TO THE NOBLE LORD VVILLIAM Earl of Devonshire Concerning the Wonder of the Peak.
ON th' English
Alps, where
Darbies Peak doth rise,
High up in Hills, that Emulate the Skies,
And largely Waters all the Vales below,
With Rivers that still plentifully Flow,
Chatsworth by swift
Derwins Channel stand,
Fam'd for it's Pile, and Lord, for both are grand.
Slowly the
2 River by its Gates doth pass,
[Page 4] Here silent, as in Wonder of the place,
But does from Rocky precipices move
In rapid streams below it, and above.
A losty Mountain guards the house behind,
From the assaults of the rough Eastern wind;
Which does from far it's rugged Cliffs display,
And Sleep prolongs, by shutting out the day.
Behind, a pleasant Garden does appear;
Where the rich earth, breaths odours every where.
Where in the midst of
3 Woods, the fruitful Tree
Fears without prune-hook, seeming now as free.
Where by the thick leav'd roof the Walls are made
Spite of the Sun were all his beams display'd
More cool than the fam'd
Virgil's Beechen shade.
Where Art (it self dissembling) rough hewn stone
And craggy flints worn out by dropping on
Together joyning by the workmans tool)
Makes horrid
5 rocks, and watry caverns cool.
[Page 6] The Water that from native Cliffs had source
Once free and unconfin'd, throughout it's course,
By it's own
5 Country Metal is led on
Captive to Rocks of Artificial stone.
There buried deep, it's streams it doubly throws
Into two circling Channels as it goes,
Through thousand cranies, which by art it does.
Then girds the Rock with many a hollow
6 vain,
Frighting all under with surprising rain.
Thence turning it a Marble font does store,
Until it's lofty brims can hold no more.
And entring the house, obsequious is
To Cook and Butler, in their services.
And gushing up within the midst does spout
His Crystal waters ev'ry where about,
Fit for the hands, from the tall Cisterns out,
And though to this but four vents we assign,
[Page 8]
Calliroe's not so fair that spouts from nine.
The river turning off a little space,
Part of a garden's seen that fronts the place.
Two rowes of Crystal
8 ponds here shine and dance
Which trembling wave the Sun beams as they glance,
In which vast shoales of fishes wanton float,
Not conscious of the prison where they'r shut.
How does it please when as the Nymphs fling in
The prey intic'd, to the bright flouds again,
T' observe the method that the wantons use,
First to inveigle men, and then refuse!
What can more gratefull or Surprising be,
Than gardens pend'lous on high mounts to see?
Within the midst of all the waters stand,
Caesarian Piles built by a womans hand.
Piles fit for Kings to build, and Monarchs rear,
Cavendisian Lordships doe appear;
The petty products of a Female care.
[Page 10] But of fam'd Shrewsoury's great Countess this
The least of thousand commendations is.
To whom vast Structures their foundations own;
Who got great wealth with great and good renown;
Who by her candor made all friends in power,
And with her bounty shin'd upon the lower;
Who left an
3 Off-spring numerous and great
With which the joyful Nation's still repleat;
How Sweet it is upon the Sandy shore
Of Crystall Pooles, great Nature to explore!
Or to my Lord Small
4 gifts of verse prefer,
Wherein those happy fields I may declare
Prest by the Muses, which still urgent are.
A more commodious soile they never knew,
Nor a more friendly Lord had title to.
From hence, on rising ground, appears a neat,
And fair ascent, up to the Pallace gate.
[Page 12] Royall, August, sublime without tis seen;
Large, neat, commodious, splendid, rich within.
What thou may'st find in Marble figur'd out
Of Poets fables, or old Hero's stout,
Dwell not upon't; nor cement hard as stone,
Nor count the faithful Servants, one by one.
But the great Master celebrate my Muse.
To whome descended from an antient House,
Devon gives princely Titles,
2 Cares:
Who in a constant breast, discretion bears.
Magnificent, not lavish, still he spends
His riches freely, and amongst his Friends;
He of your Quire is the only grace,
He for the Muses finds a resting place,
And pleasant shades, and gratful leisure gives,
And he from them large Eloquence receives
With a discerning mind, 'twixt good, and ill.
Next view his
3 Consort wistly, view her Still,
[Page 14] Descended from the
Bruses antient line,
Whose Kingly Stock does in her visage shine.
Then view their Noble Off-spring; but above
The rest a
2 Nymph, whom
Jove himself may love.
With two Sweet Youths, who Angells might be said,
The common pledges of the Marriage bed.
These with their Parents may be wonder'd at;
What else of Miracles thou may'st repeat,
Fall short of these, and are not nigh so great.
Of the high Peak, are Seven wonders writ.
Two Fonts, two Caves, one Pallace, Mount▪ and Pit.
To wit that Stately Pallace we have nam'd
But now, is first among the seven fam'd.
O'th' rest discoursing, Some who long'd to know
The cause of things, to see them joyn to goe;
And I ('twas worth the while) amongst them too,
'Twas at the time the earth did tribute pay,
[Page 16] And the hot Sun the dew had wip'd away
From off the stubble, when we first begun
Our journy, and to Guide us hired one:
Thus we set forwards from the gates, and make
Pilsly and
Hassop in a rugged track.
From thence our horse with weary feet and slow
Towards a steep Hill's high top, doe climbing go;
And after many a tug and weary Strain,
Halfe breathless, they the Summity do gain,
Turning about with wonder we espy
The birds now lazily to creep, not fly.
And that the Pico of the Mountains brow
Had pierc'd the body of the Clouds quite through
Derwin appeares but as a crooked line,
Chatsworth as a point it doth entwine.
W'had gone but little further, when we found
The Hills soft back, cut deep with many a wound.
[Page 18] And did the earth in whitish
1 ranks espie
Cast up in heaps, upon the surface lye.
Tis a high soil; but cover'd with a crust
Of brittle earth, soon crumbling into dust;
Which least by it's own weight it should fall down.
Nature hath propt it with a roof of Stone.
But the dark Prince of wealth divides throughout,
In thousand channels, which himself had cut,
In order'd ranks the Stone; and each so drawn
From th' Eastern point, unto the Western one
You'd think they felt not the effects alone
Of heat and warmth, but that they view'd the Sun.
The griping hand of
Dis within these beds
Had stor'd of better mettals the crude seeds:
To be hereafter to perfection brought
By the Sun beams, as they upon them wrought,
Till then for to be guarded by the Stone,
[Page 20] From all assaults sufficient Garrison.
But all in vain, for neither can the Sun
With oblique ray, bring to concoction
The rougher leaden lump; nor is the ground
Sufficient guardian, for it's treasure found.
For man (wealth's great invader wheresoe're
It hidden lies) with
1 fire and Steel does tear
The bowels of the earth; and rends in twain
The Stony cover of the leaden vein.
And boldly dares, if poverty compel,
To rob th' Exchecquer, of the Prince of Hell.
Not alwayes without danger,
2 two were caught
As in their Mothers womb they deeply wrought
By death; who suddenly o'rewhelm'd them there,
Where they themselves had digg'd a Sepulcher.
* inlets (which with narrow vents admit
[Page 22] But hardly down those who are forc'd to it
By want, whose bellies are by hunger fit)
With beams of wood the Natives still distend,
And prop their way, as to the veins they bend.
