Jacobs Ladder: OR, THE DEVOUT SOULS Ascention to HEAVEN, IN Prayers, Thanksgivings, and Praises. In Four Parts, viz.
- 1. Private Devotions for every day in the Week.
- 2. Family Devotions for every day in the Week.
- 3. Occasional Devotions.
- 4. Sacred Poems, Upon Select Subjects.
With Graces and Thanksgivings. Illustrated with Sculptures.
By Jo. Hall, B. D.
The second Edition Enlarged.
London, Printed for N. Crouch in Exchange-Ally in Cornhil, 1676.
To the Virtuous and Religious Gentlewoman, Mrs. M. P.
IT is not the excellency of the Gift, but your Goodness that must render this small Manual acceptable to you, of which having had so great experience, I cannot doubt its continuance.
And knowing your devout Inclinations towards books of this nature, I could not think of a more pleasing return for your many Favours, than this Jacobs Ladder, whereby your Soul may Ascend to Heaven, and make known all your wants, and (by Faith accompanying your Prayers) may receive answers to all your holy Desires, and Petitions.
I doubt not but many have done Worthily, yea, much excelled in this kind; but I have found, though there are many [Page] Manuals of private Devotion; yet there are very few for Families, which Want, I have heard complained of; and therefore though I could not better employ my vacant hours, than to make a Collection of some dayly Prayers, that might be both plain, and pertinent: and indeed, the Family-Devotions were my first design; only I thought that to make it compleat and conformable to others of this nature, it will be convenient to add some Private and Occasional Devotions, together with some brief Meditations of the vanity of mans life, and certainty of his death, which we can never too much think of, nor too soon prepare for.
If you, or any other, reap any benefit by it, I have my desire; If it be not well, it is because I could not help it; however, I doubt not but you will accept the will for the deed, because it is from
Preparations to Devotion.
PRemeditation is the preparation to Private Prayer; Private to Publick; Private and Publick, to the hearing of the Word; to Private and Publick Prayer, together with the hearing of the Word, to the worthy participation of the holy Sacrament: For the Sacrament receives strength and vigour from the Word, the Word preached from publick Prayer: publick Prayer from private devotion, and that from Premeditation, and Pre-consideration of the nature of Devotion, and the necessity of preparation it self to all holy duties in the immediate worship of God.
What Devotion is.
DEvotion is the hearts warmth, or rather the life-blood of Religion: It is a sacred bond knitting the Soul unto God: It is a Spiritual Muscle moving only upward, and lifting the heart, eyes, and hands continually to Heaven.
Whosoever desires to make a Divine Prayer, must by Premeditation frame in his mind,
First the Form which must be,
1. Short, or conceived in as few words as may be.
2. Conformable in all things to the Pattern, the Lords prayer.
Secondly, The Matter, which consists of three parts.
1. Humble Confession.
2. Confident Invocation, Petition or Supplication.
3. Hearty Thanksgiving.
1. In humble Confession set before thee.
1. God, his terrible name, glorious [Page] Majesty, All-seeing-Eye, Infinite Purity, strict Justice, Fierce wrath against Sin.
2. Man his vileness, wretchedness, sinfulness, wants and inability.
2. In the second part, Invocation, and Petition, fix thy thoughts.
1. On God, his love to man, his mercy and long suffering, his gracious promises, and his omnipotent goodness.
2. On Christ his perfect obedience, his plenary satisfaction, his perpetual Intercession.
In the third, which is hearty Thanksgiving, recount Gods benefits.
1. Spiritual, as Election, Creation, Redemption, Vocation, Justification, Sanctification, and hope of Glorification.
2. Temporal, as Health, Strength, Wealth, Liberty, good Name, Friends, and Safety.
Some Texts of Scripture, which may be orderly applyed to every one of the foregoing particulars.
[Page] When you pray, use not vain Repetitions, as the Heathen do, for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking, Matt. 6. 7.
After this manner pray ye, Mat. 6. 9.
I said I will confess my Transgressions to the Lord, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Psal. 32. 5.
Let them praise thy great and terrible Name, for it is holy, Psal. 99. 3.
Who is the King of glory, even the Lord of Hosts, he is the King of glory, Psal. 24. 10.
Mine eyes are upon all their ways, they are not hid from my face, neither is their Iniquity hid from my eyes, Jer. 16. 17.
And one cryed to another and said, Holy, Holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts, Isai. 6. 3.
Who will render to every man according to his works, Rom. 2. 6.
Thou, even thou art to be feared, and who may stand in thy sight when thou art angry? Psal. 76. 7.
Surely every man is altogether vanity, Psal. 39. 11.
[Page] O wretched ma [...] that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death, Rom. 7. 24.
We are all as an unclean thing, and all our Righteousness is as filthy rags, Isai. 64. 6.
Without me ye can do nothing, John 15. 5.
All things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive, Mat. 21. 22.
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life, John 3. 16.
The Lord is merciful, and Gracious, slow to anger, and plentiful in mercy, Psal. 103. 8, 11.
Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Mat. 11. 28.
Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool, Isai. 1. 18.
[Page] They that sow in tears shall reap in joy, Psal. 126. 5.
To him that is able to do exceeding abundantly, above that we ask or think, be glory, &c. Eph. 3. 20.
Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God, by thy blood, Rev. 5. 9.
Christ is entred into Heaven, now to appear in the presence of God for us, Heb. 9. 24.
Giving thanks always, for all things to God, and the Father, Eph. 5. 20.
What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits, Psal. 116. 12.
God hath, from the beginning, chosen you to Salvation through sanctification of the spirit, &c. 2 Thes. 2. 13.
Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me, Psal. 119. 73.
Blessed be the Lord, for he hath visited and redeemed his people Luke 1. 68.
I am not come to call the Righteous, but sinners to repentance, Mat. 9. 13.
[Page] Being justified by his grace, we shall be made Heirs, according to the hope of eternal life, Tit. 3. 7.
Such were some of you, but ye are washed, ye are sanctified, 1 Cor. 6. 11.
Thou shalt guide me with thy Counsel, and afterward receive me to Glory, Psal. 73. 24.
Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and forget not all his benefits, Psal. 103. 2.
The Lord killeth and maketh alive, he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up, 1 Sam. 2. 6.
It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect, Psal. 18. 32.
Also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before, Job ult.
Thou hast set me at liberty when I was in thrall, Psal. 4. 1.
And these all having obtained good report, through Faith, receive not the promise, Heb. 11. 39.
Ointment and Perfume rejoyce thy heart, so doth the sweetness of a mans friend by hearty Counsel.
[Page] Thou Lord only makest me dwell in safety, Psal. 4. 8.
The Lord shall preserve thee from evil, he shall preserve thy Soul, Psal. 121. 7.
A Preparatory Hymn Collected out of divers Psalms.
THou sayest: seek ye my face, my heart saith unto thee, Thy face Lord will I seek, Psal. 27. 8.
Hide not thy face far from me, nor put thy servant away in anger, vers. 9.
Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy spirit from me, Psal. 51. 11.
Hear O Lord when I cry unto thee, have mercy also upon me and answer me, Psal. 27. 7.
Ponder my words, O Lord consider my meditation, Psal. 5. 1.
My heart is inditing a good matter, my tongue is the pen of a ready writer, Psal. 45. 1.
[Page] O Lord open thou my lips, and my lips shall shew forth thy praise, Psal. 51. 15.
Let my prayer be set forth before thee as Incense, and the lifting up of my hands as an Even [...] [...]rifice, Psal. 141. 2.
Set a watch O Lord [...]efore my mouth, and keep the door of my lips, Psal. 141. 3.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord my strength and my Redeemer [...], Psal. 19. 14.
An Exhortation to stir up Christians to Prayer.
PRayer is of that force and virtue, that it ties the ear of God to the tongue of man: O it is an acceptable Incense to God always, for how hath he always rewarded it, and regarded it? It never returned but [Page] with a blessing, so that the Prayer be sent up out of a pure and upright heart, mingled with Faith; for we must ask in Faith, and waver not, as St. James saith.
By fervent Prayer the children of Israel were delivered from the Egyptian bondage, as you may read, That when they cryed unto the Lord, he heard them, and delivered them out of their Enemies hands: Therefore let us continually pray unto God both Morning and Evening, and let us call and cry unto him, for a blessing upon us, and desire him to preserve us, and to remove his Judgments from us. To which end, I have thought good to frame this Manual of private Devotions, for a help to those that may want them.
PRIVATE DEVOTIONS, OR, A COLLECTION OF Morning & Evening PRAYERS For Private Persons, For every day in the Week.
Evening and Morning, and at Noon will I Pray, and cry Aloud, and he shall hear my voyce,
Private Devotions.
A Prayer for Sunday-Morning.
ALmighty God, the blessed Creator and Finisher of the Salvation of Mankind, who in memory of thy glorious Rest from both thy noble works, hast blessed and sanctified a day of holy rest unto thy self, sanctify me for it, that laying aside my accustomed business, and sequestring my thoughts from all worldly cares, I may keep it and my self holy to thee, by dedicating and devoting my self wholly to thy peculiar worship, and immediate service, and to the end that this my Religious service may be more acceptable to thee, quicken me with thy Spirit, that I may perform it with all allacrity [Page 2] and cheerfulness, and may make thy Sabbath my delight. Touch my Heart and Tongue with a coal from thy Altar, that from the sweet Incense of my Meditations, Hymns, Prayers, and Thanksgivings, thou mayest smell a savour of Rest. O Prince of Peace, sanctify thy rest unto me, that I may find rest to my Soul from all temptations, troubles, and fears, and may rest from my own works which are painful and sinful travels, and may imploy this day, all the powers and faculties of my Soul and Body in doing and considering thy works, in adoring thy Majesty, and admiring thy wisdom, and acknowledging thy Power, and embracing thy Love, and magnifying thy goodness, and rejoycing in thy Mercies, and trembling at thy Judgments; In visiting thy holy Temple, and praising thee with thy Saints, and offering up the Calves of my lips; In diligently reading thy Scriptures, attentively hearing thy Word, [Page 3] [...]everently celebrating thy Mysteries, charitably relieving thy Members, & zealously practizing all holy duties both publick and private! O let me this Whole day walk with thee as Enoch sometimes did, and talk with thee as Moses did, and seek thy Face as David did: And grant, that beholding thine Image in thy holy Word, as in a clear and Christal Mirrour, I may be changed [...]to the same Image, even from Glory to Glory. Let this Sabbath put me in mind of thy Holy rest from thy works, and assure me thereby of an Everlasting Sabbath in Heaven from my Works; into which rest, that I may enter, stir up good desires in me, raise my thoughts and affections to the things which are above, renew me according to the Image of thy Son, and frame my Life to a Heavenly conversation, enlighten my understanding, sanctify my will, moderate my desires, govern my affections, mortifie my fleshly members, destory [Page 4] the man of sin in me, and deliver me from the Body of death: work [...] me a fear of thy power, and a love of thy goodness, and zeal of thy glory, and thirst after thy grace, and an earnest desire and constant resolution (as much as in me lyeth) to approve my self to thee in all things, and frame all my actions to the rule of thy Word. Hear me, I beseech thee, for thy Church, and thy Church for me, and Christ for us all, saying, Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Sunday Evening.
HOly, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which wast, which art, and which art to come; Hollow my nature, that I may Hollow thy Name: As thou impartest thy goodness to me, whereby I live and move in thee; communicate to me some measure of thy Holiness, that I may live and move to thee. Let thy Spirit of grace possess my Body and [Page 5] Soul, that the desires of my mind, and thoughts of my heart, and words of my lips, may be holiness unto thee: Sanctifie me that I may glorifie thee. And first with Joy and Thankfulness I acknowledg it a special Testimony of thy love, that thou hast given me liberty, and meanes to keep a holy Sabbath unto thee, to meet in thy House, to offer up my Joynt-Prayers, and thanksgiving, with thy Holy congregation, to confess my sin, to profess my faith, to lay open my wants, to clear up my self, by Singing the sweet Songs of Sion, to hear thy Sacred Word read, and Preached; whereby my faith hath been strengthened in the Mysteries of Salvation, my hope established in the promises of the Gospel, and my life set forward in a setled course of holyness, and righteousness, whereby the Kingdom of sin and Satan is beat down and destroyed, and the Kingdom of Christ built up in me; By this thy Word, the careless sinner is admonished, the [Page 6] ignorant instructed, the presumptuous te [...]rified, and the Penitent comforted, the Power of sin is abated, the force of temptations weakned, the motions of the Spirit quickned, grace received, and my Election assured by the infallible marks and tokens thereof, set before me in holy Scriptures. Blessed be thy Name for it, this day thy word hath dwelt with me richly in all wisdom: The dispencer of thy Mysteries hath scattered many Doctrines, like so many Pearls among the People; Lord grant that with Mary I may keep these and all thy sayings in my heart, and make use of them in my life, and receive comfort from them at my Death. And here I would proceed to intreat at thy hands, the continuance and increase of thy Spiritual & Temporal blessings upon me; but my sins lye at the door of my Conscience, and affright me. My heart smites me for my failings, in the performance of the duties of this day: [Page 7] My devout meditations have been [...]tifled in the womb that bare them, my Prayers have not been without distractions, my hearing without [...]earisomness, nor my Alms-deeds without Grudging: Pardon, dear Father, the want of preparation before I come to thy house, of intention and Zeal at thy service; and of Meditation and Application of those things which I heard there, since I came thence. Bury I beseech thee these slips, and all my sins, especially of this week and day, in the night of eternal oblivion. Ease me of the burthen of them, that I may more securely repose my soul and body upon thy gracious protection, to take their natural refreshing by sleep, whereby I may be enabled and strengthened to do the better service the next day, in walking carefully, diligently, conscionably, and constantly, in the wayes of thy Commandements, and in the duties of my Calling; so as may be to thy honour [Page 8] and Glory, and my eternal comfort, through Jesus Christ our Lord. To whom be honour and glory world without end. Amen.
Our Father. &c.
A Prayer for Munday-Morning.
MOst Glorious Lord God, the great Creator and preserver of all mankind; Blessed be thy Name that thou hast been graciously pleased to preserve me the night past, and that thou hast once more vouchsafed me the light of the Morning, whereby to manage my affairs and business; O Lord preserve me this day, and keep me in all my wayes, give unto me the repose of a quiet Conscience, and the clear light of the Gospel, to guide my feet in the way of peace; and grant that this light may convince me of the Errors of my understanding, the depravedness of my will, the disorder [Page 9] of my affections, the Impunity of my thoughts; the vanity of my desires, the deceitfulness of my heart, and the wickedness thereof. Make me sensible O Lord what a wretched creature I was in my birth, slime and filthiness; what I am in my life, vanity and solly; and what shall be in my death, stench and rottenness, Discover unto me O Lord that I have nothing, which I have not received; that without Christ, I can do nothing; that in me, that is, in my flesh dwelleth no good; that I am not able of my self (as of my self) to think a good thought; that I cannot desire to think, nor have will to desire, nor grace to will any good: O Lord let me consider, that my comforts in this world, are very few and small; my crosses and troubles many and great; my pleasures here are momentary and short, my pains hereafter (without my repentance, and thy great mercy) are permanent and everlasting: My gifts O Lord are very small, [Page 10] my wants and infirmities are great, my helps are weak, my assaults and temptations are strong, my good deeds are few, and they tainted with Imperfections, but my ill deeds are infinite. Let these considerations, O Lord, humble me in my self, that Christ may raise me; and wound me in my self, that Christ may heal me. And O Lord, who this day madest the Heavens or Air, without which I cannot breath naturally, no not for a moment; infuse into my heart the Spirit of thy grace, without which I cannot breath Spiritually in my Prayers, nor sigh, nor so much as move any part or faculty of my soul or body unto thee; and as oft as I take in, or let out the air which I breath, let receive me in grace from thee, and breathe out praise unto thee. Be my guide, O Lord, this day, and do thou keep me both Now and Ever, Amen.
Our Father. &c.
A Prayer for Munday-Evening.
HOly and Eternal Lord God, who art the King of Heaven and the Watchman of Israel, who never slumbrest nor sleepest; Look upon me thy unworthy servant, who by reason of my sin and the corruption of my nature, am wholly subject to sloth, and am even now ready to ease and rest my self upon my bed: I know not whether thou wilt this very night make my bed in the dark; and the hour of my visitation be this present Evening, all my years are but a span long, my dayes pass like a Weavers Shuttle; my life ends like a Tail that is told; this hour may be my last hour, my next sleep may be my last and long sleep: I beseech thee therefore, that I may every Evening seriously ponder and meditate heaven, that I may be the better prepared in that day and hour that thou shalt call me: And though my Eyes shall now sleep, and enjoy that moderate [Page 12] refreshment which thou hast appointed for the wearisome condition of my weak body, yet let my soul continually watch unto thee, to attend thy coming. Forgive me, O Lord, the sins of this day past, and all other my former sins and misdemeanors; keep me this night both in body and soul, that I may with the next light joyfully rise again. Let not my sleep be unmeasurable and excessive, to please the ease of my flesh, but sufficient and seasonable, whereby I may be the better disposed to thy service to morrow, diligently and fruitfully walking in my calling, and repenting me of my sins, with fear to offend thee.
