THE Family-Dictionary; OR, Houshold Companion: Wherein are Alphabetically laid down Exact Rules and Choice Physical RECEIPTS FOR The Preservation of Health, Prevention of Sickness, and Curing the several Diseases, Distempers, and Grievances, incident to Men, Women, and Children.

Also, Directions for Making Oils, Ointments, Salves, Cordial-Waters, Powders, Pills, Bolus's, Lozenges, Chymical Pre­parations, Physical-Wines, Ales, and other Liquors, &c. and Descriptions of the Virtues of Herbs, Fruits, Flowers, Seeds, Roots, Barks, Minerals, and Parts of Living Crea­tures, used in Medicinal Potions, &c.

Likewise, Directions for Cookêry, in Dressing Flesh, Fish, Fowl, Seasoning, Garnishing, Sauces, and Serving-up in the Best and most acceptable Manner. The Whole ART of Pastry, Conserving, Preserving, Candying, Confectioning, &c.

Also, The Way of Making all sorts of Perfumes, Beautifying-Waters, Pomatums, Washes, Sweet-Balls, Sweet-Bags, and Essences: Taking Spots, and Stains out of Garments, Lin­nen, &c. and Preserving them from Moths, &c. Wash­ing Point, Sarsnets, and Restoring Faded Linnen; and Scowr­ing, or Brightning Tarnished Gold, or Silver Lace, Plate, &c.

Together, VVith the Art of Making all sorts of English VVines, as Currants, Cherries, Gooseberries, and Cyder, Mead, Metheglin, &c. And the ART of Fining, and Recovering Foul or Faded Wines. The MYSTERY of Pickling, and keeping all Sorts of Pickles throughout the Year.

To which is Added, as an APPENDIX, The Explanation of Physical Terms, Bills of Fare in all Sea­sons of the Year. With the ART of CARVING. And many other Useful Matters.

By J. H.

London, Printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the Corner of Bride-lane, in Fleetstreet, 1695.



Courteous Reader,

IN this elaborate Work, thou wilt find such Satisfaction, as perhaps the pre­sent, or past Ages, have not before afforded thee. If Health is held valueable in your Eyes, and you would avoid the Pains and tediousness of Sickness, or Grievances incident to Human Bodies; here you may repair to an Asylum, and find the Arcana opened for your Good, which have been hi­therto locked up from the greater part of Mankind. All Difficulties, and Hard Terms, or Words, are removed, which have puzled Ingenious Persons, and the Path is made so smooth that any reasonable Capacity or Understanding may travel in it [Page] without the least fear of Stumbling or fal­ling into Error, if some particular Cau­tions, that will herein occur, are used as a Guide and Conductor. For, I confess, in weighty Matters, such as tend to the Preservation of Health; the preciousest Jewel of Life, things ought to be well weighed and considered, that every thing may concur with the Ends for which it was design'd and made publick, which is the Be­nefit of Mankind.

That it is called a FAMILY-DICTIONARY, shows it is intended for the Publick Good, containing such Things as cannot in one way or other miss of their designed Ends, in being Useful and Ad­vantagious to those that stand in need of Good Advice or Directions, and will be so wise or kind to themselves, as to consult their own Benefit in what is contained in this Book, it being a Mixture of many Rarities that have (when practised in Pri­vate) given Contentment even to Admira­tion, [Page] and answered the End beyond Expecta­tion.

Here you will not only find Physical Re­ceipts for the most reigning Distempers, Diseases, and Grievances, incident to English Bodies; but how to Prepare and Administer them in the best and properest Ways and Methods: So that every one may be provided with Remedies when Necessity calls for them, and a Physician or Surgeon are not to be had: which may be done with little Cost and Labour. The Rich, being Charitably dispos'd, may find an easie Means to exercise their Charity, in helping the afflicted Poor; and even Gardens and Fields may afford Relief, without any Cost, to ease the Pains and Miseries of those that labour under tedious and trouble­some Distempers, or Grievances, when Friends may fail.

Here you are also taught how to make all sorts of Wines, Cyders, Metheglins, &c. [Page] and several sorts of Cordial-Waters, Per­fumes, Washes, Beautifying-Waters, and other Rarities of the like Nature.

All sorts of Cookery are herein nicely displayed; and the whole Mystery of Con­fection: with many other Things too tedious to be recited in a Preface: So that the Roses are twined with the Gessamine, and many other Fragrant Branches, bearing curi­ous Flowers of Profit and Advantage, to render it a Garland lovely and acceptable.

What shall I further say, but that it is recommended to the World by Ingenious Per­sons who have perused it, as a Curious Piece done in an easie Method to direct the Reader in what he is desirous to know, or practise. And will not only do Good to the present, but future Ages: Be a Helper at Need, and treasur'd up as a Jewel by those who will undoubtedly find their Expe­ctations answered in the Particulars they require to be satisfied about.

To conclude, what is not done from the exactest Experience, is taken with Care and Caution from the most approved Authors as well Ancient as Modern.

Take it then as you find it, and let neither Fear, small Charges, or Neglect, deter you from practising what is convenient or advantagious for your Health, as occasion offers, or requires it: And may every thing succeed according to your Wishes and Desires.


ACH, or Swelling: Take Sheeps-suet, Oat­meal and Black Soap of each Four Ounces, boil them in Two Quarts of Water till they come to the thickness of a Salve; then spread a Plaister, and laying it to the Place grieved, it will remove the Pain.

Aches: For Aches in any part of the Body, take this following Ointment thus made;

Take the tender Tops of Wormwood, Rosemary and Bay-Leaves, of each a Handful, Sage and Rue each a Pound, the Kidney-suet of a Wether, clean picked from the Skin, half a Pound, Oil of Olives Two Quarts; bruise the Herbs and Suet, being first shred small, then put in the Oil and temper them well, and so suffer them to stand in an Earthen Vessel, close stop­ped, for the space of Seven Days: Then set it on a gen­tle Fire, and let it heat by degrees, and keep it stirring till the Herbs are shrivel'd with the Oils and Suet; and then strain it and use it with Success, not only for Aches, but for Lameness in the Limbs, Stitches, Gout, or Bruises.

Adders Tongue: This Herb is used successfully in Wounds new or old, either outwardly applied, or taken inwardly: And in case of Ruptures, dry the Leaves; and having made them into a Powder, take about a Dram and a half, according to the Age of the Party, in Two Ounces of Oak-buds, which you may, for the more conve­niency of taking sweeten with the Syrup of Quinces; and so take it in a Morning fast­ing, for Fifteen Days, or there­abouts, having the Rupture put up and trussed well before you begin to take it. There is also an Oil made of it in this manner, viz. Bruise a Handful of the Leaves in a stone Mortar, boil them in a Pint of Olive-Oil, till they have sucked up the Oil; then press them hard, and keep the Oil that comes from them for your use. It is used with Success in Wounds and Ulcers.

Aegyptiacum: To make the Ointment so called, ob­serve to take of Verdigrease Five Ounces, Honey Four­teen Drams, Vinegar Seven Ounces, put them together, and let them thicken and in­corporate over a gentle Fire, and it will be of a purple Colour; so make it up into an Ointment, and use it in cleaning Ulcers that are it in­veterate, and Fistula's. It consumes proud, spongy and dead Flesh.

Aethiops Mineralis: Take of Crude Mercury one part, and of the Flowers of Sulphur twice as much, mingle them well toge­ther in a Glass Mortar, and fire the Composition till it becomes a Black Pow­der.

This is exceeding suc­cessful in the French Disease, commonly called the Pox; also for old Sores, and in the Dropsie: The Dose is pro­perly half a Dram, and no more; and is best ta­ken Night and Morning, mixed with the Syrup of Clove-Gillyflowers; or you may make it into a Bolus with Conserve of Red Roses, and continue taking it for the space of Three or Four Weeks; yet it may be convenient, though there is no danger of its Fluxing, to take a gen­tle Purge once a Week, during the Course.

Agrimony, its Vertues: It cleanses the Blood, removes Obstructions of the Liver, and is consequently good in the Dropsie, and Jaundice, the Leaves of it being boiled in their ordinary Drink; it may be used outwardly in Baths to strengthen weak Limbs: Half a Dram the Powder of the Leaves in Conserve or Wine, restrains involunta­ry Pissing.

Agrimony-common: This strengthens and cleanses the Blood, and opens the Obstru­ctions of the Liver; for which reason it is very available in Dropsies, the Jaundice, and ill Habits of the Body, if you infuse it in Ale or Beer, or your ordinary Drink. Eight Handfuls in Four Gallons, are sufficient: It is used also outwardly in Baths and Lotion.

There is a Pouder likewise made of it, which is done by drying the Leaves, to prevent involuntary Urin; half a Dram of it in the Conserve of Roses being to be taken going to Bed, for Three Weeks successively.

Agues to Cure. To make an excellent Water for the Cure of Agues: Take the Roots and Leaves of Fennel, the Leaves of Rue, Sage, Wormwood, Mugwort, Rose­mary or Rosemary-Flowers, the Tops of the lesser Centau­ry, [Page] of each a Handful, bruise them, and let them stand Three Days in a Gallon of White-Wine, and so distil them.

This Water is highly com­mended and approved in the Fits of the Ague, especially the Quartan, given at the beginning of the Fit, from One to Four Ounces.

Ague-Tertian, to remove. Take of Rhubarb one Dram, infuse it in Six Spoonfuls of Succory-Water over a gentle Fire for Three Hours; then strain it, and add half a Dram of the Syrup of Rhubarb, three Spoonfuls of the Syrup of Roses, and a Spoonful of Cinamon-Water; take this fasting after the Fourth Fit: But if the Distemper has not so much weakned the Body, but that it will bear some­what a stronger Purge, add a Dram of the Leaves of Sen­na, and Two Drams of Fen­nel-Seeds; and it will in once or twice taking, effect the Cure.

Ague falling into any part of the Body: If the Ague take its station in any parti­cular Place, and affect not the whole Body at once, to re­move and expel it, Take Parsley, Smallage and Hem­lock, of each a small Hand­ful, bruise them, and add Four Ounces of Barrows Grease; then mix them by braying well together, and boil them half an Hour, stirring them continually until they become very green; then putting them in a Canvas-Bag, strain out the Oily and Liquid part, and with it bathe the afflicted Place, as hot as may be en­dured, before a Fire: And in so doing Two or Three times, it will remove the cold Humour that occasions the Ague.

Ague, in a Woman's Breast: To remedy this, Take the Leaves of Hemlock, bruise them, and then fry 'em with the best sweet Butter; and being made into a Poul­tis, apply it to the Breast as hot as it can be well endu­red, clapping over it a Handful of white Cotton, and it will in a short time, cure the Ague.

Ague in the Breast: To remedy this, Take Grounsil, the Leaves of single Daisies, also the Roots, and coarse Wheat-Flower, and as much of the Parties own Water, as, when they are well beaten together, will bring them to be spread Plaister or Poultis-wise, on a Leather or thick Cloath, and apply it to the Stomach or Parts where the Coldness or Trembling is most observed, as hot as may be well endured; and in so [Page] often doing it will prove a Remedy.

Ague to cure, a Powder: Take Antimony and Cinna­bar an Ounce, common Salt roasted Two Drams, pouder them together, and put them into a glass Cucurbit, and pour, on them Four Ounces of the Oil of Sulphur; let them digest for Two Days over a moderate Heat in a Bath of Ashes; then by encreasing the Heat, evaporate the su­perfluous Moisture, and ha­ving well washed the Mass that remains, dry it and re­duce it to a Powder, and mix it with Four Ounces of the Flower of Sulphur, and set it over live Coals in an earth­en Platter, stir it continually with an iron Spatula, and when the Flowers are consu­med, pour in Spirit of Wine Three Fingers high; and when it is consumed, take the remaining Mass, powder it, and keep it for use.

This is a Powder extreamly commended for the Cure of all intermitting Agues, being taken half an Hour before the Fit, from 15 to 20 Grains in some Syrup or Cordial-Water, and supping a little Broth about Two Hours af­ter it; and if the first and second Dose prevails not, a Third may be taken; for it works easily, and mostly by Sweat.

Alder, The Leaves of it bruised and applied Poultis-wise to Tumours, easily dis­cuss them; and being put in­to the Shoes of Travellers, (some say) prevent, in a great measure, Weariness.

Aleberry: Boil Ale or Beer a Quart, scum it well, put in slices of fine Manchet, and blades of large Mace, boil it well, and put in some Sugar, with a sprig or two of Rosemary; strain it and drink it hot. It is not only Strengthening, but very good against Colds and Rheums.

Ale-Purging: To make this (according to the true Receipt left by the famous Dr. Butler) Take Two Oun­ces of Sarsaparilla, Senna, and Polypody of the Oak, of each Four Ounces, Anniseeds, and Carraway-seeds, of each half an Ounce, Licorish Two Ounces, Agrimony and Maiden-Hair, of each a small Handful, Scurvygrass Ten Handfuls; beat and bruise these together grosly, put them into a Bag made of Canvas, and hang it in Five or Six Gallons of Ale; and when it is Three Days old drink it. This Liquor chiefly purges by gentle breath­ing Sweats and Urin, be­ing excellent to expel Scor­butick Humours and Drop­sies, &c.

Ale, a Syrup of it: Take of new Ale a Gallon, it be­ing the Wort of the first running; put it into an iron Pot over a clear gentle Fire, keeping the Pot open, and scumming it continually; and when 'tis boil'd away to a Pint, take it off, and put it in an earthen Pot with a Cover, and take a lit­tle therof Morning and Even­ing on a Knife point. This is excellent good for Pains in the Back, occasioned by the foulness or Heat of Urin in the Ureters, Kidneys, or the Stoppage of the Passage in the Reins, and also for the Whites in Women.

Alabastrum Vnguen­tum, an Ointment so called; to make which, Take Red-Bryer tops, when at the ten­derest, Six Handfuls, stamp them small, and add Two Quarts of White-Whine, Rue One Handful, the Flow­ers and Leaves of Camo­mil One Ounce, Powder of Alabaster Two Ounces, Fen­nel-Seeds One Ounce, Oil of Roses half a Pound, Wax half a Dram, put them alto­gether, except the Camomil and the Wax, let them infuse over a gentle Fire, and when they seeth, put in the Wax and Camomil; let it boil up till the Wine be consu­med; and when it is cold, take the Whites of Five Eggs, mingle them well with all the Materials, and strain them through a fair Linnen-Cloth, and put it in­to a glazed earthen Pot.

This Ointment is singular­ly good for Pins and Webs, and other Spots in the Eyes, by dropping a little of it in­to them, and keeping them close for a time. It is also good for the Megrim and Head-ach: Likewise Pains in the Matrix are eased by anoint­ing the Belly, Flanks, and Reins of the Back with it. The Stomach being anointed with it is eased of its Pains, and any other part; even the Pains of the Gout are remo­ved by it.

Alexander, its Virtues: This Herb is under the Do­minion of Jupiter, and there­fore friendly to Nature; it is by some called Horse-Parsly, or Wild-Parsly. It warmeth the Stomach, and opens Stoppages of the Liver and Spleen; it moves the Courses, and ex­pels the After-Birth; it breaks Wind, and provokes Urin, helpeth the Strangu­ry, if the Leaves be boiled in Wine, and drank Two Ounces at a time pretty hot; the Seeds have the same vir­tue, and are effectual against the biting of Serpents.

Alexanders: This is most­ly used in Broth in the Spring-Season, because it cleanses and cools the Blood, and strengthens the Stomach. The [Page] Seeds to the quantity of half a Dram dryed, so that they may be reduced to Powder, and drunk in a Glass of White-Wine, provoke U­rine.

Almond-Bisket: To make this, Take the Whites of Four new-lay'd Eggs, and Two Yelks, beat these well for the space of an Hour, having in readiness a quar­ter of a Pound of the best Almonds blanched in cold Water, beat them very fine with Rose-Water, lest they come to an Oil; then beat a Pound of fine Loaf-Sugar in the Eggs a while, and so put in the Almonds, with Five or Six Spoonfuls of the finest Flower, make them into proper Shapes, and bake them in a moderately heated Oven, on Paper Plates, du­sting over them a little fine sifted Sugar.

Almond-Cakes: To make these, Take a Pound of Al­monds blanched in cold Wa­ter, beat them with Rose-Water till they lose their glistring, put in half a Pound of fine Sugar well sifted; beat these and the Almonds together till they be well mixed, then take the Whites of Two Eggs, and Two Spoonfuls of fine Flower well dryed, and beat them toge­ther, and pour in your Al­monds; then butter the Plates you frame your Cakes in, dust them with fine Sugar and Flower; and when they are a little brown in the Oven, draw them, suffering the Oven a little to cool; then set them in again upon brown Paper, and they will become much whiter than before.

Almond-Caudle: To do this well, Take of new Ale Three Pints, boil in it a quar­ter of an Ounce of Mace and Cloves, as also some sliced White-bread, then put in a Pound of blanched Almonds well beaten, and half a Pint of White-Wine, skim it well in boiling, and when it is sufficiently thickened, sweeten it according to your Pallate. This is not only pleasant and nourishing, but very good in a Consump­tion.

Almond-Caudle: Strain half a pound of blanched Al­monds, well beaten in a Mor­tar, into a Pint of new Ale, then boil in it slices of fine Manchet, large Mace and Sugar: Being almost boiled put in a Jill of Sack, and so serve it up sweetened with a little Sugar.

Almond-Cheese: Take Almonds beaten fine, make a Sack-Posset made only with Sack and Cream, take off the Curd and mingle it with the beaten Almonds, set it on a Chafing-dish of Coals, and put some double refined [Page] Sugar to it with a sufficient quantity of Rose-Water, then in a Pye-Plate fashion it into the form of a Cheese; put it into a Dish, and scrape a little Sugar over it, and when it is cold serve it up.

Almond-Cream: Take half a Pound of Almond-Past beaten with Rose-Water, strain it with a Quart of Cream, and put it in a Skellet with a Stick of Cinnamon broken into small pieces, stir it continually in the boiling; and when it is boiled put Sugar to it, and serve it up when cold.

Almond-Cream another way: Take thick Almond-Milk, made with fair Spring-Water, boil it a little, and then removing it from the Fire, put into it a little Salt and Vinegar; put it then in­to a clean strainer, and hang it on a Pin over the Dish, till 'tis all drained out; then take down the remainder, put it into a Dish, and add to it some fine Sugar, and a quarter of a Pint of Muscadel or Canary, strow it then over with Red Bisket, and serve it up.

Almond-Custard: Take Two Pound of Almonds, blanch and beat them in a Stone Mortar very fine, ad­ding as much Rose-Water as will make them very moist; then put them in a Press, and squeeze out the liquid part, and put it to Two Quarts of Cream, Twenty Whites of Eggs well beaten, and a Pound of double refined Su­gar, put it into a Pan, cover it with a Lid of Puff-past; let it be baked gently, and then scrape over it fine Sugar.

Almond-Ielly: Take a Pound of Almonds, and steep them in cold Water Six Hours, when they swell, the Husks may be taken off; then make a Decoction of half a Pound of Ising-glass, with the Juice of Two Lemons, and Two Quarts of White-Wine, boil it till half be consumed, then let it cool, and strain it, mingle it with the Almonds and strain it: With a Pound of double re­fined Sugar, and with suitable Colours you may make it of what Colour you will; put into it Egg-shels or Orange-peels that is, place them on the top of it, and serve it up.

Almond-Leach: To do this, according to the French Fashion, Take a Quart of fresh Cream, a quarter of a Pint of Rose-Water, Four Grains of Musk dissolved in Rose-Water, and Four or Five Blades of large Mace, boil them with half a Pound of Ising-glass, steeped before in Water, and washed cle [...]n; put to these half a Pound of Sugar, and being boiled to a jelly, strain it through a Jelly-Bag [Page] into a Dish; and when it is cold, slice it into a Dia­mond-fashion, and chequer it over, and serve it on glass or other Plates, strewing, if you please, Sugar mixed with the Powder of Cinnamon on them.

Almond-Milk: To make it, according to the best Me­thod, you must boil about Two Quarts of Water, scumming it well, and when it is taken off suffer it to settle; pour out the clear part, and setting it over the Fire again, boil in it Violet-Leaves, and Straw-ber­ry-Leaves, of the Roots of each a large Handful, Sorrel-Roots half a Handful; these being well washed, put in with them a Crust of Bread, and stoned Raisins of the Sun Two Ounces, and so suffer them to boil over a gentle Fire till the liquid part be consumed to a Quart; and then with Fifty Almonds blanched, and Thirty Pom­pion-Kernels all well beaten, draw an Almond-Milk, sweet­en it with fine Sugar, and drink Morning and Evening about Three Quarters of a Pint. This excellently sweet­ens the Blood, and causes a ruddy and fair Complexion, being very good in Consump­tions.

Almonds, an Oil: To make this, Take sweet Al­monds, blanch them and bruise them, then pour on them a little Rose-Water, and put them into a Vessel that they may be kept warm, as it were in hot Water; then put them into a Bag that is very porous, pressing them at first gently, and so conti­nue it by degrees, till you perceive a clear Oil come out. This by bathing mitigates Pains and Swellings, com­forteth the exasperated Parts, especially the Lungs and Kid­neys, it mollifyeth dry and hard Swellings and is profi­fitable in Hectick Feavours to be given in any cooling Li­quors, and for the anointing the Forehead and Stomach; it also supples the Face and Hands, and keeps them plump and soft.

Almond-Pudding: To make this, Take Two French Rolls, or other White-bread, slice them and put them into a Quart of Cream; put it then on a gentle Fire till both be hot, beat it well together, add Twelve Eggs, and the Whites but of Four, Beef-Suet, or Marrow Four Oun­ces, as much of Currants and Raisins, and season it with grated Nutmegs, Mace, Salt, and Sugar, scattering into it a little Flower, then make a piece of Puff-past, as much as will cover your Dish; set it in a quick Oven, but not too hot bake it suffici­ently, and server it up.

Almond-Snow-Cream: Take a Quart of Sweet Cream, a quarter of a Pound of Almond-Past, beat it well up with Rose-Water, mix it with half a Pint of White-Wine, and strain it, put into it the scrapings of Orange-Peel, and Nutmegs sliced. Two or Three Sprigs of Rosemary, and suffer it to steep Two or Three Hours; then put some double re­fined Sugar to it, strain it into a Bason, and beat it till it froth and bubble; and as the Froth rises, take it off with a Spoon, and put it in­to the Dish you serve it up in.

Almond-Tart: Strain beaten Almonds with the Yelks of Eggs well beaten, and new Cream, Sugar, Cin­namon and Ginger, boil it thick, and fill your Tart; and when it is baked, ice it over with gleer of Eggs, Su­gar and Rose-Water, beat up well together.

Aloes-Rosatum: Take of the finest Aloes-Succotrine Four Ounces, make them into a Powder; take the Juice of Damask-Roles clarified two pound, put them together, and let them stand in the Sun in a glass Vessel, or in Bal­neo, till all the moisture be exhaled: do this four times, and then make it into Pills, which are excellent to purge the Stomach, for Pains in the Bowels, and a gentle Purge upon any Occasion.

Alom to burn: Burn this in a new earthen Vessel, keep­ing as much as may be the more subtil part from evapo­rating; and when it ceases to bubble, and no more froth or scum, upon the sudden taking off the Cover, arises, it is sufficient.

Ambergrease-Cake: To make this, Take fine white Sugar, beat it and sift it well, then beat Six new-lay'd Eggs till the Froth rises, and by degrees drop them on the Sugar, mixing that and them together by stirring round very quick in a mar­ble Mortar; and being wrought till it may be drop'd thin on Plates, then put in a grain of Civet, and Two Grains of Ambergrease; then butter your Pye-Plate, and taking the stuff up by Spoonfuls, drop it on the Plates in the nature of Cakes, and put them into a gentle Oven; when they begin to rise take them out, and keep them for use in a dry Place. These are good for the Stomach and Head.

Ambergrease-Cakes: Take fine Flower a quarter of a Peck, mix with it slices of Marmalade of Quinces, a quarter of a Pound of Su­gar and Rose-Water beaten up together, of each 10 Spoon­fuls, Yest half a Pint, Cur­rants [Page] a Pound, clean pick'd and wash'd, Cinamon and Mace, finely powdered, each half an Ounce, candy'd Orange-Peel cut very small; then with Ten new-lay'd Eggs, and a Quart of new Milk, thicken it, and mix it well, then dissolve a Dram of Ambergrease in a quarter of a Pint of White-Wine, and mix with the rest, So make it up into a Cake, and bake it in a gentle Oven, and it will prove excellent, if iced over with Sugar melted in Rose-Water, and the White of an Egg.

Ambergrease, the Tin­cture: To make this, Put in half a Pint of Spirit of Wine into a strong Glass, Ambergrease one Ounce, Musk Two Drams, let the Glass be stopped close with a Cork, and tyed over with a Bladder, and place it in warm Horse-Dung for the space of 12 Days; then pour off the Spirit gently, and put on as much new Spirit, and place it as before, pouring off the second rime clean; and after all this, the Ambergrease will serve for ordinary Uses: And the Tincture drawn off as be­fore: one drop of it is an excellent Perfume, and being drunk in Tea or Coffee, is an excellent Cordial against Fe­vers and Pestilential Distem­pers.

Amber-Pills: Take Ve­nice-Turpentine washed, one Ounce, Powder of white Amber Six Grains, mix them well and put them in a clean glazed Earthen Pot upon Em­bers moderately hot, and to try whether it be enough, take a drop and let it cool, and when it is so stiff that it will not cleave to the Fin­gers, it is enough; then take of the Powder of Pearl, white Amber and Coral, of each a Dram, of the inner Bark of an Oak, Nutmeg, and Cinamon, of each a quar­ter of an Ounce; add to these Three Ounces of Loaf-Sugar bruised and sifted, then make them into a Powder and seeth them, and put the Pills into them; (but before you take them, it will be proper to take a gentle Purge) after which wrap up Three of the Pills in as much of the Powder as will lye on a Shilling; and take them, swallowing after them the Yelk of an Egg a lit­tle warm: And by so doing Two or Three times, it will eradicate noxious Humours, and fortifie the Body against violent Distempers.

Amber-Pudding: Take, to make this the Guts of a young Hog, turn them and wash 'em very clean, then take Two Pound of the best Hogs-Lard, a Pound and a half of the best Jordan-Almonds [Page] Almonds blanched, beat one half of them very small, and the other half reserve un­beaten; take further, a Pound and a half of Sugar, Four Penny White-Loaves, grate them over the former Com­position, and mingle them well, put in half an Ounce of Ambergrease scraped very small, half a quarter of an Ounce of Levant-Musk, a quarter of a Pint of Orange-flower-Water, mingle all these very well, fill the Guts, but not too tight; boil them over a gentle Fire for fear of break­ing, and they will prove ex­cellent fare.

Amber, a volatil Salt: Take of Amber Two Pound, let it be finely bruised and reduced to Powder, and put it into an earthen Cucurbit, or Glass, so that Three quarters of the Cucurbit may be empty, then set it in Sand, fitting the Head to it, and a small Reci­pient; and when the Jun­ctures are well luted, put a moderate Fire under it for the space of an Hour; then the Cucurbit being hot, en­crease the Fire by degrees to a third degree hotter than at first, and so you will find a Flegm and Spirit, and after them a volatil Salt, which in little Crystals will fasten to the Head, and afterward an Oil will distil, but from White changing to Red, it will con­tinue clear however; and when you perceive no Va­pours to rise, extinguish the Fire; and so suffering the Vessels to cool, unlute them, and with a Feather gather the volatil Salt into a con­venient Vessel; and al­though as yet it will remain unpure, by reason of the small quantity of Oil that is found to be mixed with it, you must have a Viol suffi­ciently large that a Fourth only may be filled with the volatil Salt, and stopping it only with Paper, place it in Sand, and sublime it with a gentle Fire, so that the pure Salt will appear in Crystal very fair at the top of the Viol; and when you perceive the Oil be­gins to rise, then raise the Glass from off the Fire, and having suffer'd it to cool, break it to separate the Salt; and here finding at least half an Ounce, keep it in a Viol well stopped for use, and it will prove very excel­lent.

Its Vertues are rare in the Jaundice, Scurvy, Ulcers of the Bladder, to force U­rine, and for Fits of the Mo­ther. It may be taken from Six to Eight Grains, in some proper Liquid.

Anacardiums to prepare: Having first powdered, and then infused them in a con­venient quantity of Vine­gar, [Page] when you have sufficient­ly imbibed it, cause the Vi­negar gently to evaporate, and dry them.

Andolians: Soak the Guts of a Poarker in Water and Salt, turn them and scour them that they may be made very clean; let them steep after that a Day and a Night in fair Water, dry them well with a Linnen-Gloath, turn the fat side outwardmost; then shred Sage very small, mix it with beaten and then sifted Pepper; do the like by Cloves Mace, and Coriander-seed, mingle with them a lit­tle Salt, and season the fat side of the Guts, then turn that side inward again, and draw one Gut over another to what thickness you please, boil them in fair Water with a piece of interlarded Bacon, some of the Spices before-mention'd, and a seasoning of Salt, tye them fast at both ends at what length you please, and as it is more liking and savoury to your Pallate, you may put into them Pennyroy­al, Savory, Leeks, Onions, or Sweet-Marjoram, chop'd or bruised very small; or if you please further to gratifie your Appetite, Rosemary, Thyme, Nutmegs, Ginger or Pepper grosly bruised.

Angelica is hot and dry, even the Herb, but more especially the Root: The Root preserves against the Infection of the Plague, if infused in Vinegar, you fre­quently chew it and hold it to your Nose. Take a Dram of the Powder only of the Root, and half a Dram mix­ed with as much Venice-Treacle; and this being ta­ken once in Six Hours, will cause a curious breathing Sweat. The candied Roots and Stalks sweeten the Breath, and help against the Diseases of the Lungs; you may make Lozenges of them, which are excellent Preser­vatives, being held in the Mouth in pestilential Times; Thus,

Take the Extract of the Roots of Angelica, and Con­trayerva, of each of them an Ounce, Three Drams of the Extract of Liquorice, of the Flower of Sulphur sub­lim'd with Myrrh Five Drams, of Oil of Cinnamon about Eight Drops, fine Su­gar twice the weight of all of them, with a mucilage of Gum-Tragacanth made in Scordium-Water, and so make them up into Lozenges.

Angelica, to Candy: Take the Stalks, boil them in fair Water till they become very tender, then shift them in Three Boilings Six or Seven times, that the bitterness may be so taken away; then co­ver them with Sugar, and let them boil a Minute, then take them out and dry them [Page] in an Oven; and being dryed boil the Sugar to a Candy heighth, and so cast them in­to the hot Sugar, and take them out again suddainly, and use them as the former.

Angelica, its Vertues: The Powder of the Root of it resists the Plague and Pesti­lential Fevers, being drank in Wine a Dram at a time, or infused in Vinegar, and held to your Nose: It eases vio­lent Pains in the Head. The Powder taken with Venice-Treacle or Diascordium, cau­ses gentle breathing Sweats, carrying off the sharp Hu­mours that many times, by settling, occasion racking Pains in the Joints.

Angelot to make: To do this, Take a Gallon of Stroak­ings, and a Pint of Cream, put to them, when mixed, a little Rennet; when you fil, turn up the middle side of the Cheese-fat, fill them a little at once, and suffer it to stand all that Day and the next; then turn them, and so leave them till they will slip out of the Fat: Salt them on both sides, and when the Coats begin to come, lay them a drying, and it will have a very pleasant relish.

Angling: To have the best Sport and Success in this part of Recreation, Take Assa-Foetida, Camphire, Aqua-vitae, and Olive-Oil, bruise them in a Mortar till they become a pliable Ointment; and by anointing your Bates therewith, the Fish will pre­sently take them.

Anodyne-Clyster: Boil a Pint of Milk once up, and mix with it the Yolk of an Egg well beaten, so that in the putting in, it curdle not, then Four Spoonfuls of brown Sugar, and a little of the Decoction of Camo­mil Flowers; and being ad­ministred pretty hot, it gives speedy and effectual Ease to the gripings and Pains in the Bowels.

Antiepileptick Water of Langius: Take the Shavings of Man's Scull, Misletoe of the Oak, Peony and White Dittany, of each two ounces, fresh Flowers of Lillies of the Vallies two handfuls, Cinamon six Drams, Nutmeg half an Ounce, Cloves, Mace, and Cubebs, of each two Drams: these being all bruised toge­ther, put them into a Matras, and stop them up as secure from Air as may be, in eight pints of Malmsey, and when they have macerated for a Week over a gentle Fire, di­still them in a moderate Sand Bath.

This is properly called a Corrected Antiepileptick Water of Langius, and has been long in request, and by the preparing it as here directed, it is excel­lent, given in Epileptick-Fits. The Dose is two Drams. [Page] It may be also used for the prevention, as well as the Cure of this Distemper, and is very proper for all cold Di­seases in the Brain.

Antimonial Claret-Wa­ter: Take Glass of Antimo­ny finely powdered, two Drams, Claret-Wine a pint and a half, macerate them o­ver a gentle Fire for a consi­derable time in a Matrass care­fully stopt, and often shaking it, mix then with the whole, four Ounces of fine Loaf-Su­gar, two drops of the, Chy­mical Oil of Cinamon, and keep it for use.

This Liquor must be kept in a double Glass-Bottle, well corked, and tyed down: It is very pleasing and agreeable to the Taste, purging gently up­ward and downward, Two Drams being taken for a Dose.

Antimony, its Cinabar: Put into your Retort of Sub­limate Corrosive and Antimo­ny, as much as half fills it, powdered and well mingled together; let the Retort be placed in Sand, in a small Fur­nace, fit to it a Receiver, lute the Junctures, and so make a Distillation, and perceiving a red Vapour appear, take a­way the Receiver, and put a­nother into its place, not lu­ted, encreasing the Fire by degrees, till the Retort is red hot, and so let it continue three or four hours; then suffering it to cool, break it, and you will perceive a subli­mated Cinabar sticking to the Neck of it, separate it, and keep it. It is a very much prized Remedy for the French Disease; it likewise forces Sweat, and remedies the Fal­ling-Sickness: it may be ta­ken, if the Party be carefull of him or her self, from six to fourteen grains.

Antimony Diaphoretick, To do this, mix three parts of purified Salt-Peter with one part of Antimony, and your Crucible being very hot, cast in a Spoonfull of this mixture, which will make a kind of a thundring, and after that is past, do the like by another Spoonfull, and so do by all the rest; and when it has been on the Fire about two hours, throw the Matter, which then will be white, in­to an Earthen Vessel, almost full of fair Water; let it soke ten or twelve hours, that the Salt-Peter which is fixed may dissolve in it: then let the Liquor be separated by Incli­nation, wash the White Pow­der you find remaining in the bottom, Five or Six times with hot Water, so dry it, and you will have Diaphoretick Anti­mony.

It is Sudorifick causing Sweats, and notably resists Poyson, and is approv'd in Malignant Diseases and the Plague: The Dose is from [Page] six Grains to thirty, in some proper Liquid.

Antimony, an Oil or Li­quor: Take six Ounces of fine white Sugar-Candy, beat it to powder, then do the like by eight Ounces of Hungari­an Antimony, and mix them well together, and put them into a Glass Retort, and di­still them on a Sand-Bath with a gradual Fire: This Liquor cures intermitting Agues, gi­ven in White-wine, three, four, five or six drops at the beginning of the Fit, and so repeating it two or three times.

Antinephritick-Water: Take of Narbone Honey half a pound, Venice-Turpentine two Ounces, Nephritick Wood and Roots of Rest-Harrow, of each an Ounce and a half, Lignum Aloes an Ounce, Galingal, Cloves, Ci­namon, Mace, Cubebs, and Ma­stick, of each half an Ounce, bruise and macerate them for three days together, in two Quarts of Rectified Spirits of Wine, or for want of that, in Aqua vitae, and distill them over a moderate Fire.

This Water is highly re­commended for removing of Gravel or Sand out of the Bladder or Kidneys, as also for easing the Pains of the Colick, given from one Dram to half an Ounce, ei­ther alone, or mixed with proper Liquors.

Antiscorbutick Elixir Propritetatis: Take Myrrh of Alexandria, Aloes Succo­trina and Saffron, beaten into Powder, of each four Ounces, digest them in a close stopped Vessel for eight days in a mo­derate Sand Bath, with four pints of Antiscorbutick Spi­rit; then for one hour en­crease the heat of the Bath, and filtre and keep it apart; then pour on the remaining Mass, a pint of fresh Spirit, and reiterate digestion and fil­tration; then draw off the Spirit in a Sand-Bath, with a moderate Fire, till there on­ly remains a third part; and when the Vessels are cool, pre­serve the Elixir; and when it is to be used, mix it with a third or fourth part of the volatil Spirit of Harts-Horn.

This Elixir is now wonder­fully in use, and highly e­steemed in all Diseases that proceed from Corruption of Humours, but chiefly used in the Cure of the Scurvy; for it purifies the Blood, and quickens the Motion of its Circulation. It may be ta­ken in Wine or some other Liquors, from Seven or Eight to Fifteen or Twenty Drops.

Appetite to restore: Take Wood or Garden-sorrel a Handful, boil it in a Pint of White-wine-Vinegar till it becomes very tender; then [Page] strain it out, sweeten it with Two Ounces of Sugar, and boil it to a Syrup, and take a quarter of an Ounce at any time when you find your Appetite fail you.

Apple-Cream: Take Ten or Twelve Pippens, when pretty ripe, pare them, take out the Cores and slice them thin, cut them in quarters and put them into a Pipkin with Claret-Wine, a few slices of Ginger, Lemon-peel scraped, as also some white Sugar, let them boil up together till they are very soft; then take then off the Fire and put them into a Dish, and when they are pretty cool, take a Quart of new Cream boil'd with a little Nutmeg, and put in of the Apple stuff, to make it of what thickness you please; and so with a little sprinkling of Sugar, and Rose-water, serve it up as a most acceptable Banquet­ing.

Apple-Tansey: To make this, Pare your Apples thin, cut them in round slices, fry them in sweet Butter, beat Ten Eggs in a Pint of Cream, add Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Ginger, of each a Dram, well beaten or grated Sugar Three Ounces, Rose-water Two Ounces; these being well beaten together, pour on the Batter, fry them moderately, and dust them over with Sugar and a sprinkling of Rose-water, and serve them up.

Apples, a Purging Syrup: Take of the Water and Juice of the best scented Pippins, of each a Pint and a half, Bor­rage and Bugloss-water and Juice, of each Nine Ounces, Eastern Senna half a Pound, Fennel and Anniseeds, of each Three Drams, Cretan-Dod­der Two Ounces, White A­garick, and the best Rhubarb half an Ounce, Mace and Ginger, of each Four Scruples, Saffron half a Dram; let the Rhubarb be infused with the Senna a part in White-wine, and the Juice of Apples of each Two Ounces; infuse, except the Saffron, all the rest in the afore-mention'd Water: The following Day pour on the Juices and set them on the Fire, let them simper gently, take off the Scum, then strain the liquid Parts and add Four Pounds of white Sugar, boil it to a Sy­rup, the infusion of Rhubarb being put into it, and the Saffron often dipt in it tyed up in a Rag, and so squeezed out. This Syrup is held to be a very gentle Purge for me­lancholy People, and very safe and easie: but proves more effectual in its Operation and Strength, if Two Ounces of it be taken in Three Oun­ces of the Decoction of Dodder.

Apoplectick-Water: Take of the Lilies of the Valley, Rosemary, Lavender, Sage, Primroses, of each three handfuls: let them macerate eight Days in the Sun, or in a Stove, in rectified Spirits of Wine and Orange-Flower Water, of each three pints: then distill them in a Sand-Bath, and preserve this excel­lent Water for your use.

It fortifies the Brain and noble Parts, being taken from half to a whole spoonful: It is successful, as well to pre­vent, as to cure the Apoplexy, and all other violent Diseases of the Brain.

Apoplectick-Water, ano­ther: Bruise four pound of Black-Cherries, Roots of Va­lerian, and Shavings of Harts-Horn, of each three oun­ces; grated White-Bread one pound, Cloves and Mace beaten fine and sifted, of each half an ounce; Saffron two drams, Flowers of Lilies of the Valley, and Lavender, of each three handfuls: mix them well together by bruising and shredding, and macerate them twenty four Hours in a warm Water-Bath; then encrease the heat, and put them in Bal­neo Mariae.

This Water eases Apople­ctick Pains, Palsie, and other Distempers in the Head and Brain, arising from Cold, being taken at seasonable times from half an ounce an ounce.

Apoplexy: To cure this violent and dangerous Di­stemper, Take two quarts of the Spirit of Wine; infuse in it a pound of Imperatory, Castor, and Sarsaparilla, of each half an ounce; being bruised a little, add to them two hand­fuls of ordinary Lavender and Sage-Flowers; steep them in an earthen Pot well glazed: stop it very close, and set it in a Chimney-corner, or o­ther warm place, four or five Days, often setting it on warm Embers, and as often shaking it: then take nine Drams of Camphire dissolved in half a pint of Sack, and put it in, setting it in a cool place, and then philter it two or three times; and when the Distemper approaches, which is known by a shooting Pain in the Head, a swimming diz­ziness of the Eyes, &c. rub the Forehead and Temples with it till it drys in, and it gives speedy ease.

Apricocks: Apricocks are a delicious Fruit to the Tast, and much more wholsom than the Peach; but above all, from the Kernels of them an ex­cellent Oil is extracted for Hemorrhoids, Pains in the Ears, Swellings, and Inflamma­tions. The Kernels much a­vail in the Heart-burn.

Apricock-Cakes: To make this, Take the largest and smoothest Fruit, parboil them in Spring-Water till [Page] they become very tender; then pressing out the Pulp, put to it an equal weight of Sugar; set them over a gen­tle sire, and keep them con­tinually stirring; and when you can see the bottom of the Skillet or Pan, they are e­nough: then put the Pulp and Sugar into Cards sewed round, and dust them over with sifted Sugar, and letting them stand two or three Days, turn them; and then if they be candied, take them out of the Cards and dust them with Sugar again: and so often turning them, let 'em dry for your use in a gentle heat.

Apricocks to Candy: Take the Apricocks, pare them ve­ry thin, and strew fine Sugar lightly on them; then lay them on a broad pewter Dish, and so put them into an O­ven as hot as usually heated for Manchet, and as the Li­quor comes from them, pour it forth and turn them; strew more Sugar, and sprinkle them with Rose-Water, turn and sugar them till near dry, then lay them on a Lettice-Wyre till they are dried, which you may do in an O­ven after the drawing, and by this means they will keep all the Year.

Apricocks to dry: In the first place, Take out the Stones, then weigh the remainder, and take the weight of them in double refined Sugar, and make a Syrup with so much Water as will wet them, and boil it up so high that if a drop be drop'd on a clean Plate, it slip off, being cold: put in your Apricocks pared when the Syrup is heated, stir them about and turn them out, and tye them one by one in Tiffanies; then put them in again, and set the Syrup over a quick fire, making it to boil as fast as it can, and scum it well: and when they look clear, take them from the fire, then lay them on a Sieve to drain, and being well drained, take them out of the Tiffanies, and dry them in a Stove, or the Sun, in Glasses, to keep off the dust.

Apricock-Iambals: Take Apricocks, scald them to a tenderness, and dry the pulp in a pewter or earthen Dish over a Chafing-dish of Coals, then for a Day or two set it on a Stone, and beat it after­ward in a Stone Mortar, ad­ding as much fine Sugar as will make it a stiff Past; then colour it with Saunders, Co­chineel, or Indico, rowl them long, tye them into Knots, and so dry them for use.

Apricock-Past: To make this, Pare your Fruit, and stone them; set them between two Dishes on a Chafing-dish of Coals, till they are boiled very tender; let them cool, and lay them out on white [Page] Paper, take their weight of Sugar, and boil it to a Candy heighth, with as much fair Water and Rose-Water, as will dissolve the Sugar; then put the Pulp into it, and let it boil till it be as thick as Marmalade, still keeping it stirring; then on a Pye-Plate fashion it into the shape of whole Apricocks; and so being dried, it will be very transparent, and eat more luscious and pleasant than A­pricocks newly gathered from the Trees.

Apricocks to preserve: Take them when they are pretty well buttoned, yet so tender that you may run a Needle through the Stones and all, without any difficulty; then put them into luke­warm Water to break them, and let them stand close co­vered in that Water till a thin Skin will come off with scraping, and all this while they will look yellow; then put them into another Pre­serving-Pan, or Skillet of hot Water, and let them stand covered till they recover a cu­rious green colour; then ha­ving equally weigh'd them with a like weight of Sugar, clarifie the Sugar with the White of an Egg, or some Water, and so preserve them for use.

If you would preserve them when ripe, you must take out the Stones; you need not at all boil them in Wa­ter, but with the Juice of some of them dissolve the Sugar, and stew them in it; then having a Syrup of Su­gar boiled to a height, put them in it till they look clear, and so set them up close co­vered for your use.

Aqua Coelestis: To make this, Take of Cinnamon one dram, Ginger half a dram, the three sorts of Saunders, of each of them a quarter of an Ounce, Cubebs and Mace, of each of them a Dram; Cardamum the bigger and lesser, of each three drams; Setwell-Roots half an ounce, Fennel-seeds, Anni-seeds, and Basil-seeds, of each two drams; Angelica-roots, Gilliflowers, Thyme, Calamint, Liquorish, Calamus, Masterwort, Peni­royal, Mint, Mother of Thyme, and Marjoram, of each two drams; Red-Rose-seeds and Flower, Bettony and Sage, of each a dram and half; Cloves, Nutmegs, and Gallingall, of each two Drams; the Flower of Stechadoes, Rosemary, Borrage, and Bugloss, of each a Dram and half; Rind of Citron three Drams: Bruise these well together, and put to them Cordial-Powders, the Spices made with Pearl, of each three drams: Infuse them in twelve pints of Aquavitae, in a close stopt Glass fifteen Days with often shaking; then distil them in an Alem­bick, [Page] and hang in the Spirit a Cloath, two drams of Musk, half a dram of Ambergrease, and ten or twelve grains of Gold.

This excellent Cordial for­tifies the Heart against the Plague, and all pestilential Diseases, expels Poison, and heals Aches and Pains.

Aqua Epidemica: This is the London Plague-Water. To make it, Take the Roots of Tormentile, Angelica the greater, Piony, Liquorice, Elecampane, of each half an ounce; the Leaves of Sage, the greater Celandine, Rue, the tops of Rosemary and Mugwort, Burnet, Dragons, Scabeous, Bawm, Carduus Benedictus, Bettony, the les­ser Centaury, the Leaves and Flowers of Marigolds, of each a handful; shred, bruise and steep them four Days in a glass Alembick, and take from a quarter of an ounce to half an ounce at a time, and it mainly resists the Plague, pestilential Fe­vers, and all infectious Disea­ses, reviving and cheering the Heart and Brain, and ra­refying and sweetening the whole Mass of Blood.

Aqua Lactis alexiteria: Take Carduus Benedictus, the Leaves of Meadow-sweet, and Goats-Rue, of each six hand­fuls; Mint and common Wormwood, of each five handfuls; Angelica two hand­fuls, Rue three handfuls: bruise them very well, and put to them three Gallons of the best new Milk; and suf­fering them to infuse for twelve Hours, distill them in a cold Still.

This Water, though it be frequently used as a simple Water in making up Medi­cines, is nevertheless of sin­gular use it self, being a very gentle Alexipharmick, and may be given (to expel Ma­lignity, and prevent the In­fection) with other things. It comforts the Heart and Stomach, and sweetens the Blood taken singly; and so inoffensive it is, that you may take four, five, or six ounces at a time.

Aqua Mirabilis: To make this, (according to Dr. Wil­loughby's Receipt) Take Ga­lingales, Mace, Cloves, Cu­bebs, Ginger, Cardamoms, Nutmeg, Mellilot and Saffron, of each an equal quantity, in all four ounces; beat and bruise them well, and add Agrimony-Water a dram or two: Take of the Juice of Celandine half a pint, mingle them to­gether with a quart of Aqua-vitae and three pints of White-wine, put them in a glass Still, and let them infuse twelve Hours: then distill off the Water with a gentle fire under a Sand-Bath.

This Water dissolves the Swellings, and removes the Oppressions incident to the Lungs, helps and comforts them, being Wounded, not suffering the Blood to putre­fie; and those that use it of­ten, will have little cause to be blooded at any time, un­less in cases of sudden or vio­lent Bruises, or internal Bleed­ings, &c.

Aqua Mirabilis: To make this, Take Cubebs, Car­damoms, Galingal, Mace, Cloves, Ginger, Mellilot-Flowers, of each one dram; bruise them: then take a pint of the Juice of Celandine, the Juices of Bawm and Spear­mint, of each half a pint, Sugar a pound, Flowers of Cowslips, Borrage, Rosemary, Marigolds, and Bugloss, of each two drams; Canary three pints, strong Angelica-water one pint: bruise the Spices and Flowers well, and steep them in the Sack and Juices the space of twelve Hours, and distil them the next Morning in a glass Still, laying Hearts-Tongue Leaves in the bottom of it.

This Water is an excel­lent Preserver of the Lungs, purifying the Blood, and removing the Defects of the Spleen; it helps Dige­stion, preserves a youth­ful Complexion, and con­tiues a good colour in the Face.

Aqua Mirabilis: Take Cinamon the best sort an ounce; Nutmegs and Citron-Peel, of each six drams; Cloves, Galangal, Cubebs, Mace, Cardamoms, Ginger, of each two drams: bruise them all together, and let them infuse in White-wine, and Spirit of Wine, of each a pint, distil them in a mo­derate Sand-Bath.

This is an excellent Cor­dial taken from half an ounce to an ounce at a time: It for­tifies the noble Parts, and re­sists Poison, &c.

Aquavitae Regia: Take Lignum Aloes, Roots of Ze­doary, Carline-Thistle, and Valerian, of each an ounce, choice Citron-Rind, Mace and Cinnamon, of each six drams; Cloves, the lesser Cardamoms, and Fennel-seeds, of each half an ounce; Flow­ers of Oranges, Rosemary, Sage, and Marjoram in the flower, of each two hand­fuls: bruise what requires it, and put them into a Matras with the Spirit of Wine and Malmsey, of each two quarts; stop the Vessel close, and let them infuse over a gentle fire for the space of three days: then distil them, and dissolve into the distilled Bath Musk and Ambergrease, of each a dram and a half, and keep it for use in a close Vessel, or rather in glass Bottles.

This Water fortifies the Brain, Head and Stomach, and all the noble Parts, when enfeebled by the dissipation of the Spirits, or over-pressed by the ill Qualities or abun­dance of bad Humours. It is to be taken fasting in a Morning from one dram to half an Ounce, mixed with proper Liquors, as Bawm-water and Mint-water.

Aquine's Diuretick-Wa­ter: Take the Roots of Parsley, Eringoes, Rest-Har­row, Juniper-Berries, and Alkekengi, of each two oun­ces, Pimpernel, Water-cresses, and Elder-flowers, of each two handfuls: bruise and macerate them twentyfour Hours in White-wine, add a quart of the Juice of Ra­dishes, with one ounce of Narbone-Honey, Venice-Turpentine half a pound; distil them in a moderate Sand-Bath, adding to every part of the distilled Water dulcified Spirit of Salt.

This is an exceeding pre­valent Water to strengthen the Heart, but is chiefly de­signed for opening Obstru­ctions in the Ureters and Bladder, and causing a free Passage for the Urine: You may safely take it from one to three or four ounces.

Arcanum Carolinum: Put red Precipitate into an earthen Vessel well glazed, pour on it Spirit of Wine well rectified, so set fire to it, and when the Spirit is con­sumed add more: do this six times.

This is excellent for Purg­ing, and sometimes procures Vomiting, opening Obstru­ctions, and dissolving scir­rhous tumours, and mainly contributes to the Cure of the French Disease. The Dose is from three to five or six grains.

Arsmart: The common sort of this is hot and dry, chiefly used in outward Wounds or Swellings. A Decoction of it is good to wash old Sores. The Water helps the Gravel in the Kid­neys or Bladder; the Root or Seed put into an hollow Tooth cures the Tooth-ach.

Artery-Hurt: Take Oli­banum two ounces, Aloes Hepatica one ounce, the Wool of a Hairs Scut a little, the Juice of Ash-Leaves half an ounce; mix with these the Whites of Eggs beaten to Water, and dipping a Rag into the liquid Compound, lay it to the Artery either cut, bruised, or otherways afflicted, renewing it as it dries, and then bath or anoint the Place with Oil of Roses.

Artichoaks to bake: Boil them first in fair Water, and so soon as you can separate the bottoms from the Leaves without breaking, lay them [Page] in a Dish, and season them with Nutmeg, Pepper and Cinamon, very lightly, having layed a Sheet of Past under them with some bits of But­ter; then lay on Potatoes sli­ced round the Dish, also some Eringo-Roots and Dates, Beef-Marrow, large Mace, sliced Lemon and more Butter; close it up with another Sheet of Past, and being baked, li­quor it with Grape-juice or Verjuice, Butter and Sugar beat up together, ice it with Sugar and Rose-water, and so serve it up.

Artichoaks to dress: The best way is to boil them in a Beef-pot, and when they are tender sodden, take off the tops only, leaving the bot­toms with some round about them; then put them into a Dish, putting some fair Wa­ter to them and two or three spoonfuls of Sack, and a spoon­ful of Sugar, stew them on a Chafing-dish of Coals, take the Liquor then from them, and make ready some Cream with the Yelks of two Eggs, two ounces of Marrow, and as much sweet Butter as will serve 'em up.

Artichoaks stewed: Ha­ving first boiled the Arti­choaks, take off the Leaves and the Choak, cut the bot­toms into quarters, split them in the middle, put them into a flat Stewing-pan, put under them Toasts of Bread, and the Marrow of two Bones, five or six Blades of large Mace, half a pound of preserved Plumbs, with two ounces of Sugar, and suffer them to stew together the space of two Hours: then put them into a Dish with Sippits, gar­nished with Barberrie, and so serve them up, and they will make a delicate and much approved Dish.

Ash, or Ash-Trèe: The Seed of the Ash-Keys dryed, powdered, and drank in White-wine, provokes Urine. The Juice of the Leaves drank constantly in drink prevents Fatness, and reduces those that are so. The Bark and Wood dry and attenuate, and are supposed to soften the hardness of the Spleen by a specifick Quality. The Juice of Ash-Leaves drank and the beaten Leaves outwardly ap­plied, avail much against the biting of any venemous Crea­ture, and stench blood. The Juice, with Honey, is good for internal Bruises. The Leaves and tender Twigs boil­ed in your usual drink, is good against the Dropsie: though the Seeds powdered and taken in Wine, in the Opinion of others, are more powerful. The Salt of Ash provokes U­rine.

Asparagus, or Sperage: The prickly sort of this, which in many Places grows wild, being boiled in White-wine [Page] provokes Urine, is good against the Strangury or dif­ficulty in making Water, ex­pels Gravel in the Kidneys or Bladder, eases Pains in the Reins; and boiled in Wine-Vinegar, closes the Arteries, and eases the Pains of the Hip-Gout, or Sciatica: The Decoction of the Root boiled to clear the sight, and be­ing held in the Mouth, eases he Pains in the Teeth.

Asthma: Take the distil­led Water of Nettles, and Coltsfoot-water, of each one pint, Anniseeds and Licorice-Powder, of each two spoon­fuls; Raisins of the Sun, and Figs sliced, of each a handful, boil them till half a pint of the Liquor be consumed, strain the remainder, and with a pound of white Sugar-candy finely pondered, make it in­to a Syrup: take a quarter of an ounce at a time, and the Stomach will be helped to a good Digestion. It removes also Obstructions of the Lungs.

Astringent-Powder: Take Bole-Armoniack, and Terra­sigillata, of each two ounces; Pomgranat-Flowers, Red-Ro­ses and Dragons-seeds, of Su­mach and Whortle-Berries, Frankincense and Mastick, of each two ounces: make all these into a fine Powder.

This Powder taken in Wine, or some Decoction, from a scruple to a dram, in losses of Blood, weakness of the Stomach and Intestines, is sin­gular good: It may likewise be applied outwardly, incor­porated with Whites of Eggs, Vinegar, or some Astringent-Water or Decoction, like a Cataplasm, to stop defluxions and loss of Blood, and to strengthen or close the Parts.

Astringent Saffron of Mars: Take of the filings of Steel and Sulphur pow­dered an equal quantity, mix them well, and make them into a Past with Water; put the Past into an earthen Ves­sel, and suffer it to ferment there four or five Hours; af­ter which set the Vessel over a quick fire, and with an iron Instrument fit for that purpose, stir the Matter about, and it will flame: suffer the Sulphur to burn out, and it will appear very black, yet continue it over a brisk fire, and stir it about for two Hours after, and then you will perceive it of a red Co­lour; then wash it five or six times in strong Vinegar, leav­ing it to steep an Hour at a time, and then calcine it in a Pot or on a Tile in a great fire five or six Hours: after suffer it to cool, and stop it up close.

Avens: This Herb is A­stringent in some degrees, it strengthens and discusses, be­ing cephalick and cordial, and [Page] resists Poisons; though it is mostly appropriated to the Cure of Catarrhs, and for quickening the Blood when thick or coagulated. Wine, wherein the Roots have been steeped, have a fine pleasant tast and smell: It cheers the Heart and opens Obstructions. The Root infused in Beer, is excellent in strengthning the Joints, and Bowels. Two ounces of the Root, or a handful of the Herb boiled in Water or Posset-drink, to the quantity of a Quart, and consumed to a fourth part, has been used successfully in the Cure of Agues, more particularly the Tertians, by taking it two Hours, or there­about, before the Fit comes.

BAck, the Crick in it: To remove this Pain, Take the Marrow of the Bone of a Horse, and a little of the Juice of Elder-Leaves, mix them toge­ther over a gentle Fire, and, when become an Ointment, chafe it into the Place grieved.

Back heated: To remedy this, Take Rose-water, infuse therein, for twelve Hours, Red and Yellow-Saunders, the Leaves of Red-Roses; then bath your Back with the li­quid part, blood-warm, and it will asswage the Pain, and in a little time utterly re­move it.

Back wasting: Take Plan­tain and Ribwort, distill them in a common Rose-Still; and when you are to use the Wa­ter, take Pippins, roast them, and take away the Skin, and Core; then put them into Water, making thereof a Lambs-wool as thick as you please; and this being sweet­ned with Loaf-Sugar, take thereof half a pint when you go to Bed, and so do nine Nights together. It is also good for the Strangury, and many Pains incident to those Parts.

Back, weak: To strengthen the Back, if it be over-strained or troubled with Pains or A­ches, take the Yolk of a new-lay'd Egg, put to it a quar­ter of a pint of Muscadel, or Alicant, and being well war­med, grate in some Nut­meg, and drink it hot twice a Day.

Back, weak: Take of the Pith or Marrow of a Black Ox's Back-Bone three ounces, [Page] Dates stoned and sliced two ounces, boil them well toge­ther in a pint or more of Muscadin, and take two or three spoonfuls Morning and Evening, and you'll find it exceedingly strengthen the Back, especially of old Peo­ple.

Balls of Eggs; tryed: Put your Butter or tryed Su­et into the Pan, and when it is melted and hot, stir it about till it runs round in Circles; then break an Egg in the midst of the whirling, and whirle it round till it becomes as an Egg poached, and it will, with the motion, be­come as round as a Ball; then take it up with a slice, and put it into a warm Pipkin or Dish, and set it a leaning a­gainst the Fire: You may do thus by divers, and serve them up with fryed and toasted Collops as a dainty Dish.

Balsom: The following Balsom is very excellent for any Wounds, Burns, Scalds, old Sores, Botches, Scabs, &c.

Take Conduit or Spring-water and Olive-oil, of each a quart, Turpentine four oun­ces, Liquid-Storax six ounces; put them in an earthen gla­zed Pot, and suffer them to stand together all Night: in the Morning having melted half a pound of Bees-wax, shred Marjoram, Rosemary, and Bays, of each a handful, beat and bruise them very small; then add Dragons-Blood, and Mummy made small, of each an ounce: Let them boil in the Wax a while, then add Oil of St. John's-wort, and Rose-water, of each two ounces; boil it to­gether a little more, and then put in some red Balsom, and red Saunders pulveriz'd, and being cooled, make a hole to let out the Water; dissolve it again on a Fire, and put it up in a close Pot for your use. This Balsom likewise cures the Head-ach, only by anointing the Nostrils therewith; also it is exceeding good in the Wind-Colick, or Stitches in the Side, being warmly applied to the Side or Belly, an ounce at a time, for four Morn­ings.

Balsom: That called Lu­catello's, so highly in esteem for its Virtues, is made after this manner: Olive-Oil three pints, Venice-Turpentine one pound, Sack six spoonfuls, yellow Wax one pound, na­tural Balsom half an Ounce, Red-Saunders in Powder and Oil of St. John's-wort, of each an ounce; wash the Turpen­tine three times in Rose-wa­water, water, then slice the Wax thin, and place it on the Fire, and being thinly melted, put in the Turpentine, incorpo­rate them well by stirring: then let it stand till the next Day; cut it in thick slices, and let all the Water drain [Page] out, and melt it again; put in the aforesaid Oils, Balsam, and Saunders, with about six spoonfuls of Sack; stir them well together again over a gen­tle Fire for the space of an Hour, that it may become thick; and being cool, use it for Wounds with Gun­shot, Scalds with Lead, Sul­phur, Blasting, &c.

Balsom of Fallopius: Take of clear Turpentine two pound, Linseed-Oil one pound, Rosin six ounces, Myrrh, A­loes, Mastick, Sarcocoll, Mace, Wood of Aloes, of each two Ounces, Saffron half an ounce; put them in a glass Retort, and set them in Ashes; and when they are distilled, there will come out a clear Water, and after that a redish Oil, which is excellent in curing Wounds, healing old Sores, cleansing Ulcers, &c.

Balsom of Sulphur: It has an excellent Virtue to cure Ulcers of the Lungs and Breast, and wonderfully clean­ses all other Ulcers. The Dose is from ten to twenty Drops, and may at any time be taken, though not too of­ten, with any convenient Li­quor mixed with Sugar to a­bate a little the sharpness of it.

Barberries: These are cooling and astringent, they provoke Appetite, are great strengtheners of the Stomach, which is the reason the Con­serve is used so much in Fe­vers, Loosness and Bloody-Flux, for which it is very good: The inward Bark of the Branches and Root steep­ed in White-wine, are preva­lent in the Cure of the Yel­low-Jaundice: A Concoction of the Bark, the Juice of the Berries, or the Juice of the Leaves mixed with Vinegar, cure the Tooth-ach, occa­sioned by fluxion of Rheums. The Conserve is usually taken with success in Inflammations of the Mouth and Throat; or more expeditiously, if the Mouth be gargled with some of the Conserve dissolved in Vinegar and Water.

Barberries to pickle: Take the largest Bunches, steep them an Hour or two in warm Water and Salt, then boil up the Water with more Salt, ha­ving first taken the Barberries out: when the Liquor is cool, put in a few slices of Ginger, and a little lump of Alom, and then press the Barberries down with a Stone or Slate, cover them close, and keep them for your use. Thus Medlars, Services, Grapes, and such-like Things, are pick­led to keep all the Year.

Barberry-Tree, the Vir­tue: The inward Rind of this Tree boiled in White-wine, and every Morning a quarter of a pint of it drank, is very much approved for cleansing the Body from cholerick Hu­mours, [Page] and freeing it from such Diseases as Choler cau­seth, viz. Scabs, Itch, Tet­ters, Ring-worms, Yellow-Jaundice, Boils, and the like. It is also excellent for Agues and Burnings, scalding Heat of the Liver, and the Bloo­dy-Flux. The Berries have the same Virtue.

Barly: This is a com­mon Grain amongst us, and of great use in many Cases; many of its Virtues are known but to a few. It is too well known to need a Descrip­tion.

Its Virtues: The Meal of Barly boiled in Honey and Spring-Water, resolveth all In­flammations or Imposthumes; with Rosin, and Pigeons-Dung, it ripeneth all hard Swellings; with Mellilot and Poppy-seeds, it easeth Pains in the Sides; applied Poultiswise pretty hot, and mixed with bruised Quin­ces or Vinegar, it easeth the Inflammation of the Gout in the Legs or Feet: The Ashes of burnt Barly mixed with Olive-Oil, is very good for Burns or Scalds.

Barly-Posset: Boil half a pound of French Barly in three pints of Milk, boil it till it is enough, then put in a pint of Cream, some Mace and Cinnamon; sweeten it with fine Sugar, and when it is just warm, pour in a pint of White-wine, froth it up, and eat it with a Spoon; or press out the liquid part, and drink it.

Barly-Pottage: Take a pound of French Barly, cleanse it well from Husks, put it into two quarts of Milk to steep, and boil it a little; when it is pretty well boiled, put in a quart of Cream, an ounce of Salt, some Mace, a little Stick of Cinamon broken in small pieces; and when it is thick enough, scrape some fine Sugar into it, and serve it up.

Basil (Garden): This comforts the Heart, and ex­pels Melancholy, moves the Courses, and cleanses the Lungs.

There is another sort called Wild Basil, which forces the Courses and the Birth, and removes Melancholy, being bruised and infused in Wine.

Bastings of Meats or Fowls: (1.) Clarified Suet. (2.) Fresh Butter. (3.) Min­ced Sweet-herbs, Butter and Claret-wine; and this last is excellent for Mutton or Lamb. (4.) Water and Salt. (5.) and especially for a Flayed Pig, Cream and melted Butter well beaten up together. (6.) Yolks of Eggs, Juice of Oranges, and grated Bisket: And if this be intended for large Fowl, as Bustards, Peacocks, or Turkeys, you may use the same.

Bath for the Legs: For Diseases in the Legs make this [Page] Bath, Take Sorrel and Fumitory, of each two handfuls, Nep one handful, Barly, Bran and Lu­pins, of each half a handful, and a like quantity of Violet and Mallow-Leaves; white and black Ellebor, of each an Ounce, Honey two oun­ces: let them boil in a suffi­cient quantity of Water till the third part be consumed, and then bath the Legs with it very warm. It is good for Sores, Scabs, Botches, Boils, and Aches, and the Gout.

Bath for a Rupture: Take of the Bark and Flowers of Pomgranets, Cups of Acorns and Sumac, of each an ounce; Lark-Spurs and Comfrey, of each a handful; Hypocistis, Galls, and Alom, of each two drams; Roses, Camomile, and Anni-seeds, of each two pugils: boil them in an equal proportion of Red-Wine, and Smiths-Water, and with the Decoction bath the Part affected.

Bay-Tree: The Decocti­on of the Leaves, Bark and Berries of this Tree, makes an excellent Bath for the Di­seases of the Womb and Blad­der: The Oil of Barberries is very useful in cold Diseases of the Nerves and Joints. The Electuary is frequently used in Clisters to expel Wind; it also eases the Pains of the Colick; and in like manner does the Concoction of the Berries in Ale or any dulcified Liquor.

Bdellium: To make the Tincture of it, Take Bdelli­um in Powder one ounce, Spirit of Wine sixteen oun­ces, mix, digest, and extract a Tincture which keep for use. This, as the Gum, eases the Colick, provokes Urine and the Terms, expels the After­birth, and is Traumatick and Vulnerary: The Dose is from one dram to a dram and a half.

Beef to Collar: Take the Flank, and when you have ta­ken out the Sinews, the more skinny part, and some of the Fat, put it into as much Wa­ter and Salt as will cover it; let it steep three Days, then hang it to drain in the Air, and dry it with a Linnen-Cloath; Mince Tops of Sage, Rosemary, Marjoram, Savo­ry, and Thime shred small, get a quarter of an ounce of Mace, half a quarter of an ounce of Cloves, a slice or two of Ginger, half an ounce of Pepper, and some Salt, rowl them up in it, bind it up well, and put it into an Oven and bake it.

Beef to Souce: Take the Buttocks, Cheeks, and Bris­kets of Beef, season any of them four Days with Pepper and Salt, roul up them as even as you can; boil them in a Cloath ty'd fast about, in Water and Salt; [Page] and when it is pretty tender, put it into a Hoop-frame to fashion it round and upright; dry it in some smoaky Place, or in the Air, and cutting it out in Slices, serve it up with Sugar and Mustard; obser­ving before you dry it, to souce it in Water, Vinegar, and a little White-wine and Salt.

Beet is hot and dry: It loosens the Belly, and the Juice snuffed up the Nostrils, oc­casions sneezing, and purges the Head: The Leaves boiled and eaten with Vinegar, cre­ate an Appetite: They ex­tinguish Thirst, and suppress Choler in the Stomach. The Juice of this Herb snuffed up into the Nostrils, gives ease to an inveterate Head-ach.

Benjamin: This is an o­doriferous, fragrant, and well scented yellow Rosin, or Gum, very much used among the Perfumers; it attenuates, and is pectoral, used chiefly in­wardly against Catarrhs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma's, Ob­structions of the Lungs: It purges the Brain by sneez­ing, and likewise fortifies the Heart, and resists malig­nant Humours, being taken in Wine, &c.

Benjamin Spirit: Put one Pound of Benjamin in a Cucurbit of glass, and distil it in Balneo Mariae, or a Sand-Furnace, and there will first come over a clear Liquor which will have the odorife­rous Scent of Benjamin.

Benjamin, a Tincture: Take of Benjamin three oun­ces, Storax half an ounce, let them be powdered grosly, put them into a Matrass or Bottle, so that either of them may be but half filled, then pour on them Spirit of Wine, stop­ping them close and covering the Vessel with warm Horse-Dung; so let the Materials di­gest for fourteen Days, then filter the liquid part, and keep it close stopped in a glass Vi­ol, and you may, if you please, add five or six drops of Balsom of Peru, to give it the bet­ter Scent.

This wonderfully whitens the Face and Hands, and is an excellent Wash to take a­way Spots or any Deformi­ties; but you must not put above a dram of it into four ounces of Water, which is sufficient to turn it to the whiteness of Milk, and then it is called by the Beau­tifiers, Lac Virginis, Virgins Milk.

Bezoar is a very highly esteemed Powder and excel­lent against all sorts of Poi­sons and Venoms; for it fortifies and defends the no­ble Parts, and expels the Malignity by Sweat, or by insensible Transpiration. The Dose taken in Sack, or some other Cordial-Wine or Wa­ter, [Page] is from a scruple to a dram.

Bezoardick-Balsom: Take distilled Oil of Rue, the Rind of Citron, the Peels of O­ranges, Lavender, and Ange­lica, of each half a scruple; Oil of Amber rectified five drops, Camphire four grains, Oil of Nutmeg half an ounce: make these into a Balsom by bruising and well incorpora­ting over a gentle Fire.

It is good in pestilential Airs, and apoplectick Fits, or any disorder of the Brain

Bezoar-Stone: The use of this is excellent in all pesti­lential Distempers, being a rare Cordial to fortifie and strengthen the Heart in any Plague or pestilential Fever; Take the weight of three Barly-corns in a spoonful of Carduus, Bugloss or Borrage-Waters, and keep your self moderately warm Morning and Evening.

Bezoardick-Water: Take the Roots of Carline-Thistle and Swallow-wort, of each four Ounces, Leaves of Wa­ter-Germander, Rue, Cardu­us-Benedictus, Thyme, Tops of St. John's-wort, of each two handfuls: bruise and shred these, and suffer them to ma­cerate or infuse in four pints of distilled Water of Nuts, and one pint of Spirit of Wine, distil them in a Sand-Bath with a moderate Fire; burn the Sediment, and ex­tract a Salt out of it, to be dissolved in Water when you use it.

Bifoyl, or Twa-blade: This small Herb growing up from a Root that has some­thing of a sweet Savour in it like Garden-Musk, is good, being bruised or applied to green or old Wounds; and also for Ruptures, the Herb being applied Poultis­wise when the Parts are well trussed up.

Bilberries: These made into a Syrup, are cooling and astringent, allay the Heat of the Stomach, and quench Thirst.

Bile: To cure this Grievance, take a white Lily-root, rost it in the Embers in a brown Paper; then bruise Figs small and Fenugreek-seeds with Linseeds, of each a quar­ter of an ounce; beat these well together, boil them in new Milk until it be thick, stir it well and put to it a quarter of a pound of Bar­rows-grease, and lay it on Poultiswise.

Birch-Bark: It is bitu­minous, and therefore mixed with Perfumes, it renders a wholsom Air in such Places as it is burned. The Fungus of it has an astringent quali­ty, so that it very strangely stops bleeding. The Tree being pierced in the Spring before the Leaves come forth, yields a very wholsome and [Page] nourishing Liquor against the Dropsie.

Birch-Tree-Leaves: These are hot and dry, cleansing and resolving, opening and bitter, for which Cause they are much available in Dropsies, in the Cure of the Itch, and taking away Scurf and Deformities from the Skin; and the de­coction of them in Water or White-wine is very good to wash old Sores or Break­ings-out in any Part of the Body.

Birds-foot: This is of a drying quality, and therefore used successfully in Drinks or Potions to be given for Wounds, as also to be applied outwardly. It also helpeth the Rupture, being taken in­wardly.

Bisket: To make Bisket the best way, Take half a peck of Flower, four Eggs, half a pint of Yest, an ounce and a half of Anniseeds; make these into a Loaf with sweet Cream and cold Water; fa­shion it somewhat long, and when it is baked and a Day or two old, cut it into thin sli­ces like Toasts, and strew them over with powdered Su­gar, dry it in a warm Stove or Oven, and sugar it again when dry; and so do three or four times, and so put them up for use.

Bistort the greater: This is cooling and drying, the Root is harsh and astringent, being mostly used to stay Vo­mitings, and to prevent Abor­tion, &c. The Powder of the Root mixed with Conserve of Roses, prevents spitting of Blood, as also the Bloody-Flux: It stops the immoderate Cour­ses, and the Powder sprinkled on fresh Wounds, stays Bleed­ing.

Take of the Roots of Bi­stort and Tormentil, of each an ounce; of the Leaves of Burnet, Wood-sorrel, and Meadowsweet, of each a handful; burnt Harts-horn two drams, Ivory the like quantity: boil them in three pints of Spring-water to the Consumption of a third part; then add three ounces of red Roses, strain the liquid part, and take six Spoonfuls a Day if you see convenient.

Bistort-Water: It is ex­cellent in making the white Potion for a Gonorrhea, and the Whites in Women: The fresh Root made into a Cataplasm, eases the Pain in the Gout. The Herb is cold, dry and astringent, stays Fluxes in the Bowels, also Vomiting, and brings a disordered Body into a good Temper and Habit.

Biting by a Snake, Adder, or Mad Dog: Take a hand­ful, or more, of Hazle-Nuts, Rue about a quarter of a handful, a Clove of Garlick; stamp these with a quarter of a handful of Ash-leaves or Ash-keys, squeeze out the Juice, [Page] and put a little Venice-Trea­cle to it, and drink it very warm in Beer, Ale, or Wine.

Black-Pudding: To make this the best, and far exceed­ing the common way, Boil the Umbles of a Hog tender, take some of the Lights with the Heart, and all the Flesh about them, taking out the Sinews, and mincing the rest very small; do the like by the Liver: add grated Nutmeg, four or five Yolks of Eggs, a pint of sweet Cream, a quarter of a pint of Canary, Sugar, Cloves, Mace and Ci­namon finely powdered, a few Carraway-seeds, and a little Rose-water, a pretty quantity of Hogs-fat, and some Salt: roul it up about two Hours before you put it into the Guts, and then put it into them after you have rin­sed them in Rose-water

Blamanger to make: Take a Capon, either boiled or roasted, and mince it small; then blanch a pound of Al­monds, and beat them finely till they become a Past; beat the minced Capon among it with some Rose-water, min­gle it with Cream, and ten Whites of Eggs, and grated Manchet: then strain all the foresaid things with Salt, Su­gar, and a little Musk, boil them in a clean Pan or broad Skillet to the thickness of Pap; stir it continually in the boiling, and being boiled, strain it again, and serve it according to what form or fa­shion you please.

To make your Past into quaint devices, Take a quart of fine Flower, a quarter of a pound of Butter, and the Yolks of four Eggs; boil your Butter in fair Water, and put the Yolks of eight Eggs on one side of your Dish, and make up your Past quick and stiff, but not too dry.

Blamanger another way: Take half a pound of fine searsed Rice-flower, put to it a quart of Morning-Milk, set a broad Skillet, and strain them into it, set it on a gentle Fire, and stir it with a slice; and when it is a little thick, take it from the Fire, and put in a quarter of a pint of Rose-water; set it to the Fire a­gain and stir it well, and in stirring beat it to the sides of the Skillet, and when it be­comes as thick as Pap, take it off, and put it into a fair Dish, and when it is cold, lay three slices in a Dish, and scrape on Sugar.

Blisters to draw: To do this without the help of Can­tharides, Take Crows-foot a handful, put to it about a spoonful of Mustard; beat them very well together to the consistence of a Poultis; put this to the thickness of a Man's little Finger in a Box-cover cut shallow, and about [Page] the breadth of the Palm of ones Hand, and cut a hole of the wideness of the Box in a Plaister of Diapalma, or the like, to make it stick; and this apply to the Part, and let it lye on twelve or four­teen Hours, because it works as well more slowly than Can­tharides, as more safely and innocently.

Blisters, Another: Take Cantharides reduced to Pow­der, and upon half an ounce of this put two or three oun­ces of Spirit of Wine: let them continue together four or five Days, that the Spirit may gain a good Tincture; then filter it, and dip into it a Linnen Rag six or seven times double, and of the fi­gure and largeness that you desire: This Cloath being thoroughly wet, and covered with a Melilot-Plaister, or a Plaister of Diachylum, to keep it sticking on, apply it to the Part, and at the end of five or six Hours you may take it off.

Blites: This Herb eaten as a boiled Sallad, loosens the Belly, cools Heats of the Sto­mach and Bowels: The Juice, which may be taken to four ounces, provokes gentle Vo­mits. A Syrup made of the Juice is very cooling, and al­lays the Heat of the Blood, also of the Liver and Spleen, abates the Heat of violent burning Fevers, and a Saline or salt Tincture of it opens Obstructions, cools the Reins and Bladder, provoking U­rine.

Blood extravasated: Grate or rasp the Roots of well grown Burdocks into a fine Powder, spread it on a Lin­nen-Cloath, bind it quite round the affected Part, and renew it twice a Day.

Blood-spitting: Take Comfry-Roots six ounces, Leaves of Plantain two hand­fuls, beat them well together in a stone Mortar, then press out the Juice, which strain through a Linnen-Cloth; let it settle, then boil it up to a Syrup, and clarifie it with the White of an Egg. Take a spoonful of this Syrup several times a Day, and at any time in the Night.

Blood-spitting, Another: Take Leaves of Colts-foot half a Handful, shred it very small, then fry it with a little Bacon; then put to it the Yolk of an Egg, and stir it in the Morning fasting. Continue this for some time.

Blood to stanch: Take Hungarian Vitriol and Alom, of each half a pound, Phlegme of Vitriol ten pounds, boil them till the Vitriol and A­lom are dissolv'd; and being cold, filter them through a brown Paper; and if any Crystals shoot, separate the Liquor from them, adding to each pound an ounce of Oil [Page] of Vitriol: Dip a Cloath into this Liquor, and apply it to the Part affected.

Blood to sweeten: Take of the best and clearest red Coral an ounce, reduce it (by grinding it very well on a Stone or Porphyry) to an impalpable Powder: Take a dram at a time of this Ma­gistery made without Acids, as long as you find you've oc­casion.

Blue-Bottles: The di­stilled Water of the Flowers give help in the Inflammations of the Eyes, and in drying up and healing putrid Ul­cers: The Powders of the Flowers taken inwardly are very effectual in the Jaun­dice.

Body-bound: To re­medy Costiveness, boil in a large Porringer about a hand­ful of the Leaves of com­mon Mallows, and let the Party sup them up before Meals.

Bole Armoniack: To prepare this, you need no more than moisten it with May-dew, or any other Dew not too gross, and dry it in the shade.

Borrage: This is one of the four Cordial-Flowers, it comforts the Heart, cheers Melancholy, revives the fainting Spirits, and purifies the Blood: The Water of it is good for Inflammations of the Eyes, and for Fevers; and the like virtue has the Con­serve made of the Flowers: The Conserve of the Flowers mixed with Wine, opens Obstructions in the Female Sex.

Bore baked: This is usu­ally meant of the Parts of a wild Bore, though it will in­differently serve for any: Take the Leg, season it very and then lard it with Lard seasoned with Nutmeg, Pepper, and beaten Ginger; lay it, the Bones being taken out, in a Pye with fine, but strong thick Crust; then sprinkle it over with the fore­mention'd Spices and Salt, putting a few whole Cloves and Bay-Leaves on it, with large slices of Lard, and store of Butter: and being baked, liquor it with sweet Butter, and stop up the vent; and if you would have it keep long, bake it in an earthen Pan, and filling it up with Butter, it will, if it be not set in a very moist place, keep a whole Year; or before you put the Flesh into the Pye, you may lay it in soak two Days, then parboil it, and bake it in all Points seasoned as before.

Box-Leaves: Dry them and powder them; then take from one dram to one and a half: They purge gently; so does the Decoction of an ounce and a half of them in Whey, or some such like Liquid.

Bramble-Berries, or, Black-Berries: The Ber­ries not quite ripe, are very astringent: A Decoction of them heals sore Mouths, and allays the Heat of Fevers.

Brawn broiled: Cut a Collar of Brawn into slices, and lay it on a Plate in an Oven; and when it is broiled enough, serve it up with the Juice of Oranges, Pepper, Gravy, and beaten Butter.

Brawn of a Pig: Let not your Pig be any way spotted, yet pretty large and fat, and being scalded, draw and bone it whole, only the Head being cut off; then cut it into two Collars overthwart both the sides, and being washed, soak them in Water and Salt two Hours; then dry them with a clean Cloath, and season the inside with minced Lemon-peel and Salt; rowl them up even at both ends, and put them into a clean Cloath, bind them about very tite, and when the Water is boiling, put them in, adding a little Salt, keeping the Pot clear scummed, and when they are sufficiently boiled, hoop them, and keep them in an even Frame, and being cold, put them into a souced Drink made of Whey and Salt, or Oatmeal boiled and strained, and then put them into such a Vessel as you can conveniently stop up from the Air.

Brawn to souce: Take a fat Brawn about three Years old, and bone the Sides, cut the Head close to the Roots of the Ears, and cut fine Collars of a side Bone, and hinder Legs, an inch deeper in the Belly than on the Back, bind them up equally at both ends, soak them in fair Water and Salt a Night and a Day, put them into boiling Water, keeping the Pot continually scum'd; and after the first quick boil­ing, let them boil leisurely, putting in Water as it boils away, and so lessening the Fire by degrees, let them stand over it a whole Night, then being between hot and cold, take them off into Moulds of deep Hoops, bind them about with Packthread, and when they are cold put them into Souce-drink made of Oatmeal ground or beaten, and Bran boiled in fair Water; being cold, strain it through a Sieve, and putting Salt and Vinegar to it, close up the Vessel tite, and so keep it for your use.

Bread, the French way: Take four pound of Wheat-flower very fine, a pint of new Ale Yest, beat the Whites of six new-lay'd Eggs, mingle them together, adding three spoonful of Salt finely beaten, a then so much Milk and fair Water, an equal quantity, as will make it into a Dough, so that it may be pretty stiff; [Page] and having worked it well that it becomes of an even mixture in all Parts, cover it with a wooden Tray pretty warm, and when the Oven is prepared for receiving it, make it into Rouls, or as you please, and when it rises and begins to look brownish, take it out, chip off the Crust whilst it is pretty hot.

Breading Meats or Fowls: These being divers ways to be done, it is necessary they should be here set down in order to prevent their being frequently mixed, and not readily found upon occasion. (1.) Flower mixed with gra­ted Bread. (2.) Sweet-Herbs dried and powdered, mixed with grated Bread. (3.) Le­mon-peel dryed, so that it may be beaten into Powder, or Orange-Peel scraped very small, and mixed with grated Bread and Flower. (4.) Su­gar finely beaten and mixed with Cinamon, grated Bread, and fine Flower. (5.) Cori­ander-seeds, Fennel-seeds, Cin­namon and Sugar finely beat­en and mixed with Flower. (6.) For young Pigs, beaten Yolks of Eggs, beaten Pep­per, Nutmeg, and Ginger mixed with grated Bread, and a little fine Sugar. (7.) Su­gar, Bread and Salt only mixed. This is generally known by the Name of Dred­ging or scattering over the Fowl, or Meat, whilst roast­ing, to keep it up to a good colour, and secure the Gravy from too much evaporating by the Heat of the Fire, or running out into the Drip­ping-Pan.

Breast-aching: This is ei­ther occasioned by the empty­ness of the Veins, or a prick­ing caused by virulent Hu­mours: To remove this grief, take a piece of Flannel of a deep blue Colour, so often dipt in the Dye, till it looks as if it were black; anoint the Breast with Oil of Camo­mil and Smallage, and then cover it warm with the Flan­nel,

Breast canker'd: To re­medy this grievance, Take a mellow Pippin of about a Year old, cut off the top, and take out the Core, fill it with Hogs-Lard, and cover it with the Cap: roast the Ap­ple then to Pap, so take off the Skin, and mingle the Pulp and Grease together; then spread it thick on a Linnen-Cloath, and apply it to the Place grieved very warm, and cover it over with a piece of a Bladder or the Skin of Su­et; and by often renewing it, the Party will find it a Re­medy.

Breast cold: for a Cold in the Breast, Take half a Sheet of brown Paper of as even a mixture as can be had, anoint it over as even as may be with the Tallow of Can­dles [Page] that have been made a long time: do this before a Fire, so that the Paper may be thoroughly penetrated; then grate over it as much Nutmeg as will cover it, clap it warm to the Pit of the Sto­mach, that it may reach a good way above and be­low it.

Breast sore: This comes many times though want of Milk, and frequently after Child-birth: To remedy this, Take of Barrows-grease half a pound, yellow Bees wax an ounce, Burgundy-Pitch five ounces, Venice-Turpentine one ounce; put these into a Skillet with a quarter of a pint of fair Water, and let them simper over a gentle Fire, scuming off the bubling Froth, and pour it into an earthen Pan to cool: when it is cold, take it out of the Pan, and scrape off the Dregs or Dross at the bottom; melt it again, and refine it over the Fire, and so making it into Plaisters or Cere­cloaths, apply it to the Place grieved.

Breasts of Women: Wo­mens Breasts, especially after their Lying-in, contract a hardness, and are sore, occa­sioned by gross Humours fix­ing there: To remedy this, Take two Turnips, boil them in Spring-water till they are very tender, then press out the Water, and mash them in a wooden Dish or Mortar; scrape on them an ounce of Bole-Armoniack, and make them into a Poultis with fresh Butter; and being layed to the Breasts very warm on a hot Linnen-Cloath, they will take away the Pain.

Breath, shortness thereof to help: Take a quarter of a pound of blue Figs, an ounce of Licorice, Caraways and Anniseeds, of each half an ounce; boil them in two quarts of Ale till a pint be consu­med, and then sweeten it with Sugar-Candy: Drink half a pint Morning and Even­ing.

Breath to sweeten: Take the dried Flowers and tops of Rosemary, Sugar-Candy, Cloves, and Mace, of each two drams, Cinamon one dram; dry these and beat them into fine Powder. About a dram of this at a time in a new-lay'd Egg, suckt up fasting Morning and Night, clears the Lungs from offensive Matter, and sweetens the Breath.

Brook-lime is excellent in the Scurvy; it powerfully expels the Stone in the Blad­der and Kidneys; it provokes the Courses. For the Scurvy, Take the Juice of Brook­lime, Water-Cresses, and Scur­vy-grass, of each half a pint; the Juice of Oranges four oun­ces, fine Sugar two pound; make a Syrup of it, and take [Page] a spoonful of it in your or­dinary Drink.

Broken-Belly, or Bur­stenness: Take Cranes-Bill, usually called Columbinum, re­duce the Roots and Leaves to a fine Powder; take about half a spoonful of this Night and Morning forabout three Weeks together, washing it down with a spoonful or two of Red Wine or Claret.

Broom: The Root of this is an excellent Opener, being one of the five opening Roots, and is principally made use of for Obstructions of the Liver, the Urine and the Courses. The Syrup of the five opening Roots, is thus:

Take the Roots of Fenel, Butchers-Broom, Asparagus, Parsley, and Smallage, of each two ounces, Spring-water three quarts, digest 'em hot, and boil them in Balneo.

Broom-Rape: The Herb or Roots of this are to be had Candied, and are very good in the Diseases of the Spleen and Melancholy.

Broth, very excellent: Par­boil two young Cocks, the Legs and Wings being cut off; scum the Water you boil them in very clean: then take them out, and wash them in cold Water, and with a pint of Rhenish-Wine, and two quarts of strong Broth, put them in­to a Pipkin or convenient Ves­sel, add two ounces of China-Root, and an ounce and a half of Harts-horn, with an ounce of Cloves, Mace, Pepper and Ginger mixed together; sea­son it with a little Salt, and cover the Pipkin close, and set it in a Pot of boiling Wa­ter, so that the Water get not into it: let it boil for six Hours, then pour out the Broth squeeze into it the Juice of Lemons, and serve it. This is excel­lent to strengthen or restore decayed Bodies after Sick­ness, and for such as are Con­sumptive.

Bruise: To remedy the Pain of a Bruise or Swelling, Take a pint of fair Water, boil in it a handful of Salt, and half a handful of Ash-leaves, or Ash-bark; bruise then the Bark, or Leaves; and straining out the Liquid part, dip Linnen-Rags in it, and apply them to the Place grieved.

Bruise in the Head: Take Rosin, and a little Red-Deer's Suet, Camphire, and White-wine, set them over a mode­rate Fire till it boil; then strain it and beat it till it comes to an Ointment, over a some­what gentler Fire, and anoint the Place grieved with it as hot as you can, and chafe it in.

Bruise, with great Swel­ling: Take Hemp, Tow, or Flax, moisten it with Brandy, and spread it over with Ho­ney; then sprinkle Brandy again upon the Honey, and [Page] bathing the swelled Part with­some Brandy very warm, lay on the other, and it will not only sink the Swelling, but give ease to the bruised Part by dispersing the gathering Humours.

Bucks-Horn: This is a small Plant or Herb growing in barren and sandy Grounds, and comes up with some of its Leaves jagged or sprouting out at the sides, like the Horns of a Buck, from which Allu­sion, I suppose, it takes its Name. This is a kind of Plantane different from some others, and has a quality of binding and drying. The Decoction in Wine drank, and the bruised Leaves out­wardly applied, ease the Pains, and remedy the Bitings of most venemous Creatures; and the Juice helpeth those that are troubled with the Stone or Gravel in the Kidneys, Bladder, or Reins, and stops Bleeding.

Bugle, its Virtues: Either inward or outward it is a good vulnerary Herb; it is used in the Yellow-Jaundice, and Obstructions in the Liver, Reins and Bladder.

Bugloss: Take the Juice of Bugloss clarified three pound, white Sugar two pound; boil them up to a Syrup. This Syrup chears the Heart, prevents swooning Fits, and expels Melancho­ly.

Bullock's-Cheek, the Ita­lian way: Break the Bones so that the flesh be as little mang­led with them as may be, wash it very clean in shifted Wa­ters, and let it steep three or four hours; then boil it in fair Water with some Bolonia-Sausage, and a piece of inter­larded Bacon; and when they are tender boil'd, dish them up, and garnish them with Flowers and Greens, and serve them up with Mustard and Su­gar in Saucers.

Bullock's-Cheek, to Stew: Having cleaned, well soaked and ordered them, by taking out the Bones, after you have half-roasted the Meat by an indifferent quick fire, save the Gravy, and put them into a Pipkin with some more Gravy and Claret-wine, also some strong Broth; sliced Nutmeg and Ginger, Salt and Pepper, with an Onion and a Shalot or two; let it stew about two hours, and so with the Mate­rials it is stewed in serve it up on carved Sippets, and it will be an excellent Dish, worth all your cost and trouble.

Bur of the Meadow: This Herb, or Plant, grows in wet places, most commonly by Rivers and Ditch-sides in Meadows & Marshy-grounds, flowering very early, so that they decay in February or March, before the Leaves ap­pear, which put not out till April. The Sun claims an [Page] extraordinary Influence over this; and therefore, as all o­ther Herbs under the Solar Government, it is a great strengthener of the Heart, cheating the Vital Spirits. The Roots are good against the Plague, and Pestilential Fe­vers, by provoking Sweat, if they be powder'd, and taken in a glass of Whitewine. They likewise greatly resist Poyson: being taken with the Powders of Angelica and Zedoary, they prevent the Rising of the Mo­ther. The Roots boiled in Wine, are good for those that are troubled with Shortness of Breath.

Burnet: This Herb, in­fused in Wine, chears the Heart, and renders it very pleasant, by imparting a cu­rious Smell and Taste to it: it preserves against the Plague, and the Bitings of Mad Dogs, and also resists Poysons.

Burnet-Water: Take the Tops of Wormwood, Rosemary and Burner, Mug­wort, Sun-dew and Dragons, Scabious, Agrimony, Carduus, Bettony, Baum, and the Lesser Centaury, of each a handful; Roots of Angelica, Peony, Zedoary, Tormentile, Liquo­rice and Elecampane, of each half an ounce: bruise, shred and infuse them with Sage, Rue, Celandine, Marrigold-leaves and flowers, of each a handful, three or four days, in four quarts of the finest White-wine: Then distill it carefully, and let the Dose be three or four spoonfuls at a time.

Burns: For any Burns or Scalds, mingle Lime-water with Linseed-oil, by beating them together with a Spoon; and with a Feather dipt in it, dress the place grieved till you find the fire is gone: Do this as often as you have Occa­sion.

Burns: Take a couple of hard Onions; mash them in a Mortar with half a handful of Bay-salt, so apply them. If for Scalding, Take the inner Rind of an Elder-tree, and fresh Sheep's-dung, of each half an handful, & with Fresh-butter or Oil make thereof an Ointment, and with it anoint often the scalded place, and the heat will be extra­cted.

Burn in the Eye: Take a new-lay'd Egg, boil it hard, and apply one of the Whites at a time pretty warm, but not too hot, and keep it on some hours; then take two or three rotten Apples, beat them to mash, and lay them over the Eye as a Poultis.

Burn, an Ointment: Take Saccharum Saturni half a dram, and of the sharpest Vinegar four ounces, make a Solution of the former in the latter; then put Oil of Elder so much as will serve to make it into an Un­guent [Page] or Ointment, and so ap­ply it to the Part affected.

Burn or Scald: Take Oil of Olives three ounces, White Wax two ounces, Sheeps-suet one ounce and an half Mi­nium and Castle-soap of each half an ounce, Dragons Blood drams; mingle and make 'em into an Ointment according to Art: This is a most ap­prov'd Remedy for Burn or Scald.

Dr. Butler's Ale. See Ale-Purging.

Butter, call'd May-Butter: To preserve this, Take the freshest and newest Butter made about the middle or end of May, put it into a large glazed Earth-pot, and place it so hot in the Sun, that it may run and melt; then press it through a fine Cloth, and ex­pose it to the Sun again, till it is well clarify'd: Take the purer fart from the Setlings, and it will keep all the Year. It supples and asswages hard Swellings, allaying the Heat and Inflammation of them; cures breakings-out and Heat, being mixed and made into an Ointment with the Juice of Wormwood and Vinegar, and is thus prepared to mix with divers toppling and mollifying Ointments.

CAchexies: To make a Pill for the Cure of them, Take half an ounce of Trochiscs of Alhandale; Myrrh, choice A­loes, and Galpanum, of each three drams: Scammony, Jal­lop, and white Agarick, of each one dram and a half; Oyl of Nutmeg, one dram; Amber, Cinamon, and Cloves, of each six drops; Extract of Juniper, as much as is sufficient to make them up into Pills, when they are very well mixed.

These are very much re­commended for the Curing of the Quartan Ague, Jaundice, Dropsie, and the Retention of the Menstruums. The weight of these Pills must be but two grains a piece, and two or three may be taken at a time; but be careful to keep your Body warm, in good order, three or four hours after.

Calves-Foot-Pye: Take Calves-feet boil them very tender; then take out the Bones, and mince them small: do the like by two pound of Beef-suet; then add a quarter [Page] of an ounce of beaten Cloves and Mace, Lemon-peel small shred; a quarter of an ounce of beaten Cinamon and Nut­meg,; and strew over all a lit­tle Pepper and Salt finely bea­ten together. And to any of these Pyes you may, if you think it convenient, put in this following Caudle when they are baked: viz.

A quarter of a pint of White-wine, half as much Verjuyce, a blade of whole Mace, the Yolks of three Eggs, a quarter of a pound of Sugar, and as much Butter; beat them up well, and strain out the thin­nest part, and so put it into the Pye as it is just going to be served up at the Table, and it gives a curious flavour and re­lish: you may likewise scrape fine sifted Sugar over the Lid, and so serve it up.

Calves-Head-Pye: Boil your Calf's-Head till the Meat will come from the Bones; then cut it into thin slices; then take half an ounce of Nutmeg, as much Cloves and Mace, half an ounce of Cina­mon, half a pound of Dates sliced thin, a pound of Raisins, a quarter of an ounce of whole Mace, the Marrow of four bones, the Yolks of six Eggs hard boiled, cut them in halves, and then take half a pound of candied Lemon-peel and Citron, a handful of pick­led Barberries and Lemons sliced thin, a pound of But­ter, and so bake it pretty well.

Calves-Head-Pye with Dysters: Order the Head as the former, season it with a quarter of an ounce of Pepper, two large Nutmegs, and a quarter of an ounce of whole Mace; put in six Cloves of Shalots small minced, two quarts of Oysters, and on the top and bottom lay two pound of Butter; lay on four An­chovies mixed, or in small streaks, and over these pour half a pint of Whitewine.

Cammock: The Root of this Powder drank in White-wine, with the Juice of Le­mons, is excellent in the Stone or Gravel in the Reins or Bladder, especially when the Conduits, thorough which the Urine should pass, are obstru­cted: And (according to the Testimony of Matthiolus) a cer­tain Man having used the Pow­der of this Root for many Months, cured himself of a Rupture. The Decoction also of this Root, and Water which hath been distilled from it, provoke Urine, and remove Obstructions in the Reins and Bladder.

Cammock, to make the Distilled Water, You must take four pounds of the Rinds of the green Roots, cut them very small, and infuse them in a gallon of Malmsey or Mal­laga, and then set them over a gentle heat: Distill them in [Page] a glass Alembick in Balneo Mariae, and you will have a pleasant Water fit for the a­bovesaid Uses.

Capon, Boil'd the Italian way: Take a young Capon, draw it and truss it to boil, then lay it in fair Water, and parboil it a little, then boil it in strong Broth until it be e­nough: Then take a good quantity of Beet-leaves, boil them in fair Water very ten­der, press out the Water, and take six Sweetbreads of Veal, boil and mince them and the Herbs very small, then add the Marrow of four or five Bones; steep the Sweetbread & Herbs that are minced small, and boil the bigger pieces in Water by themselves, and lay on the Ca­pon on the top of the Dish: Then take Raisins of the Sun stoned, shred them small with half a pound of Dates, a quar­ter of a pound of Pomcitron minced, and a pound of Na­ples Bisket grated; put them together in a large Dish or Charger with half a pound of Sweet-butter, and work it with your hands into a piece of Paste; season it with a little Nutmeg, Ginger, Cinamon and Salt well beaten, and some Parmisan grated and mingled with fine Sugar; then make a Paste of fine Flower, six Yolks raw of Eggs, a little Saffron beaten small, and half a pound of Butter, and a little Salt; then drive out a long sheet with a Rowling-pin very thin, and lay the Ingredients in small heaps round or long; then cover them with the Paste, and cut it asunder, and lay about the Capon till you have filled the Dish; then pour on Butter with little strong Broth; garnish it with Lemons, and serve it up.

Carbuncle: Take Salt well beaten to Powder, sift it, and incorporate it with the Yolk of an Egg; and apply­ing it, it will draw away the Venom, and offensive Hu­mours, break any Boil, or Plague-sore, and contribute much towards the healing of it.

Carp, to Roast: Make a Pudding of Almond-paste and Cream, grated Bread, Nut­meg, Currans, and Salt; and when the Carp is drawn with­out cutting open, viz. through the Gills, put in the Pudding that way till the Belly be full; tie it to a Spit, and when it is roasted, make the Sauce with what drops from it, and the Juice of Oranges, Cinamon and Sugar, beaten up with Sweet-butter.

Carp Stewed: Having bled him, save the Blood, scrape off the Scales, and take out the Intrails; then put him into your Stew-pan, with Made, Ginger, Cloves, Nut­meg, Sweet-herbs, and a large Onion quartered, with half a pound of Butter; mix some of [Page] the Blood with Claret; put it in, and being enough, garnish it with sliced Lemons, and green Spinage, and serve it up to the Table.

Cassia, its Vertues. It's Loosening, and a Purifier of the Blood; it allays Heat, and moderately loosens the Belly; provokes Urine, purges Cho­ler and Phlegm, and mollifies the Breast and Throat; it re­solveth Inflammations, and cleanses the Reins from Sand and Gravel.

Caustick Liquor of Ver­digrease: Take Verdigrease four ounces, Salt of Niter eight ounces; mix them to­gether, fire them, and let them burn in an Iron or Marble Mortar well heated; then make them into a Pow­der, and put them into a con­venient Vessel. Let them, by dropping, dissolve in a moist place; and preserve the Li­quor that falls in a thick Glass or glazed earthen Pot.

This Liquor is highly appro­ved for consuming proud and corrupted Flesh; and likewise all sorts of Excrescencies, more particularly such as accom­pany Venereal Distempers.

Caustick Powder, or Specifick Corrosive of Para­celsus: To make it, Take Cor­rosive Mercury Sublimate three ounces, Sal Armoniack two ounces, powder them to­gether; put them into a Ma­tras, pour on them a pint of Aqua fortis; which evaporate in a moderate heat till the Ingredients come to the con­sistence of a Paste: dry the whole Mass in such a mode­rate heat as will reduce it to a fine Powder.