A people expert in experienc'd wo,
2 Damn'd to the Mines, for many years ago;
That all may see they fell not unawares,
But were long sought for, by infernal snares.
Which now the main supporters take away
That did the earths weak brittle surface stay,
And gather to the neighbouring shades below
The souls, prest forth from their crust bodies now.
Bodies by bodies in these deeps we sound,
Thus arrows lost, are still by arrows found.
Before our feet, a Corps digg'd up we see,
Which minds us what we are, or ought to be.
[Page 24] Much like the body we about us bring.
T'other lies buried in the earth, but still
Hopes an
1 extraction when 'tis Heavens will.
Upon the earth that from the mine was thrown,
A lazy people drawn from e'ry Town,
To see the mournful spectacle came down.
Two women weeping in the croud we spi'd;
One for the loss of joyes that she had tri'd,
T'other for want of hopes are now denied.
Ones flame continual use had near expir'd,
T'other with itch of novelty was fir'd.
Both mourn, because that both their joyes have lost,
But she who last had tasted them, the most.
Let them still mourn. We in our way go on,
And now four thousand paces we had gone,
By our horse feet we count, as oft the Stone
In equal space each foot precedeing still
[Page 26] In equal space each foot proceeding still
Before its fellow, now hath felt their heel.
Our shadowes go before, and shortest shew
What course the Sun bear's, and what course we go,
Many small Villages on either side
We leave behind us, as we onward ride,
The last is Hope; the rest I'le not rehearse,
Their names are too too cumbersome for verse.
On hollow ground, repleat with mines below,
And fill'd with mortals,
2 high aloft we go.
The horse with hasty feet beats on the soil,
Redoubled eccho's from their hoofs recoil.
And in an hours space, or thereabout,
To a steep Mountains precipice we're brought,
It was great odds we did not headlong go
Into the neighbouring village stood below.
[Page 28] But we with winding steps, and wary foot
Strive as we may with safety, come unto't.
First we the Sun upon our right hand place,
Then turning to the left, with a soft pace
We downwards going to our feet confide.
Then again mounting on the Hills left side
Into the Village we securely ride,
Which built on a high Rock commands the sight
Of all the Passengers that travel by't;
Call'd from the Castle near it,
Not famous for the warlike Deeds there done,
Not great, nor built with Art, not ever could
Against the Canon-shot it self uphold,
Nor yet impregnable to those of old;
But ancient and built up of Stone it bears
The injuries of time, and weather dares.
Under the Lords, that kept the mines of yore
It might of Thieves repulse the sudden power.
[Page 30] Behind a ruin'd mountain does appear
Swelling into two parts, which turgent are
As when we bend our bodies to the ground,
The buttocks amply sticking out are found.
I'th' midst there is a Cave: and on each hand
A lofty Rock does as supporter stand
Of a vast weight of earth, which else would fall,
So to the midst with safety guards us all,
And now we're come (I blushing must rehearse)
As most does stile it to the
Devils Arse;
Peaks Arse the Natives.
A noble Cave between two Rocks appears,
Unto the
1 Sun unknown, but to the Stars
Fearing to be immerg'd, and both the
* Bears
Turn'd, it its mouth with horrour does present:
Just like a furnace, or as Hell they paint,
Swallowing with open Jawes the Damned croud
[Page 32] After the sentence is pronounc'd aloud.
On horseback we our entrance make, and spy
Horses within, and haycocks mounted high.
But we with wonder and amaze admire
The tall prodigious Rocky
1 Hemisphere,
How without prop 'tis capable to bear
So vast a weight, how it the mountain stayes,
And the eternal Geometrician praise,
Through the thick Arch, we see the water stain'd
To fall in drops, which on the earth retain'd,
Even then to their own Country the Sea,
Seek out returns with much perplexity;
In little Channels even then they search
For fellow streams, to fortifie their march.
From whence they teaching, we these notions get,
Rivers proceed not from the earth's receipt
Of the salt billowes by the sandy shoars,
[Page 34] Which still imbibe them at their hollow pores,
As if the straitned waters were forc'd up,
The Main being taller than the mountain's top;
But by the Suns hot rayes the Sea on high
Mounts up in vapours, which do wandring fly
Drove by the winds, which cooling still as soon
As the heat fails them, or the Sun goes down,
In num'rous tears descend unto the earth,
From which collected, Rivers have their birth.
To view the dark recesses of the Cave
We thought it not amiss good lights to have.
Dismounting, a she-Native of the place
Leads us on forwards, with a gentle pace,
Handsome enough, and Girle enough she was;
Who with her steady foot, and accent clear,
As guide emboldens us with many a
1 cheer.
Making our entrance with a
2 confus'd light,
[Page 36] Two Rocks with crooked backs drive from our sigh
The beams of day, and bending down below,
On all four force us through their Arch to go.
Sometimes erect, then grov'ling tow'rds the ground,
In figures both of beasts, and men, we're found.
Until at length the slow and humble source
Of a dark River crossing, stopt our course.
A stream whose Channel ran tili now beneath
The earth, here under the low Arch does breath.
And winding in its Channel to and fro,
Not alwayes does irrevocably go.
Sometimes it bosomes you within its bay,
Then jetting out, it drives you far away.
Thus far we go; beyond it none can have
The least admittance, who e're credit gave
To the old Womans Fable of the Father,
Who did forsooth well fraught with lights
2 swim over
[Page 38] A little ford, but durst not further roame,
Lest sunk in night, he ne're should backward come;
But we return, and with wet feet tread o're
The Sand again, that we had trod before.
The night and shades we now behind us leave,
And the blest day-light once again receive.
Got out, as is the pole a Mountain tall
Lifts up his head, like an old ruin'd Wall
Ready made weak by breaches now to fall.
Tis said eternally the Sand falls down,
Without the hills least diminution;
Strange this if true; and yet the Pyrami'd
Of falling sand, still gathering to a head,
Gives tacite Items that the Flux begun
By some great ruine, and will ever run
Until the mountains top and that be one.
And though the most call't
Mam Tor, nev'rtheless
[Page 40] Maim'd for the cliff I rather should express.
Which does in English a torn Rock denote,
And the decrepit hill gives favour to't.
Turn'd to the left a thousand pace or so,
To the
Peak-Forrest without Tree we go,
Hem'd in with Stony fence the naked Deer
Cold Winter pinches, not a leaf does here
To shelter them upon these hills appear.
Summers fierce heat does scorch them, not a shade
From the Suns ray, to cover them is had.
Many the bloody wantonness of man
Destroy's with Dog his lov'd companion.
Many the changes when the Heavens frown,
Elden with wide jawes does swallow down.
Of the torn earth a dire
hiatus 'tis
Which should I labour truly to express,
The Ancients I to councel call in vain,
[Page 42] For no such thing the Poets e're could feign,
How e're my Muse, we some essayes must make.
And first the figure of its mouth let's take:
Let the apt fimily be but compleat,
To small things, so, thou may'st compare what's great:
Tell me, tell't me alone, tell't in my ear.
Whisper't, that none but thou and I may hear;
She's dumb, as conscious of the form
1 obscene.
Upon the side of a fair hill that's green,
Its rim descending with the mountain's seen.
Driving off herds that graze around it far,
And sucking with dark lungs the pliant air.
While from the edge we prostrate view't, the sight
O'th' vast
abyss does each of us afright.
