A HELP TO ENGLISH HISTORY CONTAINING A succession of all the Kings of England, the English Saxons, and the Britans; the Kings and Princes of Wales, the Kings and Lords of Man, the Isle of Wight.
AS ALSO Of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, and Bishops thereof, WITH The Description of the places from whence they had their titles; CONTINVED With a supplement, and enlarged with the names and ranks of the Viscounts and Barons to the year. 1652.
LONDON, Printed for Abel Roper at the Sun over against S. Dunstans Church in Fleet-Street.
A GENERALL PREFACE, Touching the use of these three Catalogues or Tables.
HAving a purpose to peruse our English Histories, and those of forraine Nations which had any intercourse or commerce with the affaires either of this Realme or Church of England: I found it no small trouble to me, to know the names of those, whose actions I encountred within the [Page 2] said perusall. For whereas commonly great persons are not called by the names of their Famllies, but of their Dignities: it was a matter of no meane difficulty to finde out, what and who they were, who were presented to us by their Dignities, as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall. Upon this ground, to save me from that troublesonie inquirie for the time to come; I set-my selfe to draw up a complete and perfect Catalogue of all the persons of chiefe ranke in this Realme of England, from Earles inclusively and upwards; so farre as any light of story, and warrantable ascent, ascent, would direct and guide me. And having formed it in that frame and order, as hereafter followeth, found manifestly that that paines it cost me, was not ill bestowed; because of that great ease it did me, being once composed. For then no sooner did I meete in any story, with any, either Prince or Prelate, of, or in this Nation; but I could forth with turne unto him: and by [Page 3] computing of the times, finde out exactly who he was. And yet me thought it was not perfect, till I had added to the same all those Soveraigne Princes, which have borne rule in all or any part hereof: the names and actions of the which occurre, as well in our owne Chronicles, as forraine stories. That done, I thought it not amisse, to note and adde, according as I met it in my course of reading, what Kings and Prelates of this Nation have beene ennobled in the Church with the stile of Saints: as also what great offices any of the Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Dukes, Marquesses, and Earles, had severally borne in the Civill State. By doing which, as I received great ease and benefit, as before is said; so I was easily intreated to let all such partake thereof, who thinke it may be either profitable or usefull to them: and for that cause have suffered it to come abroad, that they that will, may take the benefit of my poore endeavours.
[Page 4] And this I have the rather beene intreated to, satisfie the mindes of those (if any thing will satisfie them) that either are the enemies of Regall or Episcopall power. For whereas some conceive that Kings were instituted by the people, on sight perhaps of such confusions as had beene noted and observed in a populan government: these following Catalogues will make it evident and apparent, that in this Countrey there was never any other government then that of Kings either in any part thereof, or the whole together.
And whereas it is factiously given out by others, that the Episcopall authority and regiment in and of the Church, is not the proper and peculiar government of the same, but violently obtruded on it by the power of man: the Tables of Episcopall succession will make it evident, that the said forme of Government, is of as long a standing as the Church it selfe; Religion [Page 5] and Episcopall jurisdiction being brought into this Land together.
Lastly, if any such there be, as have beene formerly, that would [...]rie downe Nobility, and that precedencie and power which some men have above the rest, they may here see, that from the first setling of this Monarchie in the Norman Race, that Kings of England have advanced to place and dignity, whom they thought most fit; and did it sans controule of inferiour people. And so they did no question in the Saxons times, and those before them: of which if we have no such cleare and evident succession, as in the rest of later ages; it is because their digties, and honorarie titles were rather personall then hereditary.
Now in these Catalogues, I shall begin, as reason is, with that of Kings, from the first entrance of the Romans to this present time: to which I shall adjoyne the Kings and Princes of Wales, as also the Kings [Page 6] and Lords of Man, and the Isle of Wight: assigning unto every one his time, according to the computation of our best Historians. The Catalogue of the Bishops I shall bring along, from the first planting of Religion here, amongst the Saxons; since which we have a cleare and undeniable succession in the holy Hierarchy: the former times, under the Empire of the Britons, having transmitted to our hands onely some fragments of antiquity, by which we may perceive that the Episcopall government was here received together with the faith it selfe; but cannot gather from the same a constant and continued succession of the persons governing. Then for the third Catalogue that of the Nobility, we have continued that from the first entrance of the Normans to this present day; that at one view a man may see the quality and antiquity of those noble families, which are now both an honour and an ornament to this flourishing Kingdome. [Page 7] I shall not neede say more in this generall Preface, having prefixed particular Prefaces to each severall Catalogue, to which I rather shall referre the Reader, then detaine him here.
THe Realme of England is that Southerne and more flourishing part of the Isle of Britaine: that which was civilized by the Romans, and made a Province of their Empire; when as the Northerne parts thereof, were either neglected or not conquered. When it was under the command of the Roman Emperours, it wanted not its proper and peculiar Kings, over the chiefest and most principall [Page 12] of their Tribes and Nations: it being the custome of that Empire, as Tacitus hath truely noted, habere servitutis instrumenta etiam Reges. Of these inferiour tributary Kings, those which were in their severall times of more power then others, may probably be thought to have assum'd unto themselves the stile and title of Kings of the Britons: even as in after times, during the heptarchy of the Saxons, those which gave law unto the rest, did call themselves, and were accounted the Kings or Monarchs of the English. But those interiour petite Kings, being, in tract of time worne out, and almost all the South reduced under the immediate command of the Roman Empire: either the Emperours themselves, or such of their Lieutenants as did here usurpe the regall state, were stiled Kings of Britaine, till Constantine the Great united it in separably to the Roman Diadem: And in his ended the first line of the Kings of Britaine, according to the British story.
The second line of Kings, beares date from the departure of the Romans: who being called from hence to looke unto their Empire in the Continent, left their possessions here unto the fury of the Scots and Picts, who dwelling in the Northerne and unconquered parts, attempted to subdue the Southerne. For the repressing of whose rage the Britons chose themselves a King out of Armorica, (now called Bretagne) being extracted [Page 13] from the old British bloud, which had not long before beene planted in that Region, by the Roman Emperours. Whose line continued here not long, till they were dispossessed both of Crowne and Countrey, by the Saxons, a German people, called in by Vortiger to oppose the Scots and other Nations of the North. Who having by degrees subdued all that which formerly had beene conquered by the Romans (the Countrey beyond Severne excepted onely) divided it amongst themselves into seven Kingdomes; which finally being all brought under by the West-Saxon Kings, did at last settle, and continues in the name of England. A Kingdome, though of small extent, compared unto the greater Countries of France, Spaine, and Germany, yet of so high esteeme abroad, that it may challenge an equality with either of them, and in some kinde hath had precedencie before them.
For to the honour of this Realme, as well before as since it had the name of England, we may say thus much. It was the first Kingdome which received the faith of Christ, which was here planted, as it is affirmed by Gildas upon certaine knowledge, toward the latter end of Tiberius Empire. Tempore ut scimus summo, Tiberii Caesaris, as his owne words are: which by computing of the times, will fall to be five yeares before Saint Peter came to Rome; and but five yeares after the death of our Redeemer. It shewed unto the world [Page 14] the first Christian King, whose name was Lucius: and gave unto the Church her first Christian Emperour, even the famous Constantine here borne; by whose example and incouragement the saith was generally received over all the Empire, and all the Temples of the Idols, either demolished or forsaken. It also was the first Christian Kingdome, out of which the Jewes, those bitter and most, obstinare enemies of the Crosse of Christ, were universally expulsed; and out of which the insolent and usurped Supremacie of the Popes of Rome, was first ejected, after they had a long time domineered in the Church of Christ. The one of these performed by King Edward the first; the other by King Henry the eighth. Nor to say any thing in this place of their warres and victories in France, Spaine, Scotland, the Netherlands, the Isle of cyprus and the Holy land.
In these regards, the Kings of England, as they are as absolute, so they are as sacred, as of any Countrey whatsoever. What ever things are proper unto Supreme Majesty, Scepters, and Crownes, the Purple Robe, the Globe, or golden Ball, and Vnction, have beene as long theirs, as any others. The foure first are by Leland, a famous Antiquarie, ascribed unto King Art [...]ur, who did begin his reigne Anno 506. which was as soone as they were ordinarily: in use with the Roman Emperours. And this doth Leland justifie, out of an ancient Seale of the said [Page 15] King Arthurs kept in his time, as an especiall monument in the Abbie of Westminister: As for their Vnction, or Annointing, it appeares by the old Roman Provinciall, and the ancient practise, that of all the Kings of Christendome, there were none anciently annointed but the two Emperours of the East and West; the Kings of France, England, Sicilie, and Hiervsalem. By reason of which Vnction or annointing (besides what is united or annexed to the Crowne Imperiall of this Realme) it was declared Term. Hilarii. 33. Edward 3. that the Kings of England were capaces jurisdictionis spiritualis, capable of Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction. As after in the regine of King Henry the eighth, it was declared rather then enacted, that the Kings highnesse was the Supreme head of the Church of England, and that he had authority to reforme all errours, heresies, and abuses in the same. 26. Henry 8. cap. 1. Which title of Supreme [...]ead; though used by King Edward 6. in a [...]l his reigne, and by Queene Mary for awhile; was changed by Queene Elizabeth into that of Supreme Governour: and it is now reckoned as a part of the stile of the Kings of England, that they are Supreme Governours in all their Dominions and Countries, over all persons, in all causes, as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall.
Now as the Kings of England are absolute at home; so are they no lesse honoured [Page 16] and esteemed abroad: the Emperour being accounted filius major Ecclesiae, the eldest sonne of the Church; the King of France, filius minor, or the second sonne; and the King of England, filius [...]ertius & adoptivus, the third and the adopted sonne. In generall Councels, the King of France took place at the Emperours right hand; the King of England on his left, and the King of Scots having precedencie next before Castile. And whereas since the time of Charles the fifth, the Kings of Spaine have challenged the precedencie of all Christian Princes: yet in the time of King Henry 7. Pope Iulius gave it to the English before the Spaniard. Nay lest the Kings of England might fall short in any thing wherein their neighbour Princes glory, they also have an adjunct or peculiar title annexed unto the stile Imperiall. For where the King of France is stiled Christianissimus, most Christian; and the King of Spaine, Catholicus, or the Catholick King: the King of England hath the title of Defensor fidei, or the defender of the Faith. A title not so much conferred on King Henry 8. by the Popes of Rome, as confirmed unto him. For in a Charter of King Richard 2. unto the University of Oxford, the same stile occurres: for which and other proofes here of consult the Epistle Dedicatory before Doctor Crakanhorp against the Arch-Bishop of Spalato; and Sir Isaac Wake, in his Rex Platonicus. But now we goe unto the Kings.
South-Britaine or ENGLAND, The Kings thereof, according to the British story, from I. Caesar unto Constantine.
1 | CAssibelan. | |
2 | Theomantius. | |
3 | Cymbeline. | |
4 | Guiderius. | |
A. | Ch | |
45 | 5 | Arviragus, called Pra [...]usagus by Hector Boctius. |
73 | 6 | Marius. |
125 | 7 | Coilus. |
180 | 8 | Lucius, the first Christned King of Britaine and the world: who dying without Children, left the Roman Emperours his heire. |
207 | 9 | Severus Emperour of Rome. |
211 | 10 | Bassianus sonne of Severus. |
218 | 11 | Carausius a noble Briton. |
225 | 12 | Alectus. |
232 | 13 | Aesclepiodorus. |
262 | 14 | Coilus. II. |
289 | 15 |
16 | Constantine, sonne of Helena and Constantius; who added, or united his estate in Britaine, unto the Monarchy of Rome. |
South-Britaine or England, the Kings thereof, from the departure of the Romans, unto the setling of the Saxons.
A. | Ch. | |
431 | 1 | COnstantine of Ar [...]rica or little Britaine. |
443 | 2 | Constantius sonne of Constantine. |
446 | 3 | Vo [...]iger Earle of the Gevisser, who called in the Saxons. |
464 | 4 | Vortimer, sonne of Vortiger. |
471 | 5 | Vortiger (againe). |
481 | 6 | Aurelius Ambrosius second sonne of Constantine. |
500 | 7 | Uter Pendragon thi [...]ck so [...] of Const. |
506 | 8 | Arthur, son of Vter pendragon. |
542 | 9 | Constantine II. next Cousin of Artbur. |
546 | 10 | Conan. |
576 | 11 | Vorhpor. |
580 | 12 | Malgo. |
586 | 13 | Careticus. |
613 | 14 | Cadwan. |
635 | 15 | Cadwallan. |
678 | 16 | Cadwalladar. After whose death (the Saxons having totally subdued all the Countrey on this side the Severne) the British Princes were no longer called Kings of Britaine, but Kings of Wales: of whom more hereafter. |
The Kingdome and Kings of Kent.
