Secret Vertue OF Sigils, Herbs, and Stones: OR, A Compleat
Cure and
Medicine for all
Diseases of the
Body, as well as
Mind, by
outward Application only.
There is nothing covered, that Shall not be,
Revealed; and hid, that Shall not be known.
The Stars are not to be Blamed, because the
Astrologers are ignorant of their Influences; nor are
the Herbs to be despised, because Phisitian
s know not y
r Virtue.
The First Instruction. Of the Diseases after the Order of the Seven Planets.
- BAldness.
- Scabs.
- Looseness of Teeth.
- Rottenness of the Gums.
- Distorted Teeth.
- Tooth-Ach.
- [Page 2]The Right-Ear.
- Hindrance of Conception.
- Chilblains.
- Hard Knots or Boiles in the Flesh.
- Noise in the Ears.
- Wens.
- Quartan Fever.
- Cancer.
- Scurvy.
- Spleen and Bones.
- The Ass.
- Hare.
- Mouse.
- Mole.
- Crow.
- Cuckow.
- Skreitch Owl.
- Fox.
- Little Black Flies.
- Pleurisie and Swelling in the Sides.
- Convulsion and Cramp.
- Pains in the Back.
- Stubbornness.
- Yearly Fever.
- Liver-grown.
- Lungs.
- Ribbs.
- Knee-Pan.
- Pulse.
- Sinews and Grissels.
- Sperm.
- Sheep.
- Crane.
- Lark.
- A burning Dissentery in Children.
- Lice.
- Falling of the Hair.
- Pimples and red Spots in the Face.
- The Left Ear.
- Spleen, as also under Saturn.
- All sorts of Swellings.
- Intermitting Fevers.
- Quotidian Fevers.
- Tertian Fevers.
- Gall.
- Kidnies.
- Veins.
- Secrets.
- Tiger.
- Panther.
- Dog.
- Wolf.
- Kite.
- Snailes.
- Moths.
- All Monstrous Productions.
- Cat.
- All Distempers of the Brain.
- Pimples and Sun-burning.
- Right Eye of a Man.
- The Left Eye of a Woman.
- Navel.
- All sorts of Swellings.
- Catarrh.
- Red Face.
- Palpitation of the Heart.
- Heart.
- Sight.
- Lion.
- Horse.
- Eagle.
- Cock.
- Chaps of the Lips.
- Left Breast.
- Loines.
- Secrets.
- Ruptures.
- Defect of Smelling.
- Unnatural Sweat.
- The Mother.
- Kidnies, as also per Mars.
- Members of Generation.
- Breast.
- Throat.
- Liver, as also per Jupiter.
- Sperm.
- Pidgeons.
- Turtle Doves.
- Hoggs.
- Partridges.
- Sparrows.
- Jackdaws,
- Sea-Fish.
- Lethargy.
- Epilepsie.
- Madness.
- Hoarseness.
- Apoplexy.
- Violent Vomiting.
- Continual Watching.
- Braines, also per Sun.
- Spirit.
- Imagination.
- Memory.
- Tongue.
- Hand and Finger.
- Apes.
- Nightingale.
- Parrot.
- Goldfinch.
- Swallow.
- Batt.
- Kingsfisher.
- Beetle.
- Bee.
- Pismires.
- Grasshoppers.
- Crickets.
- Snakes.
- Ulcers.
- Measles and Spots of the Face.
- Cataracts and Spots in the Eyes.
- Left Eye of a Man.
- Right Eye of a Woman.
- Sneezing.
- Right Breast.
- Drought.
- Stomach.
- Intestines.
- Epilepsie.
- Dropsie.
- Dissenteria.
- Brains, also per Sun and Mercury.
- Guts.
- Bladder, as also per Saturn.
- Tast.
- Rabbits.
- Cuckow.
- Geese.
- Ducks.
- Night-Owl.
- Monsters of the Nature of a Dog.
- [Page 9]Muscles.
- Oysters.
- Snails.
- Frogs.
- Toads.
- Sea-Spider.
- Craw-Fish.
- Fish.
- Pikes.
- Trouts.
- Head-Ach proceeding from Cold.
- Consumption of the Lungs.
- Cold Liver.
- Stopping of the Liver.
- Trembling.
- Cramp.
- Coldness and Lameness of the Veins.
- Gristles.
- Ugly lank Hair.
- Growth of Grey-Hairs.
- Frightful Dreams.
- Black and Hollow Teeth.
- Weak Ears.
- Noise in the Ears, and Pains.
- Imposthumations.
- Worms of the Ears.
- Strangury.
- Stone and Gravel.
- Swellings and Ulcers in the Secrets.
- Old Sores.
- Stinking Body.
- Fistula's, Swellings, and Ulcers.
- Spitting Blood.
- Congealed Blood in the Body.
- Fractures.
- Splinters in the Flesh.
- Wounds of the Head.
- Corns.
- Drunkenness.
- Scurff.
- Too much Hair on the Brows.
- Weakness.
- Swoonings.
- Rupture of the Navel.
- Sinking of the Spirits.
- Biting of a Horse.
- Scurvy in the Teeth and Gums.
- Quinsie.
- King's-Evil.
- Falling of the Uvula.
- Pains in the Loins occasioned by Stoppage.
- Strangury.
- Rupture in the Secrets.
- Lasciviousness.
- Note, That the Influence of Venus is stronger here than the Influence of Saturn.
- Witchcraft.
- Large Genitors.
- Abortion.
- After-Birth.
- Convulsions of Children.
- Apoplexy and Swoonings.
- Lethargy.
- Stammering.
- Phthisick.
- Chincough.
- Melancholy.
- Contraction of the Nerves in Hands and Feet.
- Uneven Nails on Hands and Feet.
- Thickness of Hearing.
- Swoonings.
- Curdled Milk in the Breasts.
- Swellings in the Breast.
- Breast fallen or shrunk.
- Distempers of the Nipples.
- Cold Stomach.
- Gnawing in the Stomach.
- Vapours in the Stomach.
- Pains in the Stomach.
- [Page 13]Dropsie.
- Wind in the Bladder of Women.
- Pains and gnawing of the Mother.
- Rising of the Mother.
- Bearings down.
- Coldness of the Womb.
- Fluxes.
- Womens Fluxes in Child-Bed.
- Red Hair.
- Head-Ach proceeding from Heat.
- Cough and Catarrh.
- Spitting of Blood.
- Pleurisie.
- Inflammation of the Liver.
- Swelling of the Liver.
- Jaundice.
- Inflammation of the Kidnies.
- Ulcers of the Kidnies.
- Swellings of the Breast,
- Occult and inward Fevers.
- Broken Arteries.
- Stopping of Blood in Wounds.
- Strengthning of the Brains.
- Strengthning of the Heart.
- Piles and Haemorrhoids.
- The Overflowing of the Haemorrhoids.
- Impotency.
- Barrenness.
- Wasting of the Flesh.
- Uncleanness of the Brains, which obstructs the Memory.
- Weakness of the Head and Brains.
- Catarrhs.
- Breast swelled.
- Gonorrhaeas.
- Red ugly Hair.
- Swellings of the Face.
- Blood-shot Eyes.
- Trembling of the Heart occasioned by the overflowing of the Gall.
- Pissing of Blood.
- Small-Pox.
- Tumours by Inflammations.
- Carbuncles.
- St. Anthony's-Fire.
- Fiery Swellings and Inflammations.
- Fiery Swellings in Wounds.
- Inflammation in Wounds.
- Sore Throat.
- Stinking Breath.
- Collick.
- Fundament swell'd.
- Fistula's in Ano.
- Warts.
- Wolf in the Fundament.
- Bearing down of the Fundament.
- Pain of the Loins occasioned by Stoppage,
- Continual Pissing.
- Swellings and Holes in Pudendis.
- Blisters burning in Pudendis.
- Pox.
- Inward Wounds.
- Ruptures.
- Lank Hair.
- Madness.
- Tongue furr'd.
- Costiveness.
- Claps.
- Crab-lice.
- Worms in the Fingers.
- Palsie. Scab.
- Poyson of Spiders.
- Scars.
- Scald-Heads.
- Too much Hair on the Brows.
- Lice of the Eye-brows.
- Red and Sore Eyes.
- Bleeding at the Nose.
- Cancer of the Nose.
- Big swell'd Breasts.
- Ulcers in the Breasts.
- Lost Appetite.
- Bad Digestion.
- Belchings.
- Heart-burning.
- Overflowing of the Gall in the Stomach.
- Swellings, and Ulcers of the Stomach.
- Stopping, and Hardness of the Mother.
- Stopping of the Flux.
- Longings.
- Itch.
- Corns.
- Running hot Sores, and Ulcers.
- Ulcers occasioned by hot watery Humours.
- Wounds in the Breasts, Guts, and Bladder.
- Rheumatism.
- Ill shaped Face.
- Swellings of the Privities.
- Weak Brains.
- Gripes in Children.
- Worms in the Belly.
- Pricking Pains in the Legs.
- Sore Eyes.
- Pains in the Eyes.
- Wounds in the Eyes.
- Breasts voiding Milk.
- Swelling of the Stomach.
- Ulcer in the Bladder.
- Swelling of the Matrix.
- Scars.
- Barrenness.
- Diseases of the Kidnies.
- Curdled Milk.
- Fluxes.
- Bloody-Flux.
- Colick occasioned by the Matrix.
- Uncleanness of the Mother.
- Whites.
- Abortion.
- After-Births.
- Nits.
- Thrush.
- Unclean Brains.
- Knotted Breast.
- Stoppage in the Stomach.
- Weariness.
- Gangreens.
- Shingles.
- Plague.
- Burns and Scalds.
- All sorts of Poyson.
- Phrensie, and Melancholy.
- Leprosie.
- Biting of Serpents.
- Biting of Mad-Dogs.
- Wound with poysoned Arms.
- Total Apoplexy.
- Witchcraft and Apparitions.
- Gout by cold Humidity.
- Gout by Heat.
- Swellings, and Bruises.
- Gout in the Hands.
- Worms in old rotten Sores.
- Bites by Scorpions.
- Gout in Hands and Feet.
[Page 22]These afore-mentioned Sicknesses and Diseases are occasioned by one or other of the Seven Planets in general; and then especially when the Body is out of order; or by the Antipathetick Rays of one Planet to another; for then a Man is presently sensible of it; as a Magnet, when the Iron comes too near.
Wherefore, next to the Use of the Seven Metals, there is no speedier Means of Curing these Maladies, than by the Herbs, Roots, and Seeds, gathered at such time as the Planet governing such Herbs, Roots, and Seeds, is well posited, or strengthned by another Planet or Star Sympathetically; as hereafter more at large is described.
The Second Instruction.
A Description of such Trees, Herbs, and other Vegetables, as they are subject to the Seven Planets.
A Garick. | A Garicum. |
Agrimony. | Eupatorium Graecorum, Agrimonia. |
Alder-Tree. | Alnus. |
Angelica. | Angelica. |
Aromatick Reed. | Acorum verum. |
Arrach Stinking. | Atriplex Sylvestris. |
Sea Arrach. | Atriplex Marina. |
Arrach. | Atriplex. |
Bay-Tree, or Laurel. | Laurus. |
Basil Wild. | Orminium Sylvestre, Gallitricum. |
Bramble. | Rubus. |
White Bramble. | Rhamnus. |
Buckthorn, or Waythorn. | Spina Merula, seu Infectoria. |
Burdock. | Personatia, Lappa Major, Bardana. |
Capers. | Capparis. |
Caroways. | Carum, vulgò Carui. |
Carob Cod. | Siliqua. |
Wild Cherry. | Chamaecerasus. |
Garden Clary. | Orminium Hortenfe. |
Clover-Grass. | Lotus Sylvestris. |
Cork. | Suber. |
Crabs. | Mala Agrestia. |
Cypress-Tree. | Cupressus. |
Horse-Chestnut. | Castanea Equina. |
Dodder or Woodbine | Cassutha, Coscuta. |
Dragon-wort. | Serpentaria, Dracunculus. |
Elm. | Ʋlmus. |
Eben-Tree. | Ebenus. |
Fern. | Filix. |
Female Fern. | Filix Foemina. |
Figs. | Ficus. |
Flower d' Lis. | Iris Sylvestris. |
Fir-Tree. | Abies. |
Galls. | Olea Boemica, sive Elagaenus. |
Galls, or Oak-Apples. | Gallae. |
Harts-Tongue. | Scolopendrion, verum Asplenum. |
Hemlock. | Cicuta. |
Henbane. | Hyosciamus, vulgò Jusquiamus. |
Hellebore. | Helleborus. |
Herb True-love | Herba Paris. |
House-leek. | Sempervivum majus. |
Hemp. | Cannabis. |
Ground-Ivy. | Chamaecissus, Hedera Terrestris. |
Lime-Tree. | Tilia. |
Lovage. | Hipposelinum, vulgò |
Lote-Tree. | Lotus. |
Mandrake. | Mandragora mas & Levisticum. |
Manna. | Manna. |
Mallows. | Malva, Major & minor. Foemina. |
Monks-Head. | Caput Monachi. |
Mose-Tree. | Musa. |
Moss. | Muscus. |
Ground Moss. | Muscus Terrestris. |
Mouse-Ear. | Pilosella. |
Myrtle-Tree. | Myrtillus. |
Mulberry-Tree. | Morus. |
Melilote. | Melilotus, Sertula Campana. |
Night shade. | Solanum Hortense. |
Dead Nettles. | Galliopsis, urtica mortua. |
Indian Nuts. | Nuces Indicae. |
Olives. | Olivae. |
Opium. | Opium. |
Parsnip. | Pastinaca. |
Pine-Tree. | Pinus. |
Wild-Pine. | Pinus Sylvestris. |
Ground-Pine, or Alehoof. | Pinus Tarentina. |
Sea-Pine. | Pinus Maritima. |
Pitch-Tree. | Picea. |
Plane-Tree. | Platanus. |
Wild-Pear. | Pyrum agreste. |
Polypody of the Oak. | Polypodium. |
Black Poplar. | Populus nigra. |
Prick Madam. | Sempervivum minus. |
Privet. | Ligustrum. |
Pouchweed. | Bursa Pastoris. |
Wild Rose. | Rosa Canina. |
Rue. | Ruta Sylvestris, & Hortensis. |
Sanicle. | Diapensia, Sanicula. |
Savine. | Sabina, vel Savina. |
Sellery. | Matrisalvia, Selarea. |
Setwall. | Phili valeriana. |
Sharp pointed Dock. | Oxylapathum. |
Sorrel. | Rumex. |
Sponge. | Spongia. |
Sloe-Tree. | Prunus Sylvestris. |
Smallage. | Apium Palustre. |
Scabious. | Scabiosa major & minor. |
Senna. | Sena. |
Staves-Acre. | Staphisagria. |
Saxifrage. | Saxifragia. |
Starwort. | Aster Atticus, seu Bubonium, Inguinalis. |
Tamarisk. | Myrica, sive Tamarix. |
Treyfoil. | Lotus Sylvestris. |
Tobacco. | Aconitum Salutiferum. |
Willow. | Salix. |
Weed growing about Time. | Epithimum. |
Wolf-bane. | Aconitum Lycoctonon. |
Yew-Tree. | Taxus. |
Wallnuts. | Nuces Juglandes. |
ALmond-Tree. | AMygdalus. |
Ambergreese, or the Flower of the Sea. | Ambarum. |
Anise. | Anisum. |
Arsmart. | Persicaria. |
Asarabacca. | Asarum. |
Sweet Apples. | Mala Mustica. |
Avens. | Cariophyllata, herba benedicta. |
Barley. | Hordeum. |
Berberries. | Berberis. |
Balm. | Melisophylon, Melissa, Apiastrum. |
Birch-Tree. | Betula. |
Blackberries. | Ruba Domestica. |
Betony. | Betonica. |
Garden Basil. | Ocimum. |
Box. | Buxus. |
Bugloss. | Buglossum. |
Burrage. | Borrago. |
Catmint, Nep. | Calamentum Montanum, Cattaria. |
Cedar. | Cedrus. |
Celandine. | Chelidonium majus. |
Century. | Centaurium. |
Cherries. | Cerasus. |
Cloves. | Cariophylli. |
Civet. | Zibetum. |
Collumbines. | Aquilegia. |
Comfry. | Symphitum, vel Consolida. |
Costmary. | Balsamita. |
Garden Cresses. | Nasturtium Hortense. |
Cross-wort. | Cruciofera. |
Cotton-weed or French Lavender | Staechas Citrinum. |
Date-Tree. | Palma mas. |
Endive. | Intybus sativus major, seu Endivia. |
Damask Rose. | Rosa alabandica. |
Flower d' Lis. | Iris. |
Foenil. | Foeniculum. |
Figs. | Ficus. |
Fumitory. | Fumaria. |
Flixweed. | Sophia. |
Flax. | Linum. |
Frankinsence. | Thus. |
Galangal. | Galanga. |
Germander. | Chamaedrys. |
Gooseberries. | Ribes vulgaris. |
Ground-Ivy. | Chamaecissus. |
Hearts Ease. | Flamula Jovis. |
Heath. | Erica. |
Hawthorn. | Acuta spina. |
Honey. | Mel. |
House-leek. | Sedum sempervivum. |
Hounds-Tongue. | Cynoglossum vulgare. |
Jessamine. | Jasminum. |
Ivy. | Chamaepetys, seu Iva. |
Jujubes. | Jujubae, Zizypha. |
Lavender. | Spica domestica. |
Larch-Tree. | Larix. |
Libbards-bane. | Cappes. |
Liquorish. | Glycirrhiza. |
Liverwort. | Lychen, Epatica. |
Loosestrife, or Willow-Herb. | Lysimachia. |
Lote-Tree. | Lotus. |
Mint. | Sysimbrium domesticum Barba Jovis, Mentha. |
Mullein. | Verbascum, Candela regia, Tapsus barbatus. |
Manna. | Manna. |
Musk. | Moschus. |
Musk Pears. | Pyrum Hordeaceum. |
Mulberry-Tree. | Morus. |
Myrtle. | Myrtus exotica, Tarentina. |
Olives. | Olivae. |
Orpine. | Tucrinum. |
Origanum, or Wild-Marjoram. | Origanum vulgare. |
Peach. | Malum Punicum. |
Primrose. | Herba Paralysis, Primula veris. |
Male Peony. | Peonia mas. |
Raisons. | Passulae majores, uvae Zibebae. |
Rhubarb. | Rhabarbarum. |
Rose. | Rosa. |
Rose Campane. | Lychnis Coronaria. |
Self-Heal. | Prunella. |
Spignel. | Meon. |
Spicknard. | Nardus Indica. |
Wood Sorrel. | Trifolium acetosum. |
Strawberries. | Fragaria. |
Sugar-cane. | Canna saccharina, Calamus saccharinus. |
Thoroughwax. | Perfoliata. |
Turnip. | Rapum rotundum, sessile. |
Toothwort. | Dentaria. |
Turpentine-Tree. | Pseudo-terebinthus. |
Blue Violets. | Viola purpurea. |
Wheat. | Triticum. |
Willow. | Vitex. |
BRamble. | RƲbus. |
Box-thorn. | Lycium. |
Buck-thorn. | Rhamnus. |
Bullace. | Prunus Sylvestris. |
Burnet. | Pimpinella. |
Bastard Costus. | Pseudo-Costus. |
Wild Chamomil. | Cotula foetida, Chamaemelum. |
Chestnut. | Castanea. |
Cork-Tree. | Suber. |
Cresses. | Nasturtium sativum. |
Crowfoot. | Ranunculus. |
Daisie. | Bellis. |
Dwarf-Elder. | Ebulus. |
Euphorbium. | Euphorbium. |
Hogs-Fennel. | Peucedanum. |
Garlick. | Allium. |
Golden-Rod. | Virga aurea. |
Gooseberries. | Ʋva spina. |
Hearts-Ease. | Flamula Jovis. |
Haw-thorn. | Acuta spina. |
Holly. | Agrifolium. |
Lignum vitae. | Lignum Vitae. |
Mastick-Tree. | Lentiscus. |
Monks Rhubarb. | Rhabarbarum Monachi. |
Country Mustard. | Thlaspi. |
Great Nettle. | Ʋrtica major. |
Roman Nettle. | Ʋrtica Romana. |
Lesser Nettle. | Ʋrtica minor. |
Oak. | Ilex. |
Wild-Olives. | Olea sylvestria. |
Onion. | Caepa. |
Pepper-wort. | Lepidium, Peperitis. |
Periwinkle. | Daphnoides, Laureola. |
Sea-Purslain. | Halimnus. |
Peach. | Persica malus. |
Plantane. | Plant ago major, media, longa, aquatica. |
Pepper. | Piper. |
Red Rose. | Rosa milesia. |
Rocket. | Eruca. |
Sweet Rush. | Juncus odoratus. |
Scammony. | Scammonia. |
Sebestines. | Sebestina. |
Servise-Tree. | Sorbus sylvestris. |
Sleepy Lettice. | Caecilliana. |
Spleen-wort. | Scolopendrion. |
Lesser Spurge. | Esula, Tithymallus. |
Prickly Sow-Thistle. | Sonchus asper. |
Sycamore-Tree. | Sycomorus. |
Thorn. | Spina. |
Chameleon Thistle. | Chamaeleon. |
Turpentine-Tree. | Terebinthus. |
Vervein. | Verbena. |
Wild-Vine. | Viburnum. |
Wormwood. | Absynthium. |
A kind of Wolfs-bane. | Napellus. |
ALder-Tree. | FRangula. |
Apricock. | Praecox pyrum. |
Aromatick-Reed. | Acorum verum. |
Ash-Tree. | Fraxinus. |
Bay-Tree. | Laurus. |
Balm. | Melissophyllon, Melissa, Apiastrum. |
Sea Bind-weed. | Soldanella. |
Burnet. | Pimpinella. |
Butter-Bur. | Petasites, falsò dicta. |
Cardamum. | Cardamomum. |
Cassia. | Cassia lignea, odorata. |
Celandine. | Chelidonium majus. |
Cloves. | Caryophylli Indici. |
Crowfoot. | Ranunculus. |
Dittany. | Dictamnus albus, sivè vulgaris. |
Devils-bit. | Morsus Diaboli. |
Enula-Campane. | Elenium, Enula. |
Gentian. | Gentiana. |
Ginger. | Zinziber. |
Haslewort. | Asarina altera. |
St. Johnswort. | Hypericon, perforata, fuga Daemonum. |
Knot-grass. | Polygonum majus, sive mas, Corrigiola, Centumnodia. |
Lesser Knot-grass. | Polygonum minus. |
Female Knot-grass. | Polygonum faemineum. |
Lavender. | Lavendula. |
Limons. | Mala Citria. |
Myrrh. | Myrrha. |
