TRUTH CLEARED AND THE DECEIT MADE MANIFEST OR, An Answer to a Printed Paper, wherein are certaine Untruths and false Aspersions, cast upon a People, called QUAKERS, by some Members of the Church of WREXHAM in WALES▪
With some QUESTIONS answered: with other False Accusations cast upon us, by one whose name is subscribed in Print, Mr. VAVASOR POWEL, who is one of the chief Priests in WALES, being in the Generation of the Scribes and Pharisees. Let him that reads understand and be shall see it so.
And likewise an ANSWER to other slanders and false Reports upon the same people, whom reproachfully they call Quakers, but we rather chuse to suffer reproaches, slanders, and false reports with the people of God, then to deny the power of God made manifest in us.
By his Servant who seeks the Freedome of Israels children, after the spirit, whom the world calls. RICH. HUBBERTHORN.
ALSO, An Answer to the false aspersions cast upon the truth by William Spencer a Member of the abovesaid Church of WREXHAM.
By John Lawson a Prisoner in bonds at West-Chester, for the Testimony of the truth.
LONDON, Printed in the year. 1654.
TRUTH CLEARED, And the DECEIT made manifest.
HAving received a Narration in print, in a Book called Several proceedings of the Parliament, which is full of lies and slanders, upon a people, whom the world calls Quakers, but that name we own, else we should deny the holy men of God, as Moses, David, Job, Hab Daniel, Paul, and the rest; and lest any weak minds should stumble at the truth, and believe lies, here they are answered.
1 You say, those Quakers would rent and divide the blessed Church of Wrexham.
Rep. Silence, flesh, what a Church is that which Hab. 2. 20 Zech. 2. 13 Mark 3. 24, 25 can be rent? And what blessing is to you? Here you have divided it from the Church of God, which is the ground and pillar of truth, that is blessed, but yours is cursed, which is full of lyes, as hereafter I shall make it appear from your own words.
1 You say their main designe and practises appear to the opposing of all Ministers, and publick Ministry.
[Page 2] Rep. I charge you to be liars, who gave forth this paper, as to say we oppose all Ministers, and publick Eph. [...]. 1 Ministery; for the Ministers that are made by the will of God, we owne: and here I charge you to be lyars, who publish forth these lyes in this paper, and set your hands to it.
2 You say by breaking and dividing of Congregations in censuring of all Saints.
Rep. The Saints of the most high God wee censure not: the Congregation of Saints we owne, and doe not Eph. 4. 3▪ 4 divide, there you are lyars: but the Congregation of the world, wee doe deny, and they must be broken, and the Saints of God wee owne, but hypocrites wee doe deny, for Saints cannot own hypopocrits, Matth. 23. 13 Jo. 8 42, 44 2 Cor. 4, 2 nor hypocrits owne Saints, but here you shew your selves both to be lyars and hypocrits: In the presence of God I speak it, which you shall eternally witnes, for to that in every one of your consciences I speak.
3 The totall overthrowing of the works of faith and holinesse in Saints.
Rep. Here I speak, and charge you in the presence of God to be in the generation of slanderers: for the work of faith, we owne, and holinesse we owne in Saints. 1 Thes. 3. 13. Rom. 6 19, 22. Heb. 12. 14.
4 The bringing them again into bondage.
Rep. The Saints freedome we stand for, which is the keeping out of your minds, and the bringing out of bondage Rom. 15. 21 into freedom with Christ; and saints you know not, nor mount Sinai, and you shew your selves to be fallen from grace, walking despightfully against the Spirit of truth, turning the grace of God into wantonnesse: which grace hath appeared to all men, which grace teacheth us Titus 2▪ 12 to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and such lyars as you are.
5 And as touching universal redemption.
Rep. He that is the Saviour of the one is the condemner of the other.
