[Page] Caroloiades, OR, The Rebellion of Forty One. In Ten Books. A Heroick POEM.

Virg. Encid. Lib. 2.
—quis talia fando
Mirmidomum, delapumve, aut duri Miles Ulyssi
Temperet a lachrymis—

Licensed, May 22. 1688.

R. Midgley.

LONDON, Printed by J. B. for the Author, and Publish'd by Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall in Ludgate-street, and are to b [...] Sold by most Booksellers in London and Westminster, 1689.


WHosoever has Inspected the History of that Unhappy War which commenc'd in the time of King Charles the First, will grant that its wonderfull and various events adminster as much Subject for a Poem of this Nature as has been Grounded on former Story: However deplorable the dispa­rity may be as to our Historical facts and re­volutions, in regard that these, from their hor­rid effects and contrivance, appear less credible then true, and propably shall have no future Parallel.

That the Character of that Sovereign, which gives a Denomination to this Poem, may with no less Magnitude (considering the Excellency and Grandeur of his Endowments) be as re­nown'd a figure for Heroick Poesy, as any which Homer or Virgill have attributed to the Greatest of their Heroes must be granted by all that are not Ignorant of their Nations Glory, or de­tractive from the Fame of that Incomparable King.

I shall not presume to adorn my Preface by displaying the especial and various dignities of [Page] Heroick Poesy which in my Case might savour of Ostentation, or not unlike an Architect that should endeavour to applaud some high perfor­mance of his Science to Insinuate his own de­sert in a work of the same Intendment: Being rather desirous to referr my Reader to what the Judicious have Celebrately express'd, in reference to this extraordinary sort of Poesy, without giving it any other Panygerick from my Pen. However I stand oblig'd so far to Vin­dicate my undertaking as to shew that it is duly grounded and concenters with such requi­sites of Invention as have been allowably con­ceded to perfect an Epique composition.

That this structure has been from the Pens of the most famous Authors, rais'd on some known Historical Truth, as the Basis or fond of such a Poem, is evident from what the first Grandees or Guides of this Science have left to the World.

But if known story gave rise to their design, they rely'd upon the strength of Fiction, in or­der to the beautifying and compleating the Modell and shape of their contrivance: Not unlike the skillfull Sculpturist, that out of some rough Mass of Stone polisheth and forms his several figures suitable to the representation he Intends them.

True it is that known occurrences may some­thing Agrandize a Poem, and the Readers esteem will be more pathetically moved by Transacti­ons that are within the compass of Man's know­ledge, [Page] however enlarg'd by Poetical License, then what he adjudgeth to be totally Fabulous, being induc'd to accept, on that account, what could not without Intermixtures and supple­ments of the Muses be elevately convey'd.

Nor did the most remarkable Poets other­wise deliver the essential part of Historical Ve­rity, then accompany'd with Notions whereby they rectify'd the will or practical conduct of the Mind, by improving Moralities to the most usefull and exemplary Comprehension: By which gloss and varnish of Imagination story was ac­ceptably render'd, that otherwise had been re­strained by too narrowly Circumscribing the sphere of Invention: and would be no less ab­surd then to expect a History instead of a Poem, and if it be simply the first it cannot deserve the name of the latter.

Besides, it is very Notorious, that few Histo­rians compile all considerable deeds or events, whose business is to observe Publique and Ge­neral occurrences, rather then the particular discovery of Personal concernments as they re­late to Characters: Which ought to be the un­dertaking of the Poet who is Priviledg'd to suppose what he Judgeth should be emphati­cally declar'd if possibly Cohering or Assimi­lated to whatsoever might, by way of resem­blance, in any respect, be held Creditable; so that any Poetical Assertion, if thus Manag'd, must have a Legitimate Pass port from the Au­thority of the writer, and this may be Term'd [Page] the History of the Poet, without which the vulgar or known cannot have to do with the Muses. Thus it appears that Narrations taken from the Trojan War did rather enlarge then confine the Pens of Homer and Virgil, to which they not only added the Embelishment of their Fiction, but Introduc'd what Characters they held proper to fill up and conspire with the Ornament and vigour of such as had their parts in the subject they treated.

Neither would they limit their Inventions to the Ethical distributions of things, as they Na­turally result from humane Cogitation, but oc­casionally advanc'd the intellect of the Reader to the most sublime apprehension of such spe­culations as entertain'd with delight and won­der the contemplative faculty; and this they effected by grounding their Fictions on super­natural Causes and effects consonant to receiv'd Belief: Either as they represented Miracles and Spiritual appearances of good and bad Existen­cies, as also extraordinary Prodigies, Dreams, Magical▪ Enchantments, Witchcrafts, and the like; that by an admirable Allegory did con­curr and agree with the deeds and descriptions of Men.

And were this manner of Writing seperated from the most famous Poets their repure would fall to a far lower Orb of Esteem then the Mo­numents of their Ingenuity have deservedly Ob­tain'd; which shews us that they well under­stood the value of this sort of Invention, and [Page] how necessary it was to the Royalty of Parnassus.

Another supercilious Mistake has been Im­prov'd by some from their affected supposition that a Heroick Poem cannot be produc'd, Con­sonant to Christianity, with that requisite Lati­tude that was us'd by Poets of Ethnick persuasion.

To answer which conceit, whosoever shall undertake to avow it, there is nothing more evi­dent then that all Necessary use and Comprehen­sion of Metaphor and Allegory relating to super­natural power existencies and beings, is as much ours as it was Assistant to the Ancients, tho' re­dounding from their Largest Catalognes of Deities and Fictions.

And this was well perceiv'd by the late Judi­cious and Learned French Critique Rapin in his admirable reflections on this sort of Poesy, to whose exquisite observations, not to insert any remarks of Mine, I think fit to referr my Reader.

In the mean time, to come closer to my purpose by alledging such Authorities as have the most undoubted Modern reception: I need but mention the Great Tasso, and our fa­mous Spencer, by whose Poems, tho' the Pro­ductions of Latter Times, and agreable to Evan­gelical persuasion, it is very clear that neither as to Fiction or Allegory, they wanted any Ne­cessary Ingredients or supplements, if compar'd with such Poets who had been precedent to Christian Belief. I shall not present my Reader with any Inspections into the Poem of Spencer, it being upon the matter wholly Allegory, and [Page] therefore not so proper to the Application I intend.

But as for Tasso, his Poem, tho' appertaining to Christian Atchievements, and a Modern Story perfectly known to Chronology as any extant, is Intermix'd with as many Episods and speculative Allegories as he could with any conveniency find room for in his Godfrey of Bulloigne: Where in his handling of that History, we find that his Muse is conversant with Good and Bad Angells, Miraculous Shapes, Predicti­ons, Dreams, Fantoms, Magical Dialogues, Fas­cinations, Flying in the Air, Obscure convey­ances of the persons of Men by Diabolical con­trivement, the stupendious opening of Trees, that seem'd to disclose objects of wonderfull variety to entertain admiration by rendring of his Characters more superlatively ob­servable, all which are the main body and de­sign of his Poem. Yet this was never made his Crime, by what the most accurate Criticks have remark'd on him: perhaps they may have tax'd him for being excessive or tedious in▪ his Narra­tions and descriptions of this high Import, but never charg'd on him to the diminution of his esteem, or as an Illegitimate License, unbe­seeming a Poet. And this our famous Ben. Johnson. well understood, whose mature Judgment gave as little room to extravagancies of the Brain as any that preceded him, by his introducing Sylla's Ghost whereby to infuse on the wicked Genius of Cataline a more Hellish and Irresistable Temp­tation to perfect his Impious design, which could [Page] not have been so execrably Insinuated by any other Method.

An Example that enough assures us that he approv'd the Allegorical part of Invention, and that it is as Legitimately ours, as it could be claim'd by any of the Ancients, when properly apply'd. I held it convenient to instance these particulars, that the Reader may not wonder if I have in some passages and fictions follow'd the example of so great a Poet, as well as others that famously preceded him in that manner of Contrivement.

It has been erroniously suppos'd by not a few, that are less knowing then Critical, whereby they render in their Judgments an Epique Poem more difficult to be accomplish'd, that whatso­ever is supernaturall, is therefore Incredible; not considering, that Fiction may imply an ima­ginary resemblance of truth, in its remotest sup­positions, when ally'd to the Conceptions and Tenents of Men: And thus Medea might be granted as much a Sorcere [...]s as the Witch of Endor: And Niobe, tho' but on the Credit of the Inventor, Poetically held by the decree of Heaven, Metamorphos'd into Marble, no less really effected, then the Transformation of Lot's Wife into a Pillar of Salt.

The only Author, I know of, that has totally relinquish'd Allegory, notwithstanding he gives his Poem of Gundibert a Heroick Title, was the late Sr William Davenant, a person of no ordinary Ingenuity, however he thought sit to decline [Page] this manner of Writing, either because he would be singular in his way, or that he design'd to sur­pass others by producing of something that should be great, without being of kin to the Grandeur of former Presidents: But instead of perfecting what he intended, the deficiency of his structure was soon perceiv'd by the judicious.

And this appears, because that work of his is wholly diffus'd into sententious Moralities and Actions that have too constant a Tendency to the same Levell of thought, instead of a re­quisite Intermixture and Elevation of the Mind by entertaining of the spiritual or contempla­tive faculty.

I am far from making this Inference with any Intention to attract Applause to my self, or to lessen the fame of that Author, since as his Poem stands compos'd it has my value: And I well know, notwithstanding the derogations and se­verities of some, that it contains many exquisite and remote expressions, insomuch that I admire that his undertaking appears so well perform'd as I find it, however destitute of that refining of speculations and characters which has been the judicious and superlative Management of all that preceded him.

That the Introducing of Heroins was allways held an ornament to Heroique Poesy, is evi­dent from the Constant usage and authority of the most Considerable Pens: And their reason I conceive was to Impress a Transcendent value on the splendors of Beauty when accompany'd [Page] with Grandeur of mind, and thereby more suita­ble to the devoirs of their Masculine Admirers: which Celebrated instances are very frequently read in Poets of most repute, as is understood by every eye that is acquainted with their pro­ductions. And tho' the Examples are peculiar to some extraordinary Figures of Female great­ness, yet not dissentaneous to what has been ve­rify'd from authentique Records, in which we may find not only the daring exploits of a Joan of Orleans, but the prowess of Queens; witness that Gallant Katherine, Wife to our King Henry the Sixth; besides many of every degree that for Martial renown are formerly register'd.

This I judge may sufficiently Apologize for what is related, or Character'd by m [...] especi­ally in that of Flavira, by whose Heroine Descrip­tion I would be understood to Include the Mag­namities of other Noble & Generous personages that might otherwise deserve their particular mention.

And he that has Inform'd himself of the Cou­ragious Actions of some conspicuous of that Sex, besides others of lower Stations, relating to the unfortunate War I write of, will soon grant that their resemblance may claim a signal room in this Poem.

The next thing that I am oblig'd to be ac­comptable for, is the Liberty I have us'd by re­presenting of Persons by such Nominations and descriptions as are not deriv'd from Historical certainty: And this method I take to be allow­able [Page] by the practice of all that have Merited the Esteem of Epique Writers.

As for Proper Names, it must be Granted, if but for the advantage that is in the sound of words as they ought to run in Verse; that our English Tongue does not usually furnish us with such names as are proper for Poetry, as we may observe from every ordinary Argument and Dialogue, that has to do with the Muses, in which Authors Insert or Borrow such denominations of per­sons as are most suitable to their purpose, and none I believe can with any colour except against the same Liberty I have used here.

If we consider occurrences of whatsoever Mag­nitude, as they result from story, they cannot have Latitude enough, as they relate to things and persons, to embody or Capacitate a Poem of this Quality: In respect that no Truth can of it self compleat a Poetical Character, which would on those Terms, in its utmost extent tend to no more then the known sense and concern­ment of persons, whereby the due Consummating of their figures would be Impair'd, and which can be no way perfected but by the Artifice of Feigning in their behalf to render them more exact and compleat in themselves. A License undoubtedly conceded by all approv'd Criticks, in respect that Persons are deliver'd by that means rather as they ought to be represented then as they are found, or deduc'd from Historical Nar­rations: By which method the worthily Virtu­ous are advanc'd to a higher excellency, and the [Page] depravations of others deliver'd more perfectly Evill.

There is yet a farther advantage that redounds from this Liberty of personating of Characters, in regard that by the aptitude of one person, either in reference to Science, conspicuous deeds, Passions, or affections of the Mind, divers may be signify'd, or in a general Sense describ'd as to whatsoever Emergencies are to be understood that proceed from the facts or disposition of humane conduct.

And this requisite is pertinent of Poesy groun­ded on History, since without that additional supplement the most Renowned Personages would appear too solitary figur'd on the Poe­tick account: Or like an Imperial Palace, that should Consist only of an outward shell instead of Variety of Apartments, Furniture, and At­tendants, to Illustrate its Fabrick.

Nor is it a tollerable objection, if any shall undertake to avow it, that because this Poem does contain Transactions that arose within the Compass of the Age we Live in, it should there­fore be deny'd the Perquisites of the Muses that were the former ornaments and advantages of Writers; in respect that so much as they us'd of Historical Verity is as fully discernable in them, from what they Poetically annexed, as in any Invention I have Inserted: And there is no Eldership in Wit that can of right Challenge more freedom, in order to Legitimate Fable, then is to be conceded to Modern Ingenuity.

[Page] On our English Theatre 'tis sufficiently accep­table if the [...]cene be laid at home, tho' the nomi­nation and facts of Characters be devis'd either as they resemble or enlarge some known Truth: And I assure my self there is no Man but will grant as full a latitude, if not a greater, in some sense, to a Poem of this contexture then he would allow to any Dramatick Composition. But I have said enough, as to the substance of what I have here produc'd, to all Candid apprehensions, or such as are not resolv'd to be perverse or Igno­rant opposers.

And I dare thus far aver in behalf of my Subject, that no Rebellious, & Tragical dissentions, were ever carried on with more Hypocritical preten­sions, Subtle and Treacherous Intrigues; or con­trarily more famously replenish'd with Perso­nal Gallantries, or the most touching and Noble Concerns of Duty and Passion, relating to He­roicks of both Sexes, then what was occasion'd by that wicked and unparallel'd War.

And above all for the Eminent display of the surpassing Character of a Monarch, more ex­cellent then fortunate, as I have endeavour'd to Manifest it as highly as my Ability extends, and I wish it could deservedly Erect his Monument of Fame and Glory.


HAving touch'd in general the construction of a Poem of this Nature, I thought fit to annex to my Preface some brief remarks that more particularly relate to the method I have us'd, and what the Critical Reader might Expect for his Satisfaction.

As to my Verse, I have avoided Stanza's; and my reason is, because I conceive them not so proper, as the freedom of Heroick Measures for a Poem of this Structure; and this choice of mine is not only suitable to the manner of Virgil and other Ancient Poets, but agreeable to the most approv'd sense of Modern Criticism: I need not but instance the Judi­cious Rapin, who assures us that the Compiling of Stanza's was the mistake of some late Italian Poets, who first intro­duc'd them into their Heroick Poems, and that they weaken the beauty and flame of Verse in the length of their periods, on which, for the most part, the main substance of their sense does depend.

And here I cannot but acqaint my Reader, that I took care that this work, as it is of great Signification and Import, should be advantag'd by the Inspection of some few Persons, which caus'd me not only to correct but to add some hun­dreds of Lines; by which means I did, as much as in me lay, Ultimam Manum Imponere.

[Page] As for the Moral of my Poem, the Soul of a work of this Consistency, it is Chiefly terminated in the exemplary greatness and virtues of the Royal Person I have endeavour'd to delineate; whereby the unity of Action and other Accessories, that ought to be Incident to such a Composition, are properly, I conceive, observed: Yet with that Regard to History that the most Considerable Battels and facts of War are either related, or instead of room for all their particular, which had been more cumbersom to read then necessary to be Inserted in a Poem, Collaterally included by some pertinent and gene­ral mention.

And whosoever shall duly Consider what is here deliver'd, as it referrs to deplorable truth: will judge it rather a Divine then a Poetical Summons, to detest those Execrable deeds, Prophanations, and Hypocrisies, that tended to the Subversion of Holy Religion, together with all Moral Obligations of highest Import, as they were at once the Unparallel'd Misfortune, and deformity of Three Famous Nations.

To the Worthy Author of Caroloiades, &c.

LOng I expected that First Charles should Live
In such a Poem as the World you give.
His Character so highly did Excell,
That I admire to find it Writ so well.
No Royal worth did e're in King appear
But was in him, and such I reade him here.
And as his Sacred Virtues you rehearse,
I fully grant 'em Canoniz'd in Verse.
His Famous Queen, by you describ'd, I find
Like her self Beauteous both in form and Mind:
Vandiks best Art could neither of 'em show,
So far his Pencill does give place to you.
Smooth and succinctly great still run your Lines,
A Genius in which Wit and Nature shines.
Tho' hard an Epique Poem 'tis to Write,
That can with that just Temper raise its height,
Our Brittish Heroes, tho' to story known,
Have no Record like yours of their Renown.
Thus Lucas and brave Lyle to Fame are read,
Best as you Write their deeds and what they said:
[Page] Whether as Heroes or as Lovers they,
By Noblest Passions are express'd your way.
The Rebell Patrons, and their dark designs,
Are found by your Clear Lamp that flames in Lines:
Stories their Actions but in parcells show,
Whilst their Black Souls I fully see from you.
And doubtless it approves your Muses skill,
That could describe their excellence in Ill.
Prodigious Noll, whose rise and wondrous height,
I thought too big for the whole Nine to Write,
Does from your Muses Grandeur so appear,
As he's, full siz'd, a mighty Villain there.
Usefully great your Poem is design'd,
And Allegory unto Actions joyn'd,
And sure none will of such a Muse complain
As to Embellish Truth can duly [...]eign.
And who would not that Artifice allow,
Forfeits his Judgment justly unto you:
But what need I prompt Men to do you right,
When your Performance value does Invite.
J. S.

To the Author On his Poem of Caroloiades.

WHen I a Painted story do behold
Strongly design'd, and figur'd smoothly bold:
I judge it wrought by some prov'd ancient Hand,
Whose Skill could Life and nature best Command.
But as your Muses Pencill well I view,
It renders equall'd Ancient Wit by New,
Our Stories figures so in yours are shown,
That in their likeness truth more pleas'd I own.
If some by travell distant parts have seen,
And what their greatness now and past has been;
Yet never there, like yours, could poem Read,
Written so well of men alive and dead.
[Page] With how much joy will Living Heroes see
Their deeds recorded thus of Gallantry:
And what their Youthfull toyls in Bettells were,
Or Wouuds by prowess felt in that times War.
Nor less the lineage of great Captains dead
Will be oblig'd as their fames by you spread.
Thus does your Pen Old Loyalty renew,
And from its patern fortifies the new.
G. M.

To the Author of Caroloiades.

THo' I no Muse pretend to, as do some
That to give Pass-ports unto Wit presume:
And judge if their Muse does the Author stroke,
The favour, on the World, must pass his Book,
I'le leave that part to such as can bestow
On under-graduate Wit probation so.
Whilst your works value best it self Commends,
As to Pernassus top its flame asconds.
Morally great, Philosophick, and Divine,
Yet nothing te [...]ious in your Grand design.
Throughout your Lines emphatical I see
The Genius of Heroick Poesy;
A Skill I sometimes thought above the Height
Of English Tongue, or Poet best could Write.
Fully I wish, to heighten Christian fame,
That Brave Lorrain, and Great Bavarias name
[Page] Could find a Muse that might their Actions tell
High, as your English Heroes do excell.
That worth is yet remaining for your glory
When your Pen will add Grandeur to their story.
The Macedonian Victor, who for praise
Envy'd the Muse Achilles deeds did raise,
Unless that such a Homer, his might sing,
From whose Immortal Verse did t'others spring.
Surpassing either, to the World convey'd,
I read First Charles, whose fames by you display'd.
Thus brighter oft, in the Caelestial sphere,
The Setting Sun then Rising does appear.
Great M [...]ro, to compleat his Troj [...]n▪ Prince,
From Heavenly race derives his excellence;
But had he this Kings attributes renown'd,
His Virtue above Demy-god he'ad found.
Thus far has C [...]rolo [...]des out done
Aeneidos, the Theam▪ which Virgil sung.
T. C.

To his Worthy Friend Author of Caroloiades.


YOu having been pleased to afford me the perusal of your Poem, aptly stiled Caroloiades, when it was in its first rude, and rough draught, and before it was better shaped and corrected by you, I did freely give my sence and opinion on many passages, and you seldom differed from my sentiments therein. For tho' I am no great Judge of Poesy (as you may see by my writing to you in Prose) yet I am an Admirer of those refined Wits, who by the sweet harmony of Verse have conserved the History of those Ancient Wars, which might have been lost had they been wrote in Prose; and the Iliads of Homer, and other Antique Writings might have ran the same fate of time, with many other excellent Histories, which per­haps [Page] perished, because they wanted the spirit and soul of Poetry to conserve them.

The subject, Sir, on which you have chosen to Write, is worthy of an Heroick Poem; Our Wars more then Civil, with the ultimate Tragedy thereof, is such a period as is sufficient to silence all the Muses, and cause them abruptly to break off in sighs and lamentations. I know not how it comes to pass, that for these Forty Years, since which these Wars have been ended, that none of the Elevated Wits of our Age have taken upon them to describe these mighty Actions in Heroick Verse, untill you happily took up this subject so worthy of your Pen, which I wish may delight as well as inform the World; and that when Hi­stories fail, and are exstinguish'd by time, your Poem may survive and give knowledge of what we have seen to future Ages.

I am, Your very humble Servant, Paul Rycaut,

CAROLOIADES, OR, The Rebellion of England. Begun in the Year, 1641. A HEROICK Poem.

The Argument of the First Book.
Unhappy War begun in Forty One,
The Causes Mischiefs, here the Poets Song
Briefly relates: The Houses from their King
Highly divide, whence discords soon increase,
Nourish'd by Pasquills, Libells, Threats, Demands.
Nor Royal Acts of Grace suffice to calm
All daring Vulgar rage: The Queen departs,
And Heroine-like undaunted Seas does pass.
THE Wars and period of a Mighty King,
Which did from furious Crimes of Subjects spring:
My Muse presumes here to describe by Verse,
And Hero's deeds of Brave Renown rehearse.
[Page 2] Whose English Valours, on account of Fame,
Are no less blaz'd then Greek or Roman Name.
Their Grandeur weigh'd, and such admir'd Designs,
As give high Theams unto Heroick Lines:
Had Homer them, or Mighty Maros's wit,
Unto Times Future admiration writ;
With every Fiction, as should intervene,
For silling Glory to each weighty Scene.
And had their Genius, like some Sacred Merit,
Left with Pernassus Legacies of Spirit
To be Implor'd from thence, I well might now
That Supplication to my Soul allow:
As wondrous Actions here my Verse relates,
And things Prodigious form'd 'gainst high Estates.
No Civil War did e're so Impious sway,
When Subjects durst their Sovereigns least obey.
And tho' thy Reign First Charles sills no Record
With spoils of Nations, or a Lawless Sword:
The bad example of most Neighbour Kings,
Whose stern Ambition unjust ruine brings:
[Page 3] Yet in the even Conduct of thy Mind
Was Grandeur above Scepter unconsin'd.
Not more dismay'd when unthought Storms appear'd,
Then in best Calms whose change was causless fear'd.
And to Celestial Councels only known,
Why he, whose Virtue did adorn his Throne,
Should so accomplish'd not successfull be
Against the Wicked when his Enemy.
Vile in their rise, and in that more Accurst
Because proceeding from Peace loathed first
By Graceless hearts, which were too proudly bred,
And from their Peace and Riches Ranc'rous fed.
Whence Faction's Itch did more envenom'd sprout,
Contagion spreading through the Vulgar Rout.
And like quick Plagues, when mingling with their breath,
The Crowd Infected e're they fear'd their death.
With these high Evils poysonous Libels joyn'd;
Fame's Vulgar Magick, aptly then design'd
By men whose Subtleties could full delude,
And to their ends engage the thoughtless Crowd.
[Page 4] And next, themselves did wholsome Patriots blaze,
More to allure the Vulgar's Giddy praise.
Divulging faults where none Just fault could find,
Or call that Crime which they for Crime design'd.
Nor less Supine 'gainst Church then State durst rail,
Whilst Scots help'd England with their Pious Tale:
Or Covenant form'd that speciously might bring
Both Nations to Oppose their Laws and King.
How did their knotty evils then awake,
The Just Repose our Monarch's Rule did take?
Abroad he saw Peace bless'd him every where,
No Less Made Forraign Wonder then their Fear:
Nor more, at Home, did Troubles apprehend,
Who thought, his Good might others Evil mend.
Whence Heavens permissive Will did him allow
Much ready Justice with a Sword too slow.
A Merit that on bad Men little gains,
Whose fear, not love, their duty most retains.
Now Pop'lar fury, with it hop'd for Swinge,
Had set Commotion on the smoothest Hinge.
[Page 5] When Low'd desires brought Parliament Estates,
To colour more three Kingdom's wretched Fates:
In hope the Scepter without blow might fall,
Or shar'd by Lords and Commons at their Call.
No Negative Will their Sovereign they'd admit,
All they would Act, nay kill as they thought sit.
Thy bloud Great Strafford foremost must be Spilt,
His Head their fear, and death no loss their Guilt.
Whilst Poz'd the Senats Artisice to Maintain,
That Law did Treason in his Case Explain.
Whose fall his Princes Cares did much Augment,
Who griev'd, yet grieving gave his wrong'd Consent.
Flatter'd with hopes of future good from Men
That were bad first but to be worse agen:
And shows to Kings how dangerous they Comply,
When they (with evil) Subjects Gratify.
Nor less the Multitudes unruly Fate,
Who thought his Bloud more prosperous days should Date.
Not judging Heav'n had but deferr'd the time
When they must bleed to expiate their Crime.
[Page 6] All which the Politique Houses had foreseen,
When left to Crouds Seditions welcome Scene.
Well knowing that such must for their Crimes be stroak'd,
Before they could be more subservient yoak'd.
Or Grants obtain'd, Be aiding unto more,
That should confirm an everlasting Power
To sit and Vote; To which their Prince Agrees,
Hoping to winn them with Benignities;
And this High gift like which none e're had been
By Subjects ask'd, or given by English King.
Whilst they neglecting his too facile Grace,
Give to their asking still a bolder Face.
Resolv'd to Compass such Disloyall things,
As should dethrone him with his line of Kings.
No thoughts like these did complicate his Cares,
And pierc'd him deeper in his Consorts Tears:
Her Person Menac'd and defam'd by those
Who most did high disorders then dispose.
Which tho' 'gainst her Ingloriously apply'd,
Yet no occasion she her Soul deny'd,
[Page 7] That to her King her Value could assure,
Or tell the World what she'd for him endure.
To whom, with Meen and Greatness duly Joyn'd,
She briefly thus express'd her Glorious Mind.
What Fate soe're in these Commotions lyes,
Or sury staring in your Peoples Eyes;
Should it shame Starrs that such presages guide,
Or to your Rebell Subjects joyn their side:
No day, from aiding you, shall me deterr,
How dismall e're may look the face of Warr.
Too sure your friend, your Foes do me suspect,
Since my Soul most your Cause must needs affect.
Like which no Glory from my Life can spring,
Or Courage in the Wife of such a King.
What Ally won't your Warrs concern embrace,
Or Prince descending from a Royall Race,
When I your praises shall to them declare,
And how Compleat to Rule your Virtues are:
These, your best Standards, I'le abroad display,
If through the Occean Starrs assist my way.
[Page 8] To these obligements of her Soul to him,
Whose Virtue best their Merit could esteem;
He thus replyes: If Heaven designes to me
By Peace or Warr a due prosperity:
The greatness of thy Mind and Love I'le own,
Above Attempts that may support my Crown.
My Kingdoms dangers threaten every where,
As from black Clouds Men future Thunder [...]
Fierce Pop'lar rage above its Region swells,
Whence few discern where most the mischief dwells:
But more severe that Crime unto my Heart,
As your affliction has with mine its part.
What Absence can you sever from my mind,
Where like another Soul your value's join'd.
Whilst I assisting of thy Just Retreat,
Shew my Affection's no less kind then Great.
Nor would I that true Annals should disperse
My Acts of Glory, and not Thine rehearse.
His Queen in whose Heroick Soul did meet
All things that Love and Majesty compleat▪
[Page 9] Yields to depart, with so Serene a Grace,
That Gries seem'd vanquish'd in her Tender Face.
Much kindness she express'd, and more forbears;
Lest Words too sadly should produce her Tears:
Or that her Soul to utter wanted power
How kind she'd leave him in that dismal hour.
Such Nobless as with Duty did attend
On this Departure, how did they contend
To six Impressions on their Souls that might
Admi [...]e the Grief and Grandeur of this sight?
Nor Judg'd they sorrow could enough Address,
With tears their wives and daughters did Express▪
As they fear'd evills from that hour would spring,
That destin'd was to part a Queen and King.
Thus they Lamented; and next Joyntly pray,
That Heaven might safely guide on Seas her way.
And from the Glory of her Voyage yield,
Fa [...]r fam'd Assistance to her King in field.
Winds soon their wishes take, whilst Neptun's face
His Azur'd Curls and smoothest Billows grace:
[Page 10] Proud that his Swiftest waves her fraight must bear,
As her stout Ship to Belgick ports did steer.
Had former Poets this Atcheivment known,
Not their verse Thetis Queen of Seas would own.
Since Love and Glory more Sublimely raise
A Consort to our Empire on the Seas.
The Queen thus to a Forraign Coast retir'd,
Where Highest Potentates her worth admired,
And how she more then Woman's skill apply'd,
That her Kings Cause might soonest be supply'd.
When Belgian States (so long oblig'd had been
To Fam'd Elizabeth our English Queen;
By whom their Body-Politique did rise
In spight of Spain then held so Great and Wise)
She with Pathetick words did highly move,
Wishing their Power as Gratefull as her Love.
Since by a sad Vicissitude of Fate,
The English Crown Courts their obliged State:
Letting 'em know to what a Glorious end
They may for ever be call'd Englands freind.
[Page 11] To which the Belgick State, with Supine pride,
(Th' effect of Power and Riches) thus reply'd;
What er's the Cause that this Address does bring,
Thus Honour'd by the Queen to Brittains King.
An Envoy, which our Greatness must confess,
Does more then Humane Majesty express:
Far be't that our now Mighty-States disown
Their past Oblig'ments to the English Throne,
By whose brave Aid's we did best force obtain
On Land and Sea to Curb Aspiring Spain.
And what is more, did next advantage take
Our selves (of Subjects) Mighty Lords to make.
For which Spain Lowdly did us Rebells call,
Who durst hope Safety by that Scepters fall.
A bold Necessity which Subjects brings
First to oppose, and then Dethrone their Kings.
Whether the Brittish quarrell be the same,
Or from a specious greivance would disclaim
Like us their Monarch's Rule; in either Case
We can't the English Crown's demand embrace.
[Page 12] Least held our States high Blemish to resist
Our Prince at Home, and one abroad assist.
We with most Kings a free Commerce Maintain;
Whose coin may Ships, Arms, Men, from us obtain.
No Princes Wanting Cause our States espouse,
To gain's our business when our Neighbours Loose.
The Queen by prudence and experience taught,
Disdains to utter the Contempt she thought,
These Courser States deserved, tho' well she knew
How few Dominions are to others true,
And what a Cold redress most Princes sinde,
When Fortune is to their affairs Unkinde.
Yet with her self concludes (tho' stript of all
That could a Monarch's suffering Spouse befall)
Nothing to Mis-imploy that can assure
Her King's great Safety, or his Ayd procure.
Such Matchless Gemms whose Luster did adorn
The Diadems which English Queens had worn;
She, as her Glorious Offering did bring
To purchase ayd, more Sacred, for her King.
[Page 13] No sooner Covetous Belgians these behold,
But they Comply (on such) to lend their Gold:
Tho' adding to the Summ before deny'd,
So Sure are Mortalls by their profit try'd.
But oh the Fate of Princes that deplore
Their want of power as well as being poore,
Orange, who from Imperial Linage Came,
Had by Alliance no less mingled same,
In seeing late wedded by his hopefull Son,
The eldest Princess of the Brittish Throne:
With Generous Greatness to the Queen thus speaks,
Since my Bloud Glory from the Rule partakes
Of your Just King, 'twere mean should I deny
My Purse to ayd his Injur'd Majesty.
Wishing my Treasure could alone Compleat
Such Noble sorce as might his foes defeat.
And did not Age forbid, with such affairs
That here Imploy my person and my Cares,
I'de like a Soldier 'mongst his Bravest Fight,
And Honour'd if my death his Cause could right.
[Page 14] The Queen thus furnish'd by this Great Ally,
To purchase Arms and Men she does apply
Her soonest Care, Next Martialists consults;
And then does ponder from their bold results,
How best to guide her Force, what Port to finde,
Wishing her Love could wings add to the Winde.
That soon returning with well-formed Power,
She might her Charles assist some usefull hour.
The Queen thus active in a Forraign State;
My Muse shall by her Measures here relate,
A further Progress of Intestine broils,
And how our King prepared for Martial Toyls.
Whose Rule, by stubborn Evills then opprest,
Tho' it so long Ingratefull Subjects blest:
Who Kingly Grace and pardon durst neglect,
The Balms which Publick Cures so oft effect.
Which Impious arrogance did then Improve
In such, who their Prince would not fear, nor Love.
And Notion'd thus th' Impetuons Crowd was taught
To vent defyance, to his Pallace brought.
[Page 15] Whitehall his Sacred residence beset
By Crowds, for Threats and Terrors there had met,
No Humane Violence could with this Compare,
But in Men-Monsters who deny'd to Fear
The Heavenly Scepter Jove was thought to hold,
When he Olimpus saw attaqu'd of old.
The King, enough deploring, soon beheld
Th' Inflam'd vulgar Fury unrepell'd
By London Magistrates due advice or ayd,
Where more then Law was Factions then obey'd.
Who durst his Pallace wish despoyl'd by such
That Royall Mansions thought for Kings too Much,
The King less greiv'd from his Lov'd Court to move,
Then there to trust such Pledges of his Love,
Whose Tender years could not his hast partake,
Nor Left behind securely for his Sake.
His Lands, Towns, Treasure, soon to be possest,
By such as wish'd his Crown should be opprest.
Whilst he retiring (like that Trojan Prince,
Who could no longer be his Troy's defence,
[Page 16] Yet with high Courage Res [...]n'd there from Fut [...]
The Princely Heir of that declining State,)
[...]ad many dangers pass'd that round him stood,
When sav'd the Blooming Hero's of his Blood.
[...]is Prince of Wales and York's Duke young in years,
Preserv'd from Foes by his Supremest Cares:
And by their Fathers Suss'rings grew to know
The Streights to Glory they must undergo.
Who tho' he Kingdoms had, and Cities Great
Which ow'd obsequiance to his Regal State,
Yet in their vast Circumference knew not where
'Twas best to Influence first his Martial Sphere.
Till too like Private Majesty remov'd,
And Journeying far his Prudence had approv'd
The North's * Metropolis, to which adjoyn'd
Regions to Loyal Glory full Inclin'd.
And being a Prince resolv'dly Great and Just,
In Law supporting as his Scepters trust:
Thought Heaven and he divinely were obey'd,
When Subjects should his Cause most dauntless aid.
[Page 17] Soon did the Nobles then themselves convey
Unto their King, scorning from him to stay,
Or with time-serving Disobedience stain
Their part of Honour in his Glorious Reign.
The Generous next their Brave Example take,
Whilst soon, their worst remains, both Houses make:
An Impious Body-Politique to sit,
Where future Parliaments may blush to sit.
Since from that Fatal late abused Name,
A spreading evil kindled first its flame.
Unhappy Westminster so oft to be
The Seat of Publique Good and Infamy.
Our Second Edward and our Richard tell,
How black, from them, thy Records there do dwell.
And what adds more unto thy Monstrous Date,
The Best of Kings there doom'd to wicked Fate.
Which Deeds with their Prodigions Story may
Unequall'd stand to the World's ending day,
Nor could the Houses subtlest Gloss evade
Reflections by the Wise were early made:
[Page 18] When Actlons, how-e're worded, did imply,
They pointed at the fall of Monarchy.
Design'd by such, to Rule, would force their way,
Tho', Slave-like Fellow-Subjects them obey.
From which Ambition (oft man's proner Curse
When tempted by bold perils to be worse)
The face of War did gradually appear,
Foreseen by more then durst divulge their fear.
Seditious Scotland, that had first begun
To form Rebellion before Forty One,
And from their wicked Presidents had been
Slily instructed in this Impious Sin;
That where known Story most Allegeance blots,
'Twill doubtless yield to History of Scots.
England they saw they could not then compell
To grant them Seats where they might warmer dwell.
For which our King they envy'd, tho' their own,
But most, because most Happy in our Crown.
Craft thus imploy'd that subtly had inclos'd
Their labour'd Mischiefs, which they thus dispos'd:
[Page 19] Their Schism and Faction, unto England brought,
Intrigu'd so firm that with their Snares 'twas caught.
Which to uphold both Houses joyn'd their Vote,
That with Arm'd Scots their Arms they might promote.
Reb [...]liou [...] Ireland, that could not stay
'Till Sc [...]ch and English Bloud was cast away,
With headstrong guilt begins this wicked Time,
Few apprehend which Nation's greatest Crime.
The King his Person offers to oppose
Against his Irish Rebells, yet not knows
Which Kingdom would to him most safety yield,
Or where best first for him to take the Field.
England, his dearest Pledge, imploy'd his Grief,
Whilst bleeding Ireland call'd for soon relief.
Which lest he should Conduct the Houses pray
That he at home as unsecure might stay.
Resolv'd their Pow'r his Arms should first oppose,
More to encourage every where his Foes.
Fearing lest he from Just occasion might
Others subdue, and next them stronger fight.
[Page 20] No Sword by their Consents with him they'd Trust,
Whose great Revenge they fear'd, yet knew 'twas Just.
Essex, whose stubborn Will and sullen Pride
Had with this Poplar Faction long comply'd,
With greater Zeal Heads their Rebellious Cause,
Nor grants 'tis guilt to fight against the Laws.
Who fway'd by specious Arts, and thirst of Fame,
Discern'd not then a Loathed General's Name.
Forgetting whence Nobility did spring,
Or how 'tis stain'd when Arm'd against the King.
Thus crowded into Power he Leads that Force,
Which the bold Houses Vote their Foot and Horse.
Numbers no Less then Mighty to Impower
The evils which that Age did soon deplore.
What was thy Crime, O London! then to be
The Numerous Ayd of this Calamity:
Was it because thou wert too richly great,
Or too long pamper'd in a blest Estate;
That thy Ingratefull heads then seem'd to ake,
And by pretended flame a Feaver take,
[Page 21] An Artisice to worst Delusions joyn'd,
As Zeal transported had the Peoples Minde.
And if my Verse a Prospect duly take
Of what did then so fierce Transactions make,
Truth soon declares that 'twas no publique Sense
That had diffus'd so vild an Influence.
But heatfull Parties that within their Frames,
For ends devis'd, had rais'd such horrid flames;
And but the name of Parliament did feign,
On purpose to convey a larger stain.
And which no well-form'd sense allows to be
That full Conventious Publique Infamy.
A Constitution Great to all effects,
As it our Good discerns and Bad detects.
From whence the Nation best their Pulse perceives,
And when 'tis sound more soundness then receives.
If Craz'd, or will not other help endure,
That prov'd State-Phisick can compleat the Cure.
And what, beyond all Treasures, Aid Imparts,
It both receives and gives the Peoples Hearts.
[Page 22] An Envy'd Glory through which Nations see
Cause to repine our just felicity.
When wild exorbitance of Pride and heat,
In other Rules have their pernicious date.
And more detects our Late Unhappy Times,
In which Men boldly strove to heighten Crimes:
Kindled by such on each side did Convey,
Their fiery Ends the most destructive way.
By perverse Parliaments the Factions sought,
That low and poor their Monarch might be brought:
Denying, for their ends, their publick Aid,
As fi [...]st their Niggard purse him disobey'd.
Which forc'd Prerogative, by Royal Right,
To claim, for Common good, the Purses Might:
An Aidfull Power that Scop [...]
Lest Subjects ill retain what Crow [...]s should [...].
Tho' Pop'lar Patriots did this Act di [...]own,
And cast aspersions on the Straiten'd Throne;
As they 'gainst Shipmoney disgusts proclaim,
With high Contests, which to Tribunals came;
[Page 23] That their Great Monarchs Rule might want supply,
Till Senats should less peevishly deny.
When this fam'd King, whose Soul was full propense
To give his Royal Claim no wrong defence,
Consented to give Law it's due repute,
That Legall Process might his Plea promote.
Which Misconceived in a furious Time,
When Jealousies and fears durst vent their Crimes,
By deeming things undutiously amiss,
That men might thence distrust their Nations Bliss:
Ceas'd not their Rancour, tho' by * Act of State
This Tax abolish'd was to Lasting Date,
As they abetted a Disloyal fear
Of Oblique Motions in the Royal Sphere:
Whence Crowds were Taught more strictly to embrace
What then was call'd their Senat's sighting Case:
Lest that subdu'd they might be next undone,
And Lives and Fortunes grant by Conquest won.
[Page 24] A Sense devis'd by obloquies of Fame
To blemish their King's Rule and Sacred Name.
Thus some did with most horrid Arts devise
How to Impose on all more Just and Wise.
Such subtle Members as the Houses sway'd,
Soon their Delusions takingly convey'd:
With what by Vulgar Fury cou'd promote
The Cause which their sierce Patrons first did Vote.
To which their violent Spiritual Guides comply'd,
Who taught Rebellion then was Sanctify'd.
Was't not enough that former Ages found,
How such Incendiaries did then abound:
That Pulpits must afresh divulge their flame,
And, stead of Beacons, publick Broils proclaim:
Provoking Heaven and Inauspicious Starrs
To haste the bloudy Aspects of our Warrs.
When in their Orbs the rest began to fear
Lest Mars, in spight of Jove, should domineer.
Nor less the Azur'd Regions did presage
Prodigious Fights and Battels in that Age
[Page 25] Arms, against Arms, to mens affrighted eyes,
Seem'd as array'd Battalions on the Skies;
Where flashings did like Guns discharging shew,
And Flames resembled Pikes in Skirmish too.
Most fear'd what these strange Visions should portend,
Or hop'd Heav'n might by them bad men amend.
Whilst nothing the fierce Houses then restrain'd,
Or that rough * Earl whose Conduct they had gain'd,
Not, as they did for Bloud and Treasure thirst,
Or wou'd for Horrid Spoils of War be Curst:
More specious they seem Laws and King to treat,
So subtly Mortals would their guilt abate.