This Powder Cauterizes ve­ry speedily and violently any superfluous Flesh, and such Excrescencies as are to be re­moved. It is quick in Ope­ration; and the regard that is to be had to the Nature of the Corrosive Sublimate, re­quires much Caution and Pru­dence in the Use of it; inso­much, that you must put on but a very little at a time, and use it only upon strong Bo­dies; and it is to be applied upon no other Parts than what are remote from the Emun­ctories of the Noble Parts.

Celandine the greater: The Juice of this is very good to take out Spots, Pins and Webs in the Eye; but by reason of its sharpness, you may allay it with a little Breast-milk: Being put into hollow Teeth often, it will loosen them, and greatly facilitate their Drawing: Warts fre­quently rub'd with the Juice of Celandine, will dry up, and peel off. The Decoction of the Root being drank with Aniseeds and Whitewine, is good for the Jaundice, or to wash eating Ulcers withal. The Root being chewed as­swageth the Tooth-ach.

Celandine the less: It breaketh the Skin where it is applied as a Poultis: it cause bad Nails and Hair to fall off: the Juice of it snuffed up the Nose, greatly purges the Brain: A Gargarism made of the De­coction of it with Honey, has the same effect.

Centaury major: The chief Vertues of this consists in the Root which is used for Ruptures, Difficulty in Brea­thing, old Coughs, Pleurisies, and Spitting of Blood: It is successfully given in the Drop­sie and Jaundice, being either infused in Wine, or beat to Powder, and drank imme­diately.

Centaury minor: Of this Lesser sort Galen has written a large Treatise. It purgeth Choler and Phlegm; for which cause the Decoction thereof is given in Tertian Agues: It kills Worms in the Belly. The Leaves of this Herb being ap­plied fresh to Wounds, search them, and heal up Ulcers.

Cephalick Elixir: Take Misleto that grows on the Oak, Piony-roots, the Bigger Valerian, of each an ounce and an half; Piony-seed, Lau­rel and Juniper-berries, of each one ounce; Cinamon, Mace, and Cubebs, of each three drams; Flowers of Til­let, Rosemary and Lavender, of each a handful: bruise what is to be bruised, and macerate them together for twenty four hours in the Wa­ter of Lilies of the Valley, Black-Cherry-water, the recti­fied Spirit of Wine, of each a pint and an half: then distill them according to Art. To the Liquor distilled add re­fined Sugar one pound, Tin­cture of Ambergrease a dram; put this Elixir in an Earthen-Pot, well stop'd and glazed.

This Elixir is of wonderful Use in Epilepsies, Apoplexies, and other cold Diseases of the Brain, being taken fasting, from half a spoonful to two spoonfuls.

Cerate for Masks for Wo­men: Take white Bees-wax four pound, Sperma Ceti two ounces, Oil of the four greater cold Seeds cleansed, extracted without fire, and Bismuth pre­cipitated, of each three drams; Borax and Burnt-Alom finely powder'd, of each half a dram; melt and mix them in Balneo Mariae, and at the same time dip and spread the Cloth. This Preparation for the Lining Womens Masks, or laying on their Faces, going to bed, won­derfully preserves the Beauty, and encreases its Charms and Loveliness to Admiration.

Cerate for Womens Breasts: Take Oil of Roses six ounces, bruised Periwinkles three oun­ces; the Juice of Mint, and the lesser Sage, of each an ounce and an half; boil them over a soft fire to the con­sumption of the Juices: then [Page] press out what remains tho­rough a close-threaded Cloth; then melt into it Bees-wax three ounces; and when it is almost cold, put in three oun­ces of the Powder of Mastick; and having well stirred these about, dip in the Cloths you intend to use.

This prevents the Breasts of Women from swelling or growing big after Child-bear­ing; it likewise changes the course of the Milk, and turns it downwards: it must be laid pretty hot on the Breast, and wrapt up with warm Cloths, and renew'd every twenty-four hours, till the desired Ef­fect be performed.

Cerecloth for Broken Bones: Take Frankincense and Galbanum, of each three quarters of an ounce; Mastick an ounce, Wax three ounces, Rosin an ounce and an half, Olive-oil an ounce; dissolve the Galbanum in a little Vine­gar, and then melt all toge­ther in the Oil, and so bruise and strain it thorough a Cloth; then dip your Cerecloth, and apply it to the Fracture, and it will mainly strengthen the Sinews, and knit the fractur'd Bone sooner than can be rea­sonably expected.

Cerecloth of Galbanum: Take prepared Galbanum an ounce and an half, Turpen­tine an ounce, Assa foetida half an ounce, Bdellium a dram, two drams of Red Myrrh, and two ounces of Bees-wax; the Leaves of Fetherfew and Mug­wort, of each half a dram; the Seed of Daucus one scru­ple: Dissolve all, except the Assa foetida, in Whitewine-Vinegar, and that is to be dissolved with the Turpen­tine; and so mixing them well together, make a Cere­cloth.

This being applied to the Belly, expells Wind, kills Worms, and provokes the Courses; prevents Fits of the Mother, &c.

Cerecloth of Saunders: Take ten drams of Red Saun­ders, and six of White and Yellow; an ounce and an half of Red Roses, and seven drams of Bole-Armoniack; half an ounce of Spodium of Ivory, and two drams of Camphire; Yellow Bees-wax one pound, Oil of Roses six ounces. Let the Saunders be powdered to­gether, and the Roses, Ivory, Bole and Camphire apart: then melt the Wax over a mode­rate fire; and when it is some­what cool, mix the Powders, putting in the (amphire last dissolved in Oil, so mix them well together for your Use.

It is extraordinary good, apply'd to the Stomach, for Inflammations of the Liver, and other Parts; likewise a­gainst Pains and Weakness of the Back and Reins, and may be used for Pains in any other Parts.

Chalybeate Salt against an ill Habit of Body: Take Vi­triol of Mars an ounce, Sal Prunellae two ounces, Salt ex­tracted out of the dead Head of Aqua fortis three ounces; pulverize them together, and put them into a glass Cucur­bit, set them in a Sand-Bath with a Fire made under them by decrees; augment the Heat till the Matter look red hot and flows like Water, and in the end turn to a hard red Stone or Salt.

This is much applauded for the Cure of Cachexies and scorbutick Distempers, also to purge the Mass of Blood, create an Appetite, and open the Passages of the Urine, pro­voke Sleep, and divert the Fluxes of Rheum; it also carries off bad Humours by Sweat and Stool, or insensible Transpiration: You may take it when 'tis finely reduc'd to Powder, from seven or eight, to twelve or fifteen grains, in a Glass of Wine, or some convenient Cordial Waters.

Cheese to Make: It is not here meant the ordinary sort of Cheese, but a Rarity. To make it therefore, Put whole Cinnamon in new Milk, or Cream, let it boil; then take it off and sweeten it with Su­gar, add two quarts of Milk or Cream, a spoonful of Run­net, cover it till it curdle; then strew on it Sugar and the Powder of Cinamon, and dip Sippits in Canary, and serve it up.

Cheesecakes: Put to a Gallon of new Milk half a pint of Runnet, let it stand till it is curdled; then put the Curd into a Linnen-Cloath, tye it up, and by laying a Weight on it, press out the Whey; which being done, beat up the Curds with Yolks of Eggs, White-wine, and Rose-water, with a little Su­gar dissolved in the latter; then add half a pound of Currants washed clean from Gravel and Stones; make up all these Materials into a Puff-past of fine Flower, Eggs, Butter, Ale, Yest, and as much Milk as will fashion it; beat it with a Rolling-pin till it is of an equal temper, then take and roul it up into little Balls, spread them out into round flat pieces as thin as is convenient: make them into what fashion you please. When they come to be turned up, put the Curds and other Ma­terials in the middle of them, then wet them round with Water, turn up and pinch the Corners, and put them into due proportion, and when baked, strew them over with Sugar mixed with Powder of Cinamon, or without, and sprinkle over them Rose-wa­ter, and so serve them up.

Cheesecakes, the Italian way: Take two pound of Pistaches, stamp them, when [Page] taken out of the Shells, with two pound of Morning-Milk Cheese-Curd newly made three ounces of Elder Flowers, and ten Eggs, Sugar and sweet Butter, of each a pound, with two quarts of Flower; drain these in course Strainers, and put them into a Puff-past, Cheesecake fashion.

Cheesecakes without Milk: Take twelve Eggs, and lay a­way six of the Whites, beat them up finely, and having a quart of new Cream boiled up with Mace, take it off, and putting in the beaten Eggs, stir it about till it curdles, then let it cool a little, and put in a good quantity of Sugar, beaten Mace and grated Nut­meg, dissolve a little Musk and Ambergrease in Rose-water, and sprinkle it over lightly; then put in three or four spoonfuls of grated Bread with half a pound of beaten Almonds, and a little cold Cream, with some Currans, and it will make an excellent Curd; Then make up a Puff-past Cheesecake fashion, in which this is placed, and bake them in a moderate Oven, and drawing them, sprinkle them over with Rose-water and Sugar, and so serve them up.

Chicken in White-Broth: Take a quart of White-wine, and three pints of strong Broth, and put one or more Chickens to it in a Pipkin, or a conve­nient earthen Vessel, add a quarter of a pound of Dates sliced, half a pound of fine Sugar, and four or five Blades of Mace the Marrow of three Bones, and a handful of white Endive shred small, and let them stew over a gentle Fire; and when the Broth is well tasted, strain the Yolks of ten Eggs into it, keeping it con­tinually stirring, that the Eggs may mix with the Broth, and not curdle: then take out the Chickens, put the Broth into the Dish, and lay them in it, and garnish it with Marrow, sliced Dates, large Mace, En­dive, preserved Barberries, and boiled Skirrets, and make Leer of Almond-Past and the Juice of green Grapes.

Chilblains: Take a Tur­nip, put it under hot Embers, and roast it well; then take off the Coat, and beat it to Mash: apply it very hot Poul­tiswise, shift it often for fresh ones, and continue it three or four Days.

China-Broth: Take an ounce of China-Root chipped thin, steep it in three pints of Water all Night, on Em­bers covered; the next Day take a Cock-Chicken, put in its Belly Agrimony and Maid­en-Hair, of each half a hand­ful, Raisins of the Sun stoned a good handful, and as much French Barly; boil these in a Pipkin close covered on a gentle Fire six or seven Hours: [Page] strain it, and take it for a Con­sumption, or any Defect in the Lungs.

Chops of the Breast: Take two drams of the white sort of Gum-Tragacanth, beat­en and sifted into fine Pow­der; macerate them over a gentle Fire in a sufficient quan­tity of Rose-water, and ex­tract a Mucilage.

This is a very good Reme­dy to cure Clifts and Chops of the Breast and Nipples: It may serve for the Hands, Lips, or any other Parts, be­ing bathed or anointed with it warm.

Cinamon takes away and dissolves all superfluous Hu­mours of the Body, and for­tifieth the Members. There is a distilled Water made of Cinnamon, strong in Smell and Tast, and of great Virtue, and is thus made.

Cinamon-Water to Make: Take a pound of Cinnamon that has not lost its Scent, bruise it and put it into a Vessel with four pound of Rose-water, and half a pint of White-wine; then set your Vessel, being very close stopt, in warm Water, and then make your Distillation in the same Water, being placed on a Furnace where the Fire is maintained, in such manner that the Water may continue boiling.

This distilled Water is so­vereign against all Diseases proceeding from cold Cau­ses; for it dissolveth and con­sumeth Phlegm, removes Win­diness and clammy Humours, and comforts the Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Brain, and Sinews: It is an admirable Cordial against faintness or fainting Fits, comforting and cheering the Heart; it resists Poison, or the biting of veno­mous Beasts, provokes Urin and the Terms, and proves helpful to those that are short-winded, or are sick of the Palsie.

Citron: The Juice of it represses Choler, and (if made into a Syrup with fine Sugar) is very good against the Plague, and pestilential Fevers. The Meat or Pulp is of a gross and phlegmatick Substance, the Kernels bitter and loosen­ing.

Citrons, a Syrup: Take Citrons, as many as you think convenient, pare and slice them very thin, then put them into a silver or glass Bason with layings of fine Sugar till it be near full; the Day fol­lowing pour off the Liquor into a Glass with a paper Fun­nel, strain it with a tiffany Strainer, clarifie it on a soft Fire, and it will keep a Twelve-Month. This is excellent in hot Distempers, especially mixed with Juleps and Cor­dials.

Claret-Water for the Stomach: Take four ounces [Page] of Cinnamon, bruised Cloves Ginger, Mace, Galangal, and Cardamoms in Powder, of each half a dram; macerate them in the Cold in two quarts of Aquavitae, and a pint and a half of Rose-water six Hours: being put into a Matrass very close stopped; filter it, and in the filtering dissolve two pound of Loaf-Sugar, and so the Water is perfect.

This is very pleasing in Tast, and exceedingly forti­fies the Stomach and Vitals, dissipates Windyness, and cre­ates a good Appetite; you may take it from three drams to half an ounce.

Cloves: They help Dige­stions, stay the Flux of the Belly, and are binding; they clear the sight, and the pow­der of them consumes and takes away the Web or Film in the Eye, as also Clouds and Spots: being beaten to Pow­der, and drunk with Wine or the Juice of Quinces, they stay Vomiting, restore lost Appetite, fortifie the Stomach and Head, gently warm an o­ver-cold Liver; and for this Reason they are given with success to such as have the Dropsie: The smell of the Oil of them is good against fainting Fits and Swoonings; and being chewed, they sweet­en the Breath, and fasten the Teeth; the Powder of them in White-wine is given for the Falling-Sickness, or Palsie; the distilled Water of Cloves is good against Surfeits and pestilential Diseases; receiving the Smoak of the Gloves in­to the Nostrils whilst they are burning on a Chafing-dish of Coals, opens the Pores of the Head.

Clouted-Cream: Set new Milk to simper on the Embers twelve Hours, add sliced Marmalade of Dama­scens, Sugar and Cinamon fine­ly powdered, with as much Cream as amounts to a third part of all these Materials, serve it up strewed over with Sugar, and sprinkled with Rose-water.

Cock-Ale: Stone four pound of Raisins of the Sun washed and well dryed; take a young Cock, truss him, and put him into twelve Gallons of Ale, with the Raisins; of Nutmegs, and Mace, of each an ounce, Dates half a pound: infuse these in a quart of Ca­nary twenty four Hours, and put them to the Ale: When the Cock is boil'd almost to a Jelly, strain and press out the Liquor, put it up into a Cask, and put about half a pint of new Ale-Yest to it, let it work a Day, and the next you may broach it; but three or four Days is better, If this prove too strong, as no doubt it will to some Pal­lats, mingle it as you please with plain Ale in the draw­ing, or by putting two Gal­lons [Page] of it into three Firkins of plain Ale in the Barrel. It is excellent to strengthen and restore decayed Nature, and is drank with success in a Consumption.

Cock-Water: Take a Cock, pull him alive, then kill him and split him, take out his Intrails, quarter him, and bruise his Bones; then put him into a Rose-water Still with a Pottle of Sack, Currans and Raisins of the Sun stoned, and Figs sliced, of each a pound; Dates sto­ned and cut in halfs half a pound, Rosemary Flowers, wild Thyme, and Spear-mint, of each a handful; wild Mar­joram, Bugloss, Pimpernel, of each two handfuls, new red Cow's Milk two quarts: distill these over a gentle Fire, putting into the receiver a quarter of a pound of brown Sugar-Candy beaten small, four grains of Ambergrease, and forty grains of prepared Pearl, and half a Book of Leaf-Gold. Two spoonfuls of this taken Morning and Night are good for a Con­sumption.

Codlin-Cream: Scald the Codlins till they are pret­ty soft, peel them, and scrape off the Pulp from the Core, strain the Pulp through a thin Linnen-Cloath, add to it Su­gar well dissolved in Rose-water, and then mingle these with Cream: adding, if you find occasion, more Sugar, Rose-water, and a little Cin­namon powdered very fine, and serve it up.

Codlin-Tart: Take Codlins before they are quite ripe, pare them, cut them in quarters, and take out the Cores: lay them in quarters in the Tart, with a thin slice of Quince under each quar­ter, and the scrapings of O­range or Lemon-peel, strew them over with Sugar and Rose-water after you have poured in the Syrup of Quin­ces, or the Syrup of Pip­pins; scatter over them a little Cinamon beaten into fine Pow­der, close up the Lid, and bake them in a gentle O­ven.

Cods-Head to Dress: Cut it fair and large, boil it in Water and Salt, add a pint of Vinegar, so that all the Head and Appurtenances may be just covered, put into the Mouth of it a quart of stewing Oisters, a bundle of sweet-Herbs, and an Onion quartered; and when it is suf­ficiently boiled, set it a dry­ing over a Chafing-dish of Coals; then take Oister li­quor, sliced Onion, and two or three Anchoves, a quarter of a pint of White-wine, and a pound of sweet But­ter, shred the Herbs, mix them with the Oisters, and garnish it with them, adding withal some slices of Lemon, [Page] grated Bread, and a little Parsley.

Colick and Stone: Drink of the distilled Water of Par­sley, in White-wine, or good Ale.

Colick and Stone: Take four long Pepper-Corns, two races of Ginger, both bruised, two sprigs of Rosemary, the shells of two new-lay'd Eggs in fine Powder, the inner Skin being taken away; boil them together for a quarter of an Hour in a pint of White-wine; let it boil well, and brew them together with two ounces of Loaf-Sugar, and drink it warm going to Bed.

Complexion to preserve; Take Water-Lily Flowers, Mint, Vine-Leaves, Violets, Myrtle-Berries, or Seeds, Ro­ses, white and yellow Saun­ders, Citron-peels, dryed Quin­ces, dryed Prunes, of each a dram; Camphor and Saffron, of each a scruple; make them up into Balls with Vinegar, wherein the best Bolus has been dissolved: and it is not only of an excellent Scent; but dissolved in fumitory Wa­ter, it causes a very charming Complexion, as well as pre­serves Beauty.

Confection to cause Sweat: Take Treacle and Mithridate, of each an ounce; Pimpernel and Angelica, of each ten grains; Cardamoms and Cam­phire, of each five grains; bruise and mix them well to­gether, and make them up into a Confection with ten grains of beaten Cinamon, and of this take to the quantity of a Hazle-Nut in Carduus, or Sorrel-water, first dissolving it well; and keep close and warm in Bed, and you may continue sweating three or four Hours, if the Distemper be violent; or a less while, as occasion requires: For want of this Confection, if any sud­den Cause requires sweating, you may take a dram of Mi­thridate in Carduus, Treacle, or Sorrel-water, and keep your self warm for some Hours afterwards, lest the Pores by this means opening sudden­ly, suck in the cold Air, and do more harm than good.

Confection against Pesti­lential Airs: Take white Di­apalma, fine Bolus, sealed Earth, Myrrh, Wormwood, Scabious, Pimpernel, Sorrel, Zedoary, and Rue, of each a dram and a half; Tormen­tile, Aristolochy, and Bay-Leaves, of each a dram; five or six Walnut-Kernels peeled, twelve new Figs; Mithridate and Treacle, of each an ounce, Camphor and Saffron of each a Scruple; Unicorns-Horn, Bone of a Stag's Heart pre­pared, Pearl burnt, and Harts-Horn, of each a dram and a half; of either the Seeds of Citron peeled and bruised, half an ounce, Mace a dram: [Page] make them into a Powder, and with Citron-Syrup mingle them to the thickness of a Confection. Take half a dram Morning and Evening in a glass of Canary or Mus­cadine, and it mainly strength­ens and preserves Nature a­gainst corrupt and pestilential Airs: For want of Wine, in Summer especially, yon may take it in Rose or Mint-Water.

Confection to help the Sight: Take Eye-bright and Fenel of each a Dram, Car­damoms and Mace, of each a dram and a half; Seeds of Rue and Celandine, of each a quarter of an ounce; Rose­mary an ounce, Anniseed, Lignum-Aloes, and Carra­ways, of each half an ounce: make of these finely beaten a Confection with Honey or Sugar. This is called the Oculists Confection, and is very strengthening to the Eyes and Brain; it restores decayed Sight. Take three or four Drams in five or six spoonful of Wine.

Confection, Another, for the Sight: Take Celandine, dryed Bettony, Eye-bright, Hyssop, Peneroyal, of each a dram; Fennel, Coriander prepa­red, Marjoram and Basil-seeds, Cardamoms, Cinamon, Ginger, Galingale, Nutmegs, Cloves, long Pepper, Lignum-Aloes, Mastick, Spicknard, of each half a dram; preserved Ci­tron-peels three drams, Con­serve of Borrage and Rose­mary-Flowers, of each six drams: make them up with Sugar and Fennel-water; or for want of Fennel-water, Rose-water. Three drams at a time of this may be taken in White-wine, Rhenish, or any other convenient Liquor.

Conserve of Citron-Flow­ers: Take their weight or more in white Sugar, dissolve them in Rose-water, hang it over a gentle Fire, then take it off and boil it almost to the con­sistence of a Syrup; then put in the Flowers, and boil it up to a height, and mash them to a Conserve.

Consolidative-Plaister: Take the dryed Leaves of A­ristolochia, and the round ones an ounce; Mastick, Frankin­cense and Myrrh, of each two drams; Aloes Succo­trina one dram, Litharge four scruples, red Led two scru­ples, Meal of Lupins a dram: make them into fine Powder, and dissolve an ounce of Deers-suet, Hogs-grease half an ounce, Oil of St. John's-wort six drams, Turpentine washed half an ounce, yel­low Wax three ounces; in­corporate them over a gentle Fire to the consistence of a Plaister. This is excellent for the Plague sore, or any such poisonous or infectious Swelling.

Consumption: Take Colts-foot, Succory, Endive, Borrage, Liverwort, of each six hand­fuls, shred them all very small, put them in a gallon of New-Milk; let them steep all night, and in the morning distill them; take of this Water, and Red Rose-water, of each three spoonfuls: put this to half a pint of Red Cow's Milk, sweeten it with Sugar of Roses, and so drink it warm at least three times every day.

Consumption, a Broth: Take China-roots thin sliced two ounces, White and Red Saunders of each three drams; put them into a large Pipkin, and pour upon it four quarts of fair Water; cover it close, and let it stand to infuse in a warm place, or in hot Water, for twenty-four hours; then put to it a good Pullet, or two Chickens; let it boil, and scum it well; then put into it two handfuls of Five-leav'd-grass, Maiden-hair and Hart's-tongue of each half a handful; 20 Dates cut small, a little Mace, with the under-Crust of a Manchet: Let all these boil together till two quarts be consumed; then take out the Pullets or Chickens, and stamp them in a clean Stone-Mortar; then put it in the Broth again, and let it boil half an hour longer; then strain it, and press out all the Broth from the Pullet: If you please, you may sweeten it with Sugar-candy. Drink of this Broth early in the Morning, and sleep after it, if you can; and another Draught at Four in the Afternoon, and another at night when you go to Rest.

Consumption, a Broth: Take two spoonfuls of French Barley, scald it in two Wa­ters, throw away the Waters; put the Barley into a Pipkin. with a Crag-end of a Neck of Mutton, and a Knuckle of Veal; pour thereon a suffi­cient quantity of fair Water, and let it boil, scumming it well; when it hath boiled an hour, put into it a Pullet, and let it boil an hour longer; then put in a large quantity of Sorrel, Lettice, Purslain, Borrage and Bugloss, and let it boil an hour more, viz. three hours in all. Before you put in the Herbs, season the Broth with Salt, and a little Pepper and Cloves; then strain out the Broth, and drink it pretty warm, three or four times every day.

Consumption, a Water: Take the Liver of a Calf, and the Lungs of a Fox; the Herbs Lungwort, Liverwort, Sage, Rue, Hyssop, of each one handful; Elecampane, the Root of Flag, of each half an ounce; Anniseeds, Carraway-seeds, Sweet Fennel-seeds, of each half an ounce; Flowers of Borrage, of Bugloss, of each [Page] two drams: cut them all very small, then infuse them for twenty-four hours in two quarts of Old Mallaga; and Scabious, and Carduus Water, of each four ounces; Hyssop-water two ounces; then distill it, and sweeten it with Sugar-candy: Drink a little glass-full thereof two or three times a day. This Water comforts and strengthens the Lungs and Liver, attenuates thick Phlegm, and expels Wind out of the Stomach and Bowels.

Contagion of the Plague, to Expell: Take Rue, Wormwood, and Black-berry-tops, of each half a handful; Ce­landine an handful and a half; put them into a glazed ear­then Pot, when bruised toge­ther, with a pint of strong Whitewine-vinegar: stop the Pot close, then let them seeth in Balneo Mariae till the third part be consumed, and then strain it out, and keep it close stopt: Let the Party infected drink two or three ounces of it, and sweat after it, without sleeping, a considerable time, if it may possibly be preven­ted: it fortifies the Heart, as­sisting Nature against Poisons, and infectious Airs.

Contrayerva-Stone: Take Oriental Pearls, the Root of Contrayerva, Coral and White Amber prepared, of each a dram; prepared Crabs-eyes double the weight of the rest. Take the Jelly of Vipers, and with it make the rest up into Balls, and dry them, and keep them for your use.

This reduced by scraping into a Powder, is highly com­mended against the Plague or Pestilence, or such-like raging Diseases occasion'd by Infe­ction: It may be taken in Wine, or Cordial-waters, from ten to twenty or thirty grains.

Coral, to Prepare: Take such a quantity as you think convenient, make it into a fine Powder in a Porphyry or Steel Mortar; drop on it, by degrees, a little Rose-water, and form it into Balls for use. After this manner, Crabs-eyes, Pearl and Precious-stones are prepared, to make up Cor­dials compounded of them, and other suitable Materials for the strengthening the Heart in Fevers, or such-like violent Diseases, and to re­store the Decays of Na­ture.

Cordial, Excellent: Take two ounces of dried Red Gil­liflowers, and put them into a Pottle of Canary; add three ounces of fine Sugar in Pow­der, and half a scruple of Ambergrease in the same manner; put them into a Stone-bottle, and stop it close, often shaking it; and when it has stood ten Days, then pass it through a Jelly-bag or Strainer; and putting it up [Page] for use, take two or three spoonfuls of it at a time, and it will greatly strengthen the Heart, and restore Health again, &c.

Cordial-Water: Take a gallon of Strawberries clean pick'd, put to them a pint of Aquavitae, and let them stand four Days, and then pour off what is liquid, and strain the rest into it; sweeten it with a little Sugar, and infuse a grain of Musk or Ambergrease in­to it. This strengthens the Heart and Stomach: Half a quartern in a Morning is a good Preservative against ill Airs and Infections.

Cosmetick-Water: Take fine White Sugar a pound, Roach-allom three ounces; White Poppy-seed, Flower of Beans, Water-lillies, Violets, and great Housleek, of each one handful; the Juice of four Lemons, and the grated Crumbs of two White Penny Loaves; Goats Milk and White-wine, of each a quart: Bruise what is to be bruised, and mix them together, putting them into a Glass Alembick. Distill them in Balneo Mariae, and it will be an excellent Beautifyng Water to preserve the Hands, Face, and other parts of the Body, clear, smooth, and of a good Complexion.

Cough: Boil in two quarts of Posset-drink, a good handful of Moss that groweth upon Oaken Pales, and drink a good draught in the Morn­ing, and take three spoon­fuls of good Sallad-oil after it: drink it afternoon and at night without Oil, taking some­times at Night one of Mat­thews's Pills with it.

Cough: Take Raisins of the Sun stoned, and Figs warned and sliced, of each two ounces; unset-Hyssop a handful, Enula-campana dried and bruised two ounces, Ani­seeds bruised one ounce; boil all these in a gallon of small-Ale till half is consumed; then strain it, and put to it Honey and Sweet-butter of each four ounces, Saffron dried and powder'd half a dram: boil them again gently till they be well incorporated: Drink half a pint of this Liquor warn'd, both Morning and Night. This Proportion made twice, hath cured Coughs of long continuance.

Coughs: Take three spoonfuls of the best Sallad-oil, three spoonfuls of Vine­gar, and Sugar-candy enough to sweeten it: Take it in the Morning fasting, and at Night when going to rest.

Cough or Cold: Take a quart of Milk, and make a Posset thereof with a pint of Ale; then strain it, and put two spoonfuls of beaten Aniseeds, two Pippins sliced with the Pareings, and a stick of Li­corice bruised, and a quarter of a pound of Raisins stoned: [Page] let it boil gently for half an hour; then strain it again, and drink a draught thereof warm, with a little piece of Fresh-butter in it: Take it two or three times a day.

Cough or Cold: Take Fennel and Parsley-roots, four of each; wash and scrape them, and take the Pith out of them: Maiden-hair, Rosa-Solis-flower, of each one hand­ful; Licorice, Coriander and Aniseeds, one ounce; five Leaves of Harts-tongue; Lung­wort and Liverwort, of each a handful; Raisins stoned half a pound; shred the Herbs, and bruise the Seeds, and put them all into a Pottle of Spring-water, in a Pipkin close co­vered: which set on hot Em­bers for a whole Day toge­ther, till the Liquor be half consumed; then strain it with­out pressing it, and sweeten it with Brown Sugar-candy, and drink thereof Morning and Evening.

Cough or Cold: Take three ounces of Enula-cam­pana, scrape off the Rinde, and cut it into thin slices; then boil it in three pints of Water till it comes to a pint and an half; then put therein a pound of fine Sugar, and let it simper a little on the fire; then take it off, and let it cool, and it will be a per­fect Syrup; of which take three spoonfuls both Morning and Evening.

Cough or Cold: Take one pound of fine Sugar; Licorice and Enula-campana, finely powder'd, of each four ounces; put them into a lit­tle earthen Pan, and moisten them with two or three spoon­fuls of unset Hyssop-water, di­stilled when it is in its flower: then sprinkle into it a little powder'd Pepper, and cast them into a Pye-plate, with Flower strewed on it; and when it is cold, make Lozen­ges of it.

Cough or Cold: Take Germander, Hyssop, Hore­hound, Maiden-hair, Agri­mony, Bettony, Liverwort, Harts-tongue, of each an hand­ful; boil them in nine pints of Water to the Consumption of six; then let it cool, and strain it: To the Decoction put clarified Honey half a pound, fine Powder of Lico­rice five ounces, Elecampane-roots in Powder three ounces; boil them up to the thickness of an Electuary, and take of it about the quantity of a Nutmeg, at any time, espe­cially in the Morning fasting, and at Night when you go to rest.

Court-Ielly: Take three or four Calves-feet, and lay them in Water all night; then scald off the Hair, slit them, and take out the long Bones: then take a young Cockerel and dress him, after he has lain all night in Water; boil him [Page] and the Feet together in four pints of White-wine, and as much fair Water, until they be enough: then let it run thorough a Strainer into a Bason, or other Vessel, letting it stand till it is cold: then with the point of a Knife or Spoon take of the clearest from the settlings, and put it into a Pot with three quarters of a pound of fine Sugar, and two ounces of Cinamon scraped, an ounce of Ginger, two sliced Nutmegs, and ten Cloves; boil them together; and while they are boiling, put in the Whites of six Eggs, and a Branch of Rosemary; strain it thorough a Jelly-bag, and so serve it up. This great­ly fortifies Nature, creates good and wholsom Blood, and restores decayed and Con­sumptive Bodies.

Cramp: To make an Amulet for the Stomach, Take the Roots of Mechoacan, re­duce them to a Powder, and fill with this Powder a little square Bag of Sarsnet, or some such slight stuff: Let it be about three inches square, and hang it by a string about your Neck, so low that it may reach the Pit of the Stomach. Wear it next the Skin.

Cream-Cheese: Take two quarts of Milk warm from the Cow, Almonds blanched half a pound, beat the Almonds small; add a pint of Cream, and of Rose-water four oun­ces; half a pound of fine Su­gar, and a quarter of an ounce of beaten Cinamon, and as much Ginger; then put the Runnet to the Milk and Cream; and when it is curd­led, press out the Whey; and what remains beside, serve up in Cream.

Cream of Eggs: Take a quart of Cream, heat it, and beat up the Whites of five Eggs: keep them stirring; and when it boils, add two or three spoon-fulls of Rose-water; and when it begins to thicken, take it off, let it cool, and put in a little Salt and fine Sugar, and so serve it up.

Cream-Fool: Take two quarts of Cream, set them o­ver a gentle fire in an earthen Vessel; and when it simpers up, add the Yolks of twelve Eggs well beaten up with three or four spoon-fuls of cold Cream; put them to the hot Cream, and keep it continually stirring, to prevent burning-to. When it is boiled well, take it off, and let it cool; then put to it half a gill of Canary, stir it about, and pour it on Sippets cut very thin, and strew'd over with the Powder of Cinamon and Sugar; then pour over it some Syrup of Rasberries, and serve it up.

Cream-Tart: Take Man­chet-bread, pare off the Crust, and grate the Crumb very fine, mix it with sweet Cream [Page] and Butter, beat up the Yolks of a dozen Eggs with Cream, adding four ounces of Sugar, boil them till they come to a thickness; then make two leaves of fine Paste as thin as conveniently can be raised; make them but shallow, and put the Materials into them, put on the Lid, bake the Tart in a gently heated Oven; and when it is bak'd, strew fine Sugar over it, and then serve it up.

Curd-Cakes: Take a pound of Curds, four Yolks of Eggs, and two of the Whites, a little Flower to bind them together, Sugar, grated Nutmeg; mingle 'em well, and bake them in Cakes, Icing them over with Sugar dissolv'd in Rose-water, or drop them into a Frying-pan in hot Suet, as you like them best.

Currant-Cream: Take Red Currants, plump them up in warm Water; then mash them, and strain them thorough a Cloth with hard pressing, put to them the Powder of Cinamon and Su­gar, and a quart of new Cream, and serve them up.

Currants or Gooseber­ries, a Ielly: Take the Fruit indifferently ripe, press out the Juice through a coarse Linnen-cloth, clarifie it, and add to each quart a pound of Sugar clarified and boiled up to a Candy height; then boil them together till a third part be consumed: put to them a pint of White-wine, wherein an ounce of Cherry-tree or Plum-tree Gum has been dis­solved, and it will bring it into a curious Jelly.

Custards, to Make: The Paste being raised into what Form you please, dry it a lit­tle in an Oven after it has been drawn, that the Moisture that is to be put into them, by reason of their thinness, may not make them fall when put into a hot Oven: then break eighteen Eggs into two quarts of Milk, yet half the Whites must be omitted; and if made of Cream, no Whites at all, only the Yolks: then a pound of Sugar, and a little Rose-water, beat them together till they are very well mixed; and when you fill your Pans or Pastes, strain out the li­quid part, and leave the Curds and Crudities, if there be any behind, and bake them in an Oven about three-quarters heated.

Custards, another way: Boil a quart of Cream, with Nutmegs, Mace and Cloves bruised, of each two drams; the Yolks of ten Eggs, and the Whites of five, beaten up with a little cold Cream; mix these together with a grain of Saffron wet in White-wine or Canary, and strained thorough a Linnen-cloth with a hard pressure, upon often wetting, [Page] put these Ingredients into the Paste you have provided for them, in what fashion or form you please: and if you find it proves too thick, make it thin­ner with a little Milk and Rose-water, adding a little re­fined. Sugar and powder'd Ci­namon infus'd in White-wine: then bake them in a gentle Oven, and serve them up on Plates, with Sweetmeats or Flowers made in Paste.

Cyprus, the Bark of the Boots Prepared: Infuse the Bark, after you have cleansed it in sharp Vinegar for the space of three Days; then dry it, and keep it for use. And in this manner you may Pre­pare the Leaves of Spurge, Laurel, Mezereon, or such like.

DAistes: This Herb is excellent for Wounds in the Breasts; the Oil of it, Plaister, or Syrup, are extraordinary good, and requisite to be kept in all Families. The great wild Daisie is a Wound-Herb, to be had in great regard, often to be used in Drinks or Salves, either externally or internally. The Juyce of these, or the distilled Water, as also of sin­gle Daisies, greatly tempers cholerick Heats, refreshes the Liver, and other inward parts. A Decoction of them much a­vaileth in the cure of Wounds in the hollowness of the Breast or Stomach; as also for Ulcers and Pustles in the Mouth, Tongue, or Privy-Parts. The Leaves bruised and applied to the Testicles, or any other hot and swelled part, dissolves the Swelling, and temperates the Heat: be­ing boiled with Wall-wort and Agrimony, they greatly help in the Palsie, Gout or Scia­tica, dispelling Knobs or Ker­nels in any fleshy part. They help Bruises and Ails occa­sion'd by Falls, or Contusions by Blows. They are success­fully used in case of Rup­tures; the Ointment of them cools and expedites the cure of inflamed Wounds, espe­cially when they happen in or near the Joynts: the Juice may be dropt into rheumatick sore Eyes.

Damascens, to Preserve: Gather your Damascens in dry Weather, suffering them to be very ripe, or they will be but of an indifferent co­lour; [Page] to every pound of them put a spoonful of Rose-water, and a pound of Sugar finely beaten; then put the Fruit in a large bottom'd Pan, one by one, and set them on a Cha­fing-dish of five Coals, but not at first too hot; then put in as much Sugar and Rose-water as will melt it; and when the Pan is warm, cast on half your Sugar, and let it be no hotter than you can en­dure your hand upon it, for­bearing to turn them till there be as much Syrup as will bear them up: then turn them, and cast on the rest of the Sugar, not suffering them to seeth when you turn them, lest they break on both sides: when they are enough, take off the Skins gently; and when they are cold, put them up in a Glass, and put into them four or five Cloves, and as many little bits of Cinamon, and so you may Preserve any Plums. Rut to any sort of White Plums put neither Cloves nor Cinamon.

Dandelyon, or Denti de Leon, or Lyons Tooth: Its Quality is Cleansing and Opening; by which means it is effectual in removing the Obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Gall, and such Diseases as arise from them, as Hypochondriacal Passions, and the Jaundice, &c. open­ing the Passage of Urine in Men and Women of all Ages, cleansing Aposthumes, and the inward urinary Passages, and then by a temperate and dry­ing quality heals them: In this case, you may boil the Leaves in White-wine; or shred small, put them into Broth. It is good likewise in a Consumption, boiled in Broth, or the Juice of the Root drank in Canary, or in the bad Disposition of the body call'd Cachexia: it procures Rest and Sleep, when the Body is disorder'd by A­gues. The distilled Water is good in Pestilential Fevers, and to wash old Sores.

Dates: Of these there are divers kinds; and as to their Physical Virtues, some of them are dry and binding, as those of Egypt; others are soft, moist and sweet, as those growing in Syria, Palestine and Jericho; the rest are a mean between those two kinds, and all of them are hard in Dige­stion, and not very good for the Head; because they many times cause the Head-ach: but the Powder of them is suc­cessfully taken by such as spit Blood, or are troubled with the Bloody-flux.

Deafness: Take Betony and Horehound, and stamp them in a Mortar; strain out the Juice, and when the Party is in bed, and lying on one side, drop in three or four drops into the Ear, and it will in a few days time restore the [Page] Hearing, if the Party was not born Deaf, or some Violence has hot been offer'd to the Organs of Hearing.

Decoction to Open the Body: Take twelve Prunes, Licorice, Aniseeds, Currans, and Fenel-seeds, of each half an ounce; Flowers of Bor­rage and Bugloss, of each a dram and an half: boil them bruised and shred in a quart of fair Water till the third part be wasted; then strain it, and drink it at three several times very hot, and walk a­bout upon it. It loosens the Belly.

Decoction for Clysters: Take the Leaves of Violets, Mallows, Pellitory, Mercury (the Herb so called) of each a handful; the Flowers of Ca­momil two pugils, Sweet Fenel-seeds half an ounce, Linseed two drams; boil them in a sufficient quantity of Wa­ter or Milk to a pint. These are the Herbs commonly used in Clysters to cool and empty the Bowels in Stoppages, or hot Diseases; but to make them work well, you must add brown Sugar.

Decoction Pectoral: Take Raisins of the Sun stoned an ounce; Jubebs and Sebestenes, of each fifteen; six Dates, and eight fat Figs; Barley clean­sed an ounce, Licorice half an ounce; the Leaves of Mai­denhair, Hyssop, Scabious, and Coltsfoot, of each one hand­ful; boil them in three pints of Spring-water to the con­sumption of a third part. A quarter of a pint taken of it every Morning, is excellent good for Heats, Pains, Swel­ling, or any Distemper or Diseases of the Breast, and to help Expectorations.

Decoction of Senna: Take two ounces of the Leaves of Senna; of the Roots of Po­lypody of the Oak, of each half an ounce; Raisins of the Sun stoned two ounces, Gin­ger one dram, Sebestens and Damask-prunes, of each a do­zen; of the Flowers of Bor­rage, Red Roses, Violets, and Rosemary, of each two drams: boil them in two quarts of Spring-water till half be con­sumed. This is an excellent Purging Potion. The Dose is four ounces: If it be given to a strong Body, that it may work the better, put to three ounces of it, an ounce of the Syrup of Buckthorn or Roses solutive. This may be safely taken as often as any occasion of Ilness or Indisposition re­quires it, or for prevention.

Decoction of Woods: Take Sarsaparilla-roots, split and cut small, four Ounces, Guaiacum three ounces, the Bark of the Wood two oun­ces, Sassafras one ounce and an half; the Roots of Bur­docks and Butterbur, of each two ounces and an half; Rho­dium-wood and Yellow Saun­ders, [Page] of each an ounce; Car­duus-seeds and Juniper-ber­ries, of each six drams; of the outer Bark of dried Ci­trons two drams: infuse them all night in six quarts of fair Water, and then boil them to the consumption of half the Liquid. This drank as a Diet-drink, is exceeding good for those that are troubled with the French Disease, King's Evil, Rheums or Coughs. It may be taken four times a day, for twenty or thirty days together.

Decoctum Amarum: This bitter Decoction, or Draught, is made in the following manner: Take the Flowers of Camomil, the Tops of the Lesser Cen­taury, of each a pugil, or ve­ry small handful; Gentian-root half a scruple; the Leaves of Senna cleansed, and Car­duus-Benedictus-seeds, of each one dram: boil them in a sufficient quantity of clear Spring-water to four ounces. This strengthens the Sto­mach, restores lost Appetite, and causes a good Digestion, You may take four ounces of it for a Dose fasting, five or six Mornings together.

Defluxion on the Eyes: Take red Sage, and Rue, of each a handful: fine Wheat-Flower, a spoonful, the White of a new-lay'd Egg beaten to Water; mix them very well, and spread them upon a very thin Leather, or black Silk, and apply it to the Temples, it draws off the Rheum that afflicts the light.

Defluction, another: Take the Tops of Rosemary one dram, beat them up with one or two ounces of rotten Pear-mains, or Pippins, spread them like a Cataplasm, and lay them on the Eyes when you go to Bed. It asswages the Heat, and removes the Pain, red­ness and Inflammation in the Eyes.

Devils-Bit: This Herb and Root being boiled in White-wine, makes a Decocti­on, good against the Plague, and pestilential Airs, and Di­seases occasioned thereby, as Fevers, &c. It is an Antidote, and much fortifies against Poisons, and helps the Pain caused by the stinging or bi­ting of venomous Beasts; and also for inward Bruises, Con­tusions by blows, and dissolves congealed or clotted Blood. The Root and Herb bruised and applied Poultiswise, takes away the black and blue Marks in the Skin. The Decoction of the Herb only mixed with Honey of Roses, is with suc­cess applied to Tumours and Swellings in the Throat, by often gargling the Mouth, and down the Throat, as con­veniency will permit: It hel­peth to procure Womens Courses, and easeth all Pains of the Mother, expels Wind [Page] in the Bowels: The Powder of the Root drunk in Wormwood-Water, kills and drives out Worms: The Juice of the distilled Water is good to wash green Wounds with, or old Sores: It cleanseth the Body, being taken inwardly; and the Seed decocted, takes away the Itch, cures old Sores, removes Freckles, Pimples and Morphew, the Parts being ba­thed with it especially, and the sooner, when a little Vi­triol is dissolved in it.

Diacodium: To make it, Take the heads of white Pop­pys, neither the greatest nor ripest, about twelve in num­ber, Aqua-Coelestis a quart; boil them to the consumption of a third part, and when it is strained, put thereto of the best Sapa, that is, new Wine boiled to a third part, five ounces, of the best Honey two ounces; boil them toge­ther, and in the end of the Decoction, put red Roses, Leaves of Pomgranate, Acacia, Sumach, of each two drams, Seeds of Purslain, white and red Coral, of each a dram.

This Syrup stays the Flux in the Belly, procures Sleep in over-watchful Persons, hel­peth Catarrhs, and violent Colds.

Diarrhoea: Mix fifteen Grains, or if the Distemper be but light, ten grains of the Powder of Rhubarb, with half a dram of Diascordium, and take it either going to Bed, or early in the Morning after the first Sleep. It stays Loosnesses, and remedies Flux­es in the Belly.

Difficult Breathing: Take Castoreum dryed to Pow­der two or three grains, at the most but four; mix this with ten or twelve grains of Gascoin Powder, add a little Syrup or Conserve of Roses, and being taken, wash it down with a mixture of five drams of Penny royal-Water, and two drams at most of com­pound Water of Briony.

Difficulty in Hearing: Take a chive out of a Root of Garlick, put a fine piece of Thread or Silk thorough it at the end, that it may easily be pluck'd out again; crush it a little between your Fingers, and anoint it over with the Oil of Bitter Almonds, and so put it into the Cavity of the Ear, at going to bed; and draw it out the next morning, stopping the Ear with Black Wool: But if the first time succeed not, you must use it oftener.

Digestives: Take two ounces of Venice-Turpentine, incorporate it well with the Yolk of an Egg, add to it at discretion, a little Spirit of Wine: With this dress the Part Morning and Evening, laying on thicker if the Part be near some Nerve, and the less where it is most fleshy, [Page] and it will soon bring it to a head, or dispel the Tumour, Humours, or Pain contracted. It is used instead of Basili­cum.

Digestion to help: Take fine Sugar, powdered and sif­ted two ounces, sprinkle on it the Spirit of Wormwood; then take a quarter of an ounce of Gum-Tragacanth, and steep it all Night in Rose-water; then take some of this, wet the Sugar with it, and beat them together till it come to a Past like Dough: you may add a little Musk, and then make it up into Cakes the breadth of a Groat. Lay them upon Plates, and dry them gently in an Oven, keeping them in a dry place. Eat one or two of them in a Morning, and they will help Digestion.

Dill: This is a great strengthner of the Brain: The Decoction of it is good in Pains and Swelling, eases Pains in the Belly, and is ex­cellent for Women troubled with Pains and Windiness: It stays the Hiccough, if you hold your Nose over the steam, if boiled in Wine. The Seed is of greater virtue than the Leaves, as being more power­ful to digest vicious and raw Humours, and very useful in Medicines appropriated to ex­pel Wind: It dries up moist Ulcers, more particularly in the Secret Part, Dill-oil re­solves Humours and Imposthumes, eases Pains, and pro­cures Rest. The Herb or Seed in White-wine expels Winds, and provokes the Terms.

Dill-Seed, &c. Its Virtues: Four drops of the Oil extra­cted from it, and half an ounce of the Oil of sweet Almonds mingled together, and taken in warm Ale, are excellent good for Hiccoughs when they proceed from cold Causes. The Seed bruised and applied, discusses and ri­pens Tumours, disposes to Sleep, being steeped in Wine. They take off the excessive Heat and Desire in Venery, stay Vomiting. The tender Tops and Roots boiled with the Seeds in White-wine, great­ly provoke Urine, and are helpful in dissolving or bring­ing away the Stone or Gra­vel.

Diseases from Obstructions: Drink every Morning, the first thing, a moderate draught of your own Urin, newly made, whilst it is warm; and forbear eating any thing after it, the space of an Hour or two.

Distilled-Vinegar: Put six quarts of strong White-wine Vinegar into an earthen Pan, evaporate about a quart in a Bath, till the phlegmatick Part is removed: pour what remains into a glass or earthen Cucurbit; distil it in a strong [Page] Sand-heat, till nothing but substance like Honey remains at the bottom. It is mixed likewise with Cordial Potions to resist putrefaction, an outwardly applied, it asswa­geth Inflammations; half a ounce of it may be taken at a time in any proper Li­quor.

Diureticks: To make them, Peel off the inner Rind or Skin of an Egg-shel, beat the Shell to a very fine pow­der, and take about a scruple of it at a time in a spoonful of convenient Liquor.

It eases Pains and Ob­structions; adding to it Pow­der of Crabs-Eyes, it brings away the Stone or Gra­vel.

Diuretick-Tablets: Take Stone-Parsly, Roots of Rest-harrow, Butchersbroom, Fenel, Eringoes, of each half an ounce; the Seeds of Burdock and Grounsil, of each two drams: boil these in two pints of the distilled Water of Radishes. Boil the strain­ing, according to Art, with half a pound of double refi­ned Sugar, into Tablets of two drams weight a-piece, and take one or two of them in a Morning fasting for the Stone or Gravel, or Ulcera­tions in the Kidneys, or Blad­der.

Dock: It is a great clean­ser of the Blood, and strength­ener of the Liver when they are afflicted with Choler. Some hold, that the yellow Dock-roots work most effe­ctually when they are so af­flicted: All Docks have in them a kind of a cooling, drying quality, but not all alike: The Sorrel being most cold, and the Blood-wort most drying, the Seed of them stays the Lasks and Fluxes of divers kinds: The Roots boil­ed in Vingear, cure and take off the Itch or Scabs, (the place being washed with the Concoction,) and the Break­ings out of the Skin. The distilled Water of the Herb and Roots have the same vir­tue, and more-especially cleanse the Skin from Morphew, Spots, Freckles, or other discolour­ings: Any of the several Docks being boiled with Meat, make it boil sooner; Bloodwort especially is a very wholsom Pot-herb, though some, ignorant of its virtues, refuse it, because it makes the Pottage blackish: but those are more nice than wise.

Doctor Stephen's- Water: Take a gallon of Claret-Wine, or Canary, Cinnamon, Ginger, Grains of Paradise, Gallingal, Nutmegs, Aniseed, and Fe­nelseed, of each three drams; Sage, Mint, red Roses, (Pelli­tory of the Wall, wild Marjo­ram, Rosemary, wild Thyme, Camomil and Lavenden, of each a handful; bruise the Spices small, cut and bruise [Page] the Herbs, and put all into the Wine in an Alembick; and after it has stood twenty four Hours distil it.

Dodder, a Decoction: Take of Mirobolans half an ounce, Arabian Stoechas, Raisins of the Sun stoned, Dodder of Thyme and Senna, of each an ounce, Fumitory half an ounce, Hemp and Agrimony five drams; of the Roots of Polypody of the Oak six drams, Turbith half an ounce, Whey two quarts; boil them all but the Dodder, till the Liquid be consumed to a quart, then put in the Dod­der, and make it afterward just ready to boil, and so take it from the Fire, adding a dram and a half of the Roots of black Hellebore, of Aga­rick half a dram, Sal Gemma a dram and a half: When these have been infused about ten hours, press out the Li­quor, and take four ounces of it at a time, as an excel­lent Purge for Madness or Melancholy.

Dodder of Thyme: It is effectual in Melancholy, and purges black or burnt Cho­ler; it takes away the Trem­bling of the Heart, swoon­ings or Faintings, all Disea­ses and Griefs of the Spleen and Melancholy arising from the windiness of the Hypo­chondria: It purges the Reins and Kidneys, it opens the Ob­structions of the Gall, and is hereby helpful in case of the Jaundice: It purges the Reins of phlegmatick, and chole­rick Humours, and mixed with a little Wormseed is good in Agues in Children.

Dog-Biting: If you are bitten by a mad Dog, or a­ny other, Take the Roots of Gentian one dram, Myrrh two drams, the Eyes or black Claws of Crabs burnt and powdered, two drams; put them into White-wine, boil them, and straining out the Decoction, drink a quarter of a pint at a time fasting, if you can, and very warm, then wash the Wound with your own Urin, wherein Rue and Carduus have been boiled, and so continue to do three or four Days successively, ha­ving first laid some of the Powder dry on it, to draw out the putrefied Blood, and cleanse it.

Dogs-Grass: It is gentle in its operation; being boiled in Whitewine or Ale, it o­peneth Obstructions of the Liver and Gall; it removes the Stoppage of Urin, eases Gripings, and Pains of the Belly, and Inflammations. The Seeds work powerfully in ex­pelling Urin, and the Deco­ction of them stays Lasks and Vomiting: The Roots boiled in Whitewine, are a general Remedy against all Diseases occasion'd by Stoppages.

Dogs-tooth: This is a kind of Grass so called, and has in it many excellent Ver­tues in Physick: viz. The Decoction of it healeth the Pains of the Belly, helps dif­ficulty in making Water, breaketh the Stone, and brings away Gravel. The Root brui­sed and applied, searcheth Wounds, and keepeth them from Inflammation. If the Decoction be put into a little Wine or Honey, and the third part of so much Myrrh, Pep­per and Frankincense, and be made to boil in some Copper Vessel, it is a singular Re­medy for the Tooth-ach, and Rheums falling into the Eyes. It is good for the Head-ach, being stamped and applied to the Forehead. It likewise stenches Bleeding at the Nose. And the Seed thereof greatly provoketh Urine, and bindeth the Belly, and stayeth Vomi­ting, &c.

Darnel: The Meal of it is good to be applied to Gan­greens, or any the like fretting and consuming Cancers, or corrupted Sores. It is excel­lent to cleanse a Leprous Skin, or that which is affected with Ringworms or Mor­phew. It dissolves Knots and Kernels, being used in quick Brimstone and Vinegar, break­ing those that will not easily dissolve. Being boil'd with Pigeons-Dung and Linseed in White-wine, it gives ease to the Sciatica. The Meal of it, applied Poultis-wise, draws Splinters or Thorns out of the Flesh, as also Splinters of broken Bones, so that they may be easily taken out. The Red Darnel concocted in Red Wine, is excellent to stay Lasks, Fluxes, and bloody Issues; and retains Urine that would otherwise pass away too suddenly.

Doves-foot Is a present Ease for the Wind-colick: it expels the Stone and Gravel in the Kidneys; and boiled in White-wine, is good for Bruises, Hurts or Wounds, stays Bleeding, dissolves and expels congealed Blood, clean­seth old Sores and Ulcers, be­ing washed therewith, and also Fistula's. The green Herb bruised and applied to green Wounds, asswageth the Pain, and allays the Inflam­mation. The Decoction of it in Red Wine eases the Pains of the Gout, and Aches in the Joints or Sinews: the Powder or Decoction of it taken for some time together, is expe­rienc'd to be very helpful in the Rupture or Burstenness of Old or Young. This Herb, by some, is called Cranes-Bill.

Down, by some called Cot­ton-Thistle: The Leaves and Roots help (if the Juice or Decoction of them be drank) Cricks and Pains in the Neck. Galen affirms, That the Roots [Page] and Leaves are of a Healing Quality, and help against Convulsions of the Nerves, whereby any Part of the Body is drawn up by some Spasm, as the Rickets in Chil­dren, and the Shrinking of the Sinews in Old People.

Dragons: The Water of this distilled, scoureth and cleanseth the Body: being ap­ply'd outwardly, it takes away Freckles, Morphew and Sun­burn, especially if mixed with strong Vinegar: an Ointment of it is good in Wounds: it consumes the offensive Flesh growing in the Nostrils, call'd Polypus, and Cancers. If dropt into the Eye, it takes off Films. It is likewise good against the Pestilence.

Drink in Fevers: This is most excellent in hot and con­tinued Fevers, viz. boil a hand­ful of the Leaves of Rue in fair Water till it taste very strong of it; strain it, and add an ounce of beaten Li­corice, and two ounces of Sugar; to half a pint of this add ten drops of Spirit (not Oil) of Vitriol, and use it for an ordinary Drink, and it will allay and drive out the Heat that occasions the Fever.

Drink, another: Take half a pint of Small-beer, half an ounce of burnt Harts-horn; powder it, and boil it a little in the Liquor, and it will for­tifie the Heart, and expell the Heat.

Drink for Malignant Fe­vers: Take Spring-water a quart, give it a walm or two, put into it an ounce of burnt Harts-horn; the Mixture be­ing cold, put in three ounces of Syrup made of the Juice of Lemons; make them well together, and take a quarter of a pint both Morning and Evening.

Drink for Head-Pains: Take of the Leaves of Senna one ounce; Cinamon, Ani­seeds, Fenel-seeds and Cur­rans, of each a dram; Lico­rice two drams, Rosemary and Sweet Marjoram a hand­ful; shred and bruise these, and slice in three or four new Figs, boil them in three pints of Water, with an ounce of Sugar, till a third part be con­sumed; then strain it. The Dose to the weak is about two ounces; but for stronger Bo­dies, from two to four oun­ces. It removes Pains, if the Body be open or soluble, that the Vapours arise not too hastily to afflict the Brain.

Note, If the He [...]d be pained, and the Body bound, endeavour, the first thing you do, to open and render it so­luble; otherwise the ascend­ing of Vapours to the Brain will so disturb the Head, and distemper it with Heat and Pain, that Lightness of the Head, Phrensies, or raging Madness may happen to ensue, if not timely prevented.

Drink correcting sharp Humours: Take an ounce of choice Barley, wash it very clean, then boil it in a quart or more of Spring-water till the Grains begin to burst; then strain the Decoction through a Cloth, and drink it for your ordinary Drink at Meals.

Drink for the Scurvy: Take two handfuls of Water-trefoyl, and suffer it to work in about eight gallons of Wort; use it for all or the greatest part of your ordinary Drink, and it will purge out by gentle breathing Sweats the noxious Humours that occa­sion the Distemper.

Drink for Wheezing: Take five pints of fair Water, half a pint of Honey, six Figs, an ounce of Blue Currants, two drams of Licorice; boil them to the consumption of a pint and drink a quarter of a pint of it both Morning and Even­ing pretty hot. This brings away tough Phlegm, cures the phlegmatick and slimy Cough, and remedies Shortness of Breath.

Dropsie: Take Smallage, Thyme, Hyssop, Watercres­ses, Pennyroyal, Nettle-tops, of each a handful; Caraway-seeds, Calamint, Elecampane-roots, of each one ounce; boil them in six Quarts of running Water until one half be consumed, then strain it: put to this Liquor two quarts of Canary, add Licorice scra­ped and bruised two ounces, Sweet-Fenel-seeds one ounce, Cumin-seeds, and Alexan­der-seeds, of each two drams: boil all these together again for half an hour, then strain it for use. Take nine spoon­fuls of this Liquor in the Morning fasting, and as much about three or four in the Afternoon, and continue it for some time.

Dropsie: Take the Root of Gors (it groweth upon Hills and Heaths, and is full of Prickles and yellow Flow­ers) pare off the outward Bark, which throw away; then scrape off the inner Rinde, and fill a pint Bottle with it lightly; then fill it up with Rhenish or White-wine; let it stand to infuse all night, the next morning drink a glass-ful of it, and continue it till you are cured.

Dropsie: Take Rue, Ca­momil, Melilot, Calamint, of each two ounces; beat them small, and boil them in Wine, and Oil of Dill; then add of Gummi Carana, as much as sufficeth to make a Plaister.

Dropwort-Root, its Ver­tue: A Decoction of it pro­vokes Urin and expels Gra­vel, cures the Heat of Urin, and removes the difficulty in making it. The Juice of the Root, and the Powder, are held to be successful in the Falling-sickness. The Dose is [Page] a dram of the Powder or Juice of the Root in Wine. It's excellent in stopping Fluxes. It heals the Rup­tures of the Belly, and cures the Bloody-flux.

Ducks-Meat: It swims on the Tops of Ponds, mostly in Summer-time; it helps In­flammations and St. Anthony's-Fire, as also the Gout, when applied Poultis-wise with Bar­ley-meal. The distilled Wa­ter of it is good against In­flammations inwardly, and Pe­stilential Fevers. It removes the Redness of Sore-eyes, and the Swellings of the Breasts of Women, if apply'd before they be grown too large. The Herb fresh, easeth the Pains of the Head, if caused by Hear, or hot Inflammations.

Dullness of Hearing: Take the Juice of Red O­nions, and drop it into the Ears, stopping them with Cotton-wool; or the Juice of Briony-root, but not too of­ten, nor too much at a time; and the Obstructions, by this means, being opened and re­moved, the Hearing will be recovered and re­moved, the Hearing will be recovered and restored

Dysentery: for this Dis­ease, which many times proves very dangerous, Take the Dung of a Pig, dry it very well, and burn it till it be­comes grey, in Ashes; put about half a dram of it into a spoonful of Vinegar, and drink it both Morning and Evening, and it will remove this Distemper.

Dysentery: To remove this, and other sharp Fluxes, Take the Herbs and Leaves of Fleabane, dry it by de­grees, till it be reduceable to a Powder; take about a dram of it twice or thrice a day in White-wine, or you may take it rolled up in Conserve of Roses.

EArs Imposthumated: If you perceive any Im­posthume breeding in the Ears; To ripen it, Take fine Wheat-flower an ounce and an half, Fenegreek-seed, Eels-grease, Litharge of Gold, Ceruse and Frankincense, of each one dram; mix them together, and make a Plaister of them; lay it all over the Ear, having first dropt in some Oil of Myrrh: when 'tis ready to break, take Sar­cocolla, Aloes, Dragons-blood, Myrrh and Frankincense, the [Page] Dross of Iron and Verde­grease, of each half a dram; mix them with Vinegar to a thinness, dip a Taint therein, and put it into the Ear.

Earth-worms Prepared: To do this, that they may be kept for any use, you must only slit them down the mid­dle, wash them well in White-wine or Whitewine-Vinegar; then dry them in the Sun, and put them up into dry Boxes to make Powders, or for other Uses upon occa­sion.

Ebony: The Decoction of it, when rasp'd or made thin in Shavings, is approv'd in Convulsions, if it be drank sweetned with Honey.

Eels to Collar: Take a large silver Eel, take out the Back-Bone, dry and season it after its having been washed, with beaten Nutmeg and Salt, then cut off the Head, and roul in the Tail, being season­ed in the sides; bind it up close and straight in a fine white Cloth, then put it into a fit Pipkin, with as much fair Water and Whitewine, as will cover it upward of two inches, of each a like quantity: then season it with some Salt, and the Eel being put into the boiling Liquor when it is boiled pretty ten­der, take it up; and when the Liquor is almost cool, put to it a little Vinegar, and make a souce of it, adding some Blades of Mace, and a few Bay-Leaves and Tops of Rosemary; and when you intend to use it, take it out of the Cloath, pare it, and dish it up: place a Sprig of Rosemary in the middle of it, and boil up the Liquor it was boiled in to a Jelly, by adding a little Isinglass, and so serve it to the Table.

Eels, Court-fashion, to Bake: Cut your Eels, being warned, stripped, and well cleaned, into convenient lengths, have a convenient earthen Pot, or Vessel, that being put in, they may stand end-ways; and put to them a spoonful or two of Water, with some chopt Sage, Marjoram, Thyme and Rose-mary-Tops, with a little Pep­per, Garlick, or Shalors, small bruised; and when they are enough, beat up some Butter with Claret, Whitewine, and the Liquor that comes from them, and laying them in or­der in a fair Dish, serve them up.

Eels another way to Dress: Having drawn them and wa­shed them in clean Water, rub them in Pepper and Salt fine­ly beaten; cut them athwart on both sides a good depth, then crossways, and so cut them thorough in such pieces as you think convenient: then having a pint of Whitewine-Vinegar pretty well heated in a Dish, put them to it, and [Page] sprinkle a little Salt; and then having a Pot over the Fire full of fair Water, put more to your Eels, some sliced Onion, a few Cloves and Mace; and so place your Dish, or other Vessel wherein they are, that the boiling Water in the Pot may surround it, but not come into it; and when by that heat, with often turn­ing them, they are sufficient­ly enough, take them out and drain them from the li­quor; and when they are cold, take a pint of White-wine, boil it up with Saffron to colour it; then take out some of the liquor, or put it into an earthen Pan, take out the Onions, and all the Herbs, suffering the Cloves and Mace to remain, and so serve them up in the Liquor, adding some beaten Butter and Powder of Cinamon or Ginger; and this way they are accounted the best of any boiled.

Eels Hash'd: Take two or three large Eels, bone them: when they are drawn and wash'd, mince them; then season then with some Cloves and Mace, and put to them Stewing-Oysters, an Onion cut in four quarters, and a little White-wine: stew them with these and an Anchove or two on a gentle fire: then serve them up on fine carved Sippets, the Dish being gar­nish'd with some slices of Oranges; run them over with beaten butter, the Yolk of an Egg or two, grated Nutmeg, and the Juice of an Orange.

Eel-Pye, to Season: Take about eight silver Eels of a middle size, cut them into convenient lengths; beat half an ounce of Cloves and Mace, scrape two Nutmegs, and put in a quarter of an ounce of Pepper: then take a quar­ter of whole Mace, break it into little sprigs, strew it on with Salt; and add two pound of Butter, placing it under and above the Eels in thin slices.

Eel, to Roast: Take a large silver Eel, draw off the Skin, and cleanse it well: then take a handful of Thyme, Winter-savory, Marjoram, Rosemary and Sage; shred them, and bruise them small; incorporate them with about half a pound of Sweet-Butter, and a little grated Nutmeg and Mace; stuff it into the Eels Belly, sow it up lightly, and then draw the Skin over him: prick it full of holes, to pre­vent breaking, so tie it to a Spit and roast it; saving what comes from it, to be beaten up with some Butter and Cla­ret for the Sauce.

Eels Spitchcockt or Broil'd: Take a pretty large Eel, split it down the Back, and joint the Bone, but leave on the Skin, and cut it into four pieces of equal bigness; salt and baste them with Butter [Page] and Vinegar, broil them on a gentle fire; and being well broiled, serve them up with beaten Butter and Juice of Lemons, and garnish'd with Sprigs of Rosemary.

Eels Stewed: Having drawn and wash'd them, place them round or in pieces; then with a quart of Whitewine, a pint and a half of Wine-Vinegar, and a quart of Wa­ter; some Salt, and a hand­ful of Rosemary and Thyme bound hard up, letting them boil before you put in the Eels; let them take a walm or two, and so put to them some whole Pepper, and a few blades of large Mace; and being boiled, dish them with some of the Broth, beat up thick with Butter: place Sip-pets, sliced Lemon, Barber­ries and Grapes about the Dish, and so serve them up.

Eels Stewed: To do this, You must cut the Eels in pieces at moderate lengths, and put them into your Stew-pans, with White-wine, But­ter, Parsley shred, and some Capers; a few Chippings of Bread, to allay the Sauce; and when all is enough, serve it up: and if you please, you may make a white Sauce to it with Whites of Eggs and Ver­juice, or Whits-wine and Vi­negar.

Eels, another way: Cut two or three Eels into pieces of a convenient length, set them endwise in an Earthen-Pot, and put in a spoonful or two of Water; and to them put some Sage, Thyme and Winter-savory chopt small, season them with Salt and Pepper, and so set them in the Oven, and serve them up with a Sauce of Butter, Mace, Nutmeg, Verjuice, and the Herbs baked with them.

Eglantine: The Vertues of the Flowers are Astringent, for which reason they are used with Success in Fluxes of the Womb: the Fruit is in high esteem for its Lithontriptick Vertue; the Heads being ripe, afford a Pulp of a very plea­sant sharp Taste, which some reckon good in Fevers, or to sharpen and restore lost Appe­tites. The Conserve of it is good against Spitting of Blood, and the Scurvy. The Root boiled in White-wine, and inwardly and outwardly ap­plied, heals the Bitings of Mad Dogs. The Ashes of it cure the Heat of Urine, and kill Worms.

Take the Conserve of Hips and Wood-sorrel, of each one ounce; Cream of Tartar a dram, Conserve of Barberries half an ounce; and with the Juice of Lemons and fine Su­gar make these into an E­lectuary, and thrice a Day take the quantity of a small Nut. It is excellent in allay­ing the Heat of Fevers, and Cooling the Blood.

Eggs Fricased: Take twelve Eggs, Cream, Sugar, Nutmeg, Mace and Rose-water; then pare and take out the Cores of some good Apples, slice them very thin into the Pan, and fry them in Sweet-Butter; and when they are enough, take them up, and fry half the Eggs and Cream with more Sweet-Butter; then put in the rest of the Eggs and Cream, and lay the Apples round the Pan and the Eggs that were first fryed uppermost. Dish them on Plates, and put to them the Juice of Oranges and Sugar.

Eggs to Poach: To do these the best and surest way, Take a dozen of new-lay'd Eggs, and the Flesh of four Partridges, or other Fowls; mince the Flesh small, and season it with a few beaten Nutmegs, Cloves and Mace; adding a Ladle-ful of the Gravy of Mutton, wherein two or three Anchovies are dissolv'd: then set it a stewing over a gentle fire, and when it is half stewed, and boiling up, break in your Eggs one by one, putting away the better half of the Whites; make a place in your Dish of Meat, and therein put the Yolks of the Eggs round in order a­mong it; so set them to stew till your Eggs be enough, taking care they harden not; then grate in a little Nutmeg, and the Juice of a couple of Oranges, but none of the Seeds; wipe the sides of the Dish, and garnish it with sli­ces of Oranges, and Lemons, and a little Pepper, Sugar and Salt.

Eggs Quelquechose: Break about forty Eggs, and beat them together with some Salt; fry them at four times on one side; and before you take them out of the Pan, make a Compound or Composition of hard Eggs; boil some Sweet-Herbs finely shred with some Currants: Then put them to the Eggs, and strew them over with beaten Cinamon, Almond-paste, Juice of Oranges and Sugar; and dividing them, roul them up like Wafers, and put them in a Dish with Juice of Lemons, and white Sugar: then warm and Ice them over in an Oven with beaten Butter and fine Sugar, and serve them up as a Dish very admirable and rare.

Eggs the Spanish way: Take about twenty new-lay'd Eggs, break, and mix them with a quarter of a pint of Canary, and a quarter of a pound of fine Sugar, some grated Nutmeg, and Salt; beat them together with the Juice of an Orange, set them over a gentle fire, keep them stirring till they begin to thicken; serve them up in a Dish with toasted Manchet and scraped Sugar; sprinkle [Page] them over with Orange-juice, Comfits or sweet Wine, having dipt the Toasts before you lay them in Juice of Oranges, Claret, or White-wine.

Electuarium Diacartha­mum: Take of the Spices of Diatragacanth frigid half an ounce, of the Pulp of Pre­served Quinces one ounce, of the Marrow of the Seeds of Bastard-saffron half an ounce, white Ginger two drams, Diagrydium powder'd a-part three drams, of white Turbith six drams, Manna two ounces; Solutive Honey of Roses strained, and Sugar-candy, of each an ounce; of Hermodactyls half an ounce, white Sugar boiled to the Consistence of solid Electuary ten ounces and an half: and when it is hot, mix with it the Honey of Manna and Pulp of Quinces; then add the Powders, and make it up into solid Electuary, to be formed into Tablers. It is excellent good for Pains in the Stomach, and comforteth the Heart and Brain.

Electuarium Diaprunum: 'Tis so called from the Plums of which it is partly made, and is made of Damascens after the following manner: Take of those that are large, ripe and fresh, about a quart; let them boil in a sufficient quantity of Water till you can easily pulp them thorough a Sieve; then boil an ounce of Violet-flowers fresh or dried, in the same Liquor, and strain it, and add to it two pound of Sugar, boil'd up to a Sy­rup; then add the Pulp a­bove-nam'd, and of the Pulp of Cassia and Tamarinds strain­ed and dissolved in a small quantity of the Liquor, of each an ounce: boil it up again, stir it continually, and add the following Powders, viz. Saunders, White and Red, and Rhubarb, of each three drams; Red Roses, Violets, the Seeds of Purslain, Endive, Barberries, Gum Tragacanth, and the Juice of Licorice, of each two drams; of the great Cold Seeds one dram. These being made into an Electuary, are exceeding good in Fevers, as being Cold and Moist.

Electuary of Citron So­lutide: Take Citron-peel candied, of the Conserve of the Flowers of Bugloss, of Species of Diatragacanth fri­gid, and Diagrydium, of each half an ounce; of Turbith five drams; Ginger half a dram; of the Leaves of Senna six drams; and of the Seeds of sweet Fenel a dram; of white Sugar dissolved in Rose-water, and boiled up to a suf­ficiency, ten ounces: beat in a Brass Mortar the Turbith and Ginger, being first cut small: the Senna, Fenel and Diagrydium must be pow­der'd apart, and mixed with a little of the Diatragacanth: [Page] the Bark of the Citron must be pounded in a Marble Mor­tar; then add the Conserves pulped thorough a fine Sieve, and boiled a little in the Su­gar dissolv'd: take it off the fire, and when it is just warm, put in the Powders, and lastly the Diagrydium and Diatra­gacanth: of this Paste make Tablets, which are good a­gainst Pestilential Distempers, or for such as have been bit by any venomous Creatures.

Electuary of Lawrel-Berries: Take ten drams of the Powder of dried Rue; the Seeds of Bishops-weed, Cumin and Lovage, Caraways, Nigellum, wild Marjoram, wild Carrots, Parsley, Bitter Al­monds, Round and Long Pep­per, Horse Mint, Lawrel-Ber­ries and Castor, of each two drams; Sagapenum half an ounce, Clarify'd Honey a pound and an half, Opopanax three drams: these things be­ing well beaten, bruised and mixed together, add the Gums, towards the end, dissolved in White-wine, and make them up into an Electuary.

A dram of it may be taken at any time. It is good for the Colick, expels Wind, and strengthens the Stomach; and when, upon extraordinary Oc­casions, it is given in Clysters, near half an ounce of it may be mingled with the other Ingredients.

Electuary Lenitide: Take of Raisins stoned; Polypody of the Oak, Oriental Senna, of each two ounces; Mer­cury a handful and an half; Jubebs and Sebestenes, of each twenty five; Maidenhair, Vio­lets and Barley cleansed, of each a handful; Damask Prunes and Tamarinds, of each six drams; Licorice half an ounce: boil them in five quarts of Water to the consumption of a third part: then strain them out hard in part of the Liquor dissolved, of the Pulp of Cassia and Tamarinds, fresh Prunes, Violets and Sugar, of each six ounces: and in the other part of the Liquor dis­solve two pound of fine Su­gar; then add an ounce and an half of the Powder of Senna, and two drams of the Powder of Aniseeds, for e­very pound of the Electuary, and so make it up according to Art. This is an excellent Electuary for Cooling and Purging gently. The Dose is from an ounce to an ounce and an half.

Electuary for Obstructi­ons: Take Cinamon, Mace, the Roots of Asarabacca, Spike­nard, Mastick and Saffron, of each six drams; unwash'd A­loes twelve ounces and an half, clarify'd Honey a pound and three ounces; make these up into an Electuary. It powerfully opens Obstru­ctions, yet purgeth but gent­ly, and greatly cleanses the [Page] Stomach. The Dose is from two to three drams.

Electuary Purging: Take Rhubarb an ounce, bring it into Powder; then in a Mar­ble or Glass Mortar put about half a pound of Currans clean pick'd and wash'd, and bruis'd as small as may be, strewing and incorporating the Powder of Rhubarb with them; and of it take in the Morning fast­ing as much as an ordinary Walnut. This is good for Pains and Gripes, and espe­cially Worms in Children.

Electuary of Sassafras: Take of this fragrant Wood two ounces, three pints of Spring-water; boil them to the consumption of a third part, adding towards the end, half an ounce of Cinamon bruised; then place two pound of Sugar in an earthen Pan, and strain out the Li­quor to it; and being well mixed, boil it up into a Syrup, adding two drams more of beaten Cinamon, half a scru­ple of Powder of Nutmeg, Ambergrise thirty two grains, Musk three grains, ten beaten Leaves of Gold, and so make it up into an Electuary with four drops of the Spirit of Vitriol.

This is a singular good Dry­ing Medicine, and therefore to be taken in Rheumatisms, or Moist Diseases, and conse­quently in Defluxions of Rheums and the Dropsie. A dram is sufficient for a Dose in some Cordial-water that is healing or chearing the Noble Parts.

Elixir for the Head: Take Misleto that grows on the Oak, Piony-roots, and the bigger Valerian, of each an ounce and an half; Laurel, Juniper-berry, and Piony-seeds, of each an ounce: Ci­namon, Mace and Cubebs, of each three drams; Flowers of Rosemary, and Laven­der, of each a handful: bruise what is to be so bruised, and macerate them together twen­ty four hours in the Water of Black Cherries and Lily of the Valleys, and Spirit of Wine rectified, of each twen­ty four ounces: then having distilled them, dissolve in the Water a pound of the best white Sugar, and a dram of the Tincture of Amber­grise: keep it close stop­ped.

Elixir Proprietatis: The new way to do this, is to take Saffron, Myrrh and Aloes, of each half an ounce; the recti­fied Spirit of Wine very near three quarters of a pint; Spi­rit of Sulphur per campanam, half an ounce: draw, in the first place, a Tincture from the Saffron into the Spirit of Wine, by infusing or digest­ing it six or seven Days: then add grossly bruised Aloes and Myrrh, and the Spirit of Sul­phur; digest them in a long [Page] Viol well stopp'd for the space of thirty Days, but keep it frequently shaking; then you will find a black Tincture on the faeces, pour that off, and let it stand still for twelve hours, and so decant it till you find no faeces at the bot­tom. The Dose is fifteen or twenty drops in a Morning, in a glass of Wine, or some other convenient Liquor.

This Elixir is Stomachick, Anodyne, Alexipharmick, and Uterine. It has great success in Tertian Agues, and may be safely given to all Ages and Constitutions. It Alters, Evacuates and Strengthens.

Elixir Proprietatis. Vid. Antiscorbutick Elixir Pro­prietatis.

Elixir Salutis: Take of the Leaves of Senna, four ounces; Guajacum and the Roots of Elecampane dried, of the Seeds of Anise, Cara­ways and Coriander, of each two ounces; of Licorice two ounces; Raisins of the Sun stoned half a pound: infuse them cold in three quarts of Aqua-vitae, or some other good Spirit of the like Na­ture, not too strong, for the space of four Days: draw it off, and bottle it up. If it proves an excellent Cordial, you may, if you would have it somewhat more Purging, put a few slices of Rhubarb into it. It is good in the Colick, or any Pains of the Belly; also it cleanses the Sto­mach, and dissolves the Stone in the Bladder or Kidneys. It brings away the Gravel and Stone. Two or three spoon­fuls are a sufficient Dose for an ordinary Constitution; and so more or less, as it can be borne.

Elme: The Leaves, Bran­ches and Bark of this Tree are Astringent. The Leaves bruised with Vinegar, stop Bleeding; and applied to fresh Wounds, facilitate their Cure; as also boiled in Vi­negar very strong, they much avail in the Leprosie. The Bark of the younger Sprigs boiled in Spring-water almost to the Consistence of a Sy­rup, and a third part of A­qua-vitae mixed with it, is an excellent Remedy for the Gout in the Hip, if the Part affected with it be fomented before the Fire. The Wa­ter in the Bladders on the Leaves, clears the Skin, and mends the Complexion. Cloaths being wet in this VVater, and applied, helps Burstenness in Children, the Bowels being at the same time kept up with a Truss.

Take of the Bark of Elme six drams, Red Roses half a handful, Raisins of the Sun stoned twenty: boil them in a sufficient quantity of Wa­ter to a pint and an half; dis­solve in it Honey of Roses, and simple Oxymel, of each [Page] two ounces. It is an excel­lent Gargarisme for Inflamma­tions, and in hot Diseases that dry and parch the Mouth or Throat, or in such as afflict them with too much Phlegm and slimy Matter.

Emplaster of Bettony: Take green Bettony, Burnet, Sage, Milfoil, Agrimony, Peneroyal, and the lesser Centaury, great Comfrey and Clary, of each six ounces; Mastick and Frankincense, of each three drams; Orris and round Bith­wort, of each six drams; white Beeswax, and clarified Turpentine, of each eight ounces; Rosin of the Pine six ounces; Gum-Elemy, and Oil of Firr, of each two oun­ces; Whitewine three pints: beat the Herbs very well, and set them seven or eight Days to infuse in Whitewine; stir them well, then boil them, and strain out the VVine: boil it with a gentle Fire to the consumption of a third part; add the Oil of Firr, next the VVax melted, and so the Rosin and Gum, and the Turpentine; and having boiled them a little, and re­moved them from the Fire, cool them by degrees; then put to all these, well mixed, the Powders of Orris, and Bithwort, and make 'em into an Emplaster.

This is exceeding strength­ening and restoring. It is apply'd with great success to fractured or broken Bones, al so to strengthen weak Joints. and heal Sprains or Bruises of the Sinews; small Emplasters of it layed to the Temples and Nape of the Neck, draw Rheums away from the Eyes, and also ease Pains in the Head.

Emplastrum Caesaris: This is called Caesar's Plaister, for the strength it gives to those that are weakned with Sickness or Hurts. To make it, Take red Roses an ounce and a half, the Roots of Bith­wort, Cyprus Nuts, the seve­ral sorts of Saunders, Mint, Corianderseed, Dragrons-Blood, Hypocistis, Acacia, seal'd-Earth, bole and red Coral powdered, of each two drams; Turpentine that has been in­fused in Plantain-water four ounces, Oil of Roses three ounces, white VVax twelve ounces, Rosin of the Pine ten ounces, Stone-pitch six ounces, Plantane, Orpin, and Housleek-Juices, of each an ounce. To the Rosin, VVax, and Pitch melted together, add the Turpentine and Oil, then the Hypocistis and Aca­cia dissolved in the Juices, and then the Powders; and so over a gentle Fire make them into an Emplaster, or Cere­cloath.

It is very astringent, and therefore strengthens the Back and all other Parts of the Bo­dy, removes Pains, and is a [Page] most excellent Remedy for the over-straining of the Si­news.

Endive-Water: This is an excellent cooling VVater to mix with cooling Syrups, and to give in Fevers and hot Diseases: It allays Inflammati­ons and the Heat of the Blood. The Herb eaten in Sallads raw or boiled, resists Choler. It prevents Heat breaking out, that deforms the Body with Pimples and Redness, and fre­quent flushings of the Face.

Epilepsie: Children, it is observed, are many times troubled with the Falling-Sickness, either during the first Month after a Loosness, (in which case, Diacodium, to the quantity of a Pepper-Corn dissolved in Saxifrage-water, or the Woman's Milk, is gi­ven with success,) or about the time of their breeding Teeth from the 7th. to the 10th. Month; it is accompa­nied with a Cough, or, what is worse, Vomiting and Loos­ness, voiding green Excre­ments: In this case apply a blistering Plaister, as soon as may be to the hinder Part of the Neck.

Take of Langius's Epileptick Water three drams, Liquid Laudanum two drops, or more, if the Child be strong; Syrup of Peony one dram; mix them for a Draught, which must be presently given: or, Take of the VVater of Rue three ounces, Langius's Epi­leptick Water, the Compound of Briony-Water, of each an ounce; Syrup of Gilliflow­ers half an ounce. Of these well mixed together make a Cordial or Julep, and give a spoonful every Hour, if the forementioned Draught has not discussed the Paroxysm.

Eringoes, otherways cal­led Sea-Holly: It forces Urin and the Courses, expels VVind, helps the Jaundice, and eases the Gripes in the Belly and Stomach. The Roots candi­ed are reckoned amongst Sweet-meats as very wholsom and pleasant, and are good Preservatives against the Plague, contagious Fevers, and infe­ctious Airs: those that have the Consumption would do well to eat them often. The Roots candied, cure the Go­norrhea, and prove advanta­gious in contributing to the Cure of the French-Pox. Some hold that being stam­ped and applied to the Bellies of VVomen, they prevent Abortion.

Erysipelas: This is a ve­ry strange Distemper, for all Parts of the Body, with the Face especially, are swollen red, and full of Pains, over­spread with little thick Pim­ples, which sometimes rise in­to Blisters, and the Eyes seem to be closed with the Swel­lings, Coldness, Shivering, and the like. In this case, open [Page] a Vein in the Arm, let not the quantity taken away ex­ceed nine or ten ounces. Then take of Lily-roots and Marsh­mallow-roots, of each an ounce; Camomil-flowers, Elder an Base Mullein, Mellilot, the Tops of St. John's-wort, an the lesser Centaury, of each a handful; Fenugreekseed and Linseed of each half an ounce; boil them to three pound in a quantity of Water sufficient to do it; strain out the Li­quor, and when you design it for use, add two ounces of the Spirit of Wine, and in this Water so strained out, dip pieces of new Flannel, and having squeezed them, apply them hot, often anoint­ing the Parts so grieved after fomentation, with the fllow­ing Direction.

Take half a pint of the Spirit of Wine, Treacle two ounces, Long-pepper and Cloves in Powder, of each two drams; make these, by mixture and infusion, as strong as may be; and being strain­ed, dip Cap-paper into the Liquid so strained, and apply it wet and warm to the af­flicted Part; and for the more speedy Remedy after letting Blood, the Party may take a Clyster of Milk with Syrup of Violets, and cooling E­mulsions and Juleps.

Erysipelas: An experi­enced Remedy for this, is, the Blood of a Hare, best in March, but at other times may serve: Take it hot if you can, and anoint the Place infected with it; otherwise apply a Linnen-Rag, that has, though a good while since, through­ly imbibed the fresh Blood, and dryed in the Air; but if it be too hard or stiff, soften it with a little fair VVater, the cold taken off.

Evil: for this, common­ly called the Kings-Evil, Take Cuttlebone uncalcined, scrape off the outside, or that which is coloured, dry the white part, and beat it to Powder very fine, and take half a dram in a spoonful of Aqua Malvae.

Excoriation: This is when the true Cutis is affected; then Take Prunella, called in English Self-heal, bruise it well in a Mortar of glass or stone, and apply it to the Part af­flicted, renewing it but sel­dom, and sometimes not at all.

Excoriations: Melt Mut­ton-Suet of the Kidneys, freed from Fibres or Strings, two ounces; add by little and lit­tle sixteen or eighteen drops, though in small Matters eight or ten may serve, of Oil of Turpentine; spread the Mix­ture on a Linnen-Cloath, and apply it to the Part afflicted by binding, or otherwise.

Expectoration: This is designed to ripen Coughs; and dissolve Phlegm. To do it, [Page] Take hard Onions, fry them with sweet Butter, or first with a little fair Water, to take away their Tast; then take them out of the Pan and boil them with new Milk till it be well impregnated with them, and they become ten­der: Mash them together, and for your better Accom­modation, you may scrape Among them some Sugar-Can­dy, it matters not whether white or brown, and put it up in a Gally pot, taking Night and Morning two or three spoonfuls.

Eyes Blistered: Take Saffron half a dram, the Juice of Sloes a scruple; mix them with Rose-water, and beat them into as fine a thinness as you can with the White of an Egg, and drop a little of it into the Eyes, and anoint the Eye-lids with it when you go to Bed.

Eye bright: It chiefly helps and strengthens the Sight, and cures such Diseases as are in­cident to the Eyes. The di­stilled VVater wonderfully strengthens the Sight, and the Juice is very good on the like account. Divers knowing O­culists order the Parties, whose Sights are defective, to use this Herb in Sallads, and in their Broths; and Drink.

Eye Bruised: Take Bet­tony and Eye-bright VVater, of each a spoonful; drop three or four drops of clarified Ho­ny into it, then shake them together, dip a fine Rag or Cotten into it, and lay it to the Part grieved.

Eyes Burnt or Scalded: Take Mucilages of Quince-seed, Fleawort, Linseed and Fenugreekseed, of each a scru­ple; boil them a little in four ounces of Bettony-water, fil­ter it, and apply it to the Part.

Eyes to Cure: If the Eyes be dull, cloudy, or specks, spots, or films begin to appear on them, Take Paracelsus, (Zibethum Occidentale) viz. Human-Dung of a good co­lour and consistence, dry it by degrees moderately, till it be capable of being reduced to Powder, then powder it and searce it very fine, a lit­tle of which must be blown once or twice a day into the Eyes, as the nature of the de­fect requires; then keep it in for a time by closing the Lids, and so wash it off with Eye-bright-water.

Eyes foul, a Water: Take prepared Pearl and Coral, of each a scruple; Aloes finely powdered three grains, red Rose-water and Succory, of each an ounce, mix them well: and if you would have the Mixture stronger, put in a few grains of Trochisci Albi Rhasis in very fine Powder, and wash the Eyes with it as you see occasion.

Eyes Inflam'd, or Blood­shot: Boil a new-lay'd Egg hard, cut it in halves without taking out the Yolk, and ap­ply one of these considerably warm, but not too hot, to the Eye grieved; and keep it on, if need requires, six or eight hours, and it will draw away the Heat: Or you may make a Poultis with it and rotten Apples, and apply it in the same manner.

Eyes Inflamed: Take the Juice of a rotten Pippin; some Hen-dung, that of it which is the whitest; beat the White of an Egg very fine, burn the Hen-dung to Powder, put the Apple-juice to the White of the Egg; add Loaf-sugar finely scraped: and having well mixed them together, dip a Feather in them, and drop a few drops into the Eyes, winking hard to keep it in; and by often so doing, you will find the Pain, Redness and Heat a­bated.

Or This, (especially if the Sight be weakned with the long continuance of the In­flammation, or any other matter,) Pouder very small a whole Nutmeg, so that be­ing dried well, it may be sif­ted thorough a fine Lawn: do the like by the Leaves and Flowers of Eyebright, the tender Tops and the Seeds of Fenel; add a small quan­tity of burnt Alom and fine Sugar as finely powder'd: mix these together, and take the Composition from a dram to two ounces or more at a time, doing it often, and washing your Eyes both Morning and Evening with fair Water.

Eyes, an Ointment in general: Take new Hogs-lard two ounces, Tutia pre­pared six drams, Lapis Hae­matitis washed one scruple, Aloes wash'd and pouder'd twelve grains, Seed-pear fine­ly powder'd three grains; steep the Lard in Rose-water six hours, and then wash it very well in Whitewine: powder the Tutia very fine­ly, and so over a gentle fire make it into an Ointment with a little Fenel-water. And in case of any grief in the Eyes, you may use it with success by anointing the Eye-lids, and Corners of the Eyes, for present ease, till you meet with a more parti­cu [...] Remedy.

Eyes Pained: For the extraordinary Pain or Heavi­ness in the Eyes, Take Flower of Melilot, of Elder and of Marrigolds, of each a small handful; Linseeds, Fene­greek, Fleawort, Cummin and Quinces, of each half a scruple; French Barley half an ounce, Damask roses half an ounce, Spring-water a pint and an half: mix, boil and strain these well, and with [Page] the Decoction foment the Forehead and Temples consi­derably warm.

Eyes, their Pains to as­swage: Take young Endive, and stamp it with the Oil of Roses and Violets, and anoint the Corners of the Eyes and the Eye-lids with it; and so doing often, the Pain will quickly be abated.

Eye-Salve: Take Oil of Myrtle, and Juice of Rue, of each two ounces; boil them, and strain out the liquid part, and set it again upon the fire, and put to it Saphire prepared half a dram, Jacinth one scruple, and Antimony half a scruple; burnt Copper one scruple, Tutia prepared three drams: let them seeth on a gentle fire, and add two or three drams of Bees-wax, and so anoint the Eye-lids, or spread it on a thin piece of Silk, and lay it on the Eyes. This helps Watry Eyes, the Pains in them, and stays De­fluxions of Rheums.

Eye-Salve, another: Take Starch three quarters of an ounce, Tutia prepared in Rose-water half an ounce, fresh Hogs-grease an ounce; bruise and temper them well together: anoint the Eye-lids, Forehead and Temples with it. It remedies Inflam­mations, Pains, Wounds and Bloodshot Eyes.

Eye-Lid Sore: Take Tutia and white Sugar-candy, of each half a dram; Pow­der of red Roses a dram and an half, the Crumbs of white-Bread half an ounce; Coral prepared, and Pearl, of each half a dram; Flowers of Saint John's-wort one dram: make these into a Poultis, and lay it to the Eye on a fine Cloth.

Eyes Spotted: If any Spots appear growing on the Eye, Take fine White-Paper, let it flame away upon a clean Pewter Plate, till so much Oil of the Paper sticks to the Plate as you have occasion for; so blow off the Ashes of the Paper, and with a little of your Spittle mingled with the Oil, mix it with your Finger, or some other con­venient thing, into an Oint­ment; which with a Feather apply gently to your Eyes once or twice a day, as need shall require, or as you can bear it; for it will make the Eyes smart, but in a little time you will find the bene­fit of it.

Eyes Red: Take three grains of Camphire, and a large blanched Almond; in­corporate them well by grind­ing them, and add by little and little two or three ounces of Red Rose-water, still grind­ing them till the whole be brought to a kind of Emul­sion, drop a little of this in the place affected, and it will, by often so doing, ease the [Page] Pain, and take away the Red­ness.

Eyes Red and Fiery: Take Ground-Ivy, single Dai­sie-roots, and Housleek: di­still them, or for want of that Convenience, press out the Juice; dissolve in two ounces of the Water or Juice about a quarter of a spoonful of clarify'd Honey, and suf­fer them to depurate by resi­dence; then drop it into the Eyes, two or three drops at a time, and continue so do­ing four or five times a day: But if there be no great In­flammation, there must be more of the Daisie-root and Ground-Ivy, than of the Housleek.

Eye-Water: Take Gum­arabick, Rose-leaves, Saffron, Spica, of each a quarter of an ounce; beat them small, and make Cakes of them with Spring-water; and when you are to use it, take a dram thereof and steep it in the White of an Egg well beaten, and wash the Eye with it; and by often so doing, it will not only repell the Mat­ter, and consume the Pain, but produce a clearer Sight than usual.

Or, Take Juice of Fennel well clarify'd an ounce, Aloes two drams and a half, Leaf of beaten Gold, mix them well together; then add seven grains of Frankincense, and dissolve them in Whitewine: mix them all together with Fenel and Rose-water, and drop three or four drops of it into the Eye twice a Day.

Eye-Water, another: Take two or three ounces of the simple Water of Pimpernel, distill it in Balneo, and put it into a little Pot or Porringer of Rose-copper, and then put into it the quantity of a hazle Nut of strong Quick-lime; cover it, and let the Ingre­dients lie till the Liquor hath acquired a bluish Colour; very warily pour off the clear, and add to it as much live-Honey as will give it a little Taste. If you find it too strong, weaken it with Water of Pimpernel, or clear Spring-water, and apply it to the Eyes, by bathing them with a linnen Rag dipt in it. This takes away Heat, Pains, sharp Rheums, Prickles and Inflam­mations of the Eyes.

Eye-Water, another: Take Red Rose-water, and Water of Plantain, of each an ounce; Tutia prepared half a scruple, Lapis Lazuli pre­pared six grains, Red Coral prepared five grains: mix and make them into a Collyrium, or Eye-Water. This dropt into the Eye, being first very well mixed by shaking, won­derfully revives and clears the Sight, provided there be no great foulness nor scrophulous disposition of the Body, or temperament of the Party, [Page] It takes away the Redness from the Eye-lids, if a Sponge be dipt in it, and often wet­ted with it: it also takes off thin Skins very easily.

Eye-Water, another: Take the Flowers of Corn-flower, Blue-bottles gathered with their Cups; bruise and infuse them in Snow-water twenty-four hours at the least, then distill them in a moderate Sand-bath.

This Water being very Cooling, most effectually cures the Infirmities of the Eyes, especially those that are trou­bled with Inflammations. It Chears, Strengthens and Pre­serves the Sight.

Falling-sickness: Take half a dram of choice Amber, powder it ve­ry fine, and take it fasting once a day in a quar­ter or a pint of Whitewine, for seven or eight days suc­cessively

Falling-sickness: Take Misleto of the Oak, the Leaves and Berries, and all the ten­der Branches; dry them in a gentle Oven or Stove, so that they may be beat to Powder: sift it very fine, and give as much as will lie on a Shilling, for one of riper years: for middle age a lesser quantity; and so to a Child, by lessen­ing the Dose. Let it be taken both Morning and Evening in Couslip-water, three Days before and three Days after the Full of the Moon: re­peat the Dose for a conside­rable time, at least two Months, if necessity requires it.

Falling-sickness, another: Take Senna two ounces; Tur­bith, Mechoacan, of each half an ounce; Raspings of Elks-hoof, Powder of a dead Man's Skull, and Nutmeg, of each two drams; Roots and Seeds of Peony, Misleto of the Oak, of each half a dram; Cardamom, Cassia Lignea, and Cloves, of each a dram; Flow­ers of Male Peony, of Lilly of the Valleys, of Lavender, of the Tyle-tree, of each half a dram; Rhenish-wine one quart and half a pint: digest these in a warm place for two Days, then strain out the liquid part, and sweeten in with three ounces of double-refined Sugar. This is also good against Vapours.

Falling-sickness, another: Take white Incense, called O­libanum; Mastick and Spick­nard, of each three ounces; Galbanum and Opopanax, of each half an ounce; Viscus Quercinus an ounce, Amber half a scruple, Peony-seeds half a dram, Labdanum two drams, the Seeds of wild Rue one dram, Nutmeg and Cubebs, of each half an ounce; Ca­stor and Copperas, of each half a dram: having beaten those that are to be beaten ve­ry well, and dissolved the Gums in Oil of Rue, incor­porate them with your Hands, or some convenient Instru­ment, with the Viscus; which being done, and the Amber put in last in Powder, the Head of the Party being sha­ven, spread a Plaister of the Composition, and lay upon it, and renew it once in three or four Days: And in so doing, the afflicted Party will find great ease, and in a little time the Cause of this trou­blesome and dangerous Di­stemper removed.

Fats to Prepare: To do this, that they may be in rea­diness on sundry emergent Occasions, Take the freshest of any of them, take out the little Veins and Fibers, and separate the Fat from the Skin, then wash it in clear Water till it is freed from Blood; then mince it very small, or bruise it, and put it into a double Vessel to melt; then strain it into clean Water, and having remained there till it becomes cold, drain the Water from it, and keep it in an earthen glazed Pot in a cool place, though not too moist, and it will keep good for use a Twelvemonth.

Fevers continual: Make a Decoction of the Leaves of Rue in Spring-water, or other clear Water till the Liquor be pretty strong of the Plant; which being strained, make it somewhat a pallatable Liquor, with a sufficient quantity of Licorice, Sugar, or an a­romatick Body, and to half a pint of it add ten drops of the Spirit, not Oil, of Vitriol, and take it Morning, After­noon, and at Night.

Fevers, another Remedy: Take in half a pint of some convenient cooling Liquor, half an ounce of Harts-Horn burnt to a great whiteness, and powdered, being first bruised a little in the Liquid, and this may be taken as occa­sion requires.

Fevers, another Remedy: Apply to the Soles of the Feet a mixture, or thin Cata­plasm, made of the Leaves of Tobacco, cut and beaten in­to a moisture with new Cur­rans.

Feverfew: This is excel­lent in the Diseases of the Womb; the Decoction of it forces the Courses, and expels [Page] the After-birth, and do's all a bitter Herb is capable of do­ing. It is successful in Fe­vers, by being applied to the Soles of the Feet. Take of it a handful, warm it between two Tiles, and apply it twice or thrice, and it cures a He­micrania; and the crude Herb applied to the Crown of the Head, cures the Head-ach. A Decoction of it, with the Flowers of Camomel, cures the hysterical Symptoms, and forces Child-Bed purgati­ons, &c.

Fig-Tree: The Fruit of the Fig-Tree applied outward­ly Ripens, Mollifies and At­tracts; being beaten with Salt and Leaven, they break pe­stilential Buboes, or other Tumours, in few Days. The Juice of the Fig-Tree is very biting, and may be numbred among Causticks, and may be used for the Cure of Warts, and such-like excrescencies of the Skin.

Take Raisins of the Sun stoned one ounce, Jubebs and Sebestens of each fifteen; eight fat Figgs, and six Dates, half an ounce of Licorice, and an ounce of French Bar­ly; of the Leaves of Maiden-hair, Hysop, Scabious and Colts-foot, of each a handful: boil them in three pints of Fountain-water, till a third part be consumed: press out the Decoction, and take eight spoonfuls three times a Day. This is a very good Pecto­ral.

Figwort, its Virtues: The Powder of the dryed Root applied to Piles, drys them up; it is also useful in Can­cers, and eating Ulcers; a dram of the Powder taken inwardly, expels Worms; the Water distilled from the Roots steeped in Water and Vinegar, cures the redness of the Face: and of this Herb an excellent Ointment is made for killing the Itch, and bringing away the Scurf of it: The Deco­ction of it taken inwardly, and the Herb bruised and Poultiswise applied, dissolves and brings away congealed and clotted Blood: The di­stilled Water takes away Frec­kles, Morphew, &c. There is a Plaister of it made for the King's-Evil, as fol­lows:

Take the Leaves of Fig­wort, Houndstongue and the Flowers of white Archangel and Foxglove, cut them very small, then melt a pound of Lard; and it being very hot, put them into it, boil them till they are crisp, then strain them out, and put in others, till the Ointment look very thick of the green; then ha­ving strained them out, put into the Hogs-Lard two oun­ces of Turpentine, and an ounce of Verdigrease, and as much Rosin refined, and Bees­wax, as will make it into a [Page] Salve; spread a Plaister, and apply it to the grieved Part, renewing it often. It asswa­ges the Swellings, disperses the Humours, not only of the King's-Evil, but of any other Knots, Kernels, Bunches, or Wens.

Filbert: This Garden-Nut is very pleasant, and used mostly for serving up at Ta­bles among other Fruits; an Oil is extracted from them that supples hard Swellings, and is successfully used in old Sores; but the much eating of these breeds the Head-ach, and much Windiness in the Stomach.