With fear and dread the bold spectator spies.
No bounds to stop the progress of his ey's.
And though the stony battlements assure.
[Page 44] Whos' ere leans on them, may have sight secure,
Yet still distrust our fearful minds invades,
And we retire from the dreadful shades.
But through the field we diligently search
For stones; thrown in, long is their silent march,
At lenght by stroaks their Journies end they speak,
(If any end, they in their journies make.)
Cast in they sink, and in their sinking knock,
After long pauses, on a hidden Rock.
Thence tilting, ten times they the stroaks repeat
In vain, not center'd on a bottome yet.
And now so oft deceiv'd, we strive at length
Whole towers to throw in, had we but strength,
Whole buildings, roofs and all, vast mountains tall,
(Hid they been there, for 'twould have swallow'd all)
But a vast weighty stone, such we could get,
We by main strength, force from its Native seat.
[Page 46] And rowling it along th'enclining land,
Upon the sacred brink, we let it stand.
Then this repeat. Thou God to shades below,
Praefect in chief of torments, see we go
Of our chance certain, and high seats of glee,
(if they say true are rob'd in black like thee)
This torment add unto those many more
Thou hast invented, for the damn'd in store.
In thy dominions if a soul thou hast
Fam'd for rebellion, or for breach of trust,
Beneath this Chasme let it streight be put.
Say it be
Simon; or
Or place the Gyants in a trice you'l see,
Bruis'd they the shadows, of a shade will be.
But O ye Soul's who shut up with them sweat
Known and belov'd by us, make quick retrat,
And slight not our advice. This said the stone
We drop, whcih circled in thick mist is thrown
[Page 48] Against a Rock, the Cavern groans the while,
Loud sighs are vented from the shaken Pile.
From Rock to Rock, the sound goes downward still,
Less heard by us but the more heard by Hell,
The third and fourth percussion's nearer made,
With awful sound affright each list'ning shade.
In short against
1 craggy throat
At the eleventh stroak, it whispers out
Its journey only; what 'tis more you hear
After that blow, brought faintly to your ear,
Does but the Image of a sound appear.
Away the shades, swift as the winds do glide,
In vaults of
Erebus strive to be hid,
In silence the mean while descends the Stone;
Through the infernal Spheres it post doth run
And passes them in order one by one.
Into the confines of dread
Dis it goes
From thence by intense
2 flames it moves in hast,
And Souls red hot in Heaven to be plac'd
(Purge from their dross as are the Pipes by fire
Tobacco er'st had sullied) and the
3 Sphere
Of Infants unregenerate it flyes.
(Unconscious of its fault which tortur'd cryes)
Thence sinking to the utmost Hell it goes
And center passes; where the wise suppose
Aristotles Sect should top, and so
Ascending to the t'other side does go.
Now the affrighted Ghosts turn back again
Freed from the object which had giv'n them pain.
Amongst which number
Sysiphus alone
Does the approach lament of such a Stone,
More busky and more weighty than his own
'Tis said great
Dudly to this Cave came down
[Page 52] In fam'd
Eliza's Reigna a Peer well known.
He a poor Peasant, for a petty price
With Rope around his middle does entice,
And pole in hand, like to
Sarissa tight,
And basket full of
1 Stones down to be let
And pendulous to hang i'th' midst o'th' Cave;
Thence casting stones intelligence to have
By listning, of the depth of this vast hole.
The trembling wretch descending with his pole
Puts by the Stones, that else might on him rowl.
By their rebounds casts up a space immence,
Where every stroak does death to him dispence
Fearing the thread on which his life depends
Chance might cut off, e're Fate should give commands
After a hundred yards he had below
I'th' earth been drown'd, far as the Rope would go
[Page 54] And long enough hung by't within the Cave;
To th' Earl (who now impatient was to have
His answer) He's drawn up, but whether fear
Immoderate distracted him, or 'twere
From the swift motion as the Rope might wreath,
Spectrums from his fear, or Hell beneath
Frighted the wretch, or the Souls cittadel
Were storm'd or taken by some Imp of Hell,
For certain 'twas he rav'd; this his wild eyes,
His paleness, trembling, all things verifies.
Where venting something none could understand,
Enthusiastick hints ne're to be scand,
He ceasing
1 dies after eight daies were gone.
But th' Earl inform'd,
2 how far the Cave went down
He trembling from it hasts, not willing now,
Nor yet this way, down to the shades to go.
From hence within a Vale that hidden lyes;
[Page 56] A thousand paces off, a
1 Fount doth rise.
From the low caverns of a grassie hill;
With double mouth it's waters gushing still.
Which since th' admir'd flux o'th' greater Sea
Doth by report in its small Channel play,
We thought it good (although the Sun made haste
And drove his Chariot quick into the West)
To stay a while, and haply so to see
When that the wonder of the Flux would be
With fame co-witnesses o'th rarity.
That which boils up with trembling waters bright
O'th' two the bigger, cheifly worth our sight,
A font receives not equal unto those
Are made by art, but yet by much out goes
What Fountain head; ere from wild chance arose.
Thence flowes, unless what doth at bottom keep
[Page 58] Two Cubits broad, three long, one Cubit deep.
One when no more then's own it doth contain,
But to it by the forreign floud doth gain.
A mark is by the swelling waters made,
Which gives the stony brink a signal shade.
Which by its blackness to have ebb'd of late
Discerning it uneasie seem'd to wait
So long until the tide again came on.
So we our Horse heads turn for to be gone.
When we're call'd back by th' gushing waters noise,
And see them plainly on the Stones to rise.
Now the full Fountains waters boil apace,
As when fierce fires we under
Cauldrons place,
The water cannot rest that is above,
But shuns the mettle, and does volant prove.
When near the Font from the aforesaid head
A rivulet does suddainly proceed,
[Page 60] And pouring from above its streams deep in,
Helps the augmenting waters to attain
There wonted height, which got, decrease again
When streight the rivulet that with such force
Powr'd from above it's waters, stops its course.
And the dry Earth now thirsty grown for more
Drinks off the cups she had disgorg'd before.
Part of the Channel now dispers'd doth flow
Forth from the well, part under ground doth go.
Small thefts of
Moss from off the Stones were there,
Grass, Chaff, torn bits of paper, and such geer.
Or what 'tis else its shallow stream can bear,
That we fling in, returning it doth come
Together with it, to earths hollow womb.
And now the humble Fount so low was grown
It scarce retain'd the waters were its own.
When as the tides return, again they swell,
[Page 62] Again to wonted
Feavers trembling boil,
Increas't by forreign flouds so far to gain
Their bounds, and
1 Tropick stations to attain,
Lading their shoars still with a fresh supply
So far, and then again they falling fly.
But the encreasing
2 shades forbid our stay
Which monstrous grown
Gigantick forms betray.
Our journey we hast on, but as we go,
We searching strive by ev'ry sign to know
From what hid cause, so great a strife should Spring.
For neither saltness, nor yet any thing.
That's common to the Water of the Sea
Are in this Fountain ever found to be.
On the Moons influence it don't depend,
Nor does it at set times its flouds extend,
(As does the Sea) unto these tides there is
What then should be the cause? in short 'tis this.
The water which from under ground doth rise
And with its forreign stream fills up the Well,
Does not come thither brought by 'ts own Cannel,
And willingly anothers right invades.