Nutmegs. | Nux Myristica, Moschata. |
Sweat-Pear. | Pyrum Mustacium. |
Pepper. | Piper vulgare. |
Penny-royal. | Pulegium. |
Quince-Tree. | Malus Cydonia. |
Rosemary. | Rosmarinus. |
Saffron. | Crocus. |
Wild-Saffron. | Carthamus, Enicus, Crocus Saracenicus. |
Servise-Tree. | Sorbus Domestica mas. |
Spindle-Tree. | Euonymus. |
Sun-flower. | Flos solis, sivè Pseudopanax, Chironium. |
Time. | Thymus. |
Tormentile. | Tormentilla. |
Tulip, or the Imperial Crown. | Corona Imperialis. |
Turnsole. | Heliotropium majus. |
Vine. | Vitis vivifera. |
Zedoary. | Zedoaria. |
ALexander. | HIpposelinum, vulgò Leusticum. |
Sweet Apples. | Mala dulcia. |
Apricocks. | Praecox pyrum. |
Bladder Nut-Tree. | Staphylodendron, seu Pistachia Sylvestria. |
Camphire. | Camphora. |
Cassia Purging. | Cassia solutiva. |
Cherries. | Cerasa, austera, Aproniana. |
Daffodil. | Narcissus. |
Dogs-Stones. | Satyriorum genera omnia. |
Hyacinth. | Hyacinthus. |
Lignum Vitae. | Lignum Vitae. |
Lily of the Vally. | Lilium Convallium. |
White Lilies. | Lilia alba. |
Water Lilies. | Nymphaea. |
Maiden-hair. | Adianthum, Capillus Veneris. |
Female Palm. | Palma Foemina. |
Pistachio Nuts. | Pistachia, sive Fistici. |
Rose. | Rosa. |
Savory. | Satureia. |
Servise-Tree. | Sorbus, Torminalis. |
Storax-Tree. | Styrax. |
Tulip. | Tulipa. |
ANise. | ANisum. |
Beans. | Fabae. |
Black Beet. | Beta nigra. |
White Beet. | Beta alba. |
Red Beet. | Beta Rubea. |
Birthwort. | Aristolochia longa. |
Round Birthwort. | Aristolochia rotunda. |
Buck-Wheat. | Panicum. |
Chamomile. | Chamaemelum, Chamomilla. |
Cinque-foil. | Pentaphyllon, quinquefolium. |
Clivers, or Goos-grass | Aparine. |
Cubebs. | Cubebae. |
Currants. | Passulae Corinthiacae. |
Elder-Tree. | Sambucus. |
Filberts. | Nuces Ponticoe, Proenestinoe, Avellanoe. |
Fenil. | Foeniculum. |
Flower d' Lis. | Iris. |
Hasle-Tree. | Corylus. |
Hyssop. | Hysopus. |
Hore-hound. | Marrhubium. |
Italian Reed. | Arundo Italica. |
Juniper. | Juniperus. |
Liquorice. | Glycirrhiza, Liquiritia. |
Lungwort. | Pulmonaria. |
Marjoram. | Majorana. |
Medlar-Pear. | Mespilaceum Pyrum. |
Mercury. | Mercurialis mas, & foemina. |
Money-wort, or Herb Two-Pence. | Nummularia. |
Parsley. | Apium Hortense, sive petroselinum vulgare. |
Wild-Rhue. | Ruta Sylvestris. |
Sage. | Salvia. |
Savory. | Satureia. |
Snake-weed. | Bistorta, sive Colubrina, Serpentaria. |
Sorrel. | Trifolium acetosum. |
Sour-Dock. | Oxalis, seu acetosella. |
Treacle Claver. | Trifolium odoratum. |
Tyme. | Thymus. |
Treyfoil. | Trifolium. |
ADams Apples. | POma Adami. |
Adders-Tongue. | Lingua Serpentis, Sagittalis. |
Beans. | Faboe. |
Brook-lime. | Anagallis aquatica, seu Betula. |
Cabbage. | Brassica Capitata. |
Chick-weed. | Alsine, Morsus Gallinoe. |
Colewort. | Brassica loevis. |
Crumply Colewort. | Brassica Crispa. |
Colly-flower. | Caulis capitatus. |
Colts-foot. | Tussilago, farfara. |
Cucumbers. | Cucumeres. |
Garlick. | Allium. |
Gourd. | Cucurbita. |
Housleek. | Sedum, semper-vivum majus, Barba Jovis. |
Hyssop. | Hysopus. |
Leeks. | Porrum. |
Lentiles. | Lens. |
Water Lentiles. | Lens Palustris. |
Lettice. | Lactuca Crispa, Lactuca Florescens. |
Wild-Lettice. | Lactuca Sylvestris. |
White Lily. | Nymphoea alba. |
Mandrake. | Mandragora. |
Linden or Lime-Tree. | Tilia foemina. |
Moonwort. | Lunaria Graeca, botryitis |
Melons. | Melones. |
Onyons. | Coepoe. |
Peony. | Poeonia. |
Parsnip. | Siser, Pastinaca. |
Pellitory of the Wall. | Parietaria. |
Pompions. | Pepones. |
Water-Plantane. | Plantago aquatica. |
Wild Poppies. | Papaver erraticum, rubeum, fluidum. |
Garden Poppy. | Papaver Hortense. |
Wild Prick Madam. | Sedum, semper-vivum, vermicularis, Crassula minor. |
White Poplar. | Populus alba. |
Plum-Tree. | Prunus. |
Purslane. | Portulaca Domestica. |
Wild Purslane. | Portulaca Sylvestris. |
Rape-root, or Navew. | Rapum. |
White-Rose. | Rosa alba. |
Servise-Tree. | Sorbus Domestica foemina. |
Tooth-wort, Clowns Lungwort. | Dentaria. |
Toad-Stool. | Fungi, Boleti. |
Turnsole. | Heliotropium minus. |
Water-Cresses. | Nasturtium aquaticum. |
The Third Instruction. Of the Invention, Knowledge, and Demonstration, of the Vertue of Herbs.
CHAP. I. Who were the first that found out the Ʋse and Vertue of Herbs.
TO say something of the Vertue and Praise of Herbs, I think it not the least Commendation, That the first Invention and Demonstration is ascribed to Idols, or Oracles; as also to Mighty Kings and Lords, not only by Pagans, but by the Hebrews and Christians.
Therefore, the more Illustrious the Inventor is, the more we ought to esteem of the Invention.
Moly, is a Famous Herb, highly commended by the Poet Homer. The Idol, Mercury, commended it first to Prince Ʋlysses that he might defend himself from the Witchcraft of Circe: But not known [Page 40] in these Countries. It grows only in Arcadia, having a round black Root, like an Onyon. It is very difficult and troublesome to dig up. Next to this, is,
Panacea, called Holy, being a Medicine proper for all Sicknesses and Diseases. This is ascribed to Chiron, Hercules, and Aesculapius.
To the same Hercules is also ascribed Hen-bane, and another, called Heracleon Syderion, an excellent Wound-Herb, for all Wounds made by Iron or Knife, which now bears the name of Mercury, because Mercury first shew'd the Use of it to Mankind.
The Great Captain Achilles, hath also some Herbs after his Name, Achillea and Achilleon: And many of these Herbs are mentioned by Pliny.
There are also a great many of our own Herbs and Flowers ascribed to the Saints, which, to this day, are call'd by their Names; as, Herba Trinitatis, Rosa Virginis Mariae, Radix Spiritûs Sancti, Flores Magdalenoe, Herba Sancti Jacobi, Herba Sancti Christophori, Carduus Marioe, Herba Sancti Petri, Herba Sancti Laurentii, Herba Sancti Johannis, and innumerable more of them, which by us are much set by, and esteemed [Page 41] to be highly powerful, for no other Reason, then that such Holy Men first found out the Use and Vertue of them, and called them after their own Names, and blessed them.
'Tis said, That our Saviour Jesus Christ first planted Hyssop with his own Hands; tho' it is indeed ridiculous, either to talk of, or believe it. However, it adds to the Credit of Herbs, that our Fore-fathers have so highly esteem'd them, as to ascribe the Invention of the Vertue of them to the Gods and Saints; for they dedicated Esculus, to Jupiter; Laurus, to Apollo; Oleaster, to Minerva; Vitis, to Bacchus; Myrtus, to Venus; Ʋlmus, to Hercules; and such like, &c.
CHAP. II. Who first found out the Ʋse of Herbs.
HIstorians do not agree, who was the first among the Idols that found out the use of Herbs. Diodorus Siculus, one of the most Ancient Historians, saith, That Mercury was the first; others again, [Page 42] that Arabus, the Son of Apollo and Babylon; others, that Apollo himself, and after him Aesculapius; yet most believe that the Aegyptians were the first Inventors of this Art, from whom it derived to the Groecians, and from them, a long time after, to the Romans, in the Days of Marcus Cato the Censor.
Notwithstanding the Groecian Professors of Physick were not publickly admitted into Rome, but were Banish'd several times, because they did oft deceive the Romans, and were by them accounted a Barbarous People.
True it is, that the Physicians in those days had no great Skill in applying the Herbs aright; as Pliny in several places testifies, who calls them Arch-Butchers and Murtherers; yet (altho' they Killed their Patients) they had a Grant from the Magistrates to be paid for it.
CHAP. III. Who first Methodized the Herbs.
HOW the Herbs were brought into Order, Pliny and Strabo have sufficiently demonstrated, saying, That it was perform'd by Hippocrates, a Famous Man, Born in the Island Co, where it was the Custom of the Inhabitants of that Island, that all those who were cured of any Distemper, writ their Names, and the Medicines by which they were healed, in the Temple of Aesculapius, who collecting the same experimented Medicines in Writing, brought them into a perfect Method: But because, after that time, the Herbs had not the same Operations, there arose so many Opinions among the Professors, that, to this day, there is such Uncertainty in Physick, that there is scarce an Art that stands in more need of Assistance than this of Physick.
When the Babylonians were without a Physician, they carried their Sick into the publick Street, that so they might speak to, and ask every one's Advice, and especially [Page 44] those who had been afflicted with the same Distemper, and been cured by Medicine.
Thus Medicine came first to light; and having the special Influence of the Heavens Calculated from the time of their Nativity, it did greatly help them; and what is said of the Poets, may be truly ascribed to our Artists, Nascuntur, non fiunt; because, being Born under a particular Influence, they are more acute in the Art or Mystery, and discover many things without the assistance of others; as we see at this very day in some, who have more Knowledge in Herbs, and Natural Causes, than your high celebrated Physicians, &c. These things Herodotus, Strabo, Brunfells, and Matthiolus mention.
CHAP. IV. Showing, that several Herbs were discovered by Dreams and Visions.
PLiny saith, and it is also to be believed, That the true Knowledge of some Herbs has been revealed by the Gods in Dreams; as we say of our Prophets, who have fore-told things to come by the Revelation of the Holy Ghost: And he cites a Story of a Soldier, who being bit by a Mad-Dog, could find no Help, till his Mother, in her Sleep, saw the Root of Wild-Roses, or Dog-Roses, which continued so fix'd in her Memory from the Vision she had the Night before, that she made use of the said Root, giving it him to drink in Goats-Milk, by which means the Soldier, her Son, was perfectly cured.
This is the approved Opinion, and, without doubt, it was the Spirit of God that instructed Adam and Eve, (who had also the Knowledge of Animals and Vegetables, that whatever they called them, that was their Name) and the Patriarchs, who gave the same Instruction to their Children after them.
[Page 46]We read also of Solomon, that thro the Spirit of God he had the true Knowledge of the Creation of the World, which we call, Natural Philosophy; of the Knowledge of the Heavens, and the Motion of the Stars; of Animals; of Winds, and the Thoughts of Men; as also of Herbs and Roots; which is at large described by him in the Book of Kings, viz. That he had the Knowledge of the Nature and Vertue of all Vegetables, from the Cedar of Libanus, to the Hyssop that grows upon the Wall.
CHAP. V. What sorts of Herbs were found out by Kings and Potentates.
THE Kings and Potentates, in times of Old, gave Names to Herbs, and show'd the Use of them to Mankind; and as Pliny reports, They esteem'd it a more Princely Act, than if they had gain'd a Battle over their Enemies.
Gentius, King of Illyria, first found out Gentian, the Use and Vertue of which he [Page 47] show'd to Mankind, which pleased him far better than if he had subdued an Hundred Cities and Countries.
Clymenes and Lysimachia were also discovered by Kings.
Scordium, that Noble Herb, as also Euphorbium, were first discovered by Mithridates, King of Pontus.
Artemisia was so call'd from a Queen of that Name, Wife to Mausolus.
Servilius Democritus named Hypericon; as also Avicena, Rhasis, Haly, Messias, Abraham, have Named others, who have had an equal Esteem with Kings and Potentates.
CHAP. VI. How, in process of Time, the Knowledge of Herbs was Revealed to Nations and Common People.
BY the Superiors is this Art delivered to the Meaner sort, who have also discovered these wonderful Creatures of God.
First, the Scythians discovered the Vertue of the Root Scythica, or Liquorice, growing in Scocia.
[Page 48]After them the Thracians found out the Virtue of Ichneumon, which is powerful in stopping Blood, not only in a Bursten Artery, but also in Members defected.
The Vetones, in Spain, first discovered the Herb Betonica, which retains its Name from that People to this very day: And the Illyrians discovered the Iris Illyrica. Of all which you may read Pliny, Dioscorides, and Theophrastus.
CHAP. VI. Brutes have discovered many precious Herbs.
THE Brutes have also made way to the Discovery of several excellent Herbs, and those not the least, which adds to their Reputation.
And hence the Power of the Almighty is the more to be admired and adored, who hath created Physick even for Brutes, who, by means of one Herb alone, cure many Diseases incident to them.
It is also the Opinion of Ancient Physicians, That if we had not some Instructions [Page 49] from Brutes in Physick, as also in Nursing, and other things, we could never have discovered the same; as Helianus, Aristotle, and Pliny, declare; to cite all which here would be too tedious.
CHAP. VIII. When the Knowledge of Herbs was committed to Writing.
THE Use and Vertue of Vegetables hath been long known amongst Men; and Fathers have always instructed their Children in it, before Characters were invented: And some there are that, at this day, have no Skill in Letters, yet are very skilful in the Use and Vertue of Herbs and Roots, which Knowledge they have partly from their Ancestors, and partly by Natural Instinct, notwithstanding they have read no Books: But since Writing hath been invented, the Knowledge of the Nature and Vertue of Herbs hath been committed to Books; because the Memory of Man could not [Page 50] retain them all; and because, the same should not in Time be forgotten, but that Posterity should know the same.
In those Days Herbals were not common, nor the Knowledge of Herbs very general; for one wrote upon one, and another upon another.
We read that King Juba was the first that writ of the Vertue of Euphorbium: Mison, of Plantane: Musoeus and Hesiodus, of Polilim: Chrisippus, as also Dieuches and Cato, of Brassica: Zeno the Stoick, of Cypress: Antinomachus, of Cytisum: Marchio, of Radishes: Apuleius, of Betony: Virgil, of Ebony: Erasistratus, of Lysimachia: Homer, of Saffron, Lotus, and Hyacinthum: Hesiod, of Mallows: Archigenes, of Castor: Aristomachus, of the Vine: Asclepiades, of Chamomil.
After these succeeded others; as Theophrastus, Bithimus, Asolas, Heraclides, Tarantinus, Julius Bessus, Nisseratus, Petronius Niger, Ditotus, Cratatas Andreas, and, at last, Dioscorides and Pliny, who writ Books, and collected the Experiments made before their time.
Altho something of these, by the length of Time, is lost, yet we see still that they were more diligent in those days, than we [Page 51] are now, when few will be perswaded to read the Books of the Ancients.
I will not mention the Professors of this Art, who refuse to study the Experiments of the Ancients, for their better Instruction, because the Ancients Skill was not enlarged through the whole Kingdom of Vegetables, but confined to the Vertues of some few Herbs; so that one described one; and another, another: Not that Vertue which was known in the time of Adam, Enoch, Methusalem, and Solomon; but for several Hundred Years since, out of such Authors which they found perfect.
I could say much here of Apollo, Perne, Aesculapius, Machaon, Podalirius, and also of Hippocrates, if occasion would permit.
CHAP. IX. Of some Wonders, Signs, and Miracles, effected by Herbs.
BEcause many strange things are done here upon Earth, which are the Work of God, but by Men are little set by; yet in nothing they show themselves more plain, than in Herbs, of which there are innumerable sorts, indued with innumerable Vertues: if they were but known, and studied, as the Ancients did, we might, to this very day, also show many Miracles, as the Ancients did, not by Witchcraft and Sorcery, but by the Property and Essence of the Creatures, assisted by the Influence of the Stars.
Pliny tells us of many things which may be effected by Herbs, gathered under their proper Influences, which we account impossible and ridiculous; but by the Ancients this Art was call'd, Magia Naturalis, and so mightily esteemed by them, that they hid it from vulgar People, and made it known only to Philosophers, and Mighty Kings: But the Sacred Art was, at length, [Page 53] (like the Holy Scripture) mightily abused, by the succeeding Idolatrous People, who mingled the same with many Superstitious Operations, Sorceries, and Black Art: Therefore the Jews, Christians, and Ancient Romans, condemned the same as a Superstitious Art, and Diabolical; by which means the Knowledge of Nature, and Natural things, is hardly, and with much more Labour and Difficulty attained to.