Films: This is when a thin Skin grows over the Eye, and clouds the Sight. To take it off, Make some Lime-water, by pouring a gallon of boiling Water on a pound of Lime unslack'd, stirring the Lime in it, and after some Hours decant warily that which is clear, and to a pound of this Water, put an ounce of choice Verdigrease in pow­der, and in a very moderate Heat extract a Tincture of a fine, but somewhat dilute saphirine colour, but not too deep; decant this very wari­ly, and let a drop of this, as often as necessity requires, fall into the Eye, the Party wink­ing hard, and it will shrivel off the Film.

Fir-Tree Has its Virtues, mostly consisting in its Rosins and Turpentines, which in their proper Alphabets you may see: The Branches and Tops of this Tree are infused in Diet-Drinks, and given for the Scurvy with good Suc­cess.

Fits-Apoplectick: Fix a Cupping-glass without scari­fication to the Nape of the Neck, and one to each Shoul­der, and let them take fast hold, till they begin to loos­en, and they will draw down the afflicting Humour or Va­pour from the Brain.

Fits of the Mother: To remedy this, Dip Sea-Salt in Vinegar, and into it dip a soft Linnen-Rag, fold it three or four times double, lay it warm to the Soles of the Feet, and keep it on till the Fit be over.

Flag, the sweet one: This grows in divers Parts of Eng­land, and is distinguished from others by its curious Scent. It is chiefly used in Obstru­ctions of the Liver, Spleen, and Courses; also in the Co­lick it provokes Urin: And the Roots of it candied are of a pleasant Tast, nourish­ing and grateful to the Sto­mach, and keeps out evil Airs and Infections; and for this cause the Turks frequently chew it, and the Tartars boil it in their Water, or infuse the Roots of it in cold Wa­ter before they drink it.

Flax: There is an Oil made of the Seed of this Plant that is very excellent in sundry Medians, as also alone. It is taken inwardly in the Colick, Quinsie, Pleurisie, and Consumption; outward­ly it mollifies hard Swellings, eases Pains, and is used much in Paintings, &c.

Flax, or, Wild Dwarf-Flax: This Herb infused in Whitewine, after it has been bruised, for a whole Night over hot Embers, purges wa­try Humours very strongly: Take of this purging Flax an handful, of sweet Fenelseeds two drams; boil them in a sufficient quantity of Spring-water, adding to every six ounces two ounces of White-wine, and it makes a gentle purging potion, being taken two or three spoonfuls at a time.

Flix of the Liver: Take Agrimony one handful, Squi­nant two handfuls, Spiknard and Liquorice, of each half a handful; Mace and Mastick, of each half an ounce; Lig­num Aloes three drams, Bole-Armoniack, Lapis Hematitis, and Terra sigillata, of each six drams, Corianderseeds pre­pared one ounce and half, Spo­dium two drams, dryed Ro­ses one ounce, Barry-Meal two ounces, the Filings of Iron prepared one dram, the Compound of the three kinds of Saunders, made with Cam­phire, half an ounce, Oil of Myrtle and Mastick, of each two drams: powder the Herbs, then mix with them the other things made into Powders, then add the Oils, and being set over a gentle Fire in a close Vessel till dis­solved, stir them well to the thickness of a Plaister, and apply it very large on the right side of the Body, so that it may reach from the Breast unto the Stomach.

Flixweed: A dram of the Seed of this taken in red Wine, or Syrup of Sloes, stays Loosnesses, and both the Seed and the Herb help in the Flux of the Belly, and the Bloody-Flux: It is used in Plaisters for Wounds and sor­did Ulcers; and some hold, that the Seed boiled in Vine­gar, and drank warm, expels Gravel.

Florentine of Carps: Take a quarter of a peck of fine Flower, sweet Butter three quarters of a pound, and six Yolks of Eggs; work these up in the Butter and Flower, and dry them; then put to it as much fair Water as will make it up into a Past: then take the Carp, scale it alive, and scrape off the slime, draw it, and take away the Guts and Gall, and scotch it, season it lightly with Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt, and lay it into the Past made up into a Pye in the fashion, a [...] near [Page] as may be, of the Fish; put the Milt into the Belly, lay on sliced Dates in halves, Orange or Lemon sliced, Barberries, Raisins, and Butter; close it up, and bake it; and being al­most baked, close it up and liquor it with Butter, Sugar, Verjuice, Claret, and White-wine, and ice it over, and so serve it up when it is hot, and it will prove a very accepta­ble Banquet.

Florentine of Eggs: To do this, Boil about eighteen Eggs hard, then mince them with two pound of Beef-Su­et clean taken from the Skins and Fibers, till it be very small; then take a quarter of an ounce of Cloves and Mace, one large Nutmeg; let these be finely beaten or grated with a quarter of an ounce of Cinamon; then add half a pound of fine Sugar, and a pound and half of Currans, a quarter of a pound of Dates minced very small; then mince or bruise very small some choice Lemon-peel, and lastly having mixed all the foregoing things well to­gether, put about a quar­ter of a pint of Rose-water, and a little Salt in it.

When you have so ordered the Materials, put them into the Oven; let it moderately bake, and then have in readi­ness this Leer to put to it when it comes out, viz. Heat a lit­tle fair Water, and beat up half a pound of Butter with it to a thickness; add a quar­ter of a pound of Sugar, and the Juice of a Lemon, and so serve them up upon it.

Florentine with Par­tridge: Your Partridge be­ing roasted and minced small with the weight of the Meat in Beef-Marrow, put to it two ounces of Orange-peel, with as much green Citron small minced; season the Meat with beaten Cloves, Nutmeg, Mace and Salt, and Sugar, mixing all together, put the Materials into a Puff-past, and open it, being baked, and put in half a grain of Musk or Ambergrease dissolved in the Juice of an Orange and Rose-water; stir them among the Meat, then cover it, and serve it up.

Florentine of Tongues: Boil and Blanch a fresh Neats-Tongue, and being cold, cut it into little square bits as big as great Hazle-Nuts, lard it with small Lard, then having another Tongue raw, take off the Skin, mince it with Beef-suet, then lay one half of it in a Dish on a Sheet of white Paper, and lay on the Tongue, being finely lar­ded and seasoned with Nut­meg, Pepper and Salt, and with the other minced Tongue put grated Bread to it, some sweet Herbs small minced, and Yolks of raw Eggs, and be­ing made up into Balls as big [Page] as small Wash-balls, lay them on the Tongue with, some Barberries, Marrow, and in­terlarded Bacon and Butter, close it up with a convenient Lid, and bake it; and being baked, liquor it with Butter beaten up with Verjuice, and the Yolks of three or four Eggs strained.

Flower of Rice and Cream: To make a dainty Dish of this, Take half a pound of Rice, see it be well dusted and cleansed, then wash it and dry it in a mode­rate Heat, and when it is dry, rub it and beat it in a Mortar till the Flower be very fine; then take a pint of thick Cream, and the Whites of three or four new-lay'd Eggs, beat them well together with a lit­tle Rose-water, and set them on a soft Fire, boil it very thick, and so put it into a Dish, and let it stand till it is cold; then slice it out, cast some Bisket on it, and serve it up.

Flummery to Make: This in the Western Parts of Eng­land is made of Wheat-Flow­er, which is held to be the most heartning and strength­ening: To make this, Take half a peck of Wheat-Bran, let it soak in cold Water three or four Days, then strain out the milky Water of it, and boil it to a Jelly; then season it with Sugar, Rose and Orange-flower-water, and let it stand till it is cold and thickned a­gain, then eat it with white, or Rhenish Wine, or Cream, or Milk, or Ale.

Flux of the Belly: Take half an ounce of Mithridate, two ounces of fine Sugar, dissolve these over a gen­tle Fire in a pint of new Milk, and take it as a Cly­ster.

Flux-Bloody: Take Sy­rup of Sloes two ounces, the Powder of Acorns a quarter of an ounce, the Ashes of Ash-keys, or the Bark of the Root of an Ash-Tree two drams, Conserve of Roses a quarter of an ounce, dissolve them in a quarter of a pint of Claret or red Wine, and drink it fasting somewhat warm. Do this two or three times, and you shall find the Flux abate, and the Body restored to a liveliness.

Flux-Bloody, another: Take the Powder of Crepitus Lupi, or Fuss-Balls, make it up with Conserve of Pro­vence-roses, and take it often from a scruple at a time to about half a dram of the Pow­der, and it will stop the ef­flux of Blood, and heal the Bowels.

Flux, or Loosness: Take the Filings of Needle-makers Steel four ounces, put them into a glazed Pipkin and pour thereon a quart of the deepest red Wine; let it boil till a­bout three parts of the Li­quid [Page] be consumed; stir it of­ten, and strain it whilst it is hot; then take two spoonfuls of it in warm Broth or Ale in the Morning fasting, for three or four days sucessively. This likewise is good to stay the Bloody-flux, and remove the Cause.

Flux of the Whites: To remedy this, Take half an ounce of Ising-glass, dissolve it over a gentle fire in a pint of New-Milk.

Frankincense: This grows chiefly in the Forest of Ara­bia, where they launce the Bark of the Trees, the better to let the Frankincense flow out, or else the Liquor where­of it is made. This being drank about a dram in a glass of Whitewine well digested, is very good against the Dysen­tery and Fluxes of the Belly, encreases the Memory, chases away Sadness, and cheareth the Heart. It stays the Bleed­ing at the Nose, being pow­der'd and incorporated with the White of an Egg and Aloes, and held to it, or put up the Nostrils tentwise. It eases the Pains and Megrims, being mixed with the Whites of Eggs and the Powder of Myrrh, and spread on a lin­nen Cloth, and applied to the Forehead and Temples.

Freckles, to take away: Take four spoonfuls of Fumi­tory-water, a spoonful of the Oil of Tartar, and the Gall of a Cock; mingle these to­gether over a gentle fire, till they become a kind of Oint­ment, and with it anoint the places where the Freckles are, and let it dry on them: Then take a little Rye-meal, put it into Milk, and wash off the Ointment.

French way for Carps: To stew these Fish the French way, Put it in boiling Liquor, and take a good large Dish or Stew-pan that will contain the Carp, put it into as much Claret as will cover it; wash off the Blood, and take the Fish out, and put into the Wine in the Dish three or four slices of Onions, some large Blades of Mace and Pep­per grossly beaten, with a little Salt; and when the Pan boils, put in the Carp, and cover it close; and being well stewed down, dish it with fine carved Sippets round about it: pour the Liquor it was boiled in on it, with the Spices, Onion, sliced Lemon, and Lemon-peel; run it over with beaten Butter, and garnish it with dry Bread.

French-Pox: Take good Mercury sublimate, Mithri­date or Venice-Treacle, of each an ounce; mix them well, and infuse them into a quart of Spring-water; set them in Balneo to dissolve in a close Vessel; and of this Liquor well settled take about half a spoonful, or, if need [Page] require it, a spoonful, but not above a spoonful and an half by any means; take it in a quarter of a pint of small Ale fasting in the Morning, and an ounce in the Afternon or Evening, the Stomach be­ing as near as may be empty, intermitting every second Day, and taking, a gentle Purge.

Frenzy or Madness: Take the Juice of Burnet, Sage and Ground Ivy, of each half an ounce, sweeten it with half an ounce of Virgin-Honey, and give it to the Party so distemper'd or af­flicted.

Fricasie of Chickens: The Chickens for this purpose must be cut in small pieces, and fry'd in Butter: then pour on them some hot Broth, or boiling Water; put into it an Onion quar­tered, and a little shred Thyme and Parsley, with Pepper and Salt enough to season them; the Lean of Bacon cut small, and a few Cloves; the Yolks of Eggs beaten fine, with the Broth or Whitewhine-Vine­gar; keep it in motion till the Sauce be thickened, and then serve it up. Note, If in this manner they be stewed too long, they will be Tough.

Fricasie of Pidgeons: Take young Pidgeons, cut off the Wings and Legs, and quarter the Bodies; put them into a Stew-pan, add to them some fat Bacon cut square in small pieces; as much whole Pepper and Salt as will season them, a few Cloves, a bundle of Parsley and Thyme, and an Onion quartered: then pour on so much fair Water as will nearly touch the top of the Pidgeons: when they are tender, put in a sufficient quantity of Butter; change the Parsley and Thyme for some more that is fresh; then take the Yolks of Eggs finely beaten in a little of the Broth, White-wine and Verjuice; lay them out in a Dish up­on Sippets with the Broth; squeeze an Orange over them, and serve them up.

Fritters, the English way: Take a Pint of Canary, the like quantity of Ale, and a litte Ale-Yest; the Yolks and Whites of nine Eggs beaten first very well by themselves, and then with the rest: add a pound of fine Flower, and little Ginger. Let the Butter stand a while, and then put in Apples thin sliced, and fry them with Beef-suet clarified, or a little Butter: take them out, and strew them over with fine Sugar; then sprinkle them with Rose or Cinnamon-water.

Or, Take a quart of Flower, three pints of Mutton-broth when cold; Nutmeg and Cin­namon of each a quarter of an ounce; beat them fine, as also a Race of Ginger, five [Page] Eggs, and a little Salt, and strain the Materials; put to them some thin slices of Pip­pins, and fry them in as much Suet as will suffice, ordering them as the former in serving up. Some make the Batter of Eggs, Cream, Cloves, Mace, Saffron, Nutmeg, Barm, Ale and Salt. Others, of Flower, grated Bread, Mace, Ginger, Pepper, Salt, Barm, Saffron, Milk, Sack, or White-wine. Some again use Marrow per­fumed with Musk and Rose-water, by being steeped in the latter with the slices of pleasant Pears of Quinces. Others again, with Raisins, Currans, Apples cut Dice-fashion, and as small, in quar­ters or in halves. I leave the Reader to his Choice.

Fritters, the Italian way: Take a pound of Holland-Cheese or Parmisan, grate it into a pound of fine Flower, with as much fine Bisket-bread muskified and beaten to Powder; the Yolks of five Eggs, some Rose-water, Saf­fron, Sugar, Cloves, Mace, Cream; make of these well temper'd a stiff Paste, and rolling it into Balls as big as Wall-nuts, fry them with cla­rify'd Butter.

Or, Take a pound of Rice, boil it in a pint of Cream something thick; lay it abroad in a Dish, and when it is cold, bruise it in a Mortar with a pound of grated fat Old Cheese, some Musk, and the Yolks of four or five Eggs boiled hard, a little Sugar and grated Manchet; then mix these well together, make them into a stiff Paste, and that Paste into small Balls. You may, for the greater variety, colour them with the Juice of Flowers or Sweet-herbs, as Marrigolds, Violets, Carnations, &c. And if the Paste be too tender, work more Bread and Flower, and fry them pretty well; and when you serve them up, scrape on Sugar, and sprinkle them with the Juice of Oran­ges, or Orange-water.

Fritters of Spinnage: Boil the Leaves of Spinage in fair Water, yet but tenderly; then drain the Liquor from it as much as may be, stamp it or mince it very small; add to it beaten Cinnamon, Gin­ger and Nutmeg, grated Man­chet, and the Whites and Yolks of Eggs, and as much Cream as will moisten it, yet the Batter must remain of an indifferent thickness; then put in some Currans that have been swelled in warm Water, mix them well together, and having a Kettle boiled with tried Suet or Lard, drop them into it by spoonfuls; and when they rise, take them out, for then they are e­nough.

Fritters of divers Forms: To make these, Take a quart [Page] of fine Flower, strain it with some Almond-milk, Saffron, Sugar, White-wine; have then Moulds made of Tin, of va­rious Forms, as Arms, Dol­phins, Birds, Flowers, and the like; put the Batter into them, and place them in the Pan, covered with Suet or clari­fied Butter, and they will come out in such Forms as the Mould impresses on them, and look very pleasant, if or­derly placed in a Dish.

Fumitory: It purifies the Blood, and purges Choler, and is available in the Lepro­sie, Itch, and other Diseases of the Skin: The distilled Water is used for Beautify­ing, It opens Obstructions of the Liver, and helps the Jaun­dice and Scurvy. The Juice or Water of it dropt into the Eye, helps Dimness of Sight: Being mixed with Venice-Treacle, it resists the Plague and Pestilential Fevers. An Ointment made of the Juice of it, sharp-pointed Dock, and Honey, is a speedy Cure for the Itch, Botches, Scurff, or any other Deformity in the Skin.

Fundament-falling: Take a quarter of an ounce of the best Ginger, slice it very thin, put it into a little Pan, and heat it by clear and well-kindled Coals, and receive the Fume of it call on by little and little in a kind of Close-stool, or some convenient Seat for that purpose, where the lower part of the Body may be well covered for about half a quarter of an hour at a time.

GAlimafre of Mutton: To do this, Take a Gigget of Mutton, or, if you please, the whole Leg; when it is ready dress'd, hash the one part as small as you can, and put it into a Dish with Onions minced small; and the other parts of your Mutton cut into bigger pieces, breaking like­wise the Bones; set it a stew­ing, and add Verjuice, Pep­per, a handful of Capers, a quarter of a pint of White-wine, some salt, and a little white Sugar; and when it is stewed, serve it upon Sippets carved or plain.

Gall Obstructed: Take Gum Lac prepared, and of the Roots of Rhaponticum, of each three drams; Sche­nanth of Spike, Indian Nard, Mastick, Juice of Wormwood, Agrimony thickened, the Seeds of Smallage, Bishops-weed, Aniseeds, Fenil, Savin, bitter Almonds, Zedoary, the Roots of Madder, cleansed Myrrh, Asarabacca, Bithwort, the round and long Gentian, Saffron, Cinnamon, dried Hys­sop, the Roots of Cassia and Bdellium, of each a dram and an half; Ginger and Black Pepper, of each a dram: dry, bruise, and make them into a Powder, and take half a dram of it at a time in a Vehicle. It purifies the Blood, opens Obstructions of the Gall, Liver, Spleen and Blad­der. It's good for the Drop­sie and Jaundice, and is a great Dispeller of Wind. It likewise cleanses the Stomach, and drives ill Vapours from, the Brain.

Gammon of Bacon: To dress this the neatest way, having water'd it, scrubb'd it with a Brush, and scraped the Rind, and dry'd it again with a Cloth, put it into a Kettle wherein it may have sufficient room: then take Sage, Marjoram, Fenel, Sprigs of Bays and Rosemary, and boil it till it is enough; then slit the Skin, and so curiously carve it, and stick the places so stript with Cloves; strew some Pepper on it, and serve it up with Mustard, Pepper, Vinegar, and the Herbs small minced, cut up in fine slices of what length you please, but of a very indifferent thick­ness.

Gangreen: When the part afflicted with this Malady has been lightly scarified, apply, as hot as can be endured, a Cataplasm of strong Brandy and Crumbs of White Bread, shifting it three or four times a day, or as often as you find convenient; or, for want of this, take a boiled Turnip, mash it with Hogs-lard, and lay it to the place.

Gargarism to Cleanse the Head: Take Marjoram, Ga­lingale, Carraways, Ginger, Broad Plantain-seed, and Mu­stard-seed; beat them grossly together, and put two ounces of this Powder to a quart of Water, in a Vessel that may be close stopt: boil it in Bal­neo, and when it is well sod­den, put a quart of White-wine to it, and an ounce of clear Honey; and let it seeth again till about a pint of the Liquor be wasted, and then strain out the rest, and with it gargle the Mouth well every Morning, holding it hot also in your Mouth, that the Fumes may ascend up into the Head.

Gargle: Take six ounces of Scabious-water, one spoon-full [Page] full of Mustard, as much of Honey; put these into half a quartern of Wine-Vinegar, and mix them all together in a marble or glass Mortar, till they become very liquid, and then gargle your Mouth with it.

Gargle for a Sore Throat: To make this, Take fur oun­ces of Plantain-water, three or four spoonfuls of Red Rose-water, mix them very well with the White of an Egg beaten to Water; sweeten this mixture with a small spoon-full of white Sugar-candy beaten into Powder, or, for want of that, Loaf-sugar; and letting it go a little down your Throat, gugle it up a­gain These will cool and allay the Heat, and take away the hot Humours that occa­sion them.

Garlick: This being stampt and infused in Vinegar, and drank, resists the Plague, and is good to dissolve the Stone, and bring away Gravel: and being made into a Syrup by boiling and squeesing out the Juice, and adding as much Sugar as will bring it into a Syrup, it wonderfully pre­serves the Lungs, removes Coughs and Colds, and kills Worms in the Belly and Sto­mach.

Garlick: It provokes the Courses, and Urine; and helps the Bitings of Mad Dogs, and other venomous Creatures: It kills Worms in Children, and avoideth tough Phlegm, pur­ging the Head, helping the Lethargy. It is a good Pre­servative against, the Plague; also cures Sores and Ulcers, takes away Spots, and Ble­mishes in the Skin, and eases Pains in the Teeth; breaks Imposthumes, and eases Pains in the Ears. It hath a special quality to discuss the Incon­veniences coming by corrupt Airs, and Mineral Vapours, or by drinking unwholsom Waters or Liquors; as also by unadvisedly taking Wolf-bane, Henbane, or Hemlock, or other dangerous Herbs. It is held good in the Jaundice, Cramp, Convulsions, Falling-sickness, the Piles or Hemor­rhoids, and such like Diseases proceeding from Cold. But it has not its Vertues without its Vices; for it heats very vehemently; and all such hot Simples send up ill Vapours to the Brain. In Cholerick Persons it will encrease the Choler; and in those that are troubled with Melancholy, it will attenuate the Humours, and cause strange Fancies and Visions in the Head; there­fore let it be taken inwardly with great Moderation; but for outward Applications you need hot be so strict.

Giblets to Bake: Let them be well cleansed and scalded, and season them well with Pepper, Sale and Nutmeg; [Page] put them into a Pye, then put some Butter, slice an O­nion or two, and close up the Coffin with a Lid; bake them well, and soak them three Hours: then pour in more Butter into which a Nutmeg has been grated.

Giblets to Boil: Take the Giblets of a Goose, or any o­ther Fowl; scald them well, and boil them whole in Wa­ter and Salt, and two or three Blades of Mace, and so serve them on Sippets, finely carved, with beaten Butter, Lemons, scalded Gooseberries, scalded Grapes, Mace, Bar­berries, and Lemons sliced.

Gilliflowers to Candy: Take refined Sugar, or white Sugar-Candy, to the weight of your Flowers, sift it, and put to if some Rose-water, set them over a Fire made of Charcoal, but not too hot; stir these till they be a candied Syrup height, then keep them in a dry place, and use them as you find occasion: and if you use them for Sallads, put a little Wine-Vinegar to them to make the Syrup thin­ner.

Gilliflowers to Pick: Take Clove-Gilliflowers, when just blown, clip the white Bottoms from them, when ta­ken out of the Husks, lay them to steep a little in fair Water, boil up some Whitewine-Vi­negar till the scum will come no more on it: squeeze the Water out of your Gilliflow­ers, and the Vinegar being cool, put them into it; then melt as much Sugar as is con­venient in Rose-water; put it to them with a little broken Cinamon, and a few Blades of Mace; stop them up close, and when you use them, mince them small, and put­ting a little fresh Vinegar to them, strew a little white Su­gar finely beaten, and they are an excellent Sauce for Mutton or Lamb.

Glove-Gilliflowers: These Flowers are of a fine temper, neither excessive in heat nor cold, nor dryness, nor moi­sture, that can be perceived in them: They are great strengthners of the Heart and Brain, and therefore serve indifferently for Cephalicks or Cordials; good in Consump­tions, and easie to Nature, helping it in many Emergen­cies. The Syrup and Con­serve of these Flowers, are wonderfully fortifying against pestilential Fevers and Poisons, and may be taken with great safety at any timely Young or Old, either by them­selves, or dissolved, or mixed in any convenient Liquors.

Ginger: It is a Root be­longing rather to a Herb or Plant, than a Tree; for it bears a Top like Reeds, and runs knotty in the Ground a great way yet is of admira­ble use, viz. It helpeth Dige­stion, [Page] looseneth the Belly, moderately is good for the Stomach, and profitable a­gainst all things that dim and hinder the Sight. It heateth much, though not at the first tasting, like Pepper, for which Cause some will not allow it to consist of subtil parts, though that may be attribu­ted to its earthiness, as being a Root, and known to be composed of gross and undi­gested Substance, tending much to watery, yet is of excellent Use in Physick and Diet.

Ginger-Bread to Make: Take a pound of Jordan-Al­monds, a penny white Loaf grated and sifted among the Almonds, when blanched, and finely beat them together; then add an ounce of Ginger finely scraped, Licorice and Aniseeds in Powder, each a quarter of an ounce, add two or three spoonfuls of Rose-water, and make them all up in a Past with half a pound of Sugar, mould it and roul it thin, then print it and dry it in a Stove: And thus you may make Ginger-bread of Sugar-plate, putting Sugar sufficient to it, that will keep all the Year round.

Gladwin: That here in­tended, is that they call the Stinking sort. The Juice of it snuffed up the Nose, causes Sneezing, and purges the Head, Rheums, and offensive Matter: the Powder of the Root drunk in Wine has the same Effect, and gives ease to the Cramp and Convulsions of the Nerves: It mainly a­vails in the Pain of the Gout, or Sciatica, and gives ease to those that are afflicted with griping Pains in their Bowels, as also in the Strangury. The Roots boiled in Wine and drank, effectually procure Womens Courses; but is dan­gerous to be taken by a Wo­man with Child; lest it cause Abortion: half a dram of the Powder removes Obstru­ctions in the Ureters and Blad­der, and immediately pro­vokes Urin.

Gleetings: Take four ounces of Spring-water, or rather Plantane-water, dis­solve it in about one scruple of Sympathetick-Powder, or so much as will give it a sen­sible, but yet a faint Vitriol, like Tincture, inject as much as is usual, through a small Syrup every Morning and Evening, as long as need re­quires.

Gloves to Perfume light­ly: Rub over your Gloves with Gleer of Eggs and Ben­jamin-water, very thin and fine, wherein a grain of Musk, Ambergrease, or any other strong Perfume has been infused, and it will take and hold the Scent a long time: You may, as you like for change and alteration of Scent, [Page] rub them over with a fine Puff of Silk dipt in Gessimine, Orange-flower Butter, Essence of Roses, &c.

Goards: This Plant is cooling and mollifying by Na­ture. The fresh Leaves ap­plied to the Breasts of Wo­men in Child-bed, lessen their Milk; the Seeds are accounted among the four great cold Seeds, for a red fiery Face or often Flushings of the Face. Take the Seeds of Goards two ounces, the Ker­nels of Peach-stones four oun­ces, make an Oil of them by Expression, and anoint the Face often, and the redness will decrease, and in the end vanish.

Goatsbeard: This Plant is reckoned delicious in Food, being often eaten raw in Sal­lads; It's a great Nourisher, and therefore good for Con­sumptive People: It is used for the Cough, and in Diseases of the Breast, and difficulty of Breathing. It is held good to expel the Stone, and pro­voke Urine: The Juice of the Root of it, and the distilled Water have the same Effect, as the Juice or Concoction of the Herb.

Goats-Blood Prepared: Take the Blood of a middle-aged Goat, receive it into an earthen Vessel, and having covered it with a Cloath, set it in the Sun that it may coa­gulate: then drain of the watery part, and dry the thicker part, so that it may be reduced into a Powder; mix it with the Juice of Nettles and Ash-leaves to stay Bleed­ing, or being taken a dram of it in a glass of the Deco­ction of Licorice in White-wine, it much comforteth the Heart and Lungs. It is also prepared for divers other Uses too tedious here to mention, but will occur in the various Medicine scattered over this Work.

Golden Rob is excellent for Wounds inwardly or out­wardly applied, two drams of the Powder heated in White-wine, and taken every Mor­ning, removed the Obstructi­ons of the Bowels, stops Flux­es of the Womb or Belly, and inward Bleeding.

Gonorrhoea: To remedy this, Take two ounces of ripe Laurel-Berries, and infuse them for a Day in a quart of Whitewine, and let the Pati­ent drink about two or three spoonfuls twice a Day for a good while, and then inter­mit a Day, and so a third, that some gentle purging Me­dicine may be taken.

Gonorrhoea, another: Take choice Mastick a sufficient quantity, beat it and searce it well, then put about half an ounce of it at a time in the Yolk of a new-lay'd Egg, washing it down with Ale or Beer, but not too much; or [Page] else take this, viz. Choice Amber and Mastick both re­duced to very fine Powder, and very well mixed in equal parts, and of this Mixture give half a dram at a time in Chocolate, or Tea, &c. and if need require it, continue it for three Weeks, or a Month, purging the Day before you be­gin to take it, and once every Week afterward, especially when you leave off the use of the Powder.

Gonorrhoea, another: For this, Take Mastick and the fi­nest red Coral, of each an e­qual quantity, let them he se­parately reduced into a Pow­der very fine, and being well mixed, take about thirty or forty grains for one Dose in a glass of Whitewine.

Gonorrhoea, another: To make Tablets for the stopping it, Take Seeds of Plantane, Agnus Castus, white Poppies Rue, red Roses dried, Mint and Coral prepared, of each two drams: reduce them in­to a Powder as fine as may be, and make it into Tablets with Mucilage of Gum Tra­gacanth, and fine beaten Su­gar, of each eight ounces; make your Tablets half an ounce in weight, and take one of them in a Morning fast­ing: They are very proper to stop the Gonorrhea after the general Remedies taken.

Goose Boil'd: Put it into a Pipkin, or other Vessel fit for it, boil it with strong Broth, or fair Spring-water, and scum it clean, then add three or four sliced Onions, some Currans, Mace, Raisins, Pepper, and a bundle of Sweet-Herbs, grated Bread, White-wine, and two or three Cloves; and when it is boiled enough, slash it on the Breast, and dish it up on fine carved Sip­pets; and lay on a few sli­ces of Lemon and Lemon-peel, Barberries, or Grapes, and run it over with beaten Butter, Sugar, or Ginger, and trim the Dish sides with grated Bread, or beaten Gin­ger: And this way you may dress and serve up any large Water-Fowl, as Swans, Ducks, Teal, Whoopers, &c.

Goose Old, to Boil ten­der: Take the Goose be­ing powdered, and fill her Belly with Oatmeal, being first steeped in warm Milk or Water, then flash the Breast, and put her into a Pipkin with her Breast downward, put in them two or three sli­ces of Onion, and Carrots cut like Lard, some Butter, Mace, Pepper, and Salt, Sa­vory, Thyme, strong Broth, and a little Whitewine; let the Broth be half consumed, and stew it very softly, being well stewed, dish it up on Sippits, and pour on the Broth, &c. or you may boil her this way, viz. Put her in­to a Pipkin, as before; put to [Page] the Oatmeal you stuff her withal some Beef-suet, min­ced Onions and Apples, sea­son'd with Cloves, Mace, Sweet-Herbs finely shred, and also beaten Pepper, fasten the Neck and Vent by tying a string hard; and serve it up on Brewis, with Colli­flowers, Cabbage, Turnips and Barberries, and run 'em over with beaten Butter, and it will be very delicate and tender.

Gooseberries: These be­ing boiled in Broth, before they are ripe, are very agree­able to the Stomach, and are Cooling in Fevers. They stop the Flux of the Belly, and cause a good Appetite. They cure the Whites and Gonorrhoea. They are ap­plied outwardly with good success for St. Anthony's-Fire, and Inflammations; but if before they are ripe they be eaten raw, especially to any excess, they cause griping Pains and Slime in the Bow­els.

Gooseberry-Cream: Cod­dle your Berries green, and boil them up with Sugar as for a Preserve; then put them into the Cream strained, while the Berries are whole; then scrape Sugar over them, and so serve them up in boil'd or raw Cream. And in this manner you may use Strawberries, Raspberries, or Red Currans whole, in raw Cream; or serve them up with Wine, Sugar and Rose-water, without Cream.

Gooseberries, to Preserve: Take of the largest Berries, when they are green and hard; of those, if you can get them, that are called Gascoign Ber­ries: pick them clean, and covering them very close, let them stand over a gentle fire half an hour, to coddle a little; but suffer them not to boil, lest the Skins break; and when you per­ceive a fixed greenness on them, put them into a Sieve, that the Water may drain from them: then put them into as much clarified Sugar as will cover them and simper lei­surely, being close covered, by which means they will look greener than they grew; and having suffered them to stand on the fire in the Sy­rup, take them off; and being cool, put them up for your use. Now as for Preserving the various sorts of Green Fruits, there are several pro­per Seasons to be observed: Viz.

Green Gooseberries about Whitsontide; White Wheat-plumbs in the midst of July; Pear-plumbs in the middle of August; the Peach and Pip­pin about Bartholomew-tide; Grapes in the beginning of September. Note, That when your Green-Fruit is to be Preserved, you have two Skil­lets [Page] of boiling Water, to shift 'em into one as the other cools, and fettle them in the Water till they fix to a green­ness; then take and put them into a Sugar Syrup, and let them boil gently about a quar­ter of an hour, and so put them up for use.

Gooseberries, to Pickle: Pick the Berries clean from the Stalks and Buds, lay them in soak in Salt and Water all night; then put them into the Juice of Crab-cherries, Grape-verjuice or other Ver­juice, and so barrel them up. In this manner you may Pickle green Grapes and Plumbs.

Gooseberry-Wine, the best way: Take the ripe Berries, and put them into a Vessel, and pour upon them a suffi­cient quantity of Water very hot; and then covering the Vessel very close, let them stand till the Liquor is impreg­nated with the Juice, at least three or four Weeks; then draw it out, mix it well, and ferment it with fine Sugar; putting it up in Bottles close cork'd, it will become a ge­nerous Wine: A little of it is good in Fevers, and other hot Diseases; or it may be drank for Pleasure, as ordi­nary Wine.

A Decoction of the Leaves of Gooseberries cools and al­lays hot Swellings and Inflam­mations; and when they first begin to budd, being beaten and infused in White-wine, they much help in expelling the Stone; and being eaten with cooling Herbs as Sal­lads, they allay the excessive Heat of the Liver and Sto­mach.

Gout: Take the Roots of Red Dock and Burdock; bruise them, and put to 'em a little Spirit of Wine; let 'em stand twenty four hours; then hard, and put to it a little Oil of Turpentine and Olive-Oil, and stop these up close in a Glass for your use; and when you are to use them, pour out a little into a Saucer, warm it over a Chafing-dish of warm Coals, and dipping a thick linnen Cloth in it, wrap it hard and close about the part grieved; and in so doing twice or thrice, the Pain will entirely cease.

Gout, to Check it: Take three ounces of Sarsaparilla sliced and cut thin; to these add an equal weight of Raisins of the Sun rubb'd very clean, but not broken: put both these into three quarts of strong Water, and let them stand on a moderate heat, that the liquid part may sim­per for several hours; and being closely bottl'd up, take a quarter of a pint when the Pain comes upon you, and it will ease it.

Gout, a Plaister: Take Paracelsus and Diapalma, of [Page] each a quarter of an ounce; melt and incorporate them well together, and spread it Plaister-wise upon Leather; then anoint the part grieved with the Ointment of Ta­bacco and Oil of Turpentine; and so laying on the Plaister, the Pain in a little time will cease.

Gout, to Remove: Take highly rectified Spirits of Man's Urine, warm it a little over a gentle fire, and rub it in on the part afflicted with a woollen Cloth, and in a little time the Pain will remove, and at last vanish.

Gout, Running: Take Earth-worms well cleansed in Moss, and fill an earthen glazed Pot well luted and covered; set it with them in a gentle Oven, and let it stand there till the Oven becomes cold; then take out the Pot, and remove the Cover, and you will find a gross Liquor: strain this, and keep it stopt for your use, rubbing the part grieved with it, very warm, once or twice a day: And if the Smell be offensive, you may put in a few drops of the Oil of Rhodium, or any other odoriferous Un­guent to correct it.

Gout-Wort: This is so called from the excellent Ad­vantage it brings to those that are afflicted with the Pain of the Gout, or Sciatica in the Joints, if the Juice or Herb be applied Poultis-wise Some hold, it will allay these Pains, by being carry'd a­bout the Party afflicted there­with.

Grapes: The sweet ones are of a more hot substance, and therefore cause Thirst, and loosen the Belly; but the sowre ones are binding, and of hard digestion. The Juice of the ripe Grape ap­plied to Burns or Scalds, eases the Pain. The Mother of the Wine or Grapes being kept, is profitable against In­flammations, of the Breasts, and Hardness of them through too much abundance of Milk. The Decoction of it in Cly­sters is good for Dysenteries or Fluxes: The Stones or Seeds slave a restringent ver­tue, and are profitable for the Stomach; and being parched, and beat to Powder, and drank in Whitewine, are very good against the Flux, as also the Weakness of the Stomach. Dried Grapes and Raisins have yet a greater vertue and property in Physick, and more-especially those that are sweetest, and of most sub­stance, as they of Damascus, Cyprus, and Candia. They are good for Coughs, Sore Throats, Pains in the Reins and Bladder, if you eat the Stones with them. Being boiled with Sugar, and the Flower of Barley, and an Egg, they purge the Brain: [Page] Being reduced into a Plaister with Flower of Beans and Cummin-seed, they allay In­flammations. The fat Raisins nourish more than the sharp and lean ones. Those that are stoned are Lenitive, and therefore very helping in Pains of the Breast, Coughs, Sore Throats, Pains of the Bladder or Reins, and the Obstruction in the Liver.

Grapes to Preserve: Take the Grapes when green, stone them, and break the little bunches of the stalk of the great ones; then take their weight in refined Sugar finely beaten, and strew a row of Sugar in your Preserving-pan, and a lay of Grapes upon it; then strew some more Sugar on them; then put in four or five spoonfuls of fair Water, and boil them up as fast as may be.

Grapes and Wine, their Virtues: Very admirable are the Virtues of the Vine, and the Fruit thereof; I had al­most said, above all other Plants: for the Leaves and tender Branches being bruised and laid to the Head, by their Cooling quality, ease the Pains of the Head, occasion'd by Heat, also the Inflamma­tions or Heat of the Stomach, being applied to it: And the Juice drank in Borrage-water, helps the Dysentery, Fluxes or Spitting of Blood, Weak­ness of Stomach, and bad Ap­petite, especially of Women Great with Child. The Wa­ter which flows from the Vine, when it is cut, or bleeds (as some term if) be­ing drank in White-wine, purgeth the Gravel. The Ashes of the Branches of the Vine, and Stones of Grapes, mixed with Vinegar, help Costiveness. It's good against the Stingings and Bitings of venomous Creatures; and if mixed with Oil of Roses, Rue, and Vinegar, and laid Plaister-wise, it helpeth the Inflammation of the Spleen.

Gravel: If you be trou­bled with the Gravel in the Reins, Kidneys or Bladder, Take Daucus-seeds and Bur­dock-seeds, of each an ounce; mix them together; and put one ounce of the Mixture into a gallon of small Ale; and when that has steep'd a while, and is drank up, put the other ounce into another gallon, and so continue it as a Drink.

Gravel, another: Take Crabs-claws one ounce, and beat them into Powder; Fe­nel-seed powder'd half an ounce, Powder of Nutmegs four drams, double-refined Sugar two ounces; these be­ing mixed and finely stuff'd, take as much at a time as will lie on a shilling, in a glass of White-wine in a Morning, fasting: or it may be taken in Ale or Beer.

Gravel, another: Take a quart of Water that is ready to boil, put into it half a handful of Scabious, and half as much Sage; let it boil pretty well, and drink it in the nature of Tea with Su­gar, and the Juice of a Lemon squeezed into it.

Gravel, to Remove: Take a quart of White or Rhenish-Wine, boil it well to the con­sumption of a third part; then put in an ounce of the Juice of White Lily roots, Juice of Housleek, and Sy­rup of Citron; mix them well together over a gentle fire, and let the Party drink a quarter of a pint at a time blood-warm; and so doing four or five times, it will force the Gravel before it, and cause it to void through the neck of the Bladder.

Gravel, to Expell: Kill a black Hen or Cock, if it be to be had; if not, one of another Colour may serve; take out the thick Membrane or Skin that lines the Gizard, wipe it clean, and dry it cau­tiously so as it may be beat to Powder: with this Powder mix an equal part or half so much red Coral calcined, and take thirty or forty grains of it at a time in White-wine, or some other such kind of acid Wine.

Gravel, another, to Expell: Take two large Red Onions, and a White Lily-root, bruise them in a Mortar; squeeze the Juice of them into White-wine, and drink it in the Morning fasting, sweetned with a little Honey: This gives Ease presently; and continuing it, it removes the Cause.

Green Ointment: Take new Butter, toiled and puri­fied, four Pound; Burgundy-Pitch, and Rosin, of each a pound; Yellow Bees-wax four ounces; melt them, and make an Ointment of them over a gentle fire, adding an ounce of Verdigriese in Pow­der, to make it of a deep green Colour, and so keep it stirring till the Ointment be cold.

This is a wonderful Clean­ser and Healer of all sorts of Wounds and Ulcers; it gives Ease to Pains, and allays Burnings and Heats in the Wounds, or any Inflamma­tions. It's greatly in request for Burns and Scalds, espe­cially if mixed with Oil of Roses and Snow-water, and applied on a linnen Cloth to the place grieved.

Green-Sauce: Take the Blades of Green Wheat, Sor­rel, Parsley and Spinage; stamp them in a wooden Mortar or Bowl, with some Vinegar and fine White Su­gar, and serve it up in Sau­cers, somewhat thinnish, with a Leg of Veal boiled, or a Calf's Head.

Green, or Winter-Green: This mainly conduces to the healing of green Wounds; the green Leaves bruised, or the Juice applied. A Salve of the green Herb stamped, or the Juice boiled with Bees-wax, Hogs-lard, Sallad-oil, and Turpentine, is highly preferred for the Cure of all manner of Wounds or Sores. The Herb boiled in Wine or Water, and given to such as are troubled with any inward Ulcers of the Kidneys or Neck of the Bladder, mainly relieves them. It stays the Fluxes. It is good in Inflam­mations rising upon Pains of the Heart; also in Cankers or Fistula's. And the distilled Water may be carried along with you, or kept by you for the above-said uses.

Gripes in Children: Take the Oils of Nutmeg and of Wormwood, of each a dram; mingle them well with two drams of Camomel, and anoint therewith the Party's Navel, and Pit of the Stomach; and by often so doing, the Pain will cease.

Grounsil: This indeed is very common, which ren­ders its Virtues less esteem'd, though they are very rare; for the Seeds cleanse the Reins, help much to break and expel the Stone, and provoke Urine; two drams of it taken in a glass of White-wine, in Powder, three three or four times a day, some say, facilitate the Birth, if it be taken by the travail­ing Woman in a little Breast-Milk.

Ground-Pine: This is excellent to strengthen the Nerves; and to open the Parts: it also provokes the Courses, expells the dead Child in the VVomb, and the After-birth; but not safe to be taken by VVomen during their going with Child; be­cause it works so powerfully, that it endangers Miscarriage. If it be boiled in White-wine, or powder'd, and made into small Pills with Hermodactyls and Venice-Turpentine, it is given in Dropsies: and out­wardly applied, it cures Ul­cers, by cleansing and filling them with good Flesh.

Take of this and VVorm­wood, of each two hand­fuls; Scurvygrass five times as much, Sage of the Moun­tain six handfuls, sliced Oran­ges six; make a Paste of, Bar­ley-meal and Rye an equal quantity; make it into the fashion of a Pye, and equal these in it small shred; then take them out and shred them with the Crust over again, and so put all into a Bag, hanging it in about five gal­lons of Ale, not too strong nor too small, about six days, and then drink it twice or thrice a day, about half a pint at a time. This has been [Page] proved for the Scurvy, and afflicting Pains of the Gout.

Guajacum: This for its singular Virtues is called Ho­ly-wood: The Decoction of it well managed, and taken in time, is a certain Remedy for the French Disease. It is good in Dropsies, for Asth­ma's, Falling-Sickness, and Diseases of the Bladder and Reins, Pains in the Joints proceeding from cold Tu­mours and Wind. It grows in the West-Indies, and there the Spaniards learned the Use of it from the Natives.

The way to prepare the Decoction of this Wood is in this manner: Take twelve ounces of the Wood cut small, of the Bark of it beaten two ounces, infuse it in six pints of Water, in a large earthen Pot, the space of twenty four Hours, keeping the Pot close stopped, and boil it with a gentle Fire to the Consump­tion of two quarts; and when it is cold, strain it: then put to the same Wood a gallon of fresh Water, boil it to a quart, and keep these two Waters apart for use.

Gums Apostemated: Take a handful of red Sage, boil it in Whitewine, add an ounce of the Powder of Burnt-A­lom, and wash your Mouth frequently with this Water: It is also good against the Scurvy. It likewise fastens the Teeth, and keeps them from rotting; it gives them a Whiteness, and eases the Tooth-ach.

Gum of Cedar, its Vir­tues: An Oil extracted from this Gum is hot in the fourth degree; wherefore it doth, without pain, rot soft and de­licate Flesh; but in hard Bo­dies it operateth with more time and difficulty. It dryeth dead Bodies, and preserveth them from Putrefaction, by consuming the superfluous Humour, without touching the sound Parts: but in living Bodies the Heat in them aug­ment the force of the Oil, which causes it to burn the tender Flesh. It is excellent to kill Nits, Lice, or any In­sect crept into the Ear, and good in cold Distempers to anoint the Joints and Limbs, withal being much available in the Pains of the Gout, if mollified with Oil of Camomil, or such-like supling Oils.

Gum Plaister of Dia­chylon: Take Bdellium, Sa­gapenum Amoniacum, of each two ounces: dissolve 'em in Wine, and strain 'em; boil them to the consistence of Honey and Great Diachy­lon.

This being applied, dis­solves, digests, and ripens hard Swellings, and is for those Purposes very excellent, if not the best of Plaisters.

Gums Scorbutick: Take Bole Armoniack the best, two [Page] drams; choice Myrrh (not Lucid) one dram, Roch-Alom crude half a dram, Claret one pint; boil them over a gentle Fire, strain out the Liquid part, and put a spoonful in your Mouth twice or thrice a Day.

Gums to Strengthen: Take Japonian Earth, and in a pint of Claret, or Red Wine, dis­solve as much as you can of it; then decant the Liquor wa­rily from the subsiding Faeces, and with it, when well settled, wash your Mouth Morning and Evening, and it will not only fasten the Teeth, but renew the Gums where they are decayed or wasted.

Gun-Powder to Remove: If any spots of Gun-powder, or Shot stick in the Face, or other Parts of the Body, you may remove either of them: by taking fresh Cow-dung, warming it, and putting to it a little Hogs-Lard, and apply­ing it Poultiswise.

Guts-Griping: Take a­bout a quarter of a pint of Brandy, and having made a Toast of Bread, not too fine and white, throw it very hot into the Brandy, and as soon as 'tis thorowly drench­ed, take it out and eat it hot: this being repeat­ed two or three times, the Pain will cease. Or use this, viz.

Take a handful of wild Ca­momil, wash it, and seeth it in a quart of new Ale; add an ounce of Licorice, and half an ounce of Ani-seeds; sweeten it with brown Sugar-candy, and drink it very hot.

Guts-Griping, or, Co­lick: Take half a pint of good old Hock, and boil it, and put therein a lump of Loaf-Sugar; drink it hot go­ing to Bed.

Guts-Griping, or, Colick, another: Take Sage and Mint, boil them in a fit proportion of Claret-wine; then strain it, and sweeten it with a little Sugar, and drink it warm.

HAberdine-Pye: The Fish being boiled, take it from the Skin and Bones, and mince it with some Pippins cored, season it with Nutmegs, Gin­ger, Cinnamon, Pepper, and Caraway-seeds, Rose-water, Raisins, and Currans, Sugar, sliced Dates, scraped Lemon-peel, Butter beaten up with Verjuice and Whitewine; and when these are so orde­red, fill up a Pye with them, and being baked, ice it with Sugar dissolved in Rose-wa­ter.

Hair to Fasten: If the Hair be subject to fall off, Take half a pint of Ox-Urin newly made; boil in it Sage and Rosemary-flowers, of each a quarter of an ounce; then strain out the Liquid part, and anoint the Roots of your Hair with it, and a pretty while after, wash it over with Water wherein Bran and a little Alom have been boiled.

Hair to make Grow: Take of the Leaves of Radishes, boil them in Water with as much more of the Roots of Dog-Fennel, and being well boiled, strain and press them out, and with the Decoction often wash the place where the Hair is fallen off, and it will grow again.

Hair to make grow Thick: Take of the best Honey three spoonful; a handful of Vine-sprigs that twist like Wyre, beat them well, and strain their Juice into the Honey; temper them a little over a gentle Fire, and lay it on the Place where the Hair is come off.

Hair to make grow Thick, another: Take three ounces of Honey, and a handful of the Tendrils of a Vine; bruise the latter with the former, and having heated them over a gentle Fire till the Honey is melted, anoint the Place where the Hair is defective, or grows thin, and it will, in often so ordering, sprout up, and be­come very thick and curl­ing.

Hair to take away: To do this, Beat the Shells of a great many Eggs, very small, and put them into a Still with a quick Fire, and there will come forth a curious Water, with which anoint the Place where superfluity of Hair grows. This being done, take the hard Dung of a He-Cat, dry it, and powder it; [Page] then make a Plaister with strong Vinegar, and put it to the Place.

Hands to Beautifie: Take of the Oil of Myrrh half an ounce, the Marrow of Hogs, or Calves-Feet, two ounces; of the Water of Tartar, an ounce; the Oil of Spiknard half an ounce: mix and dis­solve them well over a gentle Fire, and allay their Heat with two ounces of the Oil of sweet Almonds: then strain it, put it into Boxes, anoint the Hands and Face with it, and it will not only take away Spots or other De­formity, but create a lovely charming Complexion.

Hare Boiled the French way: Take a large Piece of Beef that has a Marrow-Bone in it, as also a piece of Bacon, and your Hare; season it with a little Salt, and when the Hare is almost boiled, take it up and bruise some Pease, and set them a boiling in the Broth wherein the Hare was boiled; then take all the Bones out of your Beef, and put the Hare again into the Pease, and the Pease being boiled enough, take them up and strain them through a thin Cloath, and put the Pulp a boiling in a Pot by them­selves: then dish up the Hare, and smother it by covering [...]t over with the Pulp of the Pease, and it eats very ex­cellently. In this manner they order a Capon or Tur­key.

Hare to Dress the French way: Take a Hare cased and washed from the Blood, as also some fresh Pork, or Veal, cut in handsom pieces of a­bout three Fingers thickness; put it into an earthen Pot, or Pipkin, with Onions fryed with Hog's-Lard; then put to the Hare and Pork some Beef-Broth, as much as will half cover it, so set it a stew­ing on a gentle Fire, renew­ing it by degrees: then take Bread well toasted, and the Livers of six Fowl parboiled, put them to steep in some of the Broth, then add Cinna­mon, Ginger, Long-pepper, Nutmegs, Cloves, and Salt, finely bruised, but not to Powder, of each two drams: then with a little Vinegar and Claret-wine, strain it into the Pot where your Hare, Pork, or Veal is, and let them stew together till they are enough; then withdraw them, and so dish them up at your plea­sure.

Hare Hashed: Case it, draw it, and cut it in moderate Pieces, wash the Pieces in Cla­ret and Water very clean, strain the Liquor, and parboil the Parts; then take and slice them, and put them into a Dish with the Legs, Head, Wings, or Shoulders whole; cut the Chine into many Parts, then put in two or three sliced [Page] Onions, and some of the Li­quor wherein it was parboiled, stew it between the Dishes o­ver a gentle Fire, covering it close till it be tender; and put to it some beaten Pepper, Mace and Nutmeg, serve it on fine carved Sippets, run­ning it over with beaten But­ter and Marrow, garnishing with Lemons and Barber­ries.

Hare, or Leveret-Pye: Most are of Opinion, that these are best baked with their Bones, though some, more nice than wise, will bone them; however, being baked with the Bones, let the Bones be broke, and the Hare well larded, season it with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, and Bay-leaves, put it into either white or brown Past at your discretion, and with it a sufficient quantity of Lard beaten, that it may as well conveniently lye under it as above; and being baked, stop the Funnel of the Pye, after having poured in some melted Butter, and set it in a dry Place to cool; and be­ing cold, serve it up; but observe, if you will bone your Hare, to leave the Flesh as whole as may be, and larding it with great Lard, season it as directed.

Hare to Roast with her Skin: When it is imboweled, dry the inside with a clean Cloath, make a farcing or stuffing of all manner of sweet Herbs, as sweet Marjo­ram, Savory, Thyme, Par­sly, &c. shred very small and rowl'd up in Butter; and be­ing almost roasted, fley off the Skin: bread it with fine grated Manchet, Flower and Cinamon very thick, and so froth it up, and dish it on Sauce made of grated Bread, Claret, Wine-Vinegar, Bar­berries, Sugar, Cinamon and Ginger; and garnish the Dish with Shalots, Lemon and Parsly.

Hare, another way: Put the Hare on the Spit or Grid­iron, when it is hot through, cut it into quarters, and put it into hot Hog's-Lard in a Frying-pan; then steep toast­ed Bread in Beef-Broth and Whitewine, strain it through a Strainer with beaten Gin­ger and Cloves, add then some Verjuice, so that your Com­position may appear blackish, but not too thick nor binding; and so with Butter, Mustard, Sugar, and Juice of Lemon well beaten, serve up this Dish, garnishing it with slices of Lemons and Greens: in the same manner you may dress Rabbits, but especially old Coneys.

Haricote of Mutton: Take a Shoulder of Mutton, or the bloody end of it, with the Head, Neck and Breast, and cut it into small Pieces, and fry it in a Frying-pan [Page] with tried Suet. Hog's-Lard, and some small shred Onions: this done, put it in a Stew-pan with Beef-Broth, and let it stew and boil with Parsly, Hyssop, and Sage shred small, and serve it up with Sippits, garnished with slices of Le­mon, and green Parsly.

Harts-Horn Burnt: Take of Harts-Horn, as much as you think convenient, put it into a Crucible, and so put it into the Fire, till it becomes black, and continue it till it grows white, powder it, and make it into Troches with Rose-water, and so keep it for use. In this manner you may reduce Ivory or Bone into a fine Powder.

Harts-Tongue: The De­coction of it in Whitewine, is excellent for the Swelling of the Spleen, Flux of the Belly, and Spitting of Blood. If outwardly applied, it clean­seth Wounds and Ulcers. The Powder of it is of excellent use in the Palpitations of the Heart, for Fits of the Mother, and Convulsions, being taken in Small-beer, and Posset-drink. A Conserve made of the green Leaves of it, is to the same Effect.

Hash of Oysters: Par­boil boil about three quarts of Oysters in their Liquor, mince about two quarts of them small, and stew them with half a pint of Whitewine, an Onion cut in Quarters, four large Blades of Mace and a grated Nutmeg, sliced Chesnuts, some Pistaches, and a quarter of a pint of White-wine-Vinegar, a pound of fresh Butter, Pepper, Salt, and a bundle of sweet Herbs, stew them well on a soft Fire, and fry the remaining Oysters seasoned with Pepper, Salt and Nutmeg, in a Batter made of fine Flower, Eggs, and Cream; green it with the Juice of Spinnage, and serve them together with Le­mon-Juice, and a Garnish of sliced Orange and Olives.

Hash of Scotch Collops: Cur a Leg of Veal in thin sli­ces, beat them with a Rol­ling-pin, and fry them with fine slices of interlarded Ba­con, add sweet Butter, and being well fried, dish them up, put from them the Butter you fried them with, and put beaten Butter, with Lemon, Gravy, and the Juice of O­ranges. Mutton may be ha­shed the same way, only leave out the slices of Bacon: or if you would do them the French way, parboil your Meat, then take it up and pare off some thin slices on the upper and under side, and round it; prick it through, and let out the Gravy on the slices, then shred and bruise some Thyme, Marjoram, Parsly, and Savo­ry, and put to them sweet Butter and Verjuice, with some beaten Pepper; and [Page] when the Meat is boiled or stewed, pour all the Herbs, Slices and Broth into the Dish, and serve it up garnish'd with Parsley and Barberries.

Hash'd Venison, the Dutch way: Cut a Haunch of Ve­nison into Collops, fry it with Sweet-Butter and Oysters, ad­ding a little Gravy or strong Broth: then having your Stew-pan simpering with some Broth or Gravy, put it in with the Oysters, and suffer it to stew about half an hour; and then strip in some Thyme and Winter-savoury, with a Blade or two of Mace, and some whole Cloves and Pepper: then make Anchovy-Sauce, and with the Gravy serve it up, garnish'd with Lemon-peel, and Shalots peeled and slit in halves, and some few heaps of grated Manchet mix'd with Cinamon and Pepper. This is very savoury Meat.

Hastereaux of Veal: Cut them out of a Leg or Gigget of Veal as thin as possible may be, and beat them with the back-side of a Knife or Roul­ing-pin: then take fat Bacon or Lard, and Beef-suet and sweet Herbs, mincing them very small, and mincing them together, season them with small beaten Spice and fine Salt; and having made them up round like an Orange, or Balls of Venison, stew them, and serve them up whole in good Broth, garnish'd with Oranges, and put some Ver­juice into the Broth.

Head-ach: Take green Hemlock that it tender, put it in the Socks of your Shoes, that it may lie thinly between them and the Soles of your Feet, and shift it once a day for that which is fresh.

Head-ach, another way: Take Bettony-water two oun­ces, Red Rose-leaves as much, VVheat-flower two ounces; Oil of Roses and Housleek, an ounce of each; boil these in a pint of VVine-Vinegar till they come to a thickness, then spread them on a linnen cloth, applying it to the Forehead and Temples, and it will avert the Pain.

Head-ach, another way to Cure: Take four ounces of Rosemary-flowers, stamp 'em, and infuse them in White-wine and Bettony-water: let them infuse in the Sun, or some other gentle Heat, four or five days, the Glass into which you put them being close stopt; then distill them over a gentle fire, and you will find a Scum or oily Mat­ter; separate these, and keep them close stopt in different Glasses. Their Virtues are excellent; viz.

The Oil, by anointing the Forehead and Tempos, easeth all inveterate Head-achs, and strengthens the Memory and Sight: being dropt into the Ears, it helpeth Deafness: [Page] some few drops of it in White-wine are prescribed for the Dropsie and Yellow-Jaun­dice. It helpeth the Colick, and Rising of the Mother; and is an Antidote against Poison, and infectious Air, the Plague and Pestilence. It comforteth the Heart, and cleanseth the Blood; makes a merry and chearful Counte­nance, and creates a good Colour. It purgeth out the Humours, by Sweat, that oc­casion the Itch, or any Break­ing-out. In short, It is a soveraign Remedy in all Di­stempers proceeding from cold and moist Humours. The Water is good for Beau­tifying, and sets a rare Com­plexion on the Face and Hands.

Head-ach Inveterate: Take strong Vinegar, dip a Rose-cake in it, and sprinkle that over with scraped Nutmeg and Powder of Wormwood; lay it to the Forehead, and burn Feather few under your Nose, on a Chafing-dish, that the Smock may ascend up your Nostrils.

Head-ach or Megrim: Take Unguentum desiccativum rubrum one dram, the Power them well together, and make them into a Plaister upon a piece of new Leather, and lay to the Temples upon the pained side: or if that, by reason of an universal Pain, cannot be distinguished, lay it on both sides, renewing it e­very other day, and the de­sired Cure will be effected.

Head Bald: To cover it with a comly Hair, if Age has not proceeded too far, and utterly denied it, Take a handful of Southernwood, dry it to Powder, or reduce it to Ashes by Fire: mix it with the Oil of Radishes, and anoint the place, and in a few times so doing you may per­ceive the Hair to sprout a­main.

Head Breaking-out: This mostly happens to Children, caused by the super-abundance or hot Humours, and is very afflicting and offensive to them: To cure it, boil some Olive-oil and Vinegar, to the consumption of a third part; of Hogs-lard an ounce; a­noint it with these, when they come to the thickness of an Ointment, both Morning and Evening; putting on, after the anointing, a linnen Cap; and give them to drink Whey, wherein Scabious, Agrimony, and a few Tops of Wormwood have been boiled, to clear and purifie the Blood.

Head Breaking-out, ano­ther way to cure: Take But­ter and Salt, and fry them till a Blackness appear. Or, Take fine Olive-oil and Vinegar, beat them together, and a­noint the place afflicted both Morning and Evening. If [Page] these have no effect, Take a quart of Whey, boil in it Agrimony, Scabious and Wormwood, of each an ounce, and wash the Breaking out with the Liquid; you must give two ounces of it to drink at the same time.

Head to Clear: Snuff up, in the Morning fasting, a spoonful, or somewhat less, of the clarify'd Juice of Ground-Ivy, or of Beets, spitting out, from time to time, as much Liquor as comes into your Mouth.

Head disturb'd with Noises: Take a green Ash-stick, and whilst one end is burning, receive the Water or Moisture that hisses out of the other; dissolve in it a little Civet; and being well dissolved, drop a drop or two of it into the Ear, when you go to rest, and immediately stop it with Lint moisten'd in the same Liquid, and lie still about half an hour with that Ear upper­most that it is dropt into; in so often doing, the Noise will cease, and the Head be restored to its former Ease and Quiet.

Head Lightness: If by reason of a violent Sickness, as Fevers, Small-pox, &c. there is a Lightness in the Brain that disorders the Un­derstanding, Take the distil­led Waters of White single Primroses, and Couslips, of each an ounce: put into them a dram of the Powder of Pearl, and a grain of Bezoar-stones; and let the Party take it, and compose himself, as much as the Disorder will permit, to rest after it. This has brought many to their Speech again.

Head Lightness, another: For the Lightness or Swim­ming of the Head, especially in or after Sickness, Take the Flowers of single White Prim­roses, distill them, and drink of the Water: If this succeed not, mingle with it the like quantity of Rosemary-flower-water, and Couslip-water, and this will soon restore your Speech.

Head and Nerves: Take of the fresh Roots of both the Peonies, gathered about the Full of the Moon, of each an ounce and a half; of Con­trayerva half an ounce; Elks-hoof an ounce; of Rosemary before it is flower'd a handful, or with the Flowers; Bet­tony, Hyssop, Wild Marjo­ram, Ground-Pine, and Rue, of each three drams; of the Wood of Aloes, Cloves, and the Seeds of the Letter Car­damom, of each two drams; Ginger and Spikenard, of each one dram; Stechas and Nut­megs, of each two drams and an half: After a warm Digestion for one day in three quarts of the distilled Water of the Roots of Peony, bo [...] them to two in a Bath: then [Page] strain, and with four pound of Sugar make it into a Syrup an a Bath. This is good for most Diseases of the Head and Nerves. The Dose is an ounce, which may safely be taken at one time.

Head Noisie: If there be a beating or singing in the Head and Ears, Take a pretty large silver Eel newly caught, tie it to a Spit, and let it roast without any basting, unless with a little Water rubb'd on with a cloth to keep it moist, having, before you lay it down, put some Cummin-seeds into the Belly of the Eel: then take what drops from it, and putting it into a glazed earthen Vessel, let it stand close covered with some fresh Cumimn-seed on warm Embers, and then going to Bed drop three or four drops into your Ears, or that only on which side of the Head the Noise is most.

Head-Pains, a Cephalick Wine: Take two ounces and a half of Succory; the like quantity of the Roots of A­vens; Elecampane one once; Ceterach, Bettony, Red-Sage, Liverwort, Carduus, Cen­taury, of each a handful; dried Orange-peel half an ounce and two drams; bruise the Barks and Roots, and shred the Herbs small: in­fuse them three or four days in a gallon of Rhenish-wine, often shaking them; and then strain it, and drink about three ounces of it every Morning fasting, and the like at Night when going to rest.

This helps the most vio­lent Distempers of the Head, and also those of the Spleen; and is an excellent Pectoral for the Breast and Lungs, as likewise for curing Catarrhs.

Head-Pains tending to Madness: Take a quarter of a pint of the Juice of Ground-Ivy, of the Juices of Burnet and Red Sage, of each two ounces: drink them fasting in the Morning, and at Night when going to rest; and do it for twelve or thirteen days, but not successively, intermit­ting a day between, if the Distemper continue so long; and after it you may take Red Rose-leaves dried; mix them with Flower and Vine­gar, Oil of Roses, and the Juice of Housleek; boil them together until they be thick, and spreading them as a Poul­tis or Plaister, apply them to the Forehead and Temples.

The Conserve of Rue is also excellent for the Brain, pre­serving it from the Fits of the Apoplexy, Palsie, and such like painful and dange­rous Distempers. Make it in this manner; with one part of Rue, mix two parts of fine Sugar, mixing them well to­gether, so that they may be made into a Conserve; of [Page] which eat both Morning and Evening to the bigness of a large Hazle Nut.

Head Powder: Take the Flowers and Leaves of Bet­tony, Damask-Roses, and the Flowers of Rosemary and Sage; dry these well, and add the Powder of Lignum-Aloes, and some Seeds of Ni­gella Romana: make them into a fine Powder, to be used as an Hair-Powder, when the Party goes to rest, his Head cover'd close with a Cap. This is excellent against the Head-ach, Pains in the Eyes, and likewise Swimming of the Head.

Head to Purge: Take A­garick and Mastick, of each three drams; the Roots of Flower-de-luce and Hare-hound, of each one dram; Turbith five drams in Pow­der, Hiera Picra half an ounce; Pulp of Coloquintida and Sarcocoll, of each two drams; Myrrh one dram, Sapa as much as shall suffice to make them into a mass. These purge very strongly from all parts of the Body, both Choler and Phlegmatick Humours, but especially from the Head and Breast, and are good against old Colds and Catarrhs. The Dose is half a dram.

Head Scald: Take Olive-oil, put it into a Dish-full of fair Water, beat them well together; then add some fine Powder of Brimstone and May-Butter; make an Oint­ment thereof, and anoint the Head therewith.

Head Scald, another: Take Olive-oil two ounces, put it into half a pint of Spring-water, stir and beat them well together; then add half an ounce of Flower of Brimstone, and three oun­ces of May-Butter, and over a gentle fire make it into an Ointment, and anoint the Head therewith as hot as may be endured: bath it about seven or eight hours after­wards with Oil of Roses and Camomel melted or mixt to­gether over a gentle fire; and by often so doing, you have the Remedy.

Head Scald, another: Take half a peck of Oyster-shells out of which the Oy­sters have newly been un­shell'd; calcine them in a clear fire so that they may be reduced to Powder; sift it as fine as Flower, and mix it with White Ointment, so that it may be something stiff, and anoint the Head with it daily, and you will soon find the Effects answer your desire.

Head to Strengthen: Take Ointment of Mastick, and anoint the Temples and Forehead therewith. You may make it in this manner: Take of the Oils of Mastick, Wormwood and Nard, of each one ounce; Mastick, Mint, Coral, [Page] Red Roses, Cloves, Cinamon and Wood of Aloes, of each a dram; and of Yellow Wax a sufficient quantity to make it into an Ointment. This not only strengthneth the Head, but the Nerves and Stomach, and is Astringent.

Hearing: For Thickness of Hearing, Take Garden Daisie-roots, and beat then till a Juice may be pressed from them; then laying your Head on a Bolster, your Body lying at length, drop three or four drops into the Ear you hear best withal; and so con­tinue to do for three of four days together, stopping the Ear with Cotton-wool, or Lint, to keep the Air out.

Hearing to Recover: Take the Juices of Celandine and Daisie roots, and drop into the Ears, stopping them after­ward with Black Wool or Cotton, lying on your Back, with your Head very low, for the space of half an hour after it; and in twice or thrice so doing, you will find great ad­vantage by it.

Heart-Burning: Take Red Coral finely poudered about a dram, take it in White-wine or Ale: for want of this, scrape some Chalk that has been well burnt in the fire, and drink it in the abovesaid Liquors.

Heart to Cheer: Take Car­duus, Bean, Borrage and Bu­gloss-waters, equal quantities, and in all but one ounce; put into them three grains of Be­zoar-stone finely beaten to Powder; and having infused it for the space of an hour, drink it off, and keep your self warm an hour afterward, and then drink a glass of Mus­kadel; and in so doing often, it will remove Heart-sickness, Pains and Tremblings, as also Melancholy, &c.

Heart to Chear and Com­fort: Take of the Leaves of Celandine the Greater with the Roots, three handfuls; of Rue a handful; of Scordium two handfuls; Dittany of Creet, and Carduus Bene­dictus, of each a handful and an half; the Roots of Ange­lica and Zedoary, of each three drams; the outward Peels of Citron and Lemon, of each five drams; of July-Flowers one ounce and an half; Red Roses, and of the Flowers of the Lesser Cen­taury of each two drams; shred what is to be shred, and infuse them three days in three pints of Malaga-Wine, or the Spirit of Wine: The Vine­gar of July-Flowers, and the Juice of Lemons, of each a pint: distill them in a Bath in a Glass Vessel; and to the distilled Liquor add of Cina­mon three drams, Cloves two drams and an half, Mithridate an ounce, Venice-Treacle three ounces, Troches of Vi­pers half an ounce, Camphire [Page] two scruples, Wood of Aloes a dram, Mace two drams, Yellow Saunders one dram and an half; of the Seeds of Carduus Benedictus one ounce; of the Seeds of Ci­tron three drams: let these be infused two days, then with a gentle fire distill them twice or thrice, and draw off half thereof. This Water is excellent to Cheer and Enliven the Heart, and for expelling Melancholy.

Heart-Passion: Boil Pim­pernel the Garden sort, Herb, Flower and Roots, in Ale, till the Ale be very strong of them; drink it up hot, sweet­ned with a little Syrup of Ro­ses or Violets: this twice or thrice done, removes Heartsickness, or the Infection of the Plague; and made into Posset-drink with Milk, is good in Pestilential Fevers.

Heart-sickness to Remove: Take Ale, and make a Posset-drink thereof: then clarifie it, and seeth Pimpernel in it, till it becomes strong of the Herb; sweeten it a little, and drink it often.

Heat in the Eyes: Beat the White of an Egg, and dissolve in it a pretty quantity of fine Loaf-Sugar; beat them till they become thin, then drop it into the Eye.

Heat in the Face: Dip a Cloth in the Juice of Lemons, and Salt and Atom heated in White-wine; and in often applying it, the Heat or Red­ness of the Face will be re­moved, and the Skin become clear, smooth, and of its pro­per Colour.

Heats or Inflammations of the Eyes: Take the Pow­der of Tutty-stone, Aloes and Sugar, of each an ounce: in­fuse them in a quart of Red Rose-water and White-wine: being put into a double Glass, and placed in Balneo Mariae five or six days with often shaking; wash the Eyes, Fore­head, Temples, and indeed the whole Head with this of­ten, so you will find a speedy Remedy.

Heat of the Liver: Take Liverwort, Garden and Wild, and Endive, of each a hand­ful; Maidenhair half an hand­ful; boil them in Water with a little Sugar; and being cla­rified, put into the Decoction a little of the Wine of Pom­granates, and drink it alone, and in your usual Drink, for a Week together, or as you see occasion. The Dose is a quarter of a pint at a time.

Hellebore, to Prepare: In­fuse the Roots of Black Helle­bore in the Juice of Quinces three days in a moderate Heat, then dry them, and keep 'em for use.

Hemlock: This, by reason of its Coldness, is supposed to be poisonous; yet it is fre­quently used, and not without [Page] success, for Tumors, and In­flammations of the Spleen. A Cataplasm or Plaister of it with Ammoniacum, powerfully dis­cuss all Tumors or hard Swel­lings. Twenty grains of the Root in Powder, is an admi­rable Diaphoretick in any Ma­lignant Fevers.

Hemlock Plaister: Take of the Juice of the Leaves of Hemlock four ounces; Vi­negar of Squills, and Gum-Ammoniack, of each eight ounces: dissolve the Gum in the Juice and Vinegar; and after a sufficient Infusion make them into a Salve over a gen­tle fire. This is a very good Plaister to soften hard Swel­lings, or take away Inflamma­tions.

Hemorrhoids: If these be not too much inflamed, dip your Finger or a fine Rag in the Balsom or Sulphur made with Oil of Turpentine, and besmear and anoint the Tu­mours once or twice a day: But if inflamed much, take Myrrh, Olibanum, common Frankincense, of each a like quantity: powder and mix them very well, and receive the Fume of this Mixture cast on a Chafing-dish of Coals with Embers, in a Close-stool, or some such convenient thing, about a quarter of an hour, more or less, as the Party can endure it.

Hemorrhoids, another: To prepare these for a Cure, Take White-wine, boil it in a hand­full of Incense, which is only to comfort it; then wash with it the part grieved very often; then dip some Lint or Rags in Oleum Magistrale, (to make which, you will find under O L,) and often apply it as a soveraign Ointment for this Grievance. Then for a Plaister, Take the said Oil, Venice-Turpentine, and new Bees-wax, of each an ounce; set them over a gentle fire, and keep them stirring a quar­ter of an hour; then let it cool, and being cold, apply it as a Plaister. This is good for Fistula's, Ulcers, and all such Grievances occasion'd by hot Humours offensive to Nature. It is applied in Wounds made by a Sword, &c. Gun­shot, and Blasts by Gun-pow­der, Scalding with Lead, or any Mineral.

Hemorrhoids, another way: Take the Sole of an old Shoe worn by a Man much used to travel, cut it to pieces, and burn it, yet neither to grey nor white Ashes, but to a fryable and tender Coal: re­duce it into an impalpable Powder. Take then unsalted Hogs-lard, and work it with it to an Ointment, and anoint the afflicted part often there­with.

Hen-Pye: Take away the Hens Breast-bone, truss and set them in warm Water, lard it with Lard not too big, season [Page] it with Pepper, Salt and Nut­meg; raise your Paste to an Oval form, and put in your Hens, and garnish or fill them with Champignons Artichoak-bottoms, Livers of Fowls, Sweet-Herbs, and Lard mel­ted or beaten: cover the Pye with the Lid, and let it bake for the space of three hours; and being baked, put in some Juice of Lemons, beaten up with Butter and Gravy.

Hern-Pye: Take your Hern, and pull the Feathers and Stumps clean off: break the Breast-bone, and lay it to soak in warm Water and Salt for the space of an hour: then having Sweet-Herbs and O­nions shred, make little Balls of them; sticking them toge­ther with Butter, and put it into the Belly; season it with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Mace and Ginger finely beaten: then lard the Breast, and stick pieces of Lard under the Wings: lay also other Balls about it of the Composition of these that were put into the Belly, till the Coffin is full: then sprinkle on some Juice of Lemon, and so bake it for two hours: when it is enough, pour melted Butter into it, set it in a dry place till cold, and then serve it up.

Hern to Roast: Take a Hern that is not too old, lard the Back and Breast after you have parboil'd it; then put it on a Spit, baste it with But­ter and White-wine beaten up together, and dridge it with grated Bread and Sweet-Herbs cut very small: and when it is sufficiently roasted, make a Sauce of the beaten Yolks of Eggs, Anchovy, Cla­ret, and Vinegar: garnish your Dish with Oranges, Le­mons, Savory, and Tops of Rosemary.

Herring-Pye to Season: Take about eight middle-sized Herrings, the soft-Roes are the best, slit them down the Backs, and taking out the Bones, rub them over with Pepper and Salt: then mince Onions, Leeks and Apples, and scrape in Lemon-peel; then strew over them some Nut­meg finely grated, half a pound of Currans, and mix a pound of Butter with a little Flower, and place it above and beneath in thin slices.

Hiccough: This is dange­rous when it happens in Fe­vers; therefore to remedy it in that extremity, Take only two or three preserved Da­mascens at a time, keeping your mouth close shut, and holding your breath now and then.

Hippocras of White-wine: Take about three quarts of the best White-wine, a pound and an half of Sugar, and an ounce of Cina­mon; two or three Tops of Sweet-Marjoram, and a little whole Pepper; let these run [Page] thorough a filtering Bag with a grain of Musk; then add the Juice of a large Lemon, and when it has taken a gen­tle heat over the fire, and stood for the space of three or four days close covered; put it in Bottles, and keep it close stopt, as an excellent and generous Wine, as also a very curious Cordial to refresh and enliven the Spirits: Or, if you think it best, as to the Colour, you may make it of the Colour of Claret, though this at pleasure may be co­loured with Red Wine, Sy­rup, of Elder-berries, Mul­berries, Clovegilly-flowers, &c. It easeth the Palpitations and Tremblings of the Heart, and removes the Causes of Panick-Fears, Frights, and sudden Startings: It giveth Rest to weary Eyes, and heats the cold Stomach.

Hispidula, Known other­wise by the name of Colts-foot, is an Herb growing on Hills, and bearing a Red Flower, and sometimes a White: it has a particular Virtue against the Ulcers of the Lungs, Phthisick, and Spitting of Blood. A di­stilled Water of the whole-Plant, and a Syrup made of the Juice, are either of them admirable good against the Consumption of the Lungs. The Essence of the Juice is singular good against the Bloody-flux, and ether Fluxes of the Bowels.

Hoarseness: Take three ounces of Hyssop-water, and sweeten it with fine Sugar; then beat well in it the Yolk of a new-lay'd Egg, and drink it fasting.

Holly: The Prickles of Leaves boiled in Posset-drink, wonderfully ease the Colick, and Pains in the Bowels, (as hath been often approved, when other Remedies more costly have failed.)

Honey Clarified: Boil Honey that hath been clari­fied with the Whites of Eggs, until it come to a thickness: then take it off the fire; and when it is cool, put it up for your use. This is good in In­flammations, either taken in­wardly, or outwardly applied to any Part where extraordi­nary Heat is predominant.

Honey of Raisins, the Best: Take three quarts of Water, heat it, and when it bubbles up, scum it: stone two pound of Raisins, and put them into it till they swell and are pulpy; then boil them to the consumption of half the Water; then strain and press out the remainder of the liquid part; boil the De­coction to the thickness of a moderate Honey; and then add two pound of clarified Honey, and being well ming­led, boil it to the thickness of a perfect Honey.

This is good for any Stoppages or Defects in the Lungs: [Page] if mixed with White-wine, it helps Digestion; and mixed with cooling simple Water, is given in Fevers.

Honey of Violets: Take of the Flowers of Violets, the Bottoms chipt off, viz. Purple Violets, two pound; infuse them in two quarts of Wa­ter, boil them up, and add two pound of Honey, and so boil them up to the thickness of an Honey, and press the liquid part thorough a linnen Cloth.

This eases the Inflamma­tion of the Liver, cures sore Mouths; and mixed with the Decoction of Wood-Sorrel and Barberries, is Cooling, and much allays the Heat of Fevers. Thus you may make Honey of Roses.

Hordeum: This is an Ex­crescence growing on the Eye-Lid: To remove it, Take Housleek, dry it, and bring it to a Powder; then take of the Housleek-juice, and make a Cataplasm of the Powder, and cover as much as is need­ful of it, viz. to the thickness of Half a Crown, or a Crown-piece, in the fold of a Rag; fasten that part then upon the Eye, and let the rest of the Cloth bind round the Head, and so let it continue all night, and repeat the Application two or three times, if need re­quire.

Horminum, or Clary, (by some called Clear-eye:) There are two sorts of this, Garden and Wild. The Herb and Flower is Cleansing, Attenua­ting and Strengthening, and is good to be eaten by those that have weak Backs, or Pains in them. The Seed of it con­cocted in Spring-water, is won­derful good for clearing the Eye-sight, the Eyes being washed therewith. The Pow­der of the Leaves snuffed up the Nose, purge the Head and Brain of Phlegm. A dram taken inwardly, provokes Ve­nery. The Essence of the Juice strengthens Weakness in the Reigns, and much availeth in Barrenness, comforting and strengthening the Womb. A mucilage of the Seed discusses Swellings. The Leaves of Wild Clary are discussive, strengthening, and clear the Sight.

Hotch-pot of Beef: Take a Brisket Rand of Beef, any piece of Mutton, and a piece of Veal; put this into a suf­ficient quantity of boiling Wa­ter, keeping it clear from the Scum: then put in Sweet-Herbs; minced Cabbage, but not too small; and Carrots sliced: let them boil almost to a Jelly, and so serve them up on Sippets.

Hotch-pot of Pigeons: Put your Pigeons (drawn and a few Sweet-Herbs finely shred, and mixed with Butter) into a Pot, as many as you think convenient: then put [Page] to them some strong Broth, after you have layed between them some slices of interlar­ded Bacon, beaten Nutmeg, Ginger, and a little Saffron, that they may give them a colour; then make 'em boil a-pace, and when they are boiled enough, put in some Verjuice of Grapes, or Wine-Vinegar, and so season them with a little Salt and Pepper, and serve them upon Sippits. And thus you may order a Hotchpot of Chickens, only these you must cut into quar­ters, and lard them with small square pieces of Bacon Lard, and boil or stew them not too hastily: you may add some sweet Herbs shred small, and a piece of Butter; and being enough, garnish and serve them up as the Pidgeons. This way you may draw any sort of small Fowl, either Wild or Tame.

Humour in the Eye: Take new Milk, let it stand till a little Cream comes over it, then lying on your Back, dip your Finger into the Cream, and shutting the Eye-lids, be­smear the Eyes with it, keep­ing it out of the Eyes as much as may be. Let this be done when you go to Bed, and let it continue on till the Morning, and to renew it of­ten.

Humours fallen into the Eyes: To remedy this Griev­ance, Take of Whitewine six ounces, red Rose-water the like quantity, Tutty-stone in powder three scruples, Eye-bright-water six ounces, Aloes three Scruples, Loaf-Sugar finely powdered four scruples; put them into a Glass with a narrow Mouth, stop it close, and let them infuse in the Sun, or some warm place, a­bout three Days, then draw off the purest Water sepa­rated from the setling, and wash the Eyes with it fre­quently; and it will restore them to their strength and firmness of sight without any Trouble.

Humour in the Eyes, a Water: Take prepared Tutty half an ounce, Pearl half a scruple, Trochisci Alb-Ros five or six grains; red Rose-water, and Succory-water, of each an ounce and a half: mix them well, and if you will have the Medicine stron­ger, put three or four grains of Aloes into it, dissolve these well by shaking as well as may be, and with the liquid part wash the Place grieved.

Humours to Draw out of the Head and Face: Take a couple of new-lay'd Eggs, and by opening the Top, take out part of the White, and put in some Powder of Cum­min-seed, and also the Pow­der of Anniseed by degrees; then having closed the Egg with Past, till it is very hard: cut it in the middle, and [Page] lay it to the Nape of the Neck.

Humours Sharp to Cor­rect: Take the Roots of Marshmallows two ounces, Meadow-grass, Asparagus, Raisins of the Sun, Licorice, Red Chich-Pease, of each half an ounce; Tops of Marshmallows, Mallows, Pel­litory of the Wall, Plantane, Burnet, Saxifrage, white and black Maidenhair, of each one handful; of the four lesser and greater Cold-seeds, of each three drams: wash and cleanse the Roots from their Dirt, Pitch, and Strings, and so cut them into slices, and having boiled the grass Roots first a quarter of an hour in eight pints of Water, put in­to the Decoction the Roots of Marshmallows and Aspa­ragus, let them boil well for half an hour with the rest: after that add Licorice sliced, and the Maidenhair cut, and when they begin to boil, put in the cold Seeds, and keep them down in the Decoction: then take the whole off the Fire, and strain them about a quarter of an hour after, and so clarifie the Liquor with the White of an Egg, and four pound of Sugar, and boil it on a moderate Fire to the Consistence of a Syrup.

This easeth Pains, corre­cteth sharp Humours, and has its principal Use for the remedying the Disease of the Bladder, and Stone in the Kid­neys. An ounce at a time may be taken in any conve­nient Liquor.

Hurt in the Eye: If the Hurt makes a solution of con­tinuity in the Eye, take two ounces of Cellendine-water, put to it three or four drops of clarified Honey, stir them well together, and add four or five drops of Oil of Roses, and dress the Eye with it. The Mixture must be made fresh once in two or three Days, or it will four.

Hydromel, a short way: To make this, Take two Gal­lons of Spring-water, boil it over a gentle Fire, keeping it scumming till no more will arise, then put in a pound of the best Honey, adding a lit­tle Fenel and Eye-bright tyed up in a bundle, and so let it seeth till the third part be con­sumed, scum it very well, strain it through a fine Cloath or Sieve, and with a quarter of a pound of Sugar-Candy finely beaten, put it up into a Vessel, and keep it close stop­ped; and it is an excel­lent cooling Liquor, greatly comforting and reviving the Spirits in Fevers and other hot Diseases, and is good in extream Costiveness to loosen the Belly, and con­tributes much to the freeness of making Urin.

Hydropsie: Take half a dram of transparent yellow [Page] Amber twice or thrice a day in any convenient Liquor. This has been proved with good success.

Hyoscyamus, or Henbane: A Cataplasm of the Roots ap­plied in the Gout, Tumour or Tooth-ach, gives present ease. The Leaves which have all the Virtues, and Preparation of the Root, wonderfuly mollifie and ease Pains, being layed on as a Poultis. A di­stilled Water of the Flowers and Seeds, not ripe, and an Oil compressed out of them, cure the Pains in the Teeth and Gout, and are held to help Deafness and Noise, and Worms in the Ears, if dropt into them, though hot too much. A Gataplasm of the Leaves boiled in Vinegar and Whitewine, eases all Inflam­mations of the Eyes, asswages Swelling of the Gods, or in Women's Breasts: Gives ease to the Sciatica, and other Pains in the Joints, proceeding from hot Causes.

Hyssop, its Virtue: The Qualities are piercing and at­tenuating, opening and ab­stersive, and therefore it hath power to heal and purifie. Being concocted with Figs, Ho­ney, and Rue, of an equal quan­tity in fair Water, is good for Inflammations of the Lungs, old Coughs, Difficulty of Breathing and Catarrhs. It kills Worms in the Belly, and being beaten with Salt and Cummin, it remedies the poiso­nous Biting of Serpents, if immediately applied to the Wound with a mixture of Honey. It is profitable to those that are troubled with the Falling-sickness, the De­coction of it being drunk in VVhitewine, as also to cause the voiding of Phlegm, espe­cially when it chiefly oppresses the Stomach and Lungs, as also the phlegmatick Maladies of the Brain and Sinews; and not only purgeth, but also fortifieth them. It dri­veth away Ventosities, and moveth Appetite; provokes Urin, and lessens the shaking of the Ague Fit, sharpens the Sight, and supporteth a good Colour. It is good for the Spleen and Dropsie, and is sin­gularly good against the Quin­sie in the Mouth and Throat, being gargarized with the De­coction of it, and Figs in fair Water. The Oil made of the Leaves and Flowers help­eth refrigerated or benumbed Sinews and Nerves, and strengthens them: And in brief so admirable are the Vir­tues of this Plant, that it has begot a Saying, viz. He that eateth Hyssop, shall live long, &c.

Hysterick Affections: Take an ounce or sufficient quantity of Volatil Salt of Harts-horn, drop on it as much Spirit of Tartar as will satiate it, when the Conflict is over; digest and mix it for a while, that it [Page] may acquire a redness in Co­lour, and keep it carefully stopt. The Dose is four or five drops in any convenient Syrup. This is excellent good for the Genus Nervosum and other Distempers and Afflicti­ons.

Hysterick-Balsom: Take Galbanum, Opopanax, the Tears of Assa Foetida, Saga­penum and Armoniack, of each a dram: distilled Oils of Rue, Juniper-Berries, and Amber, of each a scruple: melt the Gums in a brass Melter, and mix the Oils, and make a Balsom by re­mixing them over a gentle Fire.

This Balsam is very excel­lent to suppress the Vapours of the Matrix, put up into the Nostrils, and by anoint­ing the Navel with it, it pro­vokes the Terms, or by ap­plying it to the lower part of the Belly.

Hysterick-Elixir: Take the distilled Oil of Wormwood, Pennyroyal, Amber, Featherfew, and Rue, of each six drops; Tincture of Castor and Saffron, of each three ounces; refined Sugar, Elder­flower-water, and Mugwort, of each six ounces: make these into an Elixir, and let it stand ten Days before you use it.

It is an excellent Elixir against all Diseases and Infir­mities of the Matrix. The Dose is from half a spoonful to a whole one.

Hysterick-Liquor: Take of Castoreum two drams, Saf­fron and Camphire, of each an ounce: let them macerate fifteen days in a pint of Aqua-vitae, not being set on any Fire, and then filter the Li­quid part.

This is an excellent Speci­fick to suppress Vapours, e­specially in Women, when arising from the Matrix: it may be taken upon any occa­sion, the Party who takes it being fasting, that it may ope­rate the better, from half a spoonful to a whole one. It also may be snuffed up the Nostrils, or the Temples ba­thed with it, to ease Pains in the Head, and prevent the ascending of offensive Va­pours to the Brain.

Hysterical-Vapours: These are usually called Fits of the Mother: To cure or avert them, Take the Liver of a hunted Hare, hang it up for a time in a dry place where it may not putrefie, till it may be reduced to pow­der, then take two or three scruples at a time in any con­venient Liquor.

Hysterick-Water: Take the Roots of Briony, and Piony, and Orange-peels, of each three ounces; Flowers of Mugwort, Baum, Feather­few, Pennyroyol, Savin, and Elder-flowers, of each [...] hand­ful; [Page] Myrrh and Castor, of each an ounce; Saffron two drams. Let these macerate twenty four Hours in two quarts of Canary, a pint of the Water of the Catkins of Filberds, and the like quanti­ty of Orange-flower-water, and distill them all on a Sand-Bath.

This Water is very highly commended by most learned Physicians for the Cure of the Distempers and Grievances of the Matrix. The Dose is an ounce and an half.

Or take this, viz. Juice of Neppe, Wormwood, Mug­wort, Pennyroyal, Elder­flowers, and Hyssop, of each half a handful; distil them, and preserve the Water for Use. This is not so power­ful as the other, though very good, and contributing much to the Ease of the afore­said Grievances and Distem­pers.

IAcinth Confection: Take Jacinth Stones, red Coral, Bole Ar­moniack, and sealed Earth, of each two ounces and two drams; the Shavings of Harts-Horn, the Seeds of Sorrel and Purslain, of each five drams; Leaves of Cretan Ditany, Grains of Kermes, Roots of Tormentile and Bithworth, Seeds of Citron cleansed, Aethiopian Myrrh, Saffron, red Roses, the several sorts of Saunders, the Shavings of I­vory and of the Bone in a Stag's Heart, of each five drams; Smaragds, Orien­tial Pearl, Topazes, raw Silk, and Leaves of Gold and Sil­ver, of each eight scruples, Ambergrease, and eastern Milk twenty grains, Syrup of Clove-Gilliflowers six pound and seven ounces.

This is an excellent Confe­ction to strengthen the Heart, remove Infections, and is pro­per for killing of Worms in the Belly or Stomach. It may be taken in a Bolus alone, or mixed with other Powders, or Opiates, or else dissolved in Wine or Broth, or in some Cordial Liquor. The Dose is from a scruple to a dram, and sometimes two: It is likewise outwardly applied in Liquid and solid Epithems.

Iacobine-Dottage: Take either a Capon, or two Brace of Partridges, roast them, and take out the Bones, and mince the Brawn very small, then breaking the Bones, boil them in strong Broth with a Faggot of sweet Herbs, in an earthen Pot: then strain out the Broth upon Sippits of Bread, and lay on the Bread a layer of Flesh or grated Cheese, then put over it some Broth, of Al­monds, and make it boil; then fill up your Dish by lit­tle and little, till it be quite full, so garnish it with the ends and pinions of the Wings, and the Bones, by sticking them end ways in your Pot­tage, beat then the Yolks of three Eggs very thin, mix them with a little Almond, or other Broth, and pour them over the Pottage, and so serve it up as a dainty Mess.

Iaundice-Black, to Cure: Take Smallage, Sage, Parsley, and Groundsil, cut them small, and boil them as Pot-herbs with Pork, and drink the Li­quor, and feed on the Meat, as a constant Dyet for a Week together.

Iaundice-Black, another: Take a spoonful of Honey, boil it gently, and scum it till it come to a good consistence, add then Wheat-flower and Saffron reduced to Powder, as much of each as will lye on a Knife's point; and ha­ving mixed them well over a gentle Fire, till the scent be lost, put them into a little stone or earthen Pot, and let the Party grieved take the quantity of a Pea at a time of it made up into a Pill, and anoint the Navel with it, cha­fing it into the Cavity, re­peating the application for some Days together, when the Stomach is empty, and fast afterward two or three Hours.

Iaundice in Children: Take half an ounce of the best Rhubarb, make it into a Pow­der; then take two handfuls of fine Currans, and incor­porate it with them, when ex­traordinary well beaten, and so make it up into an Electua­ry: And of this, let Chil­dren take the quantity of a Nutmeg at a time fasting, and fast an Hour after it for several Mornings successive­ly.

Iaundice Yellow: Take an ounce of Castile-soap, slice it thin, and put it into a pint of cold Small-beer; set it on the fire, and let it boil half away: then scum it once, and strain it thorough a Sieve, and drink one half of it in the Morning, and the other in the Evening: take a lump of Sugar after it, and fast two or three hours. Taking this, will not hinder any moderate Bu­siness If the Distemper be far gone, you may take it [Page] once or twice more in two or three days-time afterward.

Iaundice Yellow, ano­ther: Take two or three ounces of Hemp-seed, and boil them in New-Milk till some of the Seeds begin to open and burst, or somewhat longer; then strain out the liquid part, and drink it very warm, renewing it, if occa­sion require, for two or three days together.

Ielly: Take a dozen Calves-feet, seald them, and take away the Fat between the Claws, as also the great long Shank-bones; lay them in Water four or five hours, and boil them in two gallons of Spring-water: keep them scumming till the Water comes to about three quarts; then strain it thorough a thick lin­nen Cloth, and let it cool; and when it is cold, cleanse it from the Setlings: pare off the top, and melt it; then put into a large Pipkin three quarts of White-wine, and three races of Ginger sliced, six or seven blades of Mace, and a quarter of an ounce of Cinamon, a grain of Musk, with eighteen Whites of Eggs beaten with four pound of fine Sugar: mix them with the Jelly in the Pipkin, then put in the Juice of three Le­mons, and let them boil lei­surely: then strain it again, and run it, and serve it up with any Meats, or other things that require Jellies. 'Tis very good to strengthen the Back, and enable Genera­tion.

Iellies, their proper Meats: 1. Three pair of Calves-feet. 2. A Knuckle of Veal, and a fine well-flesh'd Capon not very fat. 3. One pair of Calves-feet, a well-flesh'd Ca­pon, half a pound of Harts­horn, and an ounce of Ising­glass. 4. An old Cock, and a Knuckle of Veal. 5. Harts­horn, and a Pullet. 6. Good bodied Capons only. 7. A Cock or Capon with Ising­glass. 8. Jelly of Hogs-feet. 9. Sheeps-feet, Lambs-feet, and Calves-feet. And these may be all ordered as the fore­going, for matter of Boiling and Straining.

Ielly of Apples, the French way: Make a Deco­ction of Apples pared, sli­ced, and cored; then run it thorough a fine Cloath, and to a French pint (which is al­most one of our quarts) put about three quarters of a pound of Sugar, and so boil it up to a Jelly. This is very cooling and wholsom for the Stomach, and good to be given in Fevers, and hot Diseases; yet it must be taken, in such cases, with moderation.

Ielly-Broth: For the true making this, observe what is material, besides the matter to be jellied, viz. the Meats, add a, quart of White-wine, [Page] a pound and a half of Sugar, six Eggs, two Nut­megs sliced, a quarter of an onnce of Mace, two Races of Ginger sliced, a little stick of Cinamon grosly bruised, two grains of Musk, and Amber­grease.

Sometimes, for variety, in­stead of Wine, use Grape-Juice, a quart of the Juice of Lemons, a pint of the Juice of Oranges, a quart of Wood­sorrel, or a Quart of the Juice of Quinces.

Ielly Crystalline: To do this, Take half a dozen Calves-feet, scald off the Hair, take off the Claws, and take out the great Bones and Fat; then casting the Flesh into fair Water, shift them three or four times a day and a night, and in the morning boil them in a glazed Pipkin, in six quarts of Water, keeping it very clean scumm'd, till it is re­duc'd by boiling to three quarts; then strain it into a clean earthen Vessel, and when it is cold, take away the Dross from the bottom, and the Fat from the top, if any remain there; then put it into a large Pipkin of six quarts, and put to it two quarts of old White-wine and the Juice of four Lemons, three blades of Mace, and two races of Ginger sliced; then melt or dissolve it again into Broth, and let it cool, and then have four pound of Su­gar ready beaten, and in a large Dish mix it with twelve Whites of Eggs; then put them into the Pipkin where the Jelly is, and so stir them together with a grain of Musk, and Ambergrease: put it in a fine linnen Cloth; bound up, and a quarter of a pint of Damask-Rose-water, and set it a stewing on a gentle Char­coal-fire; before it boils, put in a little Ising-glass; and be­ing boiled, cool it, and then run it up.

Ielly of whole Currants: Boil to candy sour pound of fine White Sugar clarified with the Whites of Eggs; put into it Red Currants about five pound: let them boil toge­ther till they are almost be­come a Jelly, then put into it some whole Currants fresh and cleanly pickt; and when they are enough, put them into the Sugar, but let it be very clear, and well ordered, and scum it well while it boils with the Sugar, and so you will have an excellent Jelly, very cool­ing and grateful to the Sto­mach, and useful for restoring a lost Appetite.

Ielly of Flesh: Take a Red Cock, and a Knuckle of Mutton, or the Sinews and Knuckle of Veal with a little Mutton, Raisins of the Sun stoned; boil all these to pie­ces: then take the Vessel wherein they boil, from off the fire, pour but what is in [Page] it into a wooden Vessel, and break and mix it together very well: then run it thorough a Strainer; and when it has stood all night, scum off the top, and season the rest with Sugar, a stick of Cinamon broken very small, a blade or two of Mace; so boil it up again, and strain it thorough a Jelly-bag for use. It is ex­ceeding nourishing and good for those that are in, or en­clining to a Consumption; also to restore weak and de­cayed Bodies.

Ielly of Gooseberries, the French way: Take Goose­berries, and press or bruise them, and strain out the Pulp thorough a Straining-cloth: measure the Juice, and to every pint put three quarters of a pound of Sugar: make it boil up well together; and when it is so well boiled, that some of it being laid on a Plate, it will not stick, but come clean of, then strain it, and keep it to put into Tarts with Pears, Apples, Quinces, or the like, to make them taste like Gooseberries, when Gooseberries are out of sea­son. And so you may Jelly Raspberries , Cherries , Cur­rants, or any such like soft Fruit.

Ielly of Harts-horn: This has been a long time greatly in request. To make it, Take half a pound of Harts-horn, boil it leisurely in Spring-water close covered, and in a well-glazed Pipkin that will hold a gallon: boil it well; when 'tis cold, strain it thorough a fine Cloth, and put it into another lesser Pip­kin, and with the Juice of eight or nine large Lemons, a pound and a half of double-refined Sugar, and so let it boil a little, and put it into a Gally-pot or small Glass, or cast it into a Mould, or any fashion you fancy best. This is by Physicians held to be a special Cordial, and a great Strengthener; a Restorer of Consumptive Bodies, or those faln-away by long or violent Sicknesses.

Ielly to Make: Take a large Leg of Veal, cut away the Fat as clean as you can; wash it well, and let it lie a soaking a quarter of an hour or more, having first broke the Bones: then take four Calf's-feet, and scald off the Hair in boiling Water, slit them, and put them to your Veal; boil them over the fire in a brass Pot, in two gallons or ten quarts of Water, ac­cording to the Proportion of the Meat: scum it very often, and so continue it till it is boil'd away to three pints; then strain it thorough a clean Strainer, and let it stand till it be quite cold, that it will easily be cut out; pare the top and the bottom, and then put it into a Skillet: then take [Page] two ounces of Cinamon brui­sed, and Nutmeg sliced, a race of Ginger, and a large Mace or two, a little quantity of Salt, and a spoonful or two of Wine-Vinegar, and the Whites of Eggs well beaten: put all to the Jelly, and then set it on the fire, and let it seeth two or three walms, stirring it all the while; then strain it thorough a Jelly-bag, and eat it when you find Na­ture weakened or decayed, and it greatly strengthens and for­tifies it.

Ielly of Quinces, the French way: Make a De­coction of Quinces pared, quartered and cored, till they are very soft, so that they may be mash'd and mingl'd with the Water they are boil'd in; then strain them thorough a Straining-cloth, and boil the liquid part up again with Su­gar, a pound to a quart, till it comes to a reddish colour: then scumming it lightly, let it settle, and take off the finest part, when it is warm, put it into glazed earthen Vessels, and let it stand till it is cool, and it will become a curious red Jelly, and is a great Comforter of the Stomach, exceeding good for the Lungs, and Shortness of Breath.

Ielly of Verjuice: Boil Verjuice in fair Water, then strain it, and in the Decoction boil Apples, and a little Ising­glass; and when the liquid part begins to consume, it will be a perfect Jelly. This is good to use in Sauces, and for garnishing Dishes; as like­wise to prepare the Stomach for a good Appetite, by being eaten with Sugar and Rose­water.

Ielly White: Take a pound of Almonds, and steep them in cold Water till the Husks come off; being blan­ched, beat them with a quart of Rose-water; then a De­coction of half a pound of Ising-glass boiled with a gal­lon of fair Spring-water, or else half Wine, boil it till half be wasted; then cool it, and strain it, and mingle it with your Almonds, and strain with them a pound of double-refined Sugar, the Juice of two Lemons, and cast it into Egg-shells; put Saffron to some of it, and make some of it blue, and some of what colours you please, though naturally it will be as white as Snow.

Iemelloes to Make: Take a pound of fine Sugar beaten and sifted, four Yolks of new-lay'd Eggs, a grain of Musk, and two drams of Carraway-seeds finely beaten and sifted, a little Gum-dragon dissolved in Rose-water, and six spoon­fuls of fine Flower; beat all these together in as equal mix­ture as may be; so beat them into a thin Paste a little softer than Butter; then run it tho­rough [Page] rough a Butter-Squirt of two or three Ells long, bigger than a Wheat-straw; and let them dry upon Paper a quarter of an hour, then tie them up in such Knots as you fancy most proper; and being dry, boil them in Rose water and Su­gar, and it proves very use­ful in setting out a rich Ban­quet.