Let thy unspeakable mercy alwayes preserve me, let thine endless sweetness rejoyce me, let thine heavenly truth strengthen me, let thy knowledg imbolden me, and thy goodness keep me from my Enemies, visible and invisible, now and for Evermore. Amen. Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Tuesday Morning.
O Eternal Lord God, thou commandest us alwayes, at all times, and in all things, to call upon thee; day by day, I come unto thee, beging refreshment from the overflowing streams of thy mercy; O Lord open unto me the gate of thy favour, and let me be satisfied with the fountain of thy loving kindness. O merciful Lord, who hast said, As surely as I live, I desire not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should Convert and Amend, and Live; Who hast also said, Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee; have mercy upon me for Jesus Christ his sake, whom thou wouldest should be a peacemaker, to the end that thou mightest shew thine exceeding great Wrath against sin, and thine inestimable mercy towards Mankind, sanctifie and illuminate my heart with thy holy Spirit. O God the guide of my life, forsake me not, turn from me the [Page 14] filthiness of desire. Turne mine Eyes away from beholding vanity, strengthen me in thy wayes, and grant that mine offences in this world overcome me not, and I beseech thee, O Lord, with a most ardent affection, that this day and ever thou wilt keep me, and all mine, and that thou wilt be unto me a Mighty Protector, a firmament of strength, a covering against heat, a shadow at noon-tide, a defence from falling, an assister from offending, a comforter of my soul, an enlightner of my mind, a giver of health and happiness in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Saviour; To whom be all glory, honour, and power, for ever. Amen.
Our Father. &c.
A Prayer for Tuesday-Evening.
MOst mighty and most merciful Lord God, by whose goodness I was created, by whose Justice I am punished, and by whose mercy [Page 15] I am saved; I cast my self down before thee, and lift up my hands unto thee at this present as my Evening-sacrifice, but alas my conscience accuseth me, the secret cogitations of my heart reprove me, my fear checketh me, the infinite number of my sins oppress me, yea, my miscarriages this day witness against me, and exceedingly condemn me; O Lord what am I, that thou shouldest yet favour me and shew thy self so loving and bountiful a Father unto me? why should'st thou so nourish me, who am so unworthy a wretch, with thy mercy and loving-kindness? I know that it is for His sake in whom there is no guile, and in whom there was found no evil, that thou regardest me and imbracest me; Pardon, I beseech thee, through Jesus Christ, all my sins, faults, vices, and offences, and indue me with all holy vertues; make me to live a godly life, and to continue to the end in good works; Take away all darkness from my [Page 16] mind, that I may see thee by understanding thee, and love thee by knowing thee. And grant O Lord, that I may so keep, and govern, and end my life, that I may sleep in peace and rest in thee; and so into thy hands I commend my self, both soul and body, this night and for ever. Hide me I beseech thee under the shaddow of thy Wings, that I may rest quietly, void of all fear, spiritual darkness, danger and despair; comfort me in all those things wherein I have been any way discouraged this day; Preserve me to the end, that sleep with rest, and rest with quietness, and quietness with everlastingness, may receive me, that having run the race of this life, I may be made partaker of a better; that so I may live and reign with thee for ever, through Jesus Christ my Lord and only Saviour. Amen.
Our Father. &c.
A Prayer for Wednesday-Morning.
HOly Lord God, the glorious face of the Sun, which sheweth it self, and casteth its beams over the whole World, I take it for an argument and earnest of thy good will toward thy Children, in the number of whom I account my self, though the chief of Sinners, and not worthy to loose the latchet of thy shooe, for if we enjoy such benefits in this strange country, together with thine Enemies, then what joy and glory, what excellent goodness shall we be made partakers of, when we come to our heavenly country, the blessed land of Canaan, where we shall not see this earthly Sun, but thou, O Lord, who art the Son of Righteousness will be continually before us. And now, O Lord, I Praise thy blessed name for preserving me from the many dangers of the Night past, and for bringing me safe to the beginning of this day; As thou hast [Page 18] now wakened my Body from sleep, so, I beseech thee, awaken my Soul from sin, and carnal Security, and as thou hast caused the Light of the day to shine in my bodily Eyes, so, good Lord, cause the light of thy word, and holy Spirit to illuminate my heart, and give me grace as a Child of Light, to walk in all holy obedience before thy face this day; and grant me to endeavour to keep a good Conscience towards thee, & toward all men, in all my thoughts, words, and dealings; and to this end I commend my self, and all my ways and actions, together with all that do belong to me, unto thy gracious direction and protection, beseeching thee to keep both them and me from all evil, and to give a blessing to my honest Labours and endeavours, this day following, and for evermore. Amen.
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Wednesday Evening.
O Most Mighty Lord God, and most mercifull and loving Father in thy Son Jesus Christ: I sinful Creature am bold to return unto thee, all possible Praise and thanks for all thy great and manifold favours, which thou in thy mercy hast from time to time vouchsafed unto me a sinful wretch, who am full of sin, and iniquity. I beseech thee, favourably to hear my imperfect prayers, and to grant my requests, and needful suits, which I make unto thee at this time: Forgive me I intreat thee good Father, all the sins that I have committed from day to day against thy divine Majesty, and suffer me not, O Lord, to offend thee any more hereafter, that neither sin nor Satan, nor any unruly passions may have dominion, nor reign any longer in my mortal body: for I confess I have herein done wickedly, and have broken all thy commandments; [Page 20] for which thou mightest in thy severe Justice, punish me both in Soul and Body, to eternal Death, besides those sins which I have this day committed. Forgive me O Lord all my sins past, and blessed be thy name that thou hast kept me this day in my going out, and in my returning home. O Lord watch over me this night, and be thou my defence and protection, from all dangers, casualties, and troubles; grant that I be not overcome with any fantasies, and dreams, or other Temptations, but that I may fully set my mind upon thee, love thee, fear thee, and rest in thee, and thou, O Lord, waken me again in due time, that I may behold the light of the next day, to my comfort, still preparing my heart and mind to thy service every day, and my whole life time in truth and sincerity, that when I have run the short race of this mortal life, thou mayest be pleased to call me to be partaker of a better; and so I may [Page 21] live and die, and ever remain with thee, in thy Heavenly Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour; in whose name I beg all these graces, in that short, and absolute form of Prayer, which he hath taught us. Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Thursday-Morning.
BLessed and glorious Lord God, thy mercys are infinite, and thy long-suffering and patie [...]ce is exceeding great, else had not I a poor wreched miserable sinner been spared so long, considering my many provocations against thee, in thought word and deed; but thou hast exalted thy mercy above all thy works, and of thine infinit goodness hast preserved me this night, and hast given me the light of this day: Lead me, I beseech thee, O Lord, and guide me this day in the way of all truth and righteousness, and so govern all [Page 22] my actions that I may not run into any Sin, or any kind of danger, but that all may Actions may tend to thy glory, and the discharge of my duty, in my life and Conversation; defend and deliver me also from all temptations, and afflictions, in this sinful world, and from all mine Enemies, and from all the deceits and dangers of Satan, the deadly Enemy of Mankind. Kindle in my heart and affections a fervent Zeal to do thy will, and let me imbrace thy holy word, and walk in thy wayes, strengthen me with thy holy Spirit, boldly and constantly to profess the honour and service of thy great name. O Lord, strengthen my weak faith; Kindle it more and more in fervency and love to reward thee, and in all Christian love towards my Neigbours. Give me a contented mind with my estate, and all other blessings which thou, O Lord God, of thy bountiful goodness in mercy hast bestowed [Page 23] upon me, that I may use them soberly and discreetly, and be truly thankful to thee for them; keep my wandring will and affections from all evil thoughts, my tongue from profane and lewd Speeches, my body and every part thereof, from all sinful Actions, and outward violence; let all my love, my hope, my delight and confidence, be only upon thee. And grant that I may lead my whole life, and conversation so, that I may live in the fear of thy holy and blessed name, and may die in thy favour, that I may also rise again, to live for ever and ever with my Lord Jesus. In whose Name and Words I further pray.
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Thursday-Evening.
O Heavenly Father, the giver of all good things, and the Protector of all those that love thee, I yield thee most humble and hearty thanks, not only for keeping and preserving me this day, but also all my life, that neither my Enemies have prevailed against me as they might, nor any other danger which in this world is incident to Mankind, hath overcome me; but that thou as a loving father, and careful purveyor, hast given unto me, and provided for me, all things necessary; for which thine inestimable love I cannot suffiently praise thee; O Lord forgive me mine offences, which this day I have committed, and done against thy most holy Majesty; pardon them O God, for Jesus Christ his sake, and vouchsafe me thy grace to amend [Page 25] my life, and to return unfeignedly unto thee in serving of thee; And since I cannot have a being without thy continual Protection, be pleased to extend the same toward me (a wretched poor creature) this night, that I may quietly take my rest, which thou hast appointed for the refreshing of my weak and wearied body. I beseech thee, O Lord, to guard me and defend me, that nothing hurt me; preserve me by the watching of thy holy Angel, that I may take my rest with thee, until the morning; and that I may then give my self to the fulfilling of my duty, and the discharge of my calling, and the doing of thy will unto my lives end. Here me, I beseech thee, for these things, and for all things necessary for me, and for all others whom thou hast commanded me to pray for, even for all such as are in any kind of Affliction in body or mind. O Lord, Strengthen them, and [Page 26] bless them, and me; and keep me, and mine, this Night, and for Evermore. All these Petitions I humbly beg of thy Majesty in and through thy Son Jesus Christ; in whose Blessed Name and Words, I further Pray, Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Friday Morning.
HOly, and most Gracious Lord God, who art full of loving Kindness and Mercy, and art a continual Defence to all that trust in thee, whether they wake or sleep, I a poor unworthy Sinner, render unto thee humble and hearty thanks, that it hath pleased thy Great Goodness to keep and preserve me the Night past, as well from all my Enemies, as from all other casualties and dangers that poor mortal Creatures are subject unto, and that thou hast given me sweet and pleasant sleep, that I [Page 27] find my Body refreshed and comforted, for performing the Duties of this Day. O Lord, I beseech thee, show thy goodness to me this Day, in preserving my Body and Soul, that no evil may overtake me, and that I may neither speak nor do any thing that may be displeasing to thy Fatherly Goodness, nor dangerous to my Soul, nor hurtful to my Neighbour, but that all my enterprises may be agreeable to thy most blessed Will, by doing always that which may advance thy Glory, and be sutable to my calling; that whensoever thou shalt be pleased to call me from this Vale of Misery, I may be found a Child of Light, and not of darkness, and so may for ever Reign with thee in Glory, who art the True and Everlasting Light, whose Kingdome is an Everlasting Kingdom, whose Joyes and Glories are such as Eye hath not seen, neither hath Ear heard, nor hath it entred [Page 28] into the heart of Man to conceive what it is. To this Blessed Place O Lord doe thou at last bring me, through Jesus Christ; to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all Honour, Glory, Power and Praise, for Ever and for Evermore. Amen.
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Friday Evening.
GRacious Lord, and heavenly Father, I cannot cease but I must cry unto thee for mercy, because my sins cry against me for Justice, how shall I address my self unto thee, but with the Publican, I must stand and admire thy goodness toward me, considering thy tender mercy, and long patience toward me, in that thou hast kept me this day past from being consumed, and brought to naught? for Lord, what is man, or the son of [Page 29] man, that thou regardest him? for the more days past over my head, the more sins and iniquities I heap up against thee; if I should cast up the Accounts of my good deeds this day, O Lord how few and how small would they be? but if I should reckon up my miscarriages this day, surely they would amount to many and great. O blessed Father, let thy sons blood wash me, and cleanse me from all my impurities, and from all the stains of sin that are upon me; give me grace to lay fast hold upon his merites, that it may be my Reconcilation and Attonement unto thee; that I may assure my self, that my sins are forgiven by his death and passion. And now, O Lord, I beseech thee, to imbrace me in the Armes of thy mercy; vouchsafe to receive me into the bosom of thy love, shadow me with thy wings, that I may safely take my rest in thee this night; in the Name of thy [Page 30] Son Jesus Christ, in whom I refer my self wholly to thy protection, beseeching thee, that when this life shall end, my last sleep being come, I may take my everlasting rest with thee in thy heavenly Kingdome, for the glory of thy holy Name, and to my eternal comfort; through the merits of thy dearly beloved Son, my Lord, and only Saviour; in whose perfect form of Prayer, I conclude my imperfect Petitions, saying,
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Saturday Morning.
O Merciful Father, for Jesus Christ his sake, I beseech thee, forgive me all my known and secret sins, which in Thought Word or Deed, I have committed against thy Divine Majesty; and deliver me from all those Judgments which are due unto me for [Page 31] them, and sanctifie my heart with thy Holy Spirit, that I may henceforth lead a more Godly, and Religious life. And here, O Lord, I praise thy Holy Name, for that thou hast refreshed me this Night with moderate sleep and rest: And I beseech theee, to defend me this day from all Perils, and dangers of Body and Soul; and to this end I commend my self, and all my actions, unto thy blessed protection and government, beseeching thee, that whether I live or die, I may live and die to thy Glory, and the Salvation of my poor Soul, which thou hast bought with thy precious Blood: Blesse me, O Lord, in my going out, and comming in; and grant, that whatsoever I shall think, speak, or take in hand this day, may tend to the glory of thy Name, the good of others, and the comfort of my own Conscience, when I shall come to make up my last accounts before thee. O my [Page 32] God, help thy servant, that I do no evil to any man this day; and let it be thy blessed will, not to suffer the Devil, nor any of his wicked Angels, nor any of his evil Members, to have power to do me any hurt or violence; but let the eye of thy holy providence watch over me for good, and not for evil; and command thy holy Angels to pitch their Tents round about me, for my defence and Safety in my going out, and coming in, as thou hast promised they shall do about them that fear thy name; Grant this O heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ thy sons sake, in whose blessed name I give thee glory, and beg at thy hands, all other graces which thou seest to be needful, for me this day and ever, in that prayer which Christ himself hath taught me, saying.
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for Saturday-Evening.
O Most gracious God, and loving Father, who are about my Bed, and knowest my down-lying, and mine up-rising, and art near unto all that call upon thee in truth and sincerity; I wretched sinner do beseech thee to look upon me with the Eyes of thy Mercy; Father, I beseech thee, let thy holy Spirit work in me such a serious Repentance, as that I may with Tears lament my sins past, with grief of heart be humbled for my sins present, and with all my endeavour, resist the fame sins for the time to come. And now, O Lord, I Bless thee for my Health, Food, Rayment, and Prosperity, and more especially, that thou hast defended me this day now past, from all dangers and Perils both of Body and Soul, furnishing me with all necessary good [Page 34] things, that I stand in need of; and as thou hast ordained the Day for man to Travel in, and the Night for him to take his rest, so I beseech thee sanctifie unto me this Nights rest and sleep, that I may enjoy the same as thy sweet blessing and benefit, that so this dull and wearied body of mine, being refreshed with moderate sleep and rest, I may be the better enabled to walk before thee, doing all such good works as thou hast appointed, when it shall Please thee of thy Divine goodness, to waken me the next Morning: More especially, I beseech thee, to prepare me for thy Service to Morrow; it is thine Holy day, O Lord, prepare me for the Sanctifying of the same, that I may not spend it in my own Lusts and pleasures; but that my chief delight may be to Consecrate it to thy Glory and Honour, and that ceasing from the works of sin, as well as from the works of my ordinary Calling, I [Page 35] may through thy Blessing, feel in my heart, the beginning of that Eternal Sabbath, which in unspeakable Joy and Glory I shall celebrate with the Saints and Angels, to thy Praise and Glory, in thy Heavenly Kingdom for Evermore.
Keep my heart, O Lord, in thy fear, and guide all the course of my life by thy Favour, and prepare me against the hour of Death and Dissolution, that if thou shouldest this night make my Bed in the dark, and turn my sleep into Death, I may Live and Die unto thee, who livest Everlastingly: these Graces, and all other Blessings which thou O Father, knowest to be requisite and necessary for me, I humbly beg, and crave at thy Hands, in the Name and Mediation of Jesus Christ thy Son, in that form of Prayer which he himself hath Taught me, saying.
Our Father, &c.
FAMILY DEVOTIONS, OR, A COLLECTION OF Morning and Evening PRAYERS For Families for every day in the Week.
But as for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord,
A Prayer for a Family for Sunday Morning.
