My Lord (She said) how still do's Height'ned prove
My Loss Extream through This Transcendent Love
To all conjoyn'd: Life burth'nous grown from thence,
Follow I may e're long such Excellence;
Much more that Kind and Sad Discourse to th' last,
Dismal Compound, till Hour and Half o're-past.
ORSAMNES then; my Death I do Conclude
Will sudden seize, as my last Sleep intrude
This very Night; if short resolving Pause
You can't Obtain, before my self withdraws,
Till th' hour of Eight, next Morn; 'tis my desire
(No Change then found) by Day- light to Expire.
I'll try, my Lord (said She) tho make to Swell
His Lustful Rage. Both seal'd last Kiss-farewell,
When She did Faint again, till by another
Revived seem'd; Each grasp'd the Hand o'th' other,
Sigh'd, wept for Close: to th' Door they walked then,
Giv'n gentle knock, 'twas opened strait agen.
Clerman­the's last suit to Bor­ganes.
Six Arm'd for Guard, that Matron there did stand,
Who ask'd, if She would stoop to th' Lord's Demand.
CLERMANTHE pray'd, She would beseech him there,
For that night's Pause, till Eight next morn forbear;
Since sick through watchful Hours distemper'd grown
To strange Degree. Her suit should be made known,
Th' Other repli'd, tho 't would her Lord incense:
Return'd with Grant (why did so far Dispense
We shall unfold) That Hour requir'd (exprest)
Her plain Resolve: some Ease to tortur'd Brest,
ORSAMNES thus, the Lady being spread
(As found her there) upon her mournful Bed,
Was guarded strait to's Chamber- Jayl, confin'd;
Where musing lay through sad, disturbed Mind.
BORGANES (know) did sculk thus long at Door
Which down to th' Garden led, plac'd there before
ORSAMNES brought, Dark-Lanthorn ranged by;
Prime Ambush 't was for th' Hearing Part, more nigh;
Since did conclude, They'd chuse that farthest End.
Couch- Chair for all: This Door might help, befriend.
That Morning He their Conference delay'd,
Besides Affairs, since Hop'd, th' Enthralled Maid
Would Grant herself at Noon; nor Leisure then,
Till night Defer'd (convenient Hour) agen:
Close dark approach. ORSAMNES, fearing Death,
Might use imploy his utmost, Talking Breath,
Strong'st Arguments ( he thought) to change her Mind:
No hopeful Way for's Wanton Aim declin'd.
To th' Lock-hole joyn'd his Ear, unheard, unseen;
Those Hangings parted well for th' Door between.
But softer- Voic'd, besides the Noble pair
Strait farthest off withdrawn from their Couch-chair
That Door observ'd; ORSAMNES Back to him,
Faint, murmur-like their lost Discourse did seem.
This heard; small Groan [my Dearest Choice] exprest:
[ My Soul's late Joy, conclude me thine] to th' rest,
More strongly Breath'd from fervent Thoughts, more High;
Deep Lover's Both Declared strait thereby.
Yet might the Man for Life good Agent prove,
Advise so far, She Grant in tender Love.
[Pure Virgin mind] That heard conjoyned more;
Thence shew'd still Perfect Maid, as thought before.
This, Lustful Mood, and Anger both would Please
First Grasp'd his Virgin-Wench, Flames to appease
( Maid thought since found so Lodg'd apart we told)
Choice daintiest Dish: next place, through Fear controul'd,
Giv'n from Himself, by his own Hand Presented;
Th' Heart Rack'd (as 'twere) tho Life enjoy'd, Torment­ed:
Prime Taster thus, till sought perchance Another,
Stomach grown cloy'd, Reveng'd withall Slain Brother.
Glad found their Cheat, that Matron met below,
Night's Pause conjoyn'd, her Answer since did shew
Plain yieldingness; if chang'd next Morn, deny'd;
He knew what Way to take, ORSAMNES Dy'd:
Could Heighten all from many a fearful Dream,
Dead Brother's Ghost, found Horror thence extream:
That Amorous Youth in Grave, She might resign.
Love's Fortress strait, observant Concubine.
That Corps She saw Aegyptian Slave did prove,
Which for some Crime was Pris'ner kept above
ORSAMNES Stairs, and Lash'd Diseased Dy'd;
For whom that mean, base Funeral descry'd.
CLERMANTHE lay, sad, watchful Thoughts, on Bed,
Small Slumber so; next Morn disturbance bred
(The same to th' Lords) by Trumpets War-like Sound,
Whose joyned Noyse their Castle-walls rebound.
When Eight that Matron came, unlock'd the Dore;
Bid's her Resolve; last time, BORGANES Swore.
Clerman­the's con­stant way.
Much weak she was; that ling'ring Plea renew'd:
For Mercy towards her Self and Brother su'd.
That Matron then Inform'd by th' Lord's Command,
Eleven the Hour, if She did waiting stand
At her Court-Casement there, She should behold
That Tragick Sight which He but late foretold.
Door lock'd again, now Gall'd o're-whelmed Heart,
She trod the Room, to th' window Glance in part:
Till nigh Ten's Hour, more Wonder caused there
Loud Musick's noise: Cornets, Recorders were
Shalm, Sackbuts heard, great trampling through the Court:
This Pageant saw beneath of stranger sort.
Jove's Statue 't was,
A [...]strange show.
on whose curl'd Head did stand
Imperial Crown; shafts grasped in his Hand
For Thunder-bolts; blue Mantle, like the Skie
Adorn'd with Stars, in Charret plac'd to th' eye,
Globe at his Foot: the side did Eagle bear;
One thrusting on the Wheels, encompass'd there
With Painted Cloth like Clouds, that trouling Hour,
So seem'd to move by th' God's Transcendent Pow'r.
Priest formost walk'd, Musicians on each side,
Silk Coats, with Garlands too, in Flaunting Pride:
BORGANES next did March, Triumphant Way,
Worn Glist'ring Cloaths; large Train the Reer display.
For Cause of all that Noise, this show related,
His Birth-day 't was, observ'd, well Celebrated;
Then from the Altar came, done Sacrifizing,
I' th' corner of that Court small Temple rising:
Not that such Love to th' Gods, or Honour shew'd;
But ostentation Pleas'd, thought Prince-like mode.
Thus Jove from thence was softly born along
(Fine Progress through smooth-paved Floor, that Throng,
To th' upper end o'th' Hall, where Cloth of State
By th' Hour of Twelve should Table have with plate,
Choice, dainty Meats; as tho the Lord would bring,
Jove us'd like Guest, new Banquet-Offering;
Priest by for Servitor, Board voided then,
Should ride in Pomp to's Temple-walls agen:
Long glancing there, the Noise of Drums was heard,
For Action of more solemn kind, regard
Intended prov'd; Dreadful, presaging Fear;
When she beheld BORGANES strait appear,
Troop from the Hall: this mournful show ensu'd,
ORSAMNES self e're long brought down she view'd
By Ruffians (then strangly o're-whelmed Brest)
Th' Arms ty'd behind, black consequence exprest:
Shirt down to th' Wast, no more, white Cap discern'd;
Still gallant Form, tho sadly'st there Concern'd;
Undaunted Looks, Calm, guiltless Thoughts declar'd
To grapple strait with direful Doom prepar'd.
BORGANES words, That he to Justice now,
Next Jove supream, would sacrifice allow,
Pale Brother's Ghost withall; that Day being Born,
Twin to himself, CLERMANTHE Groan'd, Forlorn.
Thus 'mongst the Guard whilst farther did Advance,
He cast to th' Casement there Kind, sober glance,
Held open view'd; which then seem'd wounding Dart
(Tho lately Pleas'd) to her confounded Heart.
So through the Court was led to th' joyning Green
(That Front by th' Gate low, cloister'd walk) well seen,
Too plain perceiv'd; there Ty'd with Dismal Band
To Post She saw, by th' Lord's express command;
Now Naked half, like Statue (thus compell'd)
White Marble, pure, tho living Eyes beheld.
Six Archers o're against him Rang'd, Bows bent,
Which Serjeants of black Death might Represent;
Should Aim at th' Heart, Life's Fortress call'd, and bring,
From distant Ground, Stern Fate o'th' swiftest Wing.
There loud she spoke;
Clerman­the's tru­ble.
O Heav'ns! what view descry'd
To Blast my Soul (th' Hands sadly wrung beside,
Brest beats how oft! Sighs seem'd with Tears compounded)
Break, break my Heart, withall Words mournful sounded.
Thus, manly Face, resolved Thoughts (whate're)
For Death's cold charge, might serious then appear,
More Solemn turn'd; Eyes cast to Heav'n compos'd:
Cap's drawn beneath, with Darkness all inclos'd:
Whilst long brown Locks, mov'd oft by Gentle wind.
Seem'd Kist (as't were) for last Farewell, entwin'd.
Now Faint she prov'd, despair'd, half closed Eyes,
As waited for same Deadly Trance, surprize;
Near Sunk withall: When loudly strained voice,
That call'd, Hold, Hold; great Trampling Horsmen's Noyse
Open'd Them quite again, part wakened there
Her Drooping Soul; since first did Dream appear:
Then all their Hats pluck'd off beheld, young Man
Gallop to th' Lord, whereby Demur began;
View'd Handsome Form, brave cloaths, large Train from thence,
BORGANES Self strait bare through Reverence:
Speaking to whom, Turn'd up in Haste she saw
ORSAMNES Cap; more speech conjoyn'd, withdraw
Those Archers there, his Bodie; Arms, unbound;
When plainly seem'd Awake, revival found.
It was their Young Laconian Prince indeed,
The Laco­nian Prince.
Who ranged had those Parts, convenient Breed
For th' Hunting Game; lik'd well that Recreation;
Own'd warlike Thoughts withall: did take Occasion,
Their Borders found so Nigh, to View, behold
Those strong, Arcadian Forts (we lately told)
Were Seiz'd by them before they did Invade,
And Pris'ners took both Lords, the Noble Maid.
Returning Home, He thought some Hours to rest,
Then Hunt i' th' Park, BORGANES Royal Guest.
Ent'ring the Green, that Mournful Show descry'd
Choice, Gallant Limbs, Gentile lower Garb beside,
He call'd to stop the Doom, till more was known;
Which made them Glance, strait hold their Hands each one,
Nicking then Shafts, Word giv'n should all let fly.
Speaking to th' Lord, they Unveil'd his Face to th' Eye;
When Gallant Form, prime Countenance beheld,
Undaunted Brow, thought scarcely Parallell'd:
Seem'd his own Years. Asking, what was th' Offence;
BORGANES told; joyn'd Height'ning Grounds from thence,
Ghost-Dreams, as heard before. The Prince inclin'd
To gentler Thoughts, thus blaz'd his virtuous Mind.
My Lord, we'll Grant, your Noble Brother 's Fate,
Sev'n Death 's conjoyn'd, might rise to Mournful Rate;
O' th' Pris'ners Life you may withall dispose
Subdeu'd by War; yet since that Action shews
Prime manly Valour's Stamp, Defensive Ground,
Choice Person (last) let not hard Thoughts be found,
I pray, intreat, if he's Redeem'd by Me,
Ransome discharg'd: your Dreams tho Frightful be,
I am Confirm'd they'l cease, when Tryal prov'd,
That Object; Cause thereof Withdrawn, Remov'd,
Strong Fancies Pow'r, whilst here He Stays, and Passion
Do forge, Produce that Ghost-like Aggravation.
BORGANES gall'd, as felt his own hard Brest
By th' Archers struck, sad Grant, these words exprest:
Sir, I shall hope what you Presage, declin'd
Orsamnes given up to the Prince.
Those former Fears; He's now your Slave, resign'd,
From Ransome free: Then strait intreats, His Grace
Would enter th' House, there take Refreshment-Glass,
Soon after Dine. Pointed towards the Court,
Speech with ORSAMNES fear'd, nam'd Hunting sport
Ask'd, where his last. The Prince, Drawn on before,
I'll send for Him when Din'd; loud spake, no more.
BORGANES whisper'd strait that Guardian,
To keep him Close, lock'd from the Prince's Train,
CLERMANTHE, lest reveal'd; forewarn'd withall
No Servants Blab what Pris'ners left in Thrall.
Thus, on they march'd; ORSAMNES, being unty'd,
Most Eager seem'd to thank the Prince, beside
Beg for CLERMANTHE, whose danger thought like Death;
Tho sav'd himself; but forc'd to spare that Breath,
By th' Archers strait, stern Guardian o're-sway'd,
Encompass'd round; Point barbarous (They said)
Slave to Intrude, his Highness tho exprest,
He'd send for Him: that partly eas'd sad Breast,
Those words o're-heard; half naked (lastly) then:
Thus hopeful, Cheer'd, to th' Chamber brought agen.
CLERMANTHE too, upon that Boarded ground
Gave thanks to Heav'n, from whence the Rescue found,
Where first beheld; thoughts comfortable grown;
Glimps of Sun-shine that dreadful Storm o're-grown.
Her Ravishment whilst stay'd the Prince, as 't were,
(So heard him stil'd) conceiv'd avoided there:
Good hopes withall ORSAMNES would, if Free,
Gain her release from Rape, Captivity.
MELVORNA (last) kept doleful Feast in Bed,
Melvor­na's trou­ble.
Dining on Grief, or Grief like Vultur fed
Upon her gentle Brest; strange Rack endur'd
Through brave ORSAMNES Doom, so lately cur'd:
When th' Maid by chance (tho fear'd disturbing Fault)
Inform'd, the Prince had his Redemption wrought,
Would take along to th' Court; which strait reviv'd,
Cast down withall, of hope that way depriv'd:
For, Love complain'd, tho Charity's contented,
Caus'd drooping Heart, great ease, since thought prevented
CLERMANTHE'S Rape, to th' Brother Favour shown
Might fetch her off: lov'd Rival there unknown.
Now Trumpets noise, loud Musick strait was heard,
Borganes feast.
Meat dancing up; their Prince with grand regard
Plac'd at Board's end, Alone, that part supply'd
With choicest Food; most gallant Feast descry'd.
Somewhat beneath BORGANES Sat, great store
Of worthy Rank; on th' other side, same Floor
The Prince's Train; best end reserv'd o' th' Hall,
Where Jove beheld, BORGANES choice withall
Honour'd that Room to bear him company;
Who had his board of Dainties too, most free;
Prime Cloth of State advanc'd, did Sober dine
With looking on; accept for Food Divine.
Soft Musick gave their Ears no mean repast
From Skilful Hands, rare Voices joyn'd at last.
BORGANES, tho ne're Birth with less content
Did Solemnize, Heart Qualm'd through this event;
Like Wrack such Courtly forms to th' tortur'd Brain,
Whilst thoughts of losing fair CLARMANTHE again:
Tost by th' four Winds his Brest appear'd through Passion
Lust's Funeral in that grand Celebration.
Yet midst Despair, would strive the Prince to draw
To th' Park beneath, e're next ORSAMNES saw,
CLERMANTHE so conceal'd; done Hunting sport,
Seek to imploy with Games of youthful sort,
Fine Shows conjoyn'd till Supper-time, and Bed;
Then all display'd, torn Heart, Tempestuous Head.
The Prince sent for by Post.
Scarce dinner done, when Post came from the King,
Enter'd the Hall, harsh Message tho did bring;
The Prince should hast to th' Court, if thought to find
Dear Mother there Alive, whose earnest mind
Was him to View (in dangerous estate
Threescore Miles off) e're seized prov'd by Fate.
This heard, He Starts, leap'd from the board, Sad brow'd,
BORGANES thank'd; call'd for his Horse aloud;
Eight should ride Post on th' ablest Beasts, the rest
Come with ORSAMNES afterwards, exprest.
BORGANES too cry'd, Fly, to his own Men,
Th' Horses still kept for Hunting sadled then:
Waits on the Prince, who hurry'd through the Court,
By th' Lady view'd, mounted in hasty sort;
Like boist'rous Wind departs, o' th' gallop gone,
Which strangeness caus'd Heart-Pantings thereupon.
Back came the Lord, whose Joy did equallize
The Prince's Grief, reserved, sav'd best Prize;
Choice Wisdom thought, that timely way Allur'd,
Drawn off the Prince through courteous Charms, secur'd
ORSAMNES, last; no Pleading now for's Love;
Day's Journey and half e're reach'd the Court 'twould prove,
Long threescore Miles; next Night (Revenge, content)
Could close with fair CLERMANTHE'S Ravishment.
Those left behind were still detain'd i' th' Hall,
Should their King's health and Queen's carouse withall,
Till th' Prince far off: ORSAMNES then back-way
To th' Stables led, where those with Horse did stay,
To gull CLERMANTHE'S sight, as tho he were
Repriv'd alone, and still kept Pris'ner there.
Heard trampling noise, She saw those other Ten
Clerman­the's trou­ble again.
Pass through the Court, take horse, which raised then
Sad, dreadful thoughts; her Lord still Slave conceiv'd,
Her self withall of Freedom so bereav'd:
The Prince first gone, then All the rest; now fear'd
Sure Ravishment; late Joys like Dream appear'd,
Things as before: yet where despairing ground
Hope still preserv'd, best comfort, Anchor found.
Their Hunting done, for which great Persons were
(Both Noble Rank, Gentile) conjoyned there,
Woods Eccho heard; some Games withall renew'd
That yearly Feast, i' th' large Park-Lawn ensu'd.
Thus, th' afternoon dissolv'd, e're th' Evening ended,
Five young Black-moors with feather'd Garb attended,
Shew'd Jugler-sleights; next, tumbled on the Ground;
Wild, Antick Dance to strangest Musick-sound.
BORGANES (last) with Guests of Noble fashion
Concludes in Wine that Native celebration,
For th' drinking Game like others too dispos'd;
Stout Champions all; so long 'twas e're they clos'd,
Took Horse, Farewel, Run down like Stag that Day
His Lordship near did seem; could gravely say,
He was inclin'd for Slumbers, ease that Night;
Strong Rape defer'd, best morning's Task, delight,
Ten's certain Hour: THERSANDER should withall,
As joyn'd in's Brother's Death, by th' Archers fall.
We now shall change our Scene t' Arcadia,
The two Shepher­desses,
Cast smaller Glance; more pleasant Passage may
Concordant prove, long Grief survey'd, distresses;
Nor lost, forgot those Two fair Shepherdesses,
Of Rank Gentile; by th' Prince so Worthy deem'd,
Each fit for Lord ORSAMNES Wife esteem'd.
PHILAURA, who did most his Loss deplore,
Stopt in her Nun's design (as heard before)
Through Parents, Friends choice Council us'd that season,
Passion at length gave way in part to Reason,
Touching SILVANOR'S love whose still apply'd
Strong, constant Suit, for Birth Gentile beside
So that to Her not gain'd alone Access
His fervent Lines, those Love-embassages,
But his own Self: her mind and Face how-e're,
Too much Obscur'd, caus'd by ORSAMNES there.
Else not disdain'd his Person, Parts, Estate;
Who Coyness Woo'd at large, Laborious rate,
Herculean-like, Transporting Pow'r of Love;
Tho Crown'd at length, Triumphant chanc'd to prove [...].
Her Birth-day 'twas, SILVANOR well befriended
Silvanor with Phi­laura.
By certain Nimphs conjoyn'd, with Mask attended;
Story took from that Golden Ball, near Troy,
Three Goddesses at strife which should Enjoy:
He Paris prov'd, who first in shorter Dance
Enter'd the Room, did next with Speech advance;
Last turning off to th' Wall, should there (He said)
On Ida's Mount withdraw for pleasing Shade.
Then Juno, Pallas, Venus (fine for dress)
In Dance appear'd, those striving Goddesses,
The first whereof for Queen of Heav'n was Crown'd:
After neat Dance to Rural Musick-sound,
That Golden Ball came trundled through the Floor;
Contention bred, to whom for Beauty-store
As Prize pertain'd: next Man, they strait agree,
Should judge, Resolve; which Paris chanc'd to be.
Grand Homage shew'd to each great Pow'r Divine,
He chang'd th' old Tale for handsome, new Design:
Since Paris then pronounc'd that, Costly Ball.
Bright Venus Due, as fairest of them all.
Spoke thus to th' Point; His weak and mortal Sence
Could not well judge of Heav'nly Eccellence,
Through dazled Sight, did All most fair Proclaim;
Nor would provoke their Wrath's revengeful Flame:
But Skilful found in choice, Terrestrial Beauty,
Should, with their Leaves, that Prize present as Duty
To th' fairest Maid on Earth; Transcendent there;
For goodness too might Singular appear.
Conjoyned strait to Them most lowly Bow;
Each Tongue vouchsafing Grant, with pleased brow
He to PHILAURA walks, Kiss'd her white Hand,
Pray'd her that Ball, his Heart receive, command.
She takes the same with sobrest Blush, regard
(Love light'ning forth her Eyes) as due Reward.
Those Goddesses approved strait the Choice,
Saluting her; with joyn'd, Concordant Voice
Made their request, She would for each bestow
One Kiss on him, that Thankful Favour shew.
Then Parents came, good manners (said) requir'd
They should Advance what such great Pow'rs desir'd;
Youth worthy thought: when Silent grant allow'd,
Philaura won.
SILVANOR those three Kisses seiz'd as Proud
And joyful Man, repay'd with Lover's Heart;
Her's Panted too, felt closely flaming Dart.
JƲNO then call'd for Banquet from the Sky,
Which Six young Boys brought there immediately;
In Linnen cloth'd, like Spirits of the Air,
Wing'd Servitors; first Task PHILAƲRA'S share:
That done, the Boys danc'd strait their nimble Round,
So flutter'd forth to loud Recorder's Sound.
The Goddesses PHILAURA inform'd, that she,
When Cloy'd beneath, to their Society
Should mount aloft; Request conjoyn'd (for close)
That whilst She shall on Earthly Bed repose,
PARIS may Lodge in her choice Arms, delighted;
True faithful'st Swain and fairest Nymph united:
So forth they Danc'd, kind, friendly League beheld;
Young PARIS last, for th' active Foot excell'd.
This was perform'd (SILVANOR'S Plot, projection)
With so much Honour, Love, and hearty affection
To th' bright PHILAURA'S Thoughts, All conquer'd were,
Looks, carriage now mild, Gentlest both appear:
Since no Affronts endur'd, disdainful way,
'Twas clouded Morn transform'd to Gaudy Day.
Next, on MERDONE glance, that second Maid,
By th' Prince urg'd for ORSAMNES Choice, we said;
MONTANƲS whom did Woo, Pastor gentile;
Merdone won by Montanus.
Which Youth Siege gentler found, enjoy'd that while
Kind Summer-looks, nay, reap'd conjoyned Kisses,
Strong Lovers Food; first Course to th' larger blisses:
So Gain'd her Heart, chief Fortress, Magazine.
Did travel through that Sea call'd Love-design
With friendlier Gales, whereas bad, Stormy weather,
Rocks, doubtful waves threatned (hard chance) together
SILVANOR's Barque: true cause we thus reveal:
MERDONE, tho ORSAMNES lov'd as well,
Was much less Rays'd by mounting Hope, Desire,
So found less Grief, could calmer way Retire:
Choice Temper, last; could better estimate
Another's worthy Love, when saw of late
Her own Refus'd. Next Glance behold we shall
BORGANES Tow'rs, CLERMANTHE left in Thrall.
The End of the Fourth Book.