Ill Hahit of Body, to Remedy: Take double-re­fined Sugar one pound, the distilled Water of Citron-peels four ounces, boil them over a gentle fire to the consistence of a solid Electuary: then add a Nutmeg, Sugar pou­der'd and pass'd thorough a Sieve, Pulp of Pistaches three drams; choice Cinamon and Mace finely pouder'd, of each two drams; put in first the Nutmeg and the Pistaches, after that the Peel, and then the Powder; and being all incorporated, make them up into Tablets, and dry them, so that they may be well kept for use.

These Tablets are of a very pleating Scent and Odour, grateful to the Stomach, and removing the ill Habit of Body. They encrease the Appetite, and facilitate Con­coction and Distribution of the Nourishment. They also are very effectual to expell Wind, and hinder the Putre­faction of the Humours. You may take of them for a Dose two drams in the Morning fasting, and immediately after Meals, and may continue the use of them as you see occa­sion.

Incontinency of Vrine: Take the Pizzle of a Wether, dry it in an Oven so that it may be reduced to a Powder; mix it with a little Powder of Coral, and take as much as will lie on a Three-pence in a spoonful of Vinegar.

Inflammation Day: For this, Take Crumbs of Bread half an ounce, Coral and Pearl prepared, Tuttia and white Sugar-Candia, of each half a dram; Powder of red Roses a dram and a half, Flowers of St. John's-wort one dram, and with a sufficient quantity of Milk make a Cataplasm or Poultis; and for a dry hot Inflammation lay it on the Eyes.

Inflammation Moist: Take a Pippin, and having cut it in two halves, take out the Core of each of them, and fill up the cavity with the ten­der Tops of common Wormwood, and so close them to­gether by tying the halves: and when it is well roasted, take off the Skin bruise it into a kind of a Poultis, and apply it warm to the Eye, spread on a Cloth.

Internal Piles: Take two parts of Flower of Sul­phur, and one of Sugar very finely poudered; mix them [Page] exactly together, and make them up with a sufficient quan­tity of Mucilage of Gum-Tra­gacanth, into Lozenges, of a­bout a dram weight, and take one at a time thrice a day; or, if need require, four or five times a day.

St. Iohn's-wort: This is a soveraign Herb for Wounds, or internal Bruises; boil it in White-wine, and drink it very warm, with a little Sugar. For Wounds, make it into an Ointment or Bath. It opens Obstructions, and dissolves Swellings: It closes up the Lips of Wounds, and streng­theneth the Parts that are weak and feeble. The Seed, especially if brought into a Powder, and drank with the Juice of Knot-grass, helpeth all manner of Spitting or Vo­miting of Blood, closes a Vein broken inwardly, and helps those that are stung by any venomous Creature. It is good for those that are troubled with the Stone or Gravel in the Kidneys, or have difficulty in making Urine. Two drams of the Powder of the Seed taken, in a little Broth, gently expels Choler, or congealed Blood in the Stomach. The Decoction of the Leaves and Seeds, being drank somewhat warm before the Fit of an Ague, whether Tertian or Quartan, does alter the Fits; and by often using, takes 'em away. The Seed is very much commended, being drank for forty days together, in helping the Sciatica, Falling-sickness, and Palsie.

Ioints Afflicted: Take Bay-leaves two large hand­fuls, and of the Berries half a pound; Colewort-leaves a pugil, Neats-feet-oil five pints, Beef-suet two pound; bruise what is to be bruised, and mingle the rest: boil them till the Berries and Leaves are crisp, then strain out the Oint­ment, and use it by suppling or bathing pretty hot in all cold Distempers that afflict the Nerves and Joints.

Ioint-stiffness, &c. Take of the Flowers and Tops of Rosemary, Marjoram, Rue, Wild Thyme, and the Roots of Wake-Robin, and Wild Cucumers, of each four oun­ces and an half; and of the Leaves of Bays, Sage, Savin, Briony-roots, of each three ounces; Fleabane, Spurge, Laurel, of each nine ounces; the Leaves of wild Cucumers and Calamint, of each half a pound: they must be ga­thered very fresh, cleansed and bruised, and infused se­ven days in five pints of the best Olive-oil, and one of the Spirit of VVine: boil them gently till the watery Hu­mour be evaporated; strain out the Oil, and melt it in fif­teen ounces of yellow Bees­wax, Bears-grease, and the Oil of Bays, of each three [Page] ounces; of Mascheleum half an ounce, Petroleum an ounce, Butter four ounces: stir them, and sprinkle in the following Powders, viz. of Mastick and Olibanum, of each six drams; of Pellitory of Spain, Pepper, Ginger, and Euphorbium, of each an ounce; make them into an Ointment over a gen­tle fire, with well mixing and stirring; and, lastly, strain­ing out the liquid part, keep it close stopt in an earthen Vessel for your use.

This is an excellent Oint­ment for all cold Diseases, as Palsies, Stiffness of the Joints, Cramps, Convulsions, and the Colick, and Pains of the Reins, &c.

Italian Bisket: Take a pound of fine Sugar, beat it yet finer, and sift it; and to it put a pound of fine Wheat-flower, and six Eggs beaten very thin; then beat them all together in a stone Mortar for an hour's space, not suffering it to stand still, lest it prove heavy; then put in half an ounce of Aniseeds: rub But­ter over your Plates, and drop the Ingredients with a Spoon as fast as possible you can: set them into an Oven and bake them, but let them not be too much by any means.

Italian Chips: Take Past of Flowers, beat them till they are reduced to a fine Powder; then sift them, and take some Gum-dragon steep'd in Rose-water; beat them in a wooden or stone Mortar to a perfect Paste, then roul it very thin, and lay one colour upon another in a long roul, and being rouled very thin, cut them overthwart, and they will appear of divers curious and delicate Colours like Marbling.

Itch to Cure: Take strong Lime-water one pound, and put it into a gallon of Spring-water; let them work toge­ther for some hours, and then carefully pour off what is clear: filter the rest, and take two ounces of Quicksilver tied up in a linnen Bag: let this hang in the Liquor, and boil it half an hour or more: then pour off the clear Liquor, and with it wash the part af­flicted; and when it is well dried in, anoint the same places with Ointment of Ta­bacco, which you may have ready prepared.

Itch, another way to Cure: Take a handful of the Roots of Elecampane, and as much of sharp-pointed Dock; shred them small, and boil them in two quarts of Spring-water till a pint be consumed; then strain out the Liquor, and wash with it the place afflic­cted once or twice a day.

Itch, a Durge: Take Tamarinds half an ounce, sharp-pointed Dock-roots two drams; Fumitory and Suc­cory, [Page] of each half a hand­ful; white Tartar half a dram, Ginger a scruple: let the Herbs be shred very small, then stamp the Roots, and boil all in a sufficient quanti­ty of fair Water, till it be consumed to about a quarter of a pint; to which, being strained, add an ounce of the Syrup of Roses, and two drams of Syrup of Buck­thorn Berries: Take it in the Morning fasting, and it will purge and cleanse the Blood, so that the Humours, that oc­casion the offensive Disease, will be expelled, by gentle Swellings.

Iuice of Crabs: This is commonly called Verjuice, it cools, drys, binds, and quen­ches the Thirst, asswages the heat of burning Fevers, stops Fluxes, and causes Appetite. In other Countries they imi­tate ours with the Juice of unripe Grapes. It is used with Sauces in Food, to shar­pen the Appetite; and made into Lohoch with Virgin-Ho­ney, it cools in hot Diseases, and cuts tough Phlegm.

Iuice of Cucumbers: Here is meant the wild ones: It is Catharick; it prevails against the Gout, Scurvy, and King's-Evil, Obstructions of the Viscera and Jaundice, al­so the Dropsie: It is to be taken from two drams, to three, four, or five.

To make a Syrup of it, Take of the Juice two pound, of choice Senna two ounces and a half: mix and infuse them over a gentle Heat close covered, sixteen or twenty four Hours; then strain it out, and boil it up with as much white Sugar, as will make it into a Syrup. The Dose is from two, three, four, or five spoonfuls in any of the Distempers or Grievances before-mentioned. It purges out watery Humours very strongly.

Iuices Depurated: Let your Juices settle for twelve Hours, then pour it off gent­ly from the gross Impurities settled at the bottom; boil it gently in a Pipkin, and take off the Scum or Curds, let­ting it boil only a warm or two, then strain it.

Iuice of Garden, or Field-Sorrel: This made into a Syrup, or the Juice sweetned with Sugar, is very cooling and astringent, it al­lays the Heat of the Liver and Stomach, stays Fluxes, and inward Bleedings. It is good to expel the afflicting hot Vapours infesting the Brain in Fevers, and to hinder the Lightness in the Head: Eaten in Sallads, it cools the Blood and thins it. Applied Poultis-wise, it asswages hot Swellings, or any external In­flammation, takes off the Red­ness and Heat of the Face, or any Part of the Body, being [Page] washed with the distilled Wa­ter of it, and that of Scabi­ous.

Iuice of Hypocistis: This Juice proceeds from a Plant growing like Mifleto. It thickens and binds strongly, and is used chiefly to stop all Fluxes of the Belly, Womb, and Stomach: It stays Vomi­ting and Spitting of Blood, by reason of internal Bruises, An aqueous or vinous Tin­cture of it, is used to stop the Gonorrhoea, and Whites in Women. A Lohoch made of it with red Wine, and ad­ding a third part of Honey, that it may be inspissated to a thickness, is given for the Cure of Ulcers in the Lungs, Stomach, or Bowels.

Iuice of Licorice: Of Licorice there are two kinds, viz. the Spanish and the Eng­lish, though much of the same Virtues. The Spanish Juice is made by boiling the Juice to a thickness, or inspissating it by Evaporation, and then making it up into Rolls or Cakes, which they wrap up in Bay-leaves, and that which is best good breaks free, and is clear and shining like Jet. The English Juice is made in­to round Balls, and is gene­rally a Composition made of the Juice and the Pulp of Prunes, and so inspissated to a Body.

It is one of the greatest Pectorals, good against Coughs, Colds, Hoarsness, Wheesing' Difficulty of Breathing, Short­ness of Breath, stuffing of the Lungs, Breast, and Sto­mach; also for Ulcers in the Kidneys, sharpness of Urine, and the Corrosion of the Blad­der: It helps Expectoration, lenifies roughness, loosens the Bellies of Children, and takes away the Gripings and other Pains. It helps to overcome and remove the Effects, many times left behind, of strong and sharp Purgers.

To make an aqueous Tin­cture of Licorice take this Rule: Take Spanish Juice very thin sliced, or bruised to pieces in a Mortar, one ounce, fair Water three quarts, Salt of Tartar three drams: mix and put all these into a glass Body digested over a very gen­tle Heat twenty four Hours, and a pure Tincture will arise into the Water, leaving all the Faeces, or earthy sub­stance behind in the same form or shape it was put in: Beware you shake it not, but decant the pure clear Li­quor for use, and cast away the Faeces. It wonderfully sweetens the Blood, and is excellent in the Scurvy and French-Pox.

Iuice of Licorice white: Take clean Powder of Lico­rice-roots, and Orris, of each six scruples; Wheat-flower two ounces, Sugar finely beat­en one pound; Eastern Musk, [Page] and Ambergrease, of each three grains: incorporate these together with a mucilage of Gum-Tragacanth extracted in Rose-water, mixing and beat­ing them together in a solid Paste: make them up into Tablets or Rolls, and dry them in the Sun, or before a gentle Fire, on fine Paper.

The Juice of white Lico­rice is more pleasing than the black, very acceptable to the Tast and Smell; and dissol­ved in Mint, or Rose-water with a little Syrup of Gilli­flowers, is good against Coughs, Colds, Phthisicks, Asthmas and most pectoral Diseases.

Iuice of Nettles: It stays Bleeding, mixed with white Sugar and snuffed up the Nose. A quarter of a pint of the Juice of the Tops of young Nettles drank at a time, stops internal bleeding. It is also good, made into a Syrup with Sugar, against the Diseases of the Lungs, as Colds, Coughs, Asthmas, Peripenumony, Pleu­risies Stitches in the Side, Heat, Pain, and Stoppage of Urin, whether proceeding from Sand, Gravel or other mucilaginous Matter.

Iuice of Pomgranet: This is cooling and Cordial, chearing the Heart, and re­freshing the Spirits: It resists Poison, and the Infection of the Plague, and all other pe­stilential and contagious Di­stempers: It cools, and that which is most acid, is grateful to the Stomach. It is given in cholerick Fevers, the Pica in Women with Child, Gonor­rhoea's, and cures the sore Mouth. The Wine like Juice, that is between sower and sweet, is Cordial and Cepha­lick, good against the Me­grims, Vapours, fainting and swooning Fits; the sweet Juice is good against old Coughs. Of the acid or sharp Juice is made first, Syrup, with a sufficient quantity of Sugar to make it into a con­venient thickness; secondly, Lohochs with Honey, and the distilled Spirit of the Wine of Pomgranets, is an excel­lent Cordial mixed with cool­ing Waters in all hot Disea­ses.

Iuice of Wood-Sorrel: Take four pints of the Juice of Wood-sorrel, purifie it, and pour it into a glass Cu­curbit, cover it with its A­lembick slightly luted, place it in Balneo Mariae, and distil about half the moisture with a moderate Fire; then take away the Cucurbit, and let it cool: this being done, pour out the acid Juice that remains by inclination, and pass it through a brown Paper, to separate the Dregs gathered in distillation; then weigh out a quart of the clarified, Juice, and in it dissolve four pound of fine Sugar, and give it a little time to wamble [Page] over the fire: Take it off, and scum it when it is come to the thickness of a Syrup: you may likewise clarifie the fine powder'd Sugar with the White of an Egg, and fair Water, and boil it to the strong consistency of a solid Electuary; and afterward in­corporate the Juice of the Wood-sorrel prepared as is directed.

This Syrup is very cooling, and is useful to quench Thirst in hot Diseases; also the Heat of the Liver and Stomach. It is very much commended in Burning Fevers, and in Ma­lignant and Epidemick Di­stempers. It comforteth and strengtheneth the Heart, and allays the Inflammation of the Mouth and Tongue, likewise that of the Palate and Throat: the distilled. Water of the Juice may be very properly mixed with the Syrup, or you may drink the Water alone. The quantity to be taken is from half an ounce to an ounce, and may be taken in the Morning fasting, and at Night when you go to rest; or at any time of the day, as necessity requires.

Iujubs, a Syrup: Take six Jujubs; Barley pick'd, Li­corice and Maiden-hair, of each an ounce; fresh Violets a handful; Seeds of Mallows, Quinces, White Poppey, Me­lons and Lettice, of each three drams: put the Barley into a glazed earthen Pot, with six pints of Water, and let it boil over a gentle fire for half an hour; then put in the Ju­jubs sliced, and let them boil a quarter of an hour; then add the Licorice scraped and bruised, the Maiden-hair cut, and the Seeds bruised: let them boil a while, and then add the fresh Violets, thrust­ing them down into the De­coction, at the same time taking off the Pot from the fire; and when the Decoction is somewhat cool, strain it, and clarifie the Liquor with the White of an Egg, and three pound of sine Sugar; boil it over a gentle fire to the con­sistence of a Syrup.

This Syrup is chiefly given in dry Coughs, or hot and thin Defluxions on the Lungs; for it thickens the Phlegm, and qualifies the Acrimony thereof, and helps to expecto­rate. It may be taken from half an ounce to an ounce, either alone, or else in Pecto­ral Juleps, Apozems, or mix'd with Lohochs.

Iulep: To make an ex­cellent Cooler for a Calen­ture, or Burning Fever, Pare ten Lemons, press out the Juice, and let it settle twenty-four hours; then pour off the clear part, and strain it or filter it, and digest it in a stone Bottle in hot Water, or in Sand, for twelve days; then filter it again, and digest [Page] it as before: repeat this until no more faeces settle; and du­ring that time, calcine the outward or yellow Peel of the Lemons, and with distilled Water draw the Salt out of the Ashes, and put this Salt into the purify'd Juice; and having digested them for some time together, put it into lit­tle Vials of an ounce a piece, which is a Dose sufficient for any one. Some say, That two Doses of this will allay the greatest Burning Fever, and by degrees so cool and temperate the Blood, that the Distemper in a little time will cease. It may be given by it self; but if it prove un­pleasant to the Palate, you may mix a little Sugar with it.

Iumbals: To make these, Take a pint of Wheat-flower, and a pound of white Sugar, make a mixture of these with the Whites of two or three Eggs finely beaten, and a pound of blanched Almonds well beaten, with half a pound of fresh Butter, and a spoon­full or two of Rose-water. To these add half a pint of Cream, and mould it till it becomes a Paste, so roul it into what shapes you please, and dry it a while; then bake it in an Oven not too hot, to the number of twenty or more.

Iumbals, another: Take a pound of fine Wheat-flower, the Yolks of four new-lay'd Eggs, about a quarter of a pint of sweet Cream, a quarter of an ounce of Aniseeds, and half a pound of cold Butter; make all these into a Paste, and roul it into long rouls as big as your Little-Finger, and make them into what Knots, Forms or Fashions you please: then boil them in fair Water; after that, bake them, and keep them in Boxes in dry places to set out the Table, as occa­sion requires.

Iumbals Sugar'd: Take two pound of fine Flower, beat a pound of Loaf-Sugar into Powder, sift it, and mingle it with the Flower: then take a pound and an half of Sweet-Butter, break it in small pieces among the Flower and Sugar; then take five spoonfuls of Canary, and three or four Yolks of new-lay'd Eggs, and a quarter of a pint of Cream; beat them well together, and put them to the rest of the Materials, and when they are work'd up into a Paste, fashion them as your Fancy leads: lay them on white Paper, or on Plates, and put them into an Oven, and bake them with a gentle heat, taking an extra­ordinary care that they be not scorched.

Iuniper-Berries, their Virtues: The Spiritous Wa­ter, as also the Oil, are either of them proper to free the Reins and Ureters from Gra­vel, [Page] and vitious Matter, that stops the Passages, and hinders the Urine from having its course. They are also very useful in cold Maladies of the Brain, and in Scorbutick Di­stempers. They fortifie the Stomach, and create an Ap­petite, help Digestion, and resist Putrefaction, and the Humours, and kill the Worms in the Body; also expel Wind, Colick, and cold Maladies of the Bowels.

Ivy: This Simple, though by some not much regarded, is of great virtue: for Dios­corides tells us, A pugil of the Flowers, which may be a­bout a dram, boil'd in Red-Wine, or powder'd and drank twice a day, helps the Lask and Bloody-flux. It is an Enemy to the Nerves and Si­news, if taken much inward­ly; but very strengthening to them, if applied outwardly in Oil, Ointment, or Poultis. The Berries pouder'd, and drank in Ale, are good a­gainst the Jaundice, Black or Yellow; they help those that spit Blood, and kill Worms. They are a great Enemy to Wine; for if any one has got a Sur­feit by hard, drinking of Wine, boil a handful of Ivy in the like Wine, and the Decoction will greatly con­tribute towards the Party's Health. The Juice of the Berries snuffed up the Nose, purges the Head of Rheum, and is good for sore Eyes.

Sir KEnelm Digby's Wound-Drink: Take an handful of the Leaves of Sage and Rue, bruise them, and put them into a thin Bag or Boulter, and hang it in four gallons of ordinary Small Ale well brewed; and as soon as it is Tunn'd, take three hundred live Sows, commonly call'd Hog-Lice, (they live under old Wood and Stones:) bruise these with a little of the Ale, that all the Moisture may be extracted; then strain it, and pour it a­mong the rest, and put the Skins of the Sows to the Herbs in the Bag: when it has work'd sufficiently, begin to drink it at Meals, and at other times when you have occasion to drink: and to render it more grateful to the Taste, you may add a fourth part of White-wine, [Page] forbearing, during the taking of it, to eat salt Fish, or salt Meats.

It is not to be wonder'd at, that this Drink should be so efficacious, though it be com­pounded but of few Ingredi­ents, since all famous Authors ascribe such wonderful Virtue to these Creatures; and Ex­perience testifies, that they cleanse, resolve and purifie to a wonder. They dissolve the Stone in the Reins and Blad­der to a Slime, and bring it away; they open the Obstru­ctions, help the Jaundice, and all Obstructions, Stoppage and Strangury of Urine; the Co­lick, Asthma's, Shortness of Breath; and also restore lost Appetite. They are very much recommended for the curing all sorts of Cancers, scirrhous Tumors in what part of the Body soever, the Kings-Evil, and all sordid and inveterate Ulcers and Sores. With this Drink did Sir Kenelm do great Cures at Frankford, in Germany, and at other places. It likewise stays the bleeding of Wounds, and heals them very speedily.

Kermes: This is usually call'd the Scarlet Oak. The Grains of this Tree are doubly useful, either for dye­ing Scarlet Colour; or for Medicine, which is most to our purpose: Wherefore, to omit the former, it is astrin­gent, and used successfully for Wounds, especially where the Nerves are cut; and also pre­vents Miscarriage in Women. They are used in sharp Di­seases, as Apoplexies, Palsie, &c. as also for the Palpitation of the Heart, Fainting, Swooning and Melancholy.

Kermes, a Confection: Take the Juice of pleasant smelling Apples, and Rose-water, of each a pint; boil them almost to the thickness of Honey, then take it from the fire, and whilst it is hot, add two drams of Ambergriese, cut small, and dissolved with some drops of the Oil of Cinamon; which being well mixed, add what follows in Powder, viz. Wood of Aloes and Ci­namon, of each six drams, prepared Pearl two drams, Leaf-gold one dram; then drain and mix them with the Syrup of Kermes, which is made in this manner: mix the Grains in a marble Mortar, pulp them thorough a Sieve or Strainer, and mix them with an equal quantity of Su­gar. This is the proper Con­serve; and to make it a Sy­rup, it is but adding more Sugar, raw Silk, the Juice of Apples, and Rose-water. It is a great Strengthener of the Heart, and Restorer of Na­ture; expels Melancholy, and restores a cheerful and whol­som Complexion.

Kermes, a Confection: Take the Juice of pleasant Apples, [Page] and Rose-water, a pound and an half; raw Silk cut very small one pound; put them into a Matrass well stopped, and digest them for twenty four hours in Balneo Mariae; then squeeze the warm Silk in a Press, and boil the Liquor to the consistence of a solid Electuary with two pound of Sugar: then take it from the fire, and dissolve in it a pound of the new thicker Juice of Kermes; and afterward mix with it Oriental Pearl pre­pared, Yellow Saunders, and biting Cinamon, of each half an ounce; Ambergriese pul­verised with three drops of the best distilled Oil of Ci­namon, Lapis Lazuli burnt, wash'd, and made smooth, three drams; Leaf-gold one dram, Oriental Musk half a dram.

This Confection, without dispute, is a very excellent lam den day one, and held to be one of the best and purest Cordials that ever and Galenick Phy­sician invented; for it repairs and recreates the Vital and Animal Spirits, cures the Pal­pitations of the Heart, and remedies Swooning-Fits: it very much fortifies the Brain, and all the Noble Parts, and is an Enemy to Putrefaction: it re-establishes the languish­ing and decaying Strength, and drives away Melancholy and Sadness; and restores and preserves both Body and Mind in a good Condition. It may be taken upon the Point of a Knife, or dissolved in Wine, or in Broth, or in any Cor­dial or Cephalick Liquor. It is sometimes mix'd with Electuaries or Opiates either soft or solid; The usual Dose is from one scruple to one dram. It is also mixed in Epithems prescribed for the Heart and Liver, and rarely fails the Parent's Expecta­tion.

Kermes, the Iuice, its Virtues: Kermes, or Alkermes, is made of the Kermes-Berries, and brought from Marseilles: it is of a bright Scarlet Co­lour, well-tasted, and of the thickness of an ordinary Sy­rup. It is a very great Cor­dial; it discusses Wind and Vapours, cheers the Heart, revives the Spirit, helps Wo­men in Travail, helps Na­ture, cures Wounds and wounded Nerves, resists the Poison of the Plague, and the malignity of Pestilential Fevers, and very powerfully and kindly drives out the Small-pox and Measles. The Dose is from half an ounce to an ounce and an half, and may be taken in this Mixture, viz. the Juice of Kermes six drams, Aqua Lactis Alexiter. four ounces, mix them toge­ther for a Draught. Or in this manner; Take the Juice of Kermes six drams, the Tincture of Cochineel two [Page] drams, Aqua Lactis Alexiter. four ounces; mix for a Dose a Syrup made of this Juice with double-refined Sugar: it is good to cut tough Phlegm, if mingled with a little Juice of Lemons or Citron; also to open Obstructions of the Breast and Lungs, and strength­en the Stomach; it causes a good Appetite, and is good against pestilential Diseases. A Water distilled from the Juice very much resists the Plague, and creates a good Ha­bit and Constitution of Body.

Kernels of Peaches: These bruised and applied to Inflammations allay the Heat, and bring Swelling Humours to a Head; there is an Oil drawn from them that in hot Inflammations is very good, and also to anoint the Stomach with, in fainting or swooning Fits.

Kernels of Pine-Apples: The Decoction of them is ta­ken with good success by such as are of phlegmatick Consti­tution, or afflicted with Rheu­matisms, as also to wash old running Sores with, and to cleanse Ulcers, and such-like Matters.

Kibes: Take Navel wort, the Leaves and Root, stamp it very small: to half a hand­ful of both these, put two ounces of Linseed-oil, and a quarter of an ounce of Alom in powder; mix them well together over a gentle fire, wash your Kibes first in Wa­ter and Salt, and being dryed, bind this on as a Plaister or Poultis. It is the same for Chilblains, and helps Corns, it being so applied, when they are newly cut.

Kibes Broke, to Heal: Take the Lungs of a Ram dryed and beat to Powder, mixed with the Oil of Earth-worms, and Linseed-oil, and by ap­plying it three or four times, and washing them with Urin, your Expectation will be an­swered: or if they be not broken, make a Plaister of A­lom, Vinegar. and Mustard, and lay it on them.

Kidneys: If you find any Swelling in the Kidneys, by reason of Obstruction of U­rin, Cold, some Blow receiv­ed, or otherwise, Take the Oil of Roses and Quinces, of each two drams; warm and mix them well over a gentle Fire, chafe it on the Reins of the Back, and swath the Body very warm with a Flannel Wrapper.

Kidney-Beans: To en­large upon these will not be amiss, seeing so many and va­rious Uses are appropriated to them.

They open Obstructions, provoke Urin, expel Sand, Gravel, and slimy Matter, strengthen wonderfully, and cause a good Colour in the Face, restore in Consumpti­ons; they thicken, cleanse, [Page] and stop Fluxes, as Diarrhoea's, Lienteries. The Decoction of them is good against the Stone; a strong Broth of them boiled till they are bro­ken, dissolved and strained, is good against a Consumption. The Flower is used in Poultis­ses, and to ripen Fevers. It eases Pains outwardly, it takes away Freckles, Morphew, and Sun-burn, and other De­formities of the Skin. A Cataplasm made of it, discus­ses Bruises in the Eyes. A volatil Salt made of them, is good against the Apoplexy, Epilepsie, Palsie, Lethargy, and Convulsion, Gout, Stone, Rheumatism, Colick, and o­ther Diseases of the Head, Nerves, Womb, and Joints. The Dose is from six grains to ten. They are likewise pleasant for Food, and very nourishing.

Kidneys, their Pains Cu­red: Take five ounces of Maidenhair, Licorice five oun­ces; infuse them twelve Hours in three quarts of Spring-VVater; then boil them gently in a Bath, and press out the Liquid part, when a third part of it is consumed, and add, by well mixing, three pound of clari­fied Sugar.

This not only helps the Diseases and Pains in the Kid­neys and Sides, but also opens the Obstructions of the Lungs, provokes Urin gently, and ex­pels the Gravel and Stone out of the Bladder: An ounce of it may be taken at a time in any proper Liquor.

Kidney-Pye, or Pasty: Take the Kidneys of Veal, Fat and all, with some of the Meat, when the Loins of Veal are just roasted, mince them very small with the Mar­row of six Bones cold, to which add sweet Marjoram, Winter-savory and Thyme, very well bruised, or small shred, Rosewater a quarter of a pint, half a pound of Cur­rans, a sliced Nutmeg, half a pound of Sugar, and the Yolks of six Eggs; and mix­ing them well together, let the Crust of your Pyes or Pa­sties be of Puff-past, and of but an indifferent size. These, by some, are call'd Marrow-Pasties; but then there is usually more of the one than of the other among the Ingredients: These, being made very small, may be fryed in sweet Butter, or tried Suet.

Kidney, the Stone in it: We may before-hand perceive the Signs of this dangerous Distemper by a fixed Pain in the Loins, bloody Urin, or voiding Sand or Stones, the numbness of the Legg on the side of the affected Kidney, the retraction of the Testicles on the same side the Pain af­flicts, a queasiness of the Sro­mach, and straining to Vomit. In this case, if the Person be [Page] of a sanguin Constitution, about ten ounces of Blood may be taken from the Arm on the side the Pain most af­flicts; after that drink Posset-drink wherein two ounces of the Roots of Marsh-mallows have been boiled, and take the following Clyster, viz. The Roots of Marshmallows and Lilies, of each an ounce; the Leaves of Mallows, Wall­flower, brank Ursine, and Camomel-flowers, of each a handful; Linseed, and Fenu­greek-seed, of each half an ounce: boil them in a conve­nient quantity of Water to a pint and a half; make a Cly­ster, and after the rejection of the Vomit and Clyster, let a large Dose of Liquid-Lauda­num be exhibited, viz. to twenty five drops, or fifteen or sixteen grains of Matthew's Pills. If the Patient be old, and much weakened by the continuance of the Disease, or it be a Woman much sub­ject to Vapours, especially at the beginning of the Parox­ysm, and she void black and gravely Urin, then omit the Bleeding; but in all other Cases proceed according to the Method prescribed.

Kidneys Vlcerated: Take of China-root sliced very small two drams, Golden-rod, Maiden-hair, Bettony, Mouse-ear, Agrimony, Comfrey, Scabeous, Bugle, red Bramble-Leaves, Marshmallows, Pelle­tory of the Wall, and Plan­tain, of each half a handful; then take one spoonful of French Barly, and a Stick of Licorice sliced very small, a handful of Raisins of the Sun stoned, boil them softly in a pottle of running Water to the consumption of a quart; and taking it off the Fire, add two ounces of the Conserve of red Roses, stir and mix them well together, and strain the liquid part through a fine Cloath, and keep it close stop­ped in a Glass, and drink thereof every Morning fast­ing about half a quarter of a pint pretty warm.

Kidney-Wort: It is other­ways called Wall-penny-royal, or Wall-penny-wort: The Juice of it being drunk with a lit­tle fine Sugar, is excellent, cooling, and good in all In­flammations and unnatural Heats: Excellent is the distil­led Water of it in cooling a fainting hot Stomach, or heated Bowels, or hot Liver; it takes away Pimples, or Red­ness in the Face, St. Anthony's Fire, and other outward Heats and Inflammations; it also easeth the Pain or Soreness of the Kidneys, occasioned by the Stone or Gravel; it provokes Urin, and is available for the Dropsie. The Juice being made into an Ointment, is excellent in easing the hot Gout, or Sciatica.

Kidney-Wort: The Juice, or distilled Water being drank in very effectual for all Inflam­mations and unnatural Heats. It cools the Bowels, Stomach, and Liver. The bruised Herb, or the Place bathed with the Juice, or distilled Water, cures Redness and Pimples in the Face, and all other out­ward Heats and Inflammati­ons, and has many peculiar Virtues for the Cure of the Stone, especially in the Kid­ney. In Bleeding and Wounds it is very effectual, as also in the Gout and most violent Pains in the Stomach, Bowels, and the like, helps Swellings in the Throat, and is very good to heal the Blistering or Fretting of the Skin, by being applied. Some hold it to be good in the Disease called the King's-Evil. An Ointment made of it, and some of the Skin of the Leaf layed upon them, is excellent good in green Wounds, and to stay Bleeding of Wounds, or upon other Occasions.

King's-Evil: Take a handful of the Herb called White-Archangel, stamp it small, and mix with it some Hog's-Lard, and apply it Plaister-wise to the Swelling or Tumour; or, Take the lesser Daisie; or common wild Daisie, usually growing on the Commons and in Fields, and stamp the Roots, and use them as the former. Figwort is likewise applied with very good success in this Distem­per.

King's-Evil, another: Let a quart of new Milk just boil, and taking it off, put into it two spoonfuls of Honey, which being dissolved with stirring, set it on the Fire again, and let it boil about a Minute: so divide it into four parts, and drink one part warm early in the Morning, another about ten, another about four in the Afternoon, and the rest at Bed time: Do this daily a Month or two to­gether, or less. On the Days you Purge, which must be once a Week, if you be a grown Man or Woman, you may take three quarters of an ounce of Caryocostinum dis­solved in Posset-drink, and keep your self very warm, and be careful after it: Dress the Sores, if they run, with any drawing Cerecloath, or a Plaister of Burgundy-Pitch. This Medicin, though not ve­ry promising, is yet very fa­mous for the many Cures done with it by a very charitable Lady, from whose ingenious Chaplain the Receipt was pro­cured.

King's-Evil, another: Take the Roots of Pilewort a handful, bruise and boil them in Hogs-Lard till they become crisp, after that press them hard out, and boil in the same Lard as many more [Page] fresh ones, press them out again; and do this the third time, and then keep the Lard wherein they have been boil­ed, and with it anoint the grieved Parts twice or thrice a Day.

Kingfisher: This is a Wa­ter-Fowl, blue, green and purple, very beautiful; it builds in the Winter by the Sea-shore, when generally for fourteen Days there is a Calm, which is the time of their hatching; which makes some believe this Bird has an in­stinct of Nature to know when the Winds will be still, and against that time pre­pares to build her Nest, and breed.

Kingfishers Flesh is exceed­ing good for Consumptive Bo­dies, wonderfully restoring them, and making the Parties grow fat, fresh, and lively.

Take upon this Account of the Potentates two ounces, the Powder of Vipers a dram; mix them together for a Dose, and give them to the consump­tive Party.

Take of the Flesh dried to Powder in an earthen Pot, set one ounce of it in a hot Oven, Amber half a scruple, Man's Skull a scruple, and it is a curious Remedy for those that are troubled with the Epilepsie.

Kite: This is a Bird of Prey, and very ravenous; yet Nature has so ordered it, that all Creatures shall one way or other redound to the Good and Benefit of Mankind. Some People, as the poorer sort in Germany, eat the Flesh of this Bird as a great Dainty; yet being a gross kind of Food, it is not used by us for Food: However, Take the Powder of that Flesh a dram, volatil Salt of Amber twelve grains, Sal Armoniack four grains: these being mixed for a Dose, are prevalent against the Gout. Again, Take of the Flesh of a Kite in Powder one dram, Salt of Man's Skull a scruple, Filings of Elk-hoofs, and na­tive Cinabar, of each ten grains: mix these for a Dose against the Epilepsie.

Kites-Ashes (of the whole Kite) given in the same man­ner, as before-mention'd, are prevalent against the fame Di­seases, so also is the volatil Salt and Oil made by distilla­tion, as Oil and Salt of Man's Skull, which may be given from twelve or sixteen grains to a scruple, in any conveni­ent Liquor.

Kites-Blood: Anoint the Forehead and Temples with it, and it eases Pains in the Head, and prevents strange and frightful Dreams, causes Sleep, and sets a fair Com­plexion on the Skin: Made up with Oil of St. John's-wort and Wormwood into an un­guent, it eases Pains in the Joints, and is good to anoint [Page] the Head and Stomach with, in case of the Falling-sick­ness.

Kites-Dung: Take of the Dung of a Kite, the younger the better, an ounce and half, Camphire in fine Powder two drams, common Soap as much as will suffice to make 'em into a Cataplasm. This applied hot, immediately eases the raging Pain of the Gout, insomuch that several Persons of Note, who have been troubled with this af­flicting Distemper, have cau­sed Kites to be taken, either the young ones, or others, and kept them tame as chari­ly as their Hawks, for no other purpose than for their Dung.

Kites-Grease: This is good, to anoint old Sores and Swellings, also Pains and A­ches; it supples the Joints, and resists the penetration of sudden Heats. Iron Instru­ments rubbed with it, and af­terwards heated in the Fire, become very hard, and are rarely after subject to rust or decay, as some say.

Kites-Liver is good against the Gout and Epilepsie, and also Convulsions. Take of the Powder three drams, oil of Rosemary and Lavender, of each five drops; and make them up into one Dose.

Kites-Testicles: Take of the Powder one dram, extract of Satyrion one dram and half; Powder of Vipers half a dram: mix them for a Dose, and for some time being ta­ken it helps Barrenness, and causes Fruitfulness; 'tis ex­ceeding good in Consump­tions. To conclude, of a Creature so little taken notice of by most, few have better or more Virtues to do good in these kinds.

Knapweed, its Virtue and Use: This Herb or Weed grows in Fields and Meadows about the Borders and Hed­ges; its Virtue is to stay Bleeding both at the Mouth and Nose, or any other out­ward parts, and those Veins that are broken, or inward Wounds, as also the Fluxes of the Belly; it stays the di­stillations of thin and sharp Humours from the Head up­on the Stomach and Lungs; it is good for those that are bruised by any Falls, Blows, or otherwise; it is very pro­fitable for those that are bur­sten and troubled with Rup­tures by drinking the Deco­ction of the Root and Herb in White-wine, and applying it outwardly to the grieved Part; it is singular good in all run­ning Sores, Cancers, and Fistula's, drying up the moist­ure, and healing them gent­ly without sharpness; it is of special use for the soreness of the Throat, the Swelling of the Uvula and Jaws.

Knapwel: This grows in most Fields and Meadows, and about their Borders and Hedg­es, and in many wast Grounds. As for the time it flowereth, it is in June and July; and the Seed is soon after ripe.

This Herb stayeth the Flux at the Mouth, Nose, and o­ther outward Parts, also those Veins that are inwardly bro­ken, or inward Wounds, as also the Flux of the Belly: It stays the Distillation of thin and sharp Humours from the Head upon the Lungs and Stomach: It is good for those that are bruised by any Falls, Blows, or otherwise: It is very profitable for those that are Bursten, and have Rup­tures, by boiling the Herb and Root in Wine, and drinking the liquid Decoction sweeten'd with Sugar, and applying the Herb and Roots so boiled as a Poultis to the grieved Part: It is singular good in all run­ning Sores, Cancers, and Fistula's, drying away the Moisture, and healing them up gently: It does the like to running Sores, or Scabs on the Head or other Parts: It is of singular use for the sore­ness of the Throat, Swelling of the Uvula and Jaws, or to stay Bleeding, and heal up green Wounds.

Knees Swelled: Take a handful of Goats Dung, and mix it with Barley-Meal, boil them in Vinegar and Water till they become thick enough to spread as a Plaister, and then apply them to the Swel­ling, often renewing. This Plaister will quickly asswage the Pain, and in time remove the Swelling. It is also good for Swellings occasion'd by Pains of the Gout, or the like, in any Part of the Bo­dy.

Knot-Grass: The com­mon sort of this Grass (for there are divers sorts of Knot-Grass) has a Root hard, woody, and single, and many Fibres: It's of an astringent Tast, and has many Stalls sometimes standing upright, but oftner bending towards the Earth. The Seeds are pretty large, triangular, and of a dark Chesnut colour.

It closes Wounds, and con­tributes towards their healing, as being drying and astrin­gent: It stops inwardly Flux­es, and outwardly the Bleed­ing of Wounds: The Juice of it allays Inflammations, e­specially of the Eyes. A no­ble Man that vomited Blood, and had used many other Me­dicins to no purpose, upon the using this, viz. the Juice, had his Flux of Blood stayed, which else perhaps had not ended but with his Life.

Knot-Grass: This kind of Grass springs up late in the Spring, and abides till Winter, when all the Branches perish: The Juice of it is [Page] excellent in staying Bleeding, being drank in steeled or red Wine: It stays Bleeding at the Nose, being applied to the Forehead and Temples, or squirted up the Nostrils. It's good also for the Bloody-Flux, stops the Courses: It is singular good to provoke U­rine, and is helpful against the Dysury, Gravel, Biting of venomous Beasts, Rheums, Worms, Heat, Choler, In­flammations, Imposthumes, Gangreens, Fistula's, Ulcers, Cancers, and Wounds in the Ears, with many such like Distempers.

LAce, or Point: To Wash and Starch these, Put your Lace, or Point, on a Tent, and make a strong Lather with Spanish-Soap, usually called Castile-Soap, then with a small soft Brush dipt therein, rub your Point or Lace well, but with a light and gentle hand, for fear of fretting it; con­tinue to wash it on both sides for four Lathers; then rince it in Spring-water or Pump-water, which is all one: and after, pass it over on the wrong side very lightly with white Starch made as thin al­most as Water, and follow it with your Brush, then suffer it to dry, and with a round Bodkin, or Skewer, open the holes or parts that were clo­sed in the washing, as also set in order the Gimp or Over-layings, if it be Point, not suffering it to ruckle; then with a moderate hot Iron smooth it gently on the wrong side, and set it out to Advan­tage.

Lace of Silver, &c. To cleanse this when it is tarni­shed, first rub it over with burnt Whiting in Powder once or twice; then by du­sting it clear from the Whi­ting, and having ready some Powder of burnt Alom, run it over with that finely sifted two or three times; and if the Silver upon the Lace be gilded, it will restore its faded lustre, and render it almost as fresh as at first; and so you may recover the lustre of any tarnished Plate, gilt or un­gilt.

Ladies-Mantle is an ex­cellent Wound-Herb, being hot, dry, and astringent; it stops Bleeding and Courses: The Leaves, the Tops, and the Root, are given in Potions [Page] for Wounds with success; as also are the Powders; the Plaisters and Ointments of it applied, are very good on that account. Rags dipped in the Decoction of it, and applied to a Womans Breasts when they are lax, makes 'em round and solid. It aggluti­nates inward Wounds and Ruptures: And the Decoction of it, or the Powder of the dried Herb taken in the De­coction, or in the distilled Water, is excellent for curing Burstenness in Children.

Take of Ladies-Mantle, Sa­nicle, Golden-Rod, Sengreen Bettony and Agrimony, of each a handful; Marsh-mal­lows, Fern, Flowers of Ca­momel, St. John's-wort, Mug­wort, the Buds of Briars, Ori­ganum, and Tormentile Leaves and Roots, of each a handful: put them into three Bags, and so boil them in the Faeces of Red-Wine, and apply them one after another. These are very astringent, and success­ful in stopping the Flux.

Ladies-Smocks, the Con­serve: Take this Herb and Brooklime, of each two hand­fuls; shred them small and bruise 'em, and then boil them in a quart of fair VVa­ter till the greatest part of the Liquid is consumed: then wash them, and put to them an equal quantity of Sugar, and make them into a Con­serve: Take of it six ounces, and, the Species of the three sorts of Saunders, and Diar­rhodon Abbatis, of each a dram and an half; Ivory re­duced to Powder one dram; Salt of VVormwood and Ta­maris, of each a dram; make of all these an Electuary with a convenient quantity of the Syrup of Coral, and take to the quantity of a quarter of an ounce both morning and e­vening, and it is an excellent Remedy for a hot Scurvy, and for removing Scorbutick Humours, &c.

Lamb: This Metamor­phosis may at first seem somewhat strange, though we can assure you it has been much in esteem, viz. to make Lamb of a Pig, in this manner: Take a fat Pig, scald him, and cut off the Head, slit him, and truss him up like a Lamb; then being slit through the middle, and flea'd, boil him a little while: then being draw'd with Parsley, as you do Lamb, roast it, and dridge it, and serve it up with Pep­per, Butter and Sugar, and it will not be easily discern'd from Lamb.

Lamb-stones Fry'd: Ha­ving parboil'd the Stones, put Butter into a Pan, mince the Stones small, and put them into it; then strain them with some Cream, Pepper and Ci­namon made small; grate in some Parmisan or Holland-Cheese, or old Cheshire-Cheese; [Page] and being strained, put them into the Pan again; and then being well fry'd, serve them up with Sugar, and Rose­water. And in this manner, without any variation, you stones.

Lamb-stone-Pye: Take six young Pidgeons, as many Chickens, truss them and bake them with six Ox-Pa­lates well boil'd and blanched, and cut into little pieces; take six Lamb-stones, and as many Sweetbreads of Veal cut in halves and parboil'd, twenty Cocks-combs boiled and blanched, the Bo [...]toms of four Artichoaks boiled, a quart of Stewing-Oysters par­boil'd, the Marrow of four Bones season'd with Nutmeg, Pepper, Mace, and Salt; fill the Pye with the Ingredients, and mingle some Pistaches a­mong them; grate in the Yolks of Eggs hard boiled, and covering all with a thin leaf of Butter, close it up, and put it into a little fair Water at the hole in the Lid: being baked, drain out the Butter, and liquor it with Gravy and Butter beaten up with Lemon-pulp; or you may bake it in a Dish, cover'd with a Bisket-Lid.

Lamb to Souce: Bone your Side of Lamb first, soak it well in Water and Salt, wipe it dry, season it with Nutmeg, Ginger, and Sweet-Herbs shred small, Coriander-seeds, Lemon-peel, and Salt; lay broad slices of Lard over the Seasoning, then roul it up into a Collar, and bind it up in a linnen Cloth: boil it in Salt and Water, taking off the Scum, put in sliced Ginger, Nutmeg and Fennel, with Parsley-roots; and when it is almost boiled up, put in a quart of White-wine; and being boiled, take it off, and put in slices of Lemon, the Peel of two Lemons, and twelve Bay-leaves, and keep it close in a convenient Vessel for your use. In this manner you may souce a Breast of Veal, Kid, Fawn, or Ve­nison.

Lamb-like Venison: To order this that few shall dis­cover it, Take Lamb, bone it, and dip it in the Blood of a Pig, or any other wholsom Blood; parboil it in Small-beer and Vinegar, three parts of the first to one of the lat­ter: let it stand all night, then put in some Turnsole, and bake it with Claret, But­ter, Pepper, Cloves, Mace, and some sprigs of Rosemary, and it will afford you an ex­cellent Dish.

Lameness in the Limbs: This is many times occasion'd by sudden Colds, or Humours setling in particular Parts. To cure or remove it, Take of Oil of Spike and Earth­worms, of each an ounce; [Page] mix them well together, and bath the afflicted part as hot as may be well endured.

Lampreys, to Bake: Draw and split your Lampreys, take out the Strings in the Back, flea them, and truss them round; then having parboil'd them, let 'em be season'd with Pepper, Nutmeg and Salt: place a laying of Butter at the bottom of the Pye, lay on the Lampreys with some sliced Onions, a few whole Cloves; and covering it with Butter, close it up: wash over the Lid with the Yolks of Eggs, and Beer or Saffron-water; and when it is baked, fill up the Pye with clarify'd Butter beat up with a little Red Wine.

The Italians bake 'em in this manner; viz. The Skin being taken off, season it with Nutmeg, Pepper, Salt, Cina­mon and Ginger; fill the Pye either with whole Lampreys, or those that are cut in conve­nient pieces, with the addition of Raisins, Currans, Prunes dried, Cherries and Dates; and covering it over with Butter, close it up; and be­ing baked, liquor it with strained Almonds, Grapes, Rai­sins, Verjuice, Sugar, and Sweet-Herbs small chop'd, and boiled all together: then serve it up with Juice of O­ranges, White-wine, Cinamon, and the Blood of the Lam­preys: Ice it, and serve it up pretty hot; or you may keep it cold, but not very long.

Lampreys in Patty­pans, Baked: Roast your Lampreys very tender, bast­ing it with Butter; and being roasted or cold, put it into the Pans with Plain or Puff-Paste, being first butter'd un­derneath; then season it with Pepper, Nutmeg, Ginger and Salt, Sweet-Herbs shred, Bis­ket-bread grated, slices of Le­mon, Currans and Dates, and so close them up; and being baked, liquor them with But­ter and White-wine, or Sack and Sugar.

Land-Fowl Boiled the French way: Take Green-Pease, and put them into boiling Mutton-broth, with some thin slices of interlarded Bacon; and being near boil­ed, put in some Parsley and bruised Aniseeds; strain some of the Pease, and thicken the Broth; then add Pepper, gra­ted Cheese, Pease or Flower, and sometimes Saffron or Mint, as your Relish best suits: lay a few Sippits in the Dish, and pour this Broth on the Fowls; garnish the Dish with Flowers, sliced Le­mon, and Spices, and serve it up. And thus you may or­der Sea-Fowl with Green-Pease, or Lambs and Kids-Heads, only dridging them over with the Yolks of hard­boiled Eggs.

Land-fowl, to Carbo­nade: The Fowl being roast­ed cut them up, and sprinkle them with Salt; then scotch and broil them, and make a Sauce with Vinegar, Butter, and the Juice of Oranges, gar­nish'd with slices of Orange or Lemon.

Languishing of the Parts: Take half a pound of Lico­rice, bruise two ounces; White Sugar-candy four oun­ces, Jelly of Calves-feet two pound; Mace, Cinamon and Nutmeg, of each a quarter of an ounce; White-wine a quart: boil them up to the thickness of a Jelly, and strain them thorough a Jelly-bag, and eat of it both morning and evening, at least five or six spoonfuls at a time.

Lapis Bedicamentalis: Take Hungarian Vitriol one pound, Salt of Nitre half a pound; Ceruss, Alom, Bole­armenian, Salt of Glass, of each four ounces; Sal Am­moniack two ounces; beat them all very carefully, and mix them with White-wine-Vinegar; then bake them in an earthen Pot, over a gen­tle fire, till they become as hard as a Stone, and then pre­serve it for use.

Larks to Boil: Truss them, and cut off their Legs and Heads; boil them (having put a little Parsley and Sage finely shred into their Bellies) in Mutton-Broth, or in VVa­ter season'd with a little Salt, that has been boil'd, and often scumm'd before you put 'em in: then boil up, when the Broth or VVater is half con­sumed, large Mace, Dates, Marrow, Currans, Pepper and Salt; and being well stewed together, lay them on fine carved Sippits, and thicken the Broth with Almonds beaten and strained; add a little Rose-water and Sugar, and garnish with Lemons sli­ced, Barberries pickled, Sugar and grated Bread strewed a­bout the Dish; and for Leer, strain grated Bread and hard Eggs beaten in Verjuice and some of the Broth. And thus you may boil and dish up all manner of small Birds well [...]uced, as Quails, Rails, Thrush, Black-birds, Snites, VVheat­ears, Sparrows, Feldefers, Mar­tins, Ruffs, Brews, God wits, Knots, Dotterels, Pewits, Stre­nits, Ollines, Gravelens, Red-Shanks, &c. But as for the latter ten, this way is best approved by some Cooks; viz.

Let 'em be half roasted, and stick on one side a few Cloves as they roast; save the Gravy, and put them into a Pipkin with it and a little Claret and strong Broth so much as will cover them, some boiled Houshold-bread strained, also Mace, Cloves, Pepper, Ginger, fryed Onions, and Salt; stew them well, and serve them up [Page] on fine carved Sippets: and sometimes, for change, you may garnish with Lemons, and Sweet-Herbs shred pretty small.

Lark-Pye: Take a dozen of Larks fresh and good, two Penny Manchets, one pound of Currans, a quarter of an ounce of Cinamon, one Nut­meg grated, a quarter of an ounce of Mace finely beaten, a quarter of a pint of Rose­water, three Eggs, and a little Salt; work all these together till they are very well mixed, and make the Mixture into Balls as big as Walnuts; put them into the Bellies of the Larks; then having plac'd them in order, put a pound of Butter and a Lemon sliced o­ver them, half a pint of pick­led Barberries, and half a pound of Citron, and Lemon can­died; a quarter of a pound of Eryngo-roots, and a quarter of an ounce of whole Mace: and when it is baked, put in Butter on the top of it, and serve it up.

Lark-Spurs: The Juice of the Flowers clear the Sight, and strengthen it: it is suc­cessfully used in Vulnerary Potions: the Decoction of the Flower in Wine, and drank with a dram of Saffron in­fus'd into it, removes Ob­structions.

Lasks: Take a dram of Rhubarb, Baum, Mint, old Penny-royal, of' each a pugil or little handful: boil them in Claret, or Red Wine, and drink of the Decoction two ounces at a time in the morn­ing fasting.

Lawn Faded, to Recover: Take the Decoction of Ver­vain a quart, the Water that distills from the Vine when cut in the Spring-time, as the Sap is riling, half a pint; the Roots of Primroses and Rose­mary-flowers, a handful of each steeped a day in a quart of new Milk: mix all these together, and steep the Lawns in the liquid part, being well strained from the grosser a night: when they are next washed, they will thicken, and become fresh. And by this rule, Muslings, Lace, and Tiffany are recovered.

Laxation of Parts: You must spread Emplastrum Di­vinum upon soft Leather, and apply it to strengthen the Part weakened by the Sublax­ation.

Lead-wort: This is good, bruised and applied to old Sores; also to kill Worms in the Flesh, by washing the Parts with the Juice of it.

Legs Inflamed or Vlce­rated: To cure this, Take a quart of Spring-water, four ounces of White-Bread; add to it two ounces of Sheeps­suet cut very small: and having boil'd it a little, add an ounce of Rosin finely powder'd, and a quarter of [Page] an ounce of searc'd Brimstone, and spread them well mixed and temper'd on Cloth or Leather, and lay it to the Part grieved, and it will give sud­den Ease, and in time work a Cure.

Leg of Mutton, to dress after the best manner, either Roast or Boil'd in that way they call Forc'd: Mince the Meat with Beef-suet or Bacon, Sweet-Herbs, Pepper, Salt, Cloves, Garlick, raw Eggs, Chesnuts: then with all these together fill the Skin of the Leg, out of which the Meat was taken in order to be min­ced: prick it up, and either boil or roast it, according to your Discretion: make Sauce with the remainder of the Meat, and other Ingredients that will not go into the Skin, and with Gravy serve it up: garnish the Dish with pickled Grapes or Barberries.

Leg of Veal: To dress this with Rice, or a Knuckle, put it into your Cauldron or Pot, the Water being pretty hot; put some Salt to it, and then put in some Mace, and Rice finely pick'd; wash some Raisins of the Sun, and when it is tender boil'd put in about a dram of Saffron, and to serve it up on fine carved Sippits, with Rice all over it: pour on Broth, and run it o­ver with beaten Butter: o­therwise cover it with Paste cut like small Lard, boil'd in thin Broth and Saffron, or in white Broth, with Fruit, Spi­nage, Sweet-Herbs, and Goose­berries.

Leg of Veal, another way: Stuff the Veal with Beef-suet, Nutmeg and Salt; so boil it, and keep it scumming; put in some Salt, Parsley, and Fe­nel-roots, in a bundle bound up: then being almost boil'd, take up some of the Broth in a Pipkin, put to it some Rai­sins of the Sun, Mace, and Gravy; stew them well, and let them be thickened, which is best done with grated Bread and the Yolks of hard-boil'd Eggs; and before you dish up your Broth, have Parsley, Marjoram, Thyme, Sorrel, Marrigold-flowers, and Spinage stript or pick'd; bruise them with the back of your Ladle, give it a warm, and dish up your Leg of Veal on carved Sippits, and run it over with beaten Butter.

Leg of Veal, another way: To dress this, Take out the Meat, and leave the Skin and Knuckle whole together; then with some Beef-suet mince the Meat so taken out, as also some Sweet-Herbs; then season it with Nutmeg, Ginger, Pepper, Salt, and three or four Yolks of hard Eggs, and cut into quarters; Pine-apple-seeds, two or three Eggs raw, Pistaches, Chesnuts, and Artichoaks sli­ced; then with all these so order'd fill up the Skin again, [Page] and prick it with a Skewer, or sow it up close with white Thread; then boil it in two or three gallons of fair Water, and a quart of White-wine, if you think it convenient: scum it, and take up some of the Broth, and put to it Pista­ches, Chesnuts, Pine-apple-seed, Marrow, large Mace, slices of Artichoak bottoms; stew them together, dish it on Sippets of fryed Bread, put on Marrow, garnish it with sliced Lemon, and the Peel; run it over with beaten Butter, and so serve it up.

Leg of Veal Sour'd: Bone it, and Lard it, but first season the Lard with Pepper, Cloves and Mace, and the Veal with the same and a little Salt, and then strew minced Sweet-Herbs over it; roul it up like a Collar of Brawn; boil it or stew it in an Oven with Water, Salt, and White-wine: serve it in a Collar, whole or sliced; or fill it with Butter, the Liquor being put away, or bake it with Butter in a Roul: Jelly it, and mix some of the Broth with Al­mond-Milk and Jellies in slices of two Collars, and then serve it up.

Lemons: They are very Cooling; the Juice of them is taken with success in all hot Diseases: it likewise, if mixed with a little unslack'd Lime, cureth the Itch, clean­seth Spots, and destroyeth Worms in the outer-part of the Body, in the Nose, or parts of the Face or Breast, where they many times appear with their black Heads, even with the Skin like studs of Gun­powder: the Juice of them only takes away Pimples, and Redness in the Face: and if made into a Syrup with fine Sugar, it kills Worms in the Belly: it is given with success in all Fevers: if you steep Pearl in this Juice a conside­rable time, they will dissolve, or become as soft as Wax.

Lemon-Paste: Take Le­mons that have plump and well-coloured Rinds, put them into Water, and in the boil­ing, shift them six times, till they are tender: the first Wa­ter being season'd with a hand­full of Salt; then put them into a Wooden Vessel, but be sure not into any of Mettal: beat them into a Pulp with a wooden Rouling-pin or Pestle, and strain them with very hard wringing thorough a coarse linnen Cloth: then take somewhat more than what they weigh, in fine Sugar, and boil up what you have squeez'd out of your Lemons with it to almost a Candy-height; then take it our, spread it pretty thin upon Plates, dry it in a gentle Oven or Stove, turn it, and cut it out into what Form you please.

Lenten-Tansie: Take Tansie, Fetherfew, Parsley, [Page] Violet-leaves; bruise them, and strain out the Juice into eight or ten Egs well beaten; then stamp Almonds with the Spawn of a Pike or Carp, and strain them with the Crumbs of fine Manchet, Sugar, and Rose-water, and fry it thin in sweet Butter, or put the Juice of the Herbs only strained with eight or ten Eggs; fry them in sweet Butter, and dish them up with Sugar; or you may put a little Flower and Rose-water to them.

Leprosie: Take crude An­timony well chosen and pow­der'd, about one, two, or three scruples, Morning and Even­ing, according to your Age and Strength, in a spoonful of the Syrup of Clovegilliflowers, or Elder-berries: this, if need require, may be continued four or five Months. So that if the first Dose prove benefi­cial, in cases not urgent, a scruple or half a dram may serve, nor need it be conti­nued for so long a time.

Leprosie a specifick: Take one ounce of Pomatum, the Flower of Sulphur a dram, Sal Prunellae half an ounce; mix them very well into an Ointment, and with it anoint the Part afflicted.

Lettuce: They are cooling to the Stomach, qualifie Cho­ler and Heat, dispose to Rest, and encrease Milk: they yield good Nourishment. In Phren­sies, Madness, and Burning Fevers, &c. let them be ap­plied to the Temples, and the Coronal Suture, and Wrists; but it is better to dip double Rags in Lettuce-water where­in Sal Prunellae has been dis­solved, viz. half an ounce to half a pint of the Water.

Lettuce-Stalks, to Candy: Boil them tender in Water; and then having boiled up your Sugar to a Candy, put them into it; let them boil therein, then take them out, and lay them a drying in a warm place; and so put them up in Boxes as a Sweet-meat, which much cools and moi­stens the Mouth. Being eaten when going to rest, they cause gentle slumbers. In this man­ner you may candy Fenel­stalks, or any kind of Flower that is not extraordinary ten­der.

Lettuce-Water: This is an exceeding Cooling Drink: it allays the Heat and Distur­bances of the Brain occasion'd by hot Vapours, and disposes to sleep. Eating the Herb boiled or raw, it qualifies the Heat of the Stomach, also the Effects of Choler, and encreases Milk in Women, yielding good Nourishment; yet it ought not to be eaten too excessively: Being applied Poultiswise to the Coronal Suture and Tem­ples, and also the Wrists bound about with double Rags dipp'd in Lettuce-water wherein Sal Prunellae has been dissolved, [Page] viz. Half an ounce of the Salt to a pint of the Water, it proves exceeding helpful in Frenzies, Madness, burning Fevers, and such-like Distem­pers, occasioned by violent Heats, or Fermentations.

Leveridge-Pudding: Boil a Hog's-Liver very dry, and being cold grate it, taking as much grated Manchet as Li­ver, sift them through a fine Sieve or Cullender; season them with beaten Cloves, Mace, Cinamon and Nutmeg; you may, if you please, put in a little Ginger, but no Pepper; put then half a pound of Sugar, and a pound and half of Currans, half a pint of Rose-water, and three pound of Beef-suet, eight Yolks of Eggs, and but four Whites; put these in the small Guts of an Ox, or the great ones of a Hog clean washed, and beware of break­ing them in boiling, or you may do it in a fine Cloath sewed up narrow and long.

Licorice is in Virtue, ab­stersive, cleansing, and allay­eth the bitterness of Humours, and therefore is very good for the Heat of the Urin, be­ing chewed especially whilst it's green or fresh; it allayeth Hunger and Thirst, and re­taineth that Virtue many Days: The Juice of it held, when very thick in the Mouth, and there suffer'd to melt, hath the same Effect. It is good for the Breast and Lungs and is therefore successfully given to those that are short­winded, and breath with much difficulty, or such as are in Consumptions, or Pleuri­sies. The Juice asswages prick­ings, not only of the Arteries of the Lungs, but the Blad­der also, and does excellently relieve Thirst, as being tem­pered with moisture, and cold­er than our Nature. It is to be noted that the Root, in which consist all these proper­ties, is much better being fresh taken out of the Ground, than when it is dry; and is exceeding more pleasant in the Tast when used in Medi­cins.

Lignum Columbrinum: This is a great Expeller of Poison; the Wood, Bark, and Root, being beaten grosly, and boiled in White-wine, and drank hot about a quarter of a pint at a time.

Lignum Molucense: This is brought from the Molucca Islands in the East-Indies. This Wood is a great causer of Sleep. Taken inwardly or outwardly, it expels hot Poi­sons, being rasped and de­cocted in Whitewine. It likewise remedies the Biting of any venomous Creature Ten grains of the Powder of it being taken in Rose-water, cures Wounds made by poi­soned Arrows; yet half a [Page] scruple of it is a Dose for the strongest Man. When it is used for Purging, the Party that takes it must abstain from much eating: It purges Hu­mours in general, but more particularly, gross, clammy, and melancholy Humours. It is good for quotidian Agues, and continual Fevers; for the iliack Passion, Wind-Colick, Dropsie, and Gravel; for Dif­ficulty of making Urin, Pain of the Joints and Scirrhus, and the King's-Evil. It kills all sorts of Worms and re­stores lost Appetite. Some use it against inveterate Head-aches, and the noises in the Head. The Indians keep it so choice, that they will scarce let a Stranger see it, though the greatest use they know of it is to catch Birds withal, by boiling it with Rice; and when the Birds have eaten of the Rice boiled with it, they fall down in a Sleep; and if they eat too much they dye. And if in taking it, it work too much, let the Party take a little of the Decoction of Rice, and it will qualifie it.

Lily of the Vallies: The Flowers and Leaves of this are held exceeding good for the Apoplexy, Falling-Sick­ness, Palsie, Giddiness, and other cold Diseases of the Brain. Take the Conserve of these Lilies, six ounces; of the Pow­der of Male-Peony half an ounce, Man's Skull prepared in powder three drams; the Seeds and Flowers of Male-Peony dried and powdered, of each two drams; Red Co­ral prepared, Pearl, and white Amber, of each a dram; the Salt of Coral four scruples, the Syrup of the Flowers of Male-Peony, a sufficient quan­tity to make into an Electua­ry. Take of this two drams Morning and Evening, against any of the before-mention'd Distempers; but especially in Fits of the Apoplexy, &c.

Lily-Water: This is di­stilled from white Garden-Li­lies in a cold Still as you do Roses and other Simples. It is given with success to Wo­men that have hard Labours, and to expel the After-birth. The Root of these Lilies are admirable in Cataplasms to asswage Pains and ripen Tu­mours: The Oil extracted from them, has not only the same, but a more powerful Virtue. We find in several noted Authors, that they have mainly contributed to the Cure of divers troubled with the Dropsie, viz. The Juice mixed with Barly-Flower, and made into Bread, and eaten with their usual Diet, Thirty or Forty Days together.

Limbs to Comfort: Ap­ply to the Part grieved a Plaister of Oxicrocium made in this manner: Take two ounces and a half of Saffron, Ship-pitch, Colophony, and [Page] yellow Wax, of each four ounces; Galbanum, Turpen­tine and Ammoniacum, Myrrh, Olibanum, and Mastick, of each one ounce and three drams: to the melted Wax, add the Pitch cleansed from the Dross and Strained, next to that the Colophony: These being melted, take them from the Fire, and let them cool a little; then add the Ammo­niacum and Galbanum dissol­ved apart in Vinegar, and strained, and boiled to the consumption of the Vinegar, and mixed with the Turpen­tine; then sprinkle in Fran­kincense, Myrrh, and Ma­stick, in very fine Powder a quart; and in conclusion, the Saffron finely powdered and well mixed, and so make it into a Plaister.

This comforts and strength­ens the Limbs, and is an ex­cellent Emollient for Aches, and to discuss cold Tumours, or any cold Humours setled in the Joints, or afflicting the Nerves and Sinews, and consequently a very good Gout-Plaister.

Limbs, a strengthening Plaister: Take Minion pow­dered one pound, Cerusse pre­pared half a pound, Soap ten ounces, common Olive-Oil a quart, Orange-flower-water nine ounces; boil them ac­cording to Art, till they be­come thick enough to spread on a Plaister.

This is very highly com­mended for strengthning the Ligaments, and the Matrix; being spread upon a round piece of Leather, and applied; it also strengthens the Backs of Women near Travel, and eases the Pains that frequently afflict them on that score.

Lime-Tree: The Leaves and Bark of this Tree repel, dry and provoke Urin: A Mucilage made of the Bark is good in Burns and Wounds. The Leaves bruised and sprink­led with Water, discuss Swel­lings in the Feet. The Flow­ers are cephalick, and of a ve­ry fragrant Scent. The di­stilled Water is much in esteem for the Apoplexy, Falling-Sickness, and Giddiness; the Dose being from an ounce to an ounce and a half. It is likewise a great Beautifier of the Face; and drank with Water of Camomil it cures the Gripes. The Berries dry­ed till reduced to powder, are much commended for the Bloody-flux, and other Fluxes of the Belly. Being mixed with Vinegar, and put up the Nostrils, the Bleeding at the Nose is stayed.

Lime-Water, to Make: Take a pound of clean quick Lime, slack it in a gallon of warm Water, and let it stand till all that will subside be set­led to the bottom; and sepa­ration being made, the Water swim clear at top, at which [Page] time it will often happen, that a kind of thin and brittle sub­stance, almost like Ice, will cover the surface of the Li­quor: As soon as the Water is thus impregnated, delay not to pour it off warily, and keep it well stopped. This is useful on divers occasions, as to wash Sores, supple Pains and Aches, cure the Tooth­ach, the Mouth being washed with it and a little Honey.

If it be designed for Con­sumptions, or Obstructions, it must be made thus: Take a gallon of Lime-water made as the former, infuse in it cold Sassaffras, Licorice, and An­niseeds, of each an ounce; adding thereto half a pound of Currans, or the like quan­tity of Raisins of the Sun sto­ned. The Dose of this com­pound Lime-water, is from four to five ounces, and may be taken twice a Day.

Limonade: To make this, Scrape the Lemon-peel as much as you think fit, into Water and Sugar, and add a few drops of the Essence of Sulphur, with some slices of Lemon, observing always to put half a pound of Sugar to a pint of Water. This is ve­ry wholsom for the Stomach, creates Appetite, and good Digestion, and is a very plea­sant cooling Liquor; and in case of the Distemper, call'd Furor Uterinus, Take the Fea­thers of a Partridge, burn them for a considerable time under the Party's Nose, so that the Fume may ascend the No­strils, and drink a quarter of a pint of this Limonade af­ter if.

Liniments for Hemor­rhoids: Take of the Flower of Sulphur two drams, Oil of Eggs half an ounce, Oil of Roses one ounce, mingle them for the Liniment for application. Or,

Take of the Oil of Lin­seed, the Pulp of an Onion well baked or roasted in Em­bers, of each two ounces; white Wax half an ounce: of these make a Liniment Or,

Take Hog-Lice, and mash them, the Ointment of Pop­lar, of each an ounce; Ex­tract of Opium half a dram: mix them, and make them up into a Liniment. All these are very proper to asswage the Swelling and Pains of the Hemorrhoids, and other violent hot Swellings, oc­casioned by infectious Hu­mours.

Liniment to prevent Scars of the Small-Pox: Take Litharge of Gold pre­pared, and well washed in Rose-water, of each one ounce; Oil of the four great Seeds cleansed, bitter Almonds and Eggs, of each half an ounce; Night-shade and Plan­tane-water, as much as is suf­ficient.

This Liniment is a great restorer of Beauty.

Liniment for the Scia­tica: Take three new whel­ped Puppies, as many live Moles, Earth-worms one pound, Lees of Rosemary, Laurel, Lavender, Mother of Thyme, and St. John's-wort, of each a handful: boil them in common Oil and red Wine, then strain and press them strongly out, and to the Li­quor add of yellow Wax and Goose-grease, of each ten ounces.

This Liniment is much praised and commended for its excellent Virtue in easing the Pains of the Sciatica, and all sorts of Rheuma tisms and Gouts.

Liniment for Tetters: Take Mercurial precipitate, and green Vitriol, of each one ounce; Verdigrease and Borax, of each two drams; Juice of red Dock two oun­ces; Hogs-grease, and new Butter, of each four ounces; pressed Oil of Henbane one ounce.

This Liniment is excellent to cure Tettars, Ring-worms, or any other Sores.

Liniment to stay Vomi­ting: Take of the Oil of Nuts strongly pressed out, and the Queen of Hungary's Water, of each half an ounce; distilled Oil of Wormwood one dram, select Mastick fine­ly powdered two drams, and then make up a Liniment of it.

This being applied hot to the Stomach, immediately stays Vomiting, and eases the Defects of the Stomach, re­moving the Causes that force violent Vomitings and Strain­ings.

Links to Make: Take th [...] Fillet of a Leg of Pork, and cut it Dice fashion, sea­son the Meat with Mace, Cloves, and Pepper finely beaten; mince a handful of Sage, mix it with a hand­ful of Salt, and put it to them; then hang the Guts in the Air till the moisture is a little taken out of them, then fill them, and hang them up a drying again; and when you spend them, boil, fry, or roast them as you please: They also make a good Dish, stewed with divers kinds of Meat.

Linnen Scorch'd: To recover this Accident, if it be not gone too far, Take two ounces of Fulling-Earth, half a pint of Whitewine-Vine­gar, half an ounce of Castile­soap, half an ounce of Hens­dung, and with two Onions quartered, boil them in a quart of fair Water, till it begins to be thick; then let it cool, and being in a kind of a Jelly by putting in a little white Starch, spread it on the Place so scorched; and if it be but lightly done, it [Page] will soon recover it so, that in a wash or two, no marks of the Fire will remain.

Linnen Stained: Take two ounces of Castile-Soap, boil it to a Jelly in a quart of Milk, keeping it from any thick curdlings; then if your Linnen has been trained by Fruits, or the like, spread it on as you do Fulling-e [...]th, and suffer it to lye on all Night; and that being taken off, wet the Place with the Juice of Lemon; and in a wasting or two the Stains will disappear.

Lips Chap'd: Take the Brains of a Goose, mix them with that of a Buck or Stag, and put to them so much Deers-suet, as will bring it in­to an Ointment, and with it anoint the Lip; or for want of these, take Litharge of Sil­ver, Myrrh, Ginger, of each two drams beaten fine; and then with Wax, Honey, and Olive-Oil, make them into an Ointment over a gentle Fire; and having rubbed your Lips over with your Tongue to supple them, put this Oint­ment on a Linnen-Rag, and lay it on your Lips when you go to Bed, and in the Morn­ing you will find them redu­ced to a smoothness, or at least in twice applying it. This may serve for the Hands, Arms, Knees, or any other Parts appertaining to the Body.

Liquid-Amber: This is the Rosin that flows from a Tree that has Leaves like those of Ivy: If is much used in Physick, it heats and strengthens, resolves, and is Anodyne; it comforts the Brain, the Head being anoin­ted with it; it cures all sorts of Pains proceeding from cold Causes. It provokes Appe­tite, strengthens the Stomach, and helps Concoction. It likewise gives Gloves a very fragrant Scent. It resolves Tumours, and opens Obstru­ctions of the Womb, asswa­ging the Tumours of it. It is good to provoke the Cour­ses. Some cut the Wood of the Tree from which it flows into small pieces, and boil it, and take off the Fat that ari­ses from it, and sell it for the true Oil. Some Apothecaries sell that for Liquid-Storax, when indeed it has little or nothing of the Virtue of the Liquid-Amber, or Sto­rax.

Liquor for Vlcers: Take the green Bark of Oak, bruise it well, and upon it pour good Lime-water, which before you are directed to make, and let the Infusion continue till the Liquor has acquired a deep Tincture, and with this wash any Ulcers, or old Sores, Brui­ses, or Wounds, if need re­quire it, twice a Day.

Liver Cooled: Take two Gallons of Whey new made, [Page] and boil therein one Fennel-root, and one Mallow-root, their Piths taken out; bruise the Roots, with Senna, Bor­rage, Bugloss, Violet-Leaves, Endive, Sorrel, Agrimony, Scurvygrass, Watercresse, and Cinquefoil, of each a hand­ful; Licorice six drams, Fen­nel-seed an ounce; Cloves, Mace, Cinamon, and Juniper-Berries, of each two drams: boil these in the Whey till one half be consumed; then strain out the Liquid part into an earthen Vessel: being cool, bottle it up, and drink it as you find occasion. It mainly fortifies the Stomach, and helps Digestion.

Liver Obstruded: Take Lavender-Cotten, when flow­er'd, a handful, cut off the gross Stalks that grow to­ward the Roots, concoct the rest in a pint of Whitewine, sweeten it with some Powder of white Sugar-Candy, and drink a quarter of a pint of the Decoction Morning and Evening, as hot as may be. It likewise removes Ob­structions in the Kidneys and Ureters, is helpful in the Jaun­dice, and kills Worms.

The Leaves and Flowers are also good to lay among Cloaths, not only to give them a good Scent, but to preserve them from sustain­ing any Injury by Moths and Worms.

Liverwort: This is an excellent Herb for removing the Obstructions of the Liver, and Stoppages in the Bladder and Ureters, by drinking the Decoction of it in Whitewine. It is helpful likewise in the Jaundice: and by outward Bathings, it cures the Itch and Gonorrhoea; and the br [...]sed Herb applied stops the Blood in Wounds.

Loaves of Cheese-Curds: To make this, Take a Porrin­gerful of Curds, and four Eggs, and so much Flower as will make it stiff: after that, take a seasoning quantity of Gin­ger, Nutmeg, and Salt, and so knead and mould the whole mass into Loaves, and set it in­to an Oven moderately heated; when they begin to change colour, take them out, put melted Butter to them, with fine Sugar beaten in Sack, and then serve them up as a dainty Dish.

Lobster Broil'd: Being boil'd, though but indifferent­ly, lay them on a Gridiron, or toast them against the Fire, keeping them basted with Vi­negar and Butter, or if you like it best, with Butter alone; and being leisurely done, serve them up with sliced Lemon, Nutmeg, and Butter and Vi­negar beat up thick.

Lobster Broil'd on Pa­per: Slice the Tails round, and the Claws in long slices: then Butter a Dripping-pan [Page] made of Paper, and lay it on a Grid-iron over a clear Fire; then put some slices of it sea­son'd with Salt, the slices of Nutmeg, and fresh Eel, Sage­leaves, Rosemary-tops, and two or three Cloves; or you may lay Bay-leaves, or Sweet-herbs chopped; or, if the Fire be too hot, do it on Embers: and being well done, [...]ve them up on a Dish or Plate, in the same Dripping-pan: put to them the Juice of Oranges beaten up with Butter, and garnish it with slices of Le­mon.

Lobster to Farce: When the Lobster is half boil'd, take out the Meat, and mince it, season it with some Cloves and Mace beaten, and minced sweet Herbs mingled among the Meat; then put Yolks of Eggs, Gooseberries, Grapes and Barberries; sometimes the Bot­toms of boiled Artichoaks cut Dice-fashion are used, or boil'd Asparagus; others will min­gle Almond-paste with the rest; but however, when the Composition is fixed, fill the Lobster-shells, viz. Claws, Tail and Body, and bake it in an Oven not very hot; make for it a Sauce with Gravy and White-wine: beat it up with sweet Butter, the Juice of an Orange, and Anchovy dis­solv'd in a little Water. To this Farcing you may some­times put Almond-paste, Cur­rans, Gooseberries and Sugar, and make Balls with them to lay about the Dish, and then serve it up with Venison-Sauce.

Lobster Fry'd: Take out the Meat of a boil'd Lobster, slice it long-ways, and flower it; fry it in sweet Butter, that it may be crisp and white, or put it in Batter of Eggs, Flow­er, Salt, and Cream, roul it in this and fry it: then make a Sauce with the Juice of Oran­ges, Claret, and grated Nut­meg; beat them up thick with sweet Butter, rub the Dish o­ver with a Shalot or an O­nion; and having garnish'd it with slices of Oranges or Lemons, pour on the Sauce, and then serve it up to the Table.

Lobster Hash'd: Take off the Shells when the Lobsters are newly boil'd, mince the Meat very small, and put it into an earthen Pot or Pipkin with as much Claret-wine as will near cover it; then add Salt, sweet Butter, grated Nut­meg, sliced Oranges, and a few Pistaches; and when it is very well stewed, serve it up on Sippits, being run over with beaten Butter, and gar­nish'd with sliced Oranges, some cuts of Paste, or Lozen­ges of Puff-paste.

Lobsters Ielly'd: Take a Tench, draw him at the Gills; then put it into as much Water as will conve­niently boil it; season it with [Page] Salt, Wine-vinegar, and five or six Bay-leaves; large Mace, three or four whole Cloves, and a bundle of sweet Herbs: and the Fish being boiled, take it up, and rub off the Scales, then strain the Liquor tho­rough a Jelly-bag, and put to it a piece of Ising-glass wash'd and steep'd, for that purpose, in fair Water, and boil it very cleanly, and run it thorough the Jelly-bag: and then your Lobsters being taken out of the Shells, lay them in a large clean Dish in slices, and run this Jelly over them. You may, for variety's sake, make this Jelly of divers Colours, by putting to it Saunders, Tur­merick, Turnsole, or any such like Colours.

Garnish the Dish with Le­mon-peel cut in branches or long slices, Barberries, and fine coloured Flowers. Thus you you may Jelly Craw-fish and Prawns; but they must be laid in the Dish whole, when the shells are taken off.

Lobsters Marinated: To do this, Take them out of the Shells when they are parboil'd, lard the Tails with a salt Eel being parted in halves the longest way of the Eel; fry them in clarify'd Butter, or Olive-Oil, and when they are enough, put them into a Dish or Pipkin, and make a Sauce with Wine-vinegar, White-wine, three or four sliced Nut­megs, and as many blades of large Mace, some sliced Gin­ger, and ten or twelve Cloves, with two drams of whole Pep­per, and some Salt: put into this Sauce Winter-savoury, Thyme, Rosemary, Sweet-Marjoram, Bay-leaves, Sage and Parsley; then slice three or four Lemons: dish up the Lobsters, and pour these on th [...] finely shred; and gar­nishing it over with some of the Oil or Butter they were fryed with, serve them up pretty hot.

Lobster Pickled: Boil the Lobster in Vinegar, White-wine and Salt, then take them up; and having Bay-leaves and Rosemary-tops, Savory, Thyme, large Mace, and whole Pepper, boil them in some of the Liquor the Lobster was boil'd in; in the middle of the boiling put in whole Cloves, then place the Lob­sters in a Barrel, and put the Liquor to them, with the Herbs and Spice, and some Lemon-peel. In this manner you may keep them a long time, and send them sweet to any Part of England; which otherwise cannot be done: and when you serve them up, do it with Spices, Peel, Herbs, and some of the Liquor.

Lobster-Pye: Take four boiled Lobsters, and a fat raw Conger, cut some of it into square pieces as broad as may be; then take the Meat of the Lobsters, and slice the Tails in [Page] two halves length-ways, as also the Claws, and season both with Nutmeg, Pepper and Salt; then put Butter pretty thickly laid in the bot­tom of your Pye, and lay on the slices of Conger, and then a layer of Lobster; thus lay three or four layings till the Pye be full; then scatter some whole Cloves, Butter [...]nd Whitewine, or only clarify'd Butter.

If you design to eat it hot, season it lightly; and being baked, season it with Butter, White-wine, sliced Lemon, Gooseberries, green Grapes, or Barberries, and so garnish it with slices of Lemon, some Red Beet-roots sliced, or Red Cabbage-leaves finely cut into Flowers, &c.

Lobster Stew'd: Take the Vinegar of Claret, Nut­meg, Salt and Butter, stew your Lobster somewhat dry, dish it in a convenient Dish, and running over with Butter, garnish it with sliced Lemon; or you may cut it into the fashion of Dice, and warm it with White-wine and Butter, put it into a Pipkin with Cla­ret-wine, or Grape-verjuice, and grated Manchet, and so fill a Scollop-shell, or other convenient thing, with it, and serve it up garnish'd with Samphire.

Loches to Suppress: The sign of these, are a Swelling of the Belly, a heavy Pain in the lower Parts, the Loins and Groin, Redness of Face, Dif­ficulty of Breathing, and the like. To remedy or suppress which, apply the Hysterical Plaister to the Navel; then take this Electuary, viz. Con­serve of Roman Wormwood, and Rue, of each one ounce; Troches of Myrrh two drams, Castoreum and English Saf­fron, Volatile Salt of Amber, Sal Armoniack, and Assa Foe­tida, of each half a dram; make these with Syrup of Vio­lets and Rose-water into an Electuary, and take to the big­ness of a Nutmeg every four hours. Then take of Rue­water four ounces, compound Bryony-water two ounces, Su­gar-candy as much as will sweeten it into a Julip, and let the Party take her rest af­ter the taking what is pre­scrib'd, and the Effect will, no doubt, answer her Expecta­tion.

Loin of Veal to Bake: If you put it into the Oven with the Bones, joint them very well, season it with Salt, Nutmeg and Pepper, and put it into your Pye; put Butter to it, and close it up, being sure always to have a well-season'd strong Crust, liquor it with sweet Butter. In this manner you may bake a Breast of Veal in either Pye or Pasty, also a Rack or Shoulder stuff'd with sweet Herbs and Beef­suet.

London Plague-Water: See Aqua Epidemica.

Looseness: To stay it, boil a convenient quantity of Cork in Spring-water till the Liquor taste strong of it; then sweeten it, and drink a pint at a time, and in two or three times so drinking he will find the effects of it. Or, Drink in the morning fasting a mode­rate Draught of your own Urine.

Lozenges of Flowers: Make a good Syrup of Sugar, then take the Blossoms or Flowers that are wholsom, of what sort you please, shred 'em small, and beat them in a wooden Mortar, and put in as many as upon boiling up will colour the Syrup of the pro­per Colour of the Flower; then boil it with stirring till it may be taken clean from the bottom of the Pan, and so thick that it will scarce drop out of the Spoon: then pour it on a wet Plate, and wetting your Knife or Spatula, spread it abroad to the thinness of a Crown-piece: then cut it like Diamonds, or in what fashion you please, and as the Virtue of the Flower is, and the Virtues of divers Flowers treated of in this Book, so will the Lozenges be availa­ble.

Lucatello's Balsom. See Balsom.

Lumber-Pye: Take gra­ted Bread, Cloves and Mace finely beaten, Beef-suet cut small into square pieces, then Veal or Capon minced small, with Suet and sweet Herbs, Salt, Sugar, and the hard­boiled Yolks of six Eggs, and about half a pint of Cream; work them up in the Caules of Veal like Sausages, then put them into a Dish, and bake them to a half, and so your Pye being ready, and dried in an Oven, put them into it, with some Butter, Verjuice, Sugar, Dates, large Mace, and Grapes, or Barberries, and Mar­row; and when it is baked, scrape over some Sugar, and serve it up.

Lumber-Pye, to Season: Take any cold Meat (Beef or Pork excepted,) shred a pound of Beef-suet to every pound of Meat; then put to them two Nutmegs grated, half an ounce of Cloves, and Mace finely beaten, a quarter of an ounce of beaten Ginger, and the usual sweet Herbs shred very small; then work them up together (the Meat being likewise minced small) with a little Salt, and six Eggs, into Balls as big as Pullets Eggs, and put into the Pye one pound of Currans, one pound of Raisins, and a quarter of a pound of Dates sliced, and close up all with a pound of Butter conveniently dispers'd among the Ingredients. And if you will have it finer, make this Caudle and put into it; [Page] A quarter of a pound of Su­gar, a quarter of a pint of Ca­nary, half a quartern of Ver­juice, the Yolks of three Eggs, and about a quarter of a pound of Butter; boil them up to a thickness with a little Mace, and put it hot into the Pye, when it is about to be served up to the Table.

Lunacy: This is a Distem­per first seated in the Blood, and then afflicting the Brain. When the Symptoms of it first begin to appear, by ex­traordinary Flushing and Heat, and the Party talk wildly, Let Blood, but not too much, fourteen ounces is sufficient: Then take a quarter of an ounce of Rhubarb thin sli­ced, Angelica-roots an ounce, a sprig or two of Savine; boil these in a quart of Spring-water till it consume to a pint, and let it be drank luke-warm at two Draughts, an hour's time between each Draught, sweeten'd with Sugar, and the Party put into bed, and a warm Caudle, or else some strengthening Broth provided and sup'd up about an hour afterward: by a gentle brea­thing sweat the afflicting Hu­mour will be dispers'd, and by degrees evaporate.

Lungs and Breast Dis­eases: Take the best Old Ma­laga, and distill it in a Glass Cucurbite in Balneo Mariae: when you have drawn off the Spirit, change the Receiver, and continue the Distillation, drawing off the Flegm until there remain in the bottom a substance like Honey; which pour out, and mix it again with the Flegm that you di­stilled last: drink of this Li­quor two or three times a day, putting into every Draught a few drops of the odoriferous Spirit of Benjamin.

Lungs Infected: Take the Leaves and Seeds of Marsh-mallows, and boil 'em in Milk or Wine with a few Aniseeds and bruised Lico­rice, and let the Party drink half a pint pretty warm in the morning fasting.

Lungs Inflamed: Take the Leaves of Red Poppy-flowers a quarter of a peck, infuse them in Spring-water very hot, but not boiling-hot, and let them stand twen­ty-four hours, then wring them out: infuse the like quantity of fresh Flowers, and having well press'd them after a convenient standing, boil up the Liquor into a bath, till with its equal weight of Sugar it is made into a Sy­rup.

Half an ounce at a time is a sufficient Dose; and being ex­ceeding Cooling, it not only helps the Inflammation of the Lungs, but also Pleurisies; and is good in most Heats, or hot Diseases, easing Pains in the Head, and causing rest.

Lungs to Purge: Take Agarick Trochiscated three drams; the Roots of Orris, with the Blue or Skie-colour'd Flowers, Mastick and Hore-hound, of each a dram; Tur­bith five drams; Sarcocol, and Troches of Alhandal, of each two drams; the Species of Hiera Picra half an ounce, Myrrh a dram, and as much Sapa as will amass them; and of this take half a dram at a time, and it gently purges the Lungs, carrying off those Hu­mours that chiefly create their Diseases, and afflict them.

Lungs Rising: There is nothing better than the Wa­ter of Enula-campana-roots, stamp the green Roots in a stone Mortar, and mix with them half as much green Li­corice; then distill it in a glass Still: Take of this Water half a spoonful at a time, when­soever the Rising doth trouble you: mix it with as much Old Malaga, if you cannot take it alone.

Lungs stop with Flegm: Take Enula-campana-root well dried, Licorice and Aniseeds, of each one ounce; Flower of Sulphur half an ounce, Sugar-candy six ounces; make all into a fine Powder, and take thereof half a spoonful three times a day.

Lungs Stuff'd: Take the Syrup of Penny-Royal or Ground-Ivy moderately tart, stamp in it Rose-leaves and Mugwort, and make them with the Syrup and Sugar into a Conserve; of which take a quarter of an ounce Morning and Evening.

Lung-wort, its Virtues: This is Astringent and Dry­ing, stops Bleeding, and cures fresh Wounds; stays the Flux of the Belly and the Courses; the distilled Water, Powder and Syrup, are used with suc­cess for the Diseases of the Lungs, as Short-breathings, Coughs, Consumptions, &c. That sort of it which grows on the Oak, is excellent for curing the Jaundice, by taking a handful of it, and boiling it in a close stopt Vessel, in a pint, or somewhat more, of Small-beer, till half be con­sumed; and of this take three, of four ounces, as hot as may be, both Morning and Even­ing.

Lupins to Boil: Take French Lupins and French Beans, and take away the Tops of the Cods and the Strings, and then having a Pan or Skil­let of fair Water boiling on the Fire, put them in with some Salt, boil them up quick; and being boiled, serve them up with beaten Butter and a little Pepper. Garnish the Dish with Barberries, Lemon-peel and Endive, and so serve them up, having made a Di­vision or Separation of the awo sorts.

MAcaroons, to Make: Blanch a convenient quantity of Sweet-Almonds, by putting them into hot Water, beat 'em to a mash in a Mortar, and strew on them between beat­ings a little fine Sugar sifted; and when they are well mix'd, add the Whites of Eggs and Rose-water; and when they are of a sufficient thickness, draw over your Wafers a Fea­ther dipt in melted Butter, and take the Butter up in, spoonfuls and lay it on them, and bake them in a gentle O­ven, Iced over with Sugar, dissolv'd, in Rose-water.

Madness or Frensie: Take the Gall of a Hare, boil it in a quarter of a pint of Whitewine: this being drank, causes the Party to sleep, and eases the Labour and Distur­bance of his Brain, until Vi­negar be given him.

Maiden-Hair, a Syrup: Take two good handfuls of it, shred these small, and boil them in two quarts of fair Water till a third part be consumed; then strain it, and boil up the Decoction with Sugar to a con­venient thickness, and take hall an ounce at a time in any con­venient Liquor. This removes the tartarous and viscous Mu­cilage out of the Lungs, and is good for those that have Coughs, Shortness of Breath, and Pains in their Sides, or in the Bladder or Kidneys. The Powder of this Herb being taken four days together, pro­vokes Urine, expells the Stone and Gravel, and is of great use for Children in Ruptures: Or for any of these, the speedier to facilitate the Remedy, you may take the Syrup of Maiden­hair, and Jubebs, of each three ounces; Linseed-oil, newly drawn, two ounces; fine Su­gar two drams: mingle them, and make a Lohoch, and take about a quarter of an ounce every other Hour.

Maladies of the Skin: Take Oil of Roses half a pint, beat two ounces of Li­tharge of Gold to dust or powder with Vinegar, add a little of the Oil, as you bruise it in a Mortar with an iron Pestle, till the Litharge and Oil has so overcome the Vine­gar, that it appears not, and it becomes a kind of a whitish, Ointment; then put it up for your use, keeping it close co­vered.

This takes away Spots, Pim­ples, Sun-burn, Morphew, and [Page] Yellowness of Complexion; cures Itch, Scabs, Botches, Breakings-out, Tetters, Ring­worms; kills Worms in the Skin, makes it smooth, and forces out the watry Humours, tending to Dropsies, by anoint­ing with it.

Marchpane like Bacon: To make this, Take March­pane-paste, work it with Red-Saunders till it has colour'd it; then roul a broad sheet of white Paste, and a sheet of red Paste, and so till there be three of the white and four of the red one on another, in a mingled sort every red be­tween; then cut it over­thwart, and it will look so like Rashers of Bacon, that it will deceive the Eye, till you come to handle it: and so having dried it, you may keep it for your use on any occasion.

Marchpane to Gild and Garnish: Blanch Almonds in hot Water, beat them well in a Mortar; put to them Sugar finely sifted, beat them and mingle them till they become a Paste; add a little Rose­water, then cover it with a sheet of Paper, make Impres­sions round it with a Spur­iron, or Marking-iron, used in Pastry; Ice it over with Sugar, Rose-water and the White of an Egg beat up to­gether: and being drawn, gar­nish it with Comfies, cut Leas-Gold or Silver in divers shapes, and stick it on with Gum­water; then strew grated Bis­ket and Carraways on it. If it happens to be Oily in beating, to remedy this, put in as much Rose-water as will make it as thin as Ice.

Marchpane like Hung-Beef: Work some of the Paste with Red Saunders, spread it into a flatness; and the other being White, lay them one on another; and when it is dried and cut fine, it will, at first sight, appear like Interlarded Beef.

Marchpane: Blanch two pound of Almonds, beat them in a Mortar into a fine Paste, add to them a pound of fine Sugar, and by mixing them well together, they will thereby become a good Paste. Observe, as you mix them, to prevent their turning to Oil, you must put in a few spoon­fuls of Rose-water, than co­ver the Marchpane in a sheet as big as a Charner, and set an Edge about it as you do about a Tart, and a Bottom of Wa­fers under it: then bake it in an Oven or Baking-Pan, and when you perceive it dry and hard, take it out, and Ice it with Rose-water and Sugar, being made as thick as Batter for Fritters: so with a Wing-feather of a Duck or Goose, spread it on, and again put it into the Oven, and when it rises high, take it out and gar­nish it with the Figured of Birds, Beasts, Leaves, not the [Page] like, made of the same stuff, and sticking long Comfits up­right in it, serve it up.

Marrigold-Water, its Vir­tues: This is an excellent Water for Inflamed Eyes: be­ing dropt in them, it takes a­way the Inflammation and Redness; or a Rag dipped in it, may be applied to the Eyes with the same success. The Flowers are very Cordial and Hepatick, they provoke Sweat and the Courses: There is therefore an excellent Con­serve made of them, after this manner: Take of Marrigold-flowers two ounces, Confe­ction of Kermes and Hyacinth two drams of each, the Pow­der of Pearl an ounce, and as much Syrup of Citron as will make them into a Conserve, by mixing and bruising them well together with a sufficient quantity of fine Sugar; take of it about a quarter of an ounce Morning and Evening: it is a great Cordial for refresh­ing the Spirits, and a Preser­vative against the Plague and Pestilential Fevers.

Marrigold-flower-Water: Take the Flowers of Marri­golds a quarter of a peck, and distill, them in a cold Still; then take a fine linnen Cloth, and wet it in the distilled Wa­ter: this applied to the Fore­head, helps Pains of the Head: The Eyes washed with it, re­moves Inflammations; and drank in hot Diseases, is very available and beneficial to the Party grieved.

Marjoram Conserv'd: Take the Tops and tenderest part of Sweet Marjoram, two handfuls or more, as you re­quire; a greater or lesser quan­tity of Conserve; bruise it very well in a wooden Bowl or Mortar; add twice the weight in Sugar, boil it up with Marjoram-water till the Sugar comes to the thickness of a Syrup; then put in the beaten Marjoram, and it will be a rare Conserve.

Marks, to Prevent: In case of the Small-pox, Measles, or such violent Distempers as leave Scars behind them, Take Litharge of Gold in fine Pow­der, White-bread or Ceruss washed in Rose-water, of each an ounce; Oil of the greater Cold Seeds, and of Bitter Al­monds, and Oil of Eggs, of each half an ounce; Night-shade and Plantane-waters, of each half an ounce, or so much as will make it into an Oint­ment by grinding it in a stone Mortar, pouring to it some­times of the Oils, and some­times of the Waters; and with this anoint the Face and Hands when the Scab or Scurf is green, and it will keep them from Pitting or Scars.

Marmalade of Cherries: Take Cherries not too ripe, fairest you can get; and ha­ving stoned them, lay them in a Preserving-pan over a [Page] gentle Fire, so that they only simper but not boil; then take out a part of the Liquor, leav­ing only so much as will moi­sten them; then put in fine Sugar, and boil them up over a quicker Fire, bruise them well, and continue strewing more Sugar till the Colour is very good, then take them off, and being well incorporated, put them up into a Glass or glazed earthen Vessel, and they will keep a considerable time; and being carefully look'd to, and set dry, you will find it good for twelve Months.

Marmalade of Red Cur­rans: This is an excellent way, if well observed, viz. Take of Red Currans when ripe, clean pick'd, squeeze out the Juice of some of 'em, and put the rest into it, adding the Juice of Raspberries; boil them together gently, and when the Currans that were whole begin to break, boil up an equivalency of Sugar to a Candy height, and put in the Currans, letting them boil with the Currans again, and sprinkle into it Rose-water; and when it comes to the thickness of a Marmalade, having taken off the Scum if it rises, put them into a glazed Pot, being mash'd as they boil till none of them remain whole: and so when this Marmalade is cold, slice it for your use, and it will prove of an excellent Taste, and is good to moisten the Mouth and comfort the Sto­mach in Fevers, or other hot Diseases.

Marmalade of Dama­scens: Take about two quarts of the largest Damascens when they are ripe, but not over­ripe, pare off the Skins of three pints of them; put 'em into an earthen Vessel, placing those you have not skinned undermost, put as much fair Water as will cover them into a Kettle or Pot; and when it boils, put in the Pipkin, or o­ther earthen Vessel into it, close stopped, so as the Wa­ter cannot get in; and when they are, by this way of In­fusion, tender, take off the other Skins and Stones out of them all; then take their weight of Sugar, put it to the Pulp, and set them together over a Fire, till it boil apace: keep it clean scumm'd, and when it is boiled to a height, put it into a glass for your use.

Marmalade of Grapes: Take White or Red Grapes, as you design the Marmalade for Colour, let them be ga­thered in a dry day, and dry them afterward on a Table when they are separated from the Stalks; then boil them in fair Water, often scumming them, whilst the Water is re­duc'd to a third part, and then let there be but a gentle Fire under them; and when you find it thickened, strain it [Page] thorough a Sieve; boiling it once more, add a small quan­tity of Sugar, and so put it up when cool, and cover it close for your use.

Marmalade of Pippins: Take the best Pippins when they are newly gather'd, and not too ripe, pare them, and take the Core out, then put to them their weight in fine Sugar, put them into a Pre­serving-pan; and pour upon them as much Spring-water as will cover them; boil them with a quick Fire, till you find them by trial Jellied on a Plate when cold; then take it off the Fire, and put into it a little of the Scrapings of Lemon-peel, and a like quantity of the yel­low Rinde of Oranges boiled tender, (casting away their first Water, to correct their Biter­ness,) cutting them into nar­row slices, and so bruising them all together into a Pulp; let the Substance cool in ear­then Pans or Pots, and set 'em in an indifferent dry place, strewing some Sugar over the Marmalade, and it will keep well a Year or two.

Marmalade, the Spanish way: Take of ripe Pear-Quinces, pared and cored, fif­teen pound, three pound of fine-white Sugar, a quart of fair Water, stew them over a gentle Fire, and as they grow dryer, add a little Rose-water, and Whitewine or Canary, as the Scent best pleases; squeeze out the Juice and Pulp, and put to it four pound of Sugar more, a little more Rose-water and Orange-water, try it on a Plate, and if it comes clean off, it is sufficiently enough; then take it off, and let it cool, put it in Boxes, and strew o­ver it some perfumed Comfits, and keep it close for use.

Marmalade White: Take six pound of Quinces, pare and core them, and then boil 'em to a Pulp, put to it two pound of Sugar moistened well with the Juice of Quinces; boil them gently together at first, till the Liquor be swelled out of the Quinces, and the Sugar dissolved, and all come into a convenient thickness and so put it up for your use.

Marrow, a fine Dish: Take the Marrow of two or three Bones, cut it square like Dice, and put it into a penny Man­chet grated fine, with some Dates cut in halves, and a quar­ter of a pound of Currans, seven or eight spoonfuls of Cream, roasted Wardens, Pippins, or Quinces sliced, and two or three Yolks of raw Eggs: season them with Cinnamon and Ginger; bake them, and serve 'em up.

Marsh-Mallows: Though these are very common, yet they are of much Virtue and Value in their Use, viz. the Leaves sod in Whitewine or Milk, and eaten, take away Hoarseness; and being beaten [Page] with Sage-leaves, make a sin­gular Poultiss for Wounds, Bruises or Inflammations: They also are good against the Biting of any venomous Crea­ture, being applied Poultis­wise with Leeks and Onions stamped very small. The Juice, if dropt into the Ear, appeaseth the Tingling, Sing­ing or Buzzing Noise in the Head. The Herb and Root concocted till the Concoction seem somewhat clammy, and sweetened, viz. the Liquid part, with a little Honey, is successfully given to Women, to restore Strength, after a hard Labour in Child-bearing. The Seed, if powder'd and drank with Red Wine, pre­vents excess in, Vomiting. Six ounces of the Juice of Mal­lows, sweetened with a little Sugar, extremely removes Melancholy, and are of such virtue, that they were call'd by the Antients Omnia Morbia, that is to say, Good against all Diseases.

Mallows Wild: These are another sort, which Phy­sicians distinguish somewhat from the former, though their Virtues are little less; being sod in White-wine, or Water and Honey; they expe­dite the healing of Wounds, by warning them with their Concoction: and being ap­plied Poultiswise, they are good to allay the Swellings of the Kings-Evil, draw Impost­humes to a Ripeness, allay Inflammations of the Breast, and help Ruptures of the Fundament, Ventosities, and Shrinking of the Sinews. The Leaves bruised, with a little Oil, are applied for Bitings, Burns or Scalds. The Seed powder'd, and drank in White-wine, is good against the Dysentery, and Flux of the Belly.