But while the footsteps of the floud that leads
It followes, seeking through the womb of earth
For Fountains, whence its waters may have birth,
On subterraneous Caves its flouds do fall,
With narrow vent, and entrances but small.
Hither as oft as that the waters flow,
With swelling tides, and stop the vents below
With their swift currents, suddenly the air
Shut up within, does for the place prepare
Defence against the waters, and deny
Their entrance, having no where for to fly.
[Page 66] And as there's nought then air inclos'd more strong,
It bears against the watry croud that throng;
Then as thick troops through narrow portal strain.
The first stick at the threshold, the remain
In a condenced croud before the gates
Make a full stand; part urges on their mates,
Part wandring seek out for some other way;
So the excluded waters at their stay
Impatient grown, and swelling, go astray;
Then roving, to this Font are slowly brought,
Hence 'tis with show'rs when the earth is fraught,
The fluxes happen ever and anon,
As now, three times they rise, three times go down;
With constant droughts but when the earth hath been
[...]nt monthly then the wonder scarce is seen.
Now out of sight daies waggoner was gone,
And the
Antipodes had shun upon.
[Page 68] The Sun burnt clouds but glimmer to the sight,
When at fam'd
Buxton's hot bath we alight.
Unto St.
Ann the Fountain sacred is:
With waters hot and cold its sources rise,
And in its Sulphur-veins there's med'cine lies.
This cures the Palsied members of the Old.
And cherishes the Nerves grown stiff and cold.
Crutches the Lame unto its brink convey,
Returning the ungrates fling them away.
The Barren hither to be fruitful come,
And without help of Spouse, go pregnant home,
Into a Cistern square, the water flowes;
And seldome higher than five foot it goes,
The prying gazer's view the Walls prevent,
To th' R
[...]in the Roof is an impediment.
One common Wall with open doors doth joyn.
[Page 70] While therefore turfie fewel does prepare
Our supper, jointly we resolved are
Our wearied limbs in the warm bath to cheer.
Soon stripp'd, the clearer waters round us glide,
And our naked limbs, with Christal covers hide,
Upon our face we swim, then backward try,
But fail. 'Tis known some others may outvy.
After an hours sport i'th' troubled floud,
Come out, dry sheets does our wet bodies shroud.
Then each again is cloth'd in's own array,
And the spread table speaks our suppers stay,
Night the mean time breaks forth from ëry glade
And conqu'ress covers all with darksome shade,
Till in by Candle-light our meats convey'd.
Where a small bowl, but not whole baths of broth
At our request is plac'd to be supt off.
The Mutton taken from't apart is laid;
[Page 72] From the same Sheep a smoaking loyn is had
Hot drawn from off the Spit, With a young fowl
From the demolish'd egg was lately stole.
And butter'd Pease by Spoonfuls. But rich Wine
In vain we seek; Ale in black pots that shine,
Good nappy Ale we drink. Thus supt, afar
We with Tobacco drive off sleep and care.
Aurora's Charriot had not driven on
And by her march spoke the approaching Sun,
By the eclipse of Stars that now were gone,
When we arose from sleep, again repair
To the warm bath, and amply tinged are
Now double dip't in its all healing floud,
Then once again, we our wet bodies shroud
Now dewy grown within our beds, and so
After nine hours sleep arise and go.
One thing remain'd, but highly worth our view,
Pool's hole, a Care so call'd, and near us too.
[Page 74] Pool was a famous thief, and as we're told
Equal to
Cacus, and perchance as old.
Shrowded within this darksome hid retrieve
By spoils of those he robb'd, he us'd to live,
And towards his den poor travellers deceive;
But murder he with thefts did introduce
Thus they, and thus the Author lay abstruce.
This to behold a skilful guide we take,
And Captain in our darksome journeys make.
To a green hill on foot then bend our way
Buxton near a thousand paces lay,
At bottom of the Hill to th' hollow ground
Stooping by a small vent a way is found;
More passable the further in you go.
At length we all with crablike gesture slow,
And light in hand, the passage do get through,
And with it gain an upright posture too,
A monstrous, horrid, shapeless den appears
[Page 76] Where the divided night, gives greater fears.
Now on the Court of the great Pool we look
Horrid, and rough with Rocks. The Ceiling struck
Shines with bright fiery sparks. We further yet
With mounted lights go on, and wary feet.
Vast, slippery, moist, and Stones to climb full hard
Loose, once to fall, now therefore to be fear'd,
Mountains and vallyes wild o'th' Stony Cave
We pass, with a blind River which each wave
With murmures flings, against the Rocks it meets
To th'top of a steep Mountain who doth get
From the low River rising, may with sweat,
And wearied hands, and weari'd feet, mount on
(Bolder by far than we) the utmost Stone
Of this dark Cave; three stadiums distant from
The entrance, by which to it we did come.
This Cave by
Gorgon with her snaky hair
You'd think was first possest; so all things there
[Page 78] Turn'd into Stone for nothing does appear
That is not Rock. What from the ceiling high
Like hams of
Bacon pendulous you spy,
Will scarce yield to the teeth; stone they are both
That is no Lyon mounts his main so rough,
And sets as a fierce tenant o'th' dark den,
But a meer yellow Stone. That grave old Man
That leaning lyes on his hard Rocky bed,
Himfelf may truly part of it be said.
Those Stars from the clear roof that shine so bright
Are nought but Stones which sparkle 'gainst the light.
The drop which hangs upon the pointed Stone
Is that so to? it is or will be one.
Took up between our fingers it is seen
To be nor Stone, nor Water, but between.
Of such a substance as a leaven'd Mass.
But on the
1 flying water as we gaze,
[Page 80] Our lights perswade us now grown tow'rds decay,
To haste from the Caves labarinth away.
But turning first on the left hand, behold
The bed-chamber of
Pool the robber bold;
All of plain Stone, ne're water'd with the dew,
Furnish'd with bed and chamber-pot we view.
And thence returning, to the day get clear.
Laborious climbing and of falls the fear,
Our wearied joints had now bedew'd with sweat,
Our creeping hands with the moist earth were wet.
When ready crouds at the Caves mouth attend
And waters mixt with flowers re-commend
Our hands to wash. Something indeed there is
Expected for these their civilties.
And justly too, were we wash'd ne're so clean,
Something of Dirtiness would still remain,
Unless by some rewards (although not great)
Their courtesies we should remunerate.
[Page 84] W'had seen now all the wonders of the Peak;
Buxton we return, and dining quick,
Our horse are brought; and we through clouds convey'd
Sheldon, (whilst two thousand pace are made)
Ashford, with
Shelmarton, petty towns,
Chatsworth fam'd, where the swift
Derwin runs.
AD NOBILISSIMUM DOMINUM GULIELMUM Comitem Devoniae, &c. De Mirabilibus
* Pecci.
ALpibus Angliacis, ubi
Pecci nomine, surgit,
Darbensis Regio, montes ad sidera tollens,
Foecundasque rigans, non uno flumine, valles,
Chatsworth praeclara domus, tum mole superba,
Tum Domino, Magnis, celerem
Deroentis ad undam.
Miranti similis portam praeterfluit Amnis,
[Page 5] Hic tacitus, saxis, infra supraque, sonorus.
At Mons terga domûs rapidis defendit ab Euris,
Ostendens longè exertis juga consita saxis,
Praesectoqûe die, producens tempora somni.
