THE Good Old Cause Briefly demonstrated. WITH ADVERTISEMENTS TO AUTHORITY Concerning it; To the end, All persons may see the Cause of their Bondage, and way of deliverance.

A Cause in this Common-Wealth hath been much pleaded and contended about by Words and Weapons.

Some have called it Liberty of Consci­ence; but the Light in the conscience (the Light of Christ, the Lords true Witness in the soul) can no man reach; for by it (as obedience is yeilded thereto) is received the Greater and more Mar­velous Light of life, as being of it, and one with it, even Grace for Grace, the ingrafted Word, able to save the soul; which increaseth with the increasing of God, and so is [Page 2] changed from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord, whereby he subdueth all things unto himself; and there­fore (failing herein) many men have run violently upon the Bodies and Estates of others, whereby divers persons have suffered Imprisonments and cruel deaths, some ba­nishments, some left their native Countreys and outward Relations, and sought (where peaceably) to inhabit and serve the Lord in other Lands, while the generality of the people have been kept in blindness and bondage, igno­rance and errors, by following dumb Idols, even as they were led.

By others the said Cause hath been, and is called, The Cause of God and Religion, and so hath been much contend­ed for by a material Sword, wherein likewise have been mistakes, some seeming to be for one Religion, Opinion, or thing, and some for another; the one pure and unde­filed Religion remaining still the same that ever it was, but not so contended for by those that are exercised there­in; for that is the Work of God in the Light of Christ in the conscience, in the soul, a spiritual hearing the voice of the beloved Son of God, the true Teacher, the one High-Priest, (set over the houshold of God) who leads from such Acts of violence, (upon that account) to suffer freely for his Name, and so be made perfect in him, to worship him, walk with him, and be one with him, and obey him in all his Commands, and not yeild to his Enemy in any thing, or do to another that he would not be done unto; This only can please God: And this Religion and spiritu­al Worship is not of man, nor taught by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ, with the mighty Power of God, and can neither be set up, nor pulled down by any mate­rial Sword, or outward force; for in this, man's Wisdom, Power, Strength, or Righteousness, hath no place, but is so contrary to it, that whensoever any man takes upon him herein to command, order, direct, or defend, he mars all that ever he meddles with, as said the Apostle, Who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he should instruct him? The [Page 3] Saints have (indeed) the mind of Christ, and every one gives account of himself to God the heavenly Father, that hath committed all Judgement to the Son, and all Power in Heaven and Earth, whereby to subdue all his E­nemies under his feet; and when all things are become sub­ject unto him, then shall the Son also be subject to him that did put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

This Cause hath of late been stiled, The Good old Cause, (it is like) for that it hath met with outward interruptions; the revival of which (in an especial manner) concerns you (much entrusted therewith, and interested therein) in the Parliament and Army, because that by your Orders and Actings much blood hath been spilt, and trea­sure spent about it, which (as you hearken to, and keep in the light of Christ, single-hearted, calm, quiet, flexible and pliable, to do the will of God) will be seen and felt with what that calls to you for.

Consider, That the Sword Civil and Military (in your hands unexpectedly at such a time as this) is not to be born in vain, much less to be turned against the innocent; neither ought you to fall out about it, but to use it sober­ly in the fear of the Lord, for the punishment of evil-do­ers, and praise of them that do well, (not to justifie the wicked, nor condemn the just) to take off the heavy bur­thens, to quiet mens spirits, and thereby prevent their in­clinations to seek outward help any other way; for so is the Will of God, whose Justice you are to see (or cause) duly executed, (that the Earth continue not always filled with violence, fraud and unquietness) whose Will you seem to desire and pray, may be done in Earth as it is in Heaven; If therein you be in earnest, you will manifest it in Acti­ons of true love to him, with all your hearts, souls, minds and strengths, and to us (your Neighbours) as to your selves, that you may be blessed in your deed; for you may see that God will not be alwayes mocked with Words, give to him all your Honors, Wisdoms, Power and Strength, [Page 4] that he may become your Fear, Dread and Counsellor, and renew you therein day by day, (on all occasions) as the redeemed of the Lord, the repairers of the breaches of many generations; a people sought out, and not forsaken, such as he may delight to honor in his service.

