A History of the New PLOT: Or, A Prospect of Conspirators, their Designs Damnable, Ends Miserable, Deaths Exemplary.


The Twenty Seven Propositions Con­demned and Executed by the Consent of the University of Oxford, which are as follows.

THE First Proposition is, That the People are the Fountain of Power. 2ly, There's a mutual Compact, and the Power Forfeitable upon Breach of Trust. 3dly, Power Forfeitable for Misgovernment. 4ly, The King one of the Three Estates. 5. Birthright gives no Title. 6. Subjects may Covenant for De­fence, without, and Against the Supreme Ma­gistrate. 7. Self-Preservation is the Sovereign Law. 8. Resistance Lawful for Religion. 9. A­gainst Passive Obedience. 10. Possession is a good Title. 11. The State of Nature is a state of War, in which every man hath a Right to all things. 12. The Foundation of Civil Authori­ty is this Natural Right. 13. Every man re­tains a Right of Defending himself against Force, tho' a Member of a Society. 14. An Oath Su­per-adds no Obligation to Pact; and a Pact Obliges no further then it is Credited. 15. If a People Sinfully Dispossess One Prince; and contrary to a Former Oath, Covenant with A­nother, the Later Covenant stands. 16. All Oaths are Unlawful. 17. The Taker Swears in his own Sense. 18. Dominion Founded in Grace. 19. Civil Powers Usurp upon the Pre­rogative of Christ. 20. Kings Subject to the Presbytery. 21. No Impositions Lawful in Gods Worship, unless antecedently Necessary. 22. The Duty of Not Offending a weak Brother, is in­consistent with all humane Authority of making Laws concerning Indifferent Things. 23. Judges and Inferior Magistrates ought to put Wicked Kings, and Tyrants to Death; and if they fail, the Power devolves to the People. 24. God's People are to expect New Revelations for a Rule of their Actions, and upon an Inward Motion from God may destroy Tyrants. 25. The Presi­dent of Phinehas is to us instead of a Command. 26. The Murderers of Charles the First, were the Instruments of Gods Glory. 27. Charles the First making War upon his Parliament; was Lawfully Resisted, and no longer King.

DAvid's Subjects Loyal, did estimate him better worth than Ten Thousand of his Subjects, 2 Sam. 18.3.

By the only Wise God, this great King of Kings, Monarchy was first established. Moses was a Monarch and King in Jeshurum, Deut. 33.5.

Joshua and the rest of the Judges or Dukes, were Virtually tho' not Formally Kings.

The Habit of Saintship, or if Interest and a long Sword, and strong Arm will not do: For Powers are Ordain'd of God, and not of men, (and this in the New-Testament dayes) Rom. 12.4.6.

Note, God foretold Israel of their having a King, Deut. 17.14, 15. And this King was not chosen by the People, but by Lot, 1 Sam. 10

And when Samuel shewed the People him whom the Lord had chosen, &c. The People shouted, and said, God Save the King: or as the Hebrew Margent, Let the King Live.

Consult Scripture and you will find, that Judgments have Dogg'd at the heels of all such Subjects as have either secretly or openly Risen up in Conspiracy or Rebellion against their Lawful Kings. Had Zimri peace who Slew his Master? 2 Kings 9.31.

Hence let the Original of Kingly Power teach us, in Conscience towards God, to stand in De­fence of our King.

To Strengthen this, let us reflect back upon the Judgments that overtook the Instruments of our late Kings Murther.

Gods Providence takes a special Care of the Safety of Princes, and that he is immediately concerned to avenge their Blood; that seeing the Powers that be, are ordained of God, it follows, That not only he that Rebels, but even he that Resisteth the Power, resisteth Gods Ordinance; the Consideration of which will prove the an­cient Maxime true, That Christianitys Consi­stency is always attended with Loyalty; which is the great Design of this Exemplar.

Absolom Conspires against his Father, 2 Sam. 15.

Chap. 18. Absolom in the wood of Ephraim, is hanged by the hair, in a great Oak, and slain by Joab.

The Amalekite that stood upon Saul and slew him, he being not afraid to destroy the Lords Anointed, is slain by the Command of David, 2 Sam. 1.14, 15. for slaying the Lords Anointed, v. 16.

Baasha Conspired against Nadab, the King, and slew him at Gibethon, and Reigned in his stead, 1 Kings 15.28, 29.

Ela the Son of Baasha, that slew Nadab, Zim­ri his Servant, Conspired against him, and slew him after he had Reigned two years, 1 Kings 16.8, 9, 10.

Zimri Reigned but seven days, who slew Ela, and when the People Encamped, heard say, Zimri hath Conspired, and also slain the King, the Souldiers made Omri, the Captain of the Host, King, Zimri desperately Burnt himself, at Tirza in the Pallace of the Kings House, 1 Kings 16.15, &c.

Ahab the Son of Omri is slain at Ramoth Gi­lead, the Dogs lick up his Blood, 1 Kings 22.34.38.

Jehoash is slain by his servants, that made a Conspiracy, 2 Kings 12.20.

Amaziah slew his servants that had slain the King his Father, 2 Kings 14.5.

2 Chron. 33.24, 25. King Amons Servants Conspire and slay him in his own house, but the People of the Land slew all them that had Con­spired.

The New Testament is not slack in foretel­ling the last Ages, Perilous Times, and mark'd them out, Rom. 16.

As servers of their own Bellies, deceiving the Hearts of the People. Satans Ministers are Transformed, Gal. 5.19, &c.

Windy Doctrines of men, cunning Crafti­ness, and lying in wait to deceive, Eph. 4.14.

But Timothy Exhorts especeially, Supplicati­ons, Praytrs, and Intercessions especially for Kings. 1 Tim. 2.1.

And 2 Tim. 3. is express concerning these perilous Times, Traytors, Heady, High-minded, Reprobates, Seducers, Itching Ears, turned in­to Fables, Chap. 4 3, 4.

Titus 1.10. &c. Vain Talkers and deceivers, subvert whole houses: Their mind and Con­science being defiled, abominable and disobedi­ent to every Good work.

2 Pet. 2.1.10. False Teachers, despisers of Government, Presumptuous, Selt-willed, that speak Evil of Dignities, Scoffers, walkers after their own lusts.

Jude v. 8.19. Renders such, Filthy Dreamers, Despisers of Dominion, Evil speakers of Dig­nities, Sensual, Separatists, not having the Spirit.

LONDON, Printed for Randolph Taylor, 1683.

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