The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart, and mercifull men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.
OUr Prophet Isaiah in his two and twentieth Chapter, tels us of a day wherein the Lord God of Hosts cals to weeping Isa. 22. 12. and mourning, and though (since every day is a day of sinning) every day ought to be a day of mourning; yet there are [Page 2] four special daies wherein God expects this duty from us:
The day of any hainous wickednesse committed by our selves or others.
The day of any grievous judgment, either national or personal inflicted.
The day wherein the wicked prosper, and the ungodly triumph. And
The day wherein any of Gods faithful and eminent servants are snatcht away and cut off by death.
It is not many daies (Beloved) since there was such a day, and of such a day it is my Text speaks; the want of a due and serious consideration whereof, moved our Prophet to take up this bitter lamentation, The righteous perisheth and no man layeth it to heart, &c.
This sad and sorrowfull complaint looks two waies, to the Godly, and to the Wicked; bewailing the misery of the one, and bemoaning the iniquity of the other, that the persons of the godly were destroyed, and the hearts of the wicked hardened. That ariseth from grief, this from grief mixed with anger; both very vehement, as appeareth by the multiplication of several clauses to the same sense. God grant that I in handling, and you in hearing, may have the same holy passions which our Prophet had in uttering this dolefull ditty, The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart, &c.
Begin we with the complaint concerning the Godly, which we find to be both amplified and mitigated; Gen. 1. Amplified in two Clauses, The righteous perisheth, The mercifull men are taken away: Mitigated [Page 3] in one, they are taken away from the evil to come.
In the inlarging of the complaint, we shall consider Partic. 1. the Godly mans disposition and condition. That really very good, this seemingly very bad; both characterizedin two words: His disposition, in those two, righteous and mercifull; his condition in those two, perisheth and taken away: Of each a word.
1. The first thing we are to take notice of, is the Godly mans disposition. And that
1. As described in the word righteous, a word which being in the Hebrew in the singular number, and having an Article prefixt, is by some Expositours peculiarly applied to Christ, as if this verse were a Prophesie Lap. in loc. [...] of his death. Indeed, to him especially and primarily doth this title of righteous belong. There is none righteous, no not one, (saith the Psalmist.) Except one, (saith the Father;) meaning Christ, Psal. 14. 2. Aug. ibid. who is perfectly and originally righteous: in which respect the Prophet Malachy cals him the Sunne of righteousness. Righteousness in us, like light in the Mal. 4. 2. Moon, hath its spots and imperfections: We at best, are but Starres of righteousness, which shine with a borrowed light: Christ, like the Sunne, hath in himself a fulness of grace, of which we receive grace for grace. Of this righteous person it is true, Joh. 1. 16. that he perished in the opinion, and was taken away by the rage of his enemies: Nay, which too truly answereth the text, he died unlamented by the generality of the people; So that he might well have uttered upon the Cross those words of the Church, Is it nothing to you all that pass by? Behold Lam. 1. 12. [Page 4] and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.
But when I observe the other Character to be in the Plurall number, mercifull men, I rather incline to understand this word though in the Singular, as nomen collectivum, refering not to one, but many, and accordingly those Prophets and Messengers of the Lord, together with the other of his faithfull servants which were slain in the dayes of Manasseh, who shed innocent bloud untill he had filled Ierusalem with 2 King. 21. 16. bloud from one end to the other, are conceived by Expositors Lap. Sanct. Musc. in loc. to be those whom the Prophet here bemoaneth.
If it shall be now enquired in what notion this term righteous was attributed to them, and may be affirmed of every godly man? I answer, they are righteous in a three-fold sense, Really, Interpretatively, Comparatively.
1. Every godly man is really righteous, inasmuch as
1. His person is justified through our Lord Iesus Christ, who is therefore called by the Prophet Jeremy, Jer. 23. 6. the Lord our righteousness, and is said by the Prophet Isaiah, to cover us with the robe of righteousness, Isa. 61. 10. 1 Cor. 1. 30. and by S t Paul, to be made of God unto us righteousness. Thus as all men are sinners in the first, so are all believers righteous in the second Adam. This is that righteousness which is purely Evangelicall, and is called the righteousness of faith, because the righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith: Hence it comes to pass that as the Father elegantly, Quod lex operum monendo imperat, lex Ambros. [Page 5] fidei credendo impetrat; that righteousness which the Law requireth, faith obtains.
2. His nature is renewed after the Image of God, which St. Paul tells us consists in righteousness and Eph. 4. 24. true holiness: in this respect it is that believers are said to partake of the (or rather a) divine nature by the Apostle Peter, and to be born of God by the Apostle John, because after a sort they are righteous 2 Pet. 1. 4. 1 Joh. 5. 1. as God is righteous: well may the name righteous be given, where the new divine nature is conferred, which maketh us of unholy, holy, of vicious, vertuous, of unjust, righteous.
3. His life is reformed, and in some measure ordered according to the rule of righteousness, the Word of God; He that doth righteousness saith Saint John, is righteous; every good man doth righteousness, 1 Joh. 3. 7. though not exactly, yet sincerely; his aim and endeavour is to give God and man their due, tribute to whom tribute, custome to whom custome, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour belongeth. Rom. 13. 7.