Summovet à tergo rupes gratissimus hortus,
Pinguis odoratis ubi tellus floribus halat;
Arbor ubi in mediis
3 silvis sibi libera visa,
Dat fructus injussa suos; ubi frondea tecta
Arboreis praebent invito frigorasole
4 Porticibus, potioratuae (
Maro) tegmine fagi,
Ars ubi (dissimulans artem) simulavit (ineptos
Consocians ferro lapides guttaque peresos)
In formes
5 scopulos, & frigida fontibus antra.
[Page 7] Libera
nativis veniens a rupibus unda
5 patrio captiva met allo,
Et tellure latens, duplicem jaculatur in orbem,
Jussa, suum laticem per mille foramina caeca,
Et scopulum complexa tenacibus undique
6 venis,
Jussa fugat misso subeuntes desuper imbre.
Hinc avecta creat sublimen marmore fontem,
Atque ingressa domum Promos conserva Cocosque
Ad juvat; in mediis surgitque penaltibus, alto
In fudens nitidam manibus de marmore lympham,
Et quamvis tubulis tantum effluat illa quaternis
[Page 9] Non tam
Calliroe pulchrè fluit
Reject o paulum suvio, sese ingerit horti
Angulus Alterius, tecta alta à fronte videntis.
Disposita hic gemino collucent ordine
8 stagna,
Immersum tremulis undis quatientia solem,
Queis magno numero salit & lascivus inerrat
Non intellecto conclusus carcere piscis.
Quàm juvat hic, quoties piscatrix candida praedam
Abjicet illectam, morem observare puellis
Innatum, captare viros, & spernere captos!
Quàm libet in mediis mirari fluctibus, alto
Aggere suspensos hortos! quae
Caesare moles
Cavendisiâ certè est in gente, pusillum
Foemineumque opus. At quota pars ea laudis
[Page 11]
Salopicae? quae multa, & magna palatia struxit;
Magnas divitias; magnamque bonamque paravit
Famam; quae magnos sibi conciliavit amicos,
Ornavitque humiles; Multam, magnamque reliquit
9 Prolem, qua regio late nunc usque beatur.
Quam dulce est, inter, circumque nitentia stagna
Insternete vias, aestivâ semper, arena,
Discipulum memet naturae tradere rerum;
Domino exiguum meditari carmine
Et multum Musis, describere rura, rogatis.
Commodiore loco non usquam habitare, nec usquam
Candidiore frui Musae censentur amico.
Hinc, ad tecta, solo surgente, ascendiur, Extra,
[Page 13] Augusta aspectu, sublimia, Regia; & intrae
Commoda, culta, capacia, splendida, ditia tecta.
At tu marmoreis quae sint descripta figuris
Ficta Poetarum, priscorum aut fact a virorum,
Ne cures, duro nec certans marmore Gypsum.
Ingenuos nec tu cupias numerare ministros,
Sed Dominum, mea Musa, colas, cui gente vetustâ
Orto, dat titulos
Devonia, Derbia
2 Curas.
Acrem judicio; constantem pectore; lautum,
Vtentemque opibus, luxu sine, & inter amicos.
Ille Chori vestri summum decus; ille benigna
Otia dat Musis; sed & illi Musa diserto
Ore loqui, atque animo secernere turpia honestis,
3 Dominam spectes, alta de gente
[Page 15] Magnanimo proavos spirantem pectore Reges.
Amborumque vide Sobolem, imprimis
1 Puellam
Dignam, qua caleant Superi, binos
2 Puellos
Angelicos, casti communia pignora lecti.
Hos tu mireris, sobolem
(que) & utrum
(que) parentem;
Caetera quae referes miracula, sunto minoris.
Alti censenter septem miracula
Aedes, Mons, Barathrum,
binus Fons, Antra
Scilicet illae ipsae, quas jam memoravimus, Aedes
Ornatae, tot sunt inter miracula, primae,
Intra has, ne Reliquis orto sermone quibusdam
Est visum, promptis rerum perdiscere causas,
Et mihi (nam
(que) operae pretium est) ea visere mira.
Anni tempus erat quo tellus foenora solvit;
[Page 17] Et vitreum sectis absterserat altus aristis
Phoebus rorem, cum tecto excedimus, Ipsi,
(que) viae servus
(que) (sed ille vicarius) unus.
Egressi auferimur portis, petimusque propinquam
Pilsley, dein
Hassop salebroso tramite. Montem
Hinc celsum, acclivemque, gradu lento, & pede lasso
Scandit equus, summum
(que) jugum mox calcat anhelus.
Conversi miramur aves jam repere segnes,
Atque humiles claro transfigi vertice nubes.
Chatsworth jam punctum,
Deroen jam linea curva est.
Vix iter inceptum sequimur, cum levia montis
Aspicimus crebro lacerari vulnere terga
[Page 19] Late
(que) egesta
1 liratim, albescere terrâ,
Est sublime solum, tenui
(que) friabile gleba,
Quod ne quando sua possit subsidere mole,
Natura ingenito suffulcit provida saxo.
At saxum innumeris divisit in ordine rimis,
Ater opum Dominus. Cunct as
(que) it a solis ab ortu,
Duxit in occasum, non ut sensisse calentem
Lampada Phoebaeam, sed & aspexisse putares.
Condidit his sulcis melioris cruda metalli
Semina, solari post perficienda calore,
Tutanda interera durae munimine rupis
[Page 21]
Ditis avara manus frustra. Nam nec satis igne
Concoquit obliquo Sol Plumbi terrea frusta,
Nec custodit humus sibi credita. Viscera terrae
(Certus opum quacunque latent regione repostae,
Insidiator) homo, ferro pervadit &
1 igne,
Saxea plumbiferae rescindit tegmina venae
Exhauritque audax jam, paupertate jubente,
Tartarei praedo fiscum spoliare Tyranni.
Haud impune aliquando.
2 Duos telluris in imo
Deprensos gremio, Mors occupat, at
(que) profundo
Oppressos tegit, ipsi quod fodêre, sepulcro.
3 Spiramenta (tubis aegrè admittentia
4 iniquis
[Page 23] Quos castigato detrudit inedia ventre)
Ligniculis intus
1 vincit, venam
(que) sequutas
Materie fossas sustentat, gnara pericli,
(que) experta, diu jam gens
2 damnata metallis;
Vt non incautos scires periisse, sed Orco
Quaesitos. Terrae hic subducit fulcra caducae,
(que) animas, vicinis congregat umbris.
Corpora corporibus quaerunt. Sic credita saepe est
Emissa amissam monstrasse sagitta sagittam,
Ante pedes unum terra jacet ecce cadaver
Effossum; nostri
(que) monet meminisse. Cadaver,
[Page 25] Marcida, iners, putris, nostri
(que) simillima res est▪
Alterum adhuc tectum tellure,
1 resurgere corpus
Expectat. Sedet egestae super aggere terrae
Turba supina, locis spectatum egressa propinquis;
(que) duae mulieres. Altera sueta
Gaudia perdiderat; spem amiserat altera dulcem.
Alterius flammam, longus restrinxerat usus;
Alterius, spes effraenis
(que) libido sciendi
Foverat ardentem. Plorant utrae
(que) Maritum.
Illa quidem luget, luget magis altera sponsum.
