The SPEECH of Ferdinando Huddleston Esq In the Face of the Country, At the Election at Baggry in the County of Cumberland, the 27th day of August, 1679.
MY Oppositions this day in this affair, may be thought strange, yet not more strange than the joyning Opposers; for one that comes here, I may acquiesce as to his Worthiness; for those that appear now, as the last time, it might be more seasonable for them to tell the Country of a new Commonwealth in a disguise, than to put a second Fob upon them. I here declare in the face of the County, I come here to the assistance of our King and Country, and to uphold the most glorious Church in the World, setled in this Isle; and withal to speak my Minde, which I include, and shall seal with my Life and Fortune, in defence of his Majesty and our Church, as it is now established, against all Opposers. Knowing the old Fallacy, to profess one thing, and act another, as in the late Usurpation; to set Coblers in the places of Kings, and Tinkers as Princes. Now you have my free sence of what I pray God prevent; take right measures, and recollect if in those sad Times there was not more insulting from the Shopboard, which most of those that bore Power came from, than now there is from the Noblemans Chair. Before a Commonwealth come here, I will loose my Life and Fortune, choosing rather to extinguish with the Crown, which God forbid, than survive to see Nothing, as heretofore, come in so high place; which this Kingdom can never suffer, so long as English Spirits are in being, which the worst thereof cannot submit to, without a true Head, which now we have, and I hope of the Line shall never want. I conclude the rest, that God would bless the King, and continue the present Settlement of our Religion now established, which with my Blood I will seal. You have your Choice, I my Satisfaction in discharging my self in this matter, not being given to Change.