In the next place give me leave to say, That the occasi­on of the Kingdoms (or Nations) quarrel with the late King and his Party, (when they took up Arms against us) was (in a defensive way) for our Rights and Liberties (also called the Priviledges of Parliaments, and Liberties of the Subjects) then so exprest, and so understood (which the King alwayes opposed by his Negative Voice) in order whereunto the Militia was desired (or demanded) from him (thereby to have prevented the shedding of Blood, with the Charges and Consequences of War) and We (the People) invited to enlist and maintain each other in Arms; upon which Account, and for which Cause We freely brought in our Moneys, Plate, Horses, Arms, and other Habilliments of War; and many choice spirited-men as freely adventured their lives, with all that was (outward­ly) near and dear to them, (Liberty of Conscience (so cal­led) and Religion seeming therein included;) and you (now again brought together) are of them that first (emi­nently) appeared for that Cause, laid the foundation of it, and brought us into the way of a Common-Wealth in order to it, and have seen much of the Lords Presence and Power owning it in the hearts and hands of his servants, so that (though it hath been outwardly obstructed) men have not prevailed against it, (by fraud nor force) but split themselves upon that Rock.

Wherefore take you diligent heed to that light which would lead you into, and keep you, and guide you in the way of the Lords clearness, that you may follow him ful­ly (as you have said) to lay the Top-stone upon that foun­dation, and the people then cry, Grace, Grace to it, and never more repent of their charge, or loss for it, when they shall truly and indeed be setled, and surely defended [Page 5] in their Rights and Liberties, in Persons and Estates, so as that the Lamb and the Lyon may lye down together, and none make each other afraid; that all persons in all places may quietly and freely do their duties to God, and each to other in true love, sincerity and soberness, as he by his Spirit shall respectively direct and command, to his praise, and the Spiritual and Temporal benefit and comfort one of another.

Said God to Pharoah (by Moses) Let my people go, that they may serve me; and if thou wilt not let them go, I will shew my Power and wonders upon thee; I will pour out my plagues upon thee and thy people. Was not this typical? And hath not this (of late) been the case in these Nations? Consider it.

It hath been sufficiently known and felt, that such men have of late gotten into Authority, that would not hear tell of our Rights and Liberties (what-ever smooth words they gave us) but made Laws to punish us for soberly using them; and yet (even then) some would seem to say, Why have you not your Liberties, your Civil and spiritual Concern­ments setled and continued unto you? May not you be as good, as religious as you will? Are you not well? When alas we felt the Distempers pinch us in all our parts and members; Bonds and Imprisonments attending us every where, spoiling of our goods, and what not, And none that pittyed us could relieve us, nor tell us how long.

Be not you so led aside by the deceitfulness of Satan's Wiles, and devices of evil men.

In love, and for loves sake I beseech you be watchful, be faithful, be diligent in the discharge of your respective du­ties to God and man, and while you have time, p [...]ise it; (the night cometh in which no man can work) improve all opportunities to the right end, least that which is lame and halteth be turned out of the Way, and then you spend your times in disputing, contradicting and opposing each other, until the simplicity be betrayed by the inventions and subtil craftiness of such as lye in wait to deceive, that have mens persons in admiration for advantage; the [Page 6] strange Woman that flattereth with her lip [...] speaking lyes through hypocrisie, to betray both you and us of our Rights and Liberties, which to you would be very sad, and your fall more remarkable then others before y [...] But as for those that fear the Lord, and wait at all times upon him, they are sure of deliverance, and therefore do their duties quietly, casting all care upon him that careth for them.

If any deceiver shall come (with his new inventions) and tell you, that though you are not to meddle with o­ther mens consciences, yet you must be sure to satisfie your own consciences by taking care of the peoples souls, set­ling and establishing Religion and Church-Government as your chiefest business, your greatest Work, and first to be done; thereby to prevent and suppress Heresies, Sects, Schisms, and Factions in the Church, and that the deffer­ring of it so long, hath been the cause of such and so many errors and divisions amongst the people; And thus run on as fast as his tongue can belye his heart; (for did not Sects, Schisms, Errors and Heresies begin with such false Teach­ers? yea, and with them shall they end.) Then do you se­riously consider, That the vain mind of man is forward and hasty to set out it self to work for God (as Cain and King Saul offered sacrifice in their own Wills) but without God, and therefore against him; man being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish his own righteousness, submits not to the righteousness of God, but turns the truth of God into a lye, worshipping and serving the creature, and forsaking the Creator, who is God over all, blessed for ever, and rich unto all that call upon him

The Lord led his Israel of old by a Cloud, and by a Pil­lar of fire, and so they moved or stood still as they were led. And afterwards he gave them Laws, Statutes, and Or­dinances whereby to worship him. The Lord God never yet said to any people, Go make your selves a Church-Wor­ship, Discipline, or Government, or settle for your selves a Way whereby to worship me.