Deploranto. Viâ qua coeptum est pergimus ire▪
Jam pede mille quater passus numer amus equino.
[Page 27] Et toties socium spatiis pes quilibet aequis
Praeteriens, terram alterno percusserat ictu.
Anteit umbra pedes, monstrat
(que) brevissima,
1 qua sta
Titan parte poli, & quam nos spectamus euntes.
Linquimus opidula hinc at
(que) illinc plurima. Quorum
Postremum tantum Romane dicere
Spes est.
Caetera non referam impedientia nomina versum,
Per loca transversis longe late
(que) sodinis
Plena, solo
(que) cavo, & pleno mortalibus intus,
3 superi; medio tonat ungula Campo
Festinantis equi; at
(que) una, aut paulo amplius, hora,
Praecipitis ferimur subita ad declivia Montis.
Pronum erat hinc vicum subjectum intrare cadendo.
[Page 29] Sed nobis ambage viam & cauto pede tritam
Ire placet, primum
(que) ad dextras Sole recepto,
Et mox conversis laevo descendere eodem,
Paulatim, & pedibus nosmet concredere nostris.
Conscensis hic rursus equis, sub Monte sinistro,
Intramus pagum qui summa in rupe locatum
Aspect are jubet,
1 deducto nomine, Castrum.
Castrum non aliquo bellorum insigne labore;
Non magnum, non arcis opus spectabile; nostris
Impar tormentis, nec inexpugnabile priscis.
Antiquum tamen, & saxo super aedificatum,
Sustinet annorum, ventorum incommoda temnit.
Forsitan & Dominis sub plumbi-potentibus olim
Latronum potuit subitos arcere tumultus.
[Page 31] A
Castro statim mons scissus, detumet ambas
In partes; velut inclinato Corpore nostro
In crura extantes deturgent utra
(que) clunes.
In medio sinus est: at
(que) erectissima utrin
Rupes quae ingenti redituram pondere terram
Destinet, & tutis succedere ad intima praestat.
Jam ventum est (pudet effari)
Piutonis ad
(Vt vocitant pleri
(que)) loci vocat incola,
Peak's ars.
Nobile suspensis aperitur rupibus Antrum,
2 Ignoto tibi Phoebe loco, sed segnibus Vrsis
Obverso, & reliquis mergi metuentibus astris.
In speciem
(que) patet furni, vel qualiter Orci
Ora perhorrifico pinguntur hiantia rictu
Ite auditum, turbam sorbentis abactam.
[Page 33] Sublimes intramus equis. Tecta intus, & altos
Suspicimus cumulos detonsi maner a prati.
1 coelum attoniti miramur saxeum, ut ingens
Sustineat montis nullo fulcimine pondus;
(que) tuas aeterne Geometer artes.
Cernimus & denso colatam fornice lympham
Guttatim elabi, & solidâ tellure receptam,
Aequoream in patriam reditum jam nunc meditari;
Jam nunc exiguis properare canalibus, undas
Quaerentem soeias, & fortius ire parantem.
(que) Amnes ipsis videor didicisse magistris,
Non fieri, salsum terra potante, liquorem
[Page 35] Littora adipsa maris, quasi celsis montibus ipse
Celsior Oceanus conclusam expelleret undam;
Sed mare
Phoebaeâ tenuatum surgere flammâ
In Caelum; actum
Eoliis err are ministris;
Phoebo fallente algens, tota
(que) recepta
Natura, in terras fletu descendere; & esse
Flumina collectas lachrymas. Placet ima cavernae
Vmbrosae, illatâ penetralia visere luce.
Descensos ab equis, antri virguncula civis
Praecedit, formosa satis, nimiumque puella;
(que) animos, gressusque regit jucunda
1 Celeustis.
Primumque ingressis
2 confuso lumine sensim
[Page 37] Accedunt cantes utrin
(que) diemque recurvis
Extinguunt sinubus, Tum demittentia sese
1 quadrupedes admittunt fornice saxa.
Erecto rursum rursum mox corpore prono
Pergimus, alterna pecudes homines
(que) figura.
Donec transverso tandem prohibemur ab amne.
Amnem quem clausum fert sub tellure canalis
Hactenus, hic humili patitur spirare sub arcu;
(que) inter dum non irrevocabilis unda.
Nunc speculatores propius, nunc longius arcens.
Huc nobis, ultra nulli licet ire, Nec est fas
Credere narranti vetulae de patre,
quod olim
Lychnorum ingressus librali fasce, fluentum
2 modicum tranavit, & ulteriora sequutus,
[Page 39] Tantum ivit, quantum licuit remeare
1 timenti
Incidere in noctem. Remeamus, & altius ante
Signatis, uda imprimimus vestigia arenis.
Exuimus noctem, dias
(que) recepimus oras
Cum emersis, ante ora, poli mons aemulus alti
Tollitur, avulso praeceps ceu fragmine murus.
Defluere aeternum perhibent a vertice terram,
Nec tamen imminui montem. Mirabile dictu.
Constaret si certa fides. Sed acutus arena
Labente, agnoscens tumulus, tacito indicat auctu,
Continuum hunc fluxum primum caepisse ruina
Ingenii, aequato
(que) habiturum culmine finem.
(que) vocant alii correpto nomine
Rectius hunc Clivum videor mihi dicere
[Page 41] Quod sonat Angligenis
Clivus Mutilatus, & ipse
Mons, nomen magnâ Mutilatus parte fatetur.
Progredimur, versi ad laevam, duo millia passum
Ad septam muris, dict amque, sine arbore,
Peccanam, Cervos nudis in montibus urit
Acris hyems, nulla tectos à frigore fronde;
Sicca aestas, nulla tectos à solibus umbra.
Saeva hominum, canibus sociis, lascivia multos,
Multos saeva necat varii inclementia coeli,
Fovea absorbet non magnam
Eldenia partem,
Est ea terribilis scissae telluris hiatus,
Quem digne ut memorem veterum undi
(que) convoco frustra
[Page 43] Concilium, nam tale nihil finxere Poetae
Tentandum tamen; & primum quam formam habet oris
Musa refer; formae simili componito. Magno
Nam potes exemplo parvis componere magna,
Dic tandem; dic summisso soli mihi, in aurem▪
1 obscoenae sibi conscia virgo figurae.
In latere herbosi collis, pascentia circum
Distituens armenta solum, rima
(que) secundo
Monte patens, auras atro inbibit ore sequaces.
Quod procumbentes oculis de margine pronis
Cum inspicimus, vastum inspect antes terret inane,
(que) horrens animus videt infinitum.
[Page 45] Et quamvis tutos jam securos
(que) tueri
Continuo stantes hortentur marmore ripae,
Non animis eadem spondentibus, ora
Demimus, & diro regnatis Dite tenebris,
At lapides toto sparsos conquirimus agro,
Verbere qui tandem per longa silentia missi
Quis sit eis doceant (si quis sit) finis eundi.
Missisubsidunt lapides, feriunt
(que) cadentes
Caecam (sed longo feriunt post tempore) rupem.
Inde docent decies repetitio verbere lapsi.
Deceptos decies necquicquam quaerere fundum.
Tum vero ardemus, si vis respondeat aequa.
Ingerere integras turres, & tect a (si adessent,
Et non angusto tellus nimis ore negaret)
Tota simul, totos
(que) altos ibi perdere montes.
