An Humble Offer at the Decision of the QUESTION, How the Vacant Throne shall be supplyed without Wrong to any Pretender?
THE Assurance of some worthy Members of the Convention, is such, That they speak even more than enough upon most Subjects; while a distrust of their own Abilities with-holds others from speaking their own Sense, and the Sense of those who sent them. And It being now, if ever, a time to speak, and to speak out, so, as all Europe may hear: For the Service of God, and the Satisfaction of those whom they represent, and of their own Consciences, those that cannot Speak, must Write.
Three sorts of Persons are supposed to be in the House: Some, who are at bottom for a Commonwealth, which however flourishing and happy abroad, cannot be so in England; We are not ready for it, we are not Publick-spirited enough; witness the Election for Members of Parliament, where the Electors are too much sway'd by Drink. Besides, how can we, without manifest Injustice, alter a Monarchy to a Democracy? And indeed, 'tis a Jest to tell the People they are Free: For in a Commonwealth they have many Masters, whereas in a Monarchy they have but one. Secondly, Others in the House are thought secretly to desire to bring back the Self-Deposed King, the Mischiefs of which need not, I conceive, be Inculcated to this House. Thirdly, Others out of a true and honest design to redress Grievances, may (it is fear'd) by much differing in Opinions, and Spinning out of Time, leave the greatest Grievance of all (want of Settlement) unredress'd. These Three together make a great Party in the House, but adding those to them who although they think that King James the Second has most certainly forfeited his Right to the Crown, yet it is not really in the disposal of the People, but the Power ought to be Deposited in the Hands of a Regent, or the next Heir.
These I observe, added to the other, make up the Major part of the House, and therefore 'tis justly feared that the Debates will hardly be ended in one Afternoon.
But now, if a Way could be found, to Do the Work without Altering the Succession, or Doing Wrong to any, sure it were Adviseable.
Th [...] the most Noble Prince of Orange is the fittest Person to fill the Vacant Throne, all the Unbyast part of the World must yield. A Prince of so great Valour, so great Experience, and so great Moderation: A Prince so long versed in the highest Affairs of State, and Conduct of Armies and Fleets [...] A Good-natured Daughter may possibly come to be Reconciled to a Dissembling Father; but an Experienced Prince, who suck'd in his Aversion to Popery with his Nurses Milk, and has always been as averse, as he has been ungrateful, to the Papists, is liable to no such Objection: So that in point of Prudence, to have the Prince seated single in the Vacant Throne, and so prevent all Disputes that may a rise, is undoubtedly most desirable. But
Some say, This will be a Wrong to the Princess of Denmark, (not to speak of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange, who will be Queen in Right of Her Husband:) To Answer which might be instanced the English Proverb, That Change is no Robbery. Here a Prince of about Forty Years Old, is substituted before Her Royal Highness, in stead of an Immortal Prince of Wales, and as many Dukes as her most Fruitful Majesty, the Popish Queen, may bring forth.
Therefore none can doubt the Reasonableness, as well as Expediency of placing our Illustrious Prince upon the Throne, but the fear of Injustice may be a Stumbling-Block, and really a just Cause of Offence to many. To obviate which,
I desire it may be well weighed and considered, That by all Law, which is the Wisdom of a Nation collected, as I may say, the Extract, the Essence of our Wisdom, No Man can Claim by the Will of Another, so long as the Testator lives: Likewise Non est Hares Viventis; There is not, there cannot be a Wrong to the Successor, so long as the Popish King survives; Therefore as it is most Reasonable, and most Expedient, so it is no way dissonant to the Highest Justice in this Grand Conjuncture, to place the Noble Prince of Orange upon the Throne. Therefore
Without longer Dispute, though I desire no Precipitation in so weighty an Affair, but humbly conceive that one Day may end all our Debates upon account of past Grievances, which will all probably be remedied by the happy change of temper in our Governors, That a Vote may be passed, to which the Lords Concurrence may be desired, That in respect the Throne is Vacant, and the Necessity of the Three Nations require it to be filled, (and not kept in Suspension as our Bishopricks have been,) That His Royal Highness may be forthwith Proclaimed and Crowned, or Crowned and Proclaimed our King, at least so long as King James the Second lives; which may be done without Wrong to any Pretender. But
That it may not give Suspicion of Indecency to the Prince Himself, if His Survivorship should reduce him from King of Three Kingdoms, only to be Prince of Orange again. I humbly move, That the Two Princesses may be humbly desired to Resign their Right to the Kingdom of France, and that War be prosecuted until our Noble Prince William Henry, with the Sweetness of His Temper, and Irresistibleness of His Sword, shall be plac'd upon that Throne, and then Great Britain having so Benign a Neighbour, may venture the Scepter to be Sway'd by Female H [...]nds.