[Page 7]The poor impotent people also waited at the pool of Bethesda for the moving of the Water: And Christ Jesus (his peoples Lord and Law-giver, faithful in all his house as a Son) promised and hath sent his holy Spirit the Com­forter, to lead into all truth, to take of his, and give unto us; to this one Law-giver (able to save and to destroy) are his servants onely obedient, and he their pattern in all pa­tience and long-suffering, even with joyfulness.

Also consider, That the conscience and soul of man is a place for the living God to dwel and walk in, where no Magistrate (as such) hath any business.

The souls of men is a Charge too great, too high, too weighty for you to undertake or meddlewith, and (like the former Builders of Babel) wil be confounded in it, if you so touch it; The wickedness of the wicked therein shall come to an end; and the Lord wil establish the just. Do you one­ly settle us in our external Rights and Liberties, establish them to us, and defend us therein from fraud and violence of such as yet know not what spirits they are of, but are disobedient, ignorant of the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ, that makes free from that of sin and death; secure us in this particular, and restrain all persons from abusing themselves and the creatures in riotous living, by Autho­riry, in the hands of such men as hate covetousness and vain glory, that know this spiritual Law, Fear God, and es­chew evil.

This is your Business and our Right, both by Birth, and dear Purchase; suffer it not to be with-held from us by stopping your ears at the cryes of the oppressed.

Hearken unto us, that God may hearken unto you when you shall most need his help; and trust the Lord Jesus Christ with his own work in our souls and consciences; for they that dare take the charge of other mens souls upon them, neither know their own souls, nor yet their duties to God or man; it's out of your Sphere, beyond your reach, a work which neither God nor man hath committed to your Trusts; not found in all your Records (of the most Anti­christian [Page 8] Idolatrous Ages) onely you have several Consti­tutions and corrupted forms concerning Church-Govern­ments, Worship and Discipline, which, (in the long and dark night of Apostacy) have been ushered in by Popish Pre­lates and Priests, and so craftily twisted and interwoven together with, rooted in, and depending upon the Civil Authority, and the Civil Authority in, with, and upon them, that many wise men think it a kind of Sacriledge, or rather madness to sever them each from other, and that the doing thereof may break both, and drive all into con­fusion; and be sure that sort of men (most concerned therein) will not fail to tell you so, and withall tell you, that you are to maintain a Gospel-Ministry; that other­wise the people will become heathens; that they are the men to be so maintained; that you must defend them from being reproved in the presence of their hearers, whatsoe­ver they say there; and much more of that kind, if you hearken to them, and have but such a faith (as stands in their Wisdom) to believe them, while it is evident to the children of light, and other unbyassed men, That hereby was the rise, and this the root and foundation of all Anti­christian Tyranny; and that when man by his Wisdom and Authority meddles, (in like manner) he onely builds Babel higher and higher, until it fall about his ears as (hath been seen;) The depths of Satans pollicies, and deceits herein, are such as few men are yet aware of, but run on, and are punished; onely the children of light see him in his transformings and likenesses, though adorn'd with ne­ver so curious a dress.

The Church of Christ never had, desired, nor wanted such helps from man to support her.