But that it may appear what the Ancients effected with Herbs, I will give the Reader a Tast, that he may see, by a few Examples, what the whole Family of Vegetables would do, if Men knew the Use and Vertue of them.
Lotus, is a Vegetable, growing in the Island Circe, as Homer saith, indued with such force, that he who tastes of it, forgets his Native Country, Children, and all that is dear to him.
Xanthus, a Famous Historian in the days of Lot, mentions an Herb, call'd Boli, by whose Vertue, those that were slain by Dragons, were brought to Life again, and that not once, but often, as Pliny testifies.
Hence it is to be seen, that tho we do not credit the Word of God, yet it is Natural, [Page 54] and no Fable, what is written in the Book of the Creation of the Tree of Life; and no doubt, but at this very day, there are several Herbs and Vegetables indued with the same Vertue, which, by reason of our Sins, we are unworthy to know.
Theophrastus writes, and Democritus also believes it, that there is an Herb, which, in former times, Josephus knew, by whose Vertue, a Wooden-pin drove into a Tree was pulled out.
'Tis said also of Betony, That if you make a Circle with it, and cast Serpents into the Circle, they will not come out, but slay one another.
We find in History, That the Scythians knew an Herb called Scythice, or Spartanaca, of which, if they did but chaw a little, they preserved themselves from Hunger and Thirst twelve days.
Also, There have been Herbs that have dried up a whole Sea; and being thrown into a violent Current, it hath stemmed it; and whoever carried it with him, wanted nothing. This Herb is call'd Aethyops.
CHAP. X. The Ancients used only Herbs, not Compositions.
NOW seeing these wonderful Vertues and Operations in Herbs, the Ancients used them singly, excluding all great Compositions, as in these days, of which they knew nothing in former time: These were Invented thro covetousness and ignorance of the Nature of Herbs, which is arrived to that pass, that the true knowledge of Herbs is quite extinguished by reason of the Physicians, who, by leaving the true knowledge, and ancient description of Herbs, and following Avicenna and others, are fallen into such Darkness, that if it be not checkt in a few years, we shall know nothing of the ancient Practice of Physick.
Here I should show the abuse of the whole Profession, and quote several Sayings out of Pliny, and other Ancients, in the behalf of simple Physick, made of Herbs and Roots; but I fear it will hinder my purpose.
CHAP. XI. When the Composition of Herbs was first Invented.
THE Composition of Herbs, Roots, Seeds, and Gums, did first begin in the days of King Mithridates and Andromachus, who first composed the Treacle, which, in the time of Pliny, was very ridiculous, and he in several places ridicules the same. This, in time, is grown more in Practice, till Galen; from Galen, to Avicenna, Mesue, and other Arabians, till it is arrived to the highest pitch, and followed by the most Learned Men; and he that could best mix hot and cold, dry and moist, sweet and sowre, was the best Man, and that not only of the Production of our own Country, but of Arabia and India; for ours was of no Value.
It is not against the Apothecaries and Doctors that we use common and experimented Physick; but for the Benefit of the Sick; for, Why should not our Herbs be as good as those brought out of Asia and Africa? How did we when they were not [Page 57] brought over? and, How is it that those who use that Physick least, live longest? and those who run to the Apothecary are commonly the sickest? Tho the strange Herbs are indued with more powerful Names, they are not fit for our Climate. Since God hath given us proper Wines and Fruits, and other Necessaries fit for Use, How is it that he gave us not Herbs agreeable to our Climate, that we might use them? but the contrary is true, and the true and simple Physick is easier to be had.
Several have that growing in their Gardens, and tread under foot, which might preserve their Life; also, more Expences are saved in the time of Sickness, which gains the Love of the People, who were commonly addicted to Herbs and Vegetables; and besides, the Compounds agree not with every Nature.
CHAP. XII. Herophilus's Opinion of Herbs.
THERE was a very Learned and Experienced Man among the Physicians, as may appear by Cornelius Celsus and Pliny. This Man's Opinion was, That all Diseases might be cured by Herbs, and many wonderful things effected; and those Herbs which we account most Vile, are indued with most Vertue; as Experience testifies.
For, a Nobleman, as oft as he walked over a Plain where Esula grew, he was always seized with a Looseness: what Effect then may other Herbs have?
The Magick of Albertus Magnus is not to be slighted, altho he show'd many Untruths, contrary to his Knowledge and Experience.
CHAP. XIII. At what Seasons Herbs and Roots are to be gathered.
IT is not enough that we take and use Herbs as they are described in the Herbals; but they must be gathered in their proper Season; for if this be neglected, the Herb will have but little Vertue, and may prove Antipathetick to the Distemper, and make the Disease worse.
The Apothecaries, above all, should observe this particular, if they would rightly understand their Business.
The Herbs, ought to be gathered, not only when the Heaven is clear, and the Weather fair; for in fair Weather there may happen a contrary Influence of Sol, Mars, and Jupiter; as will happen in April, 1698. when Sol comes to a square of Saturn, and Opposition of Jupiter, and Jupiter to a square of Saturn: And also the time of the Year must be observed; for some are sooner, some later in Perfection.
The Age of the Herbs is likewise to be observed; some are to be gathered before [Page 60] they Blossom; some when in their Blossom; others when they begin to seed. By reason this Observation of Age, and Time, is by many neglected, and the true Time of the Influence not truly Calculated, they have committed great Mistakes; yea, some have described several Herbs, without their Stalks and Flowers, which, nevertheless, have both Stalks and Flowers, because they gave a Description of them before they had Flowers.
The ancient Herbalists say, That whoever will gather Herbs and Roots, must have a perfect Knowledge of the Influence of the Heavens and Stars; and also know to what Planets the Herbs are subject, and under what Constellation they should be gathered, even to an Hour and Minute.
These Observations (saith Otto Brunefells, a learned and experienced Physician, who lived 120 years since) the Ancients did punctually observe; and therefore they did more with the Herbs then, than we can do now. Marcilius Ficinus, above 150 years ago, in his third Book, hath writ of this; as also a very ancient Apothecary, in his Book call'd Nicholaus Proepositus's Dispensatory; in the which may be seen, how every Herb in particular ought to be gathered [Page 61] and prepared; and since these, many Eminent Physicians have written of the Heavenly Influences upon Herbs, but very imperfectly, and nothing worth.
Flowers ought to be gathered before they begin to fall: Fruits, when they are ripe, and before they begin to drop: The Seeds, when they are dry, but before they begin to break.
The Juice is to be express'd, when the Herbs are green and juicie, and their Stalk young; and also the Milk of Herbs, the sweating Drops and Gums.
CHAP. XIV. Where to keep your Herbs.
THE Herbs must be clean'd from all their Dirt, and dried in the Shade, before they are put up: Some tie them in Bunches, and hang them by the Wall in their Houses: Some pull the Leaves, and put them into Bags to dry them: and if this be done, according to due Order and Knowledge, as well of the Season, Day, and Hour, when they are gathered, as also [Page 62] their Names, it is a very useful thing. You must take especial Care that your Chamber be very clean, that the Herbs lie not upon the Floor, nor rot, or grow mouldy, nor dirtied by Rats or Cats; but be kept as a precious Jewel.
Flowers and sweet Herbs are to be kept in close Boxes, made of Lignum Tilioe, but so that they may keep their Scent, and not be musted.
Seeds must be wrapped in Papers, to preserve them from Mould.
All sorts of Fruits, as also Gums and Juices, must be kept in Silver, Tin, Glass, or Earthen Vessels. It is good to keep what belongs to the Eyes in Earthen Vessels; Fat and Marrows should be kept in Tin. Roots should be cut square, or round, washed clean, then string'd and dried. Wormwood, Hyssop, Savory, Southern-wood, French Lavender, and the like, must be gathered with their Seeds, and dried in the Shade.
CHAP. XV. How long Herbs will hold good.
HErbs usually hold good a Year, till they spring up afresh; some longer: Both Hellebores will keep good many years, Chamoeleon 40 years, Centaury 12 years, Hogs-Fenil 5 years, Birth-wort 6 years, Briony 1 year; but the most part lose their Vertue in 3 years; and those that are gathered in due Season last longest; Celandine keeps good 3 years, Enula 2 years.
CHAP. XVI. Where the best Herbs grow.
THE best Herbs grow on Mountains, and Wildernesses, in Plains, and places whereon the Sun shines most; but those less useful, in Gardens, and Shadowy places, and places Close; also in Moist Watry places, and Church-yards, &c. therefore the Wild ones are accounted better, and more durable than the Garden ones; some Herbs are esteemed according to their Country, as Iris of Illyria, and Macedonia, Cyprus rotundus of Silicia and Syria, Saffron of Coriceum, Lyceum and Cyrene; all these things are carefully noted by Dioscorides and Pliny.
CHAP. XVII. With what Ceremonies, and in what Seasons, the Old Pagans gathered their Herbs.
THE old Pagans took great care to gather their Herbs in due Season, calling upon the Spirits and Idols all the while: These Herbs had great Vertue, not from the Invocation of the Spirits and Idols, but the Devil had (by God Almighty's Permission over the Pagans) such Power, as to lead them into these Superstitious Ceremonies, which we Christians do not believe; for God, by his ordinary Means, can do more than the Devil; for if we loved God, and firmly Believed in him, there would be no occasion for Ceremonies and other things, but, like Moses, we might Act, who, with a piece of Wood, made Bitter waters Sweet; and as Elias and Elizaeus, who corrected poysonous Victuals with a little Flour, and also made Iron swim upon the Water; and as the Apostles, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, with the Use of the Oil of Olives only, cured many Diseases. Thus much might we do at this time with our Herbs and Roots.
[Page 65]When the Pagans digg'd the Root of Tapsum, they anointed their Bodies with Oil of Olives; they chose calm Weather, otherwise their whole Body would swell.
When they gathered the Dog-Thistle, they turned off the Wind from the place, least their Eyes should be damaged.
Some sorts of Roots they gathered before Sun-rise: But Roots under the Government of Sol, they gathered when the Sun was in the Ascendant, or Mid-Heaven; for then he hath a stronger Influence on Natural things, than in any other House.
When they dug Hellebore, they drew a Circle with a Naked Sword, and the Person who dug it turn'd his Face to the Sun-rising, and said a short Prayer, desiring that some lucky Bird might appear to him. But when the Eagle appear'd too near to him, it fore-show'd his Death, (they frequenting those places where they dig Hellebore:) but the said Digger must first have eaten Garlick, and drank Wine, before he take out the Root.
Peony Root they digged by Night, for fear the Merula (the Guardian of that Root) should pick out the Eyes of the Digger.
They also provided against the Hawk and Sparrow-Hawk, when they gathered the Ague Herb.
[Page 66]The Root Panax, otherwise Asclepeia, could not be digg'd before they had made an Offering of several Fruits, and flung them into the Earth; and after they had made three Circles with a two-edged Sword, they dug it out.
Mandrake was also three times encircled with a Sword, the Digger turn'd himself to the West, and danced round the Circles, and utter'd several Words, not fit here to be mentioned.
To dig Iris was a great Labour; for (for three Months before they dug it) they sprinkled the Earth about it with Honey-water, as Priests do the Sepulchers in Church-Yards with Holy-Water; for, by such Sprinkling, they thought they moved the Earth to Peace; then they made several Circles about it with a Sword, and took out the Root, and held it up to the Heavens; but in all this time the Digger must keep himself chast.
When they dug Polium, they built a shade about it, because it then yielded more Power and Virtue to the Bearer.
They who burnt Pitch, while they were imploy'd in Melting, offered, and pray'd that their Work might succeed well.
[Page 67] Scribonius Largus tells more wonderful things of Verbena; for when that Herb is first found, they must make a Circle about it with their left Ear, and also lay down some Fruits to it, and the next day, before Sun-rise, they must take the Herb away with their Left-hand.
The Herb Scolopendria, is esteemed very prevalent to Women in Labour, especially if it be hung about the Neck with the Spleen of a Mule; but this Herb must be dug in the Night, when the Moon is in the Mid-Heaven. Of this you may read more in Theophrastus, Pliny, Dioscorides, Apuleius, and others.
But such natural Seasons and Ceremonies as we Christians use, are at large described in the Third Instruction, at the End of this Book.
CHAP. XVIII. Of the Nature and Operation of the Herbs of Saturn.
PAstinaca, or Parsnip. If you take this Herb in an Antipathetick Influence of Saturn, and bruise it with your Hands, and out of spite lay it to a Man's Face when he sweats, it will presently cause the Leprosie; for that Saturnine Spirit that goes out of the Herb, and passeth into your Body with your Breath, presently causeth the Leprosie. I do not tell this to incourage Mischief; but to show the Harmony of Heavenly and Earthly Bodies. Therefore I will not describe the Antipathetick Influence of the Planets, by which much Mischief may be done: but the Sympathetick and useful Influence of the Planets, which I have Calculated with great Pains, Time, and Expences; as you may find in my Fourth Instruction following.
If this Saturnine Herb, Pastinaca, be cut up with a piece of Lead, sharp hard Wood, piece of an Ox's Bone, or other Saturnine thing, according to the Influence of Saturn, demonstr [...]ted in my Fourth Instruction, it is [Page 69] an infallible Remedy against the Leprosie, and other Saturnine Diseases: Altho some Herbs are more esteemed than others, yet, by the Influences, they may be exalted to an equal dignity, if they are gathered, as directed, in a strong Sympathetical Influence.
Staphisagria, sive Consiligo, or Staves-Acre; with the Root of this Herb a Man may catch Wolves and Foxes; and if you dig it according to direction, it preserves those that wear it about their Neck from the Plague and Pestilence.
Saxifragia being carried about the Neck, preserves from the poysonous Plague: It is also excellent against the Pains in the Privities, if it be gathered, according to direction, in a Saturnine Influence.
Wolf-bane. This Herb is of so quick and poysonous a Nature, that it kills Wolves. Those that use it fall into Swooning-fits; for the Saturnal Spirit which is hid in the Herb, is an Enemy to the Heart, and (as a Solar Member) doth mightily disturb the same. If the Genitals of a Man be rub'd with it, it will kill him; but if it be gathered in an Antipathetick Influence of Saturn and Sol, and hang'd about the Neck twice, when one is taken off, another hang'd [Page 70] on, it cures Poysons, and all Saturnine Diseases.
Filix, or Fern. In this Herb the Spirit of Saturn is very abundant, therefore it is especially used in the Magical Art; it casts forth its Seed before it is compleatly ripe, because of the great power of Saturn; and its Nature shows Barrenness. If Men use it, it makes them Impotent. If it be hang'd about a Woman's Neck with the Spleen of an Ass, it makes her Barren; because Saturn and Venus are Enemies; from whence proceeds Barrenness.
Hyosciamus, or Henbane. This Herb taken inwardly causeth Sleep, and by its occult, Saturnine, Poysonous Sulphur, it makes Men as if they were Possess'd of the Devil; and Quarrelsome, as if they were Drunk. Hence saith Scribonius, He who takes it is deprived of his Senses, and is always Quarrelsome; the Cause of which, is the poysonous Antipathetick Constellation of Saturn.
Frangula, sive Arbor foetida, or Alder-Tree, delights to grow in shadowy Woods, and moist Places, therefore it is subject to Saturn. If it be used in the Influence of Saturn, it is excellent in all old Sores, and poysonous Ʋlcers.
[Page 71] Personatia, seu Lappa major, or Burdock, delights to grow in dark moist Places, and is subject to Saturn. If this Root be gathered in the Influence of Saturn, 'tis an excellent Remedy against the Tooth-Ach; for it hath in its self an excellent cooling Saturnal Salt, which takes away the Pain.
Muscus, or Moss. This delights in thick Woods and Trees, and Rocks, where the Sun cannot come. It hath a dry and slupifying Tast, and is subject to Saturn. If it be gathered in the Influence of Saturn, and boiled in a Lee, it prevents the falling off of the Hair, by washing the Head with it: It also fastens loose Teeth, and by its Astringent and Stiptick nature often stops the Blood in Wounds.
Helleborus niger, or Black Hellebore: This commonly uses to blossom about Christmas; the best of it is digged in High Mountains, as Saturnine Places, in the Influence of Saturn. Its Virtue is wonderful to Mankind, especially to Persons betrothed, and those who carry it about their Neck live to grow very old, as Saturn in a good Aspect with Jupiter gives long Life. It is also good against external Saturnine, Poysonous Diseases.
[Page 72] Scolopendrion, or Spleen-wort. This represents the Spleen in Men; it grows without Seed, in dark, woody Places, where the Sun cannot come; for all dark, gloomy Places, are subject to Saturn, all Darkness being caused by Saturn and his Stars; therefore, if it be gathered in the Influence of Saturn, it expells cold, Saturnine Phlegm wonderfully.
Tamariscus, or Tamarisk, loves shadowy Places, not much exposed to the Sun: It loseth its Seed, like the Willow, before it is ripe, and is subject to Saturn, appropriated to the Spleen, because of its Planet; therefore if it be gathered in the Influence of Saturn, it is prevalent against the Spleen. Pliny saith, That the Wine, in which the Coals of Tamarisk are quenched, cures the Spleen.
Savine is found in thick dark Woods, and therefore is subject to Saturn; the leaves poudered in the Influence of Saturn, and put into old Ʋlcers is excellent good. The Sorcerers make much use of this Herb; for all Saturnine Vegetables are of that Nature, that if they are gathered in an Antipathetical Influence of Saturn, they bring all manner of mischief to Mankind.
Sena is subject to Saturn, it expells out of [Page 73] the Body all Saturnine Flegm, purifies the Blood, helps the sickly Spleen, and takes away the Quartan; 'tis excellent for such as are troubled with a malignant Saturnine Spirit in the Head.
Radix Capparis, or Capers, loves dry and Sandy places, and where Rubbish is; it opens the Bladder, expells Ʋrine, breaks the Stone in the Bladder, and expells the same; it opens the stoppage of the Spleen, and pacifies all Melancholy Swellings.
Ruta, or Rue. This, by its subtile Vertue which it hath from the Stars, if it be gathered in a good Influence of Saturn, resists all Poysons, and is an excellent remedy in the time of the Plague, and because the Plague is not only occasioned by Saturn, you must therefore use with it Martial and Solar herbs, but not mixt with them; of which you may see more in the 20 and 21 Chapters.
Rue expells Melancholy, and refreshes the Heart opprest with the same, and is a useful Remedy in a Quartan, because the same is chiefly occasioned by Saturn, and therefore people subject to Saturn are cured by it. Nature in this Herb hath conjoyned the Sun and Saturn, for if Rue and Sage be pounded together with Vinegar and bound upon the Pulse, it cureth the Fever: you may further [Page 74] take Notice, that this Herb resists all Witchcraft, occasion'd by Saturn, for Saturn is Lord of all Witchcraft, but Sol opposes this Vertue in this Herb, as its Signature in its little knob shews.
Polypodium, or Polypody of the Oak, is found in desart and dark Places, as also about the Rocks; it is subject to Saturn, and is good against the Black Jaundice, Melancholy, and Quartan; it takes away heavy Dreams, occasioned by the black Saturnal humidity.
Bursa Pastoris, or Pouch-weed. Its Substance and Signature shews it to be subject to Saturn, for the hour of its springing up was when Saturn was in the Sixth House, and is good for the swelling of the Yard, when the Antipathetick Directions of Saturn and Venus begin; this Herb, as also another Venereal Herb, gathered in good time, and hung about the Neck, is good against the same Disease.
Salix, or Willow, is appropriated to Saturn and Venus, because of its abounding Saturnine humidity which in time falls away, and therefore loseth its Seed before it is Ripe; here Nature gives to understand, that if this Seed be used Antipathetically, it causeth Barrenness. An Oyl made of the same by Chymical Art, in the Antipathetical Influence of Saturn [Page 75] and Venus, and anoint the Secrets with it, it takes away all Venereal desire.
