A LETTER FROM A MEMBER of the ARMY, TO THE COMMITTEE of SAFETY, AND Councell of Officers of the Army, THAT THEY May do that which is Required of them to be done, that the Lord may delight to dwell among them, and do them good; that they may not be Over-turned as others, who have served themselves, and not the LORD.
LONDON, Printed for Giler Calvert [...] at the Black-spread-Eagle near the West end of Pauls, 1659.
A LETTER FROM A MEMBER of the ARMY, TO THE Committee of Safety, and Councell of Officers of the Army, &c.
WHom the Lord hath yet spared, as a Remnant amongst thousands, and hath not spared many before you, who brought not forth fruits worthy of those extraordinary kindnesses and mercies that have been received from the hands of our loving God, whose intents was not hereby, and in overturning many, and sparing you, that you should lust after what they lusted, nor set up your selves as others before you did, by making your selves great, rich, and honorable in this world; nor flatter one another, as others did with the titles of the Heathen, who profest that which you do, nor to be friends to the Saints of the most High, as you professe your selves to be, and are reserved as a handfull for the setting up of truth, righteousnesse, [Page 4]justice, and mercy, in these Nations; and for the preservation and protection of just men, from all violence and injury which hitherto you have not done: and one ground wherefore you so pleaded, was, because you wanted power; your plea in that is voyd, and the Lord hath overturned once more that you might have power; now is your tryall come again; its not your words (any more then those that are gone before) that will satisfy. Your adversaries in Scotland, and elsewhere, have learnt faire words, and glorious pretences: your words without fruits are vain; yet is our hearts more enclined to hearken to you, because w [...] know theirs many among you have a great love to Gods people, and true desires begot in some to do well, if you would not hearken to your home-councellors that stifles before brought forth; the door is yet open to you, that ye may return, wash, and be clean; now thinke with your selves, while ye are seeking to please the world, by upholding of those things that they love, as lordly Titles, whereby the children of this world love to please and flatter one another, with Humble Servant, Excellency, Highnesse, Honour, Worship, and the like, when they are the Divels servants, and would destroy one another for earth and titles, having not truth in the heart: neither do you imitate the Heathen in their foolish habits, Behaviours, Customes, Oppression, Pride, Lightnesse, Scoffing, and the like, with curious fine words whereby many simple hearts are deceived: for if herein you be found the same men many were under OLIVER, RICHARD, and the late PARLIAMENT; and little alteration or change wrought in you, whereby you come to see the vanity of what you have been, as to [Page 5]your old Conversations; if here you stand, and come not to witnesse a Change from what you were, that the minde, and will of our God, you may know, and do that to all whom God hath set you over as Rulers, you become savoury, in all meeknesse, self-deniall, and lowlinesse of minde, as becometh those whom make mention of his Name, in that which is truly Vertuous, Excellent, Noble, rightly, and truly Honourable, that in the reality you may be, not puft up with what you are not, that to our God you may give praise, who makes to differ, that your praise may be of God, and not of men, who giveth every good and perfect gift; praises to him. And the blessing is upon them which seeks the Honour of God, and not its one: in the world there are many Lords, and Gods, but we, who in measure, are not of the world, have but one God, and Lord, Eph. 4.6.
And happy shall you be, if faithful to the Lord [...] for then shall his worke prosper in your hands, and peace, and settlement shall attend you, and wonderfull shall the Lord appeare amongst you, as of old, and Nations shall bow before you; but if still you remaine in the nature which promises liberty to others, and you your selves servants to sin, and corruption, then will not you be accounted worthy, for the bringing forth of those glorious things, that you your selves promise, and thousands of your dear friends expects: and loath are we to see you, whom the Lord hath so often tryed, and visited by his love, to be made as a thing of nought, even as others before you, through their own fearfulnesse: for how should you, if you yet flatter the lying Hirelings of this Nation, by your personall confirmity to them, [Page 6]and their Mother, their two blind eyes, and offspring of filth, the two Ʋniversities, so called, from whence they have learned a trade to deceive, lye, dissemble, and commit all manner of wickednesse, where they have their degrees of Master-ship? O the stinck that arises from them, is reached up to Heaven, and cryes for vengeance, and they are come with all their train of stareliness, in remembrance before the Lord; and just is he that judges the issuings out of these two filthy Wells; and happy are they who take part with the Lord, (who cryes Vengeance, Woes, and Plagues, which hath been brought forth from thence) to raise her foundation, and lay her waste, for all her wisdome is foolishnesse, and with it the Prince of this World hath alwayes crucified by it the Lord of Life; and the Prince of this World rules there, and makes men wise to their own destruction; its known, and felt; and Schools we need not to learn our Children Blasphemy, Pride, Covetousnesse, Lordlinesse, with cunning Witch-craft; for they are apt enough to learn such things without being trained up to them, though learning (in its place) we own: but these are not Christs Schools, nor fit men, or persons for him, and his work, but rather to Scourge, Whip, and persecute his Servants, who are made Ministers not by Man, nor mens arts, by cunning craft. Now if these things be kept up, the Woes and Vengeance of God will pursue the upholders, yea verily, will root out those that may root out Iniquity, and will not; this shall be known. Therefore beware what ye do, that establishment ye may come to, the way, is for your selves to be establish'd in that which changeth not, out of the transgression, then shall you establish [Page 7]that in the earth which shall stand, and be firme unto which Truth shall say Amen to you, and your work; and all Nations, and Powers, that lift themselves up against the established in the Power of the Lord, shall be dasht in pieces, and come to nought, the Lord God of Hosts hath spoken it; then shall you come to know the true right, honour, and those that feare the Lord, will be highly in esteem with you; and God, then of a truth, shall dwell amongst you, and delight to do you good; and a terour to all about you, shall you be: herein have I exprest my love to you, as my dear friends, whom I would not have to perish, even as the Lord hath declared to me, I have declared to you, what was required of me, without feare of the dispeasure of any.
Therefore my deare friends, prize your time, and examine your hearts, that you may know what is the good, and acceptable will of our God, to do it, that we may all with hand, and heart, go along with you, and helpe to carry on the Lords worke, that over all he may rule, whose right it is, and you in him a terrour may be to all ungodlinesse, and unrighteousnesse of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousnesse, and a praise to those that do well.
And Friends, now doth the bloud and sufferings of the Lords dear Ones, which you professe to be friends to, lay at your doors, you having power, and hath been laid before others in Authority, but they regarded not; therefore did not the Lord regard them: and now if you make a confederation with those that hath drunk the bloud of the Saints, spoiled their goods, and inhumanely, and barbarously hath used them, and not make strict inquisity, [Page 8]that Justice may be done upon the impenitent, and hard-hearted: Then will the Lord charge it upon you, and will not hold you guiltlesse who countenance these that are guilty of Blood, Oppression, and Injustice [...] Then [...]hall you not prosper, [...]or be clear before the Lord, till you have acquitted your selves of all the blood, and sufferings of his People, that the Lord may acquit you, and his People have cause to say, you are partakers with the Blood-suckers, by wincking at their Iniquities. I have discharged my self before the Lord, in love to you all what is required of me; and if you will be partakers of their Sinnes, of their Plagues you must have part, in that which altereth not. I wish you well.