LOrd teach us to Pray, that we may call upon thy Name: Prepare our hearts to seek, and open thou thy ears Mercifully to hear us. O Eternal and Everliving Lord God, Creator and continual Preserver of all things, both in Heaven and in Earth, by whose gracious Providence, as we were at the first wonderfully and fearfully Made; so we are no less preserved and kept unto this present: We the Workmanship of thy own hands, desire to humble both Soul and Body before thee. And now, O Lord, we being here in thy Presence, [Page 40] cannot but acknowledg and confess against our selves, our own unworthiness to come before thee to call upon thee, or to perform even the least Duty that shall concern thy Worship and Glory. Our hearts alas, are no better then the sink of sin, and a mass of all Pollution, and uncleanness. Wheresore O dear God, most meek and Merciful Father, we poor Wretches, heartily beseech thee, to be Gracious unto us, for Jesus Christ thy Sons sake, for his Death sake, for thy Promise, Truth, and Mercies sake, have Mercy upon us; Pardon us and Forgive us all our Sins, Iniquities, and Trespasses, whatsoever we have committed against thee, in thought, Word, or Deed, Ever, or at any time hitherto, by any meanes. Dear Father have mercy upon us, though we be poor, yet our Christ is Rich, though we be sinners, he is Righteous; though we be impure, yet he is Pure and Holy; for his sake [Page 41] therefore, O Lord, have mercy upon us, and Write thy Law in our Hearts; engrave it in our Minds, we heartily beseech thee. And let us this Morning of thy Holy Day, wholly turn unto thee, with all our Hearts, Minds, Thoughts, Deeds, and Meditations, that we may joyn in Praises to thy holy Name, for thy preservation of us the night past, and refreshing us with sweet sleep; and let us declare thy loving kindness in the Morning, on thy Holy and Blessed Sabbath-Day; for it is thy Will and Commandement that we should Sanctifie this thy Day unto thy Service, and in Praise unto thee, and offer up unto thee a morning Sacrifice of Praises, and Thanksgiving, and to hear what thy Spirit, by the preaching of thy Word, shall speak unto us thy Servants: O let not our sins stand as a cloud to stop our Prayers from Ascending up unto thee, or to keep back thy [Page 42] Grace from Descending, by thy Word, into our hearts, that we may cease from the works of sin, as well as from the works of our ordinary calling; and that we may feel in our hearts the beginning of that Eternal Sabbath, which brings unspeakable Joy and Glory, and filling us with the Spirit of Prayer, make us diligent and ready in the performance of thy will. And take us, O Lord, into thy custody and governance for ever, both our Souls and Bodies, yea our Lives, and all that ever we have, so that our Lives may please thee, and our Deaths may praise thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord: for whose sake we heartily Pray thee to grant these things thus asked, and all other things necessary for soul and body, and that not only to us, but to all others also, for whom thou wouldest we should pray. Grant unto us all true & hearty Repentance, that we may turn from our evil ways, that [Page 43] thou mayest turn from us the evils that we have so highly deserved.
And with us, O Lord, bless thy whole Church, especially that part of it in these Kingdomes; Be Gracious to thy servant and our Soveraign Lord King Charles, Bless him in his Government, and in his Royal Relations, our Gracious Queen Katherine, James Duke of York, and all the Royal Family, bless the Nobility, Clergy, Magistracy, Gentry, and the whole People of this Land: be merciful to all our Kindsfolks, and Families, Neighbours; and to all such as are any other way Related to us; and we beseech thee to grant us all thy Blessings, and thy holy Spirit to sanctifie us, and to keep us this day and for Evermore from all Evil, to thy Eternal Glory, and our everlasting comfort, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and only Saviour: in whose Blessed Name and Words, we further Pray, Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Sunday Evening.
O Eternal God, our most loving and merciful Father in Jesus Christ, it is thine own commandment, that we should call upon thy name, and it is thy gracious and merciful promise, that where two or three are gathered together in thy name, there thou wilt be present among them; we thy poor and unworthy servants, Dust and Ashes, yet the Workmanship of thine own Hand, are more bold to come before thee, to offer unto thee this Evening sacrifice of Prayer, and Thanksgiving: O Lord, we beseech thee, to sanctifie unto us thy word which we have heard, and read this day; make it the seed of life unto our souls, that it may fructifie, grow, and increase, and [Page 45] get such strength by thy good providence, that neither the burning heat of affliction, or persecution, cause it to wither, but that as seed sown in good ground, it may bring forth thirty, sixty, and a hundred fold, as thy heavenly wisdom hath appointed. And now, O Lord, being here before thee, we cannot but acknowledg, and confess, ever from the bottom of our Hearts, against our selves, our own Unworthiness, that we are greivous sinners, Conceived in sin, and born in iniquity, whereof we have brought forth most vile fruits in our lives to the great dishonour, of thy Name the utter dismaying of our own Consciences, and the evil example of our Brethren, by which we have deserved likewise thy wrath and heavy indignation, to be poured upon us, both in this life, and that which is to come, in such sort that no creature in heaven, or earth, is able to reconcile us again to thy [Page 46] Majesty, but only thy Son Jesus Christ; we intreat thee therefore O Lord, to be merciful unto us; and as we acknowledg our sins unto thee, so be thou faithful, and just, to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness; wash us thorowly from our wickedness, and cleanse us from our sins; for we acknowledg, O Lord, against thee we have sinned, and done evil in thy sight: To thee therefore, O Lord, do we come to crave the pardon of our sins, both [...]or the guilt and punishment of the same, that so they may not draw down upon us our deserved Judgment; And good Lord we pray thee, accept of our Thanksgiving unto thy Majesty, for all thy mercies, and blessings, from time to time bestowed upon us; for this life, and for a better; we praise thee for our Election, Vocation, Justification, Sanctification, & continual Preservation, and the assurance thou hast given [Page 47] us of a better Life when this is ended; as also for all temporal blessings health, peace and prosperity; for thy goodness extended toward us; for this day past, that thou hast go [...] in, and out, before us, and freed us from many dangers of soul and body, and hast brought us with peace and comfort, to the beginning of this night; Lord Watch over us, by thy Spitit, and Presence; give us a holy and sanctified use of our rest and sleep, and fit us for the Duties of the next day; especially, O Lord fit us for that day, which shall never give place to night. And grant unto us all good things, that thou in thy Wisdome knowest more expedient to give, than we to ask; and all we beg for Jesus Christ His sake, in whose Name, and Words, we conclude these our imperfect Prayers, saying, as he hath taught us. Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family, for Munday Morning.
MOst Merciful and Gracious Lord God, we do not present our selves here before thy Majesty, trusting in our own merits, or worthiness, but in thy manifold Mercies; which hast Promised, to hear our Prayers and grant our Requests, which we shall make unto thee, in the Name of thy Dear Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who hath also commanded us to assemble our selves together in his Name, with full assurance, that He will not only be amongst us, but also be our Mediator and Advocate toward thy Majesty, that we may obtain all things, which shall seem expedient to thy blessed Will, for our necessities: Therefore we beseech thee (most Merciful Father) to turn thy [Page 49] loving Countenance toward us, and impute not unto us our manifold sins and offences, whereby we justly deserve thy Wrath, and sharp punishment, but rather, receive us to thy Mercy for Jesus Christ his sake, accepting his Death and Passion, as a just recompence for all our offences, in whom only thou art Pleased, and through whom thou canst not be offended with us. And seeing that of thy great Mercy, we have quietly passed this night, Grant O Heavenly Father, that we may bestow this day wholly in thy Service, so that all our thoughts, words, and deeds, may redound to the Glory of thy Name, and good examples to all men, who seeing our good works, may Glorifie thee our Heavenly Father. And because thou hast commanded us, to pray one for another, we do not only make request O Lord for our selves, and them that thou hast already called, for the true understanding [Page 50] of thine heavenly Will; but for all People and Nations of the World, who as they know by thy wonderful Works, that thou art God over all; so they may be instructed, by thine own Spirit, to believe i [...] their only Saviour and Redeemer. And the Lord be merciful to us, and let not our sins, and wickedness, be a hinderance to thy Mercy: We are now come before thee, to bewail our sins, and miscarriages, heartily desiring thee, to cause us to turn unto thee, to seek and love thee; that our hearts may cleave fast unto thee, diligently following thee, all the residue of our days; and that thou wilt be pleased, to guide us with thy holy Spirit, that we may make Conscience of all that we do; never accounting any sin little, because thy Son died for the least: Remove from our minds all Ignorance, and Blindness; making thy Word unto us, as a Lanthorn unto our feet, to guide ou [...] [Page 51] paths, that we may find Christ our Saviour, and Redeemer; and by his rule, be so directed, that all ignorance in the Mysteries of our calling, be done away, and that we may learn thereby how to live: and further, good Lord, settle every one of us in such a constant course of obedience to thee, that we may serve thee, as thy own Children ought to serve thee, and not as the World, the flesh, and the Devil will have us; Suffer us not, O Lord, to set our hearts upon things below, but having Food, and Rayment, let us be therewith content; and be thankful un [...]o thy Heavenly Majesty, that thou O Lord, our God, mayst prosper all our labours and handy-Works. These and all other blessings, we beg of thee, in the Name of Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and Saviour: in whose blessed Name and Words, we further Pray,
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Munday Evening.
O Lord God Almighty, and our Heavenly Father, who art Everlasting and full of Pity, we acknowledg and confess, that we are not Worthy to lift up our Eye [...] unto Heaven, much less to presen [...] our selves before thy Majesty, wit [...] confidence that thou wilt hear ou [...] Prayers, and grant our requests, i [...] we consider our own deservings▪ For our Consciences accuse us, an [...] our Sins do Witness against us [...] we know that thou art an uprigh [...] Judge, which doth not justifie sinners, and wicked Men, but punish [...] est the Faults of all such as brea [...] thy Commandements; yet mo [...] Merciful Father, since it hath pleased thee to Command us to call o [...] thee in all our Troubles and Adversities, [Page 53] promising even then to help us, when we feel our selves as it were Swallowed up of Death, and Desparation; we utterly renounce all worldly confidence, and fly to thy Soveraign Bounty as our only stay and refuge; beseeching thee not to call to Remembrance our manifold Sins and Wickedness, whereby we continually provoke thy Wrath and Indignation against us. Neither do thou lay to our charge our negligence, nor our unthankfulness, that we have not worthily esteemed, nor in our lives sufficiently exprest the sweet comfort of the Gospel, revealed unto us: But do thou rather Accept the obedience and Death of thy Son Jesus Christ, who by offering up himself, a Sacrifice once for all, hath made a sufficient recompence for all our sins. Have mercy therefore upon us, O Lord, and forgive us our offences. Teach us by thine holy Spirit that we may rightly [Page 54] weigh them; and earnestly Repent for the same, and so much the rather, O Lord, because that Reprobates, and such as thou hast forsaken, cannot praise thee, nor call upon thy Name; but the repenting Heart, the sorrowful Mind, the Conscience Oppressed, Hungring and Thirsting for thy Grace, shall ever set forth thy Praise and Glory. And now O Lord, though we are but Dust and Worms, yet thou art our Creator, and we are the work of thine Hands; yea, thou art our Father, and we are thy Children; thou art our Shepheard, and we are thy Flock; thou art our Redeemer, and we are thy People, whom thou hast bought; thou art our God, and we are thine Inheritance. Correct us not therefore in thine Anger, O Lord, neither according to our deserts punish us, but mercifully Chastice us, with a Fatherly affection, that all the World may know, that if a sinner repent him of his sins, [Page 55] from the bottom of his Heart, thou wilt put away his wickedness out of thy Rememberance, as thou hast promised by thy holy Prophets. And for as much as it hath pleased thee, to make the Night for Man to rest in, as thou hast Ordained him the day to travel in; Grant dear Father, that we may so take our bodily rest, that our Soul may continually watch for the time that our Lord Jesus Christ shall appear, for our deliverance, out of this mortal life; and grant that we be not overcome this Night, by any Fancies, Dreams, or other Temptations; but that we may fully, set our mind upon thee, love thee, fear thee, and rest in thee; and let not our sleep be excessive, or overmuch, after the in [...]atiable desires of our flesh, but only sufficient to content our weak Nature, that we may be the better disposed, to live in all Godly Conversation, to the Glory of thy holy Name, and the profit of our brehrent, [Page 56] through, Jesus our Lord: in whose Name we pray, as he hath taught us, saying,
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Tuesday Morning.
MOst Mighty and most glorious Lord God, who art of infinite Mercy, who sittest upon thy Throne above Heaven, and Earth, are full of thy Glory; we that are but Dust and Ashes, unprofitable Servants, presume to present our selves before thee, this morning, and beg such things as we have need of from thy Divine Majesty; we have tasted of thy Favors this night past, and for ever since we awaked, we have tasted of thy Goodness. Thou thoughtest of Saving us, before we began to serve thee; thou hadst an eye upon us, when we were yet unborn; and [Page 57] notwithstanding our unworthiness, thou still receivest us; thou givest us our dayly Bread, and hourly Breath, thou continuest, and we hope wilt comfort us, in Death, and wilt Crown us with Life in the World to come: Why shouldest thou be so careful of us, since we are so careless of thee; surely O Lord, in that thou affordest us health to our bodyes, liberty to our persons, prosperity to this Family, in which we live, we can give no reason, but because thou art Merciful. The Heavens are within a Spain, the Earth within a Circle, the Waters within thy fist, mountains upon the ballance; but what number, or measure, or bounds can we set to thy Goodness and Mercy O God? O let the Ocean of this thy Mercy, be a Partition between us and our sins, betwixt thee, and thy Judgments! who can bring a clean thing, out of an unclean, but thou alone who justifiest the ungodly, [Page 58] and quickenest the dead in sin? Remove therefore from us, O Lord, whatsoever there is in us, that displeaseth thee, for thine Eyes do behold our manifold imperfections; send thy Hand of Mercy, we pray thee upon us, and take away from us, whatsoever there is within us, which doth offend the Eyes of thy Goodness. And as thou hast in great Mercy, kept us this Night past, from all Perils and Dangers of the same, so we beseech thee, keep us this day, that the Son of Righteousness, may Rule in our Hearts, and that all the darkness that lurketh in them, may be scattered, to the comfort of our souls; and that we may walk in the light, as thy Children, without danger of stumbling. Prosper, O Lord, our labours, and the works of our hands, and grant that we may grow in Grace, all our days, until we come to Live, and Reign with thee, in thy Heavenly Kingdome. And together with us, [Page 59] bless, O Lord, thy Church Universal; comfort all that Mourn in Sion, give them Beauty for Ashes, and the Oyl of gladness, for the Spirit of Mourning and Heaviness. Bless our Gracious King, defend his Person, uphold his Crown, maintain his Government; bless our gracious Q. Katharine, James Duke of York, and all the Royal Family: bless the Nobility, Magistrates, Bishops, and Ministers: and let thy blessing be upon all of us, in this houshold, guide us in our wayes, and lead us into thy Truth. Bless all our Friends, and Kindred, all that are in any Affliction, or Tribulation. And do for them, and us, whatsoever thou knowest necessary for us, for the Sake of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, and Redeemer, in whose Name, and Words, we beseech the, saying,
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Tuesday Evening.
HOly, and Glorious Lord God, what shall we reader unto thee, for all thy Benefits? because thou host inclined thine Ear unto us, therefore will we call upon thee, as long as we live, from the rising of the Sun, to the going down of the same, let thy Name be praised; among the infinite Riches of thy Mercies toward us we render thee abundant of praise and thanks, for thy merciful preservation of us this day, as well as all the times and days of our lives, that thou hast bestowed upon us so many excellent blessings and mercys, both Spiritual, and corporal, contrary to our deservings: All these thy mercys call upon us, that we should be thankful to thee for [Page 61] them; and all our miseries, call upon us, that we should call upon thee for the continuance of thy mercies: Cleanse our Souls therefore, we beseech thee, O Lord, from whatsoever is offensive to thee, and hurtful to us, and give us what is necessary for us. And now, O Lord, Watch over us this night, give us comfortable and sweet sleep, fit us for all services of the day following; make our souls to watch for the comming of the Lord Jesus Christ; let our beds put us in mind of our Graves; and our rising from thence, of our last Resurrection; so that whether we wake, or sleep, we being thine, may wait for thee; O Heavenly Father, so form these hearts of ours, that we may ever delight to live, according to thy Will and Ordinance, in Holiness, and Righteousness before thee, all the days of our lives; O Lord let us consider, the time will come, when the Trumpet shall and [Page 62] will sound; the dead shall Rise, and we, even we, all and every one of us, shall assuredly stand before thy Judgment Seat, with open, and unfolded Consciences, there to give an account of all our deeds whatsoever; at which time, all such as have believed in Christ, and truly served thee in this life, shall to their endless, and unspeakable joy, hear that comfortable saying of thine, Come ye blessed of my Father, Receive the Kingdome prepared for you, before the beginning of the World: but woe to all that live wicked & sinful lives in that day; they shall drink of the Wine of the Wrath of God, and shall be Tormented in Fire and Brimstone for Evermore. O Dear God, and gracious Father, keep us from this condition, and knit our hearts fast unto thee, and cause us now, while we have time, with the help of thy Grace, not only to think rightly of these things, but so to walk before thee, in this present [Page 63] life, as becometh thy people, and Children; O continue the Word of Truth evermore amongst us, to comfort us, and let the seed thereof take such fast root in our hearts, that it may fructifie and bring forth fruit, to thy Glory, and our own good and comfort, that we may be the more enabled thereby, to walk in they fear, in the midst of a wicked, and perverse Generation. Shower down thy blessings upon the Head and Heart of our gracious King and Queen, and upon all the Royal Family, Bless O Lord the Ministers, Judges, and Magistrates of this Land. Bless all the people of all degrees, and kinds; Let thy blessing be upon our Relations, Kindred, and Freinds; and upon all others, whom we are bound to pray for, in any affliction, pain, trouble, sickness, or any other distemper whatsoever. Bless them all, and bless us, and ours, and do more for us, then we can express unto thee, [Page 64] and all we beg in the Name, and Words, of our blessed Saviour, and Redeemer, saying,
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Wednesday Morning.