Solanum, or Night-shade, grows not only in shady and moist Places, but also in the highest Mountains, and is subject to Saturn and Luna. It hath a peculiar Virtue to cause Sleep, the Leaves of it laid upon the Head, take away all Pains proceeding from Heat, by reason of its cold nature: It is also good for all inward and outward Inflammations.
Cassutha, sive Coscuta, Dodder, or Woodbine, loves to grow in fat Grounds, and is subject to Saturn and Jupiter, as his Signature shows, and is good against the Stoppage of the Muscles and Veins, and, by its penetrating Virtue, all Diseases of the Liver, as also the Yellow-Jaundice and Dropsie.
Agnus Castus takes away all Venereal Appetites.
Angelica is subject to Saturn, and expells all Saturnine Diseases.
Salvia, or Sage, is subject to Saturn and Jupiter.
Oxylapathum, or sharp-pointed Dock, delights in shady and mountanous Places, and therefore is subject to Saturn.
Atriplex, or Arrach, is also under Saturn, and grows in nasty Places; it makes those [Page 76] that take it pale, and augments the Black Gall.
Apium, or Smallage, is also subject to Saturn; the Worms that are found in the Stalks of Apium, who-ever eats of them are Barren.
Cupressus, or Cypress, is found in high Mountains. They blacken Hair by the Saturnine Colour.
Cannabis, or Hemp, is also a Saturnal Herb; he who useth much of this Seed grows Barren, and at last Mad.
Coscuta, or Dodder, loves to grow in dark places, where the Sun doth not come: It makes Hair very long, and opens the hard Spleen.
Here you must take Notice, That all Saturnal Herbs must be gathered in those Days and Hours when Saturn is strong. How it is to be done, you may see further in the Fourth Instruction, of the First Cure of the Influences: But you may always begin half or an hour before; but the Herb must always be gathered at that time which I have directed.
CHAP. XIX. The Explanation of some Jovial Herbs, and their Influence in general.
CLove-gilli-flowers are a Jovial Vegetable, and, according to their Nature, love temperate Places; the Root of them drawn by the Oil of Sugar, strengthens the Liver, cleanses and augments the Blood, and refreshes all Natural Spirits because of its Jovial Spirit. It quenches the Heat in hot Fevers, and restores lost Strength.
Cerasa, or Cherries, are also subject to the Influence of Jupiter. They cleanse and augment the Blood; they are opening and cooling in the Inflammation of the Liver; they are good for such as are troubled with the Yellow-Jaundice, and an Extract made of the same in a due time of Jupiter, is good in hot Fevers; for it not only cools the Blood, but pacifies inflamed Spirits.
Strawberries are also Jovial, and have the same Virtue with the Cherries: They refresh the Blood, and are good in the Yellow-Jaundice.
Balsamita, or Costmary, loves to grow towards the East, the Jovial Spirits being [Page 78] most copious in temperate Places: It cures all outward and inward Diseases, if you can get it: Outwardly apply'd toward the Liver, it refresheth the same wonderfully; and because the Liver, and also all Natural Spirits in Men, are of a Jovial Nature, therefore by Jovial Herbs they are strengthned and preserved.
Oleastrum, or Wild-Olive: This, with its whole Substance, is Jovial, because all things that are of an Oily Substance are commonly subject to Jupiter.
Betonica, or Betony, loves to grow in Fat ground, and is of the Nature of Jupiter, therefore it cleanseth the Blood in Men, because the Blood is subject to Jupiter, and consumes all its gross humidity; it strengthens the Liver, and opens its obstructions; it cures the Yellow Jaundice and Dropsie; if you use with it an Herb of the Sun or Moon, it resists Witchcraft, for the Jovial & Solar Herbs have a peculiar Vertue against Witchcraft; it likewise heals all Wounds and Ʋlcers.
Linum, or Flax, loves a temperate Soil, and is of a Fat and Oily substance, subject to Saturn and Jupiter; its Seed is excellent for a Consumption, it mollifies and ripens all hard swellings of the Liver, when it is used in the time of Jupiter, and outwardly apply'd.
[Page 79] Centaurium, or Centaury, shows by its light colour'd Flower, that it is of a Jovial and Martial Nature; it hath by Nature a Sulphureous Salt, as the Gall hath in Men; therefore it is of a Bitterish Tast, and hath a particular hidden Vertue to cure the stop-page of the Gall, and expell out of the Stomach the Yellow-Jaundice, Fever, and Gall; it is also an excellent Wound-Herb because of its Jovial Nature.
Berberries are of a Red Colour, and subject to Jupiter and Mars; for they grow upon prickly Thorns, who, by their signature, represent Mars. Out of this Fruit is prepared an Excellent Medicine for the Swelling of the Throat, cooling the Inflammation of the Liver, and taking away the painful Heat of the Stomach.
Caryophyllata, sive Herba benedicta, or Avens, is as well a Solar as a Jovial Vegetable; it hath its yellow Flowers of the Sun, to which Jupiter of himself can give no Colour. It smells like Cloves, and is therefore call'd Caryophyllata in Latin. It strengthens the Heart, opens the Liver, and strengthens the Stomach, because it is Jovial.
Persicaria, or Arsmart, delights to grow in Ditches and moist Places, and is of a Jovial and Lunar Nature: It expells the [Page 80] Podagra, if it be gathered in a strong Influence, and apply'd with the Herbs of Saturn and Mars, to the Breast, Arms, and Knees.
Lychnis Coronaria, seu Rosa mariana, or Campane Rose, is subject to Jupiter, because of its light coloured Flowers: It refreshes the Liver and Blood, and is useful to those who labour under the Leprosie and Pox: It heals Wounds by Virtue of its Jovial and Heavenly Influence.
Fumaria, or Fumitory, hath a light, red Flower, but a bitter and unpleasant Tast, is of a Jovial and Saturnine Nature, as its Tast shows: It hath in it an Earthy Sulphur, therefore it is bitter, and is good for the Liver, as it is subject to Jupiter, and opens the same. It cures the Yellow-Jaundice and Dropsie, and cleanseth the Blood, which belongs to Jupiter, especially if it be gathered on a Thursday, in the hour of Jupiter, and he well aspected, as you may see in the Months.
Tucrinum, or Orpin, represents Jupiter, by its signature, hath a bitter Tast, proceeding from the Sulphureal Salt it hath in it: It opens Obstructions of the Liver, by its Jovial Nature; it cleanses the Blood, and expells all malignant Humidity by Sweat.
[Page 81] Verbascum, or Mullein, is subject to Jupiter and Sol; for all the yellow Colours in Vegetables come from Sol. It is the best Herb that can be found for Healing of Wounds, because of its Jovial Nature, and is very useful to them who spit Blood, by reason of a broken Vein in the Lungs. The Root, as also other Jovial and Saturnal Herbs, gathered in a due Influence, (as is specified in the Months) and every one put into a bag by themselves, of their own Colour, and hung about the Neck, cure the Cough and Consumption. It also helps those that are troubled with Vapours of the Stomach, and Shortness of Breath. If a Man holds this Root in his Hand, it stops Bleeding, and cures the Bites of Scorpions; it resists all Poyson, by the Virtue of Jupiter and Sol, who both resist Poyson.
Consolida, or Comfrey, loves a fat Soil, hath a clammy Root, and is subject to Jupiter, therefore it is prevalent in all Distempers of the Lungs, as also in Spitting of Blood.
Origanum, or Wild-Marjoram, is subject to Jupiter; it smells like Galangal, which is also of the Nature of Jupiter, and is an excellent Herb against Theft and Witchcraft, if it be gathered when Jupiter is well aspected, and strong, tho with this Caution, [Page 82] that the Spirits do not return to the Earth; if it be so gathered, it preserves the Bearers from all Peril, and makes them fortunate. If it be hung in a House, it preserves it from all Robberies and Witchcraft.
Betula, or Birch-Tree, is as well by Form, as Tast, subject to Jupiter, therefore, by its Jovial Nature, it is excellent in all Obstructions of the Liver, and Yellow-Jaundice; it is also good in the Consumption of the Liver. If in the Influence of Jupiter you cut the Branches of Betula, growing Eastward, where the Spirits of Jupiter are most powerful, being hung in Chambers, they are very useful; for the Jovial Spirits exhaling out of the Betula, and attracted by the Breath, penetrates presently, as all Jovials do, Jupiter having a peculiar Virtue to open the same. Its power is also great in Mad and Possess'd People, because of the hidden Jovial Spirit, and such Effects have their Original from these three, Saturn, Luna, and Mercury, and those who have in their Nativity a Conjunction or Opposition of Saturn and Mercury, and Mars coming to it with a Direction, such Persons, when the Direction falls, are of a base and devillish Nature; therefore such Persons must be cured with Solar and Jovial Herbs; but [Page 83] especially with such, as are subject to the Dominion of both Planets.
Chamoepetys, seu Iva, or Ivy, is subject to Jupiter, and hath a subtle Salt in it, and also a Sulphur; therefore it is excellent against the Gout and Sciatica, for both these Pains proceed from a Tartar that clings to the Veins and Muscles.
Amygdalus, or Almond-Tree, delights in a fat Soil, and is subject to Jupiter and Venus; the Fruit of it strengthens the Liver, makes a pure Blood, and gives good Nutriment, according to the Nature of all Jovial things and Vegetables; for all Creatures which have a delicious Tast, are of a Jovial and Venereal Nature. They are good in a Consumption, for they bring the Body into good Order, and refresh the Liver.
Ruba domestica, or Black-berries, are of a Jovial and Martial Nature, and are used for all inward and outward Ruptures; for they disperse clotted Blood, because Jupiter and Mars are joined in this Herb, all Ruptures being occasioned by Mars; so that they who have in their Nativity a Conjunction of Mars and Luna in the sixth or eighth House, ill aspected by Saturn, commonly are Bursten, because the noxious Planet conjoins [Page 84] himself with the Planet of the Omentum and Bowels.
Prunella, or Self-heal, is Jovial and Mercurial. It is good in all Boils, and Sores in the Throat, and, by its Jovial Virtue, cures all inward Ruptures, and outward Wounds.
Rhubarb is of a Jovial and Saturnine Nature; its Signature shews it to be excellent against the stopping of the Liver, and Muscles leading to it, both which are subject to Jupiter. It expells the Gall, and cures the Yellow-Jaundice.
Lysimachia, or Loosestrife, if it be gathered in a strong Influence of Jupiter, it causes the Bearer to be Belov'd, and well accepted where-ever he comes; if it be flung among quarrelling Persons, it will make them Friends; for by the subtle and hidden Jovial Spirit of this Herb, (which is directly contrary to Mars) all Martial Effects are presently extinguished.
Bugloss and Burrage, are both subject to Jupiter in Aquary, the House of Saturn. They clean the Blood from the Black Gall, and refresh the Mind.
Wheat loves a pleasant, temperate Soil, and because of its Jovial Nature, nourishes and augments the Blood.
CHAP. XX. Of the Operation and Nature of Martial Herbs.
NEttles are subject to Mars, because of their hot and burning Nature; for all that Prick and Burn are subject to this Planet, which is the hottest of all; also all hot Creatures are subject to him. The Leaves of the Nettles mollifie and dissolve all Swellings, both of the Spleen, and other Members. The Seed gathered in a good and strong Influence of Mars, keeps the Bearer from all Wounds that come from Quarrels and Blows; but if they are gathered in an undue Season, their Operation is contrary.
Thistles of all sorts, by their Prickles show that they are all Martial. Their Seeds and Roots are useful in the Pleurisie. The Seeds of Thistles, gathered in due Season, stop the Bloody-Flux, and the Whites.
Resta bovis, or Rest-Harrow, is Martial and Jovial: It opens the Obstructions of Liver and Gall, and cures the Yellow-Jaundice [Page 86] and Stone. If this be gathered in two several Influences of Mars and Jupiter, and each severally hung about the Neck, it preserves the Bearer from the Power of his Enemies and Murtherers.
Esula, seu Tithymallus, or lesser Spurge, is subject to Saturn and Mars, because of his burning and biting Nature and Vertue; (for all yellow Colours in Vegetables have their Original from Sol) and is very powerful in all hard Swellings of the Spleen.
Rhamnus, or Buckthorn, is in the Martial Row; for all things that are Rough, Sharp, Prickly, and Burning, and do grow in dry Places, are subject to Mars, if they are gathered in due Season, and hang'd about the Neck, serve against all Martial Sicknesses and Diseases.
CHAP. XXI. Of the Nature and Vertue of the Solar Herbs.
SAffron is a Solar Herb, and delights in Places where the Sun shines all day long; out of the same may be extracted, in the Influence of the Sun, an excellent Eye-Water; for the Eyes are subject to the Sun. He who in his Nativity hath an Opposition of Saturn and Sol, hath but weak Eyes, and great Pains in them, which are cured by Saturnal and Solar Medicines. When the central Sol is strengthened by the Spiritual Influence of the Coelestial, it resists by its occult, Solar Vertue all Poysons, and together with Saturnal and Martial Herbs, it is an excellent Remedy against the Plague.
Carthamus, or Wild-Saffron, grows upon Gold-bearing Mountains, from whence it attracts such a strong Solar Spirit, that it colours Tin and Silver, as if they were Gilded.
Mala citria, or Limons, are of a Solar Nature, and love to grow in a hot Ground, and in Places where the Sun shines most: [Page 88] They have a particular Inclination to the Heart, in which Sol hath a particular Dominion; they strengthen and refresh the same, augment also the Vital Spirits, and clear them: These, with other Martial things, resist powerfully all Poyson: They preserve the Heart, which is the Fountain of Life; the Juice must be exprest in the Influence of Sol, and the Seed put into a yellow Bag of Taffety, and dipt into the Juice, and applyed to the Breast.
Laurus, or Bay-Tree, is subject to the Sun, therefore by its subtle Coelestial Virtue, together with Martial Vegetables, it resists Poyson; its Signature shows that it is an excellent Remedy against the Bites of all Poysonous Animals. The Leaves of it put into unwholsome Water make it wholsome.
The Vine is subject to Sol, and delights to grow where the Sun shines most: It augments the Solar, Vital Spirits, and refreshes them; strengthens the Heart, and expells all Melancholy occasioned by Saturn.
Enula is of a Solar Nature, and delights in pleasant and Sun-shiny Places. The Tincture of the Flower extracted with the Oil of Sugar, in the Influence of Sol, is an excellent Remedy for the Eyes, it sharpens [Page 89] the Sight mightily: It is also good for those that have a Cough; for it dissolves the Phlegm in the Breast, and expells it by its Solar Virtue.
Hypericon, or St. Johns-wort, is subject to the Sun and Jupiter, loves to grow in pleasant places; it cleanseth Wounds powerfully, and heals them, and is good against inward bruises of the Veins; it stops spitting of Blood, occasioned by a broken Artery; for all Jovial Herbs are of a healing Nature, therefore may be apply'd to Wounds: If it be gathered in two several Influences, as of the Sun and Jupiter, it expells all poysonous and putrefied Moisture, according to the Nature of Jovial and Solar things: It resists all Putrefaction by its Solar Virtue; therefore it expells all Worms, which have their Original from Futrefaction.
Fraxinus, or Ash-Tree. It strengthens the Heart by its Solar Virtue, and with Jovial and Saturnal things it resists Poyson. The Juice of this Tree apply'd in the Influence to the poysonous Bitings of Serpents cures them. Drinking Vessels made of this Wood make those Merry who drink out of them. It expells all Saturnal Spirits by Antipathy, and strengthens all Vital, Solar Spirits by Sympathy. Hence it [Page 90] is excellent good for all Melancholy People.
Melissa, or Balm, belongs to the Sun and Jupiter. It hinders the Putrefaction of the Lungs and Liver; it preserves Youth, and defends Old Age: It hath also many more Virtues, because of its Solar Influence.
Flos Solis, or Sun-Flower, is an excellent Herb for the Eyes; if the Flowers be gathered in the Influence of Jupiter, they give the Bearer a special Authority by their Solar, occult Virtue.
Rosemary is subject to Sol and Mercury, and by the Virtue of such Constellation, it augments the Solar, Vital Spirits, as also the Animal Spirits that are of a Mercurial Nature. It strengthens the Brain and Heart, and cures all Colds in the Head, as also Apoplexy and Phrensie: It likewise resists all Putrefaction.
Corona Imperialis, or Tulip, hath all the Virtues of Rosemary.
CHAP. XXII. Of the Vertue and Force of Venereal Herbs.
SAtyrion Roots are subject to Venus, therefore by their Signature they signifie the Testicles, and other Venereal parts; they augment the Sperm, and cause an inclination to Venereal Acts.
All sorts of Lilies are subject to Venus, but especially the white; for the white colour in Vegetables belongs to Venus; the other colour'd Lilies participate of Venus's and other Planets influences; the Roots of white Lilies gather'd in the influence of the Moon and Venus, make the Bearer acceptable among Women; the water of white Lilies clears the Face, and takes away all spots of the Skin.
Lilium Convallium, or Lily of the Vally, loves moist places, and is subject to Venus and Luna, being an excellent Remedy against the Epilepsie, Frensie, and Apoplexy, and other Diseases; for the Celestial Moon fortifies the Terrestrial in Men by its Spiritual power and vertue; it strengthens the Brain, and cures all Lunary Diseases.
[Page 92] Narcissus, or Daffodil, is subject to Venus; the Roots of it, together with other proper things, augment the Sperm; the water of it clears the Skin and Face; for Venus is Lady of all that is Beautiful, and all handsome Creatures are subject to her, and receive their Beauty from her.
Flores Nymphoe, or Water Lilies, grow in Water, and therefore are subject to Venus and Sol; they cure the Swellings of the Privities, and extinguish all extravagant and lustful desires to Venus; if they be mixt with Saturnal Herbs, they cool the Inflammation of the Liver; and if they be mixed with other proper things, they cure the Hectick Fever and Pleurisie; they also clear the Face.
Rosa, or Rose, is for the most part of a Venereal Nature; it cures the Swellings of the Yard, and is excellent in stopping the Red and White Fluxes of Women, and makes them apt to Conceive.
Ficus, or Fig, is of a Venereal and Jovial Nature, therefore its Fruit is Sweet and Delicious, which increases the Venereal Appetite.
Mala Mustica, or Sweet Apples, belong also to Venus, and have the same Effects as the Figs.
[Page 93] Hyacinthus, or Hyacinth, is Venereal, but for the most part of a Solar Nature: It makes the Bearer have an especial Love and Favour among Ladies of Quality; for Ladies are subject to this Planet. The Juice of the Root rub'd on the Skin prevents all growings of Hair.
CHAP. XXIII. Of the Nature and Vertue of Mercurial Herbs.
CHamomilla, or Chamomil, is Mercurial, because of its manifold Colours; it loves dry and sandy Places, and is good for many things. It disperses all Winds and Swellings in the Body; it fortifies by the Mercurial Virtue the Animal Spirits, especially if you make a Lee of them, and wash the Head with the same: If it be mix'd and used with other proper things, it opens all inward Obstructions, and ripens the Sores of the Lungs.
Aquilegia, or Celandine, hath Sky-coloured and yellow Flowers, and is subject to Mercury. [Page 94] It is good for all Swellings of the Lungs and Sides, as also for all inward Hurts, for the Lungs and Sides are subject to Jupiter, therefore it ripens all the Swellings of the same: It opens the Obstruction of the Liver, and its Seed is good in the Yellow-Jaundice.
Faboe, or Beans, have Flowers of divers Colours, are subject to Mercury and Saturn. The use of them makes a thick and melancholy Blood subject to Saturnal Diseases. They create great, windy Swellings, and by their gross Nature they stupifie the Spirits, and obstruct the subtle Vital ones. The Smell of the Flowers ascends into the Head, disquiets and dulls the Brains; therefore those who are Born in an Antipathetick Conjunction of Saturn and Mercury, are commonly sottish, and at last lose their Senses; but if the Conjunction or Direction of Saturn be Sympathetical, those that are Born at that time have a quick Wit, but a stammering Tongue, as hath been proved by several Persons who have had the same Direction.