The Argument.
Intestine Discords by what Method spread,
The Quarrel the unhappy Title bears
Of King and Parltaments opposed Arms.
And like the body of the State confus'd,
The Members differ: Towns, Cities, Counties,
Miserably behold their Magistrates,
Tho' Guardians of their Peace turn'd Enemies,
And arm'd in this destructive War appear.
WAR thus prepar'd and boldest Summons sent
T'Incite more swiftly Minds to Fury bent,
Without perceiving the Impetuous Source
Of boundless Evils, which their Crimes did force.
Or that Peace seem'd their Universal pain,
'Till after War 'twere begg'd of Heaven again.
A Crisis oft gives Furious Tempers ease,
When War's rough Physick proves their worst disease.
What man can in most touching Numbers shew
The various Ills with that Time's License grew:
[Page 27] When neither tie by Bloud, or Parents Tears,
Nor Conscience which man's Soul diviner fears▪
Could Son or Brothers daring heart deterr
From being ally'd more guilty by this Warr.
Or not with headstrong fury soon oppose
The side their dearest Friends for safety chose.
Nor did the Aged then forbear to show,
That Peace was wither'd no less then their Brow:
Conspiring in the Autumn of their Time,
To misguide others by their Graver Crime.
Whence Evils with more Grandeur did augme [...]t,
As Age taught Youth so little to repent.
And by their joint endeavours did assure,
That this Wars fatal flame would long endure.
The Forts and Castles that had slighted been,
And by their Ruines told Wars Antient Sin;
Laborious hands did Numerously repair;
And with their Dusty Toils obscur'd the Air.
Whilst distant Men affrighted did behold
New forms of Terrour far surpassing old.
[Page 28] When but Bows piercing Shafts from Bulwarks flew,
And not so horridly—as Guns Men slew.
Thus some Lamented, whilst the Many strove
Their Nations fury highest to improve.
And did Tumultuous Rage through Regions spread,
With Thefts from Wars bold License sadly read.
Some total Plunder'd and their Persons sent,
Revil'd by Crowds, to loath'd Imprisonment.
Whilst others forc'd from Houses and Estates,
Were left like Wanderers unto wretched Fates.
Tho' Charg'd upon their Souls no other Crime
Then not to Aid the Mischiefs of that time.
When violent Men Delinquencies durst make
In such as would not Peace with them forsake:
Or hop'd that Moderate quiet might be had,
When but to live secure was counted bad.
Number the People's Monster, like the Birth
Of that vast Giant fam'd the Son of Earth;
Its own unweildy Power did roughly bring
To Aid Intended Arms against the King.
[Page 29] Who tho' his Life and Crown he soon might Stake,
Beheld his Leavies for his Cause too weak.
Courage his Hope sustain'd, and Conscious Right,
Which to defend Best Kings renown'dly fight.
But e're his Enemies did neer him joyn,
Or Re-inforcements further their Design;
Their strongest Parties vigour he'd first try,
And teach them from his Sword 'twas Just to fly.
Whilst then his Power in Horse began to spread,
And by most Gen'rous Bloud of English Led;
Of whom he thought no praise enough cou'd be,
Or Greatness joyn'd unto their Dignity,
Untill Great Rupert, his Renown'd Ally,
He made First Captain of their Cavalry.
A Prince that did in his High Lineage joyn
Best German Race with England's Royal Line.
And what did most embellish his High Bloud,
No less in Story fam'd for Brave then Good.
Who for this Expedition duly chose
Troops best approv'd to meet the hardy Fo [...].
[Page 30] Worcester that had Allegeance early shown,
When many Cities were disloyal known;
(Tho' her distress from future Fate did bring
A Second Charles to live an Exil'd King.)
Implor'd of Heaven a soon Auspicious hour,
As near her then took Field the Royal Power.
To which Campagne the Houses eager Vote,
That War, on their part, should its haste promote,
Had sent their firmest Regiments of Horse,
In hopes they'd there succeed by strenuous force.
Sands had these Glittring Troops; resolv'd for Fame,
Led to this Field with full Couragious Flame.
His thought's with Number rais'd and boldest Pride,
To be held early signal by his Side.
Not as he wou'd the Juster Cause maintain,
But Glory sought mixt with pernicious Gain:
Which profitable Encomium much did sway
Men that the Houses serv'd for Praise and Pay.
His Troups encounter'd, swift Resistance find;
And next like Stubble scatter'd by the Wind
[Page 31] With a Confused Haste their flight confound,
Whilst with their gasping Friends Death strows the Ground.
Their Resolute Chief whose Courage could not yield,
Timely to grant his Foes the Conquer'd Field,
Too deeply wounded is a Captive made;
The Prince, with Courteous grief, his Cure assay'd
By best skill'd Surgeons who his wounds explore,
But found, too far past aid, his Vital Power.
Nor did his Valour harden so his end,
As't did his Cause then Courage more commend.
Great Rupert prosp'rous thus and fill'd with hope
To gain by future Conquest further scope;
Unto his Royal Unkle did retire
With many Trophies of his Martial Fire.
The King with Temperate Thoughts so poyz'd his Mind,
That no events in him a Change could find:
To his Brave Nephew, with Indulgent Grace,
Did thus express; Tho' of my Princely Race,
I gladly prove thy Valour such as may
Preserve my Scepter in each doubtfull day,
[...] [...]
[Page 32] Should my Opposers fiercely still adherè
To stain their Crimes more deeply by this War:
Yet 'tis my Royal Soul that bids confess,
That I must welcome less, then they, Success.
Tho' they fight to resist what I maintain,
Yet still my Subjects are on both sides slain.
Wherefore so Lead my Battels that I may
When Victor shew more Mercy still then they.
As with Calm Glory thus the King exprest,
A Warlike heat enflam'd Great Rupert's breast:
Who thus replies, Since your severest Foes
Cannot your steady Greatness discompose;
In nothing I'le be wanting to incite
Your boldest Troups with forward Zeal to fight.
Nor shal't be said that I one Peril shun
Where Service can for you by Arms be done.
Unto your Powers Heaven daily does dispense
Aids undiscern'd by Humane Providence.
Your Royal Standard no where is display'd,
But Welsh and English gladly are Array'd.
[Page 33] Who, when War's Discipline improves their Might,
Will soon for you undaunted Soldiers fight.
The King tho' in his Nephew thus beheld
Example's Grandeur, which had oft upheld
Daring Attempts by forward Captains Led
Who Fortune's briskest Smiles had sometimes had:
His Nobless, Gentry, to Atchievements prone,
That most Magnanimous might assist his Throne.
Yet could not [...]e allay such Anxious thought
As his Affairs in prospect to him brought.
His Forces newly rais'd and thinly Arm'd,
And more the Sinews of their Hearts uncharm'd
By Coins alluring force, his Treasure spent,
Or greatest part, unto his detriment!
By the bold Houses rigidly possest,
And in that Nerve of State him first distress'd.
Whilst, to his grief, his wanting Files might say,
That Duty set off almost ali their Pay.
All which did in their Grievances declare
How deep the King concern'd and Nation were.
[Page 34] Throughout its Parts and Orders un-intire,
And Notion'd as did least their Peace conspire.
Some Vassals, with their Lords, themselves array,
Others their Lords by fighting disobey.
No State or Birth their due distinction find,
Whilst mean and bad then joyn'd their worst design.
The Swain his tilt neglected in despair
Of what his Globe might yield another year,
Judging that Camps would better him sustain,
Then his disorder'd toil for future Grain:
No Aid whate're but did reception find;
Wars Darling, Force, is best with Number joyn'd.
Essex from London march'd with highest State,
When thro [...] [...] [...]s did his Soul clate,
By th'Houses man [...]ent, and Crowds design'd,
To heighten Fervour in his Poplar Mind.
Who with their Sanguine Zeal had less conspir'd,
Had not Fame's Tinder so his Temper fir'd.
By which Impulse, or from the Fate of things,
That Rugged Souls to proner Violence brings:
[Page 35] He soon his Army full compleated Led
Near to Campagnes in which the King's was spread.
Not doubting but his Num'rous Warlike Force,
So well accoutred by the Houses Purse,
Would soon the King's best formed Powers defeat,
When they should boldest his in Battel meet.
And that his Cause no smooth pretext should lose,
Which for its Vail the Senate's Votes had chose.
Unto the King a specious Errand sends,
That to his Sovereign safety recommends:
By wishing he'd from Perils soon withdraw,
Since no respect can flying Bullets awe:
Or Swords promiscuoully in Battels kill,
And may, 'mongst Lower Bloud the Highest spill.
So plausible wou'd men their Figures take,
If words, for their Offence, can Varnish make.
The King, whose even Greatness did compose
His Person to the wonder of his Foes,
Thus to the Earl's delusive Message says;
Tell the bold man who for Inglorious praise
[Page 36] Does near Imbattel'd to our sight appear;
And dares by Arms to bid his Sovereign fear.
That Phoebus may as soon decline his Lighr,
When Cloudy Meteors would obstruct his sight,
As witness my Just Glory I disown,
Or Deeds my Scepter highest can renown,
Tho' with my Pers'nal Sufferings shou'd combine
The worst that Armed Subjects shall design.
The King here ends: And next Great Lindsey spake,
Since Me, Great Sir, your General you make,
Suffer that I unto this Earl commit
What may my Honours Station well besit.
He is a Captain and I'de have him know
My Prowess shall him equall'd that way show:
But if before the fury of this day,
He'l singly Combate me a Soldiers way.
Our Persons shall our Battel's Signal be,
As we begin to fight for Victory.
This Errand thus return'd; Essex declin'd
All other Fight then with his Army joyn'd.
Who judg'd that'twas a much securer course
To wave then meet Brave Lindsey's single force.
The King from Edge-Hill's top, like Jove on high,
When Mortals once 'gainst Heaven Incamp'd did lie
Undaunted saw the near Campagne disclose
Power that durst him divine on Earth oppose.
And as a Royal Chief did next descend
Strictly to view if orderly extend
His Battel, Wings, of Infantry and Horse;
Inspecting next if their Souls vig'rous force
Stood on their Looks, and how each Persons Face
Spoke daring Conduct in his Martial place.
'Mongst these, as Valours Ornament, he saw
Best Peers and Gentry Glistring Swords to draw.
Not readier to Command then to Obey,
Where Voluntiers they rank'd themselves that day.
Mingled with these he more Intent beheld
Some by him least oblig'd or favour'd hrld,
T'inlarge his Royal Files did there resort,
Without expected Gift or Place from Court.
[Page 38] Whilst others by his Royal Bounty rais'd
To Honour, Wealth, ne're in their 'Scutcheons blaz'd;
Ingratefully from his Just Cause withdrew,
Or 'gainst him did worst Renegado's shew.
Which frontless guilt when well the King compar'd
With such, full-Soul'd with Duty, him rever'd;
Their Loyalty unpamper'd by his Gifts,
Whilst Falshood had in others gainfull shifts.
How might this Prince hope Heaven his Crown won'd right,
Since Conscience thus for him won hearts to sight?
When Factions did the Houses Votes maintain,
Blended with various Interests and Gain.
Some Bankrupt Commons and of Gentry such
Who safe Estates and Lives would others grudge:
And purposely Commotions did Create,
To share Large Gleanings by their Nation's Fate:
Which gave the King occasion to deplore,
Where his Arms lost they lessen'd Virtues Store;
And could but low retaliation find,
If Bloud they vanquish'd mean or unresin'd.
[Page 39] Essex, whose Talent was in words not great,
Or like such Chiefs whose Oratory's heat
The fervour of their Militants could raise,
And by apt Speech and Conduct mingle praise:
Yet Lest his Soul too heavy seem'd to fill
His Organs, or unbent his Armed Will,
He boldly own'd to Heaven, a specious way,
His Lawless Cause as he pres [...]'d to pray
With Canting Teach [...], who could Prayers devise
And Texts expound Rebellion to disguise:
Besitting well the Factions of those Times,
And men who fought and begg'd success for Crimes.
Thus, to his Name's reproach, his Files he Led
In Keinton-Field against his Nations Head:
Where soon both Armies furiously Engage,
That English might kill English on that Stage.
When first from loudest Canons Bullets slew
And Ranks of Men at remote distance slew.
Some view'd their sever'd Limbs e're they could dye
In parts by Deaths severest Cruelty.
[Page 40] Others were slain outright by one huge blow,
And happy whom such Guns had killed so:
Or were by stunning Shot bereav'd of breath,
As Canons, without wound, enforc'd their death.
Some Horse throw Riders wanting Limbs to tread,
Others by Bullets torn in halfs lay dead.
Thus with Man's Fate the servile Beast complies,
And in Wars method most alike him dies.
This Thund'ring Prologue ceas'd, the Scene did fill
With thicker Mischiefs, tho' less Engines kill.
Which Musket's close opposing Peals convey,
Numerous as Attoms when the burning day
Provokes their intermingled globulous flight,
And by their adverse motions seem to sight.
Which Slaughter past another did ensue,
That gives some death who had scap'd Powders blow.
And did as dismal Prospects soon expose,
As these fierce Legions closer fought their Foes.
Foot against Foot their brandish'd Pikes imploy,
And with bold Stands no less the Horse annoy.
[Page 41] Such soonest fall as wou'd most daring live,
In so short time Fames Stage can Honour give.
But now as Fortune wou'd the King assist,
Or teach his daring Foes less to resist:
His Cavalry with furious drift had chas'd
Th'Enemies Horse on their Right-Wing were plac'd.
Whilst vanquish'd through this spacious Field they fly,
Nor thought to stop howe're by flight they dye.
So strangely fear produc'd Ignoble haste,
Tho' Fate they prov'd o'retook their Lives too fast.
Great Rupert who the Royal Cavalry Led,
And had too far pursu'd Brigades that fled,
Remembred then the Friends he left behind,
And how distress'd perhaps he them should find.
With whom the King might highest dangers share,
Untill relieved by his Valiant Care.
Thus he presag'd, and in his Mighty Mind,
As much his boundless Valour then repin'd;
That had surpass'd occasions Limits so,
As Fortunes Time did from him backward go.
[Page 42] Whose Minutes slipt she proudly does disdain
The self-same favours to bestow again.
Whilst in that hasty hour the Thirst of Spoils
Too soon had mingled with his Soldiers Toyls.
Some seizing Baggage of the op'lent slain,
When others vaster Booty strove to gain.
Their Fatal Profit, as too early they
Would have the Gleaning of the Field that day.
Which by this Prince discern'd, with res'lute Brow
And highest Indignation bids them throw
To earth mean Pillage, and with boldest Might
Return with him unbroken Ranks to sight.
Being rally'd thus, like Billows on the Main
That with more furious Tides revolve again,
He forc'd his passage back through Armed Foes,
And Horse and Man Impetuously o'rethrows.
His Soul Impatient to accomplish more
Then he had left behind undone before.
Yet could not his Attempts, though prais'd by Fame,
Prevent the froward Cast of Fortunes Game;
[Page 43] When the Essexians with great Valour fought,
And the King's Battel unto hardship brought.
Whose Valiant Infa [...]ry tho' o'repowr'd with force,
At once Encountred t [...] both Foot and Horse.
Whence many various sad effects ensu'd,
As here Death had her T [...]k Scene pursu'd.
The hardy Pikemen that sometime withstood
The strenuous Charge of Horse with loss of Bloud:
'Mongst Broken Foot, defended least by flight,
In much disorder was enforc'd to fight.
Their Front compell'd to mingle with the Reare,
And many kill'd confus'dly sighting there.
Some trod to death by Horse in furious hast,
Others by Cruel Leisure fell more fast.
Too many can't resist, resist wou'd fain,
So much their Valour of their Fate did gain.
Such Gen'rous Chiefs as could no longer guide
Their bravest Conduct 'gainst the prevailing side,
With their distressed Militants now yield
To fall the Glory of this Bloudy Field.
[Page 44] Where Fortune dreadfull revolutions wrought,
As if the Destinies her Aid had sought.
When Valiant Bands, which like a Sacred fence
Had stood the Royal Standards stout defence,
Disorder'd were, yet then disdain'd to fly;
Or cease to fight, but as they'd fighting die.
Belford who res'lutely his Squadrons Led
To force their room by laying Files first dead,
With Steps well dy'd in Bloud a passage made
Where the King's Standard's Glory was display'd.
Which matchiess Trophy he aim'd to surprize
As his bold Present to the Houses eyes.
Whilst Loyal * Varney, who with Valiant Trust
That highest Ensign's safety hop'd to boast;
As he with signal Prowess sometime stood
Unconquer'd tho' expending Streams of Bloud,
And as Life had thus bravely from him fled,
The Standard fast supported held when dead.
[Page 45] But this Knight's fall, tho' in desert alone
Enough to save that Emblem of the Throne,
Could not without conjoyn'd Atchievments bring,
Sufficient rescue to their a Figur'd King.
Which Glory valiant b Smith with others gain'd,
And to retire the Enemy constrain'd.
A Prowess with their Fame must still survive,
Whilst deeds in Keinton-field with Story live.
What Epithites in Verse can aptly raise,
Trophees, that may perpetuate their praise.
Or History that gives Truth such a Test,
As Famous deeds are thence recorded best.
Too Numerous for my Measures to preserve,
Or what my Muse may doubt she can't deserve.
The day just spent (and well it happen'd so
When both sides still to fight resolv'd did show)
As if Heav'ns Conduct auxiously took care,
How Men against their wills should Mankind spare.
[Page 46] And thus Night sever'd both these mighty Powers,
So fiercely was Imploy'd that days sad hours.
Night, in which Terrors most accost man's thought,
And shapes bad deeds in worser forms then wrought;
What apprehensions might her hour's instill,
On such, whose latest Guilt had been to kill.
Nor did the rising day to them appear,
Less dismall to their Conscious Crimes or fear.
The Sun beheld far more then usuall red,
If not his blush when view'd the blood here shed.
As sometimes Heaven does prodigies bestow,
To Frighten Mortalls for Misdeeds below.
And might then op'rate whilst with like decree,
Both Armies quit the Field, yet neither flee.
Essex to Warwick does his Forces guide,
Enough exulting that his Stubborn side
The King's had sought, and unsuppress'd cou'd own,
Such spoils of Dead and Living his were known.
And what Fate most peculiarly did prize,
Brave Lindsey (after made his Pris'ner) dyes.
[Page 47] Lindsey, whose great Example valour taught,
In perills bold, yet these not heedless sought;
A Captain aptly in a Hero Joyn'd,
As is for Honours Master-piece design'd.
And in that days fierce Harrass like a Chief
Of Infantry, On Foot led Foot's relief;
Till overpower'd, and weaken'd much by wound,
His foes him seiz'd, near dead upon the ground.
Compleated thus his Memory does Claim
A lasting mention from the Tongue of Fame.
The King his Camp to Oxford next remov'd,
Where his Commands were full obey'd and lov'd.
As Arts to [...]mpire must obsequions be,
And Measure thence their best Felicity.
The Court and Camp no sooner settl'd here,
[...] fresh Emergencies of War appear.
[...], on which the King did most reflect,
As a wide source whence slow'd the sighting Sect:
That for the Houses s [...]cest did oppose:
To check which heat he did this season chuse.
[Page 48] Besides he judg'd that in that Mighty Town
Were many Subjects highly did disown
The Interest, which the Factious manag'd there,
And might abate if his Force nearer were.
But London's Temper would not then Endure
To cease Rebellion by his force or Cure.
T'approach that Town to Bransord he arrives,
Where Silver Thames its usefull Current guides:
And like Vicissitude in Humane things,
An Intercourse of Ebb and Flowing brings.
But here he finds his March obstructed so,
That he must sight or else not forward go.
The Streets and Avennues with Men beset,
Who here (surviving Keinton-field) had met;
And with like resolution durst defy,
The sorce Conducted by arm'd Majesty.
Hollis's Regiment being first at hand,
Was led to combate by his bold Command.
Soon were the Streets with gashly slaughters fill'd:
Some Houses Ransack'd, and their owners kill'd;
[Page 49] The Town obscur'd from sight by smoak and fire,
As if with Lives designed to expire.
The Kings stout foot that wou'd not yield to be,
Repuls'd by dangers worst Extremity:
Had the opposing Infantry Compell'd,
To quit the Post which they so dauntless held.
And full of Resolution did proceed,
To give their Vigorous force more Gallant speed.
Untill observ'd that London Powers were brought,
To aid the Squadrons that already fought,
Then which; Not Mighty Seaven-hill'd Rome had shown,
Legions more splendid Arm'd, and expert known;
Tho' their unhappy Guilt that bloudy time,
To be Defenders of their Senat's Crime.
These Essex heads in hopes next to repair,
His Parties loss, so much the Zealous care
Of many smart and Comely City Dames,
Who to his Strenuous Cause apply'd their Flames:
And might his Manhood else not much regard,
As doubting he too long liv'd Nature's Ward.
[Page 50] The King who did in this Conjuncture know
Timely the Reinforcements of the Foe,
Consults such Chiefs in Conduct most excell'd,
And round his Person no less great beheld;
Then famous Hero's did of old appear,
When Arm'd in Field's they King's Advisers were.
And as Fame does such high concernments blaze,
Her Warlike records must these Worthies praise:
Who did their subtle Enemies deseat,
And in despite of more as bold retreat.
Whilst with nine Ensigns won, and other Spoyls,
The Royal Army then renown'd their Toyles.
Tho' Kings by Martiall Glory least obtain,
When by their Subjects loss they Trophies gain.
Or so inforc'd to Vindicate their Right,
As their just Arms must their delinquents sight.
Who as their Swords in battell Princes daro,
From dread of Justice Mercy next despair.
Nor Law Infring'd more Resolute defy,
Then Conscience, the Soul's inward Majesty.
[Page 51] Now had the Sun his Autumn Glory spent,
When longer hours of Cold to Night were lent.
And fields did in their fading Green appear,
The Change of Livery Nature gives the year.
Which season not admitting longer stay,
Abroad for Arm'd, both sides withdrew their way.
So Bees in Clusters from fierce Battles Come,
By cold enforc'd unto their waxen Home:
Untill refresh'd by ease and warmer Air,
Their busy files to sight again prepare.
Essex near London does his Quarters spread,
Where by the Houses Votes they're warmly sed.
And nothing's wanted might his loss Recruit,
At Keinton-Field, or Bransord's later Rout.
Yet Neither Boasted strength, or joys best Guise,
Could tears repell from the Lamenting Eyes
That griev'd for dear Relations wanted were,
As in Death's Muster read their Numbers are.
Tho' Pop'lar Conducts such Accompts most hide,
Lest People thence their dangers less abide.
[Page 52] Or from the sum of Lives profusely lost,
Perceive how dear such aid themselves must Cost.
The Royall force to Oxford next return'd,
Where Joy's were high and some disasters mourn'd.
As with Auspitious deeds of Warr appear,
Bays that must needs some sanguine Tincture bear.
Whilst here the Court, that had with spendour fix'd,
Shin'd as with fading Glories Intermix'd.
Where Noble Matrons fear'd what Threads of Life
Fate wou'd allow their Consorts in this Strife.
No less did Beauties (fain would Love espouse)
Dread in their Lovers more then Life to loose.
Which high Asllictions Civil War does find
To throw on best repose of Humane Kind.
Yet now as Fame her Festival wou'd raise,
For Celebration unto future days:
Her Record swift she sends on Rum'rous Wing,
As her high Present to be given the King:
By which from his Illustrious Queen was known
Her Person safe, and soon would meet his own;
[Page 53] Tho' Neptune more her Greatness to display,
Allow'd his boldest Seas t'opose her way.
Which did the far admiring world inform;
How she, Our Heroine, vanquish'd Waves and Storm.
Great Maro so did Fam'd Eneas blaze,
His Glory heighten'd on the highest Seas.
The King whose Love was servent to his Queen,
By whom he, to her Fame, oblig'd had been,
As she his Cause did to her peril aid:
To meet her Person no delay he made.
Attended by the Eminent of his Court,
Fully compleated in their Noblest sort.
Beside applauded Beauties that did wait
On this so high Concern of Love and State.
That Poets thence may future Copies take,
When they'd Diana's Chorus brightest speak.
Next unto these their Hero's did attend,
Whom [...]ame for Warlike Deeds could best commend.
Edge-Hill, so near to Keinton-Field adjoyn'd,
Was then the Sphere where all these Lustres shin'd.
[Page 54] Tho' Mortals that would bad Presages make
From accidental Causes or Mistake,
Might wonder that this Scene should here display,
Where Time must still Inroll a Bloudy day:
As if that Heaven by Circumstantial things
Foretold Disasters, which the Future brings.
The Queen whose Meen and Looks was Great beheld,
And in her Persons figure too excell'd.
More Comely did to distant eyes appear
Then fullest Moon when shining in her Sphere.
As here the King his Consort did behold,
High Wonder did a while his words withhold.
To shew her then Attractions pierc'd him more
Then all the Darts that she had beam'd before:
Which high surprise did on his Soul impose
A Sense, above what Speech could soon disclose:
Untill his Thoughts found strength enough to tell
How far she did Supreamest praise excell:
And to what Peril she her Life resign'd,
To be more Great to his Assistance joyn'd.
[Page 55] To which the Queen with humble Greatness said,
What Earthly Glory higher is obey'd,
Or Power of Love, if lasting Time thence know
That I your Virtue no less lov'd then you.
A Greatness which my Life too cheap had cost,
If I had for your sake in Storms been lost.
When late th'assaulting Billows of the Main
Oppos'd my safe return to you again.
And Winds so highly Combated in Course,
As if to Seas in Skies my Wreck they'd force.
Tho' Love then gave me such Heroick power,
That most your Loss in Me, I fear'd that hour:
'Till Heaven whose Scepter Boundless Flouds obey,
Through their deep dangers me did safe convey:
With Valiant Numbers fresh esteem have won
In distant Climes; may that be far outdone
As they your Aid and Safety do assist,
How stubborn e're your Foes shall dare resist.
And should these not Success for you obtain,
Worse Seas I'de venture more Recruits to gain.
[Page 56] Tho' Merit seems too narrow for my Breast,
Who in your Love am more intirely blest.
And if Kings Beds throughout the World were seen,
Yours wou'd contain the most obliged Queen.
What Admirations might this Dialogue bring,
Or desert heighten in this Queen and King.
Whilst throngs in Counties did applauding wait
On their Great Persons, 'till with Royal State
At Famous Oxford Gloriously arriv [...]d;
And which of Cities stands most beautify'd
By Stately Colledges, and Learning known,
And then the Center of the Camp and Throne.
When for the welcome of the King and Queen,
This City was more great and splendid seen,
Then former time could her renown declare,
Or highest Orbe of Science in her Sphere.
And as she then did Celebrate her Joys,
The Camp its mighty Engines too imploys;
Which as they figure best loud Tongues of Fame,
To Regions far applauses did proclaim.
[Page 57] And next best Trumpets, (Like to such of old
By Mars held Sacred when their Charms more bold
The Arm'd Inflam'd, or for the Conquer'd Field
Their loudest Musick did to Triumphs yield)
Had ears remote delighted with their sound,
And Ecchoes that no voice before had found.
And what did eyes as far remov'd imploy
T'Admire the Skill was here and signs of Joy:
The Famous Engineer had made by Art
Bodies that acted beyond Natures part:
When Fireworks did in vary'd Forms arise;
Some like to Meteors blazing in the Skies:
Others like fiery Bullets seem'd to [...]ly,
Or shot Granadoes Leaguer'd Towns do ply.
Which being past, the men whose active Might
In Running, Wrastling, Shooting, took delight:
Or durst by hardy Arms for Prizes play,
In Imitation of Romes Ancient way;
Had places proper unto them assign'd,
Where Chiefs and Hero's as Spectators Joyn'd.
[Page 58] And what sublimest does mans thought extend,
The Learn'd as Emulators did contend
How their Address they should profoundest make;
Or in as many Tongues refin'dly speak
As once th'Apostles did, tho' Scriptures tell
The Spirit on them for that purpose fell.
Nor did the Eloquence of Schools outdo
The Gloss which Preachers did on praise bestow.
Tho' Holy Writ no Person did convey
That like this King so well could Love and Pray.
As full his Consort's Soul they had Admir'd,
If for Rome's sake they had been then Inspir'd.
Next these some Poets gladly did dispense,
In this high Juncture, their sublimest Sense.
With what might most their Sovereigns Fame commend
Whose Merit long on Feet of Verse should stand.
Tho' of all Science, least the Muses date
Concessions that, from Court, their value rate.
In which high Orb few Gawdy things admit
Their smallest deference unto better Wit.
[Page 59] A vain neglect most Pens dare boldly slight,
That can of Courts and Men resin'dly write.
Which Glory then the Muses chiefly sought,
As that Kings Stile our Tongue had smoothness taught▪
Whose Book so matchless does his figure raise,
As his Soul perfects there Immortal praise;
And 'gainst his Foes such Eloquence does spread,
That they will ever thence be conquer'd read.
Well might Wise Poets him to Fame commend,
Whose Wit and Virtue Divine Glory blend.
These Celebrations past, the King and Queen
No less Conspicuous in their Courts were seen.
Where busy Joys and Whispers fill'd the Ear:
If Joy, could Joy be call'd and War so near;
Whose hours so roughly to their Periods flow,
That Heaven does them by Angry Stars foreshow.


