A HUE & CRIE After the Good Old Cause.

IT was about the time when the Sun with a more comfortable ray gave a fragrant ver­dure to the approaching Spring, when the people of England under the glimmering of a hoped settlement, began to grow secured, when on a suddain, Mars growing triumphant, thought the Chair of State fitter for himself to sit in, than for any bold or incroaching Vsurper. Alas poor Dick I how came this farthing on the score a thou never hadst the courage of a cornuted Cit: not break rather than bow; but who can re­sist [Page 2]sate? I must needs say, 'twas an Herculean work to fight with Hydra; the many-headed multitude make a monstrous coyl: but make room here; Ha! what Monster is this? the Good Old Cause! now mer­cy on us; Chickens we may see, I'th' shell con­testing for the victory. I'th' name of Dis what art thou? whence comest thou? what mischief brought thee hither? the Good Old Cause! Prodigious Mon­ster! what Author of Sedition hath called thee? Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens. And do you think under this new vizor, to set a new stamp up­on your foreacted villanies? 'Tis true there are some crown Lands yet unsold, and some wealth to be shared, and therefore you appear in person to take away all obstructions.

Well fare a good heart yet, where the skin is too little, piece it out with a Scab; and he that hath no legs, must halt upon crutches, Alas! see how it looks.

Peace, here it speak a little, I protest
The very very language of the beast;
But we must bear with that it cannot chew,
In time 'twill learn the languages anew.

But to be serious, about five months this furious Elf was? spawning, and just as it expected to come to perfection, loe it proved abortive, though not in its being, yet its hopes. Never did Achille [...] with his Mirmidons give such a charge to Hector, as the fiery-spirited Sons of Mars did to the Republican Legislators: O 'twould make you laugh to see the Lord General Lenthall look as fierce as on of the Li­ons [Page 3]in Smithfield pens, with a command in his mouth; but he quickly found obedience was better than sacrifice, and so presently returned like a fool as he is; thus disrobed, and denuded, of his too arro­gantly stolen plumes, he left the Good Old Cause in a lurch, which thereupon presently took its flight, and hath never been seen since. I therefore wil­ling, that the good people might not be deluded by this deceiver, according to the laudable custom of the Law of England in like cases, do raise the Hue and Crie, that it may be tracked by the sent, and taken as the Great Cheat, and Grand Pilferer of the Commonwealth.

The Hue and Cry.

WHereas information hath been given, that a certain sturdy Vagabond, under a new name and notion, hath committed many Treasons, Felo­nies, faults, and misdemeanors, against the Pub­like Welfare of the Nation, whereof (as it is said) he is convict, for the preventing of which mischiefs for the future, and bringing to condign punish­ment the Actor of such horrid villanies, you are to take notice, that it is called the God Old Cause, mean­ly clad in a party-coloured Coat of Atheism, Ana­baptism, Quakerism, lately scoured in Bow River, and new trimmed with the sequestration of the Cheshire and Laneashire Gentry, lately grown poor, and like the Eagle with her beak renewing her age, yet for want of strength, forced to walk upon the crutches of a decayed free State; its hands being [Page 4]like lime-twigs, holding fast all that comes into them, and whose feet, though lame, yet are swift to shed blood, beetle-brow'd, and squint-ey'd, looking on the people, as the Devil looked over Lin­coln, or like the Statue of Richard the 3d. in the old Exchange, looking awry upon his Nephew Ed­ward the 5th. hook-nosed, like Cyrus the Translator of Kingdoms and Empires, and with the Fisher­man of Naples Massinello, making all fish that comes to the Net: this you are by all wayes and means to pursue, take, apprehend, and with a good Dog you may sent him by the trail, for he smells strong of blood. And this you are in no wise to omit, as you will answer the contrary.

This no sooner came to the hands of some discar­ded Great ones, but they presently run on in a fresh pursute, and had like to have surprised the Varlet, even in the cheef place of its daly and usual meet­ing; but having some glimmering of the business (though there was neither Drum nor Trumpet to tell a Tale) it got the start, and immediately took wing.