6. And as touching free-will.
[Page 3] Rep. Of his free-wil hath he begotten us, and the light Jam. 1, 18. that he hath enlightned every one that cometh into the world hath he enlightned us withal; and the measure Hab. 1, 9. hath he given to every one according to their ability, Matth. 25. 15 the crosse is to the will of man. If you can read me you may, which are without on the left hand in your owne Gal. 5 4. wills, who knowes nothing of universal Redemption, (as you call it) but are the generation that stands in your owne wills, out of the will of God, in the falne estate from grace; if ye were redeemed, and stood in the will of God, and dwelt in the grace of God, you durst not utter forth your lyes.
7 You say, These men hold that every one hath a pure seed in him.
Rep. I say, Christ hath enlightned every one that cometh into the world, he that hates the light, is enlightned, one he loves it, and the other he hates it, and it lets him see his deeds are evil, which shall be his condemnation: here you have cleared your selves to be in the Generation of the Pharisees, who say, and doth not Joh. 12. own this light which hath enlightned every one that cometh into the world.
8. You say, They boast of a gift of discerning.
Rep. Here you have cleared your selves from the spirit of discerning, that the Scripture speaks of, and hath shewed forth your nakedness and folly, for to some was given a spirit of discerning, which now is witnessed with some, but not with you.
Again, they who call themselves of the blessed 1 Cor. 12▪ 10 Church of Wrexham in Wales, have cast more lyes and slanders upon the Truth, and upon the servants of the Lord, by the name of one whose name is subscribed in print, Mr. Vavasor Powel, but Christ commanded his to call no man Master, and be not called Masters; but the Scribes and Pharisees love to be called of men Master; and here thou hast made thy self plainly manifest to be in the Generation, who hath published thy name [Page 4] in print, Mr. Vavasor Powel: and herein is his lyes and false aspersions answered.
1 You say Mr. Vavasor Powel preaching at Church, the chiefe Quaker with his hat on, stood up, and said, thou speakest of a power thou hast not in thee.
Rep. Here thou hast added thy owne inventions and lies, for those words were not spoken as thou speakest them, for the said Powel was declaring to the people that those who are sent to preach the Gospel, they preached it in the power of the spirit; and this was that which he was asked, with what power he preached the Gospel, or what power of the Gospel that people could witnesse from his preaching unto them?
Powel answered, some are convinced and some converted.
Then I was moved of the Lord to speak to the people, and ask them, which of them could witness they were convinced or converted by his preaching unto them, and who had forsaken their sins; but none there could witness any such thing, but pleaded for sin, and that they could not be free from sin, and it was plainly made manifest in the Congregation to all those whose understandings was enlightened, that thou wast one who ministred for Satan, and pleaded for sin, to keep people in their sins, and one of them whom the Apostle speaks 2 Tim. 3▪ 6, 7 of, who keeps them ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth; and whereas thou accusest me for standing up before the Priest with my hat on.
Rep. Here thou makest thy folly manifest, and that thou would have something to accuse; for where doest thou read in the Scripture, that ever those who were sent of the Lord to cry against the hireling Priests, and Matth. 23 those who were called of men Master, as thou art, who stand praying in the Synagogues, have the cheifest place in the assemblies and greetings in the markets, that ever they were accused for speaking against their [Page 5] deceits with their hat on: thou readest that Paul as his Acts 17. 2 manner was▪ went into the Synagogue of the Jewes three Sabbath dayes, and reasoned with them out of the Scriptures, but thou dost not read that he put off his hat, Acts 25. 13 nor that he was accused for keeping it on. He appeared before Agrippa and Festus to answer the accusations laid against him, but thou dost not read that they commanded him to put off his hat, nor did accuse him for it, as the Magistrates and Priests of England do.
Again, thou bringst scripture to plead for sin, that thou maist live in thy wickednesse, and keep the people in their sins; and thou saidst Paul said, he was not perfect. Phil. 3. 12. and Solomon in the 7. Eccles. 20. and Jam. 3. 2. and 1 Joh. 1. 8.
