UNDER GOD Humbly Desiring his Blessing to this Famous and Wonderful Never Failing CORDIAL DRINK OF THE WORLD. The Great PRESERVER of Mankind.
A SECRET Far beyond any thing YET KNOWN TO THE WORLD. Never Published by any but by me Thomas Hinde G. in London, Most Approved and Admirable for its EXCELLENT VERTUES AND USES.

This is to give notice to all Person, That my Cordial is sold at no place in London, or in England, but within Aldersgate in St. Martins, next door to the Fountain Tavern, at the Pi­cture Drawers House, and also in York City in Owsegate, at the Hand and Pen, at Mr. John Haindes house, as at the end of my Bills will fully direct you, and the Price of each Bottle; and that you may know (that I Thomas Hinde am the True Author) I have for prevention of all Pretenders and Counterfits, set my Seal on my Bottles, being the Wounded Hind with ☞ T. H. incompassed in a Lawrel, that none may be Deceived by any, being informed that the Counterfiting of it, hath been often Attempted to the Displeasure of many, &c.

And though my Bills and Directions, and the Seal on my Bottles may be Counterfited, yet if they have it at the two aforesaid Houses, they cannot be deceived, but shall have it as Pure and Good, as if they had it out of my own hands; neither are my Bills given commonly about, but only with my Cordial at those two houses, &c.

And of late one boldly takes upon him to make use of my cures in the words of my Bills and Directions, and sets them forth in his own Name, and wilely under the Notion of the Peo­ple, and injurious abuse of my Name, to disgorge inveterately his designed malice, spight and envy, with close and great deceit against my succesful proceedings and great Cures attested by the People, and not only so, but wilfully inventeth what he will, and useth endeavors to defame me too, and this to draw his purpose about, to bring a reputation on his Liquor, by maligning of my Never Failing Cordial.

As for his near driven shift, with a hardy brazen Brow, to say that he taught me, and that he never revealed the Receit to any in the World. It is notorious false, both Oracle and Vassal, hath failed in their Dictates, and deceived one another, for he could never reveal that [which himself never knew] nor any in the Nation. Neither am I so prodigal of my Writing, or did ever use such practises to set my hand to Justifie false transactions, and stolen words out of my very own Bills of my Cures of the Stone and experiences on the People.

My laborious Travels in divers forraign Counteries, and great pains above Twenty years, is truly well known; and how curious inquisitive I was in the great concernment of health, as now effectually appeareth.

And am now informed of many pretenders that would shamefully Counterfit it, to deceive the People, and lay claim to the Practise of my Never Failing Cordial, they hearing of its great Cures, have changed their white Liquor to another Culler, [to revive its dying Nature,] but it is all in vain to change Cullers, for the thing like the thing, is not the thing it self, to work, the effect intended; for there is several ingredients in mine that none in England doth know off, which through the blessing of God, doth powerfully prevail to effect the Cures my Bills mentions, at doth dayly appear by the 'Peoples experience.

THis Cordial is so Agreeable to Nature, that it performs all its Operation as Nature would have it; as if She had fitted to her Self, or found out Mediums to reduce all her Extreams to an equal Temper; It being fitted to all Humors, Ages, Complexions, Sexes, and Constitutions: For if any Noxious Humour offend the Noble Parts, This Great Preserver will so Highly Fortifie Nature, that it will not admit any Enemy to enter: And He or She that keeps this Inestimable Jewel by them, May bid Farewel to former ways they used, and will save them that Great Expence of Charge.

For by good Experience of my own sad Condition, and Others, for the space of Five Years, I was driven from one Doctor to another, but all that they could do was not able to help me; and was at the Wells. They said, If that did not Cure me, no Physick would; but I found no help there, so that they had given me over: For had I continued longer, in all human sense I should have been in my Grave long ere now.

But I fell to the use of This My Never Failing Cordial, which in a very short time set me at Liberty, and am now in perfect Health: All Glory be to God for it.

THis Great Preserver, or Never Failing Cordial will not fail to Cure the GOUT; for it Stifles it in its Birth, or Kills it in its Strength, as true Experience hath found: Extracting out of all parts of the Body, those Crude and Viscous Humours, which are the Spawn and nourisher of it: and doth free the Joynts of all other Diseases to Admiration.

Dissolving the Stone and Gravel; a better Remedy CANNOT BE: For when it's Congeated, it brings away, (the Sand and Gravel soft) as Butter or Fine Flower under your Finger; and not only so, but doth destroy the Original Cause: It Never faileth to Cure the Gravel in the Reins and Kidneys Ulcerated, that sendeth forth water like blood, and wonderfully Cleanseth the Reins of all Foulness and Imperfections, and forceth Urine.

It restoreth all languishing Natures, and Melancholy drooping Spirits: It will not fail but Perfectly Cure the Hypochondriack Melancholy; and doth most Powerfully oppose all Black, and mixed Humours, as the Grand Enemy to Nature: for it is continually drawing them out of the Veins and Arteries into the Stomack, and from thence sendeth them away,( after that) Nature Rejoyceth.

It pursueth the Surfeits from place to place; and though the body be swell'd up, in two days time it will raise them out of their Beds, and set them on their Feet again: It taketh away the Scurvy out of the Body Root and Branch; and the Dropsie to Admiration, and all other Distempers that join with it.

