AN EXACT MODEL OR PLATFORM OF GOOD Magistracy: OR A SERMON Preached before the Governour, Council, and Assembly, at their first Meeting at Saint Jago de la Vega, in Jamaica, Feb. 1. 1671.
By Henry Houser, Minister of Gods Word in St. Katharines Parish.
I have said, ye are Gods, and all of you are Children of the most High; but ye shall die like men.
London, Printed for Francis Tyton, at the Sign of the Three Daggers in Fleet-Street. 1673.
To the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Lynch, Governour and Commander in Chief of his Majesties Island of Jamaica, &c. As likewise, to his Honourable Councel, and Gentlemen of the Assembly, continuance of all Grace, and Peace, through Jesus Christ.
IT was far from my Thoughts, as being conscious of my own private Weakness. that this: poor Sermon should gain such Acceptance with you, as to judge it worthy either of your Thanks, or of publick View: But seeing your Pleasure is to Order the Publishing of it, I do humbly Obey. And therefore [Page]take the boldness to Offer and Consecrate the same even to you, who are the Head and the Representatives of this whole Land, and have commanded both the Preaching and Printing of it: Yea, and it is my Duty which Obliges me to make you this thankful Acknowledgments for the many singular Favours and Courtesies, particularly that of your last Liberal Bounty and Kindness bestowed and fastned upon me; so that I must say as Ruth said once to Boaz, Chap. 11.10. Why have I found grace in your Eyes, that you should take knowledg of me, seeing I am a Stranger. Verily I can ascribe and impute it to no other cause; but unto Gods infinite Mercy, and your own Goodness. The great God of Heaven, who is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, so direct your Hearts, that all and every one of you may truly, and indeed (according to Jethro's Counsel) approve your selves to be Men of Ability, fearing God, men of Truth, hating Covetousness: That you may truly and indeed (according to the Power God hath intrusted you withal) oppose the violent stream of all Lewdness, and Wickedness, and Prophanness, and be a lively Example to the Practise of Piety, of Holiness and Godliness: Yea, that you may have both the Caurage and Zeal of Moses, to Defend and Protect the true Religion and Worship of God, against all Opposers thereof. And this the Lord expects at your Hands, in regard of the depth of your Interests: [Page]You are more concerned in the Publick welfare of this Island, than others of a more private Station, and therefore you are bound to seek and to promote the Good and Welfare of this Island, more than others. It is a Maxime in Divinity, Beneficium postulat officium; Those whom God calls to the Highest places, he calls withal to the Highest services: Therefore it behoveth you above all things to remove all Impediments which might hinder the Advancement of the Glory of God, the Flourishing of the Gospel, and the Happiness and Prosperity of this Island. If this be your chief Study and Care, then certainly the God of Heaven will be with you, and bless you in all your Doings, in all your Consulations: Then indeed, this great Keeper of Israel will keep and preserve you in all your Wayes, both in your going forth, and in your coming in, from this time forth and for evermore.
Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness.
Exordium. GReat Conjunctions of Heavenly Bodies are usually attended with great and notable Changes. Beloved! I hope that your present Conjunction will operate and conduce much to the happiness and welfare of this Island. To the obtaining whereof it is most necessary that you especially (who are the Representatives of this whole Land) would study to approve [Page 2]your selves (according to the direction of Jethro unto Moses) to be Men of Ability. fearing God, Men of Truth, hating Covetousness. This Jethro was Father in Law to Moses, who seeing and observing the great Care, and Trouble, and Pains, that Moses took in Judging the People, wisely foresaw that at length it would prove a thing too heavy for him alone to perform: and except he did speedily remedy it, it would not be long ere it would utterly consume his spirits, and wear away his strength, and health, and life, in taking upon himself alone all the care and trouble of giving Judgment among the people from morning untill evening. Therefore to prevent all inconveniency, Jethro by his sage and wise advice, counselleth Moses to take unto him such fit and meet Assistants, who by their just government of the people might ease him of that heavy burthen, and help him to bear the same with more comfort and ease. And this counsel of Jethro is expressed in the words of the Text, saying, Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness. Here is the first draught of Magistracy, which Moses himself (the greatest Law-giver that ever was) followed and practised with good success; and therefore I [Page 3]have chosen it at this time for my Text, to shew and declare unto you especially, who are upon this day come and Assembled together for the Good and Welfare of this Island, how to perform your Duty, and to Discharge your Trust with a good Conscience, that you would be pleased to set before your Eyes, this most perfect Model and Platform of the best Magistracy in the Text, and according thereunto Exact and Direct all your Consultations to the Glory of the great Judge of Heaven and Earth, the Advancement of the Church, and the Happiness and Prosperity of this Island. And all this grant He who is the great Monarch in Heaven and Earth for Jesus Christ his sake.