Bellis, or Dasie, is subject to Mercury and Venus, because of its various coloured Flowers, which consist of a very humid Salt, ex librâ & Mercuriali humiditate [Page 95] aquea. It is good for those that are subject to Passion, because it takes away the Gall without damaging the Liver. It is excellent in the Gout; for by its subtle Salt it resolves and takes away the Tartar which causeth this Pain. The distill'd Water takes away the Swellings of the Throat, and Blisters of the Tongue, as being Mercurial parts.
Trifolium, or Trey-foil, is of a Mercurial Nature, therefore the Bees, which are of a Mercurial and Solar Nature, love this Herb, and take most of their Honey out of it.
All Friendship amongst Creatures proceeds from an Heavenly Harmony; for it often happens, that Strangers, who have never seen each other before, love one the other, because in their Nativity they have had the same Signs ascending. Experience testifies, that Snakes do not love those Places where Trey-foil grows: And History saith, That in the Island Malta there are no Snakes, because several sorts of Trey-foil grow there.
Trifolium Odoratum, or Treacle Claver, is subject to Mercury, therefore its Scent is strongest, when Mercury hath a strong Influence; and its strong Scent often foretells [Page 96] Rainy Weather; so do almost all sorts of Trey-foil; for when it begins to Rain, it declines its Head to the Ground, as if it were ready to shrink up; it is good for the Brains and all Animal Spirits, for it strengthens and augments the same by its Spiritual Mercurial Vertue, and is good against the Epilepsie; it takes away the Colick, expells Ʋrine, and resists all Poyson.
Juniperus, or Juniper, is in its whole Nature subject to Mercury, and in him is the whole Mercurial Monarchy: Out of it (by Chymical Art) is Extracted excellent Remedies in the time of Mercury, against the Dropsie, Stone, Colick, Poyson, Plague, Coughing, Gout, and many other Diseases, as experience will shew; by its Scent and Shadow it makes Snakes fly.
Wallnuts are Mercurial, but a little subject to the Moon; they represent the Brains by their Lunar Physiognomy, for the Brains are subject to Luna; therefore the Nuts, if rightly used, fortifie the Brain, and augment the Animal Spirits. Out of the Root of this Tree is made a strong Vomit; the Juice of the green Shells of the Nuts, is good against Inflammations and swellings of the Throat.
[Page 97] Hasel-Nuts are also Mercurial; therefore the Squirrels (who are subject to Mercury) love the Tree and its Fruit. The Misseltoe of it strengthens the Brains.
Sambucus, or Elder-Tree, is wholly Mercurial, therefore out of it are prepared many useful Medicines, especially for the Brain, and its Diseases, as also for Dropsies and Fevers. Out of the Stones of the Berries, by Chymical Art, and help of the Influence of Mercury, is prepared an excellent Oil against the Gout. Elder cures as many Sicknesses as it hath parts.
Bistorta, or Snake-weed, is excellent for the Lungs, because of its Mercurial Nature. It is also excellent against the Cough.
Pulmonaria, or Lung-wort, is Mercurial; for it represents, by its Signature, the Lungs. Saturn also claims a small share of it. It is excellent good for the Distempers of the Lungs.
Anisum, or Anise, is also under the Influence of Mercury. It strengthens the Brains, helps the Lungs, takes away the Cough and Phlegm from the Breast, and is good for the Hectick, and opens the Obstructions of the Bowels.
Cubeboe, or Cubebs, are Mercurial and Lunar. They strengthen the Brain, which [Page 98] belongs to Luna, and fortifie and subtilize the Animal Spirits. They strengthen the Memory, if they be used early in the Morning, else, by their superfluous use, they bring damage to the Brains.
Marjorana, or Marjoram, is also Mercurial. It augments the Animal Spirits, and is good in the Lethargy. Its Oil strengthens the Nerves, and is of excellent use, as well inward as outward.
Note, That the most Mercurial Herbs are also subject to other Planets; for if he joins with another Planet, he may be good or bad. He strengthens their Influence; for Mercury is like Proteus, who makes use of all Shapes.
CHAP. XXIV. Of the Nature and Vertue of Lunar Herbs.
CAulis capitatus, or Colly-Flower, loves moist Places; it abounds with Juice; is subject to Luna, and by its Signature it represents the Head. If eaten, it causeth Vapours in the Head, and makes it moist, because of Luna, who hath Dominion over it, especially if it be boil'd with Onions, for it hath a Lunar Poyson in it. It fills the whole Body with Moisture, as all Lunar Herbs do. It is not very noxious to those who are plagued with the Gall, and have a very hot Stomach. Those who are of a cold Nature ought not to use it, least, by its Lunar Humidity, it should cause a Dropsie: But the inward parts taken with the Seed in the Lunar Influence, cure the Dropsie, and other Lunar Sicknesses.
Brassica, or Cole-wort, is better than the Leaves. It is of a Lunar and Jovial Nature: It makes a clear Blood, but the Herb of it makes no good Blood, but occasions a watry Humidity, very good, or very bad, as the Moon is influenced: It moistens the Liver, [Page 100] and prevents the Inflammations, as also the Obstructions; therefore it is an excellent Diet for those that are troubled with the Colick and Yellow-Jaundice, for it corrects the Gall, and takes away its adust Phlegm, by gently Purging, and keeping the Body open. The distill'd Water is good in the Yellow-Jaundice.
Melons and Pompkins represent the Head of Men, and delight in moist Places, (are subject to Luna) as all Lunars do. The distill'd Water is good in hot Fevers; it extinguisheth all Heat, and Inflammations; it quencheth the Thirst by its Lunar Humidity; it pacifieth the Head-Ach, occasioned by the disorder of the Brains, and is good for those who are troubled with a hot, burning Stomach. If they are eaten in an undue Season, and too plentifully, they disturb the Stomach, and occasion the Reds and Whites, as Lunar Sicknesses.
Garlick and Onions are subject to Luna and Mars, therefore if the Roots hang in the Moon-shine, they seem fiery. If they are taken in an undue Season, they cause a Lethargy, trouble the Animal Spirits, and fill the Head with a subtle, Lunar, poysonous Vapour; but if they are corrected, they strengthen the Stomach, and the Seed of it gathered in two several Influences of Luna and Mars, resists all Poyson.
[Page 101] Mandrake is poysonous, loves humid and shady Places, is subject to Luna and Saturn: It hath a Narcotick and Anodyne Vertue, therefore when a Member is to be cut off. the Physicians use it; for it takes away all Senses. The Fruit of it taken and eaten in an undue Season causes Obstructions of the Spleen, Leprosie, Head-Ach, Melancholy, and Quartan, because of its Poyson; but if it be gathered in a due Influence of Saturn and Luna, it cures all Madness, and Melancholy; for it takes away the malignant, Saturnal and Lunar Humidity, by the Roots.
Papaver, or Poppy, is of a Lunar Nature; by its Signature it is subject to Luna; if it be gathered in a due Influence of Luna, it is very good for the Head; if it be taken in an undue Season, it cools the Head, and moistens it too much. It is good for the Epilepsie, occasioned by hot Vapours, causes Sleep, and is therefore mixt among the Narcotick Ʋnguents.
Wild-Poppies are subject to Luna and Jupiter, because of their Lunar, cooling Vertue, and their Jovial Spirit. They are good for the Inflammation of the Liver, and Blood, and purifie the same. The Water distill'd in due Season, is good in hot Fevers, and [Page 102] Pleurisie. The Water made in a good Influence of Luna and Jupiter, if a Cloth be dipt in the same, and apply'd to the Forehead, causes a gentle Sleep, and takes away the Head-Ach occasioned by heat.
Lettuce loves moist places: It moistens the Body, because of Luna, causeth Sleep, and increaseth Milk in Women: It pacifies the Head-Ach occasioned by heat, and expells the Gall from the Stomach.
Rapum, or Rape-Root, is of a strong, Lunar Nature; therefore it fills the Body with Moisture, and gathered in an undue Season is very noxious to the Phlegmatick.
Lime-Tree is subject to Luna and Mars; its yellow Bark comes from Mars. It opens the Obstructions of Women. The distill'd Water is good for the Head, cures the Phrenzy, takes away the Cold of the Body, and easeth the Colick.
Peony-Root is subject to Luna and Jupiter, for the Flowers are Jovial. If they are gathered in the Influence of Jupiter and Luna, they take away all Obstructions of Women, and if they have them too much, they bring them into order. This Virtue is also in the Seed. It is excellent for the Head; it cures the Phrenzy, and takes away the heavy Dreams, and Incubus, if [Page 103] it be taken inwardly, or hang'd about the Neck.
All sorts of Mushrooms, are nothing but the Swellings of the Earth, occasioned by a viscous Humidity of the Earth and Trees; for Luna is Lady of all Moisture. Hence it is, that in wet Years they abound more than in dry. They give (according to the Nature of all Lunars) a pale Colour. If you eat too many, and not well pickled, they fill the Body with a watry Phlegm, and create a Dropsie, and all Lunar Distempers. He that delights to eat them must gather them in the Influence of the Moon, then they are Healthful, otherwise they hurt, by reason of their Lunar Moisture. Some think that the pale coloured are the most hurtful, because they have the more Lunar Poyson in them; and the yellow better, because they have more Sulphur.
Water-Lentils are also subject to Luna, are of a cooling Nature, and also useful in all inward and outward Inflammations. They likewise cure the Head-Ach, occasioned by Heat.
The Fourth Instruction. Of the Influence of the Seven Planets, which daily happen throughout the Year, from the Tenth of March, 1698, to the Tenth of March, 1699.
EVery one must diligently observe the Influences the Stars have over the Herbs, before taught, and over the Metals, as will be hereafter demonstrated, that he may imprison the Influences of the Stars in the same; which is done when the Herb or Root is planted, and gathered with a fit Instrument, made with a Metal of the same nature with the Herb.
As for Example.
In Italy grow the Olive-Trees, and are of a Jovial Nature; if these Olive-Trees are not cut with Sheers of their own Nature, they lose their innate Vertue, and Influence, and wither away, as is well known to every curious Person in Italy; therefore they are [Page 105] cut with Ivory Sheers, that they may grow better, because Ivory is of the Nature of Jupiter. Sheers made of Copper, or Tin, might do the same, &c.
The Small-Pox is a Distemper subject to the Sun, therefore when the Sun is afflicted by Mars, Children (as well as Aged People) whose Nativity agrees with the malignant Influence at that time, catch the Distemper presently. Now, when the Pox is at the height, take a sharp Instrument made of Gold, a Fingers length, with which prick and take away the Blisters; and if he be a Male, bathe the place with the Breast-Milk of a Woman, who gives suck to a Boy; but if a Female, then with the Milk of a Woman, who suckles a Girl, and the Pox will leave no Marks or Pits.
If simple Metals can in general do this, What would they do if they were Corporally and Spiritually joyn'd in a due Influence? Oh! what a shameful thing is it, that Silver and Gold have been hitherto so abus'd?
Here follows a Diary, shewing how strong and powerful every Herb, Mineral, and Vegetable is (every Day in the Year) to be found.
MArch the 10th, 1698, about Two of the Clock in the Morning, the Sun enters the first Scruple of Aries, at which time the Days and Nights are alike throughout the whole World, and this is a very proper Season for Cutting the Wound-wood of the Ash-Tree; but if you will consider the Influence of the Sun, and how he is aspected, because the Ash-Tree is subject to the Sun, you may in this Year 1698, find a more suitable time, as hereafter shall be shown.
The Moon at this Ingress hath the most Dignities of all the Planets, and is therefore accounted to be the Lady of the Year. This is an excellent time to gather or dig up the Herbs, Roots, and Minerals, subject to the Moon, (as before in the Second Instruction is shown) to be preserved against a time of Need: The best Lunar Herbs, I say, are to be gathered this 10th of March 1698, at 47 Minutes before 12 at Noon, when she will possess the Angle of Life [Page 107] with 36 Testimonies of Fortitude; therefore all Herbs gathered at that instant will powerfully heal all Lunar Sicknesses, if hung about the Neck in a gray, white, or pale coloured Silk bag.
Here is also to be observed,
1. When the Influence of Saturn is found, then is a time to gather the Herbs of Saturn, as in the Second Instruction, Numb. I. against the Saturnal Diseases, in the First Instruction, Numb. I.
2. The Influences of Jupiter serve for the Herbs of Jupiter, in the Second Instruction, Numb. II. against the Jovial Diseases, in the First Instruction, Numb. II.
3. The Influences of Mars serve for the Herbs of Mars, in the Second Instruction, Numb. III. against the Martial Diseases, in the First Instruction, Numb. III.
4. The Influences of the Sun serve to the Herbs of the Sun, in the Second Instruction, Numb. IV. against the Solar Diseases, in the First Instruction, Numb. IV.
5. The Influences of Venus serve to the Herbs of Venus, in the Second Instruction, Numb. V. against the Diseases of Venus, in the First Instruction, Numb. V.
6. The Influence of Mercury serves to the Herbs of Mercury, in the Second Instruction, [Page 108] Numb. VI. against the Diseases of Mercury, in the First Instruction, Numb. VI.
7. The Moon's Influence serves for the Herbs of the Moon, in the Second Instruction, Numb. VII. against the Diseases of the Moon, in the First Instruction, Numb. VII.
8 | ♄ & ♃ | Influences serving for the Herbs, in the Second Instruction by Number, | 1 & 2 | Against the Diseases in the First Instruction of | ♄ & ♃ | Numb. 8 |
9 | ♄ & ♂ | 1 & 3 | ♄ & ♂ | Numb. 9 | ||
10 | ♄ & ☉ | 1 & 4 | ♄ & ☉ | Num. 10 | ||
11 | ♄ & ♀ | 1 & 5 | ♄ & ♀ | Num. 11 | ||
12 | ♄ & ☿ | 1 & 6 | ♄ & ☿ | Num. 12 | ||
13 | ♄ & ☽ | 1 & 7 | ♄ & ☽ | Num. 13 | ||
14 | ♃ & ♂ | 2 & 3 | ♃ & ♂ | Num. 14 | ||
15 | ♃ & ☉ | 2 & 4 | ♃ & ☉ | Num. 15 | ||
16 | ♃ & ♀ | 2 & 5 | ♃ & ♀ | Num. 16 | ||
17 | ♃ & ☿ | 2 & 6 | ♃ & ☿ | Num. 17 | ||
18 | ♃ & ☽ | 2 & 7 | ♃ & ☽ | Num. 18 | ||
19 | ♂ & ☉ | 3 & 4 | ♂ & ☉ | Num. 19 | ||
20 | ♂ & ♀ | 3 & 5 | ♂ & ♀ | Num. 20 | ||
21 | ♂ & ☿ | 3 & 6 | ♂ & ☿ | Num. 21 | ||
22 | ♂ & ☽ | 3 & 7 | ♂ & ☽ | Num. 22 | ||
23 | ☉ & ♀ | 4 & 5 | ☉ & ♀ | Num. 23 | ||
24 | ☉ & ☿ | 4 & 6 | ☉ & ☿ | Num. 24 | ||
25 | ☉ & ☽ | 4 & 7 | ☉ & ☽ | Num. 25 | ||
26 | ♀ & ☿ | 5 & 6 | ♀ & ☿ | Num. 26 | ||
27 | ♀ & ☽ | 5 & 7 | ♀ & ☽ | Num. 27 | ||
28 | ☿ & ☽ | 6 & 7 | ☿ & ☽ | Num. 28 | ||
29 | ♄, ♂, & ☉ | 1, 3, & 4 | ♄, ♂, & ☉ | Num. 29 | ||
30 | ♄, ♂, & ☿ | 1, 3, & 6 | ♄, ♂, & ☿ | Num. 30 | ||
31 | ♄, ♂, & ☽ | 1, 3, & 7 | ♄, ♂, & ☽ | Num. 31 | ||
32 | ♄, ☉, & ☽ | 1, 4, & 7 | ♄, ☉, & ☽ | Num. 32 | ||
33 | ♂, ☉, & ☽ | 3, 4, & 7 | ♂, ☉, & ☽ | Num. 33 | ||
34 | ♂, ☿, & ☽ | 3, 6, & 7 | ♂, ☿, & ☽ | Num. 34 | ||
35 | ♄, ♂, ☉, & ☽ | 1, 3, 4, & 7 | ♄, ♂, ☉, & ☽ | Num. 35 |
MARCH, 1698.
10 AT 53 minutes past 11 in the Morning, the Moon is in Ascendant with 36 Testimonies.
The same Day at 31 minutes past 7 at Night, the Moon is in Mid-Heaven with 31 Testimonies. At which time you must cut up or gather the Herbs and Roots of the Moon; you may provide your self half an hour before-hand, but the Herb or Root must be cut or gathered at 31 minutes past Seven, and put into a pale, white or grey coloured Silk bag, and kept till Occasion serves.
This time is also to be observed for the Sigil of the Moon; for the more powerful the Influence is, the more powerful will the Operation be: But this is taught more at large in the Third Cure.
12 At 27 minutes before 12 at Noon, is Venus in the Mid-Heaven with 15 Test.
14 At 7 min. past 9 in the Morning is Saturn in the Mid-Heaven with 24 Test.
15 At 4 in the Afternoon is Luna in the Ascendant with 23 Test.
[Page 110]16 At 49 min. past 8 in the Morning is Saturn in the Mid-Heaven with 24 Test.
17 At 48 min. past 8 in the Morning is Saturn in the Mid-Heaven with 31 Test.
This is a good time to gather the Simples under the Government of Saturn, which must be put into a black Silk bag, till Occasion offers, and then must be hang'd about the Patients Neck.
19 At 30 min. past 8 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 31 Test.
28 At 16 min. past 8 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 26 Test.
29 About 30 min. before 6 in the Morn. is the Sun in the Ascendant with 21 Dignities. This is an excellent Influence for the gathering all Solar Herbs, Roots, and Woods, among which is the afore-mentioned Ash-Tree to be taken notice of. If it prove a clear Day, the Sun will be very powerful all that Day, except from a quarter past 6 in the Morn. till 9, he loses 4 Dignities; but from 9 till 12 he will injoy 20 Dig.
The same Day at 12 min. past 8 in the morn. is Saturn in the M. H. with 26 Test.
31 At 5 min. past 8 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 26 Test.
APRIL, 1698.
1 AT 42 min. past 12 at Noon is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 25 Test.
2 At 9 min. past 5 in the Morn. is the Sun in the Ascend. with 21 Test.
The same Day at Noon is the Sun in the Mid-H. with 21 Test.
4 At 45 min. past 8 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 26 Test.
5, 6, 7 At 18 min. past 10 in the Morn. is the Moon in the Ascend. with 27 Test.
8 In the Ascend. and Mid-H. the Sun hath 21 Test.
9 At 30 min. past 7 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 24 Test.
11 At 3 hours after Noon is the Moon in the Ascend. with 23 Test.
12 At 20 min. past 7 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 24 Test.
13 At 12 min. past 7 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 29 Test.
14 At 15 min. past 7 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 24 Test.
15 At 10 min. past 7 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 24 Test.
18 At 7 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 24 Test.
[Page 112]20 At 50 min. past 6 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 29 Test.
22 At 49 min. past 6 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
25 At 32 min. past 6 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
26 At 28 min. past 6 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
27 At 24 min. past 6 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
28 At 20 min. past 6 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
29 At 16 min. past 6 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
30 At 12 min. past 6 in the Morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
At 48 min. past 12 is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 31 Test.
MAY, 1698.
1 AT 38 min. past 4 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 19 Test.
At 24 minutes past 12 at noon is Venus in the Mid-H. with 19 Test.
2 At 34 min. past 4 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 19 Test.
At 15 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 31 Test.
At 29 min. past 12 at noon is Venus in the Mid-H. with 19 Test.
At 26 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 31 Test.