Master-wort, its Virtues: It cures the Bitings of veno­mous Creatures, being stamp­ed and applied to the Wound with Bay-salt. It is given in malignant Diseases, helps Ex­pectoration, sweetens an of­fensive Breath. 'Tis also ac­counted good for the Drop­sie; and a piece of it stopped in a hollow Tooth, eases the Pain thereof.

May-weed: This Herb, though very common, and of no pleasant scent, is neverthe­less of admirable Virtue: for, if boiled in Ale or Small-beer, with Figs, Licorice and Ani­seeds, of each an ounce, and the Decoction drank hot, it eases the Colick, and all vio­lent Pains in the Bowels: If heated between two hot Tyles, with Elder-leaves, and applied, it draws the violent Heat of the Fever from the Head. The Decoction in Whitewine is successfully gi­ven for the Kings-Evil, and other Diseases.

Mead-White: Take Rose­mary, Thyme, Sweet-Briar, Agrimony-wood, Betony, Eye-bright, Roman Wormwood, and Scabious, of each a like quantity, which is the sixteenth part of a handful each; cover them with Wa­ter in a wooden Vessel open at the top, and let them steep a Night and a Day, and then boil them very well in ano­ther Water, till the colour be very high, then in another quantity of Water boil them up till the colour looks green; and so let it boil as long as any greeness continues: then with the Herbs in it, let it stand a Day and a Night, and to eve­ry gallon of Water, put two pound of clear Honey, the Liquor first strained from the Herbs, and when it will bear an Egg to Three-pence breadth above Water, work it toge­ther until the Honey is quite dissolved; then after a Night's setling boil it again a quarter of an Hour with the Whites and Shells of six Eggs, then strain it: let it cool, and put it up with Cloves, Mace, Nut­megs and Cinnamon bruised together, being hung in the Cask in a Bag; and if you re­quire it to drink very speedily, take the Whites of two or three Eggs, a spoonful of Yeast, and two spoonfuls of Wheaten-flower: beat them together, put them into the Cask, and when it has work­ed, stop it up with Clay and Bay-salt well tempered, and so it will keep long.

Measles: Take two or three grains of Saffron, dry it well by the Fire, and then put it into a Rag, and tying it, infuse it in Posset-Ale, and then press it; or it may be done in Mace, Ale, or White-wine, till all the Virtue of the Saffron is exhausted in the Li­quids, and let the Party drink it, keeping very warm: And if in this Distemper, or the Small-pox, (for it is good in either) there is a soreness in the Throat, do thus:

Take half a dram of dried Saffron, tye it as the other in a Rag, and boil it in half a pint of new Milk till the Milk becomes very yellow, then boil in it a Stay of Linnen, and put it wet and warm under the Throat where the Sore is; and when that is cold and dry, put on another so ordered: and this will in six or eight Hours take away the Pain, or Soreness.

Meat to Roast: When a Capon, Chicken, or Fowl, has been long enough before the Fire, and thoroughly hot, that they require basting, do them once over very well with sweet Butter, dridge them over with Flower, and by so doing, it will make a thin Crust that will keep in all the Juice, so that they are best without any more ba­sting [Page] till they are enough; then bast them well with But­ter, as before, which will make the Crust relent and fall away: this being done, and they grow brown on the outside, sprinkle them over with a little ordinary white Salt in gross Grains, then bast them over with Yolks of Eggs finely beaten, continu­ing so to do till another Crust of the Eggs arise on them, and they are sufficiently e­nough to dish, sauce, and serve up to the Table.

Medicine for the Stone: Take a Male-Kid of nine Months old, keep him up in a close Place, and feed him with Smallage, Parsley, Fennel, Pimpernel, Ivy, and Lovage, and kill him in the Month of August when the Sun is go­ing into the Sign Cancer, and receive the Blood in a clean Vessel; take off the thinnest part, and Water, and dry the rest in an Oven till it may be powdered. Take a dram of it in Whitewine, wherein Onions, or Lily-roots, are infused.

Medlars to Preserve: Scald the fairest of them, when indifferently ripe, till Skin may be easily taken off; then stone them at the Head, and add to each pound of them, a pound of fine Sugar dissolved in the Liquor till it become ropey: then take them from the Fire, and put them up in a close Pot for your Use.

Megrim: Take a large handful of ground Ivy, com­monly call'd Alehoof, wash it clean, and dry it well by swinging in a Cloath, shread and bruise it a little in a Mor­tar, boil it in a quart of strong Ale to the consumption of a pint, and drink it hot in the Morning fasting. This cures Pains and Inflammati­ons, Defluxions in the Eyes, and is good against the Jaun­dice and Coughs of the Lungs, Consumption, Stone, and Gra­vel Obstruction of the Liver and Spleen; and, according to the Learned and Judicious Sir Kenelem Digby, being ap­plied to a Fellon like a Cata­plasm, it cures it by ripening and kindly breaking it, being admirable likewise for old Sores that want cleansing, if a little Honey and Coppe­ras be mixed among the Juice.

Megrim: This dangerous Distemper in the Head is re­moved by taking an ounce of Honey, Whitewine-Vinegar, the White of an Egg beaten to Water, Pepper and Fran­kincense, of each two drams: bruise and mix them well to­gether with some Flower, as much as will thicken them to a Past, and spread some of it on two pieces of Silk, or Leather, and apply them to the Temples, observing to [Page] renew them Morning, and Evening.

Megrim, or Vertigo: Take Aaron-roots, cut them small, and steep them in Whitewine twelve Hours, then pour fresh Whitewine upon them, and steep them a considerable time; then dry and reduce them to Powder. Take of this Powder two ounces, Acorns, and Burnet, of each an ounce; Crabs-Eyes half an ounce, Cinnamon three drams, Salt of Wormwood and Juniper, of each half an ounce; Sugar of Ro­ses an ounce: make these into a Powder very fine, keep them close stopp'd, and take a dram at a time in an ounce of Mint and Betony-water. This is a good Cephalick, and Excellent, especially against the before mention'd Grievan­ces: It also removes Coldness and Weakness of the Stomach, Wind, Stone, Quartan-Agues, and all tartarous Obstructions: The Dose, to a strong Body, may be augmented to two drams. Take it in Cana­ry.

Mellatons to Bake: Wipe them clean, and put them in a Pye made Scollop­wise, or some other quaint Device of Paistry; put them in whole, with their weight in refined Sugar, close it up, and when it is baked, ice it over with Sugar and Rose­water: Sometimes, for change, you may add small bits of Cin­namon, or whole Cloves and sliced Ginger.

Melancholy: Take Bor­rage-flowers, Clove-Gilliflow­ers, Couslip-flowers, and Con­serve of Roses, of each an ounce; preserved Citrons two ounces, Alkermes half an ounce, preserved Nutmegs, and Mirabolans, of each half an ounce; Bezoar 15 grains, Tincture of Saffron half a dram: mix these together, and make them up into an Electuary with Syrup of Clove-Gilliflowers, adding two or three drops of Oil of Cin­namon, and take a quarter of an ounce at a time, and after it a glass of Canary when you find your Spirits lumpish, dull, or heavy.

Melancholy, another: Be­fore you eat any thing in the Morning, and so consequent­ly before every other Meal, drink a glass of Claret with a spoonful of the Syrup of Glove-Gilliflowers; and after Dinner, a quarter of an Hour, eat some Marmalade of pre­served Quinces, or Citron.

Melancholy, another: Take Horseleeches, and place them to the Fundament, and at Spring and Fall purge with Mechoacan-Ale, or some such­like like easie Purging-Ale, for the space of a Fortnight; then take Conserve of Roses two ounces, Bugloss and Marrigolds the Conserve, of each an ounce; [Page] Powder of Cinnamon one dram: make these into an Electuary with the Syrup of Field-Pop­pies, and take about a quarter of an ounce at a time, wash­ing it down with a glass of Sack, or some warm Ale.

Melancholy, another: Take Borrage and Bugloss-flowers, the Conserve of them half an ounce each; Alkermes, the Confection of it, one ounce; Diamber, a penny-weight, A­romaticum Rosatum, two pen­ny-weights; two Leaves of Gold: imbody these well to­gether, and make thereof an Electuary, and take a little of it every Morning fasting, or at any time when you are Afflicted, Pensive, or Melan­choly.

Melancholy, a Cordial-Water: This Water the fa­mous Dr. Butler recommended to the World out of his large Experience of its Effects, viz. Take Pinks; Marrigolds, the Flowers of Couslips, Clove-Gilliflowers, Stock-Gilliflow­ers, single and damask Roses, of each three Handfuls; the Leaves of Baum, the Flowers of Borrage, and Bugloss, of each two handfuls: infuse these damped well in a quart of Canary, put them into a close earthen Bottle, or Jug, stopped with a well boiled Cork, often shake them, and after two Days put to them Anniseeds bruised one dram, Saffron two penny-weighty and within twelve Hours af­ter, distil them in a cold Still with a quick Fire, hanging at the Nose of the Still a little Ambergrease and Musk in a fine Linnen-Rag; and when the Water is distilled, put into it six ounces of white Sugar-Candy in powder, and put the distilled Water in a glass two Hours in hot Water.

This Cordial taken three spoonfuls at a time, three times a Week in the Morn­ing fasting, or oftner, if you find your self oppress'd, or afflicted, expels all melancho­ly Fumes, and infinitely com­forts the Heart and vital Spi­rits.

Melancholy, a Diet-Drink: Take Fumitory-Hops before they are ripe for gathering, and Borrage, of each a pound; boil them in two gallons of Spring-water, till they come to the consumption of half; strain out the Liquid part, and sweeten it with Sugar-Candy, or Honey, and let it stand a­bout eight Days to settle and digest, and drink a moderate Draught of it in the Morning fasting, and the like at Night when you go to Bed, and it will much enliven the Spirits, and remove, the Causes of Me­lancholy.

Melancholy to Suppress: Take Epithymum, Fumito­ry, the Flowers of Bugloss, and Borrage, of each a quar­ter of a pound, Senna half an [Page] ounce, Poly-podium of the Oak an ounce, Fennel-seeds two drams, Whey three pints: infuse them three hours, and then boil them to the Con­sumption of a quart, where­unto add two ounces of the Syrup of Roses, and when you drink half a pint of it warm in a Morning, strained and setled, mix with it a dram of the Electuary or Roses; and in two or three times ta­king, you will find wonderful Ease and Comfort: And so, as often as you find your self oppressed with Melancholy, use it in the manner prescri­bed.

Melion: This is cold and moist. Take of the Seed, and that of Pompion, half an ounce, the Seeds of white Poppies two drams, and eight Almonds blanched; beat them in a Mortar, mix them with a pint and half of Barly­water, strain and sweeten it with fine Sugar, and make an Emulsion for the Heat of the Urin.

Melilot: This Herb mol­lifies and eases Pain, for which purpose it is frequently used in Cataplasms To ease the Pains of the Pleurisie with it, take the following Fomenta­tion: Melilot and Pellitory, of each two handfuls; Be­tony one handful: make a Decoction, and often wash the Breast, or Stomach with it.

Mermaid-Pye: Take a Pig, scald it, and bone it; and having dried it well with a Cloath, season it with beaten Nutmeg, Pepper, and chop'd Sage; then take two Neats-Tongues, when dried and cold after boiling, and slice them in lengths, and as thick as a half Grown, and lay a quarter of your Pig in a square or round Pye, and the slices of the Tongue on it; then another quarter, and more Tongue: and thus do four times double, and lay over all these some slices of Bacon, scatter a few Cloves, put in some pieces of Butter and Bay-leaves, then bake it; and when it is so, fill it up with pieces of sweet Butter, and make your Past white of the Butter and Flower.

This Pig, or Mermaid-Pye, so called, is to be eaten cold.

Metheglin, its Virtues: Metheglin has been highly held in Esteem in this Nation, and is of excellent use among us, if rightly made; nor can it be otherways, since Honey, its principal Ingredient, is the Collection of so many Herbs, Plants, and Flowers; and no doubt the quintessential part of them. It's an excellent Pectoral, good against Con­sumption, Phthisick, and Asth­ma: It is cleansing, and diu­retick, good against the Stone and Gravel: It is restorative [Page] and strengthning, comforting the vital Part, and affords good Nourishment. To make it then, take these following Rules.

Metheglin, a new way: Take Hyssop, Agrimony, Bur­net, wild Thyme, Baum, Mint, and Fennel, Rosemary and Angelica, and other suitable wholsom Herbs that have strength in them, of each about a quarter of a handful: boil them in a sufficient quan­tity of fair Water, till ten­der; then press out the Wa­ter, and let it stand a Day and a Night to settle: draw off that part which is clear, and put two quarts of Honey to two gallons of it, and so proportionably; let it boil an hour, keeping it clean from the scum, then set it a cooling, and being cold, add a little Ale-yeast, and put it into a convenient Vessel, co­vering the Bung with a wet Cloath; and when it has worked, at three Days end take off the Yeast, or leave it behind, by drawing it off, and putting it into another Vessel, in which it must have vent for three Days longer: then stop it up close, yet when you hear it make a noise, you must give it vent with a Pier­cer, or else, if it force not out the Cork, it may happen to break the Vessel: If you think convenient, you may make a Bag, and put in good store of Ginger sliced, also Cloves and Cinnamon, suffe­ring it to hang and infuse so, as not to touch the bottom, and at two or three Months end, you may, if you think fit, draw it off.

Metheglin another way: Take Spring-water, and boil it with Rosemary, sweet Mar­joram, Sage, Baum, and Sas­saffras, until it has boiled three or four Hours, the whole quantity of Herbs not needing to exceed one hand­ful to a gallon of Water, of each an equal proportion; and when it is boiled sufficiently, set it to cool and settle a whole Night, then strain it, and add Honey the best, then set it over the Fire, and take the Whites of twenty or thir­ty Eggs, beat them very well, and when it boils, pour them in at twice; stir it well, and then let it boil apace before you scum it: after it is scum­med, take it off the Fire, and pour it into any earthen thing to cool; and being cold, put five or six spoonfuls of new Ale-yeast to it, stir it together, and then every Day scum it with a bundle of Feathers till it has done working, and so put it up into a Cask, if you can gee such a one, that has had Sack, or Malaga in it; and to every gallon of Metheglin, put a quart of Sack, or one pint of Aqua-vitae, a quarter of a pound of [Page] sliced Ginger, and two or three peels of Lemons and Oranges in a Bag.

Metheglin-Physical: To order and prepare this, Gather the Herbs under-mention'd in July, choose to dig them on a dry windy Day, if any such happen, and keep them drying till the Michaelmas following, viz. Saxifrage, Agrimony, Cen­taury, Thyme, Betony, brown Mint, and the Tops of Rose­mary, of each a handful: boil them in Spring-water till the Herbs have much altered the colour; then take it from the Fire, and cool it; put into the Wort, when it is a little warm, about three pound of Honey-combs, temper and mix them well together, and so run the Liquid part through a fine Sieve, or Strainer: then to try its strength, put in a new-lay'd Egg unbroken, and if it bear it not, you must put in more Honey till it will; then strain it again, and boil it over the Fire a little, keeping it clean scummed, and so being cold, put it up into a Barrel; and when it has done working, stop it up close, and draw it not off in two Months, and it will purge Melancholy, much revive the Spirits, com­fort and strengthen the Heart, purge by Urin, and gentle breathing Sweats, and keep the Party moderately drinking of it in a healthful constituti­on of Body.

Metheglin-White: Take Sweet-Marjoram, Sweet-Briar-Buds, Violets and Strawberry-Leaves, of each a handful; a handful of Violet-Flowers, the double ones, if they can be got; broad Thyme, Bor­rage, and Agrimony, of each half a handful; and three or four Tops of Rosemary; the Seeds of Carraways, Corian­der and Fennel, of each two spoonfuls, and three or four Blades of large Mace: boil these in eight gallons of run­ning Water three quarters of an Hour, scum it and strain it; and being lukewarm, put as much of the best Honey to it as will make it bear an Egg, the breadth of a Sixpence a­bove the Water; then boil it again, so long as any Scum will rise, so set it to cooling; and when almost cold, put in half a pint of new Ale-yeast, and when it has wrought till you perceive the Yeast to fall, then put it up, and suffer it to work in the Cask till the Yeast has left rising, filling it up every Day with some of the small Liquor; and stop­ping it up, put in a Bag with a sliced Nutmeg in it, a few Cloves, Mace and Cinnamon, all unbruised, and a grain of Musk. The best time to make it, is a little before Michael­mas, and it will be excellent to drink towards the begin­ning of the Spring.

Millet: This in some Countries is made of great Account for Food, but among us, mostly for Physical uses, or uses tending to it, viz. Boiled and mixed with Salt, and applied to the Belly, it eases the Pains caused by Windiness: mixed with Ca­momil-Flowers, and boiled in Whitewine, it eases Pains in the Head and Stomach; being mixed with many Medicins, it maketh them keep long from moulding and putrefy­ing: cover fresh Flesh of any kind in a heap of it in hot Weather, and it will pre­serve it a long time.

Milk to Dry up: Bath the Woman's Breasts with the Decoction of Colewort-Leavs, and anoint it with the Juice of Plantane, and the Business will be effected.

Milk to Encrease: Take Aniseeds, Licorice, and Fen­nel-seeds boiled in Posset-drink: Some hold that the Fore-hoof of a Cow burnt to Powder, and a dram taken Morning and Evening in a Glass of Canary, with the Yolk of an Egg, rarely fails: or, far want of these, Lady­thistle boiled in Milk, and the Milk drank warm; or Fen­nel-seeds, and Cumin-seeds, bruised and boiled in Barly, has the same Effect: likewise a Coney-skin, or Hair-skin, the fleshy sides being laid on the Breasts when green.

Minced-Pyes: Take, if you would have them exceed­ing short and luscious, Neats-tongues but a little salted, boil them, but not too much, pare off the outside, mince the Meat of them very small, take a quantity of Marrow and Beef-suet, shread them together; then wash and pick clean your Raisins and Cur­rans, mingle them then with the former, shread very small; so candied Citron, or Orange-peel, which you relish best; dust in a little powder of Cinnamon and Ginger: then having put these into your Coffin, put in a spoonful or two of Canary, and the like quantity of Rose-water, into every Pye. To make the Crust stand fine, and eat short, sprinkle the Flower, as much as there is occasion, with cold Water, and work the Past with pieces of unmelted But­ter: and being brought into a form and thinness, the Crust, when baked, will far out-doe that made with hot Water, and melted Butter, as the usu­al way is. You may strew over the Tops a little ambe­red Sugar, and grind two or three grains of Ambergrease, and half a grain of Musk, the which quantity will serve five or six Pyes: But instead of Neats-tongues, if you please, Veal, Beef, or Calve's Chal­drons, will do very well.

Minced-Pyes to Sea­son: To do this, Take the Meat you design to make them on, minced finely, when parboiled; let it lye pressed all Night, then put two pound of Beef-suet, minced small, to every pound of Meat, mix them very well together, and take half art ounce of Cloves and Mace beaten, half an ounce of Nutmegs, the like weight of Cinnamon, and a little Salt, half an ounce of Carraway-seeds, five Pippins minced small without the Core, a Lemon-peel scraped, and a quarter of a pint of Rose-water, a pound of Dates, half a pound of Sugar, a pound of Raisins of the Sun, two pound of Currans; mix them well together, and put them to every pound of Meat and Suet.

Mineral-Crystal: To make this pure, Dissolve it when pretty well reduc'd to a smalness before, in damask Rose-water, evaporate it, and then filter it warm through a brown Paper, on which Rose-leaves are strewed, moist­ned with a little Spirit of Sul­phur, with a few grains of Musk and Ambergrease, and so let it crystalize, and it will become a delicate mineral Cry­stal, pleasant in colour and smell, being endued with all the Virtues of exalted and pure Nitre. If is a true Ano­dyn, and an excellent allay­er of Thirst, extinguishing the preternatural Heat of all manner of Fevers. It is a peculiar and special Antidote against the Plague, and all manner of pestilential Infecti­ons. It removes Stoppages of the urinary Parts, and pro­vokes Urin, gives ease in the Quinsie, in hot, sharp, and scalding Urin, and Gonor­rhoea; and for these purposes, it is best to take a dram of it in Wine sweetned with Su­gar.

Mint: This is meant of that sort of Garden Mint, called Spear-Mint. Its Virtues are very many, viz. Beat it and lay it to the Stomach that is weak and wants digestion, and it comforts and fortifies it. It is a soveraign Herb to restore the Smelling and Feel­ing to those, wherein they are much decayed; for the first, being often held to the Nose, and for the other, the De­coction of it very strong ap­plied to the numbed part. The Leaves dried and powdered, given to young Children, kill and bring away Worms: The Juice drank with Vinegar stenches Blood; and with the Juice of sower Pomegrante, restraineth Vomiting, Hicups, and Colick-Passions. This Mint, with Rose-water, and grated Nutmeg, laid on the Forehead, asswageth the Head-ach; and laid on the ten­der Dugs full of Milk, it [Page] easeth the Pain of them. Ap­plied with Salt, it is good for the Biting of Mad Dogs: And the Juice of it mixed with Honey, dissolved in Wa­ter, being dropt into the Ears, easeth the Pain of them. The whole Herb distilled In a glass Alembick, in a Bath of hot Water, or otherways, four ounces being drank, stayeth Bleeding at the Nose. Those that affect much Milk, to pre­vent the curdling of it in their Stomachs, would do well to chew Mint in their Mouths, and swallow the Juice after it. If Cheese be sprinkled with the Juice, or Decoction of it, it will keep from Corruption, or Rottenness.

Mint-Syrup: Take about a pint of the Juice of Quin­ces when they are almost ripe, the Juice of Pomgranets half as much, dried Mint six oun­ces, red Roses two ounces; steep them in the Juices twen­ty four Hours, then boil it half away, and strain out the rest, and with fine Sugar make it into a Syrup; and if it be too thick, add a little Mint-water.

Mint-Water: Take Baum, Penyroyal, and Mint, of each a handful; Canary-Lees, a gal­lon; and after the Infusion of twenty four Hours, put them into a Still of Pewter, and keep a quick Fire under it: cover the Still with wet Cloaths, and put into the receiver as much fine Sugar as will con­veniently sweeten it, and then distil it over again. This is excellent in Fevers, or any hot pestilential Diseases. It com­forts the Heart, and strength­ens the Memory; and given with Syrup of Licorice, is good for Obstructions of the Lungs, and Difficulty of Breathing.

Mirabilis: To make this Water, (so wonderfully com­mended by the Learned Sit Kenelm Digby) Take Galingal, Cardamums, Cubebs, Mellilot-flowers, Mace, Cloves, Gin­ger, and Cinnamon, of each a dram; bruise them small, and infuse them in a pint of Celandine-Juice, and as much Spear-mint-water, half a pint of the Juice of Baum, and one pound of the Flowers of Couslips, Rosemary, Bor­rage, Bugloss, and Marigolds, of each two drams; three pints of the best Canary, a pint of strong Angelica-water, red Rose-water half a pint: bruise the Flowers and Spi­ces, and infuse them in the Waters, Juices, and Wine, for twenty four Hours, then distil them in a glass Still.

This Water is excellent a­gainst fainting Fits, comforts the Heart, is good in Con­sumptions, the Spleen and Melancholy; it keeps the Countenance fresh and young, and very much helps the de­cay of the Memory. Taken [Page] fasting it creates a good Ap­petite, is excellent in internal Bruises, and indeed a better Cordial for any pectoral Di­stempers, or Defects, cannot be founnd.

Miscarriage: In this it is proper, that young Women should not be igno­rant of the Symptoms, or Signs, threatning or fore­running Miscarriage; and some of them are these, Sud­den Pains in the Back, or Bel­ly, the Breasts often filling and falling; upon which, let her apply this following Cere­cloath to the Reins of the Back, or Breast.

Take the Roots of Bist­wort, and Coriander-seed, of each two drams; unripened Galls, Saunders, and Hypoci­stides, of each a dram; Lab­danum, and Mastick, of each half an ounce; Frankincense, and Bdellium, of each two drams: reduce those that can be so served into a Powder, and with Oil of Mastick, Turpentine, and Bees-wax, make two or three Cerecloaths, and apply them sometimes to the Loins, at other times to the Sides, and the Region of the Womb under the Na­vel, the Party for a conside­rable time altogether avoiding any violent motion both of Body, and agitation of Mind, as Excess of Joy, Anger, Melancholy, &c. relating to the latter, also violent Sneez­ings, Coughs, Strainings, or Affrights.

Miscarriage to Prevent: Take Coriander-seed two drams, the Root of Bistwort, Shavings of Ivory, and red Coral prepared, of each a dram; of white Amber, and Crystal, of each a scruple; reduce all these to fine Pow­der, make them up into Tab­lets, Lozenge-wise, with four ounces of Rose-water, and half a scruple of the Con­fection of Alkermes, their weight consisting of each a dram. Take one of these when you think there is any fear or danger of Miscarriage, they being very Cordial, and great strengthners of the Ma­trix; and to confirm it the more, take afterward some Powder of Pearl, or Coral, in a new-lay'd Egg.

Miscarriage to Prevent, another: Let the Party, who fears a Miscarriage, drink in Morning fasting a draught of Sage-Ale pretty warm; and about an Hour after, take Syrup of Garden-Tansie, thus made. Take half a pint of the Juice of Tansie well strain­ed, let it stand and clarifie, and dissolve in it, the dross or setlings taken off, a pound of fine Sugar, boil them up to the thickness of a Syrup, and take a spoonful of it, especi­ally when apprehension of danger is conjectured, stamp likewise more of the Herb, [Page] and sprinkling it with Musca­del, apply to the Woman's Navel, binding it on with a linnen Roller.

Miscarriage, another: Take a sprig of Rosemary and Baum, a few Cloves, and a small quantity of Nutmeg; put them into a pint of Cla­ret, burn it, and then beat the Yolks of three new-lay'd Eggs, and having taken off the Wine from the Fire, brew it with the Herbs and Spices; then take the Cock's Treddles of six Eggs, and the White of one, beat them to an Oil, and having taken off the Froth, mix them with the rest, and so brew them over again with fine Sugar; and when the Party feels any Pains that u­sually fore-run a Miscarriage in the Back, or Belly, let her immediately take four spoonfuls of it.

Miscarriage, another: Take half a dram of Stitch­ing-Silk, of a crimson Co­lour, cut it into small shreads or pieces, put it into the top of a new-lay'd Egg, stop up the hole you put it in at with Bees-wax, boil it till the White is only curdled, and let the Party suck it up, keep­ing in motion, though gently for some time after. This is used commonly by the Di­rection of the French Mid­wives, and many of the more Judicious in England accoun­ting it an effectual prevention of Miscarriage; it having pre­vented many.

Mouth-Diseases: If the Mouth be canckered, Take a pint of Wine-Vinegar, (and if you can get it, let it be that of Claret) Rue, red Mint, red Sage, and Rosemary, of each a quarter of a handful, or as much as you can hold between the Fore-finger and Thumb; shred them small, and boil them in Vinegar, then dissolve in the liquid part a spoonful of Honey, and half an ounce of Alom, and half a spoonful of white Salt: wash the Mouth with it Morning and Evening.

Morello-Wine: To make this, Take half an Ame of White-wine, twenty pound weight of Morello-Cherries, divested of their Stalks; bruise them so, that the Stones may be broken, press out the Juice and pour it into the Wine: take that which remains, and hang it in the Wine in a Bag, so that it may not touch the bottom of the Cask; then stop it up, and let it continue a Month, at least, before you draw it: You may put in Spi­ces at your discretion, but it will be very pleasant with­out it.

Mugget Minced-Pye: Boil your Muggets tender, and being cold, mince them small; then put to it pieces of Lard, cut square like Dice, or interlarded Bacon, the [Page] Yolks of hard Eggs cut in the same manner, also small pieces of Mutton, or Veal, the same bigness; then put some Goos­berries, Grapes, and Barber­ries to them; season them with Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt, and fill up your Pye, and lay on it slices of inter­larded Bacon, but very thin. Bake it, and liquor it with Whitewine and Butter beaten up.

Mugmort, the Syrup: Take Fennel, Stone Parsly, and the Roots of Garden-Parsly, Ele­campane, French Orrice, Pe­ony, and the bigger Madder, of each an ounce; the Leaves of Penneroyal, Mugwort, Cretan Dittany, Savin, Ar­smart, Marjoram, German­der, Ground-Ivy, Hyssop, St. John's-wort, Rue, lesser Centaury, double Fetherfew, Bettony, and white Hore­hound; of each of these a handful; the Seeds of Fennil, Annis, wild Carrot, Stone Parsly, Basil, and Rue, of each three drams; Tartar of Mont­pelier two ounces: wash, cleanse, and bruise all the Roots, infuse them with the Tartar pulverized twenty four Hours over a gentle Fire in an earthen glazed Vessel well covered in three pints of Hy­dromel newly made: cut the Herbs, and bruise the Seeds, and put them into an other glazed Pot by themselves in ten pints of the said Liquor, covering the Pot, and setting on hot Embers for twelve Hours: then boil the infusion of the Roots over a gentle Fire for half an Hour, and mix the infusion of the Herbs with it, and boil them toge­ther for a quarter of an Hour; strain out the Decoction, when almost cold, and squeeze the Herbs: clarifie the Liquid with the White of an Egg, and five pounds of Sugar, boil them over a moderate Fire to the confidence of a Syrup; then the Syrup being cold, incorporate an ounce of fine Sugar with six drops of the distilled Oil of Cinnamon.

This Syrup is different from what are elsewhere met with­al, and is chiefly used for the Diseases of Women; to open Obstructions of the Matrix, and expel Wind, to repress Vapours and Suffocations, al­so to provoke the Terms, and evacuate the Impurities of the Matrix. It is good against Obstruction of the Spleen, Liver, and Bowels, as well for Men as Women. The Dose is from an ounce to two, alone or in Whitewine, or in opening Waters or De­coctions: it is also, sometimes, to be mixed in Opiates, and other Medicines.

Mulberries, a Honey: Take of the Juice of red Mulberries a pint and a half; then put to it a pound of clarified Honey; boil them up [Page] often wlth scumming, so that the Honey may be well dissol­ved in the Juice; and a third part being consumed, take it off, put it into earthen Ves­sels, and keep it close stopt, as a curious cooling and clean­sing Honey.

Mulberry-Honey: Ga­ther Blackberries, and Mul­berries, when they begin to ripen, the Dew being on them, of each a quart; bruise them, and strain them, and put to the Juices fine thin Ho­ney two pound, and boil them over a gentle Fire to the thick­ness of Honey, and keep it close for use.

Mullets Boiled: Save the liver and Roe of this Fish, and being boiled, take it up and pour out the greater part of the Water, arid add to the rest a pint of Claret, a bunch of Thyme, Marjoram, and Winter-savory, Salt, Vi­negar, and two Onions quar­tered, or sliced, and the Juice of a Lemon, also Nutmegs sliced, and Mace broken; boil these till the Fish tasts strong of the Ingredients, then dissolve into it two or three Anchoveys: season it with Salt, dish it up garnished with stewed Oisters, and Bay­leaves, and Sippits, if you please, under it. This, though it mentions no number, may extend to what number you please, the Materials being proportioned.

Mushrooms Fricased: Having stewed them, put a­way the Liquor, and put them into a Frying-pan with a piece of Butter, some stript Thyme, sweet Marjoram, and an O­nion shred very small, also a little Salt, and beaten Pepper; and when they are fried, make a Leer, or Sauce, with three or four Eggs, dissolved with some Claret-Wine, and the Juice of two or three Oran­ges, grated Nutmeg, and the Gravy of a Leg of Mutton; shake them well, and give them three or four tosses in the Pan: dish them, and gar­nish the Dish with Orange and Lemon, and rub it with a Shalot, or Onion, and sō serve 'em up.

Mushrooms, the Italian way: Peel them, wash them, and boil them in a Skillet, with Water and Salt, having boil­ed in the Water sweet Herbs before you put them in, also Parsley and a Crust of Bread; boil and drain them from the Water, and fry them with the best Olive-Oil: and being fryed, serve them in a Dish with Oil, but not that they were fryed in, also Vinegar, Pepper, and fryed Parsley; or, for want of Oil, you may use sweet Butter.

If you would Stew them, Peel them, and take out the under part, and do it with sweet Herbs, Pepper, Salt, White wine, and Gravy, over [Page] a gentle Fire: put to them, when enough, some sweet Butter beaten up with the Juice of Lemon, or Orange. These are good for those that are of a hot, or cholerick Constitution; but those of a cold or phlegmatick one, must eat them sparingly.

Mushrooms to Pickle: To do these that they may keep a long space, and not rot, as many do that are not well ordered, Take the But­tons, as soon as they put out of the ground, being gathe­red in a dry Day, wash them in Water, Salt, and Vinegar; then scald them in the Deco­ction of Bay-leaves and Rose­mary: put them afterward into Glasses that they may be very closely stopt, and min­gle among them long Pepper, Blades of Mace, and slices of Nutmeg, and Ginger, and so close 'em up with a Cover of Leather for your use.

Musk: This is an Excre­scence, supposed by some to be a Tumour, or Swelling, of corrupt Blood about the Na­vel of the Musk-Roe; which, after putrifaction and ripen­ing, becomes Musk in a per­fect Cod, which, others af­firm, falls off from the Beast of its own accord: Being well prepared, it is not only a very sweet Perfume, but also taken in Cordials, cheats and revives the Heart, and dispels gross Vapours from the Brain; and is good against pestilential Diseases, infused in Mint, Baum, or Rue-water.

Muskadines to Make: Take half a pound of refined Sugar, being beaten and fear­sed, put into it two grains of Musk, a grain of Civet, and two grains of Ambergrease, and about two drams of white Orris-powder, beat them with Gumdragon steeped in Rose­water; then roul it as thin as may be, and cut it into Dia­mond fashion, like Lozenges, with your jigging Iron, and let them in some warm Oven, or Stove; then put them into Boxes for use, and in this manner they will keep all the Year.

Musk-Sugar, to Make: Bruise four or five grains of Musk, put it into a piece of Cambrick, or Lawn, lay it at the bottom of a Pot or Glass, and sift fine Sugar on it, stop the Pot close from Air, and set it in a warm Place, and in a few Days the Sugar will have suck'd up the Tincture of the Musk, and yield a ve­ry pleasant Smell. Thus you may perfume Sweetmeats, or Comfits, by keeping them up very close; but if the Air gets in, the Spirit of the Musk will evaporate.

Mutton to Hash: Slice a Shoulder of Mutton thin, till the Bone is only left; then put some Claret, sliced Onion, and Gravy to die Meat, the [Page] Tops of Thyme, six Ancho­veys, and three ounces of Capers; and the Meat, and other things minceable, being reduced by that means small, take nine or ten Eggs, and the Juice of a Lemon, or two, and make a Leer of them; then put the Meat into a Fry­ing-pan, and when it is tho­roughly hot, put the Leer in and soak all together over the Fire, till it be very thick: then boil the Bone with what Meat is on it, and place on the top of your Meat, the Dish garnished with slices of Lemon.

Mutton, the Turkish way; Cut your Mutton in thin sli­ces, wash it in Vinegar, and put it into a Pot that has a close Cover, then add clean picked Rice, and a quantity of whole Pepper, and two or three Onions: let all these boil very well, keep it scum­ing; then take out the Oni­ons, and dish it in Sippets.

Mutton to pass for Ve­nison: Take a Shoulder of Mutton, pretty large, but let it be young and tender, strain the Blood of the Sheep a­mongst grated Bread, then prepare your seasoning of ordinary sweet Herbs shread very small; take the Bones out of the Meat, and roul them up in it, or stuff them in at convenient places, then wrap it up with a Caul of Veal, lay it in the Blood to soak twenty four Hours, prick it so with a Knife that the Blood may the more easily penetrate it bake it and serve it as usually Venison is done; and it must be a very curious Pallate that can discover it from what it represents.

Myrrh: This pretious Gum grows upon a low prick­ly crooked Shrub, with a smooth Bark like Laurel, but the Leaves like Olives, and much rougher; yet out of this Tree proceeds a Gum little differing in appearance from Drops, or Tears, but afterwards it becomes of a greener Colour, and is clear and sweet to the Smell, but not so to the Tast, it being somewhat bitter▪ The right Myrrh being drank in White­wine, abates the Fit of the Quartan-Ague: it is also very good in Antidotes against Poi­sons and Hurts by venomous Beasts: It resists pestilential Fevers and Plague; and being applied to Wounds, it expe­dites their Cure. And many other excellent Virtues, not here mention'd.

NAils-Cloven: Min­gle Turpentine and Wax together, sprea­ding it as a Plaister, lay it on the defective Nail, and as it grows, cut it away, and in a short time it will be reduced as the other.

NAils falling off: Take Powder of Agrimony, mix it with the White of an Egg, lay it on the Nails, and it will strengthen and confirm them; it will also take away the aking, that usually attends them in such Circumstances.

Nails to grow: Take fine Wheat flower, mingle it with Honey, lay it on the place where the Nail is defective, Plaister-wise, and the Nail will sprout out and grow a­pace to its due proportion.

Nail-Pricking: If a Nail or piece of Iron, run into any part, so that it causes a pain, or festering, Take Turpentine half an ounce, Bees-wax the like quantity, the Juyce of Housleek, Burgundy Pitch, and Mutton-Suet, of each a quarter of an ounce; mix them together into a Plaister, and by application it will take away the Pain, and cure the Wound.

Nail-Scratching: It is held, that the Nails of the Hand scratching in some Ca­ses prove venomous; yet this is no more than the suffering it to fester, or the Humours to flow to that place before prevented; to remedy it, and cure the Wound made, Take Olive-Oil a quarter of a pint, Juice of Groundsil two oun­ces, Bees-Wax, two ounces, Stone-pitch half an ounce: make these over a gentle fire, into a Salve, and spreading it on Linnen, or Leather, apply it to the place grieved, and in two or three times changing, and anointing with Linseed Oil, the danger will be past, and the Cure effected.

Nail wort: This is held exceeding successfull, being applied to Imposthumes in the Joints, and any Defects under the Nails, especially for Whit­loes, Fellons, and Nail-wheals.

Naples Bisket, To make these so much in use: Take a pound of fine Flower, and the like Weight of Sugar, eight Eggs, and two spoonfulls of Rose-water, an ounce of Car­raway-seeds beaten small: mix them well together, and put them, when made, into a fit thinness with fair Water, into [Page] Tin Coffins, and bake them moderately in a gentle Oven, glazing them over with Wa­ter, in which Sugar has been dissolved.

Nature to restore: Take an Artichoke, and dress it with Milk; that is, first boil your Artichokes in Water till the Leaves will just draw off, then put them in New Milk, and boil them thoroughly; then bruise the Pulp in the Milk, and add a little Mace and gra­ted Nutmeg, sweeten it with Sugar, and eat often of it with a Spoon. It exceedingly re­stores decayed Vigour, and strengthens not only the Spi­rits, but the whole Frame of the Body. The Germans and French usually eat the tender Stalks of this Plant boiled with Butter and Vinegar: the Ita­lians seldom boil the Heads, but eat them raw, with Salt, Pepper, Oil, and Vinegar: they are moreover held to provoke Venery, and the De­coction of the Buds drank, provoke Urine.

Navel pained: If a prick­ing or shooting in the Navel happen, which frequently by communication extends to the Fundament, or Privy Parts, by its twitchings and shoot­ings, Take Oil of Roses, and Camomil, of each an ounce and a half; Comfry the Herb, half a handfull; bruise it, and fry it in the Oils a little, then apply it plaister-wise, to the Navel as hot as can be en­dured: it also takes away the Pains of the Belly, and causes the Rumbling of the Bowels to cease.

Navel-wort Ointment: This is moderately Astringent, and therefore good for hot Di­stempers or Inflammations: some use it for the Kings-Evil, and for the curing Kibes, Chil­blains, and the like.

Nauseousness: When the Stomach, or Appetite is of­fended in this manner, and brought to a kind of Loath­ing, Take the Powder of the Seed of Common Fennel in a Glass of White-wine, swee­tened with Sugar, every mor­ning fasting, till the Offence be removed. This likewise wonderfully clears the sight, strengthens the Stomach, and being mixed with pectoral Medicines, it relieves those that are Asthmatick. It al­so resists Poyson, and the Leaves of Fennel, boiled in Water, wherein Barley has been boiled, encreases Milk in Nurses; and a Concoction of the Seeds and Leaves give ease to the Nephritick Pains, for­ces Urine, and expel Is Gravel; the Roots provoke the Cour­ses, open the Obstructions of the Spleen, and Liver, and mainly help the Jaundice. The whole Herb shred and boiled in Broth, takes away Fat, and keeps the Body in a good Pro­portion. Many other Vertues are ascribed to it.

Neats-Foot Pye: To do this, boil the Neats Feet, then take out the Bones, and put as much Beef-suet as will an­swer their quantity; mince them, and then season them with Cloves and Mace, finely beaten; add then some gra­ted Nutmeg and Sugar, with a little Salt, put them into the Coffin or Past with some Bar­berries, Currans, and Raisins of the Sun; bake it well, and serve it up hot.

Neats-Foot Pye, ano­ther: Take Neats-feet, and boil them tender, and when they are cold, bone them, and mince them very small, seaso­ning them with Pepper, Nut­meg, Cinamon and Ginger, a little Salt, and a pound of Currans, a quarter of a pound of Dates sliced, and a quarter of a pound of fine Sugar, with a little Rose-water and Ver­juice; stir them together in a Dish or Tray, laying a little Butter in the bottom of the Pve, and on the Meat the Marrow of Three Bones, stick some Dates on the top of the Meat and close up the Pye; and when it is half baked, Li­quor it with Butter and White-wine, or Verjuice, and Ice it, and so set it in the Oven again, [...] it be baked; and then put into it Rose-water and Sugar well beaten together.

Neats-Tongues to dry: Take Bay-Salt, beat it very fine, so that it may be sifted through a fine Hair-Sieve, and Salt-Peter, of each a like quan­tity; and having soaked your Tongues in warm Water, rub it on very well in every part, especially at the root, then lay them in a place where they may be covered with the Salt, and as that wasts, put on more; and when they become suffici­ently hard and stiff, then rowl them in Bran till they are dry, put them into a Mold a while, then dry them in a Kill, with a soft Fire; or for want of that necessary Implement, you may hang them up in a Chim­ney where the Smoke comes but little at them, and when they are sufficiently dryed, press them out somewhat flat­tish, and at length, and so put them in dry Boxes, and keep them for use.

Neats-Tongues to dry, a­nother: Take Bay-salt bruised small, and Salt-peter, a like quantity; rub the Tongues well with a Linnen-Cloth, then put the Salt to them, for­cing it in, especially at the Roots; and as it wasts into Brine, add more; when they are hard and stiff, then they have taken Salt enough. Rowl them in Bran, and dry them in a Mold over a Saw-dust Fire, or for want of such a Material, hang them up in a Chimney; and when you boil them, let it be in Spring-wa­ter, and it will make them look the redder.

Neats-Tongues, divers ways: Take a Neats-Tongue, being boiled tender, blanch and slice it into thick slices about the bigness of a shilling; fry it in sweet Butter, and being enough, put to them some strong Broth, Gravy, Nut­meg, Salt, and Saffron; stew them together, and then have some Yolks of Eggs, beaten up with Grape Verjuice; put them into a Pan, and give them a toss or two, and the Gravy and Eggs being pretty thick, dish it on fine Sippets, or make the same with Cina­mon and Saffron: sometimes you may slice them as afore­said, no bigger nor thicker than a Three pence, and used in all points as before, but on­ly add some Onions fryed, and stew it with Mushrooms, Nutmeg, and Mace, and serve it up on Sippets, first rub­bing the Dish with a Shalot; or you may stew it with Rai­sins, Mace, and blanched Al­monds, or Pistaches, Marrow, Claret-wine, Butter, Salt, Ver­juice, Sugar, Strong Broth, and Gravy, the Yolks of six Eggs, with Vinegar or Grape-Juice, and so serve it up on Sippits.

Neats-Tongue roasted the French way: Boil and blanch it first, and when it is cool, Take out the Meat at the great end, leaving the Skin whole; and having minced it with Sweet Herbs and Apples, as also the Yolks of Eggs boiled hard, and Beef Suet, beaten with Salt and Ginger, fill up the Skin again, till it appear to be a perfect Tongue as be­fore; and having stopped the hole with some Mutton-Skin or Caul of Veal, lard it with small Lardings of Bacon, and tye it to a Spit; and then be­ing roasted, make Sauce with Gravy, Nutmeg, Butter, and the Juyce of Oranges, and serve it up with Lemons sli­ced, and pickled Barberries.

Neats-Tongue Fryed: Boil it first, and take it off; then cut it into thin slices, sea­son it with Nutmeg, Sugar, and Cinamon, dip the Slices into the Yolks of Eggs, add the Juice of Lemon, and mix them together; then having your Pan pretty hot with sweet Butter in it, take up the rest in Spoonfuls, and put them in, then being fryed enough, serve them up with White-wine, Sugar, and Butter, well beaten together.

Neats-Tongues, the Ita­lian Way: When the Tongues are boil'd in an earthen Vessel till they may be blanched, Take them out, and put them into some strong Mutton, or Beef Broth, covering them very close, and having boiled them a while, put in two or three large Blades of Mace, with a quarter of a pint of Canary or White-wine, and some slices of interlarded Ba­con; [Page] scum the Liquor when it boils, and put in more Mace with some Ginger, Pepper, and Nutmeg. To these add a few Raisins, Currans, Prunes, Sage-Leaves, Saffron and Cher­ries; then slice the Tongues, and being well stewed serve it up on French Sippets.

Neats-Tongue Pye: To do this, Take a couple of large Neats-Tongues, set them over the Fire in Spring-water, and parboil them, pare off the Roots and the Skin, mince the Meat with Beef-Suet, and a littte Parsley, sweet Marjo­ram, Thyme and Pennyroyal; season it with grated Ginger, beaten Mace, Cloves and Pep­per finely sifted; add to these grated Bread and fine Sugar, and the Yolks of three or four Eggs; make your Coffin into the fashion of a Tongue, and put these in, bake it, and then make a Liquid of Butter and Verjuice with some Sugar and Rose-water, and pour it in at a vacant place, left for that purpose, or raising the Lid on one side.

Neats-Tongue Pye, a­nother: Take fresh Neats-Tongues, boil, blanch, and mince the Meat with four pound of Beef-suet by it self; mingle them together, and season them with an ounce of Cloves and Mace, finely beaten, some Salt, half a pre­served Orange, and a little Le­mon-peel minced, with a quar­ter of a pound of Sugar, four pound of Currans, and a little Verjuice, and Rose-water, and a quarter of a pint of Cana­ry; stir these all well together, and fill up your Pyes in Cof­fins of what Figure you shall think fit or convenient.

Neats-Tongue Pye, a­nother way: Take a Tongue, and mince it raw, the Skin, as much as may be, being pared off. Then take another, and boil it very tender, cut it like­wise into pieces, the bigness of a Walnut; mince with them some Beef-Suet or Lard, and lay some of the minced Tongues in the bottom of the Pye, and the Pieces on it, and make Balls of the other min­ced Meat, as big as the pieces of the Tongue, with some grated Bread, Cream, and Yolks of Eggs, the Bottoms of Artichoaks cut like small Dice, Nutmeg, Salt, Pepper, and a few sweet Herbs finely shred, Marrow, Grapes, boi­led Chesnuts sliced, and slices of interlarded Bacon; liquor it then with Gravy, Verjuice, and the Yolk of Eggs well beat together; bake it, and as the former eats best cold, so this must be served up hot.

Neats-Tongues another way: Make a hole in the root­end of the Tongue, Take out the Meat, mince it small with the Fat of Bacon, or Beef-Su­et, season it with grated Nut­meg and Salt, put to it then [Page] the raw Yolks of Eggs, Mar­joram, Thyme, and Pennyroy­al minced small, Pepper and Ginger, and fill the Tongue with this Composition, viz. the Skin from which the Meat was drawn out, wrap it then in a Caul of Veal, boil it till it will blanch, then put it in­to a Pipkin, or other conve­nient earthen Vessel, with some Claret and Gravy, Cloves, Salt, and Pepper, grated Bread, and sweet Herbs, reduced small by chopping or shredding: then add fried Onions, Mar­row concocted in strong Broth, and laid over it; and to com­pleat it with a garnish, rake some scalded Grapes, when very green, Gooseberries, the slices of Oranges, or Lemons, and so serve it on Sippets, running it over with Butter well beaten, with the Whites of Eggs, and mixed with the Powder of Cinnamon.

Neats-Tongue otherways: Boll a fresh Tongue very ten­der, and blanch it; and when it is cold, slice it into thin sli­ces, season it lightly with Pep­per, and Nutmeg, Cinamon and Ginger, all finely beaten; then put into the Pye half a pound of Currans, lay the Meat on, and stoned Dates in halves, the Marrow of four Bones, large Mace, Grapes, or Barberries, and Butter; close it up, and bake it: then liquor it with Claret, Butter, and Sugar, and so ice it over.

Neats-Tongue, to Roast: Take a Neats-Tongue tender boiled and blanched; and when it is cold, cut a hole in the but-end, take out the Meat, and put in the Meat minced with sweet Herbs fine­ly shread, a Pippin, and two or three hard Yolks of Eggs minced, as also Beef-suet and Bacon made very small; mix with all these Ingredients, beaten Ginger, and fine Salt, fill the Tongue, and stop the end with a Caul of Veal, lard it, and roast it, and then make Sauce with Butter, Gra­vy, and the Juice of Oran­ges.

Neats-Tongue Stewed: Boil them first very tender, then slice them, and put them into a Pan with fresh Butter, fry them a little, and so put them into a Pipkin, or Stew­pan, with some Gravy, or Mutton-Broth, large Mace, and sliced Nutmeg, Pepper, Claret, and a little Wine, al­so a little Vinegar and Salt; and when the Stewing at your discretion is almost compleat­ed, then put to the Meat two or three slices of Oranges, Asparagus, Skirts, Chesnuts, and serve them up on fine Sippits, cover them with But­ter, slices of Lemon, and Marrow.

Neats-Tongues, another: Let your Neats-Tongues be seasoned with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg; then lard them [Page] with Bacon, and let them steep in Claret all night, and you may, if you please, add to it a little Vinegar; put in then Nutmegs sliced, and Ginger finely pared, whole Cloves, and beaten Pepper, with a lit­tle Salt; steep them in an earthen Vessel, and cover them up close, they being undelay­ed with Sippets of Whitebread, some Cinamon and Nutmeg grated on the top.

Nep, or Catmint: This procures the Courses, and be­ing taken inwardly, or out­wardly alone, or with conve­nient Herbs to bathe them, or sit over the hot Fumes of it, and by frequent use, it re­moves Barrenness, and the windy Pains of the Mother; it is used likewise in pains of the Head, proceeding from cold Causes, as Rheums, Ca­tarrhs, Swimming and Giddi­ness of the Head, and is an excellent Remedy for Windy­ness in the Stomach and Belly. It is profitable in Cramps and cold Aches to dissolve the cold, and expell the Wind that afflicts the Parts where they happen, and is used for Colds, Coughs, and shortness of Breath. The Juyce drunk in Wine is advantagious in Brui­ses. The green Herb when bruised, applied to the Fun­dament for two or three hours, easeth the pains of the Piles: but the Juice being made into an Ointment, is the more effe­ctual to that purpose. The Scabs, or breaking out of the Head, are taken away, being washed with its Decoction in fair Water, and has the same Effect upon the breakings out of any other Parts tending to the like nature.

Nerves afflicted: Take the Roots of Male-Peony new taken out of the ground, one ounce, of the Seeds of that Plant two drams, and with a sufficient quantity of the Sy­rup of Peony, beat them up into an Electuary, of which take the quantity of a large Hazel-Nut, or more if need require it, twice a day.

Nerves their Diseases to cure: Take of the Powder of Castor half an ounce, Spirit of Castor half a pint; digest them in the Cold ten days, then strain out the Spirit, and when it is well settled, take ten drops inwardly in any pro­per Liquor. This not only strengthens the Nerves, and is good for the Diseases of the Head, and Fits of the Mother, but provoke the Courses, and remedies Deafness.

Nerves prickt: Take Pe­ruvian Balsom, and warm it a little; then bathe it in, where the grief is; and in a little time it takes off the acrimony of the Sanies, from whence proceeds the Pain and Con­vulsion when we are wound­ed or bit by venomous Crea­tures: It i [...] excellent in staunch­ing [Page] blood, insomuch that it is affirmed, that the Beads in Peru and New Spain, from whence it comes, finding them­selves so hurt, by an Instinct of Nature rub themselves a­gainst the Tree from whence it issues. It is of a dark co­lour, fragrant Smell, and brought to us in little earthen Jars.

Nerves Vncover'd: To Remedy this. Take the Oil which is thus prepared; Pow­der grosly three or four oun­ces of the best Camphire, and having put it into a Mattress, pour on of Spirit of Nitre, twice as much, stop the Ves­sel close, and let it over a Pot half full of Water, pretty well heated, frequently stirring it, to help forward the Dissolu­tion; which will be done in two or three hours, and by this means you will find the Camphire turned into a clear Oil, which will swim above the Spirit, then separate it in a Viol for use. This is not only used to touch the Nerves that lye uncovered, but for the caries of Bones: yet this Oil is nothing but a Dissoluti­on of the Camphire in the Spirit of Nitre; for if you cast Water upon it, to kill the Force of the Spirit, it will turn into Camphire as before.

Nerves Wounded: Take Horsetail, distill it, and if the Nerves be much hurt or wounded, Take three spoon­fulls of it, in a morning fast­ing; apply it likewise out­wardly: this stays bleeding, cures Ulcers in the Reins and Kidneys; and if the Lungs be ulcerated, drink three ounces of the Decoction of it, or two ounces of the Juyce, mor­ning and evening: a dram of Powder made of this Herb, and taken in three ounces of Plantane-water, morning and evening, is held very good for a Consumption.

Nettle Iuice: This is good to stop bleeding, and ease the Pains in the Head; being drunk it provokes Urine, and is helpfull in the Dropsie: the Leaves of Nettles made in­to a Poultis and applied to In­flammations and Tumours, allay them; mixed with Hogs Lard and Flax-seed.

Nipplewort: Out of this comes a bitter Milk, or whi­tish Juyce, which being mix­ed with Woman's Milk, and a little Oil of Roses, and ming­led well over the fire in a Sau­cer, is greatly available to al­lay the Heat and Anger of sore Nipples, and recover them so, that the Infant may suck without giving the Woman a­ny pain.

Niter: This is held an ex­cellent Medicine for the Co­lick, or any Pains, prepared after the following manner, viz. Take of the best Nitre an ounce, rub it sufficiently in a clean Mortar of Glass or [Page] Stone, then grind it with half a Scruple of Saffron, and of this Mixture take about half a dram at a time, infused in a­bout three or four ounces of Spring-water.

Nodes: These are a kind of Knots occasioned many times by Scorbutick Humours. Take two drams of Rhubarb, boil it in half a pint of Ale, till it consume to a quarter of a pint, drink it in a morning fa­sting; and anoint the place where these Knots are, with Oil of Camomil, mixed with the Spirit of Wine, three or four times, intermitting the first for a day.

Noise in the Ears: Take the Oil of Ben-Nut, drop it in­to the ear, and it not only cures the Noises, but in a great manner helps Deafness. It cleanses the Skin from Spots or Morphew, and the longer it is kept, the better it is. This Ben-Nut likewise mixed with Honey, dissolves hard Swel­lings, and the Kings-Evil; made up to a Poultis with Barly-Meal, it is good in the cold Afflictions of the Nerves: Mixed with Meal of Lupins, it takes off the Obstructions afflicting the Liver and Spleen; it subverts the Stomach, occa­sions Nauseousness, and moves the Belly. It purges gross and clammy Flegm, by Vomit and Stool; wherefore it is good for a flegmatick Co­lick.

Noise, a singing Noise in the Ear: This is usually the Forerunner of Deafness, and few that have it to any pur­pose, escape the losing their Hearing, especially for a time; therefore the best way is time­ly to prevent it: to do which,

Take the Pills de Hiera, or Hiera cum Agarico, with which the Apothecary or Druggist will furnish you. Take of them a dram at a time going to Bed, and settle your self as well as may be to rest, and the next morning, take the fol­lowing Decoction, viz.

Take the Tops of Mint, Marjoram, and the Flowers of Wood-Roses, Bettony, Sage, and Camomil, of each half a handfull: boil them in a convenient quantity of Wa­ter, 'till half be consumed; then taking them from the fire, let the Fume or hot Va­pour ascend into the Ears, by laying first one and then the other side of the head over it; or you may drop three or four drops of the Oil of Amber palliated with Oil of Roses, into the Ears, and stop them close from the Air, when you go to Bed.

Nose Bleeding: To stay this speedily and effectually, Take the long things that grow on Hazle-Trees before they Leave, by some called the Nut-Blossoms, burn them so that they may be reduced to a Powder, but not to Ashes; [Page] and when the Blood issues from the Nose, blow up some of it with a quill into the Nostrils, and let the Party drink the Juice of Plantane, or Plantane-water and Milk, and the Bleeding will stay: This also will stay inward Bleeding till better Remedies can be obtained, though ma­ny times, of it self, it is ef­fectual, and there needs no other, unless some large Vein be broke, or some extraordi­nary Flux of Blood other­ways happens.

Noses to Dress: This is meant of an Ox, Steer, Cow, &c. Boil them tender­ly, and then fry them in sweet Butter; and when fried drain the Butter from them, and put to them the Powder of Nutmeg and Anchoves dissolved in fair Water and Whitewine, with a little Salt and Mutton-Gravy: give all these a warm over the Fire, and serve them up in a Dish; then run it over with Butter beaten up with the Juice of Oranges, Marrow, Sage­leaves, fried Parsly, and the Yolks of Eggs.

Nurses Milk to Encrease: Take of Earth-worms an ounce, wash them well, and dry them so that they may keep sweet, and yet be reduced to a Pow­der; then take half a dram, or two scruples for a Dose in a Glass of Canary.

Nutmegs are somewhat Astringent, and Stomachick, Cephalick and Uterine; help Concoction, discuss Wind, take away the offensive Fumes of a strong Breath, are good in the Palpitations of the Heart, and prevent Faintings, lessen the Spleen, and stop Looseness and Vomiting, pro­voke Urin, and quicken the sight; are of great use in Fluxes, especially the Bloody­flux, having all the Virtues necessary for a Medicin fit for these Diseases: The Oil clean­ses and defends the Bowels from sharp offensive Humours, and eases the Pains that fre­quently afflict them: The aro­matick quality, consisting in the airy spirit, penetrates the noble Part, and administer Comfort, whilst the gross and earthy part dries up Ulcers, and cicatrises them: Candied Nutmegs, or as they come o­ver with their green Husks about them, are good in all cold Diseases of the Head, as Palsie, and other Diseases of the Nerves, and Womb, and are very Cordial: And not­withstanding all these Virtues in this one small Simple, yet if it be taken immoderately, that is, in too great a quantity, it proves very hurtful, occasi­oning sleepy Diseases, seeing they are very Narcotick, in­somuch that Tavernier relates, That when these Nuts ripen in the Molucoa-Islands, where [Page] they, chiefly grow, the Birds of Paradise come flocking to feed upon them; which they have no sooner done to any purpose, but a Giddiness seiz­ing them, they fall on the Ground in a profound Sleep, or Doziness, and lye so long before they recover, that swarms of huge Ants that fre­quent those spicey Woods, frequently eat off their Legs, or intolerably sting, and kill them in earnest.

Nutmeg to Candy: Take a pound of fine Sugar, a quar­ter of a pint of Rose-water, and Gum Arabick three penny weight; boil them up to near a Candy height: then having soaked your Nutmegs in Wa­ter, put them into it in an earthen Vessel, cover it close that the Air may not come in, no more than through the porous Part, and keep them in a warm Place twenty Days, and they will be of a Rock-Candy, &c.

Nut-Oil: Take small Nuts, break them in a Mill, or otherways; take out the Kernels, lay them in warm Water rill the Skins or Husks come off them, then steep them in warm Sallad Oil; and when they swell, take them out and press them, and a cu­rious Oil will issue from them: put them into a glass Vessel, and let it settle and digest twelve Days in a warm place; then use it as occasion requires. It is good for cold and moist Swellings, or Pains in the Joints; or Burns, Scalds, and Tu­mours, especially mixed with the Ointment of Marsh-mal­lows, and likewise that of Tobacco.

OAk-Tree: This Tree in every part is astrin­gent, but especially the Bark, the Deco­ction of which is good for the Bloody-flux, or Spitting of Blood. The Acorns are Diu­retick, and the distilled Water of a young Oak is good for Womens Diseases. Those that are cut for the Stone use a Bath of it, made of the Bark, to heal the Wound or Inci­sion. The Galls that grow upon outlandish Oaks, not on­ly make Ink, but are of many singular Virtues, as being pow­dered and drank in White-wine, to dissolve the Stone, or Gravel; ease Pains in the [Page] Bladder, or Reins, and cleanse the Stomach, causing a good Digestion.

Take of the Water of Oak-Buds, and Plantain, of each three ounces; Cinamon-water Hordeated, and Sprup of dri­ed Roses, of each an ounce; Spirit of Vitriol two or three drops, to make it pleasant and sharp, and take it Morning and Evening: it's excellent to stay immoderate Courses, and to prevent them.

Oates: They are Physi­cally moderately drying, re­solving, and restringent; they are cool, and therefore boil­ed in Posset-drink, in Fevers they are good; being heated, and put into a Bag and laid [...] the Side, they ease Pain [...] as likewise by such application, the Head-ach: The Ale made of them, cools and purifies the Blood, and eases the Heat and Pains in Urin: A strong Decoction of them eases the Flux in the Belly; and boiled with Figs, Licorice, and a little Honey, in Ale, they ease the violence of the Cough, or Cold; and in a little time, the liquid part drank often as hot as may be, removes the Cause, and the Effects consequently cease

Odoriferous-Water: Take the Roots of Florence Orris, and Benjamine, of each one ounce and half; the best Sto­rax six drams, Lignum Rho­dium half an ounce; Aroma­tick Reed and Labdanum, of each two scruples; Flowers of Benjamine on scruple: beat them into Powder, and put them into a Matras, and let them macerate twenty four Hours in Balneo Mariae luke­warm, in a pint of Rose-wa­ter, the Matrix being stopped, and then distil them in the same Bath a little hotter; and mxing with this Water-Musk and Ambergrease six drams, keep it as a Water of a curi­ous, wholsom, and odorife­rous scent, to scent, or per­fume Rooms, Gloves, or what else requires it.

This, for its admirable pleasant Scent, is called Angels-Water: It likewise contributes much to the lustre of the Face and Hands, being washed in it, mixed with a little of the Water of Fumitory. The Sediment dried and mixed a­mong Cloaths, gives 'em a fine Perfume, and drives away Moths, Worms, &c.

Oesepius Prepared: Take of the uncleansed Wool from the Neck, Buttocks, and Shoul­ders of a tired Sheep, and in­fuse it in hot Water frequent­ly, till the Fat swims upon the Water; then squeeze the Wool, pour the Water out by way of brewing frequent­ly from one Vessel to another, till the Froth arises; then let it stand till the Froth sinks, and take off the Fat that swims on the surface of the [Page] Water, and froth the Water again, by pouring it from one Vessel to another; and so con­tinue to do till no more Fat appears: then wash all the Fats with Froth in fair Wa­ter, keeping it continually stir­ring, and changing the Water often, till what is superfluous be washed away; and until, upon the Tast, it makes no biting on the Tongue: then put it into a well glazed earthen, Vessel, and keep it for use.

This is good to anoint old Sores, also for Scabs, Itch, Botches, or Boils, Excoriati­ons, or Gallings, &c.

Oil Anti-Epileptich: Take the Shavings of a dead Man's Skull, that died a vio­lent Death, four ounces, Am­ber pulverized two ounces; mix them together, and put them into a glass Retort, fit­ted with a Recipient, and di­stil them in a Sand-Bath with a gradual Fire; distil the Oil mixed with Spirit, Phlegm, and volatil Salt.

This Oil is beyond com­pare for the Epilepsie: A few drops of it taken in some cephalick Waters, as that of Bettony, Pellitory, Camomel, or Mint, you may take from three or four to five drops: Anoint with it, in great Pains, the insides of the Nostrils, Temples, and the sutures of the Scull, and immediate ease ensues.

Oil of Bays: Take the ripe Berries, bruise and boil them a good space in Water, then strain it out; press the Berries hard, and when the liquid part is cool, skim gent­ly the Salt that swims on the Decoction, which is the Oil, and is good to extenuate, ca­lefie, and dissipate Wind in the Stomach: it dissolves cold Diseases in the Head, and eases the Pains of the Co­lick.

Oil of Bitter Almonds: Take bitter Almonds, dry and purge, bruise and cale­fie them in boiling Water, then strain it out; and press out the Oil. This Oil does very much attenuate, and dissipate Wind, cures the Noise of the Head, by [...]op­ping into the Ears; monifies the Stubbornness of the Si­news, and opens Obstructions of the Liver.

Oil of Bitter Almonds, another: Take bitter Almonds two ounces, putting to them half an ounce of Sperma Ceti; bruise them, and extract an Oil; and with it anoint the Face when the Small-pox is drying; and by often doing it, it will make them shell kindly, without leaving any Marks.

Oil of Camomel: Take the Flowers of Camomel, the white Leaves taken away, bruise them, put them into a considerable quantity of Oil, [Page] and let them infuse in the Sun, or some convenient Heat, covered with a single linnen Cloath a considerable time, then press out the Oil, and keep it for use. This is Ano­dyne, and gives ease in the Colick and Pleurisie, by ba­thing the affected part: It is also given in Clysters, to the same effect, with good Suc­cess.

Oil of Camomel, ano­ther: Take the Flowers, bruise them, and put them into Olive-oil, let them stand twelve Days, boil it a little, take it off and press out the Oil and Juice, put the Juice, or Oil, in a Glass, and put in [...]esh Flowers. This eases Pain in the Joints, softens Swellings, closes Chops, or Cracks in the Skin, and sup­ples stiffness of any Member, and, in a great measure, gives ease, by being anointed with it very hot, or a linnen Rag dipt in it, fixed to the place grieved,

Oil of Cinamon: Bruise four pound of Cinamon, in­fuse it in six quarts of hot Water, leave it to digest in an earthen Vessel close stop­ped for two Days; then pour the Infusion into a copper A­lembick, fit the receiver to it, and lute the Joints with a wet Bladder, distill with a pretty good Fire three pints of the Liquor; then unlute the Alembick, and pour into it, by inclination, the distilled Water, and at the bottom you'll find a lit­tle Oil; put it into a Viol, and stop it close; distil the Liquor as before, and then re­turn the Water into an Alem­bick. Take the Oil found at the bottom of the Receiver, and mix it with the first, re­peat this Cohobation till no more Oil arises. This Oil strengthens the Stomach, ea­ses Womens Deliverances, the Courses, and much encreaseth Seed.

Oil for Deafness: Take pressed Oil of Leeks, bitter Almonds and Laurel, of each two ounces; Spicknard, Ca­storeum and Coloquintida shred, of each a dram; Juice of Rue, and Whitewine, of each an ounce and a half: put these into a Matras close stop­ped, and let them digest twen­ty four Hours in a lukewarm Balneo Mariae; then encrease by degrees the heat of the Bath, and boil them to the consumption of the moisture: then strain and press the Oil out for use, mixing after­ward with it six grains of Musk.

This Oil put just warm in­to the Ears, a drop or two at a time, wonderfully helps Deafness in those that were not born so; but such as were born deaf very rarely reco­ver, though some foolish pre­tenders to all manner of Cures, [Page] will, for the fake of your, Money, promise infallible Suc­cess.

Oil of Eggs: Take the Whites of twelve Eggs, beat them so that they become a kind of an oily substance, ex­tract that and put one spoon­ful of the Oil of Tartar to it; mix them well together, and set them in the Sun, so that at the bottom a thick settlement will remain; take then the Oil that swims a top off, and put it into a Viol, and let it stand in the Sun till it becomes as white as a Curd. This is exceeding good for Pains, Aches, Bruizes, or any hot Humours setling, also for Burns or Scalds

Oil of Eggs, another: Take Yolks of Eggs, and put them in a Pot over the Fire, let them stand till you perceive them to grow black, then put them in a Press, and an Oil will squeeze out of them, which is excellent good in all manner of Burns, and Scalds, Blasts by Lightning, or ill Airs.

Oil of Elder-flowers: This is made with the Flow­ers infused in good Oil when well beaten, and the Oil after a considerable standing pressed out. This Oil Discus­ses Mollified and Resolves.

Oil of Exeter: Take two handfuls of Sage, Thyme, and the green Sprigs of wild Vine, a handful each; Hys­sop two handfuls, St. John's-wort one handful, Bay-leaves two handfuls, Goose-grass one handful, Rosemary two handfuls, Peneroyal two hand­fuls, Camomel, white Lilies, Lavender, Dragon-leaves and Wormwood, of each two handfuls; Mint, Sweet-Mar­joram, Pellitory of Spain, Fe­therfew, and Angelica, of each one handful: stamp these very small, put them into a Pot, with as much fair Wa­ter as will cover them, till the Water be in a manner con­sumed; then put to it two quarts of Couslip-flowers steep­ed about a Month in the Oil of Olives, with two quarts of Whitewine, and as much Olive-oil, boil them to [...]her an hour or two till they are almost drained dry: then press out the Oil very hard from the Herbs, and put it up in a Glass. This is ex­cellent good for dressing old Wounds and Sores, and gives ease in Aches, and violent Pains of the Colick.

Oil of Fennel: Take two handfuls of the tops of Fennel, and put it between two iron Plates, or clean Tiles, when they have been well heated in the Fire; and pres­sing them hard, you will find an Oil come out, or oily Li­quid, good to anoint the Sto­mach with in the Phthisick, or any Inflammations.

Oil of Foxes: Take a Fox of about a Year old, flea, disbone it, and cut it to pie­ces: put to it four ounces of common Salt, Spring-water as much as will serve to boil it; boil it in an earthen gla­zed Pot, covered over a gen­tle Fire, so long that the Bones start out; then strain out the Broth, and squeeze the Flesh till all the moisture comes from it: then put to it Dill and the Tops of Thyme, fresh gathered, of each two handfuls; Sage, Rosemary, and ground Pine, of each one handful; Sallad­oil four pound: return the Broth into the Pot, and ha­ving put in the Herbs and Oil, cov [...] [...] very close, and let it stand twenty four Hours in a warm Bath; make it boil for two Hours, and then strain it strongly, pressing out the substance. Then separate the Oil, and keep it for your use

This powerfully digests and discusses cold Humours that fall on the Nervous and Mem­branous Parts: It is proper against all Infirmities of the Joints, Rheumatisms, Sciati­ca's, and cold Gout, and may be applied hot to the Parts alone, or mixed with other proper Unguents.

Oil of Iuniper: Take the Berries of Juniper gathered from the beginning of August to the end of September, bruise them and infuse them in Spring-water three or four Days, and the Water of the first Infusion will serve for the rest; then take two Alem­bicks, the one full of Berries, and the other half full of the Infusion; (let them be made of earthen Ware:) put these into the Earth, one on the top of the other, or conve­niently fastned upon the o­ther: after having strained it with a Cloth, put it into a Furnace, and when cold open it, and gather the Oil on the top, leaving the Water to run out, and let it take as little Air as may be. This is excel­lent good for Strains or Af­flictions of the Sinews and Nerves, and is used with Success in the Pains of the Gout.

Oil of Lilies: Take of Costus, Mastick, Calamus A­romaticus, Oil of Pellitory, and Carpobalsom, of each an ounce; Cinnamon and Cloves of each half an ounce; Saf­fron three drams: when you have bruised them, infuse them in Water twenty four Hours, then boil them a lit­tle; and having taken them from the Fire, pour in Oil of Olives two pound, the Leaves of Lilies eight ounces, set them forty Days in the Sun: then strain it, and take off the purest Oil that swims on, the top, and take it as an ex­cellent Remedy against the [Page] Pains of the Gout, as also for the Head-ach, and many other Use.

Oil of Lizards: Take pressed Oil of Walnuts, depu­rated, three pound, and three ounces of Whitewine, put them into a glazed earthen Pot with a narrow Mouth, set in Balneo Mariae, boil it till it is exceeding hot; then take green vigorous Lizards, in number twelve, fifteen, or twenty, as they are in big­ness, suffocate them in the scalding Oil; and having well stopped the Pot, boil them to the consumption of their moisture: then strain and press them, and reserve the pure Oil for use.

Oil of Lizards is commen­ded for making the Hair grow on bald Heads, &c. It is a Specifick to cure Burstermess, the Bowels being first put up, and the Party anointed with it very warm, then laying on the Panicle that incloses the Intestines of an Animal moist­ened with this Oil, and strew­ed over with some astringent Powder, binding on a good Pillow to keep the Bowels tight.

Oil of Mace: Three or four drops of it fasting, in a little Broth, eases the Pains of the Colick and Strangury; it comforts the Heart and Sto­mach, and helps cold Diseases of various kinds.

Oil of Mint: Take the Leaves of sown Mint, bruise them, let them macerate with the Juice in the Oil of Om­phacine, and change and boil it as you do Oil of Roses. This greatly strengthens the Stomach, a few drops being taken in Wine, Beer, or Ale, and the Stomach anointed with it; it also helps Conco­ction, and does many other good Offices, proper to an excellent pectoral Oil.

Oil of Mustard-Seed: Take two pound of the plumpest Mustard-seed, four pound of Olive-oil, grind them together, and let them stand nine Days; then press out the Oil, and keen it for your use. It is exc [...]t in case of the Palsie, Gout, Itch, or any other such-like Maladies.

Oil of Nard: Take of Spicknard, out small and bruised, three ounces, strong Wine five ounces; put them into a strait-mouthed glazed earthen Pot, and let them in­fuse in a moderate hot place; then add half a pint of Olive­oil, stop up the Pot, and keep it in a boiling Balneo Mariae till the Wine be almost con­sumed: after that strain and press it strongly, then sepa­rate the Oil from the faeces, and keep it stopped very close for your use.

This Oil is proper to Heat, Digest, and Attenuate, being [Page] a moderate Closer; so that it is very useful against Cold and Windy Afflictions of the Brain, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Bladder, and Matrix; it unstops and purges the Brain; Cotton being dipped in it, and put to the Nostrils, asswages the Pains of them; it is good against the Palfie and Shaking of the Nerves, also Tumours, Suffocations, and Stranglings of the Ma­trix, being used as a Pessary; it is also used, by way of In­jection, to asswage and allay Pains, or heat of the Blad­der.

Oil for the Nerves: Boil Neats-feet, and you will find an oily quality swimming on the top, scum it off, and pu­rifie it; and in case of any Afflictions of the Nerves, a­noint the Place grieved with it as hot as can be endured, and it will extreamly strength­en them, taking away Pains, Aches, or Weakness in the Back, Reins, Muscles, Joints, or Nervous parts, when a­nointed with it Morning and Evening. It likewise cures a wasting Consumption, or Pining in any part of the Bo­dy, being anointed often with it, by reason it nourisheth the fleshy, or musculous Parts, adding strength to them; but is more powerful in its operation, if you take a pound of it with the Oils of Amber, Lavender, Rosemary, Oran­ges, of each an ounce; Cam­phire half an ounce: mix these well together, and in case of Strains, Coldness, or Weakness of the Joints anoint them with it, chafing or rub­bing it in warm, you will find wonderful ease, and a cessa­tion of Pain: it makes like­wise the Skin plump and smooth.

Oil of Orris: Take the Roots of Florentine-Orris, and of the purple Flower, two pound; also a sufficient quantity of the Water where­in the Roots of Orris are boil­ed; of sweet Oil washed six pints; boil them in a double Vessel, put in fresh Roots and Flowers till the watry part is consumed; then press out the Oil, and keep it for use.

This Oil, or Ointment, digests crude Humours, dis­solves hard Swellings, molli­fies and discusses, digests, and eases Pains.

Oil of Osprey: Take thirty Scorpions, Oil of Bit­ter Almonds two pound; put them into a narrow-necked Vessel, and let them digest for thirty Days in the heat of Summer in the Sun; then strain it out, and keep it close stopped.

This is good against the Stone or Gravel m the Kid­neys, the Reins being anoin­ted with it, as also the Share and Perinaeum; and injected [Page] into the urinal Passage, it is also good against the Bite or Sting of any venomous Crea­ture, and the malignity of the Plague. Some think it should be used only as an Ointment; but others hold it may be given inwardly against the Pains of the Colick and Stone, the Dose being from one to two drams in any Pow­der or Vehicle.

Oil of Roses to Make: Gather the Buds of those Ro­ses, called Provence-Roses, take the Flower off clean without Stalk or Seed, and put to them the Juice of other red Roses a pint; then put them into five pound of Oil Omphacine, which is without Salt, and let them stand a considerable time in a glass Vessel close stopt, viz. the space of eight Days in the Sun, if possible, after boil them three Hours, strain them, and put in fresh Roses into the Liquid: do so twice or thrice, then being strained, boil the Liquid in a double Vessel, till the Juices be consumed; and then put it up for your use. This is extraordinary strengthening and cooling: It thickens and stays Fluxes, and helps gnaw­ing Pains of the Bowels, if taken in a Clyster; or, other­ways, in a little Whitewine, with some. Syrup of Lico­rice.

Oil of Roses, another: Take sweet ripe Oil, often washed, and red Roses full blown, bruised, and gently boiled in a double Vessel; but the thirtieth time you place it in the Sun, it must remain there forty Days, then keep the Oil and Roses together without expression. This Oil mollifies, heals Burns and Scalds; if mixed with pow­dered white Lead, and the White of an Egg dropped in the Ears, it easeth the Pains of them; and in the Eyes, refreshes the Sight.

Oil of Rue is made in the same manner as that of Roses, and has excellent Virtues in it to warm and strengthen the Joints and Nerves, and is good for Convulsions and Pal­sies.

Oil of Rue: Take the Leaves of Rue, shred them small, put about two handfuls of them into an earthen Pot, with a quart of Olive-oil, let them stand twelve Days; then boil them to the consumption of a third part; strain it, and keep it close. Four or five drops of it drank in White-wine fasting, is good against pestilential Fevers, Plague, or any infectious Disease.

Oil of Saffron: It's ex­cellent to provoke Sleep, by anointing the Forehead and Temples with it; mixed with a Woman's Milk, it stays the Fluxion of the Eyes. It destroys St. Anthony's Fire, the grieved Part being often [Page] anointed with it; being drank in Wine, it chears the Heart, &c.

Oil of Savin: This is made in like manner as the Oil of Elder-flowers: It cures and cleanses Ulcers, and takes away the Scabs in Childrens Heads, being anointed with it.

Oil of Scorpions: Take those of a middle size, when the Sun enters Leo, to the number of thirty; Oil of Bitter Almonds a quart: set them in the Sun forty Days, then press out the Oil, and keep it close stopped.

This is a good Oil for the King's-Evil, old Sores, Can­cers, Inflammations, and De­fects of the Skin: It gives ease to the Stone, the Reins and Flanks being anointed with it, and cures the Biting of poisonous Creatures.

Oil of Swallows: Take about sixteen young Swallows, whole Camomel, Rue, and the greater and lesser Plan­tain, Pennyroyal, Bay-leaves, Dill, Rosemary, Sage St. John's-wort, Costmary, of each a handful; common Oil two quarts, Spanish Wine a pint. If you take as much May-Batter as Oil, and boil these in it, it will have the Name and Consistence of an Oint­ment. This is exceeding good to anoint lame or decrepit Members withal; also to bath old Aches, and for Pains and Weakness in the Joints.

Oil of Violets: This is made of Omphacine-Oil, and Flowers of Violets, by infu­sion, and then pressing out the Oil: It Moistens, Cools, and Mollifies.

Oil of Violets, another: Take the Flowers of blue Violets, clean picked from the Stalks, two handfuls; Oil of sweet Almonds, or Olive-oil, a pint; put them in a glass Vessel, and let them stand in the Sun ten Days, shifting the Violets as the former, and in every thing ordering them alike, and anoint any part that is grieved with Aches, or Pains, occasioned by Heat or Swellings, and you will find ease.

Oil of Vipers: Take live Vipers, large, fat, and vigorous, in number twelve; the best Olive-oil two pound; strong Whitewine two oun­ces: put the Oil into an earthen Vessel well glazed within. Let it boil in a hot Bath till you cannot endure to put your Finger into it; then plunge the Vipers one after another into the Oil, and when they are stifled, pour in the Wine prescribed; cover the Pot, and let it boil till the moisture of the Vi­pers is almost consumed; then strain and press out the Oil, and separate it from the rest, and keep it for use.

This is chiefly commended for taking away the Defor­mities of the Skin, as Tet­ters, Scurf, Leprous Ulcers, and highly esteemed for those Ulcers that are caused by a venereal Poison; the use of it externally, is alone, or in Li­niments, or Pomatums: It is also recommended for asswa­ging the Pains of the Hemor­rhoids, and to facilitate the Delivery of Women, the whole Region of the Belly being anointed therewith.

Oil of Wall-Flowers: Take ripe Oil one pint, Wall-flowers four ounces; bruise them, and infuse them in a Warm place, and so press out the Oil. This Oil strength­ens the Nerves and Joints, and is good for the Palsie and Cramp.

Oil of Wormwood: Take the Leaves and Tops, and bruise them, then put them into the Oil, and order it as Oil of Roses. This helps the Pains in the Bowels: Drops of it in Whitewine create a good Appetite, and restore the Lungs.

Ointment for Aches: Take, five or six young Swal­lows, Tendrings of Straw­berries, Rue, Lavender, and Bay-leaves, red Nettle-Tops, Wormwood, and Horehound, of each one handful; the Gall of an Ox, and about six black Snails, Oil of Olives half a pint: stamp the Swallows in their Feathers whole, with the other Ingredients reduced very small, then add half a pint of Olive-oil, and about two ounces of May-Butter, put them into an earthen Pot well glazed, set them over a gentle Fire, and keep them continually stirring: then strain the Ointment through a linnen Cloath, and anoint the Parts grieved with it ve­ry hot: It eases most Pains in the Joints, Slips, Strains and cold Humours that afflict the Serves.

Ointment for Burns: Take the Juice of Housleek, Grounsil, and Plantain, Om­phacine Oil of Roses, a little Bole-Armoniack grated, and the White of an Egg; beat them up together till they come to art oily substance, and then anoint the Place where any Scald or Burn has happened; and so doing of­ten, it will draw away the Heat, and remove the Pain.

Ointment for Impost­humes: Take Olive-oil two pound, white and yellow Bees-wax, Rams-suet from the Kidneys, clarified Rosin, black Pitch, and Venice-Turpentine, of each half a pound; the best Mastich finely powdered two ounces: make these into an Ointment over a gentle Fire.

This is excellent good to break all Imposthumes, as also pestilential Carbuncles, and [Page] venereal Buboes, by reason the Consistence of this is harder than almost any other Oint­ment, and it is to be used from the first breaking of Imposthumes, till the Cure be perfected.

Ointment for Scalds: This is excellent either for Scalds, or Burns; Take a pound of Hogs-grease, White­wine a quart, the Leaves of the lesser Sage, Wall-Ivy, and Ground-Ivy, the bigger sort of Marjoram, and Housleek, of each two handfuls: shred, beat, and boil them over a gentle Fire, to the consump­tion of the moisture, stirring them often, and then strain and press them strongly, and keep the Ointment in a glazed Pot for your use, and use it with success.

Ointment, another: Take sweet Butter two pound, melt it over a moderate Fire, put into it, when taken off the Fire, as much Snow; then scum off the Butter that swims above the Snow-water, and add to it an ounce of Venice Ceruss-powder, Camphire a dram, mixed with a little Spi­rit of Wine, and make them up into an Ointment over a gentle Fire.

This Ointment, among the Professors of Chirurgery, has a great Esteem: For it not only cures common Burns, or Scalds, but those with Gun-powder, Lightning, mel­ted Sulphur, or Lead, if cu­rable.

Ointment for the Small­pox: If you would prevent Scars, and pitting in the Face, Hands, or any part of the Body, Take a piece of fat rusty Bacon, with the Rind off, and put it on a Spit, set a pewter Platter under it with fair Water, and let the Fat drop into; and when it has dript away as much as is con­venient, beat the Dripping and the Water together about a quarter of an Hour, and let them stand till they are cold; then pour out the Water, and pass the Fat with mixing through two or three Waters, till all the saltness, and offen­sive Scent is gone: then wash it in Rose-water, and put it up in a Gallypot; and when you use it, melt it and p [...]tle it on your Face with a Feather, often so doing till the Scabs and Scurf come clear away, and a delicate smooth Skin ap­pears under them.

Ointment for Sores, Old or New: Take Honey of Ro­ses, and common Honey, of each four ounces; Oil of Turpentine an ounce and three quarters; Barly-water half a pint; the Yolks of two new-lay'd Eggs: mingle them well, and keep them stirring over a gentle Fire, till the Water is near consumed, and they become an Ointment: then dip Rags and Pledgits [Page] in it, and lay to the grieved Place, often renewing them.

Ointment for the Spleen: Take Whitewine-Vinegar four spoonfuls, red Holly-hock, Mal­low, and Briony-roots, the Pith taken out, of each a pound; sprinkle them with the Vinegar: let it steep in, and then boil them till the Roots be very soft, then stamp them and strain out the Juice. Take Boars-grease a pound and a half, sour leavened Bread four ounces: mingle them together in a Mortar, and then sprinkle some more Vinegar on them, and over a gentle Fire make the liquid part into an Ointment, and in the Morning rub the place where the Spleen is with a warm coarse Cloath, then lay on it a, piece of blue woolen Cloath, wet in the Water of a Man-Child, as hot as can be layed on, and when it waxes cold, take it away, and dry the Skin with a warm Cloath, and bath in some of the Oint­ment warmed in a Sawcer; rub it well in, and lay upon it a quilt of black Wool, and in so doing often, you will find extraordinary ease.

Ointment for Vlcers: Take six pound of Butter made the latter end of May, or beginning of June, boil it over a gentle Fire, clarifie it, and take away the dregs, then add yellow Wax four pound, Rosin two pound, and Venice-Turpentine one pound: make these into a proper Ointment over a gentle Fire.

This Ointment is very so­lid, that it may continue on the Parts grieved, and is not only proper for the Cure of Ulcers in the Legs; but for Tetters, Chilblains, Chaps, and Rifts of the Breasts, and o­ther Parts of the Body.

Oisters: The Flesh of this Fish is nutritive, Stoma­chick, and restorative in Con­sumptions, being either pick­led, stewed, roasted, or eaten raw; they open Obstructions of the urinary Parts, and en­crease Seed; eaten raw, they cause a good Appetite, and are easie of Digestion, con­firm a weak Stomach, and create good Nourishment to decayed Members. There are Waters, Oils, Spirits, and volatil Salts, drawn from Oi­sters in this manner.

Take five quarts of large Oisters, when out of the Shells, put them into a Cu­curbit, and in Balneo Mariae distil off the Water to dryness, that it is Flegm, with very little volatil Salt in it. This may be used in all Cases where a Milk Water is requisite. Then put the dried Oisters at the bottom into an earthen Retort, or a glass one well coated, fixing to it a large Re­ceiver; and upon the Fire, though not too violent, draw off the Spirit, Oil, and vo­latil [Page] Salt: let the Fire at first be very gentle to bring forth the remaining Flegm, then encrease it gradually, that the Spirit may follow in white Clouds; then continue the Fire, encreasing it to the highest degree: so will the vo­latil Salt and Oil ascend and come forth, which rectified, separate and keep for use.

The Salt restores in Con­sumptions. It is good against all Diseases of the Head, Brain, and Nerves, as the Apoplexy, Epilepsie, Vertigo, Lethargy, and Palsie; as also Pleurisies, and all Obstructions of the Lungs and Breast, Stoppages of Urin, Jaundice, and the like: You may take it from four grains to twelve. The Spirit has the fame Virtue, but is weaker; and therefore may be taken from twenty four to forty, fifty, or sixty Drops. The Oil smells very strong, and therefore must be rectified. The smelling to it is good against Vapours, and Hysterical-Fits, especially be­ing anointed on the Nostrils. Take of the Oil two ounces, Spirit of Niter one ounce: mix and digest them ten Days, then add eight ounces of rectified Spirit of Wine, and digest it a Month; filter it, and keep it close. This opens Obstructions, and pre­vails powerfully against the Obstructions of the Bowels. The Dose is from twelve to thirty drops.

Oisters Broil'd the Dutch way: Take two quarts of large Oisters, open and par­boil them in their own Li­quor: put them into a strain­er, and then into a Pipkin, with some Mace, Butter, and slices of Onions; then stew them, and after that lay the Shells on a Grid-iron, and put two or three of them into a Shell, and there let them broil or Stew in their Liquor; and so setting them on Plates, fill them with beaten Butter, and serve them up.

Oister Chewits: Take three quarts of large Oisters ready opened, and parboiled in their own Liquor, then wash them in warm Water; dry them, and mince them very fine, season them light­ly with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, Carraway­seeds, some minced Raisins of the Sun, sliced Dates, Currrans, Sugar, and half a pint of Whitewine: mingle all together, and put Butter in the bottom of the Pies; so fill them up and bake them. These must be very small Pyes, and ten or twelve of them served upon a Plate to­gether.

Oisters, another way: Take the largest, wash them in warm Water, then parboil them, and save the Liquor, and steep them in Whitwine-Venegar, [Page] sliced Nutmeg, large Mace, whole Pepper, Cloves, a little Salt; and having gi­ven them a warm on the Fire, set them off, and let them steep two or three Hours; then take them up, and dry them, and dip them in a Bat­ter made of Flower, and the Yolks of Eggs, some Salt, and Cream, and so fry them; and when they are fried, keep them warm: then take some of the Spices, Liquor of the Oisters, and some Butter, beat them up thick, with some slices of Orange, or Yolks of Eggs, and dish the fried Oisters over a Cha­fingdish of Coals: run the Sauce over them with the Spi­ces, and garnish them with Barberries, and grated Man­chet, and then serve them up.

Oister-Ielly: Take ten Flounders, two small Pikes, or Place, and four ounces of Isinglass finely cleansed, boil them in an earthen Ves­sel in two quarts of Spring-wa­ter, and as much Whitewine, with some sliced Ginger, and large Mace; and being boiled to a Jelly, strain it through a Strainer into a pretty deep Dish, and when it is cold, pare the top and bottom, and put it into a Pipkin with the Juice of six or seven Lemons to each two quarts of Jelly, also three pound of fine Su­gar beaten with the Whites of twelve Eggs. Rub alto­gether with a Rolling-pin, and put among the Jelly, be­ing melted, but not too hot; set the Pipkin on the Fire to stew, put into it a grain of Musk, and as much Amber­grease well rubbed, and let it stew half an Hour on the Embers: then stew the Oist­ers in Whitewine, their own Liquor, and the Juice of O­ranges, Mace, sliced Nutmeg, whole Pepper, and some Salt; and having dished them with some preserved Barberries, large Mace, or Pomegranate­kernels, run the Jelly over them, and garnish them with preserved Lemons, large Mace, and preserved Barber­ries.

Oister-Pye: Parboil your Oisters, and season them with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmegs, and the Yolk of hard Eggs; and the Pye being made, put a few Currans in the bottom, and lay on the Oisters, with some sliced Dates, blades of and Barberries; then put on Butter, and close it up, and bake it: then liquor it with Butter, Whitewine, and Su­gar beat up together.

Or this way: Season them as before, but boil them not; put in two or three Onions cut in Quarters, but leave out the Currans, and Sugar, slice a Nutmeg on them, as also hard Eggs must be layed in [Page] halves with large Mace, and Barberries; liquor them as before, only add to the Li­quor, Juice of Oranges.

Oister-Shells: Take the inward part of the Shell, that is of a shining White, or Pearl colour, and reduce it to pow­der by calcining: It easeth Heart-burnings, and the Pain of the Stomach, and Colick; as also other Pains of the Bow­els, proceeding from sharp­ness of Humour; it chears the Heart, and has almost the Virtue of Pearl.

Olives, their Virtues: O­lives are gathered, either that Oil may be extracted out of them, or that they may be reserved for Banquets by pickling them in Salt and Wa­ter; The Olive hath in it a very restringent Virtue; for the Decoction of the Leaves in a Clyster, stayeth the Flux of the Belly, and the Juice with Whitewine, or fair Wa­ter, being often drank, re­straineth the Bloody-flux: The Sap distilling out of the Olive-Tree, or that out of as the Wood where it is burn­ing, cures the Itch, Tettars, and Ring-worms. Leuk-O­lives, especially being eaten, provoke Appetite, and get a good Stomach: The Oil ex­tracted, or rather flowing from them of its own accord, is of singular Virtue, being either applied outwardly, or nwardly, according to the indisposed Parts of the Body: It looseth and mollifieth the Belly, abateth the force of Poison taken inwardly; and if any Venom, Burn, or Scald, happen on the outward Parts, bath it well with this Oil. It is so generally appro­ved, that few Oils, Unguents, or Salves, are compounded without it.

Oleum Magistrale: Take a quart of the best old White-wine, Olive-oil three pounds, Hypericon half a pound, Car­duus Benedictus, Valerian the least, and Sage, of each four ounces; steep them in the Wine and Oil twenty four Hours, then boil them in a nealed Pot, or copper Vessel, keeping them stiring over a gentle Fire, till the Wine is consumed; strain it, and melt in a pound and half of Venice-Turpentine, then set it again on a soft Fire a quarter of an Hour, add Olibanum five oun­ces, Myrrh three, Sanguis Dra­conis one ounce, and make it into an Ointment. It's good against Sores, Wounds, Gun­shot, Blasts by Gun-powder, and Pains in the Joints.

Onion: This is proper to such as are afflicted with cold vicious Humours, because they procure Sleep, and help Concoction, prevent sower Belchings, open Obstructions, force Courses, and the Urin, promote insensible Transpira­tion; but are not proper to be [Page] taken by those that are of co­lerick Constitutions, because they disturb their Heads, and cause troublesome Dreams, and offend the Eyes; an old Oni­on steeped in Water a Night's time, and the Water with a little Honey given the next Morning, kills the Worms in Children: a large Onion filled with Venice-Turpentine, and roasted, softens hard Swellings, laid Plaisterwise; also opens them: a raw Onion, stamped with Salt, draws the Fire out of Burns, or Scalds; and the inward Cloves, under the se­veral Coats of a raw Onion, laid to the Gums, ease the Pains of the Tooth-ach.

Opiate-Plaister to Make: Take the great Diachylon four ounces, Quick-silver two oun­ces, Opium one ounce; min­gle them, and make them in­to a Salve, with a very gentle heat, and apply Plaisters of it to any Part afflicted with Pains or Aches.

Opiate for the Tooth­ach: Take Camphire two drams, Castor half a dram, Opium one dram; bring these into a powder, mix them with the Syrup of Gilliflowers, and make an Opiate.

This asswageth the Pains of the Teeth very speedily, and if any of them be rotten, put a very little of it into the hollow Tooth, and leaving it there, it will ease it.

Opthalmick Ointment: Take Oil of Roses two oun­ces, Narbone-Honey half an ounce, choice Aloes, and Sar­cocol, of each two drams; infuse them three Days in a Woman's Milk without stir­ing, yet shift the Milk very gingerly, powder of white Trochiscs of Rhases, Bole­armoniack, Tutty prepared, of each four scruples; white Vitriol, and Sugar-candia, of each one dram; Powder of Saffron, Myrrh, and Oliba­num, of each two scruples; Thebeian Opium fifteen grains: make of these an Ointment according to Art.

This is excellent for Infir­mities of the Eyes: Put to this purpose a large drop of it into the Eye, and sleep upon it, and in the Morning when you rise, wash it with white Rose, or Plantane-water; and so order it once or twice af­ter the first time, and you will find wonderful Benefit.

Oranges to Dry: Rasp or scrape off their outward Rinds, cut them into halves, and take out their Pulp; lay them in Water three or four Days, then shift them into fresh Water, and boil them tender, shifting them likewise in boiling, to take away their bitterness: When they are tender, take them out, and wipe them with a clean Cloath, and put to them as much cla­rified Sugar as will cover [Page] them, and let them boil lei­surely two Hours: then take them off the Fire, and put them into an earthen Vessel for four Days; then set them on the Fire again till they be thorough hot: let them drain, and take fresh Sugar, boil it to a Candy heighth, and put your Oranges to the hot Su­gar; which being boiled up, take out the Oranges, and lay them on a Wyre, or Sieve, to dry in a Stove, or Oven, and within ten Days they will be dry, and fit for use. In this manner Lemons are can­died.

Orange-Marmalade: Take the fairest Rind Oranges, cut them in halves, and take out the Pulp, boil the Peels ten­der in fair Water, often shif­ting, to take out the bitter­ness; then take them up, and squeeze all the Water from them, beat them in a stone Mortar with the Pulp of three or four yellow Pippins; then strain, and boil it with stir­ring until it become thick: take it from the Fire, and lay it on White Paper, and take as much refined Sugar as the Pulp weighs, put it into a Pan, with as much Rose-wa­ter as will melt it; boil it to a Candy height, and put the Pulp into the Sugar, keeping stirring till it rises from the bottom of the Pan: then put it into Boxes, and so into a Stove uncovered; and when it is tolerably dried, cover it up for your use.

Oranges, a Past: Take Oranges well coloured, and boil them in Water, shift them six or seven times in the boiling, and put into the first Water a handful of Salt; then beat them in a wooden Bowl, with a wooden Pestle: strain out the Pulp, and take the weight of Sugar equal to them; boil it up to a Candy height, dry it on Plates, and fashion it as you please: And in this manner you may make Past of Lemons, or Citrons.

Oranges: The Water of these, besides the pleasantness of the Fruit, and other Ad­vantages that arise from them, being distilled in an Alembick, by paring the Oranges, and putting the Peels into a con­venient quantity of low Wines, or Spirits, is not only excel­lent in Scent, and may be sprinkled as a Perfume to give a fragrancy to what you please to asperse it on, but is very good in pestilential Fevers: It strengthens the Heart and the Brain. Three or four spoonfuls taken going to Bed, causes likewise a gentle breath­ing Sweat. The Juice of Oranges is cold, and therefore resisteth Corruption, and is given with a little Sugar, suc­cessfully to cool and tempe­rate the Blood in Fevers and hot Diseases.

Orpin: This kind of Herb is vulnerary and astringent, and is chiefly used for heal­ing Ulcers of the Bowels, occasioned by the Bloody-flux, also for Ruptures and Burns. 'Tis held excellent in easing Pains both in fresh Wounds, and old Ulcers. The Herb roasted on Embers, and mix­ed with Hogs-Lard, cures a Fellon.

Ostiocolla: This is a kind of a Stone found in Saxony, Silesia, &c. and grows in the Sand like a Coral. It is of a glutinous Quality, and there­fore of excellent use for bind­ing and knitting broken Bones, immediately breeding Matter for a Callus, and thereby ha­stening the Conglutination. The Dose, in subtil Powder, is from one to two drams in any convenient Liquor, and outwardly to be applied to the Place in a Cataplasm, or Emplaster. Aldrovandus affir­meth, That broken Bones be­ing rightly placed, and tied up, it heals them, being used outwardly with a mixture of the Oil of Cranes-Bill, and inwardly with red Wine. It dries and binds without Agri­mony, and is good against Poison and the Plague.

Ouzle, its Dung: Half an ounce of the Dung of this Ouzle, or Black-bird, mixed with two ounces of the Juice of Lemons, and a dram of the Powder of Camphire, and applied to the Face, or Hands, takes away Freckles, Lentils, and other Deformi­ties of the Skin. The Flesh of this Bird frequently eaten, wonderfully restores Con­sumptive People, and gives ease to the Colick Pains, and is held to be prevalent against the Dysentery, and Infection of the Plague, espe­cially the raw Flesh being ap­plied to the Sore, draws out the Poison.

Oxgall to Beautifie: Of this an excellent Cosme­tick is made in the following manner:

Take four pints of the Galls of an Ox digested twen­ty four Hours in Balneo Ma­riae; Roach Alom, Salt, and of glass powdered, of each one dram; mix them well, and put them into a Matras, stop it carefully, and expose it in May to the heat of the Sun, shaking it four or five times a Day; then filter the Materials, and in the filtered Liquor put two ounces of Porcellane powdered very fine, and dissolved in the Spi­rit of Vinegar; Borax and Sperma-Ceti, of each an ounce; sweet Sublimate, and Camphire, of each three drams; then expose them to the Sun again ten Days, often shaking the Ingredients: then filter the Liquor, and keep it for its proper use.

Oxymel Simple: Take of the best Honey four oun­ces, of Spring-water, a pound, or pint; boil them till half the Water be consumed, then pour them into a pint of Whitewine-Vinegar, and let them boil to the thickness of a Syrup, and take about half an ounce at a time. This ex­tenuates gross Humours, and carries away slimy Matter, opens old Obstructions, and Obstructions of the Lungs, with Flegm, and what Causes arise from shortness of Breath.

PAin of the Bladder: Take of Pulegium, and Spicknard, of each a little quantity, bruise them, and putting them into a little Bag, apply it warm, as near as you can, to the Place grieved, at the same time drinking about a quarter of a pint of the Decoction of Horehound, boiled in a like quantity of Wine and Water.

Pain in the Eyes: Take Melilot-flowers, the Flowers of Marigolds, and Elder, of each a handful; Linseed, Fe­nugreek, Fleawort, Cummin, and Quince-kernels, of each half a scruple; French Barly half an ounce, Damask Roses half an ounce, Spring-water a pint and half; mix and make a Decoction, with which foment die Forehead, Tem­ples, and Eye-brows, being sufficiently warm: and by Efficiently warm: and by often using it, the Pain will not only be abated, but the Eyes will be very fresh and lively, the sight more quick and penetrating than usual.

Pains in the Loins: Take of Quick-sulphur half an ounce, beat it into Pow­der, mix it with an ounce of Hogs-lard, powder the Seeds of wild Mint, add a little Wheat-flower, and make them into a Plaister, or Ointment, with a little Wine over a gen­tle Fire, and apply it warm to the Place grieved, often renewing it.

