ENGLAND'S Weal & Prosperity PROPOSED: OR, REASONS For Erecting Publick UUork-Houses In every COƲNTY, For the speedy promoting of Industry and the Woollen Manu­factory, shewing how the Wealth of the Nation may be en­creased, many Hundred thousand pounds per Annum. And also that many Thousand persons may be so Reformed, to their own and the whole Kingdoms present and future Wealth and Glory, that there may no more be a Begger bred up in the Nation.

Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Great Wisdom of the Nation, and presented to the Honourable HOUSE of COMMONS.


To which is added A Model of Government for such Works Houses prepared by the same Author, and Printed in the year (79) intended to have been presented to the last Parliament.

Pursuant to a Breviate of Proposals for the promoting of Indu­stry, and speedy restoring the Woollen Manufactory, by him formerly published.

London, Printed for Langley Curtis, in Goat Court on Ludgate-hill. 1681.

To the Right Honourable Sir PATIENCE WARD, Knt. Lord MAYOR of LONDON.

My Lord,

THough the ensuing Reasons, by the Nature of the Thing, are addressed to the Honourable House of Commons, whereof you are so valuable a Member; It being that Great Council, whose Ʋnited Votes can alone promote with Effect, what is herein humbly offered. Yet, my Lord, by rea­son this Work is of very great Import, and (as in all such Cases) re­quires the more time to demonstrate the Value, Ʋsefulness, Neces­sity and Feaseableness thereof, or otherwise is apt to be neglected or thrown by; Therefore I have taken the boldness to Dedicate the same in particular to your Honour, as a most proper Advocate and Patron, humbly intreating, that as you are a known Publick Spi­rited Promoter and Encourager of all things tending to the Weal, Safety and Prosperity of the King and Kingdom, so your Honour would be pleased to recommend these Reasons and the Matter Pro­posed, to that Honourable House, and to improve your Interest to have the same read before them, If after your Perusal, your Honour shall find them worthy of such your Countenance and Approbation; wherein I hope you will do your King, City and Country no inconsi­derable Service, as well as a very great Honour to,

My Lord,
Your Lordship's most Humble Servant, Richard Haines.

England 's Weal and Prosperity Proposed: Or, Reasons for the Erecting Publick Work-Houses in every County, &c.

FOrasmuch as our Wool is the main Support of that Trade which maintains and encreases the Wealth, Strength and Glory of the English Nation; therefore, of all Commodities of our own Growth, this ought to be most carefully maintained and encouraged in that way it is THUS SERVICEABLE, which consists not in the Ex­portation of unwrought Wooll, nor in the Consumption of our Woollen-Draperies at Home; but in the Exportations of, and quick Markets for our Woollen-Draperies abroad, as fast as they can be made and spared at home; That this may be done, and that for the doing thereof, Publick Work-Hou­ses to be Erected in every County, will be a most certain and effectual Expedient. These following Reasons are prepared for the Satisfaction of all concern'd therein.

Reason I.

Because such Work-Houses (are no New Project, but) have already in Fact proved the best Expedients to bring all Idle, poor People, Beggars, Vagrants, &c. into such a Habit of Industry, that there is not a Beggar, &c. bred up, or suffer­ed in those Countries where such Houses are Erected and well­governed.

Reason II.

Because, without such Houses, in which such poor, and now idle People may be kept to Labour under good Government, it is altogether improbable to convert them to such Habit of Industry, and keep them employed in such profitable Manu­factures, by which the Trade, Wealth and Safety of the Kingdom may be promoted.

Reason III.

Because, as by these Expedients, there may not be any Beggars in the Nation, so shall not they, or any poor People have occasion to complain for want of an honest Employment, Food, Raiment, or Habitation.

Reason IV.

Because, by these Expedients, an Hundred or two Hun­dred Thousand People may be suddainly converted, to their own, and the Nations present and future Happiness; and as it hath been the fatal Practice of this Nation, to breed up 30 or 40000 persons every Year to be maintain'd for Begging, &c. So by these Expedients, they may breed up every Year suc­cessively 30 or 40000 ingenious Cloth-makers, who may con­vert Wool enough to make as much Cloth as may encrease the Wealth of the Nation many Hundred Thousand pounds per Annum.