And art thou gone? and we agen
Freed from Republican vain men?
Why then wee'l hope once more to see,
From one mans rule new Libertie:
But if't be so that one cann't ride
Formost, but others will divide
And share with him, then will it be,
No sign of Rule, but Anarchie,
[Page 5]
Then like one late from Bedlam come,
'Twill run about with Gun and Drum,
Till swimming in a new-made Flood
Of Orphans Tears, and Parents Blood,
New dipt, it will with little pause,
Start up again the Good old Cause.
Certain Resolves and Reasons about the DISSOLVING of the late PARLIAMENT.
  • FIrst it was resolved, that in regard the Mem­bers began to grow thin, that a thorough purge should be prepared for the whole House.
  • 2. Resolved, that if they should seem to refuse the same, they be enforced thereunto; & to that pur­pose, that an Engine be prepared at the House▪ dore for them, as they formerly did for the late King up­on the Scaffold.
  • 3. Resolved, that the Physician most fitting to ad­minister this Potion, be the Lord Lambert, as best knowing how and with what strength to prepare it.
  • 4. Resolved, they be forthwith taken up: the Lord Lamberts Gardiners having informed him that it is a good time to remove.
  • 5. Resolved, that they never be admitted to come together again, lest they should share all the wealth of the Nation among themselves, and leave none for the Saints.
  • [Page 6]6. Resolved, that the late Act, whereby to levy mony without consent of Parliament, is made Treason, was only a trick that they alone might cheat the people, whereas we intend to have as large a share as themselves in the same.
  • 7. Resolved, that the Lord Fleetwood be our Gene­ral, till we have more need of wit and valour, and that then we may lay him aside, and take another at our pleasure as occasion shall serve.
  • 8. Resolved, that the Good Old Cause be uncased, and that all the wealth and revenews belonging to the same, be confiscated to the use of the Saints, to arm them anew against all legal Authorities.
  • 9. Resolved, that in regard Old Nolls sword be­came Lex terrae, that ours being made of the same metal, may have the like stamp set upon them.
  • 10. Resolved, that the Speaker of the Parlia­ment, and the Master of the Rolls, be no longer Sy­nonymaes: and that William Lenthall Esq; be di­stinct from either of them.
  • 11. Resolved, that the thanks-giving dinner made by the City, was a sufficient recompence for the Members five months pains, although it decoy­ed them but into a greater security.
  • 12. Resolved, that the seven Regiments never meet but upon beat of drum, lest they steal upon us, as we made them creep over the Parliament.
  • 13. Resolved, that if the City dislike our Pro­ceedings, they be cudgell'd into better manners, and that the Aldermen in their Chains of gold be ser­ved up to us, like Capons wrapt up and drest in Sausidges.
  • [Page 8]14. Resolved, that we k [...]p the power in our hands as long as we can, and if any seek to wrest it out, Phaeton like, rather fire the World, than lose the reigns; Si violandum enim est jus, regnandi causà violandum est; 'Twas old Nicks rule, and shall accor­dingly be punctually observed by us.
  • 15. Resolved, that we make the people poor and seditious, so shall all run to arms, and that oc­cupation may be as cheap set up as the Physician.
  • 16. Resolved, that Sir Harry Vane take c [...]re that these Orders be observed: because he can interest himself on every side, and like his weathercock­cosen turn with every wind.
  • 17. Resolved, that the Good Old Cause be from hence forth and for ever shut out of doors, as ha­ving usurped a name and authority that it never de­served, and that the Hue and Cry be fully pursued against it.
Thus 'tis Resolv'd and possibly it may
Last so to day:
But if to morrow any one appear in full carrier,
How quickly all is unresolved agen?
Thus frantick men
Thrust on us as they list base trivial stuff,
They doe and undo [...], Day is long enough.

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