2. Every godly man is righteous interpretatively, inasmuch as being justified by Christ, and sanctified by the Spirit, God doth account, accept of him as righteous. The same word in the Hebrew signifieth upright and perfect; to teach us that upright persons are (for Christs sake) accepted of God, as if they were perfect. Well might the Prophet, well may we call them righteous, whom God calls so; and we find upon record, Noah, Iob, with others, Gen. 6. 8. Job 1. 1. to be commended by God himself as righteous.
[Page 6] 3. Every godly man is righteous comparatively, in respect of the wicked among whom he lives: thus these of whom our Prophet here speaketh, being compared with those voluptuous Epicures mentioned Isa. 56. ult. in the end of the former Chapter, might well be stiled righteous. Look how the Saints are said to be worthy; so they may be said to be righteous, Quantum ad comparationem caeterorum, to wit in Ambros. in Apocal. comparison of others. Indeed on the one hand the most holy man compared with God and Christ is unjust and impure, and therefore it is when the Saints have look't upon God, they abhor themselves. But on the other hand compared with the wicked, they are justly esteemed righteous: when the actions of the good and the bad are set together, the prayers, tears, fasts, and alms of the one, by the oaths, jollities, cursings, and oppressions of the other, they become so much the more conspicuous; and as although silver be far below gold, yet it is very precious in comparison of lead and iron; so the servants of God, though infinitely short of his purity and righteousness, are righteous if compared with the ungodly and profane.
2. Having discovered to you the first Character of righteous; proceed we to a view of the second, which is mercifull. According to the Hebrew, it [...] may be read men of mercy and good will, and so construed either passively or actively.
1. In a passive sense, men of mercy and good will, are those upon whom God will have mercy, and to whom he beareth a singular good will, The Lord is good unto all, and his tender mercies are over all his works (saith the Psalmist) there being no creature so Psal. 145. 9. [Page 7] mean and base, which giveth not a Specimen of his goodness, but yet his delights are with the sonnes of men, and his love to mankind, is greater then to any of his creatures: upon which account the Psalmist saith a little before, Lord, what is man, that thou Psal. 144. 3. takest knowledg of him, or the sonne of man that thou makest account of him? And as God hath a more special love to man then any other creatures, so he hath a more peculiar love to the righteous then any other men; in which respect the Psalmist saith elsewhere, Thou Lord wilt bless the righteous, with favour Psal. 5. 12. wilt thou compass him as with a Sheild.
In this construction, there is very good use to be made of the word in this Scripture.
1. Partly to inform us, that they who perish in this world, may yet be Gods favourites. Men are apt to think that God should not let the wind blow upon his darlings, but they are deceived, his love is not a Motherly and cockering, but a Fatherly and prudent love. Benjamin was not the lesse regarded by Joseph, because the Cup was found in his sack: We must not infer from the presence of outward afflictions, the absence of divine affection. When he who was the righteous one, of whom the Father said, This is my beloved Sonne in whom I am Mat. 3. 17. well pleased, was a man of sorrowes, and acquainted with griefs: Yea, upon the Cross, breathed forth that dolefull language, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? as being left by God, to the will of his enemies. Let us not doubt, but that righteous persons, though they perish by the malice of men, are yet in favour with God.
[Page 8] 2. Partly to comfort righteous ones in the midst of all their sufferings, considering that while the world frowns, God smiles. Though the cold wind of persecution blow, yet the Sun-beames of divine affection shines upon them: Though they are rejected as dross by men, yet they are accounted by God as his Jewels. What matters it for mens hatred, so we have Heavens love? This may make the righteous not only contented but cheerfull in suffering the cruelty of their enemies, that they are the men whom God markes out for the objects of his mercy.
2. But though this construction be pious and congruous, yet I rather incline to the active notion of these words; so much the rather, because of that parallel place in the Prophet Micah, where it is said, The good man is perished out of the earth. In Mic. 7. 2. this sense, men of mercy, are such as exercise mercy towards them that are in misery.
Mercy in its general notion, is alienis miserijs condolere easque proviribus sublevare; a tender condolence with others miseries, and a ready willingness to succour them according to our ability. Such is the activity of this grace, that it runs through the whole man.
In the understanding, it is a serious consideration how we may do good. The liberal man (saith the Prophet) deviseth liberal things. His thoughts Isa. 32 8. are taken up with consulting for the relief of the distressed.
In the memory, it is a continual setting the miseries of our Brethren before us. The mercifull man [Page 9] forgetteth the injuries that are done to himself, and remembers the miseries that are suffered by others; he still thinketh he heareth them groaning, and seeth them bleeding.
In the will and affection, it is a sweet sympathy, whereby we do nolle malum, velle bonum, nill the evil, and will the good of another. The mercifull mans heart aketh for his Brethren, and he resents their sufferings, as if they were his own.