The Parts of the Text are two:
- I. The Counsel of
[...].which he gives to Moses; in these words, Thou shalt provide.
- II. This Counsel is Described and Particularised by four Essential Characters,
Membrum I.or Properties of good Magistrates: They ought to be,
- 1. Able Men.
- 2. Such as fear God.
- 3. Men of Truth.
- 4. Hating Covetousness.
I begin with the Frst, viz. The Counsel of Jethro which he gives to Moses; in these words of the Text, Moreover thou shalt provide. The word in the Original [...] imports great Care, and Curiosity, and Circomspection, that is to be made in the choice or election of Superiours and Magistrates. In the New Testament we have the word [...], Look ye out, Acts 4.3, It is added in the Text [...] Out of the People; the Magistrate must be chosen out of all the People, he must be a choice Man, one of a thousand, culled and selected out of all the People: Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the People. This is the first part of the Text.
In the second, Membrum II. it followeth to be considered how this Counsel is described, and particularized by sour essential Characters, or Properties of good Magistrates: Requisita ad pium Magistratum pertinentia. They must be.
- 1. Able Men.
- 2. Such as fear God.
- 3. Men of Lruth.
- 4. Hating Covetousness.
I. I. Virtus & Potentia. The prime and first Character then required in good Superiours and Magistrates is Ability; they must be [...] Vire potentes. Able men. This Ability includeth strength of body, whereby they are enabled [Page 5]to undergo and execute their Places and Offices with the more diligence and industry. It includeth greatness of Estate and Descent, of Riches and Wealth, of Birth and Blood, which oftentimes puts Spirit and Courage into the Souls of Superiours and Magistrates. These are but accidental and complemental Ingredients belonging to Superiours and Magistrates: The main and essential parts, that are comprehended under the word Ability, are following; a. Understanding and Wisdom: Therefore Solomon prayed to God for an understanding heart, 1 Reg. 3.4. Give thy Servant an understanding heart to judge thy People, that I may discern between good and bad. b. Another substantial thing comprized under the word Ability, is moderation of Mind, which enables him to Rule and Govern his Passion and Affection: A thing very necessary in a Magistrate, who must not suffer his Judgment to be over-ruled and overswayed by his Passion.