Reason V.

Because for want of such Expedients, whereby Industry, and the Woollen Manufactory may be effectually promoted, our Wooll is fallen from 12 d. to 6 d. per pound, by reason that the number of the people at present employed therein, are not able to convert our Wooll half so fast as it grows; so that it seems very unreasonable to prohibit the Exportation of unwrought Wooll, whilst the Expedients by which it may be converted at Home are rejected.

Reason VI.

Because, that as our Clothiers and Merchants do infallibly demonstrate, that the Exportation of unwrought Wooll, hath destroyed our Forreign Markets for the Sale of our Cloth; so it is as easie to be demonstrated, that had not such quantities of English and Irish Wooll been exported, as at present there is in abundance, it would have fallen from 12 d. to 3 d. per pound; because as the Stock of Wooll increases, the Price must decrease. So that there is no way to raise the Price of Wooll, nor yet to keep it up where it is, but either the Na­tion will be brought to extreme Poverty, or made to encrease mightily in Wealth and Power, viz. either we must Export [Page 6] our Wooll, as daily (especially within these last nine Months) we do to those that destroy our Trade thereby, or bring all idle, poor people to Industry, to convert it at Home as fast as it grows; by which means only, our Wooll will soon mount to 12 d. yea, 18 d. per pound, which will also quickly remove the occasion for the Exportation thereof. This being done, the Woollen Manufactures of France, Flanders, &c. will soon be destroyed to that degree, as not to hinder the Sale of ours, seeing they cannot make Cloth without a Mixture of our Wool, but on very unequal Terms (as our Clothiers have affirmed before a Committee of the last Long Parliament.) Wherefore as the ready way to destroy the Wealth and Trade of our Nation, is to export our Wooll, and maintain our ma­ny thousands of Poor in Idleness and Debauchery : So the most certain Expedient by which we may revive and regain the Woollen Manufactory, is to prosecute these Expedients that will bring all the people aforesaid to Industry. By which we may raise the price of Wooll at Home, and afford our Cloth and Draperies cheaper than our Supplanters, in Markets A­broad; which is not to be done, but by the Expedients pro­posed.

Obj. If it be objected, That if our Wool should be raised to 18 d. &c. per pound, then other Nations will under-sell us with Cloth they make of French and Spanish Wooll.

Answ. To this I answer, this cannot be, because the Spanish Wooll is so short and fine, and the French so short and course, that they will neither work together, nor yet apart, without a Mixture of ours, but upon very unequal Terms. The Truth of this is well known and affirmed by Persons of good Judg­ment and Experience.

Reason VII.

That without these Expedients for promoting Industry, all the Laws and Statutes now in being, can never raise the Price of our Wooll, nor keep it up at the price it now yields, nor yet have it converted at Home, because all the Wooll of Eng­land and Ireland is (as it were) monopoliz'd into the Hands of the Clothiers by Act of Parliament, notwithstanding they [Page 7] cannot by their present course of Trade convert it half so fast as it grows, which being so, they may keep down the price at their pleasure, (they having Power to hang, &c. those that Export it from them, if they could catch them) which intollerable grievance by the Expedients proposed, would most happily be removed, to the great Satisfaction of all that wish well to the Interest of England.

Reason VIII.

Because, by these Expedients, many Hundreds of well­skill'd, but poor decayed Clothiers, who have little or no Stock of their own, may promote this Manufactory in every Coun­ty, where every one of them may as easily employ 200 Peo­ple in Work, in such a Publick House, as he could Ten else­where.

Reason IX.

Because in such Houses a Multitude may be instructed in Art and Skill in short time without Difficulty or Charge : For beginning upon the very coursest Wooll there can be no Loss, but rather Advantage, because, as the coursest Cloth is as ready Money as the finest, so the greater Quantity is made, the greater will be the Consumption of our Wooll.