The Argument.
The Wretched State of England in the Year
Of Forty Three, the Poet's Pencill draws.
The King abus'd by false Intelligence,
(The Corrupt Minions oft [...]ntriguing Art)
The Authors Numbers in a borrow'd Name
Full represent, with Dornland's figure shown,
And for his Loyall praise, by Power of Verse,
To after Story rais'd, with how occurr'd
The Councills, Stratagems, and deeds of Arms.
THe year recover'd had it's usuall Spring,
When blooming hours Warrs fatall growth did Bring,
And Ecchoes did with Tim'rous Voice resound
The dreadfull noise of Armed Troups around:
As by them spacious Randevouz were fill'd,
Warrs Schools, where Men in killing most excell'd;
Yet would th'effect of discipline that deem,
That War might have from wicked Art Esteem.
[Page 61] Essex who had some time at London spent,
Enough regretted, as the Houses Meant.
His March by all their vigorous Votes to hast,
That he no time of Action then should wast.
Or, from deliberate thought, dispose his mind,
Less Violent then their rigid Votes design'd.
Which he their Armies Head might so diffuse,
As in that Body Nerves might vigour loose.
The danger most they Fear'd by his delay,
And next him to confirm the smoothest way:
Their Pop'lar Charms, which most his soul did fit,
They, Syren-like, had Modell'd by their Wit.
For which Address a Person they select;
Who thus begins, If our Votes can effect
Praises sufficient to compleat your worth,
Or deeds to come by Valour you'le bring forth:
Know Great and Honoured Earl, the Houses will,
By due Obsequiousness admire you still.
Nor shall they your applause less valu'd deem,
Then worthy of the Height of their esteem.
[Page 62] Tho' Envy mourn, or talk her self then dumb,
To see our Crowds to you with Laurel come.
You, more then Chief, did first espouse our Cause,
When Th [...] by our displeas'd King and Laws.
Your Father did to Pop'lar deeds add Grace,
Tho' Term'd by some the headstrong of his Race.
Which Obl [...]y, or Court design might blaze,
When dreading most the Compass of his praise.
Contemn all Motives wou'd your conduct stay,
The Peopl [...]s [...] oft Cools by small delay.
The [...]arl who little did applaud the Sense
Of soothing words, the dress of Eloquence:
Or had for quick reply no ready brain;
Little return'd unto this speech again.
Like one, that wou'd be understood to be
Their Creature by his prone Credulity.
And next unto his Army did repair,
Where shouts like suddain winds flew through the Air.
From which applauses, and a soul well fill'd
With such designs the Houses had instill'd,
[Page 63] Boldly resolv'd, he do's towards Redding guide
His Armies March; a Town the Royall side
Had strengthen'd well, and Conduct duely plac'd,
That had with famous trust in War been grac'd.
Redding a Borough of a large extent,
Yet greater far in the Emolument.
Commodious Thames do's plenteously convey,
And opulent Freights from London stem their way.
Besides a Pass, that might no less withstand
A far Commerce with England's East by Land.
Which prejudice the Houses hop'd to Cease,
By soon Compelling by their Power that place.
But e're this Town's vast Danger we rehearse,
Some things at Oxford first require our Verse.
Which for their strangeness darkly Story'd are,
Or left for heedfull Poets to declare;
Whose thoughts do Records most remote sublime,
And perfect Deeds unfinish'd left by Time.
Poets are Authors, when they Actions tell,
That suit with Truth, or it resemble well.
[Page 64] And even the real Deeds I here pursue,
Seem no less strange, then if allow'd untrue.
Which did so vild from these Commotions spring,
That all their Changes did still worser bring.
The King perplex'd, how things might further tend,
(As Mediums bad with like effects do end)
His Subjects ruin'd by a wretched War;
Some near him spoil'd, whilst some from Countrys far
Quit their Aboads, whence they were forc'd to fly
As Objects of their Nations Misery.
The Gen'rous Born of their Estates bereft,
And unto Want and Wars wild Ruines left:
Who thus despoil'd by men of Vulgar Race,
That strove to levell all above their place,
Were forc'd by Arms to vindicate their Right,
And, to their loss the Low of Mankind fight.
Whilst none by suff'ring more renown'd was known
Then Valiant * Dornland, in whose sigure shown
[Page 65] The Muses Pencil Story may direct,
How there his Fame best Copy'd should be Left.
Who having dangers Past; and sharp distress,
His worthy Life, and duty did address.
And had affairs of that Importance brought,
As did require his Soveraigns Ear and Thought,
And witness'd that his future deeds shou'd be
No Less renown'd for dauntless Loyalty.
Whilst from delays, and slights of Court he found
Some (Tho' too near the King) in heart unsound.
Who cou'd with flattering Mene their Courtships pay
For Treacherous ends, and Gain, the subtlest way.
Whence too Indulgent Princes often find
Their Favours with their Fate too nearly Joyn'd.
This Generous sufferer full perplex'd that he
Could not yet meet sit Opportunity,
By which he to his Soveraign might convey
Things that he found himself might safest say.
At Last * Sydesmond passing by him saw,
To him he steps, and said, ere you withdraw
[Page 66] Acquaint the King, his Loyall Subject here
Waits to Impart what's fit for him to hear.
Sydesmond with a Glaring Parasits Look
Surveying first the Man, to him thus spoke.
Alas! mean friend, for thou in Cloaths seem'st poor,
And for thy wants perhaps woud'st Coin Implore.
Could'st thou no better furnish'd now appear;
And hope, for Cause of thine the Courtiers ear.
We favours do to Sprucer Men convey,
And who no Less us quaintly give then pray.
Perhaps thy person Merit wou'd Import,
Merit, a Drugg that slowly vents at Court.
The King's Cause glorys in their Sufferings most
Wh'are Poor and Loyall at their proper Cost.
If thou art So, in time the King may know
How many kind words he to thee does owe.
And how thou dar'st thy person too expose
With any Mony-Less against his foes.
When if well maim'd perhaps I'le thee Commend
Unto some Hospitall thy days to end.
[Page 67] Aboads, I grant, few varnish'd Shrines Destow
That half-Lim'd Hero's with their exployts show.
Things which brave Souls will never there repine,
That can their reliques to their Crutch consine.
Excuse my hast, I must on Men attend,
Can frankly Give, or will their money lend.
All ways are welcome Treasure may disburse
To wanting Courts, or such as guide their Purse.
Thy Name I should have ask'd, or let it be
(With thy Address) hereafter known to Me.
Dornland's the Name (false Minion) I do own,
And wish you to your Prince, so just were known.
Whose Royal Cause I never did despair,
Or felt in Soul one mean relenting Care,
When other Loyalties did make their Halt,
Lest Ruine, like to mine, should them Assault.
All this I quit and gladly offer more
Then what my single Merit could explore.
Things, that your ready favour might endear,
Tho' you move nearest to your Sovereigns ear.
[Page 68] Perhaps a Story aptly may unfold
The means of gaining Loyal Friends and Gold.
At which Sydesmond shifts his wayward look,
And with a feign'd Embrace to him thus spoke.
Alas kind Gentleman! how soon amiss
May man judge man in such a world as this?
Tho' not unlike to thee one t'other day
No less glad Tidings did by me convey.
And know, (if thou hast Courts but slightly read)
That even Best Kings are oft by profit led.
Papers I guess thou hast, and would'st present;
Enough, the King shall soon know thy Intent.
The Noble Dornland thus being lest alone;
Imploy'd his Leisure aptly to bemoan
The sad effects, which Minions might prepare,
As they give Pass-ports to the Royal ear:
And by their Fawning Avarice design
How best their Int'rests may their Purses line.
A Paper reades, which next his Breast he wore,
Some well known Poet written had before.
[Page 69] And did black guilt of Parasists describe,
And how to Pride and Sin ally'd their Tribe.
Which his Emphatick Verse does thus relate;
'Tis told (says he) e're Lucifer by Fate
Was cast from Stars, or Heav'n did him Intend
Of all Internal Powers supremest Fiend.
A Daughter then was his of Mighty Fame.
Call'd Sycophama, if none her Misname.
Sprung from his Beams, what cou'd Serener look, took.
That Stars, some tell, with her smooth Court were
A Tongue so Glibb might Tongue of Fame supplant,
And for worst deeds, no Glozing words did want.
Composed thus, and Garnish'd with a Dress,
No Painter cou'd by Drapery express,
Or like to what Aurora best does wear,
When welcom'd Phaebus to his early Sphere.
Which Flattering Beauty, being thus adorn'd
(As if for Sins allurement then Suborn'd)
With soothing Gestures to her Haughty Sire
Did thus address: Since Jove and Fate Conspire
[Page 70] That shining Seats no longer now must be
The Wide Extent of your Sovereignty.
Tho' to Coelestial Records 'twas unknown
That any Sublime Power cou'd Star dethrone.
But grant that Heavens decree does you remove
[...] the Illustrious Sphere is yours above.
[...] Command that Lower you descend
[...] Unfathom'd Sea, or Earth extend:
[...] you o're Churlish Fiends, and Ghost must Reign,
[...] win even them t'obey without their Chain.
And if your Rule repute would varnish'd raise,
Sin shall from me receive the smoothest praise.
Me I am sure you will not leave behind,
So well my Arts may to your Throne be joyn'd.
This Court address'd unto her Stately Sire,
She fawning kn [...]els to perfect her desire.
To which her Haughty Father, thus reply'd,
Hard 'twere smooth Daughter, if to you deny'd
What Greatness by my Scepter may be given,
Tho' that must fall beneath my Orb in Heaven;
[Page 71] Where next my shining Pomp I joy'd to see
The taking Meen and Gestures form'd by thee.
A Greatness Angry Jove to me denies,
Lest even in Hell thy Quaint Hypocrisies
Should those quick Spirits heighten to be worse
Then does consist with Heavens precedent Curse.
Tho' for thy Glory Highest Powers do grant,
That thou no Greatness shalt below e're want.
Courts there thou't find most gladly thee will own,
And make their Arts, in thine more taking known.
And should none Earth their Paradise now call,
Thou't least, of any there, repine thy fall.
This said, he downward fell with confus'd hast,
No Thought did ever Time surprize so fast.
Tho' some suppose that 'twas no more then when
A Star doos seem to fall to sight of Men.
His Daughter left, his Counsel she obeys,
And swiftly unto Earth her self conveys.
Kingdoms and States were soon made her abode
(So pronely Sin finds out the Largest Road.)
[Page 72] Where more her Artfull Flatteries to disperfe,
She leaves her Fame to future Prose, and Verse.
The Gen'rous Dornland having ponder'd well
The usefull Sense, which wiser Poets tell,
When they by choicest Allegories teach
How man's best Morals Vileness shou'd Impeach.
Commits this Poet's Verse to further thought,
With what Instructions might from it be sought.
Griev'd, that he did so long his Sovereign wait.
E're told what did import his Royal State.
Which apprehension soon did lessen here,
As he beheld the King in Person near.
Whom by his Speech he humbly thus does move:
Since you, Just Prince, oblige no less the Love
Of Loyal Minds, then what their Souls shou'd dare,
When utmost Perils wou'd Impress their fear.
Howe're's the plight in which I'me now beheld;
From Friends, Lands, Houses, Impiously compell'd
My Life unto a Cruel end Design'd
[...]y that strong Rage against your Powers combin'd.
[Page 73] Which Fury, tho'it late did me surround,
When Guards and Scouts were my Pursuers found:
Whom as I flew through uncouth Tracts and Woods,
And swimming (more then weary) dangerous Flouds;
Some Star's compassion me did hither guide
To serve your Cause, and to express besides
Things which my Duty would to you impart,
And full assure the Conduct of my Heart.
The King took thought a-while e're he reply'd,
(Sydesmond having whisper'd him aside)
And next to Dornland turning, thus did speak:
What-e're's the Figure thou woud'st seem to make,
Think not that 'tis unto thy King unknown
How vilely men for ends have falshoods shwon.
And have sometimes deceiv'd our Royal Ear,
As one can witness that attends Us here.
Proof I expect of what thou wouldst express,
And if thy Flight's from London as I guess,
Supplies from thence I secretly expect:
'Twas told thy Errand might the like effect.
[Page 74] Howe're proceed, that I may surely know
Whether thy Merit be mistook or no.
Tho'Souls of Kings (next Heaven) there's nothing can
So high oblige as well-deserving Man.
Since, Mighty Sir, you do admit that I
Attest before you my Integrity.
Which (without Blush) I wish as much to some
That to your favours hold the nearest roome.
Alas, I fear you are too far betray'd
By such as should your Royall Councells ayd.
And with sincerest Faith preserve untold,
What Souls corruptly guided sell for Gold.
Your Secret Councells by the soothings found
Of Men unto your safety most unsound.
Friends thus deterr'd would else profusely show
Their Coyn and Persons offer'd unto you.
With whatso'ere your Cause might best supply,
If fighting so, they unbetray'd may dye.
Nor shall Lights Orb one days bright Measure run,
Till in that revolution deeds be known.
[Page 75] That most perniciously themselvos display,
And shew what Serpents move too near your way,
Towards Redding, now does March a mighty so [...]de,
I saw Roads thickly [...]ill'd with Foot and Horse.
Whence Clouds of Dust so strove to darken sight,
As if they next would smother ayr and Light.
Essex their Cheif amongst them too I saw,
His Looks confus'd, as if some thoughtfull awe
Hung on his Soul, or that he did devise
How he might soon that eminent Town Surprize.
Which Lest my Sov [...], should not timely know,
What I have pass'd, I willing un dergo:
Nor shall your Cause Assistance want from me,
What ere's my Cross or Future destiny.
More he had said, but that some suddain thought
Too deeply on his Soul Impression wrought;
Of what had been predicted for his Fate,
And might too nearly to his King's relate.
Which Gracious Prince did Dornland further Grace.
Beholding strictly his firm Mene and Face.
[Page 76] And next thus speaks, excuse thou didst not sind
More quick remembrance from our Royall Mind.
Tho' better then by sight th'art known to Me,
So well thy Merit, and thy Fame agree.
Thou didst before, Intelligence Convey,
Which gives thy story Credit too this day.
Releif for Redding I'le command in time,
Tho' some in Trust, cannot discharge their Crime;
Who by Improper Correspondence sail,
Or wou'd by faithless ends themselves avail.
From which this usefull observation springs;
Few, Earth affords, Heaven duely serve, or Kings.
Sydesmond, let it be thy Task to shew,
By what we give, how more to him we owe.
The King withdraws, whilst false Sydesmond stays;
His eyes fresh Garnish'd by their fawning rays,
Like Glozing Parasits, some Courts have known,
When to their Princes Smiles they faign their own.
Dornland discover'd had this Minion well,
(Whose Mene did partly what he Look'd for tell.)
[Page 77] Next lets him know, since 'tis his [...]'hriving way
To hold it meet Men should for favours pay:
He'l something add to what he can expect,
If but one Just Obligement he'l effect:
Which was, that if his Covetous Soul could be
Induc'd to value Future Honesty,
And that his Royall Master's Cause sustain
No Mischeif from his Tongue, and Impious Gain:
The Gift the King to Dornland lately gave,
He now (to bribe thee honest) bids thee have.
Which said, this Generous sufferer next departs;
Enough observ'd by him some Courtly Arts:
With what neglects endur'd and cold delay,
Mens expectations their attendance pay:
Whilst busy rumour soon his Name had spread,
And how endanger'd he from London fled,
Escaping perills of a various Form,
Like some stout snip that boldly stemms a Storm.
Besides the fast assurance he did bring
Of being a brave Assistant to his King:
[Page 78] Soon won the Most Heroick in those days,
To serve his person and advance his praise.
Who next unto the Royall Camp repair'd,
Where high Caresses soon his worth declared;
In which bold Station my Pen leaves him now,
Till future deeds his value ampler show.
This Age so strange a Curtain did undraw,
And Scenes, of various wonders, thence had saw.
That Hoary Time might (Novice-like) behold
Such new Amazements as surpass'd the old.
And must (his future perspective disclos'd)
Confess ensuing hours for ever pos'd.
Whence this Wars Story finds too narrow room
For deeds that did so thick together come.
Tho' wise Historians with less Care relate
The small occurrences and Arts of Fate:
Then Councills, Battells, and such mighty things
Which Fame applauds in Hero's and in Kings:
Permitting Time some lesser deeds to vail,
Or cheaply leave 'em to their own Entail.
[Page 79] Which method, if my Lines can here pursue;
Selecting facts, and things as likely True:
With such besides, that Nature wou'd present,
(Whose gloss on Story to the Muse is lent)
Enough Parnassus is Implor'd by me,
Or Time allow'd Supremest dignity.
Tho' nothing can effectually deplore
What did ensue on this Wars Fatall Score:
No wicked age before so dear did cost
That Bloud and Treasure had profusely lost.
And what if well Imploy'd, had Conquer'd more
Then all Great England own'd in France before;
And forc'd the bold offensive French to be
Confin'd unto their Just Capacity;
Whilst now their prosperous Arms so daring spread,
As France appears a universall dread.
How many Countries seiz'd and more in Claim
By such dependencies, he's pleas'd to name.
As if the World he'd by like parcels take
[...] [...] Netherlands their ruine speak.
[Page 80] An apprehension better understood
When more compos'd our Mode of publique good.
'Till when, 'tis left with Mysteries of State
That with their Leisure best their Sense dilate.
And now my Story closer to declare,
Which might some space for this digression spare:
(As usefully sometimes the eye is stay'd
When Prospects near it aptly are convey'd.)
To Redding, next my Muse directs her Course,
Which Town was compass'd by the Houses Force.
And if made theirs, would the Advantage bring
Of straitening more the Quarters of the King.
Which known Inducements, with applause of Fame,
The Earl's slow Genius Jointly did enflame.
A Man that Pop'lar Motions much indear'd,
Tho' for their Compass he too slowly Stear'd.
And sitter seem'd his Conduct to make strong,
Then with their eager Flames to hold it long.
As Furious Crowds the Man will most admire
That kindles from his Soul the quickest Eire.
[Page 81] Skippon a Leader by the Houses Chose,
To shape and act Designs when ripe for Blows;
And had in Belgick War repute obtain'd
From Towns by bold Attacques or Sieges gain'd.
Besides a powerfull Talent in him lay
T'Inflame his Party their own Canting way.
Which Scripture Furies strongly did incite,
For who ador'd Enthusiasms much could fight.
Being thus compos'd, he Essex does present
With Zeal Harrangu'd, instead of Complement.
Letting him know, that Heaven, by Mighty Love,
Did his Stout Spirit for their Cause approve.
A Cause that boundless Sanctity extends,
And for which Holy Light within contends.
Captain Messias sure the Houses Led
When their Votes you for Gospel-Conduct sped:
An Act the pious Souls of Saints espouse,
And, like the Holy Tribes, Life fearless lose.
You are their Moses, and but bid them sight,
They'l out-do wonder by their Spiritual Might.
[Page 82] Can Redding stop us, should Bulwarks be its Wall;
Alas, like Rabbah, soon 'twill yield to fall.
You lead as Trusty Israelites as they,
'Gainst that strong City, cou'd both Fight and pray.
Our Guns are Mounted, our Approaches sixt,
Let prayer with these be timely intermixt.
Next let our Shot the distant Regions stun,
Or tell how Loud we fight 'till Redding's won.
This Pious Leader, if reputed so,
Did in those days for Major-Gen'ral go:
And if men did his Genius rightly weigh,
He could not bolder sight then he durst pray.
Essex, who had this Zealot calmly heard,
Tho' he for Modern Zeal but little car'd,
Or found much struggling in his Thoughts to know
Whether his older Faith were best or no.
Besides some Tinctures of Allegeance still
Had intermixture with his Stubborn Will:
Did his divided mind perplex'dly pose
How to discern what thought cou'd best propose.
[Page 83] Tho' such who strictest have his Soul desin'd,
To Moderation grant him most inclin'd.
Whilst soon this War expended so much heat,
As Calmer thoughts cou'd not it's rage abate.
And shews how men tast Politicks by Rote,
That Mischiefs stir and next wou'd Good promote
And thus this Peer, who less his Cause admir'd
Then Pop'lar Courtships to which he aspir'd:
(Tho' seldom Crowds their fondness long allow,
So near their Plaudits, their detractings go.)
Did in this Juncture res'lutely intend,
That Reddings Siege shou'd him to Fame commend,
When he to Skippon, and some eager Chiefs,
Thus did express, to gain their smooth beliefs:
What-e're the busy World of me can say
Through cold mistake of my advis'd delay:
Or that, no Feavour in my Veins I raise
To vent hot Bloud, or rashly sight for praise.
Which Caution if some Tempers do despise,
They'le learn from Foes to grant my Conduct Wise.
[Page 84] Nor shall this Town long hope to be so bold
As 'gainst our Power its own defence to hold:
Tho' for its succour Aids from Oxford come;
Unless, through Trenches, they can force their room.
Aston against us does this place Command,
A Captain much approv'd I understand:
And adds to our esteem and Warlike use,
If 'gainst his Conduct we this Town reduce.
Which said, his weighty Shot does Redding ply,
Like force of Thunder bursting from the Sky.
Walls, Houses, Roofs, their scatter'd ruins show,
As what withstands the Canons mighty blow:
Whose monstrous Strength doth various ruine force,
And like no other thing Kills out of Course;
As it by confus'd deaths does lives Bereave
Of Children, mothers, whom worst foes would save.
So much beyond Mans Aim his brain design'd,
When wicked art did this huge murtherer find.
Great Redding thus distrest, quick rumour flew
With noise of Guns whose sounds the danger shew
[Page 85] With what approaches made and more begun,
That soon the Town might be by Essex won.
Whence Subsequent Expresses swiftly bring
More Fatall News unto the asslicted King.
Letting him know, as there vast bullets flew
That roofs had torn, and their hard ruins threw
High, as the Sulpherous blast of Etna bears
Stones, that like Thunderbolts from Rocks it Tears;
Which falling Low, might Men or Creatures Maim,
As here bold Aston's harm was much the same.
Who from a Tile, that by extravagant Chance
A Shot had forc'd against his head to Glance,
Receiv'd so deep a Wound upon that part;
As doubted 'twas above a Cure from Art.
A strange disaster, and of more Import
Because 'twas Aston's, by whose brave effort,
And well prov'd conduct, Redding might have found
Her Story, from his Valour, full Renoun'd.
But Destiny had otherways design'd
Glory unto his End ensuing Joyn'd:
[Page 86] As Fatall Ireland did in Future show,
And long as stands * Tredah his deeds 'twill Know.
Feilding by Marshall right did then succeed
To hold the Town in wounded Aston's stead;
A Cheif by many held approv'd in War,
Tho' for what Cause his Genius did appear
At that time Clouded, has a dubious sense,
Or darkly read from past Intelligence.
Some tell, that he too soon occasion gave
That Essex might the Town surrendred have.
Altho' no power he wanted to maintain
What his Opposers durst attempt to gain.
Others, that he a Treaty wisely chose;
Lest he was forc'd a strengthless place to lose,
Which from the Circuit and the large extent,
Might less Conspire with Warlike Management.
Which Martial Sense if prevalent in him,
Did much excuse where others wou'd condemn.
A further Search my Measures need not guide
Of things which Story-Criticks best decide.


The Argument.
Essex with high surprize unto the King
Besiegeth Redding, Aston disabled by
Acasual Shot, The place his Conduct wants.
Mean while the Poet finds an Interval:
The Love of Lysle and Lucas to rehearse,
Whose objects here denomination have
In Beauteous Rosalin and Flavira's flames.
The fight at Cawsham-bridge describ'd, and how
Fielding by Treaty did the Town surrender.
THE strange surprisal which these Tidings gave
The King at Oxford, next account must have.
Who soon did then a Martial Counsel call
To prevent Dangers Redding might befall.
For which he Ruthen, Rupert, Lucas, Lyle,
Chiefly selects, with others whose brave Toyle
Their deeds renown'd, and from Emergents knew
What did Import their Conducts most to do.
[Page 88] Great Ruthen, whom the King had Generall made
Of his Fierce Infantry (when Lyndsey paid
His debt to Fame and Nature) tho' of Race
Beneath his Predecessor's Noble place,
Full of Experience and in Courage great,
An union which best Captains does compleat.
To him, as order duly did require,
The King thus speaks, to what may Fate aspire
Whilst my Opposers Redding now surround,
When Aston Lies disabl'd by a wound:
And what my fuller Trouble does Increase,
Feilding already Treats to yeild the Place:
The Cause, or Prudence, I'le not now dispute:
Or what bad Men too near me might promote;
Who not by False Intelligeance alone
Perplex the Sense and Safety of my Throne,
But in my Methods so themselves disguise
As they Impead my being singly wise.
Tho' [...]is no season now to Count such deeds,
Whilst Eminent Redding our Assistance needs:
[Page 89] How Strong so e're that Garrison is Mann'd
With such that dare their Enemies withstand:
Did Feildings Soul their Valour not abate,
As for the Towns Surrender he does Treat.
When no Command of mine did him dispose
To yeild the place on offer'd Terms by Foes.
Think timely now what aptest you'd advise,
That to save Redding looks both great and wise.
Ruthen, whose Education did Impress
No Courtly Mean or words of Splendid dress;
But rather as a Souldier roughly taught,
Could act the Sense which sound Experience Brought.
Unto the King, he then did thus reply,
Much Circumspection in Attempts shou'd lye.
That Seiges would from Towns by force remove,
Where men their Strengthen'd Stations first approve;
With Lines, Redoubts, and Bulwarks strongly made,
To Cut off all that shall such Posts Invade.
And if experience best confirm'd we prize,
'Tis safe to fear the worst from Enemies.
[Page 90] Nay rather some Improbables allow,
Then slight the Conduct of an Armed Foe.
From which Contempt, how often have I known
Some Captains fail that else deserv'd Renown.
Believe me Sir, that Conduct's cheifly wise
Which hath most dread of Prudent enemies.
A Skill grown old in Forraign Feilds I sought,
And saw where headstrong Valour Mischeifs brought;
Whence torn and Shatter'd Armies did Lament
The Bloud which they so dismally had spent.
Next him great Rupert speaks his Martiall Sense,
And Soul Inflam'd with highest Conscience.
Telling the King how much he was betray'd
By some who near his Ear themselves convey'd.
What else does this Surprizing Leaguer show,
By Essex guided before Redding now.
Tis not because he slights your forces there,
Or that his Soul does thence less slow appear:
But his Incitement rais'd from some may own
Neglect, or worser Crime within that Town.
[Page 91] Small cause there's else to doubt opposers can
The place obtain which your Powers fully Man.
Yet this Conjuncture such debates [...]ll suit,
As stay releif from Nicely spun dispute.
Better to trust some perril to a Day,
Lest Reddings Loss be charg'd on faint delay.
Tho' Clouds of Force do now begirt that Town,
Which when remov'd on your's will six renown.
Some days I hear to Feilding yet remain
Ere his Cold Treaties will effect obtain.
Perhaps within that space he hopes to finde
Royall Assistance from your Arms design'd:
In straits of War the best resolves I hold
Are such as in Attempts appear most bold.
Lucas and Lyle this Councel soon approv'd,
Whose Warlike Souls less dangers fear'd then Lov'd
Strict in embracing deeds of brave Import,
And from their Valours friendship gain'd effort.
None more Heroick in affections were,
And like the Twins of Honour liv'd as dear.
[Page 92] Which in our Course of Story we'le rehearse,
With what their Fame, and end deserve from Verse
The King (who like the Sun could Beams dilate
Conspicuously Serene and calmly great)
His quickning Rays, and looks diffus'd a space;
And next their persons by apt speech did grace.
Expressing his Obligements from above,
That him befriended with their worth and Love.
Besides the Gallant Leavies that did own
Much Valiant aid and duty to his Throne.
Which soon cou'd Numbers in each County spread,
Tho' lately he scarce Chief or Soldier had.
When forc'd his vast Metropolis to leave,
And like a Common Man his person save.
This from Unruly Faction did Commence,
Which heighten'd more the Senates Inflam'd Sense.
Whilst there, and in Great London many were
Who duly did their Prince both Love and fear.
Untill Compell'd by fury to submit
To others Vile disorder'd Rule, and Wit,
[Page 93] From which harsh guilt No outward Comso [...] Min
But did to humane Sense, as soon decline.
My Consort suff'ring in my Crowns distress,
Not all my Children safe, or seen to Bless.
My Subjects round me by divisions rent,
Nothing entire, but my within Content.
The Scepter by Heaven's ayd I'de cheifly rule,
That Piety may strengthen most my Soul.
If this desert in me did first lacite
My Subjects prowess to Assist my right:
When Treasure and all other Motives fail'd,
That Scepters in distress have most avail'd;
My Soul's bright Banner will my Cause renown,
Shou'd Ensigns boldest Led not save my Crown.
Let my Example well with yours conspire,
That Vileness from our Camp may soon retire.
With such Licencious Evills that Combine
T'avert the good I beg of powers divine.
Think not the better Cause will have Success
From such Assistance Heaven disdains to bless.
[Page 94] Believe your King, that Courage best prevails
Which joyn'd with inward virtue Foes assails.
O, might my Force but thus Confirm'd proceed,
And with that Glory Ayd for Redding Lead.
The King concluding thus; his Cheifs admir'd
The temperate thoughts within his breast Conspir'd;
So Stedfast in worst Exigents of State,
As shew'd his Greatness far Surpass'd his Fate.
Much had this Councill heedfully express'd,
Before agree'd what seem'd that Juncture best.
Some, Nimble Fortune would allow most kind;
When Quick resolves to bold attempts were Joyn'd.
This Mighty Caesars high Atcheivments tell,
Whose fortune did in swift dispatch Excell,
His Soul no Bays more blooming e're did prize
Then such with Bold and soon attempts did rise.
And were now Redding his, the self-same thing
(Wou'd be his Measure) here advis'd our King.
Others that well celerity Approv'd,
By different Methods their discussions mov'd.
[Page 95] Who tho' allowing expeditious Fight,
Debated much to State that Course aright;
Besides disasters ponder'd oft befell
Aggressors when strong Sieges they'd repell.
Some did for Caution and delay dispute,
Urging that Time advantage might promote:
Whose hours in War should thriftily be spent,
Lest Lives profusely lost they next repent.
Nor could it to sound Captains be unknown,
How Armies but in sight of Leaguers shown
Had on their Foes such Terror oft Impress'd,
As they left Towns which were before distress'd.
And better we attempts should yet delay,
Then add to Reddings loss a worser day.
So variously Wars Science does admit
Fineness to Polish its destroying Wit.
Whilst in such Stratagems Nice Reason lays;
The Beast, resembles Man, that subtilest preys.
Soon did th' effect of these debates appear
In the Fierce Measures a [...] then Acted were,
[Page 96] Much quicken'd by occasions hasty call,
Lest the Beleaguer'd Town to Essex fall.
The King's Commanders whose bold prowess stood
Heighten'd by Native Glory of their Bloud,
And what their Warlike Ancestors had done
In Publick Exigents to gain renown:
No sooner did their ready Flames receive
Summons to March, but their Impressions gave
Terror to all such Militants they led;
And what did most a vigorous Influence spread:
The King his Person to this March design'd,
And for their Grace his forward Conduct joyn'd.
But e're my Muse such horrors does rehearse
That must have room within her Martial Verse;
Some Gentler passions represent their Claim,
If Verse can give their Merit unto Fame:
Or sing Couragious Lucas with brave Lyle
High as their worth deserv'd or Martial Toyle.
And to the Muses glory next declare
Illustrious Love sublim'd by Souls of War.
[Page 97] This great Example Female Charms do show,
When in a Hero's Joyn'd a Lover too.
Nor shall Flavira thy bright Story be,
Heap'd in Oblivious dull Calamity.
With what the Beauteous Rosalin's soft flame,
May Merit from Records repriv'd by same.
Many renown'd these splendors had admir'd,
Whilst their Souls wishes differently conspir'd.
In Rosalin's smooth breast remain'd no space
Where full affection did not Lucas place,
Yet so screnely calm did that admit,
As spoke her flower of Love and facile Wit.
Flavira more severely did apply,
[...]o heighten flames of Magnanimity.
Judging that perills to her Lover brought,
The Haughty Trophies by her wishes sought.
Nor wou'd she yield Fames trusty Tongue cou'd blaze
Valour that equall'd Lyle's Heroick praise.
Too proudly glorying, that her powerfull Charms
Joyn'd with her Lovers Soul propense to Arms.
[Page 98] Forgetting that too often Stars deny'd
To Crown the Ends of Womans daring pride.
These Beauties that did [...]in [...]ally derive
A Gen'rous Bloud did worthily Contrive,
How they might strictest Amity compleat,
And like their Lovers prove in Friendship great.
Oft they prolong'd discourse till setting Sun,
Rehearsing deeds this dreadfull Warr were done:
Oft had they broke repose in hope to hear
Events of Fights in which their Hero's were.
Nor did the Objects of their passion [...]ind▪
No different Method to their Values Joyn'd.
In Lucas Valour fiercely did abound,
And firm as Hanniball in Conduct found:
When Fields were most Imbru'd with bloudy streams,
Or Foes were charg'd Renown'd for Martiall flames.
But in Great Lyle another Scipio seem'd,
Calm as best Fortitude wou'd be esteem'd,
Or Soul that's mild and Tracticably great,
And, like that Roman, Prowess cou'd compleat.
[Page 99] These Hero's who did gloriously contend
How each might most appear a signall friend,
Had mixt with Intervalls of Martial thought,
The soft discoveries from loves Text were taught.
Dilating much Fl [...]vira's sprightly Charms,
Her darting Beams with her applause of Arms.
Besides the Epithites they did allow
To Rosalin's smooth Grace and Feature due.
And might pose aptest Story to convey,
Where love and Merit best direct their way.
Lucas, whose Soul was fill'd with daring flame,
And thirst of deeds that siercely purchas'd fame:
R [...]lentless to all softness of the mind,
By which his M [...]rtial heat might be declin'd:
Unto Couragious Lyle did thus express;
Much is my heart obliged to confess
Admired Rosalin's serenest Praise,
And what her blooming splendors yet may raise.
Nor is't unknown to me how many Brave
At Beauty's Tempting shrine vou [...]hsa [...]'d to crave:
[Page 100] This even Achilles did when he obey'd
Deidamia's Charms, tho' Greeks then miss'd his aid.
But ne're of Lucas story shall relate,
That Amorous leisure stay'd his warlike heat.
Or that for him Gay Hymens Tapers burn,
Whilst Loyall blouds oblig'd it's loss to mourn:
Or Foes shall dare their Prince oppose with Arms,
Howe're I value womans lovely Charms.
This speech the worthy Lyle severer thought,
Then what loves Maxims usually had taught;
And cou'd not but with Generous pity see,
The Grief of Soul which Rosalin's might be.
Whose sense tho' Calm, as dawn of Gentlest day,
Might yield resentment at unquoth delay.
But much had Lyle Flavira's sense repin'd,
And known Caprice unto her Value Joyn'd:
Prone to exact from his Atcheivments more
Then he wish'd Men should from his deeds explore.
Discerning well how often Mortall praise,
Does less Mans Merit then detraction raise.
[Page 101] These apprehensions in the worthy Lyle,
Convey'd by looks instead of words their stile.
An outward proneness Nature does dispense
When genuinly discribed her inward sense.
And from the Soul's Internall worth implies
Some Trouble in the Face that truth denies.
In which strict Mirror Lucas soon perceiv'd
Th' Emotions which his Lyle within had griev'd.
And held it no less worthy to Assay,
If Martiall thoughts con'd his concerns allay.
To whom he thus delivers, if great friend
Thou wou'dst with me thy Gallant worth extend;
Think not the Harmony of Lute and Voice,
Or Face which the Effeminate Man can most rejoyce;
Should mix their Gentle Fervors with the Flame
That Spirits deeds which spread a Soldiers Fame.
Not that I Love perversly do decline
In the Attractive form of Rosaline:
Enough my Soul her value can admire,
When Mars there leaves a space for Amorous fire.
[Page 102] This said, to their Commands these Hero's speed,
As aptest Stations whence their same shou'd spread.
The Royall Forces before Redding drew,
When like a dismall Round they soon did view
An Armies Compass to a Leagure form'd,
Not from Intent the Town shou'd then be storm'd;
Since as in Course of Story has been told,
Feilding did Treaty for surrender Hold.
And e're the Kings Battalions thither came,
The time of yielding fully known to Fame.
Treaty, best Captains sometimes wisely chuse,
That by Concessions they may cheapest loose.
Deeming that he too much provoketh Fate,
Who leaves to Fortune all that force may get.
But Wars intrign's when of this saving kind,
Rarely obliging disquisitions find.
Whilst most their boldest Criticisms bestow,
On deeds that Caution more then Valour show.
Beside close Contracts might from gain arise,
Since Gold did often strongest Towns surprize.
[Page 103] Propensly Judging that each worldly Fact
Does private Int'rest most delign'd compact.
All which from Fonds of fraud in Humane Race,
And Coveteous Guilt too aptly Men imbrace;
To such Constructions Mortalls do incline,
As like their vileness others they define.
The King whose Prudence greatest was alone,
Might from Events have been Auspitious known:
Had not his Gentle Soul been too propense,
Withdrawn by other far Inferiour Sense.
And from that Times important Juncture shows,
That Princes best their perspectives dispose,
When they discern, from Councills they receive,
That wiser to themselves their Souls can give.
Some that wou'd to the King presage success,
Added unto their hope their Garnish'd dress.
Judging that Kings such Courtship well Allow
That Grandieur seem in Exigents to show.
Others assur'd that Feilding would not fail,
By a Courageous sally to prevail:
[Page 104] If first the Royall Conduct gain'd some Post
That might impead the bold besiegers most.
Which Motive being less Circumspect through hast,
Occasion'd Perills to ensue as fast.
Whilst Essex Cawsham-Bridge had then possest,
And of his daring Arms there plac'd the best.
Yet o're this pass 'twas res'lutely decreed
That relief should to distress'd Redding speed.
By many censur'd a Pernicious Course,
Since Nature there had posted too her Force.
Besides 'twas thought some Leaders least perceiv'd
What might that time have better been Atchiev'd.
On Barkshire side, where large Campaigns abound,
(The Scopefull Blessings of that fertile Ground)
And through which (Straiten'd less) the Royall Power
Might Reddings Leagure have attacqu'd that hour.
But Heaven determin'd Cawsham-Bridge shou'd name
That days Events which wonder gave to Fame.
Rupert, his Station took to force this pass,
(And sure 'twas hot where his the onset was)
[Page 105] No Jove when painted with a dreadfull Brow,
Bidding his Lightening burst with Thunders Blow,
Could represent this Princes Conduct then,
Or Shot far surer Thunder'd deaths to Men.
Tho' losses on his side were many found,
Whose Soul enough taught daring to abound.
Whilst smoak and Flame did so promiscuous blend,
As Fames best eye, which she did thither send,
Was forc'd with some disorder to relate
How Chiefs renown'd and Soldiers mingl'd Fate.
Tho' no bold deeds or Life profusely lost,
Nor what did praise their res'lute Conduct most,
Could from the hardy Foes their post obtain,
Who thought no loss too dear cou'd that Maintain.
And by recruited Courage soon Supply'd
The Rooms where Lives before had Stoutest dy'd.
But leaving thus this Prince engag'd in Fight,
Some other prospects do my Muse Invite:
Whereby this days fierce exit may be known,
Tho' not each Circumstance nor Action shown:
[Page 106] Which tedious Chronicles more aptly spread,
And Stories where their Lumbers fully read.
Ruthen a Captain long approv'd by Fame,
In Wars harsh Winters pass'd and Summers Flame;
And by Time Tutor'd, in himself beheld,
How Ruffe experience in his years excell'd.
Nor less the King his Antient prowess grac'd,
In being (as told) his Captain Generall plac'd.
And had the Soldiers part as sully shown,
In his Attempt to save the sieged Town.
No Chief his Conduct cou'd have then outdone,
If Fortune had been that day to be won.
Much did his brave example then incite,
His Soldiers Valours led by him to sight;
And where observ'd less hardy to Assail,
He Strove by speech to win them to prevail;
Which as his Martial plainness did admit
(The dialect his Soul did Chi [...]sly sit.)
He then did utter, much in words like these:
Known 'tis to me how hardly Men appease
[Page 107] The Hearts disorder, when with Terror shook,
Or can't undaunted on disasters look:
Which shou'd least disassect stout Soldiers Mind,
And his encrease of Honour, thence declin'd.
No step like that in Bloudy Fields I sought,
Or when Commanded shrank in Act or Thought.
This Me from lowest Files did Gradual rais [...],
Untill attain'd a steady Captains Praise.
By the same Method let your Actions show
That I your General am, and Leader now.
This Speech deliver'd with a Soldiers Grace,
And Brevity well suiting Time and place,
With what his long prov'd Conduct did Import
To give their hope and Courage more effort:
Soon did his drooping Militants dispose
More vigorously against their daring Foes.
And now Deaths Language soon by Guns was spoke,
Limbs scatter'd were with halfs of Bodies broke.
Some Vali [...]nt Heads shot oss, and as men Tell
Their Trunks a while stood headless e're they sell.
[Page 108] And where perhaps hereafter may be found
Limbs (with their Bodies) ne're went under ground.
Whilst Lives that by such Seperation fall,
Seem less to further Resurrections Call,
If, in that Instant, Missing parts must find
Their bodies tho' to distant dust confin'd.
What Man can doubt how various death was here,
Or how much thin'd by loss Files did appear.
When Peals against Peals Death concey'd in Course;
Like Leaves, Men dropt, that feel rough [...]utumns fo [...]ce.
Tho' this from no side sury could withdraw,
Where Danger could not English Courage awe.
Whilst Fortune yet a wavering Station held,
Who least to Arms grants favours uncompell'd.
Essex w'had thought his hope enough secur'd,
Began to doubt how he stood then assur'd:
The Bridge, on which h'ad plac'd his stoutest Files,
Strow'd thick with Bodies there gave up their Toils.
The Gentle streams that underneath did Glide,
With lowder Sobbs seem'd then to haste the Tide;
[Page 109] As through this Bridge the Billows had took flight
With greater Noise and Trembling at this Fight.
When breathless Corps into this stream were Thrown,
And on the Fleeting Billows gashly shown:
Till in some Calmer hour (in stead of Graves)
They sunk to Earth at bottom of these Waves.
These sights the res'lute Earl did little please,
Besides disturb'd how he might next appease
The Clamorous Houses, should his Conduct fail,
Or not as was Expected then prevail.
Enough observ'd how sti [...]y some had strove
To draw from him the Ruling Parties Love:
And did their new Erected Creatures raise,
That subt'ly blemish'd his Loud vulgar praise.
And as they spread the value of their own,
Had their Neglects on his Atchievments thrown.
Whose Poplar Soul by all Attractions sought
To be Fames Jewell in the peoples Thought.
Detesting all that did aspire to rise
Like him Conspicuous unto Common Eyes.
[Page 110] Or bid him doubt that, with few steps of Time,
Some other Grandeur to his height might Climb.
Which apprehensions he cou'd least depress,
Whilst doubtfull seen by him that days success.
Skippon, whose bolder Zeal was strictly Joyn'd
To what their sighting party had design'd:
And as a Prime Enthu [...]ast won on Men
Who chose their Saints from sturdy sighters then.
His Martial Consolation then applys
(Fitting that Juncture) with erected Eyes.
Thou Peer, said he, Heav'ns darling, whom Gods call
Hath set to own his Cause before us all,
And does this day our pious Breasts Inspire,
As was that Chiefs when full of smoke and fire.
He saw the Bush, a Flaming Tipe to him
That Israels Force should Enemies consume.
Tho' at that sight his stoutest Nerves did shake,
(As with us Zealots may be said to quake)
Till more confirm'd how 'twas a Heavenly sign,
That God's select should Valours flame resine.
[Page 111] Let this our boldest Enemies perceive,
And from their daring hazards death receive:
As o're this pass their Files would force their way,
Till full by ours repuls'd this signal day.
Doubt not but ' [...]will even Keinton-field exceed,
Or what at Brand [...]ord might have been Atchiev'd,
If sirmer Soul'd our conduct on had brought
The Chearfull zeal that for us that time fought.
All which I Instance with a Godly Flame,
That your deeds now might more exalt your fame.
The Earl who did not much in words abound,
Or Canting Glosses then were frequent found
With Scripture Hero's, little seem'd to say,
Or what enough approv'd to sight their way.
And now both sides had surious Conflicts brought
As high as Valours Zenith [...]ou'd be sought.
If not, to be yet more Supremely Brave,
Wish'd that their Souls unbody'd force might have,
Or unconsin'd unto such outward parts
Whose power was less then vigour of [...]eir hearts.
[Page 112] The Royalists like fierce Aggressors strove
Th' Essexian [...] hardy prowess to remove.
Tho' these like firmest Rock their Station held,
Too roughly fix'd to be by Waves repell'd.
Whilst Bands of Billows 'gainst their harden'd Might
Bursting retire as more supply their Fight.
And thus the Terrors of this day were seen,
With dismal Slaughters that did intervene.
Some loudly ask'd what Motives cou'd Confine
Fielding that Instant within Reddings Line.
And not his vigorous Sally then apply
T' divert at least the Stubborn Enemy.
Considering how much Bloud was cast away
In expectation of his aid that day.
Others with grosser Murmurs did reflect,
Upon the Cause they [...]udg'd of his neglect:
And thus by virulent speech his Honour stain'd,
Which to that hour unquestion'd had remain'd.
So various seem'd the Sense and Deeds of some,
That would the Soul and Facts of others doom.
[Page 113] And which were here too tedious to repeat,
With all that Dy'd or Liv'd Heroick Great.
As needless 'twere bold Lucas's worth to tell,
Or how undoubted Lyle did then excell:
Who did in Warlike Actions so aspire,
As pos'd Hyperboles to advance them higher.
But Valiant Dornland since thy Mighty Mind
Had much peculiar Glory then adjoyn'd,
And such as did thy Eminent Figure raise
Above the Levell of Associate Praise.
My Muse shall here preserve thy Copy so,
As most Transcendent thou alone must go.
Who tho' a Voluntier that day didst serve,
That uncommanded thou might'st more deserve:
And with an Active Courage uncon [...]in'd,
Unto the Bravest Actions formost joyn'd.
When judging that his P [...]rties Strenuous Fight
Must lessen, if not reinforc'd their Might.
And fearing that some Messengers Mischance,
Or Falshood hinder'd Feilding's soon Advance,
[Page 114] In some like Ominous Pendants hung too near
The Grace vouchsafed them by the Royal Ear:
Since he conceiv'd the Kings Will did import,
That Feilding, by some Sally's bold effort
Should passage gain for his Stout Foot and Horse
To aid the King, and his Relief inforce.
Revolving thus, his fearless Steed he guides,
Swimming the River 'twixt these sighting sides.
To this adjoyn'd a Meadow's wide extent,
(Whose Pregnant Green more Liquid growth was lent
When this Stream's spreading Arms did smoothly glide
T'Imbrace the Surface as a T [...]ming Bride)
And having pass'd it starts his Valiant Race,
Where he beheld direct and open space,
That from the River to the Town did lead,
And that way guides his swi [...]t and hearty Steed.
When Fortunes aid, that best Designs can wing,
Did Dornland then unlet or danger'd bring
Within the Town's Command; but what surprize
This bold Adventure gave his Enemies,
[Page 115] Or how prevented, in that Dismal Hour,
From Intercepting him by Armed Power:
Must sound Conjecture no less wonder give,
Then what admiring Men from Fame receive.
Whilst like swift Bird, that Wings the Airy wa [...]
Where Rav'nous Fowl dispers'dly watch for Prey,
Yet with their Greedy Gorges must attend
Untill with [...]lower Feather'd they contend,
Or with more swift surprise their Tallons bring
To grasp the Bird did them before out-wing:
He then arriv'd; and next to Feilding spoke
Briefly this Sense, with Meen compos'd and Look.
Enough my hast the King's Concern implys,
As those sight yonder, if so far your eyes,
With any Brave by you Commanded here,
Did from sad Opticks their Allarums share.
And shame 'twere Redding such shou'd now confine,
That Blush to stand within a Leaguer'd Line;
Like rows of Cyp [...]rs to no use amount,
Unless, in you, an Unite guides their Count;
[Page 116] E're Royal Bands their forc'd discomsits show,
Tho' unfought Feilding, saw them vanquish'd so.
If you no timely Summons yet has found
That bids you hast your Drums and Trumpets sound,
And to your Kings Assistance win your way:
By me 'tis said, nor apprehend this day
But with Couragious odds you will enforce,
What's yet undone by Royal Foot and Horse.
Our Foes enough their Consternation feel,
Who else had hinder'd my Steeds nimble heel,
Which passing near their Parties faces brought
Me hither, by no bold Pick [...]rers fought.
And if to guide or aid your resolute way,
You'le any Stress of Conduct on me lay;
Be well assur'd that Dornland shall be thine
As far as worthy Motives can enjoyn.
These words deliver'd with perspicuous Grace,
To Feilding's Soul amazement gave a space:
Before by speech he utter'd this reply;
What Sense will your Heroick worth deny,
[Page 117] That thus contemning Perills brought you here,
Your Valour too adorn'd with Loyall Care.
Yet know that Fieldings heart none need incite,
Who scorns to live and to be bid to sight.
By Stars I vow, and all Supreamest Good,
No chill nor disaffection in my bloud
Shivers my heart, or bids me turn unjust
Unto the Reputation of my Trust.
Believe me, worthy Man, I'de rather chuse
This day with other Brave my life to loose,
Then stand such Peevish censure which I know
Some meanly Soul'd will on my Value throw:
Did not my Sted [...]ast honour me restrain,
And Treaty, that adds links unto the Chain;
Which I admitted after well observ'd,
The Place too weak, by me, to be preserv'd.
Were Redding else invested this bold hour,
With all the Houses best confirmed Power,
The King should not have fought and I stand still,
Had no express to Feilding spoke his will.
[Page 118] But Prudence Joyn'd to Warlike Justice▪ stays
Me from Attempting so inglorious praise.
O That my Prince might this soon understand,
Ere he to loss does longer [...]ight Command:
Or hope my Conduct may him now repair,
Since in my breach of Faith his Cause wou'd share.
Much had this speech the Gen'rous Dornland mov'd,
Who Strict Integrity in Man approv'd;
Judging no Fortitude deserv'd that name,
Unless best Justice does Compleat the claim.
Which Thought well Ponder'd, next he Feilding leaves,
And unto Courage and his Fortune gives
His Persons Safety, resolv'd his Trusty steed
The same way back unto the King shou'd speed.
But soon Perceiv'd his Foes had Stations chose,
Where they cou'd fiercely his return oppose,
Or any durst with daring hazzard bring
Intelligence or Errand from the King,
That might th'engaged Feilding's Soul relax,
And Essex leave a fruitless Truce to Tax.
[Page 119] The valiant Dornland seeing now how fast
The Furious Enemy did accost his haste;
Before, behind, and round about him spread,
Admiring how they fail'd to leave him dead:
Whilst Shot, like Lines unto a Point design'd,
Fl [...]w as no Center but his Heart 'twou'd find.
On all sides in his flight he fought with some,
Through others to their Fate he forc'd his room,
Untill his Nimble Courser and his Fight,
At once out-did his swift Pursuers Might.
And in this bold Adventure did receive
Such Marks of Glory with best Verse may live.
His Vesture torn with Shot, as Ensigns show,
When Eyes the Bearers Valour thence allow.
Besides some Scars upon his Visage seen,
Which told how sharp his perils then had been.
Thus he return'd and to the King made known
Nobly, what Sense of Feilding was his own,
With all Averments by that Chief were made,
Why he his Princes Mandate disobey'd:
[Page 120] Since he oblig'd by Truce must Redding yield,
And not to save that help to win the Field.
The King now Dornland's worth perceived more,
Then from observance first he did explore.
Resolving thence that with his Kingly Grace
He'd such remark upon his Merit place,
That should most aptly unto Fame convey
The Loyal value he atcheiv'd that day.
Saying, Thy Prince this Jewell gives to thee;
And if presage of his Auspicious be,
His Cause shall prosper with renown'd success,
Whilst thee, to wear this gift, Heavens will shall bless.
This worthy Mans Intelligence thus told,
Soon mov'd the King to bid that his force should
No longer suffer by continuing sight
Which so much Fruitless prospect gave to sight.
And thus both sides with too great loss withdrew,
Since English bloud did that more precious shew.
Much like to Ships with Masts and rigging tore,
And Men disabl'd, next must tack to shore,
[Page 121] Where with most leisure and industrious Care,
Their dismall loss and figures they repair.