Nor doth mercy only retire it self into the chambers of the soul, but looketh out at the windowes, and goeth out of doors for the succour of the afflicted. It opens the eye to see and search out the miserable, which, beholding them; maketh report to the heart, and that being affected with sorrow, causeth the eye to drop down teares; it quickneth the ear to attend and listen to the cries of the calamitous, like the tender Nurse, which heareth the least whimpering of the Child: It unlooseth the tongue to speak a word in season, pleading with God and man for them: It puts under the shoulder to bear a part of the burden, according to that Apostolical counsel, Bear you one anothers burdens. It unclaspeth the Gal. 6. 2. hand to relieve, and knocketh off the fetters from the feet: so that they are ready to go, nay runne in behalf of the miserable. In one word, the mercifull mans head is full of thoughts, his heart of sorrowes, his eyes of teares, mouth of Prayers, and hands of gifts.
Thus every truly godly man is not only just, but good, righteous, but mercifull: He puts on viscera, bowels of mercy and tender compassions towards [Page 10] them that are afflicted; he is ready to do opera, works of mercy, according to his power. By the one, he draws out his soul to the hungry; by the other, he reacheth forth his hand to the needy. Righteous men know that almes is the poor mans due, and mercy is a debt they owe to the miserable: no wonder if they are carefull to pay it.
And look how far the misery of the distressed reacheth, so far the mercy of the righteous extendeth; both to the souls and bodies of others. Namely, they are men of mercy, especially to the souls of others; instructing the ignorant, confirming the weak, counselling the doubtfull, warning the unruly, perswading the obstinate, and comforting the grieved. Nor are they unmindfull of the bodies of others, cloathing the naked, feeding the hungry, refreshing the thirsty, visiting the sick, and entertaining the stranger.
Nor is their mercy only confined to friends, but enlarged to foes: They are men of good will, even to those that bear them ill will: They do good, where they have received evil: They requite injuries with courtesies, and want not compassion for those who are the instruments of their passion.
Whilest then the Jesuited Saints wear the red Coat of blood and cruelty, let Gods holy ones be cloathed in the white of innocency and pitty, and whilest their zeal flames in fury, let our love shine in mercy. Whatever they pretend, they are no other then Sonnes of Belial, who delight in blood; who slay the Fatherless and the widowe, and make Persons, Families, may Nations, miserable. He hath shewed thee, O man, [Page 11] what is good, and what the Lord thy God requireth of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? So we read in the Prophecy of Micah, Sow to your selves in righteousness, and Mic. 6. 8. reap in mercy, that is the Prophet Hosea his counsel. Hos. 10. 12. Christs blessed ones, are such as hunger after righteousness, and withall are mercifull. And here the Characters of a godly man are righteous and mercifull. Mat. 5. 7. I have done with the first branch, which is the Saints pious disposition, I now hasten to
2. His Calamitous condition, which is represented in those words, perisheth, and taken away.
The first word perisheth, which is of a large acception, may be capable of an harsh construction, and such as cannot be predicated of a righteous man; in which respect Eliphaz said to Job, Remember, I pray thee, Job 4. 7. who ever perished being innocent, or where were the righteous cut off? That ye may therefore rightly understand the meaning of the phrase, know, that there is a three-fold perishing.
The first belongs neither to the righteous, nor to to the wicked; the second is proper only to the wicked; the third is common to the righteous, with the wicked.
1. Perishing in its most strict notion, is transitus ab esse ad non esse, a passage from being to not being; an utter extinction, a totall annihilation. And in this sense only the beast perisheth, which dying, is resolved into its first principles, and at last into nothing. Though therefore the wicked man is said to be like the beast that perisheth, yet he doth not perish like the beast; Indeed, it were happy for him if he Psal. 49. 20. [Page 12] might: For though some endeavour by their Metaphysical notions, to prove a miserable being, better then no being, yet they must give us leave to say with our Saviour, It were good for that man he had Mat. 26. 24. never been born. Nor is it to be doubted, but that the damned heartily wish, not to be at all, but (alas) it cannot be.
2. There is a perishing, which is peculiar to the wicked, and this is two fold; either perishing in his name, or perishing in his person.
1. Only wicked men perish in their names, whilest their memorial is cut off from the earth. Though the righteous die, yet their names live: That malice which takes away their life, cannot extinguish their memory; but the wicked perish, so as to be wholly forgotten, or remembred with infamy: so true is that of the wise man, The memory of the just is blessed, but the name of the wicked shall Prov. 10. 7. rot.
2. Only wicked men perish in their persons, that is, soul and body. This is that perishing, which is opposed by our Saviour to eternal life; and is sometimes Joh. 4. 16. called the second death. In this sense, to perish, is to be eternally miserable; to be ever perishing, and yet never perished. And thus, Who ever perished being righteous? Indeed S t Peter saith, the righteous are scarcely saved, but there is a great 1 Pet. 4. 17. deal of differenre between scarcely, and almost: Though he is scarcely saved, that is, not without great difficulty, yet he is saved by Gods mercy from this perishing.
3. But lastly, There is a perishing which is common [Page 13] to the rightcous and the wicked, and thus the righteous as well as the wicked perish, by the miseries of life, and at length by death.
1. They perish by the miseries of this life; in which sense, perishing is opposed to prospering: Good men are exposed to dangers in this world, as well as the bad; nay, more then the bad. That chosen vessel S t Paul, reckons a multitude of dangers which befell him in this life, where he tels us, that he was in perills of waters, in perills of robbers, in perills of his own Countrey-men, in perills by the 2 Cor. 11. 26. Heathen, in perills in the City, in perills in the Wilderness, in perills in the Sea, in perills among false Brethren; and surely what befell him, is incident to the most righteous persons.