Such an one is stronger then he that subdues and conquers the strong Cittadel. c. The last and principal Virtue comprehended under [Page 6]the word Ability, is Courage and Fortitude; as the Lord charged Joshua, Chap. 1.9. Be strong and of good courage, be not afra [...]d, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Oh what Courage and Heroical Spirit and Resolution ought he to be endued withal, that must Encounter and Oppose the violent Torrent of Wickedness and Vice? You are Met and Assembled together, to begin and to perform a great work among us; to Advance the Glory of God, to Countenance the Gospel, and the true Professors thereof, and to reform all that is amiss; and therefore you have need of Courage. You must confute the Sins of the mighty; you must support the work of the Ministrie against all Opposers of Gods true Religion and Worship, especially against those proud Phanatick Emissaries, who under pretence of New Discoveries, and New Revelations of the Spirit wander from place to place, from one Quarter of this Island to another, and in opposition to the true Light of the Gospel cry out New Light, New Light; whereby they Seduce, Deceive, and Delude the Hearts of the Poor, Simple, and Ignorant People; and therefore you have need of Courage. You must be [...], a living Law, and be an Example [Page 7]to all Good; and therefore you have need of Courage. You must help the Poor to their right, you must defend the Widdow and the Fath [...]rless, against them that are too mighty for them; and therefore you have need of courage. Therefore awake and put on courage, you that sit at the Helm and Covern the Ship of our Commonwealth, steer a straight and right course without swarving to the Right or Left Hand for fear or favour. Neglect and dispise the Displeasure and Frowns of Great men, and Rescue the Poor out of the Hands of the Oppress our. Therefore be strong in the Lord, faint not, be not weary of well doing, but be couragious, though in Rowing and Guiding the Ship of our Commonwealth, the Winds blow, and the Seas rage, Christ Jesus by his Divine Providence and Protection, will support and uphold it, that it shall not Sink, he will send a calm and bring it safely ashore. Wherefore let me proclaim and speak as Gideon in the Ears of all the Faint-hearted, Judg. 7.3. Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return Home and depart. On the other side I say unto you that are of Ability, of Wisdom and Courage, as the Angel did to Gideon, Judg. 6. 12, 14. The Lord is with thee, thou mighty Man of Valour; go on in this thy might to save Israel: [Page 8] Prooceed and go on from st [...]e [...]gth to strength. And so much of the first Character of good Superiours and Magistrates, they ought to be men of Abilitie.
II. II. T [...]r Domini. The next Character of them, from whence all the rest proceed, is the Fear of God; they must be [...] Timentes Deum, Fearing God: They must be such as fear God, not slavishly with a servile sear, but truly, sincerely, with a filial fear wrought in them by Faith, and the assurance of Gods Love and Favour. He that hath this Virtue wants none, and without this true fear of Justice, a Receiver of False-Witnesses, a Patron of Violence and Oppression? The principal scope and intent why God hath appointed and ordained Superiours and Magistrates to Rule and Govern the World, is that they may advance his Glory, countenance the true Riligion and Worship of God, and protect the Church and Commonwealth: Now for these things what cares a prophane and uncircumcised Vice-god, who fears not God, who bears the Sword in vain, and minds nothing else here on Earth but his own Profit and Pleasure? As for the Church or Commonwealth, Sink they, Swim they, all is one to him. So that it is certain, that the fear of God is [Page 9]the chiefest thing required in a good Magistrate, who is the Minist [...]r of God, and his Sword bearer; nay, it is the whose Duty of man, as Solomon speaks, Eccles. 2.13. Fear God and keep his Commandments, for this is the whole duty of Man Hence it was that the Lord commanded the King, Deut. 17.18, 19. To write a Copy of the Law in a Book, and to Read therein all the dayes of his Life; that he may Learn to Fear the Lord his God, and to keep his commandments, and to do them. A Magistrate, in whom God hath planted his holy Fear, he will Judge others as one that remembers he must be Judged himself; he will help the Orphans to their Right, and defend the cause of the Widdow: He is [...], no Respecter of Persons; He will neither condemn the Innocent, nor justifie the Wicked: He will set a watch over his Eyes, that they behold no wrong, over his Ears that they hear no false Accusation, over his Tongue that it pronounce no unjust Sentence, over his Hands that they receive no Bribe. When an unlawful Suit is commenced by Favour or Friendship, by Power or Policy, he answers with Job, Chap. 31.14. What shall I do when God riseth up? And when he visiteth what shall I answer him? This, this is the man that feareth the Lord. By this Character, now it will [Page 10]appear what to think of those many prophane and wicked Vice-gods, who sell themselves to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord; who give themselves to all Good Fellowship in the world, to all excess of Riot, and hate to be Reformed:
Their Will is their Law, and their Conscience too. Such I mean as hold Religion a disparagement to Gallantry and Gentility, who fear nothing more then to have a Name that they fear God; who think when they have gotten an Office, they may Swear by Authority, Oppress by License, Drink and Swill without Controul. What shall I say of such? Are these Gods, or Children of the most High? Devils they are rather than Deputies for him; far better becoming a prophane and drunken Alehouse, than a grave and sober Assembly. Let me take up the words of the Prophet Jeremiah, and say to such prophane Esaus, Chap. 5.22. Fear ye not me? Saith the Lord: Will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the Sand for the bounds of the Sea, by a perpetual Decree that it cannot pass? If the wrath of a King be as the roaring of a Lion, as Solomon affirms, Prov. 20.2. O then how terrible is the [Page 11]wrath of God, who is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords? He himself will be one day a swift witness against such, Mal. 3.5. I will be a swift Witness against the Sorcerers, and against the Adulterers, and against false Swearers, and against those that Oppress the Hireling in his Wages, the Widdow, and the Fatherless, and that turn away the Stranger from his Right, and fear not me, saith the Lord of Hosts. Men commonly are afraid of Goals, and Dungeons, and Gibbets, and this makes them abstain from Murder, Felony, and the like: And why then will ye not rather fear him, who is able to cast both Soul and Body into the everlasting Dungeon of Hell-fire, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of Teeth? Him I say Fear. I conclude this Point in the words of the Psalmist, Psal. 2.10, 11, 12. Be Wise now, O ye Kings; be Instructed, ye Judges of the Earth: Serve the Lord with Fear, and rejoyce with Trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be Angry, and ye Perish from the Way, when his Wrath is kindled but a little.
III. III. Amer Veritatis. And so I come to the third Character of good Superiours and Magistrates; they must be [...] Viri veritatis, Men of Truth. This is required in every Magistrate, in all those that are imployed in [Page 12]the Commonwealth, they must be good men and true, they must be, [...] Lovers of the Truth: They must search out the truth out of the labyrinths of Errour and Falsehood, and not suffer Justice to be perverted, but bring Judgment to the Balance of Truth and Righteousness. They must be of his Temper who said, Amicus Plato, Amicus Socrates, magis autem amica Veritas: Plato is my Friend, Socrates is my Friend, but Truth is my greatest Friend. Oh that our Rulers and Magistrates might truly say with Job, Chap. 29.14, 15. I put on Righteousness, and it Clothed me: My Judgment was as a Robe and a Diadem. I was Eyes to the Blind, and Feet was I to the Lame: I was a Father to the Poor, and the Cause which I knew not, I searched out. Alas, may not the Lord complain at this day, as he did in the days of Jeremiah, Chap. 5.1. Run ye to and fro through the Streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the Broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth Judgment, that seeketh the Truth, and I will pardon it. And Isaiah 59.14. Judgment is turned away backward, and Justice standeth a far off; for Truth is fallen in the Street, and Equity cannot enter. Therefore (O ye Rulers of the Earth) study to be men of Truth; suffer not your selves to be corrupted by flattering [Page 13]Tongues, but maintain the Truth against all oppositions of the world: Let this be your Resolution with the Prophet David Psal. 101.7. He that worketh Deceit shall not dwell within my House; he that telleth Lies, shall not tarry in my sight. Though you must undergo Hatred and crosses, and Scorn, and Reproach for a time, for the Truths sake; yet he that is Amen, the true Witness, yea Truth it self; will certainly reward you in the end, with Temporal and Spiritual Blessings: While on the other side, he will shut out with the Dogs all such as love and make Lies, according to that fearful Threatning, Apoc. 22.15. Without the Heavenly Jerusalem are Dogs and Sorcerers, and Whoremongers, and Murtherers, and Idolaters, and whosoever makes a Lie. I close up this Point with the Exhortation of Solomon, Prov. 23.23. Buy the Truth, and sell it not.