The Argument.
Redding deliver'd, by a Martial Call
The Actions Tax'd, and Feilding doom'd to dye.
Conduct deprav'd the Court and Field affects,
Which Dornlands Soul does ominously revolve:
Who unto Polyaster next repairs,
From his deep Science prospects to discern
Of this Wars fature Actions and Events.
THe Tongue of Fame, whose Ensign is the Crowd,
When various Clamours she disperseth Lowd,
Or Throws on Mortals multiply'd Mistake,
As they through Errors-Glass their Prospects take.
Whence oft to Vulgar thoughts such Mediums rise
That feed the Ignis-fatuus of their Eyes.
Nor seldom do contests in Camps proclaim
How boldly Militants Impose on Fame.
[Page 122] To which Court-Minion [...] their concurrence yield,
When they with Martialists Intrigue in field.
And would on Measures (by the Armed chose,)
Their complisance most plausibly dispose.
Whose Souls are to such gawdy Mo [...]als joyn'd,
As least unto adversity are kind;
Or genuinly the deeds of men Express,
When Int'rested their value to depress.
All which unhappy Feildings Case now prov'd,
Gainst whom both Court & Camp displeasures mov'd.
Nor less then dreadfull Martial sense must free
His person charg'd with Faithless Infamy.
Which did the Kings just Temper more Incense,
As Reddings Loss was aggravated thence.
And thus before this Rigid Bar did come,
The once Fam'd Fielding, to receive his doom.
Whose former worth no Mitigation gain'd,
As he then seem'd to Honours Jury stain'd.
By whose strict Verdict sentence soon was past,
And day appointed that must be his Last;
[Page 123] From Executioners that Mars does call,
When his Delinquents shou'd most daring fall.
Tho' Honor'd held if they by Engines dye,
That Force with utmost dread the Arm'd to [...]y.
Whilst he with Constant [...]ortitude Comply'd
To bear th'Infliction 'gainst his Life d [...]creed.
Whence many worthys had more value plac'd
On him so [...]conc [...]rn'd his end embrac'd.
As Gen'rous confidence, when Death is near,
Implys the Soul disdains her Cause to [...]ar.
Which worth in him Compassion more Inclin'd,
With such discernments as might aptost find
Regards of Mercy, if those Motives might
His death prevent and wounded Honour right.
Considering next if like a Soldier He
Had yielded Redding to the Enemy,
On Terms that prudent Captains wou'd embrace,
When they'd surrender fortified place.
The Scituation weigh'd and what might thence
Induce him not to hazzard its defence.
[Page 124] All which discurssions with their Calm and heat,
Found soon Conveyance to the Royall Seat:
Which Pallace-Perdu's watchfully attend,
That their Address may thither first ascend.
Whilst, of Court Intercessors most admir'd.
* Beauty for Feildings safety then Conspir'd:
And with the Eminent Lusters of her Face,
Begg'd for this Chief her Sovereigns Act of Grace,
With Tears that most resistless, Men surprize,
When made the grief and Prayer of womens eyes.
Which Far Compassion in her Sovereign mov'd,
Who Chastly Female Gracious spendors lov'd.
And held no Bounty by their Charms obtain'd,
But was their value when with Virtue gain'd.
And to this worthy of her Sex thus said,
Happy is Fielding for whom you have paid,
The Value of your pity shed in Tears:
Tho' Warlike Sense a Ruffer course oft Stears.
[Page 125] Then Mercies Milder Orb or Conduct show,
Whose Beams from Breasts of Kings, most boundless flow.
Nor has Attentless ear to Mercies call
Been e're my Crime, or Subjects unjust fall.
Which Candid mildness shin'd throughout my Reign,
When Sanguine guilt did other Scepters Stain.
And if Offenders I less prone forgive,
Their Souls may in their bodies blush to live.
But Providence, whose secret Acts of Grace
Incline the hearts of Kings to Mercies Case;
And like Heavens bounties in the Orbs above,
Do Sovereign Conduct more benignly Move:
To which within the Royal Sphere was joyn'd
Wales blooming Prince, whose soon compassion shin'd.
As Princely Souls, when most enrich'd by Heaven,
Have Mercies Talents early to them given.
What verse his Royal Graces can declare
In Acts (his Mirrors) so transparent are.
And in a Second Charles the Former known,
As Kings whose Souls no Interregnum own.
[Page 126] And thus unto his Royal Father said,
Th' Address that for your Gracious Pardon's made
By this fair object, let my Heart conspire
To aid as her attractive Beams require.
Nor is't denied that with my youthfull years
Compassion flows where Woman sheds her Tears.
By whose bright Sex I early do explore,
That hard 'tis to deny when they Implore.
These Intercessions of a Royal Son
Much on the Kings forgiving Nature won.
Glad that his Princely Heir did then appear
So Ripe in Mercy e're his Manhood year.
As if presaging that in Future Time,
When evil Men had highest rais'd their Crime,
His Fam'd oblivions shou'd make Subjects know
How much the Father by the Son they owe.
When first the Condemned Feilding Liv'd to see
Himself acquitted by their Clemency.
After a Warlike Counsel had decreed
He shou'd to Mars as Sacrificed Bleed.
[Page 127] By which 'tis seen how oft th' Impeached find
Their fellow-Subjects less then Monarchs kind.
Much did this Gracious Act the Court divide,
As parties there did different Measures guide.
Who under Princes Good Improve the Skill
Of being most Artfull as they save or kill.
And in extremes of things such thoughts Impart
As little shew the Courtiers Candid Art.
Or as some late Caballs disposed were,
That could for interest love or hate endear:
Seldom permitting Just concern to come
Nearer the Heart then their cold Lobby-Room.
Tho' Applications early visits make,
In hope a kinder Patron next may wake:
Or not Transcendent vileness so extend,
As, more then Prince, wou'd present ends befriend.
Which Sense that Season did with some abound,
(And with their vailed Treason after found)
Held with the Subtle Houses to Conspire,
To whom they Royal secrets sent for hire.
[Page 128] Of which not few suspected were that time,
But most the false Sydesmonds impious Crime,
Who could such specious Measures give to things,
That Serpent-like his Soul deceiv'd the Kings.
No Pallace e're did such a Synon know,
As Measures yet to come will fully show.
Often he had unto the Foe convey'd,
How by his Sovereign Wars designs were lay'd.
And whence the wary Enemy might wave,
Attempts intended, or advantage have.
All which Clandestine Arts had greater source
From the Composure of the Royal Force.
Whose Ranks most fill'd with Gen'rous blond and flame,
That with profuser courage Courted Fame
Then Martiall caution strictly did allow,
Occasion'd their disasters to ensue.
At Night their quarters forc'd when sometimes they
Watchless, or more supine disorder'd lay.
The Gen'rous Dornland this had duely weigh'd,
And how through their Miscarriage, or betray'd;
[Page 129] The Loyal Mil'tants oft defeated were,
And from Enormous loss might Tax their care.
But more did Dornlands busy thoughts debate,
The gift and strange Prediction which so late
His Sovereign on his Merit had bestow'd,
And like Kings Souls remote import foreshow'd.
And next revolving in his Anxious mind,
If letter'd Man could Explanation find
Of thuoghts abstrusely on his sense prevail'd,
And must by deepest Science be unvail'd.
None like the famous * Polyaster He
Deem'd fit to Salve this seeming Mystery;
By Emblem might the Kings concern unfold,
And what of Dornland was to be foretold.
Polyaster who might weighty Story Fill,
With all that could Illustrate humane skill;
Having to wonder Arts and Science shown,
And was then Poet more Paophetick known.
Whose then aboad near Oxfords confines stood,
Adorn'd with shades and the adjoyning flood.
[Page 130] Like Mansions by the wiser Ancients chose,
When they'd from Worldly cares themselves repose.
Or had on purpose thoughtfull leisure took
T'unfold the secrets of Great Natures Book.
Him Dornland visits when most Mortall eyes
Were clos'd by sleep, and only restloss skies
To Usher night their sparkling Tapers lent▪
Till the Worlds eye survey'd the days extent.
Coelestiall Motions, with their Sublime Powers,
Observ'd by him in many usefull hours
Which carefull life was in his Visage seem
Where in his comely Age did [...]t [...]rven [...]
Wrinckles, which shew [...]d his Soul enough opp [...]est,
Tho' in that Warfull Time no sword depress't
The Peacefull Contemplation of his mind
Who did like the great * Syr [...]use [...]n find
Esteem that spread with largest wings of Fame,
And with his Accurate knowledge blaz'd his Name.
[Page 131] His Lifes Strict Method did example raise,
The Reg'lar Ancients most approved praise,
With Contemplations so dispos'd that he
To Heaven and Time might still least debter be.
Whose precious Hours his richest thought employ'd,
When he, as life's best Steward, them enjoy'd.
Admiring how the Prodigalls of Time
Durst, that debauch'd, Annex unto their Crime.
As if the Worlds swift eye did beams bestow
For slothfull Mans Excentrick use below:
Or Stars, that ow'd the Sun vast sums of Light,
Did shine to aid the wicked deeds of Night.
With Prayer he first began, that aid divine
Might to his Sublime thoughts assistance joyn;
Nor did he close his Eyes at Night to rest,
Till kneeling he had own'd days founder blest.
Wondring that Mortalls largely cou'd receive,
And Heaven, the Authour, Thanks so sparing give.
Nor more his outward form of life compos'd,
Then sitting what his inward Gifts propos'd.
[Page 132] His Food with best prov'd Temperance did agree,
When healthfull Life had long Antiquity:
And Simple meats the bodies Strength resin'd
More suitably Assistant to the Mind.
This wisely Antient Contemplations rais'd,
When Temp'rate life and Science were most prais'd.
Nor pains or Conduct did he then remit,
That more divine might raise his sublime Wit.
And when his Studies Intervall requir'd,
By that diversion too his Soul aspir'd.
His Room of Contemplation duely grac'd
With niches, where Compendiously were plac'd
Statues of such whose Learning did impart
Truths Maxims, Crown'd by Mathematick Art.
That like the Queen of Science does convey
Proofs too Divine for Men to disobey.
Of these he most Intentively beheld
Such as to Brittains Glory most excell'd.
And whom of all had most admired been,
The Matchless Napier, here was likened seen.
[Page 133] Who seem'd by Figure in his hand to bear
Hs Logorithim-Tables which his fame declare.
Above what former demonstration wrought,
Or Problems by men held inspir'd were Taught.
Of whom another Euclide well might learn,
Or Ptolomy his works outdone discern.
Whilst this fam'd Scots Arithmetick does teach,
What Power of Numbers ne're before could reach.
And easier farr did Archimedes sind
Sea-Sands o [...]tsum'd then Napiers profound [...]ind.
Whose Numbers added Multiplication serve,
Substracted nothing from Division swerve.
Which Art did to Astronomy Convey
High Computations his most facile way.
And taught Geometry to lay aside
Old Sines and Tangents long a tedious Guide.
Wonder of Man that gave such knowledge Birth
As did at once oblige both Heaven and Earth.
Next him Polyaster did with Reverence view
The Famous Briggs, whose Admir'd products shew
[Page 134] The Science in his Orb he did extend,
And, unto Former, improv'd Talents lend.
The Artsull Staturist so his form exprest,
That his fled looks seem'd warm in Stone to rest.
Beholding Strictly as with lively sight,
The Trig'nometrick skill he brought to light;
Which lines did represent in Bodies Cut,
Before him on a neat Supporter put.
Besides the Reg'lar Solids, and the Art
His shadows on them did to hours impart.
Next whom renowned Outred's Figure stood,
No less approv'd the Carvers Art in wood.
Whereon a Cirdle round his Loyns was wrought
Deep Analytick questions by him Taught.
At which, as emblem'd, hung that wondrous key,
His Mathematick Clavis did Convey.
These Fam'd, with many other Learned were
Preserv'd in Image by Polyaster's Care.
His Mind, Invited, by their Figures seen,
To be in Science great as they had been.
[Page 135] By which Impulse he oft computed things,
Remotest Art to humane Knowledg brings.
Rvolving if the Circles long sought Square,
Past Computations do aright d [...]clare.
And how the Wonder of the doubled Cube
Had been attempted, or a Clearer Tube
Then Galileus skill had brought to pass
By Optick Doctrine, or his wondrous Glass.
Leaving Men doubtfull whether Orbs above
Did Worlds within their rapid Circles Move.
Or how the Earth did to his Tube appear
To rowl, instead of Sun, her Annuall Sphear.
Like which high Theorems did Polyaster sind
Results of his no Less Stupendious mind.
Who by his Mighty knowledge did Compleat
Productions worthy all Precedent great.
Next these the mighty Hobs he well beheld,
Whose Modern Soul with Gyant reason fill'd,
O're-match'd past Phylosophick strength of Thought,
By Science in his Nat'rall Method Taught.
[Page 136] Discharg'd of Terms, the Schools Imposed Dress,
Where Art Fram'd words, the proper sense few guess;
And in their Letter'd Ocean undescry'd
The Chart that more refin'd cou'd knowledge guide.
Whilst this vast man oppos'd the Worlds mistake,
And did his Learning Nature's Patron Make.
To Honour whom Polyaster did allow
His Form in Cedar Curious Carv'd shou'd show,
And as that Substance does in Trees exceed
The height of all in Forrests Tallest Breed,
So the Transcendent Genius of his Mind
Was, in his Likeness, thus to Fame design'd.
Nor less was his peculiar value shown
To Persons whom the Muses did renown,
Their outward Forms with such high Life design'd,
As nought seem'd miss'd but their Aetheriall Minde:
Above Apelle'es Pencill to express,
Or what from stroke of Sculpturists Men guess.
No Imag'd Looks or Artfull Features tell
How the Souls Venus does with Mortalls dwell.
[Page 137] Which Sublime Thought by Polyaster weigh'd,
And wit this Islands Glory far display'd,
Through Powerfull Sons of Phebus by whose sense
The Mighty Nine best raptures did dispense.
With these around their brows were Lawrells plac'd,
Large next to those Apollo's Temples Grac'd:
Of which, he Chaucer, Spencer, much beheld,
And where their Learned Poems most excell'd.
Tho' words now obsolete express their Flame,
Like Gemms that out of Fashon value Claim.
Near these in Statue witty Shakspere stood,
Whose early Plays were soonest next to Good.
And Like a vast Dramatick Founder show'd
Bounties of Wit from his large Genius flow'd.
Whose worth was by this Learned duely weigh'd,
As in Essigie there he stood display'd.
But more stupendious to his Soul appear'd
Proportions which great Johnsons Form declar'd,
Whose deep Essigies he wish'd longer date
Then Polish'd art in stone cou'd Celebrate.
[Page 138] Admiring next the wit that Crown'd his Bays,
WhoseScenes were works, when most fell short of Plays.
So aptly by him Characters exprest,
That shew'd his artfull hand and Learning best.
Whilst other Dramaticks like Planets were,
Rambling to find their Center near his Sphere.
A Province Phaebus did on him bestow,
When made his Wits Lieutenancy below.
As duly he did Fletchers Soul explore,
The Stages most Luxurian witty Store:
With worthy Beamount to his Figure Joyn'd,
Adapted most the Muses Twins in mind:
Whose Genius so conspir'd that Beamount Might
Divide with Fletcher wit by equall right.
Nor less then past some present he admir'd.,
Whose work for Envys darts too high Aspir'd:
Or black detraction or abusive Pen,
Fowl'd oft to Stain the worth of living Men.
Thus did Polyastor usefully transmit
These wondrous Authors of best Art and wit
[Page 139] To Future Age, wishing their Souls renown,
Might long survive their Forms in wood and Stone.
Admiring Dornland had beheld a space
This Learned Worthys Comely years and Grace,
Before his wonder gave expression way
By words to utter what he meant to say.
Who thus with grave humility began,
Father of Science more then Soul of Man
Has yet Imbellish'd, or by Heaven allow'd
To look through Vails which inmost Nature shrowd;
Or Starry Providence, that to Vulgar sight
Appears like Spangles, which Vain Souls delight.
As if that Heaven profusely did bestow
Such eyes above as saw not things below.
O, tell me then, if to thy search 'tis shown,
What Future issue may be sadly known
Of this outrageous War, or thence shall be
The King and Publicks suture Destiny.
The Noble Dornland this no sooner said,
And Polyast [...]r had his looks survey'd:
[Page 140] But his discerning eyes began apace
To power their Tears upon his Aged Face:
E're he his deep Conceptions thus exprest;
Pardon thou worthy Man the soul opprest,
Which more, then Niob's drops, deserves to fill
Fountains where passions might be Emblem'd still.
When I consider well this Furious Age,
Such Hero's Number'd on a Martiall Stage,
That for their high descent and Graces spread
Times Fatall Annalls larger then yet read.
As if our Isle had now profusest been,
Ayded by Nature to exalt her Sin.
When many best of these alas must find,
War, to their Gold of Virtue, too unkind.
Little 'twill please the Living Great to know
What hapless periods they must undergo.
Tho' hard to Destinies accounts to come
Where Martiall deeds their broken reck'nings sum;
Tallyes, which Providence least Strikes above,
That for Fates Bankers would no Chequer prove.
[Page 141] How far Heavens beaming eyes may piercing see,
Yet not divert Mans ragefull Misery,
Divines can bolder by their Maxims Teach,
Then Reasons Philosophick Aid can reach
From the Elaborate Alphabet above,
Where Consonants and Vowells wordless move
In Stars that Heavens own Algebra Compute,
And in their Question work'd must leave some doubt.
All which the wise Creator might dispense,
To give his Conduct the remoter sence.
And like Heavens heightfull distance men allow,
Looseth Mans thoughts that wing'd would thither go.
Much I esteem the Soldiers Valiant Art,
And in my youthfull years in Field took part
Where Mighty Kings and Chiefs did battles guide,
Nor did I less then others for my side:
Whilst I with grief some Monarchs then beheld
Unfortunate, tho' Just their Cause in field.
This I observ d before I did Imploy
My Soul on thoughts that peacefull bliss enjoy:
[Page 142] And to be nearer Heaven did Improve
My search of dispensations from above;
Where Gentlest Stars did seldom Council call
To rescue such themselves expos'd to fall.
If not so shin'd in their Excentrick Course,
As more Irregular render'd deeds of Force,
T'Inspect which Scheme my disquisition spare,
Lest my Art tell what you'd unwilling hear.
To which Magnanimous Dornland thus reply'd;
Most Learned Patron, hard 'twere by you deny'd
The Information my Desires implore,
And which beyond Mankind you can explore.
Yet think not so I'de prove your sublime Art
As thereby caution'd to unfix my heart,
Where Bloud I breed that would not Lise delay
By aid of Stars, if out of Honours way.
My Life's too worthless so your Skill to Court:
No, 'tis my Sovereign's most Supreme Import,
Which in this War such various progress shows,
And other Circumstance my Thoughts propose,
[Page 143] That bid me thus address, if Science may
Inform my Soul a more propitious way.
To which Polyaster gravely this adjo [...]n'd,
Think not fai [...] Son that 'tis to man desin' [...]
The Certain Methods Providence does guide,
Whose O [...] flows no [...] Ebbs like other Tide.
When things Emerge they oft abscond the why
They were produc'd from Reesons broadest Eye.
How far obscurer then must Mortal's doom
Things [...]re abstruce with future Causes come.
If Man the Universe cou'd search around,
And weigh all Causes and effects there found,
Tho' in that Compass dues appear to sight
One Total Wonde [...] [...] in [...]th and height:
Cou'd he assure how Stars, or things [...]elow
Come to [...] as we [...]ehold'em now.
Or how Heaven did the worlds first Virgin hour
Give womb of Time a future Issues power.
Whence prying Man as doubtfull might Convey
The Worlds first Life as [...]ix its dying day.
[Page 144] Who from this mighty round can't understand
More boundless being but at Second-hand.
Since nothing so remote perfection shows,
As thence Ma [...] his Creators essence knows.
Whilst all the Miracles which the World do fill,
Pose us to search the unknown Founders skill.
Thus even the Lowest Tide of Earthly things
Often directs us to supremer Springs:
Like Rills, through easy Channels seem to Creep,
Have Causes that Conceal'd on Mountains keep.
How then shall Man the Gordian-knot unty,
That's knit by much sublimer destiny.
Or that way Kingdoms revolutions find,
By far obscur [...] Providence design'd.
Yet what this Inquisition wou'd require,
(Tho' I could wish declin'd thy strict desire)
My Vig'lant studies shall as far Impart,
As I can pierce with my Acutest Art,
And know that I have oft revolv'd with Care
The direfull▪ progress of this wicked War,
[Page 145] With such Catastrophe's I could convey
To Future Time my Hieroglyphick way.
On which, 'till now, no eye I did admit
To guess that dumb Prophetick sigur'd wit.
Behold these Scrolls which are in number Three,
(Units whence springs odd Cubick Mystery.)
The First I offer English deeds contains,
With Sieges, Sallies, Battells fought on Plains.
And next in Course this Faithless Irish shows,
Steep'd deep in Bloud as here it figur'd flows.
The Third Disloyal Scotland represents
With their Fallacious Co [...]'nanted Intents.
In all of which thou feest how many fall,
As Honours Catalogue best sums them all.
Of these observe selectly such set [...]orth
Who most their Nations honour'd in their worth.
Of which some Worthies may to thee be known,
As here in likeness dead or living shown.
If my Art's Prospect duly shall relate
Their Story yet reserv'd to future date,
[Page 146] And in this Study'd Copy things foresee
To no Original yet can liken'd be.
With Actions that most signally declare
The high Intrigues and Fury of this War.
No Strife so dear shall other Nations cost
In Noblest Bloud and Valiant Gentry lost,
Which in these Fields, by Fate's regardless powers,
Fall but to wither with less precious flowers.
More to Impress their Love and Valour's due;
See, in what Series here deplor'd do shew
The sev'ral Fights and Skirmishes when they
Caus'd in their loss their Lovers Mournfull day.
As seemingly those espous'd forms appear
To drown their Souls and Looks as they weep here.
Next these a mournfull Spectacle is seen
Of pity'd Virgins, whose soft flame had been
Plighted to Warlike Lives and Glories [...]ed,
With Joys expected from the Marriage-Bed.
(As Mortals less their Blessings prize possest,
Then such by Wishes valu'd are or guest.)
[Page 147] And from their liken'd Lustres here do tell,
That their Forms could with Grief unfaded dwell.
As Lillies when in Rains they Tears do show,
Caus'd by rough Storms where their smooth [...]tures grow;
Their Native Beauty doth impairless Stay,
Or their last Glory in their dying day
Thus Man with Grief these evills must explore
That would with full Compassion them deplore.
Which in this Martial Landskip here present
So sadly near and distant Detriment:
With Turb'lent change and Mischiefs that ensue,
As unto sight these dreadfull Visions shew.
And whence the meanly born as bad conspi [...]e
To raise by vile degrees their Orb still higher.
Whilst Heaven when pleas'd to joyn A [...]llictions worst,
From Low and Impious fonds their mis [...]hiefs burst.
Next, well inspect this face as't here appears,
Mark well his Subtle gestures, looks and T [...]ars;
And how his Sanguine Nose does him betray,
As Bloody Beaks denote the Birds of prey.
[Page 148] Observe him rising too from low Commands
By boldest Stepps, till there ho Gen'ral stands.
Then Mark his Fawning and his Lips of Zeal,
That more divinely he Mens Souls might Steal.
Or Crowds seduce who seldom can adjust
How unsafe 'tis bad deeds and Prayer to Trust.
Then view him here assaulting his Kings ear,
With Crocodile drops distill'd to shape a Tear.
Next see how he does shift his Janus's Face,
And slights supinely offer'd Sovereign Grace.
Then forward move thy eye to shadows there,
Which in the Artfull Pencills stroaks appear.
And tho' thou dost no Visage of them see,
Suppose 'em great as English bloud can be.
Their Coats of Arms above their heads display'd,
Like Guilded fame on refin'd Honour lay'd.
Besides a Crown that seems to hang in Air,
As if the Head were wanted it shou'd wear.
Observe the Figures do this Curtain hold,
Which vails these highly Em'nent yet untold.
[Page 149] As if the Destinies, that cann't relent,
Conceal'd the Horridness of their Intent.
Do they not represent the Furies when
Their dreadfull aspects Joyn with Impious Men;
Or in their Snaky Tresses wou'd Invite
Some one to Act Hell's boldest Proselite.
See how they court this Bloudy Cheif to rise
Yet more detested unto Humane eyes.
And how his armed hand is stretch'd to Seize
The Crown, thou seest, in hope of Ayd from these.
Stay thy Inquiry here, for 'tis a Text
My Soul▪s strict Comment has too far perplex'd.
Heroick Dornland in whose steady Breast
No apprehensions had so deep Impress'd,
As these by Learned Polyaster shown,
If Times dark Footsteps were to man Foreknown:
Or in such Hieroglyphick Shapes expand,
When Deaths black Trumps most sill her winning hand.
Besides the Figures of Peculiar Friends
Fully describ'd with their Severest ends;
[Page 150] Some stript in Fields, and in that gastly plight
Their wounds discern'd through which their Souls took [...]light.
Who Like the Naturall Fall of Humane kinde,
(Whose Endless Issue must to Clay be Joyn'd)
Embracing Earths smooth Surface Seem'd to Lye,
The Eve that Last must Joyn Mortallity.
More [...] his Inward Soul these sights Lament,
Then outward Grief cou'd Saddest represent.
Mov'd from the Tragick Postures by him seen,
And objects did as dismall Intervene.
Tho' in dark prospects they to him were shown,
As Light that dimly breaks through Clouds is known,
With many Gallant persons high esteem'd
And some, of living freinds, he dearest deem'd,
Nor did he well discern where sields seem'd spread
Thickest with bodys of the Valiant Dead,
Whither the Pencills shaddow might not place
With others, there observ'd, his dying Face.
Yet all these apprehensions did Convey
No such [...]emo [...]se of Death or dying day:
[Page 151] As what these figur'd visions might portend,
Which by this Artists skill had vayl'd the end,
That through this Wars Success and Cruel strife
His Soveraigns Cause might ruine with his Life.
And caus'd the Loyall Dornland to Consult
What from Polyaster's Knowledge would Result.
Whom thus he mov'd; Tell me thou Fam'd of Men,
How far this Pencill from your Thoughts and Pen
Took the Stupendious Methods I behold,
And but your Science onely can unfold,
Or Taught more haply from your sense to know,
Designs our Soveraign Fortunate may show;
With Bravest Nobles of this Martiall Isle,
And Generous Bloud expos'd to Furious Toyl.
Or that prevented which my doubtfull Thought
May sear to your deep prospect's sadly brought.
To which the Great Polyaster thus reply'd,
Think not fair Son the Thread is soon unty'd
That Subtle Destinies conspire to Twist,
And what more high Guides Causes which they list.
[Page 152] Of such, how Stars incline, Art may declare,
Tho' they like Nightly guides to Science are,
Consin'd from Beaming the Sublimest Light,
Os [...]rovidence; Then worlds of Suns more Bright.
The first high Author only can display,
Tho' pleas'd sometimes to use the darker Ray
Of Heavenly Bodies, whence sound Art may find
Effects dispos'd but no disposers mind.
So far may Humane Calculations reach,
Tho' no Coelestiall Text they higher Teach.
My Study'd skill perhaps might so ascend
In seeing deeds o're Kings and Men impend:
Tho' 'tis a Round no even influence shows,
And like the World to Scituation owes
Much vari'd Seasons and distemper'd Times,
The hot Meridians sorce or colder Climes.
That bolder Men too pronely may admire
Why the Creators Conduct did conspire
To form a World proves so unequall Great,
Or Temper'd like some headstrong acts of Fate.
[Page 153] Let this thy Further Strict enquiry Stay,
And where Art's helpless think 'tis best to pray.
The Noble Dornland having heard how wise
This Learned Man did things profound disguise,
Allow'd his Modesty no more to ask
By giving Science a severer Task.
Hoping that Powers above might over-Rule
Thoughts that were too Incumbent on his Soul.
Whilst thus from Polyaster he retires,
And far beyond expression him admires.