It taketh away the Head-ach, dissiness, and Swimming in the Head, or Megrim; Convulsion-Fits in the Head, and Swooning away in their Night Sleep, Though Afflicted for many years.

It helpeth bad Digestion, Pain or any stoppage of the Stomach, and shortnes of Breath: It Causeth a good Appetite, and Defendeth the Head From all Vapours which ascend from the Mother and Spleen; and is a most certain Remedy against the Cholick, or any griping of the Guts, and stayeth Vomiting.

It taketh away all Pains from the Heart, and Perfectly Cureth those that are stopt with Flegm, as Choaked, and stifled in their Sleep for want of Breath.

It giveth Ease to Antient People of the Tissick, but Cureth those that are not too far gone.

THis Harmless and Pleasant Cordial is so great a Friend to all Women­kind, that they cannot have a Richer Jewel bestowed upon them as relating to their Health than this; That will not fail to Clear them from Obstructions, fitting and inabling them for Conception, and also after Deli­very or Miscarriage, though in danger of death, it is an effectually remedy.

It doth Cure the Green-Sickness of all sorts in two dayes: This is that which will not Fail but bring them to a Virgin-blush, Upholding Nature in the Strength and Vigour, Making the Visage well Coloured, the Breath Sweet, the Body Lusty.

It helpeth fore and Rheumy Eyes; it stays all Rheums that fall from the Head upon the Lungs: It perfectly easeth all Coughs, Colds, and wheesings; and Cures Consumptions if not far gone.

It doth free the Liver and Spleen of all Obstructions, and so by that means helpeth the Fits of the Mother and Spleen: It is good for Nurses which give Suck, for it will cleanse their Blood, and Cause good and Wholesome Milk; It Cures the Rickets in Children, by opening the Obstruction, and many other scurvy Diseases.

It bursteth and perfectly destroyeth Worms of those that are in Years, and al­most over gone with them, bringing away the skins of half a yard, and near a yard long; As hath been Proved.

It keepeth a clear Passage between the Head and Heart, and will not Admit of any Noxious Humours to annoy the Noble Parts: It will keep off those Frightful Fears, and Griefs, from their violent feizing on the Heart, enabling a Weak Person to make wonderful resistance, by taking away the sharp Humours; which they may see come away: A happy Riddance.

It takes away the Extream Burnings in the bottoms of the Feet, and Palms of the Hands, which so fore afflict the Heart: Those that are too hot, it cooleth; and in them that are too cold, it increaseth heat and strength, by taking away the Cause, as the Directions at large do shew.

To Conclude, it highly exalts the Generative Vertue, restoreth Radical Moisture; Cleanseth and Strengthneth the Vessels, in both Sexes.

I need not Name Particulars.

FOr, in a word, its that which Stifles most Diseases in their Birth, or Kills them in their Strength, keeping all Sexes in their Pristine Health; who will Admire the Effects, and consess it to be a Rich Treasure in time of Need, which will not fail them (under God;) For it doth most wonderfully Purifie the whole Body of Man, so that few Diseases (God's appointed time being not come) is able to withstand it: For most Distempers are subject to its Innocent and won­derful Operation. Did the World but know it, they would highly Esteem it a speedy Friend to Health, truly deserving the due praise of all Men.

And (through the goodness of God) by long Traveling, I Purchased with a great Sum this Pearl, and Inestimable Jewel, (as I did many) but this is the best that ever I heard of amongst them all, for it hath perfectly Cured me, ( That was Afflicted with most of the aforesaid Distempers.) I might have bought Diamonds at a far Cheaper Rate than the Gravel-Stones cost, that came from me in Unspeakable extremity.

And through the Earnest Desire of Many that knew and heard of my long Languishing Condition, and now Cured by this Rich Cordial, have Importuned with me so far, for to Publish it, (though I need it not for gain:) For I have a Competent Estate otherways to live on without the Practice of this.

But out of an Hearty Design of Promoting the Health and Common Good of All,

Who may and would be helped, I have set forth this, to inform the wonderful Effects that have been wrought by this Cordial Spirit, and abundantly Testified at large by many, which this Bill cannot contain, to give all sorts of Persons full satisfaction of its Innocent and wonderful Operation in the whole Body of Man; but for brevity sake I have here omitted.

☞ I do faithfully promise all Persons, That this Cordial Drink is so safe, and so truly prepared, and does taste so pleasant, That the least Child may take it, Sick or Well, Winter or Summer.

I have inserted nothing but what my Cordial will not fail to Cure, AS EXPERIENCE HATH FOUND upon Men, Women, and Children, and doth find true to the End.

This approved and Never-Failing Cordial, is Sold in no place in England but in London, within Aldersgate in St. Martins, next Door to the Fountain-Tavern at the Picture-Drawers House, at 6 s. the Pint Bottle, and 3 s. the half Pint Bottle; And also at Mr. John Haindes House dwelling in York City in Owsegate at the Hand and Pen, with Directions at large in Print for the Use of it, at 7 s. the Pint Bottle, and 3 s. 6 d. the half Pint Bottle, for Conveniency of all to save Charges, and bid Farewel to their former ways for ever. A Happy Riddance, and a Blessed Remedy. Soli Deo Gloria.

With Allowance.

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