LEaving that Lord, whose Brains twice bury'd were
In Sleep and Wine, This Chance does next appear.
Young Wench there was, of handsome Form, Gentile,
VARNESA call'd; and which might claim the Style
Of honest too, good Heart, ingenious Head;
Whom their chief Town, great Lacedemon bred;
Mother of Arcady, much lov'd the Nation.
Twelve months ago she left that City's Station,
To th' Lord prefer'd; one's Daughter fair beside
Th' Attendant prov'd, prime Spirit own'd beside:
Made now the Pris'ner's beds, Meat brought withall,
Being troubled, Griev'd for their disast'rous Thrall,
Next Morn design'd no doubt o' th' sure Event;
For some Cross words to th' Matron too, debate
Threatned by th' Lord to be discharg'd of late:
CLERMANTHE, last, thought Noble Rank (by glance
Brave Gems beheld) her Fortune might advance
She fix'd on Hopeful way for their Release;
Further'd that Night through prime advantages.
Thus, calling Guardian forth from Drink,
Young Maid Var­nesa.
whilst made
CLERMANTHE'S Bed, whom follow'd strait Comrade
With Bottle of Sack, each charge to view, behold;
Next was THERSANDER'S Couch, where (slily bold)
Small Paper thrust, those talking at the Door,
Into his Hand, well pen'd these Lines before.
Your Nephew, Sir, by th' Prince freed from the stake,
Is gon to Court, Your self same Place must take
To Morrow's noon, by Archers there shot Dead;
Near Ten i'th' Morn the Lady's ravished.
I'm Friend to both, shall safe convey from thrall,
Twelve th' Hour to Night: false Hair and Beard withall
That Trunk does hold, Coat too by chance, large siz'd,
Wait then for me, if lov'd your Life, disguis'd.
THERSANDER That with wond'ring Thoughts (altho
Back turned) reads; and partly Joyful so,
Partly Affraid, inform'd the Wench by sign,
He should approve, in ev'ry Point combine.
On shelf before, whilst made the Guardian's bed,
Large Paper lai'd she saw, wherein she read
Few Lines o'th' Top; the Lord's own Hand and Seal
Joyn'd far beneath; short Order did reveal
For one o'th' Frontire-Towns, should go next Day
Ten's later hour so heard the Guardian say.
That strength'ned much, those Lines cut off at Night
Safe Pass for All through th' Borders she could write:
So strict each were since Wars began, that thus
Men travell'd through, else Task more dangerous.
Bed-time drawn nigh,
Varnesa's plot to free Orsam­nes.
her Chamber joyn'd withall
To th' Guardian's Room, who drinking stai'd i'th' Hall,
She waited till he came; past ten howe're;
Door open left (that Lock disorder'd there,
Well known by her) when drench'd like Spunge in Wine,
Soon couch'd He sleeps: snor'd loud for her design.
Which Summons heard, she softly stole to th' Chair
Where lodg'd his Cloaths, took thence with nicest care
That for his Door; yet search'd she to and fro,
Ground, Table, Shelf; nor in the Window seen:
If was o're-heard, This prompt Excuse had been,
Her Glove's she there did leave, when made the Bed,
Should walk forth Early i'th' Morn, by bis'ness led.
From shelf his Paper takes, that Key thrown by,
Dropt in some place, mid'st Drink perchance did ly.
Thus, Griev'd for him, tho Joy'd for her, retir'd.
(Who yet should know th' Event, that Care requir'd)
She writes that Pass, short Order penn'd above
Cut off, large Space, for that Intent did prove;
Prime Counterfeit for Clerk-like hand did shew,
BORGANES Name and Seal seen there below;
My Tenant's Daughter 's there, let safe and well
Pass through your Guard, conjoyn'd my Hand and Seal.
If stop that Way, in strange, unlikely sort;
By-passage fail'd; Haste then to th' Prince at Court.
This done, perform'd; no Light, Noise heard t' offend,
Dark Lanthorn took, best Gown for useful end,
First, to THERSANDER's Room she walk'd howe're,
( None lodging nigh) gave gentle Rap when there:
He come to th' Door, through th' Lock-hole she exprest;
His Key could not be found, though partly blest,
The Lady's was; what Way, from loathsome Thrall
Should her release; Himself resign'd withall
To th' Charge of Heav'n. THERSANDER pray'd; With speed
(Sad, Thoughts reserv'd) the Lady might be freed;
Duke's Daughter and Heir, that Youth's intended Bride,
Of Princely Rank; they'd her Advance beside.
He wish'd she should to th' Merchant's Grange repair
In Arcadie, from thence by Lines declare
To that young Lord at Court, that also he
Should thither come, when by the Prince set Free:
If Life, Escape, Himself would find them there.
All Points (she said) should be perform'd, whate're.
Varnesa go­ing to Cler­manthe.
To th' Lady's Room she gently walked then,
Open'd both Doors, lock'd fast the same agen;
Scar'd with which Noise, couch'd only upon the Bed,
Since fear'd that Night she should be Ravished;
CLERMANTHE thought, now plainly her Doom would seize her,
Sunk, panting Heart; wish'd Death might free, Release her.
Till hearing softest Tread, small Light display'd,
That doleful Hour, sad Fancy's Damp o'resway'd;
New strong Conceit some Ghost might then appear,
ORSAMNES too (still thought reserved there,
The Prince being gone) prove closely murther'd, slain:
Glancing on Her, strait overwhelm'd again;
Since sent (conceiv'd) on Bawdy grounds before,
The Lord at hand; did Trembling way Deplore.
Till humble Bow, the Maid informed her,
She came to Free; conjoyn'd without demur
(Soft Voice) what more Reviv'd, how well Redeem'd
How noble Lord by th' gentle Prince, tho seem'd
Still Pris'ner there; convey'd at last Back way
To cheat her Eye, gon tow'rds the Court same Day;
Her Rape by ten resolv'd: those Keys did shew
Should free from thence, Enlarge, not finding tho
THERSANDER'S Key (whose Death next Noon conceal'd)
How safe th' escape, that Pass (in brief) reveal'd:
Wish'd Rouze, advance, lest Danger prov'd, surprize;
Shew'd new-bought Gown might serve for their Disguise.
Clermanthe led forth by Varnesa.
CLERMANTHE cheer'd, bad Fears conjoyn'd withall;
Damp'd for THERSANDER'S Case, yet hopes from Thrall
Her Lord might get him free'd, to th' Prince request;
Joy'd too when heard his Clear Advice exprest;
Loath'd Couch forsakes, then follow'd strait her Guide,
Took box of Gems, some Linnen there beside.
The Wench unlock'd, i'th' corner, small strong Door,
Hangings thereon, by th' Lady unseen before;
Fine Closet 't was, reserv'd; then opened strait
Trap-door conceal'd, nex't that thick Iron- Grate
(Those Keys to all in Ring of Brass contain'd)
By Ladder thence through empty Hole they gain'd.
The Ground it self, where hollow Vault descending
Quite underneath, till reach'd the Fields extending:
Strange Cloister seem'd that Hour, more pleasing tho
To th' Lady's Eye then Gallant Jayl did shew.
'Twas digg'd in time of Wars through wary Fear.
By th' Lord thereof. Escaping Passage there
When Castle lost: nor knew that Wench the walk,
Till th' Guardian (her Kinsman too) did stalk
Same way by Night to near adjoyned Whore;
Tho said, Stol'n visit 't was to Friend (no more)
Which had his Lord displeas'd, o're-clouded Man;
She waiting there till he return'd again.
At Cavern's Mouth, some Iron Bolts remov'd
That held all fast within, like Door it prov'd;
Th' outside did shew firm, natural Rock howe're,
Close carved Crags conjoyn'd, Trees shading there.
Thus through that womb with small Offence they pass'd,
Till like New-born giv'n up to th' Feilds, at last.
Tho Solemn Thoughts when thus at large expos'd,
Round nightly Shade; clear Moon howe're disclos'd
Her fainter Beams, on verdant Plains bestowing
Like Tinsell-dress; Woods lin'd with Sables shewing.
June's warmer Month but newly enter'd then,
VERNESA cheer'd CLERMANTHE'S Heart agen.
That Garment brought (Door clos'd) by Trees o're-clouded,
Was strait put on, her Own i'th' Bushes shrouded.
Sev'n Miles it prov'd to th' Bord'ring Parts, known Way
To th' Wench howe're; by Five, when Break of Day,
They well should Reach the same o'th' Pass-port-score,
Walk freely through; Ten's hour and not before
Her Rape resolv'd, no Post could them prevent:
By Passage found might be to their Content:
Thus, cloathed strait, less fear'd surprising Glance,
Both veil'd withall for th' Borders the Advance.
Thersan­der's trou­ble.
mean time, Transformed prove
In thoughts as Garb, Death's Fate so near; unmov'd,
Musing he stands one while, then Walk'd about,
Next stares o'th' Walls, and Door, cross Fortune's flout
Sad, strange appear'd: to th' Windows glance at last;
Fair Prospect view'd, by Fancy trod, o're-pass'd;
Wresting some Bars, one loose, perceiv'd, the Stone
Bad, flaw'd, and broke; with's Knife much larger grown;
Then utmost Strength Fire-fork conjoyn'd apply'd,
He tears it forth, tho afterwards descry'd
Steep Rock beneath: no thought to pass above,
Such Walls and Gates, that th' onely Way did prove.
Coat found in Trunk, false Hair and Beard put on
(By Actor us'd in play) This fixt upon
Cut large Bed's Cord, the same securely bound
To stronger Bar (that distance tho from Ground)
Almost despair'd) He slides thereby, descended;
No Crauling saw, such Crags, so hollow-bended;
Cord far too short; yet crept great way by chance,
Till prov'd Six Yards to th' Earth, unpleasing Glance:
Forc'd, Groveler-like, from shelving Crag to fall
On th' Hands and Knees, lest broke his Legs withall:
Was something Bruis'd howe're; beholding then
Strange Voyage late, that monstrous Rock agen,
Look cast in thanks to th' Skie, with cheerful Pace
(Next Way conceiv'd) for th' Borders he did trace;
Prime Marks when came observ'd, Hopes now to see,
Stol'n through by Night, CLERMANTHE in Arcadie.
Past Four half-Hour,
Clerman­the's fears.
the Lady and her Convoy
Drew near to th' Bounds, much Damp'd her former Joy
Through Virgin-fears, conjoyn'd long nightly stage;
Rous'd Dismal thoughts what chang'd i'th' Hermitage,
(Sad progress known) mov'd Leaves by wand'ring Wind,
Black Shadows scar'd, Birds, Beasts to start inclin'd:
Yet th' open Walks, no Woods dark maze offending,
Trees scatt'red pleas'd; whilst constant Moon befriending.
Now morning- Cloud shew'd that Remaining Part,
THERSANDER 'S Thrall, ORSAMNES grieved Heart.
Cast backward Glance, she saw from bushy throng
One hast'ned towards them, pursu'd e're long
By louder Voyce; Stay there and cease your flight,
We must not part thus: scar'd through stranger Fright
CLERMANTHE prov'd, as tho surpris'd, betray'd.
Near reaching Her, Is not your Name (he said)
The Lady broke from Jayl? Confounded more,
Dumb Marble grown, far plainer than before.
Next, turned up her Hood (which She let fall)
Conjoyning strait, THERSANDER see withall,
That Bodie, walk shew'd Her's far off descry'd,
VARNESA 'S too, Way, flying Hour beside.
Then known Himself (tho with false Hair and Beard
Coat, last disguis'd) that Name and Voyce confer'd:
Wonder as much o're-sway'd, seem'd nightly Dream,
Till briefly'st Heard th' escaping stratagem
CLERMANTHE Joy, that Guardian found, exprest;
Tho said, He follow'd that surprizing Jest
So far She might have Swoon'd perchance that time:
THERSANDER smil'd, ask'd Pardon for the Crime.
This now remain'd, He joyn'd i'th' Pasport so,
Who us'd her Pen and Ink; great Space below,
Their last cut off; lest not By-passage found
More clear and free, the Day then shining round.
Let pass this Man, Two Daughters safe and well
'Bout their affairs; Conjoyn'd my Hand and Seal.
But casting Glance, Arm'd Man with Garment rude,
Black Hair and Beard behind a Tree they view'd,
Drinking at Fount, Horse by; whom All to shun
Straitways, Avoy'd (THERSANDER unarm'd) begun;
More follow might: Till he call'd loud (as fled)
And ask'd, which Way to Lacedemon led.
[...] [...]
VARNESA knowing, inform'd ( Both yiel'd howe're)
Shewn two large Tow'rs, which did far off appear.
When mounting strait (no Time for more Discourse)
His lusty Beast, small Gale by [...]entle force
Turn'd up his Coat, Silk Garment, Green espy'd,
Broad Silver Plates; well mark'd the Voice beside;
THERSANDER call'd, whilst galloping did prove,
Turn back again. He turn'd, this Answer made;
Are you THERSANDER then? Who joyful said,
As sure as You ORSAMNES there, and This
CLERMANTHE call'd: who strait unveiled is.
Said; Nay, my Lord, and could you leave, (unkind)
CLERMANTHE thus to Danger's storm behind?
Orsamnes known by them.
Speak, Was th [...]s well? THERSANDER joyned more,
She's yet unstain'd, pure Virgin as before.
Dismounted strait, cast wond'ring Glance to th' Skie,
Kiss seal'd, imbrace, thus prov'd the Duke's reply;
CLERMANTHE, fair I so Disown'd, as she
ORSAMNES late, when seem'd Discharg'd and Free
Fled First from him. Clouds both howe're concealing
She in few words her strange Escape revealing.
All joyn'd their cheerful Hearts on hopeful Ground,
Much thank'd VARNESA too, like Maid renown'd:
ORSAMNES Chance defer'd Time Dangerous,
That place less free: tho told at large by us.
Riding with Four o'th' Prince's Armed men,
(Six staying to Quas [...] by th' way, late Evening then)
Through Forrest large, they prov'd ass [...]vl'd e're long
By thievish Rogues, [...]ight made the sundy Throng.
All soon took Flight, Himself unarmed Fled
(His, th' Uncles Life, CLERMANTHE endangered)
By one pursu'd, whose Horse by chance did Fall,
Through friendly stump; He gaining Ground withall,
Rode back with speed, escap'd; resolved Mind
For Journey strait to th' Court, that way resign'd
To th' Prince again, if suit might there prevent
By nimble Post CLERMANTHE'S Ravishment.
Tho near despair'd, the Prince then ty'd far more
Upon that Ground [...] to th' Lord ingag'd before.
Came near to th' Forrest bounds, much wand'ring tho
Lest fresh assault, Glance cast through Glade below,
He view'd a Horse forty yards off, the Night
Just entring then, whose Rider came from Fight
(One of those Thieves) lay Dead upon the Ground;
Brought rouling Bulk thus far with Mortal Wound;
There Tumbling fell: false Hair and Beard descry'd,
(Loose 'mongst the Boughs) long Coat, his Sword beside.
'Twas Safe conceiv'd to Borrow all, imploy
More honest Way, lost th' Armed Band, Convoy;
These should both shroud, desend, lest backward straying,
Troopers perchance (long since observ'd) betraying
Might seize on Him; or else BORGANES Men;
For sudden Death convey to th' Castle agen,
As tho broke loose from th' Prince's Train, Escape:
Mean while howe're perform'd CLERMANTHE'S Rape.
Thus strait Disguis'd he [...]rod the Field; thought best
To [...]ide about, lest Haunted by the Rest;
Then finding none [...]'inform, He rang'd all night,
By [...]edges cross'd, Brooks, Woods conjoyned spite,
Till near to th' Borders came; where Dry with sorrow,
Long Travel, Watch, draught from the Fount did borrow.
Now for THERSANDER and [...]ARVESA, She
His Charge become, good Horse would wanting be:
One saddled strait, Gra [...]ing they saw at hand,
That dead Thief's 'twas [...] then free'd from all Command,
Wild Traveller; Who all that Night (when stray'd)
ORSAMNES thus, dress'd Master like, Comrade
Did follow still: CLERMANTHE fai [...] behind
Himself should [...]ide, best Guardian design'd:
He seiz'd that Horse [...] next might those Two be there
Joyn'd in the Pass, lest stop perchance, whate're
That should be us'd [...] unless By passage sound
E're long by th' Way, thought clear, convenient Ground.
ORSAMNES now Resolv'd, as partly free
From the Prince, discharg'd by Gentle Destiny,
To Guard CLERMANTHE Home, since He [...]'s before
(Contracting Vows) upon the Marriage score:
Her welfare next, Endanger'd so that time,
Chast Honour both, to leave more sinful Crime
That Due perform'd to Lov'd, Transcendent Wife,
All Graceful Points to th' Saver of his Life
Should be observ'd; resign'd to th' Prince's Hand
By sober Pen, where-e're did please, command
True Servant still. Which Thoughts (by goodness mov'd)
On Moral grounds CLERMANTHE'S self, approv'd.
But second time their Pass defer'd, lay'd by,
New Sight beheld; Day spreading through the Sky.
Large Coach they saw from certain Hill descending,
Arcadian Embassa­dor.
Grand Troop withall, that way but slowly tending
I' th' borders Road, where they should joyn below;
On side thereof great single Person go,
There walking down, whose Garments Stately view'd;
Whom they did strait Ambassador conclude
From their young King, with large attendant Train
Returning now for Arcadie again,
Well known by them, Good, noble Lord esteem'd,
Great Friend withall to th' Prince ORONTES seem'd,
ORSAMNES both; which wonder caus'd, that He
Prov'd so imploy'd for Trust, and Dignity.
Thus, mounted strait, Disguis'd; the Women on
Spread Saddle-Cloth's, this Plot Resolv'd upon.
Advancing to grave Horse man in the Reer,
THERSANDER ask'd, if such a Lord walk'd there.
Yes, th' other said; He then conjoyn'd, We be
Arcadians born, resolv'd for Arcadie;
The, stricter times of late, please to allow
Oblige thus far, that, being Conjoyned now
With your grand Train, we may, unquestion'd more,
Pass as belong'd to th' Lord Ambassadour.
He, welcome All (like former Friends) reply'd;
They closed strait with Him on either side.
Discourse by th' way, He gave them information,
What Treaty held with that Lacoman Nation.
Those Frontire Towns and Forts, but lately seiz'd,
Should Render'd prove, th' Arcadian King since pleas'd
To give large Sum; thought, as th' Affairs then stood,
Better by Coin redeem'd than Native Blood.
Peace (next) Confirm'd till Fifteen years expir'd,
With Joy to both the Realms so much desir'd.
His Lordship chose that early Hour to shun
June's fainter Heat; things well transacted, done,
With shorter Speed to Kiss their new King's hand,
GONSALVUS too, when both did strait demand,
With cheerful thoughts,
Arcadian King dead.
Then is the young King Dead?
Yes th' other answer'd there, his life was [...]led
Near Month ago, if that be News, unknown;
And th' Uncle now ascends the Royal Throne.
Conjoyned strait; He Dy'd in Grateful Hour,
ORONTES when should be brought up to th' Tower
Midst Nightly Shades, false, Treas'nous Charge, Pretence
(ORSAMNES Partner joyn'd) with Violence;
Then soon condemn'd: given speedy Order to
Two Troops of Horse; One of their Captains tho
Was sick that time, the Other Drunk did prove,
Whence caus'd some stop, Demur: e're Those could move;
Night past Inflam'd, and Day before, the King
Through Surfeit, Wine, felt extream Vomiting;
Enrag'd withall: was couched so in Bed:
Then further Pause, till Change discovered:
His Uncle too conceiv'd the Prince 's Friend,
But soon Speech lost, and Life, so prov'd his End.
Those Courtiers [...]led, through Guilty hearts, that fram'd
False Traytor [...]anes, most [...]ouly them defam'd.
How did this News transport their Thoughts, Revive!
His Father snatch'd from dreadful Block, Alive!
Invited too by th' Noble King, of late,
From Countrey Grange to's former Glory, s [...]ate,
(Said th' Ancient Man) ORSAMNES also now
Might Walk abroad with Free and chearful Brow:
Much Calmer prov'd the Prince's troubled Brest,
Which shew'd in Looks and Language both, express'd.
Orsam. the rest pass the hounds
Thus, soon They pass'd the Bounds, no Qualmish fear
By th' Men endur'd, nor Female Pantings there:
Trod safe th' Arcadian Soyl, bright Morn to th' Eye,
Fresh check'd arose; serene both Earth and Sk' [...];
Adorn'd by th' Sun's resplendent Rays, who seem'd
To smile on their Success, as Dear esteem'd.
Half hour dissolv'd, They part in Friendly sort;
Those prancing on their Way to th' Royal Court.
Held Council now, since thought of former Cares;
Thus 'twas Resolv'd, for Ord'ring their Affairs:
They should withdraw to th' Merchant's private Grange;
THERSANDER next, salute (such gladsome Change)
The Prince himself, in's Pastor Farm as then,
Hoping to find more cheerful, pleas'd agen
Endeavour there to Frame his Thoughts, compose
By fit degrees, ORSAMNES choice disclose;
Virgin of Noblest Birth, Good, fair combin'd;
More equal Match for Him by far Design'd.
If gentler Grant (small Doubt) when heard Relation
Joyn'd pivate Way their Marriage celebration.
Thus on they pass'd through Verdant Fields, the ground
Bespread with Flow'rs, soft Gale Companion found,
Which cool'd th' offensive Beams; well Horsed were;
CLERMANTHE tho good Pillion wanted there.
When th' Evening come,
Minerva's Temple.
They fair, large Mount ascen­ded
On whose smooth Top (through Prospect choice commended)
MINERƲA's Temple view'd, shewn lofty Pride,
With Pillars round, carv'd Statues beautify'd:
Much aged Front appeared, tho to Sense,
Might claim withall more solemn Reverence.
Prime Porch observ'd, mounted by steps, degrees;
The Soil adorn'd with Palms, and Laurel-trees,
In order rang'd before, o'th' sides, behind;
Prov'd shorter Walks with pleasing Shade combin'd:
Strait marched they, Spectators, softly round,
Whilst Trembling Leaves gave hollow Murmur's sound.
Entring the Walls, with shining Marble grac'd,
View'd from above Minerva's Image plac'd;
Bright Helmet worn; Spear grasped in one Hand,
Shield th' other bore: Triumphant way did stand.
Should Honour'd by large Town beneath appear,
Devotions oft by Them performed there.
From top o'th Mount did Gallant Prospect shew,
Prime Nature's Scene, view'd Verdant Plain below,
Joyn [...]d rising Banks, Grove wand'ring Christal Streams:
Two Miles from thence, Gilded by th' Sun's fair Beames,
MORBELE's lofty Tow'rs; on whose right side
(Good space reserv'd) that Merchant's Grange descry'd.
Thus down they walk'd to th' next adjoyning Plain,
Near skirts whereof large Fountain forth did strain
From hollow Rock, whose tumbling Stream i'th' fall
Deep Murmur made; Stone- Cistern there withall;
Whence danc'd away, to th' open Field resign'd:
MINERVA'S Fount, her name with that combi'd.
Walking by th' side, through Bushes clump o're-shaded,
Sad, mournful Voice their Ears from thence invaded.
(New Torrent-like did seem) complaining Sound,
Sighs mixt and Sobs; thought Female Grief's compound:
Approaching near, they Woman's Garb beheld,
More turning strait (by tramplers noise compell'd)
Her Head that way, Morneda's Self it prov'd;
No meaner chance CLERMANTHE'S Nurse belov'd.
Who coming to that Lady's House (when late)
I' th' Grove,
Clerman­the 's Nurse Morneda.
declar'd, with strange Events to wait
Upon CLERMANTHE there, the Night before;
Then told by her on that departing score,
How She was slipt away, some Terrour bred
(As seem'd) Conceit of being discovered;
Nurse sadly'st fear'd, that, lost all Worldly Joy,
Despairing grown, She might her Self destroy:
So, lost in her own Thoughts and way through Passion,
Sh' had wander'd thus, since Morn, in doleful fashion.
CLERMANTHE strait grasp'd her in th' Arms, entwin'd,
Nurse, take thy Mistress; said; when th' over-kind,
Transported Heart was near for Joy to swoon;
How hugg'd her Lady, wept! nor could be soon
Convinced thus, but 'twas her Lady's Ghost:
Tho when Inform'd, what Spouse she there might boast,
That Prime compleat, young Lord withall; O then,
Had not CLERMANTHE Kiss'd it in agen,
Her Soul might have leapt for and took Vagary,
As did her Body late, thus, mean Brests carry
True faithful hearts: till Self become, restor'd
All sitting down on Bank by joynt Accord,
She speaks her weighty News with sober brow,
Whilst gentle Ear CLERMANTHE does allow.
That proudest She, GONDACE th' Whore, of late
By Duke VERDORƲS rais'd to Wifely state,
CLERMANTHE's Father (as you heard exprest,
Duke and Gend [...]
When her own Self some three Months Fled, distrest)
Found True to him long former wanton season;
Joyn'd six Months more, when Marriage Vows with reason
More strongly should oblige, began to rave
Through Lustful thoughts; which, though to them she gave.
Slight honour's Check sometimes, within few Days
Great Flame became. Nor fond, unanswer'd blaze,
Convenience only sought, fresh choice in Loving,
As did the Duke, whilst marry'd Man, approving.
This blew the Furnace, last, want of a Son,
Prime Honour, Fortune's Heir (CLERMANTHE undon)
That long'd to Breed; and doubtful of her Lord,
Six Months since could no Sign, small Qualm afford,
Nor former Years; resolv'd to Change Condition,
Diet, try more, so serve both Lust, Ambition.
The Object was Gentile young Man and Neat,
In Persia born, whose Model shew'd compleat
For Face, for Limb; well bred Outlandish Piece,
Her Grace's Ʋsher prov'd, conjoyn'd to These
Prime Voice, rare musick's Art: whom Secret Favour,
Amorous before, now taught Exploits far braver,
Boldness to th' height; since Look's could Paint desires,
Her kinder Touch inform th' Heart's Wanton fires:
So from her Hand to Kiss her Lips He mounted;
Then Grant obtan'd for what's Supream accounted.
Soon afterwards the Duke himself did Ride
To Hunting meeting, fam'd (that way comply'd)
Eight Miles from Home; where meant withall to spend
Two following Nights with Borderer, great Friend.
But so it chanc'd that wrangling Morn, a Fray
( Sport's wrong-side oft) did turn to Tragick Play
Their hunting Game; the Masters Curs become,
Like Boars themselves; small Cause how-e're the Sum
O'th' youthful Jar: from words they fell to Wounds,
Smart Sidings follow'd strait, until their Hounds,
At length most Moral seem'd! which manly Chase
So dogged grown, Thought dangerous that Place
(Foul, Bloody Broils) VERDORƲS thence withdrew:
And being inform'd, his Friend was wander'd too
Far off with all his Train, for longer Season;
Vex'd at the strange Event (nor without Reason)
Some Hag as tho his morning Way had crost,
He gallop'd Home, both Friend and Pleasure lost.
O're-heated much, near Three Arriving there,
Proud Wife abroad (for walk conceiv'd, where-e're)
Through Garden strait he gently March'd, unfound,
Went towards the Grove, high wall'd, inclosed ground.
(Fine Grot, large Summer-house, nam'd long before)
With private Key unlock'd the outmost Dore.
On thence to th' Room, for coolness softly tracing,
Tall-branched Trees the Ardent Sun outfacing:
Choice, silken Couch there spread for Day's Repose
Whilst Drowsie Murmur Streams withall disclose.
Drawn near, Approach'd, some Rust'ling Sattin heard,
So whisper Wind and Leaves, nor Him debar'd,
Conjoyn'd twice-o're: to th' Window Stealing when,
He Glanced through, Surpriz'd, Amazed then;
Bad Prospect there;
Gondace false.
strange wanton Antick rack'd
That way his heart; GONDACE found i' th' Act
With her own Cringer, formal Man; disdain:
'Twixt both himself conceiv'd Tormented, Slain
So deadly thought ( Fourth time this last did prove,
Thrice stol'n Exploit, no Qualms that way did move)
Now near to rise. When vex'd, enraged mind,
Sharp Poyniard was unsheath'd, as Death design'd;
Remembring thoughts strait curb'd his Hand altho,
Since made Her first his Wench, prepar'd her so:
That Man might like fond Slave become how-e're,
Through's Lady Dutchess Charms transported there.
Yet Rush'd he through, not lock'd their Bawdy door,
Since th' Outmost was; which by the prostrate Whore
As soon perceiv'd, still Dagger drawn descrying;
Some mangled Torture fear'd, much longer Dying;
Gondace's Death.
She snatch'd forth strait short Ponyard worn (the fashion)
From th' Ʋsher's side, and through despairing Passion,
Disdain conjoyn'd, Stab'd her own Self to th' Heart;
CLERMANTHE so reveng'd that Tragick Part.
Her Man escap'd, found Door to th' Fields, back-way
Through which He came, none there to mark, Betray.
The Duke beholding that Self-execution,
Their Silken Couch stain'd too with Blood's effusion,
O're-whelmed stands through Wonder, wrath sometime;
So little Fear'd, so basely false her Crime:
Strange grief withall, EƲGENA's Discontent,
CLERMANTHE's loss when Thoughts did represent,
GONDACES Pride; through fondness sway'd before:
CLERMANTHE tho seem'd first withdrawn, no more,
Now Dead conceiv'd: sad Fortune, last, that She
Should Charm so far, enslave his Fantasie.
Thus, back He walk'd (distemper'd Mind) again,
Inform'd o' th' chance, Event his Houshould-train;
Went Sick to Bed: where Passion's strongest Pow'r,
First Heat conjoyn'd, did Feaver cause that hour.
Burn'd high next day, his Will was then compos'd,
In which CLERMANTHE's Self sole Heir disclos'd,
If living found, if living found; exprest
That often o're, with Tears, from mournful Brest;
PLENORMUS else, EƲGENA'S Nephew, nam'd,
From Travel come: what kindest Thoughts proclaim'd!
Might he Live still t' Enjoy her there agen,
Whose precious worth advanc'd in lofty strain!
But the Oyl of Life did seem through Feaver's fire
To wast, consume, the Lamp must then expire.
MORNEDA strait inform'd Him, Safe and well
CLERMANTHE prov'd, did Pois'nous cause reveal
Why She's withdrawn; nor far Rom [...]te confin'd;
Which cheer'd Him so, rare Doctor's Art combin'd;
Prime mending Change next morn did break, appear;
In some few Days near well restored there.
That Element o're aw'd, Tyrannick Flame
And burning Zone, cool, Temperate became.
Her Nurse with Joy rode strait to th' Lady's Grove,
CLERMANTHE gon, o're whelm'd, did strangely Rove.
This briefly told, how fair CLERMANTHE's Heart
Rejoyced prov'd! since like Triumphant part
Crown'd all the rest: The Duke her father free'd
From that false Whore, who by th' one hand did Bleed;
Next, say'd from Death; grown (last) so Tender, kind
As once He was, e're that Transported Mind:
Whose life she priz'd, through Noble- temper'd Brest,
Beyond th' Estate; large joy to Nurse exprest.
ORSAMNES too, THERSANDER Partners were,
Since Prime the News, with Thanks imbrac'd her there.
Thus, Mounting all, they Rode contentful way
Towards Morbele Town, e're close of Day,
Through Verdant Field, brave Prospect in their Eye;
Some two Miles distant 'twas: Approaching nigh,
They turn'd aside to th' Rural Grange, most Neat
'Mongst Trees reserv'd, long since ordain'd Retreat.
Arriving there,
Orsamnes Clermanthe at the Gr [...]ge.
Both th' Owners welcom'd them
(THERSANDER's Friends) each thought resplendent Gem,
High, Princely Birth conjoyn'd. All fasting prov'd,
Long Journey, Watch, sharp Cares withall, which mov'd
To cheerful Bait (first place) their Appetites;
Next Timely Hour their Sence to Sleep invites.
That Solemn Year of Fair CLERMANTHE's Vo [...],
Chaste Month behind, was slowly expired now;
Yet was ORSAMNEs drawn ( Rare changes found)
Still to defer, on choice Important ground,
For certain Day, till Fathers both consented;
Nor doubt thereof, so all distast preventend.
By one of them receiv'd, i'th' noblest kind
Might be perform'd their marriage part design'd.
THERSANDER rides next Morn from thence with speed
To th' Duke VERDORƲS first (being so agree'd)
Whom strait inform'd, his Daughter well did prove,
Letter presents, conjoyn'd with dutious Love:
Wherein she nam'd the causes of her Flight,
Did, next, her Noble, virtuous Choice recite:
Crav'd, last, his Grant: that welcome so might find
ORSAMNES there, as equal Guest combin'd.
High flow'd his Joy when did her Hand behold,
To th' Poys'ning part did thus himself unfold;
He could not think, conceive that Plot before,
Ambitious Ayms for th' Son, conjoyned more.
Rich Box of Gems, Gold- Coyn for her Expence
Might serve (he thought) where-e're her Residence.
Her Choice, next place, advanc'd, whose Father prov'd
Honour'd by him for Rank, desert, belov'd:
The Son at Court he saw, proclaim'd to be,
When but Nineteen, their Kingdom 's Rarity:
With Princely Birth such Person, Parts, that now
He should much wrong his own to disallow,
As Daughters Judgment joyn'd: the Lord her Choice
Wrong'd too withall: gave strait confirming Voice.
Then Letter by THERSANDER sent howe're
First shewn himself) to th' Prince ORONTES there:
Given for Change of times Congratulation,
Urg'd his Assent for th' marriage-Celebration.
To's House invited too, chief, noble Guest,
Fit Place for that, 'bove Pastor's Grange, exprest:
He would th' Estates third part to them Resign,
And her for Heir to th' whole at last Design.
THERSANDER th [...]se choice Points to th' worthy Pair
Did, Cordial like, with pleasing Breath declare.
Next cheerful Morn, THERSANDER post was sent
To th' Prince besides for closing fair event.
Things thus did prove; That Prince so great, High-plac'd
Lord General, till was thrown down, disgrac'd
By th' former King; Next, seiz'd Transcendent Wife
By Rival's Hand, abus'd, rob'd (lastly) of Life
As did believe; hurl'd down from Rock, we told;
Prime, onely Daughter too, Sev'nteen years old,
Coffin'd, inter'd; withdrawn to Pastor's Grange:
Now two full Years dissolv'd; That further change,
Two Troops of Horse order'd to seize upon
His Person there, false Traytor-grounds, as shewn;
E're which the King through-monstrous surfeit dy'd,
Whose Place supream his Ʋncle strait supply'd:
He sent the Prince strong, Friend-like invitation
To's Royal Court, great MANTINEA's Station.
The Prince that time reserved Thoughts exprest,
Th' old Pastor- Grange most pleas'd his Solemn Brest.
Whereof inform'd, strait gentle Lines did send
That noble King, choice Doctors recommend
Which bare the same; to try their useful Art
Importun'd, mov'd, conjoyned cheerful Heart.
Friends joyn'd withall; Four of the Gentry there,
Which Pastors turn'd, withdrawn; bad sharers were,
Time's chang'd rejoyc'd: The Prince did bow, comply'd,
Whose Sorrows ground their Crosses far outvy'd;
To Physick fram'd his Thoughts, Two Years rejected,
Much wrong'd Mind, Body both, that way neglected.
Thus were dissolv'd with hopeful Change ten days;
Well cleansed Parts few humours bred, did Raise
Less Vapours far, which seem like Fogs to shroud
Sometimes the Brain, and Reason's Skie o're-cloud.
With Body still doth Sympathize the Mind,
That's Organ harm'd the Soul does droop combin'd:
And long sad Thoughts Distemper breed, Disease;
His Sprung from thence, ask'd Two-fold Cure, release.
The Prince his walk.
That Evening past, the Prince to range dispos'd,
Small Mount did trace by his own bounds inclos'd
With Palms adorn'd, where Silver stream descended,
From verdant Bank, by th' Others shade befriended,
Soft, gentle Murmur caus'd; whilst wand'ring Wind
Toy'd with those Leaves, their Wisp'ring noise combin'd.
Place for Refreshment us'd, some Truce, cessation,
When overti [...]'d with Sorrow's Contemplation.
There, Couched down, o'th' Realm's last state He mus'd,
Next, on the World, what change through Both diffus'd;
Th' inconstant World, where greatest Ranks not free;
From Tow'rs may fall to th' Cottage, low degree;
And th' Innocent imbrace the Block perchance.
Prime Comforts gon: such cast reflective Glance.
His Lot conceiv'd; strong Courage to endure
Chief Balm appear'd, till Death perform'd the Cure.
Now second Change, High Room i'th' King's regard,
Tho Heir to th' great Thessalian Crown declar'd.
Contentment 'twas, his Son escap'd their Hand,
Thought Traveller to some more friendly Land,
Death might on him, if there, perchance have seiz'd.
Thus, spread upon the Bank, grown partly pleas'd
Through Care's Allay, soft Slumber charm'd his Sense;
While Fancy wak'd, this stranger Dream from thence.
He seem'd set down on smaller Rock, repos'd;
The Prince his Dream.
Sheep Graz'd behind, vast Sea before disclos'd
Near foot thereof; Storm further off appearing,
Whence troubled all. Winds loudly chas'd, Waves roaring
To fight against the Skies, Skies charg'd agen,
Joyn'd Thunder Show'rs; midst which tumultuous Scene,
Discordant Jars fair Bark seem'd overtost,
Bandy'd to Ruin 't was, there sunk and lost
ORSAMNES thought: when Surges swell'd more High
In his own Brest, conceiv'd. Transformed Skie,
All changed round to silent Calm as 't were;
Lull'd Babes became; smooth- Cheek'd like Virgins there
(Soft Gales) the wrinckled Main, delightful Season:
When Marble Temple strait (thing strange to Reason)
Came Floating on the Sun-shine- Gilded Wave,
Tall Porch advanc'd; Masque-like this prospect gave
Gods, Goddesses in Ranks beheld, enthron'd;
And near their Feet, as Favorites there own'd,
Young Man and Maid appear'd, resplendent Shining
Each Garland crown'd, their Hands withall combining:
That Youth, ORSAMNES shew'd, Virgin most fair.
Nimphs first did ride on Dolphins Backs, that bare
Baskets of Flow'rs; some handled Harps, as tho
Still'd th' Airy Broyls, mov'd Waters charm'd below
To pleasing Trance with their Harmonious Noises.
Drawn near the Rock, they mounted strait, soft Voyces
In Quire conjoyn'd; the Way besprinckled round
With Roses, Violets for Venus-Ground;
Love's Bridal Shore. Next following Beheld
That heav'nly Train (each radiant Sun excell'd
View'd from the Deep) with light, Celestial Paces.
Come where He sat, Apollo first forth Traces,
ORSAMNES in his Hand, whom gently does
Present to Him: for words saluting thus.
Take, Retired Lord, most brave,
Transcendent Youth foom Water's Grave;
Seeming lost as 't were to thee,
And sunk, destroy'd by Destiny;
Setting Star more Bright may Rise
From thence adorn th' Arcadian Skies:
Then Pallas came, spread Rays divine, as 't were,
Leading that Nimph, this Sense conjoyned there.
Take this beauteous Maid withall,
Whom thou may'st thy Daughter call;
Lady choice, excelling Mind,
For that renowned Youth Design'd:
Hope for more, Heav'n doth ordain,
Dead Joys may live, Revive again.
This past, All vanish'd round, did leave howe're
That Young, prime Couple still conjoyned there.
ORONTES, when those Bonds of Slumber broke,
Through Strangeness caus'd, contentful next, awoke.
Thus oft in Sleep what Things we fear and hate,
Or Love, Desire, strong Fancy doth create,
Form, represent; most tho where Thoughtful Mind,
Pensive, reserv'd; Remembrance more inclin'd.
Thersander with the Prince.
As from that Mount 'tween six and Sev'n descended,
THERSANDER came, whom faithful Love commended;
Salute discharg'd, with pleasing Language sound,
His Son's Return declar'd from Corinth Ground;
Adjoyned Land; since that Laconian Thrall
Might Damp his thoughts; Life's Danger there withall.
Absent himself good while with Friend of late,
Long troubled too for setling his Estate.
Then nam'd that gallant choice to be admir'd,
His Son her Father's Lines consent desir'd;
Love nobler found, choice like himself, most free:
Virtuous and fair proclaim'd, supream Degree.
The Prince approv'd: Tho Friendship great (did say)
Each Woman's Person, Parts, reserved way
Mov'd for those Nymphs: their Fathers (next) long while
Both Pastors turn'd with Him, of rank Gentile;
Known worthy Men; Each Fellow- Sufferer:
Yet time's Face chang'd, his grant conjoyn'd thus far:
Duke's House the Place for Marriage Celebration,
Tho Physick course bound him to th' Pastor-station,
Joyn'd solemn Thoughts. Dear Wife and Daughter Dead
Those stranger Ways; still Heart-Distemper bred.
Then told, when pleas'd his sober Dream; Inclin'd
To think some Good Presaging part combin'd:
Thus, that his Son, escap'd from Dreadful Hands,
Like wrack or Storm, the King's surprisal Bands,
Should (lastly) Spouse enjoy whom favour shew'd
The God's themselves; choice Pledge from Heav'n bestow'd.
The Prince in Physick course
Ent'ring the Grange two Doctors did declare;
Fortnight more past He might with Freedom share
In that Conjugal Feast, take Journey thither:
The Prince resolv'd (THERSANDER joyn'd together)
Marriage should be defer'd; Dervan beside
Would Coach, six Horses yield, which they'd provide.
Home then He rode, small Mile to's Pastor- Grange;
Found fair FLORENA there, did Kiss exchange,
For kind Salute, tho set so firmly on
She blush'd withall; that Way before unknown.
Both sitting down, whence came He briefly told,
Did next their Maze of dangers past unfold;
Whilst wonder caus'd, as Joy, such prime Event:
More pleasing Glances too, Dart-like, were sent,
From th' Eye sometimes; the same in Supper while
She could observe: which done, with sober smile
Set down by Her, He Kist her there agen,
Most firmly Seal'd (till blush'd like Scarlet then)
These words conjoyn'd; the Times were Changed now.
Thersander wooing Florena.
ORSAMNES pleas'd, well smooth'd the Prince's Brow;
He serv'd of late his Nephew 's Love-design,
Now somthing for himself would Act, combine:
Gave Kiss withall: then second, Third bestow'd:
Whilst Bashful, wand'ring, Blood her Cheeks o're flow'd.
Tho soon THERSANDER inform'd, that he desir'd
Her for His Wife Chaste, Love his Heart enfir'd.
She said again; His Lordship pleas'd to Vent
New gladsome Thoughts in Jesting Merriment.
Times chang'd of late. THERSANDER joyn'd reply;
Plain Earnest 'twas, hop'd she would not deny:
With Kiss confirm'd. FLORENA'S gentle Heart
Began to Pant, scarce free from wounding Dart.
THERSANDER then but Thirty Five for Age,
Choice temper'd Mind to's comely Personage:
Great Birth with large Estate. She Twenty four,
Good, handsome prov'd; belov'd on either Score:
Well born She was, his Wise's Ally, and found
Same Temper last; for Marriage hopeful Ground.
After short Pause her answer framed thus;
Such worth in him Beheld (if serious
In what exprest) high, friendly Obligation,
Like Brother thought in that reserved station,
She could not least as Husband slight, refuse
( Blush there conjoyn'd) being honour so to chuse.
Thus soon the Bargain made, as He desir'd,
By Kiss confirm'd; since Buis'ness haste requir'd.
He told her; She next morn with him must ride,
Companion to CLERMANTHE prove beside,
Who wish'd her there; same Priest and Marriage-day
Should serve for both, tho done in private way.
'Twas Twelve before THERSANDER could for Close
Seal parting Kiss; then sought they Bed's repose.
Next day they reach'd the Merchant's Grange, e're-night,
Whose News enlarg'd our Noble Pair's delight,
Brought from the Prince; CLERMANTHE (Courteous, kind)
FLORENA Imbrac'd, scarce thought her Aunt design'd;
Well pleas'd, tho Marriage thus put off, They were,
The Prince himself since would be present there:
That Pause withall might Joys advance the more,
Both Bodies, Minds like to themselves restore;
After long Task endur'd, that former Maze
(So dreadful thought) where wander'd many days.
Nor stands VARNESA, that late kind Convoy,
As unconcern'd Spectator of their Joy,
But Partner too (CLERMANTHE under Cloud
Obscur'd before) chief Woman's place allow'd.
CLERMANTHE's Self, now publick grown, beside
With choice Garb their next great Towns supply'd.
Next Morn with Beams the Globe did Beautifie,
As would with their intended March comply,
Adorn the way; like blushing Handmaid there.
Orsamnes Clermanthe going to the Duke.
Things being well order'd now, Dispos'd, what-e're,
All forwards set (Hir'd Coach) by early Hour;
Morning withdrawn to th' Oriental Bow'r,
Bright Noon succeeds; that Stage being over past,
His Charet drives the Princely Sun in haste,
Down th' Azure Western Road, with blazing Head;
Whilst they themselves through Flow'ry Banks, fine-spread,
Their Journey took; till enter'd Forrest wild
( Birds chaunting round) by false, bad Track beguil'd.
Strange sights be­held.
Near midst thereof, soft Groans like some Tormented,
Strokes loud they heard; soon after that presented,
Through smaller Glade, more Dismal Sight to view;
Nor Danger much appear'd, 'twas Female crew:
Five mufled Hags did joyntly all surround
With Birchin Rods a naked Man, fast bound.
Th' Hands ty'd to lofty Branch, the Feet both clos'd
To stump beneath, thus Gen'ral Mark expos'd:
Mouth (lastly) stopt, Exclaming barr'd thereby.
ORSAMNES with THERSANDER drawing nigh,
The Body cloath'd, through constant Scourges there,
With Crimson Skin, Transform'd might ill appear;
Blood from most parts: like Anvile at their will,
So Scourg'd by those Infernal Beadles still,
As meant, like worst of Rogues, to Conjure out
His Vagrant Soul: oft crying thus the Rout;
Slave, Villain, we are Furies come to rend
Thy vilest Flesh. Such did their Garb porten'd.
One pursie Hag set all the rest at gaze,
When saw the Lord's, in both did Wonder raise:
Sweet Truce how-e're to th' Tortur'd Wretch became,
Whose Looks and Groan did Either's Mercy claim.
They ask'd th' Offence: those Hags made strait reply:
Strange Thefts and Rapes that Rogue perform'd hard by;
Flesh-Div'le 'twas Great providence thus Bound Him;
They Furies sent with Scourges to surround him.
Still strange the Case, as tho some Mask from Hell;
That Troop withdrawn, when's Tongue released well,
No Thief (He cry'd) Himself was Rob'd and bound;
When th' Hags unclos'd their Riddle strait profound,
TERGORAS 'twas, DORSENGER'S Son and Heir,
The Cause thereof.
Whom Ʋncle we to th' Hermit stiled there;
Ruin withall; since Bastard made his Father;
Prime wealth, Estate through Forged Plot to gather,
( This (like himself) by Fraud, conjoyned Pow'r
Had three o' th' Husbands near undon that Hour.
Fourth's Daughter ravish'd late; still Neighing on,
Tempts second Lass to play the Whore, unknown;
Good, modest Girl: close, Pandar- Letters woo,
That She would meet at certain Cave below,
Where grand Reward. Those Letters chastly view'd,
To th' Mother brought, thus Vengeance was pursu'd.
The Girl writes back, She'd wait upon him there,
But he should come by stealth, None else appear.
Full Bargain 'twas, the Day and hour design'd;
This done, those Wives and Mother's all combin'd;
Their Husbands help, did take their Place before
In that large Cave upon revengeful score,
Hair, Beards, transform'd: One watch'd like Centinel,
If single came (far off discover'd well)
Least caught perchance; strange Place, reserved so,
That none but Wanderers that way would go
To cross their Plot: He ent'ring, nought Afraid;
We Sword men are, Deliver strait; they said
( Rob'd them far more) of's Golden Cash did ease him;
Left naked, bound, sign gave for th' Hags to seize him.
Their Husbands gone, These strait, like Furies sent
(Strange, muffled Garb) came forth to Scourge, torment;
Nor known by whom the wrong; those Men Disguis'd
Thought Robbers, Thieves, whilst Guilty Heart surmis'd
Th' Hags came from Hell. This told with mutt'ring breath
(Just Doom conceiv'd, tho's Father bled to Death)
Concealment gain'd with all, They vanish'd round;
Both Lord's the Man (corected thus) unbound;
Who pleads for safe Convoy to th' Forrest side,
And suffer'd was behind their Coach to Ride:
Next Cottage shelter prov'd, where Fault was lay'd
On Thievish Gang, Witch-hags that so betray'd:
Girl sent him word She came to th' Place, but then
Spy'd dreadful Thieves, ran frighted back agen.
ORSAMNES, tho small Warning needed, thence,
Good Lecture 'twas 'gainst Rapine, Violence.
Lost way being soon restor'd, with much delight
They Pra [...]ced on, till well Discern'd (glad Sight)
Great Duke VERDORƲS walls and lofty Tow'rs;
Skies smiling round, Birds chanted from their Bow'rs,
On branches serch'd, conjoyn'd in joyful Song:
New-drest Fields, Groves appear'd, as march'd along
(Prime Summer's Garb) their Mistress t' Entertain;
Whilst Roses spread Skie's western Cheek again,
Like Morning first: and th' amorous Sun, as 't were,
Welcome. Good Night gave choice CLERMANTHE there.
A Country Show
Not far from th' House, large Troop with Joy, content
From Grove appear'd, Sons, Daughters did present
Of Harvest All; were spruce tho plain to th' Eye,
Men Sickles bore, tost, Flourish'd off on high,
Their Women Rakes; whom Hats of Straw adorn,
Joyn'd bunch of Flow'rs: Wheat- Girdle wreathed worn
'Bout ev'ry Waste. Those Formost Two that led,
Like Sovereigns, each their commending Head
(Brisk, jolly pair) were these, the God of Wine,
Whose curled Crest, plump Waste, broad Leaves of Vine
That Month became; in's Hand howe're beheld,
Glass-Bottle of Grapes, his spritely Blood, excell'd.
His Sun-burnt Queen Corn's Goddess prov'd, was crown'd,
Wheat-sprigs and Flow'rs; same Girdle did surround:
Full Basket had with Fruits gay Wealth enrich'd.
Both bending there, by Turns withall Beseech'd
CLERMANTHE taste that Part from plenteous store
(In Country Rhimes) small Earnest 't was of more;
Much Corn and Wine their Lot should prove, Ingag'd,
Fruits of the Womb not Ground alone presag'd.
Which She receiv'd with gentlest Smile from them
Known Tenants there, each took like precious Gem;
Clermanthe brought Home.
Who this rude Mask did hasty way compose:
Shew'd Country-dance to Bag-pipe strait, for close.
E're-long to th' Gates they came, from Coach descended,
Where stood the Duke with larger Train attended;
Who strait advanc'd, Salutes with high Regard
ORSAMNES first, whose Welcome there declar'd.
Then falls upon CLERMANTHE's Neck, bestow'd
Kind Father's Kiss, Imbrace, till Joy o're-flow'd
In melting Tears; which were Repay'd agen;
Told her; She should Succed her Mother then,
Prime Mistress of that House, to th' height esteem'd:
For which her thanks not least Defective seem'd;
Eyes cast to Heav'n; from Death restor'd, as 'twere,
BORGANES Rape, conjoyn'd Sad Thraldome there.
Th' Old Servants then came near to Kiss her Hand;
Who, Free'd from that Gondace's Slavish Band,
Young Lady view'd, did fall to downright Crying;
Loud Welcome that, their want of Words supplying.
Supper being past, the Duke ORSAMNES shews,
FLORENA too his Garden brave (for Close)
Founts, Walks, and Bow'rs; Neat, curious ev'ry Thing;
There th' Arbour was, where made her first Bold Motion
That Concubine, BRISOLDAN's Base Love-potion:
There Mus'd She oft, then walk'd with folded arms,
Fear'd Dreadful Wrath, when saw dispell'd her Charms;
Nor prov'd that Grove, the Room, large Water- grot
( Fatal to th' Whore) where th' Amorous Songs, forgot:
When Cornets heard from Branches Round did cease,
Loud Hobois, last, wild Satyrs Dance to please:
Long Arched Bow'r withal, through which she fled,
When Pois'nous Broth thrown out, near Murthered:
View'd Sun's departing Beams for more Content,
Whilst former Care did present Joys augment.
Short Masque-device, Kinsman by th' Mothers-side,
PLENORMUS fram'd, with which Themselves Comply'd;
Gainst Marriage-night: for Scenes employ'd (what more)
Chief Painters, Engineers, that Artful store
In Mantinea found; Brave Cloaths prepar'd
For Wedding-garb e're long by us Declar'd.
The Prince comes.
That Fortnight past, the Prince ORONTES came,
Done Physick-course, whence All did Joys proclaim:
Temper well chang'd for Body and for Mind,
Still Solemn tho; Wife, Daughter's Loss combin'd.
Saluted first the Duke, with whom begun
Close, friendly League; next Smil'd upon his Son:
CLERMANTHE (last) did Kiss, Imbrace withall,
Whom now ( He said) should Wife and Daughter call,
Stead of those seiz'd by Fate; thought much improv'd,
Seen when last Masque at Court; like Gem belov'd:
So Prime ORSAMNES Choice (conjoyned well)
Th [...] ra [...]sack'd Greece scarce found her Paralle [...].
Then gave Her with's own Hand, Exhorted tho;
He should Good Husband be, Deserve Her so.
Next Morn but one, which rose most Blushing-fair,
Clerman­the's Marri­age.
Like Bride it self, when calm, serene [...] Air,
Their Marriage prov'd (all Parties joyn'd and free)
With publick State perform'd, Solemnity:
Grand Troop of Lords and Ladies there present,
(Such gallant Show) Star-Spangled Firmament:
Those Mansion-Walls clear Cornets, Trumpets sound,
That gladsome Noise did Cheerful way Rebound.
Forth came the Bridegroom, Bride, their Hands entwin'd,
Whose Ʋsker, Lord THERSANDER prov'd design'd:
So Lovely both, Transcendent Pair they seem'd,
Like Suns o'th' Globe, as either Sex, esteem'd,
Observ'd by All great Wisdome, Pow'r Divine,
So well could frame; as well did Match Combine:
She blush'd, he smil'd, both chearful Hearts pourtray'd
In Looks Serene; conjoyned beams display'd.
His Suit and Coat, which Gallant shew'd to th' Eye,
Sky-colour'd Sattin prov'd, of choicest Die:
The Coat was large, reach'd down to th' Calf, no more,
With Cluster'd Grapes, high-wrought, embroyder'd o're;
Gold-Purl the fruit, set off the leaves beheld
With Silver Plate: Rich, Gorgeous Work, excell'd.
Long Buttons, Loops, Enamell'd those, broad-spread
The Breast and Sides thereof fair Garnished.
Buskins to That with Gallant Ribbons ty'd,
Whose Tops with Pearls and Gems were beautify'd.
Her Gown White Sattin was, whose lower Part
Did please the Eye with same Embroyder'd Art,
High Border round the Skirts, of Growing Flow'rs
In colour'd Silk; some Silver, Gold; Pearl-show'rs
Dissolv'd on them from scatter'd Clouds above,
Like Drops of May: Birds there, Flies seem'd to Move.
Her gorgeous Arms Carnation Sattin wore,
With Silver Caulwork- Dress part-cover'd o're,
Like th' Orbs of Light; same Garb withal her Head
(Joyn'd Rubies, Emeralds, Saphires round) bespread.
Tho still what Garb so e're by Her was worn,
CLERMANTHE'S Self did Braveness grace, Adorn,
Both having pass'd their Gen'ral Bow, Salute,
Customes observ'd, which Marriage there did suit;
The Priest advanc'd, Themselves prepar'd withal,
Next, Clasped Hands for Posture Conjugal;
Were Joyn'd in Formall'st sort, th' Arcadian way,
Tho Blushing Stream the Bride's fair Cheeks display.
This done, the Prince and Duke came near, the Rest
O'th' Ample Train themselves withall Addrest,
Gave kind Salutes; conjoyned then beside
Wishes of Joy to th' Bridegroom and the Bride,
Shrill Cornets noise, with more Loud Musick then
Did seem to Speak, Chant forth the same agen.
The King Guest there.
Word strait was brought, the King meant to be there,
Would Dine with them; Young Prince his gallant Heir;
Joyn'd Princess too, his Wife contracted Way:
Informed was of this great Marriage-day:
ORSAMNES lov'd, tho Guest appear'd much rather,
Since Present found ORONTES there, his Father.
For Duke VERDORUS Self. He liv'd Retir'd;
Sought Ease, enjoy'd, till both late Kings Expir'd;
Held in with That last Reign'd; less Object far
Of Envy prov'd, more Free from Court-bred Jar.
Thus, Table's order'd strait, before He come,
In th' Ʋpper end of their large Dining-room.
He came by Twelve, Imbrac'd ORONTES there,
Like ancient Friend; great'st Signs of Joy, whate're:
Much Glad he was (Declar') to see him then
Wear smoother Brow, and Range abroad agen.
VERDORUS, Next; the Bridegroom, Bride, for Close;
Wish'd them all Joy: Prince, Princess as kind shews.
Now Trumpets heard, Meat seem'd to Dance a Measure
To th' Warlike sound, brought in for Pallat's pleasure,
Triumphant Taste; with Choice of Food delighted,
As tho They had their Regal Guest invited.
The King well pleas'd to Dine in Friendly accord
With th' Other Guests, reserv'd the Midst o'th' Board
To's Royal Self; some Space o'th' sides, before;
The rest fill'd up with Lords and Ladies store.
The Bride at th' Ʋpper end, whilst waited He;
Might claim that day her Female Soveraignty.
Set down in State, soft Musick entertains
( Banquet for th' Ear) with choice Harmonious strains,
Wherein the Greeks excell'd: i'th' midst the King
To th' Bride and Bridegroom Drank, both Honouring.
The Conduit Claret pour'd, might Hogshead shew,
(Rich, Natural Fount) for th' Vulgar broach'd below [...]
Dinner being past, where Ransack'd far might seem
Three Elements for food of choice esteem,
Restored by the King, with gracious hand,
To th' Prince ORONTES former Pow'r, command:
Whose solemn heart (small pause) in Thankful way
D [...]clin'd the same; put off till farther Day.
Convenient hour they rode in stately sort
To th' joyning Park, prepar'd for Hunting sport;
Hunting in the Park.
The King, the Prince, ORONTES too comply'd,
The Duke and Lords, with Brides-groom, beauteous Bride;
Young Princess there, well mounted All did shew,
Great Ladies, last; fine, gallant Prospect so.
ORSAMNES Horse was Bay, by Nature trim'd,
Drest with black spots; for colour choice esteem'd,
So order'd those; best Gloss, did shine so clear,
Like cloath'd in Sattin all; as Silken near
For smoothness thought: his Nostrils breath'd and Eyes
Bred Flames, as 'twere; prime Model, shape descries.
Trod th' Earth so mounting, Proud, as if some one
O' th' Sun's fleet Coursers was, dispos'd for none
But th' heav'nly Road of Day; did prance as knew
What form he had, Great Rider's beauty too,
Both excellent: ORSAMNES which inclin'd,
Govern'd by Art, might seem to back the Wind:
Both Horse and Man so joyntly Mov'd, as neither
Were single piece, but both did grow together.
Her's dappled Gray, prime, handsome thing for Beast,
So delicate appear'd; which oft had prest
GONDACE'S Self: his well-spread Mane, unbound
(Like Nymphs neglected Hair) near touch'd the Ground.
Bright, smooth as Glass, so beauteous- limb'd, as it
For Rosey bed, some silken Couch were fit.
Light-prancing too for th' Heel, but shewing more
Fine, awful reverence, as thought he bore
Some Goddess-weight, Divine; whose Heav'nly Load
Lest should on th' Earth offend, most nicely Trod.
Large Saddle Sea-green Velvet was, by Art
Wrought Silver Waves, whose storm-like, mounting part
Did Froth present; imbroyder'd Dolphins there,
Rich skaled all; both Dolphins, Waves (as 't were)
Might seem to Roul when th' wanton Beast did move:
Her stirrop choice did Silver Gilded prove.
Eight Footmen next her Lord and Her, commended
For th' handsome Garb, Princess the same attended.
Then came the King's, young Prince's Coach of State,
Brides Charet Third, that proud GONDACE'S late;
Triumphant 'twas, with Purple Velvet lin'd,
GORGEOƲS the rest, Purl Fringes broad combin'd:
Six Horses white, by th' Dutchess us'd before:
In th' Rere beheld conjoyn'd large Coaches store.
Stag being run down, which did Life's course conclude
Through noise of Horns his Funeral ensu'd,
Short Sil­van Mas [...].
The Huntsmen's tuneful Peal; whilst Partner-sound
Both Woods and Rocks, sent Ecchoes far, rebound:
Cool, pleasant Creams were brought that Evening-hour,
By Silvan Servitors, long cover'd Bow'r
Well furnished, most dainty Fruits and Wine;
Clear Cornets too their warbling strains combine,
Perch'd on the Top thereof; in Rural Dance
Those Silvans Masquer-like (for close) advance.
The King with Prince and Princess now did take
Their formal leaves, tho Invitation make
First of ORONTES, Duke, then Brides-groom, Bride
To th' Prince's Marriage near, who strait comply'd;
Sev'n Days from thence, being yet betroth'd alone;
Next way to th' Fields for Mantinea gone.
ORONTES Duke return'd i' th' Charret strait,
With Brides groom, Bride, large Coaches train in State.
Some should lye there, since Mask perform'd that Night,
Others i' th' Town; the rest depart, Moon light.
Banquet there was, which serv'd in Supper's stead,
Their Table now for wanton fancy spread;
Small hunger's cause; well pleas'd the Nobler kind;
Thus rang'd by Eight for th' early Mask design'd:
Which soon began, appear'd with comely brow,
As shorter Time, best Agents could allow.
First place observe altho, the Ground o' th' Plot
On these two Things depends (perchance forgot,
Long since declar'd) Heir to th' Thessalian Throne
Brides-groom, the Bride to Cyprus-Crown was shewn.