Pain of the Stomach: Take a quantity of green Peach-leaves, bruise them with Knot-grass, boil them in Whitewine to the thickness of a Poultis, and apply them warm to the Stomach; or, Take Rue, Dill, Cummin, and Smallage, of each half a handful: boil them in a pint [Page] and a half of Whitewine, the Leaves picked clean from the Stalks, then add three pound of Olive oil, boil them again; and being taken from the Fire, dip therein so much unwashed Wool, as, spread pretty thick, may cover the Stomach: lay this where the Grief is most apparent pretty hot; and when the heat has dried up the moisture, anoint the Stomach with Oil of Nard, and walk about with a quick motion. This reme­dies that Disease of the Sto­mach likewise called Nausea.

Pannado to Make: Take a quart of Spring-water, and put it on the Fire in A Skil­let, then cut A Penny white-Loaf in slices, about the big­ness of a Sixpence, and as thin as a Wafer, and lay it on a Dish placed on a Cha­fing-dish of Coals; then put it into the Water with a hand­ful of clean pick'd Currans, and a little large Mace: and being boiled to a sufficient thickness, season it with a lit­tle fine Sugar beat well and dissolved in Rose-water.

Parsly: It hath many Properties in Physick, as well as for Kitchen uses, viz. the Decoction of the Leaves, or Roots thereof, openeth the urinary Passages, bringeth a­way Sand and Gravel, easeth Colick, and the Pains in the Reins, being used in the na­ture of a Fomentation upon the grieved Parts: And the Seed is of the greatest Virtue in those Matters; it voideth Windiness in the Bowels, and is good in the Biting of any venomous Creature. The often eating of Parsly, or drinking the Juice of it, sweetens the Breath. Being bruised with the Crumbs of fine White-bread, and applied, it healeth Tetters, and Ring­worms, and asswageth the Swelling of the Dugs. It diminishes the Milk of Wo­men in Child-bed.

Past of Apricocks: Take the ripest Apricocks, pare them very thin, and set them in a Preserving-pan over a gentle Fire, with as much Water as will keep the bot­tom of the Pan moist; then break them, and stir them a­bout with a Skimmer, suffer­ing it to stand till the moi­sture consume, and they come to something of a driness: then with Sugar boil them to the thickness of a Con­serve; and so, by continuing longer, it will become stiff in order to a Past.

Past of Cherries: Boil some of the ripest Cherries till they are reduced to a soft Pulp, then strain them through a coarse Cloath, or hair Bag, and boil a fourth quantity of Pippins, not over-ripe, till they are very soft: then take away the Core and Rind, and mash them into Pulp: add to [Page] these an ounce of fine Sugar to every pound, spread it then on Plates, and fashion­ing it as you please, let it dry for your use.

Past to scowre the Hands: Take the Husks of Bitter Al­monds half a pound, bruise them in a marble Mortar, sprinkling on them a little Salt and Aquavits, then add two Yolks of Eggs, and Nar­bone Honey one ounce and half; Orris-roots, finely pow­dered, one ounce: mix and mould them well together, and make them into a Past, and use it as you see occa­sion.

This is excellent to cleanse the Hands, and is easily pre­pared: There is little occa­sion for wetting it in Water; for it may be used as it is pre­pared, if you let it not dry too much.

Parsly-Water: This must be distilled from the Leaf, Root, and Stalks, in Balneo Mariae, being gathered in the beginning of the Spring. It Attenuates, Opens, Cleanses, and is Hepatick and Diuretick, insomuch that many allow it to cure all Pains and Effects of the Stone, where the Par­ty frequently and freely drinks of the Water: but this is certain, that being exceeding Diuretick, it nevertheless for­ces without Pain, and makes the Urin come freely from those that have had Obstru­ctions for many Years; and, in some, it has brought away the Urin with ease, after it had been totally obstructed for many Days. It may be taken from six ounces, sweet­ned with white Sugar-candy, or alone, to eight, or you may add to it ten or twelve grains of Salt of Tartar, or what other Diureticks you think convenient.

Pear-Pie: Take War­dens, or other hard Winter-Pears, bake them with a little Water, and a good quantity of Sugar, in a Pot covered with a Lid of Dough. Let them not be fully, baked e're you draw them: then quar­ter them, taking off the Rind and Core, raise a Coffin of Past, and between every lay­ing scatter a few Cloves, Cinnamon, and candied O­range-peel cut small; and put­ting in the Liquor that issued from them in the Pot, let them bake to a fitness.

Pear-Pie, another: Bake your Pears first in an Oven, either upon the Stone, or in a Pot; peel and core them, put them in halves into your Coffin, with some slices of Quinces between them, and the shaving of Lemon-peel, some whole Cloves, Cinna­mon, and Sugar; and when baked, raise the Lid on one side, and put into it some Cinnamon Powder, beaten up with Sugar and Rosewater, and [Page] so serve it to the Table, either hot or cold, as you please.

Pear-Pudding: Take a cold Capon, or one half roasted, which is the best of the two; then shred some Suet very small, as also the Meat taken off the Bones, with half as much grated Bread, and two spoonfuls of Flower, beaten Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, and Sugar, as much as will season it, half a pound of Currans, the Yolks of two Eggs, six Pears, the Pulp of them, and as much Cream as will make it up in­to a kind of a Past; then make it up into the fashion of a Pear, stick a piece of Cinnamon for the Stalk, and for the Head a Clove.

Pearls to Whiten: Take half an ounce of Bean-flow­er, Lime, and Eggs an ounce, white Salt a pound, Water of Confound, Alcohol of Wine eleven ounces; distil the Water; and if you wash solid or clouded Pearls in it, it will restore them to their native Lustre.

Pectoral Pills for the Lungs: Take Tears of Sto­rax two drams, Juice of Spa­nish Licorice a dram and half; Tincture of Saffron four scru­ples, Labdanam, Olibanum, Myrrh, and Extract of Opium, of each a dram; Ambergrease a scruple, Syrup of Citron-peels, as much as suffices to make a mass for Pills.

These Pills stop Defluxions on the Lungs, and asswage Coughing. The Dose to be taken, is five or six grains at Night.

Pepper boil'd in White-wine is good against the A­gue, and in most cold Disea­ses, but is more commonly used in seasoning Meats, than in Physick; and indeed is more proper in the general to that purpose, by reason its driness qualifies the moisture that ever abounds in many Meats, and causes it to digest kindly in the Sto­mach.

Perfumed-Cakes: Take Benjamin four ounces, Sto­rax two ounces, Laudanum a dram, Cloves, in number, twelve, Calamus Aromaticus a dram, and a little Citron-peel: Take a new glazed earthen Pot, and boil the Ben­jamin and Storax in it in half a pint of Rosewater for an Hour, if the moisture holds long, without being evapora­ted; then put in the rest of the Materials, mention'd in a little Linnen Bag, adding more Rose-water: and when they have boiled a while, take them off, and strain them through a Linnen Cloath: and so soon as cold, there will be a curious perfumed Past.

Perfume for Confection: Take of Myrrh a scruple, Musk, or Civet, the like quan­tity, [Page] Oil of Nutmegs as much: infuse them in Rose-water, and with it, when well dissol­ved, sprinkle your Confecti­ons, or Sweet-meats, and they will have a curious pleasant Scent, which will likewise add much to the flavour in the Tast.

Perfumes of Flowers: Extract, through a Retort, after the manner of Aqua­fortis, the Spirit of Salt-petre, or common Salt, and keep it close stopped in a Bot­tle; then take what quantity of Violets, Roses, or other Flowers you will, and put into an Alembick with an ounce of the Spirit of the said Salt, a pint of Spring-water, and so proportionably till the Alembick be full, and let them infuse twenty four Hours till you see the Water well coloured, which pour out by inclination into another Glass, and it will carry with it the colour and smell of the Flowers infused, though it leaves the Flowers fresh, as if they had been newly ga­thered.

Perfumed Powder: Take Florence-Orris a pound, dried Roses a pound, Benjamin two ounces, Storax one ounce, Cloves two drams, yellow Saunders an ounce and a half, Cloves two drams, a little Citron-peel; beat all to fine Powder in a Mortar: put to this twenty pound of Starch, or Rice, ground; mix it well, and finely fifting it, keep it very dry for use, and it will prove an excellent perfuming Powder.

Perfumed Wash-Balls: Take what quantity of Musk you please, dissolve them in sweet compounded Water; then take about the quantity of one Wash-ball of the Com­position, and mix it together in a Mortar; then mix and incorporate them with your Past; and making them up into Balls they will all of them retain a curious perfu­med Scent.

Perfum'd-Water: Take Calamint, Storax, Benjamin, Cloves, and Mastick, beat them well together, and put them into Aquavitae, or the Spirit of Wine in a glass Vi­ol, and when the Liquid is changed to a red colour, in­fuse in it a grain of Musk, strain it, and keep it for use.

Pericarpium for Agues: This, especially for the Ter­tian-Ague, has been often tried with good Success, viz. Take a handful of Rue, new­ly gathered, half a handful of Sage, a spoonful of Bay-salt, and a spoonful of good Vine­gar; beat all these well toge­ther into an uniform Mass, which must be divided into two parts, and make thereof two Wrist-plaisters, to be ap­plied at the usual time before [Page] the coming of the Fit, and to be renewed, as occasion requires, till they grow dry and troublesom.

Phthisick, a Remedy: Bruise a handful of Bettony-leaves, put to them half a pound of Honey, half an ounce of Licorice-powder, and Pine-Apple-kernels, that have been boiled in White-wine bruised small: make these into an Electuary, and let the Party take about a quarter of an ounce at a time.

Some for this have only eaten the Lungs and Heart of a wild Goose boiled with Hys­sop, and have found great ease by it; yet I cannot but recommend the former to be the more effectual in the Cure.

Pickled Artichoaks: Take the best Bottoms of Artichoaks, parboil them, and when they are cold, and well drained, dry them in a Cloath to take away as much of the remain­ing moisture as can be; then putting the Bottoms, without the Choak, and but a few Leaves remaining on, into an earthen Pot, boil some fair Water, scum it till no more will rise, and mix with it so much Salt that it will bear an Egg; put these to the Bot­toms: then melt sweet But­ter, pour it on this Water, and it will, by spreading, make a Coat to keep the Air out; then tye it over with Paper, or Leather, and they will keep all the Year: so that having occasion to boil them for serving up at Ta­ble, lay them in Water six Hours to take out the Brine, then boil them.

Pickled Oisters: Take a­bout a quart of the largest Stewing Oisters, with the Li­quor that comes from them, wash them clean, and wipe them; put to them a pint of fair Water, half a pint of Whitewine-Vinegar, and half an ounce of whole Pepper, a handful of Salt, and a quar­ter of an ounce of large Mace: put Liquor, and all together, into an earthen Pot over a soft Fire, let them sim­per, but not boil, about a quarter of an hour; then take them up, and put them into a little fair Water and Vinegar, till they are cold, and then put them into the Pickle they were boiled with, and Pot 'em up close for your use.

Pig to Dress: To do this the French way, which is highly approved, The Pig be­ing scalded and drawn, spit it, and lay it to the Fire; and when it is thoroughly hot, take off the Skin, cut it off the Spit, and divide it into twelve pieces: then take Whitewine and strong Broth, and stew it therein with an Onion of two minced very [Page] small, as also some stript Thyme, Pepper, grated Nut­meg, and two or three An­choveys, some elder Vinegar, Butter, and Gravy, beat up well together: dish it up with the Liquor it was stew­ed in, lay slices of French Bread under it, garnished with Oranges and Lemons under and upon it.

Pig to Dress, another way: Scald, draw, and wash it clean, put a Crust of Bread, and some Sage in the Belly, prick it up, and spit it, roast it, and bast it with Butter, then salt it; and being roast­ed fine and crisp, make Sauce with chopt Sage, Currans, a little grated Nutmeg boil'd up in fair Water and Vine­gar; then add a little grated Bread, the Brains, some Bar­berries, and Sugar: give these a warm or two with good stirring, and adding a little beaten Butter, divide the Pig's Body, and Head, take off the Ears, place them on the Shoulders, and so serve it up: Or, this way,

Mince some sweet Herbs, as Sage, and Pennyroyal, rowl them up on Balls, with some Butter, and prick them in the Pig's Belly; roast him: and being roasted, make Sawce with some Butter, Vi­negar, the Brains, and some Barberries, and serve it up: Or,

Flea it, only the Head, and truss the Head looking over its Back, fill the Belly with a Pudding made of grated Bread, Nutmeg, a little min­ced Suet, and two or three Yolks of raw Eggs, a little Salt and Cream; roast it, and prick it up, bast it with Yolks of Eggs: being roast­ed, squeeze a Lemon over it, and dridge it with grated Bread, Pepper, Nutmeg, Salt, and Ginger; then make a Sauce with the Yolks of hard Eggs, minced Vinegar, But­ter, and the Gravy, and serve it on this Sauce.

Pig to Souce: Scald a young Pig, and boil it in fair Water and Whitewine, a quart of the latter to a gal­lon of the former, put to it a dozen Bay-leaves, Ginger sliced, and Nutmegs quarte­red, and half an ounce of whole Cloves; let it be boil­ed tender: then take it out, and lay it a cooling; which done, put the Liquor it was boiled in, into a Tray, or Pan, and put it in, so that it may lie covered, adding on­ly a little Salt, and White-wine-Vinegar; and in this manner it will keep a long time.

Pig-Pie, Court fashion: Take off the Skin of a young Pig, and cut it into quarters, season it with Pepper, Gin­ger, and Salt, finely beat and mixed, lay it in a Coffin of Past made in the fashion of a [Page] Pig, shred a handfull of Par­fley, and about six Sprigs of Winter-Savory; strew this o­ver the Meat, and on that the Yolks of two or three Eggs, hard boiled and grated small; upon that a f [...]w Blades of Mace, and some Bunches of Barberries, a handfull of Currans washed and picked, and half a handfull of fine Sugar, half a pound of sweet Butter spread thin, so close it, and let it soak in an Oven not over-heated, about three hours; then beat up a pound of But­ter, with a little Sugar, pour it into it, and serve it up with a little Sugar scraped over the Lid.

Pigeon-Pye: To order and season this, Take an ounce of finely beaten Pepper to a dozen of Pigeons; put Butter rouled up in Balls, with a lit­tle fine shred Parsley, into the Belly of your Pigeons, and two pound of Butter is suffici­ent for the whole Pye, where­in are only a dozen of Pige­ons, sprinkling them likewise with a little Salt, before you close up the Coffin.

Pigeons, Water of them: To make an excellent Cosme­tick, Take this way, Gut two young Pigeons, and cut them in pieces, grated White-bread half a pound, Peach Kernels, and the four great cold Seeds c [...]eansed, of each four ounces: The Whites of twelve Eggs, and the Juice of four Lemons; macerate them twelve hours in two quarts of Goats Milk, then distill them in Balneo Mariae. To the distilled Wa­ter put Borax, Camphire, Su­gar-Candy, burnt Alom, of each three drams; set them in a Glass in the Sun, three days, then fifteen days in a cool Cellar; filter the Water, and keep it for use.

This smooths, beautifies, and wonderfully preserves the Complexions, if the Face, Hands, or other parts be wa­shed with it twice a day.

Pigeon Water, another: Take six ounces of the Pow­der of choice Myrrh, two young Pigeons, gut them, and cut them in pieces; put to them Whey and Canary, of each a quart, the bigger Housleek, Juice of Lemons, and ripe Pippins, of each one pound; water of Roses and Lillies, of each half a pint; two Whites of Eggs: mix these together in a glass Alembick, distill them in Bal­neo Mariae, and preserve the Water as an excellent Beauti­fier and a restorer of a fresh and lively Colour: Or,

Take Strawberries a pound and a half, Flowers of Lillies, and Beans, of each half a pounds; Roach Allom and Stone-Allom, of each an ounce; Sal Gemmae, Nitre, Verdi­grease, of each two drams: infuse them fifteen days in Malmsey-Wine, Narbone Ho­ney, [Page] Whitewine Vinegar, of each a pint: distill them in a moderate Sand Bath, and keep the Water as very rare and excellent to take away Freck­les, or Morphew, from the Face, if you dip Linnen in it, and lay it on the place going to Bed, and wash it off the next morning with Water of Lillies.

Pike to Boil: Take as much Whitewine and Water as will cover it: set the Li­quor to boil, cleanse the Civet, and truss him in a round Ring, scotch him on the back, and when the Liquor boils, put him in, and make under it a quick Fire; being boiled e­nough, take him up, and for Sauce, take Whitewine-Vi­negar, Mace, whole Pepper, a handfull of Cockles, or Oy­sters boiled, or fryed, sweet Herbs, finely shred, and the Liver of the Fish minced, and scrape in a little Horseradish: these being boiled together, dish up the Pike on Sippets, and beat up the Sauce with sweet Butter and minced Le­mon, garnishing with sliced Oranges or Lemons.

Pike Broiled: Split it, and scotch it with your Knife, on the out-sides, as you do a Herring; then Salt it, and having the Gridiron very hot, lay it on a clear fire, bast it with Butter, and turn it of­ten, and being broiled stiff and crisp, serve it up with beaten Butter, Juice of Le­mons, and Wine-Vinegar, garnish'd with slices of Oran­ges or Lemons, and the tops of Rosemary.

Pike to Fry: Cleanse it well from the slime and blood, dry it, and flowring it, roul it round in your Pan, or slit it, and fry it pretty crisp with sweet Butter; then for Sawce, beat up Butter, Claret, Oyster-Liquor, Nut­meg, Salt, and garnish it with sliced Oranges, Lemons, Bar­berries, and fryed Parsley.

Pike Hash'd: Bone and scale it: then mince it with good fresh Eel; then put in some sweet Herbs finely min­ced, and stripped Mace, Gin­ger, beaten Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt, stew it in a Dish with a little Whitewine and sweet Butter; and when it is stewed sufficiently, serve it on fine carved Sippets, and lay on some large stewed Oy­sters, some fryed in Batter, others green with the Juyce of Spinage, others yellow with Saffron; garnish the Dish with them, and run it over with beaten Butter.

Pike to Roast: Scrape him well, and take out the Entrails, lard the back with Pickle Herring: then take Claret-wine and large Oysters, and having seasoned the Oy­sters with Pepper and Nut­meg, stuff the Pike's Belly with them, intermix'd with [Page] Rosemary, Thyme, Winter-savory, sweet Marjoram, and some slices of an Onion; then sow up the Belly, and with two flat sticks about the breadth of a Lath, bolster up the sides of the Pike; then bast him with Butter and Cla­ret-wine, beat up together, having tyed Rosemary and Bays to keep off the heat co­ming too much where the Laths do not defend it from the scorching; and when it is wasted, or roasted, take it off, and take out what is in the Belly of it, and with what has dropt from it, some bea­ten Butter, and Claret, dish it up.

Pike Souced: Draw it, and wash it clean from the blood and slime, and then boil it in Water and Salt, put­ting it in when the Liquor boils up, and suffering it to boil leisurely, season it well with Salt, but beware you boil it not too much, nor in more Water than what will just cover it; and if you de­sign to keep it long in the Souce, you must put as much Whitewine as Water, with some Wine, Vinegar, slices of Ginger, large Mace and Cloves, when the Wine, Vi­negar and Water boil, adding a little Lemon-peel, boiling it up quick, but not too much: then pour on the Liquor, and cover it up close, and when you serve it in Jelly, dish and melt some of the Jelly, and run it all over; garnish it with Bunches of Barberries, and sliced Lemon, and when you serve it up, you may lay round the Dish, divers small Fishes, as Bleak, Dace, Gudg­eons, Roach, or the like, for the greater setting off, and ornament.

Pike to Stew: After you have dressed your Pike, o­pen the back, and lay it as flat as if you were to fry it; then lay it in a large Dish, and put Whitewine, so that it may cover it; set it on the fire, and let it boil gently till the Scum arise; then take it off, put to it Currans, Sugar and Cinamon, as much as will sea­son it; cover it close then with another Dish, and stew it a little longer: after this, put in a good quantity of But­ter; then dish it up with Sip­pets, and the Liquor it is stewed in, garnishing it with Barberries, and stewed Prunes.

Pike Stewed, the City-way: Take your Pike, splat it, and lay it in a dish, and when the blood is washed out, put to it as much Whitewine as will cover it, and set it a stew­ing, and when it boils, put in the Fish, and scumm it; then put in some large Mace, whole Cinamon and Salt, and being well-stewed, dish it up on Sippets finely carved.

Then thicken the Broth with two or three Yolks of [Page] Eggs, some thick Cream, Su­gar, and beaten Butter; give it a warm, and pour it on the Pike with some boiled Cur­rans, and boiled Prunes, layed all over it; as likewise some Mace, Cinamon, and Bunch­es of Barberries, and sliced Lemon; garnish with the same, and scrape on fine Sugar. In this manner you may stew Carp, Bream, Barbel, Chevin, Roach, Conger, Gurnet, Tench, Dace, Pearch, or Mullet.

Pikes to Souce and Iel­ly: The Fish being scalded and cleansed, bone it, and season it with Nutmeg and Salt; rowl up three or four Pikes like Brawn or coloured Eel, and bind them in that posture; then put them in a clean Cloth, and boil them in Water, Whitewine, and Salt, with the Spice; observing always, that the Pot boils be­fore you put them in; keep it scummed, and add some large Mace, and slices of Gin­ger: If you only intend to souce them, boil them not down so much; but if they are to be Jellied, put to them some Isinglass, and serve them up in the Collars, standing in the Jelly: and thus you may do with Eels, Tench, Salmon, Congen, &c.

Pike, and White-Broth: Here the Pike must be cut in­to three equal pieces, and boiled in Water, seasoned in a little Salt, and sweet Herbs when it boils, beat in the Yolks of six Eggs, with a lit­tle Sack and Sugar, melted Butter, and some of the Broth: then dish the Pike, putting the Head and Tail together, cleave the middle piece in two, and take out the Back-bone, put one piece on the one side, the other on the other; blanch all, pour the Broth on, and garnish it with Sippets, fine Sugar, or Ginger, and serve it up.

Pills against Cachexies: Take Trochiscs of Alhandal half an ounce, Galbanum, Myrrh, Aloes, and Amoni­ack, of each three drams; Mercury precipitated, prepa­red with Gold, two drams; Scamony, Jalap, the whitest Agarick, one dram and half; pressed Oil of Nutmegs one dram; Amber, Cinnamon, and Cloves, the Oil of each six drops; Extract of Juniper as much as will make these in­to Pills.

The Pills are much com­mended for remedying what they are propos'd for; also in Quartan-Agues, Dropsie, and Jaundice, and the Re­tention of the Menstruums; the weight of each Pill must not exceed two grains, and they may be taken two or three of them as often as is necessary.

Pills Diuretick: Take Chios Turpentine, and white [Page] Vitriol finely powdered; mix them into a mass, and make Pills of them exceeding small.

The vomitive quality of the Vitriol, being corrected by the Turpentine, the Pills work good Effects, especially in all difficulties of making Water, being given from half a dram to a dram.

Pills for the Dropsie: Take Elaterium, and Extract of Aloes prepared, with the Juice of French Orris, of each half an ounce; choice Ma­stick made into Powder two drams: make them up into Pills, according to Art, as small as is convenient.

These Pills powerfully purge Hydropick-Waters; they are to be taken in a Morning fast­ing, from six to twelve, or fifteen grains, using them as often as occasion requires.

Pills for the Green-sick­ness: Take Extract of Mars, prepared with Musk, one ounce; Aloes-Succotrine, pre­pared with the Juice of Suc­cory, six drams; Extract of Rhenbarb half an ounce, Ex­tract of Saffron two drams, distilled Oil of Cinnamon six drops; mix them to a mass, and so make small Pills of them.

These Pills cure the Green­sickness in young Virgins, the Party so grieved taking a scruple at a time in a Mor­ning fasting, and drinking af­ter them two or three ounces of Wormwood-wine, and walking after that about an Hour, for several Mornings together.

Pills for the Stomach: Take Extract of Licorice, two drams and a half, Tears of Storax two drams, distil­led Oil of Cinnamon six drops, Extract of Saffron four scru­ples, Labdanum, Olibanum, choice Myrrh, and Extract of Opium, of each one dram; Ambergrease one scruple, Sy­rup of Citron-peel, as much as suffices to make them into a Mass, and so into Pills.

These are excellent to stay Defluxions that fall upon the Lungs, and to asswage the violence of Coughs. The Dose is from five or six to eight or ten grains.

Pimpernel: Of this there are three sorts, the one grow­eth very great, and hath long Roots; the other sort is little, the third bears red Flowers, and grows in most Gardens: the Roots of the two first, in which consists their main Virtue, boiled in Whitewine, are very good for Pains in the Reins and Bladder, cau­sed by the Stone; for it dri­veth out Gravel, and the long retained Urine. The Juice of the Root drank in White-wine, is good against all Poisons, or infectious Airs, and the Biting of venomous Creatures: It is used with [Page] success in the Plague, the Root being stamped and laid to the Sore. As for the third sort, though little dif­fering in likeness, yet in Vir­tue it does from the two for­mer; for it is more restrin­gent in Tast, and very nou­rishing; for which cause it may be thought to be of a binding nature: wherefore it stayeth the Dysentery, and o­ther Fluxes and Vomitings proceeding from colerick Hu­mours, or Causes; it heals Wounds and Ulcers, and is of special use in Ointments that are made for Wounds in the Head, and for Cankers: Some Physicians have much com­mended it in the Cure of pe­stilential and contagious Fe­vers, concluding that the of­ten drinking the Juice of it in Wine, or other convenient Liquors, is a soveraign Preser­vative against the power of those dangerous Diseases.

Plague to Preserve from: Take Barberries, when they are ripe, steep them in warm Water, that the Husks, or outward Skin may come off; then dry them that they may be beaten to Powder with a little Salt, and when you find your self somewhat discom­posed by the effects of ill Airs, hot or feverish, mix this Pow­der with strong Vinegar, a­bout two drams, in half a quarter of a pint, and drink it up warm, and keep your self warm also, that you may sweat upon it; but if you find your self under such ap­prehensions, shivering with Cold, you must take the Pow­der in strong Wine.

Plague-Sickness: Take Water of Scabious, Endive, Rue, and red Roses, of each four ounces; white Dittany, Tormentile, white Coral, Gen­tian, and Bole-Armoniack, with Terra-sigillata; reduce those that are to be powdered separately: Infuse them in the Water in a glass Vessel, and drink about an ounce at a time pretty warm, keep­ing the Body warm after it: Or,

Take a Viol, or some other Glass, and fill it to the third part with Venice-Treacle, the other third part with Brandy, or Spirit of Wine: mix these well together by shaking, and take Morning and Evening half an ounce in two ounces of Mint, Rue, or Baum-wa­ter.

But of all others in this contagious Distemper, this occurs as a very much appro­ved Remedy, viz.

Take Wallnuts when the green Husk is on them, and before the Shell is hardned underneath; put them, when bruised, to steep in White-wine eight Days: then with some Baum, Rue, and Tops of Fetherfew, and Wormwood a little bruised, put [Page] them into an Alembick, and distil them; then when you drink an ounce and a half of the Water, which you may do Morning, Noon, and Night, put into it some perfumed Comfits, and stir them well about till they are dissolved.

Plague-Sore to Break: Take Bay-salt, Rye-meal, and the Yolks of Eggs as many as will make them into a Past; then spread it on a piece of Leather, and apply it to the Sore, or Carbuncle, and it will draw the Poison to a cen­tre, so that the Sore will ri­pen; and being broke, the Infection will come away: to expedite the Cure of which, when it is broke, put the Rump of a live Chicken to the Mouth of the Sore, so that its vent may be placed on it, and it will draw the Infection into the Body of the Chicken, insomuch that in a short time it will dye, and so will one or two more, if the Infection be great; but when they cease to do so, it is a sign the Poison is exhau­sted, and the Party in a ve­ry fair way of recovering Health.

Plaister of Bay-Berries: Take of Bay-berries two oun­ces, Myrrh, Mastick, and Frankincense, of each half an ounce; Honey just warm'd four ounces; powder Co­stus, Bay-berries, and Cy­perus finely together, and mix with the Honey; pow­der the Myrrh, Mastick, and Frankincense apart, and put them to the other: then add the Oil of Bay-berries, Tur­pentine, and Wax melted to­gether, and so make a Plai­ster.

This expels Wind, and strengthens the Stomach, also eases Pains proceeding from Cold and Weariness.

Plaister for Bruises: Take Oil of Olives six oun­ces, yellow Bees-wax an ounce and half, Ammoniacum and Bdellium, of each half an ounce; Galbanum, Opopa­nax, and Oil of Bays, Lapis Calaminaris, and either of the Bithworts, Myrrh, and Frankincense, of each two drams; refined Turpentine an ounce, Litharge of Gold powdered four ounces: boil the Oil and Litharge together, keeping them stirring, and when it will not stick to your Fingers take it from the Fire, and melt the Wax into it, add the Turpentine with the Gums, afterward the Pow­ders; and being cold, put in the Oil of Bays and Frankin­cense, and make it into a Plaister.

This Peracelsian Plaister is good for Bruises, and all man­ner of Aches.

Plaister-Cleansing, &c. Take the Mucilages of Rai­sins of the Sun, Figs, Roots [Page] of Marshmallows, Linseed, and the Seeds of Fenugreek, Bird-lime, the Juice of Orris, Squills, the Oil of Sheeps-feet, Dill, and Camomil, of each eight ounces; Litharge of Gold powdered finely one pound; Turpentine three ounces, Rosin of the Pine, and yellow Wax, of each two ounces: mix the Litharge well with the Oil, and boil it over a gentle Fire, keeping it continually stirring till it grows thick; then take it off, and being a little cool, add the Mucilages, being first boiled with the Oil, and strained, and gently boiled to the consumption of the superfluous moisture: after that add the Bird-lime, and Squills, boil them till the Jui­ces are consumed, and whilst they are boiling, melt the Wax and Rosin, take them presently from the Fire, and mingle with them the Tur­pentine, so well stirring the Mass, that it may be brought to the consistence of a Plai­ster.

This is called the Great Diachilon-Plaister, and is ex­cellent in cleansing and heal­ing, also to asswage Swellings and Inflammations; for it ve­ry much discusses and sof­tens.

Plaister for the Head: Take two ounces of clarify'd Rosin, Stone-pitch an ounce, Turpentine and Labdanum, and Pidgeons-Dung, of each half an ounce; Gum of Juniper and Nutmeg, of each two drams: dissolve the Turpentine with the Labda­num, in a hot Mortar, and mingle the rest, so that it may be made into a Plaister; and if any Cause requires it to be stronger, add the Pow­der of Euphorbium, and Pel­litory of Spain, and black Pep­per, of each about two scru­ples.

This wonderfully strength­ens the Head, and eases the Pains of it, the Crown be­ing shaved, and it applied Plaisterwise to it, as also to the Temples. Though upon many occasions, it is applied to the Soles of the Feet to draw down the Vapours that afflict the Brain.

Plaister of Mastick: Take three ounces of Ma­stick, Bole-Armoniack washed in red Wine one ounce and half, red Roses six drams, Myrtle-berries, and Ivory, of each half an ounce, Turpen­tine, Colophony, Tacamaha­ca, and Labdanum, of each two ounces; Oil of Myrtle four ounces; Bees-wax a pound. The things that are to be powdered, powder a­part, melt the Wax and the Oil together, and take it from the Fire, and add the Tur­pentine, and afterward the Roses, and Bole-Armoniack, the Ivory being finely pow­dered; [Page] order the Mastick in like manner, and so being well mixed in a Mortar, that is pretty hot, make them into a Plaister.

This layed to the Stomach, very much strengthens it; as also stays Vomitings and De­fluxions.

Plaister of Melilot-Sim­ple: Take of yellow Rosin clarified eight pound, yellow Wax four pound, Mutton-suet of the Kidneys, cleansed from the Skin and Fibers two pound; melt them, and add to them green Melilot cut small five pound; and being thickned, bruise it with the afore-mention'd Ingredi­ents, and bring it to the Consistence of a Plaister.

This draws very gently and therefore is commonly used in dressing of Blisters, and in gentle Swellings, and Tumours.

Pleurisse: Distil about the end of May three hand­fuls of Burnet, or as much as you think convenient; and the grieved Party, drink­ing of this, Morning and E­vening, about half a quartern at a time, will find wonder­ful ease, and in a little time be restored.

Polonia to Make: Take the Fillets of a Hog, mince them very small, and do the like by Sage, Pennyroyal, and Thyme, of each half a handful stript from the Stalks: then season it with beaten Ginger and Pepper finely sif­ted, put it into a Hog or Sheep's great Gut, and lay it in Water and Salt three Nights: then boil it gently for fear of breaking, and hang it up in a Chimney, or dry place, and they will keep a long time.

Pomatum: Take Bacon­lard, and by washing it well, and often melting, take out the Salt, then boil a handful of Oates, and some white Starch in it, and strain out the oily part, which is of ex­cellent use for Chaps, Sores, Burns, Scalds, as also to make the Skin supple, smooth, and plump.

Pomegranet: Of these there are three sorts, Sweet, Sharp, and Winy; and the quality of them all is Restrin­gent, but not alike; for by their Tast you may judge their difference, and their Grains are more binding and drying than their Juice, the Rind more than the Grain, and the Blossoms have the same Vir­tue with the Fruit. The powder of a Pomgranet dried in an Oven, in a new earthen Pot close stopt, is singular good to stay the Flux of the Belly. The Leaves of the Pomegranet-Tree well beaten, and the Juice of them mixed with the Oil of Roses, does very much help the inveterate Pains of the Head; and so [Page] sovereign it is, that most hold that no venomous Creature will come near the Boughs of it: for which rea­son the Ancients laid them in their Beds, and stuck them a­bout their Houses.

The Decoction of the Root of a Pomgranet-Tree being drank, kills the large Worms in the Belly, and causes them to be cast out.

Pork-Pie: The Pork you intend to put into Pies, must have the Skin taken off; then cut the Pork in streaks, and take half an ounce of Ginger, and the like quantity of Pepper well beaten, slice or scrape in two Nutmegs, season it pretty well with Salt, and put in a little fair Water that has been well boil­ed and scummed; and so bake it sufficiently, and serve it up.

Poppy-Red: The Flow­ers are very cooling and as­swage Pain, and bring Sleep to weary Eyes; and therefore are chiefly used for Fevers, Pleurisies, and Quinsies, and other Diseases, especially of the Breast, that need cooling Medicins, and for immode­rate Fluxes, The Conserve, the distilled Water, and the Powder of them are greatly in use; but the Syrup most.

To make it, Take the fresh Flowers of Red Poppies two pound, and pour upon them two quarts of Spring-water well warmed, press them out the next Day, and infuse the quantity of fresh Flowers in the Liquor, as before; then strain it, and put in as much Sugar as the Liquor weighs, and so make it into a Syrup, by boiling it to a thickness o­ver a gentle Fire.

Poppies, a Syrup: Take the Heads of black Poppies freshly gathered six ounces, and of white ones, not tho­roughly ripe, eight ounces, Aqua Coelestis two quarts; boil them to the consumption of one quart of the Liquid, and put therein Sugar and Penids, of each eight ounces: boil them to a Syrup. This is excellent good to allay the Heat of the Forehead, or when it too much afflicts the Brain. It is given with suc­cess in Frensies, or to those that are restless, and cannot sleep well, as also for Catarrhs and Coughs.

Pottage: To make this very excellent, nourishing, and conducing to Health and Strength, take the Knuckle end of a Leg of Veal, very largely cut, put into it a gal­lon, or six quarts of Spring-water, a pint of Oatmeal sif­ted very fine, Pennyroyal, Parsly, Thyme, and Winter-savory of each a little Faggot, or bundle, unshread; also Sweet-marjoram, Sorrel, Vi­olet and Marrigold-leaves: you may let it stand a whole Night over a gentle Fire, and [Page] boil it up the next Morning, with some Mace, Currans, Harts-horn Shavings and Su­gar; then strain it, and eat it warm.

This is very good against a Consumption, or any De­fect in the Lungs, or Sto­mach.

Powder of Amber: Take six ounces of Bean-flower, and pass it through a fine Sieve with four ounces of Cy­prus-wood, two ounces of Saunders, two ounces of Ben­jamine, and half an ounce of Storax, two drams of Ca­lamus Aromaticus, and as much Laudanum; pass these likewise through a Sieve, and to two pound of the Compo­sition add four grains of Am­bergrease, and half an ounce of Pomander, Privet beaten and sifted, which you must mix in a hot Mortar with Amber; then mix them al­together, and keep them in a glass Bottle close stopped, and make of it sweet Bags to perfume your Cloaths.

Powder of Aromatick-Rosatum: Take red Roses, the Whites at the bottom of the Flower, the Leaves clipped off, 15 drams, Licorice finely scraped seven drams, sharp and quick biting Cinamon five drams, Wood of Aloes, and yellow Saunders, of each three drams; Mace, Cloves, Indian Spicknard, Gum-Ara­bick, and Gum-Tragacanth, of each two drams and half; Cardamoms the Lesser, and Galangal, of each one dram; Ambergrease two scruples, and Oriental Musk one scru­ple: reduce these into a Powder by beating and sift­ing, &c.

This is excellent good to strengthen the Brain and Sto­mach; it dissipates superflu­ous Humours, and moisture of the Entrails, resists Putre­faction, creates Appetite, and stays Vomiting, and want of Retention in the Intestines, and is proper to strengthen and restore those that have been weakned by long Sick­ness. The Dose is from half a scruple to half a dram in Wine, or any convenient Li­quor.

Powder to create Cheer­fulness: Take the Seeds of Clove, Basil, Zedoary, or Setwell, Saffron, yellow Saunders, Cloves, the out­ward Peel of Citron dried, Galangal, Nutmeg, Mace, Ca­lamint, and Storax, of each three drams and a half; An­niseeds, Shavings of Ivory, Thyme, Dodder of Thyme, Oriental Pearl prepared, and the Shavings of the Bone of a Stag's-Heart, of each one dram; Ambergrease, Orien­tal Musk, and Leaves of Gold and Silver, of each a scru­ple: make these into a very fine Powder.

This corrects the cold and moist temperature of the Sto­mach and Liver; it helps Di­gestion, restores the Appetite; it is very good against Weak­ness, and Palpitations of the Heart, also to restore a good Habit of Body, and to create a good Complexion, to keep the Breath sweet, and sweet­en it when it is defective; to restore decayed Strength, and dissipate Melancholy, proceed­ing from an internal, or no real Cause. The Dose is from ten to twenty grains in any convenient Vehicle.

Powder, the Countess of Kent 's: Take the black parts of the Claws of large Sea-Crabs four ounces, River-Crabs Eyes, oriental Pearl, and red Coral prepared, of each an ounce; Roots of Contrayerva, and white Am­ber, of each six drams; the Bone of a Stag's-Heart four scruples, Bezoar-stone three drams, Saffron two scruples: make these into a fine Pow­der, and sprinkle it with an ounce and a half of the Spirit of Honey, and mixed with Jelly of Vipers, you may make it into Trochiscs, letting them dry in the Shade, to be powdered, as occasion requires, for the better preservation of its Virtue.

This Powder is highly in Request for the Remedy of Epidemical Diseases, particu­larly in the Small-pox, or Measles. It is also used in the Plague, as well to pre­serve from the Infection, as to cure it, when taken, by reason it mainly strengthens the Heart, and other vital Parts, against Infections, and the malignity of the before­mention'd Diseases. Not on­ly the English, but other Na­tions approve it, and use it with wonderful Success. The Dose is about ten grains.

Powder of Diamargari­tum: Take oriental Pearl prepared half an ounce, red Roses cleansed, and Flower of Water-Lilies, and Violets, of each three Drams; Wood of Aloes, Saunders, red and yellow; Roots of Tormentil, and white Dittany, Myrtle-berries, Cinquefoil, Grains of Kermes, Melon-seeds, Endive, Sorrel, Shavings of Harts-horn, Ivory, white Coral, and red Coral prepared, of each two drams; Amber­grease, and the Leaves of Gold, of each half a dram; oriental Musk four grains: make these into a fine Pow­der.

This wonderfully strength­ens the noble Parts, restores the languishing force, and cures swimming and fainting Fits. It is good in Fevers, and other Diseases: It is given to asthmatick and con­sumptive Persons, and to such as are wasted and brought low by sickness. The Dose is [Page] from ten to twenty grains, in Wine, or any cordial Water: It may be taken in any pectoral Electuary, in Sugar, or with any convenient thing, as you please.

Powder for the Gout: Take Hermodactyls, Turbith, Costus, Mechoacan, and Scam­mony, of each a dram; white Sugar-candy two drams, pow­der them very fine.

This Powder purges Sero­sities that lay a Foundation for it, or nourish those Hu­mours that occasion the Pains. The Dose is from a scruple to a dram, taken in a Glass of Whitewine in a Morning fasting, and fasting two Hours after it.

Powder, call'd Hungari­an-Powder: Take Hunga­rian-Earth, and Bole-Armo­niack, of each an ounce and an half; Stones of Jacinths, Smaragds, Saphires, Rubies, white Coral and red prepa­red, oriental Pearl, Roots of Tormentil Woolfsbane, or white Dittany, yellow Saun­ders, Shavings of Unicorns-Horn, and Ivory, of each half an ounce; the utmost Rind of Citron and Sorrel, of each three drams; that which is biting three drams; Saffron and Cloves, of each half a dram; fine Leaves of Gold in number twenty five, The Unicorn's Horn and Ivo­ry must be rasp'd very fine­ly, the Stones and Coral must be also beat to a curious Powder.

It is used frequently, espe­cially in cold Countries, for malignant Fevers, and all epi­demick Distempers; also a­gainst all sorts of Poisons, be­ing dissolved in Cordial-water, and sweeten'd with Syrup of Clove-Gilliflowers, Lemons, or Pomegranet, and taken fasting from half a scruple to a dram; and being made in­to Tablets, and taken fasting, it has almost the same Effect, especially against pestilential Airs.

Powder to Incarnate: Take Olibanum, Sarcocol, Myrrh, Mastick, Aloes, and Mummy, long and round Bithworts, of each an ounce: bruise and make them into a fine Powder.

This cleanses Wounds, and causes the Flesh to grow, being laid to them alone; or mixed with Ointments, or proper Waters, as Camomil, Bugloss, Mint, Rue, St. John's-wort, Blood-wort, &c.

Powder of the Three Saunders: Take of every Colour, viz. White, Red, and Yellow Seeds; of Violets, and red Roses, of each half an ounce; Pontick Rubarb, Juice of Licorice, and Shavings of Ivory, of each two drams; Gum-Tragacanth, and Ara­bick-seeds, of Endive, Mel­lon husked, also Purslain-seed, of each a dram: make [Page] them into Powder according to Art.

It is highly commended for Diseases that proceed from Weakness, or ill habit of the Liver, to temper the heat of the Intrails, and to digest and discuss Matters gathered to­gether at the going off, or conclusion of Agues: It is very proper in Heart-faintings, Jaundice, and Phthisick, and is internally given in Potions, Opiates, and Electuaries, and outwardly applied in Fron­tals, Epithems, and Lini­ments.

Powder to whiten Teeth: Burn the finest sort of Pu­mice-stone, Cuttle-bone white Coral, and Cream of Tartar prepared upon Porphyry, the Roots of Florence, Orice finely powdered, of each half an ounce; Sal Armoniack in Powder a dram, Musk and Ambergrease, of each three grains: mix them well toge­ther, and make a Powder.

This Powder cleanses and whitens the Teeth. You may use it as it is, or mixed with Syrup of Coral, or dried Ro­ses, or Syrup of Roses. Or to save all this Charge, if your Teeth be sound, Rub them with a fine Pumice-stone, and they will be as white as Ivory.

Powder of Violets: Take the Roots of Florence-Orris one pound, yellow Saunders five ounces, red Roses four ounces, Storax, and Benja­min, of each two ounces; Cyprus, and Tops of Marjo­ram, of each one ounce; Lignum Rhodium half an ounce; Cloves, Aromatick-reed, and Flowers of Laven­der, of each two drams; make all these into a Powder, but not very fine, and it is an excellent Perfume to put amongst Linnen, Silks, or any Apparel, &c.

Precipitate against the Iaundice: Take Crocus Martis, prepared with Sul­phur one ounce; the Leaves of Senna and Rubarb, of each half an ounce; the best Cinamon, Salt of Wormwood, and Tamarisk, of each two drams; Saffron a dram: pow­der what are capable of be­ing powdered, and with a sufficient quantity of the Sy­rup of Mugwort make an Opiate.

The Dose is from two grains to seven, mixed with a little Vinegar, and made up into a Bolus, or mix­ed in Whitewine, or some proper Decoction, and take as often as occasion requires.

Prevention of Agues: Take the gratings of Ange­lica-roots, Flower of Anti­mony, of each half a dram; the best Canary three ounces: infuse them in a cold Place for forty eight Hours, and pour off the clear part for two Do­ses.

This is a singular good Vo­mit for the prevention or Cure of Agues of all sorts, being given in a Morning fasting, when an Ague is ex­pected, or about four or six Hours before the coming of the Fit.

Primrose made into a Sy­rup, and decocted, is good for flegmatick and melancho­ly Diseases, and Fluxes of the Belly, and to strengthen the Stomach of weak Per­sons.

Pudding of Cream: Take grated Bread, mix it with a like quantity of Flower, some minced Dates, Cinamon and Nutmeg finely beaten, Beef-suet, warm Milk, Eggs and Sugar; then take half the Pudding for one side, and half for the other, make it up round, and put some But­ter into the middle of it, on the other side, aloft on the top, and put it in a Cloath, when the Liquor boils, into your Pot; and being boiled, cut it in two, and serve it up with Butter, Sugar, Verjuice, and Rosewater.

Pudding Excellent: Beat the Yolks of three Eggs with Rose-water, and half a pint of Cream; then setting it o­ver a gentle Fire, put in about the quantity of a Pullet's Egg of sweet Butter; and being melted, mix the Eggs and that together, and season it with Nutmeg, Sugar, and Salt; then add as much gra­ted Bread as will make it as thick as Batter, and about half an ounce of Flower, with a dozen blanched Al­monds beaten: then all be­ing mixed together, take a double Bag, wet and flour it, and put in the Batter; and when it is boiled, serve it up with Rose-water, Verjuice, Butter, and Sugar.

Pudding in Sweet-Herbs: Steep a Penny white Loaf in a quart of Cream, and only eight Yolks of Eggs, some Currans, Sugar, beaten Cloves, Mace, and Dates, with the Juice of Spinnage; then add Saffron, Cinamon, and Nutmeg, Sweet-marjoram, Thyme, Savory, Pennyroyal minced very small, and some salt Beef-suet, or Marrow.

These Puddings are excel­lent for stuffing of roast or boiled Poultry, Kid, Lamb, Veal, or Breast of Mutton.

Puff-Past, the Best way: Take a pound and a half of Butter to every quarter of a peck of fine Flower, likewise six Eggs, (observing only to put half a pound of the But­ter at first to the quarter of a peck of Flower) then rowl it up ten times one after ano­ther, and put Flower and Butter every time to it, as you beat it with your Rolling-pin, till it is so incorporated, that it becomes a pliable Past.

Purple-Violet, its Use and Virtues. It is in its na­ture temperate, and very fit to alter and change the ill quality of Humours, and to evacuate them chiefly. Vio­lets purge Choler, and qualifie the vehemency thereof: They are good for the Pains in the Head which proceed from Heat; cause gentle Sleep, and mollifie the Pricking of the Breast, and of the Lungs, and are profitable against the Quinsie, and the falling of the Palate in the Mouth, and Inflammations of the Breast, and Side, and Stomach-Thirst, being dried and concocted in Whitewine; They open Ob­structions of the Liver, and cause Inflammations to cease: They are very good in the Jaundice, Black or Yellow: The Syrup mollifies the Belly, and is good in Pleurisies: and indeed is a Flower more to be admired by all in Physick than for its charming Colour, and fragrant Smell.

QVails to Roast: Truss them, then chop some Sweet Herbs, and Beef-suet together, and put into their Bellies; put them on a small Spit, and at the first heating, bast them with Salt and Wa­ter, after that with Butter, and dredge it with Flower: make Sawce with Gravy, in some of which an Anchovey or two has been dissolved, as also a sliced Shalot or two boiled; squeeze in the Juice of two or three Oranges and Lemons, and garnish with Le­mon-peel, or slices, and some grated Manchet, a few whole Cloves, and some Bay-leaves; and so pour on the Sawce, and serve them up as hot as they can be got from the Fire.

Quaking-Pudding: Take new Cream a quart, blanched Almonds half a pound: beat the Almonds very finely, boil them in the Cream, and then strain them: put in a Blade or two of Mace, and season it with Rosewater and Sugar; then take five Whites of Eggs, beaten up with Powder of Cinnamon, and two or three spoonfuls of fine Flower, put in what was left in the Strain­er; so make it into a thick­ness and boil it: serve it up with Cinnamon, Sugar, [Page] Rose-water, Butter, and Ver­juice.

Quartan-Ague: Take a dram of the Powder of the black Tips of Crabs-Claws, and take it in any convenient Vehicle or Conserve, twice or thrice, without remitting any Day when the Distemper comes.

Queens-Bisket: Take twelve ounces of Flower, and a pound of fine Sugar, twelve Eggs, yet the Yolks but of nine of them, to prevent their being too yellow; take what Anniseeds and Corian­derseeds you think convenient, beat and mix the Materials very well together till they be­come a soft Past; and to make it lighter, if you think it convenient, you may add a little Yest. Let this Past be put on a Paper, or in Cof­fins, about two Inches broad, and four in length; which put on a Tart-pan into the Oven moderately hot, and when they begin to turn brown, take them out, and lay them on a Paper in so dry a Place, that they may be kept from relenting.

Queen of Hungary's Wa­ter: Take Maiden-hair two handfuls, Scabeous a like quan­tity, the Tops of Lavender half a handful, Borrageflow­ers two ounces, Rosemary-flowers half a handful, Fu­mitory the Tops of it three ounces, gather'd when flow­er'd, Dew swept off the Grass, or Corn, or gathered in a clean Napkin, and so wrung out, one quart; cut the Herbs small, and put them into the Liquid to steep in a moderate warm Place, or in the Sun, for forty eight Hours; then add a quart of fair Wa­ter, and as much new White-wine, put them into a cold Still, and draw off the Water till no more will come, put it into Bottles, and stop it up close, and use it as occasion requires with a little white Starch put into it finely powdered, and shaked till dis­solved.

This Water was found out by Elizabeth Queen of Hunga­ry, who us'd it to preserve her Beauty; which she did to such a wonder, that in her extream Age she appeared young and beautiful, insomuch that the King of Poland desi­red her in Marriage.

Queens Perfumed-Wa­ter: Take Benjamin four oun­ces, Storax two ounces, yellow Saunders one ounce, Cloves two drams, two or three pie­ces of Orris, half a Citron­peel Cinnamon half an ounce, two Nutmegs, and about two quarts of Water: put all these into a new glazed ear­then Pipkin, and let them boil over a gentle Fire till half the Liquid is consumed: then take about six grains of Musk pow­dered, with about as much [Page] Sugar as the bigness of a small Nut, which dissolve with a little of the Water: then strain it all, and put it into a Glass well stopped, and use it as a curious perfu­ming Water to scent Rooms, and sprinkle on Linnen, &c. The Dregs likewise dried and powdered, make a good Per­fume.

Queens Sweet-Water: Take red Roses, and a quart of damask Rose-water, Mus­kadine and Orange-flower­water, of each three pints; Water of Melilot-flowers, Flowers of Myrtle and Gar­den Costmary, three pints: put all the beforesaid distilled Waters into a glass Bottle, to which add a pound of Benja­mine in Powder, Cloves, Cin­namon, and Orange-peel dri­ed; and finely bruised; stop the Bottle close, and suffer it to continue so a Month before you use it, and then it will yield a very fragrant Scent.

Quicksilver Purify'd: Put half a pound of the Pow­der of Sulphur in a large ear­then Pot well glazed, set it on a hot Coal-Fire, and put a pound and a half of flowing Mercury into a piece of Sha­moys Leather, tye it in a hard knot, and when the Brim­stone is well melted, drop the Quicksilver upon it, and press the Knot between your Hands, so that it may pass through the Pores of the Lea­ther, stirring the Substance in the mean time with a wooden Spatula, and conti­nuing the pressing forth, and stirring the Mercury till it is all pressed through, and uni­ting with the Sulphur, they appear a black Mass: then let it cool, and beat it into Powder, and so put it into an earthen Pot proper for Su­blimation; join to the Mouth of that another Pot of the same bigness, with the bot­tom uppermost, having stop'd the hole with a piece of Pa­per; begin the Sublimation with a gradual Fire, encrea­sing it some Hours, by which means the Mercury being in­corporated with a portion of Sulphur requisite for it, it will sublime to the top of the uppermost Pot, leaving some f [...]ces in the lower Pot; then when the Vessels are cold, you will find the Mercury sublimated into Cinnabar of a very red Colour, veined with long brown glittering Streaks; but the Colour will appear more fresh and lively, when it is broken in pieces and ground; and therefore it is that the Painters make use of it in this manner.

Quiddany: This may be made of Quinces, Plumbs, Apples, Pears, Apricocks, or any other Fruit that is suit­able: and to do it, Take of the preserved Fruit you in­tend to make it of, and add a [Page] pound of the Fruit separate from the Stones, Rind, or Cores boiled till it may he beaten into Pulp; add then a pound of fine Sugar, and when it comes to the thickness of a Jelly, let it cool.

Quince-Cakes: To make the red sort, Take the Syrup of Quinces and Barberries, of each a quart, and about a do­zen of Quinces pared and co­red; boil them till they are very soft, and strain the Pulp or liquid part, and boil it up with six spoonfuls of fine Su­gar, till it be candy proof: then take it in a Ladle, fashi­on it on Plates into Cakes; and letting it cool, dry them in a Stove, or in a gentle O­ven, soon after the baking is over.

Quince-Cakes Transpa­rent: Take a pint of the Syrup of Quinces, and a quarter of a pint of the Sy­rup of Barberries; boil and clarifie them over a gentle Fire, scumming them clean; then add twenty ounces of fine Sugar, stir them well to­gether on the Fire: and when it is taken off, till it be almost cold, spread the Pulp as be­fore, and make your Cakes into what fashion you think proper.

Quince-Cakes White: Take a quart, and half a pint of Water, boil it up, and add so much fine Sugar as will heighten it to a Candy; then pare about a dozen large Quinces, core them; and when they begin to be soft in other Water, wherein you may first set them over the Fire, take them out and beat them into Pulp, and so put that Pulp into the boiling Sugar and Water before men­tion'd, and let them continue there a long while; then make them into Cakes on a Plate: If you would have them very white, clarifie your Sugar with Whites of Eggs, that you first sweeten your Water withal.

Quince-Cream: Roast four or five ripe Quinces, quarter them, take out the Core, and cut them in thin slices; then boil them up gently in a pint of sweet Cream, with a whole Race of Ginger; and when it comes to a thickness, strain it out, adding so much Su­gar and Rose-water as will sweeten and scent it.

Quinces a Ielly: Take some of the Decoction and Inside of the Rind of the Quince, or other Fruit, that has boiled long in a conside­rable quantity of Water: The Decoction being made, let it wast in the Sun, or be­fore the Fire, and so boil it up to a Jelly with a quart of Isinglass.

Quinces to Pickle: To do this, that you may keep them green all the Year, Take [Page] them when they are not quite ripe, wash them in Salt and Water, and rub off the Scurf, if any be on, and let them lye in that water twenty four hours, boil up a Pickle of Wine-Vinegar, put into it a handfull of Bay-salt, a few blades of Mace, and some Cloves, with six or seven Bay-Leaves; put the Quinces into it scalding hot, and parboil them: then put them with the Pickle into an earthen Pot, and so they will keep, and be of use for Tarts, or what o­ther use you please to put them to.

Quince-Pye: Take pre­served Quinces, separated from the paring and the Core; then make a Syrup of Spring-water, with fine Sugar boiled up in it, and take as much as the Quinces weigh; to every pound add a pint of the Sy­rup, make the Syrup in a Pre­serving-pan, and being scum­med and boiled, put the Quin­ces into it; boil them till they be well coloured, and then put them into the Pies in halves, or quarters; make them in fashion round, either in Pies, Tarts, or Patty-pans, with a cut cover; but before you bake them, put in more fine Sugar, and leave the Sy­rup to put in after; and then Ice it. Thus you may do by Wardens, Pippins, hard Pears, or green Codlings.

Quinces to Preserve: Take of Apple Quinces, when moderately ripe, lay them a while after they are gathered, on fresh Straw, or new Hay, for three or four days, cove­red so that they may sweat a little, and evaporate the super­fluous Moisture: then pare them very thin, and boil them in Spring-water till they are very soft: then cut them in Quarters, take out the Cores, and mingle the Pulp with the Water, ten Quinces, and two spoonfulls of Sugar being suf­ficient to boil up a Pottle of Water: and when it is boiled to a thickness, put in the Quinces you intend to pre­serve, and let them boil till they contract a greener Co­lour than natural, then put to them some more Sugar; the scumm being taken off, put them up in an earthen gla­zed Pot, and stop them close.

Quinces Raw: To keep these all the year, Take some of the worst Quinces, and cut them into small pieces, boil them in Water, putting to each Gallon three spoon­fulls of Salt, and as much Ho­ney; and so let them boil till the Water becomes very strong of the Quinces, and when it is cold, put in a quart of Whitewine Vinegar, and then put the best Quinces into the Liquor, close them up in an earthen pot, and they will keep fresh all the year, so that [Page] you may use them for Mar­malades, or other Matters, at any time.

Quince-Seed, an Oil: Take the Seeds or Kernels of Quinces, bruise them; and put them into a Frying-pan with a little Wine. Let them be well stirred together, till they are so hot you cannot en­dure your Finger on them; then put them into a Canvase Bag, and press out the Oil with a considerable strength; and having both Oil and Wa­ter you must separate them.

This Oil is very good a­gainst all Pains in the Stomach, helps Digestion, and is good against windiness in the Sto­mach, and Bowels, bringing it away. It inciteth to Ve­nery, and is good against the Hemorrhoids and Pustles, the Parts afflicted being anointed with it.

Quinces the Syrup: Take three quarts of the Juyce of Quinces, settle it well, and clarifie it from the Dregs, and boil it over a gentle fire till half be consumed: then add three pints of Claret, or a deeper Red Wine; four pound of White Sugar, Cinamon a dram and a half, Cloves and Ginger two scruples; and boil them up to a Syrup. Let it cool by Degrees, and keep it close stopped in Glass-Viols for your use; this mix­ed with Water of Endive, is very cooling and excellent in Fevers, and other hot Disea­ses, two or three spoonfuls being taken at a time.

Quince Tart: Pare and slice your Quinces very thin, season them with Candied Ci­tron, and beaten Cinamon, and andied Orange scraped small, or raw Orange, or Le­mon-peel, or Carraway or Anniseeds; put ten Pippins to six Quinces, and according to the bigness or littleness of your Tart, half the weight of the Fruit in Sugar; then close it up, and bake it, and Ice it o­ver with Sugar dissolved in Rose-water, and make your Tarts into what Forms you please, and serve them up. Scrape over them Sugar and Powder of Cinamon.

Quince Tart: Take Quin­ces newly gathered, or kept very dry in straw, pare them thin, and take out the Cores; and being cut in four quar­ters, slice them thin; then take Pippins, or any hard Win­ter Fruit, gathered before they are ripe, and using them in the same manner, lay a Lay­ing of each, scrape an Orange-Peel, and scatter it among the Layings; then add Syrup of Quinces, and on the top of all, strew fine Sugar mixed with a little Powder of Cina­mon, and close up the Coffin in what Fashion you please, baking it well in an Oven not heated with too quick a fire.

Quinsies to Cure: Bruise thirty two ounces of purified Salt-Petre, put it in a cruci­ble which must be put in a very hot Fire in a Furnace, and when the Salt-Petre is melted, put to it an ounce of Flower of Sulphur, by a spoonful at a time, so that the matter will presently fall into a flame, and the more volatil Spirit of the Salt-Petre will evaporate; and when the flame is over, the matter will remain in a very clear Fusion. Then with a pair of Tongs, Take out the Crucible, and turn it upside down into a ve­ry clean Bason a little warmed.

This beaten into Powder, is taken with good Success in the dangerous Distemper cal­led the Quinsie. It also cools and works by Urine in bur­ning Fevers, and other Disea­ses, that proceed from Heat and Obstructions, and the Running of the Reins. The Dose is from half a dram, to a dram, and may be taken in a­ny proper or convenient cool­ing Liquor.

Quinsies Description, &c. This Grievance do's most frequently happen between the Spring and Summer, the first Assault of the Fever is se­conded by the Pain of the In­flammation of the Jaws, which together with the Swelling of the Uvula, Tonsils, and La­rynx, renders the afflicted Per­son unable to swallow, and scarcely to breathe. In this case, let blood in the Arm, and take away as much as the Constitution of the Party will conveniently bear; then a­noint the inflamed part with Honey of Roses impregnated to a very high degree of Aci­dity, with Spirit (not Oil) of Vitriol, or Sulphur, and pre­sently after, take the follow­ing, (not after the usual man­ner, but only hold it in the Mouth till it is hot, and then spitting it out, renew it with that which is cool,) viz. Plan­tane-water, Rose-water, and Frog spawn-water, of each four ounces; the Whites of three Eggs, beat and reduced to Water, Sugar-candy three drams; mix them well, and make a Gargarism of them.

Quinsey: Take Milk warm from the Cow, and Al­bum Graecum, a pint of the one, and half an ounce of the other; Honey of Roses two spoonfuls, Verdegrease half a dram; boil them a little, then strain it out, and Gargarize the mouth and throat often with the Liquid part, putting to thin it more, a little Bor­rage Water.

This is likewise excellent for any sore Throat, Tumours, or Pains of the Mouth and Jaws.

Quintessence of Honey: This is the curious Extract of Honey, and is very useful in divers Diseases and Grievan­ces, [Page] viz. It helpeth the Cough, or Catarrh, Palsie, Falling­sickness, and pains of the Milt, and divers other Disea­ses; and its said, that if two or three drams be given to a Party strugling for Life, or gasping for Breath, it will for a while bring them to them­selves again.

Quinque Nervia: This Herb is astringent and vulne­rary, the Juyce is good against spitting and pissing of blood. The Essence of the Juyce ta­ken with Spirit of Wine, do's the same. The distilled Wa­ter of it is good against spit­ting of blood, and the Phthi­sick. The Infipissate Juyce stays the Courses, heals all in­ward Griefs of the Body and Inflammation, and is more ef­fectual than any other sort of Plantane. This being one of the narrow-leaved sorts, call'd by some Ribwort.

Quinque Folium, or Cinque-Foil: The root of this is dry and binding, and is to he taken from one to two drams in Powder. It stays all manner of Fluxes of the Bowels, and Fluxes of the blood, in any part, Catarrhs and Defluxions on the Lungs, and allays the sharpness of Choler, eases the Pains of the Gout and Gonorrhea's; the Juyce of it, is good in Fevers and hot Diseases; an Infusion of it opens Obstructions.

RAbbits, a Fricasie: Take your Rabbit, and cut it in pieces, put it into the Fry­ing-Pan, put in half a pound Of fresh Butter, and let it boil, then put in your Rabbit, and let it be half enough: then take it out, and clean your Pan, and put in some Water, and let it boil; then put in one slice of Onion stuck with Cloves, and a little whole Pepper, a Bunch of Thyme, and a little Limon-Peel, and let them boil together a while; then take out your Onion and Thyme, and put in your Rab­bit: then shred some Marjo­ram, Thyme, Parsley, Limon­peel and Nutmeg, and strow on your Rabbit in the Pan; then take three Yolks of Eggs, and beat them well, and a Piece of fresh Butter, and a quarter of a pint of White-wine, or a spoonfull of White-wine-Vinegar, and beat with [Page] your Eggs; then put them into the Pan, and let the Pan be kept shaking and stirring with a spoon, till they be thick, then pour them into your Dish, and serve it up to the Table.

Rabbits Fricassed: Take young Rabbits, and cut them into small Pieces, mince a handful of Thyme and Par­sley clean pick'd; season them then with Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt; take two Eggs and a half, a quartern of Verjuice, beat them together, throw them into the Pan, and ha­ving sliced it when enough, dish it up in Sippets with But­ter and Verjuice.

Rabbits to Hash: Wash them, take the Flesh from the bones, and mince it small; then put to them a little strong Broth, made of Mutton or Veal, some Vinegar, and a Shalot or two, with a little grated Nutmeg: Let it stew, and then shred a handful of Parsley; then half a pound, or as much as will serve, of Butter: Toast Bread for Sip­pets; serve it up, garnished with Limons.

Rabbits to Stew: Take a couple of Rabbits of about three months old, half roast them, and so take them off the Spit, cut them into hand­some pieces, and put them in­to a Dish with the Fat and Gravy that fell from them, and as much Water, with half a pint of White-wine, after boiling and scumming, as will cover them; then put in a piece of fresh Butter and Gin­ger, finely grated, with Pepper and Salt, and two or three Pippins minced: Let these stew about an hour, over a gentle fire, and dish them up with Sippers.

Radish; or, Horse-Ra­dish: This is in some places found wild, but most usually planted in Gardens, encrea­sing much in most shadowy places: it flowers in July. The Juyce of it given in drink, is held to be very effectual for the Scurvy. It kills Worms in Children, the Juyce being drunk in convenient Liquors, or the Root laid, bruised Poul­tis-wise, to the Belly; by the latter means it takes away the Pain of the Sciatica, Joynt-Ach, or the hard Swelling of the Liver and Spleen: The distilled Water of the Root and Herb is better taken with a little Sugar. That called the Garden-Radish, is vulgarly known; and though it be but of bad Digestion, yet it has some good Qualities with it; for though it is held when eaten raw in Sallads or the like, to breed ill Humours, and corrupt blood; yet it wonderfully helpeth those that are afflicted with the Stone and Gravel, and the stoppage of Urine; and the Juyce of these Roots made into a Sy­rup, [Page] is exceeding good to purge Urine.

Radish, a Syrup: Take of the Roots of Garden, and Wild Radishes before they be­gin to run to Seed, of each a handfull; cut off the Tops, and wash the Roots very clean, three ounces of the roots of Saxifrage, Kneeholm, Butchers-Broom, Sea-Holly, Petty-whin or Cammock, or Ground-Furz, Parsley, Fennel, of each alike, in all about a handful; Leaves of Bettony, Pimper­nel, Thyme, the tender Tops of Nettles, Cresses, Samphire, and Maiden-hair a handful in all, and of each alike: The Fruit of sleepy Night-shade and Jubebs, of each Ten ounces, the Seeds of Parsley, of Macedonia, Carraways, Seseli, yellow Carrots, Grum­mel, Bark of Bay-tree-root, of each two drams, Raisins stoned, and Liquorice, of each four drams; boil them in five Quarts of Water, till two be consumed; then strain it, and dissolve in it two pound of purified Honey, and Four pound of white Sugar-Candy, so make it into a clear Syrup, seasoning it with an ounce of Cinnamon, and as much Nut­meg as sufficeth: the making of this is worth the Cost and Labour; for it excelleth all other in expelling the Gravel and Stone, scowers the Kid­neys and Bladder, and easeth pains in the back, opening Obstructions in the Uriters; and mixed with Lenitives, causes Urine, when at any time restrained.

Ragwort: This has seve­ral Names, as Stammerwort, Seggrum, St. Jame's-wort: It flowers in June, or the begin­ning of July, the Seed of it being ripe in August. The Decoction of the Herb is good to wash the Mouth that is sore, or has Ulcers, also for Hardness, Swelling, or Impo­stumations, it being very cleansing and healing in such Matters; as also helpful in the Quinsie, and King's-Evil: It stays Catarrhs, thin Rheums, and Defluxions into the Eyes, Nose, or Lungs, proceeding from the Head. The Juice is singular good to heal green Wounds, to cleanse and heal old Ulcers in the Privities, and other Parts of the Body; as also inward Ulcers or Wounds; and puts a stop to the malignity of running Can­kers, and hollow Fistula's, hin­dring their spreadings, and is much commended for Aches, or Pains in the Nerves, flesh­ly Parts or Sinews; also the Sciatica, or Pain in the Hip or Huckle-Bone, to bathe the Place with the Decoction of it, or anoint it with the Oint­ment of the Herb bruised and boiled in Hogs-Lard with a little Olibanum, and Mastick in Powder.

Rails to Boil: Cut off their Heads and Leggs, truss and put them into a Pipkin of strong Broth, add to them Currans, Dates, some Blades of Mace, half a pint of Whitewine: Pepper, Salt, and a piece of Butter; and when they are all together stewed e­nough, place them orderly in a Dish upon Sippets, thicken the Broth with grated Man­chet, melt a little Sugar in Rose-water, put the Broth to them, and serve them up gar­nished with Lemons, or Oranges sliced as a dainty Dish.

Raphanus, or Radish: Though no great notice is taken of this Root, but the eating them with Sallads and Provisions, yet there are ma­ny excellent Virtues in it. The Root of the Garden Ra­dish cleanses, attenuates, and opens, and in the Stone is of great Virtue for expelling it, and provoking Urin; if clean­seth the Stomach of slimy tartarous Humours, and opens the Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, Reins and Womb, and distributes the Chyle. The Seed, which has all the Vir­tues of the Root, is hot in the third Degree, and dry in the second; wherefore two drams of it is successfully gi­ven in a spoonful of Wormwood-water for killing the Worms in Children, and re­moving the Gravel and Sand from the Kidneys and Blad­der. A distilled Water of the Roots and Leaves, beauti­fies the Face and Hands by taking off the Spots, Scurf, and making the Skin smooth and fair, if often washed with it. A Syrup of the Juice is excellent against the Stone, (to make which, find the Receipt in this Work.) It is a singu­lar Remedy against the Scurvy, helps all Obstructions, and the Asthma's, old Coughs, and shortness of Breath.

Rasberries: These are very Cordial and good in Tast: The Syrup much a­vaileth in Fevers To make which, take these Directions: Of the Juice clarified, and Sugar, take an equal quantity, boil them to a Syrup, and stop or cover the Vessel close: It is very cooling and pleasant, and is to be given in hot Di­seases. Again, Take the Sy­rup of Rasberries and Clove-Gilliflowers, each two oun­ces; of the Juice of Kerms one ounce: make a white Mixture, and take a spoonful every Morning; and it is an excellent Cordial for Women before Delivery.

Raspis, a Ielly of: Take of the Fruit pretty ripe, set them over the Fire in a Pos­net, and extract the thin Juice, cooling the bottom of the Skillet, as you find occasion, with fair Water: then strain them with a fine Strainer, and [Page] when as much is taken as can be, add the like weight of Sugar, and boil them up into a Jelly.

Raspis, a Syrup: Take nine quarts of Raspis, or Ras­berries gathered dry, and clean pickt, put them into four quarts of Canary in an earth­en Pot, and paste or lute it up very close, keep it in a cool Place ten Days; then distil them in a Glass or Rose-Still, adding a fourth part of the former quantity, and fresh Berries, and Wine: and when all the colour is taken out of the Berries, strain out the re­maining Liquid part, and put as much Sugar as will boil it up into a Syrup, keeping it scum­ming during the boiling.

Rattle-Grass: Of these there are two kinds, viz. Red and Yellow. The first of these is used to heal up Fistu­la's, hollow Ulcers, and to stay the Flux of Humours, and Fluxes of Blood, being boiled in Claret, or other red Wine, and drank hot about a quarter of a pint at a time.

The Yellow sort is by some called Cocks-Comb, and is held to be good for those that are afflicted with Coughs, Ca­tarrhs, and the like; or Dim­ness of the Sight, if the Herb boiled with Beans, and a little Honey added to it be drank, or dropt into the Eyes.

The whole Seed being put into the Eyes, draweth out any Skin, Film, or Dimness from the Sight without any trouble or pain.

Rawleigh, Sir Walter his Cordial-Water: Take a gallon of Strawberries, put to them a pint of Aqua-vitae, and so let them stand four Days: then strain them out, and sweeten the Liquid part with fine Sugar, and add, if you please, a grain of Musk. This greatly revives the Heart, and is good, a spoonful or two taken at a time, in vio­lent Fevers.

Red drying Ointment: Take Olive-oil two pound, and white Bees-wax half a pound; melt them together over a gentle Fire; then take them off, and stir them together with a wooden Spa­tula till they begin to thicken, and when they are cold, add the following Powders, viz. Calaminaris-stone, and Bole-Armoniack, of each four ounces: Litharge of Gold, and Cerusse of Venice, of each three ounces; Campbire one dram: grind the Calaminaris and Bole-Armoniack upon a Stone, and fierce it through a fine hair Sieve, and powder the Litharge very fine, and so put all the Powders into the Ointment, stirring it till it becomes cold: then add a drop or two of the Spirit of Wine.

This Red Ointment is dry­ing and cooling: it closes and [Page] strengthens, and stops De­fluxions that fall upon the Parts. It digests and con­sumes the superfluous moi­sture of Wounds, and Ulcers, and is of great use to finish the healing Part, and hasten the Cure, &c.

Redness in the Eyes: This often proceeds from the over-abundance of Blood that flows into the Eyes; and in this case it is necessary, if need require it, to bleed by Cuping-glasses, applied to the Shoulders; and on the contrary side to open the Head-vein, and purge the Body; and outwardly to ap­ply such things to the Eyes, as may repercuss and drive back the Humours offending. To do which,

Take the White of an Egg, beat it up to a very fine thin­ness with Woman's Milk, and drop it into the Eyes by de­grees, cooling and keeping them close when it is dropped in. Or,

Take Linseed, boil it in Water, and wet a Sponge in the Decoction, and lay it warm on the Eyes: Or do it in like manner with the Deco­ction of Fenugreek and Ca­momil; or the Juice of Night-shade beaten up with the Oil of Roses, and the White of an Egg; and dip a Linnen Cloath in it, and lay it on the Egg, when you lye down to take your rest.

Redness of the Eyes: Take Camphire a quarter of an ounce, Dragons-Blood and Bolus, of each half an ounce; Verdegrease bruised and sifted very fine, an ounce: infuse these in a pint of the distilled Water of large Plantane, with often shaking them; wash the Eyes with the Water often, and it will take away the Red­ness and Pains, asswage the Swelling of the Eyes that have long so continued, and may be used as an excellent Mouth-water for impostu­mated Sores or Ulcerati­ons.

Reins Hurt: Take Pelli­tory of the Wall, wash it, and boil it in Whitewine, or squeeze out the Juice only in­to the Wine, and drink it, applying the Herb to the Reins likewise, as a Poultis.

Reins Running: Take a Parsnip, slice it very thin, and boil it soft in the new Milk of a Red Cow, till it looks very white: take it out, and mash it with the Juice of Oak-Apples, or for want of them, Acorns or Oak-leaves; and sweetening it with a little Sugar beat up in Butter, eat of this Morning and Even­ing moderately, for three or four Days successively.

Rest-Harrow: The Bark and Root provoke Urin, ex­pel Gravel, ease the Pains of the Teeth and open Obstru­ctions of the Liver, being in­fused [Page] in Wine, or in Posset­drink, and drank fasting.

Restrictive Ointment: Take two quarts of Olive-oil dried, Whortle-berries half a pound, Green Services, and the Juice of Whortle-berries, of each a pound; Roach-A­lom a pound and half: put the Berries into a large earth­en Pot well glazed, pour in the Oil, and dissolve the A­lom in the Juices, and so put it in with them, and co­ver the Pot: set it boiling in a Bath till the moisture is near consumed, then press out strongly the Matter; and ha­ving separated the Oil from the Faeces, take the same Oil three pound, white Bees-wax nine ounces, melt the Wax in the same Pot and Bath, then the Pot being taken off, stir the Ointment with a wooden Spatula; and when it thick­ens and grows half cold, take Cypress Nuts, Whortle-berries, Pomgranet-flowers, and Rinds of Garnets and Acorns, the Stones of Grapes, and Ox's Thigh-Bone calcined, Grains of Sumach, Burnt-Alom, Ma­stick, Acacia, and the middle Rind of Chesnuts; calcine the Bone, and burn the A­lom in an ordinary Fire; then beat them into Powder with the rest of the Ingredi­ents the Mastick excepted, which must be beaten a-part; and having sifted the Pow­ders thus prepared, mix them with the Ointment, stirring it till it becomes cold.

This is a good Styptick Ointment applied with suc­cess to the Reins to strengthen them; also the Ligaments of the Matrix, the Descent where­of it hinders, and prevents A­bortion, by anointing the en­trance thereof, and the lower part of the Belly. It is also successfully used to close the Neck of the Matrix after Lying-in, and to consolidate what Defects may have hap­pened in difficult Labour: It is also very proper against the Relaxation of the strait Guts, apply'd without, and put into the Fundament; and to stop the unreasonable Loss of Blood in Women, applied to the Region of the Reins and Li­ver, and all the Belly: It is also layed upon the Stomach to stay Vomiting. This Oint­ment causes not Heat, and is the best known for Cleansing and Consolidation.

Rheubarb: The Root on­ly of this Indian Drugg is here preferred: It is an excel­lent Medicin, gentle and with­out danger, wherein many Virtues are comprised: It cleanseth and fortifieth the Stomach and Liver, heals the Pains and Prickings of them, clears the Blood, open­eth and healeth all Maladies that proceed from Stoppages, as the Jaundice, Dropsie, Swel­ling of the Spleen, and long [Page] Fevers: It is good against Spitting of Blood, and stops it. It may be moderately ta­ken at all convenient times without danger. The chew­ing of it purges Choler and Flegm. It is excellent boiled and taken in Posset-drink be­fore the cold Fit of an Ague comes, and is indeed extolled by all ingenious Physicians for the most excellent of Roots that ever was brought into this Nation from any Foreign Parts.

Rheum: Take a pint of Malmsey, or Muscadel, boil it gently, thicken it to a kind of a Syrup with five ounces of fine Sugar: then put in half a quartern of the distil­led Water of Horehound; and being cool, bruise a Li­corice-stick at one end: and when you take it, which will be best towards Bed-time, dip the bruised end of the Stick in it, and suck from that about as much as comes to an ounce at a time. This is excellent good likewise against Colds, and cleanses the Stomach and Lungs of offensive Matters.

Rheum to Dry up: Take Lettice-seeds, white Poppey-seeds, and Purslain-seeds, of each a dram; Tragacanth, Gum-Arabick, and Saffron, of each half a darm; Opium three grains: bruise and pow­der these, and make them up into a Past Lozeng-wise, with Syrup of Red Poppies; and when you take one of them in a Morning, and at Night, bruise it, and put it into a lit­tle Wine; then keep your self warm, and as much from the Air as may be.

Rheumatick Eyes: First gently Purge the Head and Body, and let the Patient sweat a little: Then use the following Powder for the Eyes:

Take Tuttia prepared an ounce and a quarter, Red Coral, and Yellow Mirobo­lans, of each a quarter of an ounce; Pepper half a dram: powder them very finely, and strew some of it in the cor­ners of the Eyes: This do frequently, and the Rheum will be removed; and then by washing, the Sight may recover its clearness. Or,

Take Rain-water, boil in it Myrtle-seeds, and Gall­nuts, fine Bolus, and Cype­rus-nuts; and with the Deco­ction well strained and settled, wash the Eyes Morning and Evening.

Rice: This nourishes main­ly, but it is made of more easie Digestion, than to be eat as the Turks use it with their Mutton, and other Meats, with only boiling it with them as we do Roots or Herbs; being boiled in Cows-Milk, or Almond-Milk, it is very good to give to such as are troubled with the Lax, and Colick. The Flower of [Page] it is very good in repercus­sive Plaisters. It stays Inflam­mations in the Breasts of Wo­men, and helpeth them. The Decoction of Rice is very profitable in Clysters, given in Laxes, or Fluxes; and boil­ed in your common Drink, it allays Heart-burning and the Heat of the Liver.

Rickets: Take about six Shell-snails, and if you can get them, those that hang about Wines, wash them when taken out of the Shells, and boil them in a pint of new Milk, to the consumpti­on of half of it: then take out the Snails, put in Bread and Sugar, and give it the Child troubled with the Ric­kets to eat; and let it do this Night and Morning for nine or ten Days, and use the fol­lowing Ointment for anoint­ing the Back, Stomach, and other Parts afflicted, viz.

Take Oil of Olives half a pint, two ounces of the Oil of Camomil, two drams of Mace beaten very fine, grate into these some White-bread, set them into an Oven in an earthen Pot, when the Bread is drawn, and the Oven pret­ty hot; then strain it and use it warm.

Rickets, another: Take four or five handfuls of Shell-snails, put them in a course Linnen Bag, and hang them up, setting an earthen Vessel under to receive the moisture that droppeth from them, and with it bath the Joints of the Child, and other Parts grieved, Morning and Even­ing.

Rickets, another: Take fresh Butter, Sanicle, and Red Mint, of each one pound; stamp the Herbs very small, then incorporate them with the Butter, and put them over a gentle Fire, till you can press out a Juice or Oint­ment pretty green, and anoint with it the Parts grieved, e­specially the Breast, if any Affliction of this kind be of continuance; and do so in other Parts before a warm Fire, and keep out the Air as much as may be.

Roach-Alom, its Virtues: Take Roach-Alom an ounce, beat it into Powder, and add as much Vitriol likewise in Powder; dissolve these in Spring-water, and filter it af­ter they have stood a conside­rable time.

This cures all manner of Tettars, Ringworms, Herps, Scurf, Morphew, or Break­ings-out in any Part of the Body, tending to Deformity, if the Place be washed with the Water these were dissolv'd in, two or three times a Day. This Alom-water, without the Vitriol, is good to cleanse Wounds, and Ulcers: And being burnt in a rusty Fire-shovel, or on an old iron Plate, till it becomes light, [Page] spongy, and white, the Powder of it will consume by degrees, and with little pain, the moist and spongy Flesh, and Excrescences in Wounds and Ulcers, and in the Lips, commonly called Proud Flesh. It also hinders Corruption, dissipates and dis­solves humid Tumours. It whitens the Teeth, being rub­bed with it, and fastens them: and being mingled with Sage-Water, and Honey, is good against the Scurvy, or De­fects of the Gums, that make them shrink away and de­crease, that many times the Teeth fall out.

Roast Oisters: Take large Oisters, cut them out of the Shells into a Vessel with their Liquor, but so, that no Gravel may be among them; set them then on the Fire covered, till they are scalded, draw eight or ten stripes of Lard through each Oister, seasoned with Nut­megs, Cloves, and Pepper ve­ry finely beaten and sifted; then put them on two small Lard-spits, tye them together, and in the roasting bast them with Anchoveys dissolved in Water, dridge them over with fine Bread, and then with what falls from them, make a Sauce, only add the Juice of a Lemon; and when they are pretty brown, take them off, and serve them up.

Roast Sea-Fowl: Draw them, and truss them, roast them larded, or unlarded, as their Particulars require; then take some Claret-Vinegar, two or three Anchoveys, the Gra­vy in which the Gizards were boiled, with Pepper, some hard Yolks of Eggs beat up but very thinly with these: and garnish them with stew­ed Oisters and Lemon slices, or Camphire and Bayber­ries.

Rob: There is a Rob made of Barberries in this manner: Put to the Juice of Barberries one pound, or a pint, half a pint of white Su­gar, and with the gentle heat of the Bath make it into a due thickness.

This is excellent good in hot Diseases, quenches Thirst, and cools the Stomach, and creates an Appetite.

Rob; or, Iuice of Lico­rice: Take the Roots well cleansed and bruised, but yet so gently, that the Liquor may not fly away. Infuse the bruised Roots three Days in fair Water, so much as may rise two Inches above them; and after it has boiled a little, press out the Liquid part, and boil it with a gen­tle heat to the due consistence of a Rob or Juice.

This is exceeding good for Coughs, and most Diseases of the Lungs. Of this, as of the former, you make take [Page] half an ounce at a time twice or thrice a Day.

Rocket, or Cresses: This is called Winter-Rocket, or Winter-Cresses; it Flowers a­bout May, and Seeds in June: It provokes Urin, helps the Strangury, and helps Gravel and Stone: It is successful in the Scurvy, good in cleansing Wounds. The Juice or De­coction being drank, or out­wardly applied to Ulcers and Sores, by its sharpness clean­ses them.

There is another sort called Garden-Rocket, which is more used in Sallads than Physick. But another sort called the Wild-Rocket, is more strong and effectual to help Digesti­on and provoke Urin. The Seed is applied to cure the Bi­ting of venomous Creatures, and expel Worms that breed is the Body. The Herb boil­ed, or stewed, and Sugar ad­ded to it, is very available in the Cough, or Cold, especial­ly taken by Children. The Seed often taken in Drink, takes away the ramish Scent of the Skin It encreases Milk in Nurses, and abates the Swelling of the Spleen; and mixed with a little Ho­ney over a gentle Fire, if you anoint the Face with it, it will cleanse the Skin from Spots, Morphew, and other Discolourings; and in Vine­gar it takes away Freckles and Redness, not only in the Face, but in other Parts; and mixed with an Ox-gall, it smooths slight Scars, Wrinkles, Marks with the Small-pox, Black and Blew Spots, and the like.

Rocket-Wild: This is hot and dry, and its chief use is to stimulate Venery, and is a pre­servative against Apoplexies; outwardly applied as a Poul­tis, it draws out Thorns and Splinters.

Rosa Solis: The Herb or Plant so called, or in Eng­lish Sun-dew, is hot and dry in the third degree, sharp and quick, and of subtle Parts. The Leaves beaten with Salt, and applied, are held to raise Blisters and Exulcerations. The distilled Water of the whole Herb, is very Cordial, and held by Physicians to be greatly available in the Con­sumption, salt Rheums di­stilling on the Lungs, Whee­sings, and Shortness of Breath: also heals Ulcers of the Lungs, comforts the Heart, and re­vives the fading Spirits.

A distilled Water called Rosa Solis, being by all held to be a very excellent Cor­dial, an Essence of the Juice strengthens the Stomach, Head, Heart, and Liver, also the Bowels, and gives ease to Wounds: It is very famous in the Epilepsie, Blague, and all sorts of malignant and pestilential Diseases. Held in the Mouth it cures the Tooth­ach, and drank in a Glass of [Page] Wine it provokes the Terms, and expels the Birth. The Herb is held to cure Quartan-Agues, if applied six Hours to the Pulse, and the Party bathed with the Water, or Decoction of it, and often repeated. The distilled Wa­ter drawn in a glass Still, is of a glittering yellow Colour like Gold.

Rosa Solis, the Court way: Take of Aqua-vitae two quarts, Sugar finely pow­dered a pound and a half, common Water a pint and a half; boil them up to a little thickness, but not to the con­sistence of a Syrup: then put to it half an ounce of Cinna­mon powdered, and when it is boiled up, strain it through a Cloath with two grains of Musk, and half an ounce of Sugar-candy.

Rose-Lozenges: Take Provence or Damask-Roses when they are in their prime of flowring, beat them very fine and small, yet lose as lit­tle of the Juice and Scent as may be; then sprinkle over them Citron, or Lemon-Juice, cover them close, and add as much fair Water or White-wine, as will boil them up a little till they become tender: then having fine Sugar boiled up to a Candy height, put them into it boiling, exemp­ted from the Water and Jui­ces, and keep them well stir­ring about a considerable time: then take cut the Sugar and Roses, so mixed, with a Spoon, and lay it on Pye-plates; make it thin as is convenient, and cut it out into what form you please.

Rosemary-Water: Take the Flowers and Leaves of Rosemary when they are at their best, half a pound, of the Root of Elicampane four ounces, Red Sage a handful, Cloves three ounces, and a like quantity of Mace, Ani-seeds twelve ounces; beat the Spices separately, and the Herbs together; put to them four gallons of Whitewine: and having infused them for the space of seven Days, distil them.

This Water greatly com­forteth the Heart, remo­veth Pains of the Stomach, creates a good colour, and gently purgeth the Blood by breathing Sweats.

Rose-Water: Take Roses, when just blown, before they open too much, and lose their fragrancy in the Air, gather them when the Sun has dried off the Dew or Moi­sture; and having picked the Leaves from the Stalks, with­out suffering any Seeds to scatter among them, spread them on a clean Carpet free from Dust, till they are alto­gether free from any moisture: then put them into a pewter Still, and make a Fire under them gently by degrees, and [Page] fasten your Bottle, or Recei­ver to the Nose of the Still, tying Paper, or Linnen about it, to keep in the scent; and so corking them up, when full of the Water, within an inch of the Cork, set them in the Sun two or three Days, and then in a warm Place especially, lest the Frost take them, and either break the Bottles, or spoil the Scent of the Water.

Roses, an Oil Com­pound: Take fresh Red Ro­ses bruised one pound, Juice of Red Roses four ounces, common Oil four pound, put them into a glazed earthen Pot with a narrow Neck, and stop it well: set it in the Sun to macerate, and having boiled it in Balneo Mariae, strain and press out the Liquor, and re­turn it into the same Vessel again; do the like two or three times: then purifie the Oil, and keep it for use. If there be any moisture in it, it will be easie to separate it, because it falls to the bot­tom.

This Oil dulcifies and dis­sipates Fluxions that fall upon the external Parts. It extin­guishes Inflammations, and hinders the descent of the Humours, and appeases Pains; it tempers the heat of the Stomach, and the heat in the Reins; it asswageth the Pains in the Head, as also Deliriums, and provokes Sleep, dulcify­ing the sharp Humours that interrupt by their Acrimony. It must be warmed before you anoint the Part with it. It may be also internally gi­ven against the Worms and Dysenteries, from half an ounce to an ounce: It is good to anoint the Parts upon Fra­ctures, and Dislocations of Bones. It is mixed with equal Parts of Vinegar of Roses, to anoint the Head when shaved, for the abating the Vapours that ascend in burn­ing Fevers, which too fre­quently cause want of Sleep, and Deliriums. This Oil al­so mixed in Pain-easing, and dissolving Liniments, and Ca­taplasms, and softening Plai­sters, to give them the con­sistence of Searcloath, is of singular use. The same way that this is prepared, you may prepare the Oils of Myrtle, Melilot, Elder-Water, Lilies or Nimphaea, Chamomil, Vio­lets, Lilies, &c.

Roses-Red, Dry: There is a Syrup however to be made of these, upon necessi­ty; and to do it, Take two quarts of Water, make it pretty warm, and infuse in it for the space of twenty four Hours four or five handfuls of dried Roses; and when the Scent of them is gone mostly into the Water, put fresh ones, and squeeze them at the taking out, and into this Water dissolve two pound [Page] of white Sugar, and so dis­solve it into a Syrup.

This mitigates the hot Di­seases of the Brain, asswages Thirst, strengthens the Sto­mach, causes Sleep, stays the Flux of the Belly, and agglu­tinates and mundifies Ul­cers.

Roses, a Simple Oil: Take fresh Red Roses bruised two pound, the Juice of them half a pound, and common Oil five pints; put them all together in an earthen glazed Pot covered, and let them, if possible, macerate thirty or forty Days in the Sun; then boil them in Balneo Mariae, and press out the Oil very hard, and keep it for use.

It is cooling, asswages Heat, mollifies Swellings, and is good in Burns, or Scalds.

Roses-White Infused: To infuse Roses, and bring them to a Syrup, Take of White Roses half a Peck, clean pickt from the Stalks, infuse them over a gentle Fire in a gallon of Spring-water, strain out the Water, and squeeze the remaining Juice out of the Roses into it. Take of this Water five pints, to which the Gallon ought to be consumed in infusion, cla­rified Sugar four pound, boil them over a gentle Fire to the thickness of a Syrup.

This Syrup extracts thin offensive Choler from the In­trails, and waterish Humours from the Stomach; and is very good to be given to Children, old People, and such as are weakned by Sick­ness, and the like.

Rosin, its Virtues: The Rosin of the Larch or Tur­pentine-Tree, is hot, emolli­ent, cleansing, healing, vul­nerary, and pectoral, &c. it heals Ulcers in the Lungs, helps and stops the Gonor­rhoea. It gently provokes U­rin, and opens the Obstructi­on of the Reins, Uriters, and Bladder. The Dose in Pow­der is from one dram to two drams. Outwardly, it is u­sed in Balsams, Ointments, and Emplaisters. It softens Tumours, and ripens them, if made up with Beef or Mut­ton-suet. It ripens and heals Felons and Whitlows, and cures them when they break, cleanses Ulcers, and heals green Wounds; is much a­vailable in the Pains of the Gout, and all other Aches, and Pains proceeding from a cold Cause. Helps Strains and Hurts of the Nerves and Muscles, and strengthens weak Limbs.

Of this, Spirits, Oil, and Balsam, are extracted, by di­stillation, in a large Retort in Sand, distilling first with a very gentle Heat, till all the Flegm, and Spirit, (in which is contained the volatil Salt) is come over; and then gra­dually encreasing the Fire to [Page] force over the Oil and Bal­sam, which are to be recti­fied from Colcothar, or Bonet Ashes.

This Spirit is very Excel­lent: For it takes off the tar­tarous Mucilage in the Lungs, Reins, Breast, and Stomach, Uriters, and Bladder, It hin­ders the generation of the Stone and Gout. The Dose is from one to three drams.

The Oil dissolves Tumours of the Gout, strengthens the Nerves, cures the Palsie, Tu­mours, Wounds, and Ulcers, and all manner of Convulsi­ons, Cramps, Aches, Pains, Strains, and Bruises proceed­ing from a cold Cause, or Violence, the Part grieved being often anointed with it. The Balsam has the same Vir­tue, but not so penetrating, and therefore is mostly used in the curing old Sores, Fi­stula's, Ulcers, Pain in the Gout and Sciatica's, &c.

Rue: This is for its won­derful Virtues called the Herb of Grace. 'Tis very Attenua­tive, Incisive, and Digestive, Resolutive, and Provocative. It driveth out Windiness, by reason of its heat in the third Degree, and not only sharp in Tast, but bitter also, by reason whereof it may re­solve and penetrate gross and clammy Humours; and through the same qualities provoke Urine. It consists of subtil Parts, and is numbred among Medicins, which are great dryers; and therefore it is good against Inflamma­tions, asswaging any lustful Appetite. The Seed boiled, and drank in Wine, greatly resists Poison. The Leaves eaten alone, or made into a Conserve; if the Party take half an ounce fasting, it re­sists ill Airs, causeth pestilential Fevers, and consequently the Plague. The Decoction drank, easeth Pains in the Breasts and Sides, Inflammations of the Liver, and the Pains of the Gout; also the Shaking of Agues. Being eaten raw, it cleareth the Sight, and is good against Difficulties of Breath­ing, and the Cough. Being mixed with French Cherries dried, it allayeth the Pains and Heaviness of the Eyes: and with Oil of Roses and Vine­gar, it easeth the Head-ach. Being bruised and put up the Nostrils it stays Bleeding. The distilled Water of it infused into an equal portion of Wine and Rose-water, is very sove­raign for any Pains in the Head, or Stomach.

Rue of the Meadow: This is to be found on the Borders of moist Meadows, and by Ditch sides, flowring towards the end of July, and beginning of August. Diosco­rides highly approves it for Bruises, and the healing of old Sores, being applied to them Poultiswise, or they [Page] washed with the Juice: The distilled Water and Flower of this Herb have the like Virtue Some People use it shred among common Pot­herbs in their Broth, for open­ing Obstructions of the Bo­dy, and to render it soluble: But the Roots clean washed, shred, or sliced and boiled in Ale, I hold to operate more in that kind, than the Leaves; yet they provoke Stool, but very gently. The Roots boiled in Water, de­stroy Lice and Vermin, inci­dent to humane Bodies, by only anointing the Places with their Decoction. Came­rarius tells us, That it is in great Esteem in Italy, as an Antidote against the Plague, and that the Saxons use it with success in the Yellow Jaundice.

Ruffy's Pills: Take of the best Aloes two ounces, Myrrh and Saffron, of each an ounce: mix these finely powdered with as much Aro­matick as will make them in­to Pills. These taken one at a time as big as a Pea, help Concoction, and Digestion, clear the Stomach, and create a good Appetite, and are much available against pesti­lential Airs and Contagions.

Ruffs, and Redshanks, to Boil: Take these Fowl, put them upon a Spit, and lay them to the Fire with a little Basting, till they are half roasted; then having Water boiling in a Pipkin; after you have stuck at few Cloves about them, put them into it, (but it must be very little;) and when they have taken a warm or two, put out all the Wa­ter to a pint: then put in some Claret-wine, and strong Broth, a few Mace and Cloves, with the Gravy that dropt from them when they were roasting, then and some Pep­per, Ginger, fried Onions, and Salt: stew all well toge­ther, and serve them up on Sippets.

Rupture: Having a good Truss, Take Comfry half a handful, bruise it well with the Filings of Iron, spread it thin on a Plaister of Diatu­lum, and apply it to the Rup­ture, and keep it close up: and by often renewing it, great Advantage is found.

Rupture to Cure: Take Cyprus Nuts, make them in­to Powder, and take Juice of green Hops, or the tender Tops, mix them well toge­ther; and having the Bowels put up, and well trussed, lay it at the bottom of the Belly, and in all convenient Places, as a Plaister; and as it dries, supply the place of it with a moist one.

Rupture on the Navel: The Rupture, or Burstenness, is generally known by the falling down of the Bowels into the Cods, tho' there is a [Page] Rupture that appeareth above the Privy Parts, or at the Na­vel of Men and Women, the Rupture of the Navel being known by a swelling, or hanging out of the fore-part of the Belly. To remedy this, Take Comfry tow oun­ces, stamp it well, mix it well with an ounce of Bees-wax over a gentle Fire till it can be brought into a Plaistor, and apply it to the Navel. But if the Rupture be great, often renew it; and anoint the Back-bone of the Party with Bears-grease, chafing it in hot; and let the Party take Morning and Evening a dram of the Herb Thorough wax in a little Wine.

Rupture, a Plaister: Take Daisie-roots, the like of wild Tansie and Comfry, of each half an ounce; Mastick a quarter of an ounce, Pom­granet-flowers, and the Juice of Sloes, half a dram of each; Hares-wool clipt small one dram, Stone-pitch two oun­ces, Bird-lime an ounce, Wax five drams, Oil of Roses as much as will make them in­to a Plaister, and apply it to the Intestines, being put up, and a Truss over them, to secure them. You need not take off the Truss, but when you renew the Plaister, which need not be under five or six Days. Or use this, viz.

Take of Cyperus-Nuts two ounces, Myrrh and Cyperus-Roots, Marjoram, Galls, Juice of Sloes, and Frankincense, of each an ounce: then dis­solve an ounce of Gum-Tra­gacanth in Wine, and temper the rest with it; and then o­ver a gentle Fire, by well mixing, and a consumption of the moisture, make it into a Plaister, and lay it on the Runture.

Rupture through Water: This is a hydropical watery Humour in the Liver, Veins, and Pores, which falls down into the Cods, and is known by the swelling of them, and the Navel. To remedy this, Take Mastick one ounce, Cy­perus-Nuts half an ounce, Gum-Tragacanth half an ounce: bruise them, and tem­per them well together with Oil of Roses, and then ap­ply it, and use this Purgation, viz.

Take Turbith a quarter of an ounce, Ginger one dram, white Sugar three drams, tem­per them well together, and let the Party take it every fourth Day in Wormwood-wine, or Water; and the o­ther Mornings between them, Water of Baum, Bettony, and Wormwood, of each an ounce and half; Vinegar of Squills an ounce: mix them toge­ther, and drink them fast­ing.

Rupture through Wind: In this Case the Party must, during the Cure, eschew all [Page] such Meats and Drinks as cause Windiness in the Body, as Milk, sweet Wine, moist Fruits, Pease, Beans, Tur­nips, &c. then take Sulphur-Vine two ounces finely beaten, Grains half an ounce grosly beaten, Cammomil-flowers a quarter of an ounce: seeth these in a pint of Spring-wa­ter till a third part is consu­med: then dip a Sponge in it, and apply it to the Place as hot as may be, renewing it five or six times a Day.

Rupture-Wort: This is mostly found on dry, sandy, and rockey Places. It is Excellent in the Curing of Ruptures, not only in Chil­dren, but also in those of Years, if the Distemper be not too inveterate; by taking a dram of the Powder of the dried Herb in a glass of Wine for a considerable time: or the distilled Water or Juice of the green Herb taken in like manner. It helpeth like­wise all other Fluxes in Men or Women, Vomitings, and the Gonorrhoea, and Running of the Reins, by being taken either of the ways mention'd. It helpeth those that have the Strangury and Stoppage in Urine, Stone or Gravel in the Reins, or Bladder; helps Stitches in the Side, or gri­ping Pains in the Stomach and Belly, Obstructions of the Liver, Worms, Yellow-Jaundice, Defluctions, and foul Ulcers.

Rushes: These some hold so inconsiderable, that it is of no value, but for making Candle-Wicks: But learned Physicians, who have searched more curiously into the ab­struse Retirements of Nature, are not of their Opinion. Dioscorides, Galen, and Pliny agree, being powdered and drank in Wine, it stayeth the Lask in Women's Courses, provokes Sleep, (but must be taken with caution, lest they cause Pains in the Head.) The Root boiled in Water to the consumption of a third part, doth mainly help the Cough.

Rye: This grain boiled in Water or Wine to a strength, and drank, viz. the Decoction, kills Worms in the Belly, and brings them away, especially if Coriander-seeds be boiled with it.

SAdness to Expel: Take the Herb cal­led Cranesbill, Rue, and Pulegium, of each as much as may be held conveniently between the Thumb and Fore-finger; dry them in an Oven, and beat them into Powder: and being mixed with a little Sugar, and Powder of Licorice, make them up into little Balls, or Lozenges, with Cinnamon-water, or Rose-water, and eat them as you find occa­sion.