3 At 47 minutes past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 24 Test.
4 At 22 min. past 8 in the morn. is the Moon in the Asc. with 27 Test.
At 21 min. past 4 in the Afternoon is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 27 Test.
At 16 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 38 Test.
At 15 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 40 Test.
At 56 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
5 At 53 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
[Page 114]At 14 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 31 Test.
At 20 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in Mid-H. with 32 Test.
6 At 14 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in Asc. with 31 Test.
At 20 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in Mid-H. with 31 Test.
7 At 51 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 27 Test.
At 23 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in Asc. with 31 Test.
9 At 42 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 22 Dignities.
At 22 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in Asc. with 21 Test.
At 29 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in Mid-H. with 28 Test.
10 At 38 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 22 Test.
At 24 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in Asc. with 28 Test.
At 39 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in Mid-H. with 28 Test.
11 At 34 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 24 Test.
At 26 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in Asc. with 28 Test.
[Page 115]At 36 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 28 Test.
12 At 30 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 24 Test.
At 23 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in Asc. with 28 Test.
At 33 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in Mid-H. with 28 Test.
13 At 26 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 24 Test.
At 22 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in Asc. with 28 Test.
At 35 min. past 1 at noon is Mercury in Mid-H. with 28 Test.
14 At 22 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
At 22 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in Asc. with 28 Test.
16 At 13 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
17 At 11 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
18 At 9 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
19 At 5 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
20 At 1 min. past 5 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
[Page 116]21 At 56 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 26 Test.
23 At 48 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
24 At 43 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
25 At 39 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
26 At 35 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
27 At 31 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
28 At 27 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 26 Test.
30 At 17 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. strong.
At 5 min. past 1 at noon is the Moon in Mid-H. with 28 Test.
31 At 13 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. strong.
At 6 min. past 2 in the Evening is the Moon in Mid-H. with 27 Test.
At 48 min. past 5 in the morn. is the Moon in Asc. with 27 Test.
JUNE, 1698.
1 AT 9 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. strong.
2 At 5 min. past 4 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. strong.
3 At 58 min. past 4 in the morn. is Venus in Asc. with 19 Test.
4 At 47 min. past 10 in the morn. is the Moon in Asc. with 21 Test.
6 At 4 min. past 5 in the morn. is Venus in Asc. with 28 Test.
At 10 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in Mid-H. with 28 Test.
7 At 7 min. past 5 in the morn. is Venus in Asc. with 28 Test.
At 10 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in Mid-H. with 28 Test.
8 At 10 min. past 5 in the morn. is Venus in Asc. with 28 Test.
9 At 38 min. past 3 in the morn. is Saturn in Mid-H. with 21 Test.
10 At 13 min. past 5 in the morn. is Venus in Asc. strong.
At 18 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in Mid-H. strong.
11 At 38 min. past 4 in the Even. is Jupiter in Asc. with 11 Test.
[Page 118]13 At 17 min. past 3 in the morn. is Saturn in the Mid-H. with 21 Test.
16 At 22 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 25 Test.
17 At 30 min. past 4 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 25 Test.
18 At 22 min. past 1 in the morn. is Venus in the Mid-H. strong.
20 At 7 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 11 Test.
22 At 59 min. past 10 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 11 Test.
23 At 38 min. past 7 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 20 Test.
25 At 46 min. past 10 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 20 Test.
27 At 37 min. past 10 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 20 Test.
28 At 43 min. past 12 in the Even. is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 24 Test.
The same Day at noon the Sun in the Mid-H. is strong.
30 At 33 min. past 10 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 20 Test.
At 31 min. past 2 in the Even. is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 34 Test.
JULY, 1698.
1 AT 38 min. past 10 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 20 Test.
2 At 41 min. past 9 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 29 Test.
4 At 38 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 16 Test.
5 At 16 min. past 6 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 16 Test.
7 At 38 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 16 Test.
9 At 44 min. past 10 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 17 Test.
11 At 58 min. past 6 in the Even. is the Moon in the Asc. with 23 Test.
13 At noon the Influence of the Sun is strong.
14 The Influence of the Sun at his rising and at noon-day is strong.
15 Ditto.
16 At 2 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 23 Test.
18 The Influence of the Sun at his Rising, and in the Mid-H. is strong.
At 49 min. past 6 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 19 Test.
19 The Influ. of the Sun is strong, as before.
[Page 120]20 At 37 min. past 5 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 25 Test.
21 At 39 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 21 Test.
22 The Sun's Influ. is strong at his Rising, and at Noon-day.
23 At 14 min. past 7 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 23 Test.
24 The Sun's Influ. is strong at his Rising, and at Noon.
25 At 33 min. past 10 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 27 Test.
27 The Sun's Influ. is strong in the Mid-H.
29 At 50 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 30 Test.
At 46 min. past 4 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H. with 25 Test.
30 At 57 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 23 Test.
AUGUST, 1698.
1 AT 52 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 25 Test.
2 At 41 min. past 4 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H. with 32 Test.
4 The Infl. of the Sun is strong in the M. H.
6 At 56 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 24 Test.
[Page 121]At 37 min. past 5 in the Even. is the Moon in the Asc. with 26 Test.
At 30 min. past 12 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 28 Test.
8 The Influ. of the Sun is strong in the Asc. and M. H. to the 12th day of the Month.
At 55 min. past 5 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 35 Test.
10 At 48 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 27 Test.
12 At 51 min. past 8 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 28 Test.
At 58 min. past 1 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 35 Test.
At 49 min. past 12 at noon is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 30 Test.
13 At 13 min. past 8 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 23 Test.
15 At 41 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in Asc. with 23 Test.
At 10 min. past 6 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 32 Test.
16 At 19 min. past 4 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H. with 30 Test.
17 At 25 min. past 8 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 23 Test.
At 56 min. past 12 at noon is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 39 Test.
18 At 9 min. past 2 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 30 Test.
[Page 122]At 49 min. past 6 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 32 Test.
19 At 6 min. past 6 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc. with 13 Test.
At 3 min. past 1 in the Even. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 32 Test.
20 At 37 min. past 7 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H. with 21 Test.
22 At 9 min. past 7 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 32 Test.
At 13 min. past 2 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 25 Test.
24 At 50 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 34 Test.
26 At 1 min. past 9 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 30 Test.
At noon the Moon is in the Mid-H. strong.
29 At 29 min. past 5 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc. with 13 Test.
31 At 49 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 29 Test.
At 14 min. past 9 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 23 Test.
At 21 min. past 2 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 23 Test.
At 7 min. past 4 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H. with 29 Test.
1 AT 18 min. past 5 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc. with 13 Test.
2 At 18 min. past 9 in the morn. is Venus in the Asc. with 29 Test.
At 52 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 27 Test.
At 20 min. past 2 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H. with 28 Test.
At 7 min. past 4 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H. with 27 Test.
3 At 12 min. past 3 in the Even. is the Moon in the Asc. with 12 Test.
5 At 52 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 28 Test.
7 At 52 min. past 4 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc. with 13 Test.
9 At 44 min. past 4 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc. with 13 Test.
At 48 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Mid-H. with 22 Test.
12 At 33 min. past 4 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc. with 12 Test.
13 At 34 min. past 8 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 25 Test.
At 37 min. past 1 in the Even. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 25 Test.
[Page 124]15 At 34 min. past 8 in the morn. is Mercury in the Asc. with 25 Test.
At 36 min. past 1 in the Even. is Mercury in the Mid-H. with 25 Test.
At 57 min. past 10 in the morn. is Jupiter in the Asc. with 17 Test.
At 52 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc. with 19 Test.
At 15 min. past 3 in the Even. is Jupiter in the Mid-H. with 18 Test.
At 57 min. past 3 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H. with 39 Test.
16 At 12 min. past 3 in the Even. is Jupiter in the Mid-H.
At 53 min. past 3 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H.
17 At 30 min. past 6 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H.
19 At 47 min. past 10 in the morn. is Jupiter in the Asc.
At 53 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc.
21 At 56 min. past 9 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H.
At 57 min. past 2 in the Even. is Jupiter in the Mid-H.
At 52 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc.
[Page 125]22 At 39 min. past 10 in the morn. is Jupiter in the Asc.
At 35 min. past 10 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H.
24 At 50 min. past 2 in the Even. is Jupiter in the Mid-H.
26 At 32 min. past 10 in the morn. is Jupiter in the Asc.
At 49 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc.
28 At 28 min. past 10 in the morn. is Jupiter in the Asc.
At 40 min. past 2 in the Even. is Jupiter in the Mid-H.
30 At 52 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc.
At 44 min. past 3 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H.
OCTOBER, 1698.
1 AT 23 min. past 3 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
At 44 min. past 1 in the Even. is the Moon in the Asc.
3 At 16 min. past 3 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
[Page 126]At 37 min. past 3 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H.
6 At 4 min. past 3 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
8 At 52 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc.
At 40 min. past 3 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-H.
At 57 min. past 2 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
11 At 52 min. past 11 in the morn. is Mars in the Asc.
13 At 2 in the Even. is Jupiter in the M.H.
15 At 30 min. past 12 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
18 At 2 min. past 8 in the morn. is the Moon in the Mid-H.
At 19 min. past 2 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
20 At 33 min. past 9 in the morn. is Jupiter in the Asc.
At 29 min. past 1 in the Even. is Jupiter in the Mid-H.
At 11 min. past 2 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
22 At 3 min. past 2 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
At 29 min. past 1 in the Even. is Jupiter in the Mid-H.
[Page 127]25 At 10 min. past 9 in the morn. is Jupiter in the Asc.
At 17 min. past 1 in the Even. is the Moon in the Mid-H.
26 At 46 min. past 10 in the morn. is Mercury in the Mid-H.
27 At 9 min. past 1 in the Even. is Jupiter in the Mid-H.
29 At 35 min. past 1 in the Even. is Saturn in the Asc.
3 AT 49 Min. past 8 in the Morn. is Jupiter in the Ascend.
At 49 min. past 12 is Jupiter in the M. H.
At 15 min. past 1 in Even. is Saturn in As.
At 16 min. past 3 in Even. is Venus in M.H.
6 At 30 min. past 3 in the Even. is the Moon in the Ascend.
At 20 min. past 3 in the Even. are Mars and Venus in the Mid-H.
10 At 17 min. past 12 is Saturn in the As.
13 At Noon the Sun is strong in the
At 23 min. past 3 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-H.
15 At Sun-rising the Influence of the Sun is strong.
[Page 128]At 26 min. past noon is Saturn in the Asc.
At 23 min. past 3 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-Heaven.
18 The Influence of the Sun is strong at noon.
At 23 min. past 3 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-Heaven.
At 13 min. past noon is Saturn in the Asc.
22 At 6 min. past 3 in the Even. is Mars in the Mid-Heaven.
At 23 min. past 3 in the Even. is Venus in the Mid-Heaven.
At Noon is Saturn strong in the Ascend.
24 At 27 min. past 1 in the Even. is the Moon in the Mid-Heaven.
26 At 43 min. past 11 in the Morning is Saturn in the Ascendant.
The Suns influence is strong at Noon.
30 At 29 min. past 11 in the Morn. is Jupiter in the Mid-Heaven.
At 26 min. past noon is the Moon in the As.
4 THe Sun influences at Noon in the M.H. Saturn influences in the Ascendant 6 min. past 11 in the Morn.
The Moon influences in the Ascend. 40 min. past 1 in the Even.
[Page 129]8 Jupiter influences in the Mid-Heaven, at 55 min. past 10 in the morn.
The Sun influ. in the Mid-H. at Noon.
Saturn influ. in the Asc. 51 min. past 10 in the morn.
13 Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 42 min. past 10 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 5 min. past 3 in the Even.
15 Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 29 min. past 10 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Asc. 28 min. past 10 in the morn.
Saturn in the Mid-H. at 3 in the Even.
20 The Moon influ. with Jupiter in the Mid-H. at 10 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Asc. at 10 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 38 min. past 2 in the Even.
22 Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. at 30 min. past 10 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Asc. 54 min. past 9 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 34 min. past 2 in the Even.
27 Saturn influ. in the Asc. 33 min. past 9 in the morn.
Mercury influ. in the Mid-H. 3 min. past 1 in the Even.
[Page 130] Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 13 min. past 2 in the Even.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 46 min. past 9 in the morn.
31 Saturn influ. in the Asc. 20 min. past 9 in the morn.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 27 min. past 9 in the morn.
Mercury influ. in the Asc. 50 min. past 8 in the morn.
The Moon influ. in the Asc. 40 min. past 11 in the morn.
JANUARY, 1699.
1 THE Moon influences in the Asc. at noon.
5 Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 15 min. past 9 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 33 min. past 1 in the Even.
Mars influ. in the Mid-H. 12 min. past 2 in the Even.
7 Saturn influ. in the Asc. 46 min. past 8 in the morn.
12 Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 59 min. past 8 in the morn.
[Page 131] Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 8 min. past 1 in the Even.
Mars influ. in the Asc. 55 min. past 8 in the morn.
17 Mars influ. in the Asc. 39 min. past 8 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 48 min. past noon.
19 Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 31 min. past 8 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Asc. 46 min. past 8 in the morn.
The Moon influ. in the Mid-H. 37 min. past 10 in the morn.
24 Mars influ. in the Mid-H. 52 min. past 1 in the Even.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 16 min. past 8 in the morn.
28 Saturn influ. under Sol in the Asc. and Mid-H.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. at 8 in the morn.
2 JƲpiter influences in the Mid-Heaven 48 min. past 7 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Ascendant at 8 in the morn.
7 Mars influ. in the Asc. 47 min. past 7 in the morn.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 29 min. past 7 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Mid-H. 33 min. past 1 in the Even.
11 Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 22 min. past 11 in the morn.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 24 min. past 7 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Mid-H. 31 min. past 1 in the Even.
15 Mercury influ. in the Mid-H. 15 min. past 10 in the morn.
The Moon influ. in the Mid-H. 35 min. past 9 in the morn.
18 Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 59 min. past 10 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Mid-H. 25 min. past 1 in the Even.
23 Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 38 min. past 6 in the morn.
[Page 133]The Moon influ. in the Mid-H. 55 min. past 2 in the Even.
Mercury influ. in the Mid-H. 21 min. past 10 in the morn.
25 Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 47 min. past 10 in the morn.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 30 min. past 6 in the morn.
Mercury in the Mid-H. with Saturn.
28 Mars influ. in the Asc. 54 min. past 6 in the morn.
The Moon influ. in the Asc. 19 min. past 11 in the morn.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 19 min. past 6 in the morn.
Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 26 min. past 10 in the morn.
Mercury with Saturn, Mars in the Mid-H. 13 min. past 1 in the Even.
MARCH, 1699.
2 JƲpiter influences in the Mid-Heaven 25 min. past 6 in the morn.
Mercury influ. with Saturn in the Mid-H. 23 min. past 10 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Mid-H. 14 min. past 1 in the Even.
[Page 134]4 Saturn influ. in the Mid-H. 16 min. past 10 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Asc. 44 min. past 6 in the morn.
The Moon influ. in the Asc. 30 min. past 4 in the Even.
7 Mars influ. in the Asc. 38 min. past 6 in the morn.
Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 58 min. past 5 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Mid-H. 10 min. past 1 in the Even.
9 Jupiter influ. in the Mid-H. 50 min. past 5 in the morn.
Mars influ. in the Asc. 34 min. past 6.
Mars influ. in the Mid-H. 6 min. past 1 in the Even.
Here follows a Repetition of the Influences of the Seven Planets in their order, from Harvest 1698, to March 1699.
I. Saturn Influences
September, 1698.
24 SAturday, 53 min. past 4 in the Asc.
25 Sunday, 49 min. past 3 in the Ascen.
26 Monday, 46 min. past 3 in the Ascen.
October, 1698.
9 Sunday, 57 min. past 2 in the Even. in Asc.
10 Monday, 53 min. past 2 in the Even. in the Ascendant.
11 Tuesday, 50 min. past 2 in the even. in Asc.
November, 1698.
25 Friday, 17 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Asc.
Item, 15 min. past 4 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
26 Saturday, 21 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 11 min. past 4 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
[Page 136]27 Sunday, 22 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 10 min. past 4 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
December, 1698.
Ianuary, 1699.
1 Sunday, 17 min. past 9 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 46 min. past 1 in the even in the Mid-Heaven.
2 Monday, 2 min. past 9 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 42 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
3 Tuesday, 58 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 38 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
13 Friday, 21 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 4 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
14 Saturday, 17 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, at 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
February, 1699.
27 Monday, 30 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
28 Tuesday, 26 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
March, 1699.
II. Jupiter Influences
September, 1698.
25 SƲnday, 36 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 47 min. past 2 in the even. in the M.H.
26 Monday, 32 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 43 min. past 2 in the even. in M. H.
27 Tuesday, 28 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 39 min. past 2 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
October, 1698.
November, 1698.
18 Friday, under the Sun in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven.
19 Saturday, under the Sun in the Ascend.
20, 21, 22 Ditto.
December, 1698.
12 Monday, 42 min. past 1 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
13 Tuesday, 38 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
14 Wednesday, 34 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
15 Thursday, 30 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
18 Sunday, 20 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
Ianuary, 1699.
4 Wednesday, 20 min. past 9 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
5 Thursday, 16 min. past 9 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
6 Friday, 12 min. past 9 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
11 Wednesday, 55 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
14 Saturday, 47 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
15 Sunday, 43 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
26 Thursday, 8 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
31 Tuesday, 52 min. past 7 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
February, 1699.
1 Wednesday, 48 min. past 7 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
2 Thursday, 44 min. past 7 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
8 Wednesday, 25 min. past 7 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
18 Saturday, 52 min. past 6 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
23 Thursday, 38 min. past 6 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
March, 1699.
1 Wednesday, 20 min. past 6 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
3 Friday, 12 min. past 6 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
8 Wednesday, 54 min. past 5 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
III. Mars Influences
September, 1698.
17 SAturday, 53 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 54 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
[Page 140]18 Sunday, 52 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 54 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
19 Monday, 52 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 52 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
27 Tuesday, 52 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 46 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
28 Wednesday, 53 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 46 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
29 Thursday, 52 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 46 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
October, 1698.
12 Wednesday, 53 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 42 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
November, 1698.
5 Saturday, 32 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
[Page 141] Item, 21 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
6 Sunday, 32 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 22 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
7 Monday, 30 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 22 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
10 Thursday, 27 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 18 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
December, 1698.
18 Sunday, 7 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 39 min. past 2 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
Ianuary, 1699.
February, 1699.
16 Thursday, 25 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
20 Monday, 11 min. past 7 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 21 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
[Page 142]21 Tuesday, 11 min. past 7 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 21 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
March, 1699.
2 Thursday, 14 min. past 2 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
IV. Sol Influences September, 1698.
18 SƲnday, in the morn. in the Ascend.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
25 Sunday, in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
October, 1698.
November, 1698.
18 Friday, in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
19 Saturday, in the morn. in the Ascend.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
20 Sunday, in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
26 Saturday, in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
Ianuary, 1699.
18 Wednesday, in the morn. in the Ascend.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
19 Thursday, in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
20 Friday, in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
31 Tuesday, in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, In the Mid-Heaven.
February, 1699.
1 Wednesday, in the morn. in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven.
2 Thursday, in the morn. in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven.
March, 1699.
V. Venus Influences
September, 1698.
25 SƲnday, 39 min. past 2 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
October, 1698.
November, 1698.
7 Monday, 22 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
9 Wednesday, 22 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
December, 1698.
13 Tuesday, 25 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Ianuary, 1699.
February, 1699.
March, 1699.
VI. Mercury Influences
September, 1698.
October, 1698.
7 Friday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under Sol.
8 Saturday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under Sol.
9 Sunday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under Sol.
[Page 145]10 Monday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under Sol.
11 Tuesday, in the Ascendant and Mid-ven under Sol.
12 Wednesday, ditto.
17 Monday, 52 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
November, 1698.
9 Wednesday, 52 min. past noon in the Mid-Heaven.
23 Wednesday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
24 Thursday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
25 Friday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
26 Saturday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
27 Sunday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
28 Monday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
29 Tuesday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
30 Wednesday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
December, 1698.