Quod licet, immani defixum pondere saxum,
Vi multa eruimus, prona & tellure volutum
[Page 47] Sistimus ad sacrum limen. Tum talia famur.
" Umbrarum praefecte Deus cruciatibus, Ecce,
" Securi nostrae sortis, certique supernae
" Jampridem sedis (ni nos tibi concolor author
" Fallat) tormentum jam inventis addimus unum.
" Pone sub hac rimâ, tibi siqua sit umbra rebellis,
" Insignilve fide violatâ. Subde
" Aut
Judam (Judam Iscarioten,) Subde
" Contriti fient Umbrarum protinus umbrae.
" At vos, O animae, quibus incaluere retentis
" Cognita amicorum, dilecta
(que) corpora nobis,
" Ferte pedem retro monitae, & non temnite dictâ.
Sic fati, lapidem demittimus. Ille per aur as
Stagnantes, densa mersus caligine fertur
[Page 49] In scopulum. Gemit horrendum percussa Caverna,
(que) cient alte suspiria moles.
Excussum primo, scopulus mox excipit alter,
Audito sonitu nobis minus, at magis Orco,
Territat arrectis jam stantes auribus umbras
Tertius, atque minis quartus propioribus ictus.
Quid moror? undeno
1 dentatum guttur Averni
Verbere dum transit, se & tunc lapis ire susurrat.
Post id quicquid iners aer vix auribus adfert,
Non sonus est, sed imago soni. Vento ocyus umbrae
Diffugiunt, Erebi
(que) tegi sub fornice certant.
Interea infernas percurrit in ordinae Sphaeras,
Descendens tacite saxum. Confinia
[Page 51] Attingit,
1 vacuna evertitq, sedilia Patrum.
Inde per intensum festinans labitur
2 ignem,
Candentesque animas (tubulorum more recoctas
Fictilium, quos, tramsmissa fuligine, pinguis
Infecit Peti fumus) coelo
(que) locandas.
3 semelnatorum pervolat
4 orbem.
(Inscius admissi poena luit
5 inscius, infans.)
Ultima tum subiens, infanda
(que) Tartara, centrum
Transit (at haesurum promiserat
Credenda umbra tamen) fundum
(que) ascendit adimum.
Et redeunt trepidi Manes residente favilla;
Quos inter timet, & fertunus Sysiphus aegre
Succesisse suo graviori pondere saxum.
Fertur ad hoc Antrum venisse Lecestrius heros,
[Page 53]
Dudleius, notus Comes is regnantis
Ille inopem quendam parvo (sic eredimus) ae
Conductum & longo succinctum pectora fune,
Instructum conto, Pelleam imitante Sarissam,
1 Exploratores cophino
(que) ferente lapillos
Demitti, & media ussit pendere Caverna.
Inde jaci lapides, at
(que) auribus aera pronis
Captari, inde cavum propius scrutarier altum.
Descendens pavide miser, accedentia saxa
Nunc removet conto, nunc desiliente lapillo
Calculat immensum spatium, numer atque, quot ict us
Tot mortes; & fila timet pendentia vitae,
Ne quis lascivus secet, injussu
Postquam bis centum sub terram circiter ulnas
Mersus substiterat, funemq, tetenderat omnem,
[Page 55] Satque diu tenso de fune pependerat, Antro
Extrahitur, cupido Heroi responsa daturus.
Verum, sive metus mentem expugnaverat ingens;
Sive celer motus torti vertigine funis
Immodica, Solio Rationem excusserat alto;
Sive Erebi, sive ipsa sui jam spectra timoris
Pallida terruerant; sive arcem mentis abactae
Spiritus inferni possederat improbus Orci;
Haud dubie furit infoelix. Sic lumina torva,
Mutatusque color, pallor, tremor, omnia monstrant
Ergo ubi non cuiquam intellect a profuderat, & quae
Aequabat magnis
1 sententia nulla Prophetis,
Conticuit, Manes
(que) dies post octo
2 revisit.
Comes audito quo
3 pertinet us
(que) Caverna,
Horruit, & (non hac, ne
(que) nunc subiturus) abivit.
[Page 57] Hinc centum passus decies numer amus, & ecce,
In valle occulta, radicibus exilit imis
Graminei Collis, gemino
1 Fons ore perennis.
Quem quoniam immensi mirandos aequoris aestus
Ludere in exigua fama affirmaverat unda,
Visum est (quantumvis Phoebo properante) morari
Paulisper, si forte aquulae miracula detur
Aspicere admotis, & famae testibus esse.
Quae vitreis ebullit aquis tremula unda, duarum
Major, splendidiorque & poscens sola videri,
Excipitur pu
[...]eo, structis non aequiparando,
Sed qui fortuito quovis ornatior ortu est.
Inde soluta fluit, nisi quae fundo retinetur
Lata duos cubitos, tres longa, unum
(que) profunda.
[Page 59] Vnum dico suo quando contenta liquore
Subsidet, at binos quando hospite tollitur undae.
Labra reclinatae signabat saxea ripae
Linea, quam latices ipsi fecere tumentes,
Subnigris saxis modo detumuisse reperti.
Ergo cessatos iterum expectare labores
Taedet, & improbius visum est. Discedere prorsu
Admotis properamus equis. Jam jam
(que) abeuntes
Concussis revocamur aquis. Liquidos
(que) videmus
Attolli latices; sensim
(que) irrepere saxis.
(que) fere pleno saltabat fervida fonte
Lympha, velut rabidus cum subditur ignis ahen
Nescia stare loco, refugit saevum unda metallum▪
Cum juxta fontem, condicto rivulus ortu
[Page 61] Erumpit subito, super infuso
(que) liquore,
Praestat aquae solitos auctae contingere fines.
Quo perducta iterum decrescit, & illico rivi
De super immissirestinguitur impetus, & quae
Respuerat repetit sitiens sua pocula Tellus.
Distracti laticis pars effluit altera ripis
Fontis; pertuso infertur pars altera fundo.
Furtague muscosis erepta levissima saxis,
(que) & paleam & tenuis praesegmina chart
Sive aliud quicquam parva superabile lympha
Injicimus, rediens infert in viscera terrae,
(que) humili fonti, proprius vix constitit humor,
Cum redeunt fluctus; Iterum ceu febre laborat
Vnde tremens; iterum aestuat; aucta
(que) lymphis
[Page 63] Externis iterum
1 tropicam contingere metam
Sufficit, accepto velans sua littora fluctu;
(que) iterum residet, Sed nos vetat
2 umbra morari,
Vmbra gigan
[...]eas mentita Colossea formas,
Maturamus iter, sed quaerimus inter eundum,
Conamurque, omni collato discere signo,
Abdita quae tantum concivit causa tumultum.
Nam neque Salsedo, neque quid commune marinis,
His reperitur aquis; Phoebes nil imputat astro
Fons hic, temporibus nec tollitur (ut mare) certis,
[Page 65] Aestibus his nullam praefigit Ephemeris horam.
Ergo quid in causa est? Paucis sic accipe. Prodit
Quae tellure cavâ, fonti
(que) ill abitur unda
Advena, non istuc proprio delata canali
Pervenit, at
(que) volens alienos occupat ortus,
Sed dum ductricis sequitur vestigia lymphae,
Longinquosque petit, per terrae viscera, fontes,
Intratin angustis subeunda meatibus antra.