Rep. Thou enemy of Christ, and of all righteousnesse; All those who gave forth these scriptures, doe declare against such as thou art, and thou knowst nothing of their conditions; Paul knew Jesus Christ, and the power of his resurrection, and fellowship of his suffering, and Phil. 3. 10 1 Cor. 27. 6, 7 Phil. 3. 15 Col. 1. 28 Col. 4. 12. was made conformable to his death: and he preached wisdom among those that were perfect, even the hidden wisedome of God, which is a mystery to thee thou man of sin; and he said, let as many as are perfect be thus minded, and said his preaching was to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus, that they might be perfect and intire, wanting nothing, but thy spirit is contrary to Pauls, for thou preachest to maintain sin, and to keep people in their sins.
Again, thou saidst, thy way O man cannot be right, for thou censurest all the godly Preachers and Saints that are not of thy opinion.
Rep. Here thou utterest forth thy lies, who art in the generation of lyers: the godly Preachers and Saints I censure not, but such as thou, who plead for sin and ungodlinesse, and saith, men cannot be perfect while they are here▪ and opinions I deny, and all who are Saints deny opinions and conceivings, which thou livest in.
Quest. 1. WHether Jesus Christ which died upon moun [...] Calvary by Jerusalem is now in that very body of flesh and blood in heaven?
Rep. Flesh and blood enters not into the Kingdome of heaven, but he that descended, is the same also that ascended far above all heavens, that he might fulfill all Eph. 4, 10 1 Cor. 2▪ 14 Eph. 5. 30 things, and Christ is spiritual, but thou natural man knowst him not, nor his body, which is spirituall, which we witnesse, who are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bone. If thou canst read me, thou maist, who art without, who hast shut out thy selfe from Christ, and knowst him not▪ but art disputing about the body of Christ, as the devill did about the body of Moses, Jude 9. And this Jesus we witnesse, who is the Son of God, who suffered upon the Mount Calvery, and was tempted Luke 23. 33 of the cheife Priests, and the same Christ suffers now by the chiefe Priests, and is tempted as he was by such (as thou) who have the chiefest place in the Assembly, stand Matth 23 [Page 7] praying in the Synagogues, is called of men Master, and there thou art among them whom Christ cryed woe against.
Quest. 2. Whether the Bible or the word of God written by the Prophets and Apostles is the rule to trye men, there doctrine and actions by?
Rep. Here thou shewest plainly thou art no Minister of Christ, and knowst not the word of God, which hast nothing to try men, there doctrine and actions by▪ but the letter which thou callest the Bible, or written word, which is naturall and carnal; and art a Minister of the letter, not of the spirit, and thou goest about to try the living By the dead, the spirit by the letter; but they who are Ministers of God have the spirit of God by them: thou art tryed to be no Minister of God, and thy doctrine and actions are tryed to be the traditions of men the Saints witnessed the spirit of discerning, wherby they tryed the spirits whether they were of God, and we do witnesse the same spirit by which this spirit is tryed to be of Antichrist, who hath nothing to try by but the letter, which is carnal.
Quest. 3. Whether art thou the Christ that suffered by Jerusalem?
Rep. Dost thou believe it? Thou tempter, who art in the same generation, who said, we do adjure thee by Mat. 26▪ 63 1 John 5. 20 Tit. 1. 15 Revel▪ 21 8 the living God to tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God, who art an enemy to Christ, and to all who confesse Christ come in the flesh; for we witness the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding to know him who is true, but thou who knowest not Christ, there is no answer of God to thee, who art an unbeliever, but thy portion is with hypocrits and unbelievers, turned out from the presence of God into the lake of fire.
Quest. 4. Dost thou believe the Scriptures, as Isaiah saith? To the law, and to the Testimony. And as Paul saith, the Scriptures are able to make the man of God perfect. And to [Page 8] this Question thou sayst the Quakers refused to answer.
Rep. Here thou art uttering forth more lyes, for I answered thee, and thy confusion was layd open and made manifest in the congregation; for before thou saidst none could be perfect, and here thou takest the words of Paul in thy mouth, and out of thy own mouth Luke 19. 22 thou art judged and found in confusion; and Paul whose words thou takest in thy mouth, shall condemne thee, and all who live in sin, and plead for it, for hee was the Minister of God, and did not say that men must continue in sin so long as they are upon earth, as thou dost, but laboured to present every man without sin and blamelesse.