The Argument.
Essex by Dream his Fathers Ghost beholde,
By which is told his Future Deeds and End,
Chalgrave▪Field, and subtile Hampd [...]n slain:
Lansdowne fierce Day and Valiant Grenfields fall,
Waller on Roundway-Hill enforc'd to run,
Hugon, by Spell from Sorc'ress, Faction aids,
Glocester reliev'd and Newberry's Bloudy Fight.
THE Sun past ending Aprils various Hours,
Where Stars in Taurus Influence growing Powers,
Had to May's Gemini advan [...]'d his height,
When Eyes far North behold no Cloudy Night:
As Ph [...]bus Beams dissolve Seas frozen there,
And never set for some Months of his Year.
'Till when they rarely see the early Sun,
Or how his shining hours on Dyals run.
[Page 155] But to their homes, their Winter Graves, compell'd,
'Till Night's long Cold by days increase expell'd.
An aidfull Providence that helps to Tame
Men that in Frozen Climes breed fiercest Flame:
Which in our Brittish Region did appear,
As Winter check'd War's speed this Fatal Year.
In which, betime the King had Redding lost,
And could not that prevent with bloudy Cost.
From whence the haughty Houses thought to raise
Further Atchievements to their Armies Praise.
Though in their Conduct and their Counsels were
Divided Factions moving in each Sphere.
Whilst some, from sad effects of Mischiefs past,
Seem'd less propense to forward others hast.
Which Sense the Earl, tho' Redding then possest,
Found to lie heavy on his troubled Breast.
Who by Success could not so swell his Mind,
As moderate thoughts no room in him did find.
Besides his Soul was more Apal'd to see
The Hand of Heaven his open Enemy.
[Page 156] As in his Camp Contagious * Plague had kill'd
Numbers that late his Hardy Legions fill'd.
Nor could their Loudest Priests by Prayer obtain,
That Heaven should cease th' Infection these had slain.
Which much their grieved Gen'ralls Heart opprest,
His Army Lessen'd thus and hopes deprest,
Of being Improv'd by Soldierly Repute,
And Pop'lar Fame which his Soul would promote.
These Thoughts, which on his Mind had fix'd their weight,
By sleeps soft aid he hoped to abate.
Which Night invites, as Natures Time of Cure,
When Souls, less easy, waking sense endure.
And their Essential Attributes enlarge,
As Sleep the bodies Clog does most discharge.
Whilst from the boundless working of the Mind,
Souls seem in bodies to Live unconsin'd.
Now had the Earl Repos'd some hours of Night,
As Stars ascending reach'd their Midnight Height:
And Gloomy Meteors had Condens'd the Air,
Whence Forms, some Judge, do Thicker outsides wear:
[Page 157] Or mode when Sprites their thin extensions Hide,
And in contracted shapes their beings guide.
Or Ghosts assume, as Frightfull Stories tell,
Bodies resembling such in Graves do dwell:
Which Fantoms much this Chief asslicted then,
Dreaming on Battels past and dying Men:
Some War deploring with their Latest breath,
Others the quarrel Blam'd at point of Death.
Or charg'd their Loss upon his Pop'lar Guilt,
That first Allur'd the Bloud was after spilt.
Besides which Vision, to his greatest dread,
He dreamt of Graves at Keinton-field of Dead:
Which like to Mighty Tombs of Old remain,
When Hills of Earth did Cover heaps of Slain.
And in Idea next his Soul had sight
Of Brandsords day, and Reddings siercer sight;
Doubting lest Angry Ghosts should near him wait
To scare his Soul who caus'd their bodies Fate.
At which his Inward Horrors did Arise,
Seen by his Mind without her bodies Eyes.
[Page 158] Then sleeping Starts, next fears his sleep to break,
Lest his Souls dream should fright him worse awake.
As thus he lay perplex'd with various thought,
Fancies All-forming Power had Figur'd brought
His Fathers Person, much in looks and Meen,
And Martiall habit like what his had been.
His Beaver pi [...]rc'd with shot, as 'twas that time,
When he in London form'd his daring Crime;
And in his haughty rage and passion Strove
To force his Queens Imperiall Power and Love.
Which Guilt, as if acknowledg'd e're he spoke,
Seem'd on his brow imprest and paler look.
And next he utter'd to his Son this Sense;
Take from me dead my surest Penitence:
Since Fame Stands well confirm'd that Spirits walk,
And Organ'd, of this World and t'other, talk.
And know I come to bid thee soon decline
Th'Ambitious Steps that were too Lofty Mine.
When Phaeton like I did attempt to rise,
Yet in the offer fell the scorn of eyes.
[Page 159] Much bloud thou'st spilt and I had done the same,
Had not the Power of Justice quench'd my Flame.
Else had Crouds faithfull prov'd, no Armed hand
Could have Rule boldier chang'd within this land.
As much perhaps thy Pop'lar Soul wou'd do,
When Giddy Vulga [...] shall resist thee too.
More Battles thou wilt sight and then resign
Thy Power to Factions that Supplanted Thine.
Who after Aided by some Stepdams Art,
Shall by quick Poyson kill thy Stubborn heart.
At which he stop'd, and Tears profusely shed.
To whom his Son, in Trance, thus thought he said.
O Hapless Father in your Ghost to come,
And next your Fate declare how Stars me doom.
That from your pure Existence I should find
How Sep'rate Souls Paternally are kind.
Then Thinks he kneeling did his Blessing pray,
And wish'd that Souls might oftner find their way
From deaths recesses, and Teach men to see
Their bad deeds past and future misery.
[Page 160] Next Thought he strove t'Imbrace his Fathers knees,
Whilst like to Air repress'd his figure flees:
Or as the Gloomy Horrors of the Night
Vanish with dreams at days approaching Light.
Thus he awak'd, and soon revolv'd in thought:
The sad concern his slumbers to him brought.
With Visions that did dreadfully deterr
His further Heightening this destructive War,
Which Nourish'd Factions that might soon conspire
To lay him Low, and raise their Creatures higher.
Whence Peace he wish'd, tho' far remov'd from Men,
Might, as the Souls * A [...]rea, come again.
Yet fear'd Heavens wrath was easier to asswage,
Then the sterne Houses full determin'd rage.
Tho' that rough Medium he resolv'd to Try,
As Time gave Calmer opportunity.
Till when on other Causes he could lay
The Motives did his Martial flame delay.
[Page 161] Mean while the King, that wondrous year of War,
Which adds to Fames Heroick Calendar,
Had weigh'd maturely in his Prudent mind,
What 'gainst his Active Foes was best design'd:
Knowing the Voting Houses had decreed,
That their Vast Force should yet more daring spread:
The North with Mighty Yorkshir's far extent
Committed to the Warlike management
Of th [...]t Lord Fairfax and his Valiant Son,
Who, by their Conduct there had gain'd Renown.
These how-e're held, in Soul too bravely Just
For such who then allur'd them to this trust
Infusing subtile Notions of a Cause,
That well disguis'd seem'd to support the Laws;
Strenuously did their Friends and Interest guide
T' Oppose within that Sphere the Royall side;
'Gainst whom the brave New-Castle did appear,
Gen'rous of mind and resolute in War.
Whose high repute did many Hero's raise,
That, next his Acts, on Story fix their praise.
[Page 162] But none surpassing his admir'd Ally
Heroick a Cavendish, in whose prowess Lye
Deeds that Fames wings must as her Trophe's bear,
And verse that could his Grandeur full declare.
Nor less the Senates party did Imbroil
The West of Englands rich and pop'lous soil.
For which attempt they Active Waller chose,
A Knight whose Zeal could mighty things propose,
And whom their Votes did Celebrate so high,
As he then March'd their Western Excellency.
That far as waves there wash the Brittish shore,
He might all vanquish by their Haughty power.
And was their requisite expedient thought,
Since b Greenville, Slanning, had stout Cornish brought,
That won at Stratton-field a mighty day,
Which Stories with their Future worth display.
[Page 163] And by their Prince more gratefull understood,
Since this, of his Successes, cost least bloud.
Whose Temp'rate Spirit wa like Heaven's design'd,
In being to Offending Mortalls kind.
Yet hearts so harden'd had his Rugged Foes,
That they durst Royal Grace with power oppose:
Howe're the discompos'd, or cold delay,
Of Timing Essex, wou'd their Fury stay.
Whilst powers conjoyn'd from other Camps appear'd,
With such the Vig'lant Houses had de [...]la [...]'d
From his must be detach'd, and by Chiefs led
Whom they less doubted then this Peer their head.
And did unto Campaigns near Oxford guide,
The well-form'd Numbers of their daring Side.
Tho' Fame and Rumour us'd their swiftest Wing
To speed the bold Allarum to the King.
With these, a Leader, subtile Hampden joyn'd,
Vast. in his Parts and deep contriving Mind.
Who by his Conduct and his Sword thought [...]t
To aid the Quarrel Patron'd by his Wit.
[Page 164] And more t'Inflame his fierce Assistants then,
Did thus express: If with our Armed Men
Reason avails, or Maxims that have found
Where fast Designs their strong assurance ground;
Know these are ours, with Swords that only can
Sever Prerogative Bonds Infesting Man.
How-e're such Gordian Knots Miraculous reach,
From Thrones to Subjects, as some vainly teach:
Or speciously the Lawyers Brain might find,
When Courts the Peoples Purse had theirs design'd.
This e're our Senate sate, I first withstood,
And held it then a Cause worth English Bloud.
Tho' now unsafe at Wrongs redress'd to stop,
'Till surplusage of Power we further Lop.
That like the Limbs of some far-spreading Tree,
Shaded too long our growing Liberty.
Which res'lute force will perfect and design
That do the Foxes part and Lyons joyn.
'Till when the Houses wisely must disown,
How Levell they intend to lay the Throne.
[Page 165] On which account, this day I welcom here,
And full resolv'd with you in Arms appear.
Whilst from this * Field our hopes improv'd must spring,
Where late I prosperous Led against the King
The Houses bold Militia, whence first grew,
'Twixt him and us, the Quarrel we pursue.
Thus he express'd, like one that cou'd Cajole
With powerfull words the Soldiers daring Soul.
This Speech scarce ended Rupert did appear,
With Troups well Formed to joyn [...]ierce Battel there:
Swift, as the Trumpet's sound, his Prowess led,
And in that haste saw scatter'd Foes lie dead.
The Orange Scarst, the cognizance made then
Of Resolute Essex and his Fighting Men,
Were in their Gawdy Habits forc'd to run,
And turn their Tawny backs against the Sun,
Wishing that Parthian-like they now could fly,
And by back-shooting kill their Enemy.
[Page 166] Which Stratagem to Rome's bold Legions brought
D [...]s [...]sters as that People flying fought.
[...] how should these act any Conducts Part,
When headlong Fear had first surpriz'd their Heart:
[...] close pursu'd, as all must needs agree,
Where Rupert's Valour forc'd his Victory.
And thus confus'd unto their Camp they stray,
Where Essex, hoping better Tidings, lay.
Hampden, amongst the rest, the Field had left,
By deadly wounds almost of Life bereft.
Few days him end, whilst much his Party griev'd
That Fate, of such a Grandee, them bereav'd:
Lest from Death's hast they but in Emb [...]io find
The change of State which his strong Brain design'd:
Or left unmodell'd by deceased * Pym,
Who subt'ly to their Cause Intrigu'd esteem.
Tho'by a homlier Fate the latter fell.
Whom Lice by Legions slew as many tell.
[Page 167] So Herod full of Pop'lar Vogue and Pride,
Attacqu'd by these most vulgar Vermin dy'd.
Rupert, successfull thus in this Campagne,
Where Foes thought Fame by Cavalry to gain,
Which on their side more numerous did consist,
Had they been Soul'd as boldly to resist:
Such dread diffus'd through all their mounted Force,
As long they fear'd to fight such Loyal Horse.
And did in Essex Soul improve delay,
Caus'd by disgnst and Fortune of that day.
Which gave the King apt Leisure to dispose
Embody'd Powers against his Western Foes:
Whom Active Waller had combin'd with care,
More Pop'lar now then Essex in this War.
The Noble Hertford, sit for Royal Trust,
And Int'rested in those parts to Adjust
His Sovereign's Cause, did from an Honest Fame
Deserve, by him unsought, a Gen'rals Name.
Little he had of Wars experience known,
And therefore did refuse to guide alone.
[Page 168] T'assist whose conduct by the King was chose
His Newphew Maurice Daring unto Foes:
Great Rupert s Brother, which enough does tell
How like to him his Prowess did excell.
G [...]ville, to whom brave * Hopton did withdraw,
When first Rebellion had Infring'd the Law,
Worthy of Lineage and conspicuous known
[...] Gen'rous deeds that Cornish hearts had won;
And bloud best valu'd in that fertile Soyl,
Who Gladly joyn'd with his, their Warlike Toyl:
And had with high repute stout Numbers rais'd
To add to those at Stratton-field were prais'd.
Their Countrey clear'd from Foes, they next prepare
For their Kings Cause in distant climes to War.
And with due sense of Hopton's Merit, gave
Consent that he Supreme Command should have.
[Page 169] Since he, from home remov'd, had for them fought,
And by his Conduct prov'd Advantage brought.
Soon did their Monarch's Summons them direct
Where they by Hertford Maurice should be met:
And with their conjoyn'd power of Foot and Horse
Oppose th' Impetuous growth of Wallers Force.
Near Chard, a Ville of Fertile Somersetshire,
Their joyfull Juncture was, and eccho'd there.
So when kind streams in one Joynt Current slow,
Their Waves embrace and sounds of Gladness show.
The Royal Power by Infantry Improv'd
Of Gallant Cornish, in bold Order Mov'd
Unto Campaigns the Enemy to Find,
Who then on Lansdown-top his Camp design'd.
Uneven Ridges do that Hill Surround,
By Waller chose for his Advantage ground.
Th' Assent and Avenu's, with care Possest
By Files and Squadrons he reputed best.
Whilst Posted thus some Troups he does Imploy
To Skirmish so as they might Foes decoy:
[Page 170] Bidding that they when charg'd should soon retreat,
And Tempt pursuers on to their defeat.
Assuring them that on the Royal side
Were Chiefs whose Courage Dangers so defy'd,
As sometimes in pursuit of Glory they
Had scorn'd in fear of Stratagem to stay.
The Zealous Haslerig, on Wallers part,
Does first attempt to prove his Warlike Art.
Arm'd Cap-a- [...]e his Militants appear'd,
Who'd think they shock of Foes or Guns had fear'd:
Or that their Iron shapes should not endure
The Charge of such whose Breasts were less secure.
Since for them better then the Royal Side
Fortune did Wars Accoutrements provide.
But howe're Fenc'd, their Bulks less hard they find
Then Bosoms that Inclos'd the harder Mind.
And thus the Royal Cavalry that day
Through Armed Squadrons did enforce their way:
Whose Foes confus'd, with a precipitant haste,
In spight of Orders given, retir'd too fast.
[Page 171] So hard it is in Wars Exploits to find
Mens practiques to their Theories adjoyn'd.
The Royal Chiefs perceiving that the Foe
Withdrew with loss and in disorder too:
Judg'd that occasion, Fortune's usefull Guide,
Would add Atchievements to their Gallant side;
But lest they should obstructed find their way,
Where opposite Files in Pass or Ambush lay:
The Co [...]nish Foot, with Greenville at their head,
And * Chiefs whose Deeds in Fames Records are read,
Did in despite of disadvantage Ground
Repell their Foes, where Posted they were found.
Who upward unto Wallers Camp withdrew,
Like Deer that to their Herd from Hunters flew.
Their Stout Pursuers after them ascend,
And on the Hill Embattell'd boldly stand.
The Royal Horse, the Avenu's now clear'd,
To Second Cornish Gallantry appear'd.
[Page 172] But e're their Squadrons were to Order brought,
Their Van had Wallers Force successless fought.
Here Valiant a Loer left a Crimson floud,
And many with him slain of English Bloud.
Besides such Numbers that from Death or Wound,
In Wars Memoirs Conspicuously are found.
But Youthfull. b Dencourt for whose Noble fall
Fame does, from Verse, peculiar value call;
Appropriate to the Manner of his End,
Which Truth does in these Measures recommend,
Wrapt in the Enemies Colours dead he lay,
That he won for his Winding-Sheet that day:
Ho H [...]roe could in Bed of Honour dye
Trophy'd more Glorious by Wars destiny.
The Fight renew'd, each side by Prowess Try
To force their stout Embody'd Enemy.
[Page 173] Nor would they Leisure to their Guns afford,
More forward to destroy with Pike and Sword.
Waller who this Campaign had first Possest,
Some Forces so dispos'd to Aid the rest,
As what from sight or order could accrew,
He judg'd was fully his advantage now.
The Cornish Infantry that long had stood,
And would no Foot withdraw to save their bloud;
His best reserves their Legions next Assail,
And 'gainst their Valour something too prevail.
Greenville disdaining this, an Ensign takes,
And fixing it in Earth by it he makes
His dauntless stand, resolving there to dye;
Or Live approv'd for signal Loyalty.
Whilst Fame to give his Death a lasting date
Perpetuates his * Glory in his Fate.
Whose Trusty Militants when they beheld
Their Lov'd Chiefs fall, Fury revenge compell'd:
[Page 174] Untill his Death retaliated by Blows,
And the ground strow'd with Carcasses of Foes.
Pitty that vulgar Gallantrys should be
So sparingly convey'd by History,
As but their General mention does appear,
Instead of single Rooms of Glory there.
Whilst Partial Birth, Monopolizing Fame,
Contracts Man's value to the highest Name;
Leaving the Low, howe're by Nature Brave,
To go without Encomium to their Grave.
Thus War, the mean destroy'd, in heaps conceals,
And but their sudden ends, like Plague, reveals.
Till setting Sun both sides prolong'd their sight,
Tho' Wallers, as appear'd, first wish'd for Night.
Who to be safe the next succeeding day,
The Time of darkness chose to March away.
And as in haste, some Thought, had left behind
Huge Loads of Powder: whether so design'd
By Craft or Fate, few [...]ellers rightly know;
Or from what cause did Burst that Fatall blow.
[Page 175] Sooner then Moment did the Flame arise,
And seem'd to pierce with pointed fire the Skies.
Like a vast Pyramid its Bottom spread,
And left within that Compass many dead.
Which Sulphurous force transform'd their Persons so,
As they did Blacker dye then Ethiops show.
Some Blasted liv'd in Bulks to wonder swell'd,
And with a sad Amazement were beheld.
Others surviv'd, tho' Maim'd in every part:
Who'd not for their sakes curse the wicked Art
That first these seeds of Mischief had design'd
For a destructive fewell to Mankind.
By this fierce Blow in this disastrous Night,
Hopton had Perish'd too or Lost his sight:
Had not Heavens Aid the Powders force with-held,
Tho' scorch'd his Visage and his Limbs beheld.
Which Griefs with Magnitude of Mind he Bore,
Till Time his Pristine Strength did full restore.
This dire Mischance with other Motives gave
Occasion to the Royalists to Leave
[Page 176] That fatal surface, and their march intend
Where due refreshments might their Toyls befriend.
T'ward the * Devises they assign'd their way,
When Waller who had fear'd their longer stay,
Assum'd new hopes, from Artifice or Fate,
To vanquish them whom late he could not Beat.
Close to their Rear, as Stars reach'd Midnight height,
His Van he led the next ensuing Night:
Judging that they, who had few hours before
Repuls'd at Lansdowne-field his stoutest power,
Would least suspect that he did then pursue
Their Marching Force from which his Lately flew.
Whilst to conceal what by design he meant,
By Trumpets sound his Martial Complement
He first to Noble Hertford does convey,
Since he as General had precedent sway:
Next lets him know that if his Arms could bring
The spacious West subjected to the King:
[Page 177] E're Sun did set he would that Value Stake,
In a Cherston Fields if there he'd Battle make.
The Earl to this with Modesty reply'd,
That he by Challenge ne're had him defy'd:
Wherefore he wonder'd that in Waller's name,
So Bravo like, this b message to him came.
With whom the Earl this Errand did debate,
Tho' full of Malade from preceding fate,
With clear Perception unto him declar'd
That Guile should more then Swords of Foes be fear'd:
Since War by wicked Maxim did allow,
That [...]raud Conductress might to Valour go;
Besides all which impossible 'twould be,
Should, to this proffer, his resolvs agree;
[Page 178] To move with wea [...]i'd Foot a te [...]us way,
And Battle give in compass of one [...]ay.
This message Answer'd and they Marching on,
Th' Insidious part of Waller soon was known:
Who that they might not think his Army near,
This Errand sent e're he Attacqu'd their Rear:
Which in few moments furiously he sought,
And by a fierce surprize disorder brought
Unto some Bodies on the Royall Part,
Till better form'd they Stood his force and Art.
Nor could they March unto the Post design'd,
But as they moving fought their Foe behind:
And thus retreating they continu'd Fight,
Till to Devises come by Evening Light.
Soon as Arriv'd a Martial Court they held,
Compos'd of such that for Conduct excell'd:
Debating how their Powers might there subsist,
And orderly the Enemy resist.
Whilst now in Crowds their Horse and Foot possest
The Town, too strait to yield them food or rest:
[Page 179] Howe're by fight and March they Harass'd show,
And were besides in Ammunion low.
Which to repair and to detatch more Force,
Determin'd 'twas that all their strength of Horse
Should from the Town that Night make their retreat,
Till Reinforcements they from Oxford meet.
Hertford and Maurice with them march'd away,
When Hopton and such Chiefs behind did stay
Whose Conduct best the Insantry could Guide,
And by example Animate their side.
Which, tho' alone, by Duplicate renown,
Resolv'd to Conquer Foes and keep the Town.
And had for several days Successfull fought,
Till want of powder to distress them brought:
Which known to Waller soon his Stars he Blest,
That thus Advantag'd him to win the West,
And Noblest Enemies his Captives see,
Whence he'd Triumph by Parliament decree.
This Exigent as Royalists deplor'd,
And fruitlessly had search'd for Powder stor'd,
[Page 180] A Trusty * Townsman makes himself their Guide
Unto enough of his to aid their side.
Provided thus, with bold Joy they defy
By Peals of Shot the daring Enemy:
And with recruited Fury Sallies make,
Where Posted Foes they kill and Pris'ners take.
Scorning that Works their Valour should Confine,
Who durst the Place defend without a Line.
Waller who hop'd that some Impending strait
Would have inforc'd his Opposits to Treat,
That he the Town by render might obtain:
Now doubts he Trophies there design'd in vain.
When unto him his trusty Scouts declare;
That Bodies of recruited Foes were near,
By Princely Ma [...]rice and Brave Wilmot led:
From whose Vancurriers they had swiftly fled
Th'Allarum taken, he withdraws his Force,
Except some Parties of his Foot and Horse,
[Page 181] Design'd to Skirmish and amuze the Town,
Lest there too soon 'twere known that he was gone.
Few Miles he march'd 'till to a Hill he came,
Whose Downy Surface men do * Round-way name,
Where speedily, as Order could admit,
He did for Fight his strong Battalions sit.
Rejoyc'd to see with what an eager Course
His Foes arriv'd, tho' but Impowr'd by Horse.
Concluding that his Cavalry and Foot,
By joynt Advantage would their Bodies rout.
Whilst Maurice, Wilmot so their Troups dispose,
As by their Conduct first they come to Blows:
And Ranks disperse that would resist their way,
Till Flight they forc'd as their Swords numbers [...]lay.
Fiery Sir * Arthur, who, on Zeals account,
Had thought all other Horoes to surmount:
[Page 182] Or that Enthusiast in an Armed plight,
Was terrible as Basilisk to sight;
Prov'd that his Figure dwindled in that day,
As on his Pegasus he flew away.
And like a Fowl that guides the flying Train,
Did routed Squadrons lead along the Plain.
When some that hop'd their soon escape to make
By Steps that none in their pursuit would take:
Down the Hill's steep, from Miracle of Fear,
A Gallop took and broke-Neck'd perish'd there.
The Field being clear'd of Horse, the Foot remain'd,
That with some Volleys had a while maintain'd
Their daring Files, 'till hopeless to resist,
By Horse forsaken that should them assist:
Their Heels, instead of Arms, for safety try'd,
But soon were Captives to the Conquering side.
This signal Vict'ry was the dearer got
As with Foes kill'd Fate did to death alot
Some Personages whom Story does rehearse,
Enough perspicuous without aid from Verse:
[Page 183] Yet here for them and for Brave * Dornland's fall
My Muse does for a Tear-Heroique call.
He that had rais'd Example to the height
Bydeeds that Generous Loyalty compleat:
Unhappy 'twas that his brave end should be
No stop unto his Nations Misery.
Or that the Crisis of his Life's last hour
Should imply Fate unto his Sovereigns power.
Which his Kings Lips Prophetickly declar'd:
And from Polyasters Science had been fear'd.
But now as if the Destinies revers'd
Events, which some Prognosticks had rehears'd:
By the King's Power was op'lent Bristol won,
And round strong Glocester next his Leagure known.
Tho' much admired by discerning Men,
Why that Town's Siege was undertaken then:
When Rumour had on London fear Imprest
From Waller beaten and subdu'd the West:
[Page 184] The Factious Senate too divided there,
And did their Cause and Person's safety fear.
Their Party wav'ring or inclin'd to yield,
Instead of raising numbers for the Field.
Essex demurring, and his Army weak,
And no March, if recruited, car'd to take.
'Till Glocesters bold Defence their Courage rais'd,
And * Massey her Defender loudly prais'd.
Unhappy Prince whom Stars had thither brought,
That by no future Aid repair'd the fault.
So Hannibal before Tarentum stay'd,
And lost Romes Conquest by time there delay'd.
Nor was then Glocester's bold defence alone
The King's Misfortune but Hull's stronger Town.
Before which Brave Newcastle then did lie
Besieger by one Fatal Destiny.
[Page 185] His Number great and the vast Northern Clime
No less then Western vanquish'd at that time.
And but his Enemies worsted Reliques left
To man this place of other Aid bereft:
As then Lord Fairfax and his Valiant Son
For their last refuge fled unto this Town:
By Nature strong and fortify'd by Wall,
That seem'd for Scaling-Ladders, built too tall.
Fam'd Troy, though Neptune's Fabrick said to be,
Not like to Hull did find support from Sea.
Where through vast Sluces Humbers Waves may run,
And the Adjacent parts to distance drown.
So strongly did rough Neptune's Trident here
Against King Charles his Scepter Leavy War.
Whilst the Renown'd Newcastle soon beheld
His Trenches, Bullwarks, Tents, with Streams orewhelm'd.
Untill his Camp, thus made a watry Lake,
He did, with loss of Men and Time forsake.
Which Suffrance wither'd his sam'd Army's Flower,
And former Conquests gain'd by Warlike Power.
[Page 186] Who else Victorious might have Eastward gone,
And, with his Sovereign joyn'd, have London won.
When Stars from Fate's Similitude decreed,
That both at hapless Leaguers should be stay'd.
But what the Counsels of that Time alledge
For undertaking Hull and Glocesters Siege:
My Muse no Descants here presumes to make,
Since from Event appears their gross mistake.
Which gave to London's Senate wish'd-for scope,
From their Disasters to erect their Hope.
Not doubting but, from them diffus'd, 'twould bring
Increase of Fury to Oppose their King.
Tho' they perceiv'd, amongst the Crowds of Men,
The Fervor of the most abated then:
Wearied by War, or dubious whether Right
Stood on that part which them allur'd to Fight.
When * Hugon did to Vulgar Minds apply
His Tempting Zeal and strenuous Industry.
[Page 187] Hugon, who in this Story room must find,
From Comick part and Tragick badly Joyn'd:
Whose Artifice could men to Fight dispose,
But Laugh'd at all that dy'd in Field by Blows.
No Levite call'd, tho' oft in Pulpits known,
Where Don-Quixot he play'd without a Gown.
With Patriots of that Time in high esteem,
And ruling Females Amorous of them.
But how his Genius to this height arose
My Muse by this ensuing Wonder shows.
'Tis told a Witch, on Puritan Begot,
Came from New-England to aid [...]
Comely in Figure, tho' se [...] Stories [...]
That Dames of Magick did in Form ex [...]:
As if that Venus Pluto's Lips to spite,
By Course Amours attr [...]ed his delight.
Demure in Speech and [...] was her Mene,
And on her dies; a [...] where Vaile was seen.
At distance Z [...] did her Beams admire,
When told that [...] could [...]ove and Cant Inspire.
[Page 188] And when the Sorc'ress would the Harlot play,
On him she doted that could Faithless pray.
Near London Suburbs was her then abode,
To whom by search had Hugon found the Road.
Admitted to her close Apartment there,
Her Beauty he adjudg'd above compare:
And, as 'tis thought, Charm'd by her taking sight,
His Nerve was risen above usual height.
Busy as Sybil soon he her perceives,
Inscribing Scripture Texts on diverse Leafs.
And as she mov'd her wan and words did speak,
Around her head a trembling flight they take:
And when descended on her Table find
The Order which for them she first design'd.
Wonder, above what Sybils Leafs could shew,
If this on Fame's account be granted true.
Not many words this admir'd Charmer us'd,
'Till kissing him she Love and Zeal infus'd:
Letting him know that she'd improve his Sense,
By bold Intrigues and Pulpit Impudence:
[Page 189] Since well she knew his Soul did little care
Tho' retrograde to Heaven he vented Prayer.
Then takes a Leaf on which a Text was wrote,
On purpose Charm'd his Faction to promote:
And with a tickling whisper next infus'd
The Spiritual Gibberish by him after us'd.
Which on his Knees 'tis said he did receive,
To shew th'Adorement he th'Enchantress gave.
His Conge taken, the ensuing day
He broach'd in Pulpit a new Canting way.
Which being Inspired by the Devil's Wit,
Some Insides did of Men and Women fit.
Whence fervent Matrons soon for fight design'd
Their Husbands, whilst to Whore they stay'd behind.
Nor did the Virgins, with a Blush that Time,
Present their Gifts to aid the Publique Crime.
Who with a shameless Confidence declaim'd
Against all such from War would be reclaim'd.
This Female Vogue, and Moneys lov'd Command,
Soon did incite the Soldiers Armed hand,
[Page 190] And London Legions to the rest adjoyn'd:
As Essex them for Glocesters Aid design'd.
Who now his hope, tho' lately droop'd does raise,
Of Meriting by Conduct renew'd Praise.
Skippon, he Led, with Chiefs of bold Import,
Rounded by Guns, that like a moving Fort
His Army did in wide Campagnes appear,
And Fruitless Charg'd by * Rupert when met there.
Too strong for Let, the Earl still forward goes,
'Till Glocesters Joy his bold Arrival shows.
The King when thus approach'd his Foes he saw,
By Night, does from that Town, his Force withdraw:
Fatal that Night, as Elements did show
By Thunder, Storms, and Winds that loudest blow.
This grand Relief offected by this Peer,
Return to London next imploy'd his Care.
And how his Warlike Caution might contrive
That he might thither without Fight arrive.
[Page 191] Lest other Actions should his Fame impair,
E're he receiv'd, for this, Applauses there.
When Stars decreed, that for a Bloudy Day,
He should in Newberry's Field his Files Array.
Where overtaken by the Royal Power,
Both sides engag'd as rose the Morning hour.
Profufely Bloud was soon on each part shed,
No Verse can here enough lament the Dead:
'Mongst whom Canarvan, Valour's Glory, fell,
And Faukland by the Muses Lov'd so well.
Obliging Sunderland here also slain:
What Field like this from Noble Bloud bears Stain?
The Earl, amongst his Dead some Brave had lost,
Tho' this Advantage much his side could boast
That they with cheaper Mettal had supply'd
Their Cause, 'gainst which oppos'd the Nobless dy'd.
So few of their High Station then were known
That would in Field the Houses Quarrel own.
Never more pois'd was Battel by Event,
Or Armies known more hours of day had spent
[Page 192] With equal Prowess, so hard 'tis to know,
When English Valours Fight, which bravest do.
Both sides in Warlike form appear'd next day,
When Essex first withdrew and march'd his way.
Nor did the Roy'lists hold it prudent then
To tempt him, in Retreat, to fight again.
Weighing the Order in which he withdrew,
Themselves o'retoyl'd with March and fighting too.
On each part yielded that they could no more
At that time Combate as they did before.
O Fatal Soil that must next year contain
A Second Battel, and more English slain,
Where Essex did his rallied Ensigns lead:
Better that he o're furthest Seas had fled,
Or dy'd by Shipwrack on the Cornish Shore,
When Treaty sav'd his there * deserted Power:
[Page 193] Then with bold Legions, so repriev'd, display
Rebellions fury here another day.
Yet this Last Battle, Tho' uncurb'd his Sword,
No Future Trophy did to him afford:
Or Lessen the Disgust that was exprest
Against his Late Misfortune in the West.
Whence the Imperious Houses did decree
That he, their wars first Guide, remov'd should be.
And other Conduct chosen to Enhance
Deeds, which they Judg'd he slowly did Advance;
Howe're his Faction did with theirs Comply.
In being their Soveraign's Common Enemy.
But how Intrigu'd their Parties and Designs,
Would tedious render this brief Poems Lines:
Wherefore we must from Passages descend,
And that may give our Story closer end.