When Curtain drawn, first Scene
1. Scene.
therof pourtray'd
Rude Wilderness, great falling Storm display'd
Of larger Hail; the branches bow'd as 'twere
Through th' violence, did hoary grown appear,
Both Rocks and Ground; heard noise like blust'ring wind,
Seen Lightning flash: strange horror's Den design'd.
Thence Goblins came, Hell- furies such invented;
Troubles o' th' World, harmful Brood represented:
Rage, Malice, Envy, Rapine forth advanc'd,
In wildest Garb, their boist'rous Antique danc'd.
These being return'd, the Scene
2. Scene
was changed quite;
To lovely Calm, fine prospect of Delight:
Spread on each hand beautiful Mount to th' Eye,
With Laurels, Bays, victorious Palms on high,
Choice noble Plants; pure honour's Temple th' one
Did Garnish fair, from th' other Virtue's shewn.
Rivers beneath, like ropes of Pearl display'd,
Or Chrystal Chains adorn'd the Field, o're-stray'd:
Banks drest with flow'rs between those Mounts descry'd,
I' th' farther End two Barques at Anchor ride;
Smooth, calmest Sea; both Rocks and Waters face
Gilt by the Sun, th' whole Sky serene did grace.
Neptune far off, in Charret drawn (as 'twere)
With Tritons, round did range for Pleasure there.
Priests view'd, as tho from that first Mount descended,
Priest mes­sage.
To th' Brides-groom, Bride joyn'd Message recommended.
Great Princely Pair, from Honour's Temple, know,
I'm sent to You Ambassadour below:
Six younger Knights sent from Thessalian State
To proffer, yield the Prince ORONTES late
That glorious Crown, due from his Grand-father,
Expell'd by Treas'nous force, unlawful'st War:
Six Ladies too from Cyprus wealthy Land,
With Crown, which Duke VERDORƲS may command
Their beautious Queen MINDANA'S Heir disclos'd;
Who fled from thence by Tyrant's Arm Depos'd:
Each Troop withall ingag'd ( such high Regard
Shewn to your selves, their Royal Heirs declar'd)
These Crowns should be first to your Hands presented.
Long cross'd through Storms by Furies rais'd, augmented,
To honour, Virtue's Temples at the last
Both Parties came; Sea's dangers overpast.
Where finding All they Agents were imploy'd
To marry'd Pair, Prince, Princess call'd (o're-joy'd)
Now Fellow- servants grown, th' Example mov'd,
Each made their worthy Choice, united prov'd:
Will shortly here with their Grand charge attend;
Mean while their humblest Duties recommend.
Returning back, one Water- Nymph each side
From th' shore appear'd,
Water- Nymphs, Sea-Gods.
in Marriage- Song comply'd
For this chief joyned Pair, and All the rest;
Robes stain'd like Waves, with Tensel-borders drest.
Sea-Gods near them beheld (call'd Tritons were)
Long Coats, Sea-green, who joyn'd for Chorus there.