1 Thursday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
2 Friday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun.
3 Saturday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven under the Sun. So on to the 11 day.
Ianuary, 1699.
8 Sunday, 13 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
11 Wednesday, 8 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
21 Saturday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven with the Sun.
22 Sunday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven with the Sun.
23 Monday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven with the Sun.
24 Tuesday, in the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven with the Sun.
25 Wednesday, in the Ascendant and Mid-ven with the Sun.
February, 1699.
VII. The Moon Influences
September, 1698.
17 SAturday, 26 min. past 6 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
18 Sunday, 21 min. past 7 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
22 Thursday, 43 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
27 Tuesday, 48 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 35 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
October, 1698.
20 Thursday, 33 min. past 9 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
25 Tuesday, 13 min. past 1 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
28 Friday, 40 min. past 11 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 41 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
November, 1698.
6 Sunday, 35 min. past 3 in the even. in the Ascendant.
25 Friday, 20 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 15 min. past 2 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
26 Saturday, 53 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 2 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
December, 1698.
2 Friday, 2 min. past 1 in the even. in the Ascendant.
3 Saturday, 23 min. past 1 in the even. in the Ascendant.
4 Sunday, 39 min. past 1 in the even. in the Ascendant.
5 Monday, 23 min. past 2 in the even. in the Ascendant.
27 Tuesday, 20 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 54 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
28 Wednesday, 33 min. past 10 in the morn. in the Mid-Heaven.
[Page 149] Item, 34 min. past 4 in the even. in the Ascendant.
Ianuary, 1699.
2 Monday, 42 min. past 12 at noon in the Ascendant.
3 Tuesday, 31 min. past 1 in the even. in the Ascendant.
16 Monday, 13 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
26 Thursday, 17 min. past 9 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 57 min. past 3 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
February, 1699.
1 Wednesday, 16 min. past 1 in the even. in the Ascendant.
21 Tuesday, 7 min. past 9 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 17 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
22 Wednesday, 25 min. past 8 in the morn. in the Ascendant.
Item, 54 min. past 1 in the even. in the Mid-Heaven.
March, 1699.
1 Wednesday, 26 min. past noon in the Ascendant.
2 Thursday, 40 min. past 1 in the even. in the Ascendant.
3 Friday, 4 min. past 3 in the even. in the Ascendant.
4 Saturday, 18 min. past 4 in the even. in the Ascendant.
THUS is Calculated, from the 10th day of March, in the Year of our Lord, 1698, to the 9th day of March, 1699, the Influences of the Planets for every day, to a minute; so that all ingenious Persons, who are solicitous for the Good of themselves, Families, and Fellow-Creatures, may always have their Physick, or Medicine, by them, for their Conveniency. And it was the Opinion of the Ancients, and so it is mine, That if you Planted all such necessary Herbs under their Influences, as directed, their Vertue and Power will be much stronger than those in the Fields, in regard their growth is often disturb'd by Persons breaking the Earth: For, undoubtedly, God Almighty influenced all things at the Creation; and where they [Page 151] have not been disturb'd, or the Earth broken, they retain the same Vertue, as they had when created, to this day. Therefore you have an Ephemeris, or Direction, for every day, according to their Influences, for gathering Herbs, with their Witnesses or Testimonies, viz.
- 1. By Calculating the Longitude of the Seven Planets, and the Moons Bounds.
- 2. From the Longitude of the Seventy Seven Aspects that are in the Radix of the Year.
- 3. From the Longitude of the 14 principal Fixed Stars.
- 4. From the Latitude of the Seven Planets.
- 5. From the Latitude of the Seventy Seven Aspects.
- 6. From the Latitude of the Fourteen principal Fixed Stars.
- 7. From the Descension of the above-mentioned Constellations.
- 8. From the right Ascension of the said Constellations.
- 9. From the Distance of the Medium Coeli to the Imum Coeli.
- 10. From under which Circle of Position the said Constellations are to be found, being in number an Hundred.
- [Page 152]11. From the Diversity of Ascensions of the same.
- 12. From the Ascension and Descension of all such Constellations.
- 13. From the exact place where every Constellation, to an Hour and Minute of its Revolutions, imprints its Signs and Degrees.
- 14. From the Twelve Coelestial Houses, according to the Opinion of Campanus and Gartalus.
- 15. From the Examination of the Planets in general, how strong and weak they have been, from the Conjunction to the Opposition in the Spring.
- 16. From the Examination of every Planet every day throughout the whole Year.
- 17. From all Directions of the Planets belonging to the Revolution of the Year, when one Degree makes a Day, and the same is Seven Hundred in number.
- 18. From so many Transits as are in the Year.
- 19. From the Twelve Aspects of the Moon.
- 20. From the Twelve Aspects, and Configurations of the other Six Planets throughout the whole Year.
- 21. When the Planet is in the Ascendant.
- 22. When in the Medium Coeli.
- 23. From the Hour when it is in its Exaltation.
[Page 153]The Essential Dignities and Debilities, Accidental Fortitudes and Debilities, I have not placed, in regard they are in most Books of Astrology; therefore I hope that may suffice.
I shall now proceed to give you some few Examples, to make it plainer to your view, being the first part of the Cure and Healing by Herbs.
Example I.
If any be troubled with a burning Fever, (because such Sicknesses are subject to Mars) as is to be seen in page 4. therefore I look into the Second Instruction, page 30, 31, 32, or in page 85, 86, for an Herb or Root for this purpose, the first I can get; then I go further to the Influences of Mars, in the Fourth Instruction, page 120, 121, 122, &c. exactly Calculated, which Hour I observe very well, and a little before the time I go into the Field, or the Place where such Herbs grow, and prepare to gather the Herb, or Root, which Herb, or Root, I put into a red Silk bag, and hang the same about the Patients Neck or Breast. He who exactly observes this little process, will find an Infallible Cure.
[Page 154]Example II.
In time of Sickness, no better Remedy is to be had than this. In the First Instruction, page 20, it is said, that the Plague, and all sorts of Poyson, are subject to Saturn, Mars, and Sol, therefore in the Second Instruction, among Saturnal, Martial, and Solar Roots, page 23, 24, 25, 26, also 30, 31, 32, as also 33, 34, as also in the Third Instruction, page 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, and 85, 86, and 87, 88, 89, 90; these three sorts of Herbs must be gathered as before directed. The first must be Saturnal; the second, Martial; the third, Solar; and in the Fourth Instruction, page 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122. These are the certain Days and Hours which must be observed, in gathering the Herbs. The Saturnal Herbs must be put into a black Silk bag; the Martial, into a red Silk bag; and the Solar, into a yellow Silk bag. These being severally hang'd about the Neck, will have a very great Power over all Poysonous and Pestilential Diseases, far beyond all Medicines collected in an undue Season.
[Page 155]The other Planets have also their several Colours; as Jupiter, blue, honey-colour, and purple; Venus, green, blue, and liver-coloured; Mercury, sprinkled with several Colours, and grey; the Moon, pale, white, and white-grey.
This serves to shew you, that the Herbs must be kept in their own coloured Bags, when applied to the Patient.
How much the Time of Influence of all things, especially of Herbs, Roots, and Metals, is to be esteemed, we have not only from the Wise King Solomon, who saith in his Writings, That all things gathered in an undue Season are unprofitable; but also 'tis known to all Artists, and common Mechanicks, that all Herbs, Days, and Hours, are not alike.
The Gold-smiths Work in an Antipathetical Influence is brittle, and not malleable; but if he stay a day or two, and use the same Flux, it will be malleable.
The Mint-Masters, who are daily imploy'd in Melting and testing Gold and Silver, do also experiment the diversities of Times and Seasons.
The Dyers, as also the Shooe-makers, when they boil their Red-wood to make Colours, the same not succeeding all times alike, they [Page 156] blame the Shop-keepers for selling them bad Goods: and, Who is there that will take the pains to discover the reasons of all these Mischiefs?
To Calculate and find out the Time, is not every one's Business, which to hit exactly, hath hitherto been impossible.
The Ancients have had many Opinions of the Entrance of the Sun into the first, second, third and fourth degrees of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and other Signs. These opinionated Influences have been easily found; but they have had great Failings.
Here I have shewed you, in a plain Method, how to preserve your Selves and Families; and do also shew you, what a Critical thing it is to be an Able Physician.
All Doctors must confess that the Planets have a great Influence in Physick; nevertheless, there are few who observe the Season, and calculate the Hour; which is occasioned chiefly by these three Reasons.
First, The most part of them abhor Influences, therefore they will not apply such Medicines.
Secondly, They are proud of their Degree, not willing to converse with mean People.
[Page 157] Thirdly, They think it too much Pains to observe Times, when they know they can get their Money without it, let the Patient live or die.
Now, if a Sympathy of Times be neglected, there follows an Antipathy, viz. an Herb gathered in an undue Season makes bad worse, and often kills the Patient.
Note, That all Herbs and Roots are not described in this Part; but only some few Examples, to give a light to it, which you must take notice of.
Here followeth the Second Cure of all Sicknesses and Diseases, by the Heavenly Influences, by means of the Seven Planets, and Precious Stones.
The Introduction.
WE need not dispute here of the Strength and Vertue of Metals in Physick, and also for the Prolongation of Life, if they are found in due Season.
Altho' Theophrastus, in his Second Volume Fol. 545, 565, to 571, gives great testimony, that the Characters taken from Nature have special Virtue: but where he had them he doth not tell us; without doubt the reason was, because all Doctors of Physick were his Enemies, therefore he would not declare his Secrets, and Foundation.
He knew also that the Soeculum Gratioe should begin an Hundred Years after his Death, which Hundred Years are now almost gone, in which, all that is occult should be revealed; of which the Prophet Daniel also testifies.
[Page 159]I, for my part, never studied so many and wonderful Characters and Figures; but only meditated this one thing, how the Influences of Times (which are by Almighty God ordained for the Benefit of Mankind, and also that Men should take some Pains to find them, both in Herbs, Metals and Stones) have their wonderful Virtue and Operation, then he that can make shift with a Spoon, hath no occasion for a Tub. Now, I say, that the above-named three Creatures, without any supposition, are the usefullest and fittest for Men, as I have shown in several parts of this Book, but especially in the latter end. I know also sufficiently, That all Sicknesses and Diseases in Men, and other Creatures, are occasioned by an Antipathetick Influence of the Heavens. Wherefore, when a Disease is known by the Nativity, you preserve your self, or totally cure it by an Herb, Metal, or Stone, gathered in due Season, and hang'd about your Neck, or carried about with you. Then,
1. The Influence of the Heavens and Times descend into the Creatures Antipathetically, or Sympathetically; that is to say, for a good or bad purpose.
2. When one of the above named three Creatures is prepared in due Season, and [Page 160] carried on the Breast, the Antipathetick, noxious Influence rather goes into the Herb, or Metal, than Men, and Man is preserved from the threatning Sickness; but when the Sickness is already in the Body, they extract it by degrees; but it is better when a Man knows his Sickness beforehand, and resists it. Hence is to be seen the good Intention that Mr. William Avianus, late Professor at Leipzick, had in his Treatise of Nativities, namely, That as well publickly in the Town-Houses, as privately in the Church-Books, together with the Days of Christning, the Hours of the Nativity should be exactly Registred; as may also be seen in the approbation of the University of Leipzick, which is Printed with the Treatise of Nativities, where they approve of the publick Registring of Nativities; but how this is practised by the Government, experience testifies.
But to spare all this Trouble, there are found amongst the ancient Astrologers and Philosophers several descriptions of three Looking-Glasses, which are call'd Electrum, sive Speculum, sive Sphoeram Sapientioe Solomonis. One prepares the same by a Magical method, with Cabbalistical Figures and Characters; another, only by Astrological [Page 161] Influences; in which all things present, past, and to come, may be seen.
If now such Glasses should come to light, (for it is certain that they have been, and diverse Operations done by them, which have been kept secret, as a great Mystery) there would be no occasion for so much Trouble, nor the publick Registring of Nativities; of which in the following part of this Work, I shall say more.
What concerns the Influence of Herbs and Roots, they are not esteem'd so strong as the Metals, altho' they have almost equal Vertue with the same; yet we cannot know exactly under what Planet they are subject wholly; but, on the contrary, we are sure that
- Lead, belongs to Saturn, ♄.
- Copper, to — Iupiter, ♃.
- Iron, to — Mars, ♂.
- Gold, to — Sol, ☉.
- Tin, to — Venus, ♀.
- Quick-Silver, to Mercury, ☿.
- Silver, to — Luna, ☽.
Though, according to the Opinion of several, Tin must be subject to Iupiter, and Copper to Venus.
[Page 162]If now any Metal, in the time of its Influence, as is to be seen from page 109 to 150, with his Numbers and Natural Body, as he is to be seen in the Heaven at certain Seasons, be stamp'd and hang'd about the Neck, or carried, it will attract all Antipathetick Influences, and preserve Men from approaching Misfortunes, and clear them of all Sicknesses.
The Description of the Sigil of the first Metal, Lead, or Saturn, how it is to be made and used against all Saturnal Sicknesses.
2 | 9 | 4 |
7 | 5 | 3 |
6 | 1 | 8 |
Purgatio Saturni.
TAke the Oar of Lead, pound it, fift it through a fine Seive, wash it, and dry it, then put it in a Crucible on a gentle Fire, put to one part of this Oar, of Tartar [Page 163] two parts, of Salt half a part, melt them in a strong Fire, and the Lead will settle in the bottom. When all is cold, take it and melt it again, and throw him into strong Vinegar, or cold Water, and he is purged.
This must be done in the Influence of Saturn, as may be seen in page 115, 116.
Aliud ex Theophrasto.
Melt Lead in an Iron ladle, fling into it a piece of Wax as big as a Bean, let it burn away, then east it into cold Water.
Of such clean'd Lead must be cast a Sigil of the bigness of Half-a-Crown, (as may be seen in the Figure) upon the one side must be the monstrous Body of Saturn, as he is observed through a Tellescope; in the middle of this must be the Character, and round about the Body the Name SATURNUS; on the other side must be these Numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, in a square; so set that every way, by Addition, they may make 15, which is done here 8 times; on the top of this the Hebrew Character Schin.
You must have two Stamps, like the Minters, on which both sides of the afore-mentioned [Page 164] Figure of Saturn is to be cut; it must be made of good Steel. When there is an Influence of Saturn you must take the round cast piece of Lead and stamp it at that Instant.
The Ʋse.
When this Sigil is prepared, and sow'd up in a black Silk bag, and hang'd on in the Influence of Saturn, it cures all Saturnal Sicknesses, as may be seen page 1. & 2.
Of the Gem of SATURN.
ALL black, wild and dark Stones, belong to Saturn; in such a Stone, in the Influence of Saturn, cut the Body of Saturn, as is marked here. This may be hung about the Neck, or carried in a Ring made of the above-mentioned Lead; let the cut part of the Stone be in the inward part of the Ring, so as to touch the Skin.
The Description of the Second Metal of Copper or Tin, or the Sigil of Jupiter, how it is to be prepared and used against all Jovial Sicknesses.
16 | 3 | 2 | 13 |
5 | 10 | 11 | 8 |
9 | 6 | 7 | 12 |
4 | 15 | 14 | 1 |
Purgatio Jovis.
TAke Tin and melt it, and when it is very hot fling in a piece of Rosin; this do 9 times. When it is all burnt away, cast it into the Juice of Rue, or its Water, and it is purged. This must be done in the Influence of Jupiter, as may be seen from page 126, to 139.
A short Preparation of Copper, according to Theophrastus.
Copper must be laid in Vitriol-Water, or Camphire-Water, mix'd with Vinegar, for six or eight hours, take it out, wash it and dry it, and it is prepared.
Cast of such Copper a Sigil, of the bigness of Half-a-Crown; upon one side must be the Body of Jupiter, with the four Stars that are about him, as may be seen in the Heavens with a Telliscope, in the middle must be the Character of Jupiter, and round about the Body the Name JUPITER; on the other side must be these Numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, in a square, so set that by Addition, they may make every ways 34, on the top, this Hebrew Character צ
The Stamp must be made as Saturn's, but upon both sides must be cut the Figure and Number of Jupiter, then stamp'd in the Influence of Jupiter.
The Ʋse.
When this Sigil is prepared in the Influence of Jupiter, and put in a blue Silk bag, it cures all the Sicknesses of Jupiter, page 3.
Of the Gem of JUPITER.
TO Jupiter belong the Smaragdine, Sapphire, and Amethist: the Body of Jupiter, as is here noted, must be cut in the Influence of Jupiter, in a Jovial Stone, and carried about the Neck, or on the Breast, or in the inward part of a Copper Ring, so as to touch the Skin.
The Description of the Third Metal, Iron, or the Sigil of Mars, how such is prepared and used against all Martial Diseases.
14 | 10 | 1 | 22 | 18 |
20 | 11 | 7 | 3 | 24 |
21 | 17 | 13 | 9 | 5 |
2 | 23 | 19 | 15 | 6 |
8 | 4 | 25 | 16 | 12 |
Purgatio Martis.
WAsh the Filings of Mars very clean, then put them into Ʋrine and Vinegar for nine or ten hours, then put it out, [Page 168] and wash it clean, and put it into a Glass, and pour on it water in which Tartar is dissolved for one hour, and it grows red, like Copper, then wash it, and it is prepared. This must be done in a Martial Influence, which see pag, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126.
Aliud Theophrasti.
Take the Filings of Iron, wash the Dirt out, dry them, and make them red hot.
Of this clean'd Iron must be cast a Sigil as big as a Half-Crown; upon one side must be stamp'd the Body of Mars, in the middle the Character of Mars, and round about the Name of MARS; on the other side must be these Numbers, from 1 to 25, in a square, so set that by Addition, every way may be produced 65. On the top must be this Hebrew Character מ
The Stamp must be made as Saturn, and the Figure and Number of Mars must be cut and stamp'd on each side, in the Influence of Mars.
The Ʋse.
When this Sigil is prepared in the Influence of Mars, and put in a red bag of Silk, it serves against all Martial Sicknesses, page. 4.
The Gem of MARS.
TO Mars belongs the Jasper and Diamond; the Body of Mars (as is to be seen here) must be cut in a Martial Stone, in the Influence of Mars, and carried about the Neck, or in the inward part of an Iron Ring, so as to touch the Skin.
A Description of the Fourth Metal, Gold, or the Sigil of SOL, how it is prepared and used against all Solar Diseases.
6 | 32 | 3 | 34 | 35 | 1 |
7 | 11 | 27 | 28 | 8 | 30 |
19 | 14 | 16 | 15 | 23 | 24 |
18 | 20 | 22 | 21 | 17 | 13 |
25 | 29 | 10 | 9 | 26 | 12 |
36 | 5 | 33 | 4 | 2 | 31 |
Purgatio Auri.
MELT of Antimony three parts, put into it one part of Gold, let them melt together seven or eight minutes, then [Page 170] cast it into an Iron Vessel, and the Gold falls into a Regulus; do this three times, then test it with Saturn. Melt this Gold with a little Borax in a clean Crucible, and it is prepared.
A shorter Preparation according to Theophrastus.
The Gold cast three times through Antimony, and tested with Saturn, needs no further Preparation, only being beaten into a thin Plate, and laid into Salt and Water 24 hours, then dryed and kept till the Solar Influence.
Cast a Sigil, as is here described, of this Gold; upon one side must be stamp'd the Body of Sol, in the middle of it the Character of Sol, and round about the Name of SOL; on the other side must be the Number, from 1 to 36, in a square, so as by Addition they may every way produce 111; on the top of this must be this Hebrew Character ה
The Stamp must be made like that of Saturn, and on each side must be stamp'd the [Page 171] Figure and Number of Sol, in a good Solar Influence.
The Ʋse.
This Solar Sigil made and prepared duly, and put in a golden colour'd, or yellow Silk bag, and hung about the Neck, or on the Breast, preserves sound People, and cures the Sick of all Solar Diseases described page 5.