THe Saxons being called in by Vortiger to resist the Scots, and other people of the North, did by degrees expulse the Britons: and having totally subdued the Countrey, erected in the same seven Kingdomes. Of these the ancientest was that of Kent, confined within that County onely: the Kings these that follow.
A. | Ch. | |
455 | 1 | Hengist the first King of Kent. |
488 | 2 | Eske or Osca. |
512 | 3 | Octa. |
532 | 4 | Immerick. |
561 | 5 | Ethelbert S. the first Christned King, the founder of S. Pauls in London. |
617 | 6 | Edbald. |
641 | 7 | Ercombert. |
665 | 8 | Egbert. |
673 | 9 | Lotharius. |
686 | 10 | Edrick. |
693 | 11 | Wightred. |
726 | 12 | Egbert. II. |
749 | 13 | Ethelbert. II. |
759 | 14 | Alricus. |
794 | 15 | Ethelbert. III. sirnamed Pren. |
797 | 16 | Cuthred. |
805 | 17 | Baldred, who in the yeare 827. lost both his life and Kingdome unto Egbert King of the WEST-SAXONS. |
The Kingdome and Kings of the SOUTH-SAXONS.
THe Kingdome of the South Saxons was begun by Ella, a noble Captaine of that people. It contained the two Counties of Sussex and Surrey, which were thence denominated: the first so called quasi South sex, the Countrey of the South-Saxons; the second quasi South▪ rey, as lying on the South of the river [...]hamise. This Kingdome lasted but a while, and had onely these foure Kings that follow. viz.
A. | Ch. | |
488 | 1 | Ella the first King of the South-Saxons. |
514 | 2 | Cissa. |
3 | Ethelwolf or Edilwach the first Christned King of the South-Saxons. | |
4 | Berthun and Authun two brothers both joyntly reigning, and both joyntly vanquished by Cradwall King of the WEST-SAXONS. |
The Kingdome and Kings of the WEST-SAXONS.
THe third in order of these Kingdomes, and that which did in fine prevaile over all the rest, was that of the West-Saxons. It contained in it the Counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Sommerset, Wiltes, Southampton, and Berks: the Kings these.
A. | Ch. | |
522 | 1 | Cerdicus the first King. 17. |
539 | 2 | Kinricus. 29. |
565 | 3 | Celingus or Cheuline. 10. |
595 | 4 | Celricus. 5. |
600 | 5 | Ceolwolf. |
614 | 6 | Kingil the first christned King. |
646 | 7 | Kenewalchin. 31. |
677 | 8 | Sigebertus. 1. |
678 | 9 | Esewin. 2. |
680 | 10 | Centwin. 7. |
687 | 11 | S. Cedwalla. 3. |
690 | 12 | Ina 35. who first gave the Peterpence to the Church of Rome. |
725 | 13 | Ethelard. 14. |
739 | 14 | Cuthbert. 16. |
755 | 15 | Sigebert. II. 1. |
756 | 16 | Kinulphus. 31. |
787 | 17 | Bithrick. 13. |
800 | 18 | Egbert, of whom see more in the Saxon Monarchs. |
The Kingdome and Kings of the EAST-SAXONS.
THe Kingdome of East-Saxons is the fourth in order, of the Hepiarchie; begunne in Anno 527. some five yeares after that of the West-Saxons. It comprehended the Counties of Essex, Midlesex, and part of Hertfordshire; the Kings these that follow.
A. | Ch. | |
527 | 1 | Erchenwme. |
587 | 2 | Sledda. |
596 | 3 | S. Seber, tthe first Christned King of the East-Saxons; and first founder of S. Peters in Westminster. |
4 | Seward and Sigebert. | |
623 | 5 | Sigebert the little. |
6 | Sigebert. III. | |
651 | 7 | Swithelme. |
664 | 8 | Sighere. |
664 | 9 | S. Sebba. |
10 | Sigherd. | |
11 | Seofride. | |
701 | 12 | Offa. |
709 | 13 | S [...]lred. |
747 | 14 | Suthred, subdued by Egbert▪ King of the West-Saxons, and his Kingdome made a member of that rising Empire. |
The Kingdome and Kings of the EAST-ANGLES.
NExt to the Kingdome of the East-Saxons, was that of the EAst-Angles; containing in it the Counties of Norfolke, Suffolke, and Cambridge shire, with the Isle of Ely: and had these Kings following.
A. | Ch. | |
575 | 1 | Uffa, the first King. |
582 | 2 | Titullus. |
593 | 3 | Redwald the first christned King. |
624 | 4 | Erpenwald. |
636 | 5 | S. Sigebert. |
638 | 6 | Egric. |
642 | 7 | Anna. |
654 | 8 | Ethelbert. |
656 | 9 | E [...]lelwald. |
664 | 10 | Alduffe. |
683 | 11 | Elsewolfe. |
714 | 12 | B [...]orne. |
714 | 13 | S. Etheldred. |
749 | 14 | Ethelbert. II. who died Anno 793. |
870 | 15 | S. Edmund. After whose slaughter by the Danes, and that his Kingdome had beene long wasted by that people; it was atlast united to the West-Saxons, by King Edw. the elder. |
The Kingdome and Kings of the NORTH-HUMBERS.
THe Kingdome of the North-humbers, of Northumberland, was the fifth in course of time, of the Saxon Heptarchy▪ it was divided into two parts or Provinces, the one of which was called Bernicia; the other Deira of which the former called Bernicia, was founded by one Ida, Anno 547. the other by one Ella, his fellow and companion in armes, Anno 559. This last contained the whole Countries from the North of Humber to the Twede, viz. the Counties of Yorke, Durham, Lancaster, Westmorland, Cumberland, and Northumberland: the other all that part of Scotland, which lieth betweene the river Twede, and the Frith of Edenbourg; which was as farre as ever the Romans had gone before them. Those Kings of either, which were more powerfull then the other, were honoured with the name of Kings of the North humbers, and are mar [...]hailed thus.
A. | Ch. | |
547 | 1 | Ella and Ida. |
2 | Adda and Elappea. | |
3 | Theodwald. | |
4 | Frethulse. | |
5 | Theodorick. | |
589 | 6 | Ethelrick. |
593 | 7 | Ethel [...]ride. |
617 | 8 | Edwine the first christned King. |
633 | 9 | Osrick. |
634 | 10 | S. Oswald. |
643 | 11 | Oswy, who having subdued Oswine King of Deira, was the first absolute King of all Northumberland. |
671 | 12 | Egfride. |
686 | 13 | S. Alfride. |
705 | 14 | Osred. |
716 | 15 | Kenred. |
718 | 16 | Osrick. II. |
729 | 17 | Ceolnulph. |
738 | 18 | Egbert. |
758 | 19 | Oswulph. |
759 | 20 | Edilwald. |
765 | 21 | Alured. |
774 | 22 | Ethelred. |
778 | 23 | Alfwald. |
789 | 24 | Osred. II. |
794 | 25 | Etheldred. II. After whose death this Kingdome much molested by the Danes, became a Province of the West-Saxons. |
The Kingdome and Kings of MERCIA.
THe last and greatest of the seven Kingdomes of the Saxons, was that of Mercia, so called, for that being seated in the middle of the whole Countrey, it was a March or border unto all the rest which abutted on it. It comprehended the Counties of Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Warwick, Leicoster, Rutland, Northampton, Lincoln, Bedford, Nottingham, Buckingham, Oxford, Darby, Stafford, Shropshire, Cheshire, and that other part of Hertford [...]hire, which was not under the Kingdome of the East-Saxons. By reason of this great extent of Empire, they were a long time very powerfull, and overawed their neighbour Princes: till at the last the fatall period being come, it fell into the Armes of the West-Saxons, after it enjoyed these twenty Kings which hereafter follow.
A. | Ch. | |
582 | 1 | Cridda the first King of Mercia. |
593 | 2 | Wibba. |
614 | 3 | Cheorl. |
625 | 4 | Penda. |
656 | 5 | Peada, the first christned King. |
659 | 6 | Wulfhere. |
675 | 7 | Ethelred. |
704 | 8 | Kenred. |
709 | 9 | Chelred. |
716 | 10 | Ethelbald. |
758 | 11 | Offa. |
796 | 12 | Egfride. |
797 | 13 | Kenwolf. |
819 | 14 | Kenelm. |
820 | 15 | Ceolwolf. |
8 [...]1 | 16 | Bernulf. |
824 | 17 | Ludecan. |
826 | 18 | Withlafe. |
839 | 19 | Berthulf. |
852 | 20 | Burdred. After whose death this Kingdome having beene shrewdly shaken in a great battell fought near Burford, Comit▪ Oxon. wherein King Ethelbald was vanquished, and his whole strength broken by Cuthbert, or Cuthred, King of the West-Saxons, then his tributary: and after no lesse shrewdly shaken by the valiant Egbert, became a Province of that Empire. |
The Monarchs of the English-SAXONS.
THe Saxons, though they were divided into the seven Kingdomes before named, were for the most part subject unto one alone; who was entituled Rex Gentis Anglorum, or King of the English Nation: those which were stronger then the rest, giving the law unto them in their severall turnes, till in the end they all became incorporated into the Empire of the West-Saxons. Which Monarchs, who they were, and of whence entituled, is next in order shewne.
A. | Ch. | |
455 | 1 | Hengist King of Kent. |
481 | 2 | Ella King of the South-Saxons. |
495 | 3 | Cerdick King of the West-Saxons. |
534 | 4 | Kenrick King of the West-Saxons. |
561 | 5 | Cheuline, or Celingus, King of the West-Saxons. |
562 | 6 | Ethelbert King of Kent. |
616 | 7 | Redwald King of the East-Angles. |
617 | 8 | Edwin King of Northumberland. |
634 | 9 | Oswald King of Northumberland. |
643 | 10 | Oswy King of Northumberland. |
659 | 11 | Wulfhere King of Mercia. |
675 | 12 | Ethelred King of Mercia. |
704 | 13 | Kenred King of Mercia. |
709 | 14 | Chelred King of Mercia. |
716 | 15 | Ethelbald King of Mercia. |
758 | 16 | Offa King of Mercia. |
794 | 17 | Egfride King of Mercia. |
796 | 18 | Kenwolf King of Mercia. |
800 | 19 | Egbert the sonue of Al [...]mond, King of the West-Saxons, the first and absolute Monarch of the whole Heptarchy: who having vanquished all, or most of the Saxon Kings, and added their estates unto his owne, commanded the whole Countrey to be called by the name of ENGLAND. The Kings whereof, after the Countrey was so named, are these that follow. |
The Kings of ENGLAND of the Saxon Race.
A. | Ch. | |
800 | 1 | Egbert the 18 King of the West-Saxons, the 19 Monarch of the English, and first King of England. 37. |
837 | 2 | S. Ethelwolf 20. |
857 | 3 | Edelbald. |
858 | 4 | Edelbert. 5. |
863. | 5 | Edelfride. 9. |
873. | 6 | S. Alured, who totally reduced the Saxons under one Monarchy, and founded the University of Oxford. 23. |
900 | 7 | Edward the elder. 24. |
924 | 8 | Athelstane. 16. |
940 | 9 | Edmund. 6. |
946 | 10 | Eadred who stiled himselfe King of Great Britaine. |
955 | 11 | Edwin. 4. |
959 | 12 | S. Edgar. 16. |
975 | 13 | Edward the younger. 3. |
678 | 14 | Ethelred. |
1016 | 15 | Edmund Ironside. |
The Danish Race. | ||
1017 | 16 | Canutus King of Danemark▪ 2 [...]. |
1037 | 17 | Harald Harfager. 4. |
1041 | 18 | Hardie Cnute. 4. |
The Saxons repossessed. | ||
1045 | 19 | S. Edward who founded and endowed the Church of westminster, and was the first that cured the disease called the Kings-evill, leaving the same hereditary to his successors. |
1066 | 20 | Harald the sonne of Godwin [...]surped the Crowne, and shortly lost both it and his life to boote, to William Duke of Normandy. |
The NORMAN Race. | ||
1067 | 21 | William Duke of Normandy, sirnamed the Conquerour. 22. |
1089 | 22 | William Rusus. 13. |
1102 | 23 | Henry Beauclenk. 35. |
1136 | 24 | Stephen E. of Bloys. 19. |
The Saxon line restored. | ||
1155 | 25 | Henry II. descended by his Grand-mother, [Page 31] from the bloud Royall of the Saxons. 34. |
1189 | 26 | Richard Coeur de Lyon. 12. |
1201 | 27 | John. 17. |
1218 | 28 | Henry. III. 56. |
1274 | 29 | Edward. I. 34. |
1308 | 30 | Edward. II. 19. |
1327 | 31 | Edward. III. 50. |
1377 | 32 | Richard. II. |
The line of Lancaster. | ||
1399 | 33 | Henry. IV. 15. |
1414 | 34 | Henry. V. 9. |
1423 | 35 | Henry. VI. 38. |
The line of Yorke. | ||
1461 | 36 | Edward. IV. 23. |
1483 | 37 | Edward. V. |
1483 | 38 | Richard. III. 3▪ |
The families united. | ||
1486 | 39 | Henry. VII. 23. |
1508 | 40 | Henry. VIII. 39. |
1547 | 41 | Edward. VI. 6. |
1553 | 42 | Queene Mary. 5. |
1558 | 43 | Queene Elizabeth. 45. |
The union of the Kingdomes. | ||
1602 | 44 | JAMES King of Scots, reassumed the title of Great-Britaine. |
1625 | 45 | CHARLES by the grace of [Page 32] God, King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland; the 63. King in descent from the West-Saxon Cerdick, the 64. Monarch of the English, and 45. King of England in descent from Egbert: whom God long preserve. |
Kings of WALES.