1. Nymph.
FUries, Storms o're-master'd prove,
Heav'n that band to Hell confounded;
2. Nymph.
Smiling calm appears for Love,
The Earth with gales of Joy surrounded:
Chorus, Nymphs, Sea-Gods.
Birds do sing,
Their welcome bring;
Lovers and Flow'rs cause double Spring.
1. Nymph.
Two, like Suns, conjoyned grown,
Brought forth strait six Pair of Lovers;
2. Nymph.
Honour, Vertue's stamp each one,
Like their Lady, Lord, discovers;
Chorus all.
— Which do shine,
Whilst Beams combine
Great, Influential pair, Divine.
1. Nymph.
Thus, Triumphant proves at last
True, Noble Worth, with Laurel crown'd;
2. Nymph.
Those joyful twelve, dangers o're-past
(Set Stars) do clearly rise, renown'd.
Both Nymphs
— Whilst display,
Transcendent way,
Those Sun-like Two new-breaking day.
Chorus of all, Nymphs, Sea Gods.
All Delights
That may Reason, Fancy please,
(Clear from Bodies, Mind's disease)
Attend your Day's, conjugal Nights:
And let no more
( Still smoothed Waves as calmest shore)
Foul Envy's Storms disturb like those before.
Come forth you Ladies of the Stream, Advance,
Express your Joy by cheerful, flowing Dance.
This being said, those TRITONS all withdrew
Behind the Scene; that Rockie part in view.
Four Water-Nymphs did then conjoyn'd appear
To th' other two, same Glist'ring Garb did wear;
Walk'd down the Stairs, in smooth and gliding measure,
Their parts discharg'd like Champaign Dance of pleasure.
Nymph speaks.
Approach ye TRITONS from the deep, prepare
( Kind partners too) by Dance your Joy declare.
Four TRITONS then, black Curls, the steps desended,
Trumps wreathed shewn, whose artful Dance commended.
These being return'd, the Scene was changed strait;
Third Scene.
View'd Garden's from, most dainty, delicate;
Prime flow'ry Dress, choice Walks, with Tarras- Mounts,
Carv'd Statues rare, with artificial Founts;
Fine Arbours, some o' th' longer sort descry'd,
Like branched Arch, seen planted Fruits beside;
Clear lovely Sky, bright scatter'd Clouds how-e'er,
Cupid, Ayr-Spirits.
Small airy Spirits perch'd discerned there.
Four, as from them, came sliding down below;
From th' Garden strait (gold Quiver, silver'd Bow)
Small Cupid joyn'd; W [...]ng'd handsome Boys, as shewn
Their Prince himself still Danced there alone.
He back to th' Garden walk'd, those Spirits then,
By Masking art, soar'd up to th' Clouds agen.
Fourth Scene then view'd,
Fourth Scene.
where HYMEN'S bow'r design'd
(Term'd Marriage- God) with silver Pillars shin'd;
Long, open From, the Skirts beset with Roses;
Green Laurel else both Back and Roof incloses.
Grand Maskers plac'd beneath, those Ladies, Knights,
Twelve, threefold Rank; whose Prospect Sense delights.
Skie-colourd Silk by th' manly Troop was worn,
With Silver Stars, each Garland did Adorn:
Carnation by the Maids with Silver Flow'rs,
White Ribbon-knots, th' Heads lofty-drest like Tow'rs.
This well observ'd, Gilt Charet from th' one side
Softly descends,
Charrets descen­ding.
small Clouds did break, divide;
Chief VENƲS sat, brave-trim'd white Garment wore:
Star on her Brow: Three Graces rang'd before,
As choice Concomitants, whom did invest
Fine, party colour'd Stuff, like Sisters drest.
From th' other Side a silver'd Charet came,
Where Hymen view'd in Crimson Robe, like Flame
Besprinkled all: at Foot young Hebe plac'd,
Goddess of youth, green Mantle, Silver-grac'd.
Whilst sliding down, by turns, they choicely Sung,
Till midst o'th' Air their fixed Charets hung.


Break forth thou Marriage- God, descend,
Thy cheerful presence Lend,
3 Graces.
To VENUS and th' Assistant GRACES.
Heightning Love's Embraces:
HYMEN comes, great Beautie's Queen,
My Daughter too behold,
Goddess of Youth, till Spring-like green,
Choice Bridal Guest inrol'd.
Chorus of Water-Nymphs, Sea-Gods.
Sea-Gods and Water-Nymphs loud Quire,
Conjoyning All,
This Festival
Let's chant till th' Early Globe admire.
Hast Thou conjoyn'd in Marriage- Bands
Those worthy'st mortal Payrs,
Combined th'are both Heart and Hands,
Shew like Terrestrial Stars,
3 Graces.
Whilst their Master, Mistress there,
Which did th' Examples prove
May beauteous Sun and Moon appear.
I'th' ga [...]lant Orbe of Love.
Chorus of Water-Nymphs, Sea-Gods.
Both are Suns for splendid Rays,
And may conjoyned seem t'outblaze
Those lofty Seven;
Chief Lights on Earth beheld, as those in Heaven.
For leading way unto the Rest,
Thus Venus bounteous Mind's exprest;
I'll give to th' Female Train, confirm
Beauty till Elder age.
For Love till last Expiring Term
I shall to Both ingage.
And we Graces (Each Assures)
Youthful Season whilst endures,
From our Amorous Store, Treasure.
Contribute Joy, Mirth and Pleasure.
Chorus of Water-Nymphs, Sea-Gods.
Woods and Rocks with Ecchoes sound,
Like us, their Prayses round,
Ʋntill to th' Arched Skie rebound.
Prove their Joys like Streams o're-flowing.
Grand Masque Dance.
Favorites of Heaven shewing;
May They be
Rare Precedents to all Posterity.
This Song perform'd, their Charets slowly rise,
With equal Pace till shrouded in the Skies.
Then forth Grand Masquers came, Six handsome Pair;
Fifth Scene.
Tho formost Two might seem Trascendent, Rare
Next Brides-groom and the Bride did All advance,
Trod Floor beneath for First Grand masquing Dance:
Where Sounds well pleas'd Spectator's Ear, and th' Eye
Fine Motion caught, choice Form with Bravery.
This Dance being closed thus, the Scene was then
From Summer-Bow'r to City chang'd agen,
I'th' Front whereof great Royal Palace shin'd,
Magnificent for th' Princely Pair design'd.
The Masquers here their Faces turn'd to th' side,
Where sat the Brides-groom and the Beauteous Bride,
Low-bowing All; then strait their middle pair
March'd softly forth, and, shewn Obeisance fair,
Presented, rang'd a Crown at Either's feet:
So to their Place withdraw: mean time that sweet,
Harmonious Troop sung from the Scene, their Station,
( Nymphs with Sea-Gods) like joyful Celebration.