2. They perish by death. In this sense the Disciples meant it, when they cried, Master, we perish. Thus Elihu expounds it, when he saith, All flesh shall perish together, and men shall turn again unto dust. And this our Prophet intends, when he saith, Luk. 7. 7. 24. the righteous perisheth. Joh, 24. 15.
If you shall ask, why dying, which is only a separation of the soul from the body, not an annihilation of either, is called a perishing? I answer:
1. It is a perishing, though not [...], yet [...], in reality, yet appearance; though not secundum rei veritatem, according to the verity of the thing, yet secundum communem sensum, according to the opinion of the vulgar. When any man dyeth, whether good or bad, he seemeth as one that were perished. And though (as our blessed Saviour telleth us) all live to God, yet as Musculus glosseth upon the Luk. 20. 38. [Page 14] text, In mundi judicio, in the judgment of the Musc. in loc. world, they perish.
2. It is a perishing, though not absolutè, yet respectivè, absolutely yet respectively; it is a perishing as to this world. When any man dieth, as well righteous as wicked, he so perisheth, as that he shall never again live here: Upon which account it is said, Man giveth up the Ghost, and where is he? Yea, holy Job saith of himself, I go whence I shall not return. Job 14. 10. 10. 21. This is that which is expres't in that parallel Scripture to this, where the Prophet saith, The good man is perished out of the earth. He is not perished, so as not to be at all, yet he is perished so, as to be no Mic. 2. 2. more upon earth. And this is all that the Prophet meanes, when he saith, the righteous perisheth.
2. This will yet further appear, if you look upon the other word, where it is said, That mercifull men are taken away. As the providence of God in nature, hath made those members double, which are most usefull, as the eyes, ears, hands, and feet, that if one fail, the other may supply; so the wisdome of God in Scripture, hath coupled Phrases together, that if the one be obscure, the other may explain; If the one be harsh, the other may molisie it. It is so here; whereas that phrase of perishing is somewhat dark and rugged, here is another word, taking away, which seryeth very much to qualisie and illustrate it.
The Hebrew word [...] hath a double Construction, both which are here made use of, namely to gather, and to take away.
Calvin reads it Colliguntur, mercifull men are gathered. Calv. in loc. Death seemeth to be a scattering, and so a perishing, [Page 15] but indeed it is a gathering, when men die, especially good men, they are gathered. So that in this sense it is a great allay to the bitterness of the other word perisheth.
2. Lapide with others-read it auferuntur, with which our translation agreeth, are taken away, and Lap. in loc. no doubt it is the most genuine rendring of the word in this place, since this Hebrew word, where it signifieth to gather, is usually joyned with the Preposition signifying to, whereas here in the very next clause it is joyned with a Preposition signifying from, and therefore most fitly translated, taken away.
And now that which the Prophet intends by this phrase, is to note two things,
1. In general, by taking away, is meant dying, obitus, abitus, death is often called a going away, a departure, and thus it mollifieth the former word, perisheth, letting us see that it is not an extinction, but only a remotion, an abolition, but an ablation; when we die, we do not cease to be at all, only we change our place, and are taken away out of this world.
2. More particularly, by taking away is meant a violent death, a dying, when in course of nature a man might have lived long; it is one thing for a candle to go out of it self, and another to be blown out by the wind; it is one thing for a flower to wither, and another to be blasted; it is one thing for a tree to fall, and another to be plucked up by the roots: Finally, it is one thing for a man to go away, and another to be taken away from any place; those are [Page 16] Emblemes of a natural, these of a violent death In this notion this word addeth something to the former phrase, namely, the manner of the death, The righteous perisheth, and that not in a natural way, but is taken away by the hand of violence.
The result of what hath been said on this first general, amounts to these two things.
1. That righteous and mercifull men perish, and are taken away by death. Indeed it is said of Enoch, God took him that he should not see death, so was Eliah; Heb. 11. 4. and had God so pleased, he might have exempted all righteous men from death, but then neither his power in raising them to life, would have been so illustrious, nor their faith and hope in believing and expecting a Resurrection, so conspicuous, in which latter respect the Father saith well, that had good men been priviledged from death, Carni Ambros. quidem faelicitas adderetur, adimeretur autem fidei fortitudo, though it might have been some kind of advantage to the frailty of our flesh, yet it would much have detracted from the strength of out faith: In great wisdome therefore hath God so ordered it, that righteous and mercifull men, as well as others, should walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Joh. 8. 51. 1. 26 Indeed our Saviours assertion is universall, He that keepeth my sayings shall not see death, but he meaneth the second death; and so else where he explaineth himself, when he saith, He that believeth in me shall not die for ever. True it is, Solomon tells us, Prov. 10. 2. that righteousness delivereth from death, but it is from the evil, not from the being of death, death [Page 17] indeed is an advantage to a good man, yet still die he must: But this is not all which the Prophet here intends, since this perishing and taking away by death, being that which is appointed for all, seemeth not to be a matter of much lamentation; and therefore th [...]t which no doubt is further aimed at in these expressions, is,
2. That sometimes righteous and mercifull men perish, and are taken away by a violent death. Indeed it is that which is threatned by God as a curse upon wicked, especially bloud-thirsty and deceitfull Psal. 55. 22. men; it is that which Malefactors are sentenced to by the justice of the Judge; but yet withall it is that which may and sometimes doth befall Gods own servants; nay which is more strange, and yet is many times true, the righteous are taken away, whilest the wicked remain. Solomon observed it in his time, There is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, Eccles. 7. 15. and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness; yea which is yet most sad, but very frequent, the righteous perish by the wicked, and that for righteousness sake, and the mercifull are taken away by cruell hands, and that for pietyes sake: wicked men never want malice in their hearts, and sometimes (through divine permission) have power in their hands to take away the liberties, estates, and lives of the righteous. One of the first good men that was in the world began this bitter cup, which many both men of God and other godly men have since pledged. It was the complaint of the Church in the Old Testament, and St. Paul taketh it up as most truly applicable to the Church of the New, For thy Psal. 44. [...]2. [Page 18] sake we are killed all the day long, and are accounted Rom. 8. 33. as sheep for the slaughter.