Saffron: The best Saf­fron is that which tinctures your Hands upon a gentle touch, and smelleth somewhat sharp, and is not very brittle. In property it is good for the weakness of the Stomach, and faintness of Heart; and being taken in a small quantity of Wine, it preserveth from Drunkenness, and healeth the Bitings of Serpents, and Sting­ing of Spiders: It is restra­tive. The too much Smell thereof is bad for the Brain, and the taking too much of it is troublesome to the Spi­rits.

Sage: This is a singular Remedy against all cold and phlegmatick Diseases in the Head, and against all Pains of the Joints, either being taken in Drink, or applied in Fomentation; wherefore it is very good for those that have the Falling-sickness, or subject to Lethargies, or have at cer­tain times their Members be­numb'd, or senseless: It avail­eth much against the Deflux­ions of Flegm, and Maladies, incident to the Breast; and is very advantageous for Wo­men with Child to eat it of­ten, especially if they are sub­ject to travail before their time; for it keepeth the Child in the Womb, and doth quicken it. If a Person sub­ject to spit Blood, takes three or four spoonfuls of Honey with the Juice of Sage, dou­ble the quantity, in a Morn­ing fasting, the Blood will be stay'd in twice or thrice so doing. The use of Sage in Pottage, and otherwise, serves to sharpen the Appetite, and cleanse the Stomach, that's oppressed with ill Humours. In fine, when there is any occasion for heating, drying, or binding, use this Herb as a very good Medicine.

Saland-Grand: To make this of minced Meats Mince Capon, Veal, dried Neats­tongue [Page] in slices, Lettuce shred, small Olives and Capers, Mushrooms pickled, Samphire, Broom-buds, Lemons or O­ranges, Raisins, Almonds, Po­tato's, Caparoons, or Crucifix-Peas, Currans, pickl'd Oisters, and Tarragon. To dish this up, Take a little Tarragon and Lettuce, mince them small, and put the several Things by themselves, and garnish the Dish with Oranges and Le­mons sliced, or in quarters.

Salmon Fry'd: Take the Rand, Chine, or Jowl of Salmon, and fry it, cut in thin slices in sweet Butter; and when you perceive it be­gins to grow crisp, prepare your Sauce with Claret, sweet Butter, grated Nutmeg, the Juice of Oranges, and the Li­quor of pickled Oisters, heat them over a gentle Fire with continual beating, and pour them on the Fish; and for garnish, lay Sage-Leaves and Parsly fried in Butter, but not too crisp.

Salmon-Pie: Take a convenient piece of fresh Sal­mon, two quarts of Shrimps, or Prawns, and the like quan­tity of opened Oisters, a quar­ter of an ounce of whole Mace, the like of beaten Gin­ger, and four Anchoveys: mix what can be convenient­ly so order'd, spread the bot­tom of the Pie with Butter, lay in the Fish, and scatter the seasoning all over it, and uppermost another laying of Butter.

Salt-Diuretick: Take the Urin of a healthful Man, and put it into as much Hun­garian Vitriol powdered as it's capable to dissolve; make the Dissolution in a large Vessel, that there may be room for Ebullition, which being cea­sed, put the Liquor into a glass Cucurbit covered with its Head, and distill off the Flegm and Spirit in a Sand-Bath, first with a slow Fire, then with a gradual Fire en­creased, and sublimate the volatil Salt at last.

Salmon to Roast: Take a Jowl of Salmon, or a Rand, and divide it into four pieces, season it with Salt and grated Nutmeg, stick in it whole Cloves, and put it on a con­venient Spit, laying on it like­wise a few Bay-leaves, and Sprigs of Rosemary: then bast it with Butter, and save the Dripping to mingle with other Butter, to be served up in Sauce, mixed with Ver­juice, the Juice of Oranges, and garnished with the slices of Oranges.

This Salt composed of the volatil Salt of Urin, and several acid Particles of the Vitriol, vigorously expels se­rous Humours by Urin, the Passages whereof it opens. It is to be taken in White­wine, Diuretick-Waters, or Decoctions, from a scruple [Page] to a dram. It is very avail­able in Dropsies, dissolved in opening Decoctions; for which purpose you may mix the Spirit with your usual or­dinary Drink. The Flegm applied to the Gout, asswages the Pain thereof. It is also good to allay the Inflamma­tions of the Eyes.

Sarsaparilla, an excel­lent Drug, much used in ma­ny Distempers. It is a very long Root, not much unlike to a small Cord, brought out of the Spanish West Indies. It's given in a Dyet-drink, ordi­narily for the Cure of the French-Pox, or Gonorrhoea, and King's Evil. To do this, Take a gallon of Water, mealy Sarsaparilla split, a hand­ful; Raisins stoned, blue Figs split, and blue Currans, of each two ounces; Licorice, Carraways, Anniseeds, and Juniper-ber [...]ies, and Fennel­seeds, an ounce of each brui­sed: mix and steep them twenty four Hours in the Wa­ter, then boil it to the con­sumption of one half; strain it out and suffer it to settle: then when it is cold, bottle it up, putting into each Bot­tle half an ounce of white Sugar, and a quarter of a bruised Nutmeg.

Sarsnets to Wash: Take your white Sarsnet, and spread it on a smooth clean Board long ways, soap it well, yet let it remain on but very thin, then raise a gentle Lather with a small hard Brush, by brushing it the right way of the Silk; and so in order turning it, do the other side in the same manner: then cleanse it with fair Water, and make a new Lather hot, and so renew it three times with turning; then cast the piece into hot Water, where a little Gum, with a small quantity of Smalts has been dissolved; let it lye so cove­red a convenient time, fold it smooth, and dry it as well as you can, by clapping it between your Hands, and so dry it over Brimstone, spread it on a Table, and iron it on the right side.

Black Sarsnets are manag'd the same way in washing, though they are generally rin­ced in Small-beer, without any Gum, or on a Woolen Cloath.

Coloured Silks may be washed as white Sarsnet, a­voiding the blue Water, or drying over Brimstone, for that fades their Colour.

Sauces for Beef-Stakes: (1.) Beat Butter with the Juice of Lemons, and garnish with slices and sprigs of Parsley. (2.) Gravy and Butter. (3) Mustard, Butter, and Vinegar (4.) Butter, Vinegar, minced Capers, and grated Nutmeg; and if you design to garnish them sundry ways, take either [Page] Parsley, Sage, Clary, Onions, Apples, Carrots, Parsnips, Skirts, Spinage. Artichoaks, Pears, Quinces sliced, and fry them in Butter, and they in­differently serve for any sort of fried Meats whatsoever, ac­accroding as your Pallate best relishes, as Udders, Sweet-breads, Tongues, Rabbits, Chickens, and the like.

Sauces for Chickens Roasted: (1.) Gravy and the Juice, or slices of Oran­ges. (2.) Mutton-Gravy, the Gravy of the Chickens, Ver­juice and Butter. (3.) But­ter and Vinegar boiled to­gether with a little Sugar. Make thin Sippets of Bread, lay the reast Chickens on them, and serve them up hot. (4.) Wash a good handful of Sorrel, stamp it, prepare thin slices of Manchet, and put them into the Dish with some Vinegar, and the Juice of the Sourel, Sugar, Gravy, beaten Cinnamon, and beaten But­ter, some slices of Lemon and Orange, and strew there­on Cinnamon and Sugar. (5.) Sliced Orange, White-wine, Cinnamon, Rosewater, and a few Blades of Mace, Ginger, Sugar, and beaten Butter, set them on a Cha­fing-Dish of Coals and stew them: then place some slices of Manchet round the Dish, finely carved, and the Chic­kens being roasted well, lay them into the Sauce, and serve them garnished with slices of Lemon, Barberries, and Parsley.

Sauces for Duck, or Mallard: (1.) Vinegar and Sugar boiled to a Syrup with two or three Cloves, and a little Cinnamon, or Cloves only. (2.) Gravy of the Fowl, Oister-Liquor, a whole Onion boiled in it, Nutmeg, Anchovey; and if lean, farce and lard them. (3.) Onions sliced, Carrots cut Dice fashion, boiled in strong Broth, and Whitewine, or some Gravy, minced Par­sly, Savory shred small, Mace and Butter well stewed toge­ther. This may indifferently serve for divers kinds of wild Fowl, but more particularly for Water-Fowl.

Sauces for Green-Geese: (1.) Mince Sorrrel, and Sage, stamp them with Bread, and the Yolks of Eggs hard by boiling, and grated, or sliced Pepper, Salt, and Vinegar. (2.) Stamp Sorrel, White-bread, and the slices of Pip­pins, or other hard Apples, put Wine-Vinegar and Sugar to them; then press out the liquid Part through a fine Cloath, put it into Sawcers, and scraping Sugar into it, serve it up. (3.) The Juices of Lemon, Sorrel, grated Bread and Sugar: Garnish with Parsley, the slices of Lemons, or Oranges; or, for want of them, with Barber­ries, [Page] and Tops of Rosemary, and so serve them up. These Sauces may serve likewise for young Ducks, Teal, or Wid­geon.

Sauce for Green-Geese: Take the Juice of Sorrel mix­ed with scalded Gooseberries, and served on Sippets and Su­gar with beaten Butter.

Sauces for Hares: If a Hare be roasted, take the fol­lowing Sauces as your Pallate best relishes.

(1.) Beaten Cinnamon, Gin­ger, Nutmeg, and Pepper, boiled Prunes in Whitewine (2.) Currans strained, mus­kefy'd Bisket bread beaten to Powder, Sugar and Cloves boiled in Water to the thick­ness of a Grewel.

Having made these Sawces, or prepared them for making, Take the Hare, flea it, and lard it over with small Lard, stick it with Cloyes, and put a Pudding into the Belly of it, made of grated Bread, grated Nutmeg, beaten Cin­namon, Salt, Currans, Eggs, Cream; make it stiff and good, fill the Hare and roast it; and if you desire to have this Pudding green, put to it the Juice of Spinnage, or Parsly; if yellow, Saffron, or Turmerick; if red, Turn­sole.

Sauce for Hens, or Pul­lets, Roasted: Take the Yolks of six hard Eggs, min­ced small, put them in White-wine, or Wine-Vinegar, with beaten Butter and the Gravy. (2.) Juice of Oranges, Pep­per, Salt, and Gravy, boiled with the Neck, Liver, Heart, and Gizzards, and add Mu­stard if you please. (3.) Beer, Salt, the Yolk of three hard Eggs minced, or grated Bread, three or four spoon­fuls of Gravy; and when these are well beat up, put in two or three slices of Orange, or Lemon, with Le­mon peel shred small. (4.) Beaten Butter, with Juice of Orange, or Lemon, White or Claret-Wine well mingled and beat up with the Butter. (5.) Take Gravy and Claret-Wine, boil in it some slices of Onion, Nutmeg, and Salt, serve it up with slices of O­range and Lemon. (6.) Oi­ster-Liquor, an Anchovey or two, sliced Nutmeg, Gra­vy; and rub the Dish with Onion, or Shalot. (7.) The Yolk of Eggs hard boiled, and Lemon-peel, mince them very small, and stew them in Whitewine, Salt, and the Gravy of the Fowl.

Sauce for Land-Fowl: Take boiled Prunes, and strain the Pulp into a little of the Blood of the Fowl; add then Cinnamon and Ginger finely beaten, boil'd with a little Sugar to an indifferent thick­ness, and serve in the Dish, with the Gravy of the Fowl.

Sauce for a Loin of Veal: Take Thyme, Pen­nyroyal, Mint, Sage, and Marjoram, boil two Eggs hard, and shred the Yolks of 'em with a little Salt, and grated Nutmeg; then the Herbs being shred in, boil them together with a few Currans, beaten Cinnamon, Sugar, and some whole Cloves, dish it on this Sauce, and gar­nish it with slices of Oran­ges.

For a Leg of Veal the fol­lowing Sauce.

Stuff it with Beef-suet sea­soned with Nutmeg Salt, and the Yolks of two or three raw Eggs well mixed with the other: then make Sauce with the Gravy that drips from it, when the Fat is blown off; and giving it two or three warms on the Fire, squeeze in the Juice of two or three Oranges: Garnish it with Violet-flowers, Parsly, and Oranges sliced.

Sauces for Pigs: When your Pig is drawn, prick up the Belly with a Crust, and a little chopt Sage in it, or a Pudding of grated Bread, Currans, and beaten Mace, lay it to the Fire, but not too near at first, for fear of scorching; and when it is a quarter roasted, if you bast it not well, then bread it with grated White-bread, Currans and Sugar bruised together, and dried again, so that they may stick on: then being roasted, draw it, and serve it whole with this Sawce, viz. White-wine, Ci­namon, whole Cloves and Su­gar, boiled up to a Syrup, and the Gravy with what else fell from it. (2.) A little grated Bread, the Pigs Brains, Sugar and Barberries, with a little beaten Butter. (3.) Vinegar, Butter, the Yolks of hard Eggs, minced into the Gravy of the Pig; boil these up, and serve them as a Sauce. (4.) White-wine, some strong Broth, or a minced Onion, some strip'd Thyme, grated Nutmeg, and the grated hard Yolks of Eggs, some Ancho­vies and Pepper beaten small, Butter beaten up with Elder Vinegar, and the Gravy that falls from the Pig. (5.) Two or three Yolks of raw Eggs, beat up, grated Nutmeg, Su­gar, Currans, Cream, Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Cina­mon.

Sauces for roast Pige­ons: (1.) Gravy and the Juyce of Oranges. (2.) Fill their Bellies with minced Parsly, and when roasted, beat up some Butter and Vinegar thick, and put the Parsly to it. (3.) Onions stewed with Gravy, Claret-wine, and a little Salt, and garnish'd with Parsley and Marigold-flowers. (4.) Vine-Leaves roasted in the Bellies of the Pigeons, minced, and put into Claret-wine and Salt, [Page] beaten up with Butter and Gravy.

Sauces for Rabbets: (1.) Beat Butter, and rub the Dish with Onion or Shalot. (2). Sage and Parsly minced, rowled in Balls, in Butter, and fill the Belly with this stuffing. (3.) Beaten Butter with Lemon and Pepper. (4.) According to the French Fashion, Onions minced small, and fryed and mingled with Mustard and Pepper. (5.) The Rabbits being roasted, wash the Belly with the Gravy of Mutton, and add to it a slice or two of Lemon.

Sauce for Red-Deer: (1.) Sweet Herbs small min­ced and boiled with the Gra­vy only, or Whitebread boiled with Water pretty thick, without Spices, putting to it some Butter, Vinegar, and Sugar. (2.) The Juyce of O­ranges, Lemons, and Gravy beat up well. (3.) A Galla­dine Sauce made with strained Bread, Cinamon, Sugar, Vi­negar, Claret-wine, and some beaten Ginger, finely strained, or you may add a few Cloves and Sprigs of Rosemary. (4.) If you will stuff or farce any part of the Deer convenient to be so used, stick the piece chosen with Thyme, Rose­mary Savory, or Cloves, or else with all manner of Sweet Herbs, minced with Beef-Suet: lay the Caul over the side, or half of the Haunch, and so roasting it pretty well, serve it up with any of the fore-mentioned Sauces, garnishing with Oranges, Lemons, and red Beet Roots.

Sauces for Roast Mut­ton: Gravy, Capers, Sam­pire and Salt, stew them well together in two Waters; O­nions, Claret-wine, sliced Nutmeg, and Gravy, boiled up with three whole Onions, stewed in strong Broth or Gravy, White-wine, Pepper, Pickle Capers, Mace, and three or four slices of Lemon.

Sauces for Roast Pork: (1.) Gravy, minced Sage and Onions boil'd together with some Pepper. (2.) Mustard, Vinegar, and small Pepper, well beat together. (3.) Ap­ples pared and quartered, and boiled in fair water, with some Sugar beaten up with Butter. (4.) Gravy, Vinegar, sliced Onion and Pepper, boiled up together. The Sauces thus ordered, you may take a Chine of Pork, and draw it with Sage on both sides, when it is on the Spit, then roast it; and so you may do by any other Joynt of Pork, viz. Loin, Pack, Breast, Spare-rib, or Harslet of a Bacon Hog; be­ing salted a night or two.

Sauces for any kind of Sea-Fowl roasted: Make a Galladine with grated Bread, Cinamon, and Ginger beaten, a quarter of a pound of Su­gar, a pint of White-wine-Vinegar, [Page] and a quart of Cla­ret, boil them up and strain them, add a few whole Cloves, and boil them again with some sprigs of Rosemary, add a little red Saunders, and boil it thick as Grewel; and put­ting a sufficient quantity into a Dish, place the Fowl in it: And this especially is an ex­cellent Sauce for Whoopers, Swans, Cranes, Shovelers, Herns, and Bitterns.

Sauces for Stuble Geese: (1.) Sour Apples, or Pippins, boiled to a Pulp and strained, add to them Sugar, Vinegar, Gravy, Barberries, grated Bread, Mustard, beaten Cin­namon, and boiled Onions strained. (2.) Slices of sour Apples boiled in Beer, mash them, and put in Sugar, and beaten Butter; and for varie­ty, add Barberries, and the Gravy of the Fowl. (3.) Take the Gizards and Livers minced small with Sage Beets, sweet Herbs, and sprinkled with Salt; add minced Lard, and fill the Belly of the Goose, sow tip the Rump, or Vent, tye the Neck with a Pack­thread, and roast the Goose: being roasted, take out the Farcing, put it in a Dish; and then put to it the Gravy of the Goose, Pepper, and Ver­juice, give it a warm on the Fire, and serve it up. (4) The French Sauce for Geese, are only Butter, Mustard, Su­gar, Vinegar, and Barberries.

Savory: Of this Herb there are two kinds, one like to Thyme, and the other greater, and more branched. The latter being used as a Cataplasm, with Wheat-flow­er sod together in Wine, is a­vailable against the Sciatica; but the use of it is chiefly good for healthful Persons, whether it be in Pottage, or Sauce, or otherwise; and be­ing dried in the shade, and brought into Powder, it may be used instead of Spices.

Sausages to Make: The best way to do this, is to take a Leg of Pork that has lain an Hour or two in Salt and Wa­ter, Take off the Fat, and mince the Lean very small, and shred into it Beef-suet, season it with half an ounce of beaten Cloves, and an ounce of Pepper, and the like quantity of Mace beaten fine, shred small, a handful of Sage and Rosemary, and break in about a dozen Eggs, and mix all well together; then fill the great Gut of a well washed Hog, and boil them gently: then dry them in a Chimney, and they will keep excellent good for a very considerable time.

Sausages without Skins: To make these, Mince the Lean of a Leg of Pork very small, having first taken out the Sinews and Strings; then add two pound of Beef-suet finely shred, and two hand­fuls [Page] of red Sage, a little Pep­per, Salt, and Nutmeg, with a piece of an Onion: mingle them, being all finely minced and beaten, having put in two or three Yolks of Eggs; and so with a small matter of Flour, make it into a Past in lengths, or Balls: and when you fry it, cut it out in pret­ty thick slices.

Scabious: This Herb, though wild, and mostly growing in the Field, is of excellent use. The Herb and Root boiled in Wine, or the Juice of it, or the distilled Water of it, cures Impost­humes, Pleurisies, Coughs, or other Diseases incident to the Breast, or Lungs. 'Tis good also in the Quinsie, Plague, Ulcers in the Fundament, Itch, and likewise for Beauti­fying.

Scabs: Take the Roots of Celandine, Wormwood, and red Dock, of each a hand­ful; Lawrel and Ivy-Leaves, of each half a handful: bruise them well, and fry them in Butter till they become crisp: then strain out the Butter with hard pressing, and keep it as an Ointment of special use in all manner of Scabs, Breakings-out, Botches, or Blains; and if mixed with a little Powder of Sulphur, it is excellent for the Itch, and to hinder the biting of Bugs, or cure those that are Bit.

Scabious-Water: Take four handfuls of Scabious­flowers, a handful of the tender Tops of Comfrey-flow­ers, of Fumitory four oun­ces, Roots of Orris three ounces, Baum, and Celandine­tops, of each a pugil: distil these in a cold Still with four oun­ces of Almonds blanched, and steeped in warm Water till they swell.

This is an excellent Beau­tifier, and causes a fresh Co­lour.

Scalds to Cure: Take a quart of sweet Cream, then wash, pare, and slice a hand­ful of Fern-roots; boil them together in an earthen Pipkin with two ounces of Dove's-Dung finely powdered; or, for want of that, Hen's-Dung for the space of half an Hour, or till, by continually stirring it, it jellies, or thickens: then let it cool, and so spreading some of it on a Cloath, apply it to the Place scalded. So by often applying, the Fire will be taken out in a little time, and the Pain removed.

Scaily-Nails to take off: Take the Seeds of wild Mint, and Linseed, of each a quar­ter of an ounce; bruise them and mix them with Honey; make a Plaister, and fix it on the Nails, and in a little while they will fall off, and other sound ones grow in their stead.

Scaily-Spots: To reme­dy these rough and unseemly Deformities of the Skin, Take half an ounce of Nigella­seeds, bruise and boil them in a quart of strong Vinegar un­til half be consumed; then add as much of the Oil of Walnuts, as will, when strain­ed, and a little more boiled, reduce it to an Ointment; with which anoint the Place often, and it will make it smooth and beautiful. This is likewise a Remedy for the fretting and gauling of the Skin, and Itch.

Sciatica: Take four hand­fuls of Straw-berries, boil them in a quart of Water, and ha­ving bathed the grieved Place with the liquid part strained from them very warm, dry it; and then anoint it with this Ointment, viz. Unguen­tum Dialtheae one ounce, Ho­ney half an ounce, Bees-wax a dram: mix them over a gentle Fire, and make an Ointment for the aforesaid use: and by often anointing, the Pain will cease.

Scorbutick-Water: Take the Juices of Scurvigrass, and Water of Pimpernel depura­ted, of each three pints; fine white Sugar two pound: make them into a Syrup over a gen­tle Fire.

The use of this Syrup is very successful, taken in scor­butick Maladies, from one spoonful to two in any scor­butick-waters, Mint, or Pen­ny-royal-waters, &c.

Scorbutick-Water of Scurvigrass: Take the Bark of Capers, Tamarisk, Ash-Tree, Polypode-roots of the Oak, of each two ounces; Water-cresses, the Tops of Baum, Agrimony, German­der, and Ground-pine, of each two handfuls; Fenel, and Aniseeds, Carduus-Bene­dictus, of each one dram and half; the Flowers of Broom, St. John's-wort, Centaury the Less, Elder, and wild Thyme, of each a pugil: let these be infused in Fumitory-water, and Whey, of each three pints, Whitewine two quarts; add Oxymel of Squils one pound: then strain them, by pressing out the Liquor very hard; dis­solve in it Troches of Capers, six drams; after distil it in an Ash-bath, and take two oun­ces at a time for Pains in the Stomach, Vapours arising to the Brain, Breakings out, Scurfiness of the Body, Nodes, or Knots in the Skin; and for carrying off all gross and ill Humours by Sweat, Stool, or Urin.

Scurvigrass-Bath: Take Scurvigrass and Fumitory, of each a handful; Fenugreek­seeds three ounces and a half; Flowers of Mellilot two hand­fuls, and of Camomil one handful; Mallow-roots, Brook­lime, and Mugwort one hand­ful and half; the Seeds of [Page] Water-Bettony, and Parsley, of each three ounces and half; Bay-leaves a handful: boil these in two gallons of fair Water to the consumption of a quart.

This removes hard Swel­lings, and Pains in the Joints, allays the Pain, occasioned by excessive heat, restores shrink'd Nerves and Sinews; and is good in easing Pains of the Gout, being applied to the grieved Part.

Scurvigrass, its Essence: Take Scurvigrass, Fumitory, Germander, and Wormwood, of each three handfuls; of Orange-peel, six drams: digest them with Spirit of Scurvi­grass, and Elder, of each so much as suffices, to the Ex­traction of their Tincture, and let them be strongly pressed out, and put of the former Herbs and Powder into the straining; and do this three or four times: and when it is clarified by settling, add of the Spirit of Fern, and Scurvigrass, of each three ounces and a half; Spirit of Tartar nine drams: mix them, and take it from twelve to twenty drops in Ale, Beer, Wine, or any other conveni­ent Liquor.

This is good against Fits of the Mother, Falling-sick­ness, Oppressions of the Sto­mach, Afflictions of the Ma­trix, and cause Urin.

Scurvigrass Physick-Wine: Take Water-cresses, and Wall-rue, of each one handful, wild Radish-roots, and Roots of Polypody, of each two drams; black Hellebore-roots, and Jalap, of each one ounce; the Leaves of choice Senna one ounce, the inward or yel­lowest Rind of an Orange two ounces, best Cinnamon one dram and a half, crude-Tartar three drams. These being cut, and grofly bruised, put them into a thin Bag, sew them up, lay them by in a stone Pot, and pour upon it two quarts of Whitewine; let it stand eleven Days, draw it off, and take three ounces, or more, according to the Strength of your Body.

This purges Choler, and Melancholy, cleanses the Sto­mach, and eases Pains in the Bowels, causes gentle Sweats, and cleanses the Blood.

Scurvigrass-VVine: Take the Juice of Scurvi­grass, Water-cresses, Brook­lime, Sorrel, all depurated, of each a quarter of a pint; Rhenish-wine two quarts, Roots of Horse-radish, Ele­campane, Flower-de-luce, cut into thin slices, of each an ounce and half; two Nut­megs bruised: put all into a stone Bottle, stop it very close, and keep it in a cold place for use.

Taking Morning and Night a quarter of a pint, cures the [Page] Scurvy to a wonder, and pu­rifies the Blood.

Scurvigrass-Wine, ano­ther: Take of fresh Scurvi­grass four handfuls, beat it very small, pour upon it two quarts of Rhenish Wine, let it stand in a cool place three or four Days; then strain it, and let it settle, and so draw it off from the dregs.

Drink of this half a quar­ter of a pint fasting, and it will purifie the Blood, help Digestion, take away pricking Pains, and Heats, or Flush­ings in the Face or Body, pro­vokes Urin, and evaporates noxious Humours by sweat.

Sena: The best of it is that which is brought from Alexandria in Egypt. It pur­geth Choler, Flegm, and Me­lancholy; it cleanseth the Heart, Liver, and Brain, also the Spleen and Lungs, and all Parts of the Body; it is pro­fitable for all Accidents of them: It openeth the Inter­nals, and delayeth the Injuries of growing old Age, causing exhilaration, or Joy in the Mind. The Leaves decocted with Camomil are exceed­ing good to wash the Head for the fortifying the Brain and Sinews, and Sight and Hearing; as also, in all such Diseases as proceed from me­lancholy Humours: likewise for Ulcers, or Palsie, Head-ach, and Falling-evil. It for­tifieth the Heart, especially when mixed with some Vio­lets and Cloves concocted in Whitewine; and being mix­ed with infusion of Roses, or laxative Syrup of Roses, it is an excellent Purge for all evil Humours. There is a Syrup made of Sena.

Senses to Refresh: To enliven the Senses, and restore the Memory, Take a handful of Baum, bruise it and steep it in Whitewine in an earthen Vessel well glazed, and cove­red; then put it into an A­lembick, and of the distilled Water take every Morning fasting a spoonful, and fast an Hour after it.

Sharpness of Vrin: Take the dried stuff that di­vides the Lobes of the Ker­nels of Wallnuts, beat them to a Powder, and take about a dram at a time in a draught of Whitewine or Posset-drink, or in any other convenient Liquor.

Shoulder of Mutton, with Disters: Take a Shoul­der of Mutton, roast it with Oisters, stuffed in the most convenient Places of it; then make Sauce with some Gravy, Claret-Wine, Pepper, grated Nutmeg, sliced Lemon, and Broom-buds, giving it a warm or two: then dish the Mut­ton, the Oisters being taken out; put the Sauce to it, and they in it, and garnish with sliced Lemon, and Barberries.

Sickness-Falling: Take half a dram of the best Am­ber, beat it into fine Powder, and take it once a Day, when the Stomach is most empty, in a quarter of a pint of Whitewine.

Sight-Weak: Take Eye­bright, sweet Fennel-seeds, and fine Sugar, of each an ounce; reduce them to Pow­der, and mix these together, and take the Composition from a dram to two or more, as occasion requires.

Sinews Hurt: If these are any ways bruised, pained, or swelled, Take Lavender, the Stalk, Leaves, and Flower, cut them small, put them in­to Whitewine, and distil them through an Alembick, wash­ing the Parts grieved with the said Water; and drink abut two ounces of it Morning and Evening, and wash the Forehead and Temples with it, in case of any Pains there, by reason of any Afflictions of the Brain, from which the Sinews and Nerves originally proceed.

Skin Infected: Take the Roots of Vines, boil them in Water with the Seeds of Vetches, commonly called Tares, and Fenugreek, of each a handfull; and there­with wash the Places where ill Humours are apt to settle.

Skin to keep open: If an Issue in the Skin is not ea­sily kept open, but too apt to dry up, Take Lapis Infer­nalis an ounce, Crown Soap an ounce and half, Chalf-fine­ly powdered six drams; mix them altogether carefully, and keep them close stopt, and when you use them, mix them well together, and lay over it Plaisterwise.

Sleep to Procure: Take Water-Lillies half a handfull, Opium one dram, steep these, the Lillies being bruised, in three pints of Malmsey, twen­ty four hours, then put in an ounce of Salt finely beaten, Poppy-seed a dram, Lettice-seed three drams, distill them in Balneo Mariae.

The Dose is from half a dram to a dram, when the Party is going to Bed. There is likewise an Ointment to cause Sleep, viz. Take about half an ounce of Oil of Vi­olets, Henbane-seed, and Mandragora-roots, of each half a dram, Saffron and Cas­sia-wood, of each a Scruple, Oil of Olives six ounces, Oil of Mallows, as much; bruise and mix these till they may be reduced to an Ointment, over a gentle Fire, by pressing out the unctuous Matter, and with it anoint the Breasts, Fore­head, and Temples when you would go to rest.

Smack Elixir: Take the distilled Oils of Cinamon, Cloves, and Wormwood, Ci­tron and Orange-Peel, of each six drops, refined Sugar, fine­ly [Page] beaten, Spirit of Wine rectified, and Mint and Orange-flower-water, of each six oun­ces: mix them well, and make an Elixir.

This Elixir is exceeding good in all cold Infirmities of the Stomach, as also to forti­fie the Nobler Parts. The Dose is from two drams to half an ounce, in Wine, Ale, or the like.

Small-Pox, the Scars thereof: To prevent these, Make a Liniment of Rose-water four ounces, Hogs-lard two ounces, Oil of Rosemary halt an ounce, Tuttia one dram: These being made in­to a Liniment, anoint the Face, Hands, and Neck, just as the Disease is in its declining, and the Scabs begin to dry.

Sores: Take a solution of Sublimate, and having made with Quick-lime a strong Lime-water that will bear an Egg, drop it gradually on the Sublimate, till it will precipi­tate on more redish stuff at all; and when you perceive the Liquors act on longer vi­sibly upon one anther, pour the Mixture into a filter of Cap-paper, which retaining the Orange colour precipita­ted, will transmit an indiffe­rently clear Liquor, which must be kept close stopped in a glass Viol, viz. to wash the Part grieved.

This is exceeding good in old Sores, Ulcers, Breaking­out, and other such-like Di­seases.

Sores of the Mouth to Heal: Take the Leaves of Marshmallows, and boil them in Wine, wherein Honey has been dissolved, add some Roch­alom in powder, then press out the liquid part very hard, so suffer it to stand and cool: and with this Decoction wash and gargle your Mouth and Throat, if it be sore.

Sore Nose: This often happens through the Effects of the French Disease, not perfectly cured, and many times in the Mouth, as well as the Nose. For Remedy then, Take the Juice of com­mon Hounds-tongue, and that of Plantane, of each three ounces: boil these Juices to a thickness over a gentle Fire, adding to them Oxymel Scil­liticum, and anoint the sore Part often; or dipping a lin­nen Rag in it, thrust it up the Nostril, if the grief be mostly there.

Sores Old: Take Aristo­lochia Longa, Aloes Epatica, of each an ounce: make them into a Powder, and with Ho­ney of Roses work it into a Past; and having cleansed the Sore with Oil of Tartar, or the Decoction of Myrrh; spread some of the Past on a Leather, or pliant Cloath, and lay it to the Place griev­ed; and in twice or thrice renewing it, you will find [Page] wonderful success in the Cure.

Sores Putrefied: Take Milfoil and Sanicola, of each half a handful; boil them in Water, and strain the liquid part through a linnen Cloth, and with the Decoction, mix the Meal of Fenugreek, the Fat of a Goat, and as much Olive-oil as will thicken them, and make them into an Oint­ment over a gentle Fire: with which often anoint the Sores, and it will heal them.

Sore Throat: Take a piece of greasie linnen Cloth, so much as being double may make a Bag in the from of a Stay to reach from one side of the Throat to the other, and contain as much Matter as may make it of the thick­ness of an inch, or more: then filling it with common Salt, heat it thoroughly and apply it to the Part affected as warm as may be well en­dured; and when it grows cold, apply another like it well heated, and so continue to do forty eight Hours, if the Remedy be so long need­ed. This makes the Kernels fallen down, retire to their proper places, and abates Swel­lings.

Speech lost: This is not meant of those that are deaf from their Infancy, and so consequently dumb; but of such as through accident or hoarsness are deprived of their Speech. To remedy this, Take Ireos half an ounce, Pennyroval, Hysop, and Li­corice, of each three drams; Gum-Tragacanth, and bitter Almonds, Kernels of Pines, Cinnamon and Pepper, of each one dram and a half; Figs, Dates, and Currans, of each two ounces; red Styrax three scruples and a half; cut the Fruits small, and powder the rest, and to every ounce add three ounces of Sugar, and make it into an Electuary with Honey, or Syrup of Hyssop, and take in the Morn­ing fasting, and at Night go­ing to Bed a quarter of an ounce, washing it down with warm Ale: and so do for five or six Days and Nights, and the Cure will be effected.

Speckles: For these, or Pimples, th t are not angry or fiery, Take the Blood of a Hare warm, if you can get it, and the Oil of Cinnamon, and anoint the Face with it.

Specifick-Purge: Take raw Antimony, and Sal Amo­niack powdered and mixed together, of each six ounces: sublime the combustible red Flowers, according to Art, and of them take four oun­ces; of the best Nitre take eight ounces: let them ful­minate in subliming Pots, and gather the Flower without wasting any of it; dulcifie the Flower with hot Water till there be on more saltness [Page] remaining: upon this Pow­der dried over a very gentle Fire, pour rectified Spirit of Wine four Fingers breadth a­bove the Matter, put them all into an Alembick with a Receiver luted to it; then distil them at first with a gen­tle Fire, increase it by degrees that the substance may come to a driness: expose the Pow­der, being perfectly dried, to the Fire for the space of an Hour, and keep it for use in a close Box, or Gally-pot.

This remarkable Prepara­tion of Antimony is sudori­sick, powerfully provoking Sweat, pens the Belly gently, being taken at a distance from Meals, from twenty to thirty grains in some Conserve, in a Bolus, or dissolved in some agreeable Cordial-water.

Speedwel: The Male sort of this Herb is of excel­lent Virtue for opening Ob­structions of the Lungs, for the Colick and Spleen, and is an Antidote against the Plague, and is helpful in Wounds, curing the Itch. We have it from good Hands, That a large Dose of the De­coction of this Herb, taken for some time, expelled a Stone from the Kidney of a Woman that had been tor­mented with it for fifteen or sixteen Years. Also a Wo­man that was accunted Bar­ren seven Years, conceived upon taking the Powder of it in the distilled Water for a considerable time. The Sy­rup is of great use in the Di­sease of the Lungs; and a Person who had a very dan­gerous Ulcer in his Leg, found Ease, and in a short time a Remedy, by washing in the Water of it, and applying wet Rags dipt in the said Wa­ter, by taking away the In­flammation, and all the Symp­toms that accompanied it. One who had a Fistula in the Breast, and in vain had used divers Medicaments, it's said, was cured with this Water, by inwardly taking it. Rags dipped in it, and applied hot, do make Scabs fall away in Children, and then wash them over with Water of Fumito­ry and Whey. But for all these Experiments, the Read­er may try them as occasion offers, and be more amply sa­tisfied. The Virtues of this Herb are many.

Spirit-Antiscorbutick: Take Elder and Juniper-ber­ries, and bruise them; the Seed of Scurvigrass, Carduus-Benedictus, and Garden [...] ­ses, of each two pound [...], put them all into a convenient Vessel; and having mixed with them a pint of Ale-Yeast, set them to ferment in a Stove, or hot Place; and when that is over, distil them, and pre­serve the Spirit.

Spirit Epileptick: Take the Flowers of Lily of the [Page] Valley, Lavender, Sage, Til­let, Primroses, and Rosemary, of each two handfuls; gather the Flowers in their season, and macerate them altogether in six pints of the Spirit of Wine rectified; then add to them Misleto of the Oak, Roots of Valerian, and Male-Peony, of each four ounces, being bruised and macerated eight Days in a pint of Malm­sey, Cinamon, Cloves, Mace, and Nutmegs, of each half an ounce; mix them altoge­ther, and distil them in a glass Cucurbit covered with its Head in a Sand-bath, and preserve the Spirit as a very excellent one.

It is very proper for the ease and cure of Epileptick Diseases. It is to be given from two drams to half an ounce, alone or mixed with cephalick Liquors, It may be also put up the Nostrils, ap­plied to the Temples, and o­ther Parts, for easing Pains, and preventing the arising of Vapours to the Brain, which occasion Fits and Disorders.

Spirit of Salt: Take the finest white Salt, and dry it over a Fire, or else in the Sun, so powder it finely to the quantity of two pound weight; mix it well with six pound of Potters-earth finely powdered, make them up in­to a Mass very hard with Rain­water, as much as will con­veniently do it, from this Mass, by dividing into Balls, in the bigness of a Hazle-nut, and let them dry in the Sun a con­siderable time; and when they are dried, put them in­to a large earthen Pot, or a Glass that may be luted, a third part of it being left empty, place the Retort in a reverberatory Furnace, and fit to it a large Receiver, lu­ting the Joints, and give a moderate heat to warm it, and so make an insipid Wa­ter drop forth; and when white Clouds succeed those drops, pour out that which is in the Receiver: and having re-fitted it, lute the Joines close, and by degrees encreale the Fire to the last degree of all; and so in this condition continue it twelve or fifteen Hours, when all that time the Receiver will be hot, and full of white Clouds: but when it grows cold, and they dis­appear, then unlute the Jun­ctures, for the operation is at an end; and then you will have the Spirit of Salt in the Receiver. So pour it into a glass or earthen Bottle, and stop it with Wax.

This singular Spirit has an aperitive quality, and there­fore is used in Juleps to an agreeable Acidity for such as are subject to the Stone, or Gravel; 'tis also used to cleanse and whiten the Teeth, also to fasten loose Teeth, being [...]em­pered with a little Water, and [Page] to consume the rottenness of the Stumps.

Spirit of Salt, Dulcify'd and Sweet: Mix equal Parts of Spirit of Salt, and Spirit of Wine, set them two or three Days in Digestion in a double Vessel in a gentle Sand-Bath.

This is taken more safely inwardly than the former, be­cause it is less Corrosive: It may be given from four to twelve drops in some proper Liquid.

Spirit of Scurvrigrass: Take the Bark of Ash Tree, Roots of Fraxinel, Tamarisk, and Capers, each one ounce and half; Polypody of the Oak two ounces, wild Radish three ounces, Scurvigrass-Leaves four handfuls, Water­cresses, Brook-lime, Sorrel, and Spleen-wort, of each three handfuls; Bay-berries, and Juniper-berries, of each six drams; the Tops of the lesser Centaury a handful; Seeds of Citron, Mustard, Carduus-Be­nedictus, of each halfan ounce; Cloves, Ginger, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg, of each three drams: these being cut and bruised, digest them in a warm Sand-Bath, in a gallon of White-wine, and three pints of good Brandy for three Days: then distil them in Sand by an A­lembick.

Of this twenty drops is a sufficient Dose for the Scur­vy, and all the other Di­stempers attending it, as Pains, Prickings, Shortness of Breath, Foulness of the Lungs, Yel­lowness of the Teeth, decay­ing of the Gums, and the like. This is called the Golden Spirit of Scurvigrass, easing the Pains of the Belly in Children, and killing Worms. But for the latter, ten or twelve drops may serve.

Spirit Uterine: Take the Roots of round and long Bithwort, Piony, and the les­ser Valerian, of each two oun­ces; Castor one ounce; dry Tops of Wormwood, Mug­wort, Tansie, Fetherfew, El­der, and Camomil-flowers, of each a handful: shred and bruise all together. Let them macerate three Days in two quarts of the rectified Spirit of Wine: then distil them according to Art, and keep the Spirit for your use.

This is excellent, and most effectual to suppress the Va­pours that arise from the Matrix, and to open Obstru­ctions. It is to he given from one to two or three drams at a time in Hysterick Waters, or Decoctions: It may like­wise be put up the Nostrils, or applied to the Temples, or Navel, with good Success.

Spirit of Wine to Distil: Take the Wine and Lees of what sort you think conve­nient, put it into an Alem­bick, draw it off, and rectifie it into what heighth you please. [Page] It is excellent, taken in cold Distempers, or to mix with any Cordial Water, to temper them with heat, according to the degrees the Distempers require, for which they are to be taken. The Joints af­flicted with cold Pains, being bathed with it, ease them: It's good in the Gout and Sci­atica, the afflicted Parts bathed with it, and is used for Lacca to change Silver to a gold co­lour, as also in Varnish, and in making up sundry Medi­cins. Baum, Rue, and the Leaves of Walnuts being bea­ten and made up into a Con­serve with it, resist the Plague and pestilential Fe­vers.

Spirit of Wine, another: This Spirit, when made the best way, is drawn from Bran­ny chiefly, and not of that which is usually called Wine. Four gallons then of the best Brandy must be mixed with four quarts of ordinary Salt, and put into an Alembick, or Bay-salt dried and finely powdered. Lute the Head, and do it over a gentle Fire, lest being too long a draw­ing it off, it waft and con­sume too much; that which is the highest or rectified part being fired, will burn all a­way; but the second Spirit will not do so.

This makes curious Tin­ctures in chymical Operations, and being upon other occa­sions outwardly applied, it discusses Tumours, and cures Burns, if taken in time: It also eases the Pains of the Gout, and cold Pains in the Joints.

Spitting Blood: Take Ash-leaves, and the Seeds of Nettles; boil them, when well bruised, in Whitewine: put to the Decoction a little Sanguis Draconis, Spodium, and Bole-armoniack: then these being infused, strain it again, and drink half a quar­ter of a pint mixed with half an ounce of the Syrup of red Roses.

Spots, or Stains: If in Silk, caused by Grease, Take the Bone of a Sheep's-foot, burn it to powder, and beat a red-hot Tobbaccopipe into Powder also: then sift these, and mingle them together. Take of this Powder, and lay on the Spot; then lay on it the back of a Spoon that has a red-hot Coal in the hollow of it; and then the heat, if the Grease be little, will cause the Powder to suck it out.

Spots of Pitch and Ro­sin are taken out by applying Oil of Turpentine, rubbing it in, and letting it lye, and it will crumble away: so likewise Tar will rub out like a speck of Dirt.

Spots in the Skin to take away: Take Water of Talk, and Lemon-juice; in­fuse in them the Roots of [Page] Mandragora, and let them stand five Days in the Sun, or some warm place, and then strain out the liquid part, and with it bath the Spots: and in often so doing they will disappear. Or, for want of these, wash them with the Water of Radishes, drawn by an Alembick, and anoint the Skin with the Meal of Orobo mixed with Honey.

Spots in Stuff, or Woolen: Take Fullers-earth two oun­ces, Castile-soap an ounce, the fine siftings of coarse Bran half an ounce: mix these with fair Water, make them up into a kind of Paste, and lay then some of it on the Spot; and being then a little moist, let it dry on before a gentle Fire.

Stains that come not by Grease are taken out by boil­ing Lemon-peel in Small-beer, with a little Copperas, till it be very strong of them: then with a hard Brush rub up the place with it, and take it out again after a while with fair Water, wherein a little Castile­soap has been dissolved.

Stanching Blood: Take round Mushrooms, or Puff­balls, in Autumn, when they are full ripe; break, them wa­rily, and save carefully the Powder that will fly out, and the rest that remains in their Cavities, and strew this Pow­der all over the Part affected, binding it on with a Liniment, and the Bleeding will be im­mediately stayed.

Stephens's- Water: See Doctor Stephens's- Water.

Stiffness of the Sinews to supple: Take twelve Frogs, Hogs lard one pound, Oil of Bays two pound, and Bay­berries dried and reduced to Powder two ounces: boil them together sufficiently, then press them through a lin­nen Cloath, add then white Incense in powder one ounce, and make the Liquid into an Ointment over a gentle Fire, with which anoint the Parts often, and it will comfort the Sinews, and restore them to a limberness, and make them very supple; and always after anointing, wash it with the following Decoction, viz.

Take the Roots and Leaves of Agrimony, with the Roots of Mallows, boil them in Water till they be tender, strain out the liquid part, and bath with it.

Stinging of Insects: If you are stung with Wasps, Hornets, Bees, or the like, Take Juniper-berries when ripe and bruise them, then distil them through an Alem­bick; and not only wash the place stung, but drink about a quarter of a pint of it with an ounce of the Juice of Rue.

Stiptick-Water, the New Way: Take Colcothar, or red Vitriol, which remains in [Page] the Retort after the Spirit is drawn out, Sugar-candy, and Burnt-alom, of each half a dram; the Urin of a young Lad, and Rose-water, of each half an ounce , Plan­tain-water two ounces: mix them well together for a con­siderable time, then pour the Mixture into a Viol, and when you separate it, do it by inclination for use.

This is so excellent for stop­ping Bleeding, that a Bolster dipped in it, and applied to an open Artery, and held there a while, it has stay'd the bleeding of it. A Pledget thrust up the Nostrils do's the like for the bleeding there. Taken inwardly, it cures the Spitting of Blood, and Bloody­flux, &c. The Dose, taken inwardly, is from half a dram to a dram, and it may be given in the Water of Knot­grass, Nettles, or Wood-sor­rel. This Water is excellent for any one to carry about them, and may upon any Ac­cident happening save a Life, that the Effusion of Blood, if not speedily stopped, may carry away with it.

Stomach Hot: When you find any great Heat or Burn­ing in your Stomach, Take green Housleek, bruise it and press out the Juice; then over a gentle Fire make it into a Syrup with white Sugar.

This is likewise excellent good, a quarter of an ounce taken at a time for the Heart burn.

Stomach Pain'd: If the Stomach be afflicted with Pains occasioned by windi­ness, or Causes proceeding from the defect of the Milt, Take an ounce of Cinnamon, Rapontici and Galangal, as much; put to them, when bruised, half a pound of Sugar, and lay it, when boiled up to a heighth, on Plates, make them into Lo­zenges: Take one at a time, and drink a glass of Wine af­ter it, and it will work gent­ly; so that in often taking, your Thirst will be much a­bared.

Stomachical Tincture: Take Agrimony two drams, small Centaury-tops one dram, Coriander-seeds bruised one scruple, Sassafras, Shavings and Bark, one dram; Genti­an-root half a dram, Zedoary-root ten grains: put these to three quarters of a pint of boiling Spring-water, cover it, and let them steep twelve Hours: then strain it, and Bottle it up.

It exceedingly fortifies and refreshes the Stomach, eases it of Pains and Gripings, and prevents the Iliac-Passion.

Stone, the Cause and Cure: The Stone is ingen­dred of vicious and slimy Flegm in the Reins and Blad­der, where by heat it petri­fies and takes to it self the [Page] hardness and nature of a Stone.

To dissolve and bring away this, Take of the Tops of Bor­rage, Fenel, Parsly, Endive and Succory, Spearage and Beets, of each a little handful; shred them and boil them in three quarts of Rhenish-wine, drink a quarter of a pint of it Morning and Evening; and once a Week, take a Cly­ster made of Mallows, Ground­sil, Southernwood, and Fe­therfew boiled in fair Water, and mixed with two ounces of brown Sugar, especially if the Affliction be in the Reins.

Stone, or Gravel: Take thirty or forty Drops of Spi­rit of Castor in a Glass of Rhenish Wine every Morn­ing fasting.

Stone and Gravel: Take four gallons of running Wa­ter, four pound of fine Su­gar in powder, Eringo-roots, and Raisins of the Sun stoned, of each one pound; a branch of fresh Rosemary: boil all these together till half be consumed; then work it up with a little Yeast, tun it, and put the Peel of a fresh Lemon into it: when it hath done working, you may Bottle it if you please. Of this drink Morning and Evening, and whensoever you are adry.

Stone and Gravel, ano­ther: Take the White of a new-lay'd Egg, and beat it well with a Spoon in a Por­ringer for a quarter of an hour; then let it settle, and take off the Scum: mix the Clear with two spoonfuls of Whitewine, and four spoon­fuls of red Rose-water, and put to it one ounce of Sugar­candy in Powder: mix all well together, and take it in the Morning fasting, and another at Night going to Bed. Continue this seven Days.

Stone and Gravel, ano­ther: Take of the Juice of Leeks, Onions and Radishes, of each two pound; Juices of Lemons, Pellitory, and Mouse-ear, of each half a pound; Calx of Crystal, and Pidgeon's-dung, of each half a pound: digest it for ten Days, then distil it. You may give it from one dram to half an ounce at a time in Rhenish Wine.

Stone and Gravel, ano­ther: Gather the Leaves of Golden-Rod when it is in its greatest Vigour, dry them in the shade; and when you are troubled with the Stone or Gravel, take one ounce there­of (made into subtil Powder) in a small Glass of White-wine and Milk, of each a like quantity; repeat this as of­ten as there is cause for it. When the Herb is green, you may boil a handful of it in Whitewine Posset-drink, and drink it instead of the dried [Page] Herb, which is to keep all the Year.

Stone and Gravel, a Diet: Forbear eating of Eggs, all salt and tart Meats and Sauces, Pork, Milk, or any thing made of Milk, except Possets, Cabbage, Colworts, Colli­flowers, and such-like: let your Diet be Mutton, Veal, Rabbit and Fowl, and the quantity moderate; let your Drink be of the midling sort, and not too stale. Forbear drinking Claret, drink Spa­nish Wine rather than French.

Strain: The Strain or Sprain being newly contra­cted, Take a handful of Wormwood and bruise it well in a stone Mortar, then put to it the Whites of two Eggs bea­ten; make a Poultis of it, and lay it to the grieved place.

Strangury: This is cau­sed either from the Urin's be­ing over sharp, which pro­vokes the expulsive Faculties to expel it before any quantity be gathered together, or that the retentive Faculty to the Bladder is weakned through some distemperature, especi­ally of Cold, or else through some Ulcer, or Inflammation of the Bladder, to which the Urin coming, doth extimu­late the expulsive Faculty; or lastly, when the Womb, or Bowels being inflamed do trouble or distend the Blad­der. To remedy this,

Take Cassia one dram, Man­na two grains, Violets, Sor­rel, and Purslain, of each a pugil; Licorice, Prunes, and the Leaves of Mallows, of each two ounces: bruise and boil these in two quarts of Whey till a fourth part be consumed; strain out the li­quid part, and sweeten it with Honey, and drink a quarter of a pint as hot as may be fasting, and an hour after take a quarter of an ounce of the Oil of Violets, and half an ounce of the Oil of sweet Al­monds mixed together.

Straitness of the Breasts: This is frequently occasioned by evil Humours setling in the Breasts. To remedy which,

Take Taxus-Barbatus, Fen­nel, and Licorice, of each a little handful: boil them in Water and Wine a like quan­tity; and when they become tender, strain the liquid part through a Linnen-cloath; sweeten it with Sugar, and take about a quarter of a pint of it pretty hot in a Morning fasting.

This likewise removes Hoars­ness, or Defects occasioned by Cold, or tough Flegm.

Strengthning the Bow­els: Take Cloves, or Chives (not Bulbs) of Garlick and swallow at convenient times one or two of them without chewing.

Stump-Pye to Season: Take Veal or Mutton mince it [Page] raw, and make it up into Balls about the bigness of large Walnuts; then put half an ounce of Pepper, half an ounce of Nutmegs, and half an ounce of Cloves and Mace; Marjoram, Thyme, and Sa­vory cut small, then add a pound of Currans: mix these well together, and put them to two pound of the Meat; then work them up into Balls of the aforesaid bigness with six Eggs, and at the closing up put a pound of Butter dispersed among them in little Balls as big as Marbles. Then make a Caudle with a quarter of a pint of Whitewine, half a quartern of Verjuice, the Yolks of three Eggs, and a little whole Mace: then put­ting in about a quarter of a pound of Butter when they are well beaten up and thick­ned over a gentle Fire, put it into the Pye; and so closing the Lid, bake it in an indiffe­rently well heated Oven.

Surfeit-Water: Take what quantity of Brandy you please, and steep a propor­tionable quantity of red Pop­py-flowers in it, the black Bot­toms being taken off; and when the colour is extracted, press them out, and put in fresh, and so do till the Bran­dy is of a deep Tincture; then slice in Nutmeg, Gin­ger and Cinnamon, of each two drams, to a quart of the Brandy, and add an ounce of fine Sugar likewise to every quart. Then keep it close stopt, and it is excellent good for Surfeits, Wind, or Illness of the Stomach.

Sweat to Provoke: Take the Herb or Plant called Rape, the Roots of Plantain the Les­ser, and Knot-grass, of each a handful; bruise them well, and boil them in Vinegar, strain out the liquid part, and take about a quarter of a pint of it going to Bed, and keep your self warm, and it will purge out the ill Humours by a gentle breathing Sweat.

Swelling to Break: Take of salt Butter half an ounce, Leaven one ounce, white Mustard-seed two drams, Gar­lick one dram, Oil of Ca­momil three quarters of an ounce: bruise and mix these together, and apply them hot Poultiswise, spread on Col­wort-leaf, suffering it to lye on four or five Hours; and then if the Matter be soft, and the Skin not broke, open it gently with a Lancet, or potential Cautery of Cantha­rides; and being opened, for its speedier Cure use this De­coction.

Take round Aristolochia, Agrimony, Self-heal, Parsly­roots, and Gentian, of each an ounce; boil them in half a pint of Wine, and as much Water; and tenting it with proper Unguents, lay on this consolidating Plaister.

Take the dried Leaves of round Aristolochia one ounce, Frankincense, Mastick, and Myrrh, of each two drams; Aloes-succotrine one dram, Litharge four scruples, red Lead two scruples, Meal of Lupins one dram; make these into a very fine Powder: then dissolve Deers-suet one ounce, Oil of St. John's-wort six drams, washed Turpentine half an ounce, Bees-wax three ounces; and being well incorporated over a gentle Fire, put in the Powder, and make all into a Plai­ster.

This is admirable in any Tumours, or Swellings, and more-particularly in Plague-Sores.

Swelling when the Gout ceases: To Remedy this, Take the Ashes of burnt Oister-shells, or rather the Powder of them, when they are calcined, the Ashes of Spongel and Dodder, of each an ounce: boil them in a pint of sharp Vinegar, and a quarter of a pint of Wa­ter; and with the Decoction bath the liquid part as hot as may be endured.

Swelling of the Liver, or Milt: Take the Leaves and Berries of Ivy, infuse them when bruised ten days in Whitewine; then boil it till the Wine is nearly consu­med, strain out, by hard pressing, what liquid part remains, and put to it a like quantity of Olive-oil, and half the quantity of Bees­wax, and therewith being warm'd over a gentle Fire, a­noint the Place nearest to the Internals, so grieved, as hot as it may be endured; and in so often doing, you will find great Advantage there­by.

Swelling of the Matrix: This is frequently caused by Ventosities, or Windiness af­ter the Birth of Children. To Remedy it. Take Mu­stard-seed, or Rape-seed, and boil them in Water, make a Fomentation, and inject it: but if it happen through in­flammation, or evil purgation, attended with an Ague, let the Party take a dram of the Powder of Peony-roots in warm Broth, fasting, in which has been boiled the Flowers of Chamomil.

Swallow-Water: Take twelve Swallows out of the Nest, cast them whole into a glass Alembick, add thereto the Shavings of a Man's Skull three ounces, Castor one ounce and a half, Powder of Misleto one ounce; Juice of the Roots and Leaves of Male-Peony six ounces, Water of the Flowers of Tillet, La­vender, and Lily of the Val­ley, of each a pint and a half; Vinegar of Squills half a pint: macerate them over a gentle Fire the space of forty [Page] hours; then distil them in a moderate Sand-bath, and keep the Water for use.

It is an excellent corrected Anti-Epileptick-Water, and has particular Virtues against that Distemper. It is given about a spoonful in the Fit, and may be continued every Day, as occasion requires, after the use of general Re­medies.

Swelling of the Yard: Take the Juice of the Herb called Cauda Equina, mix it with the Juice of Endive, and take four spoonfuls Morning and Evening; or, Take the Water of the Herb distilled through an Alembick to the like quantity, anointing the grieved Part with a Mixture of the Oils of Mallows, Ro­ses, and Earth-worms.

Syrup of Citron-Iuice: Take three pints of Citron-Juice extreamly purify'd, put it into a glass or glazed earth­en Vessel; then dissolve there­in six pound of fine Sugar, stir it till the Sugar be whol­ly incorporated with the Juice; continue stirring, as well when it is off, as when upon the Fire, and observe that you make use of no Ves­sels for the preparation of this, or any other Syrup of acid Juices, but such as are made of glass, or glazed Earth; for if they be of Me­tal, the Acids will take their Tincture and spoil.

This is a great cooler, and therefore given in Fevers and hot Diseases; also to cut Flegm, and gargarize sore Mouths.

Syrup of Coral: Take four ounces of red Coral well chosen, beat it into Powder on a porphyry Stone; moisten it with Rose-water, and being dry, put it into a glass Cu­curbit, and pour on it three pints of the Juice of Bar­berries well clarified; put the Cucurbit in a Bath of Ashes moderately hot forty hours, stirring the Ingredients from time to time with a wooden Spatula; then filter the Liquor through a brown Paper; weigh it, and return it into a glass Cucurbit set in Balneo Mariae; dissolve in it the double weight of Sugar, and it is excellent in pestilential Distempers.

Syrup of Elder: Take ripe Elder-berries, bruise them well, press out the Juice, and put to a gallon a pint of Ca­nary, or Muscadel, boil it to the consumption of almost one half, keeping it well scummed; and when 'tis hot off the Fire, put in the Su­gar, and stir it about: then set it on again till it thickens to a Syrup.

This cleanses the Stomach and Spleen, takes away the Obstructions of the Liver, by taking a spoonful fasting, often.

Syrup Epileptick: Take Misleto of the Oak, Roots of Peony, the Shavings of a dead Man's Skull that dy'd a violent Death, of each half an ounce; Flowers of Lily of the Valley, Rosemary, Lavender, Sage, and Mari­golds, of each a little hand­ful: bruise the Misleto and Roots, and put them toge­ther with the Shavings of the Skull and Flowers, into a Matras, and pour on them one pint of rectified Spirit of Wine; and having well closed the Vessel, let them macerate a Week together over a moderate Heat; then with a gentle heat draw off half the Spirit of Wine, and preserve it a-part. The re­mainder being pressed, redu­ced, and filtered, bring it in­to the consistence of a Syrup with eight ounces of the finest Sugar; then aromatize it with two drops of distilled Cinnamon.

This Syrup is very highly commended for the Preven­tion and Cure of the Epilep­sie. It is to be taken alone, and fasting, from half an ounce to an ounce: You may re-inforce the Dose with a dram of the Spirit drawn off, and mix the Syrup with ce­phalick Waters, or Decoctions.

Syrup of Rhubarb: Take of the best Rhubarb, and the Leaves of Senna, of each two ounces and a half; a handful of Violet-flowers, Cinnamon one dram and a half, Ginger half a dram, the Water of Bettony, Bugloss, and Succory, of each a pint and a half: let these infuse over warm Ashes, or Embers, a Night, the liquid part be­ing well pressed out through a close Strainer; and then boil it up with Sugar to a Syrup, adding to it four oun­ces of the solutive Syrup of Roses.

This is a very curious and gentle Purge, and may be safely given to Children and weak People upon any urgent occasion, they being kept from taking Cold upon its recep­tion. The Dose is from one ounce to an ounce and a half. It expels evil Humours, for­tifies the Stomach, and causes a good Digestion, kills Worms in Children, and causes gen­tle breathing Sweats.

Syrup for Rheums: Take Syrup Jubebs, Syrup of Corn Poppy-flowers, and dried Roses, of each an ounce: mix these together, and take half a spoonful at a time.

Syder to Make and Or­der: Take your Apples, as you fancy the Syder most con­venient to your Palate, viz. either Red-streaks, Pearmains, Pippins, Golden-Pippins, &c. when they are indifferent ripe, so that upon shaking they will fall with tolerable Ease: bruise or grind your Apples very small; and then putting them into a Hair-Bag, squeeze out the Juice in a Press by degrees, and not over-hastily: put up the Liquid part into a Cask seasoned by burning a Rag in it, at the end of a Stick, dipped in Brimstone, when the Smoak is evapora­ted, and the Vessel washed with a little warm Liquor that has run through the se­cond straining, or Husks of the Apples: and to make it work kindly, put in a little Flower and Honey made up in a Past, and enclosed in a thin Rag; so let it stand in a moderate warm place six or seven Days; and then draw it off from the Lees or Set­tlings into another Cask so ordered or Bottle it up at your discretion. But in Bot­tling take care to leave an inch space from the Cork, lest it working or fermenting again, it either force out the Cork, on break the Bottles. Or if such Danger appear by the singing of the Air thro' the porous Part of the Cork, you may open them and give them vent, or have a Quill run through the Cork, which you may stop and open at pleasure with less danger and difficulty. And so of the Cask, in Winter keep it in a warm place for fear of chil­ling or freezing: and in Summer in a cold Place, lest it ferment; and that tainting it, it grow musty or thick. You may likewise preserve it from these latter, by putting a little lump of Loaf-Sugar for it to feed on.

Syder of Codlins: This is usually made for present spending; for it will not keep longer than Autumn, though it is of an excellent Tast, and very pleasant, and sparkling to the Eye; and so called Summer-Syder. To do this, Take your Codlins when they begin to be ripe, and lay them in Hay or Straw three Days, after they are gathe­red, to sweat a little; then cut them in quarters, and take out the Coar and Ker­nels, and bruise them as the former; squeeze out the Li­quid part, and let it run in­to a Vessel beneath the Press, through a very fine Hair or Tiffany-Sieve, that may stop the Fragments that will come away with it. Being drawn off, warm it over a gentle Fire, but suffer it not to boil, scum off the part that bub­bles up, and sprinkle into it some fine powdered white [Page] Sugar-candy; then put it up into a Cask, and with a lit­tle of it, heat about half a pint of Ale-Yeast, and pour it in very warm; and so let it work for Twenty four Hours, then draw it off into another Cask, or Bottles, and leave either of them open ten or twelve Hours in a cool place till it is fit to stop up close: and so ordering it, it will be fit to drink in eight or ten Days, and have a curious cooling tart flavour with it.

Syder another way: Take such Apples as are suitable to your Palate, pare them, and cutting out the Core and Kernels, slice them, and boil them in a sufficient quantity of Water till a third part be consumed. A Peck of sliced Apples to a Barrel of Water, when first put in, before the consumption, is sufficient. Then strain the Water from the boiled Apples, and pour it on three Pecks of bruised Apples that are not boiled; and so letting it, after four­teen or fifteen Hours steep­ing, run from them; then press out what will not o­therways come away by the swelling of the Apples, and put it up for use. Let it work sufficiently; then stop it close, and be careful to mind it, also giving vent, if there be occasion, lest it force the Cask, or Bottles; and when it is fined, it will be in Colour and Tast like Champaign Wine.

Syder another Way: Take a peck of Apples and slice them, and boil them in a Barrel of Water, till the third part be wasted; then cool your Water as you do for Wort: when it is cool­ed you must pour the Wa­ter upon three measures of grownd Apples; then drain out the Water at a Tap three or four times a day, for three Days together; then press out the Liquor and Tun it up: when it hath done working, then stop it up close.

Syder its Spirit: This may be gained without distil­ling, and the better way by setting a Hogshead of Syder to freeze in Winter, and so the strength of it retiring to the middle, (which will be a­bout twelve or fourteen gal­lons, when the weaker part is over-power'd by the cold [...] let it out by broaching with a hot Iron. It will prove stronger then Canary, and much of the Tast.

This Way is frequently u­sed in New-England, and o­ther Places, where they have great plenty of Syder.

TAblets of Saffron: Take Saffron of Vi­triol of Mars half an ounce, Earth-worms washed in Wine, dried and pulverized, one dram, Cinna­mon Powder, very fine, half a dram, refined Sugar boiled in Mugwort-water six ounces: mix them well, and make them into Tablets, called Ta­blets of Saffron of Mars.

These Tablets are proper to open Obstructions of the Bowels, and particularly those of the Matrix. The Dose is from two drams to half an ounce: they are to be taken fasting in a Morning, and a­bout an Hour after drink two or three spoonfuls of Wormwood Wine.

Taffety-Tarts: Take fine Flower a quarter of a peck, the Yolks of twelve Eggs, sweet Butter two pound, Yeast a quarter of a pint, Su­gar two ounces: mix these well with hot Liquor till they may be made into a stiff Past, rowl it up into small Balls, and then into thin Plates with your Roller: wash round the Brims of them with new Milk; then boil Pippens soft, take off the Peel, and scrape off the Pulp from the Core; mix the Pulp with a little Su­gar, Rose-water, the Scra­pings, and candied Orange-peel, and a little Marmalade of Quinces: make them up in the forms of Tarts, bake them in a gentle Oven, after you have dried them first in a warm Place, and serve them up scraped over with Sugar, and sprinkled with Essence of Violets, or Roses.

Talk-Water: Take of the best Talk six pound, slit it in five pieces, put it in a thin Canvas Bag, and let it down into a Well, or any deep damp place, by a Rope, that it may hang about a Yard from the Water, with a Ves­sel under it, to receive the dropping when it moistens.

Let it hang there ten or twelve Days, then take the Water you find and distil it with as much of the Water of Fumitory in a cold Still.

This is an excellent Beau­tifier, makes the Skin smooth and plump, giving a rosie Blush, and wonderfully pre­serves a youthful and healthy Complexion in Men and Wo­men.

Tansie: The Juice is good, but the Conserve is most approved. 'Tis used for [Page] the Gripes, Stone in the Kid­neys, Worms in the Belly, Obstruction of the Courses, and the Dropsie: It resists Putrefaction, and brings away or expels putrified Blood: It is good for the Scurvy, and purifies the whole Mass of Blood, enlivening the whole Body; but especially for the Dropsie it is taken with good success.

Tansie the New Way: Take about twelve or thir­teen new-lay'd Eggs to three pints of Cream, yet put in but seven of the Whites of the Eggs, and strain out a pint of the Juice of Spinage, or Endive, and Sorrel, six or seven spoonfuls of the Juice of Tansie, Nutmeg sliced small, and half a pound of fine Sugar, with a little Rose-water and a little Salt beat together: then fry it in a clean Pan, that it be not blacked, with Butter. Serve it up with Sugar, Rose-water, and Orange-juice.

Tansie, another way: Take a penny Manchet, grate it very fine, add a handful of fine Flower, and the Yolks of six Eggs; then grate in two Naples Biskets: make these thin into a Batter with Rose-water and Canary; then add two ounces of the Juice of Garden-Tansie, after it is well clarified and settled, and an ounce of the Juice of Clary, with a little beaten Cinnamon and Sugar: Fry these in sweet Butter over a gentle Fire, till it becomes somewhat brown, but beware of burning it, for then it is spoiled: then serve it up sprinkled with Rose-water, wherein Saffron has been infused, and scrape over some Loaf-sugar.

Taragon: This is used frequently in Sallads to cor­rect the coldness of other Herbs, and their Crudities. It is good for cold Stomachs, procuring an Appetite, and expelling Wind: It provokes Urin and the Courses, opens Obstructions; and being chewed, evacuates Flegm, and eases the Pains of the Teeth.

Taragon-Poultis: Take of Taragon a handful, Rue­tops half a handful, Briony­leaves five or six; bruise them well, and mix them with two ounces of the Oil of Water-lilies.

This is an excellent Poultis, to allay Inflammations in Swellings, ease Pains in the Belly, by being applied to the Navel pretty warm; sud­dainly draws to a Head, and breaks Plague-fores, or other Swellings caused by internal Corruption.

Tar-Water: Take of the best Sweeds Tar, refined from its dross, or settling, six pound, put it into a thin earthen Ves­sel, and set that Vessel in a cold Still; make under it a [Page] gentle Fire, and when there comes a thorough Heat, a thin Vapour will ascend and distil into your Receiver; or for fear of injuring the bot­tom of your Still, you may have such an earthen Vessel as will shut close with the head of your Still.

This is an excellent and approved Water for all dry or old Sores, Scurfs, Scabs or Ulcers, being washed or ba­thed with it. It likewise ea­ses the Pains of the Gout, or any Pains occasioned by cold­ness in the Joints. A Lint dipt in it, and applied, eases the Pains in the Teeth: the Temples bathed with it eases the Pains in the Head.

Tart of Green Pease: Boil the Pease tender, and pour them out into a Cullen­der, season them with Saf­fron, Sugar, and Salt, add sweet Butter, and then close up these Materials in a Past or Coffin: when it is baked, ice it over with Sugar and Rose-water: put in a little Verjuice, and shake it well; and so scraping a little Sugar on the Lid, serve it to up.

Tart of Green Sprouts: Take green Sprouts, and give them a scald in hot Water, lay them a draining, and so mince them small, and put them into fine Paste, and gar­nish them with Herbs, season them with Lard melted, and Beef-marrow, and an Onion stuck with Cloves and Pepper, and some thin slices of inter­larded Bacon between the in­terlayings of the Herbs, and so cover it up with some Paste; and when it is baked, put in some Gravy, and the Juice of Lemon, and serve it up.

Tart of Pistaches: Cut the Pistaches, and green Ci­tron, and put it into fine Past, and season it well with Sugar and Cinamon, with the Juice of Lemon, and cover it up; when you serve it, put Orange-flowers flowers to it for garnish, or other candied Flowers.

Tart of Rice: Boil the Rice, when clean dressed, in Cream, or Milk; and when it is tender, put it into a Dish, and season it with Nutmeg, Ginger, and Cinnamon, a lit­tle Pepper, Salt and Sugar, the Yolks of six Eggs, and the Juice of Oranges: bake it in a gentle Oven; and being enough, draw it: then scrape Sugar on the Lid of it, and so serve it up.

Tartar, the Cream solu­ble: To make this Soluble, Take Cream of Tartar, as much as is convenient, dis­solve it in a sufficient quan­tity of hot Water; then gently drop into it Liquor of Salt of Tartar till the Ebulli­tion cease, evaporate the su­perfluous Moisture, and the soluble Cream of Tartar will remain; for the quantity of [Page] the fixed Salt surmounting the Acidity of the Cream of Tartar, breaks the union of its parts, and insinuating its pores, makes it dissolvible in cold Water, or cold Liquors; whereas, otherways, it could not be dissolved, but in those that are boiling hot.

For Soluble Emetick Cream of Tartar take this Rule, Take Crocus Metallorum, mixed with Salts and Cream of Tar­tar, of each two ounces; pul­verize them very finely, and let them macerate for fifteen Hours in three pints of cold Spring-water: then digest them as long in a moderate Sand-bath, and at length en­crease the Fire, and let them boil gently; filter the Liquor, and evaporate it till a thin Film cover it, then set it in a cool place to crystalize.

The Parts of the Tartar-Cream being disunited by the fixed Salt remaining in the Saf­fron of Metals, is easily dis­solved in cold Water, and fitted to purge upward and downward, giving it from two to three, four, five, or six grains, in Broth, or Wine, or some other convenient Li­quor.

Teal Boiled: Take the largest sort of Teal, draw them and pick them clean, then take about a dozen stew­ing Oisters, Thyme, Sage, Winter-savory and Parsly clean stript and cut small: make them with a little Butter and Pepper into a Ball stiffned with Flower; and the Fowl being trussed, put this into the Bel­ly, tying the Neck and Vent very close, then put the Fowl into the Water when it begins to boil: being boiled tender, dish them on Sippets, with Gravy, Anchovy-sauce, and the Herbs; laying the Oisters, with some Lemon-peel and Parsly, about the Dish for garnish.

Tears to Prevent: If Tears or watry Humours are usually standing in the Eyes, hindring the Sight, and being much troubled, Take of Aloes Epatick two drams, infuse them in about half a pint of Whitewine, and Rose-water, of each an equal quantity, and wash the Eyes with the Liquid part Morning and Evening; or else foment them with the Water of Stechado's.

Teasle, its Decoction: This is usually called Fullers-Thistle; the Roots of it boiled in Wine help to cure Ulcers, and Warts. There is a Water that is received in the hol­lowness of the Leaves of this Plant as it grows, after a show­er of Rain, which, by long standing there, becomes good for the Inflammations of the Eyes, also to take away Spots from the Face, and beautifie it. The Herb boiled in Wine purges by Urin.

Teeth to Fasten: Take a pint of Red or Claret-wine, and about two drams of Japan-earth, dissolve it as much as may be; then pour off the Clear, and wash the Mouth with it often: or, Take Sage, and Winter-savo­ry, boil them in Spring-wa­ter till the Water is strong of the Herbs; then put into a pint an ounce of Honey, and half an ounce of Alom, boil it a litile till the latter are dissolved: and then it being strained, wash your Mouth with it at convenient times.

Teeth to keep Sound: Let the Party, if it can be agreeable, frequently rub his Teeth with the Ashes that re­main in a Pipe after it is smoaked, washing it after­ward with fair Water. Or, Take the Juice of Housleek, and Scabious, and wash your Mouth with it once or twice a Week in the Morning.

Teeth to make Firm: Take the Ashes of Vine-sprigs, and those of the Root of Burdock, put them into Vinegar, let them steep about six Hours; and then first wash your Mouth with fair Water, and afterward with Vinegar strained clear from the Ashes, and it will fix and preserve the Teeth to a very great Age.

Teeth Offensive: If your Teeth, by reason of their Rottennest, or Humours set­tling under them, cast an ill savour, to remedy it, Take four ounces of Cummin-seed, seeth if in a quart of Whitewine with some Tops of Baum and Mint, till a quarter of a pint be consumed: and with this wash your Mouth Morning and Evening.

Tench-Pye: To order this, and season it well, Take about six Tenches; and having made the Coffin, lay a laying of Butter, and some Nutmeg, Cinnamon, and Mace lightly scatter'd over it; then lay in the Tench, put over them some more Butter and Spice, with a few blue Currans clean washed, and pour in about a quarter of a pint of Claret, then bake it well: when enough, take it out, and put in more But­ter at the spout, and serve it up with some fine Sugar dusted over it.

In this manner you may season a Carp-pye, but three of them, if any thing large, are sufficient in one Pye.

Tender Eyes: Take the Water of Plantane, Eye bright, Pimpernel, and the Oil of Roses; beat them up together, and wash or anoint the Eyes with them, and the Sight will be much strength­ened.

Tenesmus: Mix Balsam of Sulphur, made with Oil of Turpentine, with Linfeed, [Page] or some other such-like con­venient drying Oil, till the Balsom be thereby so well al­layed, that it may be well en­dured; then let the Party dip a Finger in it, and use it as a suppository once or twice a Day.

Terms to Provoke: Take for three Mornings together, about the expected time of the Menses, a dram, or a dram and a half of the Galls and Livers of Eels dried and reduced to Powder, in a Glass of Whitewine or Ca­nary.

Tetter: To cure this, Take black Soap a quarter of an ounce, Bole-armoniack two drams, Oil of Turpen­tine three drams, Bees-wax half an ounce, and Bears-grease one ounce; make these up into an Ointment, or thin Plaister, and apply it to the Place, renewing it eve­ry Day, and a speedy Cure will ensue. This also breaks the Whitloe, and is excellent against Scalds or Burns.

Tetters to Kill: Take of burnt Alom. Ginger, and Flower of Brimstone, of each a like quantity: mix them well, and incorporate them with fresh Butter, so much as when melted will bring them into the consistence of an Unguent; and with it anoint the Part afflicted, as hot as can be well endured, when you are going to Bed, and let it continue on all Night; and when you rise wash it off with Celandine-water: but upon going to Bed take a little Gascoin-powder in a spoonful or two of Treacle-water to prevent the Humours being driven into the Mass of Blood, which oftentimes hap­pens when this is not on, ba­thing the Place with Celan­dine-water.

Thorow-war: The De­coction of this Herb in Wine, of the Leaves powdered, are applied successfully in Rup­tures and Contusions. Some hold it is a proper Remedy for the King's-Evil, also Fra­ctures, and an Erisipela's.

Thoru-Apple: An Oint­ment made of the Juice of the Leaves, and Hogs lard, is excellent for Burns and Scalds. The Seed is to be avoided, because taken for a time it occasions Madness.

Throat Sore: Take Ver­juice of Grapes an ounce, best Honey half an ounce, crude Alom about a dram and a half, Rock, or Spanish Salt half a dram: make these into a thin­ness, and with a fine Rag at the end of a small Stick, or Wyre, thrust it as far as is convenient into your Throat where the Sore is, and bathe the Place grieved with it. Do this often, and between every two times make a gargling with some Plantane and Rose-water.

Throat-wort: This Plant, especially the Root, is astrin­gent and drying, and there­fore the Decoction is excellent at the beginning of Ulcers and Inflammations of the Mouth and Tonsils, and for other Diseases that require a­stringent Remedies.

Thrush: This is usually incident among Children, and frequently proves very dan­gerous: wherefore to Reme­dy it, Take an Egg, open the top of it, and take out the White and Yolk, and fill the Shell with the Juice of red Sage, and set it on hot Em­bers till it simpers; then skim it with a Knife's point whilst any Scum will rise, and take as much Alom beaten as the bigness of a small Hazle-nut, and half a spoonful of Ho­ney, which when the Juice begins to wast, put in to fill it; so let it boil a little: and having cooled it, rub the Par­ty's Mouth with a little of it, washing it afterward with the Juice of Sage.

Thyme: (here I mean the wild sort) It is hot and dry, and consequently forces the Courses and Urin. It is Ce­phalick, Uterine, and Stoma­chick, and therefore good a-against Spitting of Blood, Gripes, and Convulsions, &c. Outwardly applied, it eases the Pains of the Head, and Giddiness, and disposes to Sleep.

Thyme, its Virtues: These are very great, as will appear to any one that does but observe, That it provo­keth Urine: it doth heat, and being taken in Drink, doth purge the Internals, and expectorates all nauseous and ill Humours of the Lungs by Spitting: four drams of Thyme dried and reduced to Powder, being taken fa­sting in a glass of Canary, by often repeating, eases the Pains of the Gout; for it gently purges Choler and other sharp Humours: It is good also for Diseases in the Bladder; and a dram being taken in an ounce of Water and Honey, is good for such as have their Bellies begin to swell, for the Sciatica, and Pains in the Reins, Sides, and Breast; for Inflammations and Stitches about the fore-part of the Belly; for Melancholy Per­sons, and for those that are troubled in Mind and much given to Frights and Fears upon slight occasions, if three drams be taken in an ounce of Honey and Vinegar well tem­pered together: it is also pro­fitable against the Inflamma­tions of the Eyes, and the vehement Pains thereof, and much revives the Sight. There is an Oil extracted from it of the colour of Gold, which cometh forth with a Water, when the Herb being fresh and green is distilled in a Bath [Page] of hot Water. This Oil smells like a Citron, and is very tart in tast: its Virtues are to heat all cold Parts; but by the way note, That for what has been mentioned, Black Thyme must not be cho­sen; for it corrupteth the Temperature, and engendreth Choler; and therefore it must be that which bears a carna­tion Flower, or that which beareth a white one.

Tickling: This is caused by defluxions of Rheum, and is often very troublesome. To remove it, Take Oliba­num and Venice-Treacle, of each a like quantity; incor­porate them well, and make them up into little Pills, and let the Party take a dram of them; and if need require it, a scruple or two once or twice a Day.

Tiffanies Faded: To re­cover these, Take the Water of Vervain a quart, half a pint of the Water that distils from the Vine when it is cut in the Spring, &c. a handful of the Roots of Primroses, and as many Rosemary-flow­ers; to these put a quart of new Milk, and boil them to­gether with two ounces of Alom in Powder: strain out the Decoction, and steep your Tiffanies in it twenty four Hours; and then washing them out, they will not only look much whiter, and be the more capable of a gloss. In this manner you may do by Lace, Muslins, or Lawns, if the substance of them be not too much decayed.

Tiffanies to Wash: Take the best crown Soap, and soap them on their Hems, or Laces; and with a gentle Hand pass them over three Lathers, and afterwards rince them, keeping them as much as may be likewise from the Air, and dry them over the Flame of Brimstone: then add a quarter of an ounce of Smalt to a pound of Starch; and if it be con­venient, add the bigness of a Hazle-nut in Alom, which you may dissolve, boil it to a fineness, and charge it light­ly upon your Tiffanies and dry them being wet by a Fire, still clapping them in your Hands; and when they are clear, shape them by a Pattern you design them for, iron them with a smooth though quick Iron, till they shine, and you will find little diffe­rence as to the gloss between them and new. Some, in­stead of Starch, use Gum­water: but this I leave to your Discretion.

Tincture of Amber: Re­duce five or six ounces of yellow Amber into an impal­pable Powder, put it into a Bolt Head, and on it pour Spirit of Wine the heighth of four Fingers, and stop the Head with another to [Page] make a double Vessel; and when you have exactly luted the Junctures with a Skin or wetted Bladder, place it in Digestion in hot Sand, and leave it five or six Days till the Spirit of Wine is suffici­ently tinged with the Amber colour, then decant the Tin­cture, and put more Spirit of Wine to the Matter, and so digest it as before; then ha­ving separated the Impregna­tion, mix it with the other, and filter them, and so put them into an Alembick, and distil them with a soft Fire. About half the Spirit of Wine, which might before serve, may do in this last. Keep the Tincture which you find remaining at the bottom of the Alembick close stopt up.

You may take ten drops of this in some convenient Li­quor for the Apoplexy, Pal­sie, or Epilepsie; and it is much commended for the helping Women in most Di­stempers of the Head, or Af­fliction of the Brain.

Tinctura Sacra: Take of the Species of Hiera Picra one ounce, Canary a pint: in­fuse the former in the latter in some cool place the space of seven Days, shaking it two or three times a Day, and then let it stand till the Wine looks clear.

This wonderfully cleanses and strengthens the Stomach, is good for the Jaundice-Dropsie, ill Habit of Body, and for opening Obstructions in the Liver and Spleen. Three spoonfuls may be taken at a time, or more or less, accor­ding to the Age and Strength of the Party afflicted.

Tincture of Saffron: Digest in eight ounces of Treacle-water two ounces of Saffron for the space of six Days; then the Tincture be­ing strained out, keep it close stopped for use. You may take of this half an ounce at a time in a glass of Wine, or any other convenient Li­quor.

This is wonderfully effica­cious in chearing and comfor­ting the Heart, concocting the crude Humours of the Breast, helps the Jaundice, and is good against the Infe­ction of the Plague, and is of singular validity in driving out the Small-pox, but in that case you must be wary in ta­king too much of it, for fear of inflaming the Blood.

Toasts, or Balls, &c. Fried: Take a boiled or raw Pike, mince it and stamp it into some old fat Cheese grated into it, season it with Cinnamon, Sugar, and boiled Currans, add the Yolks of hard Eggs grated; and these being all well mingled toge­ther, you may make them up into Toasts, Balls, Pastils, or any such little things, as you [Page] please; and frying them with sweet Butter, and grated Nut­meg, they will tast wonder­ful pleasant: but the chief use they were devised and intended for, was to lay about the Dish, or under sundry sorts of fried Meats, the better to set them off, though they eat very curi­ously.

Tobacc [...]o: Though many are ignorant of any use of this Plant than in smoaking, it has nevertheless many other ways of singular Virtue, viz. It resists Putrefaction, pro­vokes sneezing; the smoaking of it stops Catarrhs, and dis­poses to rest, takes off Weari­ness, and suppresses the Fits of the Mother: It is a good Preservative in Plague times. A Gargatism of it cures the Tooth-ach, and dissolves the Tumour of the Uvula. A Bath of it, or the green Leaves ap­plied, cure Leprosie, the Itch, kills Lice, and heals Wounds, cleanses Ulcers, and takes out the Fire of Scalds, or Burns. The Smoaking of it strength­ens the Stomach, helps Con­coction, and gently moves the Belly; but is not good to be taken, especially to any excess, by those of a hot Constitution, because it dries up or evacuates too much moisture: It eases Pains in the Teeth, a hollow Tooth e­specially, being stopt with it, either as it is, or the Cinder of it not burnt to Ashes. And in case of the Palsie, take the green Leaves of Tobacco, and infuse them in old Mallaga, and rub the Parts afflicted with the liquid part after Sweating: this has been often tried with success. A Pipe lightēd, and the Smoak forced up the Fun­dament, eases the Colick, or Pains of the Belly; it also cures the Fits of the Mother, and Faintings.

Tobacco Salve: To make an excellent Salve of Tobacco, Take the Juice of green English Tobacco one quart, Olive-oil a pint, with as much Turpentine, Wax, and Verdigrease, as will thicken them over a gentle Fire to the consistence of a Plaister.

This is excellent for Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Gun­shot, and to be applied to the Place which any veno­mous Creature has bit or stung.

Tongue-Pye: In the first place, Take a Neat's-tongue well boiled, blanch it and cut it in thin slices, as also some interlarded Bacon, and lay a Laying of the Bacon between every Layings of the Tongue; but let the Bacon be cut much thinner and lesser in quantity: then take half an ounce of Pepper, two large Nutmegs, and three Anchoveys, forbearing to sprinkle any Salt: after this make a Leer with half a pint [Page] of Claret-wine, and some Gravy, the Yolks of three Eggs, a piece of Butter, and grated Nutmeg, boil them up to a considerable thickness: then when the Pye is to be served up, put it in with a Funnel at the Pipe, or open Place left for that purpose. And by this method you may order and season a Hare-pye to the best Advantage to please the Palate.

Tooth-ach: To ease the violent Pain of the Teeth, with which old and young are too frequently afflicted, Take two parts of Lisbon-Su­gar, and one part of black round Pepper, fine them into Powder, and put them into a Spoon over two or three well kindl'd Coals; and when the Sugar begins to relent, take off the Spoon, and whilst the Mixture is soft, form it into little grains, the size to shape the hollowness of your Tooth, and stop it in as close as may be; and so renew it as you find the first wast.

Tooth-ach, another: Take Henbane-seed, and Hys­sop-seed, bruise them very small; then put as much Sweeds-Tar as will fix them together, to make then up into little Pellets, and stop these into the hollowness of the Tooth, tyed up in a little fine Rag.

Tooth-ach, another: Take Ginger, beat it fine, and sow it up in a fine Rag, more long than broad; then so [...] it in the Spirit of Wine, la [...] it to the Root of your Tooth [...] and though by its Heat it may at first cause the Nerve of the Tooth to rave a little; yet in a short time, being often dipt and applied, it will altoge­ther take away the Pain. Or, for want of this, take what follows, viz.

Seeth clarified Honey one ounce in two ounces of Rose­mary-water, or Hyssop-wa­ter; and taking off the Scum that will arise, put in the sine Dust of Pepper, let it con­sume till a blackness ensue, and it thickens; then dip into it a Sage Leaf, whilst it is hot, and lay to the Tooth, and the Pain will presently a­bate.

Tooth to make Fall out: If you have a loose and trou­blesome Tooth, or one that is hollow and offensive, that you would remove, Take the Shavings of Harts horn, burn it to Powder, mix with it a little slacked Lime, the Tal­low of a Ram, and the Juice of a white Lily and Plantane-root, stop it into the Tooth, in a Rag, if hollow; or o­therways, lay it to it between the Cheek and the Gum, and it will in a little time, fall out without any pain at all.

Tooth not Hollow: If there be no hollowness in the [Page] Tooth, or visible defect, and yet it achs, Take the Root of [...]ack Hellebore, commonly [...]lled Bear's-foot, scrape off the Rind, and cut a pretty slice, and lay it to the Tooth between your Gums, and the inside of your Cheek, avoid­ing the Rheum that it will occasion; and so renew it with a fresh piece. If you fancy, by a strange sort of a stirring, at certain times, that there are Worms in your Teeth, sprinkle some Hen­bane-seed and Frankincense, on a Pan of Coals, hold a Funnel, the broad end over, and let the narrow Spout be placed to the bottom of the Tooth that the Fume may come to it; and if there be any place for them to do it, the Worms will creep out; If they do not, it will how­ever kill them.

Tooth-Wort: The great­er sort of this is excellent for Ruptured and inward Wounds, and for Diseases rising from Defluxions, by taking two drams of the Powder in Broth successively for several Days. It likewise eases Pains and A­ches in several Parts of the Body.

Tormentil: This is dry­ing, and very astringent, and therefore is very powerful in the Fluxes of the Belly and Womb; and being mixed with vulnerary precious Oint­ments and Plaisters, it festi­nates the Cure of Wounds, old Sores, and Ulcers. From half to a whole dram of this, taken in Wine, is greatly commended for curing an Epidemick Dysentery; Rhu­barb being used before, if occasion require it.

Treacle, Remedy for A­gues: Take of Venice, or London-Treacle, put it into about four ounces, of White-wine: then put it into a Ves­sel close covered, and let it simper for half an hour over the Fire, but not boil, stirring or rather shaking it sometimes about, and take it pretty hot about two Hours before the Fit comes on, and let the Par­ty keep close in a warm Bed, in order, to sweat; and re­peat this two or three times.

This was experienc'd by the famous Sir Kenelm Digby, and by him ordered to be gi­ven to divers Persons; which was rarely given without Suc­cess.

Treacle-Spirit: To make this, Take the Roots of Ma­ster-wort, Angelica, Atha­mantick, Spignel, and the bigger Valerian, of each three ounces; Juniper-berries, and the Seeds of Bishop's-weed, and Seseli of Marseiles, of each an ounce; approved Treacle four ounces: The Roots and Seeds being bruised together, macerate them eight Days in two pints of rectified Spirit of Wine: then make your [Page] Distillation, and preserve the Spirit.

This Spirit resists very powerfully all sorts of Poi­sons: It may be taken in Spa­nish-Wine, or any Cordial Li­quor, from one to four drams: It may be also apply'd to the Nostrils, Forehead, Temples, and Sutures of the Skull, for Head-achs, Fainting Fits, or Drousiness of the Brain.

Treacle-VVater: This is the most Excellent sort of all. To make it, Take the Roots of Gentian, Angelica, Master-wort, Valerian, and Contrayerva, of each two ounces; Citron-rinds, and Orange-peels, Cinnamon, Cloves, and Juniper-berries, of each an ounce; Tops of Water-Germander, Rue, and St. John's-wort, of each one handful: infuse them to three Days in Spirit of Wine, and Waters of Nuts, and Blessed Thistle, of each a quart: then add four ounces of ap­proved Treacle: distil the whole in a Sand-Bath, and keep the Water close stopped for use.

This is an excellent Water to resist Poison, and to forti­fie all the noble Parts, being taken from one dram to half an ounce. Some make a Trea­cle-water, by dissolving the Treacle in equal parts of Spi­rit of Wine and Vinegar, u­sing it without any Distilla­tion; but Reason and Expe­rience tells us this is far more Excellent.

Tre-foil, or Bucksbane: The Decoction of it in White-wine is good against the Scur­vy, as also, for Pains in the Limbs. The Leaves boiled in Beer, and taken hot, ease Pains in the Bowels; but be­ing bitter, it is best taken in any lenitive Syrup.

Trembling, a Remedy: If the Members tremble and shake, that you cannot at cer­tain times hold them still, though no cause of Fear, Dan­ger, or Defect, is evident to cause it, anoint the crown of the Head, the Hair being sha­ven off, and the other Parts especially where you find the Trepidation, with Oil of Cin­namon, and drink two drams of the Water that is made of Man, or Swine's Blood, brought to putrefaction, with Aqua-vitae, or Spirit of Wine, and afterward distilled: and this must be frequently repeated for a Month's space.

Troches Pectoral: Take of white Sugar a pound, white Sugar-candy, and Pe­nids, of each four ounces; of the Roots of Florentine-orris half an ounce, white Starch an ounce and half, Li­corice six drams, with a con­venient quantity of the Mu­cilage of Tragacanth extra­cted in Rose-water: make the Materials into Troches, that they may be perfumed, as [Page] occasion requires it, with four grains of Ambergrease, and three of Musk.

These are Excellent for Coughs and Catarrhs in Win­ter, and for the preventing taking Cold in such whose Occasions constrain them to Travel in damp and foggy Airs.

Troches of VVinter-Cherries: Take of Win­ter-Cherries three drams, Gum-Arabick, Tragacanth, Olibanum, Pine-nuts, bitter Almonds, white Starch, Juice of Lemons, Bole-armoniack, and the Seeds of white Pop­pies, of each six drams; Me­lons, Cucumbers and Gourds, of each three drams and a half; Smallage, white Hen­bane, white Amber, and Earth, of Lemons and Opi­um, of each two drams; and with the Juice of fresh Winter-Cherries make Tro­ches. The Dose is two scru­ples to be taken at a time.

This is excellent for expel­ling Gravel from the Bladder, or Kidneys, and to provoke Urin.

Trochiscs of Benja­mine: Take Benjamine, and the Ashes of a Sallow-Tree, of each an ounce; Rosin and Storax prepared a like quan­tity; sweet Tacamahacca, and Lignum Aloes finely pow­dered, of each half an ounce; Ambergrease a dram, Musk half a dram, Zebit six grains, distilled Oil of Lignum Rho­dium, Cinnamon, and Cloves, of each six drops: make up these with Gum-Tragacanth extracted with Rose-water.

These are more excellent than any, as casting a more fragrant and incomparable sweet Smell.

Trochiscs Odoriferous: Take the Powder of green Willow-coals three ounces, Labdanum two ounces, Sto­rax and Benjamine, of each half an ounce; Mastick, sweet Tacamahacca, and yel­low Amber, of each two drams; Lignum Rhodium a dram and half: make them up with the Mucilage of Gum-Tragacanth extracted with Rose-water, and dry them in the Shade.

This is an excellent Per­fume for Chambers and Rooms of Entertainment, as likewise to drive away ill Airs, and bad Scents.

Trochiscs, another Way: Take the Coals and Ashes of Rosemary, beat small, and sif­ted finely, four ounces, Lab­danum two ounces, Storax and Renjamine, of each an ounce; Roots of Cyprus, A­romatick, red Mastick, and Amber, of each two drams, Cloves one dram, Musk, Ci­vet, and Ambergrease ten grains, the Mucilage of Gum-Tragacanth, extracted with Orange-flower-water, as much as will make them up, and [Page] suffer them to dry as the for­mer.

These give an excellent O­dour, and are very wholsom to the Brain, and drive away offensive Vermin and Insects, being burnt on Coals.

Trotter-Pye: This is done with Wardens, Quinces, Pears, &c. and you may ei­ther take them severally, or altogether quartered, or sli­ced raw; it in quarters, put some whole ones among them; if sliced, beaten Spi­ces, and a little Butter, and Sugar, taking to every twelve large Quinces a pound of Su­gar, and a quarter of a pound of Butter, close it up and bake it; and when it is well baked, mash the Fruit; then put in some Cream, and Yolks of Eggs well beaten, and stir them altogether: then cut the Cover into five or six pieces, Diamond fashion, put in a little Rose-water, and scrape Sugar over it.

Tumour in the Eye: This is otherways called a Phlyctena, or a little Tumour in the carneous Tunicle of it. To remove it, Take the Decoction of Mucilages, and dress the Eye with if for some time to ripen the Tumour; then with a steady Hand open it with a Lancet, or Needle, and press out the offensive Matter: then cleanse and heal the Part with Honey dis­solved in a little Saga-water. But when the Tumour is be­ginning, and not great, if you have not the Decoction of Mucilages, you may dress the Eye with the Mixture of equal parts of the Water of Melilot, Chamomil, and Bet­tony.

Tumour of the Knee: Take a green Colwort-leaf, with red Veins, or Streaks, pare off the Ribs flat and al­most level to the rest of the Leaf; then with the haft of your Knife bruise it, and ap­ply it to the Part affected, renewing it three or four times a Day. This also al­lays any Heat or Pain by o­ther means; and draws gent­ly, mostly evacuating the Hu­mour by Sweat.

Tumour to Ripen: Take eight, ounces of fat Figs, two ounces of white Lily-roots, two ounces of Bean-flower, (or Meal:) boil them, the Figs and Roots being bruised, in as much Water as will re­duce them to the consistence of a good Poultis; which spread to a good thickness, and lay warm upon the Part, and shift it often till it be­comes dry.

Tumours Sharp: Take Spring-water a gallon, put into it a good handful of dri­ed Sage, let it boil till it be strong of it, at what time put in about two ounces of Spa­nish Cake-soap; and when it is dissolved, the Concoction [Page] is compleat: and with this, and Stuphes, foment the Part grieved warm for a conside­rable time together. This is excellent good to allay and disperse all Tumours accom­pany'd with sharp and affli­cting Humours.

Tumour in the Throat: To cure or remove this, which indeed is sometimes very dan­gerous: Take a quart of new Milk, put into it a handful of Mallow-leaves, and a like quantity of the Leaves of Night-shade: shredding them small, and let them boil till the Herbs be tender; then put to them an equal quantity of the Crumb of White-bread, so that being stirred with the other Ingredients, it may be reduced to the consistence of a Poultis, amongst which scrape a little Bole-armoniack fine in powder; and so spread­ing it on a Stay, lay it to the Throat warm as may be well endured, and as it cools and dries supply it with ano­ther.

Tumour in the Throat, another: To Remedy this dangerous Defect, gargarize your Mouth with Wine of Pomgranates, and Barly-wa­ter mingled together; also take Syrup of Poppies, and Syrup of Mulberries, of each a quarter of an ounce; Rose-water three ounces: temper them together, and not only gargarize your Mouth with it, but mixing a little Honey and Bole-armoniack with it, swal­low as much as will lye on a Knife's-point Night and Morn­ing, and it will allay the Swel­ling, and ease the soreness.

Turbut Boil'd: Draw the Fish, and wash it clean from the Blood and Slime, put it into boiling Water and Salt, and suffer it to boil very leisurely, keeping it scuming, and add more Salt in the boil­ing; and when the Water be­gins to shrink, add a little Whitewine & Vinegar, Mace, Ginger, and two or three Cloves, with some Lemon-peel; and when it is boiled and cold, put in a sliced Le­mon, or two, and take up the Fish, and keep it in an earthen Pan, with the Liquor it was boiled in, close cove­red. Your Liquor you boil it in, must never be but little more than will cover it; and the Fire must be gentle, over which it is boiled, for fear of breaking.

Turbut to Fry: Slice the Fish, then hack it with your Knife, and it will be rib­bed, fry it with Butter till it is near brown; then drain the Butter from it, and the Pan being made clean, put it in again with Claret, Ginger, and Nutmeg, sliced Anchovy, Salt and Saffron beaten small, and so fry it till, half the Liquid be consumed; then put in a piece of Butter, mix it well [Page] with the rest, and mince a Lemon into it; then having rubbed the Dish with Onion, or Shalot, serve it up in what you last fried it in.

Turbit to Sowce: Ha­ving boiled it, put it into Vi­negar, Salt, and Whitewine, with some of the Water it was boiled in; then add some Spices, as Cloves, Nutmeg, and Ginger, some Tops of Fennel, and Bay-leaves, keep­ing it close covered.

If you would eat it hot when boiled, pour on it some stewed Oisters, lay slices of Lemon, and run it over with beaten Butter, place Sippets conveniently in the Dish, and stick it over with fried Bread. Or, Serve it up with beaten Butter, sliced Lemon, sweet Herbs boiled and min­ced, Onions and Barberries cut small.

Turbut to Stew: To do this the best way, Cut it in slices, and fry it; and be­ing half fried, put it into a Stew-pan, or convenient Dish, with Claret, grated Nutmeg, and three or four slices of an Orange, a little Verjuice, or Vinegar, and some sweet But­ter; and when it is sufficient­ly stewed, dish it up, and run it over with beaten Butter, sliced Lemon, or Orange and Lemon-peel, and so serve it up.

Turkey-Pye: For this, to season it well, you must take half an ounce of Cloves, finely beaten, with a little Mace, Pepper beaten one ounce, Nutmegs sliced thin, or scraped one ounce and half, a quarter of an ounce of whole Mace; then put four pound of Butter in the Pye, mix more Salt than Pep­per, and forget not to put two pound of Butter to eve­ry peck of Flower: And in this manner you may season and order a Goose-pye.

Turkey Roasted: Draw the Fowl, and take sweet Herbs, and shred them, and put them into a Linnen Bag with Butter and Spices, and so put it into the Belly; then bast it as it is turning on the Spit with hot Water, till it is as it were parboiled; and drying it with a fine Cloath, bast it with Butter, and dridge it over with a very few Crumbs of Bread and grated Ginger: and when it is roast­ed, serve it up with Anchovy-sauce, small Herbs minced, and the Juice of Lemon; garnishing it with Lemon-peel, Tops of Hyssop, or Winter-savory.

Turkey Souced: Take one or two fat Turkeys when they are well dressed, take out the Bones, and tye up the Flesh in the manner of a Sturgeon, put into your Ves­sel two quarts of White-wine, one of Water, and one of good Vinegar: make [Page] it boil, and pretty well season it with Salt, then put in the Flesh, and let it boil till it be very tender; and when it is sufficiently boiled, Take it out, and tast the Liquor; and if it be wanting in sharpness, put more Vinegar, and when it has boiled a little, put it in­to an earthen Pot; and when cold, put in the Liquor it boiled in, quite covering it; so suffer it to remain three Weeks, or a Month: then serve it up as you do Sturge­on, with Elder, and Vinegar, and garnished with Fennel. Thus you may pickle a Ca­pon, only then you must lard jt with great Lardings be­fore.