IV. And this leads me to the Fourth and last Character required in Good Superiours and Magistrates, they must be [...] Abhorzentes avaritiam, hating Covetousness, they must be such as hate Covetousness, which is the root of all Evil, 1 Tim. 6.10. Covetousness is an inordinate love of money, and is compared to the Dropsie, Quo plus sunt potae, plus sitiuntur aquae; The more [Page 14]they have, the more they will have. Oh! that we might not complain at this day of many Superiours and Magistrates. Jer. 6. [...]. For the least of them, even unto the greatest of them, every one is given to Covetousness. Therefore, O. ye Rulers of the world, flee these things and hate Covetousness with a perfect Heart: Follow the counsel of the Apostle, Heb. 13.5. Let your Conve sation be without Covetousness, and be content with such things as ye have; for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Let the words of the Lord be written and engraven over your Doors, Deut. 16.19. Thou shalt not wrest Judgment, thou shalt not respect Persons, neither take a Gift, for a Gift doth blind the Eyes of the Wise, and pervert the words of the Righteous. Let all sordid and filthy Lucre be abominable, all ill gotten Goods execrable: Remember that the curse of God goeth along with unlawful and unrighteous Gains, and is like moth and Rust, to corrupt and canker them: Malè parta, malè dilabuntur, Goods unjustly gotten thrive not, a man shall not long enjoy them: Vix gaudet tertius haeres. It is a venture, but some Unthrifty Heir will waste and melt it away as fast, and as ill as ever his Father got it. See the words of the Apostle, James 5.2, 3, 4. Your Riches are corrupted, and your Garments are moth eaten, your [Page 15]Gold and Silver is cankered, and the Rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were Fire: Ye have heaped Treasure together for the last days: Behold the Hire of the Labourers, which have Reaped down your Fields, which is of you kept back by Fraud, crieth, and the Cries of them which have Reaped, are entred into the Ears of the Lord of Sabboth. These are the four cardinal virtues of good Superiours and Magistrates, they ought to be men of Ability, fearing God, men of Truth, hating Covetousness.
Hearken then, Application. O ye Mountains and little Hills, you Gentlemen of this present Assembly, listen to this charge of Jethro in the Text, approving your Selves to be men of Ability, such as fear God, men of Truth, hating Covetousness. Put on courage to help the Poor and Needy, to defend the Widdow and the Fatherless, and to neglect the Frowns of great Ones: Fear God, set him always before your Eyes, and be a living Example to Holiness and Godliness: Study to be men of Truth, and set not a good countenance upon a bad cause: And lastly, hate Covetousness with a perfect Heart, and esteem Godliness the greatest gain. Plead for Christ, and he will plead for you, that so every one of you may appear at the Tribunal [Page 16]of God with joy and comfort, and receive that sweet Sentence, Mat. 25.2. Well done thou good and faithful Servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee Ruler over many things: Enter thou into the joy of the Lord. And verily it is now high time, you should earnestly Study, and Practise this excellent Lesson in the Text, To be Men of Ability, such as fear God, Men of Truth, hating Covetousness; especially in consideration of the abundance and continual increase of Sin in this Land. How doth every Street ring with Cursing, and Swearing, and Prophaneness? How little conscience do men make of this day, to live in open Filthiness, and Laciviousness of the Flesh? The Minister may Teach and Preach what he will, and Threaten as long as he list, yet the Gallants of our time, like Galio in the Acts of the Apostles, they care for none of these things. We are fallen into those Times, where Prophanness and Licenciousness, have generally prevailed every where: Sin is grown to such an height, as if the Word of God were but a Scare crow, and all Religion but a Fable: we are brought to this wosul pass, to mock and scoff at Holiness, and Godliness, at Piety and Religion, as if God were neither to be fear'd, nor cared for. Truly wickedness raigns in every state, in every condition, [Page 17]in every place: And now even at this time, as if we would defie God to his Face, and call upon him to hasten his Judgments upon our Land, upon our Families and Persons, every one strives (as it were) who shall outdare him most in our Atheism, Libertinism and Prophanness, in all Riot and Excess, in Impenitency. Oh that some Jehosaphat would visit and Reform! Oh that you especially, who are the Head of the Principal members of this Island, would