This is that which the wise God suffers to come to to passe for many excellent ends.
That wicked men by such bloody acts, may fill up the measure of their sins, and thereby at once hasten and heighten their punishment.
That good men may have occasion of exercising and manifesting many graces particularly, the length of their patience; the height of their courage; and the depth of their charity. When a man endureth to the end, suffering even death it self, patience hath its perfect work. That's a Resolution indeed which maketh a man faithfull to the death, and enableth him to look upon its pale visage with confidence. There cannot be greater charity then to forgive my enemy; especially when he persecuteth me to the death. So that when righteous men perish violently, their graces flourish gloriously.
That hereby righteous men may be fully conformable to the righteous one, the Messiah, concerning whom this Prophet foretelleth that he should be cut off (as the tree is by the ax) from the land of Isa. 53. 9. the living. And in respect of which the Apostle chargeth those Jews, that by wicked hands they had taken and slain him.
Finally, That by so perishing, the Religion which they profess, may be honoured, and the God whom they serve, glorified. Since though both these are in some measure effected by doing well, and living uprightly, yet much more by suffering ill, and dying cheerfully in a righteous cause.
[Page 19] And now what should the consideration hereof teach us, but
1. That certainly there is another world besides this, wherein a difference shall be put between the righteous and the wicked; between him that feareth God, and him that feareth him not. Here the righteous perish as well as the wicked; nay, the righteous perish, and the wicked prosper, and the mercifull are taken away by the wicked. But shall it be so alwaies? Will not the Judge of all the world do right? Will there not be a Reward for the righteous? Yes doubtless. And since in this world all things fall alike to all, and for the most part it fareth better with the wicked then the godly, it necessarily followeth that there is a state after death, wherein the righteous judgment of God in punishing the wicked, who now prosper, and recompensing the righteous, who now perish, shall be made manifest.
2. That it is a needfull prudence, in righteous and mercifull men, to improve their time and Talents in serving God, and doing good to others whilest they live. They must perish at last by a natural, they may be taken away soon by a violent death; and when they perish, all ability and opportunity will be taken away of doing good works, either of piety or pitty, justice or mercy. Oh then, how great industry and celerity is needfull in putting forth themselves to the utmost for God, their souls, their Brethren whilest they live! that they may do much in a little time, according to that sage advice of the wise man, Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do Eceles. 9. 10. it with thy might, for there is no work, nor device, [Page 20] nor knowledge, nor wisdome, in the grave whether thou goest.
3. That sowing in righteousness, and reaping in mercy, they would not be discouraged from the apprehension of this perishing and taking away. I am afraid such thoughts as these do sometimes arise in the minds of men: How dieth the wise man even as the fool, the righteous as the wicked? Let me live never so well, I must perish: Nay, my conscientious walking may occasion my ruine. How much better is it to spend my daies in pleasure, and indulge to my lusts whilest I live, since I can but die at last? But far be such reasonings from wise and righteous men, especially when we consider how great a mercy the very perishing of the righteous, and taking away of the mercifull is; which will appear, if we proceed to the
2. Mitigation of the complaint, as it is expressed in the close of the verse, The righteous are taken away from the evil to come.
There are (according to the known distinction of Quest. the Schooles) two sorts of evil, the one of sin, and the other of punishment; and it is true in reference to both.
1. When righteous men die, they are taken away Answ. from the evil of sin, into which they are prone to fall, so long as they live. Nusquam tuta est humana fragilitas, saith St. Herome, Humane frailty is never Hier. Ep. ad Eustoch. safe. In this world we are continually assaulted, and sometimes captivated; but death puts us out of all danger; we shall be tempted no longer, and sinne no more.
[Page 21] 2. But no doubt it is the evil of punishment which here the Prophet intends, and thus it may admit of a double notion.
1. They are taken away from those ordinary personal evils, to which they, with the rest of mankind, are subject in this world. The best men whilest they live here, are exposed to a [...]hes, paines, sicknesses, losses, crosses; manifold troubles and miseries: But when they die, all teares are wiped away from their eyes: Feares Rev. 14. 16. removed from their hearts: They rest from their labours, so St. John. They enter into peace; they rest Isa. 57. 2. in their beds, so our Prophet in the very next verse.