THe Britons being outed of their Countrey by the conquering Saxons, retired themselves beyond the Severn, and therein fortified themselves; which Countrey thereupon came to bee called Wales, and the people Walsh, or Welch men. Nor that the word Walsh, signified in the Saxon language, a Foreiner or Alien, as it is conceived (for how could they be called Aliens in their native Countrey?) but Wales, and Wallish, for Galles and Gallish, by changing G into W, according to the custome of the Saxons. The Britons being descended of the Gaules, kept their old name still; though somewhat altered in the letter, as before is said: and to this day the French doe call the Prince of Wales, by the name of le Prince de Galles. At first their chiefes were honoured with the title of Kings of Wales, aod are these that follow.
A | Ch. | |
690 | 1 | Idwallo. 30. |
720 | 2 | Roderick. 35. |
755 | 3 | Conan. 63. |
818 | 4 | Mervyn. 25. |
843 | 5 | Roderick sirnamed the Great, who divided Wales betweene his three sonnes, allotting unto each his part: the Countrey being divided into North-Wales, South-Wales, and Powys-land which had their severall Lords and Princes, as hereafter followeth. |
The Principality and Princes of South-Wales.
SOuth- Wales, in the division of the Countrey amongst the sonnes of Roderich Mawr, fell unto Gadel the second sonne [...] [...] contained all that quantity and tract of ground, which now we call the Counties of Glamorgan, Pembreke, Carmarthen, Cardigan, and part of Brecknock: which being the richer and more fruitfull part of Wales, and lying most open re-invasion, both by sea and land, was soonest brought under the command of the Kings of England. The principall seat of the Princes of it, was Dynesar, or Dynevor Castle, not farre from Carmarthen, who thence were called by their subjects, the Kings of Dynevor; and whilest they stood upon their own clegges, were these that follow.
A. | Ch. | |
877 | 1 | Cadell second sonne of Roderick. |
2 | Howell. | |
907 | 3 | Howell Dha. |
948 | 4 | Owen. |
5 | Eneas. | |
6 | Theodore Mawr. | |
1077 | 7 | Rhese. I. |
1093 | 8 | Gryffith. I. |
9 | Rhese. II. | |
10 | Gryffith. II. in whom ended the line of the Princes of South-Wales, his Countrey being conquored by the English, [Page 35] and his two sonnes Meredith and Cynerick taken by King Henry the second, who caused their eyes to be put out. After which time South-Wales was reckoned as a part of the Realme of England. |
The Principality and Princes of North-Wales.
NOrth-Wales in the division of the Kingdome of Wales, fell to the share of Amarawd, the eldest sonne of Roderick Mawr, the last King thereof; with a superiority of power over both the rest, who were but homagers to this. It contained in it all that territory which now doth comprehend the Counties of Merioneth, Denbigh, Flint, Ca [...] na [...] von, and the Isle of Anglesey, which being the more mountainous parts; and consequently of more difficult accesse then the others were, as they did longest keepe their liberties, so doe they still preserve their language from the incursions of the English. Abersraw in the Isle of Anglesey was the Princes seate, who were hence sometimes called the Kings of Abersraw, and were these ensuing.
A. | Ch. | |
8077 | 1 | Amarawd eldest sonne of Roderick. |
913 | 2 | Idwallo. |
3 | Merick. | |
4 | Joanes. | |
1067 | 5 | Conan. |
1099 | 6 | Gryffith |
1120 | 7 | Owen. |
1178 | 8 | David. I. |
1194 | 9 | Llewellen. I. |
1240 | 10 | David. II. |
1246 | 11 | Llewellen. II. the last of the Princes of Wales of the British bloud, of whom, and the conclusion of his race, see the following Catalogue. |
The Kings and Princes of it, according to the History of Wales.
IN the History of Wales, writ by Humphrey Lloyd, the Kings and Princes of Wales are reckoned differently from that succession of them before laied downe. The reason of which difference may be that he reciteth there the Predominant Princes, such as gave law unto the rest, whether of North-Wales, South-Wales, or of Powys-land: even as wee see was done before, in summing up the Monarchs of the English Saxons, out of the severall Kingdoms in that Heptarchie. Now for his Catalogue of the Welch, both Kings and Princes, he recites them thus.
A | Ch. | |
688 | 1 | Ivor. |
720 | 2 | Roderick Molwinoc. |
755 | 3 | Conan Tindaethwy. |
820 | 4 | Mervyn Urich. |
843 | 5 | Roderick Mawr. |
877 | 6 | Amarawdh. |
913 | 7 | Edward Voel. |
940 | 8 | Howel Dha. |
948 | 9 | Jevaf, and Jago. |
982 | 10 | Howel ap Jevaf. |
984 | 11 | Cadwallan ap Jevaf. |
986 | 12 | Meredith ap Owen. |
992 | 13 | Edwal ap Meiric. |
1003 | 14 | Aedan ap Blegored. |
1015 | 15 | Lhewellen ap Sitsyl [...]. |
1021 | 16 | Jago ap Edwall. |
1037 | 17 | Gryffith ap Llewellen. |
1061 | 18 | Blethyn, and Rhywallon. |
1073 | 19 | Trahaern ap Caradoc. |
1078 | 20 | Gryffith ap Conan. |
1137 | 21 | Owen Gwineth. |
1169 | 22 | David ap Owen. |
1194 | 23 | Llewellen ap Jorweth. |
1240 | 24 | David ap Llewellen. |
1246 | 25 | Llewellen ap Gryffith, the last Prince of Wales of the British race, who lost his life and principality to King Edward the first, Anno 1282. After whose death, the King perceiving that the Welch had no affection to be ruled by strangers; sent for his Queene then great with child, to come unto him to Carnarvon, and hearing tha [...] [Page 38] shee was delivered of a sonne, called the Welch Lords together, and proffered them a Prince to beare rule amongst them, of their owne nation, one who spake no word of English, and such a one whose life no man could tax. To such a Prince when they had all sworn to yeeld obedience; he named his new-borne sonne unto them, and made him their Prince, since when the eldest sonnes of England have commonly beene created Princes of Wales. |
The Princes of it, of the bloud Royall of England.
WALES thus brought under the obedience of the Kings of England, hath since beene commonly the honourary title and possession of their eldest sonnes. Not that they challenge it, as of due belonging to them; but take it from their Fathers as of speciall Grace, by solemne creation and investure, tenendum sibi & baeredibus suis Regibus Angliae, to hold to them and their heires Kings of England: our Kings not being willing to deprive themselves of such a power of gratifying and obliging their eldest sonnes, as they saw occasion. Edward 2. who had been summoned by his Father unto the Parliament by the name of Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chester: summoned his eldest sonne (King [Page 39] Edward 3.) by no other name then Earle of Chester and Flint. Edward 3. first used the ceremony of creation, by letters Patents, and investiture, which hath since continued: and for the want of which, Edward 6. Queene Mary and Queen Elizabeth however in their severall turnes, they have beene called Princes and Princesses of Wales, were not truely such. Those which were so created, either by Parliamentary Writ or especiall Charter, are these that follow.
[...] | Ch. | |
1 | Edward of Carnarvon eldest sonne of King Edward the first. | |
1344 | 2 | Edward the black Prince, eldest son of King Edward the third. |
1377 | 3 | Richard of Burdeaux, eldest sonne unto the black Prince |
1399 | 4 | Henry of Monmouth, eldest sonne of King Henry the sourth. |
1454 | 5 | Edward of Westminster, onely son of King Henry the sixth. |
1472 | 6 | Edward of Westminster, eldest son of King Edward the sourth. |
1483 | 7 | Edward Earle of Salisbury, eldest sonne of King Richard the third. |
1492 | 8 | Arthur, the eldest sonne of King Henry the seventh. |
1506 | 9 | Henry Duke of Yorke second sonne to King Henry the seventh, after K. Henry the eighth. |
1610 | 10 | Henry, eldest sonne of King Iames [Page 40] the first Monarch of Great Britaine. |
1616 | 11 | CHARLES Duke of Yorke, second sonne of King Iames, now the second Monarch of Great Britaine. |
Princes and Lords of Powys-land.
POwys-land is the third part of Wales, but the least of all, containing onely the whole County of Montgomery, and part of Radnor, Brecknock, Denbigh, and Sbropshire. The chiefe seate hereof was Matravall, in Montgomery shire, from whence the Princes of it would be called the Kings of Matravall. It was bestowed by Roderick Mawr, in his division of Wales, on Mervyn his youngest son and did continue in his line a long time together▪ but much afflicted and dismembred by the Princes of Northwales, who cast a greedy eye upon it. The first Prince of it was called Mervyn, but we have no good constat of his successors: the last that held it all entire, was Meredith ap Blethin, who divided it betweene his two sonnes, Madoc, and Gryffith, of the which Madoc died at Winchefter, Anno 1160, and Gryffith was by Henry the first of England created Lord Powys, the residue of Powys-land which pertained to Madoc, depending still upon the fortune of North-Wales.
A. | Ch. | |
1 | Gryffith ap Meredith. | |
2 | Owen Cynelioc. | |
3 | Gwenwynnin. | |
4 | Gryffith ap Gwenwynnin | |
5 | Owen ap Gryffith. | |
6 | John Charleton, one of the Bedchamber to King Edward the second▪ married Hawys daughter of Owen ap Gryffith. | |
1353 | 7 | John Charleton, Lord Powys. |
1360 | 8 | John Charleton, Lord Powys. |
1374 | 9 | John Charleton, Lord Powys. |
1401 | 10 | Edward Charleton, Lord Powys. |
1420 | 11 | Henry Grey, nephew of Edward Lord Powys by his daughter Iam created Earle of Tanquerville by King H. [...]. |
12 | Richard Gray Lord Powys. | |
13 | John Gray Lord Powys. | |
14 | John Gray Lord Powys. | |
15 | Edward Gray, the last Lord Powys of the race of Mervyn, sonne of Roderick King of Wales. | |
[...]629▪ | 16 | William Herbert of Rod-castle▪ sonne of Edward, second sonne of William Herbert Earle of Pembroke, created Lord Powys, [...]. Car. Apr. 2. now living 1641. |
Kings and Lords of MAN.
THe Isle of MAN is situate so equally betweene England and Ireland, that once it was a controversie unto the which it appertained; but was in fine adjudged to England, in that some venemous wormes brought hi [...]ther, did not forthwith die: which kinde of creatures the nature of the Irish soyle will by no mea [...]ies brooke. It was once subject unto the crowne and Kingdome of Northumberland, but from them taken by the Danes, Norwegians, and other people of the North, in their i [...]ruptions on these parts: who having mastered it, ordained therein a petit King of their owne Nation; who thus succeeded one another.
A. | Ch. | |
1065 | 1 | Godred the sonne of Syrri [...]. |
1066 | 2 | Fingall sonne of Godred. |
1066 | 3 | Godred the sonne of Harald. |
1082 | 4 | Lagman eldest sonne of Godred. |
1089 | 5 | Dopnald sonne of Tade. |
1098 | 6 | Magnus King of Norway. |
1102 | 7 | Olave third sonne of Godred. |
1144 | 8 | Godred sonne of Olave. |
1187 | 9 | Reginald, base sonne of Godred. |
1226 | 10 | Olave the lawfull sonne of Godred |
1237 | 11 | Herald sonne of Olave. |
1249 | 12 | Raignald▪ II. brother of Harald. |
1252 | 13 | Magnus. II. brother of Raignald. |
1256 | 14 | Magnus King of Man being deceased without issue, Alexander third King of the Scots, partly by conquest, and partly by money pa [...]ed to the Norweglans, brought this and all the rest of the Westerne Isles under his obedience. After this time, it was sometimes dependant on the Crowne of Scotland, and sometimes on England, according as their fortunes varied: till in the end, it was regained finally from the Scots, by William Mon [...]e Earle of Salisbury (who was descended from the ancient Kings of Man) and by him after sold to the Lord Scrope, on whose a [...]ainder it fell unto the Crowne of England, and changed Lords as followeth. |
Kings and Lords of MAN, of English bloud.