It's the Mother of Harlots and abominations, the Strum­pet, the strange Woman, Jezebel, that deceives the people with her fornications, the worldly Teachers, State-Mini­sters, Antichrists Ministers, that want such Authority for a worldly maintenance; they that receive or seek for such maintenance, (by tythes or otherwise) are the Hirelings, [Page 9] the deceivers, and none of Christs Ministers; for Christ e­ever provided for his Ministers (daylie bread) wherewIth they were contented, and freely went and preached the everlasting Gospel, without help by mans Authority, or taking careful thought what to eat or drink, or wherewith to be clothed; And thus he imploys many of his servants in this day of his Almighty Power, that his great Work is so upon the Wheel, that man is not able to stop it, though he should fight never so fiercely against it: He is inseperably in, and with his Tremblers, by his everlasting Covenant, and they with him (in spirit and truth) worship the Fa­ther, and live the 1ife of the Almighty, and are an hea­venly Host with him; his righteousness is before them, and the Glory of the Lord their Rereward; they cannot be idle as others that sport themselves in the day-time, nor silent, but speak the things they have heard and seen with their Father; and though they be persecuted, afflicted, and tor­mented as sheep for the slaughter, (by the wilfulness of some, and ignorance of others) yet is their love increa­sed towards all men, as knowing that he is worthy for whom they suffer such things, who nevertheless wil avenge his own Elect that cry day and night unto him; Tribula­tion to them that so trouble his servants, and to them rest and peace with him, which is their life.

What sober-minded man will say we (the people) have our Rights and Liberties, (which many of us have far ad­ventured for) while the aforesaid Antichristian yoke of bondage is upon our necks? We have not our Liberties in our Persons or Estates, nor are we in any better condition then slaves, bond-men, and bond-women; our bodies, and what else, we hold, and labour for at the wills of other men.

Divers of our Bodies haled to prisons, and there kept for a year, or years, more or less, as others please.

A great part of the increase of our Lands, Stock, and Labours (Arbitrarily) forced from us time after time, and no Law to protect us from such violence; have not divers [Page 10] of us been (outwardly and frequently) vexed and dis­quieted by long and tedious suits in Law, our Goods and Cattel violently taken from us out of the Houses we live in, and from the Plough, to the wasting of many mens E­states, hinderance of Tillage and Trades, poverty and want, of Wives and Children not for any thing we owe to any man, but onely concerning the Worship of our God, (whom we serve in our Spirits, in the Gospel of his Son) and (for conscience-sake towards him) dare not assist and maintain the Antichristian Tyranny over us, or others.

So likewise when any of the servants of Christ go forth (in obedience to him) to declare against sin and wicked­ness, Are they not beaten, stoned, stocked, imprisoned, cruelly whipt, and shamefully abused? And have not some been stifled in Cribs, nasty Dungeons, and dirty Holes of the Earth, friends not permitted to come into some prisons to relieve or comfort them. Not to say much of the prevalency of the aforesaid sort of men, what Acts and Ordinances they have obtained to support themselves over us by Tythes, or otherwise; how they do, or may take Peace from us, and alter mens conditions when, and as they please; of their preaching up and down what they like or dislike in Magistrates, Parliaments, Army and People; Their prevalency in removing faithful Officers (Civil and Military) out of their Places of Trust, & bringing into those Places such persons as they know will serve their interests against our Liberties, whereby Justice hath been turned backward: Or how (upon the same account) many persons are unduly elected to serve in Parliaments: Or of their striving now to hook in all interests against the Peoples Rights and Liberties: I say not but it may concern them so to do, now the Head of their Church (with his Nega­tive Voice) and their Fathers the Bishops are fallen before them; even so shall Babylon fall and never rise again; La­mentations and Woes will be to such as pitty her.