The Argument.
The Houses their new Modell'd Army raise,
And Fairfax, tho' but Knight, their General made.
Cromwells bold rise and Counsells verse relates.
Direfull Events the Nation apprehends.
Lov's passion and concern with War Intrigue.
The King by Furious Storm does Leicest [...]r win.
Fairfax to Oxford does his Army Guide:
Which Action the Kings Northern March diverts.
ESSEX remov'd, the Houses soon decree
That Fairfax should their Captain Generall be.
Not mean his Birth, of Disposition sit
To be subservient to their ruling Wit.
A Complysance they did believe Improv'd,
As they had the more haughty Earl remov'd.
By Martiall deeds this Knight had gain'd renown,
And for the Houses was Successfull known.
[Page 195] Implicitly he could their rule Obey,
Which most Endear'd them to his Fighting way.
Whose Brain more with the Soldiers part conspir'd
Then Ends by which to Factions Men Aspir'd.
Or how Presbitery's Interest was wain'd,
As Independency Improvement Gain'd
Both in the Houses and the Armys Sense,
Who did their high Caresses then dispense
Unto aspiring Cromwells growing Name,
The darling Leader of Fanatique Flame.
Poor had he Liv'd, altho' Gentilely born,
His Interest despicable and sorlorn:
Whilst his Life past, to Shame had vitious bin,
Till he, by Covert Zeal, Transform'd his Sin.
And now 'tho but Lieutenant-Generall made,
By craft was more than Fairfax soon obey'd.
And had this new form'd Army so Cajol'd,
As all therein seem'd for his purpose Soul'd.
Thus was the Man, and thus his figure rose,
Above what story, most Prodigious shows.
[Page 196] But how he made progression to this height
The Mediums tell, which briefly we'l recite.
Essex discarded by that Factions Power,
Of which then Cromwell was esteem'd the Flower,
This Subtle Man to Grandees next propos'd
How Martiall Force might surer be compos'd:
If from their Numbers they'd Scelectly take
Men that by zeal their valours fiercer make:
And with them, so devoted, Legions fill,
Prepar'd by Conscience for their sakes to kill.
Declaring how Perswasion hardens fight,
And how men Motiv'd so, all perills slight:
Tho' Stetes Subverted are or Thrones remov'd,
The Action seems to them by Heaven approv'd:
Who deem it Sublime Glory to destroy
Prophaner Rule which Mortalls would enjoy.
Nor feazibly will this our war proceed,
If Harden'd conscience does not formost Lead.
Each man is more then man whom that Inspires;
The Spirituall Gideons which no money hires.
[Page 197] And tells how fruitlessly we conquest sought
As men for us of hireling Genius fought.
Who but for Muster pay to Fields make hast,
And would Wars hours in Plenteous quarters waste.
The Armed Drones that Nationall Treasure Spend,
Without a sting of Spirit to Contend:
Let Votes, Instead of them, Bold Godly chuse
To Fight our Battells, and our Cause espouse.
Nor think that Militants, with softer Flame,
Can the Fierce Honour of the Kings side Tame.
This zealots Speech, like Tinder's catching fire,
Did with the Houses servent votes conspire:
Which by a * self-deniall Nam'd decree
Ordain'd their Army should new modell'd be:
O're which, tho' Fairfax Generall we finde,
His Power to Cromwell ward-like was design'd.
[Page 198] The Knight but factions Nominall allow'd,
Whilst Cromwell rose the Phaenix of their Crowd.
Fatall Conjunction, as their Actions Tell,
That direfull on their King and Nation fell.
But how their Crimes arriv'd unto that height,
Our sorrowfull Measures will in Course recite.
Well did the Commons House Approve the Choice
Of this new Modell and in hope rejoyce
Events they judg'd from such a Power would spring,
That they held keenest form'd against the King.
And tho' in t'other House, the sitting Peers
Had long concurr'd with Voting Commoners:
And had to Lapse of Honour vilely been,
Abetters of this Wars designed Sin;
Yet in this Juncture had this Act withstood,
From sense perhaps of their Neglected Bloud,
By which the Furious Commons did require
The Knight's Advancement and his Hardy Squire.
Howe're unto their Essex thought disgrace,
And Peerage then deny'd a Generalls Place.
[Page 199] Thus did Inferiour Votes the Higher Sway,
As Lords did Commons, in effect, Obey.
And now this Novell Army does prepare
To raise their Faction by Succeeding war.
For whose Success, were many prayers said,
By such as held themselves most Sanctify'd.
Tho' Prayers, hopes, wishes, had their different Crime,
As London's Juncto vary'd at that time:
Where for disbanded Essex's party's sake,
The Presbyterians high disgust did Take.
And from Regret could Inwardly Scarce pray
For Independents on their fighting day.
Lest that sierce Party, on a Martiall Score,
Shou'd end what T'other Left undone before.
Whilst highly Fairfax and his Cheifs Caress
Their Souldiers to attain by Arms Success.
And with Bold confidence their March design'd
Where e'er they might the Royall Army find.
When rumours from this Movement every where
Busy'd the thinking Heart and watchfull ear;
[Page 200] As men did Problems and conclusions draw
From what they heard, or Judg'd their Souls foresaw.
Whence various Expectations fill'd the Minde
As to the King or Houses they Inclin'd.
Or did their forward Emulations guide
By Gallantries observ'd on either side.
Nor did some Beauteous of their Sex decline
Glory, which love to Valour could Assigne:
If not by Speech their Rivaldries declare,
As they did Hero's Martial Acts compare.
When in Flavira's Character and Deeds
Was passion found that womans's Soul exceeds.
Brave Lyle she Lov'd, as is declar'd before,
And thought it Heroine valour to explore
His Fame in war, the Jewell of her heart,
Like which she Judg'd no Hero's valiant part.
To whom a visit Rosaline now makes,
Of whose bright figure verse precedent speaks,
Pensive in Minde as she for Lucas sake,
Did prospect of wars fatall dangers take,
[Page 201] And thought she did that Instant him behold
Leading his Troops too desperatly bold,
And how his wounded Horse did three times bound,
And threw him off as it fell dead to ground.
Wishing that, from such chance, Flavira might
Less prompt her Lovers Soul to dangerous fight.
And now Flavira as if she perceiv'd
The Sentiments that Rosaline had griev'd:
By complysance and Generall converse,
From what Fame did in Town or Court disperse,
A while directs her Language and her mene,
And seem'd without Caprice a Lover then:
Or that she had on Glory solely Layd
The Pride of Passion which her Soul obey'd.
Reflecting on the Exigent of Times,
And how Improv'd by mens degenerate Crimes:
From which Mean Source the Chills, to valour spring,
As some relentingly assist their King.
Tender perhaps as Ladies please to Fear,
That would their Hero's Softer Toyls endears
[Page 202] And think 'tis Glorious if their choicer Beams
Do from Campaignes with-hold their Lovers flames.
Know Rosaline, says she, Flavira shall
Never, her Lovers honour, so Enthrall.
Let it her Emulation rather be,
To heighten others by his Gallantry.
What verse can tell how Rosaline was mov'd,
When these words heard, whose Soul more calmly Lov'd.
Pos'd, as she would her apt return now fit
Unto Flavira's speech, and sprightly wit;
And could not but with troubled minde explain
Her Sense which in these words did utterance gain.
Highly your valo [...] Madam is Confest
By my hearts def'rence to what yours exprest:
Whereby your Admir'd Loyallty appears
Unto our Soveraign, whom my Soul revers.
Nor shall e're my Affection Arm withdraw
That can in Field his Rebell Subjects Aw.
Begging of Heaven that Titulary Stars
May Loyall Lives defend throughout these Wars.
[Page 203] And that the Jewell Life which Love would save,
May not from Bloudy power a Period have.
Little this Speech did with Flavira weigh,
Whose eye was then removing to Survey
A painted Story, where the Pencills Art
Did her Great Hero's deeds to Life Impart.
And where with proud delight she did behold
Fields, in which Lyle renownedly was bold.
And how, before him, shot had Numbers slain,
As his Files vanquish'd, or did post maintain.
Inspecting next how in last Newbery Fight,
His valour did Amaze beholders sight:
When to Encourage Soldiers not to Fear,
He did their Leader in his * Shi [...]t appear.
Which Posture so Flavira's Passion pleas'd,
As her soft Arms his Picture's form embrac'd:
Next kiss'd his Lips, and to the Pencills Grace,
Admired the figure of his Valiant Face.
[Page 204] When Rosaline did from this action finde
The high Transport that rul'd Flavira's Minde:
And how she from Excess of Spirit gave
Encomiums by comparing of the Brave:
Whilst Jealous Honour might in others raise
Excess of Daring to gain Womans Praise;
She from Flavira with a modest Grace
Retir'd, and pitying Lovers wept apace.
Fame's watchfull Tongue not only from this Scene,
But what before Flavira's words had been,
Promulg'd to Martialists that Womans heart
Encited Emulation on their Part.
Whence some of either Sex did make their claim
To Love and Honour by a Rivall'd Fame.
Or did, with Animosity, Contest,
As they affected or Judg'd actions best.
This known to Lucas, in whose Gallant mind
Desert and Glory did their Center find:
Above all Boast, the varnish of the Proud,
Or Men whose Tongues, to Fames deceit, are Lowd,
[Page 205] As Surreptitionsly they'd six renown
On deeds, they would be fancy'd to have done.
Yet from prevailing Sense of Honour thought,
Himself disparag'd if to Ballance brought
With any, to the Van of Fame had rose,
Or to him were compar'd in lighting Foes.
And as a Lover lov'd the praises too,
Which Heroine Beauty Valour did allow.
These thoughts had giv'n some trouble to his breast,
When Lyle, on Wars concern, to him addrest:
Nor had he his Lov'd person till that Hour
Beheld, since his return from Marston-Moor;
Where Lucas did to wonder fight maintain,
And of successfull Foes had many slain.
A Bloody Vict'ry and deplor'dly great,
Since that * day Dates the King's first grand defeat;
The Northern Counties wholly lost thereby,
And Num'rous Lives renown'd for Loyalty.
[Page 206] As soon as Lyle beheld brave Lucas Face,
With h [...]y kindness he did him embrace:
Wishing that if in War, by Heavens decree,
Their Lives must have a Fatal destiny:
That one days Bloudy Period both might end,
And in one Grave be bury'd friend by friend.
This sense of Lyl's so generously kind,
Impress'd such passion on the others Mind,
That his Soul yields a noble Tear to shed,
E're for reply he these words to him said.
Highly thy kindness Valiant Lyle I own,
And the remarks of Honour by it shown,
Nor do I doubt but that some future Field,
Shall to us Joyntly Crops of Glory yield.
Tho' Rebells did at Marston-Moor succeed,
Where Loyal valours did profusely bleed:
Of whom perhaps some Ghosts less quiet rest
As they discern Mens former worth deprest:
Or by Capricious Fame Misunderstood
The value of their deeds and Warlike bloud;
[Page 207] As Tongues of Envy she to Camps does send
That to Impede Man's Glory there contend:
Or unto Piekes dispose the Martial Breast,
As Actions by Compare are deemed best.
A way, some Ladies for Loves sake rejoyce,
When they to valour give their casting voice.
These words and what their Tendency might mean,
Seem'd to prepare some unexpected Scene.
Well known to Lyle the high disgust of Spirit
That Lucas had to descants on his Merit:
Or any fond Perceptions that Imply'd,
Tho' by a friend, his valour equaliz'd.
Whence Lyle was sorry that Flavira's Mind
Was, for her Lovers sake, to Boast inclin'd.
And now he bends discourse another way
To Wars designs, and Battels future day:
Telling they soon must Enemies oppose,
By Fairfax, Cromwell, Lead, their active Foes:
Who for fierce Wars increase in Soul conspire,
Like fewell added to some spreading fire,
[Page 208] May Heavens decree all dire presage restrain,
As Royal Powers their Cause in fields Maintain:
Let their bold Chiefs their private Grudges slight,
That Stars may aid their Union as they fight.
No matter if Fond Tongues Incline to Scan
The Martial Deeds of this or t'other Man:
Or from peculiar favour would prefer
Some they admire to Fame's first Room in War:
An Emulation that should least Infest
The steady Temper of the valiant Breast.
Know dearest friend, that Lucas does concede
And Love the rule by which thy Soul is led.
Granting with you that valours noble part,
In spight of tongues, resideth in the heart:
Yet tho' there seated, still the Bravest must
Their Overt-acts by humane praise adjust.
As Men from use this gross advantage have,
That Jury-like, they honour kill, or save.
No Soul of Glory will a Vaunter be,
Or by form'd speech declare its Gallantry.
[Page 209] Yet could Man's valour high ascend as Star,
I'de have it thought at least Mine went as sar.
Suppose Flavira's Lips your praise should tell,
Or boast that your atcheivments all excell.
Wer't not Inglorious If from Rosaline,
Prowess, should want her tongues applause, i [...] mine.
Tho' with a Blush she should my deeds declare,
And them with Lovers Boasted Fame compare.
Love does me to that Competition draw,
Without Intended Breach of Freindships Law.
When Lyle the Purport of this Speech had weigh'd,
His Modest replication thus he made.
Vain 'twere for us, Brave friend to Canvas words,
Which womans tongue, (with Passion sway'd,) affords:
Or think they Lessen honours Compleat Sum,
As from their Partiall value Plaudits Come.
Believe my heart, which never so conspir'd
With womans Soul, for deeds to be admir'd
Tho' hardly Man resentingly will blame
Affection, when Indulgent to his Fame
[Page 210] I grant that womans Love is highly great,
Said Lucas, that would honour Stimulate:
And thereby Loyall valour so Inhance,
That with it Love's best Glory may advance.
Such Rivaldry I willingly allow,
And in a friend it bravest must Avow.
Give me thy hand as valiantly we make
This contract for our Love and honours sake:
Who of us can Most foes by Conduct slay,
Or Pers'nall Gallantry next Battells day;
Let him unto his Lady that report,
Or for more Grandure Publish first at Court.
To which Lyle did, with some Surprize, reply,
Brave the Proposall is none can deny:
Yet who untill this time, of Cheif e're heard,
That would by this bold Method be preferr'd.
And if Agree'd 'tis left to Martiall Chance,
Which of our Swords or conducts 'twill advance.
Where accidents sometimes Attempts do Ayd,
That could not else Auspiciously be made.
[Page 211] Know, Answer'd L [...]cas, 'tis not Fortunes power,
That Slurrs the Dye of war some winning howr,
That can Impair this Actions high des [...]rt,
Or from Success Select the Bravest heart.
What if resolv'd Like us few have been known,
Or that to Camps the brave Novell we own:
Th' examples rise, our Glory will be Found,
And others teach in valour to abouud.
Lucas said Lyle, enough I do embrace
This offer, upon which you value place:
Without enquiring by a stricter Sense,
Why the proposall does from you Commence.
And well I know with us some Cheifs Conspire,
That the worlds talk should most their facts admire:
And think they bid for Fame by Trumpets sound,
If by Compare they find themselves renoun'd.
Whence Jars and sierce Contests the Soul's divide
Of Prov'd Commanders on th [...] Royall side
Who so their An [...]mosities prefer,
[...]s Loyall Duty Slackens in this war;
[Page 212] And Judge 'tis brave if one another they,
In stead of Foes, by Arms attempt to slay.
To cease such Ills if our example may,
I'le gladly Fight as you propose the way.
And others te [...]ch, that competitions vye,
To turn their Force against the Enemy;
And less for Fame then for their King Imploy
The Hectors part, as they his Foes destroy.
Now reply'd Lucas, I'm endeared more
Unto thy Soul, If possible, then before;
That with such Grandure does conspire to raise
Example Joyntly to our Loyall praise.
Which to attain the Motive first was mine,
The Applications Glory I grant Thine.
And [...]ls the world thy Soul does war Approve,
N [...] [...] [...]he Bloud or Spoil too many Love,
But t [...] uphold thy Soveraigns right and Laws,
And with a heart unblemish'd serve his Cause.
No G [...]dy hopes or fury Leads thee on,
But worth to act what should be Glorious done.
[Page 213] Thus war's thy honour, and if decrees above
Permit that foes my Life shall first remove;
I beg of Heaven, that my then dying Face
May be last valu'd by thy Lov'd embrace.
This Caress pass'd, they next resolv'd to act
According as here told their Gallant pact.
And if our Muse can give their deeds a Glory,
They shall have lasting Fame within her story.
Now Rosaline within whose tender Breast,
Terror and bad presage had Greif Imprest.
And sinding tho' by Speech and blushes try'd,
Flavira's heart could not be Mollify'd:
Who had, with disregard to other Merit,
Allow'd to Lyle the most Heroique Spirit:
From whence might dangerous Emulations [...]
[...]f Fame did such discourse to Lucas bring.
And his sierce minde Incite for love of her,
His value by his perill to prefe [...]:
Occasion gave her sorrow to Revolve
The Apprehensions of her tender Soul:
[Page 214] As firmest Love her restless Fears did weigh
From her first waking time to end of day.
Nor could she take her soft repose at Night
For dismall Dreams that did her more assright.
By which she thought in Vision she beheld
Her Lucas wounded, or to Death compell'd.
And Judging that her presence nor her Fears,
Or Love, tho' Interceding with her tears,
Could him, her Soul affected, now deter
From forwarding his Perills in this War:
Resolve she does her person to remove,
Howe're obscure she griev'd or dy'd for Love.
A Servant old she had of firmest trust,
Whose Paps her Beauteous Infancy had Nurst:
Whom solely she acquaints with her Intent,
And why from Oxford she would now Absent:
Tho' to her grief, she did from him depart,
Whose Love she still must carry in her heart;
Wishing her Breast, when shot flies thick i [...] field,
Might Interpose and be her Lovers shield.
[Page 215] Then ask'd her Nurse, if she could find a way
Unto some place where she unknown might stay.
To which her Matron Servant thus reply'd,
Your Gracious Mother sometime e're she dy'd,
Me, by her will, your Gardianess design'd,
No Less then Naturall Mother to you kind:
E're since your Infant Lips first Suck'd my breast,
And kiss'd as you did in my Bosom rest.
But why, my dearest Child, must your presage,
Even to despair, your Tender heart engage.
Don't other Beauties, this sad Time, behold
The Armed Lover, and observe when told
His Martiall acts, altho' their gentle car
Would softer Sounds perhaps desire to hear:
Yet, who of these, Society or place
For this Cause leave, or sight of Warlike Face
By them belov'd; And wherefore should you more
Then other hearts your Sorrow thus explore.
Grant me said Rosaline, by thy Compare,
More Tender Soul'd then many Lovers are:
[Page 216] And that when Drumms do beat or Trumpets Sound,
My Breast, by inward Grief, receives a wound:
Least their bold Summons should the armed hand
Of him I Love too desperatly command.
Be this the Cause, or let thy Soul devise
Any for my remove, more kind, or wise.
Her carefull woman having Ponder'd well
Her Ladyes Grief, and Tears that from her fell;
Her sleep disturb'd, and how she made her moan
In Love's [...]ad accents as she walk'd alone:
Nor could her Lute, or Musick of her Voice,
At which when heard Birds did in Groves rejoyce;
Asswage the Apprehensions of her Soul,
The waves that in her heart did restless rowl.
Unto Fair Rosaline, thus briefly said,
Loves Fear I see has your Loves torment Bred:
And hard it is, I Judge, by your remove
To leave behind the fears that spring from Love.
But since in being Spectator here you find
That terrors hast their pastport to your Minde:
[Page 217] I can your Fair removall so contrive,
As Wars events shan't to your ears arrive.
And where, with wellcome, you may seasons spend
By harmless ease till Battles have an end.
Guide me kind Foster-mother to the place,
Where I may that Content in Soul embrace:
And for my Lover there devoutly Pray
That Heaven may him defend each Fatall day.
Her wise attendant having these words weigh'd,
No longer did her Ladies stay perswade.
Since in that Juncture expectations were
Busy'd by dangers of ensuing war,
And rumor'd then that to perform some deed,
By boldest Prowess, Lucas stood oblig'd.
Wherefore she with her Ladies hast conspires,
After she her had Cloath'd in sit Attires.
And over these a Black silk-robe had hung
To vail her visage as they passed on.
But for her own disgnise took no more care
Then on her head a Travellers hood to wear.
[Page 218] And thus Night come, they 'riv'd beyond the Line
Which Oxford works and Ramparts did confine.
When by few steps the appointed place they [...]inde,
Whether a Trusty Sorvant was Assign'd
To wait with Horses, on which mounted they
With all Convenient speed did hast away.
Neatly the Virgin could her Palfrey guide,
Enur'd for pastime mettl'd steeds to ride:
And as hers sometimes now remisly trod,
His fault she told him by her rein, or rod.
With care her woman to direct her course,
Before her rid, tho' worse she rul'd her horse.
Yet with best dilligence Imploy'd her eye,
That timely she might uncooth Tracts espy:
That from her Horses steps her Ladies might
The safest tread, as on they pass'd that Night.
No Pilate, Sayling dangerous Creek or streight,
When Orient Pearls the riches of his freight,
Could with more vigilance his Compass steer,
Then for her Lady was her womans care.
[Page 219] Who knowing long that Countreys site and coast,
From Roads she to less usuall ways had Crost,
Where least she thought might plundering Soldiers stray,
Or Troups that Foes by Star-light sought to slay.
And as securest way she thought to Chuse,
Nights Gloom Increasing, the design'd did loose.
This Guide now frighted for her Ladies sake,
And dangers might ensue from her Mistake:
No step her horse did tread on Leaf or Grass,
But she fear'd Notice gave where they did pass.
And if some spiry Bush by her was seen,
She doubted it might armed Man have been.
Her Lady seeing thus perplex'd her guide,
To lead her boldly on, did foremost ride:
Imploring, from above, her Journey's ayd,
Who was too Innocent to be afraid.
And thus she sometimes wrong and sometimes right,
Had forward led till hours near spent of Night.
When she by Chance a Candle did perceive
That from a Cottage some Small light did give.
[Page 220] Whither she rid and calling at the door:
A Hoory Dame, from spinning on her floor,
Opening her wicket, with a churlish flame,
At first word gave to her a Harlot's Name.
Saying, that she had lost both food and rest
By Drabs that with their Troopers her opprest:
Nor doubted but such horrid Queans were they,
And swore she'd not ayd them if lost their way.
Old woman, said the Virgin, pray forbear
Words, that from bad mistake, offend my ear.
We to no other purpose hither came,
Save to enquire the road t'wards Buckingham:
Which I suppose thy Pitty won't deny,
Or let this peice of Gold that kindness Buy.
The Money handled, soon the Belldame made
A homely Curtsey, and her pardon pray'd:
Saying insooth Fair Mistress, I perceive
I was mistaken, since you frankly give.
We Countrey-folk, God wot, kind words best savour,
When they do likewise us with profit favour.
[Page 221] And wish that all as truly serv'd their King,
As we take pains to get and love his Coine.
Your way, when pass'd this Gate, the right hand shows,
And whither you intend directly goes.
So hard it is a Kindness to Obtain,
Of Rugged Natures, unless won by Gain.
The knowing Matron by this little ayd,
Her Ladies passage without error made.
Towards a forrest where she did Intend
Their Journeys trouble should receive an end.
And thus they forward safely pass'd some Miles,
When Mornings face appear'd with rosy smiles;
As Birds seem'd Notes on purpose to prepare,
Thereby to [...]en this soft Virgin's Care;
And bad pr [...]sage which oft her mind did fill,
Who could not as she rode but Tears distill:
Or blam'd sometimes her fear, tho' caus'd by Love,
That her from Lucas sight did thus remove;
And him, if wounded, not in person Aid,
Or by her Skill, Or Tears, his Balsom made.
[Page 222] Thus thoughts revolv'd within her troubled Breast,
As with her faithfull woman on she past.
The Morning Smooth as was her Infant Face,
When Heaven did New born light in Skies first place.
Nor less Auspicious did appear the way
On which they forward rid that Early day.
No Terrible man beheld, or noise was heard,
That might their further Progress have dete [...]'d.
Untill arriv'd unto a parting road
That led unto another by a Wood:
From whence, as if in Ambush laid before,
Of Armed Horse-Men Twenty if not more,
By speech Outlandish, and of Visage Grim,
With rugged fury apprehended them.
And like a Dove, when by a Vulture seiz'd,
This Virgin Beauty was by these surpriz'd.
Whil'st she, as Boistrously they her surround,
From ready thought had this expedient found;
As them, to spare rude search, she frankly gave
Her Coyn and Gems, and what then all she'd save,
[Page 223] A little Picture Jewells did adorn,
And next her breast for Lucas sake was worn.
When these they had, and from her woman too
Had taken what they found about her now;
Like fierce Banditti's that could not decide
How amongst them Stollen Booties to divide:
From horrid words to Oaths their threats arose,
And next prepar'd to force their keenest Blows.
Till some more Temperate did advise the rest,
That since by Power these women they possest,
And things of value, dutcous 'twas that they
Should to Vanbralders presence them convey:
To whose Decision their contests should yield,
He being their Supream Officer in Field.
Perswaded thus to stand to his award,
Their lovely Captive towards him they Guard.
No Beauteous Saint, when to be Martyr'd led
By Faces dreadfull as the Gorgon's head:
Could more Serenely resolute appear,
Then Rosaline did amongst such figures here.
[Page 224] Walloone Vanbralder was, and hither came,
As Verse relates, to raise his Martial Name.
When many of his hardy * Nation were
Paid by the Houses to assist their War.
When this Bold Leader Rosaline had seen,
And well observ'd her Comely form and Mein:
His Looks were troubled and Amaz'd his Eyes,
Like one from sudden wonder felt surprise;
Unto his Breast Throbs did Allarums Beat,
And rais'd within a Lovers ardent heat.
T' [...]njoy her Person fully he inclin'd,
But by what Method no less pos'd his Mind:
So Love and Honour struggled in his Soul,
Where hard 'twas found to yield them joyntly rule.
But now to seem Compos'd, howe're he meant
To Manage or Compleat his Loves intent;
He kindly Bow'd, and to her words address'd
That Gentle seem'd; yet others with them mix'd▪
[Page 225] Which told that Martial Trust severe must be,
Against whoe're befriend the Enemy:
Or such that might Intelligence Convey,
Tho' of her Sex, by any Subtile way.
Or should, excuse Me that I put the Case,
More to deserve some Chiefs desi [...]'d Embrace:
From Camp to Camp a Beauteous spy arrive▪
And Teach him next our ruine to contrive.
A Crime like this the Houses did of late
Detect, in handsom Lady, ▪gainst their state.
Wherefore you must expect b [...]fore you go,
That I your person will and business know:
Your taken Jewells you may have again,
But Lucas Picture shall with me remain.
The cause this whisper briefly shall declare,
And such as will require your kindest Ear.
What thought can guess how her Soul was perplex [...],
As this man had thus coucht his amorous Text.
Whilst she, that for loves Pitty only fled,
Must here detested Lovers Presence dread.
[Page 226] But since his words, at which her Soul took fright,
Had not as yet arriv'd to wicked height:
She thus with modest considence reply'd;
Justly by me your Inserence is deny'd,
Since I have nothing done against your cause,
Or what may Interfere with Martial Laws.
Wars daring Conflicts and their sierce result,
Have been my dread but never my consult.
And were the Motive of my Journey known,
Enough 'twould prove the truth which here I own.
Well I discern (said he) that Womans thought
Can speciously evade or excuse fault.
But know that to my power no less 'tis free
To tax your Crime as it appears to Me:
Or send you to the Houses under Guard,
Who may you long Imprison before heard.
Tho' unto you I gentler am Inclin'd,
As to my heart your Beams do passage find.
Perhaps you'l call this Love, and next expect
That honour should in Me cause its Neglect:
[Page 227] And you by Pass-port to your Hero send,
That story may my Temperance Commend.
To which, for glorious praise, I might comply,
Tho' Honour by that Act should Love deny:
Did not Me other obligation sway,
To discharge which, I must your person stay.
Then Venus, Martial Sir, 'tis I perceive
That has Commenc'd within you this Intr [...]gue.
And whence my persons safety you propose,
If with your wishes mine would kindly close?
Are you a Soldier, and thus guide your Charms,
Which Cupid would despise did he wear Arms.
Or is't some stratagem, I can't discern,
That you in some loose Forreign Camp might learn.
Be't what it will, my Virtue I dare trust,
Howe're to Honour you'd appear unjust.
When this return, this Walloon-Chief did hear,
Guilt touch'd his Soul, where love would guilt endear;
Whilst as she Pleaded Virtues cause to him:
His lov's Transport he then did greatest deem.
[Page 228] Her Grace, looks, Speech, by Natures special Art,
He Judg'd design'd Allurements to his heart:
And thought she did luxuriously adjust
That Beauty had no Virtue by her trust.
From this Course Principle he does design
How Fraud with Lust should wicked aid combine,
And by a fond device so manage Time,
As might compleat his vile intended Crime.
And thus does by Fictitious Story tell
That sad disaster late had him befell:
As he a Beauty, to his Soul most dear,
Had lost by rude surprize this Time of War.
Perhaps conceal'd by some Chiefs rigid Power,
That but too soon her Person may deslower.
A Lady lately, whether her or no,
From full report I cannot certain know,
By Lucas was detain'd I understand;
If so, his Pledge in you is in my hand.
And if Exchange of Beauty compass may
Her wish'd return, yours shall her ransome pay.
[Page 229] But should I apprehend, which Heaven avert
From e're a [...]cting of her fair desert,
That any Impious Man, by Lustfull force,
Has stain'd her Person to her Souls Remorse:
The same I'le act on you, unless I find
That your Embrace proceods from yielding mind.
Let chance the valiant Lucas hither Bring,
To fight at once for his Love's sake and King:
On Terms resolv'd defiance I'de express,
And tell that I his Rosaline possess.
This Synon-Lover having form'd this Tale,
His wicked Ends pretextly to avail;
And by feign'd Cause some seeming Grandieur add
Unto the Method of his being had:
Concludes, that soon his Subtle Terrors would
This Virgins mind unto his purpose mold:
And to her blushes joyn a yielding sense,
Till kisses won her totall Complaisance.
Whose breast now fill'd with sorrow, and her eyes,
Like drops engend'ring in serenest Skies,
[Page 230] Tho' big with tears, yet did allow no grief,
By which, from this vile Man, she'd ask relief:
But look upon him with a Scornfull ray,
That more then words did her disdain convey.
Her faithfull woman, tho' attending near,
Could, not the sense Vanbralder utter'd, hear:
He having, aside some steps, her Lady took,
Before he had his lustfull accents spoke:
Yet in her prospect of his dismall Face,
Where Red and Pale did vary'd Horrors place:
His rough aspect and eyes that siercely rowl'd,
As Comets when Prodigious Acts foretold;
She saw her Ladies danger, and by Tears,
Shed in abundance, did imply her Fears.
And with a womans fury next design'd
T'upbraid the fervor of his wicked mind:
Or else to kill him by some proper way,
Tho' Guarded by his Troops, in open day.
And if the Fact her Lady could defend,
She'd gladly forfeit life to give his End.
[Page 231] But otherwise it was above decreed,
That this Libidinous Forreign Chief should bleed.
Whose hasty Scouts to him now Tydings brought
Of Marching Powers, on good Terms might be fought:
Their Numbers less then he Commanded there,
And to the next Campaign arrived were.
Adding that Lucas as Intelligence said,
Before them as Supream Commander Led.
When fierce Vanbralder heard brave Lucas's name,
He bid a Guard surround the Beauteous Dame:
And next, her to some rising space convey,
Whence she might view the action of that day:
And with what Courage he'd her Hero Fight,
Or kill him, if he could, her love to spight:
Then with stern visage does a march Command,
Till near arriv'd where did Embattled stand
His valiant Foes, and next a halt he makes,
And to his Trumpetter this Message speaks.
Tell Lunas, if he Leads the Troups I see,
That here Vanbralder stands his Enemy:
[Page 232] Not only as I act the Soldiers part,
But as a Lover more [...]n [...]lam'd my heart.
The Object I admire he'l pronely guess,
When told that I fair Rosaline possess.
And might alledge, if his belief 'twould gain,
That cause besides does bid me her retain.
Who am from chance of War perhaps of late,
In my lost Mistress full unfortunate.
As just it is, that I his Lady stay:
And if occasion calls, some future day,
Her person as a fair exchange allow
For her I lost, and would recover now.
This Picture too which Rosaline did wear,
As his Lov'd figure, to him likewise bear.
When Lucas this strange Errand understood,
Horror and rage fomented in his Bloud.
And to express his Detestation said,
What Theory has vicious Man display'd
Like him who does Ingloriously confer
Fowlest dishonour on the Name of War:
[Page 233] And observations more Fruitfull make
When heinous presidents from Camps they take:
As if their Circuits, which the Schools should be
Of Ethicks rais'd to bravest dignity,
Did worst conducters unto Vice contain,
Or such, who pronest Lives with vileness stain.
Wherefore for Honours Cause, and Glorious War,
'Gainst him my Soul and Sword desiers are.
And if my Arms can't Rosaline relieve,
May Heaven her Virtue happy safety give.
Enough I've spoke, and let Vanbralder know,
My Trumpet soon a warlike charge shall Blow.
This Messenger return'd; in Martial form
They led their Powers: so Pilots, when a Storm
Is near approach'd, with utmost conduct try
To s [...]em the adverse Waves their Enemy.
Lowd neigh'd the Horse, and with erected Ear
Fierce noise of War couragiously did hear.
Whose eager strength would fain his Guider slight,
And without Reins now carry him to Fight:
[Page 234] Whilst as the Surface hears his Trampling Feet,
Earth sounds, and vents a Feaverish fume and heat.
Tedious was time by Gallant Lucas thought,
Untill his opposits he closely fought:
Impuls'd at once for his Kings cause to kill,
And Loves revenge, which fury did instill:
And as their Forces now just meeting were,
Vanbralder does aloud to his declare:
That who of them so boldly could succeed,
As to leave Lucas on the Surf [...]ce dead:
With Plumes and gifts he should rewarded be
For killing his Chiefs hated Enemy.
Smartly alike both sides their onsets made,
And first with shot no time of death delay'd.
Yet scarce a man had room, when kill'd, to fall;
As close they fought in Warlike posture all.
So pois'd their courage and their strength of Horse,
As neithers shock a while had greatest force.
When Steeds did opposite Steeds with Fury Bite,
That could not spurr'd bear Ryders on to Fight.
[Page 235] Whose shining Swords, as yet not coming nigher,
Enforc'd from their keen clashings sparkling sire.
And sometimes sever'd by their Strenuous blows,
Instead of Limbs, the Weapons of their foes.
Till Lucas, Lyon-like, his way did Force,
Killing a stout Commander of their horse,
And with his wounding Sword attained Room
For other Valours after his to Come.
Whilst thus he charg'd, three fierce and huge Walloons
Attack'd his Person, to one of which deaths wounds
He swistly gives, and kills the Second so
That boldly sought, and some think hurt him too.
The Third Man, seeing this, away did fly,
And dis-inhearten'd his strong side thereby.
Which by degrees, as Lucas Troops prest on,
Did Courage slack and from their Fury run.
Bold and upright, then all more Big and Tall,
Vanbralder rid, and with stern voice did call
His Militants to kally, or he Swore
By lot the Tenth man else should dye, or more.
[Page 236] Expressing what a shame it was to them
On Forreign Soyl to fly or desert him.
And tho' by words he could but few persuade,
Yet with those few, to charge, resolv'd he stay'd.
When Lucas in pursuit near him arriv'd,
And by his Plumes and Scars the Man descry'd
To be the person he that day had sought,
And would on Loves account have chiefly fought:
He bids, with ready voice, the Walloon know,
That he might singly fight with Lucas now.
Who would not by success or Numbers stay
Him yet from gaining a victorious day:
If by Encount'ring hand to hand he'd try
Which of them two in Field should boldest dye.
Glad was Vanbralder to receive this word,
And charg'd him home with Pistoll-shot and Sword.
The first of which had almost Lucas stun'd,
Tho' not enforcing any Bloudy wound,
As 'gainst his Head-piece did the Bullet light,
And left thereon a sign of this fierce sight.
[Page 237] But Lucas, soon recovering, near him got,
Hoping to kill this mighty man with shot:
Unto whose face his Pistol he advanc'd,
Which would not sire however so it chanc'd.
And now their Combat was to end by Sword;
And one would judge that Method did afford
No small advantage to this huge Walloon,
Who had so vast a Weapon of his own.
Or near as great as that appears to Eyes
That in th'Tower for Conqueror William's lies.
As here this mighty Sword Vanbralder weilds,
Whose Edge he thought would cut through hardest shields,
A furious blow he at Brave Lucas makes,
Who by his steeds quick motion it escapes:
And, by a Nimble manage, turn'd again,
He Cuts his Foes hand off and bridle Rein:
Whose furious Horse, thus sreed from rule by Bi [...],
Disdains his riders Weight should on him sit:
And boundeth oft unto a wondrous height,
As this, or that way moves his ruleless might:
[Page 238] Till down a Precipice he takes his way,
And does by fall his Mighty Master slay.
Thus Providence did death Vanbralder give,
Whose Soul, in Body, was too bad to live.
The King's Troops many, besides Walloon foes,
Kill'd here of English we may well suppose:
But to what Number Fighters fell that day,
Our Muse does no Particulars convey.
Tho' near a thousand Horse on each side fought,
If from her Computation deeds be sought.
What strange dis [...]ay by fears and doubts was then
Th' A [...]iction of the Beauteous Rosaline:
Who Guarded by Vanbralders Power might see
The Bloudy Toyles of that days Victory.
And more concern'd in Soul perhaps beheld
Her belov'd Lucas engag'd in that Field
With Stout Walloo [...]s, or huge Vanbralders might,
As they two did in Terrible Combat fight.
Who having fully now dispers'd his Foes,
To free her Person next he boldly goes.
[Page 239] Whom [...]ierce Vanbralder had plac'd under guard,
Which now its bold Attendance soon discharg'd:
After beheld the fortune of this day,
And to prevent their danger fled away.
When he to her arriv'd and saw a space
The gastly paleness of her lips and Face:
And how her Cheeks were sometimes drawn awry,
Like Mortall whom Convulsive sits do ply;
And as the fixed Stars appear in Skies,
Moveless beheld the Glory of her Eyes.
And thus within her womans arms she lay,
Who diligent was by every carefull way
Her Lady in Lifes conflict to Assist,
And by her help her grievous pains resist:
As sometimes she her Beautious Temples strok'd,
Or had by Prayers and Tears heaven's ayd Invok'd.
In hast had Lucas from his steed remov'd,
Yet fear'd to see the face of her he Lov'd:
As he beheld her Cheeks Impair'd of red,
And features, like remains of Beauty dead.
[Page 240] When from his Souls deep anguish thus he said;
If Speech by me to Rosaline here Made
Can passage find, and wellcome from her ear,
'Tis beg'd that she'd think Lucas now does fear:
And that his Soul that never yet could weep,
Or suffer from his breast a sigh to creep,
When his bloud by most desperate wounds was shed;
Or seen in fields his bravest friends lye dead:
Does both, as he her danger does behold;
And if his Lips from hers could remove cold,
He'd willingly by it Loves power explore,
If that might her Life's pristine warmth restore:
At Least he'd take it as his Last farewell;
If her Soul must on earth no longer dwell.
But whilest he thus did his Lov's passion vent,
Her woman on her Ladies Cure intent,
Had from a Violl Cordiall-drops convey'd,
Which Polyasters skill 'tis thought had made,
And 'twixt her Lips dispos'd so much of them,
As did her Life from Danger soon redeem.
[Page 241] Tho' to that weakness brought she scarce could speak,
As by the hand he kindly her did take:
Whilest all she utter'd was but to express
Why she remov'd, and love of him Confess.
Which soon he granted, who before perceiv'd
The Cause that had her Gentle Temper griev'd:
And how for love of him, and kindest fear,
She had withdrawn to her disaster here.
Yet would not further passages relate,
That to her Mind disquiet might create:
And chiefly did conceal how with brave Lyle
He had conspir'd to Ryvall Martiall Toyl.
But to oblige heroickly her Sense,
From his Souls Greatness did these words dispense.
Sorry is Lucas that he now must [...]ay
That he can't Love appoint a Nuptiall day:
Since vow'd I am that Hymen ne're shall light
Taper for me, till Rebells cease to sight:
Nor Houses sit that by obtruded vote
Dare Arms in Field against their King promote.
[Page 242] But when with smoothest Brow peace yields her smiles,
And rightfull war requires no more my Toyls:
I'le then fair Rosalines embrace desire,
And meet her wishes with a Lovers fire.
Till when to Heaven's protection I'le her leave,
And place she Judges best may her receive.
Or where she least may of fierce Battells hear,
Or what in them my Martiall perills are:
And whenso'ere I full perceive their end,
The wellcome News to Rosaline I'le send.
In whose behalf her woman does declare,
Her Lady, as yet weak, and speech would spare,
That well the Method he propos'd conspir'd
With what, by present thought, she most desir'd:
Assuring him that when they fix'd on place,
He should have notice in Convenient space.
Being thus resolv'd, and by Brave Lucas seen
That in few Minuts perfectly Serene
The Beauteous form appear'd of Rosaline,
And strength restor'd by wonderous Medicine:
[Page 243] He gently lifts her to her Saddles seat,
And, with his kindest farewell, kiss'd her feet.
And that she might the more securely ride,
Appoints, to ayd her way, a knowing guide.
But to what place her person she withdrew,
My Muse, in proper time, Intends to shew.
Whilest valour, Loyalty, and Love's high Glory,
Commends this Hero's worth to future story.
Who having then obtain'd a Glorious day,
With Trumpets Sound he March'd his design'd way.
Thus raging war fermented every where,
By Fates decree, this most unhappy year:
In which the King, tho' much his Force Impair'd,
As 'gainst him had the Houses four years warr'd;
Their Interest Mighty and no less their power,
From Londons Endless Srength, and Treasures store:
Was Northward March'd, as many did suppose,
T'encounter in those Regions Scottish Foes;
Who would not Grant that duty should compell
Their Persons in their colder Clime to dwell:
[Page 244] And Southward to Assist the Houses came,
Their Friends by League, but with more zealous slame
Their bold partakers as they hop'd to share
Treasures and Spoyls of England by this War.
Yet nearer then these, Enemies were found,
That 'gainst the King, at that time did abound.
Thus was great Leicester fill'd with fighting Men,
That the King might not there have passage then:
But be repuls'd in case he should assay,
To Curb that daring City in his way.
The King his Summons sends to this bold Town,
Which, like to others Principled, did own,
That Royal Power did not of right Command,
Whilst it the Houses Arms in Field withstand.
So far Allegiance badly then decay'd,
As Men by Power or Interest were sway'd.
Affronted thus, the King soon Storms the place,
Which Stifly did resist some few hours space:
Till oft attaqu'd by res'lute Foot and Horse,
Like Boistrous Waves that break through Bays by force,
[Page 245] This City they by Strenuous onset take,
And with its Spoils their numbers richer make.
This Action great, yet Signally must be,
By the Permissive will of Heavens decree,
The last Successfull that the King obtain'd,
As he by Arms his Crown and Life maintain'd.
Forward the King meant to have Northward gone,
His Soldiers heighten'd by this City won:
And were for number and reputo the Flower
Of his remaining Millitary Power.
But soon diverted was his design'd course;
As Fairfax led his sierce New modell'd force
In sight of Oxford, and dread to Create,
Seem'd, Siege-like, there his Army to dilate.
Hoping that Town, the Kings Force not at hand,
Durst not, if frighted well, his Power withstand.
Nor did he want Intelligence within,
That could avail him from * Sydesmonds Sin:
[Page 246] Or others by the Houses money paid,
As usefull Tydings they to them convey'd.
The Queen who with her Court and Ladies there
Resided then, what unkind cause of fear
Did this Appearance to her bosom bring,
Tho' the dear Consort to a Mighty King:
Since Londons furious Senate durst decree
Her Person Guilty cause their Enemy:
And that she like a Kings Imperiall Wife,
Endeavour'd to preserve his Crown and life.
When her concern was by Fame's speedy wing
Carry'd unto the most Indulgent King:
He as a Lover and a Sovereign Chief,
Resolv'd to give his Heroin Queen relief.