But if it be doubted, That by reason of our double encrease of Clothing, there will be want of Market for our Cloth. My Answer in short, is, That if all the Wooll in Europe were converted in England, there would no more Cloth be made than what was before: For what Wooll is not converted here, is converted elsewhere; therefore the Trade for our Draperies will be as good as ever, and much better, seing by the Expedients and Methods proposed, we may make and sell our Cloth cheaper than our Supplanters. That we may under-sell them is plain, because we have greater Advanta­ges than any of them; we having Fullar's Earth, they have none: Our Wooll is the kindest in the World to be convert­ed without mixture of other; but they cannot convert theirs without some mixture of ours, unless upon costly and unequal Terms, for the Reason before-mentioned. Therefore as by the Expedients proposed, we may double our Quantity. So [Page 8] we may under-sell them, and encrease and double our Markets proportionably.

As for the Charge, 'tis no more, than as if every Parish were ob­liged to that which Law and Reason already requires, viz. To provide Habitations and Employments for their chargeable Poor; only with this difference, that in these Houses, far greater Numbers will be employed, and to far greater Advantage when under such Government as will teach them Skill and Art, administring Councel, Encouragement and Correction. So that twice the Work will be done, and less time spent idly, than where they are apart.

Reason X.

Because without these Expedients, the Wealth and Strength of the Nation will unavoidably be invaded and destroyed at the pleasure of those that are our Supplanters, because the Woollen Manufactory is the grand Support of our Trade of Merchandize : For 'tis affirmed by some of very good Know­ledge and Judgment, that if all the Manufactures of England that are exported, were divided into Thirteen Parts; the Woollen Manufactures would make Ten of the Thirteen. So that if the Expedients which may promote and uphold the Woollen Manufactory be rejected, and our Supplanters in­crease in Trade, as of late years they very much have done, then of necessity, our flourishing Trade of Merchandize, which alone encreased our Wealth and Treasure must be destroyed, together with our Seamen and Navies of Ships, to the Hazard and Ruine of the Nation.

But were it so, that we were upon equal Terms with the Dutch in respect of Industry, it is easie to be demonstrated, that England would excell all Nations in the World in that Trade, which is the only Mother and Nurse to bring forth, and encrease Riches, Seamen, and Navies of Ships, &c. as ap­pears, if we consider, that the United Netherlands, notwith­standing their Provisions for Bread, Beer, Flesh, Clothing, Timber, Iron, Materials for Manufactures, &c. together with their vast Expence to maintain their Land against the Water, &c. All which costs them (as 'tis adjudged) at least [Page 9] ten times more than the Natural Product of their Land is­worth; yet we know, that for Trade, Fulness of People, Moneys, Treasure, Seamen and Shipping, they are more famous than any Nation in Europe. But now put Case their Industry were as little as ours, and that they also were to breed up and maintain their Poor for Begging, &c. as we do in Eng­land, might we not then infallibly conclude, That within one Age, nay in twenty years they would be the poorest, misera­ble, and most despicable people in all the world. Wherefore we having all sorts of provisions for Food and Rayment, as it were for nothing, several hundred thousand of people to be employed, and Materials enough of our own likewise for no­thing, to make the richest Manufactures. Our Industry, were it but proportionable to that of the Dutch, must needs en­crease our Wealth three times more and faster than theirs. So that most plain it is, that Industry, not Money, is the Life of that Trade which encreaseth both Money, Treasure, Seamen, and Shipping.

Furthermore, as these Houses are the Mother of Industry, so 'tis most certain, That for want of the same Expedients, in every 100 l. worth of Wooll exported unwrought, there is 1000 l. losses to the Nation, our Wooll being at 6 d. or 8 d. per pound, as now it is; of which, if any be not satisfied, they may thus demonstrate it to themselves : A yard of Fine Broad-Cloth of 16 s. or 18 s. price will not exceed a pound in weight and the like for fine Worsted Stockins of 6 s. price will not weigh six ounces. So that put Case two pounds of Wooll should be allowed for one pound, yet still every Shilling in Wooll will amount to more than 10 s. in Cloth and Stockins, which is what was to be demonstrated. Thus all this which might so have been got by Workmanship, &c. being ten times the value of the Wooll is clearly lost to the Nation, whilest those that might do it are maintain'd for Begging, &c.