Nor shall I say much touching our Rights and Liberties in other particulars, as how many men have been (as it [Page 11] were) torn from their Fathers and Mothers, Wives, and Children, (their own flesh) to serve in forreign Wars, at the Wills of others, (and yet liable so to be) without true knowledge of the occasion thereof, their consciences satis­fied therein, or their Wives and Children provided for, but rather left to beg or starve in the streets. How divers faith­ful Members of the Army have been put out of their Im­ployments, because (for conscience-sake) they could not go with their Arms to stand by, approve of, and justifie the Parish-Teachers in their way; and others put out as illegal­ly at the Wills of other men; How uncertain and delatory proceedings at Law are: The peoples ignorance of the Laws under which they live, because of the multiplicity thereof, and contradictions therein. Of some Statutes, part repeal'd, and others, part continued; some before re­pealed, again revived, or part revived; some limited to time, some otherwise. Laws in force to take away mens lives for Theft, wherein no person hath been put in fear or danger of death. Courts so divers and different in their manner of proceeding and tryals. Exactions and oppres­sive Tolls and by-Laws in Corporations, & peculiar Juris­dictions, ingrossing of Trades and trading therein; Corpo­rations not permitting such as have served the Common-Wealth in their Wars, to exercise their Trades freely there. Persons of other Nations ingrossing or taking up Trades, wherein many of the poorer sort have usually been im­ployed, and comfortably maintained their Wives and Children, slavish Tenures of Land held at the will of the Lord, (so called) Oaths, or Swearing, contrary to the Command of Christ; and several other things, (too many here to mention) contrary to our Rights and Liber­ties, though nothing so grievous as those which more es­pecially concerns our Liberties and Freedoms in the Wor­ship of our God, and obedience to him at all times, and in all places. Now if there be some persons that are so in love with slavery as to desire to continue in the said bondage, and account it their liberty so to remain as natural to [Page 12] them, because so kept from their youths up, and their Fa­thers before them; be pleased to permit such to have that their Liberty (under Antichrist) until they shall be wil­ling to be otherwise free; but let it be by their own Act and Deed, (otherwise that would be to them bondage) let such hire and maintain their own Ministers out of their own purses, (as they please or can agree) provided always that they (to be hired) be such as are not profess'd Ene­mies to the publike peace, and that they meddle not at all with matters of Civil Government, thereby to make o­thers unquiet; then may you permit every man freely to enjoy the fruits of his own Land, Stock, and daily labours, without trouble concerning that tedious and vexatious Tax, called Tythes, (so great a scruple in many mens con­sciences) and thereupon finde the generality of us (the People) freely willing to part with moneys for redeeming Impropriations, payment of Souldiers Arrears, and other publike Debts; and then most freely may you charge mo­ney on us for the payment thereof, upon so just and va­luable considerations.

It is like there are some other persons that are weary of this Bondage, and would be released, but dare not yet say so, because they see not the way, wanting faith in those things which speedily are to be accomplished. And it's al­so like here be many wise men (after the flesh) that will not easily be perswaded that this is the way to Peace and our Liberties. Now to such I say, Remember what you read that Christ said, Whatsoever you would that men should do unto you, so do you unto them, &c. Be you willing to put this into practice, that it may appear you would learn of Christ; for it is not he that saith Lord, Lord, but he that doth the will of the heavenly Father.

Is there any thing more equal and just then that all men should hire & pay their own Ministers ( alias servants?) Would you not have that liberty, and be so done unto?

And were this way speedily put in practice, (though but for a time) you would see this work so great a change in [Page 13] mens minds and manners, as divers will not yet believe though it be told them, or never so plainly demonstrated to them, but rather take offence because of some self-in­terests; and herein I beseech you to take diligent heed, lest any of you should be exalted in your selves, and think this a kind of arrogancy in me, or disparagement to your Wis­doms, or that you have not need of Monitors in these times when so great things have been done and suffered upon this very account of Liberty, and when the Lord Je­sus Christ (with thousands of his Saints) rides on glo­riously, conquering, and to conquer, treading down all Rule, and all Authority (contrary to him) under his feet, that which many wise men and Kings have desired to see, and yet have not seen it; which the Martyrs in the Marian dayes, (under the bloody Prelates and Priests) lifted up their hearts and hands to God for, with strong cryes (as we have cause to believe) frying in the fire; and many o­thers in some of your dayes have freely also parted with their mortal lives for, dyed in faith, but enjoyed not these promises, God (in mercy) having provided better things for us in these times; Times I say, wherein the worst of men are made manifest, wherein the blade springs up, and the Tares appear; Times wherein the Lord gives peo­ple for his people, even Nations for their lives, that Christ Jesus may rule and reign in righteousness, and bring forth his people with joy, his chosen with gladness. There hath been times when some of you (at least) have sought him, and would have owned him in any appearance; refuse him not now in his embraces and tenders of love in those that have embraced him, though he doth appear in a despised people; (where none of the wise men of this world looked for him) to whom he is become a Son and a Shield, their Righteousness, Strength, and exceeding great Reward; —Let it appear if your delight be in the Saints that are on the earth, in such as excel in vertue.