The Argument.
Fairfax does sometime before Oxford stay.
The Queen a prospect of his Army takes.
A Martial Habit's by Flavira worn,
In which she deeds to wonder does perform.
Sydesmond subtile Cromwell does deceive
For private Gain, not service of his Prince.
Naisby's Fierce Battle, and the fatal loss
The Crown there suffers, after which the King,
His Forces every where declining, is
By the vile Armys power sometime Restrain'd;
And next Imprison'd in the Isle of Wight.
SMall was at Oxford Loyall hearts repose,
As Eyes there saw how bold and numerous Foes
Begirt the Town, and as appear'd days light
Allarum'd all within to Arm for Fight:
If as Defendants Bulwarks they'd maintain,
And posts that did least Fortify'd remain;
[Page 248] Or for more Glory skirmishes design
By daring parties led beyond their Line.
Whilst youthfull Students Colledges forsake,
And Pikes and Guns, to defend Science, take.
To lead whom Gravest of the Long Robe joyn'd,
And unto Arms their Pupills disciplin'd:
Inciting them from apt and Learned Phrase,
To Merit, Next the Muses, Martial praise.
When the fair Queen and Ladies of her Court
Early awak'd, and with a Glorious port
Ascended to a Turret rais'd on high,
That fac'd the thick arrayed Enemy.
Where being seated, by each Mene and Grace,
She added to the splendors of her Face:
Or such from Grandeur of her Bloud relate
To Daughter of French Henry the Great.
And now Magnanimously beheld the force
Of her Opposers ranks of Foot and Horse:
Their Martial equipage and daring Spirit,
And what their valours she allow'd might Merit
[Page 249] Did they by rightfull War their King assist,
Or Forreign powers by his Command resist.
Next pittying their bold errors dropt a Tear,
Whose Soul, in perills, ne're had wept for fear.
The Female Nobless waiting round the Queen,
Like lesser Stars in Constellations seen,
When one of supreme Magnitude and height
Appears the most conspicuous to sight:
By aptest words did sev'rally extoll
The serene worth of her Majestick Soul:
Wishing that for her sake, Time did allow,
As heretofore when Dames us'd dart and bow,
That they might with Men hardy Courage vye,
And force them, when array'd, by arms to [...]y.
This Glorious Spectacle by Fairfax seen,
And known that there spectator [...]ate th [...] Qu [...]n:
His Modesty, that always did attend
Actions that do his Va [...]our most commend,
Produc'd his Blush, and thought his Cause less brave,
As their perfections it desiance gave.
[Page 250] But Cromwell hating all superiour sway,
And Legall power which Subjects should obey:
Projected had in his aspiring thought,
How he'd to supreme height himself promote:
As gradually the Ligaments of State,
He'd sever, and vile Factions animate;
That in the end he might subvert the Throne,
And Line of Brittish Kings so famous known:
And in this juncture gladly would have gain'd
This Town, where for security remain'd
The Queen and Royall Children, whom to surprize
He now and after blackly did devise.
And calling Hugon, on whose preaching part,
Aided besides 'tis thought by Magick-Art,
He much rely'd to fascinate the Soul,
And spirit Men against their Sovereigns rule:
To him thus said, well I discern thy Gifts
In Prayer and Preaching, and such Spiritual shifts
As do Enthusiasms usefully disperse,
For which I can't enough thy Fame rehearse;
[Page 251] When I revolve that quaintest Pulpit-cheat
Could but thin schisms heretofore dilate:
Whilst thy Insinuations Men incite
To Aid our Cause, yet know not why they sight.
Which Mighty Nothing, from thy Preached sense,
Does fruitfull use of Souls to us dispense.
O're Church and State Faith's Chaos first must spread,
E're here Created Rule Improveth dread.
Then Hugon hugs, and bids him apt Texts find
T' [...]nstruct their Forlorn hopes when next design'd.
To which this Canting Imp did thus reply,
What words enough can Cromwell magnify:
Fairfax too meanly were to you compar'd,
As you for Brain and Valour stand rever'd.
Heaven has throughout your Visage Sprinkl'd grace,
Like Moses shines your elect Nose and face.
Each of your Features do by Semblance speak
A Scripture Hero, and his Context make.
When to New-England banish'd for a Crime,
By Prelats held Sedition at that time,
[Page 252] In dream I there Prophetique Vision had;
And saw, as now, your Person Arm'd and [...]lad.
And how at Marston-Moor a Cannon shot,
By Miracle swarv'd, that else had miss'd you not.
For Joy asleep I smil'd, and will some day
To applaud you my dream in Pulpit say.
Accept this List, in which you'l some perceive,
That to our Cause their lives will fearless give:
[...] and Plot.
Their Courage [...]tly will this Town oppose:
(Where Bookmens rules assist our greatest foes)
The Goths that sack'd old Superstitious Rome,
Did not more fierce destroyers thither come,
Then these would Oxfords Libraries despoil,
And Profligate the Studious Gownmens Toyl.
Thy Catalogue, said Cromwell, I embrace;
And for facin'rous deeds against this place,
Such Principles and Swords I will Imploy,
As, Our Foe, prating Science, shall destroy.
[Page 253] And thou a Spiritual Renagado known,
Our Army shall for that Complyance own
Thee Chaplain-General, and Impower'd to preach
Sworded when e're thou men wouldst boldest teach.
To aid our counsells few we must s [...]elect,
Tho' in that manage Fairfax we neglect:
Or else allure his easy Nature on,
To forward deeds he meant not should be done.
But now the motions of this Town let's see,
And how t'oppose prepar'd the Enemy.
Mean while Flavira, who from height of Mind
Fame to her Sex and beauty had design'd:
And would not grant that Natur's elder choice,
Or cu [...]om, deem'd by her man's partiall voice,
Should Prowess most on Sex of men confer,
And Value heighten'd by their deeds in war:
Excluding women by a tender Name,
And habit, from advent'ring life for fame.
Or seldom rais'd to higher future Glory,
Then to adorn, with Men, a painted Story.
[Page 254] And next Magnanimously does disdain
That womans habit should her Soul restrain
From such Atchievments, Hero's might admire,
And in her brave esteem, her Sex raise higher.
Discreetly weighing the Commanding Cause,
That Subjects call'd to Fight for King and Laws.
And tho' no woman Summon'd it to Ayd,
None were forbid, she judg'd, if not afraid.
Nor did she doubt but in Lyles Gallant Minde
Her virtues would sublimer value [...]inde:
If as her Soul his valour did esteem;
His might, on that account, her worthyer deem:
And by alternate Glory next Improve
The estimate of Fame as well as Love.
But her designs she so resolv'd to Guide,
As for Flavira she'd be not espy'd:
Whilest habited like man to fields she'd go,
And there encounter with the warlike Foe.
Her woman-dresser did not now explore
Further her Ladies sense then told before:
[Page 255] Thinking that to raise Mirth, by some Surprise,
She did intend her person to disguise.
Or from her love of Arms and sprightly Minde,
To visit the Kings Camp, thus clad design'd.
Perhaps that valiant Lysle might there confess
How well she did become a Heroine dress.
But this she might intend her waiter thought,
When way from Oxford might be safer sought:
Or chiefly to take pleasure in her glass,
By seeing how, Arm'd, her Figure Beauteous was.
By quick degrees her Lady she undrest,
And on her slender Body plac'd a Vest,
For mode and Colour like the youthfull wear,
Of such as Gayest then led Troops of war.
Next compass'd round her tender wast with Steel,
Which tho' her pain she seem'd no pain to feel.
Upon her helmet a white Cross was plac'd,
To shew that Spotless Faith her valour grac'd,
And Just defyance of the bloudy Crime
Of Boundless Heresies that Fatall Time.
[Page 256] A Negro Page she for attendant took,
That to her Horse and Arms would carefull Look:
Charging her woman, if inquiry made
Of means by which she undiscern'd convey'd
Her personall remove, she was to say
The wonder must remain to future day.
When in convenient time she should receive
Notice to come and serve [...] if alive.
And mounted on her Steed by ea [...]ly day,
Through Lanes and Streets she took the privat'st way,
Till beyond Oxfords outworks she had Joyn'd
With Forces for stout Skirmishes design'd.
Where with a dauntless ear she heard the Noise
Of Canon, that most terribly destroys;
And saw how shot off heads from bodies fiew,
And Comely Limbs whose want the Owners slew.
Nor brandish'd weapons, nor the array'd field,
Or grimmest looks which Foes embattell'd yeild
Could her concern, as with a gentle Brow
These Horrors with contempt, she then did view.
[Page 257] Whil'st boldly weilding of her Naked Sword;
She thought it's bright reflection did afford
More beauty to her face then e're before
She from her clearest Mirror could explore.
And like some youthfull Squire that had abroad
Attain'd in Camps a gen'rous warlike Mode:
She courteously to Militants then speaks
As room amongst their marshall ranks she takes.
Adding besides, their courage to Incite,
The Causes Just concern for which they sight.
And how tho' young, She early had Inclin'd
To season with best fortitude her Minde.
Whilst other Tempers, if but sine in face,
To meaner charms, in stead of War's gave place.
As she had thus express'd some Troops appear
That to attaque her Party order'd were.
Which when observ'd, she blam'd Cheifs of her side
That now too slow, she thought to charge did guide,
Longing to come to Strenuous handy blows,
And dye her Maiden Sword in Bloud of Foes.
[Page 258] Engage they sharply did, and for a while
Fairfax his Party something did prevail:
For they selected Bodies were of Men,
By Cromwell held most Zealous sighters then.
But soon Flavira, wanting other guide,
Did rally into Form her worsted side:
And by renewing of the Charge again,
Not only did th' opposi [...]g Force restrain:
But them pursuing to their body threw
A hand Granade, which firing divers slew.
Some tell it near to Cromwells Horse did light,
As with reserves he seconded the sight:
But howsoe're same does her deeds report,
'Tis sure that he observ'd her brave effort:
And blam'd his Soldiers 'cause they could not slay
One that so boldly fought their Rancks that day.
And swore, by Lord of Hosts, that they should try
Once more to slay this daring Enemy.
For sure some Spirit 'tis, or not the least
Of Devills in a lusty Popish Priest:
[Page 259] As by the Cross I plainly apprehend,
That does upon the Youngsters H [...]lmet stand.
Such Crossing Enemies I'de first dest [...],
That with their Catholick Arms our Cau [...]oy.
And will be Loyal to their Sovereigns trust,
Tho' his Laws their Faiths safety don't adjust.
Away and lose no time by longer halt,
Lest valour cool e're you again assault.
'Tis but a party, howe're [...]old they are,
And yours is more if Numbers we compare.
Our General would scorn it should be said,
That he detach'd more Troops to give you aid▪
And if you can't leave all that party dead,
I'le him reward that but the Crosiers head
To me presents: a Superstitious fool,
That after Crossing fights without a Rule.
Commanded thus, they readily assail,
And hope their valours [...]iercely may prevail.
When Oxfords Chiefs no less couragious led,
That both sides receiv'd loss from Numbers dead.
[Page 260] But this could not Phanatique Fury stay,
Which through th' opposing party sorc'd its way.
That in some haste the bravest did retire,
Whilst Friends and Foes Flaviras Soul admire.
Who sometimes turning fought, then sled to sight,
Then [...]iercely wheels and destroys Foes by sight.
A many blows at her opposers strook,
Yet blam'd their force when view'd her beauteous look.
Perhaps rejoyc'd as by indulgent chance,
Their Swords her face did miss, and sideway glance.
If so her visage pleas'd in Ragefull toyl,
What man would not admire her kindest smile.
And as she thus engag'd, some sighters stay'd,
That boldly fought for her defence and ayd:
When [...]the [...]s rallying, onsets made again,
And did their ground successfully maintain.
Till [...]ence [...]ad oblig'd 'em to retire,
As they beheld more Num'rous parties nigher,
Which Fairfax from his mighty Camp had brought,
And could not be by power of Oxford sought.
[Page 261] When Cromwell saw his parties forc't retreat,
Whom most Flavira's Courage did defeat,
He bit his Tongue for rago, and curs'd in mind,
As bloudily revenge he then design'd.
And could not in his Visage for a space,
Compose the usual Cousenage of his face.
Till looks and speech conspir'd his Canting way,
Or when for wicked ends he'd fast and pray.
Vowing that for the Crossed Champions sake,
He'd vengeance on that Christian [...] [...]ke.
For as in front, a Cross that figure bore,
Who was by Metaphor a Romish Whore,
So in the Forehead of each Church we see
Erected is a Harlots Dignity.
Wherefore 'twill well become our Zealous [...]lame
To ruine Crosses, and so Churches mai [...],
That Saints before most comely figur'd there,
May without Nose or Limbs provoke our jeer.
And sure his power by Time was bolder known,
That Silver-shrin'd Diana melted down,
[Page 262] And her admir'd Temples structure raz'd,
Then he, by holy Cost, there first her plac'd.
Hugon when heard these words did laugh for joy,
Since thus Commission'd Churches to destroy:
And plunder from within them what was left,
Since Abbys fall enrich'd their growing Sect.
And next declar'd, altho' by Heavenly will,
They did not then the daring Crosier kill:
That better 'twas as he'd disperse a tale,
Which more, then kill'd the Imp, should them avail.
And how True-Protestant Children to devour,
This serious thing was sent by Romish power:
And unto wonder could, instead of Meat,
A Wooden Cross with Superstition Eat.
And, should the King prevail, had power from thence,
T'a [...]ict our sleshly friends by Penitence.
And force our Dames, that Thimbles, Bodkins, wear,
By Crosses figur'd on 'em Crimes to fear.
This I consess last audience I forgot,
As I had long discours'd of other plot.
[Page 263] Cromwell, the Tale approv'd, and bid when next,
On this occasion, he should chuse a Text:
To Fairfax so to preach as might his Soul,
Unto their change design'd, devoutest Fool.
And now bids Hugon him amuse by Prayer,
Made against Kingly Rule and Spiritual Power,
Whilst Cromwell would with Ireton Counsels joyn,
That sitter was to further their design.
Yet, tho' some days fac'd Oxford, little more
Their Army did then was perform'd before.
Now had the Sun, within the Western Main,
Some hours his Steeds refresh'd, as Poets fain.
When the Moon's Orb with Stars, Nights twinkling eyes,
Arose to comfort Earth with Beams from Skies.
A season that designing Man fits best,
Whilst others would Indulge their harmless rest.
When Fairfax had strict Guards near Oxford set,
That passers thence and spies might Intercept,
Of which some had detain'd a single man,
Who from that City hastily mov'd then;
[Page 264] Like Cassock'd Schollar Grave his Robe appear'd,
And no less Reverend seem'd his face and beard;
For Priest they took him, which enough that time,
If but for Function sake, was deem'd a Crime.
And searching of him found a written pass,
By the Queens Royal hand inscribed was.
Death in worst shape they unto him declare,
Thinking, for Popish Fighters, he made Prayer,
Or with the Armed Crosier Joyn'd of late,
Whose Valour boldly did their force defeat.
Smiling he heard their threats, and told that he
Would Cromwell, if brought to him, satisfy.
To whom conducted, Cromwell took no care
Further a while t'inspect the man's affair:
Or thought to hang him without more ado,
Since that he was a Priest he judged true.
Till he maturer some concerns did weigh,
That possibly this Man could soon betray,
Either as Fear of death or torture might
His Soul unto discovery affright.
[Page 265] And taking him apart, the man he found,
To be Sydesmond, to his purpose sound:
Who holding of his false beard in his hand,
Like part on stage that undisguis'd does stand,
Fawning Address he thus to Cromwell makes:
See Famous Chief what pains Sydesmond takes,
That dangerously his person does Commit
To diverse perills whilst Imploy'd his wit,
For your Assistance, and the Cause you serve,
What'ere of King and Queen such deeds deserve.
Kind Lady, she her pass-por [...] [...]e allow'd,
That none might me Impede when I remov'd
Where Royall powers Command, in hope that I,
As promis'd 'twas, would 'gainst yours prove a spy.
I took the pass that you might better see
The Considence these Soveraigns have in me.
Whilst I do now my utmost Care Imploy
That they may Oxfora's rule small time Injoy:
And how Triumphantly your Army may
This Teeming Fagle and her young ones Slay.
[Page 266] Observe this persons Name I here present,
Whom I corrupted have to my Intont.
And shall to you betray an Oxford-port,
By which the Town you'l gain by small effort.
But first I must make good the Promis'd Coyn
That is assur'd him upon word of mine.
Not doubted by the Houses that for gain
Unto their Cause, I such Intrigues maintain.
Cromwell embrac'd the Motion, and profest
Sydesmond was most dear unto his Breast:
And should Advantages to come receive,
By which his favour richly he'd perceive,
Since he endeavour'd so their power to ayd,
As Martiall prospects would be surer made.
And who'd not in a Per'lous Journey Try
The shortest way, if more Secure thereby.
Here take this Gold, and let the Care be thine,
In proper time, to perfect this Design.
The Coyn Sydesmond takes, and when alone
Laugh'd well to think how smooth his cheat had gone.
[Page 267] And that by his device he could Cajoal,
The subtile Cromwell's disbeleiving Soul.
Since neither Hell nor he did know the man
That would give up a Port in Oxford then.
And was a fiction for his ends devis'd,
And by his craft might be enough disguis'd;
As things at Oxford chang'd, or aid arriv'd,
E're this design, if true, could be contriv'd.
And hasting his return unto the Queen,
'Twas sure he told her not with whom he'd been.
Who by a tale well feign'd another way,
Expected from her bounty thanks and pay.
The Senat's Army that before this Town
Some days had staid and nothing Signal done:
Drew off, referring unto future Hour
What might be there effected by their Power:
Either as Force or Powerfull Gold should aid
Designs, that might in time be surer laid.
Having from best Intelligence now heard,
That the King did his Northern March retard.
[Page 268] And after Leicester by Storm bravely won,
Design'd to guide his Army t'wards this Town.
Least in his absence Oxford straiten'd were;
And siege, or Storm make his Foes Victors there.
Fairfax who had with res'lute Cromwell thought,
Time long e're they the Royal Army fought:
Their numbers great, and full compos'd of Men
That 'gainst the King were siercest fighters then:
Resolv'd with all convenient hast to find
Some fit Campaign where Battle might be joyn'd.
Oxford thus freed, and Supernumeraries there
Which well the Town could in that juncture spare:
The Prudent Queen and Council did detach
Troops thence of Cavaldry strictly charg'd to March
Unto their Sovereigns Camp the nearest way,
And boldly aid him on next Battles day.
With these Flavira, full resolv'd that fame
Should to her Martial deeds give lasting name,
Like some young Hero rides a Voluntier,
To meet in far Campaign's severest War.
[Page 269] Di [...]a's Form, when brightest Arm'd in Field,
Could ne're such chast and sprightly lusters yield,
As did her comely Beams and Warlike Grace;
Ensoul'd by Mars, tho' Venus was her Face.
And Journeying thus till Night for rest did call,
The worst bed sometimes to her Lot did fall.
Yet with no Niceness, Beauties resin'd Care,
She did that way her persons hardship spare.
Nor doubts my Muse that such shift then she made,
Tho' seeming Man, that none were with her Lay'd.
Whose Last days march more admir'd then the rest,
As accidents are by our verse exprest:
Has such relation unto persons here,
As will to wonder, speak their shame or fear.
A Yeoman's wife, handsome, young and Gay,
Black-eye'd, to boot, whence darts slew Cupid's way:
Was Landlady when from these Troops did come,
Commanders to her house for quarter-Room.
'Mongst whom Flavira did arrive unknown,
And hop'd, within her walls, to ly alone.
[Page 270] The Beauteous housewife, as does story tell,
Lov'd youthfull Soldiers Dalliance full well:
And was especially 'tis thought that Night,
Enamour'd of one there of goodly plight.
Her Husband old and Jelous to dispair,
Observ'd her looks abroad, at home, at prayer:
And if her eye betray'd a wanton Rowl,
It deeply frighted his Suspicious Soul.
But she found means to keep his humour low,
Lest his words should her Amorous Genius show;
Saying that man does worst himself Cornute,
That from suspition would discourse promote:
And how their Gentile quarterers might Complain,
If she to wellcome them, should Smiles restrain.
For which some Testy husbands in that time
Plunder'd had been to punish their harsh Crime.
This Motive most the Covetous man Cajol'd,
Who above all things fear'd to lose his Gold.
At Supper pleas'd they stoutly fed and quass'd,
And with the Beauteous house-dame talk'd and Laugh'd.
[Page 271] And as amongst Chiefs here Brave healths went round.
Their Trumpets did a chearfull musick sound.
When fair Flavira, as in Course arriv'd
The Cup to her, had some excuse contriv'd:
Or that it would not with her health conspire
To drink beyond what nature did require.
Untill a Health, to famous Lyle begun,
To her was offer'd as it pass'd along:
Who blushing could not chuse but kindly sip
The Liquor as this Health requir'd her lip.
Which some observ'd, who little did suspect
That love did, in her Visage, blush effect;
And thought it caus'd from want of use and Meen,
That this supposed youth was bashfull seen,
As he to War 'mongst jolly Hero's came,
And did by modest looks their Licence blame.
Some question'd if in Beauteous Man there were
Form that with her smooth figure might compare:
Or singly wish'd that their chance so should light,
As they, in Bed, might solve their doubt that night.
[Page 272] Supper well past, and time of rest being come,
The better sort had Beds within that home:
But so far straighten'd, as the most of those
Did there with Bedfellows accept repose.
Unto Flavira's lot a sole Bed fell,
Because pretending that she was not well.
Or was hers by the House-dam's special Grace,
Who ready was t'oblige a Comely face.
A transom Lattise did divide that Room,
Where to another Bed one was to come,
That had been to the gay House-Mistriss known,
And for her sake was not to lye alone.
Her Husband next she carefully dispos'd
To watch his house, lest if in bed repos'd,
Some Camp retainers to these Persons might
Imbezzell from the House his goods that night.
Her Husband thus imploy'd, the Gayfull Dame
To the appointed Bed and Lover came.
But e're they fitted were for full Embrace:
Her Jelous Husband, by a stealing pace,
[Page 273] Himself by Moon-light to the Room convey'd,
And on Flavira's bed along he laid:
Which well he knew might one Man lodging spare,
And was convenient for his eye and ear.
So zealous is Mans jealousy to find
Facts that when known do most afflict the mind.
The Virgin wak'd, and feared 'twas some Man,
By drink made ruleless, that disturb'd her then.
And as she was resolving soon to rise,
His gentle whisper he to her applies,
Desiring she'd a while her self contain
Within her Bed, and quiet there remain:
If she, at his request, would prove so kind
To him that sadly grieved was in mind.
These wo [...]s she heard—
But could not their intended sense desine,
Or what he lying by her might design:
Till Judging that he did her Sex mistake,
She seem'd to rest and to him nothing spake
Whilst ear he closely to the Lattise laid,
And heard the Jog's within his Wifes bed made:
[Page 274] At which he sigh'd, but sigh'd with greater pain
As he lov's motion heard renew'd again.
Flavira wondering why the man thus griev'd,
And judging he might be by help reliev'd:
Naked, unto her smock, from bed she rose,
Intending to put on her Manly Cloaths.
When from the Amorous Wife the Gallant came,
And clasp'd her round with a surprizing flame.
The Virgin soon for her defence prepar'd,
As thus he, in his shirt, to her appear'd.
When he by earnest words did much desire
That she would now unto her bed retire;
And net, whate're she guess'd, the fact disclose
That had that time disturb'd her soft repose.
His last request she grants, and smil'd in thought
At the adventures which that night had brought.
And next her habit for her March put on,
That she from this bad quarter might be gone.
How afterwards did Man and Wife agree,
My Muse thinks no concern to her, or me.
[Page 275] Tho' she deplores the vices of that time,
Too pronely then the Royal Parties crime.
Strong in Recruits and Valiant force the King
His Army did to fatal Naseby bring.
Not dismaller was Romes Th [...]ssalia [...] f [...]e,
When Pomp [...]y there o'rethrown and Roman State,
Then the Essusion here of Loyal bloud,
By wicked Arms that King and Laws withstood.
The Mornings * Queen soon clouded did appear,
And seem'd her mournfull Purple Robe to wear;
As she did her sad Throne Ascend that day,
And saw the hapless King his Powers array.
When Fairfax 'gainst him did Embattell'd stand,
That Fortune might be won by armed hand:
Who with his Chiefs accustom'd to success,
Thought Stars their Rebell Swords did therefore bless:
When but permitted for a scourge to Crimes,
That were their Nations in those horrid times.
Now Heavens Omnipotent Pencil did in Skies
Delineate marvells to observing eyes;
[Page 276] By Figures, that to wonder did declare
The just, and unjust Cause, of this vilde War:
If, on Fames word, my Muse here aptly may
Such Prodigies to future age convey.
Three Mighty Shapes above did then appear,
Vaster in Form then Constellations there:
Whose Characters perspicuously were read,
By large Inscriptions plac'd o're every Head:
The First of these did Piety renown,
Beauteous her Face, and wore a Diamond Crown:
White was her Robe, yet brighter far then Rays
Of Phaebus when he finest them conveys.
To Sov'reignty, which next to her did stand,
She gave a Scepter from her holy hand:
His Vesture such as on a Solemn day,
Our Kingly Power and Majesty display.
Tho' all the pur [...]led Stars that it adorn'd,
For earthly Clory, dark on sudden turn'd.
Yet still his figure Royally look'd great,
Like to King Charles when most distress'd by Fate.
[Page 277] To wonder next State Order was beheld,
Or such as under Sceptred Rule excell'd:
Where Myter'd Dignity, by Sovereign Grace,
Before all Civill has an honour'd place.
And where in sev'rall Magnitudes appear
Degrees of Nobless in the Royal Sphere.
The short Rob'd next, who from the studied Law,
Judiciall Reverence to their Science draw;
On Seats of Judgments gravely seem'd to sit,
And aid the Publick by their learned wit.
Close unto these were seen the ruling Gown,
And order of th' Incorporated Town;
Where Royal Charters, God-like do Create
The body Politiques Eternal State.
Nor did best Science, or Mans usefull Art,
Want in this Vision their becoming part.
Or how from Kingly Rule their values rise,
By honour given to Humane Industries
Oppos'd to Piety fierce discord stood,
Her Monstrous figure cloath'd in Robes o [...] [...]
[Page 278] And seem'd to feed on Serpents as they hung
Upon her Sanguine Person all along.
Her hands did round th' Horizon Libells Throw,
Worst seeds of ill when e're in States they grow.
Furious her Eyes, and had a Throat so wide
As some thought Churches down it then did slide.
To Aid her, proud Rebellion claim'd a part,
Demure in looks and Speech, but base in heart:
Various as Popular Sense, her Person drest,
And thus she lyes to Vulgar ears Exprest:
Sister to fame, Fame did her now allow,
And gave this Gyantess a Trumpet too.
A Crown she wore and on it stood upright
A Sword, whose point seem'd to touch Skies to fight:
Near to her side wild Anarchy did stand,
The confus'd guide of worst disposed Man:
Heads from her head and body seem'd to grow,
Whilst her vast hands 'mongst Crouds did firebrands throw.
No humane measure could her compass take,
For she was of the Devills Legion-make.
[Page 279] These Visions if to Allegory joyn'd,
All without help of Verse their sense must find▪
Wherefore a while we'le leave 'em in the Air,
And this fierce Battels deeds in brief declare.
For challenge both sides fir'd their loudest Gun,
E're here that early morning▪fight begun;
When soon their bodies siercely did engage,
That bloud might quench their hearts inflamed rage.
Brave Rupert first the Foes Right wing does meet,
And gave their daring Troups a quick defeat:
Pursu'd, and kill'd beyond their Armies Rear,
Which Victor like he boldly Summons there.
But no return from them he could receive,
Other then what their Cannon-mouths did give.
Fully resolv'd, in spite of this bad cast,
That Fortune's Nick would win for them at last.
This valiant Prince, who in Wars d [...]ing Toyls
Had to his Perill oft led foremost Files:
Was destin'd more by onset to attain,
Then his succeeding Conduct could retain.
[Page 280] Which sad disaster had been his before
At Edge-Hill Fight, but worse at Marston-Moor.
And now had by attack dispers'd the Force
Of Zealous Ireton's Phanatick Horse.
And him his Captive did a while retain,
Till from his fierce pursuit return'd again,
He met with foes that forc'd him to resign
The taken Ireton, and the field decline.
But e're verse does such accidents display,
That gave a period to this Fatal day:
My Muse reserves, for Lyles especial Grace
And fair Flavira's deeds, a signal place.
Whilst other valours, to contract our story,
Are left unto more large Records of Glory.
This Gallant Virgin from Loves power had chose
A Warlike Room where Ranks did nearest close
To a Batallion then Brave Lyles's Command,
And sought to aid him with an armed hand:
Whilst as she saw the perills of that Field,
His dangers there she most concern'd beheld:
[Page 281] And when in doubt lest he might want her aid,
Her Soul, that else could not, was then afraid;
So bravely did her mind Loves fear Imploy,
Till she, to assist him, did Foes destroy.
And as she now [...]d his [...] ess perceiv'd,
In Tears she fought and kill'd till him reliev'd.
Whose valiant person having fallen to Ground,
Enforc'd by weight of Blows and bleeding wound:
She leaping off her Steed did him embrace,
And being not known, perhaps then kiss'd his face;
Helping him soon unto his horse to rise,
And guided next his way from Enemies.
Heroick Lyle whom grief did [...]ndispose
Far more then toyls of War and hurts from soes:
As then he weigh'd disasters of his King,
And consequence which that days loss might bring.
A Soldiers thanks to her he gave in brief,
Conceiving her to have been some youthfull Chief
That him reliev'd, and thus they Gallop'd on
Till he lost her among the [...]lying throng.
[Page 282] When furious Cromwell had dispers'd this Wing,
As he with bloudy Swords approach'd the King:
And stout Commanders had and Soldiers kill'd,
That Furrows there with Sanguine streams were fill'd.
When the Magnanimous Sovereign this beheld,
And saw his powers by Subjects force compell'd,
As Irrecoverable did appear the day;
Yet he as Chief, and Soldier did assay
His Men to [...]ally, and with chearfull look
Encourag'd them to stand the utmost shock.
But how could Majesty or duty win
Persons to sight when fear enforc'd their Sin.
Who now, instead of stop, so rudely run
As the King's forc'd to fly amongst their throng.
So Boystrous waves an approv'd Ship convey,
Against the Pilots will, to remote Sea.
The Royal General thus compell'd to flight
By those, tho' led by him, that would not fight:
With such becoming Grandeur bore that fate,
As suited Majesties afflicted State:
[Page 283] Or Prince, that of best Fortune ne're was Proud,
And would not by adverse in Soul be bow'd.
The wondrous f [...]gures that Spectators stood
In Sky, (as here display'd a Scene of bloud)
And Order show'd and Grandeur of his state,
Now Trembled to behold this Battels fate;
And a [...]t [...]r him, like Storms in Clouds, did fly,
Untill obscur'd, to sight, below the Sky.
But Piety, Heavens Influence on his heart,
That in extremes was his conspicuous part;
Above, as here describ'd, attends his flight,
By his Soul seen, tho' not by other sight.
Whilst Discord, Rebellion, Anarchy, that then
Was hov'ring o're the Houses sighting Men,
Did with their Iron-hands such Clappings make,
As seem'd the Fabrick of the Heaven▪s to shake.
The Royal Infantry of aid bereft,
As the Kings Cavaldry the Field had left:
(Which Fate in mighty Battels does foreshow
The valiant Foots ensuing overthrow)
[Page 284] Endeavour'd now by valour to repair
The loss, howe're of Fortune they despair:
As boldly they their Ensigns wav'd on high,
And closing of their Files did foes defy.
Brave * Lindsey, Ashly, Russell, led their Ranks,
And, tho' they wounded were, ▪both Fronts and Flanks
Had by their valiant Conduct long maintain'd,
With other Chiefs that with them Glory gain'd.
Stoutly they here their Enemies compell'd,
And had, oft charg'd, their flying backs beheld.
Till Fairfax led against 'em Horse and Foot,
Whose Number more then Valour caus'd their Rout.
Too tedious 'twere all actions here to tell,
Or what by wounds or death the Brave befell:
Nor shall my Muse by Catalogue convey
The Names or Sum of Captive men that day:
[Page 285] Let volum'd stories such particulars treat,
Whilst her * Compendium does enough relate;
That all the brave, by Heavens permissive doom,
On the Crowns side at Naseby were o'recome.
Of whom some Thousands hence were Pris'ners sent,
And for the Houses Triumph after went
Like Slavish Captives thorough London's Street,
When foes durst there rejoyce their Kings defeat.
Tho' this to Fairfax Honour may be said,
Howe're bad Cause, for Crime, to him is laid;
That to the Conquer'd he was ne're unkind,
But Gentle, as became Heroick Mind:
If not so modest that to them his Mene
Was liker on [...] subdu'd, then Victor seen.
And had not wicked Men his Soul abus' [...]
By Counsells which they speciously infus'd:
[Page 286] From his Complyance no such Ills had been,
That did Inhance his Armys bloudy Sin.
Yet here, from verse, to give their valour praise,
With the Encomiums Naseby's-field does raise:
As became English bloud their persons fought,
And marks of prowess, to their fame, thence brought.
Of whom the daring * Skippon did appear
Highly renown'd for his Atchievements there:
Who would not, tho' much wounded, leave the field,
But fought till all, to give off fight, did yield.
So bravely wicked were some in that time,
Whose fortitude was deprav'd by their Crime;
Or not so happy from their Souls to know,
How great a Sin was to their valour due.
This Field thus lost th' unhappy King no more
Display'd his Standards as he'd done before:
[Page 287] Or with joy heard Drums beat or Trumpets sound,
As dayly he his forces weaker found:
O'repower'd by Foes and routed every where,
Untill to aid him longer they despair.
When some to Forreign Countries took their flight,
Hoping, in future time, for him to fight.
With these Flavira did unknown retire,
If truth does rightly here with Verse conspire.
Where we shall leave her unto after day,
When of this H [...]roin's worth we more shall say.
Thus swistly had the Royall Cause declin'd,
The Field first lost and Garrisons next resign'd;
As them th' Enemy pleased to Command,
Or March'd to Force 'em by an Armed hand.
Whilst full distress'd the best of Kings could gain
No loosers Peace, which Subjects now disdain:
As they at Westminster did Voters sit,
And thought all Kingly Rule below their Wit.
Neglected thus he Oxford lest at last,
And unto Scots Besieging Newark past:
[Page 288] When Noble * Bellace bravely did oppose
Attempts of English and worst Scottish Foes.
Untill his Sov'reign out of Prudence thought,
'Twas [...]it Scots there should not be longer fought,
But have the Town surrender'd to their force,
As for Crimes past they seem'd to own remorse:
And promis'd to allay the Houses heat,
That their King might with them the gentler treat.
To which effect the Scots did, for a space,
Speciously give their deeds some Loyall face.
As they to th' Houses applications made:
And in dispute, on both sides, sharp things said;
That words did seeming difference promote,
Till mony came to give the casting Vote:
For which the Scots soon sold their Gracious King;
Whom Guarded back, the Houses Power did bring:
And him to Holmby Pallace next remov'd,
And kept by Preshyterians they approv'd.
[Page 289] But this their sawcy Army did resent,
And * Joyce an Independant Cornet sent
With fifteen hundred horse to sieze from thence
The Royal Person by high Impudence.
Thus to this Army was the King convey'd,
And march'd their Prisoner till a Plot they laid:
That turn'd him over to the Isle of Whight,
Where Cursed Ha [...]mond with a Jaylors spight
His King Imprison'd, in the highest Sense
Of Subject turn'd to Traytors impudence.
And thus restrain'd he liv'd above a year
Under vild Guard in Carisbrook Castle there.
Debarr'd from all best comforts his had been,
Since hopeless then e're more to see his Queen:
Or Royall Children whom Heaven did Ensoul
For highest Glory of Monarchial Rule.
When nothing for his solace here remain'd,
But what his Piety from above obtain'd.


The Argument.
In England, Wales, and Scotland Subjects rise,
To free their King from vil'd Imprisonment:
The Houses force dispose these to subdue.
Till when on Loves account the Poet spares
Verse, by which Rosaline retir'd is found,
And Old Hermanders character describ'd.
Flavira's Gallantry and Fate express'd.
Fam'd Colchester surrender'd, and the deeds
Of Lyle and Lucas with their ends declar'd.
WHen Impious Men by Series of Bad Deeds
Do one Compleat that all the rest exceeds:
What Satyr can the horrid fact explain,
Or spread it's Mediums by their broadest stain.
Thus Gradually appear'd the wicked Course,
Both of the Houses and their armed Force:
The Last of which compell'd 'em to obey,
And vote for Militants the vildest way.
[Page 291] As Joyntly they their King a pris'ner made,
And all possess'd of his they could Invade.
To subdue next his Mighty Soul they strove,
Whilst outward Comforts they from him remove;
Not suffering Friends, or spirituall men to pray
With him, 'gainst bloudy ends, a Christian way.
And when their Hellish spite this deed had done,
They Fear'd his Contemplations most alone:
Lest his Majestique Thoughts, and heavenly wit,
Should in his words to Tax their Crimes be writ.
On which account, they Pen and Ink deny,
Tho' to the Sacred hand of Majesty.
Whilst thus their Evill deeds their King afflict,
Heaven would by outward wonders them Convict:
As by his holy Touch the Lame and Blind,
Their * Cures from him Miracalously finde.
Tho', like the world's Redeemer, he was then
Rejected by the Crowds of faithless Men.
[Page 292] Whilest some admir'd that in his Zodiocks line
The Sun could uneclips'd at that time Shine;
When Royall Beams, far more divinely great,
Obstructed were by Interposing Fate.
Tho' virtually no Closure could withstand
The Kingly Influence which he did expand
Throughout his Nations, howe're Captive he
Was made by guilt of arm'd Impiety.
When many their Kings suff'rings did deplore;
And some, who'ad been his Enemies before,
Renounc'd the Houses Cause, and next contriv'd
That by Fresh power their Prince should be releiv'd.
Howe're, 'gainst prevalent Foes, the Outward Face
Of war was Intermitted then a space.
Tho' Loyall hearts disdain'd Pacisick hours,
As their King liv'd restrain'd by wicked powers.
Whilest some from Noble sorrow dy'd for Greife,
Because despair'd their Soveraigns Just releife.
Others unto their homes, in hope retir'd,
As with their Freinds they Loyally conspir'd
[Page 293] To arm again the most Heroique way,
And by a Second war Opposers slay.
Thus had affairs some Monthly periods stood,
And no Campaign fresh stain'd with English bloud.
An Intervall in which verse does design
To find out the retired Rosaline,
Whom Lucas Love and valour Nobly free'd
From the Intended Rape which was decree'd
By Fierce Vanbralder, whom he bravely kill'd,
And to her wish releiv'd her from that field.
Who by her womans help found the abode,
Of old Hermander, Standing far from Road:
And to the Chase of Whittlewood adjoyn'd,
Where he to quiet life himself Confin'd.
Whose age compar'd, 'twas hard to finde a Tree,
Within those shades, that older was than He.
His abstinence prolong'd his wondrous years,
Which harden'd were by his austerities.
Oft Fasts he kept condoling wicked Life,
And bloudy deeds, that time of Impious strife:
[Page 294] And to Chastise his body allways Lay
'Twixt hair-cloath Sheets, yet slept enough that way.
Gen'rous by birth, and was by Bloud ally'd,
As from our Muse his Mentions verify'd,
Unto th' Attendant of fair Rosaline,
Whose Care her Lady thither did design:
Comely his Face, as smooth there white and red,
As when a youthfull Prime his visage had:
His hair nor Beard by age chang'd as they hung
In locks that Curl'd unto his Bosome Long.
Clear seem'd his eyes, yet could no sight retain,
But when by wonder he did that obtain:
At other times no glimps he saw of Light,
Or object usuall unto humane sight.
Yet could in shaded paths, to him long known,
Near to his dwelling steadfast walk alone.
Tall and erect his figure did appear,
As he a comely Robe of Green did wear.
With him had long a faithfull Servant liv'd,
Who tho' both dumb and deaf the words perceiv'd
[Page 295] His Master utter'd, by whose Lips he knew,
If Speech-like moving, what he would bid him do,
When first his kinswoman had with him spoke,
And told why thither she had undertook
To guide her Bea [...]teous Lady, to whose fame
Virtue and Love did Merit Joyntly claim.
Unto fair Rosaline he bowed Low,
And his full wellcome did on her bestow:
Telling how he oblig'd was to that day,
By womans beauty the Refinest way.
Tho' now no Leave unto his eyes was given
To view her Feature, till the act of Heaven
Should from those Orbs obscurity remove,
And manifest to her his wondrous Love.
Which in due time he doubted not to show,
That his esteem of her she thence might know.
Much she admir'd at what this person said,
And why to her he had address thus made:
And more because by age depriv'd of sight,
He talk'd of seeing Beauty with delight.
[Page 296] But Judg'd 'twas best, however pass'd in Minde,
From Time the meaning of his speech to finde.
Wherefore beyond thanks, an obliging way,
For her reception, little she did say:
And thus a while without his house they talk'd,
Till handing of her kindly In they walk'd.
Pleasant and Clean his dwelling tho' but small,
And rooms enough contain'd to serve 'em all.
Of which he One appropriated with Care,
For pious use, and call'd his place of Prayer.
A decent Altar on that Surface stood,
Rais'd by his hands, and bless'd by him the wood.
To this place first he guides his beauteous guest,
And kneeling with her there some prayers addrest.
Which done, to an appartment her he Led,
That Neat was and contain'd a Handsome Bed.
A Room within it where her woman might
Lodge, and be near her Ladies call at night:
Telling fair Rosaline, that he had Chose
That Bed to give her person soft repose:
[Page 297] In which an admir'd beauty once did rest,
And at that word he three times Crost his Brest;
Adding that he, for her sake, hop'd to find
The Soul of Rosaline unto his kinde.
These words unto the virgin seem'd yet more
Misterious, then some spoke by him before.
Wherefore she blushing ask'd him to dispense
His meaning, and unriddle so his Sense.
To which he answer'd, that as yet no [...]
He had, that could presage the hower;
On which account the explanation must
Be left to time, which might the deed Adjust:
Wherefore he then no more to her exprest,
And after Supper, brought her to her rest.
Fully contented Rosaline was here;
Who quiet valu'd above Costly Fare.
Tho' sometimes to make delicate her Food
His Servant caught choice birds in field and wood.
Thus had this Virgin past some Months away,
Yet still did longer here desire to stay:
[Page 298] A place remote, and whither none did come,
The Master Blind and Servant deaf and dumb.
And where unknown she might best thoughts enjoy,
Not hearing when fierce War would more destroy.
Betimes her Bed devoutly she forsook,
And next of Natures Mirrour prospect took:
More pleas'd then in her Morning glass to view
Reflections, which could there her beauty shew.
The early Lark she oft observ'd on high,
As mounting he Sung Carrolls to the Sky.
And saw how other birds did next awake,
And their Love-Songs in Joyfull Couples make.
Happy she thought these birds, that could appear,
So like Immortalls, in an earthly sphear:
Resembling as they Sing and as they Love,
The Joys, by Blessed Souls, perceiv'd above.
But when she saw the furious Hawk affright
These from their us'd abode and Lovers sight;
And that in Air, as well as earth, liv'd Foes
That could disturb the Mated hearts repose:
[Page 299] She Judg'd It might with her distress compare,
And what, for Lucas sake, oblig'd her Fear.
Yet, this war ceas'd, she saw some birds could meet,
And for past dangers Chaunt their Lovers Treat.
May Heaven she wish'd such Bliss for her ordain,
And unto him she'd sing when met again.
Thus severall days she pass'd, till one did more
Amuse her Soul then all spent there before.
Which time Hermander met her in a Grove,
And unto her again discours'd of Love:
Letting her know that she had understood
From him, in part, what now he should make good.
If with him there a space she would remain,
Till his Love's Secret might it self explain.
Much did the virgin his addre [...] [...]esent,
Doubting is modest were the Love he meant:
Since she had heard of men tho' old and blind,
That had warm appetites for woman-kind:
And as she vi [...]'d his smooth atd Ruddy Look,
Her virtue [...]en afresh allarum took:
[Page 300] And thus concern'd she moving was away,
Till on his knees He begg'd her longer stay:
Which spoken, soon by them was heard around
A Harmony beyond Lute's choicest Sound,
And such as heaven might give to humane ear,
If blest with musick of the moving sphear:
When of the finest Substance of the sky,
An Airy form descended to their eye;
That first, Chimera-Like, appear'd to sight,
Yet did, tho' Shapeless seen, their view delight.
It's various Beams did most refin'd convey
The Diamond, Ruby, and the Emralds ray:
Till by degrees contracted was it's space,
And chang'd to womans comely shape and Face.
Her vest of Azure-Colour, like the morn,
When Brightest Estearn Streaks her sphere adorn:
Her amber-locks, unto her Bosome long,
In shining Curls to admiration hung;
And dallying with the air did seem to play,
Like finest Gossamours in Summers day:
[Page 301] And as they mov'd was seen the Ivory white
That in her neck's soft form display'd to sight.
Whose presence did, by miracle, Restore
Sight to Hermanders eyes, tho' blind before.
[...]drous Intervalls to him was given,
[...]'s account, by the sole Act of Heaven.
[...]ld, towards her his eyes did move
Kind as when they, time past, assured Love.
Tho' something more did her soft Beams Imply,
Then Languishments of Love in Beauteous eye.
And sometimes bIush'd, and sometimes smil'd a space,
Whose Blush her smiles, whose smiles her blush did grace:
More Gay then such on virgin Cheeks are shed
On the first night within th'espouss'd bed.
To kiss her Rosy Lips he did assay,
As bashfully she seem'd to yield him way:
But when he thought t'arrive unto that bliss,
He could not feel the Lip he thought to kiss.
Which she excus'd, and said no sense could finde
The Method by which she to him was kinde.
[Page 302] A Secret that hereafter he'd perceive,
When Heaven his Soul Eternity should give.
To Rosaline, who had devoutly kneel'd
Since miracle, she Judg'd, this sight reveal'd,
She kindly spoke, and bid her understand
That she would Commune with her hand in hand:
And thus a while this vision with her walk'd,
And of refined Souls divinely talk'd;
Assuring her that Love could only be
In Heaven possess'd by full felicity:
Which she found there because her youth Inclin'd
T'affect Hermander with no earthly mind.
And promis'd had, If she that Grace could Merit,
To visit him, as thus beheld in Spirit:
A Miracle he had perceiv'd before,
When Heaven to see her did his sight restore;
And from above had leave now to appear,
As by Hermander was desir'd by prayer,
That she might unto her Sublimly tell,
Whose Grace and Beauties mortalls much excell,
[Page 303] How she hop'd soon to meet her form above,
Where no Fate could be Enemy to Love.
But Rosaline, who'ad of Prognosticks heard,
By holy Spirits said to'ave been declar'd,
Doubting lest words by this bright vision spoke,
Were Ominous to her Loves mortall hope:
Whose tender Soul, not willing to allay
The wishes which she plac'd on future day;
When she might Lucas see from dangers free'd,
And to her Bosom peaceably decreed;
Desirous was some such presage to hear:
When soon this Beauteous form dis [...]ers'd to Air.
And as it did now wond'rously depart,
Voices were heard that sung by Heavenly art:
As such Stupendious accents then did sound,
That in no Humane Speech were ever found.
Which done Hermander Leads her back again
And, this sight past, did after Blind remain.
When Rosaline had these strange deeds admir'd,
And of his wond'rous Love enough Inquir'd:
[Page 304] He kindly told—
That since she Leave did to her virtue give,
In his Society and home to Live:
The entertainment that he deem'd most great,
He had Implor'd as his divinest Treat:
Which in his Loves bright vision she perceiv'd,
And Heavenly Comfort had from thence receiv'd.
An object that, till then, no other eye
But his restor'd by wonder could espy:
Which Intervall so fill'd him with delight,
As he to see her only Car'd for sight:
Thus his discourse had of this Subject end.
At other times he his converse did Blend
With pleasant stories of his younger years,
And things most facile to divert her Cares.
Relating how his youth in war had been,
Where bold he fought yet no wound receiv'd then.
And wish'd that her renouned Lover might
Be so preserv'd when next engag'd in Fight.
[Page 305] But wishly told her, that tho' humane Minde
To wellcome best events was most Inclin'd:
Yet when no adverse-fate the Soul could ply,
God-like appear'd it's then Security;
And next, his prudence suitably advis'd
Her Guardianess, near unto him ally'd:
Whom he oblig'd, should Martiall tidings Come
To her, by means unthought of to his home:
No sad Intelligence or actions to declare,
That might provoke her Ladies Grief or fear.
Since after he had Fasting Spent a day,
That with more Zeal he for his King might pray:
By Dream he bloudy Battles saw at night,
And persons slain in cold Bloud after fight.
Some shot to death, some Murder'd to disport
Of Impious Men, and their Mock-Justice Court:
Where, to his horrour, he in Vision saw
His King Condemn'd against Imperial Law.
After which dream he little had desir'd
To hear of War, or how bad men conspir'd.
[Page 306] Wherefore he did with caution her advise,
Lest Rosaline were griev'd with Novelties,
That she'd no Cruel sights to her relate,
Or what, to him she Lov'd, might bode ill fate.
To which his prudent Kinswoman reply'd,
How she her Circumspection had apply'd,
That no bad Tidings might such passage sind,
As should afflict her Ladies tender Mind.
Tho'in due time by promise she must tell
Great Lucas where his Rosaline did dwell;
Howe're remote her person might reside
From hearing Novells that might worse betide.
Thus they express'd—
Whilst, as by dream, Hermander was soretold,
His Nation Wars Irruptions did behold.
As * Hambleton had Scottish powers prepar'd,
And 'gainst the Houses forces had declar'd
[Page 307] Hostility, that the Imprison'd King,
He might by Arms to Royal freedom bring.
Brave Langdals Levies met him in the North,
By Risings Seconded which first brake forth
In powerfull Kent, where Goring, Capell then,
With Lyle, and Lucas, and renowned Men
Were Num'rous form'd the Houses to re [...]st,
And by bold deeds the Royal Cause a [...]ist.
These Voluntary Files of Kentish force,
Led by reputed Chiefs of Foot and Horse;
Besides the Insurrections then begun
In Wales, to aid what in the North was done:
Occasion gave the Houses to provide,
That to sight these their Army should divide;
Who Fairfax to make War in Kent Injoyn'd,
Whilst Cromwell to march Northward was design'd.
But first to reduce Wales they him Imploy'd,
E're by his Conduct Scots must be destroy'd.
At Maidstone Kentish valour did exceed
Wonders, which Martial Men in stories read:
[Page 308] When long there Fairfax Army did Assail,
Before his powers by Fighting could prevail.
And if a foot of Ground they seem'd to win,
With greater fury 'twas forc'd back again.
The Women here their Heroine Leader sought,
And under her, like Amazons, then fought.
Not Penthesilia, to assist Troy's King,
So siercely did her Warlike Females bring,
As these at Maidstone, for their Sovereign's Aid,
To repell Foes by Valour had assay'd.
Whose dauntless seed in Girls and Striplings young,
To second them, 'gainst daring force, did throng.
Who with sharp Stones, instead of shot, some kill'd,
And streets, where late they suck'd, with Foes bloud sill'd.
What eye could not have wept to'ave seen this sight,
Where Children did for bleeding Mothers Fight:
And the fair Virgin, and young Beauteous wife,
Dy'd, to ayd Fathers, or the Husbands Strise.
As here from Evening unto Midnight past,
Gainst Enemies, did bloudy Combats last:
[Page 309] Thus bravely they had long this Town maintain'd,
Till from both Sexes Fairfax it obtain'd:
Glad that his Trophees might that Glory share,
Since women, brave as Men, oppos'd him there.
Soon many Valiant did from hence Retreat,
That they to make War might in Essex meet.
Where Goring, Capell, had with Lucas joyn'd,
And Levies, which to aid them were design'd.
Tho' much the loss at Maidstone did impair
Th' Assistance they expected in this War.
When many, dreading of the Houses Force,
Declin'd to bring them promis'd Foot and Horse.
That some held sit to take into Debate,
Whether not Wisest then to seperate.
And more recruits not Venture to obtain,
After their first attempts in Kent prov'd vain.
But Gallant Lucas, in whose Soul was found
Courage, that did in Wars Extreams abound:
With some disdain such Counsells then did hear,
That seem'd, tho' Wise, accompany'd with fear.
[Page 310] And with a Steady Considence thus said,
Let Rebells be of their vild Cause affraid,
And Prompt their wicked Senate to Confess,
That Civill War was Voted wickedness:
E're Loyall Man to oppose them should cease,
Or, to give up his Sword, oblig'd by Peace:
Unless he would a Tame Spe [...]tator live,
On Slavish Terms, which such Dictators give.
Or Pitiously his Kings restraint bewail,
And Nation ruin'd, and yet not arm'd assail
The Foes of Both: Let rather Stories say
That Lucas, 'gainst his Life, advis'd this day:
Who is resolv'd, if but one Valiant File
Of Militants shall company his Toyl;
The Royal Cause shall not deserted be,
What e're his Stars unhappily decree.
When Goring, Capell, and brave Lyle did hear
This Martiall Speech with all their Armed there:
Like Men whom Mars, to wonder, had inslam'd,
Their full resolve to do brave deeds proclaim'd.
[Page 311] And next their Valiant Chiefs, to quicken hearts,
Declar'd their hope of aid from Northern parts;
As Hambleton his March did thither guide,
And promis'd had to aid the Royal side.
In Essex many discontented were,
And 'gainst the Voting Houses welcom'd War:
After Imprison'd by their force the King,
To whom for Peace they'd duly nothing bring.
Incited thus, a hasty March they made,
And Colchester well Strengthen'd with their aid:
Resolv'd their Enemies there to withstand,
And Conquer, when besieg'd, by Armed hand.
Whose Garrison Numbers could not soon prepare
Materialls for their bold subsistance there:
No Granaries they, wanting Time, could sill,
Or Magazins of shot that Foes should kill:
Nor leisure had they Regular line to form,
[...]hilst nobler Fortify'd to repulse Storm,
[...]n Courage they for their defence rely,
Eowe're assaulted by the Enemy.
[Page 312] When Fairfax soon his Army thither guides;
Contriving, their distress, all ways besides.
And in his first Attempt perceiv'd the Town
To bravely Man'd, by onset to be won.
Where Goring, Capell, Lyle, and Lucas were,
And famous Chiefs, who to increase siles there,
Like Common Militants, for Glory's sake,
Did ranks of Foot and Horse more Gallant make.
Which Fairfax sinding, by Wars saser mode,
He timely straightens them with want of food.
That Famine might force them to yield at last,
Since no Hearts long can fight whose Mouths do Fast.
Thus leaving him before this Leagur'd Town,
My Muse a prospect takes of what was done
By Cromwells Conduct, as he March'd through Wales,
Where 'gainst the Valiant Welsh he soon prevails;
And Gallant Owen, Powell, Laughorn, Poyer,
With others fam'd, made Captive by his Power.
Which being done, and full subdu'd that Clime:
His furious Soul does next delay no time,
[Page 313] That he with Scottish Hambleton might meet,
And him in Field by armed force defeat.
At Preston soon these opposite Armies fought,
Where this Scotch Duke receiv'd a Totall rout.
Nor could brave Langdail with his Loyall Powers,
Joyn'd with this Peer's, prevail by bloud those hours:
When adverse Fortune had inclin'd to bring
Ruine on all, that by War serv'd their King.
And more admir'd, because this battells day
The odds of Number on the Kings side lay.
As hapless had some Risings been before,
In Surrcy made against the Houses Power:
Which * Holland did, and Loyall Nobles Head,
And with bloud lost were swiftly vanquished.
So ominously did Stars that time conspire;
As best Men were deprest, and bad rais'd higher.
Thus Fatall War had Royalists undone
A Second Time, and every Strong hold won
[Page 314] But Colchester, where unto highest Glory,
The deeds of Heroes fix their Fame on Story;
Full forty days had th [...]y been distress'd there,
By all the Miseries of Cruell War:
Their numbers much impair'd by bloudy Fights,
And wasted by long hardships days and Nights.
When Fairfax and his Mirmidons thought sit,
That straits should force that City to submit:
As Monster famine, whose hungry Hectic kills,
And seems to eat, tho' her Gorge never fills,
When her devourings Jaws and Bowells wast,
And them compell to Pining deaths at last:
Did by degrees her Ghastly Visage Spread
In Colchester, where scarce was Meat or Bread:
And could not long or healthfully sustain
Valours, that nobly did that place maintain.
To Forrage Fields they often foes assayl'd,
And sustain'd lives as that way they prevail'd:
When their bold Swords did food the Aged give,
And Mothers, on whose breasts, did Insants live.
[Page 315] Some Virgins wept in Fear what would betide
The Men to whom their Souls had been ally'd.
Whilst other Females, more Heroique hold,
To aid their Lovers durst sierce weapons hold:
And like Virago's with locks loosly spread
On Naked breasts, and tuck'd up Vests did speed
Their ready Courage to defend the Post,
That then requir'd such fierce assistance most.
Thus bravely had they Loyalty endear'd,
And neither Enemies Swords nor famine fear'd:
Resolv'd whilst they life's sinews could sustain,
Tho' by course food, no Force the Town should gain.
Flavira now return'd from Forreign soyls,
Where she experienc'd more her Martiall Toyls;
And hearing of this City's sad estate,
With what thence might unto her Lyle relate:
By quickest means had gather'd Loyall force,
Compos'd of Reliques of brove Langdall's Horse,
Which joyn'd with others that dispersed were,
As Holland rose in Surrey to make War,
[Page 316] About an hundred Cavaliers in Sum,
As from Fame's Lists they to us Number'd come;
Who deeming that she was some youthfull Chief
Imploy'd to give the Royal Cause relief,
Gladly did to her sprightly Conduct yield,
As she to lead 'em had appear'd in Field:
Discreetly cautious, as that time requir'd,
When for Brave Deeds men secretly Conspir'd.
Whilst want of Circumspection ost did bring
Ruine to such as Rose to serve their King.
Her Tru [...] Bla [...]-a-Moor Page to Lysle she sent,
Letting him know by Letter her intent
Was, with that Party, t'wards the Town she led,
To aid him there or leave her person dead.
And where the posted Enemy she'd charge,
And by her Prowess match to him enlarge;
Resolv'd that she, by days next Early break,
Would this attempt with her best Conduct make.
Obliging him, whate're might her befall,
That he'd her Name and Sex conceal to all.
[Page 317] This Message highly did Fam'd Lysle surprize,
Her danger weigh'd, and [...]ed extremities
The Town endur'd, which could not many hours,
In all respects, withstand opposing powers.
Yet much admir'd her Loyalty and Love,
That would thus signally their worth approve:
Tho' with a Lovers great and tender Mind,
He wish'd no Perills to her Glory joyn'd.
But judging that she would not now recede
From Acting what this juncture she decreed,
As honour and Assections brave Effort,
Did to her Soul with Fames best pride resort:
Soon he determin'd, when she should Invade
Their Common Enemies, that he'd her valour aid.
Imploring Sta [...]s her pe [...]son to desend,
And make her Victr [...]ss, tho' his Life they end.
By help of Nigh [...] his Answer to her came,
Her Page in passing having Swam a stream;
And now as soon as Mornings Blushing light
Streak'd the Horison's Cheek; to Furious Fight
[Page 318] The dauntless Virgin led her Party on,
And from the daring Foes had passage won:
As Lyle to aid her boldly then assail'd,
And thus both Lovers equally prevail'd.
When to their Camp their sierce opposers fled,
And of their Numbers left some persons dead.
Impow'r'd by Victory these Lovers met,
What Martial Glory e're appear'd so great;
Their greeting such, as in some glorious Field
One Armed Chies would to another yield:
When to endear their Valours prosp'rous toyl
The heart rejoyceth as the Eye doth smile.
Tho' Love 'tis sure did in their looks convey
Some intermixtures of his kindest Ray.
But how to serve her who such deeds had done
For his Affection, and her Souls renown;
Not less his thought Imploy'd, then caus'd his grief,
As hopeless he judg'd Colchesters relief:
Where sood was wanted to support the brave,
Whose Valours did that place to wonder save:
[Page 319] Doubting lest fair Flavira there might [...]nd
Distress, which above all would grieve his mind.
Howe're his Soul did signs of Comsort place
Upon his looks, for joy to see her Face.
Whose kindness with such Grandeur could appear,
As she might least his straits or perill sear.
And now, as they retir'd towards the Town,
Discoursing of some deeds in War were done:
The Enemy did force in Ambush lay,
To Cut off them as they withdrew that way:
Furious the Conssict was, as Love did Guide,
And Noblest Valour Engaged on their side.
When sometimes Lyle did sighting interpose
'Twixt her and peals of shot, and Swords of Foes.
Whilst she, his wond'rous Courage to requite,
Her Person him defends by dang'rous Fight.
Fame tells that she, by Combat then in Field,
Had a Fifth-Monarch brawny Champion kill'd:
And how an Antinomian's Head she lopt,
That for a space upon Earths surface hopt.
[Page 320] Which seen the Amazed Enemy retir'd,
And at more distance his lowd Musquets fir'd.
These Acts she did, and doubtless more had done,
Had not a shot, too dismally was strong,
Her Armour pierc'd and body by its force,
That dying she was falling from her Horse;
Till Lyle, full griev'd, had staid her on her Steed,
At which her Soul reviv'd with so much speed,
As her Arm closely did his neck embrace,
And seem'd to kiss him with her dying face.
Astonishmen [...] and sorrow fill'd his breast,
More then by words and Tears could be exprest:
In which sad posture back with her he mov'd,
Her snow-white arm yet circ'ling him she lov'd.
But as he stood oblig'd by her request,
Resolv'd that uuto none should be Confest
Her Name and Sex: and next as Time gave leave,
With Decency convey'd her to her Grave;
Whate're account the future Age may gain
Of this fam'd Heroine bury'd thus or slain.
[Page 321] So Fatally had Love a period here:
When soon the worst extremities of War
The Town endur'd, as want of foods support
Enfeebl'd Nerves of Heroes and th'Effort
Of bravest Militants, who now Lament
That they can't longer keep Curst Famines Lent;
And that the hungry Housewife Nature should
So meanly Humane Composition Mold;
As unfed Bowells might the Soul distress,
Altho' Immortal, when for food they press.
Thus had Complain'd the Valiant late and strong,
Impair'd by Fights and Hunger suffer'd long:
And saw their stoutest Soldiers Famish'd dye;
Or kill'd, near starv'd, when fought the Enemy.
The Steed that had couragiously before
His Gallant Rider in fierce charges bore,
Now fall'n in Crest and shrunk in Body stood
Imploring, of his wanting Master, food.
Who then instead of yielding him relief,
Whose strength by routing Foes had fav'd his Life,
[Page 322] Ingratefull made by Famines rigid Force,
Murders, to feed himself, his belov'd Horse.
Yet even this food too soon their Persons spend,
That sust'ring did thus Col [...]ster defend:
When Carcasses of Steeds that tainted lay
In Fields, where shot did them and Riders slay,
By Force they seize, their Valour to sustain,
Till this vild Meat no longer they could gain.
Thus Famine, still encroaching, them Compell'd
On Warlike Terms unto their [...] to yield.
Which Fairfax did Indefinite Mercy c [...]ll,
Tho' by their coment not then meant to all:
As that false Court of War condemn'd to dye,
Brave Lyle and Lucas, to their Insamy.
The wicked Ireton whose subtle Tongue,
And Pen, had Mischiefs dispers'd all along;
Demurest seem'd, with his White-Liver'd Face,
When his Soul Bloudy [...]nds design'd apace.
And 'gainst these renown'd Chiefs had Impious spite,
Because their Conducts worsted his by Fight:
[Page 323] Whose wiles had now his easy Gen'ral won
To kill these Heroes in Cold Bloud with Gun.
Thus Cromwell whilst he Manag'd other War
In Ireton had his Cruel Deputy here,
Who with his bold Associate Mis [...]reants lay'd
The Tragick Scene which Colchesler display'd:
And unto Englands lasting shame could kill
Their fellow-Natives by their Merc'less will.
Whilst Goring, Capell, for succeeding fate,
Must on the Houses dismall sentence wait.
These Noble persons, Great in Soul and Birth,
Strove to o'recome, when Men, the shame of Earth,
Their King Imprison'd, and by wicked Guilt
The Bloud of Subjects barbarously spilt:
Whilst they, from perfect Magnitude of mind,
Were more then Stars to aid their Monarch kind.
And should disloyal Arms still prosp'rous prove,
Resolv'd the Conquer'd Cause they'd dying [...].
[Page 324] Or if enforc'd at Lawless * Bars to stand,
They'd defy Rebells without Armed Hand:
Deeming if there vilde power their death design,
'Twould Honour add unto their Noble Line.
Brave Lucas first must by their direfull rage
Be brought to dye on their appointed Stage:
By Starrs design'd his Theatre of Fame,
Where his last act most Elevates his Name.
Serene and Resolute appear'd his Brow,
As when in Fields he fac'd the Armed Foe;
Or from disastrous War endur'd distress,
That could no Greatness of his mind suppress;
Who thus beholding the Commanded Files
Ordain'd to kill him by his Enemies:
And how amongst spectators some there were
That for him wept, whilst he did shed no Tear.
[Page 325] With an Erected Countenance thus said,
Death's ghastly prospect no surprize has made
In Lucas, who would not by Mercy Live,
If Begg'd to take it, which the guilty give.
Nor can their Guns or all their pointed Steel,
Give me more wounds then gladly I would feel:
If killing me they would their Crimes relent,
And to their Injur'd King, on Knees, repent:
Then bids 'em boldly shoot against his Breast,
Whilst in his Looks such courage he exprest,
As Valiant * Scaeva did for Caesar's sake,
When he by Num'rous shot did Life for sake.
Next whom, stout Lyle his Tragick Scene must end,
By the same Guns that slew his Valiant Friend.
Death he before had wish'd, as he beheld,
In Cruel Fight, his Dear Flavira kill'd,
And had from Loves Impulse then sought to dye
By desp'rate charges of the Enemy:
[Page 326] Had not his Loyalty and publique Spirit,
Been more endear'd by him then his Loves Merit.
Not much he spoke, resolv'd that Actions more
Should win on hearts, that would his worth explore:
And witness how brave Subject and best friend
In him conspicuous were to his Lifes end:
Who as he Lucas body did perceive,
Lying near the place where death he should receive,
Often he kiss'd his friends yet dying Face,
And whilst he kiss'd his Eyes shed Tears apace.
Then with expanded Arms their shot receives,
As his last word his Murtherers forgives.
Thus dy'd these Chiefs, above what verse can blaze,
At least such here, as would Inscribe their praise
Longer then Sculptur'd Lines in Marble tell,
How Gloriously at * Colchester they fell.