Quest. 5. Where dost thou find that any of the Prophete, Apostles, or Saints, did ever quake and tremble in their bodies, and yell, and howle, and roare, to the scaring and amazing of men and beasts, as you do?
Rep. Here thou makest thy selfe plainely manifest to be ignorant of the power of God, and of the Saints conditions, and ignorant of the letter, for the Prophets, Apostles, and Saints did witnesse trembling and quaking, and did yell, howle and roare. David he roared because of the disquietness of his heart, and hee Psal. 38. 6. 8 Psal. 22 1, 2 Job 3. 24 Jer. 47. 2 Hab. 3. 16 Jer. 4. 12▪ 20 cryed in the day time, and in the night season, and was not silent. Job ▪s roarings was poured out like water. The Inhabitants of the land shall howle saith the Lord Habakuck his belly trembled. Jeremiah cried out in his howels, that he was pained at the very heart, and that his heart made a noyse within him, and these things did the Saints witness, and we witnesse the same; and it is to that scaring and amazing of such men and beasts as thou art, who abides not in the truth, but reviles and speaks evill of the power of God where it is made manifest in his people. There shall be a voice of howlings Zech. 11. 3 Amos 8. 3 of the shepherds▪ the Lord hath spoken it, and it is thy portion▪ and in that day thou shalt know howling▪ trembling and quaking.
Priest Powel said, I read in Hab. 3. 16. Also in Job, David, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, that trembled, but not as thou and thy companions doe, for either they did it when they had visions of God, or at the sight of sinne, or the dreadfull judgements of God approaching, but thou and thy companions doe it not so.
Rep. Here thou art uttering forth more lies and false accusations, for we doe witness the same power of God now as they did then, and we doe witness the promise of the Father, and the pouring downe of the spirit, old men dreame dreames, and young men see visions; and upon his servants and handmaids hath hee poured forth his spirit, and this we witness, and he hath let us see sinne, and by his grace which hath appeared to us doe we deny sinne, and all ungodliness, and the dreadfull judgements of God. We witness against sin, but thou and thy generation of Priests deny visions and revelations, and say they are ceased, for to thee there is no vision thou man of sin, and so denies Jesus Christ the Son of God, for none knows the Father, but the Son, Luke 10. 22. and he to whom the Son reveals him: and sinne thou seest not, but pleadst for it; and the dreadful judgement of God thou knowest not, for if thou did, thou durst not despise and speak evil of the power of God manifested in his people, which witnesse these things, nor utter forth thy lyes as thou dost.
Priest Powell said, you say ye have no sin, and thou teachest this to be necessary: where canst thou find such an instance or example?
Rep. Thou blind Pharisee, did not all the Ministers of God teach this to be necessary to deny all ungodliness Titus 2. 12 Rom. 6, 2 Rom. 8. 1, Numb. 23. 21 Zeph. 3. 13 and worldly lusts? and they said, how could they that were dead to sin live any longer therein? and they walked in the spirit, and did not fulfil the lusts of the flesh: and God beheld no sin Jacob, nor perversenesse in Israel; and God said, the remnant of Israel [...] do no iniquity, nor speak lyes, neither shall a deceitfull [Page 10] tongue be found in their mouths; and this do we witnesse, John 3 8 who are taught by the grace of God, and do deny such as thou art, who are ministers for Satan, and to uphold sin and the works of the divel, which Christ came to destroy, and we witnesse them destroyed by Christ, and do deny the Antichrist.
Againe, thou sayest Mr. Powell did propound to him, whether he would ask him any questions: whereupon as thou saist, the Quaker asked him, how hee could prove that any of the Ministers of God did stand in the highest place of the Synagogue over the people?
Rep. Here thou art adding lye unto lye, the question was, where canst thou prove that they who were sent forth by Jesus Christ, who were Ministers of the Matthew 23 Gospel, did stand praying in the Synagogues, had the chiefest place in the assemblies, were called of men Master, as thou art?
Priest Powel answered, Ezra stood in a pulpit of wood above the people and prayed.