In the Apostles dayes, and some years since, it is evident that the one, onely true, pure, and undefiled Religion, was [Page 14] a plain thing, (though a great mysterie of godliness) and well understood and known (by the professors thereof) to come down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness nor shadow of changing, who of his own will begets sons and daughters with the Word of Truth, &c. which is his work in the conscience, in the soul, wherein the Saints obeyed him with diligence & delight. But since men have invented forms of words in their own wills, they have departed from the light, and lost the substance and power of godliness, and become strangers to the life of God, through the ignorance in them, because of the blindness of their minds, the great things of his law seem­ing to them a strange thing; The true light of Christ in the conscience, in the soul, that whereby (being ascended up on high) he draws all men unto him, is despised and evil spoken of by such as satisfie themselves with reports, and a sound of words without life; As for instance, let e­very man consider seriously in that called Baptism, It hath been oft said and repeated, That therein you make a so­lemn Vow, Promise, and Profession, That you will forsake the Devil and all his works, the vain pomps and glory of the world, with all covetous desires of the same, and the carnal desires of the flesh, that you will not follow nor be led by them; and that you will not be ashamed to confess the Faith of Christ crucified; But manfully fight under his Banner against Sin, the World, and the Devil, and so continue Christs faithful Souldiers and Servants, to your lives end, dying unto sin, and living unto righteousness, daily mortifying all evil and corrupt affections, following the example of Christ, to be made like unto him, &c. and yet how most live in their lusts, pride, filth, and all man­ner of abominations, (like the fool that said in his heart, There is no God) using the true words of Christ, That unless a man be born again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God; praying also, That God would grant that which by na­ture you cannot have, &c. When will you deal truly with God and your own souls, that your own and your Teach­ers [Page 15] hypocrisie may be (by you) clearly seen, and the great, Athiests of this age made manifest, that can, or dare so to handle holy things without feeling?

And lastly, take this for a Maxim, that wheresoever any earthly King, Prince, Monarch, Potentate, Power or Au­thority (be he, or they never so wise, learned, or religious) shall establish any Religion, (so called) Worship, or Disci­pline, or be extolled, stiled, deemed, esteemed, or taken to be Head of the Church, Defender of the Faith; or shall take upon him, or them, to give Commands or Directions concerning the Worship and Service of God, (according to his, or their best Wit, Skil and Cunning) that is an Usurpa­tion upon the Prerogative and Authority of Christ Jesus, the Head of his Body the Church, King of Saints, and the one Law-giver, able to save and to destroy; and such Reli­gion and Faith (thereby acquired) stands in the Wisdom and Authority of man, and not in the power of God, be­ing Antichristian, deceitful, and vain, whereby the people become vicious and wickedly hypocritical, and that Reli­gion and Church-Government (with the Commands, Do­ctrines, and Opinions so established) serve for Political ends, silenceth the Voice of Christ in peoples souls and consciences, and causeth them to become formal, frequent and unruly talkers of God, Christ, and the Saints conditi­ons; (as they have read, or heard say) contenders about words and questions, boasting themselves in things they never saw, &c. and is dangerous to civil Society and Go­vernment, the occasion of so great strife, contention, and bloodshed in all Nations and Ages of Antichrist, and no certain assurance of peace or safety can be there either to Magistrate or people; but confusion of minds, and each in continual fear of other; This hath caused so great distan­ces between men, so much wicked State-policy on the one hand, and Treachery against men in Authority on the o­ther hand, Distractions and heart-burning one against a­nother, as also such deceit, that men (for outward peace sake are even necessitated to teach their tongues to flatter, [Page 16] lye, and dissemble each with other; and it opens a door unto any person that gets into Authority (by means of the Teachers of such a Religion) to put the people into discontents against others, and exalt himself to rule alone by his own will in a tyrannical way over them, or to set the people (one party against another) to shed each others blood by Wars about such Religion or Religions, when that may serve to usher in some like design, upon which account of design (for the most part) is the impres­sing of men for forreign Wars.

What else makes the persons called Papists, dangerous in a Common-Wealth, and to dwell among? Is it not their established Religion, Church-Government, and Discipline, whereby they esteem, extol, and (by all means) uphold the Pope as Head of their Church, Defender of their Faith, &c? and slight, scorn, contemn, hate, and seek to take away the lives of others (differing from them there­in) as Hereticks? and have not the Prelates and Priests pra­ctices here, been of the same, or like kind, and Presbyters also out of the same root, of a muzled, formal, and Anti­christians Religion, made, supported, and maintained by man, and mans Authority, differing from Popery in some Opinions, Observations, and external performances.

R. H.
The third Month 1655.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.

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