The Argument.
Wars last great stake at Colchester thus won,
The Bloudy Armies Insolence Improves,
As on the Houses Members they Impose,
And violate the Treaty with the King.
In shape of Friend the Devill Cromwell Tempts
By w [...]ck [...]dest Ambition to aspire.
The [...]ray [...]'rous Court and Characters describ'd
That Murder'd by their Doo [...] K. Charles the First.
THE Army Leaders who by Faithless guilt
Had Cruelly Heroick Bloud thus spilt:
Soon sound how English hearts their deeds did hate,
And wish'd the Authors an accursed fate.
T'Imprison'd King, whose Soul had hop'd to hear
Some happy progress of that furious War,
(Which his Brave Subjects for his Scepters Aid
And pers'nal safety Loyally had made)
[Page 328] Too soon, alas, descern'd the sad Novell
That told what them and Colchester befell,
And how the Valiant Lyle and Lucas were,
In Cold Bloud kill'd, by Conquering Rebells there.
Heroick Capell, Goring, and of Fame
A many Chiefs whom verse here needs not name,
Forc'd to surrender and attend the will
Of Tyrant Subjects as they'd save or kill.
Which Tydings Hammond by the Juncto made
Their Sovereigns Jaylor, boastingly convey'd:
In hope that Grief his Kings Soul might depress,
As his Tongue durst these Horrid facts express.
Whilst Guns, for wicked Joy, from Carisbrook Towers,
And shouts of Foes divulg'd these dreadfull Hours.
The Royal Breast where streams of sorrow flow'd,
Above what Parent e're for Children show'd,
Piously did in Secret Thought complain
That he should Live, at that Time, King in vain: 52
[Page 329] Since Heaven did not his Sword and prayers allow
Mighty enough the wicked to subdue.
Whilst grievously restrain'd, he heard the Sounds
Of his best Subjects deaths, and Kingdoms wounds.
Wishing that Heaven had his Lifes end decreed,
When Bravest Men for his just cause did bleed
At Keinton-field, or Naseby's Fatall Toyls,
Where as a Soveraign Chief he led bold Files.
Or if Clandestine Fate must be his doom,
Why did not * Rolph to kill him sooner come,
Or was discover'd e're his Piistoll shot
King Charles had ended by their shortest Plot;
Then to their shame let him surviving see
A longer series of their Villany.
Happier he thought was Second Edwards fall,
Or Richards, next to that, deplor'd by all:
[Page 330] Since by a quicker guilt, usurped Power
Forc'd on their distress'd Lives their dying hour.
So Seldom prison'd Monarchs period have
Other, then Murder'd laid within a grave.
Yet how'ere dreadfull unto humane sense,
Such terrors might their dismall shapes dispense,
He Judg'd, in Prince, 'twas next the Sin of Fear
To apprehend Fates steps, however near;
If Impious Men who had no right to Live,
Could killing power unto Deaths Scepter give.
Resolv'd, what'ere his foes 'gainst him design'd,
His glory to his Soul should still be Joyn'd:
Cofirm'd by patience full to undergo,
What Royall fortitude could suffering show.
And as these words unto himself he said,
A Circling Flame around his head display'd;
Is not some brightest Angells spreading wing,
That did to him Caelestial comfort bring.
As thus the King divinely great here spent
Severest hour's of his Imprisonment:
[Page 331] His Loyall friends, far more concern'd th [...]n [...],
Fear'd that their Soveraign would soon Murder'd be:
As Fame's bold Tongue dispers' [...]ly did relate
Deeds that Conspir'd with that sad Juncture's date.
And as swist means such horrors did convey,
By Fatall accident they pass'd a way
That near was unto Rosalin's abode,
Where then her Woman walking on a Rode,
Had met a Passenger that did declare
How Lucas dy'd and Lyle at Colchester.
She having been by Wise H [...]rmander taught
That by her means no Tydings should be brought
Unto her Lady, that her heart might grieve,
Or worst of wounds for Lucas death receive.
This prudent Female having these words weigh'd;
T'amuse fair Rosaline, on purpose made
[...]story, that no other stress display'd,
Then that great Lucas was by Foes decree
Banish'd his Country for his Loyalty.
[Page 332] Having on purpose so contriv'd this Tale,
As't did not only Lucas death conceal,
But to her Lady apt occasion give
To travel, where she thought he yet might Live.
When Rosaline did graciously Address
All that her thanks and wonder could express
Unto Hermander, bidding him farewell;
And next declar'd she was resolv'd to dwell
By choice an Exile in Outlandish Clime,
Hoping abroad to hear in happy time
Of her Lov'd Lucas: where her womans Care
Long kept sad Truth from coming to her ear.
But how her person she dispos'd when known
His fatall Loss, or how she did bemoan
Her Lov's Misfortune, verse can't fully say,
Or in what Cloyster was her ending day.
Thus Noblest passions deepest did deplore
The Impious progress of Usurping power:
Whilst in this Nation no Just state of Life,
But did Lament that War's prodigious strife.
[Page 333] When Haughty Cromwell did in Embrio Lay
Aspiring thoughts, to rise a future day.
If he could first his Soveraigns Life destroy,
And next by Bold degrees his Throne Injoy.
To aid which ends he Bloudy Men Cajol'd,
That for King-killing were alike him Soul'd.
But these thoughts caus'd some strugling in his breast,
As guilt of Conscience would have them supprest;
Tho' at a time when his proud heart was Swell'd,
By routing the Scotch * Duke, and risings quell'd
Throughout the Nation, which the Royall side
Did unsuccessfully that Season guide.
One Evening as he Towards London went,
Pondring past deeds and what to come he Meant:
His Inward horror did his Soul assail,
And 'gainst his dire ambition did prevail
So far, that now his haughty Minde did yield
To force of Conscience all his Bosom's field.
[Page 334] And as he thus awhile had walk'd alone
Near to a lofty Grove perceiv'd by None:
Fix'd to the Ground, on sudden, his feet seem'd,
As he upright then stood in trance, or dream'd;
Amaz'd his looks, erected was his hair,
Like one that did some dismall object fear.
When for more wonder round him figures stood,
That from their Bosom's t'wards him spouted bloud:
Like streams that from the Marble Image flow,
Whose Sculptur'd shape does some [...]am'd person show.
Their visage resolute as he had beheld
Them sighting, or in fu [...]ious Battle kill'd.
But as amongst these he did * Cavendish view,
And s [...]w the wounds that his brave person slew;
And call'd to mind the whisper that he gave
Which caus'd the death of this Illustrious Brave;
As he unliors'd Surrounded was by Foes,
And stead of quarter received killing Blows:
[Page 335] Unto remorse his Soul did him affright,
And seem'd to wish he never more should sight.
Admiring that throughout his wicked part,
No Sword or Bullet had yet Pins'd his heart.
Thus far did strength of Conscience over-rule
Horrid Designes of his Aspiring Soul,
Inciting him to hate his former Cant,
And Specious guilding of his black Intent,
Whence he might Simulations past deplore,
And vow by which he promis'd to restore
His Gracious Soveraign when at * Redding he
Weeping assur'd that act of Loyalty.
Whilst Conscience thus her Ensigns had display'd,
And by resistless Onsets victrix made:
He thought he now could happily awake,
When all these figures that before did take
[Page 336] Their Sangnine Station to affright his eyes,
By saddest Instance of their Tragedies,
Appear'd no more, nor had left signe of Bloud
Where he thought they had round him bleeding stood.
At which rejoyc'd, on Bended knees he pray'd
That their death's guilt might not on him be laid.
And thus his Crazy Conscience for a while
Past deeds resented, and the wicked Toyl
Design'd by him in future, 'till his eye,
As he was kneeling, did to wonder spy
A Throne, that from Earths Bowells seem'd to rise
Adorn'd with all Majestique Dignities.
At which, tho something penitent in Trance,
He could not chuse but cast a Liquorish Glance.
As when a Wolf does see his belov'd prey,
He Licks his Jaws and turns his Eyes that way;
Altho' his Entralls had been Clogg'd with store
Of Carnage that he had devour'd before:
So did this Man, as he the Throne had view'd,
Aud from that Object appetite renew'd.
[Page 337] But as he saw the Bloudy streams and Rills,
That sprung from Vales as well as highest hills,
Till Joyn'd in Current, 'twixt him and the Throne,
They in a Crimson River seem'd to run.
This Vision more then t'other him assrights,
Who thought it caus'd, to tempt him, by Hells sprights.
When three times a strong voice bids Cromwell come,
And boldly seize a Royal empty Room.
I can't, he answer'd, and behold this Scene
Of Horrors, to my Conscience, Intervene.
Then Conscience, not Ambition is the Choice
Of Haughty Cromwell, Laughing said this voice.
Next personated unto him appears,
And with a * Friends embrace this Chief endears;
Having in Soul, a Patriot been, some say,
That had in Body fought a certain day
[Page 338] At Chalgrave-field, and there did wounds receive
That did his Mortal life a period give:
Bidding the Mighty Cromwell from him know,
That there was no such thing as Hell below:
Or Malefactor damn'd at Pluto's Court,
Which he assur'd, and smiling made his sport
At all such Tales; Nay ask'd him if he thought,
As he his figure freely to him brought,
That Souls had ever felt Insernal pains,
Or in Hells Newgate dragg'd about their Chains.
Who without leave, if call'd by Grand Import,
Can to aid Mortalls Night and Day resort.
Then handing Cromwell, howe're yet in dream,
Boldly Conducts him o're the bloudy stream;
Bidding him look if Sanguine Tincture lay
Upon his person as he pass'd that way.
The Chief admir'd to see on him remain
No spot, as he through Bloud of Thousands slain
[Page 339] Had thought he mov'd; and to the Feind declar'd
That Fopp-like Dreaming he had Conscience fear'd;
Which never more enfeeble should his mind,
Or from his Speech a Nomination find,
Other then as he'd speciously Cajole
Such Factions, as for ends, he meant to Fool.
Then swell'd in heart upon the Throne he sits,
Where being Rob'd, Hells sprights, like to some Witts▪
Whose eloquence did him in future treat
When he with Grandeur took his Princely seat:
In Long and Short Robes did they Reverence pay;
As some did there both Canting speak, and pray.
A Monstrous Register of Hells vast size,
That was to Book and Proclaim destinies,
Which by Fates Rigid Sisters had been spun;
To Crowds of Ghost, with a hoarse Gyants Tongue▪
Declar'd, the English Nation to despight,
That Mighty Noll, the darling Son of Night,
[Page 340] After his horrid deeds did height obtain,
Should Bloudily Five years Protector Reign.
Which words pronounc'd, Dark Vapours overspread
The Surface, with which Mist-like vanished
The Throne and Visions, as himself he found
Stretch'd out, like to dead Corps, upon the ground.
Till waken'd from his Trance, by some such Wind
As blustring * Eolus did for him find,
When on his dying day the tumbling Sky
Did rowl his Soul to sad Eternity:
Upright he boldly stood, and hop'd the Noise
Did but resemble future Cannon Joys:
Which from this Vision he judg'd should succeed,
As he resolv'd to heighten wicked Deed;
And by his daring Spirit Ghosts affright,
If they should him deterr by day or night.
[Page 341] Like one, whose fortune and his [...]most go [...]d
Could have no other Fond then deeds of [...]lo [...]
To dispose persons for his purpose [...]t,
He well Cajol'd the Men of Impious Wit:
But most the Arm'd, of whom then many were
That o're their Nation strove to domineer.
But lest they should not to his methods Bend,
As to aspire above them was his end,
He covertly does that Ambition Guide,
And seem'd but Instrumentall to their Pride:
As their bold Power should King and Laws take down,
And be Joynt Sharers of a Conquer'd Crown.
Soon with him Ireton, Lambert, Harrison joyn'd,
And others that as heinously combin'd:
To whom this falsest Man, thus Glozing spake;
How great I would your approv'd Valours make
Heaven is my Witness, as I zealous pray,
And seek God with you our s [...]elected way:
[Page 342] If words of mine can prompt you to be wise,
And from Inferior Orbs to higher rise,
As you may spoils of Majesty soon seize,
And feast at will in Royal Palaces;
Where your brisk Wives with an exulting slame
Shall you Embrace, and in their Queens Beds Teem.
Church and Crown Lands we will make spoils by force,
And Command Senats by bold Foot and Horse:
If first the Soveraign owners bloud be spilt,
And 'stead of us, on him laid this Wars guilt.
From which bold deed such powerfull rule will spring,
As shall have Rise from us without a King.
These words when heard by men who before sought
How vile designs might be to Issue brought,
Like Harpies waiting for a Luscious prey,
Agreed to fill their appetites his way.
[Page 343] Who tho' their Masters with the King then were
In * treaty to prevent all future War;
And near obtain'd such grants as without shame
They could not Royal Condescensions name;
When they ask'd more then Subjects did become,
And left for Kingly Rule a narrow room:
As Arm'd Usurpers they all Methods break,
And once again their King a Pris'ner make.
Next purg'd the House of Members that did own
Complyance by their Treaty with the Throne.
When a Caball of Traytors left behind,
Of their vilde Senate, horridly combin'd
How a Prodigious Court they might devise,
That should the Murder of their King disguise:
By such pretexts as sub'tly they'd Infuse,
And that way People, the deed done, Amuse.
[Page 344] That fam'd * Appartment where to serve the State,
In happy times oft Lords and Commons Met,
And to their Loyall Glory did Confer,
On means to make Kings great in Peace and War:
Gave now reception to a Crew of Men,
Whose figures Liken'd Feinds in Pluto's den:
When in their dismall shapes they Councells Joyn,
And vent with Forked Tongues their black design;
Whilst from Earth's deepest Caverns winds arise
That Sigh as they'd Alarum Earth and Skys,
By telling how Hells Boldest Imps Imploy
Wit, more then usuall Wicked, to Destroy.
The Bloody Cromwell, in whose Direfull Face
His Nations Fatall Comet seem'd to Blaze,
Had Impious Men Inroll'd that by his skill
Were guided to advance his Monstrous will.
[Page 345] Ireton his Gastly Son in Law Accurst,
Prepar'd their Regicidall plotform first;
When Harison, a Butchers Son by Birth,
Cruell by Nature like these Sons of Earth,
And in Cold Bloud, as fame his figure draws,
Instead of Beasts slew men to Glut his Cause:
Thought he possess'd deservedly a Chair
Amongst such Regicidall Patriots there.
With whom had close Caball'd the Plodding Vane,
Who had more Subtile Theorems in his Brain
Then Schoolmen teach when Ubi's they desine,
Or Entities which no Space can Consine.
From some such resin'd Sistems perhaps He
Resolv'd that Rules of State Immense should be.
And if the Soveraign Power were laid aside,
Design'd no order Longer should abide
Then the Ideas of his Brain should please,
That with no Government could be at ease.
[Page 346] Who thought the Pop'lace but his Lump of Clay,
Which he'd, Pro [...]ietheus like, still [...]old his way.
And was for Pious phrase and Mene admir'd
No less then if the Man had been inspir'd.
Whilst Scot and Martin who did not pretend
By Inspiration Men or State to mend,
Did from their Vicious Taint and Lawless Soul,
Avow that Change was Luxury of rule:
And thought new Government was like fresh Choice
Of Women they'd Lasciviously rejoyce.
And as this Lustfull Tenent they explor'd,
In fancy they with the Republick whor'd.
Thus these debauch'dly had their Wit employ'd
That the best King and rule should be destroy'd,
By such pernicious Maxims they'd convey,
And Martin us'd at this Courts Meeting day:
Letting 'em know that in lowd Vulgars Name
They must their Sovereign, e're destroy'd, defame;
[Page 347] And if the Charge, by which King Charles shall dye,
Be call'd the Peoples, who dare say we Lye.
Well, Answer'd Harrison, thou hast d [...]vis'd,
For which thou Merits to be rebaptiz'd
Amongst the Godly unto whom I Preach,
And to asperse the Man did such words teach.
Nor can ought * blacken more his Rule and Fame,
Then to sall Charg'd in the Lowd Peoples name.
Thus they conspir'd as each here took their seat,
Where Regicides with plaudits them did Greet:
And fully Number'd, by their Mutual Vote
Did Br [...]dsham their grim President promote;
Whose petty fogging Genius soon embrac'd
That wicked Grandeur howe're Law debas'd.
Which tells that if worst Cause be gainfull found,
'Twill want no aid from Malefactor Gown'd.
[Page 348] Hugon in Black Coat like Hells Pestor there,
As Feinds, 'tis said, sometimes that Livery were,
Dissembling of a Gospell Mene and face,
Pray'd for their sakes without all sense of Grace.
And had 'twas thought by help of Witches spell,
Who was his Punck, tho' Succubus to Hell,
Convey'd with Scripture such Prestigious sense,
As more Inflam'd their bloudy Impudence.
This vast stupendious wickedness thus lay'd,
Whose Horrors did all Loyall hearts Invade,
And like worst prodigies that Men amuse,
More then unusual terrors did Infuse;
When some by grief were Metamorphis'd so,
As they Gray-hair'd before their time did show:
More stunn'd with sorrow then in that sad day
When London in vast heaps of Cindars lay,
And Crowds by Millions did with dread retire
To Fields, where Bedless they deplor'd the fire;
[Page 349] Hopeless that from her ashes e're should rise
A Fairer Phoenix to delight their Eyes.
In Zeal to Westminster a many went,
At Sacred Tombs of Sovereigns to Lament,
Doubting that Foes presumptuously would be
With Royal Reliques there at Enmity.
Or worse then Goths or Vandalls soon destroy
Repose which dust of Monarchs did enjoy.
Tho' to their wonder each Essigy'd Face
Of Kings should weep, to pitty this King's case:
And the Fam'd Virgin * Queen with Blushes shed
Tears, in her sigure, on her Marble Bed.
One Man that Night who from devoutest Zeal
Found means a while his Person to conceal.
Address'd to Holy * Edwards sacred Shrine
For Saint-like aid unto the Royal Line:
[Page 350] When he conceiv'd a Voice thus to him said,
Heavens high permissive will must be obey'd,
Nor think Great Charles less Glorious shall dye
Then Martyr'd for his steady Piety.
Whose Faith, tho' not call'd by Catholique Nam [...]
Shall have a Universall Christian Fame.
And from the Merit of his Sacrifice
Agrandiz'd shall the English Scepter rise;
And in a Second Charles and James dilate
Above what e're in Brittish King was great.
These accents utter'd, or else fancy'd so,
As Thought sometimes may suture things foreshow,
This devout person from the shrine retir'd,
And as Heavens words th'Imagin'd speech admir'd.
Thus holy Men sought Comforts from above,
Whilst Impious hearts were eager to remove
The Life of Majesty, and next that deed
Settle a Deform'd Rule without a head.
[Page 351] Cromwell, whose Cous'ning face could Laugh or C [...]y,
As Grave or Comick was his Villany,
With feign'd Humility did them desire,
Not in the least to judge he would aspire,
But serve their Common ends, like one that fought
To raise their State, whilst he no greatness sought;
Who to no An [...]alls did pretend or Line,
That could him more then private Life assign:
Wishing his Wife and Children might partake
No Blessing, if sincere he did not speak.
Thus he allur'd 'em, whilst his Inward Soul
Smil'd to think how he'd their Ambition sool.
And now their Bloudy Court presum'd to sit,
Where Bradshaw Mouth'd what he and they thought sit:
Like Judge to Pluto was he seated there,
And Men, that Feind-like his Pack'd-Jury were.
Furious his looks, his Gown high Crimson Red,
Who sate for Bloud and suitably was clad.
[Page 352] If Poets past had like this heard of Court,
Their Indignation had rais'd their transport
Beyond what they of Stygian Monsters tell,
Whose loathsom rout Tribunalls sills in Hell;
And had, instead of those, to us describ'd
The Representment by [...]mps here Contriv'd:
Since never of Hells deeds, or Earths 'tis read,
That Goblins there or here so Judg'd their Head.
Yet worse then such this wicked Court durst do
Gainst the best Prince till then the World did know.
Th' Excellent King being brought unto this place,
Where none of them deserv'd to see his face,
With reason, as Majestique as his Cause,
Bassl'd their Sense, and shew'd to them his Laws.
But this must not confute their horrid Crime,
However Monstrous left to future Time:
[Page 353] When soon their Haughty * Minos did reply
That they could O'rerule pleas of Majesty,
By power, which they held much a finer thing
Then yielding due submission to their King;
Yet could not better reason for it give,
Then that it might with Vagabond Commons Live;
As these course representatives in fact allow'd,
Who had no other title to their Crowd.
Whilst their Sollicitor, Sputtering Cook, did plead,
That Justice was by them too long delay'd:
And of his Lordship much did it intreat,
To make their farce-Tribunal seem more great.
As thus Currs did the Royal Lyon bait,
And by their forked Tongues design'd his fate,
Far more Inglorious then the pointed steel
That Caesar did from Romes pack'd Senate feel.
[Page 354] None there was found that durst by Loyal Speech
This horrid Courts high wickedness Impeach:
Untill a * Lady did with Grandeur say
Words, that her Husband should have own'd that day,
By which, she did, unto their guilt, imply
Their bold Contempt of Royal Dignity.
So far the Woman did the Man out-do,
Whose power could not correct their fury now.
Above Treasons height this Court soon Sentence pass'd,
Deeming time long whilst their Kings Life did last:
That at his end, Regalios of the Throne,
By Sacrilege before that time unknown,
Might with Church-Rapines to them Incom's yield,
As if the spoils of Heaven they'd won by Field.
The Rebell Soldier who from Thirst of Gold,
And Lawless power, thought conscience richly sold,
[Page 355] Conducted by the Scum of Humane-kind,
That on State Ruine had their rise design'd;
By sound of Trumpet and by beat of Drum
Prepar'd for Triumph, when the hour should come,
In which by a New-Modell'd Jewish way,
The King, their Nations Saviour, they would slay:
And like Unchristned Files when Martyrs fell,
His Bloud by parcells for their Lucre sell.
To fast and pray their * Leaders durst pretend,
When to no rules of Heaven their Souls did bend:
And could their prayers so horridly Intrigue,
As they still more Improv'd with Hell their League.
And since by Upstart force they much had won,
And Men of place and dignity undone;
They defy'd Scutch'ons because never said
That Coats of Arms had Rebells famous made:
[Page 356] Or such, in Birth, did with Plebcians snare,
And ought, by right, to be disarmed there.
Yet this truth could not their course Pride abate,
Who raised were, in spite of Fame, by Fate.
Their Rampant Wives and Daughters that before
Had never comely Tire or Garment wore,
Now pamper'd with best Meat and pleasing Wine,
Chose their Gallants, and, Lady-like, kiss'd fine.
As thus deprav'd of Mankind did aspire,
And by their Monarch's death sought to rise higher:
The Gen'rous English, who in Field before
Had bravely fought to aid Majestique power,
Now being con [...]in'd to homes and full opprest
By Methods which the Juncto's Votes exprest:
Wish'd that their sep'rate Numbers could unite,
And tho' disarm'd with Armed Rebells fight.
When many hearts that had before endear'd
The Senates Cause, Abhorrers now appear'd,
[Page 357] As of that Body was a Faction made
Of Men that endless Scenes of Mischief laid:
And had appointed by their heinous power,
To the Worlds wonder, their Kings dying hour.
One worthy person who sometime had been
A bold Complyer with the Houses Sin,
At Midnight time did to the place arrive,
Where a Caball was sitting to Contrive
The Circumstance and manner of this deed,
That to the Nations shame was to succeed.
Half Naked was he, upright stood his hair;
And like distracted Man his Eyes did stare:
Who to them these words spake—
Dumb for some days I've been, and at this time
My Speech restor'd by Heaven to speak your Crime.
Too long alas, as my wounds may declare,
I was assistant to your Cause in War.
[Page 358] And now my Soul Englighten'd is to know
What guilt was Mine, and how much worse you do.
As you to Supreme wickedness Ascend,
And guide the blow meant for your Soveraigns end:
In hope to plume your Junctos Callow State,
Which before fledg'd shall with you dissipate;
As your own Arm'd will [...]leight your sway and birth,
And move you from your Seats with scornfull Mirth.
Does Cromwell, your Ulisses, want deceit,
Or Soul that swells with hope of being great;
Tho' low your heads presumptuously he lays,
And for his Brow Usurp Imperial Bays.
But when his Bloudy Rule shall have an end,
You shall with one another next Contend:
Till Anar [...]hy, the Leveller of State,
Does give your confus'd force a finall date,
As unto Royal Power without won field,
Your Armed Bands and Nations hearts shall yield;
[Page 359] Destin'd by Heaven, as its restoring day
The Throne shall have an Admir'd splendid way:
When Regicidall Patriots soon shall find
That 'gainst their hearts an Arm of Steel's design'd.
This and much more to me by Vision's shown,
Which I this dreadfull Night to you must own.
And if Fates terrors may your hearts unsear,
Or slack the Iron Crimes yet harden'd there,
Know with affright and sorrow I beheld
Your quarter'd Limbs on Towers and Steeples pil'd.
And like your Treasons height erected high,
Heads that on Bodies here I now espy.
And Cromwell think, tho' Death-bed end you'l have,
And with vast pomp born to an Usurp'd grave,
Where for base Glory, amongst Royal du [...]t,
Your Carcasse shall be impudently thrust:
That Sacred Vault it shall not desile long,
Before thy Bones with Tyburn-Rebells throng.
[Page 360] And as thy head did Monstrously aspire,
Its Skeleton shall be advanced higher
Then any loathed Skull whose brain with you
Plotted both King and Nation to undo:
Till yours and their vil'd reliques to dust fall,
As the Suns angry Eye will burn 'em all.
Enough I'ave said, and if by heavens decree
I'm Dumb again, and still so doom'd to be;
The Sacred Power that prompted this address,
If penitenco it does on you impress,
Will grant, for your sakes, whensoe're I'm dead,
That on my Grave that Epitaph be read.
The Cruel Grandees when they heard this speech,
That did their King-killing design Impeach,
On which they plac'd their Avaricio [...]s aim,
And thirst of Rule which did their hearts inflame:
They bit their Lips, and with a haughty frown
Denoun [...]'d that he his Life should soon lay down;
[Page 361] Till when to their Loath'd Prison him they send,
And hasten with more rage their Monarchs end.
Soon to the World did Fames loud Tongue relate
The Kings distress and his sad Nations fate:
When Forreign hearts no less then English strove,
For this Great Prince, to blaze their grief and Love.
As passionately their Souls did apprehend
That just dominion every where would end:
Since Englands rule in him, on Earth the best,
Could not upon its Royal Fabrick rest.
Thus as the World had one great Mourner been,
And fear'd the dire effects of Englands Sin,
As Kings and Subjects did at once lament
The Horrid Nature of that President:
Like which none burden'd e're the Tongue of Fame,
Or for Mans Overt-act had Treasons name;
That 'gainst all Crowned Heads durst vent despight,
And vulgars give, to rule at will, bold right.
[Page 362] Allaru [...]'d thus, Sc [...]pters and Mighty States
Soon own'd themselves this Junctos opposites.
Yet did to serve King Charles so condescend,
As, by their leave, their Envoys low might bend
To such who had no Right to seats they claim'd,
And for their Actings worser far defam'd.
But when the August Deputies appear'd,
And Sov'raign Rule before vile Grandees clear'd,
Letting 'em know th'Injustice of their cause,
With its offence to Majesty and Laws:
By Natures Scepter to Mankind convey'd,
When the World her prime Monar [...]hy obey'd.
Nor could they sever Ligaments of State
Which Heaven did in the Souls of Men create.
Tho' Fortunes sl [...] has on your Nation past,
When for your side Wars winning Dye was cast,
Expect that she will soon her mean cheat scorn,
Since you it rais'd, who to obey were born.
[Page 363] And if with due submission you'l rely
On duty, and your Princes Clemency:
Like Envoys from great States we'l Intercede,
And beg his Pardon for your boldest deed.
The Grandees stung to hear these words addrest,
Which in the Worlds large sense their guilt exprest,
Bearing their Noses high presum'd to say,
That of their power and right they'd judge their way:
What e're the dictates were that Forreign Prince
Or testy. States by Narratives dispense;
Whose wav▪ring Politicks, like Winds that blow
O're Seas their Envoys, back and forward go:
Whilst by a t [...]i [...]ing Grandeur they assord
Threats by Legations when fast sheath'd their Sword.
Nor did we judg [...] when our Votes did decree
The Ruine of the English Monarchy,
That Princes Souls, where State Intrigues reside,
Could [...]e to Kings Misfortune [...]irm ally'd.
[Page 364] Since by their practised Maxims more they fear
A Monarchs Grandeur then employ their care
To support Prince, whose power successless falls,
Or rounded by Wars straits for their aid calls.
This our assurance was when first we arm'd,
And next by bolder deeds the world allar'm'd;
When your great States were calmly lookers on,
Till our force had in field King Charles undone.
Nor fear we, as prov'd Legions us surround,
If denounc'd War on Sea and Land does sound.
Which told your Masters, Menacings they'l cease,
And Court us next to be ally'd by Peace.
Thus spoke this daring Juncto, swell'd with Pride,
As Crowns and States with scorn they vilify'd:
Of which some where, as verse must needs confess,
Who to their disrepute did soon address,
Below their greatness, such barefac'd Intrigues,
As did with these vild Regicides make Leagues.
[Page 365] And shews that Kings distress'd like other Mortalls find
The Courtly World in words, then deeds, more kind.
Great Brittains Queen who left no means untry'd,
That on this high concern could be apply'd;
Which she from Mighty Potentates obtain'd,
O're whom she judg'd her Royal Husband Reign'd
A King of Hearts: And hop'd that she might hear
(Since for his Life Crowns Intercessors were)
Such comfort as would in her Soul allay
The dismall thought of his Lifes ending day.
But finding that unhappy rumours flew
With sad Novells, unto her grief found true;
Her Soul, Heroick highly prov'd before,
Had chose that juncture to avow it more,
By all expressions that a Royal Wife
Could make to save her King, or with him end her Life.
Who thought it was too Womanly to own
That death should her destroy by grief alone;
[Page 366] Or not salute his Lip his dying day,
And next his fall ask death the self same way:
Of her Kings vile Condemners did desire
* Pass-port to him, and with him to expire.
This offer, (tho' the Queen had been decreed
By them to dye, as they durst vote the deed)
Was held too great for their Sense to allow,
Who wish'd her dead but fear'd to kill her so.
Thus was the Period of this mighty King,
Whose end Three Kingdoms did to ruine bring,
Presented by all such unhumane spight
As could display Men Monsters unto sight.
When on a Scaffold rais'd by Crimson guilt,
The Sacred Royal bloud was to be split;
As in disguises, worse then Hangings bear
When Russian Murderers are figur'd there,
[Page 367] Two Persons were in Beards and Vizards found,
More dreadfull look'd then Bradshaw had sat gown'd:
Design'd by wicked Execution to compleat
What he pronounc'd on his false Judgment Seat.
By armed [...]iles that were to see him dead,
The Holy King to this dire Stage was led.
Who but a Bishop, whom his Soul had chose
For his Attendant, then desir'd to use;
When standing on this Peerless Trayt'rous floor,
His Royal Speech corrects their guilty power:
Whilst gloriously, exceeding humane Race,
Appear'd his words, his gesture, and his face.
The Antick Villain, who the Axe must hand,
Embolden'd was to strike by his Command.
So highly great does his End raise his story
Above what could have been his Earthly Glory:
That even the Tragick Theatre of his fall,
Adds reverence, by his death, unto Whitehall.

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