Reason XI.

Because, as by these Expedients Industry, Trade, Treasure, Seamen and Navies will encrease, so the intollerable charge of all Parishes will decrease: Because all poor people will be [Page 10] bred up to such Habit of Industry, as to learn whilst they are young, to gain their Living while they come old, so that it will be very rare to find any chargable, but such as are meer objects of Charity, viz. those that by Infancy, Old Age, or Sickness are uncapable of all kind of Imployment, neither of which continue long.

Reason XII.

Because, (as I have again and again demonstrated by seve­ral Printed sheets) by the Expedients proposed, the Wealth of our Nation may increase 30 or 40 hundred thousand pounds per Annum, the greatness of which makes many rash persons contemn all that I have proposed as a thing impossible. Ne­vertheless upon diligent and repeated Inquiries and delibe­rate Consideration, I dare affirm, with all Confidence, That it will amount to much more.

1. Because the Returns of our Woollen Draperies that are now Exported do amount to more than Ten Millions per Annum; as is attested by such as are well skilled and experienced in this matter.

2. Wherefore there being as much more English and Irish Wooll to be converted, as is now converted by the present Course of Trade (as most certainly there is.) Then if all the people aforesaid (being double the num­ber of those that are now Imployed therein) were brought to Industry, as by these Expedients they cer­tainly and speedily might, it as certainly follows, That a double quantity of Woollen Draperies would be made.

3. And considering there's none of these Draperies to be deducted out of such our additional Trade to be consu­med at home, or to be carried to the dismal low Mar­kets in Golgotha, from whence there are no Returns: but the whole of what is raised by this our New Trade, is to be Exported to such Markets as will afford good and quick Returns.

4. It will therefore, from all this infallibly likewise follow, That if the old, viz. The present Trade of Clothing, af­ter so much is taken out of it to satisfie the uses afore­said [Page 11] doth now Bring in more than Ten Millions per An­num; then must the New, out of which there is no de­falcations bring in much more.

Which at least amounts to as much as what was to be demonstrated.

But put Case we have not Wooll enough to imploy all the people aforesaid, yet the Expedients still remain unshaken, because we may imploy them in making of Linnen with great Advantage; For as the first will bring Treasure into the Na­tion; so the other will preserve it from going out, (and then whether our Dead be buried in Woollen or Linnen it mat­ters not.) So that the Case is plain we have Wooll enough, Hemp and Flax enough, Fullers-Earth enough, and Poor Peo­ple enow, to make Draperies enough to make our Nation to excell all Kingdoms in the World in Wealth and Power, Strength and Safety: And as certainly may the same be ac­complisht, to the Honour of Almighty God, and happy Re­formation of many Thousands, who are bred up in Idleness, and live in all manner of Debauchery, and dye most mise­rably.

Nor may any Member that wishes well to the Interest of England oppose it: For as for the Landlord, he above all men, ought to promote it, because the Charge properly belongs to the Tenant or Possessor, who is accustomed to contribute to the Relief and Maintenance of the Poor. Nor, Secondly, may the Tenant or Possessor complain, because they will not on­ly be much eased in such their Charge, but vastly advantaged by quick and good Markets, for Wooll, Corn and Cattel, when so many thousands are imployed more than now are, and earn, and pay for all that they eat, drink and wear. Nay, what they now suffer by Hous-rents, Hedg-breaking, Pilfer­ing, and unnecessary Contributions to Beggars, &c. amounts to near as much as will pay for the Building of these Houses: For, put case there be 200000 Beggars and idle, chargeable People in the Nation, and what they eat, drink and wear, amount but to 5 l. per Annum a piece, this amounts to one Million in one Year, and what is lost as aforesaid, near as much more.

Reason XIII.