1 Nymph
GReat, transcendent Pair for Birth,
Virtue as corporeal Beauty,
T' whom of Duty
2 Nymph
Stoops prime Excellence on Earth
See what Heav'n restore
Both Nymphs
For you more.
Chorus of Water-Nymphs, Sea-Gods.
Gifts thought worthy your Receit;
To advance and make more Great
Your Honour, Happiness, Compleat.
1 Nymph
Those Bright Crowns, Allegeance shewing,
From two Faithful Lands imbrace;
2 Nymph
Prince, Princess call'd, such Presents owing
Your High Fame as Royal Race
Both Nymphs
Rule withall o're Subjects Hearts
Either Crown imparts.
Chorus of Water-Nymphs, Sea-Gods.
Next those Kingly Fathers there
You Successors choice Appear;
May for th' inward Worth and Merit
Seem their Virtues to Inherit:
Prove entwin'd
Scepter, like your selves, combin'd
And never be your Glorious Rays outshin'd.
Song being clos'd, their secoond Dance begun,
Prime, stately That: with which the Masque was done.
All thus perform'd,
Strange Event.
that Gallant, leading Pair
Walk'd strait to th' upper end, where in great Chair
ORONTES sat, bow'd, saying, Our Lord and Father.
When startled grown, o'rewhelm'd, confounded rather.
These words conjoyn'd; What art Thou with that Name,
Those Looks employ'd to Torture me? I am,
My Lord (she said) your Daughter. Hah! My Daughter!
(He answer'd strait) such once I had; seiz'd, caught her
By th' trembling hand, lest Air, deluding Dream;
Gaz'd on her Face; whilst Blood's disorder'd Stream
Recoil'd to th' Heart: Your Daughter, she reply'd,
FONTANA call'd. Ghosts wander then; He cry'd;
She was long since Dead Corps, Coffin'd, interr'd!
Thought Dead, My Lord ( She joyn'd) what's that I heard?
(Said He) Thought Dead! Good Gods, Am I Awake?
No doubt, said She, my Lord. O Do not take
(He strait conjoyn'd) th' Advantage of that Form,
Known Voice withall, to raise bad Sorrow's Storm;
I want no more, She smiling, weeping then,
Heav'n knows I am your Daughter, said agen,
Which strait confirm'd the Brides-groom standing by.
Strait snatching her in Grasping way, more nigh,
Kiss seal'd (tho panting Heart) most plain, said He;
'Tis now my Girl, FONTANA, very she;
Clos'd in mine Arms. Who kneel'd conjoyned too,
My Husband This, be pleas'd ( my Lord) to view;
For which stol'n choice, tho Virtuous, noble prize,
I pardon beg. Thou hast it Daughter, rise,
(He said) the Man's worthy of great Regard,
Saluted Him, wish'd Joy to both. Declar'd
ORSAMNES then, They were good while conceal'd
Within that House; now (thought fit'st time) reveal'd:
Her Life it self kept lately i'th' Dark; unknown:
Much wonder from Spectator's Eyes was shewn,
When from below did (mark'd by All) ascend
A Lady slightly veil'd,
A Second strange Event.
to th' upper End,
Of gallant shape for Garment Handsome, neat;
Who drawing near to th' Prince ORONTES seat,
Thus spoke, (with Arms mean while himself Entwin'd)
My dearest Lord. When partly o' th' former Mind
Delusions Reign'd, grown staring, Who art Thou
(Joyn'd he withall) come to torment me now?
That Body, Voice? I am (she answer'd there)
Your Marri'd Wife. My Wife! Transform'd as 't were.
The Prince conjoyn'd. Yes; Answer'd she agen;
Your Wife CLARENZA. Fates mock mortal Men
(Said He) to Death; look'd under th' Falling Hood;
Hah! somewhat here disturbs my Frantick Blood.
(Startled much more) perchance this Gen'ral Night
Dead waken round, those Living to Affright:
Some mangled Doom to her Destruction brought;
I view'd her mournful Ghost. Dead Carcase thought,
( She joyn'd) my Lord; but Heaven, Prime skill beside
Go, th' art her Handsome Ghost, He strait reply'd:
And this that Field of Ghosts Elizean:
Or Dreams deceive, No shadow ( She again
Conjoyned, Wept, unveyl'd) Trust Senses Pow'r;
Your Wife Disowned thus! Strange Pregnant Hour
Big-charg'd (said He) with Miracles; Love-flaming,
Caught, held her, Kisses her, then strait exclaiming,
Nay, now th'art She, CLARENZA'S self, confest;
That Dying hour doth seize perchance, Arrest,
And Heav'n ordains through monstrous Favour, I
Should thus Dissolve in Gladsome Extasie.
My Reason Strength does want t' endure the Load;
Lest this frail Barque with Joys be overflow'd.
Mother and Daughter ran most fondly there.
Fontana and Cla­renza.
T' each others Arms, as then both raised were
From slumb'ring Tomb, since thought each other Dead
Those Postures, Looks, such Joy shewn, figured,
Like Sorrow for th' Half-face; Tears, smiles compound;
Their gentle Hearts so strain'd, Transported found.
The Brides-groom then, to th' Height rejoyced, came,
His Duty pay'd; CLERMANTHE too the same,
Own'd for dear Mother in Law; whom strait entwin'd
CLARENZA there, high Birth, as Noble Mind
Informed of; still Beauty choice beheld
That Youthful Pair withdrawn, scarce parallel'd,
All Wept at last; till She more solemn fashion
(Return'd to Life that Realm) congratulation
From Greatest Ones receiv'd: Some look'd as tho
Strange Vision saw, no Masque, since ended so.
The Prince could scarce those Comforts rightly enjoy,
So strange appear'd, till Both their Tongues employ
For th' manner how (short needful Grounds alone)
They Death escap'd; least wrong to th' Bridegroom shewn;
CLARENZA's Part soon heard, FONTANA's tho
Thought best for Private Hour, reserved so.
Of Both e're long more largely inform we shall,
Since various Webs, more Threads comprize withall.
Then marched forth the Lord THERSANDER there,
Thersander with Flore­na.
FLORENA led by th' Hand; She blush'd howe're,
Whilst He did smile; stoll'n Match it prov'd that day,
Since the Brides-groom ( He said) did lead the way,
Chose th' Honest Road Himself had follow'd thus,
Grown Marry'd Man; times chang'd, less dangerous.
Which large Contentment gave, unlook'd-for sight,
Wish'd Joy by All for second Wedding- Night.
When strait Advanc'd a Third conjoyned Pair,
CLERMANTHE'S Nurse, who shew'd that faithful care,
MORNEDA call'd; and Doctor skilful grown
In Physick's Art, by name of Vordes known;
Friend to FONTANA and her Husband there
(More said anon, Guests name withall did bear
As then Themselves) being Thirty five for Age,
Spruce, handsome Man, did with MORNEDA ingage,
Of pleasing Form, scarce thirty three o're-past:
Rich Widow prov'd, near MANTINEA (last)
Good Grange enjoy'd, stol'n Match that Morn beside,
For which She Pardon ask'd o' th' lovely Bride.
And now the Bride was led by Virgin-train
( Each seeming close, confederated Brain
For private Plot) to th' Marriage-Bed in haste,
Like precious Pearl from Garments there uncas'd
To Enrich the Sheets: most lovely Form then wore
When purest Self, with nightly Dress, no more:
Her Bodie shrouded Decent way (fair Gem)
Like Beautie's Mine, or unknown World by them.
The Brides-groom next (concomitants) was call'd;
Who Cloaths discharg'd, which then like Harness gall'd,
Stiff Coat of Male; advanced strait to th' Bride,
Was couched there by his Beloved's side.
All soon withdrawn, ORSAMNES reap'd at last
Love's Harvest- Fruits, bad Former Toyl o're-past;
Height'ned, endeer'd the more: late Storms annoy'd,
Now Calm appears; CLERMANTHE fair enjoy'd.
THERSANDER then retir'd (less formal State)
To his FLORENA'S Bed, since growing late;
Would lye alone no more: The Doctor prov'd
Copartner too, MORNEDA much belov'd.
Next Day was kept FONTANA's Marriage Feast,
Wife Year and Half, Each former Person Guest;
Who th' Ʋpper end adorned too as Bride:
For Hunting All in th' Afternoon comply'd.
Those Stories here may fitly Rang'd ensue,
Clarenza's Story.
CLARENZA's first, shewn smaller Map to view.
Surpriz'd and Coach'd, her Husband left for Dead,
Near that Park-lodg (which largely mentioned)
By foul GORDANƲS Hand, since Rival grac'd,
Himself Refus'd; th' Arcadian Bounds o're-past,
Laconian Wood fit thought for Act so vile,
Rambling with his Comrades for Certain Isle.
And there by Huntsman scar'd from Ravishment,
First Grand Design; Death next resolv'd Intent;
Tumbling Her down from Dreadful Rock, least Blood
Dead Corps descry'd. Those near as rang'd the Wood;
Slight sprouting Branch, forth from that Rock well growing,
Cut off the depth large way, Rare Fortune shewing,
Her daintiest Limbs imbrac'd, more Gently so
Did Dandle strait to Branch sprung far below,
Which kiss'd them kindly there; but weaker found,
Surrender'd (last) to th' Hard-saluting Ground:
Where senseless bulk she lay, tho Fair with all,
Body much bruis'd and Head, so great the Fall:
Chief Lord of th' Hunting Train came Riding by,
Through Field conjoyn'd, cast gentler Glance, sad Eye
On th' mournful Object there, whose Form excell'd;
Rich Cloaths, brave Dimon-Carkanet beheld
(Whereof through Haste by th' Villains not bereav'd)
Shew'd Nobler Rank, some signs of Life perceiv'd.
Strait carryed her to th' House of worthy Friend
(But Half mile off) whom for important end
Did Visit late; nor soon departing Guest:
And being a Man of learned Parts possest,
As Lordly Name, Degree, with skilful Hand
In th' Surgeon's Art (prais'd by Laconian Land)
First Motion caus'd, wak'd slumb'ring Sense e're-long,
Th' Head sadly harm'd; faint Spirits made more strong,
(In part renew'd) conjoyned certain Days:
Tho still so weak for Voice and Brain, alas!
Could not make known her self; nor came the sound,
Least Noyse thereof beyond the Arcadian Bound.
The Lord returning now through great Affairs,
Yet loth to leave (since Rang'd amongst his Cares)
CLARENZA there, might else be thought Ʋnkind;
June's season, warm, soft Litter's Bed combin'd,
Took Her along: whose House there harbour'd shewing
Prime Surgeon, best, from whence his Knowledge growing;
But Crazy Man, not fit at all to Ride,
Loath'd for some Cause that Country's Part, beside
Large River's stream (next) to be Ferry'd o're
Which prov'd between: such (last) her Beauty-store,
Fine handsome Grace return'd, the Lord in th' end
( Widow, or Maid) did choice for Wife intend.
She's sei­zed by Pi­rates.
Crossing by Ferry-boat that River there,
Deep aslo found, Pirats that shrouded were
Behind a Rock, man'd Barque with sturdy Train,
Strait Seiz'd on them; complaints were lost, in Vain.
Might Charm as vvell Tempestuo [...]s Storm as those
Rought Plund'rers of the Wave; nor could oppose.
By svvimming strait the Lord escap'd their Povv'r;
Some going to Cast over board that Hour
The Ladie's self, like Bulk diseas'd, espying
Small Box of Pearls, rich Diamonds there lying
(Grand Fees for Cure) their Captain tender-hearted
First Life allow'd, then skillful Hand imparted
(Choice Surgeon) towards her Health; withall design'd
That She should prove his Gallant Concubine.
Now long at Sea, and Gain'd convenient Prize,
They steer'd for Home with their Rob'd Merchandise,
Landed on Tyrian Ground; their Pris'ners where,
Sold off for Slaves, like Market-Beast appear.
CLARENZA prov'd the Captain's Gem, well tended
In his own House, till Beauty choice commended;
Through Health restor'd more Lustful way inclin'd:
Strong Temper found, with sad, perplexed Mind:
Thus, lovely Form preserv'd tho Grieved Heart,
Pleading with Tears (where joyn'd her Friendly Part
His Sister too) she might be rather Sold
For Lady's Hand-Maid, since good Present Gold
The Captain lik'd, long doubtful Ransome thought
He Grants thus far; to th' Court CLARENZA brought.
Friend plac'd Her where the Queen should traverse by,
Who view'd her strait (inform'd) with pleased Eye;
Much Beauty lov'd, and prais'd the Greekish Nation;
To wait on her gave large consideration,
Known what She was, being humorous, and proud,
A Princess should, to slavish lowness bow'd,
On her attend, for one whole year at least
No Ransome should her thence redeem, Exprest.
As for her Lord, since Wounded saw to fall
By Murth'ring Swords, left Prostrate so withall,
She did conclude him Slain, sad Mourner there:
Liv'd Favour'd thus, Captiv'd Restraint how-e're.
That year expir'd, Arcadian Merchant, friend
Landing by chance, She seen, did strait attend;
Told her Lord's life, withdrawn as Pastor tho;
Fair Daughter's Death, whence Tears did Cheeks o're-flow:
Had that young King still breath'd, sh' had found him dead,
Soon both return'd, made shorter by the Head.
Now, constant Heart, t' injoy her Lord desiring,
By th' Queen set Free, whose Promise so requiring;
That Merchant bound for Home soon brought her hither,
To Mantinea thus they came together:
Where nois'd she heard ORSAMNES Wedding-Feast,
Her Husband their, prov'd nightly intruding Guest.
GORADNUS with those five Comrades, all bound
For Cretan Isle (just vengeance, Doom) were Drown'd.