Turnip-Bread: Take about half a Bushel of the middling sort of Turnips, not sticky, but such as will boil soft; being pared and boiled, press out the Water very hard till they are quite dry, beat them then in a Mor­tar, and mix with the Pulp about two pound of fine Wheat-flower, and two oun­ces of Carraway-seeds; put in a pint, or somewhat more of new Ale-yeast, mould it up as other Bread, and let it be well soaked, and it will not only look, but tast like Bread. This is not only made for saving Charges in poor Families in a dear Year, but of late has been much in esteem for Consumptions, and those troubled with shortness of Breath and Ptissick; being very wholesome and nouri­shing.

Turpentine Plaister: Take four ounces of the best refined Turpentine, two of Bees-wax, one of Honey, a quarter of an ounce of Ver­digrease, Deers Suet two oun­ces, Oil of Roses and Lillies, of each an ounce: make these into a Plaister over a gentle Fire, by well stirring and mix­ing together.

This is exceeding good to draw Swellings to a Head, ease cold Pains, Aches, or Numbness of the Joints; to draw out Thorns, Splinters, rusty Iron, broken pieces of Swords or Gun-shot; and is a very singular Drawing Plai­ster on all Occasions, where the Humours are stubborn.

Tutsan: This stays Blee­ding: the bruised Herb or Juyce applied, stays spitting of Blood, or hinders the blood from flowing inwardly: the Juyce being drank with a lit­tle Cinamon-water and the Spirit of Wine.

VAlerian: Half a spoonful of the Powder of the Root of this Herb before the Stalk springs, taken in Wine, Waters, or Milk, once or twice, helps those that are troubled with the Falling-sickness: The Leaves bruised are usually applied with suc­cess to slight Wounds, and have a power, when decocted in any convenient Liquor, to purge upwards and down­wards, and give, if the Par­ty be careful of himself, fine gentle breathing Sweats.

Vdders Baked: To do this the Italian way, Boil the Udder of a Heiffer tender, then let it stand till it cools, cut it into small square pieces like Dice, season them with Cloves, Mace, Ginger, Cin­namon, Salt, Pistaches, or the Kernels of Pine-Apples, Dates, and slices of Marrow; then put them into the raised Past of a Pye, not making it above an inch high, like a Custard, and of Custard-past, prick it and dry it in an Oven, and put in the Materials before mentioned, and to them some Custard stuff made of Cream and Eggs, Salt, Rose-water, and a little dissolved Musk: bake and stick it with the sli­ces of Dates, candied Pista­ches, and scrape fine Sugar on it.

Vdder-Pye, another way: Lard a young Udder with great Lard, season it with Nutmeg, Cloves, Pepper, and Mace; and when it is boiled tender, and when it is cool, wrap it in a Coller of Veal, having seasoned it again with the Spices, and a little Salt, lay some slices of Veal in the bottom of the Coffin of your Pye, and place the Udder on them, the which cover with other slices of Veal, and for seasoning, put Lard and But­ter, and close it up; and when it is sufficiently baked, liquor it with clarified Butter, if you design to use it cold; but if hot, put in White-wine, Gravy, and Butter well beaten up together.

Veal, the Chine to Broil: Cut the Chine in three or four pieces, and lard them with small Lard, season them with Salt, and broil them, laying under them some Sprigs of Rosemary, Bay-leaves, and Sage, dust them over with a little Flower; and being broiled, serve them up with Gravy, the Juice of Lemon, [Page] nd beaten Butter, as a com­mendable Dish.

Veal, a Leg to Broil: Cut it round the Leg in Slices, or in rowls as thick as your Finger, and lard, or not lard them at your discretion, broil them softly on the Embers, beat up Butter, Gravy, the Juice of Oranges, and the Yolk of Eggs for Sauce.

Veal to Boil: Here I mean a Breast of Veal, a Joint unusually boiled. To do it, Make a Pudding of grated Manchet, minced Suet, and minced Veal, season it with Pepper, Nutmeg, and a lit­tle Salt, three or four Eggs, Cinnamon, Currans, Dates, Raisins, Cream, Sugar, and Pepper: mingle them well together, fill the skinny end of the Breast with them, prick it up, then put it in a Pan, or between two Dishes, and stew it with strong Broth, Gravy, Whitewine, some Marrow, sliced Dates, and a few Blades of Mace; run it over with Butter, Grapes, Lemon-slices, and Barberries. Or thus, Joint it well, and parboil it, put it into a deep Dish, or Stew-pan, with some strong Broth, and a bundle of sweet Herbs, some Mace, and slices of interlarded Ba­con, some Capers, a few Cloves, and half a dozen sprigs of Camphire, the Yolks of Eggs and Whitewine: slew these to a tenderness, and serve them up on fine carved Sippets.

Veal Forced divers ways: (1.) Mince some Veal with Beef-suet, shred sweet Herbs small, then beat Cloves, Mace, and Pepper, put in some Yolks of Eggs, grate in Bolonia Sausages and old Cheese, sea­son it with Salt. (2.) Grated Cheese, Calves-brains, sweet Herbs, and Spices, Saffron, Eggs, Gooseberries, and Grapes. (3.) Raw Eggs, Mar­row, Butter, sweet Herbs, Lemon-peel shred small, Ginger, Cinnamon, and Su­gar. And these may indiffe­rently serve for Kid, Lamb, or Venison, that is to be for­ced or stuffed.

Veal-Pye to Season: Take an ounce of Cloves and Mace finely beaten, a quar­ter of an ounce of Pepper, and a quarter of an ounce of whole Mace, half a pound of Currans, and two ounces of Salt. These are sufficient to season a Loin of Veal, or any proportionable Joint fitting to be put into a Pye; there must be added like wise two pound of Butter. And this seasoning is very suitable for a quarter of Lamb, if it be put in Past.

Vein to Stop: In case a Vein be cut or broke, to stay the excess of Bleeding, Take Olibanum two ounces, Aloes-Hepatick one ounce, a little Wool of a Hare, the White [Page] of an Egg: mix these toge­ther, and dipping a Liniment into it of Flax, apply it cold to the Place, suffering it to stick on a Day or two; then if you see occasion, take it off with Oil of Roses.

Veins Windy: To expel offensive Windiness that af­flicts the Veins, Take the Powder of Licorice, Carra­way-seeds, Sugar-candy beat­en small, of each an equal quantity; to which put Rhu­barb in powder a third part, with a like quantity of Cream of Tartar in Powder. Take as much as will lye on the point of a Knife three or four times a Day as it is, or in a glass of Wine, and so continue to do for about seven Days.

This gently purges, very much cools the Blood, and by expelling the Wind, eases Pains, and many Disorders that are occasion'd by it.

Venetian Wash: Take the Whites of twelve Eggs, when indifferently hard boil­ed, and cut them very small, Endive small shred six oun­ces, Purslain-leaves a hand­ful, Juniper, and Ivy-berries just gathered from the Tree, of each a good handful; Fern-roots four ounces, the inner Bark of Elder, and Barberry-tree, of each two ounces: bruise those well in a stone or wooden Mortar, and infuse them in two quarts of Rose and Bettony-water, each a like, twenty four Hours; then draw them off in a cold Still, till the moi­sture be entirely extracted from the Herbs, and bottle up the Water, corking it close; and when you use it, put a little Flower of Almonds in it, and shake it about.

This is highly commended as a great Beautifier in most Courts of Europe.

Venison to Broil: Take half a Hanch of fat Venison, cut it into slices half an inch thick, salt and broil them on pretty quick Embers; and when they are well soaked, bread them and serve them with Gravy only. And in this manner you may broil a Side of Venison; or boil it first in fresh Water and Salt, and then broil it, and dridge it, and serve it up with Gra­vy, Vinegar, and Pepper. As for the Chine broil it raw, bread it, and serve it up with Gravy.

Venison Counterfeited: Take a Buttock of Beef, cut it down the long ways with the grain, beat it well with a Rolling-pin, and broil it on the Coals; and when it is cold lard it; then put to it some Whitewine-Vinegar, Pepper, Salt, Cloves, Mace, and Bay-leaves: so let it lye three or four Days, and bake it in a Rye Past; and when it is cold, fill it up with But­ter, [Page] and let it stand ten or fourteen Days before you cut it up, and it must be a very curious Pallate that can di­stingush it from Venison of red Deer.

Venison to Counterfeit, another: Take Ram, or We­ther, steep it in warm Blood, either of a Goat, Pig or Sheep, and season it as you do Venison; the Bones being taken out, and a little Claret-Wine added, bake it in a Pot, or Pye.

Venison-Pasty: Take four pound of Butter to a Peck of Flower, and make it up into a Crust or Past with cold Water; beat the Past with a Rolling-pin, and like­wise so order two pound of Beef-suet beaten small: then put the Suet into the Pasty both at top and bottom; (take notice likewise that you put the Whites of twelve Eggs into the Crust:) then your Meat being boned, or the Bones broken to pieces, rub it over with an ounce of Pepper, and as much Salt mixed with it: or if you take out the Bones, you may put them well broken into a Pot, with a little Claret, fair Wa­ter, Pepper, Salt, and a slice or two of Nutmeg, and bake them, that so the Liquor may serve to put it into the Pasty when it comes out of the Oven, in order to be ser­ved up at the Table. And this way, without alteration, Mutton, or Beef-Pasties may be ordered; and the latter among the more ignorant, so ordered, will pass for Ve­nison.

Venison to Pot: Take a Haunch of a fat Buck, not lately hunted, bone it and beat three ounces of Pep­per, twelve Nutmegs grated, and a sufficient quantity of Salt to season it: mix the Spices and Salt with White-wine-Vinegar, wash the Ve­nison over with it; then make holes in the lean sides with a Knife, and stuff it as you do Beef, with Parsly small shred; and then put it into a convenient earthen Pot, with the fat side down­ward: then clarifie three pound of sweet Butter, and put it to the Venison, cover your Pot with a Past, and let it stand in the Oven five or six Hours: then take it out, and with a vent press it down to the bottom of the Pot; and letting it be cold, take the Gravy from the top, and boil it about half away, then put it with the Butter to the Meat again.

Venison to Souce: Boil Water, Beer, and Vinegar together, and having taken off the Scum, put in Bay-leaves, Thyme, Savory, Rose­mary-tops and Fennel; and when it boils, put in the Ve­nison, let it parboil, then [Page] press it and season it with Salt, Pepper, and Nutmeg.

This takes away the Scent when tainted, and it will keep in this Souce-drink a long time; and so you may bake it to be eat cold or hot.

Venison to Stew: Slice it out, and put it into your Stewing-dish, set it on a heap of Coals with a little Claret-wine, a Sprig or two of Rose­mary, and half a dozen Cloves, a little grated Bread, Sugar and Vinegar; so let it stew together a while, then grate one Nutmeg into it, and serve it up.

Venison Tainted: If you would recover your Ve­nison when Tainted, Take strong Ale, and as much Vi­negar as will make it sharp, boil it with some Bay-salt, and make a strong Brine, scum it, and let it stand till it cools; then lay your Veni­son to steep in it twelve Hours, press it and dry it, then par­boil it, season it with Salt and Pepper, and it will be fit for use. Or,

Bury it in the Ground, where there is a kind soft sweet Mould, and the Earth will draw to it the strong Scent, and the Venison will become sweet.

Verjuice to Make: Ga­ther Crabs as soon as the Ker­nel turns black, and lay them in a heap to sweat; then take off the Stalks, and separate the Rotten, or much bruised, if there be any, put them in­to a Trough, and stamp them with a Beater, or grind them in a Mill: then put them in a hair Bag, of coarse Cloath, lay it in a Press, when full with the Mash of the Crabs, and by pressing down the Board upon it, squeeze out Juice, and put it into a Bar­rel; stop it close, and set it in a warm Place for ten or twelve Days, and it will be­come excellent Verjuice.

Vervaine: There are ma­ny wonderful Virtues attribu­ted to this Herb, or Plant: 'Tis Cephalick and Vulnera­ry, used for Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, also in Diseases of the Eyes, and the Stone, for Ails in the Breast, Bloody-flux, and Tertian-A­gue; to heal Wounds, and cause easie and speedy Delive­ry in Women. It is outward­ly used for Redness of the Eyes, Pains of the Teeth, Head-ach, Quinsie, Glandules of the Jaws, and Falling of the Fundament; for Pains of the Spleen, and cleansing Ulcers. The distilled Water of it applied outwardly to the Head, and four ounces taken inwardly with four drops of Spirit of Salt, are held to ease Pains in the Head, though proceeding from different Cau­ses. Forestus relates, to his knowledge, That two Per­sons, when all other Appli­cations [Page] failed, were cured of inveterate Head-achs, with only applying this Herb green.

Vinegar in Balls to Make: Take the Berries of the Bramble, when half ripe, and dry them, and when they are sufficiently so, make them into Powder, and with strong Whitewine-Vinegar make them into Balls as big as small Nuts; then dry them, and put them up into wooden Boxes, and when you have occasion to use them, take Wine, or for want of it, a little Water, or Stale-beer, and dissolve a Ball in it, or so much as you have occasion for, and it will immedi­ately become a strong Vine­gar.

Vinegar Common: The usual Vinegar made with us is ordered in this manner, Take a midling sort of Beer, indifferently well hopp'd, put into it when it has worked well, and is grown fine, some Rapes, or Husks of Grapes, usually brought home for that purpose, mash them together in a Tub; then letting the Rapes settle, draw off the li­quid part, put it into a Cask, and set it in the Sun as hot as may be, the Bung only cove­red with a Tile, or Slat-stone, and in about thirty or forty Days it will be a very curious Vinegar, and may pass in use as well as that made of Wine, if it be fined and kept from musting.

Vinegar for Digestion▪ Take eight drams of Sea onions, a quart of Vinegar, as much Pepper as Onions, Mint, and Juniper-berries; let them infuse, and drink a spoonful at a time before Meals.

Vinegar of divers Sorts: (1.) Take good Whitewine, and fill a Runlet full, leave it unstop'd, and set it in the Sun, or in some hot Place, and it will soon turn, and be­come special Vinegar. (2.) If your occasion requires Vi­negar in hast, put some Pep­per, Salt, and soure Leaven mingled together, and a hot Steel, stop it up, and let the Sun, or some other warmth come to it. Or, for the more speedy way, put Whitewine, or Claret into an earthen Pot, stop the Mouth with a piece of Past, and put it into a brass Pan or Pot boiling with Water; let it be there about half an Hour, and it will grow soure.

Vinegar of Elder: Ga­ther Elder-flowers before they be too much blown, pick them clean from the great Stalks, and dry them in the Sun when it is not too hot; so put a handful of them to a quart of the best White-wine-Vinegar, and let it stand about twelve or fourteen Days, then strain it, and draw [Page] it off, and put it into your Vessel, letting a quart be put in very hot to make it fer­ment in the Cask, and so stop it close for use. It is very pleasing to the Pallate, good for those to use in Sauces, or otherways, that are troubled with Pains in their Heads; as also, by dipping a Cloath in it, or making a Poultis of Mallows and Chamomil, and apply'd to the Head, it won­derfully eases it of Pains cau­sed by heat.

Vinegar of Foul Wine: Boil it and scum it very clean, suffering it to continue over the Fire till one third is con­sumed; then put it in a Ves­sel, and put some Chervel to it, stop it close, and in a short time it will prove very good Vinegar. You may make Vinegar of any Flowers, Herbs, Fruits, or Roots, by putting them into the Vine­gar, and infusing them till the Vinegar is tinctured, or grown strong with the tast and smell of them.

Vinegar of Pepper: Fill a Bottle with the best Wine-Vinegar, then take a good quantity of Pepper, put it into a long Cloath sowed up like a Bag, and put it into the Vinegar for the space of Eight Days, with a string to it, that it may be drawn out at the end of that time.

Vinegar of Roses: Take the Buds almost blown, of red Roses gathered dry, and the Whites and Stalks cut a­way, shred them, and dry them after in the Sun a consi­derable time, put them into a [...] earthen Vessel, and put to a pound of Roses two quarts of the best Whitewine-Vine­gar; stop them up close, and let them infuse eight or nine Days: then draw off the Vi­negar, press out what remains in the Roses, and bottle it up for use.

Vinegar of Roses, ano­ther: Take red Roses, not quite blown, cut away the white Bottoms when the Leaves are plucked from the Stalk, about one pound, and dry them in the Sun; then put them in six quarts of White-wine-Vinegar, and set it in the Sun about forty Days: then strain it, and let the In­fusion be repeated with fresh Roses; and so strain it out, and keep it for use.

This is used mostly in Sau­ces, but it is indeed extraor­dinary good made up into a Syrup with Sugar, to cut Flegm, gargle the Mouth, and to be used in cooling and astringent Medicins.

Vinegar of Roses, ano­ther: Dry your Roses with Elder-flowers, then put them into a double Glass, or stone Bottle, set them in the Sun, or in a warm Oven, and put [Page] Whitewine-Vinegar to them, and so let them infuse for ten Days, and tye a Rag over the Mouth of the Bottle, that the Vinegar may strain through it.

Vinegar of Treacle: Take one ounce and half of the Roats of great Celandine, the Roots of Angelica, Ma­sterwort, Bithwort, Gentian, Valerian, Burnet, white Dit­tany, Elecampane, and Zedo­ary, of each a dram; the Leaves of Mousear, Sage, Scabious, Scordium, Dittany of Creet, and Blessed Thistle, of each a handful; great Plan­tain-root a dram and half; the Seeds and Bark of Ci­tron, of each one dram and half; Saffron three drams, Bole-armoniack one dram, Harts-horn a dram and half: tye up the Harts-horn, Ditta­ny, and Bole-armoniack, in a fine Rag, and for five or six Days infuse it with the other Ingredients in five Pints of sharp Vinegar in a well stopt Glass by a moderate heat: strain out the Vinegar, then put into it to dissolve six drams of the best Treacle, and shake it often, and so do when you use it.

The Dose is half a spoon­ful at a time in some conve­nient Liquor. It is of excel­lent use to prevent pestilen­tial Fevers, the Plague, ill Airs, and noisom Vapours, being taken fasting in a Morning.

Violets Simple: To make the simple Syrup of Violets, infuse the Flowers of blue Violets twice or thrice, till they by boiling have lost their Scent; then with a con­venient quantity of Sugar boil up the Water to a Syrup.

This asswageth sharp Hu­mours, and Pleurisie, and is good for the Head-ach, and against the Heaviness of the Heart, and hinders disturbing Dreams.

Violets Syrup of: To make the compound Syrup of Violets, Take the blue Vio­let-flowers fresh gathered, the white ends clipped off, and free from Stalks, two ounces; the Seeds of Quinces and Mallows, of each one ounce; Jubebs and Sebestens, twenty of each: boil Gourds, or their Seeds in five pints of Water till one half be consu­med; then take them out, and put the other things men­tion'd into it: and having strengthned it with their Scent and Tast, so that little or none remains in themselves, press them into the Liquid, and so with fine Sugar boil it up into a Syrup.

This mitigates Catarrhs, and Hoarsness, and wonder­fully helps Coughs, or Colds, and is good in most hot Di­seases.

Vipers Biting: As soon as any one is bitten, (for if the Poison be diffused through [Page] the Mass of Blood, the Expe­riment cannot be warranted) a hot Iron may, as hot as the Party can endure it, be held near the Wound till it has, as some term it, drawn out Poison, which sometimes like a yellowish Spot will stick to the surface of the Iron.

Viper Biting, another: Take white Horehound and Plantain, of each half a hand­ful; beat them into the na­ture of a Poultis, and apply it speedily to the Place affli­cted 'e're the Poison spread in the Blood, and drink at the same time the Juice of them, which is very good against the Jaundice, and not only for the Biting of the Vi­per, but other venomous Creatures.

Vipers-Grass: This is by many eaten with their Meat, having a kind of a tast and sweetness of a Parsnip. 'Tis applied with success a­gainst the Biting of any ve­nomous Creature, also in pe­stilential Fevers, Giddiness, Melancholy, Palpitations of the Heart, Falling-sickness, Obstructions of the Bowels, and Diseases of the Womb; for the Jaundice and Dropsie, if taken at the beginning.

In case of any kind of Fe­vers, Take of the Root of Scorzonera, and Angelica, of each six drams; of the Leaves of Wood-sorrel, with the Roots, two handfuls; rasp'd Ivory, and Harts-horn, of each half an ounce; Licorice two drams: boil these in a sufficient quantity of Water wherein Barly has been boiled, to the consumption of a pint and a half; and having strain­ed the Liquor, add of the Composition of Scordium-water, and of the cold Scor­dium-water of Saxony, of each three ounces, Syrup of Rasberries three ounces: mingle them well, and make an Apozem, of which take three or four ounces at plea­sure, though the Fever be violent.

Virginia Trout to Make: This, as it is usually done, is only the cutting off the Heads of pickled Herrings, and the Bodies being layed twenty four Hours in Water, wash them, and season them with Mace, Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, and a little red Saun­ders; then mince some Oni­on and Lemon-peel, season them with Mace, Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, and a little red Saunders; then mince some Onion and Lemon-peel, strip a few pickled Barberries, and sprinkle them on between each Layer of the Fish: and when they are thus ordered, put in a pint of Claret, and tye on a double wetted brown Paper on the Pot, and so set it in the Oven with Houshold-bread; and being drawn and cooled, they will look as red [Page] as Salmon, or Trout, tast cu­riously, and eat altogether as well.

Vlcers in the Breast: Take Millepedes, otherways called Wood-lice, or Sows-lice, wash them clean, dry them with a Linnen-cloath, and beat them very well in a glass, or marble Mortar, and press out the Juice that comes from them; and if the Mass be too dry, you may agitate with them a little Whitewine, or Ale, which penetrating and softening them, the Liquor may the bet­ter part with its Juice: Half a dram of which take in two spoonfuls of Whitewine fa­sting in a Morning.

Vlcers to Cleanse: Take four ounces of Turpentine, and wash it in Scabeous-wa­ter, the Yolks of two Eggs, and an ounce of Barly-meal, Saffron, Sarcocol, Mastick, and Frankincense of each half a dram: bruise and mix them well together, and make them a Plaister, with the addition of clarified Rosin, Honey, and Oil of Roses.

This being applied, not on­ly cleanses Ulcers, but ingen­ders in them new Flesh where it is wasted, and makes, after the Cure is past, the Skin smooth again.

Vlcers External: Take the gross Stalks of red Col­wort, dry them pretty well, then put them into an earthen refining Pot, or such-like, and put them on a hot Fire, till they are reduced to Ashes, and apply those Ashes to the Ulcer, or take the green Bark of an Oak, chop or bruise it very small; pour upon it Lime-water freshly made: let it infuse till the Liquor has a duskey colour; and with this Water wash the Ulcer twice a Day.

Vlcer in the Mouth: To remedy this, Take a pound and a half of white Sugar, the Juice of Pomgranates cla­rified a pint: mix these well over a gentle Fire, and bring them to the consistence of a Syrup, and gargle the Mouth with it, also the Throat, as far as may be, very often, and it will bring away the Corruption, and Cause the Sore to heal: It is astringent, and also strengthens the Sto­mach.

Vlcers, another: Take one dram of Corrosive Subli­mate, reduce it to fine Pow­der, and dissolve it in a quart of fair Water, suffering it to lye there four or five Days in a light Digestion; then drop in it as much Sal-armoniack, or as much Oil of Tartar per De­liquium as will precipitate it all; then filter it carefully, and keep it close stopt for use, viz. To dip Pledgets into it, and apply them to the ulce­rous Part once, twice, or thrice a Day, as you see occasion.

Vlcus Vteri: Take As­phaltum, or the true and choice Bitumen Judaicum, reduce it to a curious fine Powder, and take of it about a dram at a time in any pro­per Vehicle, once or twice a Day, as you see occasion.

Vmble-Pasty: To make a Pasty, or Pye, after the new­est fashion, Cut the Umbles in small pieces, and do the like by fat Bacon: mix them to­gether, and season them with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg, fill your Pasty, or Pye, with the Materials, having a little stript Thyme, and shred pieces of Lemon scatter'd a­mong them; then cover them with slices of Butter and Ba­con very thin, and close it: let it soak well in the Oven, and when it is drawn, beat up Butter with Claret, Lemon, and stript Thyme, and serve it up hot.

Vmble-Pye: Make a Laying of minced Beef-suet in the bottom of your Coffin, or Slices of interlarded Ba­con; cut the Umbles in pie­ces as big as small Dice, and your Bacon in like form, sea­son it with Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt, and fill your Pye with it, and close it up with slices of Bacon and Butter: when it is enough, pour in at the place you have left vacant, Butter and Claret beat up to­gether, and so serve it up at the Table whilst it is hot. Be sure it be well baked, or it is altogether spoiled.

Vnguent for St. Antho­ny's- Fire: Take Vervine, Pimpernel, & Bettony, of each a handful; bruise them, and put them into three pints of Whitewine; boil them in a fined Vessel, if possible, then strain them, and set the De­coction over a gentle Fire a­gain in a glazed Vessel: then take washed Turpentine three ounces, Rosin one pound, new white Wax four ounces: when these are melted, and well mixed, add to them Ma­stick-powder one ounce, and the Milk of a Woman that has born a Male-Child two ounces: make these into an Unguent, or Ointment, over a gentle Fire, and anoint the Party afflicted with this hot Distemper, often bathing it in, and it will repel the Heat: It is also very necessarily used for Fistula's, Cankers, and hot Swellings in the Joints and Sinews.

Vnguentum Aegyptia­cum: Take Verdigrease five drams, good Honey fourteen scruples, strong Vinegar se­ven scruples: boil them toge­ther till they incorporate to the thickness of an Unguent, and be of a purple colour.

This forcibly cleanses in­veterate Ulcers, and con­sumes proud, spongy, and dead Flesh.

Vnguentum Album: Take Ceruse four ounces, Litharge half an ounce: let them steep a while in Rose-water, then put them into a Mortar, and by degrees pour in so much Rose-water as they can conveniently soak up, con­tinually stirring them till they are formed into an Unguent; then add a little Whitewine-Vinegar, and of Camphire one dram and a half.

This Ointment is very cool­ing, it asswageth Pains occa­sioned by Heat and Inflamma­tions, heals Excoriations, and takes away Scabs, and the Itch.

Vnguentum Apostolorum: Take Turpentine, white Wax, Bees-wax, and Rosin, of each sixteen scruples; Opopanax, and Verdigrease, of each two scruples; Amoniacum sixteen scruples, long Aristo­lochia, and great Incense, of each six scruples; Myrrh, and Galbanum, of each three scruples; Bdellium six scru­ples, Litharge nine scruples; Olive-oil two pound: mix the Litharge with two ounces of the Oil, and let them stand five Hours; then boil it gent­ly till it be as thick as Honey, keeping it continually stirring, and take it from the Fire, putting in the Wax and Ro­sin, being dissolved with the Oils: then whilst it is cool­ing, put in the rest of the Gums dissolved in the Vine­gar, boiled and incorporated with the Turpentine, then the Aristolochia, Myrrh, and a little Frankincense finely powdered, and sprinkled on the rest; then make the whole Composition into an Ointment, the Verdigrease being put in last.

This, by detersion, purgeth and cleanseth Wounds, and dangerous Ulcers, also Fistu­la's, wasteth dead Flesh, and encreaseth the new.

Vnguentum Aureum: Take yellow Wax six oun­ces, the best Olive-oil two pound, Turpentine two oun­ces, Rosin and Colophonia one ounce and half, Oliba­num, and Mastick, of each one ounce; Saffron a scruple: dissolve Wax in the Oil, and so putting in the rest finely bruised, make an Unguent; and when they are all well in­corporated, take the whole Mass from it, and put in the Turpentine, stirring it about that it may dissolve and imbo­dy with the rest.

This is excellent in fresh Wounds, and makes them speedily heal.

Vnguentum of St. Cos­me and Damian: Take Bet­tony, Pimpernel, and Ver­vine, of each a handful; stamp them, and put them in­to five pints of Whitewine, boil them together in a tin Vessel to the consumption of a third part; then strain out [Page] the Liquid part, and set it over a gentle Fire again in a glass Vessel; then take Tur­pentine washed six ounces, clarified Rosin a pound, new white Bees-wax four ounces: and when they are melted to­gether in the same Glass, or Pot, add to them an ounce of the Powder of Mastick, of a Woman's Milk, who has newly born a Male-Child, and another a Female-Child, of each two ounces; make them into an Unguent, by incor­poration, over the Fire.

This wonderfully availeth for Wounds, or Bruises in the Sinews, as also Cankers, Fi­stula's, and St. Anthony's Fire, the grieved Places being ba­thed with it hot.

Vnguentum Enulatum: To make this, Take the Roots of Elecampane sod in Vine­gar, and bruised, one pound; Hogs-lard, and Olive-oil, of each three ounces; new Bees-wax one ounce, Quick-silver extinct, and Turpentine wash­ed, of each two ounces; common Salt beaten half an ounce: mix the Lard, Wax, and Oil well together, by melting over a gentle Fire, then add the Elecampane, Quick-silver, and Salt and then the Turpentine, [take care to kill the Quick-silver with a little Grease, and Tur­pentine,] and so mix them well to the thickness of an Ointment.

It is an excellent Ointment for Scabs, Itch, Scurf, Break­ings-out, Botches, or the like.

Vnguentum, Populeon: Take the Buds of Poplar freshly gathered one pound, macerate them in three pound of Hogs-lard prepared, for the space of two Months; then take of the Leaves of red Poppey, and those of Mandrake, Henbane, and the tender Crops of Black-berry, Bramble, Night-shade, Let­tuce, Stonecrop, Housleek, great Burs, and Penny-grass, of each three ounces; White-wine a pint: bruise them, and mix them with the Buds of Poplar, and set them in a warm Place eight Days: then add a pint of strong Vi­negar, and boil them tiil it be consumed, which may be known by casting a little of it on the Fire; then strain it, and keep it close for use.

This Unguent is good to asswage the Burning of the Fever following the Ague, Heat afflicting the Brain, Parts of the Head and Kidneys, by anointing those Parts with it where the Grief is predomi­nant; and the Temples being anointed with it, mightily provokes Sleep,

Vnguentum Vulpinum: Take a Fox, and draw out the Intrails, and take Sage, Rosemary, Juniper-leaves, and Berries, Dill, wild Mar­joram, [Page] Lavender, and Cha­momil, of each half a pound, stamped and well bruised in a stone Martar; and the Fox being cut in pieces, put him with the Herbs into a Vessel of eight gallons, add two quarts of Olive-oil, and a pint of Neats-foot-oil, Calves and Deers-suet, Badgers-grease, and Goose-grease, of each a pound and a half; Water, with Salt dissolved in it pretty strong, three quarts, and as much Malmsey, or Mallaga: boil them till the Water and Wine appear as consumed, and that the Flesh and Bones of the Beast be separated a­sunder: then press it hard through a Linnen-cloath.

This is a soveraign Oint­ment for all manner of Aches, and to restore the Limbs and Joints lamed through the Pains of the Gout.

Vnicorn Stone: This is of very great Virtue. It is mostly found in Germany, Moravia, Saxony, and Silesia, in subterraneous Caverns, where Nature has lay'd it up for the use and benefit of Man. It is drying and binding, and stops all manner of Fluxes of the Belly, Gonorrhoea's, Bleed­ing at the Nose, Hepatick Flux, and all other Fluxes of the Blood, by strengthning the Stomach, Heart, and vital Spirits. It is also profitable against the Apoplexy, Verti­go, Falling-sickness, and di­vers other Diseases incident to the Head and Brain, the levigated Powder being given to a dram, or four scruples, in any convenient Liquid. It is also good against the Pesti­lence and Plague, and all manner of malignant Fevers; likewise the Measles, Small­pox, Purple, or Spotted-fe­ver, &c. It is also held pow­erfully to resist Poison, whe­ther inwardly or outwardly injurious, the Biting of Ser­pents, or any other venomous Creature, by causing a gentle Sweat, and driving the Poi­son from the Heart. It is good against Faintings and Swoonings, and Passions of the Heart, Heart-burning, and Palpitation, the Disease of the Viscera, by absorbing the acid Humours, when dai­ly taken from half a dram to a dram, for a certain time, in some proper Cordial-wa­ter, or Wine.

Voiding Blood: Take two drams of Henbane seed, and as much of white Poppy-seed: mix them, after they are well beaten, with an ounce of the Conserve of red Ro­ses, and of that take fasting, as near as you can, the quan­tity of a Walnut. Or,

Take Plantane-leaves a con­siderable quantity, bruise them, and press out the Juice, do the like by about six ounces of Comfrey-roots, sweeten it with a little fine Sugar, and [Page] drink it up, and you will soon find a restraint of Bleed­ing, though it come from se­veral Parts.

Vomiting in Children: To stay this, when excessive and dangerous, many times caused by Worms in the Sto­mach, Take dried Rue, and Frankincense, of each a dram; heat them to a fine Powder, and give it them in a Glass of Rhenish, or Wormwood-Wine.

Vomiting to Provoke: Take the Rind of the Root of an Elder-tree, bruise it, and steep it in Whitewine all Night, so that the Wine may be very strong of it; drink off the Wine only luke-warm the next Morning fasting, and it will gently cleanse the Stomach and Belly.

Vomiting to Provoke, another: Take a pound of the green Husks of Walnuts, a pound and a half of the Roots of Garden-Radishes, a pound of the green Leaves, six ounces of Asarabacca, and four ounces of Radish-seed; pour on them three pints of Whitewine-Vinegar, and let them digest a Day or two: then distil it in a glass Vessel in hot Water.

Two spoonfuls of this will cause a strong Body to vomit; therefore those that are weaker, may take only a spoonful, or one and a half, to prevent any over­straining that it may occa­sion.

Vomiting to Stay: Take Spearmint-water four ounces, Syrup of Quinces two ounces, and Cinnamon-water two drams. Take of this two or three spoonfuls at a time.

Vomiting to Stay, ano­ther: Take about half an ounce of Cloves, bruise them grosly, put them into a pint of Ale, with half an ounce of Lemon, or Citron-peel, boil them over a gentle Fire to the consumption of a third part: and then drink it cold, when strained, adding a spoonful or two of the Juice of Sage.

Vomiting to Stay, ano­ther: Take bruised Cinna­mon two ounces, rectified Spirit of Wine a quart; in­fuse them four Days in a large Vessel very close stopt, shake it twice or thrice a Day, and dissolve a-part half a pound of Sugar-candy in a quart of Rose-water, and so mingle the Liquors together, and put to them four grains of Musk, and half a scruple of Ambergrease.

This mightily relieves the Stomach when oppressed with Cold, or Flegm, and conse­quently stays Vomiting. It is also good to stay the Loose­ness, ease the Pains of the Colick, and other griping Pains.

Vrin White as Clay: This denotes an ill Digestion, a bad Stomach, and a bad Li­ver, and if in it there ap­pears any shining Beams, it denotes an Impostume in the Milt, or if the Urin be white as Whey, thick and little in quantity, it betokeneth the Flux. To Remedy this,

Take Grommol, Saxifrage, Parsley, and Sage; then boil them in stale Ale, and drink the Liquid part Morning and Evening. You may use them also in your Pottage, shred in the nature of Pot-herbs.

Vrin to Stop: If the Party cannot contain the U­rin, Take the Roots of Male-peony, yellow Amber, red Coral, and choice Gum-ara­bick, of each a sufficient quan­tity; reduce them to a fine Powder, mix them well, and let the Patient take from ten to twenty grains twice a Day. Or this, viz. Take a spoon­ful at a time in any conve­nient Liquid.

Vrin Stopt: Take the Roots of wild Garlick, by some called Crow-Garlick, wipe them clean but do not wash them: bruise them very well in a stone or glass Mor­tar; strain out the Juice, and putting it into a glass of Whitewine, drink it off up­on an empty Stomach, taking it once or twice a Day, and you will find great Benefit thereby.

Vrin Stopt, another: Take Oil of Walnuts, put it into a Frying-pan, then put into it some Chervel picked well from the Stalks, and ap­ply it pretty warm poultis-wise to the Navel; or, if need be, to the Os pubis, or Share-bone. For want of Walnut-oil, you may do it with Hogs-lard.

Vrin Stopt, another: Dissolve a little of the best Spanish Soap in half a pint of Whitewine, and pass it through a woolen Filter, or Strainer; put to it by infusion five or six grains of Saffron, divide it into two Doses, and take one two Hours after the o­ther, especially if the first does not operate well: but if it does, you may stay a longer time. This, by the way, is taken for Urin that is not very obstinate.

Vrin Stopt, another: Take the Powder of a Stag's Pizle a dram, Crabs-eyes cal­cined the like quantity; the Juice of Garlick, or strong Onions half an ounce; Bur­dock-root finely sliced a quar­ter of an ounce; Powder of Steel half a dram; Bay-ber­ries well bruised an ounce, Harts-horn Shavings a quarter of an ounce, and two drams of the Shavings of Ivory: boil or infuse these over a gen­tle Fire in a pint of Rhenish Wine, strain out the liquid part, and let the Party drink [Page] half a pint as hot as Milk new taken from the Cow, Morning and Evening, or oftner, if the Stoppage be great, and it will remove in a little time the Obstruction, and cause a free Passage of Urin, &c.

Vsquebaugh: To make this the right Irish way, who were the first Inventors that we can hear of: Take two gallons of rectified Spirit, half a pound of Spanish Lico­rice, a quarter of a pound of Raisins of the Sun, three ounces of Dates sliced, the Tops of Thyme and Baum, of each a pugil; the Tops, or Flowers of Rosemary two ounces, Cinnamon and Mace well bruised, of each an ounce; Anniseeds & Coriander-seeds bruised likewise, of each two ounces; Citron, or Lemon, and Orange-peel finely scra­ped, of each half an ounce: let these infuse in a warm place forty eight hours, with often shaking together, and somewhat, if it may be, en­creasing the heat; then let them stand in a cool place for the space of a Week, sweeten it with Sugar-candy, and so draw off the Liquor, and press out the Liquid part that remains in the Ingredi­ents. For a weaker sort; put other Spirits to them, and do as before.

This is not only pleasant to drink, but moderately ta­ken greatly preserves the Lungs against cold Distilla­tions of Rheums, and other Defects that afflict them, and encline them to Consumption. It lengthens the Breath, cheers the Heart, and keeps out ill Airs occa [...]oned by Damps and Fogs, &c.

Vteri Prolapsus: Ap­ply to the Navel a pretty large Cupping-glass, but suf­fer it not to continue too long on, a quarter of an Hour be­ing the longest, for fear of injury, especially to the Na­vel String.

Vvula Falling: Take Coriander-seeds, and Rue, in Powder, boil them in Mint-water, and sweetening it with a little Sugar, often gargarize the Mouth, and it will be remedied.

Vvula Relax'd: Take bluish Pease, or, for want of them white ones, chew them so long till you reduce them to the consistence of a Poultis, and lay 'em warm on the Crown of the Head to the breadth and thickness of a Crown piece, shifting it for fresh ones when you rise, and go to Bed.

WAlnut-Water: Take green Wal­nuts before they have any hard Shells in them, two pound, Rue, and Carduus, of each a handful; Roman Wormwood, and Baum, of each half a handful: bruise all these to­gether, and infuse them in a gallon of Mallaga, draw off the Water in a cold Still, and keep it close stopt for use.

An ounce of it at a time Morning and Evening, expels Vapours, keeps out infectious Airs, restores Appetite, and causes good Digestion; cre­ates a fresh and lively Coun­tenance, and removes Pains in the Stomach.

Walnut-Water, another: Take Walnuts with the green Husks on, before they come to a hard Shell, one pound and a half, Roots of Radi­shes the like quantity, green Asarabacca six ounces, the Seeds of Radishes four oun­ces: bruise and infuse them in three pints of Whitewine-Vinegar for three Days, and then distil them in a leaden Still till all the moisture be exhausted.

Take an ounce or two of this Water fasting in a Morn­ing, and it fortifies against the Infections of evil Airs, raw Damps, or Fogs, and pu­rifies the Blood.

Walnuts to Preserve: Take green Walnuts before they have contracted a hard Shell under them, pierce them with a Needle, and boil them in three or four Waters to take out the bitterness; and when they are tender, to twelve pints of the last Li­quor put twelve pints of or­dinary Sugar; boil it up, and clarifie it with Whites of Eggs: then strain it, and boil it to a Syrup; and sticking some Cloves, Mace, and Cin­namon, in the Nuts, put them into the Syrup when cold.

These Preserved Walnuts are very Cordial, Pectoral, and Stomachical: they strengthen it, and cause a good Digestion, and are excellent in Fluxes, and Loosenesses; also, an An­tidote against the Plague, and all poisonous and pestilential Diseases.

Warts: Take May-Butter, melt it in a moderate Heat, mix it well with as much Oil of Tartar, per deliquium, as will cause a sensible, but not con­siderable strong Tast, and\ [Page] make it into an Ointment; and with it often anoint the Warts as hot as you can well endure it, and they will either sink, or peel off.

Warts Bloody: For these, Cut off the Warts, or Knobs of the black Elder, and Mallows, of each three ounces; of the Syrup of Comfrey one ounce: let the Party take four spoonfuls immediately, and so conti­nue to do four or five times a Day.

Warts to Remove: Wash the Warts often with the hot Blood of a Pig, suffering it to dry on them; then wash it off with Lye of Wood-ashes, and lay on a Plaister of Elder-bark mixed with Oil of Turpentine.

Wash: If you would have your Skin of a sweet and fragrant Scent, Supple, and of a lively Colour, Take Baum, and Hyssop, of each a handful; the Boom of Pea­ches, and Garden Musk, (a Herb so called;) infuse them with an ounce of Frankin­cense beaten to Powder, and four drams of the Oil of Spicknard in two gallons of fair Water, over a moderate Fire: strain them, and wash your self with it, or make a Bath of it; and it will not only render you amiable and charming, but contribute to the settling a healthful Con­stitution.

Water for Bruises: Take two handfuls of Scabious-flowers, of Smallage, Bay-leaves, Pennyroyal, and Cha­momil, of each a handful; the Powder of Myrrh half an ounce, Harts-horn two ounces: bruise the Herbs, and put them to infuse in two quarts of Mallaga; then distil them, and let the Party drink two ounces of it Morn­ing and Evening.

It is excellent good for internal Bruises, or Hurts; also, for Spitting of Blood, and Inflammations.

Water for Cankers: If you are troubled with a Can­ker in the Mouth, &c. Take Sage, the Bark of Elder-Tree, Comfrey, Sorrel, and Endive, of each two handfuls: stamp, and strain them, when infu­sed twelve Hours in two quarts of Whitewine, gargle your Mouth with it, or anoint or wash the Place with it else­where, and it will make it at a stay, and in a little time heal it.

Water for the Head-ach: Take Roses, Bettony, and Elder-flowers, Sage, Chamo­mil, and Marjoram, of each four handfuls; Lavender, and Wheat-bran, of each two handfuls: boil them in about two gallons of fair Wa­ter. With this bath your Forehead and Temples, and put your Feet info it, as in­to a Bath, as hot as may be, [Page] and then repose your self af­ter it, keeping warm, taking inwardly a quarter of a pint of Mint and Bettony-water. And in so doing twice or thrice, the Pain in the Head will cease, and the Brain be much comforted.

Water for Heat: For Hear or Pimples in the Face, or hot Inflammations in the Eyes, take this recommended Water. Take white and red Rose-water, of each a pint; Tutty-stone in Powd [...]r, Aloes Epatick, fine Sugar, and Rose­mary flowers, of each an ounce; put them in a double Glass, and place them in Bal­neo Mariae five or six Days, yet frequently, in the mean space, move and shake them together; then with the Wa­ter wash your Face, Eyes, and other Parts inflamed or break­ing out with Heat, and it will, by a constant use, re­move it, and make the Skin beautiful,

Water to cool the Liver: Take Barberry-leaves, and Wood-sorrel, of each two handfuls; Plantane-roots, and Leaves, a handful; Mellon­seeds, Borrage, and Comfry­flowers, of each an ounce: bruise them well, and infuse them in a gallon of Spring-water; distil them in that Water, and drink a quarter of a pint of it fasting, with the Syrup of Limon, Citron, or Violets, and walk about a while after the taking there­of.

Water for the Plague: Take a pound of Celandine, Rosemary, Baum, Mugwort, Rue, Pimpernel that is found amongst the Corn, Dragons, Mugwort, Scabious, Agri­mony, Bettony, Angelica, Pellitory of Spain, Carduus, Marigold-leaves and Flowers, Borrage-leaves and Flowers, Rosa-solis, Fetherfew, Pelli­tory of the Wall, red Sage, Setwell, Mother of Thyme, Devils-bit, and Tormentil, of each a good handful, with a few Sprigs of Rue, and Wal­nut-leaves, or green Walnuts bruised: bruise them well, and let them infuse in a suf­ficient quantity of White-wine three Days, and as many Nights, keeping the Pot they are in very close, yet often shaking it, that the Ingredi­ents may move in the Wine; then distil the Wine & Herbs, and set the Water that is drawn off close stopped in glass Bottles, where the Sun may come to them.

The best time of distilling this Water is in May, if the Materials, by reason of the forwardness of the Spring, may be had so early. Ten spoonfuls of it may be taken Blood-warm, to prevent the Plague: and this must be done when the first Symptoms of it appear. And upon ta­king it, walk about till you [Page] sweat again, for the space of an Hour, not eating or drink­ing after it for the space of two Hours, or more; and then go to Bed upon it. If it chance to cause you to Vomit, it is a sign it has taken the better Effect.

This is also good against Agues, or any infectious Di­seases of the Stomach, being taken before the Fit, or Infe­ction too far seizes.

Water for the Stone: Take Saxifrage, Pellitory of the Wall, Mother-Thyme, green Sage, Radish-roots sli­ced, of each of them a hand­ful: steep the Roots & Herbs a Night in Milk, and the next Morning distil them.

Two spoonfuls drank fa­sting, with as much White-wine, is good also to pro­voke Urin, and prevent Stop­pages.

Water for Vlcers: To cleanse Ulcers, use this Wa­ter as the most Excellent, viz. Take red Rose-water, and Plantane-water, of each a pint; the Juices of Housleek, Night-shade, and Pimpernel, of each two ounces; red Ro­ses half a handful; Myrtle and Cyprus-nuts, of each half an ounce; the Rind of a Pomegranet three drams; St. John's-wort half a handful, Flowers of Mulleyn a pugil, Myrrh and Frankincense, of each a scruple; Honey of Roses four ounces: distil them when beaten, mixed, and well infused: and of this Water take a pint, and dissolve it in six ounces of the Con­serve of Roses, and one ounce of the Syrup of dried Roses, with twelve drops of the Oil of Sulphur: when it has infused a while, press out the Liquid part, and wash and bath the grieved Place with it often, and it will heal it.

Weakness after Delive­ry: Take Syrup of Violets half an ounce, and as much of Citron-syrup; add to these two drams of the Powder of Rhubarb, and an ounce of Treacle-water, with as much Diascordium dissolved in it as will lye on a Groat; and to these add half a pint of Hyssop-water: let the Party take an ounce at a time, and after it some Broth, or warm Posset-drink; the Woman likewise taking great care of her self after it, for fear of catching cold, by her too timely rising, or stirring: for then the Cold has oppor­tunity to penetrate and settle in the open Parts of the Joints, causing Numbness and Pains in the Limbs; and sometimes by such violent Intrusions, ferments the Blood to a Fe­ver. And if any such thing unfortunately happen, Take the Powder of Elecampane an ounce, the Conserve of red Roses two ounces, Pom­granet-seed [Page] powdered an ounce: decoct them in White-wine, and drink it warm.

Weakness to Help: Take the Powder of Vipers an ounce, Diaphoretick-Antimo­ny half an ounce, clear yel­low Amber two drams, Su­gar the weight of all that have been mentioned before, and fine Starch the like quantity: make them into a Past with Spirit of Wine, and then in­to small Cakes, of which one may be a sufficient Dose.

This is successfully used to strengthen the Blood, and to strengthen those that have been, or are weakned with Sickness.

Weakness of Stomach: Take Baum and Mint, boil them in Whitewine with some Rosemary-tops or Flowers, and Peeling-off of a Lemon, and drink a quarter of a pint of the Decoction half an Hour before Meals. Or for this, Wormwood and Gentian in­fused in your Drink, is very much available.

Web in the Eye: To re­move this Offence of the Sight, Take Shell-snails, and burn them to Powder, beat it fine, and sift it; add to it the Powder of Cuttle-bone: put these into Alom-water wherein Honey is dissolved, and shake them about: when the Water is thick with the powder, drop some of it into the Eye with a Feather, keeping the Lids closed a while, and turn your Eye to and fro that it may fret off the Film, or Skin that hin­ders the Sight: and in of­ten so doing, it will wear it away.

Wen to Cure: Take a Lime-stone, and slack it in small Soap-lees; then mix it with a little Soap, spread it as a Plaister, and lay it to the Wen, and anoint it often with the Lees the Lime was slaked in, and it will sink and destroy it.

Whitepot to Make: Take two quarts of Cream, or new Milk, put in half an ounce of Mace, a piece of Cinna­mon, and half a Nutmeg sli­ced; chip off the Crust from a Penny White-loaf, slice it very thin, and lay the Slices in the bottom of a Dish, co­ver them with Marrow, and put the Yolks of a dozen Eggs to the Cream, or Milk, well beaten with Rose-water, and sweeten it with Sugar: then take out the Spices, fill up a broad Bason, in which the Bread and Marrow is layed; bake it, but not in too hot an Oven: and when it is enough, scrape white Sugar over it, and serve it up.

Whitewine that has lost Colour: To recover this, Rack it from the Lees, and if it be a faint tawny Wine, put in Coniack-lees, putting the Wine upon them, rowling [Page] them over, and beating them: and in the space of ten or twelve Days rack it off, and it will be of a white Colour, and drink very brisk.

Whitewine to mend its Colour: Take three or four gallons of new Milk, or less, according to the quantity of your Wine, put it into the Hogshead, and rowl it to a good mixture: then letting it settle, open your Bung, and put in three or four ounces of Isinglass, and as much Loaf-sugar; then fill up the Hogshead, and rowl it three or four times over: and so bring it by that means to a colour and fineness.

Whitewine to Mend: If your Whitewine have an ill Tast, draw it half off, and to either of the halves put two gallons of Morning's-Milk, a handful of Rice, and as much Bay-salt; mix or beat them well together with a Paddle-staff for half an Hour, then fill up the Hogshead, and rowl it well, and turn it over in the Lees; and so you may broach it in two Days, and it will drink very plea­santly.

Wine, call'd Blessed Wine: To make this, Take Crocus-Metallorum in Powder one ounce, Mace in Powder, or grosly bruised, one dram, Spanish Wine a pint and a half: infuse the Crocus and Mace in the Wine a considera­ble time, and then pour off the Liquid.

This is a very good Vomit, and more frequently used than any other; and among others it is used with great success in curing the Dropsie, Jaun­dice, Phthisick, and Diseases in the Head; also, in the be­ginning of Fevers, and be­fore the coming out of the Small-pox. It must conse­quently in these Cases do a great deal of good by free­ing the Parts from the pec­cant Humours.

The Dose is half an ounce, an ounce, or an ounce and a half at a time: but the Age and Strength of the Patient is in these Cases to be consi­dered. And the best times to take Purges is in the After­noon, having first eaten a light Dinner.

Wine of Cherries: Take out the Stalks, and the Stones of your Cherries, bruise them with your Hands clean wash­ed, or a wooden Ladle; and after twelve Hours fermen­ting together, strain them through a Napkin, press out the Juice into an earthen Stein; and after you have ta­ken off the Scum and Froth, cover it close: and when it is settled, pour it off by incli­nation to ferment in your Cask with Sugar, and this will give it a deep Colour: then bottle it up, tye down the Corks to prevent flying out; [Page] and in ten or twelve Pays you may drink it.

This is a great cooler, chears the Heart, and revives decaying Nature; is good a­gainst Fits, and violent Pains in the Head. But Note, This is meant of the best red Cherries.

Wine of Currans: Take a pound of Currans, pick them clean, and wash them well, and putting them in an earthen Vessel pretty deep, pour on them about six pints of fair Water very hot, in which three spoonfuls of new Ale-yeast has been dissolved; then stop it up close about sixty Hours, that it may work and ferment: and as soon as you find it to your liking, let it run through a Strainer to leave behind the exhausted Currans and Yeast, and so bottle it up, and it will be exceeding quick, and pleasing in Tast.

This is not only pleasant to drink, but advantagious to the Body sundry Ways: for it cools the Liver, cleanses the Blood, and is take with good success in all hot Diseases.

Wine Lowring: Take an ounce of Roach-alom, and powder it, draw from the Hogshead four gallons, then strow the Powder of Allom in it, and beat in well for half an Hour, then fill it up, and set it on broach: and by this means, within three Days, if you be careful not to let it take vent, you will find it a curious Wine.

Wine Medicinal: Take the best old Mallaga a quart, Rhenish-wine a pint, Baum, Rue, red Sage, Maiden hair, and the Leaves of German­der, of each an ounce bruise and boil them gentry in Wine till a third Part be consumed; then add Pepper, Ginger, and Nutmeg, of each three drams: beat them well, then put to them an ounce of Venice-Treacle, and a quarter of a pint of Angelica and Saffron-waters: and having well boil­ed them, strain out the Li­quid part, and drink half a quarter of a pint Morning and Evening, or oftner, if you see occasion and it is excellent good against the In­fections of the Plague, Mea­sles, Small pox and Spotted-fever; also, to prevent the Infections by ill Airs affli­cting the Lungs by Coughs, Catarrhs, &c.

Wines to Back: The best time to do it is when the Wind sits full North, the Wea­ther clear and temperate, in the encrease of the Moon, and when she is under the Earth, and not in the full heighth,

Wine Roping: To alter this, Take a course Linnen-cloath, and place it before your Bore when you have set it abroach; then put in your [Page] Linnen, and rock it in a dry Cask: then put in five or six ounces of powdered Alom, and jumble them well toge­ther; and so upon settling, it will be fined down, and become a very clear and plea­sant Wine.

Wine to Scent well: Take two ounces of Brim­stone, and half an ounce of Calamus, mix them well to­gether in a pint and a half of Borrage-water, melt the Brim­stone in a Pan and add the rest to it, and dip in so many Linnen-cloaths as will soak it up, and put them into the Hogshead: then take out your Ashes, and rack your Wine, and so put into it a pint of Rosewater, and rowl it well half an hour, it being stopt down close: after which, let it lye still two Days; and by this means, this, or any other Gascoin, or red Wine, will have a very pleasant Scent.

Wine of Squils: Take the Roots of white Mountain-squills seasonably gathered, slice them, and lay them a drying for a Month, and put a pound of them into a glass, and poor on them four quarts of good old Whitewine: in­fuse them for the space of forty Days, and then take out the Squills.

This is likewise a gentle Vomit, but most commonly used with Vinum-Benedictum, or the Blessed Wine; so that an ounce of it may be taken with half an ounce of the other.

Wines Vicious to Me­liorate: Take a pint of cla­rified Honey, a pound of Water wherein Raisins have been steeped, half a pint, and a quarter of a pint of Claret, or Whitewine, as to what you propose it to: boil them over a gentle Fire till a third part be consumed, scum it continually in the boiling, and put it pretty hot into the Wine, and let it stand with the Bung out; then put in a Bag of Spices, and it wilt fine either new or old Wine that are fouled or decayed, and give them a curious Smell, or Tast; if when it has rested five or six Days you add white Mustard-seed bruised hang it in a Canvas­bag.

Woman in Labour: Take of Cinnamon finely powde­red one dram, Amber like­wise finely powdered half a dram; mingle them in a quarter of a pint of Claret, and let the Party drink it.

This is accounted a most approved Medicine to help a Woman in the time of her Travel, and cause an easie and safe Labour.

Womb to Cleanse: Take a large old Onion, the whi­test that may be, cut it in pie­ces, and boil it in a pint of [Page] Water very soft; strain and press it, and take about a quarter of a pint of the De­coction at a time, putting thereto an ounce of the fresh Oil of Wallnuts, and the ex­pected Effects will be com­pleated by it.

Worm in the Head: If any Worm, or Earwig, has crept into the Head whilst you sleep, to destroy, or bring it away, Take three or four Cloves of Garlick, stamp them in a Mortar, or any o­ther convenienient Utensil: then lay them in clean Water to soak a while, and so wring out the Juice with a clean Cloth, and put a few drops of the Liquor into the Ear; and it will either kill the Worm, and work it out with the Wax, or cause it to come out at the Nose. It is also good for Noises, and Dizzi­ness in the Head, and brings away the Furr and Scurf that many times causes Obstructi­on in the Hearing, and much lessens it.

VVorms: Take Rhubarb a dram, Wormwood half a dram, Coralline a scruple, Currans four ounces: beat them to a Conserve, and mix it with Syrup of Violets till it becomes an Electuary, and give the quantity of a Nut­meg in a Morning fasting, dissolved in a little warm Ale, or Wine.

This is noted by Dr. We­therborn to be of excellent use to kill Worms in Chil­dren.

VVorms in the Teeth: If you find, when you put hot things in your Mouth, something to stir in your Teeth, or Gums, Take black Pepper a quarter of an ounce, beat it to Powder, and sift it finely; then put it into a quarter of a pint of White-wine, and boil it over a gen­tle Fire: then take some of it, and hold it as hot as may be in your Mouth, and it will make those that can, crawl out, and kill those that are imprisoned, whereby the Pain and Defect, thereby occasioned, will presently cease.

VVorms in Children: Take the green Husks of Wal­nuts, Rue, and Baum, beat them very fine, put as much Sugar to them as will make them into a Conserve; and to make them the more pallatable, let it be taken in two or three spoonfuls of Canary, to the quantity of a large Hazle-nut at a time.

VVormwood: This Ex­cellent Herb is under the Do­minion and Government of Mars. Its Virtues are very singular, viz.

It is good for Inflammations of the Liver, and Stomach, and profitable for those that are sick of the Dropsie, the Leaves being made into a [Page] Confection with Sugar. It is of a restringent quality, bit­ter, and sharp, altogether being hot; it is comfort­table, and drying; and there­fore it purgeth downwards, and driveth into the Urin and Excrement all cholerick Hu­mours; it principally com­forteth and fortifieth the Heart and Stomach, being in­fused in Wine. The Tops of it, and Roots of Dandelion decocted in Water, are pow­erful Expellers of the Hu­mours that occasion the Jaun­dice. The Juice of Wormwood, wherein the Kernels of Peaches are bruised and infused, kill the Worms in any Part of the Body. The Conserve of it taken fasting, preserves from Drunkenness, sharpens Appetite, and is a sovereign Remedy, for those that are troubled with Stuf­fings or Stoppage of the Sto­mach, if the Juice thereof be drank with Whitewine, or Vinegar: mixed with Milk and Honey, it is good to rub those that are afflicted with the Squinsie. The Fume of the Decoction, the Mouth, or Ears held over it, easeth their Pains; and being infu­sed in Wine of Raisins, it easeth the Pains and Pricking of the Eyes, they being wa­shed with it. Being mixed with Oil of Roses, and a Stomach that has been long weakned, anointed therewith, it mightily strenghthens it. With Figs, Vinegar, and Darnel-Meal, it is good, ap­plied outwardly and inward­ly, against the Dropsie and Spleen. Dried and powdered, it defends Cloaths from Moths and Worms.

For a continued Dropsie, Take two pounds of the Tops of Wormwood, make it into a Conserve with as much Sugar, and let the Par­ty take half an ounce at a time, three or four time a Day.

VVormwood-VVater: Take two gallons of new Ale, but well settled, and very clear, a pound of Anniseeds, and half a pound of Lico­rice; bruise them together very sine; then take two handfuls of the tender Tops of Roman Wormwood, and put them with the other In­gradients into the Ale: let them infuse twelve Hours, and then distil them in an Alembick. The Water will be stronger, if instead of Ale you put Low-Wines, or Spi­rits, drawn off decayed Fruit of Grocery-Ware, and Mo­lossus.

VVormwood-VVine: To make this, Take small Ro­chel, or Campaign-Wine, put into it a few drops of the ex­tracted Oil of Wormwood; mix it well together by brewing: then let it fret, and contract a Body twenty-four [Page] Hours, and it will pro­cure by drinking it, a lost Ap­petite, and much enliven Na­ture.

Wormwood-VVine, Physical: Take of Wormwood well dried, and season­ably gathered a handful, to a gallon of Wine, and put into that, according, to pro­portion, what quantity you please: let it infuse in a close stopt Vessel till the Wine is ting'd sufficiently of the Wormwood.

This Wine is successfully taken to heat and cleanse the Stomach. It is good in the Dropsie, and excellent in the procuring a lost Appe­tite.

VVound-Bleeding: To stay the Bleeding of any Wound, Take the tender Tops of Nettles, bruise them between your Fingers till they have lost their stinging quality; then stamp them to­gether with a little white Su­gar, and lay them on the Wound. Or this,

Take fifteen of the small­lest Earth-worms, and a hand­ful of the inner Bark of the Elder, half a quartern of red Wine, and as much Sallad-oil, viz. Oil of Olive, a good handful of the Herb called Mouse-ear, and a piece of fine Sugar, as much new Wax, with a very little Salt: bruise them, and stamp them well together; and having well in­corporated them over a gentle Fire, apply them as a Poultis, or Plaister, to the Part from whence the Effusion of Blood-proceeds.

VVounds Green: Take Oil of St. John's-wort two ounces, Venice-Turpentine the like quantity, set them over a gentle Fire, and put to them a little Balsom of Kiel; incorporate them, and keep them as an excellent Balsom for green Wounds of any nature whatsoever.

VVounds to Incarnate: Take the Meal of Orbus, Tutty, Opopanax, and round Aristolochia, of each two drams and a half; Hog-fe­nel half an ounce, Blood-wort Leaves dried and pow­dered a quarter of an ounce, Flower-de lize five drams, Myrrh three drams; the greater and lesser Centaury, of each two drams: by dry­ing, bearing, and finely sif­ting make this into a Pow­der, and mix it with Oint­ments, or Plaisters, suitable to the purpose, to make Flesh grow up in the Wounds where it has been destroyed, or wasted.

VVound-Powder: Take Dragons-blood, Aloes, Fran­kincense, Quick-lime, and Copperas, of each a like; in­corporate them, and being finely powdered with some Cob-webs, and Whites of Egg, apply it to the bleeding [Page] Wound, and it will easily stay the Flux of Blood, prevent Putrefaction, and contribute much to the cleansing and healing of it.

VVound-Salve: Take a quarter of a pound of cla­rified Butter, Virgins-wax half a pound, Turpentine four ounces, and two or three Yolks of Eggs: beat them to Froth, and put to them four ounces of red Rose-water, and two drams of Sugar-can­dy powdered and dissolved in the Rose-water: mix these with as much Flower as will make them into a thickness over a gentle Fire, keeping them stirring till they become a Plaister: apply this to green Wounds, or others, that have not been of too long standing, and it hastens the Cure.

VVrinkles to Smooth: Take the Oil of Swallows an ounce, the like quantity of the Oil of Mandrake, half an ounce of the Oil of Pom­granet, and half an ounce of Ews-Milk: incorporate them to the thickness of an ordinary Pomatum over a gentle Fire; then add four ounces of the Cream of Almonds, spread it thin on a Forehead-cloth, or Fillitring, and lay it to the Forehead, or other Part, keeping it up tite and smooth: and in so often doing, the Wrinkles will dis-appear, e­specially in a great measure. It also smooths a rough Skin in any Part.

YArd Imposthumated: If a Man's Yard be Imposthumated, let blood, but not over much, either in the Foot or Arm: dissolve Aloes in White-wine, and dip a Linnen Cloth in it; then bind it about the Yard, and often wash it with the Liquid, and if there be a­ny ventosity, or windiness of the Belly, use a Fomentation of the Decoction of Aristolo­chia-rotunda; or if the Testi­cles be affected with the Impo­sthumation, Take Bean-flower, Barly-meal, the Leaves of Henbane, of each a like quanti­ty; put to them Oil of Roses, mix them well together, by braying in a Mortar, and ap­ply them as a Cataplasm, often renewing it as the moisture drys up, and wash the Testi­cles with Rose and Spear­mint-water.

If any descending of the Bowels happen upon, these or [Page] the like Occasion. Take Aca­cia, and some Cyprus-Nuts, dryed Rue, Bay-berries, Nut-Galls, & Gum-Arabick, of each a quarter of an ounce; bruise them in a Mortar, and sift them into a fine Powder: make them into a Plaister with Bees-wax and a little Hogs Lard; put up the descending Bowels, and apply it to the bottom of the Belly, drinking each morning White-wine wherein Cyprus Nuts have been decocted.

Yard Swelling: Take the Fat of a Loin of Mutton, about the Kidneys, mix it with the Powder of Pumice-stone, and a little Salt finely burned and beaten to Powder; make a kind of a Plaister, and put it round the Yard, where the Swelling is most apparent, and after that, wash it with the Decoction of Marsh-Mal­lows, and by so doing twice or thrice, the Swelling will cease.

Yarrow: This Herb grows in the Fields, and hath many long Leaves spread on the Ground, and finely jagged and divided into many small Parts: its Flowers are white, and some of them sometimes enclining to red, and stayed in Knots, among divers green Stalks arising from the Leaves; some call it Nose-bleed, others Milfoil: it flowereth about the latter end of August. An Ointment may be made of it, which is excellent in cu­ring Wounds, and is proper for such as have Inflammations. It stops the Terms, being drunk in White-wine, when decocted therein; as also the Bloody Flux. The Ointment of it is a good Healer of Ulcers and Fistula's, especial­ly such as abound with Moi­sture. The Hair being anoin­ted with it, it stays its falling off, especially washing the Head before with the Conco­ction of it. Inwardly taken, it strengthens the retentive Faculties of the Stomach; it helps the Running of the Reins, and such as cannot hold their Urin. The Leaves chew­ed in the Mouth, ease the Pains in the Teeth, and is briefly an Herb of a very dry­ing and binding Quality.

Yawning: Where the Party is too much addicted to this, which occasions unseem­ly Proportions and Features in the Face, Take the Juyce of Housleek, and the Powder of a Frogs Skin in a Glass of Whey fasting, in a morning; or they may be taken in any other convenient Liquor, if you think convenient.

Yellow Colour: If the Face, of any part of the Bo­dy be of yellowish Tawny Colour, by Sickness or Defect in Nature, to remove it, and restore a whiteness, Take the Roots of Turnips and Acorns, wash them and distill them in [Page] an Alembick, and a very fine Water will come from them; of this Water let the Party drink sweetened with Sugar ever morning for a Month or two together, and wash the Skin or Part, over, with the Water of Fumitory and distil­led Eggs, and so the yellow­ness, or other unpleasing Co­lour, will disappear, and give place to a better.

Yellow Colour to make: Take the yellow Chives in White Lillies, Saffron, and Tartar, steep them in Gum-water, or Buckthorn-berries; when they are dryed, heat them in Water till they swell, and then press them out, and these afford a pleasant Colour, which with a little Gum Ara­bick dissolved in it, you may likewise write with, and the Letter being burnished on blue Paper, will appear like Gold, especially if a Shell of Gold be mixed and dissolved with them.

Yellow Iaundice: Take Artemisia, and of Scolopen­dria, of each a handful, Wormwood the third part of a hand­ful, boil them in new White-wine, or any that is not sharp till the third part of Three pints be consumed, putting in the Wormwood last; then strain out the Liquid part, pressing it very hard, and ha­ving sweetned it with Sugar, let the Party afflicted drink a­bout a quarter of a pint every morning for Nine days suc­cessively, by renewing the quantity, and it will prove of great Advantage.

Yellow Iaundice: ano­ther. Take Ivy growing round, or twisting an old Oak, when it is flowered, boil the Flowers, Leaves, and tender Bark of the top Branches in Whitewine, of a medium, between sowre and sweet; infuse half a dram of Saffron in a pint, and let the Party drink it hot morning and evening for a Week or more, if occasion requite it: or, if there be a hardness of the Li­ver occasion'd by this Di­sease.

Take an ounce and a half of the Oil of Roses, of the Juyce of Wormwood, Ole­um Nardinum, and Mastick, of each half an ounce; of the powder of Squinantum, Spo­dium, Cassia Lignea, and Cau­da Equina, of each two drams: make them into an Ointment with Bees-wax, as much as is sufficient to do it, and anoint the Parts nearest to the Liver often with it, as warm as may be, having first bathed the Place with warm Vinegar; your hand, when you bathe it in, being anointed with Oil of Mastick. If the Di­stemper be far gone, decoct Rhubarb in Beer or Wine, and drink it morning and night, keeping your self warm in a Bed, or in a stir­ring [Page] Posture, which is better, for an hour or two after; and in so often doing, the Hu­mours will be dispersed, and Nature thus helped, cast out the Crudities that occasion the Distemper.

Yew Berries: These are excellent good for Pains in the Bowels, Obstructions of the Stomach, and in Fluxes of the Belly, if boiled with White-wine and a little Mace, and being strained, the liquid part drunk fasting.

Yexing to Remedy: Take the Juice of Quinces, and boil of them and Honey each one pound and half, put to them a pint and a half of Vi­negar, and boil them up to­gether; then put in Ginger three ounces, of white Pepper one ounce, and boil them a­gain till they may be made in­to an Electuary; and take a quarter of an ounce at a time as often as you see occasion: or you may bruise Rue, infuse it in White-wine with Cum­min-Seeds, and drink it, sweet­ned with a little Honey. This remedies likewise the Hickup, and is good against the Chin-Cough.

Youth to Preserve: Take Oil and Myrrh, of each half an ounce; Oil of Roses a like quan­tity, Oil of Sweet Almonds two ounces: mix these well toge­ther, and anoint the Face and Hands with them, warmed in a Sawcer over a gentle fire: or,

Take the VVaters of Fu­mitory mixed with that which is distilled from a young Pig, of each a quarter of a pint; add then the Decoction of Rosemary in VVhitewine, half a pint: and with this wash every Morning when it is gently heated; also gargle your Mouth with it, and it will not only fasten your Teeth, and keep them from aching, but preserve them from rotting, and keep them clean, and very white.


TERMS of ART, and Hard Words, that may be met with in this Work, Explained.

  • ABstergent, wiping.
  • Acrimony, is a Quality that is biting upon the Tongue.
  • Acid, is a thing very sharp, viz. Liquids, Herbs, &c.
  • Agglutinate, to glue toge­ther.
  • Alexipharmick, resisting Poi­son.
  • Alternately, by Turns.
  • Anodyne, gives ease.
  • Aperitive, opening.
  • Aqueous, watry.
  • Aromatick, odoriferous, or Spicy smells.
  • Asthma, Difficulty of Breath.
  • Attenuate, to thin.
  • Attractive, Drawing.
  • Astringent, Binding.
  • BItuminous, of the Nature of Pitch.
  • Bulbous, Round Rooted.
  • CAlifie, to heat.
  • Capillary, Hairy.
  • Cardiack, Cordial.
  • Caries, Rottenness.
  • Carminative, expelling Wind.
  • Cataplasm, a Poultis.
  • Cephalick, proper for the Head.
  • Cholera A pleasant Evacu­ation of Choler upward and downward.
  • Compress, a Linnen Cloth often folded.
  • Concreted, Thickened.
  • Consolidates, makes sound or whole.
  • Corroborate, to Strengthen.
  • Cosmetick, Beautifying.
  • DIabetes, a vast Evacuation of Urin.
  • Diaphoretick, Sweating.
  • Decant, to pour gently of, and leave the settling behind.
  • Decoction, a boiling of the Liquor to any thing.
  • Digest, to Dissolve.
  • Dilate, to open wide.
  • Diluted, made thin.
  • Discuss, drive away.
  • Detergent, cleansing.
  • Detersive, cleansing.
  • Diuretick, force Urine.
  • EBullition, boiling.
  • Effusion, shedding.
  • Emollient, softening.
  • Empyema, a Collection of Matter in the Breast.
  • Epatick, proper to the Li­ver.
  • Epithem, an outward Ap­plication to the Stomach, Heart, or Liver.
  • Erosion, a Gnawing.
  • Errhine, a Medicine drawn up the Nostrils.
  • Excrescent, growing up.
  • Exhilerate, to make merry,
  • Expectorate, to bring up the Matter from the Lungs.
  • FIbres, Strings.
  • Filtrate, to strain through a Paper.
  • Faeces, Dreggs.
  • Frontals, an Application to the Forehead.
  • Fungous, any thing spongy.
  • HUmect, to moisten.
  • Hysterick, Vaporous.
  • INcarnes, Breeds Flesh.
  • Indurate, to wash hard.
  • Inspissated, thickened.
  • LEnitive, mild or gentle.
  • Levigate, to make Smooth.
  • Ligature, a binding of Lin­nen-cloath.
  • Linctus, a Medicine for the Lungs.
  • Lithontriptick, a breaking the Stone.
  • Lotion, a particular Bath.
  • Lubricating, Smoothening.
  • Luxations, Members out of Joint.
  • MEmbranous, Fibrous.
  • Millepedes, Hog-lice.
  • Mucilaginous, Slimey.
  • NArcotick, occasioning Sleep.
  • Nephritick, belonging to the Reins.
  • Nerve, a porous substance.
  • OBlong, longer than Broad.
  • Obtuse, Blunt.
  • Oedamatous, Flegmatick.
  • PAlpitation, a Beating of the Heart.
  • Paralytick, subject to Palsie.
  • Paregorick, disposing to Sleep.
  • Perennial, lasting.
  • Pulmonick, proper for the Lungs.
  • REfrigerate, to cool.
  • Repercuss, to beat back.
  • Repress, to beat down.
  • Resinous, of the nature of Rosin.
  • Rupture, a Burstenness of the Belly.
  • SCirrhus, a hard Tumour.
  • Sextiary, somewhat above a pint.
  • Siccity, Driness.
  • Soporifick, gives Rest.
  • Specifick, a particular Re­medy for some peculiar Di­stemper.
  • [Page] Splenetick, proper for Spleen.
  • Spontaneously, freely of its own accord.
  • Stagnating, standing still.
  • Stomachick, proper for the Stomach.
  • Styptick, Astringent.
  • Sublimated, raised to the Neck of a Vessel.
  • Succulent, Juicy.
  • Sudorifick, procuring Sweat.
  • Suppurating, bringing to Matter.
  • TAblets, little pieces cut out like Lozenges.
  • Thoracick, proper for the Breast.
  • Torrification, Roasting.
  • Tumour, a Swelling.
  • VEgetable, an Herb.
  • Vehicle, some proper Wa­ter to take a Powder, or the like in.
  • Viscous, slimy, tough, clam­my.
  • Uterine, proper for the Womb.
  • Vulnerary Potion, a Drink for healing Wounds.

A Catalogue of such Instruments and Utensils as are re­quisite in Pivate Houses, for the use of those that are desirous to compound Medicins, &c.

A Great Marble Mortar, and another of Brass. A Rowler to rowl Lozenges. Spatula's of different sizes. Cop­per Pans to make Decoctions. An iron Ladle to prepare Lead. A Grinding-Stone, and Mullet. A Pulping-Sieve, a Hair-Sieve covered, Hippocras-Bags, and little Cotten-Blankets for strain­ing. Scales and Weights. Presses. Rasps to rasp Harts-horn, Woods, Quinces, &c. A square wooden Frame, with a Nail at each corner to hold the Strainer. An incision Knife. A leva­tory Probe. Syringes to make Injection. Forceps to draw Teeth, and a Lancet. Cupping-Glasses, Gallypots, Boxes, and Glasses to keep Oils, Syrups, Waters, &c. Cauteries to make Issues. Pipes, with Fenestals. Needles fit for Sutures, Ligatures, Bands, Swaths of Linnen and Woolen. Powders and Waters to stay Bleeding. Pledgets, Compressers, and Boulsters. A Bathing-Tub, or Chair. An Alembick, and small Still; with Receivers.

These will pretty well suffice any private Practitioner; and if necessity requires any tiling more, you may furnish your self at leisure.

Meat and Drink observed for the contributing to Health, and the Preservation of it.

NOurishment is a necessary Part for the Preservation of Health: for as they are temperate, or intemperate; so good or evil Juices have their Effects in the Body of Men and VVomen, as the Food we eat is of hard or easie Conco­ction, or Digestion. The Temperate is such Meats, as being taken in due order, cause no Distemper, as Bread well made of VVheat. The Intemperate are those, that by some quality do alter the State of our Bodies; as for example, VVine, Mustard, Garlick, Leeks, Onions, &c. do heat: and so does Pottage made with hot Herbs, as Hyssop, Thyme, &c. Bread made of Barly, Grapes; and Pottage made with cool Herbs, as Lettuce, Sorrel, &c. do cool.

Some kind of Nourishments breed Flegm, some Choler, some Melancholy, and some Excrements only. Those that principally generate good Blood, are these, viz. Red VVine, Milk, Eggs, the Flesh of Hens, Capons, and Birds, are to be preferred before any other sorts of Flesh, either Kid, or Veal, because they generate better Juice. Black and thick VVines breed ill Juice: th [...] like does Beef, Goats-flesh; but worst of all, that of Bulls, Brawn, and Ram-flesh. Bread that is made of yellow and sweet VVheat, well drest, is best for Nourishment.

All manner of Pease breed VVind, and encrease Melancho­ly. Beans that are green, are cold and moist, and generate crude Blood and VVind: Dried Beans are cold, and dry; so that the Flowers thereof are much used in Cataplasms that are to dry and cool, as in hot Impostumes of the Paps. Rice is a great Binder, and therefore used in Clysters to stop Lasks: it generates thick Juice, and Obstructions in the Veins, if it be much eaten. All Fish do of themselves yield a cold and moist Nourishment, and much Flegm; yet let the qua­lity of Meat be never so good, too much in quantity, or unseasonably taken, will cause the Nourishment to prove Evil: for Gluttony, and Intemperance are the greatest Main­tainers of the Physicians. Therefore, if we regard our Healths, we should eat and drink to live, and not live to eat and drink; and certain it is, that those who regard their Healths, ought to be moderate in both: and therefore it is [Page] the best way to eat little at a time, that there be always a good Appetite and Digestion; likewise to keep due order and time in our Meats and Drinks. Good VVine is nourishing; as also the Liquors of our own Country growth that have Age and Clearness.

Labour and Rest, how thy contribute to Health.

MOderate Labour, or Exercise, where the whole Body is actively employed, contributes much to Health, by stirring the Humours, and sweating out what is noxious or offensive: but the Body continuing in idleness, gathers much Flegm and Excrements, which would be dissipated by Exer­cise; for it helps the natural Heat, quickens the Spirits, makes the Senses the better perform their several Offices, opens the Pores of the Body, and by perspiration wasts the Ex­crement that other ways would afflict it: finally, it com­forteth all the Spirit and Members, that they may the better undergo their Function. In Exercise, consider first the time, which is the fittest before Meat; secondly, the manner of the Exercise, which is general, or particular, as playing at Ball, or Leaping particularly, as when one Part only is exerci­sed, as the Legs by walking, the Arms by another Motion; the Belly is stirred by riding, and the Lungs by much Dis­course, or loud calling. Now as there are many Convenien­cies by Exercise used in due quality and time, so are there many inconveniencies and dangers proceeding from Rest and Idleness; as Crudities, Obstructions, Stone in the Reins, and Bladder, Gouts, and Apoplexy, and sundry others: and it not only dulleth the principal Instruments of our Body, but also of our Mind.

Sleeping, and Waking, how they contribute to a healthful Constitution.

SLeep is a Rest and Quietness of the Body in its [...] and a Cessation of the animal Spirits and Faculty [...] Sense and Motion: It fortifieth the Strength, [...] [Page] Digestion; corrects the Passions of the Mind, and is caused when the Brain is possessed with Vapours that ascend, which by the Brain's Coldness are turned into Humours, and these close the Conduits of the Nerves; for when we are waking, the Animal Faculties, as Sense, Motion, and all are at Work; but when we sleep, the natural Functions are better performed, because the Heat goes into the Bowels, whereby is made Dige­stion: but this is meant by Sleep in the night; but sleeping in the day is hurtfull: for the Sun draws the Heat and Spirits un­to the outward Parts of the Body, and being many times sud­denly wakened by Noises, &c. the Concoction begun is not perfected, but it fills the Stomach with Crudities and sowre Belchings, and the Brain is filled with gross Vapours, and Ex­crementitious Humidities, and is the Cause of divers Sicknesses, as Catarrhs, &c. and in the night, not to exceed 8 hours sleep­ing is the most healthfull, because a longer time hinders the Evacuation of the Execrements both upward and downward, and the Natural Heat, which is not idle, draws from them some ill Vapours into the Veins and principal Parts of the Body, there to become some Matter for a Disease.

Also in our lying down to sleep, we must observe to do it on the right side, that the Digestion may be more easie in the bottom of the Stomach, which is hotter, and about an hour after, if you be waking, you may turn on the Left side, that the Liver with its Lobes may embrace the Ventricles, and as a Fire under a Furnace, hasten the Digestion; but lye as little as may be on the Back or Face; for Excess of the first often causes Inflammations of the Reins and Stone, Palsie, Convul­sions, and the usual Diseases proceeding from the Spinal Mar­row: The latter causes Defluxions and Rheums. Nor sleep too soon after Meat. Note, That painful Sleep in Sickness is a bad Sign; but easie Sleep, a good sign of Recovery.

To be over wakefull and watching, corrupts the Brain, debilitates the Senses, moves Crudities, and alters the Spirits, breeds heaviness of the Head, and wasting and falling away of the Flesh.

A Bill of Fare, of such Varieties as are in season for every Month in the Year, of all sorts of necessary and convenient Provisions, in Decency and Order.


BRawn and Mustard. Boil­ed Capons in stewed Broth, or white Broth. Two Turkies in Stafaldo. A Hash of twelve Partridges, and a Shoulder of Mutton. Two Bran Geese boiled. A Farced boiled Meat with Snites or Ducks. A Marrow Pudding baked. A Surloin of Roast­beef. Minced Pyes, ten in a dish, or any other Number as you please. A Loin of Veal. A Venison Pasty. A roasted Pig. Two Roasted Geese. Two Capons, one larded, and Custards.

Second Course.

Oranges and Lemons. A side of Lamb roasted. A souced Pig. Two Couple of Rabbits, one Couple Larded. A Duck and Mallard, one Larded. Six Teals, three Larded. Six Woodcocks, three Larded. A Warden-Pye, or Dish of Quails. Dryed Neats-Tongues. Six Pigeons, three Larded. A souced Capon. Pickled Mushrooms. Pickled Oysters and Anchovies in a Dish. Twelve Snites, six Lar­ded. An Orangado Pye, or a Tart Royal, of dryed and wet Suckets. Sturgeon. A Turkey, or Goose-Pye. Jel­lies of five or six sorts, Lay Tarts of divers. Colours. A Plate of Sweet Meats.


Collops and Eggs. Brawn and Mustard. Four Rabbits hashed. A Grand Fricasie. A Grand Sallad and a Chine of Roast Pork.

Second Course.

A Lamb Roasted whole. Three Widgeons. A Pippin Pye. A Jole of Sturgeon. A Bacon Tart. A Cold Tur­key-Pye. Jellies, and a Tart-Royal.


Brawn and Mustard. A fresh Neats-Tongue and Ud­der in Staffaldo. Three Ducks in Staffaldo. A Roasted Loin of Pork. A Venison-Pasty. A Steak-Pye.

Second Course.

A side of Lamb, six Teal, three Larded, A Lamb-stone-Pye. Two Hundred of Aspa­ragus. A Warden-Pye. Ma­rinated Flounders. Jellies, Ginger-bread, and Tarts Royal.


A Bisker, cold Lamb. A roasted Haunch of Venison. A Goslin. A Turkey. Chicken, Custards and Almonds.

Second Course.

A Side of Lamb in Joints. [Page] Eight Turtle-Doves. A cold Neats-Tongue Pye. Eight Pigeons, four of them Lard­ed. Lobsters, and a Collar of Beef. Tansies.


Scotch Pottage, or Skink. Scorch Collops or Mutton. A Loin of Veal. An Olive, or Pallate-Pye. Three Capons, one of them Larded. Custards.

Second Course.

A Lamb whole. A Tart Royal, or Quince-Pye. A Gammon of Bacon-Pye. A Jole of Sturgeon. An Arti­choke-Pye hot, and Bolonia Sausages. Tansies.


A Shoulder of Mutton hasht. A Chine of Beef. A Venison-Pasty cold. A cold Hash. A Leg of Mutton roa­sted. Four Turkeys. Chick­ens, and a Steak-Pye.

Second Course.

A Jane, or Kid. Rabbits. Shovelers. A Sweet-bread Pye. Olives, or Pewits. Pi­geons.


Muskmellons. Pottage. Boiled Pigeons. A Hash of Caponets. A Grand Sallad. A Fawn. A Custard.

Second Course.

French Beans, or Green Pease. Four Gulls, two Lar­ded. A Codling-Tart, green. Portugal Eggs of both sorts. Selsey-Cockles broiled.


Scotch Collops of Veal. A boiled Breast of Mutton. A Fricasie of Pigeons. A stewed Calves Head. Four Goslings. Four Caponets.

Second Course.

Twelve Dotterells, six of them Larded. Tarts Royal of Fruit Wheat Ears. A Heath-Pout-Pye. Marinated Smelts, a Gammon of Bacon, and Selsey-Cockles.


An Olio. A Breast of Veal in Staffaldo. Twelve Partri­ges Hasht. A Grand Sallad. A Chaldron Pye and Custards.

Second Course.

Rabbit. Two Herns, one Larded. A Florentine of Tongues. Eight Pigeons roa­sted, four of them Larded. Four Pheasants. Pouts, two, Larded. A Cold Hare-Pye. Selsey-Cockles broiled.


Boiled Duck. A Hash of a Loin of Veal. Roast-Veal. Two Bran Geese. A Tart-Royal. Custards.

Second Course.

Pheasant. Pouts and Pige­ons. Twelve Knots. A Po­tato-Pye. A Turbut and Sel­sey Cockles.


A Shoulder of Mutton stuffed with Oysters. A Loin of Veal, a Roasted Goose, and a Venison Pasty.

Second Course.

A Larded Hern, and one not Larded. A Souced Tur­but. Two Pheasants, one [Page] Larded. A Collar of Beef. A souced Mullet and Base. Jellies and Tarts of Fruit in season.


Stewed Broth of Mutton, and Marrow-bones. A Lambs-Head, and White-broth. A Chine of Roast-beef, minced Pyes. A Turkey stuck with Cloves. Two roasted Capons, one Larded.

Second Course.

A young Kid or Lamb roa­sted whole. A Dish of Par­tridges. Bolonia Sausages. A Dish of Anchovies garnished with Mushrooms and pickled Barberries. A Dish of Ca­veer and Pickled Oysters. A Quince-Pye, and a Dish of Woodcocks; and if on Christ­mas-day, Plumb-Porridge, and Minced Pyes.

Terms of CARVING now in Use.

LEach that Brawn. Break that Deer. Lift that Swan. Break that Goose. Sauce that Capon. Spoil that Hen. Frust that Chicken. Unbrace that Mallard. Unlace that Coney. Dismember that Hern. Disfigure that Peacock. Display that Crane. Untach that Curlue. Unjoint that Bittern. Allay that Pheasant. Wing that Quail. Mince that Plover. Wing that Partridge. Thigh that Pigeon. Border that Pasty. Thigh that Woodcock: And the Word in Carving proper to all manner of Small Birds is to Thigh them.

To Dismember a Hern.

Having taken off both the Legs, lace it down the Breast with your Knife, and raise up the flesh; then take it quite off with the Pinnion, and so stick the Head in the Breast, and set the Pinnions on the contrary side of the Carcass, and the Legs on the other side, so that the Ends of the Bones may meet a­cross over it, and the other Wings cross over the top of it.

To Unbrace a Mallard,

Is, to raise up the Pinion and Leg, but not to take them off; then raise the Merrythought, and lace it down on either side the Breast with your Knife, bending it to and fro.

To Sauce a Capon.

Lift up the Right Leg and Wing, and so array forth, and lay him in the Dish as if he were to fly.

To Allay a Pheasant.

Raise the Leg and Wings as it were a Hen, and put no Sauce but Salt.

To Wing a Partridge.

Raise his Legs and Wings, and if you mince him, sauce him with Wine, Powder of Ginger, and Salt, and so setting him on a Chafing-Dish of Coals to warm, serve him up.

To Wing a Quail.

Raise his Legs, and Sauce it with Salt.

To Display a Crane.

Unfold the Legs, and cut off the Wings by the Joints; then take up the Wings and Legs and Sauce them with Powder of Ginger, Mustard, Vinegar, and Salt.

To Dismember a Hern.

Raise the Legs and Wings, and Sauce him with Mustard, Vinegar, Powder of Ginger, and Salt.

To Unjoint a Bittern.

Raise the Legs and Wings, and Sauce it with Salt only.

To Untach a Curlew.

Raise the Legs and Wings as a Hen, and put nothing but Salt to it.

To Unlace a Coney.

Lay it on the Back, and cut away the Vents; then raise the Wings and the Sides, and lay the Bulk and the Chine together; Sauce them with Vinegar and Powder of Ginger.

To Mince a Plover.

Raise the Legs and Wings, and put only Salt.

To Thigh a Woodcock.

Raise his Legs, and dight his Brains; but in the ordering of a Snite you must raise the Legs, Wings, and Shoulders: And so in the Case of other sort of Small Fowl. But as to some Larger, take the following Directions.

Swan to Lift.

Slit her downright in the middle of the Breast, and so clean through the back from the neck to the Rump, and cleanly and handsomely part her in two halfs, that you break not, nor tear the Meat: Lay the two halves with the slit side downward in a fair Charger; throw Salt about it, and let your Sauce be Chaldron, served up in a Sawcer.

To Rear a Goose.

Break the Goose contrary to the former way, viz. Take off her Legs very fair from the Body, cut off the Belly-piece round and close to the lower end of the Breast, lace her down with your Knife on each side, your Thumb's breadth from the bone, in the middle of the Breast; then take off the Pinion on each side, and the Flesh which you first laced, [Page] raise it quite up from the Bone, and take it from the Carcase with the Pinion; then cut up the Bone which lyes before in the Breast, called the Merrythought, the Skin and the Flesh being upon it; then cut from the Breast another slice of Flesh quite through; take from the Bone, and turn the Carcass, and cut it asunder, the Back-bone above the Loins, and take the Rump bone-end, and lay it in the Dish with the Skinny side upwards, lay it at the fore-end of the Merrythought with the Skinny side upwards, and before that the Apron of the Goose; then lay your Pinions on each side contrary, and in like manner place the Legs behind them, that the bone-end of the Legs may stand up cross in the middle of the Dish, and the Wing-Pinions on the out-side of them; put under the Wing-Pinions, on each side, the long slices of flesh that you took from the Breast-bone, and let them meet under the Leg-bones, and let the other ends lye cut in the dish between the Legs and the Pinions: pour your Sauce of Mustard, Apples, and Sugar, well mixed, under the dish, and sprinkling on Salt, you may serve it up with Gravy Sauce, or what others you are furnished withall in the foregoing Treatise.

To cut up a Turkey or Bustard.

Raise the Legs up very fair, and open the Joint with the Point of your Knife, but take them not off: then lace the Breast down on both sides, and open the Breast-pinion, but take it not off; then raise the Merrythought between the Breast-bone and the top of it: then lace the flesh on both sides the Breast-bone, and raising up the flesh called the Brawn, turn it outward on both sides, but break it not, nor take it off: cut off the Wing-Pinions at the Joints next the Body, and stick on each side the Pinion where the Brawn was turned out; but cut off the sharp end of the Pinion, and take the middle piece that will just fit the Place.

This way you may Carve up a Capon, or Pheasant; but in the Capon cut not off the Pinion: but in the place where you put the Pinion of your Turkey or Bustard, you must put the Gizzard of your Turkey, on each side half.

Sewing of FISH.

First Course.

MUsculade, Minews in Sew, of Salmon, or Porpos, baked Herrings with Sugar, Green Fish, Pike, Lamprey, Porpos roasted, baked Gurnet and Lamprey.

Second Course.

Jellies red and white, Dates confection'd, Conger, Salmon, Dorey, Birt, Turbut, Trout, Holibut: For Standard, Bace, Mullet, Chevin, Soles, Lamprey roasted, Tench in Jelly.

Third Course.

Fresh Sturgeon, Bream, Pearch in Jelly, a Jole of Salmon, Sturgeon, Welks, Wafers, Apples and Pears roasted with Su­gar-Candy, Figs of Molisk, Raisins, Dates with minced Gin­ger and Ippocras.

Fish Carved.

In this Case you must look to the Peason, Furmity, Tail and Liver, and see if there be a Salt Porpos, Sole, Turrentine, and do after the form of Venison. Hak'd Herring, lay it whole on a Trencher or Plate, and then White-Herring in a dish; open the back and take the bone out and Roe, and have your Mustard at hand. Of Salt Fish, Green Fish, Salt Salmon, or Conger, pare away the skin. Salt Fish, Mackarel, Marling, Stock-Fish and Hake, with Butter; and take away the bones and skins. As for a Pike, lay the belly on a Plate or Trencher, with sufficiency of Pike Sauce, a salt Lamprey, gobbing it in seven or eight pieces, and so present it.

A Place to be ordered this Way. Put out the Water, cross it with your Knife, and cast on Salt and Wine. Bace, Gur­net, Mullet, Roach, Chevin, Perch, Sole, Whiting, Haddock, and Codling, raise either of them by the back, take out the bones, and cleanse the belly.

As for Carp, Bream, Sole, or Trout, order the back and belly together: but for Conger. Salmon, Sturgeon, Hound­fish, Turbut, Thornback and Halibut, cut them in the dishes, the Porpos about the Tench; in his Sauce cut two Eels and Lampreys roasted, pull off the skins and take out the bones, and put to them Vinegar and Powder of Ginger. A Crab must be broke asunder in a dish, then make the shell clean, [Page] and put in the stuff again; temper it with Vinegar, and Gin­ger-powder, then cover it with bread and heat it. As for a Jole of Sturgeon, cut it in thin slices, and lay it round about the dish, serving up Oil and Vinegar in Saucers.

Fresh Lamprey Baked; open the Pasty, then take White-bread and cut it thin, and lay it in a dish with a spoon, and take a Gallentine and lay it on the bread with Red-wine, and Powder of Cinnamon; then cut a Gobbin of Lamprey, mince it thin, and lay it in the Gallentine, and set it on the fire to heat. Fresh Herrings, with Salt and Wine. Shrimps well pickled. Flounders, Gudgeons, Minews, and Muscles, Eels and Lamprey, Sprats, are good in Sew. Musculade in Worts, Oysters in Gravy, Minews in Porpos, Salmon in Jelley, white and red; Cream of Almonds. Dates in Comfits. Pears and Quinces in Syrup with Parsly-roots. Mortus of Hound-fish raise standing.

Sauce for Fish.

Mustard for Salt Conger, Herrings, Salmon, Sparling, Salt-Eel and Ling. Vinegar with Salt Porpos, Turrentine, Salt Thirlepole, Sturgeon, Salt Whale, Lamprey, with Ga­lentine. Verjuice with Roach, Dace, Bream, Mullet, Floun­ders, Salt Crabs. Chevin with Powder of Cinnamon and Gin­ger. Green Sauce with Green Fish, and Holibut Cottle. But fresh Turbut will serve well with Mustard.

The Most Acceptable Pieces to be presented at the Table to Friends or Strangers.

IN Boiled Chickens present the Breast, and next to that, the Leg; for in all boiled Fowl, the Leg is better accounted than the Wing, though in roasted ones the contrary; especially if Wild-Fowl. In Pullets, Turkeys, Capons, Geese, Duck, Mallard, Dottrel, Pheasant, and such like, the Merrythought is most acceptable; and the Wing next, or the Leg; and the next part is that laced down on the Breast-bone, in Roasted Fowl.

In Butchers Meat, present the Inside of the Sirloin of Beef; and in other pieces that which is curiously striped with fat and lean: and so in boiled Beef. In a Loin of Veal, choose the Nut-piece or Kidney-piece. In a Leg of Mutton, the little [Page] round bone that is on the inside, above the handle; for this is greatly in esteem among the Curious. I heard of a Hun­gry Gentleman who came from Hunting to the Remainder of a Leg of Mutton, who would not eat because he thought Clownish greasie Fellows had had the handling of it, since they had not the Understanding to choose that bone before all the other parts of it.

In a Shoulder of Mutton, present that between the handle and flap. In a roasted Pig, the under Jaw and Ear, especial­ly to Women; next those, the Neck-piece. In a Hare, Coney, or Leverit, the Middle-piece, or the Tail-piece, called the Huntsmans Piece. In Fish, the Jole, or that Part next the Head, or in Shell-Fish the Claw of a Lobster or Crab.

If Fish, or sliced Flesh be in Paste, touch it with your Fork, Knife, or Spoon, raise it handsomely, and lay on a Plate the best you find, with a piece of the Lid. As for Tarts, Cu­stards, Cakes, and Sweet-meats, you must present them, cut or whole, as their bigness is, on the point of your Knife.

Napkins to Lay in a pleasant Sight at a Table, af­ter the Forms of sundry Creatures, &c.

TO do this in the Form of a Cock, fold the Napkin in the middle, so that the two Selvages may come together; then pleat it at its full length in small and close Pleats, as hard as possible you can friese it; but in that be sure to keep it as close as may be: then open it again, within a fingers breadth of the middle, and join the Pleats together again, put in a good handsome round Loaf under the middle in the fold, put the edges of the Napkin on the Loaf, and then pull out the Head and Beak of the Cock out of the middle of the Napkin, which you must raise on high, and make him a Comb, Wattles, and a Beard, of some red Stuff, and for the end of the Beak, you may make it of a large Quill, which may be fashioned like a Cocks Beak, with a little Gum-Dragon steept in Orange-flower-water: then pull out and fashion him a Tail out of the other end of the Fold, raise it as high as may be.

Like a Hen and Chickens: Pleat your Napkin like the former, but instead of putting your Selvages on the bread, you must make many little Heads of Chickens, as if they were coming out from under the Wings of the Hen,

Like a Hare: Pleat your Napkins in the same manner as you did that of the Cock; then open them, and lay long Loaves under the Plate in the middle; then draw a Scut out of the Fold, and four feet out of the four corners of the Napkin, and put in a small Loaf at one end under the Fold, and so form out the head, ears, and neck.

Like a Pig: Pleat your Napkin overthwart in very small pleats, and pinch it, and then put in a large long Loaf between the middle near the end, and at the other end another Loaf for the head; then fashion the head, ears, and tail: as for the feet, you may make them out of the four corners, and a tail out of the middle of the Napkin.

Like a Turkey: First fold your Napkin as for the Cock, and put a large Loaf under it, and make a Comb of a bit of red Taffaty that may hang down on its Beat, and stick the head, and throat with small flowers of different Colours; then pull out a Tail at the other end of the Fold, and the Wings from both sides.

Like a Carp: Make a Band about half a foot wide at one end of your Napkin, and make it so that the Hemm may join to the end of the Band that is indifferently large; then pleat it at its length, and pinch or freeze the band, but leave the breadth of your four fingers without freezing all the rest, to within four or six fingers breadth of the end, which you must leave unfreez'd to make a Tail; then open the band, and put in a round Loaf to fashion the head, and a long Loaf for the fashion of the body: So you may fashion a Pike, and many other pretty Devices, that will be very taking and pleasant at an Entertainment.

How to keep Alive and fatten divers sorts of Choice Wild Fowl, &c.

TO bring up a Hern the best way, is to take it out of the Nest before it can fly, and put it into a large Barn where there are many cross Beams; let it have a conveniency of Water, and feed it with raw flesh cut into convenient pie­ces, either of Beef or Liver, or Dogs flesh, but no Swines flesh, keeping the place sweet and clean; for they much delight in it; and in this manner you may bring up and fatten Pullets, Gulls, Bitterns, and the like.

To feed Partridges, Pheasants, Quail, and Wheat-ears, do it with good Wheat and Water, giving it them Morning, Night, and Noon; but if you would have them extraordi­nary Crammed Fowl, then take the finest drest Wheat-meal, mix it with Milk, and make it into Pasts; and ever as you knead it, sprinkle in the Grains or Corns of Wheat, then make several Crams, and dip them in Water, and give every Fowl according to his bigness, that his Gorge may be well filled, and so in Fourteen Days they will be Fat beyond Measure, and thus you may do by Turtle Doves, or Pi­geons.

To feed Godwits, Knots, Gray Plover, and Curlews, Take Chilter'd Wheat, the finest sort, and give them Water thrice a Day, Morning, Noon, and Night, which will be very effectual, do as you did by the former,

To feed Black-Birds, Thrush, Feldfair, or any small Birds whatever, being taken Old and Wild; It is good to have some of their Kind Tame among them, and then putting them into great Cages of Three or four Yards Square, to have divers Troughs placed therein, some filled with Haws, some with Hemp, and Rape seed, and others with Water; the Tame teaching the Wild to Eat, and the Wild finding such alteration of Food, they will in Twelve or Fourteen Days grow exceeding Fat, and fit for the Kitchen.

Ducklings are Fatted with Pulse or Grain, and store of Water. Goslings, with Skeg-oats, boiled and given them thrice a Day. Geese, by putting them into Pens which are close and dark, and there feed them thrice a Day with store of Oats, and Split Beans, and give them Water and Barly-meal mixt together. For Chickens, when the Hen has forsaken them, make a Past of Wheat-meal, and Milk, and wet it often in Milk when it is rouled up, and let not the Crams be too big, for fear of Choaking them. To Fatten Capons, make Crams of Barley-meal and Milk, and keeping them up in a Coop, give them their full Gorge, Three times a Day, and so that they may easily go down, let them be dipt in Milk. For Turkies, having Coopt them up, place Two Troughs, one full of VVater and Barly, and the other full of Old dried Malt, and they will be very Fat in a Month.


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