The most Humble CONFESSION, AND RECANTATION OF Edmund Hickeringil, Clerk, Publickly Made, Read, Sign'd and Sealed in the COURT of ARCHES; Held before the Right Worshipful, Sir Richard Lloyd, Knight, and Doctor of Laws, in the absence of the Right Worshipful Sir Robert Wiseman, Knight, and Doctor of Laws, Principal Official of the said Court; in the Common-Hall of Doctors Commons, London, on Fryday the 27th day of June, in the Year of our Lord, 1684,

WHEREAS I Edmund Hickeringil Clerk, Rector of the Parish Church of All-Saints in Colchester, in the Diocess of London, and Province of Canterbu­ry, have, at the Promotion of the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry, by Divine Permission, Lord Bishop of London, my Reverend Diocesan, been rightly and duly pro­ceeded against in this Court, for Solemnizing, or rather Prophaning of Marriages, between several Persons in my said Parish Church, Clan­destinely, without their Matrimonial Bannes being in their respective Parish-Churches first published, and denounced, or any License from Ecclesiastical Authority, being first had and obtained (though I made each Couple pay 5 s. for such License) in Contempt of the Law, and Canons, and Constitutions Ecclesiastical, in that behalf provided, and upon Legal proof thereof made, have been, by Sentence in this Court, justly decreed (amongst other things) to be suspended for the same, for three years, according to the said Canons; and was by the said Sentence actually suspended accordingly, under which Sentence of Suspention I still continue, the said three years being not yet expired. And where­as during the dependance of the said Suit, I appeared several times in the said Court, and there demeaned my self with great Impudence, de­nying the Jurisdiction thereof, to the great Affront of his Grace, the most Reverend Father in God, the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan (whose Court it is) refusing to be uncovered, and to give that Respect and Reverence, which is justly due to the same, indeavouring by my insolent and unmannerly Carriage and Behaviour there, to put all the Affronts, and the highest Contempts that I could, upon the said Court, and to expose it to the Scorn of the Rabble that attended me there. And moreover, whereas I have lately, in several Libellous Books and Pamphlets, by me Writ­ten and Published, and particularly in these Books and Pamphlets, Inti­tuled as followeth, viz. The Second Part of Naked Truth: The Vindica­tion of Naked Truth: News from Doctors Commons: Scandalum Magna­tum: [Page] Tryal at Chelmsford: The Mushroom: The Black Non-Conformist: The Man-Catcher, and the History of Whiggism, Published and Printed several Scandalous, Erroneous, and Seditious Principles, against His most Sacred Majesty, and Government Ecclesiastical, to the Violati­on of my Duty, as a Subject, and a Priest, in Contempt of the Holy Church, and in Derogation of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, and the Autho­rity of the Bishops, and Ecclesiastical Judges; by which means I have fomented and incited the Factious and Phanatical Party to Contemn the Government of the Church, as by Law Established, and to persist in their Errours and Sedition, to the great disturbance of the Peace of this Church and Kingdom.

Now I, the said Edmund Hickeringil, being truly, and deeply sensible, of the Heighnousness of my Crimes, and Offences herein, and being truly, and heartily sorry for the same. And taking shame to my self, for having so highly offended Almighty God, the Kings most Sacred Majesty, the Holy Church; and been so Scandalous to my Sacred Function, as a Priest, in particular, and as a Christi­an, to all Good People in general, do here openly, and in the Face of this Court, voluntarily, freely, and humbly acknowledge, and Confess, the Heynousness of my said Crimes and Offences, as also, that the said Court, hath most justly Proceeded against me for the same. And I do also here publickly in the Face of this Court, Voluntarily and freely Recant, and Retract all, and every of those Scandalous, Erroneous, and Seditious Principles, which I have publi­shed, and Printed, in my beforementioned Libellous Books, and Pamphlets, or in any of them. And I do here earnestly, and hearti­ly, beg forgiveness, of all my above-mentioned Crimes, and Offen­ces against God Almighty, the Kings most Sacred Majesty, the Holy Church, the Reverend Bishops, and Ecclesiastical Judges, and more particularly against my most Reverend Metropolitan, and my right Reverend Diocesan, and against this Court, against the Venerable Clergy of this Land, and against all Good Christian People. And do here solemnly, and Seriously Promise, that (by Gods assistance) I will never for the Future, offend in the like nature again. And that all People may be satisfied of the truth, and sincerity of my Repentance, for these my Crimes and Offences, I do now make it my humble request, to this Court, that this my Confession, and Re­cantation, may be forthwith Printed and Published. In witness where­of I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this 27th, day of June, in the year our Lord, 1684.

Edmund Hickeringil.

THIS Confession and Recantation, was Read, Signed, and Sealed by the said Edmund Hickeringill in the Court, &c. as aforesaid.

Ita Testor Thomas Tyllot Actuarius Deput.

I Do appoint Benjamin Tooke to Print the Recantation of Edmund Hickeringill.

Richard Lloyd.

London Printed for Benj. Tooke, at the Ship in St Paul's Church-Yard. 1684.

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