FONTANA'S Chance, next place we shall present,
Shewn more at large since various for th' Event.
Mother being by GORDANƲS seiz'd, thought Dead,
And Father gash'd with Wounds, confin'd to's Bed
In that Park-Lodge; to th' Royal Town (less fear)
And Countess-Aunt she's sent, great Widow there:
For age Seventeen, ripe Beauty grown, excelling,
Choice Parts, sweet Nature too those Parallelling.
Sent Order th' Aunt should her direct, beside,
In all things Mother like;
Fontana's sent to her Aunt.
her wary Guide
For Marriage-choice: which part she changed thus,
Incroaching way; Times being grown dangerous,
She should in All dispose of Her, full Pow'r
For th' Husbands choice: as told Her self that hour.
Harsh froward Temper was, so strict did prove,
She never from her Daughters sight should move,
Or elder Maid's; to th' Garden follow'd strait,
Nay, Closet-door, giv'n Porter Charge at Gate.
Few day's conjoyn'd, an Earl of handsome Fortune,
Known by the Aunt, did her for Wife importune;
Coarce Person tho, of Weak, defective mind,
Whom much She loath'd; th' Aunt eagrest way inclin'd:
Large Gifts from him receiv'd; did urge, o're-strain:
FONTANA pleads her younger Years again.
Silvander love to Fontana.
Her Aunt and she e're-long, one solemn Day,
MINERVA'S Temple enter'd both, to Pay
Devotions their, which time her Gallant Spouse
Beheld her Form, SILVANDER call'd, and Bows
T' Imperial Love: Goddess on earth She seem'd,
To whom all Hearts due Sacrifice esteem'd.
Anthem then Sung, He fix'd delightful Eyes
Upon Her oft, whose soberness implies
True speaking Flames of chastly temper'd Love;
Since in those Orbs the Soul doth clearest move.
Looks su'd and vow'd, as 'twere, not mark'd by th' Aunt,
But much by Her what Thoughts Predominant;
Conjoyn'd transcendent Form, rich Cloaths survey'd,
Prime Countenance no meaner Rank display'd,
Nor vulgar-temper'd Mind to th' loving Heart:
Which Gestures so were answer'd on her Part,
(Choice, Modest Sweetness shewn) Despairing Thrall
Not threatned prov'd, presumption Check'd withall.
Rites Sacred past, SILVANDER follow'd home
His morning- Star, till set and hous'd become,
Good space between; where seeming blinded grown,
Soul lost with Her,
Vordes Sil­vander's Friend,
forth marched strait (well known)
That Physick-Doctor mention'd once before,
And Vordes call'd: now take conjoyn'd far more:
Choice Friend he was, first by his Grandsire train'd,
Brought up from clouts; by's Father next maintain'd
In Student-way long time, till learned Art,
Much practise got: This more obliging Part,
By him redeem'd, when Murther's dreadful fear,
Prime Doctor thought by th' Aunt, then Lodger there;
Her darling- Girl his Patient also prov'd:
Whom walking near (as by rare Fortune mov'd,
Conducted so) SILVANDER strait imbrac'd?
Which Act FONTANA saw, since chanc'd to cast
Glance from above; then more conceal'd, retir'd
To cloister, nook, with earnestness inquir'd
Who that young Lady was, next, th'elder Aunt;
Since Doctor seem'd imploy'd, there conversant.
VORDES inform'd; when strait SILVANDER pray'd,
That through his Pow'r (if rul'd so far, o're-sway'd)
He might Salute that choice, transcendent Part
Of Nature's works, breath'd forth by Tongue his Heart,
As did that Morn well blaze it by his Eyes:
Tho damping Fears, which Lovers oft surprize.
VORDES grown sad, that motion, Task propounded,
Knowing how hard, what obstacles surrounded;
Inform'd again her Princely Birth, Descent,
Father alive, with Portion's large Extent,
That Countess Aunt's high-soaring thoughts beside
Great, loftiest Aims for Her (as no mean Bride)
Both Rank, Estate for one most earnest seem'd,
Huge landed Lord (by th' Lady nought esteem'd,
Himself in heart conceiv'd) for cooling close,
Strict Aunt; severe, both Maids and Daughters, those
Still Scout-like follow'd Her; no way for them
To obtain the Prize; unequall'd Stratagem.
SILVANDER Gall'd, conjoyns, Much valu'd Friend,
I'm plunged, sunk, if your kind Aid not send
Supporting branch, as 'twere: in losing her
I'm lost my self; this life and all (dear Sir)
Seem there wrapt up, Involv'd: her gentle Glance,
Eyes pleasing Beams did sooth my hope, advance;
No cruel Brest proclaim'd; O, make me Able
To Wed, enjoy, or call me miserable.
The Doctor mov'd, since well conceiv'd that High,
Threefold ingaging Score, strong friendly Tye
Conjoyned, last; intreats, that he would Pause,
Self-conquerour perchance, till Night withdraws;
To's Lodging come next Morn, they'd talk again.
VORDES departs with shrewdly puzled Brain,
Sad- tasked thoughts (since likely Fi [...] t'endure)
By what safe means both grand Exploit and Cure
To bring about; prime Cordial shew'd Fruition:
First Ground-work tho in that abstruse Condition
The Lady's Grant appear'd, t' obtain her Love,
Good hopes whereof did from her mildness prove.
Choice Temper, Sweet; Transcendent Form and Shape
Of young SILVANDER joyn'd (whilst loath'd as Rape
That Lord's imbrace) Garb, Carriage Courtly were:
Harsh, sow'r her Aunt, shewn friendly'st Aspect there
Towards him regard, whose Patient when arriv'd
First weak became, of healthful Spirits depriv'd
Through Mother's loss, sad Father's Wounds combin'd:
Tho Love o're-past, great cloudy Maze behind:
So follow'd still to ev'ry Chamber-floor,
Their Garden-walks (as said) her Closet-door
Warn'd Porter too; how, shun'd all noise, Alarm
To bring her clearly off, no Magick-charm.
Long mus'd he thus; next morning found in Bed
SILVANDER there, when kindly visited,
O're-charg'd through Passion's weight, Tyrannick pow'r:
Disorder'd Pulse, grown Fever-like that hour.
Good Doctor, help (did say) release me from
Loves torture, thrall; this burning freezing Doom.
Grasp'd by the hand, thus VORDES answer'd well,
Be cheer'd most noble Youth, like charming Spell,
I now am bound to serve thy Lover 's Passion,
Tho plung'd perchance i' th' dangerous Navigation.
Leave strait the Bed, your Amorous thoughts compose,
Write next to Her, most pow'rful strain disclose
Of honour, Love; that Temple's Place express
Where first you saw, what Garment wore for dress,
That She my know by th' Mark, your Person then:
Three Hours dissolv'd I shall return agen.
SILVANDER pleas'd his Noble thoughts portray'd,
Silvander writes to Fontana.
Fine, handsome words with Love conjoyn'd display'd;
Harmonious for Language, Musical,
Might Savage Brest to mildness move withall;
How painted forth her Beauties, his Love-passion,
For present th' Heart inclos'd, sincere Oblation.
VORDES return'd, Writes largely underneath,
Inform'd her several ways, as pow'rful Wreath
To crown Belief; beg'd in first place, conjur'd
Her Faith to all He wrote, next, strongly assur'd
Of his Friend's Nobler Birth, tho Highly rais'd
Their Ancestors, choice Parts, good Nature prais'd;
Known to him from the Womb; held then in's Hand
Full fifteen hundred pounds a Year, brave Land.
Love, last, confirms, tormenting Rack descry'd,
SILVANDER breath'd through Hope, might else have dy'd.
The Gods did then for awful Witness call,
Whose Pow'rs He fear'd, Ador'd. But least befall
Nice doubts o' th' Person ought, he crav'd thus far,
She would next Morn some Window grace like Star,
I' th' painted Room to th' Street, Ten choicest hour,
When in such Cloaths that Youth, the Grecian Flow'r,
Should walk, pass by, hand fixt upon his Brest:
Whom if she would with Favour crown, make Blest
By secret flight, as they should safely Ordain,
Then beg'd of her next Morn to that again,
Before Elev'n, Plac'd near sick Cousin's Bed,
Wall's darker side (as us'd) He entered,
She'd stroke for sign with gentle hand her Eye,
Then thrust i' th' Bosome strait; drawing more nigh,
Take lower under's Cloak (nor fear of sight)
A Glass from wary held forth hand, but light,
Cover'd with Paper all, which doth display
True use thereof, to th' Closet, Desk convey;
Hid first, reserv'd (since 'twas no smallest size)
I' th' pocket, Handkercher from wand'ring Eyes:
Tho Suit conjoyn'd, if doom'd beyond Repeal
That noble Youth for grave, she'd these Conceal.
Down VORDES walk'd; enter'd, Eleven past,
His Patient's Chamber where most fitly plac'd
FONTANA sat (kind Visitant become)
Wall's darker side each Morning us'd; on whom
Cast sober Glance, by her Observ'd the more,
Design conceiv'd, since saw hm Grasp before
SILVANDER, Talk, drawn near her Cousin's Bed,
While stoop'd her Pulse to feel, Cloak shrouding spread,
The Letter given Fon­tana.
He Thrust beneath into the Lady's hand
That Paper, which she took; from view restrain'd
(Such warning had) thought Honest, good intent;
Some Pause to' th' Closet's Council-board she went:
Maid following. Doo [...] fast, that Spy to shun
(Whilst new-blown Roses Cheeks display'd) begun
To read the Lines; when milkie white in part
Their crimson Claret drown'd, sweet, tender Heart.
She view'd them all with words as t'were begem'd,
Gilt through her Eyes conjoyned Rays; tho stream'd
Small doubt fron thence o' th' Person Love-diseas'd,
Before Ten's hour to grace, Adorn she pleas'd
That Window's Glass; through which (clear, Christalline)
Beheld did like to th' fair Aurora shine,
Through th' Eastern Casements, standing, Reading there
Large, broken Pane confederate as 'twere:
Maid working by. Good pause, SILVANDER came,
Might Sun present, seem'd Cloathed all in flame,
Gold, Beauty, Love; his Mistriss strait descryes;
Whom closely Woo'd, no her first darted Eyes,
Then rais'd to Heav'n, with Hand a cross the Brest:
So marched slowly on, such looks at least,
Mild Beams discern'd break forth that Window's Cloud,
As scarce by deadly, cruel heart allow'd.
This Scene o're-past,
Fontana's Love.
much more that second Day
The sweet FONTANA mus'd, did poize, survey
Those things of Weight; that loathsome mention'd Lord,
Strict sow'rest Aunt, urg'd Match which she abhor'd;
SILVANDER'S Birth, Estate, her sober mind
Did well content, choice Parts with goodness shin'd
( Doctor believ'd) for Person there excell'd,
Transcendent 'twas, she thought, unparallell'd:
Face, Body both compound enamouring:
Love (last) advanced all, from Noble Spring,
Sublime and high, since crav'd her self alone.
Thus, Sigh she breath'd, part-wond'ring at that One,
Two strait conjoyn'd; perceiv'd more plainly there
That She vvas novv Transform'd, self lost as 'tvvere,
Prime part inthrall'd, giv'n up unto another
Which strange invading Fits, vvhile thought to smother,
Stout Lords became; more mus'd, the more she lov'd;
Kind heart, Alas! Revoltress closely prov'd,
SILVANDER'S Advocate, vvhence Victor crovvn'd.
Thus, sad through fancy-qualms, Love-breeding found,
Disarmed Maid she yields, shevv'd govern'd by
VORDES vvell known, great Love, and Destiny.
Next joyful Morn, at th' hour and place requir'd,
She gave to him those signs for grant desir'd;
Sweet, gentle Way; set down with cautious hand
His Glass receiv'd beneath, from view detain'd.
After some Pause to th' Closet then she trip'd,
Maid following; lock'd fast the Door, unstrip'd
Th' inviron'd Glass, worn Paper- shroud before,
Wherein VORDES did strangely thus Implore.
First place,
Vordes lines.
that She would Trust with boldness, su'd,
Heav'n and his faithful Care, resolve, conclude
For secret flight (strange hazards else did run)
Which should that safe and Gentler Way be done,
So prime Exploit (to be well mentioned
Next Morn by Lines, giv'n near her Cousin's Bed)
Th' whole World should near pursue, from Flight debar;
Lest th' Aunt, or Father (known) caus'd stormy Jar,
Till He enjoy'd more clear, contentful Mind.
Mean while conjur'd, She'd drink that Rare-design'd,
Choice Cordial there, whose Virtue Sovereign
Would breed new Spirits, revive both Heart and Brain,
For th' matchless Work at hand: Of Meaner Pow'r
Sh' had proved some, but beg'd t' observe his hour.
Next Morn by Nine, her usual Hour to Rise,
Should tell her Maid, in Trundle-Bed that lies,
Her watchful Night, till th' Hour Eleven (as ghest)
She'd fain enjoy some cheerful slumb'ring rest.
Eleven come, through Thirst distemper'd shew,
Send down for Drink, Silk, Sizars, left below,
Which She should use; Maid gone, the Chamber free,
Step then to th' Closet strait most hastily,
Drink all that Potion off, the empty Glass
Throvvn through that Window there, vvild, bushy, place,
Lest found above, some thoughts of Close combining,
Her body strait to th'Bed again resigning,
'Twould sudden, Short refreshing slumber breed.
Tho pray'd, conjur'd, as Lov'd their Lives indeed,
That Scroul o're-Night i' th' Closet should be burn'd,
Each part o' th' Plot that was to Cinders turn'd.
The same he warn'd vvithall (that Caution-store)
In those first Lines, by Her perform'd before.
Thus far 't was manag'd vvell, good hopeful Ground:
Next young SILVANDER'S heart he cheer'd, which found
Want Cordial too, since seemed to endure
Strange doubtful Wrack: injoyn'd, he should procure
False Hair and Beard for Each of them, anon,
His further Lover's Task should then be known.
Next Morn by Nine FONTANA told the Maid
Her Watchful Chance, great want of Sleep she said,
Would till Eleven's Hour still keep her Bed.
That time being come, Feign'd Thirst, distemper bred,
Sent down for Drink, her Sizars, Silk below;
Drank Potion strait, each Rule observing so
To th' Bed again: Well Couched there e're long
Thick Vapours Fog seem'd to o're-cloud and throng
( Sense lost) her stifled Brain; as 't were Congeal'd;
Limbs stretched forth, whilst Sable Darkness seal'd,
Clos'd up her Eyes; no Blood in Cheeks was seen:
Thus shew'd Death's pale, tho fair-Complexion'd Queen.
That Wench return'd with ling'ring Foot to th' Door,
(Since partly hid by th' Lady Night before
Both Sizars, Silk) unlock'd, drawn near the Bed,
Made sudden Start, since thought FONTANA Dead.
Call'd up in haste her Aunt, the Doctor then,
Fair Corps beheld, like Picture handsome Scene
Of Humane Frailty 't was; full view display'd:
Sad, troubled Glance, Brest struck withall, He said,
Clear Symtoms, signs of that Disease were found,
Which doth the Vital Spirits, Parts surround
Wiht Present Death: Ask'd then, Did She complain
Of watchful Head: next, felt as drowsy Brain?
Yes, spoke the Wench: If crav'd not Drink, requires;
O, much; She cry'd; That s [...]ew'd it's Venome, Fires,
He strait conjoyn'd; perswades her Aunt howe're
She should till Nine at Nightly couched there,
Furnish'd with Shroud; which would inform, how Strong
Those deadly Bands; tho afterward (least wrong
To th' Living found) Inter'd without Demur,
Because that secret Poyson, lodg'd in Her,
Would by that Hour in Fumes break forth, Exhale;
Which th' Aunt approv'd, scarce seem'd to mourn, Bewail
(Stout harder Heart) tho lost Transcendent Niece,
Whose Death might claim th' o're-flowing Tears of Greece.
And thus e're long FONTANA Shroud did wear,
She's shrouded Corps-like.
As lay in Bed, by Wench performed there;
Choice Landry-Maid; who on her Fingers spying
Two Dimon-Rings (which through sad Care less eying
Were worn that Night, Each worth some forty pound)
By th' Sheets conceal'd, as tho great Portion found,
Long'd for the Prize; strait hid them with her Hand,
Some others near, but Next at her Command:
Then closely strain'd to pluck Them off, altho
The Flesh being partly swell'd, Prevented so.
Joyners sent for, fit Coffin to provide,
Took measure for't, fair Clasps bespoke beside.
The Doctor strait walk'd to SYLVANDER then,
Need not false Hairs and Beards bespeak agen,
Found ready th'are; view'd also Coffin there,
Which wish'd Him former Even bespeak howe're:
Fair-clasp'd, FONTANA'S size, near fill'd vvith Mold,
('Tvvas meant for Mirth, conceit, the Workman told,
Done so to th' Hand) bar'd asking vvhy, Wherefore,
SILVANDER'S self; 'tvvas all o'th Loving score.
Novv, e're Eleven that very Night, disguis'd,
False Hair and Beard ( same brought for Him) Advis'd,
Worn longer Cloak, from's Garden-lodging trace
Built midst the Wall apart (Fine Jonely Place,
Like Summer-room) to th' joyned Fields one Door;
Which Fields the Countess Garden lay before,
That's Postern Gate, short Walk (each Chance excell'd)
View'd strait by Him, thick Bushes near beheld:
Reach those for sculking Shrowd, that coffin bearing,
When Whistle heard, next, savv himself appearing,
(Which vvould be about Twelve, He might be sure,
Things deeply vveigh'd, then thought most safe, secure)
March vvith the same to th' Door, small Task behind,
E're long enjoy that Wish'd-for Gem design'd;
When Nine at Night, vvhich made it full Ten hours,
No sign i'th' Corps perceiv'd of Living Pow'rs;
The Lady thus, being coffin'd then in haste,
Small Fun'ral-Pomp, tho certain Torches, cast
Sad, mournful Flames, some Weeping Houshold- Eyes,
Was carry'd dovvn to th' Garden-Vault, vvhich lies
'Mongst Shades, reserv'd; but near the Postern-door
Where joyn'd to th' Earl's large coffin'd Corps. (no more)
So left by All, Night's darkest curtains spread,
Lodg'd in that Doleful Chamber of the Dead.
When past Eleven half-hour,
The Shrou­der's Plot.
that Wench fore-nam'd,
Whose greedy Brest those Dimon-Rings inflam'd,
Stole down, Dark Lanthorn got, through Walks about
To th' Postern-Door, where Key (thereof no doubt)
Left ready was; Convenient each Day
For th' Doctor's Use, when Bui'sness call'd that Way;
(Might go, return all Hours, if case requir'd;
Next, had Back-Door to th' Garden, as wish'd, Desir'd)
Tho seldom stay'd beyond Ten's Hour at Night:
Lets in her Rogue-sweet-heart by small Star-light,
From broken, old Cot, before the Doctor came,
Brought Coffin with fair Clasps, like th' Other's Frame,
(Done by his Wenche's Rules) fill'd near with Mold.
For, size observ'd, She left (feign'd Buis'ness told)
The Corps in Bed, with Ring's concealed Treasure,
Inform'd that Rogue, at hand, her Will and Pleasure,
So back to th' Place again: Both Rings howe're
Felt safe by stealth, when lodg'd i'th' Coffin there.
Being enter'd thus, they marched Gloomy way
To th' joyning Vault, where down by th' Earl did lay
His cheating Box, and took up for his Own
CLERMANTHE'S Coffin strait, near th' Earl's, well known:
Hugg'd under th' Arm walk'd forth the Garden-Door,
Lock'd by that Jade: Those Bushes (Path before)
Too nigh for th' Opening Noise, concluded Plot,
He cross'd the Fields to th' same old, broken Cot.
His precious Load cast down withall, began
To break, unclasp, those mention'd Rings t' obtain;
Or Fingers crop'd if sullen stay'd behind:
Corps thrown i'th' River there, moist Tomb design'd.
That Landress (left those Garden-shades) quite gone,
Three quarters past Eleven, time fix't upon,
VORDES Himself (thus far thought pleasing Chance,
Exactly poiz'd each needful Circumstance)
Dark Lanthorn took, stole down to th' Postern-door,
Where, tho observ'd, might walking seem (no more)
His Ʋse sometimes, Garden then clear descry'd,
Next, Fields conjoyn'd; hair, Beard clap'd on beside:
He whistled strait:
Vordes with Sil­vander.
when Rouz'd SILVANDER there
Did from that Thick Disguised all appear,
Coffin, Cloak-spread, march'd up to th' Postern so:
Door lock'd again, after his Friend did Go,
(Like stout convoy) through Trees, as meant to tread
Some Maze of Death; till Vault they entered.
SILVANDER sigh'd, strait Gazing wildly round
Where sweet, Belov'd FONTANA should be found.
So down with that False Load, did VORDES say,
Take up the True, and help to bear away
Your Mistress there; shewn th' other Coffin then,
Ay, me! conjoyn'd SILVANDER strait agen,
And have I found Dead Mistriss Corps descry'd?
No, no, She lives, She Breathes (VORDES reply'd)
Quick, take Her up. My sad presaging Soul!
Spoke th' Amorous Youth: Those fonder Thoughts controul
(Said VORDES) joyn, let's bear her strait from hence.
Thus grasp'd by Fither's side, through Trees from thence
Their new, False Coffin's born i'th' Garden-dore
( Free way for th' House) Key left as us'd before.
Ent'ring the Field, Cloaks spread, the right Path-way
Thought less Reserv'd, They cross'd the same, did stray
Further about; could turn at last, advance
To th' Garden room. Thus, near they walk'd by chance
Th' old, Broken Cot; which by that Rogue descry'd,
Just then prepar'd her Fingers to divide
From th' dainty Hand, since could not from those Rings:
Still fast, unmov'd; Both thought through Guilty stings,
Pursuer-like, come from the Garden-part,
Throat-cutting Thieves at least; with fearful start
Forth madly ran, left Corps and Prize behind;
Part view'd through the Open Wall with Whiteness shin'd;
Since Glance did cause the strangeness of the Action,
VORDES look'd in therefore for Satisfaction.
The Rogue far fled, through Candle-beams display'd,
Amazed saw where True FONTANA laid.
Good Heav'ns (said he) Both cheated are,
Fontana found na­ked.
Here lyes FONTANA Naked. Dire chance (Soul- bruis'd,
SILVANDER spoke) Alas! And is this She?
True Dead Corps now shews murther'd, slain I see:
Kneled, Kiss'd her there. No, no, She Breaths (said then
VORDES o're-whelm'd, sad galled Heart, agen,
Confounded Thoughts) 'tis only a deep Trance
I cast her in; be cheer'd. With nimble Glance
The Body mark'd, no Wound nor Bruise espy'd;
When strait withall those Dimon-Rings descry'd,
Much rais'd, Rejoyced Man; observe, behold,
Griev'd Youth, (conjoyn'd) those tempting Gems and Gold
Which caus'd this stealth; some Shrouder's information
That Rogue imploy'd for Change (clear Demonstration)
They stuck so Fast; let's bear Her hence, Depart.
SILVANDER there; If found Dead Corps Thou art,
I shall not long out-live thee ( Fairest Bride)
Nor mine own Joy. Sh' has not least Harm (reply'd
VORDES again) and who but mad, Distracted
Would wound a Corps, which Living Wrong ne're acted?
June 's Month 'tis (last) for Warmth: that Drowsy Potion
I've us'd before. Thus, clos'd with Hasty motion
Her Coffin's Top; then th' Other nimbly broke,
Lest Jealous Thoughts next Morn might cause, provoke
(Fit Tools for breaking Her's had VORDES brought,
When reach'd their Room) Planks taken tho, since thought
To Burn all there, th' Earth scatter'd on the Ground.
This said He more; That Drink, prime, rare Compound,
Others have Try'd on Beg'd, condemned Men;
Known Parties All; my Self so us'd it then.
Forwards They march'd, then, turning Both strait way,
Did crose that Path, to th' Garden-room convey.
Arriving there,
Fontana laid in bed.
She Shrouded vvas agen
In soft, warm Bed, no Bruise; SILVANDER then,
At dismal Sight! Death 's mournful Draught! exclaim'd;
Said VORDES strait; 'Tis through that Drink fore-nam'd,
She sleeps alone; in Heav'n and Art confide;
Done hour and half She'll surely Wake beside.
Then please thy Sence with all her Charming Graces.
O Heav'n! the Lover joyn'd, What Wrack surpasses
My Torment, Fears? so long? That needs not neither
(VORDES again) this Frost, strange Cloudy Weather
My Art can sooner Thaw, like Fog dispell;
Then, Fifteen hours, Nature would clear't as well.
Thus, VORDES 'nointed, Bath'd vvith povv'rful things
Her Temples oft, strong, Searching Odours brings;
Some burnt in Fume withall beneath her Nose;
After short while good Warmth external grows,
Fontana Awakes.
Motion discern'd, each Sence awak'ned there;
And Crimson Blood doth Blossome-like appear.
View'd with grand Joy, She lives; SILVANDER cry'd;
She Moves, choice Virtue, Beauty else had Dy'd,
With mine own Heart. Imbrac'd her, Kisses then
Did snatch that Rav'nous way (true Lover's Scene)
As tho he would short Life's advantage take,
That dearest Flash, lest soon again forsake:
On modest Cheek to avoid, would thus improve
That living Dream for's hunger-starved Love:
Kisses indeed, whose kindest Larum more
Might waken her at that choice Ruby-Dore.
Rous'd gently now, prime former Spring's portray'd
On Lips and Cheeks, new raised so, display'd
From Winter's Tomb, as 'twere; her gallant Eyes
(Life's Morning-break SILVANDER thought) their Skies
Shin'd forth, unclos'd. O Heav'ns, She strait exprest
Where am I now? what World! Madam at rest
In th' good, old World, and safe; VORDES reply'd:
Are you not Ghosts then, Shades? she joyn'd beside.
No Ghosts but Men, they answer'd strait; indeed,
Said she again, that Vale of them (if free'd)
I wander'd, pass'd but now; You VORDES there?
Pray, where's SILVANDER? words like Musick were,
Since seem'd her Tongue, harmonious Voice to sound
His Name in favour forth, that moment Crown'd
Lord of the World; View, Madam, He exprest,
With suit conjoyn'd, Petition-like addrest,
For Pardon if his Love hath least Offended,
Alas! said she, (which gentler Glance attended,
With blushing stream) I thought not you so near,
You have it Sir: As though Translated here
To th' highest Joys, he pass'd from snowy Hand
To th' Coral- lips. When she, Sleep's drowsie band
Hath held me long, conjoyn'd: VORDES reply'd,
'Bove fourteen hours. Where am I brought beside?
(Said she again)—my Aunt—Heav'ns bless me (then)
How strange these Walls appear: the Doctor when,
Smiling conjoyn'd; y'are, Madam, now in th' Arms
And Bed of young SILVANDER, pow'rful Charms
Against all Spies; far off, Is't possible;
VORDES! said she. Most certain truth, to th' full;
He answered; Sweet Madam, let not that
Displease; conjoyn'd low-bowing SILVANDER strait,
Love 's saucy Crime. It doth not Sir, she said,
But yet the manner how may strangely invade
My wond'ring Thoughts; — What's here, a Winding-sheet!
Dead Woman's Shroud! Ty'd close still at the Feet.
Am I Awake? Know Madam ( VORDES told)
Deep Trance did seize your Pow'rs o'th' Brain, infold
By th' Drink I gave, thought Dead; when nine at Night
Lodg'd in the Vault; e're twelve ( us'd Candle- light)
Stoll'n thence by Ʋs, false Coffin laid i' th' Room:
That dreadful Part reserv'd, th' whole Story's sum.
Bless me (said she) Pale Corps conceiv'd and dead!
Close- Coffin'd too! my chamber lastly, Bed
That doleful Vault! Joy of my Heart, you were:
SILVANDER said. Dead, or Alive, what-e're
( She joyn'd) methoughts, that lower Field I passd
Where Shadows, Ghosts, there gloomy Wood at last.
'Twas well You kept your Trance- exploit conceal'd,
I scarce had ventur'd else. Nor, being Reveal'd,
Best Lady, had my Self (the youth reply'd)
Expos'd you thus, tho through Despairing Dy'd.
Come Punies, weak (VORDES conjoyn'd) you are
In Nature's Learned Schools; shun'd harmful Jar,
By this Device you follow may (free Ground)
This gallant Man to's Country Travels- round
Th' whole Grecian World; since Number'd with the Dead:
My Self too safe, secure, unquestioned.
When, gentle Glance, with blushing Smile display'd,
Fontana yields for Marriage.
She joyn'd; The Gods indeed have both convey'd
Strangely together thus ( All pow'rfull, wise)
What ever else may Prove. To whom replies
SILVANDER strait; 'Tis in your Sov'reign Pow'r,
Dear, Sweetest Madam, now, this happy hour
Like Heav'n 's Voice, to close up all for Me
In Blessedness. Her answer soft and free;
Since both conjoyn'd have Manag'd things thus far,
Way Prosperous, I shall not least Debar,
Your Choice oppose. In thoughts Exalted when,
Dear Madam, said the Youth, be pleased then
To Seal that Grant, confirmed by a Kiss.
Which Point Allow'd, He reap'd that single Bliss
Ten, twelve times o're. With Scarlet Blush said she;
You cannot charge, I hope, my Modesty
Now after all, your Selves since caused these
Strange, Naked Postures. On our bended Knees,
Best Madam joyn'd SILVANDER) We should rather
Implore your Pardon for't. Like Cheerful Father
(Said VORDES then) to both; Neglect, despise
Such squeamish Toys, too formal Niceties
'Tween Love conjoyned Hearts; I hope e're long,
Madam, 'twill prove your Marriage-Bed, no wrong.
Till Five next Morn VORDES remained there,
When both the Lovers well Acquainted were
Fit Task perform'd from Candle's Light (there found
Tinder if need) whence Flames did soon surround
Those Coffin-planks, lest th' Houshould- wench admir'd
Making their Bed. These sev'ral hours expir'd,
Madam, he said, I shall for shorter space
Now leave you both. Which words exprest, Alas!
And will You leave Me thus? then strait reply'd
FONTANA sad: There stands (said he) descry'd
Your Noble Guard; believe that Character
I wrot of him (When joyn'd Petitioner
SILVANDER too for Gracious confidence)
'Twas best, He said, that hour withdraw from thence
To's Chamber unseen, some Doses Physical
Her Cousin should by sev'n receive withall:
E're th' hour of Eight he would Attend her there;
When they'd Provide for needful Things to wear.
Priest, last, took Order for, to joyn their Hands
(SILVANDER'S Task) in formal Marriage-bands.
Mean while with Chast Delight th' enamour'd Pair
Did melt those pleasing Hours, Things new and rare,
Love-dainties thought by Both though well might shew
Through former Fear advanc'd more Height'ned so.
Night's gentle shades o're-past, the fainter Dawn
Next Glimmering, now, Golden Charet drawn,
Forth Rode the Sun; did Morning- Beams display;
SILVANDER when, conjoyn'd her Beauteous Ray,
His M [...]stress clasp'd, o're-joy'd (as stranger sweet)
In Death's large Smock, or dismal Winding-sheet;
Like Corps Reviv'd: Possession gain'd from thence,
In his own Bed, of Virgin- excellence.
VORDES Return'd,
Vordes re­turns.
which time bv All Agreed.
SILVANDER should (since least Observ'd) with speed
Go for silk Gowns, some ready made, Fine, spruce;
Linnen conjoyn'd; what-e'refor Present use
By th' Sales-men brought; Her Self both Heart and Brain
Next Night Compose with Nature's Rest again,
SILVANDER on the Bed: 'twas wholsome way
Needful for both; next Morn their Marriage Day.
SILVANDER'S Part discharg'd in no long time,
Vievv'd Choice of all; two near-siz'd Gowns, the Prime
FONTANA chose, Conceal'd, since view'd them there
I' th' Bed-chamber; nor VORDES would appear.
Refresh'd that Night, spruce was next Morn the Bride,
Fontana Married.
Their Priest at hand for Marriage-part comply'd;
The Lady Veil'd, VORDES did Witness shew,
False Hair and Beard, prov'd much transformed so.
FONTANA found that Night (less fear of Harms)
New burial, Trance in brave SILVANDER'S Arms.
Next day by twelve 'twas thought best to be Gone,
Since She was forc'd for Maid o' th' House alone
Still to be Veil'd, when came to make their Bed;
With Hackney- Coach four Horses furnished
(No Man that time t' Observe) all things Compleat,
They Pranced down to Gallant Country-seat,
With Doctor first exchanged, Kind Farewel.
The Lady there did with much Honour dwell,
Far off large Plenty too; her Aunt being Dead,
Times chang'd great MANTINEA Visited:
To th' Brother here, eight Miles from thence disclos'd,
Long Guest withall; joyn'd in that Mask compos'd
For Dancing part, tho from the Prince conceal'd:
When That vvas done, vvith Wonder, Joy reveal'd.
Their Story thus Both did hovv-c're Advance,
Frame for the Best; That through Lethargick Trance
Judg'd long time Dead (VORDES not named tho)
She Coffin'd was, lodg'd in the Vault belovv,
By th' Rascal stoll'n at Night, some Shrouder's friend,
Her Di'mond-Rings conceiv'd their greedy End:
Tho ran from all, SILVANDER passing by
Th' old broken Cot; vvho strait most carefully,
Thinking her Noble born, perchance not Dead
Some Signs of Life, convey'd her to his Bed,
Where soon she Wak'd, restor'd his fervent Love,
Choice Worth conjoyn'd did Marriage-motives prove;
For Life ingaged (last) that strongest ground,
Sh' had surely else by th' Rascal there been Drown'd.
Stoll'n Match, conceal'd, since Rank so far beneath
Might more disturb the Prince than Nat'ral Death,
Till Times were chang'd, his Temper both as now,
When they could all Disclose, more cheerful Brow.
Sev'n Days dissolv'd,
Young Prince his Marriage.
ORONTES rode to Court,
His Wife, young Marri'd Pairs in gallant sort,
VERDORUS too; the Prince's Wedding Feast
Then Solemniz'd, much Royal Pomp exprest,
Which we o're-pass: the Brides-groom, Beauteous Bride
Midst of the Board, some space reserv'd, descry'd,
Then Lords and Ladies round: at upper one
The King din'd there, like to Himself, Alone.
The King that Day did offer second time
ORONTES Pow'r of General, those prime
Late Dignities which He accepted then;
As with th' old King, choice Favourite agen;
SILVANDER coyn'd an Earl, was Honour'd more,
Great Place confer'd; found Portion's wealthy Store.
Grand Tilting past, like Brides-groom, Bride combin'd,
Prince, Princess fair, they left to Bed resign'd.
Next Day they saw choice, Gallant Shows presented,
Dancing at Night their Pleasure well Augmented.
We shall not here 'mongst Persons of great Style,
Two Shep­perdesses.
Those Shepherdesses Two of Birth Gentile,
Slight or forget, much Handsome Both proclaim'd;
PHILAƲRA and MERDONE also nam'd:
Either by th' Prince ORSAMNES choice propos'd;
Sad Mourners found his Travel, when disclos'd.
Nor Pastor- Youths well-born, term'd Either's Lover,
Whose Fathers All (we did before discover)
Turn'd Pastor's like the Prince; joyn'd loss, Disgraces;
Till now Restor'd unto their Former Places,
Held under Him (as Time, Example led)
From Rural Grange the chief Town visited:
The Prince with Joy Congratulate, their Friend.
ORSAMNES where these Lines did also send
To Either Girl 'bout that Departing Action,
In Noble Way; gave Formal Satisfaction.

For the Fair, Gentile, and Highly deserving Maid, PHILAURA. Same Style sent to MERDONE.

I Pray, Believe that I not disesteem'd
Your Person, Birth, nor Parts, all worthy deem'd;
But then so Young, less strongly was Inclin'd
To th' setled Marriage-Way; discordant Mind
For Pastor's Grange withall; Ordain'd by Fate
CLERMANTHE (last) my Spouse, conjoyned Mate.
Your Person how-e're shall chastly prized be
Next unto Her's, much lov'd your Memory.
And choice Deserts: remaining still to th' End
(If proved, try'd) your most Regardful Friend,
These Lines did pour in Either's Virgin-brest
Joy's cheerful Balm, through wounding Grief opprest,
Whilst hearty Love conceiv'd disdained, scorn'd;
Tho both with Tears, like drops of Pearl, adorn'd
Each gentle Word, as moist'ned thence should Grow
What kind Love-fruit his Hand did there bestow.
Joyn'd now they are (each thought Conjugal Gem)
To th' constant Youths which suffer'd much for them;
SILVANOR whom MONTANƲS we did call,
Both born Gentile, of handsomn Parts withall;
Whose Portions fair were lastly Doubled by
The bounteous Prince (might late Regard imply)
Left i'th' Wives pow'r, more Aw'd their Husbands so:
Two Marriage- Days on purpose chosen shew,
Each Partner thus in th' Other's Wedding-feast,
Match'd to their Rank, good, fair Estates at least.
Nor th' Hermit's love forgot,
The Her­mit, Ti­mondes.
whose faithful Cell
Did shroud ORSAMNES long, CLERMANTHE well,
TIMONDES call'd: being Lord, possessor made,
Through his kind means, of all that Land (we said)
False Ʋncle seiz'd, since Bastard-branch pretended
His Father was; to th' Harmful Heir descended;
That vicious Son, i'th' Forrest lash'd of late
Till much Blood drawn, now Bleeds He in's Estate.
TIMONDES tho was hardly tempted then
From's Hermitage to th' open World agen;
Kiss'd the King's Hand at last, where also seem'd
Much prized for his Grave Discourse, esteem'd.
Nor wanted Heir, since Brother's Son was found
Who manag'd all, deserving thought, Renown'd.
That Cottage- Host preferr'd, Robb'd near DERVAN
Of some small cash by th' Troop Laconian.
ORONTES much, CLARENZA now desir'd
To view their Country-House, so long retir'd;
Whose cheerful Guest the Duke VERDORUS prov'd,
Young Marry'd Pairs, THERSANDER, his belov'd;
Large, Court-like Train. 'Twas gallant Princely Seat,
Th' House, Gardens, Park; rich Furniture, compleat.
How Honour'd, Lov'd, Proclaim'd the People's Voice,
Men Shout as tho their King they saw, Rejoyce.
Soon there approach'd his Wedding-day, which He
Did then Observe with Grand Solemnity;
Orontes's Feast.
From Conduit Claret falls, some courtly Scene
For plenty State was now beheld agen.
Eight Weeks dissolv'd, ORSAMNES once Distrest.
Mindful became (since loath'd ungrateful Brest)
Now Gladsome Thoughts, who sav'd his Life Redeem'd;
LACONIAN Prince: for Years Both equal seem'd,
Their Stature too; like-temper'd were for Mind,
Internal worth rare Person's Form combin'd:
Discharged strait that Honour's Point forenam'd,
To which her Gentle Self CLERMANTHE fram'd.
He Letter by swift Messenger did send,
Where thankful Heart drawn truly forth, thus penn'd.