Redress some part of these Grievances, lest Sin and Wickedness get the upper hand, and cause our Ruine! And this the Lord expects at your hands, in regard of those many singular Favours, and Divine Blessings bestowed upon us even in this Land: We have had Peace within our Walls, and Plenteousness within our Dwellings, while Thousands of our Brethren and Neighbours, were smitten with Gods manifold Judgments and Plagues: The Lord spared us, and kept us safe even to this day, Defeating and bringing to naught all mischievous Plots and Policies of our Enemies against us. Oh then, give thanks unto the Lord, because he is Good, and his Mercy endures for ever: Let the House of Levi say, his Mercy endures for ever: Let the House of Judah say, his Mercy endures for ever: Let our Fields and Plantations say, it is his mercy that [Page 18]we be not all spoiled: Let our Towns and Dwelling-Houses say, it is his Mercy that we be not all Burnt: Let our Churches say, it is his Mercy that we be not all rased; yea, let this whole Island say, it is his Mercy that Fire, and Sword, and Pestilence, and other Miseries and Calamities did not Prey upon me, as upon others. O Lord, who is a God like unto thee, thus to Bear, thus to Spare, thus to Bless? Had not thy Mercies exceeded all Limits, our sins ere this had sunk us all, our Island had been made a second Sodom and Gomorrhe! Oh that yet, yet we all of this Church, of this Land, would meet the Lord with Fasting, and Weeping, and mourning, and make our Peace and Reconciliation with him, while Peace is to be had! Oh that you especially, who are now met and Assembled together for the Good and Welfare of this Island, would begin now, even now by wholesome Laws and Ordinances, to beat down Sin and Wickedness, and Reform and Amend all that is amiss! For this is the only way to keep our Island from mourning and misery, and to prevent the Desolation and final Destruction of it: And this will be Done and Accomplished, when you shall truly and really Study and Practise this profitable Lesson in the Text, To be Men of Ability, such as fear God, Men of Truth, hating [Page 19]Covetousness: Then indeed may you expect a Blessing upon all your Consultations: Then as the Prophet Amos speaks, chap. 5.24. Shall Judgment run down as Waters, and Righteousness as a mighty Stream. Then shall you, and we, and every one: of us be able to go Home in Peace, sit down under our Vines and Figtrees, follow our Callings, and that which is the chiefest of all, lead a Quiet and Peaceable life in all Honesty and Godliness: Then shall the Earth increase, all People shall praise God, and God even our God, shall Bless us, and all the ends of the Earth shall fear him. Oh blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doth wondrous things; and blessed be his glorious Name for ever and ever, and let all the Earth be filled with his Glory. Amen. Amen.
THere is newly Printed, a Book Intituled, The Worm that Dieth not, or Hell Torments in the Certainty, and Eternity of them: Plainly discovered in several Sermons, Preached on Mark 9.48. by that Painful and Laborious Minister of the Gospel William Strong, Published by D. Thomas Manton, and Mr. John Rowe, Minister of Gods Word, in 12 o.
Also a Book intituled, Heavenly-Mindedness, [Page]and Earthly-Mindedness, in two Parts; with an Appendix concerning laying hold on Eternal Life, by J. Rowe, Minister of Gods Word, in Octavo.
Also newly Reprinted, Divine Arithmatick; or, The right Art of Numbering our Days, by S. Patrick, D. D. in Octavo.
Also newly Reprinted, Christs Power over Bodily Diseases, Preached in several Sermons on Matth. 8.5.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, verses, and Published for the Instruction especially of the more Ignorant People, in the great Duty of Preparation for Sickness and Death, by Edward Laurance, Minister of Gods Word.
There will be Published within a moneth, a Book Intituled, The Fountain of Life opened, or a Display of Christ in his Essential and Mediatorial Glory. Wherein the Impetration of our Redemption by Jesus Christ, is orderly and unfolded, as it was begun, carried on, and finished by his Covenant Transactions, mysterious Incarnation, solemn Call and Dedication, blessed Offices, deep Abasement, and supereminent Advancement: In all, which the great Supernatural Mysteries of the Wisdom and Love of God in his most gracious, Plenary, and wonderful Salvation of Sinners by Jesus Christ, is distinctly Explicated, and in its several Parts, as well as generally Applied, [Page]for the winning of Unbelievers to him, and Confirmation of all that do Believe in him, by John-Flavel, Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Dartmouth, in Devon.