MOst gracious Lord God, and holy Father, thine eyes are more pure than the Son, and cannot behold any thing that is unclean; the Cherubins, and Seraphins, cover their faces before thy glorious Majesty; the heaven of heavens are not clean in thy sight; How then shall earth, sinful earth, dust, and ashes, appear before thee? we persume not, O Lord, to come before thy Tribunal, to plead for our righteousness, for all our righteousness is as filthy rags; but we prostrate our selves, with all humility of body, and soul, at thy [Page 65] mercy seat, to make confession of our sins: Hear Lord, and have mercy on us, and as thou hast Redeemed us by thy Son, so we beseech thee, to sanctifie us, by thy holy Spirit; Mortifie in us every day more and more, all sinful lusts and affections; and quicken us in all saving graces, and vertues; increase our faith, confirm our hope, inflame our Charity, teach us to imitate the life of Christ, the true pattern of perfect Obedience, and only true rule of a Godly life; Teach us. Humility, Patience, Meekness, Gentleness, Chastity, Temperance; Teach us to contemn earthly things; to deny our selves, to overcome the world; grant us consolation in adversity, and true tranquillity of mind; grant us victory in temptations, and deliverance from the devils treacheries; grant us in thine appointed time, a blessed departure of this life, and a bless [...] resurrection unto life everl [...]sting; And we [Page 66] pray not for our selves alone, but in obedience to thy Command; we make our supplication unto thee for all men; save and defend thy universal Church, enlarge thou her borders, propagate thy Kingdom; Bless thy servant Charles, our most gracious King and governour; Bless together with him, our gracious Q. Katharine, James Duke of York, and the rest of the Royal Family; Bless we beseech thee, the Lords of his Majestys most Honourable Privy Council; the Nobles, Judges, Ministers and Magistrates of this Realm. Be thou a Father to the Fatherless, a Comforter to the Comfortless; a Deliverer to the Captives, & a Physitian to the Sick; Grant that the Sickness of their Bodies, may be for the good of their souls. Hear us likewise, O Lord, for the sake of Christ, and accept our thanksgiving; we thank thee for preserving us, ever since we were born; and for defending [Page 67] us this night, from all perils and dangers; for the quiet rest wherewith thou hast refreshed our bodies; for thy mercy renewed unto us this morning; let thy mercy be continued unto us this day; let thy Spirit direct us, in all our ways, that we may walk before thee, as Children of the light, doing those things, that are pleasing in thy sight; Let the dew of thy blessing, descend upon our labours; for without thy blessing, all our labour is in vain; Prosper thou the works of our hands upon us; and grant that we may so conscionably seek after things temporal, in our callings, that we do not finally lose the things which are eternal; we are unworthy, O Lord, we confess, to obtain any thing at thy hand, either for our selves, or any other, even for the sinfulness of these our prayers; But since thou hast promised, to hear all those, that call upon thee, in thy sons name; make good we beseech [Page 68] thee, thy promise unto us, now calling upon thee, in thy Sons name, and praying as he hath taught us, in his holy Gospel.
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Wednesday Evening.
MOst Glorious Lord God, whose dwelling is in the highest heavens. And yet beholdest the lowly and the humble upon earth; we blush and are ashamed to lift up our eyes unto heaven, because we have sinned against thee, which dwellest in the heavens; But look down we beseech thee, from heaven thy dwelling place, and behold the humility of thy servants here on earth, which prostrate themselves at the foot-stool of thy mercy, confessing their own guiltiness, begging pardon for our sins; [Page 69] we confess, O Almighty Creator, that thou madest us at the first, after thine own Images; thou cloathedst us with Innocency, as with a Garment; thou seatest us in Paradice, a place of all delight and P [...]easure; But we have defaced thine Image, we have cast off our first Covering; we have thrust our selves out of that pleasant place; we ran away from thee, and were not obedient to thy Voice. And we do still shut our Eyes, O Lord, that we might not see, and we have refused to be ruled by thy Law. The law of sin in our flesh, doth dayly capt [...]vate us; The root of sin, which lyeth hidden in us, doth every day put forth new branches; all the parts, and faculties, of our bodies, and souls, are as so many Instruments of unrighteousness, to fight against thy Divine Majesty. Our hearts imagine wicked things; our mouths utter them, and our hands put them in practise; Thy [Page 70] Mercys are every day renewed unto us, and our sins are every day multiplyed against thee; in the day of health, and prosperity, we forget thee, and we never think upon thee, in the day of sickness, and adversity; Thy benefits heaped upon us, do not allure us to obey thee; neither do thy Judgments inflicted upon others, make us afraid to offend thee; what couldst thou have done, O Lord, more for us? or, what could we have done more against thee? Thou didst send thy Son, in the fulness of time, to take our nature upon him, to fulfil thy Law for us, and to be Crucified for our sins; but we have not followed the example of his Holy Life, but have every day afresh, Crucified him by our sins; and now O Lord, if we should become our own Judges, we cannot but confess, that, we have deserved everlasting torments in Hell fire; but there is mercy with thee, O Lord, therefore [Page 71] will we not despair; our sins are many in number, but thy mercys are without number; the weight of our sins is great, but the weight of thy Sons Cross was greater; our sins press us down to hell, but thy mercy in Christ Jesus, raiseth us up; by Satan we are accused, but by Jesus Christ we are defended; By our own Consciences, we are condemned, but by Jesus Christ, we are absolved and pardoned; in us there is nothing but Sin, Death, and Damnation; in him there is treasured up for us, Righteousness, Life and Salvation; we are poor, Christ is our Riches; we are naked, he is our covering; We are exposed to thy fury pursuing of us, he is the buckler of our defence, and our refuge; he is the Rock of our Salvation, and in him do we trust; Guide us, O Lord, by thy holy Spirit, to amend what is amiss in us, increase all gifts and graces, which thou hast already given, [Page 72] and give unto us what thou best knowest to be wanting; Be gracious, and favourable to thy whole Church, especially to that part of it among us; Bless thy Servant and our soveraign Lord, King Charles; our gracious Queen Katharine, and all the Royal Family; we beseech thee also to be gracious to the Kings Council, the Nobility, the Magistracy, the Ministry, the Gentry, the Commonalty; Forget not, O Lord, all those that are under the Cross, and affliction; Cloth the Naked, feed the Hungry, visit the Sick, deliver the Captives, defend the Fatherless and Widow, releive the Oppressed, confirm and strengthen those that suffer Persecution for Righteousness sake; cure those that are broken in heart, speak peace unto their consciences, that are tormented with the sence of their sins; stand by those that are ready to depart out of this life, and when the house of [Page 73] their earthly Tabernacle shall be destroyed, then Lord receive their Souls. And now O Lord, we bless, and praise thy Name, for our Health, Maintenance and Liberty, for preserving us ever since we were born, for blessing us in all that we have put our hands unto this day; Let thy mercy still be continued unto us, we beseech thee; let the eye of thy providence, which never slumbereth nor sleepeth, watch over us, and let the hand of thy power, Protect, and defend us; Cover us this Night, under the Shadow of thy Wings, that no evil happen unto us; Grant that our bodies may be refreshed this night, with such moderate rest, that we may be the fitter, for the works of our vocation, and thy service the next morning; Hear us we beseech thee for Jesus Christ his sake, our Lord, and only Saviour; in whose Name, and Words, we call upon thee, further Praying, Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Thursday Morning.
GLorious Lord God, and in Jesus Christ our merciful and loving Father, we thine unworthy creatures, sinful dust and ashes, are here in all humility of souls and bodies, prostrate as the lowest footstool of thy glorious Majesty: beseeching thee, to bow down thine ears unto our prayers, & to open thine eyes to our Supplications, who from the very bottom of our hearts, do acknowledg and confess, that we have been unprofitable servants, prodigal Children, and bad stewards of that time which thou hast afforded us for repentance, and good works, and of those tallents, which thou hast committed to our improvement; we are Children of rebellious and disobedient parents, [Page 75] our hearts are cages of unclean birds, of noisome lusts, and the thoughts thereof have been evil, and only evil, and that continually: And if we look, O Lord unto the actions of our lives, there are few sins we have not committed, no Commandement which we have not broken; These eyes, which now look up unto heaven, have beheld vanity; these tongues which now call upon thee, have dishonoured thee; and these hands, which we now lift up unto thee, have been many times lifted up against thee, and thy statutes; so that we have made our selves unworthy of the east of thy mercies, but worthy of the greatest of thy Judgments; but deal not with us, after our sins, nei [...]her reward us according to our [...]niquities: Spare, us O Lord, Spare thy people, whom thou hast creat [...]d after thine own Image, and redeemed with thy own blood; And [...]ccording to the multitude of thy [Page 76] tender compassions, which have ever been of old to us, blot out the multitude of our transgressions, pardon our sins, and receive us again into thy favour, for his sake, and Suffering, who hath Satisfied thy Justice to the utmost farthing: And for the short residue, and remainder of our days, give us grace O Lord, to consecrate the remainder of them, to thy service, to redeem that time, which we cannot recall, and to make our calling and election sure, before we go home and be seen no more; And b [...]cause the corruption of our nature, are too many, and too strong for us, and the Devil, like a roaring Lyon, goes about continually to devour us; leave us not to our selves but assist us by thy grace; perfed thy strength in our weakness, and preserve both our bodies and souls blameless, and spotless, that whe [...] we shall have finished our course and run the race of our natural Pil [...]grimage, [Page 77] we may receive that crown of righteousness, which thou the righteous, and just Judge, hast laid up for all them that love, and expect the day of thy appearing; And together with us, we intreat thee, for a blessing upon our King, Queen, Duke, and the rest of the Royal Family; upon our Counsellours, Ministers, and Magistrates; upon our friends, Kindred, and acquaintance, upon the whole Church, and every afflicted member of it; Eccept of our Morning sacrifice of praise, and thanksgiving, for all the mercies and favours, comforts and deliverances, which from time to time thou hast afforded and continued to us, we thank thee for thy last mercy, in preserving us, from the dangers of this night past, for refreshing our bodies with seasonable rest, and bringing us safe to the beginning of this day: Lord, what is man, that thou art so mindful of him, and the [Page 78] son of man, that thou shouldest thus visit, and remember him? give us grace, O Lord, to remember thee, and to be mindful of thy mercies, that we may praise thee for all thee truth, and faithfulness, which thou shewest to us in the land of the living; that as thou hast brought us to the comforts of this day, so thou mayst go along with us, in the same, to enable us for the Duties, of those callings wherein we are placed, and to deliver us from those dangers to which we are exposed, ever for Jesus Christ his sake: in whose most blessed name and words, we conclude these our weak and imperfect prayers, saying as he himself hath taught us, in his holy Gospel. Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Thursday Evening.
O Eternal God, and most merciful Father, in Jesus Christ, in whom thou hast made a Covenant of Grace and Mercy with all those that come unto thee in him; in his Name and Mediation, we humbly prostrate our selves before the throne of thy mercy-seat, acknowledging that by the breach of all thy holy Laws and Commandements, we are become wild Olive Branches, strangers to thy Covenant of Grace; we have defaced in our selves, thy sacred Image, imprinted in us by Creation; we have sinned against Heaven, and before thee, and are no more worthy to be called thy children: O admit us into the place of hired servants Lord, thou hast formed us in ou [...] [Page 80] Mothers Wombs, thy Providence hath hitherto watched over us, and preserved us, to this present time; O stay not the course of thy Mercies and loving kindness toward us; Have mercy upon us, O Lord, for thy dear Son Jesus Christ his sake, who is the way, the truth, and the Life; In him, O Lord, we appeal from thy Justice, to thy Mercy, beseeching thee in his Name, and for his sake only, that thou wilt be graciously pleased freely to pardon us all our sins, and disobedience, whether in thought, word, or deed, committed against thy divine Majesty, and in his precious Bloodsheding Death, and perfect obedience, free us from all the guilt, the stain, the punishment, and dominion of all our sins, and cloth us with his perfect Righteousness; there is mercy with thee, O Lord, that thou mayest be feared; yea thy mercyes swallow up the greatness of our sins; speak peace to [Page 81] our souls and consciences, make us happy, in the free Remission of all our sins, and be reconciled to thy poor servants in Jesus Christ, in whom thou art well pleased. Suffer not the works of thine own Hands to Perish, thou art not delighted in the death of sinners, but in their Conversion; turn our hearts, and we shall be turned; convert us, and we shall be converted: Illuminate the eyes of our minds, and understandings, with the bright beams of thy holy Spirit, that we may dayly grow in the saving knowledg of the heavenly mystery of our Redemption, wrought by our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; sanctifie our wills and affections, by the same Spirit, the most sacred fountain of all grace and goodness; reduce them to the obedience of thy most holy will, in the practise of all piety toward thee, and charity towards all men. And with us, be gracious to thy whole Church, bless thy servant Charles, our gracious King [Page 82] and Governour; bless our gracious Queen, James Duke of York, and all the Royal Family: bless the Nobility, the Magistracy, and Ministery of this land, of what quality, or degree soever. Be merciful to all, that are under any affliction, or tryal whatsoever; be a Father to the fatherless, a husband to the Widdow, and a Comforter to the Comfortless, in what streight or necessity soever they are: support them, and bring them out of it, to thy Glory, and their comfort. Be merciful to all that we are bound to pray for; bless our Relations, Kindred and Friends, and let them serve thee, and live to thy Glory. And now we desire to return all humble and hearty thanks, to thy heavenly Majesty, for all thy blessings, continually showred down upon us; In Creating us, and Preserving us to this day; in keeping us the day past, from all dangers, and casualties, that we are [Page 83] continually subject to: Continue, O Lord, we beseech thee, this favour to us, and let thy Angels pitch their Tents round about us, this night, to guard and defend us from all perils both of soul and body; let our weak, and wearied bodies, be refreshed with seasonable, and convenient rest and sleep, that so we may be the more fit to discharge our duties, both toward God, and man, the day following; Grant these our weak Petitions, and give us all other blessings that thou knowest we stand in need of, and all we ask of thee, in the blessed Name and Words, of our dear Saviour, and Redeemer, further Praying. Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family, for Fryday Morning.
MOst Holy, most Glorious, and Eternal Lord God; we thy poor, and unworthy servants, in all humility of soul and body, and unfeigned acknowledgment of our duty, prostrate our selves before the Throne of thy Mercy, praising and magnifying thy fatherly goodness, for the abundance of thy blessings, and for the multitude of thy mercies, heaped upon us; beseeching thee for Christ his sake, to be merciful to all our sins committed against thy divine Majesty; upon the consideration of which, we confess we are not worthy to appear in thy presence, much less to ask a Blessing at thy hands; for, by reason of our corrupt nature in us, derived from our first Parents, our [Page 85] inclinations have been pro [...]e to commit all manner of sin and wickedness against thy goodness: thy laws and precepts we have broken, both in thought, word, and deed; out of our hearts proceed evil, and wicked imaginations which defile the soul, and the whole man is altogether abominable: these things, O Lord, we confess, to our shame; and if thy mercy prevent not, it will be our utter destruction of soul and body. Yet O Lord, thou a [...]t our Creator, thou hast made us, and thou hast sent thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us; and thy holy Spirit to sanctifie us; and many are the benefits and blessings which thou hast bestowed upon us, and which by thy goodness we enjoy, both of soul and body; and therefore by the testimony of our own consciences, we stand convicted; and the thoughts of our great sins, and transgressions, do much astonish us; what shall we say [Page 86] therefore, or wherein shall we open ou [...] mouths? who shall deliver us from the misery due unto us, for our transgressions? nothing can be expected in this life, but mercy, and confusion; and in the world to come, eternal condemnation: But yet, O Lord, in obedience to thy command, and in confident assurance of thy endless, and unspeakable mercy promised in Jesus Christ to all sinners which come unto thee, with sorrow in our hearts, shame in our faces, and in all humility of Spirit. And we would appeal from thee, a just Judg, to thee a merciful Father, from the throne of thy Justice, to the seat of thy Mercy, beseeching thee, O Lord, to have mercy upon us, and to turn away thy face, from all our sins, and to blot out all our transgressions, for the only Meritorious Death and Passion of Jesus Christ, who so abundantly shed his Blood on the Cross, to take away the sin [Page 87] of the World: and be pleased now to reform our affections, transform us out of sin, into the glorious liberty of thy own children, to live in newness of life, in a holy conversation, and continual obedience to thy divine Majesty.
And now we further intreat thee, O Lord, for a blessing upon thy Church Universal, more especially we beseech thee, to continue the peace and prosperity of these Churches wherein we live, and every member thereof; and in a more especial manner, bless with the cheifest of thy blessings, thine Annointed, and our Soveraign Lord King Charles, the Queens Majesty, James Duke of York; and the rest of the Royal Family; bless the Lords of his Majesties most honourable privy Council, the Reverend Clergy, and all civil Magistrates; bless all our kindred, friends, and acquaintance; bless all, O Lord, from the highest to the lowest.
[Page 88] And since it hath pleased thee, O Lord, of thy Goodness, to deliver us from the power of darkness, and all dangers of the night past, affording us quiet and comfortable rest, bring us safe to the beginning of this day; our souls, and all that is within us, shall praise thy holy Name; We beseech thee to bless and defend us, O Lord, this day; direct, and protect us in it; bless our going out, and comming in; let thy Spirit guide us in all our actions; prosper all our labours, and endeavours this day; make us diligent and dutiful in our Callings, that we may keep a good Conscience in all our dealings, not any way to defraud any one, knowing, that one day we must give an account of all our words and deeds.