Because the Charge of such Houses of Industry, by which the Wealth of the Nation may encrease so many Millions per Annum, &c. considered as a National Charge, is no Charge at all to the Nation, because the Money that must pay for doing of it, never goes out of the Nation, but like the Blood in its Circulation, remains within the Body for the Comfort and Benefit of every Limb and Member. Nor hath any per­son reason to think, that his just share of Contribution-mo­ney might be better bestow'd, seeing that by this Expedient, his Posterity to all Generations shall be secured from Begga­ry, so as never to be destitute of a Lawful Imployment, Food, Raiment and Habitation.

Reason XIV.

Because, by these Expedients, His Majesties Revenue, by the encrease of Customes, Poundage and Tollage, cannot a­mount to less than 100000 l. per Annum, because answerable to the encrease of Trade, so the encrease of Customes will be near proportionable: Wherefore it concerns His Majesty as much as the Nation, to encourage the Expedients that will hasten it.

The greatest Objections raised against this Expedient, pro­ceed from two sorts of men, the one against it, the other for it.

1. Obj. As for the First, all that they alledge centres in this, namely, That the Expedient is impracticable, because people are generally so base, deceitful and dishonest, that one may not trust another; and (say some) Let the Poor beg, starve, steal, and be hang'd and damn'd; it's best for me and mine to keep our Money whilst we have it.

Answ. To this I shall only say, That there is no reason to account that impracticable, which we daily see done before our Eyes by our next next Neighbours, and to say the Eng­lish are less trusty, is too gross an Affront to be put upon our Country: However, I have offered such a Method for erecting and Manageing these Houses, that it shall be the Interest, as well as Duty of all Persons concern'd therein, to be honest, [Page 13] and effectually to promote the good Ends thereby design'd; and as for the latter part of the Objection, 'tis such a Misery, Un­charitable and Atheistical Folly, as deserves no further Re­gard.

2. Obj. The most important Objection is of the latter, which calls loud for Answer : We approve (say they) of the thing, but 'tis next to impossible, that this Honourable House should take Cognizance thereof before they have establisht and se­cured that Religion which God hath appointed for his own Worship and Service, without which, all hope of obtaining his Mercies and Blessings for the Wealth and Prosperity of the Kingdom is in vain.

Answ. To this I answer, First, As to Religion and Worship, that is already establisht by Law, &c. but how to secure this Religion, toge­ther Exodus 22, 23, 24. Isaiah 1. from the 11. to the 24 verse. Isai. 58. from 1. to the 10. v. Mark 10. 21, 22, 25. Luke 16. from the 19. to the 31. v. Jer. 18. 7, 8, 9, 10. and Jer. 5, 28, 29. with the Peace and Safety of the King and Kingdom, depends only up­on the Nations Submission unto, and Concurrence with the Will and good Pleasure of God in other Cases, to wit, the good of the Poor, &c. without which, our Religion and Worship, although it be the same which himself hath appoint­ed, is altogether unacceptable, as is most fully declared by all the Prophets, and confirm'd by our Saviour's own words.

We know, that God always had a Nation, Church, and People in all Ages, (although in every Age subject to Error in an high degree) so also there was a Babylon, &c. as a Rod in the Hand of God, to correct them for their wilful Failings and Offences. Litteral-Babylon in the time of the Law, and Mystery-Babylon in the time of the Gospel. The First, to cor­rect his People, Kings and Princes of Israel: And the Last, to correct his own Christian Kings, Princes and Churches under the Gospel. This we know is true, if we believe the Pro­phets, Christ, and the Apostles, and modern Writings. And as true it is also, that the Rod is now in an high manner lift­ed up against the whole Land, the King, and the Church. Yea, and against the Religion and Worship which God hath [Page 14] appointed; so that Misery, Desolation, Death, and unmerci­ful Cruelties, do (as it were) stare in our Faces, and nothing remains for our Comfort but this, namely, That this Reveng­ful and Bloody Rod, is in the Hands of a Gracious and Mer­ciful God, who will assuredly throw it into the Fire before it ever hurt us, if the Crying Sins by which his most Holy Ma­jesty is most highly provoked and displeased, be put away, whereof this ever was, and now at this time, is one of the most intollerable and provoking Evils, namely, The lamen­table Condition of those many Thousands of Poor People, Widdows, and Fatherless Children, the many Thousands that have been, and are bred up in Ignorance, Idleness, and all manner of Debaucheries, unserviceable to the Nation, unfit for Church-members, and that live and die most miserably. And for this very thing which the Most High could never en­dure, God was offended, and his Wrath kindled against his own People, their Kings, and Nation, to that Degree, that he abhorr'd their most Solemn Services and Worship which himself had commanded. Yea, when by Fasting, Praying, &c. they cried unto him, he would not hear, nor regard; it was Iniquity, even their Solemn Meeting, until this intollerable thing was effectually reform'd.