2. But that which is here principally meant, is, that the righteous and mercifull are taken away by death, from some extraordinary and publipue evil of Judgement, which is to come upon the place where they live. Those words of the Prophet, Come my people, enter thou into thy chambers, shut thy doors about thee; hide thy self as Isa. 26. 20. it were for a little moment, while the indignation be overpast; are by some expounded of the chambers of the grave, in which God is pleased to hide his people, before he cometh forth of his place to punish the Inhabitants of the world.
Indeed, this is not alwaies the dispensation of Divine Providence. Sometimes the righteous are taken away in the common calamity, together with the wicked. The fruitfull and barren trees are blown down at once by the same wind of Judgment. Perhaps, good men, have by sinfull complyances, been involved in the national guilt, and no wonder if they are also involved in the notional punishment.
Sometimes the righteous are delivered from the common [Page 22] misery, and yet not taken away by death. Whilest the whole world is overwhelmed with a deluge of waters, Noah is preserved alive in the Ark. When Sodome is to be destroyed, Lot is sent to Zoar: And when Jerusalem is to be overthrowne, the godly are admonished to go to Pella. That Promise in the Psalms, hath been sometimes literally and fully verified in a time of pestilential infection, A thousand shall fall on thy right Psal. 91. 4. hand, and ten thousand on thy left, but it shall not come night thee. God sets a mark upon the mourners, and the destroying Angel passeth by them as he did by the Israelites houses in Aegypt. Ezek. 9. 4. [...]
And then sometimes the righteous are taken away by death, before the general desolation come. Thus God dealt with Josiah that good King, before the captivity of Israel: St. Austin (that godly Father) before the destruction of Hippo; and Luther that eminent Dr. before the devastation of Germany.
Before I go any further, it will not be amiss to take notice how this truth unfolds the riddle, and cleareth the seeming injustice of Divine Proceedings. We ofttimes see, and seeing, wonder; nay, perhaps repine at it, that good men are taken out of, whilest wicked men continue in this world. But surely this can be no just cause of casting any blemish upon Divine Dispensations, when we consider that
On the one hand the wicked are preserved, but it is for the evil to come. They escape for a time, that some remarkable Judgment may fall upon them. As the voice told that wicked wretch, when sleeping under a rotten wall, it awaked him, and saved him from the ruine. [...], I saved [Page 23] thee from the wall, reserving thee for the wheele.
On the other hand, the righteoas are indeed taken away, but it is from the evil to come. So that whilest the wicked mans preservation is a curse, the good mans perishing is a favour. God spareth the one in anger, and taketh away the other in mercy.
Indeed, Righteous men are taken away from the evil to come, upon a double account.
1. Ne veniat, That the evil which is to come upon the place may not come upon them: God will not have his righteous ones to be spectators of, nor sufferers in those ruines, which his justice hath decreed to inflict upon the wicked for their sinnes. This is rendered as the reason why that immature death befell Josiah who was slain in the battell that he might not see the evil which was coming.
2. Ut veniat, That the evil may come and be inflicted on the place: for (Beloved) you must know that whilest righteous men live, they are very prevalent with God by their prayers and tears to keep off judgement: Unus homo plus valet orando, quam mille pugnando, one righteous man can do more by prayer, then a thousand by armes. Let me alone saith God to Moses, Exo. 32. 10. that my wrath may wax hot against this people, Fatetur se Moysis orationibus teneri, so the gloss: God seemeth to confess that his hands were as it were tied by Moses his Prayer, so that he could not punish that idolatrous people. I can do nothing (said the Angel to Lot) Gen. 19. 22. whilest thou art here, Good men stand in the gap to turn away the wrath of God from the Nation where they live: and therefore when God is resolved, and the time prefixed is accomplished, that he will destroy a [Page 24] people, he suffereth the wicked to fill up the measure of their sinnes, by killing his servants: or else he appoints some other meanes by which they are removed out of this world from the evil to come.
The Meditation of this truth affords matter of
1. Comfort to the righteous, [...], said the Greek Poet, Whom God loveth, he dyeth young. Certain it is, that when God cuts off any righteous ones betimes, or permits them to be cut off by their bloody enemies, though these do it in malice, he suffers it in love. For (tell me) is it not a mercy to be put into a safe harbour, before the stormy tempest arise? To get into the House, before the thunder and lightning rain, and hail fall? This is Gods design in taking away his Servants, and therefore they have reason to bid death welcome. Indeed, the strongest consolation against death, is the consideration of the terminus ad quem, to what the righteous are taken, even that good, and bliss, and glory to come. They are taken to an innumerable company of Angels, to the spirits of the just Hebr. 12. 22, 23. men made perfect. They are taken to a Palace of Glory; a Paradise of Pleasure; and a Mansion of Eternity. Finally, they are taken to the Beatifical Vision of the face of God, and the full fruition of his glorious presence. But withall it is confortable to reflect on the terminus a quo, from what they are taken, from the evil, misery, and calamity to come, upon the place where, and people among whom they lived.