Letter fom Or­samnes.For the most Renown'd and Excellent Prince of Laconia.

GReat Sir, Receive, after Salute from me,
My humble Thanks for Life and Liberty?
Since was by You redeem'd, most noble Brest,
Tho Captive-Man still to your self confest;
Excuse conjoyn'd withall, wherefore of late
I left your Men, the Realm; Destructive Fate
Threatned by Thieves, unarm'd for Fight, surprize
I fled their Swords: then rang'd till Dawn did rise:
When, Asking way to th' Court, encounter'd there
My wand'ring Spouse, whose Virgin-beauties were
By th' Lord that Morn for Ravishment ordain'd;
Pursuit might Seize, thus Both to Flight constrain'd.
I still your Servant am, and shall Resign
My Self to You, what Place you shall Design:
This Favour Grant, that I may Number o're
My Verbal Thanks upon that Princely Score,
And your own Person serve; left Dearest Wife,
New- Marry'd, Last, for Him that sav'd my Life.
More Ground for this free Proffer Personal,
Since Peace for Fifteen Years confirm'd withal.
The Prince rejoyc'd ORSAMNES scap'd that Danger,
Whom long Deplor'd as Dead, tho Foreign stranger;
Through gentle Love redeem'd for Friend, Comrade
Thought Nobly born, but now Great Duke display'd.
Highly applauds this Gallant Act, that so
He should Resign Himself, when Free did shew,
Captived way; own Heart was Captivated
In Friendship's Bond, that Strain so highly rated.
Wrote nimbly back, made known o'th' other side,
He would not Prove in Honour's Game outvy'd.

The Prince his Answer.For the Most Noble and Renowned Duke, ORSAMNES.

ILLustrious Lord, I well may count it one
Grand Happiness to save, preserve (unknown)
Such Gallant Worth, transcendent Rank comb [...]'d;
Whom I for Choice Companion there design'd,
Whilst Your Self pleas'd to stay: your Looks proclaiming
VVhat now You are: and so (place handsome naming)
Shall You Receive, for stronger Friendship's ground,
In mine own Arms near to th' Arcadian Bound,
Joyn'd Hunting sport; if Beauteous Lady shall
Thus far Allow, whose Pardon ask'd withall.
Left free, my Lord, you are, those Bonds expell'd;
As your own Man, no Servant now beheld.
I Challenge You to meet Me, Time and Place;
Next, Grapple there, contend in Love's imbrace.
Prince of Laconia.
This Joyes advanc'd, well pleas'd CLERMANTHE shews;
Nor Doubt at first brave Husband so to lose
In Complement; that Prince could scarce be infected
With such vile Mood, discharge (whate're) expected.
They met e're long upon the Borders, where
The Prince, Orsamnes meet.
Friendly'st parts by Both performed were.
That Noble Prince at first (of grand Renown)
Saying, That he would not for Royal Crown,
His Horse had fail'd one Minute's time, in th' end,
When did that Earl BORGANES Green ascend.
ORSAMNES Words; Death's Slave he then had prov'd,
To th' Prince, now Servant was, High Style, belov'd.
Whom strait the Prince by Word Discharg'd, as Lines,
From that Captiving Bond, all Claim resigns.
Conjoyned too; He was from Feasting Board,
Then call'd in Haste, Mother near Death (restor'd
After howe're) which made him so Neglected,
And left behind; tho choicely else Respected.
Strife thus Appear'd in Gentle Conversation,
Which should Exceed; joyn'd Hunting Recreation.
Fourth Day thereof, ORSAMNES following
The Young Prince near. ( Ʋnarm'd, thought needless thing
For th' Hunting Sport, in's own Laconian Bounds)
Through Forest there, most eager after's Hounds;
ORSAMNES Arm'd; out-rid, or lost their Train,
They Gallop'd down between Two Pales in vain,
Close, winding Way; to th' Keeper's Lodge the one
Orchard belong'd, to Fish-Ponds large (unknown)
That other Pale: in th' end lock'd Pasture-Gate.
Where being stop'd, the Prince returned strait,
ORSAMNES both, through narrow Pound as 'twere:
When prov'd by Four,
The Prince assaulted.
drawn Swords, Assaulted there.
Treason, the Prince cry'd out; ORSAMNES when
Ran the First through; the Next, most fiercely then
Thrust at the Prince, the Duke turn'd nimbly tho,
And Pierc'd his Hand, down fell the Sword below;
The Prince leap'd off, and strait snatch'd up the same,
But second thrust from stout ORSAMNES came,
Down fell the Man; whilst from the Third receiv'd
Slight hurt Himself, whom strait of Life bereav'd
As due Reward; which by the Fourth espy'd,
He turned back: ORSAMNES as Quick ey'd,
Pursu'd the Rogue; said, Yield, or else th' art Dead;
Who strait obey'd, th' whole Plot discovered:
Hence found the Cause, of those Four Villains, Three
To Man of better Rank and Quality
Did Sons appear; their Sire for great Offence
By th' Prince from Place of gainful Consequence
Discharged prov'd, more Worthy in his room:
Two of them late from Camp returned home,
Left Forein Land; the Third from Travels then;
Grown Strangers All, much vex'd, enraged Men,
Through Father's Loss, this Hunting time they chose,
Of Publick Note, for Vile, Revengeful Close.
The Prince for several Days had traced there,
Well, fleetly Hors'd, but still Prevented were;
Found sever'd thus, great th' Ods, his Death conspir'd,
Next Brother too for Heir to th' Crown desir'd.
ORSAMNES thoughts much joy'd th' Event this day,
Orsamnes disingag'd.
Well cleared prov'd (by th' Prince confirm'd) same way
From that great Bond, that large obliging score;
Free'd him from Death, Who sav'd Himself before;
Nay thus surpass'd, adventur'd his own Life,
Lost some Blood too in that unequal Strife.
The Prince embrac'd the Duke for Kind Farewel,
Gave Dimon- Ring whose Beams did Blaze excell:
Thus flames my Love (conjoyn'd) thus Lasting 'tis:
The Noble Duke like Gem exchang'd for His:
Both ev'ry Year to Meet, were also bound,
Whilst Health did serve, on that convenient Ground.
ORSAMNES from the King and Prince might boast
Welcom'd Return, tho pleas'd CLERMANTHE most.
Twenty years Peace Laconian King new-sign'd,
Through this young Friendly League, close Aw combin'd;
His Father since as Gen'ral now commands,
Thrice conquer'd, spoil'd (we said) their Armed Bands.
Three Years dissolv'd, much Joy to all Content,
Great Honour joyn'd, ORSAMNES Eminent:
Who with CLERMANTHE fair the year divided
'Tween Father, Father-in-law, with each resided;
Two Sons beheld, one Lovely'st Daughter there:
ORONTES Chief, tho Subjects name did bear,
Great'st with the King; as young ORSAMNES made
Prime Friend to th' Prince SILVANDER next Comrade.
That time, as tho PLENORMUS, when Compos'd
His Wedding- Masque, Prophetick Art disclos'd;
For Half thereof; Crowns brought to each (like Dream)
Brides groom and Bride, th' Apparent Heirs to them;
Ambassadors came from Thessalia,
Thessalian Lords.
Which did present that Crown in Humble way,
To th' Prince ORONTES Self, whose brave Grandsire
(Long since their King) did hither strait Retire;
Thrust [...]orth (we said) by War, Usurper's hand,
Who did that Crown through th' Princess, Wi [...]e demand,
Sole Child to th' former King (as mention'd we)
Tho Women should not Reign in Thessaly:
Brother to th' King ORONTES Grandsire crown'd,
Prince Father call'd, so stil'd Himself, renown'd.
Her Race extinguist, gone, their Gen'ral Choice
ORONTES nam'd (like Parli'mental Voice)
As Lawful King, joyn'd Vertue's noble score;
Three Years last past Renown'd, Fourteen before.
ORSAMNES next th' Apparent Heir does prove;
Now calm that State, Serene through Subjects Love:
No glimps of Broyl, Corrival to the Throne
Bad Storms to cause, He might the less disown.
ORONTES took with largest Thanks Farewell
O'th' Noble King,
Oro [...]es King, de­parts.
grown Equal, parallel;
King League confirm'd; whose place of chief Command
To young SILVANDER (next) the Royal hand
By Gift transferr'd, then Twenty five for Age;
Could well Discharge, Duke's Title more t' ingage,
ORONTES only Daughter his Wife become,
So stood for Duke in brave ORSAMNES room:
Kept most o'th' Land, Large Portion had beside,
Lov'd for Himself, as late FONTANA Bride.
ORSAMNES and the Prince withal entwin'd,
Exchang'd Farewell, through Brothers League combin'd.
CLERMANTHE fair, young Princess act the same,
Wiht tears infold, each call'd by Sister's name.
The Duke VERDORƲS joyn'd to go along
For Daughter's sake, Conceits beside more strong
Of Vertuous Wife there Dead, false snare the Last,
That House might breed, with Cloud his thoughts o'recast:
PLENORMUS left chief Lord, Commander there.
THERSANDER attends, who Duke's great Name doth bear,
Since Brother to the King: for Dutchess-Style
FLORENA wants not comely Grace that while:
FONTANA tho withdrawn Conversing way
By Pen's enjoy'd, not far Thessalia.
Perform'd short part by Land, through Sea they glide,
Those narrow Straits which Arcady divide
From Thessaly (Corinthian) crossed o're;
Strong, cheerful Gale, soon reach'd th' intended Shore.
We shall not here each Formal Point relate
When Borders pass'd, nor with what Mounted State
Through Streets they rode, King, Queen, by all desir'd;
Throng'd Windows, Ground; how Princess, Prince admir'd,
Both Grecian Suns conjoyned thought, excell'd;
What Trumpets heard, Train'd-Bands each side beheld,
Met by great Lords, chief Magistrate, the Rest
Of prime Larissa's Town, in their Robes drest.
What Shouts were heard, our Book doth largeness shew,
And Writer may with Reader weary grow:
Nor Crowning Pomp, at last, whose glories there
Might new-fal'n Stars from Firmament appear;
The King in Charet drawn, brave Train attended,
Proud Tilters view'd, with Feasts and Masquings ended:
We leave them thus, both Royal Pairs combin'd,
Whose Honour, Happiness Transcendent Shin'd.

Books lately Printed for William Crook, at the Green Dragon, near Deve­reux-Court, without Temple-Bar. 1684.

THE Odes and Epodes of Horace, in five Books. Translated into English, by J. H. Esq the Author of this Book. Octavo. price bound. 1 s. 6 d.

The Loyal Incendiary, or the Generous Boutifeu, a Pindarique Poem, occasion'd by the Report of the Owner's bravely setting Fire to the Rye-House as the King came from New-market. By Sam. Philips, Fol.

A Thanksgiving Sermon for the Discovery of the late Phanatick Plot, Septemb. 9. 1683, By Dr. Jo. Harrison, Rector of Pulborow, Sussex. Quarto.

A Discourse about Conscience, Relating to the present Difference among us, in opposition to both Extreams of Fanaticism and Popery, in Quarto, price stitch'd, 6 d.

A New Survey of the present State of Europe. Containing Remarks upon several Sovereign, and Republican States, as Italy, France, Lorrain, Germa­ny, and all the Princes and Principalities of the Em­pire, Spain, Protugal, &c. With Memoires, Histori­cal, Chronological, Typographical, Hydrographical, Political, &c. Brought down to the Year 1683. By Gideon Pontier, Chief Prothonitor of Rome. Done into English by John Beaumont Doctor in Physick, in Octavo, Price bound, 2 s. 6 d.

The Compleat Sollicitor, Entring-Clerk, and At­torney, Fully instructed in the Practice, Methods, and Clerkship of all his Majesties Courts of Equity and Common Law, Superiour and Inferiour, as well those at Westminster and the City of London, as else­where throughout the Kingdom of England. A Col­lection more Correct, Uniform, and Universally Ad­vantageous, than any ever Extant hereofore in this kind, Octavo. Price bound, 4 s. Printed by the As­signs of R. and E. Atkyns Esqs for J. C. and F. C. and sold by Tho. Basset and William Crook.

Moral Instructions of a Father to his Son, upon his Departure for a long Voyage; or an Easie Way to guide a Young Man towards all Vertues; With an hundred Maxims Christian and Moral. By Dr. Cham­berlain, Author of the State of England, and his Son, P. Chamberlain, Author of Compend. Geograph. in Twelves. Price bound, 1 s.

All these Seven Books are new published this present Michaelmas-Term. Also the Five Books following are Reprinted, and the New Impressions of them published this same Term.

1. Mr. Hobs his Translation of all Homer's Works out of Greek into English. The second Editin in Twelves. Price bound, 5 s.

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4. Mr. Hughes his Flower-Garden, and his Com­pleat Vineyard, both Printed together, in Twelves. Price bound, 1 s. The third Edition.

5. Mr. Chillingworth, his Protestant Religion the safe way to Salvation, against the Papists: with his Sermons. To this Impression is added, His Reasons to perswade a Friend of his to return from Popery to his Mother Church of England. in Folio. Price bound 12 s. [Page]

The Garden And Groue of The Muses


SIght, Smelling, Taste, with Feeling Sense be gone,
Now useful found th' officious Ear alone;
Go, slumber all, or th' idle Loyt'rers play;
But thou attend, grand Favourite, this way:
ORNANDE, whislt gives Life to th' senseless Lute,
And Warbling Language where 'twas lately mute.
Heark what delicious strains, most heavenly rare,
Do sweeten and enrich th' adjoyning Air.
Those Grecian Harps like blustring Winds would be,
Compar'd to her transcendent Harmony,
Or notes o'th' bubbling Brook, mean Musick is
Bad Discord thought untuned Noise to this.
Depart all dumpish Cares, black Clouds of Sorrow,
My humane World withdraw, fly till the morrow;
I could forget I'm Earth, or burth'ned frame
With dross of Flesh, to Elemental flame
Refin'd, as 'twere, turn'd vital Spirits show;
Whilst Blood doth dance as 'twould the Banks o'reflow.
Heark, there's conjoyn'd more sweetly solemn strain,
Which Charms our sense transformed way again;
Men stand by th' Walls, and furnish so the Room
Like Arras-pictures there, or for some Tomb
Statues each meant, design'd, whilst onely flies
Small glimps of Life, or Twilight from their Eyes;
Till pleasant Sound, more cheerful change restore
From binding Trance for action, as before.
Now let my Sight return, more waking Sense,
Her form behold, Face, bodie's excellence;
Transported thoughts through th' Eye, conjoyned ear,
Well view'd that daintiest shap'd Musitian there
Now Touch withall, that sense doth breed Desire
Those Lips to seal, but dares not so Aspire;
Longs strait therefore that beauteous Hand to kiss:
Fond Dream! — forbear; —all would be spoy'd by this.

ORNANDE'S close Retirement.

WHY do'st (Reserv'd) Spectators shun,
ORNANDE, choice, terrestrial Sun?
So long withold our Break of day,
Till Darkness Lovers Hearts o'resway?
Did we too far (neglectful) slight
Thy Presence, when enjoy'd that Light?
ORNANDE so (found justly nice)
By Want doth raise, advance her Price;
And angry Absence shall alone
Make thee more reverenc'd, more known.
Prime Beauties were not made at all
For cloystring Tomb, Live-burial,
Fit for Bats, Owls; those splendid Seven,
Th' unwasted Lamps of Earth and Heaven,
Grand Brooches worn, they were not thrust
In Corners ought, forgotten dust,
But shine to th' World, and progress by
Like blazing Pageants through the Sky:
Choice Rarities beneath, things pure,
Still lock'd in Cabinets, obscure,
Pearl, dainty Gems then lose their glory;
Sight too preserves thy beauteous Story.
'Twere wholsom now to take, fair Maid,
The open Air in Field or Shade.
Much travell'd Land, as 'twere by th' Eye,
From some tall Mount prospectively,
Beholders Thoughts amazed round,
As though new rising Morn were found:
For, as thy Sights our Physick prove,
Dull, drossy Spirits sublim'd above
Pure, active Fire, whilst Ayr-like so
These earthy Lumps, our Bodies grow;
And Bloods do dance in every Vein,
Thou physick'st too thy Self again.
Spring's dainty-breath'd, delicious Air
Will make thy Cheeks more rosie-fair,
(Choice Wonders now) like Beds of Flowers,
Breasts flourish more, joyn'd Lilly-bowers:
That Angel-shape would please our Eyes.
With motion Angel-like, surprize;
Found nimbler far, that gallant frame
So lively as all Soul became:
Then shew thee abroad, Sweet'st, Fairest, thus,
Th' art Cordial to thy self, and us.

Letter sent to ORNANDE.
The Offering.

Sweet'st, fairest Maid;
ACcept my Vows which Incense-like do rise,
And fume before thee in solemn Sacrifice;
My flaming Heart with chast Desires allow,
My Morning offer'd Sighs, and Evening too;
Receive their kinder Breath, whereof each one
Seems to put up short begging Orison,
Love-suit to thee: still pity the Complaint
Each whispers in thine Ear, and lest I faint
In my Devotions, please but other while,
To answer by the Sparkle of a Smile
That I'm accepted; but if Frowns you bring,
My Heart is then turn'd to dead Offering.
Fain would I please my Fair, O, gently bow
T [...]inform my Ignorance, and teach me how:
Crown me thus far, thy favour'd Votary,
And I'll disclaim each Mistress else but thee.

The Good-morrow, Ʋnder ORNANDE'S Window.

FAirest, Sweet'st, good morrow from
Thy Servant Voice, Lute joyn'd present;
Day's glorious, Lord (the Morn's Bridegroom)
Hath gilded long the Firmament;
Bountiful for warming Rays,
To th' World bright influential Showr,
Though I seem frozen here this hour,
Till thou my lovelier Sun dost blaze.
Songsters chant the Spring each-where,
Joy'd Earth and Heav'n their Smiles combine;
Grand Nature's Cheek does pleas'd appear,
Then do not Thou displeased shine:
Lovers may have their bad Days
Good joyn'd withal, last Night my Sun
Did set through lowring Clouds, Night done,
O let her rise with clearer Grace.
May that slumbring Dew did steep
Her heavenly Eyes, transferr'd to th' Heart,
Have softned that whilst she did sleep;
Could Pillows down same change impart,
Mollifie, kind Thoughts recall!
Break sweetly'st forth, my Sun, disclose
Thy Casement's East whence morning shows,
This Act of Love regard withall.
If conceal'd in Bed, my Fair,
O might this Song [...]ull gentler yet
Her charmed Brain! Morn-slumbers ra [...]e!
Deferr'd till Noon thy blazing sweet;
When Visit shall be (last) design'd,
For lightsome Warmth; shew Beamy clear,
That I may vaunt my choicest Dear
Wak'd mild, although she slept unkind.

Lovers mix'd Weather.

WHat's the cause great Lovers prize
Th' Object more, full, last enjoying,
When bad Doubts, cross-gales do rise?
Found reserv'd, or sobrer coying?
Seldom when through pleased Glance
Smiles sparkle forth, kind Words intrance;
Dainty-like withdrawn, rare Blisses.
Clouded Morning- Scene blown o're,
Gorgeous Day much takes, contenteth;
Sick Distemper past, far more
Health desir'd, what Joys presenteth!
Dangers where, sharp Thraldom seize,
Prime th' Enlargement thought, and Ease:
All things vary,
Heightned prove from bad contrary.
Coyness though, when shall exceed
Civil bound, Affronts discover
(Churlish scornful way) doth breed
Jealous Qualms i'th' joyned Lover;
Through precedent Gall worse far
Last Embraces relish'd are;
She's low-prized,
When enjoy'd, who once despised.
Thought thereof ( Love's former Wounds
Skin'd o're alone) the Sense confounds.

ORNANDE The Spring 's Mistress.

BEhold those Chrystal Founts,
Which wander o're the verdant Plain;
How branched, plum'd those lofty Mounts!
Plush-banks bedrest with Flow'rs again!
The World's reviv'd:
Earth sine with Masquing Robes, bright Heavens surround.
And gentler breathed Gales abound,
Whilst Mo [...]als shew new liv'd.
Chief Empress of the Spring,
Come forth with all thy beauty pow'r
Thine Hand maid since such Smiles doth bring.
Let not the daintiest Mistress low'r,
Least spo [...]l'd from thence
This Field's [...]ai [...] Spring time with my saithful Heart's
Drooping thy Frown to both imparts
Through strangest Influence.
Come, Sweetest, let us trace
To yonder Bow'r, prospective Hill,
Wing'd Chanters where, far more to grace,
Are joyn'd in chirping Consort still,
There's Ve [...]s Fount,
Like mo [...]st [...]ed Pearls stram'd through those Rocks above,
All Lectures may Joy, Beauty, Love,
At once to thee recount

ORNANDE'S Evening Walk, and Voice

ORNANDE and I (which here by me
'Mongst joyful Hours recorded be)
ORNANDE and I, this Evening la [...],
Walk'd forth to breath large Garden a [...];
That [...] Decrease of gaudy Day,
When th' Sun bestow'd well temper'd Ray,
No [...] faintness bred while Darts Good night
From western Orb, with drow [...]e light
Such, gentle Mo [...]n, for both inclin'd
Nice, dain [...]e [...] Sex of Woman kind.
Those harmless Gales were only straying,
Which dance the Leaves with wanton playing
So [...] Murmur's noise, conjoyn'd to this
M [...]'s flower'd Breed like Stranger's kiss
Dandled ORNANDE'S Han, as [...]aught
Love's [...]onde [...] Arts, withal [...]methought [...]
Shew'd Reverence, l [...]st by their crime
One Curl disturbed prov'd that time:
Becalmed th' Air to gentle Rest,
[...] her more cheerful Virgin Breast.
Who having pleas'd her wandring Eye,
Spring's gallant S [...]ne beheld, clear Sky,
Conjoyned Grove [...]o [...] change allow'd,
Fi [...] Lovers Ma [...]e, where under Cloud
Prime Beauty appear'd, heard choice [...] Note
From [...] small formed Throat,
Strong [...] withall Bird, prais'd to be
That [...] best [...], Harmony:
[...] [...]: who strait begun,
As would to th' low declined Sun
Chirp forth then [...]ank [...], till Night
Clad S [...]ngs maintain whilst he gave Light
Which pastime heard, contentful Noise,
ORNANDE (at my Request) her Voice
Joyn'd also there to th' [...]hful Qui [...]e,
Bright Goddess seem'd did late inspire
Those plumed Creatures with their Skill,
As chanted forth her Praises still,
That under Grove, th [...]ough Fancy's power,
Transformed seem'd to heavenly [...],
So well that Face and wa [...]ing Tongue
Might to sweet Cherubims belong.
'Twas prime Delight to th' closing end,
Best [...] that th' Ear could apprehend;
Unless those Sounds advanc'd of above,
Sweet [...]eath'd, [...] [...] of Love
Reason o'resway'd, else I had nigh
Prov'd guilty of Voice Idolatry.

ORNANDE and the Nightingale.