Lord hear us we beseech thee, and accept of this our morning Sacrifice, of praise, and thanksgiving; hear our prayers, and grant our petitions [Page 89] that we have asked; and all other blessings which thou in thy infinite wisdom knowest most necessary for us, we ask at thy merciful hands in the Name, and through the mediation of thy dear Son, our blessed Redeemer, Jesus Christ, our Lord; in whose most excellent form of Prayer, we conclude our imperfect Petitions, saying, Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Fryday Evening.
MOst glorious, and everlasting Lord God, which inhabitest eternity, and dwellest in that light which no mortal eye can attain unto; the God in whom we live, and move, and have our being, we thine unworthy servants, do here in all lowliness, and humility, present our persons, and Prayers, before [Page 90] thy divine Majesty; confessing, and acknowledging, that we were conceived in sins and brought forth in iniquity; and as if that had been but a small matter, we have heaped up our Actuall transgressions, as the sand upon the sea-shore, and as the stars in the firmament, for number: we have broken thy Commandements, we have prophaned thy Sabbaths, we have dishonour thy name, we have abused thy creatures, we have neglected the day of our Visitation, and turned thy grace into wantonness, whereby we have most justly provoked thy wrath, and everlasting displeasure; we have wounded our own consciences, weakned our assurance of salvation, and greived thy good Spirit, which sealeth us up unto the day of our redemption; And now, O Lord, if thou shouldst deal with us after our deservings, thou mightest pour upon us, the deluge of thy wrath, and sury, to sweep us out of the [Page 91] land of the living, into that place of torment prepared for the Devil, and his Angels. But thou hast revealed thy self to the sons of men, to be the Lord, the Lord Merciful and Gracious, Long-suffering, and of great Goodness, who pardonest Sinnes, and passest by the transgressions of thy people; this is thy Name for ever, and thy Memorial throughout all generations; we beseech therefore, for Jesus Christ his sake, to be merciful unto us, in the free pardon and forgiveness of all our sins that we have ever committed against thee; Accept of his obedience, for our disobedience; of his righteousness, for our unrighteousness; of his Sufferings, for all our sins; wash them away in his blood, nail them to his cross, hide them in his wounds, and bury them in his grave, that they may never rise up for our confusion here, or for our condemnation hereafter; O Lord, be unto us a [Page 92] Father of Mercy, and a God of Consolation; Speak peace unto our souls and consciences, and say unto us, that thou art the God of our salvation.
And give us grace, for the time to come, to dye dayly unto sin, by vertue of thy sons death, and to rise up to newness of life, by the power of his resurrection, wean our hearts, and take off our affections, from the things of this world, which endure but for a season, and raise them up unto those things which are at thy right hand for evermore; enlighten the darkness of our understandings, subdue the stubbornness of our wills, rectify the disorder of our affections, and bring into obedience, whatsoever exalteth it self against thy will, that at last we may become such, as thou would'st have us to be.
Continue, and enlarge thy blessings upon the Church and Land wherein we live; upon the person [Page 93] and government of our King, bless all the Royal Family; together with his Majesties councel; the Nobility, Magistracy, Clergy, and Gentry of the land; Be merciful to all those who are afflicted with any cross or calamity, all our relations and acquaintance, and all others whom we are bound to pray for. O Lord accept our Thanksgiving this Evening, for all the mercys and favours which thou hast afforded for our souls or bodies, for this life, or a better; more especially, that thou hast preserved us, and our Family this day, in health and happiness; Now holy Father, seeing the night is upon us, and we are ready to take our rest, in thy hands we commit our souls, and bodies, and all that we have, beseeching thee, who art the keeper of Israel, that neither sleepest, nor slumberest, to take care of us; for if thou protect us not, Satan will devour us; yea, we shall sleep a [Page 94] prepetual sleep, and never arise up to praise thee; we praise thee therefore, be good to us this night, de [...]e [...]d us from danger, refresh us with comfortable rest, and raise us up to glorify thee in the duties of the day following, that thou mayst still be our God, and we may be thy people; hear us, and graciously answer us in these our requests, and what else thou knowest needful and expedient for us, and that for Jesus Christ his sake, in whose most blessed name, and words, we conclude these our imperfect Prayers, saying, as he himself hath taughts us,
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Saturday Morning.
GRacious Lord God, thou art the great Creator of Heaven and Earth, we confess our selves unworthy to come into thy presence, or to speak a word before thee, wretched sinful Creatures that we are, full of all iniquity and uncleanness; and who can make that clean which is taken out of an unclean thing? the thoughts and imaginations of our hearts are evil, and only evil, and that continually.
Yet, O Lord, seeing thou hast commanded us to call upon thee, and hast mercifully promised to be present with thy Children, to hear their prayers, and to grant their requests, which they put up in faith, unto thee. O Lord, this doth give us boldness to come before thee, [Page 96] and in confidence of thy goodness, that thou wilt make good the same promises unto us at this time, we here offer up unto thee this morning Sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, humbly acknowledging and confessing, from the bottom of our hearts, our manifold transgressions and offences, which we have continually multiplied against thee, in thought, word, and deed, from the beginning of our dayes, unto this present time; we acknowledge, O Lord, our Original corruption, in the which we were at the first conceived, and born, and from which there hath sprung the most bitter, and unsavoury fruit of sin, apostacy, and Rebellion, to the great dishonour of thy Name, and wounding of our poor souls and consciences, and the evil example of others, amongst whom we have lived; by the which, O God, we confess that we have justly deserved that thy Wrath and [Page 97] indignation, should be poured out upon us, both in this life, and in the life to come.
And therefore, O God, we come not here before thee, in our own worthiness, but in the worthiness, and mediation of Jesus Christ, beseeching thy gracious goodness, for his sake, to forgive all our offences; our open sins, our secret sins, our sins of Presumption, sins against Knowledg, against Conscience, against thee, or against our Brethren, either in our younger years, or in the days of our knowledge; as we must needs confess, that in many things we offend all, we beseech thee, O Lord, for Christ his sake, to forgive the same unto us, and perswade our Souls and Consciences more and more, that thou art at peace with us, and that all our sins are done away in the blood of thy Son. And grant, O Lord, that by the assistance of thy Holy Spirit, we may serve thee with more freedom of mind, and liberty of will, in [Page 98] Righteousness, and true Holiness, unto the end of our days. And, good Lord, begin not only repentance, and true conversion in us, but of thy great mercy, perfect the same: O lead us forward more and more to perfection; increase in us the saving knowledge of thee, and of thy Son Jesus Christ.
And now, O Lord, we magnify, and praise thy Holy Name, for thy Blessings and Mercies bestowed upon us, both Spiritual and Temporal; for our Health, Peace, Food, Rayment, and all the comforts of this life: O Lord let us make a right use of them, that we may not abuse them unto licentiousness, but let us be daily stirr'd up by them, to devote our selves unto thee, and thy service; we acknowledge thy goodness towards us, the night that is now past, freeing us from many imminent dang [...]rs, both of Soul and Body, and giving us sweet and comfortable rest, we beseech thee to be with us this day, [Page 99] and bless us in all our lawful undertakings, and keep us all the days of our lives, and teach us to walk, as Children of the light, that thy Name may be glorified by us, others may take good example, we our selves enjoy the peace of a good Conscience, so that at the last we may come to reign with thee in Glory.
Bless the Churches and Kingdoms wherein we live, with the continuance of our peace, and true Religion, bless all in Authority, especially the Kings most excellent Maiesty, our gracious Queen, James Duke of York and all the Royal Family. Bless the Nobility, Clergy and Gentry of this Nation; bless us all out of Sion from the highest to the lowest. Be merciful to all that are afflicted in body or mind or both; let it please thee, O Lord, to stay them, and support them in time of their distress, and g [...]v [...] them a happy issue out of the same; as it shall seem good unto thee; and [...]it us all for all times and conditions [Page 100] which thou shalt please to bring upon us. And thus, O Lord, we have commended our suits unto thee, humbly beseeching thee to pardon our infirmities in the performance of this present service, and since thou knowest our wants better than we our selves can express them unto thee, we pray thee to take notice of them, and minister unto us a gracious supply in thine own due time, even for Jesus Christ his sake; in whose Name we conclude these our weak and imperfect Prayers in that perfect form of Prayer which he himself hath further taught us, saying,
Our Fa [...]h [...]r, &c.
A Prayer for a Family for Saturday Evening.
HOly Lord God, and our Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ, we thine unworthy creatures now here before thee, ca [...]not but acknowledge and confess, even from the bottom of our hearts against our selves, our own unworthiness, that we are grievous sinners, conceaved in sin and born in iniquity, whereof we have brought forth most vile fruits in our lives, to the great dishonour of thy name, the utter dismaying of our own consciences, and the evil example of our brethren, by which we have deserved likewise thy wrath and heavy indignation to be poured upon us, both in this life and that which is to come. But yet, O Lord, we know that the merits of thy d [...]ar Son do far exceed our sins, though the multitude [Page 102] of [...]hem were as the sand upon the Sea-shore; in his name therefore and for his sake, we present our selves Souls and bodies before thy most heavenly Majesty, beseeching thee to forgive us all our sins and transgressions, and we do further desire to bless thy name and to shew forth thy praise this, Evening and to magnify thy goodness toward us for perserving us this day from all dangers, and for keeping us from our birth even hitherto, for thou art a God of patience, pity, and much forgiveness, shewing mercy unto thousands, and blotting out all our offences: O Lord, set not before us the sinfulness of our hearts and ways, so as to hinder good things from us, but grant us thy grace that we may amend our lives, and unfeignedly serve thee in the several duties of our callings, to thy glory, and the comfort of our Souls; remit our punishment, continue thy favour unto us, and receive us into thy most gracious protection, and [Page 103] keep us this night and for evermore, that the Devil may have no power over us, nor any evil overtake us; and, O Lord, whether we sleep or wake, live or dye, let us be always thine, for thou art our Creator and Redeemer, guard us about with the Armies of thy holy Angels in our habitations, do thou, O God, assist us, that we may peaceably sleep and rest in thee; hide us in thy Tabernacle, and we will fear no evil, for thou that keepest us dost neither slumber nor sleep; let thy rod and thy staff comfort and defend us, and let thy mercies, O God, prevent and follow us all the days of our lives, that at last we may dwell with thee, praising thee for evermore: and to that end refresh our wearied weak bodies with moderate sleep, that if thou shalt let us live till the next day, even thy holy Sabbath day, we may be fit to perform all the services and duties thou requirest of us. Let us hear thy word with fear and re [...]erence, and let us [Page 104] lay it up in our hearts, that the fruits of it may be seen in our holy lives and conversations. Let us pray unto thee by saith, that so we may receive what we aske; and let us devote our whole Souls, minds and affections to thy service.
And with us be gracious to these Churches in this Kingdom, we beseech thee to put a stop to that Spirit of Atheism, Irreligion, and Prophaness that is come in upon us like a flood, and make us all an holy people, that so we may be a happy people. Let the choicest of thy blessings descend upon our gracious King and Queen, and all the Royal Family; bless all estates and conditions of men of what quality soever, the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry and Commonalty; bless all our friends, kindred and relations, be a father to the fatherless▪ a husband to the widdow, and a comfort to the comfortless. Be our God and guide in all our ways; lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord, [Page 105] and by thy great mercy, defend us from all Perils and dangers of this night; let thy mighty Hand, and Out-stretched Arm, O Lord, be still our defence. And hear us, and answer us above and beyond the desires of these our weak Petitions; In the blessed Name of Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, in whose most holy Words, we further pray.
Our Father, &c.
OCCASIONAL DEVOTIONS; OR, A COLLECTION OF Prayers & Thanksgivings UPON Several Occasions, And for several Persons.
Be careful for nothing, but in every thing, by Prayer and Supplication, with Thanksgiving, [...] your requests be made to God,
Vpon the return of the Gospel, and deliverance from Popish Idolatry and Tyranny in the time of Queen Elizabeth.
The Persecution in the time of Q. Mary, and the carriage of the Papists in it, is thus described by the excellent Bp. Jewel.
YOu have (saith he) imprisoned your brethren, you have stript them naked, you have scourged them with rods, you have burnt their hands and arms with flaming torches, you have famished them, you have drowned them, you have summon'd them being dead to appear before you out of their graves, you have ript up their buried carkases, burnt them, and thrown them out upon dunghils, you took a poor babe falling from its mothers womb, and in a most cruel and inhumane manner threw it into the fire.
By all which several ways and means the Martyrs in all parts of the Kingdom in the 5 years reign of Q. [Page 111] Mary amounted to the number of 277. persons of all sorts and ages, for there perished by these flames 5 Bishops, 21 Divines, 8 Gentlemen, 84 Artificers, 100 Husbandmen servants and labourers, 26 Wives, 20 Widdows, 9 Virgins, 2 boys and 2 infants, one springing out of his mothers womb as she was burning at the stake, and most unmercifully flung it into the fire at the very birth, 64 more in those furious times were persecuted in their faith, whereof 7 were whipt, 16 perish'd in prison, 12 buried in dunghils, and many more lay in captivity condemned, who were happily delivered by the glorious entrance of Queen Elizabeth.
A Thanksgiving for the return of the Gospel, and our deliverance from Popish Superstition and Tyranny.
O Most glorious, most merciful and gracius Lord God, we cannot but remember thy mercies to us, and to our Fathers of old, when thou wast pleased to deliver this Nation from the spiritual Aegyptian bondage which we were under in the Mari [...]n days, when our Fathers were in the condition of those Worthies of old who were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection, who wandred about in sheep-skins and goat-skins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented in desarts, in mountains, in dens and caves of the Earth, and the sound of the Turtle was not heard in the land, This, O Lord, was our miserable condition [Page 113] under that Romish Tyranny under which we groaned; but thou our most merciful Father in the midst of judgment didst remember mercy, and didst bring back our captivity, as the rivers in the South; thou broughtest thy servant Queen Elizabeth from prison to reign, and with her did the glorious Sun of thy Gospel arise upon these late dark lands, and the word of the Lord went throughout the Nation, thou quenchest those flames that destroyed so many of thy blessed Saints and servants, and didst at once restore to us religion, peace, plenty, and Victory over all our and thine enemies. O what shall we render unto the Lord for all these his great benefits to us a most unworthy, wicked and sinful people, let us render unto him the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, and let our lives and conversations so shew forth his praise, that we may never provoke the Lord to remove his candlestick from us, and once more to scourge us with the [Page 114] thorns and bryars of Popish Tyranny from which his grace and goodness hath so wonderfully delivered us, and all this we ask through the merits and mercies of thy blessed Son, our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
The prayer of King Edward the sixth (called Englands Josiah) against Popery.
LOrd God, deliver me out of this miserable and wretched life, and take me among thy chosen, howbeit not my will but thy will be done: Lord I commit my spirit to thee, O Lord, thou knowest how happy it were for me to be with thee, yet for thy Chosens sake send me life and health that I may truly serve th [...]e, O my God, bless thy people, and save thine Inheritance, O Lord God save thy chosen people of England, O my Lord God defend this Realm from [Page 115] Papist [...]y, and maintain thy true Religion that I and my people may praise thy holy name.
Vpon the Spanish Invasion in that remarkable year 1588. intended to reduce this Nation to Popery and slavery by the (so called) invincible Armada.
In the year of our Lord 1588. and in the one and thirtieth year of the most glorious reign of Q. Elizabeth, Philip the second King of Spain set forth this mighty fleet, the Spaniards themselves being so amazed at the vastness of it that they named it the Invincible Armada, it being the best furnished with men, amunition, and all manner of provision of any that ever the Ocean saw, consisting of a hundred and fifty tall ships, in which were twenty thousand Souldiers, and the D. of Parma was designed to bring [Page 117] out of Flanders fifty thousand more to join with them; it had also eight thousand six hundred mariners, two thousand and eighty gally-slaves, two thousand six hundred and thirty great Ordnance besides boats and tenders of all sorts with provisions, the Pope also contributed a million of gold to this design. All these were to be landed at the Thames mouth, that by seizing on the head, they might the more easily command the body of the Kingdom. The Queen had prepared a double guard, one for the land, and another for the sea, that by land was divided into two Armies, the one consisting of two and twenty thousand foot and a thousand horse commanded by the Earl of Leicester, whose camp was at [...]lbury, where the Queen with a masculine spirit came and took a view of her Army, and riding about through the ranks of armed men drawn up on both sides her with a Leaders trunche on in her hand, sometimes with a martial pace [Page 118] another while [...] li [...]e a woman it is incredible how m [...]ch [...] rag [...]d the heart of h [...] Capta [...]ns and Souldiers by her presence and peech to them. The guard by sea consisted of one hundred and forty ships, divided into 3 squadrons, commanded by the L. Howard Admiral, Sr. Francis Drake Vice-Admiral, and the Lord Henry Seymour Reer-Admiral.