2. Terrour to the wicked. Nothing more usual with ungodly men, then to rejoyce when the righteous are taken away from among them. They had rather [Page 25] have their room then their company; as being desirous to be rid of them. Hence it is, that they are not only glad of, but many times very active in taking away the righteous. They do not account themselves safe whilest the godly are among them But oh what fools are they, and how grossly deceived! Rejoyce not against me, O mine enemy, saith the Church. So may every Sonne of the Church. Little cause have the wicked to rejoyce: Nay, instead of laughing they have more cause to weep, when the righteous are taken away. For if the righteous be taken away from, it must needs follow that their taking away, is a sign of evil to come. So that the death of the godly, is a sad Prognostick of the destruction of the wicked. What a wall is to a Town, an hedge to a Field, a pillar to an House, that is a righteous man to the place where he liveth. And therefore as men, when they intend to take the Town, batter the walls; to lay waste the Field, pluck up the hedge; to pull down the House, take away the pillar: So Almighty God, when he designeth to pluck up, to overthrow, and to pull down a Kingdom or a Nation, he first removeth his own Servants. Wicked men look upon the good, as thornes and pricks to offend them, whilest they have more cause to account them as Chariots and Horse-men to defend them. They think themselves most secure and happy, but indeed they are then nearest to misery and ruine, when the godly are taken from them. By taking away the righteous, they intend a courtesie to themselves, but it is in truth, as a courtesie to the good; so an injury to themselves: Though yet such is the blindness of their minds, they will not see; and the hardness of their hearts, that they will not consider it. Which leads me to the
[Page 26] Other part of the text, the Complaint which the Prophet Gen. 2d. taketh up against the wicked in these words, No man layeth it to heart, none considering.
It might be here taken notice of in general, that the sin which the Prophet declaimeth against, is not positive but negative. Not the bloody taking away of righteous ones; not the cruel rejoycing at their fall, but the not laying it to heart. Indeed, to be an Instrument of, or laugh at the calamity of the godly, making their tears our wine, their ruine our sport, is abhominable. But though we be not in the seat of the scorners, yet if we be not in the posture of mourners, it is justly culpable. Thus Dives is charged by our blessed Saviour, not with oppressing Lazarus, by taking any thing from him, but not relieving him; in giving something to him. There are sins of omission as well as commission. There are breaches of the negative as well as of the afffirmative Precepts. We sin as well (though not so much) in not doing the good required, as in doing the evil prohibited. Not only the wastfull Steward, but the unprofitable Servant, shall be cast out. The Vine that bringeth sorth no grapes, shall be cut down as well as that which bringeth forth wild grapes. Those whom Christ will at the last day set at his left hand, are not accused with any evil or unjust acts they did, but only with neglect of those charitable acts they ought to have done. Oh, let us make conscience of not doing, as well as doing.
To let this go, the sinne in particular reproved, is, not laying to heart, and considering the death of the righteous: Concerning which I shall briefly discover three things; the nature, the extent, and the guilt of it.
[Page 27] 1. The Nature of the sin, what it is, will the better appear, if we observe the Emphasis of the words; the one whereof considering, is an act of the Judgment, weighing things in the ballance of Reason: the other, laying to heart, refers to the affections, Since then any thing is laid to heart, when we are deeply affected with it. These do one infer the other; since what we affect, we take into consideration, and by considering, we come to be affected. Whilest I was musing, the fire kindled, saith David. The consideration of any object, causeth sutable Psal. 39. 3. affections; If delightfull, joy, if hurtfull, sorrow, The fault then here characterized, is, that though the righteous were taken away before their eyes, yet they did not lay it to their hearts. And though they could not but take notice, yet they would not consider it; at leastwise not so seriously and affectionately as they ought
2. The Extent of this sin, will be the more evident, if we observe the several Circumstances by which it is aggravated.
1. It was not the death of any, but a righteous man; not of one, but of many mercifull men: and some of those, men of God, and yet it was not laid to heart.
2. These righteous and mercifull ones, did not die a natural death, but were taken away, when yet they might have lived (in course of nature) many yeares longer; and done a great deal of service for God in their Generation. And yet this was not laid to heart by them.
3. This taking away the righteous by death, did portend no lesse then ruine and misery to come, and that upon themselves: And yet they were so stupid as not to consider it.
[Page 28] 4. And which enlargeth the Complaint, their fault was general: None considered, none laid to heart. That is very few, as else-where; There is none righteous. Psal. 14. 1. By which phrase is intimated, though not a nullity, yet a paucity; not one of many were sensible of the losse, a spiritual Lethargy had seized upon the most, and the disease was become Epidemical.
3. The Guilt of this sinne, how great it is, will be manifest in a three-fold respect.
1. In regard of God, it argueth want of Piety. Almighty God hath placed us in this world, as upon a Theater, that we might take notice of the various passages of his Providence. So that not to regard his works and consider the operation of his hands, cannot but Psal. 26. 4. highly provoke him. Indeed, they are equally bad, not to regard the sounding of his word in our eares, and not to observe the appearances of his works in our eyes. Among his many Providential works, none more observable then the taking away of the mercifull. For certainly, if a sparrow fall not to the ground, much less doth a Saint, without Divine permission. If the hairs of his head are numbered, surely his head cannot be taken off, without a special Providence. Indeed, the perishing of a righteous man, is a work at once, both of Gods mercy and Judgment. Mercy to him, Iudgment to the wicked. And not to consider such a work, so as to lay it to heart, must needs be a great sin against him.