A. | Ch. | |
1340 | 1 | William Earle of Salisbury. K. |
1395 | 2 | William Lord Scrope. K. |
1399 | 3 | Henry Earle of Northumberland Lord. |
1403 | 4 | William Lord Stanley, Lord of Man. |
5 | John Lord Stanley, Lord of Man. | |
6 | Thomas Lord Stanley, Lord of Man. | |
7 | Thomas Lord Stanley, Lord of Man, created Earle of Darbie by K. Henry 7. | |
1503 | 8 | Thomas Stanley Earle of Darby, Lord of Man. |
1521 | 9 | Edward Stanley Earle of Darby, Lord of Man▪ |
1572 | 10 | Henry Stanley Earle of Darby, Lord of Man. |
1593 | 11 | Ferdinando Stanley Earle of Darby, Lord of Man. |
1604 | 12 | William Stanley now Earle of Darby, and Lord of Man▪ 1640. |
Lords and Kings.
THe Isle of Wight abutting on the coast of Hampshire, was taken from the English by William Eitz-Osborne, Earle of Hereford, in the time of William Duke of Normandy, and King of England: who thereupon became the first Lord therof. After whose death & the proscription of his sonne Roger, it fell unto the Crowne, and was by Henry the second bestowed upon the family of the Ryvers, Earles of Devon. On the extinction of which line, it fell againe unto the Crowne, in the time of King Edward the first; and in the same hath since continued: giving the title onely of one King, and one Lord to two Potent subjects. Now for the Lords and King, they are these here following.
A. | Ch. | |
1 | William Fitz-Osborne, Earle of Hereford. | |
1072 | 2 | Roger de Breteville, Earle of Hereford. |
3 | Richard de Ryvers, Earle of Devon. | |
4 | Baldwin de Ryvers, Earle of Devon. | |
1154 | 5 | Richard de Ryvers, Earle of Devon. |
1161 | 6 | Baldwin de Ryvers, Earle of Devon. |
7 | Richard de Ryvers, Earle of Devon. | |
8 | William de Ryvers, Earle of Devon. | |
1216 | 9 | Baldwin de Ryvers, Earle of Devon. |
1245 | 10 | Baldwin de Ryvers, Earle of Devon. |
1261 | 11 | Isabell, sister to Earle Baldwin, and wife to William de Fortibus, surrendred up her interest in this Iland, to King Edward the first. |
1445 | 12 | Henry Beauchamp, Earle of Warwick, Anno 23. of Henry 6. was crowned King of the Isle of Wight, and shortly after made Duke of Warwick. |
1466 | 13 | Richard Lord Wideville Earle Ryvers, made by King Edward 4. Lord of the Wight. |
THE SECOND TABLE, OR, A CATALOGVE OF All the Bishops which have governed in the Church of England, and VVales, since the conversion of the SAXONS.
Together with the honourary Offices which they, or any of them have enjoyed in the civill government.
Divided into two parts.
Printed at London. 1641.
THE saith of Christ being here planted as saith Gildas, tempore sum [...]o Tiberii Caesaris, towards the latter end of Tiberius Caesar, was as it seemes, concealed and hidden till the time of Lucius: who publikely making profession of it, procured three Archiepisco pals seates to be erected at York [...], Ca [...]r-Leon upon Vsk, and London for the North, West, and Southerne parts; and suffragan Bishops to be allotted and assigned unto each of them. Of these and their successors wee have little Consta [...], onely some foot-steps in some places, whereby we may discerne the ruine of religion which had beene made here by the Saxons. But when the Saxons were converted to the Christian faith, they grew more zealous of the same, then formerly they had beene averse from it: and gave it suddenly a generall and unanimous admittance. Which [Page 52] being done, that part of England which was then in their possession, was divided into the two Provinces of Canterbury and Yorke: the ancient Britons or the Welsh continuing for a long time after under the rule and government of their owne Arch-Bishop; but in the end were also brought to yeeld obedience to the See of Canterbury. The Church thus brought into a settled forme and order, became forthwith of such esteeme at home, that they have long time beene accounted Peeres of the Realme, and are by writ summoned unto all Parliaments, as are the temporall Barons; and of such reputation and same abroad, that the Arch-Bishops of both Provinces were adjudged to be Legatinati: the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury having a superintendencie over all the Irish Bishops; as he of Yorke, had a direct primacie over those of the Church of Scotland. And in the Councell held at Constance, what time the Fathers there assembled, were for the better dispatch of businesse, divided into severall Nations: the English Nation, Anglicana natio, was reckoned amongst the chiefest. At this time since this Church was manumitted from the Pope, it may be warrantably said to bee the most exact and perfect [...] of the Reformation: keeping a constant & continued succession in the holy Hierarchy, and consequently also in all holy Orders; and whatsoever else is necessary, either in doctrine, government, or ceremony, unto the constitution of an Apostolicall [Page 53] and Orthodox Church.
As for the method which we meane to use in this following Catalogue, it is briefely this: we will begin first with the Province and See of Canterbury, and those particular Suffragan Bishops which owe obedience thereunto, which we will marshall in the order of the Alphabet, those of Wales included. For howsoever they had once the honour to have an Arch-Bishop of their owne, yet being now reputed members of the Province of Canterbury; we will dispose of them accordingly. That done, we will proceed unto the Province and See of Yorke, and those sew Bishopricks, which are now remaining of the same: which as the rest before, we will also take along, according to the order of the Alphabet. And this we take to be the easiest order for the Reader: that of the Antiquity of the Sees, being very intricate and perplext, and that of the Antiquity or consecration of the men themselves, both changeable and uncertaine. For if we went according to the way of precedencie which is now in use, established by Act of Parliament 31. H. 8. c. 10. we should dispose them in this manner: viz. First the two Arch-Bishops of Ganterbury and Yorke, next the three Bishops of London, Dunelm, Winchester, and last of all the residue of the Prelates according to the Seniority of their consecrations. This is the order of precedencie which is now in use, which yet is no new order in regard of London [Page 54] and Wintón, who anciently had place before the rest, in all assemblies of the Clergy: but this being changeable and uncertaine, as before was said, we shall make use rather of the other.
Now in'each See and Diocese we will keep this course: First we will shew you the antiquity and ordination of each, together with the foundation of their Cathedrall Churches; what Counties each of them containeth, what priviledges anciently they enjoyed, and still claime to have; how many Parishes there be in every Diocese, by what Arch-Deacons they are governed, what is the tenth of the whole Clergie in every Diocese, and how much in the Kings bookes is every Bishoprick. We shall observe also, what and how many of the Prelates have beene extract from honourable houses, whose names shall be distinguished by a little Asterisme thus*, as also how many of them have beene canonized and accounted Saints, who and how many of them have beene made Cardinals in the Church of Rome, what honourable Offices have beene borne by any of them in the civill state. In the performance of the which S. shall stand for Saint, and Card▪ for Cardinall: L. Ch. shall signifie L. Chancellour; L. K. Lord Keeper; L. Tr. Lord Treasurer; L. Pr. Lord President, Ch. J. Chiese Justice. M. Ro. Master of the Rolls, and Ch▪ Qx. Chancellour of Oxford, as Ch. Ca. of Cambridge. By which it will appeare most plainely what [Page 55] a perpetuall Seminary this our Church hath beene, of able and of learned men, not onely for discharge of Ecclesiasticall, but even temporall businesse. Which being premised once for all, we now proceede unto our Catalogue: beginning with the Provincc and See of Canterbury, and following in the order before proposed.
CANTERBURIE and the Arch-Bishops of it.
THe Sce of Canter. was first founded with the plantation of religion the amongst English: Austin the Monk, who first did preach the Gospel to the one being the first Arch-Bishop of the other. The Chaire hereof originally fixt in the City of Canterbury; which being once the Regall City of the Kings of Kent, was by King Ethelbert, on his conversion, bestowed on Austin the Arch-Bishop, and on his Successors forever. The Cathedrall, having beene a Church before in the Britons time was by the same Arch-Bishop Austin repaired, and consecrated, and dedicated to the name of Christ, which it still retaines; though a long time together it was called Saint Thomas, in honour of Saint Thomas Becket who was therein slaine. The present fabricke was begun by Arch-Bishop Lanfran [...], and William Corboyl; and by degrees made perfect by their Successours. Take Canterbury as the seate of the Metropolitan, and it hath under it 21. suffragan Bishops, of the which 17. are in England, and 4. in Wales. But take it as the seate of a Diocesan, and it containeth onely some part of Kent to the [Page 60] number of 257. Parishes (the residue being in the Diocese of Rochester▪) together with some few particular Parishes dispersed here and there in severall Dioceses: it being an ancient priviledge of this See, that wheresoever the Arch-Bishops had either Manors or Advowsons, the place forthwith became exempted from the Ordinary, and was reputed of the Diocese of Canterbury.
The other priviledges of this See, are that the Arch-Bishop is accounted Primate and Metropolitan of all England, and is the first Peere of the Realme: having precedencie of all Dukes, not being of the Royall bloud, and all the great Officers of the State. He hath the title of Grace offered him in common speech: and writes himselfe divina providentia, where other Bishops onely use, divina permissione. The Coronation of the King hath anciently belonged unto him: it being also formerly resolved that wheresoever the Court was, the King and Queene were speciales & domestici Parochiani Domini Archiepiscopi, the proper and domesticall Parishioners of the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. It also did belong unto him in former times, to take unto himselfe the offerings made at the holy Altar by the King and Queene, wheresoever the Court was, if he were present at the same; and to appoint the Lent Preachers: but these time hath altered, and the King otherwise disposed of. Abroad in generall Councels he had place at the Popes right [Page 61] foote▪ at home; this Royall priviledge, that those which held lands of him, were liable for Wordship to him, and to compound with him for the same, though they hold other lands in Cheife of our Lord the King. And for the more increase of his power and honour, it was enacted 25▪ H. 8▪ c. 21. that all licenses and dispensations (not repugnant to the law of God) which heretofore were sued for in the Court of Rome, should be hereafter granted by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and his successaurs: As also in the 1. Eliz. c. 2. that by the advise of the Metropolitan, or Ecclesiasticall Commissioners, the Queenes Majesty may ordaine and publish such rites and ceremonies, as may bee most for the advancement of Gods glory, the edi [...]ying of his Church, and the due reverence of Christs holy Sacraments. To come at last to the Arch-Bishops, this Diocese hath only one Arch-Deacon, which is he of Canterbury▪ the Clergies tenth comes to 651. li. 18. s. 2. d. q. and the Arch-Bishoprick it selfe is valued in the Kings books, at the sum of 2816. li. 17. s▪ 9. d. q. I onely adde in generall, that this See hath yeelded to the Church 16. Saints; to the Church of Rome 9. Cardinals; to the Civill state of England 11. Lord Chancellours, one Lord Treasurer, one Lord Chiefe Justice; and to the University of Oxford. 9. Chancellours. The particulars follow.
A. | Ch. | |
596 | 1 | S. Augustinus. |
611 | 2 | S. Laurentius. |
619 | 3 | S. Melitus. |
624 | 4 | S. Justus. |
634 | 5 | S. Honorius. |
655 | 6 | S. Adeodatus, or Deusdedit. |
668 | 7 | S. Theodorus. |
692 | 8 | S. Brithwaldus. |
731 | 9 | Tatwinus. |
736 | 10 | Nothelmus. |
742 | 11 | Cuthbertus. |
759 | 12 | Bregwinus. |
764 | 13 | Lambertus. |
793 | 14 | Athelmardus. |
807 | 15 | Wulfredus. |
832 | 16 | Theogildus. |
17 | Celnothus. | |
871 | 18 | Atheldredus. |
889 | 19 | Plegmundus. |
915 | 20 | Athelmus. |
924 | 21 | Wulfelmus, Lord Chancellour. |
934 | 22 | S. Odo. |
961 | 23 | S. Dunstan, Lord Treasurer. |
988 | 24 | Ethelgarus. |
989 | 25 | Siricius. |
993 | 26 | Alfricus. |
1006 | 27 | S. Elphegus. |
1013 | 28 | Livingus, allas Leovingus. |
1020 | 29 | Agelnothus. |
1038 | 30 | S. Eadsinus. |
1050 | 31 | Robert us Gemiticensis. |
1052 | 32 | Stigandus. |
1070 | 33 | S. Lanfrancus. |
1093 | 34 | S. Anselm. |
1114 | 35 | Rodulphus. |
1122 | 36 | William Corboyl. |
1138 | 37 | Theobaldus. |
1162 | 38 | S. Thomas Becket L. Chancel. |
1171 | 39 | Richardus Monachus. |
1184 | 40 | Baldwinus. |
1191 | 41 | Reginaldus. |
1193 | 42 | Hubert Walter, L. Chancel, and L. Ch. Justice. |
1206 | 43 | Stephen Langton, Cardinall. |
1229 | 44 | Richard Werhershed. |
1234 | 45 | S. Edmund, Chancel. of Oxford. |
1244 | 46 | Boniface of Savoy. * |
1272 | 47 | Robert Kilwarby, Card. |
1278 | 48 | John Peckham. |
1294 | 49 | Robert Winchelsey, Chan. Oxford▪ |
1313 | 50 | Walter Raynolds. |
1327 | 51 | Simon Mepcham. |
1333 | 52 | Jo. Stratford, L. Chancel. |
1348 | 53 | Thomas Bradwardin. |
1349 | 54 | Simon Islippe. |
1366 | 55 | Sim. Langham, Gard. L. Chan. |
1367 | 56 | William Witlesey. |
1375 | 57 | Simon Sudbury, L. Chancel. |
1381 | 58 | William Courtney. Chan. Ox. * |
1396 | 59 | Thomas Arundel, L. Chan. * |
1414 | 60 | Henry Chicheley, Card. |
1243 | 61 | John Stafford, Card. * |
1452 | 62 | Jo. Kemp. Card. L. Chancel. |
1454 | 63 | Thomas Bourchier, Card. Lord Chan. and Chan. of Oxford. * |
1486 | 64 | John Morton, the like. |
1501 | 65 | Henry Deane. |
1504 | 66 | W. Warham, L. Ch. and Ch. Ox. |
1533 | 67 | Thomas Cranmer. |
1555 | 68 | Reginald Pole, Car. and Chan. Ox. |
1559 | 69 | Matthew Parker. |
1575 | 70 | Edmund Grindall. |
1583 | 71 | Jo. Whitgift. |
1604 | 72 | Richard Bancroft, Chan. Oxford. |
1610 | 73 | George Abbot. |
1633 | 74 | William Laud, Chan. of the University of Oxford, now being, 1641. |
SAINT ASAPH AND the Bishops there.