The Gem of SOL.
TO the Sun belongs Hyascinthus, in which must be cut the Body of Sol, according to the manner of the other Planets, carried about the Neck, and put in a Ring, and worn on the Finger.
The Description of the Fifth Metal, Tin, or the Sigil of VENUS, how it is prepared and used against all Venereal Diseases.
22 | 47 | 16 | 41 | 10 | 35 | 4 |
5 | 23 | 48 | 17 | 42 | 11 | 29 |
30 | 6 | 24 | 49 | 18 | 36 | 12 |
13 | 31 | 7 | 25 | 43 | 19 | 37 |
38 | 14 | 32 | 1 | 26 | 44 | 20 |
21 | 39 | 8 | 33 | 2 | 27 | 45 |
46 | 15 | 40 | 9 | 34 | 3 | 28 |
Purgatio Veneris.
MElt Venus, and fling on it powder'd Glass, let it stand melted for an hour, then granulate it into distill'd Vinegar. This must be done in the Influence of Venus, and it is prepared.
A short way according to Theophrastus.
Melt Tin, fling upon it Fat, Wax, or Honey, let them burn away, then cast it into Water, and it is prepared.
Of this purged Tin is made a Sigil of this bigness; upon one side must be the [Page 173] round Body of Venus, in the middle of the Body the Character of Venus, and round about it the Name of VENUS; on the other side must be the Numbers, from 1 to 49, in a square, so set that by Addition, every way may be made 175; on the top must be this Hebrew Character ב
This Sigil is to be stamp'd in the Influence of Venus, as the other Sigils are.
The Vse.
If duly prepared, and put into a Grass-green Silk bag, it preserves from, and cures all Venereal Diseases; pag. 6.
The Gems of VENUS.
TO Venus belongs Pearls, Carbuncles, and other Stones belonging to Ornament; the Body of Venus cut in her Stone, according to this bigness, and hang'd about the Neck, or put into the inside of the Ring, so as to touch the Skin.
The Description of the Sixth Metal of Quick-Silver, or the Sigil of MERCURY, how it is prepared and used against all Mercurial Diseases.
8 | 58 | 59 | 5 | 4 | 62 | 63 | 1 |
49 | 15 | 14 | 52 | 53 | 11 | 10 | 56 |
41 | 23 | 22 | 44 | 45 | 19 | 18 | 48 |
32 | 34 | 35 | 29 | 28 | 38 | 39 | 25 |
40 | 26 | 27 | 37 | 36 | 30 | 31 | 33 |
17 | 47 | 46 | 20 | 21 | 43 | 42 | 24 |
9 | 55 | 54 | 12 | 13 | 57 | 50 | 16 |
64 | 2 | 3 | 61 | 60 | 6 | 7 | 57 |
Purgatio Mercurii.
PRess him twenty or thirty times through a Leather, then rub and wash him with Vinegar, and he is purged. This Purgation must be done in the Influence of Mercury.
The Preparation according to Theophrastus.
Press Mercury three times through a Leather into a clean, wooden bowl, and what goes through is good, but what remains is not fit for this work.
Of this purged and fixed Quick-Silver, must be cast a Sigil of this bigness; on one [Page 175] side must be the Body of Mercury, and in the middle the Character of Mercury, and round about the Name MERCURIUS; on the other side must be the Number, from 1 to 64, in a square, so set that every way, by Addition, may be produced 260; on the top must be this Hebrew Character ב
The Sigil of Mercury is to be stamped as the others are, in the Influence of Mercury.
The Ʋse.
The Sigil of Mercury prepared in the Mercurial Influence, and put into a purple, Silk bag, and hang'd about the Neck, oures all Mercurial Diseases mentioned page 7.
The Gem of MERCURY.
TO Mercury belongs Alectorius, in which must be cut the Body of Mercury, according to this bigness, and hang'd about the Neck, or put into the inward part of the Ring made of fixt Quick-Silver, so as to touch the Skin, and worn on the Finger.
The Description of the Seventh Metal of Silver, or the Sigil of LUNA, how it is prepared and used against all Lunar Diseases.
37 | 78 | 29 | 70 | 21 | 62 | 13 | 5 [...] | 5 |
6 | 38 | 79 | 30 | 71 | 22 | 63 | 14 | 46 |
47 | 7 | 39 | [...]0 | 31 | 72 | 23 | 55 | 15 |
16 | 48 | 8 | 40 | 81 | 32 | 64 | 24 | 56 |
57 | 17 | 49 | 9 | 41 | 73 | 33 | 65 | 25 |
26 | 58 | 18 | 50 | 1 | 42 | 74 | 34 | 66 |
67 | 27 | 59 | 10 | 51 | 2 | 43 | 75 | 35 |
36 | 68 | 19 | 60 | 11 | 52 | 3 | 44 | 76 |
77 | 28 | 69 | 20 | 61 | 12 | 53 | 4 | 45 |
Purgatio Lunoe.
CLean it very well upon a test with Saturn, and when it is very clean melt it again in a Crucible, and when it shines bright, put to it ten or twelve times 35 drops of Saturn or Lead. This Purgation must be in the Influence of Luna.
Theophrastus 's Opinion.
To purge Silver do thus, make it into thin lamens, and boil the same in Water, in which is dissolved Tartar and Salt, for one hour, then wash it in clean Water, dry it, and keep it for use.
Of this clean Silver cast a Sigil according to this bigness; on the one side must be the Body of the Moon, and round about it the Name of the MOON; on the other side must be the Numbers, from 1 to 81, in a square, so set that by Addition, every way may be produced 369; on the top must be stamped this Hebrew Character ר
The Sigil of the Moon must be stamp'd as the others are, and in a Lunar Influence.
The Ʋse.
If it be prepared according to this method, and put into a white Silk bag, and hang'd about the Neck in the Influence of the Moon, it preserves from, and cures all Lunar Sicknesses mentioned in page 8.
The Gem of LUNA.
TO the Moon belongs Crystal, in which the Body of the Moon is cut, after this shape, and carried about the Neck, or put into the inward part of a Silver Ring, and worn on the Finger.
[Page 178]HEre you must take Notice, First, He who will prepare the Seven Sigils, above mention'd, must take exact notice of the hours, because Clocks and Watches are subject to many alterations. Therefore, I have described in my other part following, a certain Instrument, by which may be found the Hours, Quarters, and Minutes, in Winter and Summer, by Day and by Night, if the Sun and Moon afford but the least light through the Clouds, by the Magnet or without. I do not mention those other Instruments which are used in Surveying; this thing, if rightly prepared, is a Royal Instrument, it may be used in a double way, viz. standing or lying, or any other way it proves it self, because one side corresponds exactly with the other to a Minute; for that part which shows the Minutes, if it be directed to the Pole, may be brought to the breadth of a hair, which Instrument is easily Portable; but if it be required, that a Sigil must be stamp'd when the Sun or Moon do not appear plainly, you must have en exact Watch made, that shows the Hours, Quarters, and Minutes, as in the division of the above mentioned Instrument is to be found; for the hour [Page 179] which is found by the Sun, is far better than any other. Nevertheless, I direct this my Mathematical Instrument so, that his Motion is finished in 24 hours, exactly according to the Motion of the Sun. He that hath such an Instrument, and a little Triangle, and also my Annual Revolution, together with the hour of Nativity, may account himself happy; for the aforesaid three Pieces, are a preparation to the Golden Age, and he who hath them may know what things are past, and what are to come, and may also cure all Diseases.
Secondly, If now the Time be exactly observed, the Sigil must be stamp'd in a Minute, because this Impression occasions the Power of the Heavenly Influences; for the Heavenly Influences of the Stars are as quick and nimble, as an Arrow out of a Bow, or a Bullet out of a Gun, so quick must this Impression be.
Thirdly, Though there is no doubt but such prepared Sigils, send out such Vertues to Mankind in several Diseases, yet it is better if a Man observes, together with the Sigils, the Ascendant of every ones Nativity, for the 12 Coelestial Houses, together with the Planets that are evilly Posited, are also corrected by the Dignities of the Sigils, [Page 180] therefore a Man becomes as it were new Born.
Fourthly, Because such Sigils are stamp'd at such times when the Planets are in their highest Dignities, therefore it is here to be noted, that he who uses them, must not use them when he goes into the Bath, or lies with a Woman, or into unclean Places; the Sigils may be so cut as that you may take their Mark in a piece of Clay.
The Third and Summary Cure, by the Conjunction of the Seven Metals and Sigils.
TO this Summary Cure of all Sicknesses, there needs the Sigils of the Seven Clean Metals, and when the influence of Saturn is; as also, when he is exactly in Conjunction with Mercury: This especial time of Influence I will show (God willing) in my Second Part; and also, before all things, you must have in readiness a Fire, a Crucible, granulated Saturn, and Mercury.
When the Conjunction of Saturn and Mercury begins, let the Saturn melt gently, then put in the Mercury that he may not fly out; for in the first Point, when the Conjunction begins, take the Crucible from the Fire, fling in Mercury, and let them cool.
After this, take notice of a Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, or Jupiter and Mercury, then prepare all things, as before, and take notice, when the first point of the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, or Mercury and Jupiter, melt English Tin, and put to it the Saturn joyned with Mercury in a cold Flux, or melt every one by themselves and put them together, and let them cool.
[Page 182]Thus are these fusible Metals exactly conjoined; after this, take notice of another Conjunction of any one of the other Four Planets, viz. Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars, with any one of the three Planets, viz. Saturn, Jupiter, or Mercury; then prepare all things as before, then Melt each by its self in the point of the Conjunction, and joyn them together; you must do thus till you have brought all of them with their due Conjunction into one Metal: This Conjunction of Metals, is called by Paracelsus, Electrum.
The more you conjoin of these Metals, the more Sigils you may make.
You may see also in the Scheme, how this Electrum is to be brought into an Angular Body of the bigness of a Bullet, viz. make a Circle of the bigness of a Crown, or bigger or lesser as you please; Cross the same thro the middle, as a b c d e, divide the Circle into 123456 Angular Parts, draw a blind Line from 2 to 4, when it cuts the Line in d. e. to the Figure 7, put one Foot of the Compass in b, and the other Foot to 7, and strike a Circle. Contract two Points into one, and you will have a Triangle after this manner, 7 & 3, 9 & 4, 9 & 5, 8 & 1.
[Page 183]Thus you have a description how the Body of Saturn or Jupiter, may be brought into a Form, in which may be cast the Electrum, consisting of three Quadrangles, and four Triangles, this melting must be done in their Influences, but you must prepare 7 Stamps of the 7 Metals cut in Steel.
- 1. In the Influence of Saturn, stamp upon one division the Body of Saturn.
- 2. In the Influence of Jupiter, stamp upon the second division the Body of Jupiter.
- 3. In the Influence of Mars, stamp upon the third division the Body of Mars.
- 4. In the Influence of the Sun, stamp upon the fourth division the Body of the Sun.
- 5. In the Influence of Venus, stamp upon the fifth division the Body of Venus.
- 6. In the Influence of Mercury, stamp upon the sixth division the Body of Mercury.
- 7. In the Influence of Luna stamp upon the seventh division the Body of Luna.
When this Sigil is prepared, on the plane side you must stamp 18 little Stamps, viz. the Twelve Coelestial Signs, with the Six First Stars.
Such Stamps are stamp'd exactly when such Sign or Stars are ascending in the Horizon; then this Body is prepared, [Page 184] which is a Treasure of all Treasures; of which I will speak more in my Second Part, because this will be too chargeable for the Undertaker.
The Fourth Cure of all Diseases in General.
AMong the many Multitudes that live upon this Globe of the Earth, some are Fortunate, some Unfortunate; some Poor, some Rich; some Hail, some Diseased; for some come easily to high Dignities and Riches, without Pains; others, altho they take great Pains, are Poor and Miserable. Every one in his Nativity hath his Influences that show it.
Altho many People are born Fortunate, and are Rich in Estates, Honour, Vertue, and Credit, yet they must die; because, from the Fall of Adam, the Heavenly Influences have not been so Powerful as they were at the Beginning of the Creation; here it is plain, that the Earth, and the two lights of the Heaven are corruptible.
If now the strongest Influence of the Planets in due time are observed, and Imprisoned [Page 185] in the Metals, and applied to any Person at the time that his Ascendant is ascending, then is it not impossible, nor against God and Nature, that such Men may be Regenerated and long Liv'd, (for Adam lived 930, Seth 912, Enoch 905, Cainan 910, Mahalaleel 895, Jared 962, Enoch 365 before his Ascension into Heaven, Methusalem 969, Lamech 777; but after the Flood, and the Confusion of Languages, these Mysteries were lost). I will forbear to mention how these Sigils resist all Pride, Covetousness, and other Vices of Mankind, by their Natural Impression. I could say much more of this Nature, if I did not fear to make the first Book swell too big; but I will conclude with the Operation and Vertue of the Seven Sigils and Metals against all Humane Diseases.
I. Of the Vertue and Operation of the Sigil Of Saturn.
IF the Sigil of Saturn be rightly prepared, as is directed above in the second Cure; if it be Buried in the Ground where an Army is Encamped, they will have no Success till they break up from that Camp; 'tis excellent for Child-bearing Women, for it facilitates [Page 186] the Birth; every thing that this Sigil is put to encreases; he who carries it upon his left Foot, his secret Enemies cannot hurt him, and it defends him from a Horse, Dog, or any other four footed Animal; 'tis excellent against all Witchcraft; he who carries it with him, and digs for Enchanted Treasure, the Spirits have no Power over him; it Fortunates those who belong to Mines, Agriculture, digging of Fountains, and making all other Buildings; it discovers secret Stratagems; he who Drinks from it, is deprived of all Venereal Appetites.
II. Of the Operation and Vertue of the Sigil of Jupiter.
HE who carries this Sigil with him, is acceptable to all Persons; it preserves Health, and Old Age; it bring all Sciences Fortune, Riches, and Honour; it occasions Embassadors to have great and high Esteem, and finish their Negotiations to satisfaction; and if one be taken Captive, it furthers his Redemption; this Sigil being carried on the Breast, gives great knowledge in Law and Divinity, and Fortunates all things that a Man takes in hand.
III. Of the Operation and Vertue of the Sigil of Mars.
THis Sigil of Mars hath strange Operations, it gives Victory in all Battles; it overthrows Enemies in Words and Deeds; it gives a Man a heart like a Lyon; it serves in all secret Councels of War; if it be Buried in a Fortress, it becomes Invincible; it preserves the Bearer from all Iron and Gunshot; this Sigil hath great vertue in Horses, Dogs, and other fighting Animals, and he that carries it about him, may with an indifferent Horse out-ride a good one; if he puts into the Horses Mouth the constellated Root of Chamoelion, and if the Bearer in the Constellation of Mars throws Bullets, he kills all things that he sees; this Sigil of Mars preserves from all Fire; if it be bound on the Shoulder it stops all Bleeding; he who will make a fine light Red-colour, must observe the Influence of Mars, and then he will not be at so great Expence.
IV. Of the Operation and Vertue of the Sigil of the Sun.
THis precious Sigil brings Men to great Dignities, that they grow in Honour and Riches day after day; it makes Men Invincible Strong, Couragious, and Fortunate; it brings great Riches; it preserves against the Plague, and Lunacy; a Golden yellow colour made in the Sun's Influence, is fine and durable.
V. Of the Vertue and Operation of the Sigil of Venus.
THis Sigil causes great Love and Amity between Men and Women, young Men and Maids; it takes away all Hatred and Hostilities, and if any one gives of it to Drink to his Mortal Enemy, especially in Red Wine in the Influence, he will begin to be his best Friend, and will endeavour him no more harm; it gives great Power to learn all sorts of Musick; it creates an infinite Spirit of Love amongst Lovers; if the Christian Name of both Persons, be of the same number of Letters and Numbers, and [Page 189] cut round about the edge of the Sigil, it preserves a perpetual Amity: This may be proved amongst Married People, who live always at variance; it augments the Sperm, strengthens the Body in Coition, and causes that Men and Wom [...]n never part.
VI. Of the Vertue and Operation of the Sigil of Mercury.
THis Mercurial Sigil brings great luck and profit in Merchandising; it gives Persons favour among Governours; it makes good Orators, strengthens the Memory, and brings great knowledge in Natural Arts; if this Sigil be Bound under or upon the Head at the time when you go to Sleep, he will see in his Sleep such things as he stands in need of, that are honest and just, and in the fear of God, especially if in the same Night the Moon transits the place of Mercury; it resists all Plague, Poysons, and Infections; as also all Lice, and other Insects; it cures the Poisonous Bites of Serpents; if it be hang'd about the Neck of Infants, it makes them quickly Speak. The Purple, Mixt, and Grey-Colours, are made best in the Influence of Mercury.
VII. Of the Vertue and Operation of the Sigil of the Moon.
THis Sigil of Luna preserves against all Murderers and Robbers by Sea and Land, brings Welfare in all things, as also Victory in War, especially at Sea, as also in Trading on the Sea; it preserves the Ships upon the Sea from all danger in Storms and Tempests; this Sigil strengthens the Fruit in the Womb; it helps Women in Labour; it causes Love and Amity among Married People; they who Drink of it, it makes an inseparable Love between them; it is good for Fishermen; if they hang it in the Water it draws and gathers the Craw-Fish and other Fish to the place where they may be most easily caught.
If you put a Wax-Candle in the middle of this Sigil, and carry it round about the House and other Places, where the Candle suddenly goes out, there is hidden Treasure. If there be now a Lunar or Saturnal Influence, as may be seen 135, 136, in 147, 148, 149, 150, then Dig with good courage, and you will find a Treasure.
This Sigil is also good in digging of Fountains and Water-Works.
[Page 191]The above mentioned Figure of Luna cut in a Stone in due Season, is excellent good for Women in Labour; and if they drink fresh Spring-water from the Stone, it helps them wonderfully; Women being with Child, may at that time drink a Glass of fair Water.
Finally, The Influences of the Moon, are good to make the Pale, the White, the White-Grey, and Yellow Colours.
A short Supplement of the Signs, Planets, and Numbers, with the Reason why they are Stamped on the Metals.
1. I Do not question, nor doubt at all, but God Almighty, to his own Honour, in the time of the Creation, ordained, that every one should have at his Conception and Birth, the Tokens of good or ill Fortune, and also length of Days.
2. Nor can I find that the Planets and Stars of themselves should have any Influence or Power, but only that God, by the Sign given to them, shows us the diversity of good and bad Seasons, which may be found out, when Men being without Sin, are imployed and [Page 192] busied in Arithmetick, and also free from Merchandising, or any other Worldly affairs.
3. Altho I call these times (ordained by God) good or bad Influences of the Stars and Planets, yet it doth not at all lessen, but is suitable to the Stile of a Potentate, who hath many Officers and Servants that have many Places, by whom the Will of their Lord is understood.
4. As also, I do not ascribe any Vertue to the Characters of the Planets, but only to the Impressions that it hath the 1, 2, and 3d Sympathetical time: Thus also are discern'd the Vertues of the Metals, Stones, and Herbs.
5. The Twelve Heavenly Signs, and also the Sun, are but Characters which correspond with Men, Animals, and other things upon Earth.
6. The Numbers of the highest Invisible Sphere is first. 2. The Fixed Stars. 3. Saturn, 4. Jupiter. 5. Mars. 6. The Sun. 7. Venus. 8. Mercury. 9. The Moon.
If now 2 by 2, 3 by 3, 4 by 4, 5 by 5, are Multiplied, you have the Compendium of every ones Body according to their Rays, [Page 193] which extend themselves the longer and the greater towards the Moon, and these you may not without good ground apply to the Metals.
7. The word Azoth, is composed of the beginning and end of the Alphabet, A & Z in Latin or German; Alpha and Omega in Greek; Aleph and Thau in Hebrew.
8. He to whom God gives the Grace to know these most hidden Mysteries, hath the greater reason to Magnifie his Creator.
Soli Deo Gloria.