'TWas charming Voice, but joyn, how [...],
Breath'd by that Shee, transcendent fa [...]!
Whose love [...]est Face and Person shew'd
That choice Compound, prime view bestow'd,
All [...] Consort fram'd to [...]
Prov'd [...] silent Harmony
Both Senses thus did blest appear,
For Love's Record grand Wonder there.
Each warbled Sound by her compos'd,
So soon as born shew'd wrap'd, inclos'd,
Then, straightways dead, embalm'd within
Such Breath as though perfum'd had been.
Th' whole Song, compleat (as Fancy deem'd)
Delightful Soul of Musick seem'd.
Thracian Harp could Rivers cause
( Greek Poets feign'd) make wanton pause,
Beasts, charmed Stones themselves and Trees,
Whilst danc'd their Antick Revelries,
Her Voyce H' had made more powerful prove,
Till Bruits howe're should fall in Love.
ORNANDE when did Song conclude,
This from the Grove Content renew'd:
As drawn by Emulation's Pride,
Th' ambitious Nightingale reply'd,
Would sing her part, so, chanted round
(Fine Nature's Skill) th' adjoyned Ground:
Which mark'd, I pray'd she would again,
With some short voluntary strain,
(As Fancy pleas'd) by turns, in jest
Still answer it; had my Request,
ORNANDE sung, then th' Nightingale,
Now She, then She, which should prevail:
'Twas earnest Combat grown from play,
Sharp Voice-contention for the Day,
(Such Lovers thoughts) till strain'd still higher
That Bird as 'twould e're long expir [...].
When I did beg from joyned Seat,
ORNANDE first would make Retreat,
And end that Strife so caus'd by me
Though granted a false Victory;
Stop'd, silenc'd there her Mouth with Kisses.
From her own Hand, held up, those Blisses
Since she my Lips declar'd that hour,
All taken off by Fancy's Power
From th' Hand again, so partly seem'd
To kiss the Lips, prime sweet's esteem'd.

The Face and Glass.

SWeet'st, let me hold
That Glass like Hand-maid, uncontroul'd,
And shew thee more than th' World can vaunt, present,
Thy Equal there for Beauty's grace,
Yet not, since proves but shadow'd Face,
Thine living, true, substantial Ornament:
Else lovely second self descry'd,
In Tablet drawn, my Heart beside.
More guiltless, know,
Well pleas'd I can this Duty show,
Since rest confirm'd, that Sight not make thee proud;
Though strongest Cause of Pride there be,
Transported Thoughts, Self-extasie,
Such Wonders blaze through that transparent Cloud:
Which beauteous Mind for Worth I do
Advance, proclaim unequall'd too.
Nothing more high
In Looks appears to th' Stander by,
Than what may speak Content, or Carelesness;
As all beheld this sober hour,
With Thanks to bounteous Nature's Pow'r;
That bright, smooth, frozen Lake, design'd for dress,
Not fondly view'd (fantastick Dream)
As gaz'd that
Narcissus, lovely Youth.
Boy in christal Stream.
Still grant permit,
I have more Ends conjoyn'd in it;
Hoping, that, while seen there those charming Eyes,
Thou may'st my Love-distemper'd Breast
Pardon, relieve withall, make blest:
And though my Wages paid, since Beauty's Skies
Thus long behold, for full discharge,
That Rate by gentle Kiss enlarge.
So shall my Thoughts be setled well,
How far thou do'st ( touch, pleasing Smell)
That dainty Form i'th' Glass excell.

ORNANDE'S Morning Walk.

'TWas fresh cheek'd May most gallant round,
Like to th' Year's Queen adorned, crown'd;
Imbroyder'd Garb, those flaunting Plumes
For Robes of State, conjoyn'd Persumes:
Th' old Chaos-World transform'd each-where
(Such, Winter thought) whose Brow did bear
New, choice Creation stamp'd, large Train,
Leaves, Blossoms, Flowers beheld again.
Forth walk'd fair She who might present
That Princess-Month, more excellent;
Forth prime ORNANDE trac'd, Earth- Star,
Whilst honour'd prov'd my self so far
To attend, her Walk's chief Favourite,
Sole Guardian to my Soul's delight:
Call'd out by her as joy'd Translation,
To Kingly Throne, grand Celebration;
Since Champion thus become, Defence
To weak, but fairest; Innocence.
For well ORNANDE knew, that I
Would for that Charge proctecting dye.
Temptation though prov'd all her Shape,
Would punish not conceive a Rape:
Whose Hand was strait conjoyn'd to mine,
Did that with lively Snow combine.
Naught envy'd there great Turk, Mogor,
China's Tartarian Emperour,
Huge Persian King; so scepter'd I
Could vaunt much rarer Monarchy.
Things senseless, as we farther go,
With Rival Courtship seem'd to wooe
ORNANDE fair, produc'd in me
Choice mirthful kind of Jealousie:
Birds chant Love-Songs, small Gales (as 'twere)
Breath'd gentle Sighs, oft kiss'd her there;
Mov'd Flowers bow'd down their love-sick heads,
Shewn Reverence from grass-green Beds;
Whilst Hills and wanton Groves rejoyce,
Resounded (last) her heavenly Voice:
Strange active Soul! What thing doth prove
Breed like to Thoughts, Conceits of Love?
With th' Elm's large Branch long time inclos'd
(Whose Leaves soft Murmur cause) repos'd,
When I had offer'd up such Vows,
Like Incense, as chast Heart allows,
Her Breast the Altar made, thus, thus
ORNANDE breath'd, harmonious,
Delightful Sounds, Compliance shown.
In gentle way; she pleas'd to own —
Fondling, restrain, nor Sweets so rare
Disperse abroad throught th' open Air;
Repeat them to thy self, unless
Venus Love's God grand Witnesses:
Feed, feed my liquorish Ears, reviv'd
Your Joy, strong Fancy makes new-liv'd:
Whilst Cupid all doth room afford
(Words, th' Hour, and Place) in Love's Record.

ORNANDE'S Presence.

NOW shines on me my sweetest Sun,
Nor proves my glorious Spring yet done;
Absence sad thereof depriving;
Whilst my Soul may seem to dance,
(When 'tis not laid in blessed Trance)
Through those Joys from thee reviving:
Now I view
Fair Bearty's World, imbrace it too.
Touch th' Hands and Breast that Tongue do hear,
Words, Voice, both musical to th' Ear;
Yet, for Pleasures more abounding,
Let me Time's advantage take,
Some Kisses reap for goodness sake;
Whilst those Eyes thy Servant wounding,
Grant, impart
Lips sugred Balm to cheer my Heart.
Barr'd Love's chief Food, transcendent hoard,
Those Cherries, fruits desire afford:
Sweetest, Nay,—so short my Blisses!
Think not One can please, rejoyce,
Or more obtain'd their Dainties choice
Consume at all, cloy me with Kisses,
Who may swear,
Each Touch doth breed new Longings there.
So highly grac'd,
I have no fainter Lover's Tast;
Nor can those Lips through freeness wast.

The Farewel.

SWeetest, know, did not controul
Sad Fortune, Fate my Steps this hour,
Thus to leave I had no power,
Parted as from mine own Soul:
Clouds thine Eye do seem assailing,
Gentlest Heart as griev'd with me;
Which sober Looks grand Honour be,
Prime Love-support; since Smiles prevailing
(Dear, I vow,
Of late) would scarce content me now.
Yet, too solemn Change, o're sad
I fancy not, least that kind Trouble
Should increase my own Grief double:
Leave me then to th' mournful Shade
(Such thy Want (as 'twere) producing)
And with gentle Beam bedress
Those Orbs, though smaller Flamingness;
Still, like thy self, choice Sparks diffusing:
Though indeed
Worst Glances there may Pleasure breed.
Wandring Ghost thy Servant shows,
This Vow made to my choicely esteemed
(Thoughts of her so precious deemed)
Night shall ne're these Eyes inclose,
Nor Morning their Lid-curtains sever,
But thy beauteous Image shall
Still sleep by me, and wake withall:
Prove my Joy's prime Guardian ever:
Objects rare
Shall still present to me my Fair.
I thus depart,
Untill thy radiant Presence dart
True Life again into my Heart.

One to his Fair, coy Mistress.

SWeet, beauteous Maid, but cruel-coy,
Severest-nice, when, to enjoy
One kinder Grant hard Taks does prove;
Herculean Labour found in Love.
What though that daintiest Hand touch mine,
Whose Beauty's more than chrystalline?
Would it least stain'd and soyled be,
Or lose the curious Form, by me
But kindly prest? Since never I
That Virgin-Snow advance so nigh
But with wash'd Hands; nor touch their Down,
But fear of bad conjoyned Frown
Prepares my Palm: Your Glove all day
That leave enjoys, your Sizars may,
Silk, Needle, Lawn, nay, meaner Thread;
My Hand debarr'd, thence banished.
Suppose them chang'd by You in part,
More pure by Touch, same Chimick Art
Would my corce Hands sublim'd refine.
Or say those daintiest Lips touch mine,
Would that decrease their Balmy Store,
Or waste their Delicates the more?
Since lasting Sweets, unchanged th' are;
Their Colour, form still rosie, fair,
Though kindly seal'd, Rubies excelling,
When kiss'd may prove more red, and swelling.
Soft wanton Gales with hov'ring Play
Are joyn'd to them, Suns gaudy Ray,
Slight Toyes sometimes which Fancy please,
My Lips inferiour thought to these;
The Fly may buz and kiss unblam'd
That Cherry-pair, my touch disclaim'd.
Can you dart Frowns; complain, when I
Near starved beg small Charity,
Th' Alms of one Kiss: no fault, offence
There to crave Meat; some Food dispense:
Would you not Life's Support bestown,
When not your self the poorer grow?
Nay, Sweetest, nice conceits forbear,
By Kiss you may prove Riches there;
Those Love's first-tasted Course appear.

The Earnest doubting Lover.

THrough Doubt, Desire he freezes, burns
(Found Ague-change) and his Breast turns
Froz'd, Torrid Zone; fair shape adores:
Can grasp his Thraldom when deplores:
Thank, blame his Stras, as kind, unkind
Talk to himself, and wandring Wind:
Haunts curled Streams, where gloomy Trees,
Wild Rocks and Caves societies,
Kisseth his Chain, Love's pointed Dart,
Hopes, Fears fill qualm'd, convulsion'd Heart:
Man of all Weathers droops this hour,
Next Smiles, thought Sun-shine, Honey-show'r:
How poiz'd her Words: each Glance and Look
Anatomiz'd; her Face his Book:
He moves, sighs, breaths by Rule, what more?
To th' good-behaviour bound all o're:
None delves i'th' Indian Mines more hard
Than he for Female Gold's Reward:
Some Heave- Conceits, more Hells do seize him,
Nought but t' enjoy or dye can ease him.

The violent Despairing Lover.

MUch like th' ore-fond, tormented Lover,
Whose Travels Scorns alone discover
To th' chased Stag? Their Dwelling bear
Same form, sad-fortun'd Both appear,
Wilderness round his Fancy shows,
Which wild, disorder'd Thoughts compose;
Hunted by Dogs each strong for Scent
(Grief, Rage, Despair) fierce, trubulent;
Whose Mouths cast Venome, from whose Eyes
Swist flaming Balls (as 'twere) surprize.
Those dreadful Horns resemble well
(Since sounding forth their mortal Knell)
Those sharp disdainful Checks that came
From his too coy, severer Dame:
Found terribler, more shrill beside,
Through Fancy's Eccho's multiply'd.
That frightful Huntsman's Glance, call'd View,
When throught the Road or Lawn pursue,
Her Form conceiv'd condemning Face,
Which Lightning darts through every place.
That Shaft lodg'd in his Breast, Desire,
Now pointed seems with flame of Fire,
Which eats Life-spirits, blood feeds upon:
Then tip'd with Ice despairing grown
Full-blown with Sighs, imbost withall,
Through raging heat, near th' Funeral.
Thus, when (confounded Thoughts) sad Race,
So long maintain'd, th' unhappy Chase,
As faintest, gasping Hopes supply
With broken Breath, when 'midst the Cry,
No Comfort's cooler Stream relieving,
Nor Reason's Bay, at last help giving;
With Stag-like Fate he falling dyes,
Scorn's Triumph and Love's Sacrifice.

Song, on Hero and Leander drown'd.

HERO, sad, distressed Maid,
Since that wing'd Archer, Boy,
Deceitful grown, thy thoughts betray'd
To Love, but scarce enjoy.
Unfriendly th' Hand, 'twas cruel Bow
Which did Wound thy poor Heart so,
As false that raging Wave
Since could with murther's act comply,
Gallant Youth constrain'd to die,
His moist, untimely Grave.
HERO watch'd with constant Eyes
To see her Darling-Love,
And from small Tow'r intreats the Skies,
Thracian River Hel­lespont.
Broad Waters gentle prove;
Many a Vow she numbred o're,
If transported safe for Shore,
To th' Gods of Seas and Wind;
Too rough because their Stream, she fear'd,
Large that Swimmer's Task appear'd,
Might drown their Joyes, unkind.
HERO view'd, thought all below
Pleas'd Water's face to smile,
Winds hush'd, becalm'd, Heaven doth show,
Conjoyn'd to cheat, beguile:
Then ranging Glance from far descries
(Nimblest oft yourn Lovers eyes)
LEANDER waves embrace:
Who leaving Shore with joyful Sight,
Her self by
Hung a [...] her VVin­dow.
Torch discern'd Moon-light,
Cut through the Streams apace.
HERO look'd with gladsome Thought,
And hastned down to shore,
Mean time those Waves were swell'd, high-wrought,
Loud Blasts began to roar:
When Strait that Storm increasing there
Through blustring Sighs and Tears, as 'twere,
She saw's Love to fail.
Choice, fleshly Barque his Body show
Wrack-like beaten to and fro,
Faint Arms nor Legs avail.
HERO griev'd, when (drawn more nigh)
LEANDER spent, quite fir'd,
With stretch'd-out Arm and mournful Cry,
Her Name sunk down, expir'd:
Who took no time to gaze, complain,
Sighs and Groans were thought but vain,
She saw no Cause to live;
So that devouring Wave bestrides,
Which strait her daintiest Body hides,
Both chrystal Tomb does give.

Scorn'd Scornfulness.

KNow thou, fair Tyrant she, e're long
Crack'd may fall
Thy glist'rng Scepter, Crow, and all,
Beauties Commandress-fort,
Her lovely Person.
so strong:
When those Eyes, Earth-Stars but late,
Lamps of Day, to dauning turn;
Like twinkling Tapers prove, hard fate!
Glow-worms false Fires more clearly burn.
Those Cheeks and Lips, where Spring admir'd
(Cloud o'recast)
To Autumn chang'd, December, last;
Thy Pageantry's brave Show expir'd:
When thou shalt the living Tomb
To thine own Beauty's Corps appear;
This Epitaph o're-heard, like Doom,
While tread'st the Streets— [She was howe're.]
Then shall those former Slaves of thine
Kings become,
Who spent, to please, large golden Sum,
Thy churlish Mood, perverse Design;
Seem'd t'endure the Lash, there lay'd
Prostrate all before thy feet.
Expecting Dooms, one Smile display'd
Their morning- Star conceiv'd, so sweet.
One Kiss o'th' Hand, or naked Breast
Life-food bestow'd;
Calm, gentler Word their Musick show'd,
Fond Lovers thus in Chains, distrest:
Then, though proudly thou did'st scorn,
Nobler they may pity thee;
Or long before perchance (free-born)
Turn wise, renounce Love's Slavery.
Court next their Pleasures, ease no less,
Looking on
Thy scatter'd Beams, undazeled grown,
Charm-proof 'gainst Frowns, or smiling dress:
Queen of s [...]e fair Land, as 'twere,
Leaving thee, for Subjects void,
When thou may'st wish th' hadst used there
Less Scorn, more Love-delights enjoy'd.

Beauty and Frailty.

HOW Beauty shines to Youthful Sight!
Prime Face and Body's choice, compound!
Amazement caus'd, with Love, delight,
Both Map may seem of Heav'n renown'd,
And th' Earthly Globe's with all, such Wonders found;
Th' whole World's Contraction:
Though this transcends for Excellence,
Life sparkling thence,
All heightned (last) through Words, Smiles, graceful Action.
What Sun-like Beams adorn the Eye!
Soul's radiant Orb! bright Masquers there;
Beauties with Virtues joyn'd on high,
Do glistring move: Spring-beds appear
In gallant Cheeks, or each presents, as 'twere,
White, crimson Bower:
Choice, daintiest Fruits (Pearl, Ruby's gem)
Lips boast in them:
The Front Love's silver Throne, or Regal Tower.
Alas! that Nature's prime should be
Like meaner Works destroy'd, so frail!
How beautiful's the Rose to see,
Perfum'd like Garden's Queen! though pale,
Carcass e're long ( Scent lost) we may bewail:
Such joyn'd, observed
The Tulip too, blown Gillislow'r,
Fine-cheek'd this hour;
Fruits lovely thought, tho soon appear shrunk, starved.
All Creatures change, prove faded here,
Bodies with Minds, that sinking Fate;
Like Seasons Daughters of the year;
Those Beauties gon, transform'd that late
Could Hearts command, in their triumphant State,
Now pity'd, scorned:
Bright Virtue, Wisdom though may lend
Glory to th' end;
Each Brow by these like Wreath of Stars adorned.

The fair, young Shepherdess, her Funeral also.

IS any Pastor's Ear so deaf to Fame,
That has not heard of fair SOLVANDRAE'S Name?
So us'd to th' bleating Noys, that Funeral-Knell,
(Which groun'd this Nymph to Earth, did Hearts congeal)
Nere mention'd was; thus far more happy, free,
Since ignorant o'th' common Misery;
ARCADIA'S Loss: the Sun with haste was gone
From her black Funerals, and Night came on
In Sables clad. O, what new-raised Train
Of mournful Ghosts, as 'twere, then trod the Plain!
Whose ceremonious Form that Grief compriz'd,
As each their own near Fun'ral solemniz'd.
Death's March it seem'd; first went young Swains, by pai [...]s,
All crown'd with Cypress-branch, as Usherers
To th' solemn Herse; four next the same, that led,
Shew'd painted Shields, where drawn on Sable Bed
Young, pale, dead Virgin lay, white Shroud did wear
For Bridal Cloaths bare Face beheld, howe're
(Bounteous even then) by Death's black Arms imbrac'd,
And on the Top, white Characters was plac'd,
This must my Brides-groom prove: with Sadness so
All pass'd along. Behind the Herse did go
A single Swain, what mournful Tread! sad Glance!
True Bulk of Wretchedness, whose Countenance
Life- damp display'd; seem'd Ghost to th' Corps before;
Sigh-storm did breath, whilst Cheeks bedrench'd (their Shore)
His Torrent eyes; transcendent thus was found,
Surpass'd in Grief his Hat did mix'd surround
Small Willow, Cypress-branch, writ largely above,
Black Characters, Death does my Rival prove.
Then came th' whole Virgin-Train, white Skarfs did wear,
Part veil'd like clouded Stars, while Torch-light there
Caus'd dismal Noon. Thus all did softly trace
To th' last, retiring Cell, most loathsome place
Where they should leave their slumbring Nymph behind;
Earth-Chamber 'twas, which near transform'd half blind
That Youth beholds: Never spake Sorrow more
Then Silent now, what diff'rent Passions store!
Here Sighs, there Tears, pale Cheeks, all making one
Consort in Grief; his part excell'd alone.
They view'd their utmost round, till lost the Sight
With whom their Eyes seem'd as 'twere bury'd quite,
That way t'enjoy; with solemn thoughtful Muse,
Whilst churlish Clods and cold seem'd there t' abuse
That gallant Form, which, lately thought more nice,
Complain'd not now; by Death intranced lies:
Curtains being drawn, all clos'd, ne're daintier Frame
Was lodg'd in simple Earth, their Tongues proclaim.


Englished out of French.
Il y a dans ce Village, &c.

IN this Village long has shined
That bright Star my Thoughts adore;
Paris, where such beauteous Store,
Nothing vaunts so choice, refined:
Ah! Ah! sweet to me
Fair Eye, though to dye for thee.
She commands my Heart entire,
That with her dear Law complies:
More than King my self I prize
Through that hopeful Love-desire.
Ah! Ah! sweet to me
Fair Eye, though to dye for thee.
So delightful, gently seizing
Proves her Beauty's charming Grace,
Freedom's height far less I praise
Than that Servitude so pleasing.
Ah! Ah! sweet to me
Fair Eye, though to dye for thee.
I not know what artful Passion
Other Suitors can invent;
But for all deep Complement,
Breath to her this Protestation;
Ah! Ah! sweet to me
Fair Eye, though to dye for thee.

Englished out of Petrarch in Italian.
On the first Sight of Beauteous Laura.
Era'l giorno, ch'al Sol si scoloraro, &c.

THere was a Day, when the Sun's Beams grown pale,
With yours beheld, appear'd; Light's chief Disposer:
When those fair Eyes (unguarded Breast, too frail!)
Strait bound my Heart, Love-band alone th' Incloser.
'Twas then no Time for breach-repairs, Defence,
So strong th' Assault: nor small proves my Suspicion
(Though Lovers Griefs seem vulgar thought) from whence
Those former Wounds receiv'd, my Slave-Condition.
Treacherous Love found me disarmed there,
When throught mine Eyes free road to th' Heart extending,
(Eyes places now, sad Foards of Tears, as 'twere!)
Though scarce with Cupid's Honour, Glory ending:
Strook naked me with Dart, that time nor shewn
To coy, well armed You his Bow alone.

Another out of Petrarch, in Italian.
Lassare il velo o per Sole, o per Ombra, &c.
On coy Laura, veil'd.

THat you discharge your Veil by Sun or Shade,
I can't of late perceive; that Joy discover;
As you believ'd my great Desires allay'd
That Mu [...]led way, which throng my Heart all over.
Tho lurking Thoughts, close-harbour'd there, do now
Perplex me still; Sight lost, bred more desiring.
I once observ'd fair Goodness grace that Brow,
But since my Love shew'd th' Hearts internal firing,
Your yellow Sun-Shine- Curls are gone, beclouded more;
Each radiant Glance quite overcast, obscured.
Thus, snatch'd from me what most I prize, adore,
If govern'd by that Veil; worst Plagues endured.
Since, frozen still to Death, be't hot or cold;
Your Eyes sweet Light does darken and infold.

Englished out of Monte-mayor, in Spanish.
On Leander drowned, swimming to Hero o're the Hellespont.
Leandro amoroso fuego ardia, &c.

LEANDER, burning with an amorous Fire,
Stole down in haste to th' watry Shore, attended
By one Love-thought for guard, his dear Desire;
Through whose bold force no danger apprehended,
That's flaming Light through Streams did wounder raise,
God o'th' Sea.
Neptune rouz'd with angry Waves to quench it,
Whilst Cupid knew, he could have damp'd that Blaze
'Tween HERO'S wish'd, for Arms; best way to drench it.
The Morning smil'd, Vovage advanc'd, as 'twere;
Night gently came, with friendliest Shades surrounded;
More kind than either Love or Fortune were;
Sad Lovers Fates! Hope oft by Death confounded!
That Love and Fortune that should Pow'rs combine,
To kill, destroy that gallant Youth Design.

Another out of Monte-Mayor, in Spanish.
The modest doubtful Lover.
Los oios no peccaron en mirar os.

MIne Eyes (fair Maid) not sin, whilst but behold;
When th' onely aim to view and to admire you:
Should my Heart merit plead, though too over-bold,
Wish me no worse than still to want, desire you.
Ne're speak my Tongue, be't rather charm'd and dumb
Than smallest Word to Gain, enjoy should mention.
If Tears design to soften and o'recome,
You punish may by marbled Heart's Prevention.
But don't withdraw from me your Wweetest Sight;
For though that Grant produce my secret Anguish,
Sad Days I'll spend beholding you, Earth's Light;
Since no Life else partake, my Soul must languish.
Your View debarr'd, I am but dead, or dying.
Hopes of my Torment there best Ease supplying.

A Third out of Monte-Mayor, in Spanish.
The Shepherd deeply enamour'd.
Fstava Lusitano repastando, &c.

YOung Lusitan sat grazing ( solemn turn'd)
His gentle Flock, through verdant Plane dispersed:
Green Sheep-hook Scepter-like th' one Hand adorn'd;
Whilst view'd the Ground, with's sober Thoughts conversed.
Then th' E [...]es advanced, he soon forth breathed this;
If th' art so Prime, my Love-disease, excelling,
Who says, To lose my self not saving is?
Doubts he go grant in Pain, there's Pleasure dwelling?
Since for my Cure no comfort- Balm is sought:
She need not to regard me. O Fairest Creature!
Those Ignorants mistake my pleasing Thought;
For since well view'd thy Form divine, rare Feature,
I count if Grief not to be griev'd, Heart-wounded:
My Malady's my Medicine thus compounded.

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