THe Bishoprick of Saint Asaph is exceeding ancient; first founded by one Kentigern a Scot, and there Bishop of Glasco, about the yeere 560. The Cathedrall there first built by him, upon the Banks of the river Elwy: whence it is called by the Welsh, L [...]an-Elwy; the Bishop in the ancient Latine Elwensis, or Elguensis; by us Saint Asaph, from Saint Asaph an holy man, whom Kentigorn returning into Scotland, left here his successor. It seems it stood not long, or not long in credit; there being a great biatus in the succession of the Bishops: none to be found betweene this S▪ Asaph, and Geofrie of Monmouth, who was here Bishop in the latter end of King Stephens raigne. And which is more, Henry of Huntington in his recitall of the Welsh Bishopricks reckoneth onely three, Saint Davids, Bangor, and Landaffe: which may be probably imputed to the frequent warres in this bordering Countrey (for it is seated in the County of Flint, not farre from Chester:) which made it an unquiet seate for religious persons. This Bishoprick, being at the best, not very rich, was made much poorer in the time of Bishop Parsew, who lived in the daies of King Edward [...]. For where the Bishop had before five Episcopall houses, there is none now left but Saint Asaphs onely, the rest together with the lands to them belonging, [Page 66] by him made away, and aliened from the Church for ever: besides, that keeping an house above his meanes, he was faine to let the residue of his lands into tedious leases, not yet expired. This Diocese containeth in it no one whole County; but part of Denbigh, Flint, Montgomery, Meri [...]neth, and some townes in Shropsh: wherein are to the number of 121. Parishes, most of the which are in the immediate▪ Patronage of the Bishop. It hath but one Arch-Deaconry, called of Saint Asapb, which is united to the Bishoprick, for the better sustentation of it. The tenth of the Clergy commeth to 186. li. 19. s. 7. d. ob. q. and for the Bishoprick it selfe, it is valued in the Kings bookes, at the summe of 187. li. 11. s. 6. d.
A. | Ch. | |
560 | 1 | Kentigern. |
2 | S. Asaph. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1151 | 3 | Geofry of Monmouth. |
4 | Adam. | |
1186 | 5 | Reinerus. |
1220 | 6 | Abraham. |
1235 | 7 | Howel ap Ednever. * |
1248 | 8 | Anian. |
1268 | 9 | Anian. II. |
1293 | 10 | Llewellen de Bromfeild. |
1319 | 11 | David ap Blethin. |
12 | Ephraim. | |
13 | Henricus. | |
14 | John Trevaur. | |
1357 | 15 | Llewellen ap Madoc. |
1373 | 16 | William de Stridlington [...] |
1382 | 17 | Lawrence Child. |
1390 | 18 | Alexander Bach. |
1395 | 19 | John Trevaur. II. |
1411 | 20 | Robertus. |
1493 | 21 | John Lowe, tr. to Rochester. |
1444 | 22 | Reginald Peacock, transl. to Chich. |
1450 | 23 | Thomas. |
1484 | 24 | Richard Redman, tr. to Exeter. |
1503 | 25 | David ap Owen. |
1513 | 26 | Edm. Birkhead. |
1519 | 27 | Henry Standish. |
1535 | 28 | William Barlow, tr. to S. Davids. |
1536 | 29 | Robert Parsew, tr. to Hereford. |
1555 | 30 | Thomas Goldwell. |
1559 | 31 | Richard Davies, tr. to S. Davids. |
1561 | 32 | Thomas Davies. |
1573 | 33 | Thomas Hughes. |
1595 | 34 | William Morgan. |
1604 | 35 | Richard Parry. |
1622 | 36 | John Hanmer. |
1629 | 37 | John Owen, now Bishop of Saint Asapb. 1641. |
BANGOR, and the Bishops there.
BAngor, another of the Bishopricks of Wales, is of ancient standing; but by whom founded, not yet knowne. The Cathedrall there is dedicated by the name of S. Daniel, who was Bishop here about the yeare 516. which being cruelly defaced by that wretched Rebell Owen Glendowr, was afterward repaired by Henry Deane, who was once here Bishop. The ruine of this Bishoprick, came in the time of Bishop Bulk [...], who not content to alienate and let out the lands; made a sale also of the Bels: and going to the Sea-shoare to see them shipped, in his returne was smitten with a sudden blindnesse. This Diocese containeth in it the entire County of Carnarvon, wherein Bangor standeth, and the whole Isle of Anglesey; together with parts of Denhigh, Merioneth, and Mountgomery, and in them to the number of 107 Parishes, whereof 36. impropriated, It hath moreover in it, three Arch Deaconries, viz. of Bangor, Anglesey, and Merioneth, one of the which is added to the Bishoprick, for support thereof. The Bishoprick is valued in the Kings bookes, 131. li. 16. s. 4. d. and answereth for the Clergies tenth, 151. li. 14. s. 3. d. q.
A. | Ch | |
516 | 1 | S. Daniel. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1 | Hernaeus, translated to Ely. | |
1120 | 2 | David. |
1139 | 3 | Mauritius. |
4 | Gulielmus. | |
5 | Guido, alias Guianus. | |
1195 | 6 | Albanus. |
1197 | 7 | Robertus de Salopia. |
1215 | 8 | Caducan. |
1236 | 9 | Howel. |
10 | Richardus. | |
1267 | 11 | Anianus. |
1306 | 12 | Caducan. II. |
1306 | 13 | Cryffith. |
1320 | 14 | Ludovicus. |
1334 | 15 | Matthaeus. |
1358 | 16 | Thom. de Ringstede. |
1367 | 17 | Gervasius de Castro. |
1370 | 18 | Howell. II. |
1374 | 19 | John Gilbert, tr. to S. Davids. |
1376 | 20 | John Clovensis. |
21 | John Swaffam. | |
1400 | 22 | Richard Young, tr. to Rochester. |
23 | Ludovicus. II. | |
1408 | 24 | Benedict Nicols, tr. to S. David. |
1418 | 25 | William Barrow, tr. to Ca [...]lile. |
26 | Nicolaus. | |
1436 | 27 | Thomas Cheriton. |
1448 | 28 | John Stanbery, tr▪ to Hereford. |
[...] | 29 | Jacobus. |
1464 | 30 | Thomas Ednam. |
1496 | 31 | Henry Deane, tr. to Salisbury. |
1500 | 32 | Thomas Pigor. |
1504 | 33 | Joh. Penvy, tr. to Carlile. |
1505 | 34 | Thomas Skevington. |
1534 | 35 | John Capon. tr. to Salisbury. |
1539 | 36 | John Bird, tr. to Chester. |
1541 | 37 | Arthur Bulkeley. |
1555 | 38 | William Glynn. |
1559 | 39 | Rowland Merick. |
1566 | 40 | Nicolas Robinson. |
1585 | 41 | Hugh Bellott, tr. to Chester. |
1595 | 42 | Richard Vaughon, tr. to Chester. |
1595 | 43 | Henry Rowlands. |
1616 | 44 | Lewys Bayly. |
1632 | 45 | David Dol [...]in. |
1633 | 46 | Edward Gryffith. |
1637 | 47 | William Roberts, Sub-Almoner, now Bishop of Bangor. 1641. |
BATH AND WELLES, and the Bishops of it.
THe Diocese of Bath and Welles, although it hath a double name, is one single Bishoprick. The Bishops seate originally at Welles, where it still continues, and in respect whereof this Church is called in some Writers, Fontanensis Ecclesia. The stile of Bath came in bu [...] upon the by. The Church of Welles first built by Ina, King of the West-Saxons, Anno 704. and by him dedicated to Saint Andrew: after endowed by Kenu [...]se, an other King of the same people, Anno 766. and finally made a bishops See in the time of Edward the elder, Anno 905. the first that bore that title being Adelmus, before Abbat of Glastenbury. The present Church, in place where that of Ina had stood before, was built most part of it by Bishop Robert, the eighteenth Bishop of this See; but finished and perfected by Bishop Iote [...]ine, sirnamed de Welles. Iohannes de villula, the sixteenth Bishop having bought the towne of Bath of King Henry the first for 500. markes, transferred his seate unto that City, 1088. Hence grew a jarre betweene the Monks of Bath and Canons of Welles, about the election of the Bishop. At last the difference was thus composed by that Bishop Robert, whom before I spake of, that from thence forward the Bishop should be denominated from both places, and that precedencie in the stile should [Page 72] be given to Bath; that in the vacancie of the See, a certaine number of Delegates from both Churches should elect their Prelate, who being elected, should bee installed in them both; both of them to be reckoned as the Bishops Chapter, and all his Grants and Patents confirmed in both. And so it stood untill the reigne of King H. 8. what time the Monastery of Bath having beene dissolved, there passed an Act of Parliament for the Deane and chapter of Welles, to make one sole Chapter for the Bishop: Anno 35. H. 8. c. 15.
But to proceed, this Diocese hath yeelded to the Church of Rome, one Card. and to the civill state of England, sixe Lord Chancellours, five Lord Treasurers, one Lord Privie Seale, one Lord President of Wales, one principall secretary of Estate. The Diocese containeth in it the whole County of Somerse [...], and in that 388. Parishes, whereof 160. are impropriate. It hath moreover three Arch-Deaconries of Bath, Welles, and Taunton; is valued in the Kings bookes, at 533. li. 1. s. 3 d. and answereth for the Clergies tenth, 353. li. 18. s. ob. q.
A. | Ch. | |
905 | 1 | Adelmus, translated to Cant. |
2 | Wulfelmus, translated to Cant. | |
3 | Elphegus. | |
4 | Wulfelmus. II. | |
955 | 5 | Brithelmus. |
973 | 6 | Kinewardus. |
985 | 7 | Sigarus. |
995 | 8 | Alwinus. |
9 | Burwoldus. | |
1002 | 10 | Leoningus, translated to Cant. |
11 | Ethelwinus. | |
12 | Brithwinus. | |
13 | Merewith. | |
1031 | 14 | Dudoco, alias Bodeca. |
1059 | 15 | Giso. |
1088 | 16 | Johannes de Villula. |
1123 | 17 | Godefridus, L. Chancel. |
1136 | 18 | Robertus Lewensis. |
1174 | 19 | Reginald Fitz-Joceline translated to Cant. |
1192 | 20 | Sava [...]icus, who removed the See to Glastonbury. |
1205 | 21 | Joceline de Welles. |
1224 | 22 | Rogerus. |
1247 | 23 | Gul. Button, L. Chan. and Treas. |
1264 | 24 | Walt. Giffard, transl. to Yorke. |
1267 | 25 | Gul. Button. II. |
1274 | 26 | Rob. Burnell, L. Chan. and L. Tr. |
1292 | 27 | Gul. de Marchia, L. Treas. |
1302 | 28 | Walt. Haselshaw. |
1310 | 29 | Joh. Drokensford, L. Treas. |
1329 | 30 | Radulphus de Salopia. |
1336 | 31 | Joh. Barnet, transl. to Ely. |
1366 | 32 | Joh. Harewell. |
1386 | 33 | Walt. Skirlaw, transl. to Durham. |
1388 | 34 | Radulph Erghum. |
1401 | 35 | Henry Bowet, transl. to Yorke. |
1408 | 36 | Nic. Bubwith. |
1425 | 37 | Joh. Stafford, L. Chan. and Treas. transl. to Cant. * |
1443 | 38 | Thomas Beckington. |
1465 | 39 | Robert de Stillington, L. Pr. Seale, and afterward L. Chan. |
1491 | 40 | Rich. Fox, transl. to Durham. |
1495 | 41 | Oliver King principall Secretary. |
1505 | 42 | Adrian de Castello, Card. |
1518 | 43 | Tho. Wolsey, changed this See for Durham, L. Chan. |
1523 | 44 | John Clarke, Master of the Rolls. |
1541 | 45 | William Knight. |
1549 | 46 | William Barlowe. |
1554 | 47 | Gilbert Bourne, Lord President of Wales. |
1559 | 48 | Gilbert Barkely. |
1584 | 49 | Thomas Godwin. |
1592 | 50 | John Still. |
1608 | 51 | James Montagu. |
1616 | 52 | Arthur Lake. |
1626 | 53 | William Laud, trans: to London. |
1628 | 54 | Leonard Mawe. |
1630 | 55 | Walter Curle, trans. to Winton. |
1632 | 56 | William Piers, now Bishop there▪ 1641. |
BRISTOL, and the Bishops thereof.