When the mighty moving wood of Spain was entred into the British seas and found the Queen so well prepared contrary to their expectation, they resolved rather to make a chase fight than lye by it. The Queen commanded the L. Admiral to make ready eight of her worst ships, and to besmear them with wild-fire, pitch and rosin, and fill them with brimstone and other combustible mat [...]er, which he sent down the wind in the dead of the night among the Spanish Fleet, who spying the flames, [...]nd thinking them deadly inventions and murthering engines; raised a sad o [...]tcry, [Page 119] and prese [...]tly weig [...]'d anchor, [...] their [...]les, and in a terrible Panic [...] [...]ear with great hast and confusion put to Sea. Whereupon the Queens fleet under Drake and other brave Commanders took some of them, sunck and drove some on the sands, and many others being driven Northwards, and grievously tossed, impaired, and mangled by storms and wracks, and enduring all manner of miseries, at length returned with shame and dishonour, by all which ways were lost more than half the Spanish fleet, and of the English only one ship; and that of small value. And thus this great Armada which had been three compleat years in preparing with infini [...]e expence, was within one months space many times fought with, and at last overthrown, with the loss of abundance of Spaniards, and this mighty design came to nought. Gloria Deo.
A Thanksgiving for our deliverance from the Spanish Armada in 1588.
MOst high and mighty Lord God Almighty, who workest wonders in the Heavens, in the Earth and in the Sea, who art a present help to all that call upon thee; we the people of these Nations have infinite cause to bless thy holy name for thy mercies of old to our Fathers, in delivering us from that slavery and misery that was design'd to be brought upon us by thine and our enemies, who intended to have tyrannized over our souls, our bodies, our consciences, they had prepared whips to scourge us, chains and fetters to bind and manacle us, and they did boast themselves to be invincible, and that none could withstand them, but thou O [Page 121] Lord didst blow upon them with a blast of thy mouth, and they were scattered like chaff before the wind, and they perished at thy presence; thou didst put fear into their hearts, and they fled, thou didst confound all their projects and devices, and they were all brought to nought. O Lord let us never forget this mercy of thine and the multitude of thy mercies that we have recieved since that time which thou knowest, O Lord, we have not improved as we ought, and may therefore justly fear that we have so provoked thee by our crying abominations that thou mayst once more give us over to Romish Tyranny▪ O Lord we beseech thee yet to remember mercy, and rather take us into thine own hand to correct us, than give us into the hands of wicked and unmerciful men, whose tender mercies are cruelties, remember thy loving kindness to us of old, and save us according to thy wonted mercy, not for our own sakes, but for the merit [Page 122] of thy dear Son and our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. Am [...]n
Vpon the fifth of November
Of the Powder Treason.
THe Plot was to undermine the Parliament-house, and with Pouder to blow up the King, Prince Clergy, Nobles, Knights, and Burgesses, the very confluence of all the flower of Glory, Piety, Learning, Prudence and Authority in the Land, Fathers, Sons, Brothers, Allies; Friends, Foes, Papists and Protestants all at one blast.
This damnable design was coutrived by some Priests, Jesuits and other Papists, to which end they took lodgings near the Parliament house, and then all the Conspirators took an oath of secresy in these words.
You shall swear by the blessed Trinity, and by the Sacrament you now purpose to receive never to disclose directly or indirectly, by word or circumstance [Page 125] the matter that shall be proposed to you to keep secret, nor desist from the execution thereof till the rest shall give you leave.
And now the business went on apace, and all things being ready, the 5 th of November 1605. was the day designed for the execution, but about ten days before a letter directed to my Ld. Monteagle was delivered by an unknown person to his footman in the street with a strict charge to give it to his Lords own hand which accordingly he did, and the Lord being troubled at the contents presently imparted it to the Secretary of State, who soon presented it the King, which was in these Words
Out of the love I bear to some of your friends, I have a care of your preservation; therefore I would advise you, as you tender your life to devise some excuse to shift off your attendance at this [Page 124] Parliament, for God and man have concurred to punish the wickedness of this time, and think not slightly of this advertisement▪ [...] retire your self into your Country, where you may expect the event with safety; for though there be no appearance of any stir, yet I say they shall receive a terrible Blow this Parliament, and yet they shall not see who hurts them; this counsel is not to be contemned, because it may do you good, and can do you no harm, for the danger is past so soon as you have burnt the letter; and I hope God will give you the grace to make use of it, to whose holy protection I commend you.
The King reading this letter, did conclude by several dark passages in it, that it contained in it some extraordinary design, and therefore by the Blow did suppose was meant some blast of Gun-pouder. And after strict search made under the Parliament house about midnight, the very night before the [Page 125] Parliament was to set, at the door of the entrance of the cellar was found one Guy Fauks clothed and booted, he was apprehended, and then removing some billets that were laid to prevent discovery, they found the serpents nest stored with thirty six barrels of pouder, and searching the Villain, there was found about him a dark lanthorn three matches, and other instruments for blowing up the pouder.
And thus was this horrible plot discovered, and we saved, and the Conspirators received their deserved punishment.
Those that were first in the Treat son were
Robert Catesby, Thomas Piercy, Tho. Winter, Robert Winter, John Wright, Chr. Wright, Guy Fauks, Gentlemen, and Bates Catesbies Man.
Persons made acquainted with and promoters of it were
- Sr. Everard Digby
- Ambrose Roohwook Esq
- Francis Wesham Esq
- Robert Kegs John Grant Gent.
A Thanksgiving for the fifth of November for Gods miraculous deliverance of this Land, King, and people from that horrid Gunpowder Treason 1605.
O Our gracious Lord God, who is like unto thee, or who can strive beyond thy admittance? hath any thing been done or attempted but what thou knowest of? Yea, thou seest all things, savest all thine, and wilt not let a hair of their heads perish. O then who is like unto thee, for thou art ever gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness? O come then let us worship, and fall down, and kneel before the Lord our maker; for never any people had more occasion ministred unto them than this people of great Britain and Ireland, yea, all that belong to [Page 129] this Monarchy, to praise the great God of Majesty, Power, Might and Dominion, who did deliver us out of thraldome, when nothing was wanting for making this Sacrilegious Parracide a pattern of mischief, and a crime without example: they would have joyned the destruction of the body, to the head, so as all at one Thunderclap, should have been sent to Heaven together; the King our Head, the Queen our fertile Mother, and those young and hopeful Olive plants; yea, not only theirs, but also ours, our honourable and worthy Senators; yea, the whole representative body of the Land, without distinction of degree, or Age; yea, even the stones, and walls, should have felt their fury, and the Hall of Justice, the house of Parliament, the Church, used for the Corronation of our Kings, the Monuments of our former Princes, the Crown, and other Royalties, all the Records as [Page 130] well of Parliaments, as of every mans particular right, with a great number of Charters and such like, should all have been comprehended under that fearful Chaos, and the remaining trophies of the eternal glory of our former Princes, should have all been cousumed together, and so not only we, but the memory of us and ours should have been extinguished in an instant: how can we therefore sufficiently magnify and praise thy great mercy, who didst thus preserve us when we were so near destruction? Therefore consider our dangerous estate, we come unto thee, O thou great and mighty Judge, in trembling and in fear, humbly beseeching thee not to heap upon us thy deserved vengeance, but let thy tender kindness and love thou bearest to Christ, thy dear Son our gracious Lord and Redeemer, cover our iniquities, for whose sake do thou pardon us, and have compassion [Page] [Page]
[Page 131] on us; to whom with thy self and thy blessed Spirit, be given all prays honour and glory, of us and all our posterity after us, from this time forth and for evermore, Amen.
Vpon the Martyrdome of King Charles the first, January 30th. 1648.
An Epitaph.
A Prayer for the 30th of January, being the day of the Martyrdome of King Charles the First, 1648.
O Blessed Lord God, who by thy wisdome not only guidest, and orderest all things most sutable to thine own Justice, but also performest thy pleasure, in such manner, that we cannot but acknowledg thee to be righteous in all thy ways, and holy in all thy works; We thy sinful people fall down before thee, confessing that thy Judgments were right, in permitting wicked men, this day to Imb [...]ue their hands in [Page 133] the Blood of thine Anointed: we having drawn down the same upon our selves, by the great and long provocation of our sins against thee, for which we do therefore, here humble our selves before thee, imploring thy mercy for the pardon of them all, and that thou wouldest deliver this Nation from blood guiltiness, (that of this day especially) and turn from us, and our Posterity, all those Judgments, which we by our sins have deserved.
And now, O Lord, thou whose righteousness is like the strong mountains, and thy Judgments like the great deep, and who by the Martyrdom of thine Anointed, our Soveraign this day, hast taught us that neither the greatest Kings, nor the best of men are more secure from violent, then from natural death. Teach us also hereby, so to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom, and grant, that neither the splendour [Page 134] of any thing that is great, nor the conceit of any thing that is good in us, may any way withdraw our eyes from looking upon our selves, as sinful dust, and ashes, but that (according to the example of this thy blessed Martyr) we may press forward toward the price of the high calling, that is before us, in faith, and patience, humility, and meekness, mortification, and self-denial, charity, and constant perseverance, unto the end; and we desire to bless thee, O Lord, that thou didst not leave us for ever, as sheep without a shephard, but by thy gracious providence, didst miraculously preserve the undoubted Heir of his Crown, our most gracious Soveraign, KING CHARLES the Second, from his bloody enemies, hiding him under the shadow of thy wings, until their Tyranny was overpast, and bringing him back in thy good appointed time, to sit in peace upon the throne of his Father, [Page] [Page]
[Page 135] and to excercise that authority over us, which of thy Special grace, thou hast committed unto him; for these thy great and unspeakable mercys, we render thee most humble thanks, from the bottom of our hearts, beseeching thee still to continue thy gracious protection over him, and to grant him a long, and happy reign over us; so we will give thee thanks for ever, and will always be shewing forth thy praise from generation to generation, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Vpon the Twenty Nineth of May, the Day of his Majesties Birth, and happy Return.
A Thanksgiving for the 29th of May, being the day of his Majesties Birth, and happy Return.
O Lord God, who by thy divine providence and goodness, didst this day bring into the world, and didst this day also bring Back, and restore unto us, and to his own just, and undoubted right, our most gracious Soveraign Lord, thy Servant, KING CHARLES, preserve his life, establish his throne, we beseech thee: be unto him a helmet of salvation, against the face of his enemies, and a strong tower of defence, in the time of trouble. Let his reign be prospe [...]ous, and his days many; and let him so duly serve thee on earth, that he may [Page 138] hereafter everlastingly reign with thee in heaven: and let us thine unworthy servants, make an oblation of our selves unto thee, vowing all holy obedience in thought, word, and work, unto thy divine Majesty, promising in thee, and for thee, all loyall and dutiful Allegiance, to thine anointed servant, and to his heirs after him; whom we beseech thee to bless with all encrease of grace, honour and happiness: And together with him, bless the whole Royal Family with the dew of thy heavenly Spirit, that they ever trusting in thy goodness, protected by thy power, and Crowned with thy gracious and endless favour, may continue before thee, in health, peace, joy, and honour, a long and happy life upon earth, and after death, obtain everlasting life, and glory in the Kingdome of Heaven, by the merits and mediation of Christ Jesus, our Saviour; who with the Father, [Page] [Page]
[Page 139] and the holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth for ever, world without end. Amen.
Vpon the Dreadful Pestilence in 1665.
[Page 141] There have been three great Plagues in London, within these sixty years; and how much greater this last was then the former, may appear by this Comparison:
In the year 1625. | |
Buried of all Diseases | 54265 |
Whereof of the Plague | 35417 |
In the year 1636. | |
Buried of all Diseases | 23359 |
Whereof of the Plague | 10400 |
In the year 1665. | |
Buried of all Diseases | 97301 |
Whereof of the Plague | 68586 |
A Prayer in time of Pestilence.
OMnipotent Lord, thou sin revenging God, who for disobedience, didst threaten thine own people Israel, to smite them in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch, that could not be healed; be pleased, O thou great offended Lord, in the bowels of thy compassion, to let thine anger cease, and [Page 142] to bow down thine ear to thy sorrowful servants; we turn unto thee our weeping eyes, our dejected countenances, our wringing hands, our bended Knees, our mournful voices, and our groaning hearts; O Merciful God, behold our tears, and view our countenances, and look upon our hands, and strengthen our Knees, and hearken to our voices, and comfort our hearts; Give us a fight of our sins, O Lord which have thus provoked thee▪ to enter into Judgment with thy Servants; and make us more to loath, and tremble, at our wickedness, then at these Messengers of death; wean us from the love of sin, from the consideration both of thy displeasure, and our own mortality; and speak peace and health, unto our souls, which do every moment expect our dissolution to come; O Lord, thou art a God, who canst not abide to behold unrighteousness; look not [Page 143] therefore with thy wrathful eye upon us, who are full of sin, and pollution; but look upon thy Son, and his righteousness; or, if thou wilt look upon us, first cloth us with the righteousness of that immaculate Lamb, and so shalt thou see us, with love and delight, and we shall behold thee with unspeakable joy: Seal unto our souls the remission of our offences, and then make us willing to resigne our bodies to thy disposing, yet we know, O Lord, if thou dost but Speak the word, we shall be made whole; & if thou say'st, the Plague shall not come near our habitations, we then know we shall be safe; if it be thy blessed will, O Lord, let us praise thee in the land of the living; cleanse us from our sin, and take away our iniquities, and then we need not question, but thou wilt take away thy hand from off us. Hear us, O Lord, for our selves, and also for thy distressed people; [Page 144] and hear them for us, and hear thy Christ for us all; that to him and thee, and thy blessed Spirit, we may render, as is most due, all praise and glory, and Thanksgiving, and obedience, for evermore. Amen.
Vpon the Lamentable fire in London, begun Sept. 2. 1666.
[Page 146] THis lamentable Fire began Sept. 2. 1666. about one a clock in the morning in a Bakers house in Pudd [...]ng-Lane near Fish-street Hill London, which raged extreamly (being blown with a strong North-East wind) so that despising all means used for its extinguishing, it spread far and wide, sometimes with, and against the Wind, and so continued for the space of near four days, till it had burnt down thirteen thousand two hundred houses which stood upon 337 acres of ground within the walls and 63 acres and 3 rod without, besides 89 Parish Churches, the most spacio [...]s Cathedral of St. Paul, six consecrated Chappels, the Royal Exchange, the great Guild-Hall, the Custom-house, many magnificent Halls of Companys, several principal City-gates, and other publick Edifices; which was accompanied with the loss of vast quantities of rich household-stuff, and goods of all sorts, but especially of 4 or 5 sorts [Page 147] of commodities, viz. Books (of which alone were lost near the value of 150 thousand pounds) Tobacco, Sugar, Wines, and Plumbs, being heavy goods, so that the whole loss is computed by an ingenious person to be nine millions and nine hundred thousand pounds, and yet by Gods providence not above six or eight persons were burnt in this vast Incendy.
A Prayer for Septemb. 2d. the begining of that lamentable fire in London, 1666.
HOly Lord God, we must confess thou hast found out the iniquity of thy servants, and hast discovered our nakedness and pollution in a vengeance suited and answerable to our grievous crying sin: our pride, oppression, and fulness of bread, had made us like unto Sodom, and thou hast afflicted us like Gomorrha, we [Page 148] would not be reclaimed by thy exemplary punishments upon others or our selves, and therefore thou hast made us a terror and an astonishment to all that are round about us; yet O Lord we must needs acknowledge that thou art just in all that is come upon us, for thou hast done right, but we have done wickedly; yet consider, O Lord, we are thy people, though a rebellious and unthan [...]ful people; suffer us therefore to implore thy pitty, and the sounding of thy bowels, and for thy names sake, and mercies sake, incline thine ear to us and save us: and above all, we beseech thee leave us not to our selves, but by what method soever it shall please thee to reduce us, though to this cup of trembling, thou shalt add more and more grievous afflictions by any the severest course, subdue us unto thy self, and make us see the things belonging to our peace before they be hid from our eyes that being duly humbled under thy mighty hand, we [Page 149] may be capable of being relieved and exalted in thy due time.
And now we bless and magnify thy name, O Lord▪ for that wonderful mercy thou hast vouchsafed us in the midst of thy just and dreadful judgments. It is of thy goodness that we are not consumed, that when we had pro [...]oked thee to give us all up to utter ruin and desolation, and thy hand was stretched out to execute thy whole displeasure upon us, yet thou hast preserved a remnant, and pluck'd us, as a brand out of the fire, that we should not utterly peri [...]h in our sins; add we beseeeh thee one mercy more to all that thou hast hitherto so unsuccesfully cast away upon us, and by thy convincing Spirit awaken our sleepy Consciences, soften and melt our hard hearts that being humbled by thy chastisements, we may by thy goodness be led to repentance, and sin no more lest a worse thing come unto us; therefore let us faithfully improve this respite and relief with all [Page 150] its precious advantages and opportunities to a thankful, humble and profitable walking before thee, that so thy name may be glorified, the Gospel credited, and our Souls saved in the day of the Lord. Grant this O Father for Jesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.
Vpon a Sea-fight
A Prayer in the Time of War.
