The Humble PETITION Of the Captaines, Officers, and Soldiers of the Trayned Bands, and Voluntiers in the County of Buckingham, Assembled at Alisbury, Iune 17. 1642.
Presented to both Houses of Parliament, the 24 of Iune, 1642. And commanded by them to be forthwith Printed and published.
Together with a Letter from a Merchant of Dublin, to his Friend a worthy Gentleman in Bassing-Hall street, in London.
Relating the happy proceedings of the Protestant Army against the Rebels.
London Printed for Ioseph Hunscott, and Iohn Wright,
To the Right HONOVRABLE The LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, The humble Petition of the Captaines, Officers and Souldiers of the Trayned Bands and Voluntiers, of the County of Buckingham, Assembled at Alisbury, Iune 17. 1642.
THat they give you thanks from the depth of their hearts, for the great and many benefits they have already reaped from your no lesse chargeable, then Indefatigable paines, and in particular for your necessary Ordinance of the Militia, on which, as we conceive (under God) our safety doth depend, unto which we most cheerefully, sudmit, as is manifest by this dayes appearance, not onely of the Trained Bands, but of well neere a thousand Voluntiers, that make all demonstration of Obedience, as well to this, as all other Commands that shall come from your Honourable Houses, in opposition to the Popish [Page 2] malignant Party at home, or any other power from abroad, notwithstanding the many visible discouragements from ill affected persons that make it their businesse to blemish the validity of your Authority, as also by the Lord Lieutenant's absence contrary to the trust reposed in him.
Therefore we humbly implore the continuance of your care for our Safeties, and to appoint such a Lord Lieutenant, in whom we may confide, as surely you may in us, who are resolved to lay our lives and fortunes at your feet, in defence of the King and Parliament.
And we shall pray &c.
IT is desired that the Lords would joyne with this House, in nominating the Lord Wha [...]ton to be Lieutenant for the County of Buckingham in the place of the Lord Paget.
It is this day Ordered that this shall be forthwith Printed and Published.
YEsterday I received your letters, which (as mine to yours were) wanted a date, I thanke you for your paines in your particular and exact relations therein conteined.
The distractions there with you, doe extreamely perplex us and discourage many men from particular undertakings, which would conduce to the common good, for whilst we feare the danger there, our hands are enfeebled for doing what many otherwise would adventure upon.
The Lord in his good time send an happy end to these troubles, the matters in Print are constantly sent by my Cofen Nicholas Loftus, to Sir Adam here, of which I doe participate, and therefore I shall excuse you of what they conteine, what else you know, I pray you impart unto me as convenience affords it selfe; our army doth not move untill Friday next, at which time they take the field, they are here in this City and in the Country round adjoyning about 14000. horse and fo [...]t; it is conceived they will march in three bodies, one by the way of the mountains, into the County of Wacklow and Wexford, where all the English Cowes are kept which remaine; another through the County of Kildare, on the west side of the mountains, towards the County of Ca [...]rlaug [...] & t [...]en meeting with the former bodies, will b [...] [...] [Page 4] and take in the City of Kilceny, and pillage all that rich Country, the third through the Counties of Meath and west meath, to Multingaine, and from thence to raise the siege of Athlone; this I know not for certaine, other then by conjecture of some that have good grounds for what they say, and indeed it is a very probable way to effect the reducing of the pale. I heare that severall of the Gentlemen of Fingall, are in great distresse, for the Irish in the North doe pillage them when they come hither, and send them home to fight, and here their rebellious wickednesse have made them incapable of mercy, so as they are enforced to shift from place to place, not daring to shew their heads; it is true as you have heard that Walter Evers the civilian is hanged, but I did neither conceive the man nor the matter so considerable, as to value either, for newes worth relating. On Friday last one Lieutenant Allen went from the Naas, with a party of Musquetiers, and tooke the Castle of Irishton, belonginging to one Mr. Seidon, and slew there one Captaine Dougan as they say, brother to Sir Iohn Dougan: yesterday being monday, Captaine Michaell Iones issued out of the Naas, with a 140. men, and tooke the strong Castle of the Dowings, wherein were severall of the Rebells, and slew them, and pillaged the place; from thence he went to a castle called Blackwood, where one Mr. Edward Dougan lived, and tooke and pillaged it also, and slew severall men there, and returned home without the losse of any one man, having gained a great part of Cattell and much pillage; not long before he went over a great Bog, into the Iland of Allon, belonging to Maurice Pitz-Gerauld [Page 5] of Allon, and from thence brought with him 1400. Sheepe, and 300. Cowes, in spight of all the Rebels which kept severall horneworkes made on the passages into the Bog, out of which he did beat them, and was forced to passe through the Bog, above two mile almost kneee deepe, in the Bog was found a trunke of apparell and some plate, our Courts of Justice doe sit constantly in the terme, although we have little to do, save onely to endict Rebells, of which this last terme here, were found neere 2000. guilty by severall grand Juries of the City of Dublin, Counties of Dublin, Wicklow, Meath, Cavan, and Longforà, victualls wee have God be thanked, at as good rates, as any at Chest [...]: and Sea-fish in aboundance, at easie rates, Corne beginneth to grow deere, it being at 18s. a pecke, but I hope when the Army is gon forth it will grow cheape againe, we have no good grasse Beefe yet which is fat, but I hope shortly they will be good. here is great store of Cattle about the Towne brought over by the Army, the Castle of Baldongan neere Cordaff was taken some 12. dayes agone by Colonell Craford and 500. men; here were slaine above 140. stout Rebels, and of our men onely two. This is all for the present, so I rest your assured loving friend,