Huc quoties humor tumefactâ de fluit undâ,
Praecipitique aditum comprendit flumine totum,
Protinus aura locum conclusatuetur, aquis
Pernegat ingressum, nec habens quo cedere, pugnat,
[Page 67] Vtque est deprensa nihil obfirmatius aura,
Sustinet urgentes exili corpore lymphas,
Tum, conferta velut si portis irruat arctis
Turba, haerent, ipso defixi in limine, primi;
Quae sequitur stat pro foribus stipata caterva,
Parsque urget socios, alias dilabitur & pars
Quaesitura vias: Exclusus defluus humor
Intumet, impatiens
(que) morae, expatiatur, & errans
Fertur in hunc fontem, lentarum impulsor aquarum.
Hinc fit post magnos guttis pluvialibus imbres
Transmissis, aestus fieri crebros, & in horas,
Fluctum (ut nunc) vicibus tolli, & subsidere ternis.
Sed post continuis tellurem ardoribus ustam,
Vix semel in toto cerni haec miracula mense.
Jam nostres fugiens visus, Auriga diei
Antipodas tota lustrabat Lampade; nobis
[Page 69] Languida succensae praebebant lumina nubes
Et simul ad celebrem tepidis deponimur undis
Buxtonam. Divae sacer est fons inclytus
Ambas miscet aquas calidae gelidae
(que) ministra
Tellus; sulphureis
(que) effundit Pharmac a venis,
Haec resoluta senum confirmat membra trementum,
Et refovet nervos lotrix haec lympha gelatos.
Huc infirma regunt baculis vestigia claudi;
Ingrati referunt baculis vestigia spretis.
Huc, Mater fieri cupiens, accedit inanis,
Plenaque discedit, puto, nec veniente marito.
Excipitur, ferme quadrato fonte, serena
Nascens unda & quin
(que) pedes vehit alta natantes.
Spectator muris, & tecto excluditur imber.
Hospitioque eadem gratissima balnea nostro
[Page 71] Conjungit foribus paries communis apertis.
Ergo placet, coquitur dum cespite coena cremato,
Defessos lymphis refovere tepentitbus artus.
Protinus exuti, nitidis illabimur undis,
Nudaque perspicuis velamus corpora lymphis.
Nunefacie prona namus; nunc nare supini
1 Bibimus. Nec enim omnia possumus omnes.
Postquam vexatis per totam fluctibus horam
Lusimus; egressi siccis lodicibus udi
Induimur. Mox quisque suo vestimur amictu,
Vestitos stratis expect at coenula mensis.
Nox atra interea simul evolat omnibus antris.
Et victrix tenebris involverat omnia caecis,
Donec succensis infertur coena lucernis.
Jam nobis
lixae non integra balnea
Sed modicum
2 consultis ponitur.
[Page 73] Tum
1 conditis thermis educta, seorsim.
ovis ejusdem fumans à cuspide
Et nuper rupto
filus ovo.
Pisaque quae nobis converrat cochlear uncta.
ditia cùm frustra quaerantur pocula
Ollâ subridens bibitur
cervisia nigrâ.
peto somnos arcessimus hausto.
Postera Phoebaeos ducens Aurora triumphos
Nondum vulgares Caelo dimoverat ignes,
Cùm somno excusso tepidis immergimur undis
Rursus, & infieimur penitus medicante liquore
Jam dibaphi; atq iîerum rorantia corpora lecti
Reddimus, & nonâ de somno surgimus horâ.
Vnica restabat, verum dignissima visu,
Haud procul hinc
Spelunca Poli, sic dicta Caverna.
Insignis latro
Polus, &, si credere famae
[Page 75] Debemus, furipar Caco, & forte coaevus.
Hac usus latebra consuevit vivere rapto;
Atque viatores spoliandos ducere in Antrum.
Verum & eisolenne fuit conjungere furtis
Caedem; Sic texit scelera authoremque Caverna.
Hanc inspecturi penitus, ductore perito
Caecarum assumpto ima sub tellure viarum,
Eximus, pedites collem petimus
(que) virentem,
Distantem nostra vix passus, mille taberna.
Ipsas ad montis radices, concava tellus
Prostratis aditum pertusa foramine praebet
Exiguo, minus at praemissis invia
1 plantis.
Omnes cancrino gressu, sumpta
(que) lucerna
Quisque sua, tandem transmittimur, erigimur
Antrum, horrendum, informe, ingens aperitur. Et atra
Divisa in partes nox dissilit atrior ambas.
[Page 77] Asperaque apparei
Latronis, & horrida Saxis
Regia. Percussum rutilo micat igne lacunar.
Progredimur. Pedi bus
(que) admoto lumine cautis,
Saxa ingentia, roscida, lubrica, & ardua scansu,
Libera, corruitura semel, nunc ergo timenda,
Saxosaeque feros montes valles
(que) Cavernae
Transimus; fluvium
(que) suas qui dissipat undas
Caecus in object as impingens murmure rupes.
Qui scandet rauco surgentem à flumine montem,
Ille licet sudet
(que), pedes
(que) manus
(que) fatiget,
Dissita ab introitu stadiis tribus, ultima opaci
Pertinget (multo nobis audacior) Antri.
Speluncam hanc credaes habitatam Gorgone primùm
Anguicomâ, & versa in rigidum sic omnia Saxum,
[Page 79] Nam lapis est, quodcun
(que) vides. Laquearibus altis
Quae sicci tibi terga
Suis pendere videntur,
Dentibus haüd cedent. Durum sunt utra
(que) saxum.
Non est ille
Leo, Leo, quamvis erigat hirta
Colla jüba, sedeat
(que) Antri ferus incola caeci,
Sed fulvus lapis. Ille
Senex qui rupibus aspris
Innisus recubat cubito, pars rupis & ipse est.
Quaeque lacunari scintillam Astra micante,
Sunt nitidi illata gemmantes luce lapilli:
Guttaque quae saxi mucro nunc pendet acuti,
Numquid & illa lapis? lapis illa vel est, vel erit mox
Admoti exceptam digito deprendimus esse
Nec lapidem, nec aquam, verum media inter utrum
Natura, quali
(que) tenax humore farina.
Detinet intentos dum
1 transfuga lympha, lucernae,
[Page 81] Curtae perplexâ suadent exire Cavernâ.
Sed prius ad laevam remeantes, undiq, saxo
Obductum plano, Furis, nullo
(que) madentem
Poli thalamum, lecti, lasani
(que) capacem,
Inspicimus. Superis tum demum reddimur oris.
Jam tepido fessos sudore rigaverat artus,
Scandendique gravis labor, & formido cadendi.
Reptantumque manus obleverat humida tellus.
Verum ante ora speeus turba officiosa, lavandis
Praebebat manibus permistam floribus undam.
Scilicet exigitur tacite pro munere nummus.
Recte. Nam
(que) haerent sordes ut cun
(que) lavemur
Ni (quamquam levibus) referatur gratia donis.
Omnia jam
Pecci Miracula vidimus
[Page 85]
Buxtonamque iterum perlatis, & cito pransis
Adducuntur equi, nos qui inter nubila vectos,
Solliciteque decem numerantes millia passûm,
Per non insignes
Chelmarton, Sheldon, &
Chatsworth referunt celerem
Deroentis ad undam.