ALmighty Lord God, Thou art he only which givest victory, to thee it is all one, to save by many or by few, thou canst make one to chase a thousand; thou canst cause the hearts, even of the most valiant to melt; their hands to be weak, their minds to faint, and their knees to fall a way like Water; if thou fight for us, we cannot miscarry; if thou favour us not, we must needs be discomfited: O be gracious unto us, and be on our side, now that men are risen up against us; Go out, O Lord, with our Navys, and Armies, give wisdom and courage to our Captains; gird them with strength unto the battel; be with our Sea-men, and Souldiers, teaching their hands to war and their fingers to fight: Assist their consultations, prosper their policies, crown their enterprizes with good success, which [Page 153] are undertaken for the common good, and comfort of the State: Doubtless, O Lord, we deserved thine anger, and our Sins do cry aloud in thine ears for vengeance, & it were but just with thee, it thou shouldst make us a prey, and spoil unto our enemies; but, O gracious God, let us now fall into thy hands; for thy mercies are great, and let us not fall into the hands of men; let it appear that thou art in the midst of us, and that we shall not be moved; that thou wilt help us, and that very early? and in thy due time set thou peace in our borders, and make strong the bars of our Gates; especially let the Gospel of thy Son sound yet louder among us, that by it many Souls may be gathered unto thee; So we thy people, and the sheep of thy pasture, shall praise thee for ever, and from generation to generation, we will set forth thy glory, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and only Saviour. Amen.
A Prayer in time of Prosperity.
HEavenly Father, Lord of plenty, thou who hast created the world by thy power, and continuest thy love in thy providence, and protection; to thee do I render thanks, for my plenty, and to thee do I offer the service of my store; what I have, is thine; for the Earth is thine, and all that therein is; the Compass of the World, and they that dwell therein; it is thou only, that givest a blessing to the fruits of the Land, to the Corn, to the Wine, and to the Oyl; It is thou only, that commandest thy blessing in the store-houses, and in all that thy servants do set their hands unto; Lord make me one of thy faithful servants, that what thou hast sent me, may be a Testimony of thy love, and not of thy hatred; make me allways to magnify thee in the time of plenty, and not to be high-minded, nor [Page 155] trust in uncertain riches, but in thee the living God, who givest me all things richly to enjoy; O suffer me not, to treasure up the deceitful riches of this sinful world as thereby forgeting to be rich toward thee, but as from thy bounty I receive these temporal blessings, so in thy mercy, make me abound in grace, that allways having Sufficiency in all things, I may abound to every good work.
In this my prosperity, prepare me for adversity, if it shall please thee at any time to send it unto me, give me a sence of the afflictions of many of thy saints, and distressed servants, and enlarge my heart, that I may be ready, and forward to contribute to their necessities; make me to shew mercy with cheerfulness, and to possess with thankfulness what thou sendest unto me, that I may neither [...]orget thee in thy poor members, nor deny thee to be the giver, let me never stop mine [Page 156] ears at the cries of the distressed who beg for relief in the name o [...] thy self. Thou, Christ, who wert rich didst for my sake become poor, that so through thy poverty thou mightest make me rich; Lord make me as willing to the poor for thy sake, always considering that the Vanities of the earth are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed. Make me labour for heavenly riches, and for the ornament of the hidden man in the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in thy sight of great price; make me, O heavenly Father, rich in thy self, rich unto liberality, rich in good works and in faith: make me to buy of thee gold tryed in the fire that I may be rich, and white rayment, that I may be clothed, that the shame of my nakedness may not appear; let me always remember that great account which one day I must render to thee, the Lord of Heaven [Page 157] & earth, that so I may serve thee here with my substance in my body, and in my Soul with zeal and devotion; and hereafter be received to thine everlasting glory, through the merits of thy Son, in thy bosom Jesus Christ, my only Lord and Saviour. Amen.
A Prayer in time of adversity.
FAther of pitty and Lord of comfort, thou that hearest the cry of the afflicted, look down in mercy on a distressed Sinner; thy hand O God is heavy upon me, for thou hast taken from me what I called mine, by reason that I did not call it thine; O Lord thou knowest my bleeding heart, my sorrowful eyes, and my mourning tears; thou seest how poor I am and what miseries I suffer, I am a scorn to my neighbours, and a derision to those that are round about me: my life is become a burden [Page 158] unto me because thou hast deprived me of the comforts thereof; my lovers and my acquaintance stand looking upon my misery, and my [...]insmen stand asar off; Lord if it be thy pleasure thus to humble me, let it be thy goodness to give me patience to endure it; the pride of my heart & my forgetfulness of thee in the time of plenty did cry aloud for thy severest punishments, now, O now I feel thy just displeasure and groan under the burden and weight thereof; yet thou, O Lord, canst ease me, thou canst restore me, hear Lord and have mercy, Lord be thou my helper, suffer me no more to rely upon the arm of flesh, or to put my trust in uncertain riches, but make me forever to depend upon thy bounty, forgive me, O Father, the sins which I have committed when I lived in prosperity, for I am sensible that they are a cause why at this time thou hidest thy face from me, and causest me to be troubled: O give me a sight and sence of [Page 159] the greatness of them and true contrition and sorrow for them; that so though the world forsake me, I may yet find favour and mercy in thy sight; without thy assistance this sore burthen is too heavy for me to bear, Lord either remove it from me, or make it easier for me to bear. Lend me thy gracious and helping hand, that as I am scourged with thy rod, so I may lean upon thy staff; let me never despair of thy comfortable relief, but in all my miseries be thou my refuge, be pleased to endue me with patience from above, that I may give no advantage to the Tempter in my suffering, open the eyes and the charitable hands of those that should see and know mine adversity, and so enlarge their hearts, that they may administer relief and comfort to me in the midst of my necessities.
O thou that feedest the young ravens which call upon thee, thou that didst bless the poulse to thy servant Daniel, be pleased to fill my hungry [Page 160] Soul with the blessings of thy bounty: grant that whatsoever I suffer in my body, my Soul may thereby draw near unto thee, in the misery of hunger do thou satisfy me with thy grace in my scorching thirst do thou cause me with joy to draw water out of the wells of Salvation, in the pinching cold do thou warm my devotion, and in my poorest and meanest habit do thou cloth me with the Righteousness of my Redeemer. O suffer me not to offend thee in my greatest want, but make me rely & depend upon thee. Teach me by this chastisement the vanity of the World, and wean me from the fond delights thereof, and carry me so through the storms of this troublesom life, that in the end I may arrive at the happy haven of eternal peace and rest through thy own merits and passion, O Jesus Christ, my Lord and only Saviour.
A Prayer before the receiving of the Sacrament.
O Most gracious and merciful Lord God, thou hast called all those that are weary and heavy laden with their sins to come unto thee, and hast promised to ease and refresh them; thou hast invited all those that hunger and thirst after thy Kingdom and the righteousness thereof to come to thy Table, to tast of thy Supper, and hast promised that thou wilt satisfy them; in assurance therefore of these promises I come to thee, blessed Lord Jesus, beseeching thee to ease me, to refresh me, to satisfy me with thy mercy, for my Soul hungers and thirsts after thee & thy Salvation. I confess and acknowledge that my dayly sins have made me unworthy of my dayly bread, much more of this Manna, this Bread of life that came down from Heaven.
[Page 162] I confess, O Lord, I am not prepared according to thy preparation of thy Sanctuary, yet for as much as this day I have set my heart to seek to thee, thou, O God, be merciful unto me, and though I cannot bring with me a clean heart, (for who can say his heart is clean?) yet behold, O Lord, I bring with me a contrite heart and a broken spirit, despise not, O God, this Sacrifice. As for the sins that I have committed against thee, bind them up into one bundle, and cast them into the bottomless Sea of thy mercy, bury them in thy wounds, and wash them away in the blood of that immaculate Lamb Christ Jesus, and for the time to come sprinkle my Conscience with the same blood, that being cleansed from dead works I may serve thee the living God in righteousness and true holiness all the days of my life, that so this blessed Sacrament may be a means to quiet my Conscience, to increase my faith, to inflame my charity, to amend my [Page 163] life, to save my Soul, and to assure me that I am of the number of those blessed ones who shall eat at thy Table, and be called to the marriage Supper of the Lamb. Grant this, O Lord, for Jesus Christ his sake, in whose name and words I conclude these my imperfect prayers, saying as he himself hath taught me.
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer after the receiving of the Sacrament.
O Most gracious God; from whose bounty every good and perfect gift is derived, I and all that is within me praise and magnify thy holy name for all thy mercies and favours which from time to time thou hast bestowed upon me. But especially I thank thee for Jesus Christ thy Son, the fountain and foundation of all blessings and benefits that thou hast [Page 164] sent him into the world to take our nature upon him, and to die for us; and that thou hast fed me who am unworthy of the least of thy favours with the precious merits of his death and passion. Blessed Lord God, thou hast been pleased this day to set thy seal to the pardon and forgiveness of all my sins, oh let me not lose it again by unthankfulness, or relapsing into my old sins from which thou hast purged me, lest my last end be worse than my beginning. But if hereafter I shall be tempted by the Devil, allured by the world, or provoked by my own flesh, then set before mine eyes by the remembrance of thy Spirit how dear the expiation of my sins cost my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, even the effusion of his most precious and holy blood, that in the contemplation of his death, and application of his most bitter passion, I may die dayly unto sin, and so may shew forth the Lords death till he come and bring his reward with him, [Page 165] I may receive the Crown of Righteousness which he hath purchased and prepared for all those that love and expect the day of his appearing, with the precious price of his incorruptible blood. And whereas I have this day renewed my covenant with thee my God in vows and purposes of better obedience assist me by thy grace, and strengthen me by thy power, that I may pay the vows which I have made unto thee, and that by vertue of thy heavenly nourishment I may grow up in grace and godliness, till at last I come to be a perfect man in Christ Jesus.
Preserve and maintain always this thine Ordinance that it may be a note and a badge of my publick profession, and give unto all of us that have been partakers of thy body and blood, one heart and one mind in the unity of Spirit for the worthy and reverend receiving of the same whensoever we shall come to thy holy Table again; and for this thy mercy [Page 166] towards me, do I yield unto thee all praise, and glory, and wisdom, and thanks, and honour, and power, and might, and majesty, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose most blessed name and words I further pray
Our Father, &c.
The Prayer of a Virgin.
BLessed Lord, Son of a Virgin, who didst honour Virginity, when thou tookest our nature; hearken to the cryes of a lamenting Maid; Lord I am not worthy to come unto thee; I am not worthy to receive any favour from thee, for I have forsaken thee, my most indulgent Husband, and have followed other Lovers. My soul is too much polluted to be called thine, too often have I broke my vows, and my promises, to hope for thy love, or thy gracious pardon. But Lord, what shall I now [Page 167] do, if yet I shall fall into a dispair of thy Mercies, I should increase my disloyal [...]y, and either deny or despise the power of thy Passion? So great was thy love to the Church, thy Spouse, that thou gavest thy self, to sanctifie and cleanse it, by the washing of water by the Word. My Soul, O Christ, is a member of thy Spouse, be pleased, O Jesus, so to sanctifie, and wash my soul, that thou mayst present it to thy self, without spot, or wrinckle, both holy and blamless.
O thou who hast opened a Funtain to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness, do thou wash me throughly from mine iniquity & cleanse me from my sir. And Lord, as in mercy thou hast given me Chastity of body, so give me likewise Chastity of mind, and purity of soul; suffer not either the flesh, or the Devil, by their wicked suggestions, to seduce me [Page 168] to uncleaness. And though I am but a weak and an earthen vessel, yet be thou pleased to make me a chosen vessel, a vessel of mercy; cause me to keep my body holy, and to possess it in sanctification and honour, and not in the lust of concupiscence, like the Gentiles which know thee not; O be thou m [...] Father in the grace of Adoption, be thou my Brother in thy pitty and compassion, be thou my Husband in thy love & affection, & be thou my Jesus in the salvation of my sinful Soul.
Arm me with constancy against all assaults of carnal imaginations; give me modesty in my countenance, decency in my apparel, civility in my behaviour, sobriety in my discourse, and contentedness in my condition; make me obedient to my Parents, respective to my Superiors, courteous to my Inferiors, & loving unto all. Let not my adorning be outward of puting on of apparel, but give me that wisdom which is from above to be as [Page 169] an ornament of grace unto my head, and as chains abou [...] my neck; preserve, O Christ, both my body and Soul in chastity and honour while I am here upon Earth, as becometh a Virgin espoused to thy self, and when my dust shall return to the earth as it was, let my spirit return unto thy self who gavest it, and to thee let it sing that new song with the Quire of Virgins before thy Throne for ever and ever. Amen.
A Prayer of a Married Woman.
ALmighty Lord, and everlasting Father, who hast been pleased to vouchsafe me the blessings of this life, and to give me my desires both in a husband and children; be pleased to give me a Thankful heart, for these thy Mercies; it is thy goodness, and not my merit, that I have received from thee these blessings of thy bounty; [Page 170] justly, O justly mightest thou at once deprive me of these comforts, because I have neglected my obedience to the one, and my care of the other. Humbly, O my God, I confess my failings, and am sorry for mine offences; Lord be gracious to me thy servant, and let me testify my thankfulness in my industrious care to perform my duties. Be thou still the Protector, and the gracious Defender both of me and mine: Bless him whom thou hast set over me, and grant that he may dwell with me, according to knowledg, that so we being heirs together of the grace of life, our prayers may not be hindred. As thou hast made me a fruitful Vine by the Walls of his house, so make me endeavour to be fruitful in good Works, and increase in the Knowledg of thee my God. Let those Olive branches about my Table be every one like a green Olive in the house of thee [Page 171] my God, and trust in thy mercy for ever and ever; make me to my Husband a prudent Wife, as sent from thee, that he may rejoyce with me, the wife of his youth: And to this purpose set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, and keep the door of my Lips; make me a gracious Woman, retaining Honour, that I may be a Crown to my Husband; and a wise Woman, labouring to build up my house and family; and a vertuous Woman fearing thee; Hear me, O my God, and grant me my Petitions, for the Worthyness of him who is our indulgent husband to his Spouse the Church, even Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour: in whose blessed Name and Words, I further Pray, Our Father, &c.
The Prayer for a Woman with Child.
MOst Merciful and Gracious God, who wilt not turn away thine Ear, from those that call upon thee in sincerity and truth, Look down with an Eye of pity and compassion, upon thy unworthy servants; I must confess, my sins are very great, and so is my danger, which is at hand; my paines to come will be grievous, and my life is now most uncertain. Assure me I beseech thee, of the forgiveness of all my sins, mitigate my fear and sorrows, strengthen me with the comforts of thy Spirit, confirm me in the Faith of my Saviour, and bless all good means, appointed for my comfort, that in due time I may be a joyful Mother, and see the fruit of my body, safe, [Page 173] sound and perfect, without blemish or deformity.
O Lord, I know not how soon my travel will steal on me, when I must fight that battle of life and death, one drop of thy mercy hath soveraign power, to cure all the Wounds of those sorrows; Shed therefore, O holy Father, that drop of grace upon me, in that minute when I am to encounter with so stern an adversary; strengthen me with patience, bless me that I perish not; bless the work of my Midwife; let not the child yet unborn, the babe in my Womb, be punished for mine offences; but give it growth, give it flourishing, and [...]orm; and whe [...] the time is come, that thou wilt call it out of this close house of [...]lesh, where it now inhabiteth, to dwell in the open world, sanctifie thy creature, make it by Baptisme, a member of thy Church, a Lamb of thy Flock, and direct it in the wayes of godliness [Page 174] to its lives end, and all through Jesus Christ our Lord: in w [...]ose blessed Words I continue to Pray, Our Father.
The Prayer of a Woman, in the Time of her Travel.
O My Lord, and my God, my heavenly Father, my merciful Jesus, upon whom I depend in the midst of my Anguish, hoping in thy wonted mercies; Bow down thine Ear, and harken to the cryes of a pained Woman; unto thee O Lord do I cry, thou art my refuge, and my portion in the Land of the living; Attend therefore unto my cry, for I am brought very low; Consider mine affliction, and deliver me, for I do not forget thy Law; all my desire is before thee, and my groaning is not hid from thee; in thee I trust, who art the living God, [Page 175] who art the Saviour of all, especially of them that believe; I love thee, O Lord, my strength, thou art my Rock and my fortress, my strength, in whom I trust, my buckler, the horn of my Salvation, and my high Tower; O save me now in this heavy distress and deliver thy servant; hear me, O Lord, in this day of trouble; O God of Jacob de [...]end me; Give an happy end to these my torments, that I may enjoy the fruit of my Womb, for which I suffer them; O Lord in mercy if it may stand with thy eternal decree, preserve both my life and the life of my issue, arm me with patience to undergo these pangs, and in the end give me comfort in what thou shalt send me; but if otherwise thou hast determined to end my life by these heavy torments, O my sweet and merciful Jesus, receive me into thy bosom that I may pass from misery to eternal happiness. Hear, O [Page 176] Lord, and have mercy upon me and mine, and grant my petitions, for the worthiness of that most merciful and blessed Son of a woman, thine only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour, in whose most holy name and words I pray, Our Father, &c.
A Prayer of a Woman after her delivery.
O Merciful God and heavenly Father, who hast now most especially made known unto me that thou art able to do more exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think; make me thankfully to rejoyce in the works of thy love and thy tender mercy, thy favours are great and wonderful in sparing the life of my self and mine Infant, and freeing me [Page 175] from my pangs, and it from the Darkness of the silent Womb.