THe Bishoprick of Bristol is of new erection, first sounded by King Henry 8. who having had the spoile of the Monasteries, and religious houses, was pleased to refund some of it backe againe upon the Church, for the incouragement of learning, and increase of piety. For this end he procured an Act of Parliament, for the erecting of new Bishopricks by his letters Patents, 31. H. 8. c. 9. and did accordingly erect sixe new Bishops Sees, viz. at Bristol, Oxford, Wesstminster, Gloucester, Peterburgh, and Chester. According to the tenor of which Act, he did immediately erect sixe new Bishopricks on the foundations of such ancient Monasteries, as he thought fittest for that purpose, and most convenient of honour, in regard of their situation: Wherein he failed not any where so much as in this of Bristol, the Diocese thereof being very much distant from the See; atque alio subsole jacens.
Now for this Bishoprick, the seate, thereof is Bristol, as before I said, one of the fairest Cities in the Realme of England; and a just County in it selfe. The Cathedrall Church is dedicated by the name of Saint Austins, founded by Robert Fitz-Harding sonne to a King of Danemarke, once a Citizen here; and by him stored with Canons Regular. Anno [Page 76] 1148. But this foundation being dissolved, King H. 8. made it a Bishops See, and placed therein a Deane, and sixe Prebendaries, as it still continueth. For 32. yeeres together in Qu Eliz. time it had never a Bishop, but all that while was held in Commendam by the Bishops of Gloucester: the Patrimony of the Church being in the interim much wasted. The Diocese hereof containeth, besides the City of Bristol, the whole County of Dorset (belonging heretofore to the See of Salisbury:) and therein 236. Parishes, of which 64. impropriated. It hath onely one Arch-Deacon, which is he of Dorset; is valued in the Kinges bookes, 383. li. 8. s. 4. d. and answereth for the tenth of the Clergy, 353. li. 18. s. ob. q.
A. | Ch. | |
1542 | 1 | Paul Bush. |
1554 | 2 | John Holiman, died 1558. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1589 | 3 | Richard Fletcher, translated to London. 1593. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1603 | 4 | John Thornbourgh, translated to Worcester. |
1617 | 5 | Nicolas Fe [...]ron, translated to Ely. |
1619 | 6 | Jo. Serchfeild. |
1622 | 7 | Robert Wright, translated to Lichfeild. |
1632 | 8 | George Cooke, translated to Hereford. |
1636 | 9 | Robert Skinner, now Bishop there. 1641. |
CHICHESTER, and the Bishops thereof.
THe See of Chichester, was anciently in the Isle of Selsey, not farre from thence: first planted there by Wilfrid Arch-Bishop of Yorke, who being banished his Countrey by Egsride King of the Northumbers, did preach the Gospel to the South-Saxons. To him did Edilwacl [...], the South-Saxon King assigne this Iland for his seate; and after Gedwall King of the West-Saxons, having wonne this Kingdome, built in the same a Monastery, which he made the Bishops See. Here it continued till the time of Bishop Stigand, who first removed the See to Chichester, the principall City of these parts; first built by Cissa the second King of the South-Saxons, and by him called Cissan-Ceaster. The Cathedrall Church was anciently dedicated to Saint Teter; new built by Radulph the third Bishop here, after the See removed by Stigand: which being almost all consumed by a raging fire, was afterwards rebuilt and beautified by Siffridus the second.
But to proceede, this See hath yeelded to the Church two Saints, to the Realme three Lord Chancellours, to the Court two Almoners, one Chancellour to the University of Oxford: and anciently the Bishops here were Confessours to the Queenes of England, (for which they have to shew an ancient Charter) [Page 79] and had allowance for the same. This Diocese containeth the County of Sussex, and in the same: 250. Parishes; whereof 1 [...]12. impropriated. It hath moreover two Arch-Deacons, viz. of Chichester, and Lewys; is valued in the Kings bookes, at 677. li. [...] s. 3. d and answereth for a tenth of the whole Clergy. 287. li. 2. s. ob. q.
A. | Ch. | |
1 | Wilfride. | |
711 | 2 | Eadbertus. |
3 | Eolla. | |
733 | 4 | Sigelmus, altas Sigfridus. |
5 | Alubrith. | |
6 | Osa, vel Bosa. | |
7 | Giselherus. | |
8 | Tota. | |
9 | Wig [...]n. | |
10 | Ethelulfus. | |
11 | Beornegus. | |
12 | Coen [...]ede. | |
131 | 13 | Gutheatd. |
960 | 14 | Alfredus. |
970 | 15 | Eadhelmus. |
980 | 16 | Ethelgarus. |
988 | 17 | Ordbright. |
[...] | 18 | Elmar. |
1019 | 19 | Ethelricus. |
1038 | 20 | Grinketellus. |
1047 | 21 | Heca. |
1057 | 22 | Agelricus, after whose death the Bishops See and Chaire: was removed to Chichester; and from henceforth they were entituled by the name of |
A. | Ch. | |
1070 | 23 | Stigandus. |
24 | Gulielmus. | |
25 | Radulphus. | |
1125 | 26 | Sefsridus. |
27 | Hilarius. | |
1174 | 28 | John de Greenford. |
1187 | 29 | Seffridus. II. |
1199 | 30 | Simon de Welles. |
1209 | 31 | Nicolas de Aquila. |
1215 | 32 | Richard Poore, [...]. to Sallsbury. |
1217 | 33 | Radulph de Warham. |
1223 | 34 | Radulph de Nevill, L. Chan. * |
1245 | 35 | S. Richard sirnamed de la Wich. |
1253 | 36 | John Clipping? |
1261 | 37 | Stephen de Berkstede. |
1288 | 38 | S. Gilbert de Scon. Leofardo. |
39 | John de Langton, L. Chan. | |
40 | Robert Stratford, L. Chan. | |
1362 | 41 | Gul. de Lenn. |
1369 | 42 | Gul. Reade. |
1385 | 43 | Thomas Rushooke. |
44 | Richard Mitford, tranflated to Sarum. | |
1395 | 45 | Robert Waldby. |
1396 | 46 | Robert Reade. |
1417 | 47 | Stephen Patrington. |
1418 | 48 | Henry Ware. |
1422 | 49 | John Kempe, transl. to London. |
1423 | 50 | Thomas Poldon, translated to Worcester. |
1428 | 51 | John Rickingale. |
1430 | 52 | Simon Sidenham. |
53 | Richard Praty, Chancellour of Oxford. | |
1445 | 54 | Adam Molius, Clerke of the Counsell. |
1450 | 55 | Reginald Peacock. |
1458 | 56 | John Arundell. |
1477 | 57 | Edward Story. |
1504 | 58 | Richard Fitz-James, translated to London. |
1508 | 59 | Robert Sherborn. |
1536 | 60 | Richard Sampson, translated to Lichfeild. |
1543 | 61 | George Day. |
1551 | 62 | John Scory, after of Hereford. |
1557 | 63 | John Christopherson. |
1559 | 64 | William Barlowe. |
1570 | 65 | Richard Curteys. |
1585 | 66 | Thomas Bickley. |
1596 | 67 | Anth. Watson, Bishop Almoner. |
1605 | 68 | Lancelor Andrewes, [...]. to Ely. |
1609 | 69 | Sam. Harsenet, tr. to Norwich. |
1619 | 70 | George Charleton. |
1628 | 71 | Richard Montagu, tr. to Norwich. |
1638 | 72 | Brian Duppa, now Bishop and Tutor to the Prince his Highnesse. |
COVENTRY AND LICHFEILD, and the Bishops thereof.
THhe Bishoprick of Coventry and Lichfeild is like that of Bath and Welles; a double name, a single Diocese. The Bishops See originally at Lichfeild, from thence removed to Chester, and from both to Coventry. Hence is it that the Bishops are called sometimes Cestrenses, sometimes Lichfeildenses, sometimes Coventrienses, and now of late, Bishops of Coventry and Lichfeild. For in the yeere 1088. being that very yeere wherein the See of Welles was removed to Bath; Robert de Limesey did remove this See to Coventry Hugo Novant, the sixth from him brought it backe to Lichfeild, not without great opposition of the Monkes of Coventry: and in the end, the difference finally was composed by Bishops Savensby, much after the same manner, as before at Welles. For here it was agreed on that the Bishop should be denominated from both places, and that precedencie in the stile Episcopall, should be given to Coventry: that they should choose their Bishop alternatim, in their severall turnes; that they should both make one Chapter unto the Bishop, in which the Prior of Coventry should be the principall man. And so it stood till that the Priory of Coventry being dissolved by King Henry 8. (the stile or [...] of the Bishop continuing as before it did) [Page 83] there passed an Act of Parliament 33. H. 8. c. 29 to make the Deane and Chapter of Lichfeild the sole Chapter for the Bishop.
The Cathedrall Church here first built by Oswy King of the Mercian [...], about the yeere 556. who gave unto the Bishops many faire possessions. But that old Church being taken downe by Roger de Clinton, the 36. Bishop of this Diocese, that which now standeth was built by him in place thereof, Anno 1148. and dedicated to the Virgin Mary and Saint Chad. In sollowingtimes, and almost in the infancie thereof, the revenues of it were so faire, that Lichfeild was thought fit to be the See of an Arch-Bishop. And one it had, no more, his name Adulfus, Anno 783. the Bishops of Winion, Hereford, Sidnacester, Dorchester, (which two now make Eincoln) and those of Elmham and of Dunwich (both which now make Norwich) being appointed to him for his Suffragans. But with him and King Offa who procured it, this great title died. And now it is content to be a Bishoprick, the Diocese whereof containeth the whole Counties of Darby, and Stafford, together with a good part of Warwickshire and Shropshire. In these are comprehended 557. Parishes, of which 250. are impropriate: for better government whereof, it hath foure Arch-Deacenries, viz. of Stafford, Darby, Coventry, and Shrewsbury. It is valued in the Kings bookes, 559. li. 18. s. 2. d. ob. q. and for the Clergies tenth, it commeth [Page 84] unto 590. li. 16. s. 11. d. q. and finally hath yeelded to the Church three S. to the Realme one Chancellour, and three Lord Treasures; to Wales three Presidents, one Chancellour to the University of Cambridge, and to the Court one Master of the Wardrobe.