Which is an infallible Demonstration, that God hath a grea­ter Regard to the Poor, &c. than he had to the External Re­ligion and Worship which himself commanded : And for this insufferable Crime, he delivered his People into the Hands of the King of Babylon, who worshipped Images, &c. Now that the Sum of this is true, Moses and all the Prophets do testi­fie. And that the same Love and Care for the one, and his Indignation against the other, remains and continues to this day, is also as certain. Witness our Saviour's Parable of the Rich Man and the Beggar; when the Rich Man, for being regardless of the Beggar's Condition, lift up his Eyes in the Flames of Hell, and finding it impossible to obtain Ease or Relief, made earnest Request in the behalf of his Brethren, That a Messenger might be sent to testifie the Verity of the matter, that they might repent, &c. But behold the Answer [Page 15] from Heaven was (No, let them alone) they have Moses and the Prophets, viz. their Sayings and Writings) if they will not hear them, neither will they be perswaded if one arose from the Dead. Which doth plainly shew, that the Will and Mind of God, delivered by Moses and the Prophets in this matter, still remains so unchangeable, that if a man should keep all the Commandements of God besides, and offend in this matter, it will profit him nothing: As is positively de­clared by Christ, when upon this very occasion, he turned himself from the hopeful Rich Man, whom he loved, and said, How hard is it for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of God: It is easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle, than for a Rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

So that for a Nation or Person to have more Love or Re­gard to Worldly Wealth, than to the low and despicable Poor, though Beggars, or to defer the relieving them, appears to be one of the highest provoking Sins for which God will be a­veng'd; and to sum up the whole, it amounts to this, that although we worship no false God, not bow to any Image, but do worship, the true God, according to his Appoint­ments, do Fast, pray, and humble our selves before him, and keep all the rest of his Commandments from our Youth up; yet if we judge not the Cause of the Fatherless, and the Right of the Needy, shall not I visit for these things, saith God? Shall not my Soul be aveng'd upon such a Nation as this? —God Almighty grant that this may never be said of England. And to prevent the dreadful Stroke of Babylon.

May it please this Honourable House,

To Consider, That as National Sins and Provocations in­cur the Displeasure of Heaven, so likewise to reflect how much this present Parliament may concilliate to themselves and this poor Nation, the Favour and Blessing of the Almighty; and also how gloriously the Renown shall to all Posterity be Re­corded; when by one Act more than an Hundred Thousand shall be converted, as it were at once, in your day, to their own, and the whole Nations present and future Happiness : For which, not only the Poor of this Generation, but their [Page 16] Posterity (yea, every individual in the Kingdom) in all A­ges may call you Blessed.

Wherefore if this Honourable House do believe, that what I have with all Humility and Zeal to the Publick, offered to your Grave and Pious Consideration, be well pleasing to God, and accordingly be approved of by this Honourable House (as it is by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, who hath been Graciously pleas'd to declare, that he would be ready in his Station, to encourage it all he could) then my humble Petition to this Honourable House, is,

That I may obtain leave to bring in a Bill, which I have pre­pared, containing such Clauses, Rules and Methods as may (with such Corrections and Amendments, as this Honourable House shall think meet) in short time compass the Design in such manner, that all Cheats and Frauds may be so far pre­vented, that the Contributers cannot be injured unless they themselves will willfully be regardless of their own Interest, together with such Rules and Methods for prosecuting the De­sign, as may for ever secure it from failing or ceasing after it is begun.


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