Rep. Here thou shewst plainly that Christ never sent thee, for they whom Christ sent forth to preach the Gospel, never pleaded for a pulpit of wood to stand in to be above the people as Ezra did, who was a Scribe of the law, and thou who pretendst to be a Minister of the Gospel, and goest back to the law to Ezra for this example, thou mayest offer the bloud of Bulls 1 John 4 3 and Goats, and Lambs, and goe to the Priests of the law for thy example, and so deny Jesus Christ come in the fresh as thou dost.
Againe, thou saiest Mr. Powel gave answer to the satisfaction of the whole congregation, yea, to some of the seduced brethren, in so much that the whole congregation did wonderfully with one voice glorifie God at the discovery and conviction which the Lord made that time of them.
Rep. Thou lyer and false accuser, who hast published [Page 11] forth thy lyes in print, that all you who have set your hands to it, who call your selves Members of the Church of Wrexham, all who read your lying libell may see you to bee in the generation of lyers, and of your Father the Divell, who was a lyer from the beginning, and when he speaketh a lye, he speaketh it of John 8 44 himselfe, for he is a lyar, and the father of it. For there was many in that Congregation whom thou hast layd heavy burthens upon by thy false Ministry, and thou hast left them without satisfaction, both by thy Ministry, by thy questions and answers; and there was but few in the Congregation that uttered forth their voices to vindicate thee in thy deceit and sinne which thou pleadedst for, but some whom thou hast seduced and drawne into the same height of deceit with thy selfe, and most especially one drunken Priest, who for his drunkennesse, gluttony, pride and deceit, that his 1 Cor. 6 10 outward practises was seene so vile and abominable to the people, that hee was cast out as a prophane person, and hee was the cheife in that Congregation to plead for sinne with thee against the truth, when the word of the Lord was declared against your false ministry, and ungodly practises, which is seene by all those who live in the life of godlinesse, to them you are Ezek. 13 3 seene to bee deceivers and lying Prophets. And there is a people which was in that Congregation, whom the Lord is raising a light in their hearts, whereby thou and thy doctrine is discovered, and denyed as of Antichrist, and they doe glorifie God, on this behalfe that thou art discovered, who hast so long deceived them, who under thy Ministry have beene kept ever learning, and never come to the knowledge 2 Tim. 3 13 of the truth; but now the Lord is making himselfe Isa. 23 22 Isa. 54 13 manifest in his people, and wee doe witness the Lord to be our Teacher, who hath discovered all false teachers, hirelings and deceivers to us▪ Prayses, eternal prayses to him for ever.
AN ANSWER TO Certaine Lyes and false aspersions cast upon the truth, and the Servants of JESUS CHRIST, BY One whose Name is subscribed William Spencer, and a Member of the Church of WREXHAM in WALES.
1. THou saidst thou wast a follower of these people called Quakers for several monthes together, and that thou quaked thy selfe in the sight of many people, and that thou lay the three nights last past with one of them, and that thou heard (as it were) the noise of an humble-Bee, buzzing about the head of the stranger, which made thee terribly afraid, and would have risen out of bed, but thee stranger b [...]d the lye still.
Rep. Thou lyer and false accuser, thou hast published [Page 14] thy lies so openly, and made them so plainly manifest, that they who are enlightened in the least measure by the light of God, may discern and see thee given over to hardness of heart, and to speak lies, and publish them abroad. In thy first lying paper which was written from thy mouth, thou saist thou wast for a weeks space a follower of those thou callst Quakers, and here thou hast added more lies, and put them in print, and saist for several months together, which is a lye, and that thou quaked thy selfe in the sight of many people: that power which made thee to quake and tremble, I doe witness to be the power of the Lord, and to that in thy conscience which is of God, which did affright and terrifie thee thou man of sinne, and made thee to quake, I am made manifest unto, which shall eternally witness me, and condemne thee, who now goest about to speak evill of the power of God, and callest it the power of the divell; but thou shalt know it was the power of God, which shall plague and torment thee for utter in▪ forth thy lyes, and blasphemies against the Lord and his power. And whereas thou saidst thou was terribly affrighted with something like the noise of an humble-bee, thou canst fear▪ where there is no fear; for I do testifie from the Lord against thee that there was no such thing, but the deceit being got up in thy mind, and thou speakst from the vain imaginations of thy heart, uttering forth such things whereby thou wouldst render the truth odious by thy lyes.