A. | Ch. | |
656 | 1 | Dwina. 2 Cellach. |
3 | Trumher. 4 Jarumanus. | |
669 | 5 | Saint Chad, or Cedda, tr; to York. |
672 | 6 | Winfridus. |
672 | 7 | S. Sexulfus. |
692 | 8 | Headda, alias Eatheadus. |
721 | 9 | Aldwinus. |
733 | 10 | Witta. |
11 | Hemel. | |
764 | 12 | Cuthfridus. |
13 | Bert [...]nnus. | |
785 | 14 | Higbertus. |
793 | 15 | Aldulphus the Arch-Bishop. |
16 | Humbertus. | |
17 | Herewinus. | |
18 | Higbertus. II. | |
19 | Ethelwaldus. | |
857 | 20 | Humbertus. II. |
864 | 21 | Kinebertus. |
872 | 22 | S. Cymbertus. |
23 | Tunbright. | |
24 | Ella. | |
928 | 25 | Alfgar. |
26 | Kin [...]ey. | |
27 | Winsey. | |
28 | Elphegus. | |
29 | Godwinus. | |
30 | Leofgarus. | |
31 | Brithmarus. | |
1039 | 32 | Wolfius L. Chancell. |
1054 | 33 | Leofwine. |
1067 | 34 | Petrus, who removed the See to Chester. |
1088 | 35 | Robert de Limesey, removed the See to Coventry. |
1117 | 36 | Robert Peccham. |
1119 | 37 | Roger de Clinton. * |
1149 | 38 | Walter Durdent. |
1161 | 39 | Richard Peche. |
1182 | 40 | Gerardus la pucelle. |
1186 | 41 | Hugo Novant. |
1191 | 42 | Galfridus de Muschamp. |
1210 | 43 | Walter Grey, translated to Worcester. |
1215 | 44 | William de Cornhull. |
1220 | 45 | Alexander de Savensby. |
1240 | 46 | Hugh de Pateshul, Lord Treasurer. |
1245 | 47 | Roger de Wescham. |
1257 | 48 | Roger de Longespee. |
1295 | 49 | Walter de Langton, Lord Treasurer. |
1322 | 50 | Roger de Northbrook, Master of [Page 86] the Wardrope, and Lord Treasurer. |
1360 | 51 | Robert Stretton. |
1385 | 52 | Walter Skirlaw, tran [...]. to Welles. |
1395 | 53 | Richard Scrope, tr. to Yorke. *▪ |
1399 | 54 | John Burghill. |
1415 | 55 | John Ketterich. |
1419 | 56 | Jacobus Caric. |
1420 | 57 | Gul. Heyworth. |
1447 | 58 | Gul. Boothe. |
1452 | 59 | Nicolas Close, Chancellour of Cambridge. |
1453 | 60 | Reginald Butler. |
1459 | 61 | John Hales. |
1492 | 62 | Gul. Smith, tr. to Lincoln. |
1496 | 63 | John Arundel, tr. to Exeter. |
1503 | 64 | Geofry Blythe, L. Pres. of Wales. |
1524 | 65 | Roland Lee, L. Pres. of Wales. |
1543 | 66 | Richard Sampson, L. President of Wales. |
1555 | 67 | Radulph Bayne. |
1559 | 68 | Thomas Bentham. |
1578 | 69 | Gul. Overton. |
1609 | 70 | George Abbot, tr. to London. |
1610 | 71 | Richard Neile, tr. to Lincoln. |
1614 | 72 | John Overall, tr. to Norwich. |
1618 | 73 | Thomas Morton, tr. to Durbam. |
1632 | 74 | Robert Wright, now Bishop of Coventry and Lichfeild. 1641. |
SAINT DAVIDS, & the Arch-Bishops and Bishops of it.
SAint Davids now the seate of a Suffragan Bishop, was once a Metropolitans See in the British Church, and long time the supreme Ordinary of the Welch. In the first planting of the Gospel in King Lucius time, wee shewed that there were three Arch-Bishops seates appointed, viz. at London, York, and of Ca [...]r-Leon upon Vik. That of Caer-Leon upon Vsk was, in the time of Arthur, King of the Britons, translated further off from the Saxons furie, to a place called Menew, (Menevia is the Latine name) but since, in memory of David the Arch-Bishop who so translated it, by us called Saint Davids. From the first name it is, these Bishops use to stile themselves, Menevenses. When Austin the Monk first entred England, the Metropolitan of Saint Davids had then remaining under his jurisdiction seven Suffragan Bishops; all which gave meeting to the said Austin and his Associates, for the composing of some differences which were between the old and the new-come Christians: viz. the Bishop of Worcester (Wicciorum) Llandaff, Bangor, Hereford, Llan-Elwy, or Saint Asaph, Llan-Badern, (called in Latin Paternensis a place in Cardigan shire, the last is called in Latin Morganensis, which possibly might have his seate in Margan of Glamorgan shire, a place still so called. Of these, Llan-Badern, [Page 88] and this Morganensis are quite extinct, and have long so beene; Hereford and Worcester a long time reckoned as English Bishopricks, and so none left unto the Metropolitan of S. Davids, but Llandaff, Bangor, & S. Asaphs
Now for these Bishops of Saint Davids, we finde that 26. of them retained the title of Arch-Bishops: The last whereof was Sampson, who in a time of pestilence transferd the Archiepiscopall Pall, & with the same the Archiepiscopall dignity to Dole in Bretagne, yet his successours, though they lost the name, reserved the power of an Arch-Bishop: nor did the residue of the Welch Bishops receive their consecration from any other hand then his; till in the time of H. [...]. Bernard the 46. Bishop of this See was forced to submit himselfe to the Church of Canterbury. For the Cathedrall here, it had beene ost spoyled and ruined by the Danes, Norwegians, and other Pirats: as standing neare the Sea, in the extreme corner of Pembroke shire. That which we now see is the worke of Bishop Peter, (he was the 48. Bishop of this Diocese) and by him dedicated by the name of Saint Andrew, and Saint David; though now Saint Andrew be left out, and David onely beares the name. This See hath had the greatest number of Bishops of any in England, 91. in all: and amongst them the Church hath had one Saint, the Realn [...]e of England three Lord Treasurers, one Lord Privie Seale; the University of Oxford one [Page 89] Chancellour, and the Queene another. The Diocese containeth the whole Counties of Pembroke, Cardigan, Carmarthen, Radnor, Brecknocke, and some small parts of Monmouth, Hereford, Mountgomery; and Glamorganshires. In which great quantity of ground there are no more then 308. Parishes, whereof 120. are impropriate. For the more easie government of which here are foure Arch-Deacons, viz. of Cardigan, Garmarthen, Brecknock, and Saint Davids. Finally, it is valued in the Kings bookes, at 457. li. 1. s. [...]. d. ob. q. the Clergies tenth amounting unto 336. li. 14. s. 10. d.
A. | Ch. | |||
519 | 1 | S. Davids. | [...] | Eliud. |
3 | Theliaus. | 4 | Kenea. | |
5 | Morvael. | 6 | Harnurier. | |
7 | Elvaeth. | 8 | Gurnell. | |
9 | Llendiwith▪ | 10 | Gornwist. | |
11 | Gorgan. | 12 | Eynean. | |
13 | Cledanc. | 14 | Eludgeth. | |
15 | Eldunen. | 16 | Elvaoth. | |
17 | Maelsewith. | 18 | Madeve. | |
19 | Catulus. | 20 | Silvay. | |
21 | Nanus. | 22 | Sathveny. | |
23 | Doythwell. | 24 | Asser. | |
906 | 25 | Athvael. | ||
26 | Sampson, the last Arch-Bishop of the Welch. |
27 | Ruclinus. | |
28 | Lyworch. | |
29 | Nergu. | |
30 | Sulhyder. | |
942 | 31 | Eneuris. |
944 | 32 | Morgeneu. |
33 | Rhoderick. | |
961 | 34 | Nathan. |
35 | Jevan. | |
36 | Argustell. | |
37 | Morgenveth. | |
998 | 38 | Ervyn. |
1038 | 39 | Caermeryn. |
1055 | 40 | Joseph. |
41 | Ble [...]d. | |
1070 | 42 | Sulgheym. |
1076 | 43 | Abraham. |
1088 | 44 | Rithmark. |
45 | Wilfridus, alias Griffry. | |
1115 | 46 | Bernardus, Chancellour to Qu. Adeliza, who first submitted himselfe and Church to the See of Cant. |
Bishops of S. Davids Suffragans to the See of Cant. | ||
1148 | 47 | David Fitz-Gerald. |
1176 | 48 | Petrus. |
49 | Galfridus. | |
1198 | 50 | Silvester Giraldus. |
1215 | 51 | Jorwerth. |
Vacat sedes per An. 9. | ||
1228 | 52 | Alselmus. |
1247 | 53 | Thomas Wallensis. |
1255 | 54 | Thomas Carren. |
1280 | 55 | Tho. Beck. L. Treas. |
1293 | 56 | David de S. Edmundo. |
1320 | 57 | David Martyn. |
1328 | 58 | Henry Gower. |
1347 | 59 | John Thursby, tr. to Wor [...]. |
1349 | 60 | Reginald Brian. tr. to Wor [...]. |
1353 | 61 | Thomas Fastolf. |
1361 | 62 | Adam Houghton, Chanc. of Ox. |
1369 | 63 | John Gilbert, L. Treas. |
Vacat sedes An. 4. | ||
1401 | 64 | Guido de Mona, L. Treas. |
1409 | 65 | Henry Chicheley, tr. to Cant. |
1414 | 66 | John Ketterich, tr. to Lichf. |
1415 | 67 | Stephen Patrington, tr. to Chich. |
1417 | 68 | Benedict Nicols. |
1424 | 69 | Thomas Rodburne. |
1435 | 70 | Gul. Lindwood, L. Pr. Seale. |
1446 | 71 | John. Langton, Chanc. of Cambr. |
1447 | 72 | John Delabere. |
73 | Robert Tully. | |
1482 | 74 | Richard Martin. |
1483 | 75 | Thomas Langton tr. to Sarum. |
1485 | 76 | Hugh Pavy. |
1503 | 77 | John Morgan, alias Young. |
1504 | 78 | Roger Sherborne, tr. to Chich. |
1509 | 79 | Edward Vaughan. |
1523 | 80 | Richard Rawlins. |
1536 | 81 | William Barlow, tr. to Welles. |
1549 | 82 | Robert Farrar. |
1554 | 83 | Henry Morgan |
1559 | 84 | Thomas Young, tr. to Yorke. |
1561 | 85 | Richard Davies. |
1567 | 86 | Marmaduke Midleton. |
Vacat sedes Annos. 4. | ||
1594 | 87 | Anthony Rudd. |
1615 | 88 | Richard Milborne, tr. to Carlile. |
16 [...]1 | 89 | William Laud, tr. to Welles. |
1627 | 90 | Theoph. Feild, tr. to Hereford. |
1635 | 91 | Roger Mainwaring, now Bishop of S. Davids. 1641. |
ELY, and the Bishops of it.
THe Church of Ely, anciently was a Monastery: first built by Ethelreda wife to Egfride, King of the Northumbers, and by her planted with religious Virgins, whereof she made her selfe the Abbesse. But her plantation being supplanted by the Danes, and the Church quite ruined, Ethelwold Bishop of Winchester did againe rebuild it, and furnished it with Monkes good store: to whom King Edgar, and the succeeding Kings gave such ample priviledges, and faire possessions, that it did seeme to equall any Church in England. Richard the eleventh Abbat having a minde to quit himselfe of the Bishop of Lincoln, within whose Diocese it stood; deale with King Henry the first, both with purse and Pater noster, to turne the Abby into a Cathedrall. And though the King asse [...]ited to it, and that the businesse was transacted with the Bishop of Lincoln, (who had three Manors of this Abby, viz. Spaldwick, Biggleswad, and Bockden, in exchange for his jurisdiction:) yet Richard lived not to possesse it, leaving the benefit of his industry and ambition to be enjoyed by another man, which was one Hervey, Bishop of Bungor. As for the Church now standing, it is the worke of severall Bishops: the west parts being with great charge repaired by Bishop Ridall or new built rather; as were the Quire and Lanterne by Bishop No [...]wold, which afterwards were fully [Page 94] finished by Bishop Fordham. The whole Church dedicated to S. Ethelred.
Ely thus made a Bishoprick, however fortified with great priviledges, (for in the Isle of Ely the Bishops had all rights of a County Palatine [...]) and that it was endowed with so great possessions, as hardly any better in the Realme of England, hath yet beene subject to those changes which time hath wrought. For many of the Palatine rights were taken off, or much restrained by the Act of Parliament, touching restoring to the crowne the antient royalties, 27. H. 8. c. 25. in the which Act it was enacted, that (instead thereof) the Bishop of Ely, and his temporall Steward for the Isle of Ely, should from thenceforth be Iustices of the peace in the said Iland. However Ely may be still reputed amongst the first Bishopricks of the second ranke: and may rejoyce [...] selfe in this, that it yeelded to this Realme as many great officers as any other in the Kingdome. For it hath given the state [...] no lesse then nine Lord Chancellours, seven Lord Treasurers, one Lord Privie Seale, one Chancellour of the University of Oxford, one of the Exchequer, two Masters of the [...] Rolls [...] besides two Saints unto the Church, two Gardinals to the Church of Rome, and to the English Court three Almoners. The Diocese hereof containeth onely Cambridg [...]shire, and the Isle of Ely [...] in which there are 14 [...]. Ra [...]ishes. whereof 75 [...] impropriate. It hath but one Arch-Deacon, which is he of Ely; is valued [Page 95] in the Kings bookes, 2134. li. 18. s. 5. d. ob. q. the Clergies tenth amounting to the summe of 384. li. 14. s. 9. d. q.