Thine, O Lord, is thy power, by which I am delivered; thine is the mercy, by which I am safely returned into my bed; thine is the work of the frame and fashion of this my Babe; thine therefore shall be likewise thy glory for ever and ever; Grant blessed Father, that I may never forget thy goodness, but may express my thankfulness, in new obedience, Make me careful to perform what service I promised thee, in the extremity of mine Anguish: As thou hast given me the fruit of my body to the joy of my heart, so give me the fruit of Righteousness sown in Peace. Give me the Wisdom which is from above, that is full of good Works, without hypocrisy. Lord make me thy servant by grace, and make this child, thy child by adoption & mercy; give me comfort in its life, for the sorrows [Page 176] which I endured at his birth [...] Give thy blessing on the meanes for the nourishment of this Child: Give it strength, that it may live to receive the seal of thy Mercy, in the Laver of Baptism; and do thou be present with thy blessing, when the sign shall be administred. O let it live, if it be thy blessed Will, and grow up in wisdome, and in stature, and in grace, both with thee and with men; that so I may magnifie thy Name, for making me an instrument to propagate the number of thine Elect. Take pity upon all that suffer afflictions, especially on those Women who are in Labour with Children: Give them comfort in the time of their miseries, ease from their Torments, joy in their desired Issue, and thankfulness for thy blessings; Lord grant that both I and they, may sing praises to thy Name, for the greatness of our deliverance, and express our thanks, in our godly lives; that [Page 177] when this painful life shall have end, we may sing triumphantly in Eternal Glory, through Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour; in whose most blessed Name and words, I conclude my imperfect Prayers, saying, as he himself hath taught me,
Our Father, &c.
The Prayer of a Widdow.
O God, in the knowledg of whom is the perfection of all joy, at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore, thou makest the comforts of this life momentany, that we may not overprize them, and yet hast made them requisite, that we may not undervalue them; I a late sharer of this worlds happiness, but now a sad witness of its Vanity, do here address my self to thee, the only Crown of all my joys; in whom there is no variableness, nor [Page 178] shadow of change: Lord thou didst give me what my unthankfulness hath taken from me; but thou hast taken from me, what thy goodness hath promised to Supply; Thou hast given, and thou hast taken, blessed be thy name for ever; Thou then, O God, who art not less able to perform, then willing to promise, whose mercy is more ready to bestow, then my misery is to beg; strengthen my faith, that I may believe thy promise; encourage my hopes, that I may expect thy performance; quicken my affections, that I may love the Promiser; Be thou all in all unto me, that am nothing without thee; Sweeten my misery, with the sence of thy mercy; and lighten my darkness with the Sun of thy glory; Seal in my heart the assurance of adoption, that I may with boldness, call thee my Father; sanctifie my affections, with the Spirit of meekness, that my conversation may [Page 179] testify that I am thy Child; wean my heart from worldly sorrow, lost I mourn like those that have no hope; But thou my Bridegroom, and let our marriage-chamber be thy heart; Own me as thy Bride, and purifie me; with the odours of thy spirit prevent me, with thy blessings protect me, by thy grace preserver me for thy self, and prepare me for thy Kingdom; be thou a Father to bless me, be thou a husband to comfort me; in the midst of my want, be thou my plenty; in the depth of my mourning, be thou my mirth; Raise my glory from the dust, and then my dust shall shew forth thy praise; Supply all my wants, for the sake of Jesus Christ, my blessed Lord; in whose most holy words, I further pray,
Our Father, &c.
The Prayer of an Orphan.
ALmighty God, and heavenly Father, who art a Lord of comfort, and a God of Consolation, look down upon a sinful and distressed Orphan, be [...]e [...] of the joy and help of earthly Parents; It was my own unworthiness (of so loving parents) that hath made thee, to take them away from mine eyes; my disobedience to their commands, and my neglect of honouring them according to thy laws, hath provoked thee to anger, and to deprive me of them; O Lord forgive me my manifold offences, and remember thy promises, which thou hast made unto the fatherless; and that I may be capable of those thy promises, give me grace to become thy child by obedience; thou, O Lord, art my Father, to whom belongeth honour; thou [Page 181] art my Master, and requirest me to fear thee; Lord make me fear to offend thee, who art a righteous Judg, and make me love, and honour thee, who art a gracious Father; be with me in all the ways wherein I shall walk in this mortal life; comfort me in my sorrows, support me in my miseries, provide for me in my wants; and in all places, and at all times, be thou my Father, my Rock, and my strong salvation; do thou defend the poor and fatherless, do justice to the afflicted and needy: Supply all my wants, and confer upon me all necessary blessings: O be reconciled unto me, in the blood of thy Son, that I may [...]ere depend upon thy fatherly protection, and may hereafter be received into thy heavenly Kingdom, there to reign with thee, world without end, through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour: in whose blessed name and words, I conclude my imperfect [Page 182] Prayers, saying, as he himself hath taught me,
Our Father, &c.
The Prayer of a Marriner.
MOst glorious, and eternal God, whose power and wisdome is infinite, and whose dominion is without end; thou canst order and dispose of thy poor creatures to thy own praise, and to their souls comfort; Be pleased to look down from heaven, the habitation of thy dwelling place, and take notice of the broken requests of a poor worm, in thy presence, that is not worthy to take thy name into his lips: Lord I may well say, What is man that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou shouldst visit him? that thou shouldst compass him about with loving kindness as with a garment? The divine Architecture of this [Page 183] goodly fabrick of heaven, and earth, raysed out of nothing, to this admirable perfection, is beyond the apprehension of poor sinful dust and ashes; but to behold thy glorious works, upon the deep waters, is much more admirable; these declare thy glorious power, O blessed Lord, vouchsafe thy presence, with a poor sinful creature, in this undertaking, that I may praise thee in the vast Ocean; be a preserve from the danger of the Sea; and prosper what is lawfully undertaken; but especially, preserve me from the danger of sin: Oh let the gales of thy gracious spirit blow my soul at last, to its desired harbour.
Oh thou that carriest the winds in thy fist, so take care of me, that the waves of the sea or of worldly desires may not swallow me up, and return me home in safety, that I may bless the land of the living, and in the congregation of thy people; and all this [Page 184] and whatsoever else is needful I aske for the sake of Jesus Christ my Lord to whom with the holy Spirit of grace be glory and honour now and ever.
Ame [...].
The Thanksgiving of a Mariner after a prosperous voyage.
EVerlasting God, the powerful preserver of men, there are no bounds to be set to thy bounty; for besides the great work of thy Creation, thy continued Preservations and wonderful works of Providence declare thee to be a God of mighty power, so also of wisdom, goodness, justice and truth; oh never to be enough magnified is thy mercy for the continuance of thy favours, thou never▪ leavest nor forsakest those that put their trust in thee. Oh holy Lord, what shall I render unto thee that so aboundest in love and mercy; in the deep the Lord hath been seen [Page 185] and every morning thou preventest me with thy loving kindness, and though sin hath abounded, yet thy grace hath superabounded, Thou dost fulfil the desires of them that fear thee; oh now as thou hast given me a new life, and delivered me from the dangers and terrors of the deep waters, so be graciously pleased to give me a thankful heart: let there be found in me hungring and thirsting after righteousness, that I may be brought home at last to that land of promised blessedness. Good Lord do this, and what else thou seest needful for thy Son Jesus Christ his sake our Lord, in whose most holy name and words I further pray,
Our Father, &c.
A Prayer to be used by all Christians.
O Almighty everlasting God, and most gracious and dear loving Father, I beseech thee for Jesus Christ his sake, thy most dear and only Son, to have mercy, pitty, and compassion upon a most vile, wretched, and miserable sinner, whose innumerable off [...]nces both old and new are grievous and great, by which I have justly deserved thy grievous wrath and everlasting damnation. But now good Lord, I do only appeal to thy great mercy which far surmounteth all thy works, and thou hast promised in thy holy Word, yea, and sworn as truly as thou livest, that thou desirest not the death of a sinner, but rathe [...] that he should repent and live. O gracious Lord, I do confess that I am a great and grievous Sinner; yet, O Lord let me not perish, nor suffer that everlasting death of my Soul, [Page 187] which I have so deeply deserved, but make me a vessel of thy great mercy, that I may live and praise thy name amongst thy chosen Children for ever. O let not my great sins separate me from the sight of thy holy Majesty, but let thy great power and mercy be magnified in me as it was in David, and Peter, and Mary Magdalen, and the Thief upon the cross. O Lord I put my whole trust and confidence in thee, who hast taken away the sins of the World, who camest not to condemn the World, but to save it, that none which truly believe in thee should perish, but should have everlasting life, who camest no [...] to call the righteous but sinners to repentance: O gracious God, give me true, hearty, earnest, and unseigned repentance, that I may from the very bottom of my heart continually lament my manifold sins and wickednesses, and so assist me with thy grace that I may never trespass against thy divine Majesty any more, but that I [Page 188] may gladly serve thee in true holiness and righteousness all the days of my life. Guide me O Lord by thy holy Spirit in all my ways, works, words, and thoughts▪ that I may glori [...]y thy holy name, which livest and reignest for ever through Jesus Christ my blessed Lord and Saviour in whose name and words I further pray Our Father, &c.
A Prayer of a sick person.
FAithful Creator, and preserver of all men, look down I beseech thee upon thy poor servant, who is punisht and afflicted in body with the smart of my pain and sickness; and who is also troubled with the fear of thy heavy displeasu [...]e for my many sins and iniquities, wherewith I have provoked thy holy Majesty in the time of my health, I confess that of [Page 189] very faithfulness and goodness to me, thou hast laid this scourge upon me to the end that by the stripes of my fle [...]h my spirit might be healed and saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. I valued not the benefit of health as I should have done, and therefore thou hast made me sensible of it, by the want of it; in my prosperity I remembred not the afflictions of my brethren, and therefore thou hast afflicted me like unto them, I was in a kind of spiritual lethargy, till thou didst awake me with the str [...]ke of thy hand; and because I know that it is good for me to be thus disciplined by thee, I humble my self under thy mighty hand, & kiss this thy rod, which I trust through thy grace shall make my Soul appear fair & beautiful in thine eyes. Comfort O Lord, my fainting spirit, and strengthen my feeble knees, and support my weak hands and revive my deaded heart, and so powerfully assist me with the spirit of strength, that I may with confidence [Page 190] call upon thee, with patience endure this trial, with hope expect thy good pleasure, with wisdom make use of this thy Visitation and with thankfulness ever praise thy goodness and mercy for my safe recovery, if it may fland with thy will; whereunto I submit and wholly resign now and for ever, through Jesus Christ my blessed Lord and Saviour, in whose most holy words I further pray,
Our Father,
A Thanksgiving after recovery.
O Lord God of my health and salvation, who hast known my Soul in trouble, and didst make my bed in my painful and dangerous sickness, and hast now raised me out of it to stand before thee, I offer now unto thee a sacrifice of praise because I emplyed not the saculties of my Soul, and [Page 191] members of my body as I should have done, thou didst bereave me of the strength, and vigour, and use of them for a season, but now because thy compassion fails not, thou hast returned them to me again, wherefore I consecrate and devote them perpetually to thy s [...]rvice, and as I am in the state of my body, so by the power of thy renewing grace I will become in the estate of my Soul a new man. My broken heart which thou hast healed shall now entirely love thee, my feeble knees and weak bones which thou hast settled shall night and day bow to thee, my weak hands which t [...]ou hast strengthned shall continually be lifted up unto thee. I confess unto thee, O Lord, that in my health I often read and heard that worldly delights and comforts were vain, and much like flags and bulrushes, which men in danger of drowning c [...]tch to bear them up, but they sink do [...] under water with them, yet did I not learn till I suffered, till thy rod had [Page 192] imprinted it even in my flesh. Now O Lord I beseech thee to knit my heart unto thee, that I may fear thy name, create in me a new heart, & renew a right spirit within me. I asked life of thee & thou gavest it me, I now desire and crave thy Salvation, O my God withhold it not; make me to repent of my sins (the cause of my sickness) and to depend upon thee, the giver of all good things, and make me in the time of prosperity to think of adversity, in health to think of sickness, in sickness to think of death, and at all times so to think of judgment, that whither I wake or sleep, eat or drink, or whatsoever I do else, I may ever have this voice sounding in mine ears, Arise ye dead and come to judgment. Give me grace, O Lord, to make this use of mine affliction past, and to cleave and stick fast unto thee in all holiness for the time to come, through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in whose name and words I further pray, Our Father, &c.
The Prayer of the Sick now ready to depart this World.
ETernal and Omnipotent, infinite incomprehensible God, Lord of my life, and determiner of my days; my body now is returning into dust, and my soul returning to thee, that gavest it; O Lord, most holy, O most mighty, draw near unto me, who make hast to come unto thee; give me a clearer sight of thee, by how much the nearer I am out of the dark prison of my body; Give me also a quicker tast of the powers of the life to come, that I may the more comfortably pass over these last troubles of this present life; O Father of mercy, and God of all consolation, let not the guilt of my s [...]s, or horror of thy judgments, or Satans suggestions, or the fear of [Page 194] death, or terrors of hell, drive me to desperation; I confess, that for my unmindfulness of thee, and ungratefulness to thee, all my life, I deserve that thou shouldest utterly abandon and forsake me now at my death; but thy thoughts, are not like our thoughts; nor thy affections like ours; Dear Father, shew thy strength in my greatest weakness, confirm thy mercy to me, in my greatest need, apply thy comforts to me, in this my last extremity; asswage the pains of my body, with spiritual Comforts; and diminish the fear of death, by the assured hope of a better life; O let me, that am now returning to dust, and ashes, speak but this once, to my Lord and Maker; with ill my heart, soul and strength, I beseech thee, by all that my Saviour Jesus Christ hath done, and Suffered for me, I entreat thee, to speak peace unto my soul at its departing; and say unto it, I am thy [...] [Page 195] Salvation. Make my election sure, by my true repentance, fervent charity, assured confidence, constant patience, and comfortable, perseverance to the end, and in the end, Amen.
At the Hour of death.
WElcome blessed hour, the period of my pilgrimage, the term of my bondage, the end of my cares, the close of my sighs, the bound of my tarvels, the goal of my race, and the heaven of my hopes, I have fought a long fight in much weakness; I have finished my course, though in great faintness; and the crown of my joy is, that through the strength of thy grace, I have kept the true faith, and now I dye in it; I willingly resign my flesh, I despise the world, and I defie the Devil, who hath no part nor share in me; And now,
[Page 196] what is my hope? my hope, Lord Jesus, is even in thee, for I know that thou my Redeemer livest, and thou wilt immediately receive my soul, and rayse up my body at the last day, and I shall see thee in my flesh, with these eyes, and no other; my heart [...]ainteth, my strength faileth, my tongue faltereth; Lord let thy spirit of comfort help mine ins [...]mities, and make Supplication for me, with sighs and groans that cannot be uttered; I submit my self wholly to thy will, I commit my soul to thee, as my faithful Redeemer, who hast bought it with thy most precious bloud; I profess to all the world I know no name under heaven, by which I may be saved, but thine, my Jesus, my Saviour; I renounce all confidence in any merits save thine; I thankfully acknowledg all thy blessings; I unfainedly bewail all my sins, I steadfastly believe all thy promises; I heartily forgive all mine enemies, [Page 197] I willingly leave all my friends; I utterly loath all earthly comforts; I entirely long for thy coming; Come Lord Jesus, come quickly; Lord Jesus receive my spirit.
SACRED POEMS UPON SELECT SUBJECTS: WITH Divine Meditations OF THE Vanity of Mans Life, and the World. And also of the Four Last Things Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. With Graces.
Speaking to your selves in Psalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, singing and making melody with your Heart to the Lord,
The Souls Breathing after Her Heavenly Country.
Upon the Passion.
The Souls Farwell.
Of Mans Life, by the Right Honourable the Lord B.
All Vanity but Virtue.
The Vanity of mans Life.
A Farewel to the World by the Honourable Sir H. W.
Quatuor Novissima: OR, Meditations on the four Last Things; Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.
Short Graces and Thanksgivings before and after Meat.
Before Meat.
SAnctify O Lord unto us the use of these thy creatures of which by our sins, we have made our selves, and grant that the end of our eating and drinking may be to be better enabled to serve thee in our several places, through Jesus Christ our Lord▪ Amen.
After Meat.
ETernal thanks and praise be ascribed unto thee, O blessed Lord, which hast opened thy hand at this time, and made us partakers of thy benefits, Lord let us never cease to offer unto thee the Sacrafice of praise and thanksgiving, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Before Meat.
HUmble our souls before thee, O Lord, and cause us to see the Smalness of out desert, even in respect of the least of thy mercies, and bless these thy creatures to us at this time to the rejoycing [Page 220] of the soul of thy Servants through Jesus Christ. Amen.
After Meat.
We give thee most hearty thanks, O Lord, for thy bountiful Liberality to us at this time, grant we may serve thee better in the enjoyment of these favours, Amen.
Before Meat.
LOrd lift up our hearts to look unto thee for a blessing upon our meats, that we may comfortably use thy creatures, as pledges of thy favour, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
After Meat.
LOrd accept our thanks for the mercy we have enjoyed in receiving these thy creatures for our bodily relief, and let us also labour for the meat that perisheth not, for the sake of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Before Meat.
O Lord bless us, and bless these thy good creatures to the nourishment of our bodies, and grant that whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, we may do all to the praise and glory of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
After Meat.
AS thou hast filled our bodies O Lord with thy good creatures, far above our desert, so be pleased to endue our souls with all Spiritual blessings in heavenly things, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.