2. In regard of the righteous, it argueth want of pitty. To him that is afflicted (saith Job) pitty should Job 6. 14. be shewed from a friend; And especially to him that is persecuted to the death. We may observe among [Page 29] beasts, (even swine) a sympathy; so that when one is killed, the rest are troubled: And shall there not be among men? Didicimus cum homines simus alienis calamitatibus moveri, nothing more humane, then to be moved with compassion towards them that are under sufferings. So that it is not only impiety, but inhumanity.
3. In regard of the persons themselves, it argueth want of wisdome. When the righteous perish, and mercifull men are taken away, it is a losse to them who remain. They loose the light of their good Example, the benefit of their Prayers. And should not this be considered? Nay, it is not only a losse, but (as hath been already expressed) it is a dolefull presage of ruine: And shall it not be laid to heart? So that it argueth a sensless stupidity not to consider what is so much our own concernment. By all which it appeareth an impious, an inhumane, and unnatural sinne which our Prophet bemoaneth, when he saith, The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart, and mercifull men are taken away, none considering that the righteous are taken away from the evil to come.
Oh then, be we all exhorted to the contrary duty. Solomon the wise, seemeth to promise himself, that when the living are in the house of mourning, they will lay Eccles. 7. 2. it to heart. And if we ought to lay to heart the death of any, much more of righteous men: and especially, when either Josiah the King, or Eliah the Prophet, or Zacharias the Priest, are taken from us. Though the Sun is not much observed by us whilest it shineth, yet if it be in an Eclipse, who doth not take notice of it? Oh, let not the Eclipse, and much [Page 30] lesse the setting of any of Gods eminent servants passe by unregarded! Let us then consider and lay to heart the death of the righteous,
1. Recordando, by keeping a Register of the death of the Godly in all ages, but chiefly in the age wherein we live; both as to the quality of the Persons, and the manner of their death.
2. Lamentando, by bewailing their removall from us: Not in respect of them, to whom death is a favour, but in regard of our selves, who may in their departure, sadly foretell approaching misery.
3. Imitando, by following the good example both of their life and death, so far as we are called to it. By which means, their death will not only be their gain, but ours.
4. Preparando, by fitting our selves for that evil which their death foretells, that whilest the simple passe on and are punished, we may like prudent men fore see the evil, and hide our selves: or rather God may hide Prov. 22. 3. us, either by preserving us in it, or by taking us away (as he hath other of his servants) before the vengeance come.
And now (Beloved) least I and you should be guilty of the sinne, against which my text declaimeth, give me leave in a few words to put you in mind of the death of that righteous and mercifull man of God, who hath been lately taken from us. Dr John Hewit who died June 8. and was buried in the Church of S t Gregories the [...] th day of that moneth.
Titles, which I hope none will envy him, since if we look no further then his death, we shall find just occasion of applying them to him. As for the cause of his death, it concerneth not me to meddle with it; I shall leave the censure of it to that day, when all the Judgment [Page 31] of men shall be scanned over. But I trust none will be offended, if I take notice of the manner of his death; The righteous (saith Solomon) is as bold as a Prov. 28. 1. 14. 32. Lyon. And again, The righteous hath hope in his death. And surely, it was the confidence of a well led life, that made him so meekly bold, humbly confident at his death; the righteousness of his way, which filled him with cheerfulness at his end. Of all acts of mercy, none greater then the remitting injuries, and forgiving enemies: and how great a measure he had of this grace, those charitable lines which were read at his Funerall, and the sweet words he uttered on the Scaffold, abundantly testifie. I want both time and tongue, to give you a Narrative of his life, which was a constellation of many bright Stars, many excellent Graces which were obvious to all that knew him throughout the whole course of his conversation. This righteous and mercifull man is now perished from the earth, and taken away from us; but so, as that I have good reason to believe he is removed to that place of bliss, where he enjoyeth the society of Saints and Angels; yea, of God himself.
And now (Beloved) let it not be said, Out of sight out of mind. We can no longer enjoy him, but (I hope) we shall not forget him; especially not you (my Brethren) among whom he hath spent his paines, and exhausted his strength, to do your souls Good.
Do you (I beseech you) consider and remember how often you have beheld him in this holy Mount: how many wholesome Reproofs, Counsels, and Comforts you have heard from him, and withall reflect upon your own unthankfulness for, unprofitableness under [Page 32] his and the labours of others of Gods faithfull Servants among you. Finally, do you, and let us all seriously lay to heart what a sad presage the death of this good man is of ruine and destruction, whilest me thinketh he saith to us this day in the words of his Saviour, Weep not for me (I am taken away from the evil to come) but weep for your selves, upon whom evil is likely to come, unless by your reall and speedy repentance you prevent it. And now I am come to the end of my Sermon, and that which was my end in Preaching it; to stirre up both my self and you to consider the death of this Righteous man: not so, as to be imbittered against the Instrument by whom it hath been effected, but against our selves for our sinnes which have procured it; that this dolefull losse may be an occasion of our sorrowfull Repentance, and that Repentance may prevail with God to avert those Judgments which hang over us, to continue his faithfull Labourers among us, and restore his ancient blessings to us; which God grant for his mercies sake in Jesus Christ. Amen.