2 And thou saidst thou wouldst have risen out of bed, but the stranger bad thee lye still.
Rep. My exhortation was to the keeping thy mind out of the vaine imaginations which the deceit had drawne thee into; but the deceit being strong in thee, and thou yielding obedience to it, it would not let thee rest; and this was thy excuse as thou sayst in bed to me, that thou wast diseased with an infirmity in thy body, & thou felt thy selfe not well, telling me thou wouldst get [Page 15] up, and when I wished thee not to disturb the mans family which was in their beds, thou replyedst again to me, and saidst, the disease had used formerly to take thee, and would hold thee for the space of a week or longer sometimes; and thou saidst to me, thou wouldst go to thy friends, for if thou staid till morning the Disease might increase more, and so disable thee from going home, which was about four miles from that place, as thou told me; and under this pretence thou arose, and now the deceit the which thou art servant unto, hath made thee to change thy lyes. And now.
3. Thou saist the Quaker laid his head upon thy shoulder, and did blow hard like the hissing of a Goose or Gander, (as thou hast reported it) several times towards thy face or month, which made thee leap out of bed (as thou saiest) in thy shirt in much fear and agony.
Rep. O thou Prince of darkness, who hast hatched a multitude of Lyes in thy dark imaginations, which arise out of the bottomlesse pit to make the truth of the Gospel odious, and the servants of Jesus Christ contemptible lyers; but the Gospel and servants of Jesus Christ trample upon all such as then thou scornfully caldst me a Quaker; that name I own, else should I deny the Holy men of God, as Meses, David, Daniel, and the rest, but thou shewest thy self plainly to be of that generation which alwayes scorned the holy men of God; as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so thou who art of the same generation, seekest by thy filthy lyes and false reports to oppose the generation of the righteous seed who are coming out of bondage; but shalt perish in thy gain-sayings.
And whereas thou saiest there was a great and terrible wind, and that the woman and children of the house was in great fear:
Rep. Here thou hast uttered forth more of thy lyes, for the man and woman of the house do bear witnesse against thee; and when thou arose and went out of the [Page 16] house, thou toldst the man of the house the same thing as thou declaredst to me, which is formerly mentioned, which was contrary to these lies which here thou declarest and publishest abroad▪ for which lyes thou must give an account before the Lord, who will judg thee in righteousnesse, and will not clear the guilty to pass unpunished.
And again thou saiest, Thou testifiedst the next day publickly to my face the particulars before mentioned, and I could not deny, but thereupon deserted the meeting.
Rep. I charge thee in the presence of God here with another lye, for I did deny thy lyes before all that people, and thou wentst forth of the meeting house before me: and here thou boasts thy selfe to do mischief, and shewest thy selfe to bee of the same Generation which said to David, Fie on thee, fie on thee, did we not see it?
And thou who hast published this lying Paper, saist, That the said Spencer ever since hath taken all opportunities publickly and privately, as at Wrexham, Oswalstrey, and elsewhere, to publish the same to the satisfying and confirming many in the truth of Christ against their Errors.
Rep. Be silent thou Flesh before the Lord, and take not the name of Christ in thy mouth, who art satisfied and confirmed in those lyes, and callest them the truth of Christ, which is the deceit▪ and lying spirit speaking from one who is departed from the Truth, and neglects no opportunity, publick nor private, to speak forth his lies, and goes about to confirm others in the same Deceit with himself to speak evil of the truth, and such cause the way of Truth to be evil spoken of; but thou art discovered, and thy lyes are made manifest, and all who are satisfied and confirmed in the Truth, cannot be deceived by thee nor thy Errors, but to them thou art seen and discovered to be falne from Grace, and art [Page 17] servant to the Divel, whom thou servest, who is the father of Lyers.
‘Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you.’
This Scripture I witness to be fulfilled, who am a Prisoner in outward bonds for the testimony of the Truth at West-Chester, whose name after the Flesh is