A. | Ch. | |
1109 | 1 | Hervey, Bishop of Bangor. |
1133 | 2 | Nigellus, Lord Treasurer. |
1174 | 3 | Galfridus Rydall. |
1189 | 4 | Gul. Longchamp, L. Chan. |
1198 | 5 | Eustachius, L. Chan. |
1219 | 6 | S. John de Fontibus, L. Treas. |
1225 | 7 | Galfredus de Burgo. |
1229 | 8 | Hugh Norwold. |
1255 | 9 | Gul. de Kilkenny, L. Chan. |
1257 | 10 | S. Hugh Balsam. |
1286 | 11 | Joh. de Kirby, L. Treas. |
1290 | 12 | Gul. de Luda. |
1299 | 13 | Radulfe Walpoole. |
1302 | 14 | Rob. Orford. |
1310 | 15 | Joh. de Keeron. |
1316 | 16 | Joh. Ho [...]ham. Ch. of the Exch. L. Chan. and L. Treas. |
1336 | 17 | Simon Montacute. * |
1344 | 18 | Tho. Lyde. |
1361 | 19 | Sim. Langham, L. Chan. and tr. to Cant. |
1366 | 20 | Joh. Barnet, L. Tr. |
1375 | 21 | Tho. Arundel, L. Chan. transl. to Yorke. * |
1388 | 22 | Joh. Fordham. |
1425 | 23 | Phil. Morgan, L. Pr. Seale. |
1435 | 24 | Lewis of Luxembourg, Card. * |
1443 | 25 | Tho. Bourchier, Card. translated to Cant. * |
1454 | 26 | Wil. Grey, L. Treas. * |
1478 | 27 | Joh. Morton, Master of the Rolls. L. Chan. |
1486 | 28 | Joh. Alcock, Master of the Rolls. |
1501 | 29 | Rich Redman. |
1506 | 30 | James Stanley. * |
1515 | 31 | Nicolas West. |
1534 | 32 | Tho. Goodrich, L. Chan. |
1554 | 33 | Tho. Thirlby. |
1559 | 34 | Rich. Cox, Alm. Chan. Oxford. |
Vacat sedes, Annos 20. | ||
1599 | 35 | Martin He [...]on. |
1609 | 36 | Lancel. Andrewes, Alm. transl. to Wint. |
1618 | 37 | Nicolas Felton. |
1627 | 38 | Joh. Buckeridge. |
1631 | 39 | Francis White, Bishop Almoner. |
1638 | 40 | Matthew Wrenn, Deane of the Chappell, now Bishop of Ely 1641. |
EXETER, and the Bishops there.
THe Diocese of Exeter containeth that in it, which was once two Bishopricks. For at the first planting of the Church in these westerne parts, it was thought convenient to erect two Bishops Sees, the one for Cornwall at S. Germans; the other for Devonsh. at Cridington, now Kinton, a small Village. But that of Cornwall, being annexed to Cridington, about the yeere 1032. both were, not long after, removed to Exeter, the most noted City of these parts, where it still continueth. Now for the Church of Exeter it was once a Monastery, founded by King Athelstane, and by him dedicated unto Saint Peter-Edward the Confessour, removing all the Monkes from hence to Westminster, which he had newly founded and endowed, made it the Bishops See for Devonsh. and Corne wall, then united. The Church as now it standeth doth owe it selfe to severall Patrons; the Quire to Bishop Warlwast, the body of the Church to Bishop Quivil, the side Isles to Grandison: that which is now our Ladies Chappell, being a remnant of the old fabrick. The Patrimony thereof once very large, was wasted and destroyed by Bishop Voisie: who being made Bishop here by King Henry 8. fate out the residue of his raigne, and all K. Edwards, and some part of Queene Maries also. For whereas at his comming hither, he [Page 98] found the Church possessed of 22. goodly Manors, and 14. Mansion houses richly furnished: he lest not above seven or eight of the worst. Manors, and those let out in long leases; and charged with pensions; and not abovè two houses, both bare and naked; of which see Bishop Godwins Catalogue, and Powels History of Wales.
This Diocese hath yeelded to the Realme of England, three Lord Chancellours, two Lord Treasurers, one LordPresident of Wales; and to the University of Oxford, one Chancellour. It containeth in it the two Counties of Devon, and Cornwall, and in them 604 Parish Churches, whereof 239. are impropriate; for government whereof it hath foure: Arch-Deacons, viz. of Cornwall, Exeter, Barnestable, and Taw [...]on. The Bishoprick was once valued at 1566. li. 14. s. 6. d. But since the diminution, or destruction rather, made by Bishop Voisie; it is now valued at 500. l. just. The Clergies tenth here very high, or mounting to the sum of 1240. li. 15. s. 2. d. ob. Now for the marshalling of the Bishops of this once divided Diocese, we will present you with those of Devo [...]shire and Cornwall, columne-wise, one against the other, according to their time and order, untill wee meete them both in the Church of Exeter.
Bishops of Devonsh. | Cornwall. | ||||
A. | Ch. | ||||
905 | 1 | Eadulphus. | 905 | 1 | Athelstan. |
906 | 2 | Putta. | 2 | Conanus. | |
910 | 3 | Eadulfus. II. | 3 | Ruidocus. | |
932 | 4 | Ethelgarus. | 4 | Aldredus. | |
942 | 5 | Algarus. | 5 | Britwinus. | |
952 | 6 | Alswoldus. | 6 | Athelstā. II | |
972 | 7 | Alswolfus. | 7 | Wolfi. | |
981 | 8 | Sidemannus | 8 | Woronus. | |
990 | 9 | Alfredus. | 9 | Wolocus. | |
999 | 10 | Alswoldus. II. | 10 | S [...]idio. | |
1014 | 11 | Eadnothus. | 11 | Aldredus. | |
1032 | 12 | Liningus, who after the death of Burwoldus Bishop of Cornwall, procured that Bishoprick to bee annexed unto his owne: which was no sooner done, but that his next successour removed both to Exeter; since when the Bishops have beene called | 12 | Burwoldus, the last Bishop of Cornwall. |
A. | Ch. | |
1049 | 1 | Leofricus, who removed the See to Exeter. |
1079 | 2 | Osbernus. |
1107 | 3 | William Warlewast. |
1122 | 4 | Robert Chichester. |
1150 | 5 | Robert Warlewast. |
1159 | 6 | Bartholm. Iscanus. |
1186 | 7 | Johannes. |
1191 | 8 | Henry Marshall. |
1206 | 9 | Simon de Apulia. |
1224 | 10 | Gul. Brewer. |
1245 | 11 | Richard Blondy. |
1257 | 12 | Walter Bronescomb. |
1280 | 13 | Peter Quivill. |
1293 | 14 | Thomas Button. |
1307 | 15 | Walter Stapleton, L. Treas. |
1326 | 16 | Jamēs Barkeley. * |
1327 | 17 | John Grandison. * |
1370 | 18 | Thomas Brentinsham. L. Treas. |
1395 | 19 | Edm. Stafford, L. Chan. * |
1419 | 20 | John Ketterich. |
1419 | 21 | John Carle. |
1420 | 22 | Edm Lacy. |
1455 | 23 | George Nevill, L. Chan. and Chan. of Oxford, tr. to Yorke. * |
1466 | 24 | John Boothe. |
1477 | 25 | Peter Courtney, tr. to Winton. * |
1486 | 26 | Richard Foxe, tr. to Weles. |
1492 | 27 | Oliver King, tr. to Welles. |
1495 | 28 | Richard Redman. |
1501 | 29 | John Arundell. |
1504 | 30 | Hugh Oldham. |
1519 | 31 | John Voysie, L. Pres. of Walles. |
1551 | 32 | Miles Goverdale. |
1556 | 33 | James Turberville. |
1560 | 34 | Gul. Alley. |
1570 | 35 | Gul. Bradbridge. |
1579 | 36 | John Woolton. |
1594 | 37 | Gervase Babington. |
1598 | 38 | Gul. Cotton. |
1621 | 39 | Valentine Cary. |
1627 | 40 | Joseph Hall, now Bishop of Exeter. 1641. |
GLOCESTER, and the Bishops there.
GLocester was anciently the scate of a British Bishop, whose stile sometimes occurres in the subscriptions of Synodicall Acts, by the name of Cluviensis; this towne being formerly called Clevid, as Camden noteth. And I remember that I have seene in the Palace os Glocester, the name of ✚ ✚ ✚ said to bee Bishop there in the Britons time. But whether it were so or not; or whether Glocester were a Bishoprick in those dayes of old, is not materiall to our purpose. For that which was, was brought to nothing by the Saxons, and when they entertained the faith of Christ, it was first under the authority of the Bishops of Lichfeild, as afterwards of those of Worcester. But in these later dayes it was dismembred from that Diocese, and by King Henry 8. made a Bishops See, what time the rest of new erection were by him founded, as we have spoke before, when we were in Bristol. Now for the indowment of this Bishopricke by him erected, (besides a Chapter of a Deane, and sixe Prebendaries by him so founded) he assigned over all, or most of the lands, unto the ancient Monasteries here, once belonging: which being first built by Aldred, Arch-Bishop of Yorke, and Bishop of Worcester, and afterwards repaired by Hanley, Farley, Mo [...]went, Herton, Trowcester, [Page 103] and Sebroke, severall Abbats here, became in fine to be, what it still continueth, one of the fairest Fabricks in the Realme of England. The Diocese containing onely Glocester shire, hath in it 267. Parishes, whereof 125 are impropriations; and one Archdeacon, being called of Glocester. Valued it is in the Kings bookes, 315. li. 17. s. 2. d. according to the estimate thereof at the first foundation: though in two vacancies which it had in Queene Eliz. time, much of the lands were taken from it; (sor which see what was said before in the case of Ely.) And for a tenth of all, the Clergie pay unto the King 358. l. 15. s.
A. | Ch. | |
1541 | 1 | John Wakeman, last Abbat o Tewkesbury. |
1550 | 2 | John Hooper. |
1555 | 3 | James Brookes. |
Vacat sedes Ann. 3. | ||
1562 | 4 | Kichard Cheinie. |
Vacat sedes Ann. 3. | ||
1581 | 5 | John Bullingham. |
1598 | 6 | Godfr Goldsbourgh. |
1604 | 7 | Thomas Ravys, tr. to London. |
160 [...] | 8 | Henry Parry, tr. to Wo [...]cest. |
1611 | 9 | Giles Tomson. |
1612 | 10 | Miles Smith. |
1624 | 11 | Godfr. Goodman, now Bishop there. 1641. |
HEREFORD, and the Bishops there.
HEreford also was of old one of the Bisho pricks erected in the Britons time; sirst under the Metropolitan of Caer-Leon upon Vske, of Saint Davids afterwards, and when these parts were conquered by the Saxon Kings, it came to be a member of the Province of Canterbury. The Carhedrall Church here founded first by Milfride, one of the Noblemen of this County in honor of Ethelbert, King of the East Angles treacherously made away by the Queene of Mercia, his intended mother in law. That which now standeth, oweth the most part of it selfe to Bishop Reinelm; and what he lived not to performe, was finished? by his▪ successours, as they had either meanes or opportunity. The Diocese hereof containeth the Co [...]nty of Hereford, and part of Shrop-shird; wherein it hath 313. parish Churches, of which 166. are impropriations: and for the government hereof, hath two Arch-Deacons, viz. of Hereford and Salop. It hath affordediro the Church one Saint, to the state two Chancellours, and three Lord Treasurers, one Deputy to the Realme of Ireland, two Chancellours to the University of Oxford, and one unto the Queenes of England. Finally [...] valued in the Kings bookes, 768. li. 10. s. 6. d. ob. q. the tenth of the Clergy comming [...] 3 [...]0. li. 2. 5. 2. d. ob.
A. | Ch. | |
680 | 1 | Putta. |
2 | Tirtellus. | |
3 | Torteras. | |
4 | Wastoldus. | |
740 | 5 | Cuthbertus. |
6 | Podda. | |
7 | Ecca. | |
8 | Cedda. | |
857 | 9 | Albertus. |
10 | Esna. | |
885 | 11 | Gelmund. |
12 | Utellus. | |
13 | Wulfehard. | |
14 | Benna. | |
15 | Edulfus. | |
16 | Cuthwolfus. | |
17 | Mucellus. | |
18 | Deorlaf. | |
19 | Cnnemond. | |
20 | Edgar. | |
21 | Tidhelm. | |
22 | Wulfehelm. | |
23 | Alsricus. | |
24 | Athulfus. | |
25 | Athelstan. | |
1055 | 26 | Leovegard. |
Vacat sedes Ann. 4. | ||
1060 | 27 | Walterus. |
1079 | 28 | Robert Losinga. |
29 | Gerrardus, [...] to Yorke. | |
1107 | 30 | Reinelmus Chan. to the Queene. |
1115 | 31 | Galfredus de Cliva. |
1120 | 32 | Richardus. |
1131 | 33 | Robert de Betun. |
1149 | 34 | Gilbert Foliot, [...]r. to London. |
1162 | 35 | Robert de Melun. |
1174 | 36 | Robert Folion |
1186 | 37 | Gul. de Vero, |
1200 | 38 | Egidius de Bruse. |
1216 | 39 | Hugh de Mapemore. |
1219 | 40 | Hugh Folior. |
1234 | 41 | Radulph de Maydestone. |
1239 | 42 | Peter de Eg [...]eblad [...]. |
1268 | 43 | John Breton, the geat Lawyer. |
1275 | 44 | S. Thomas Canterupe, [...] of Oxford, and L. Chan. |
1282 | 45 | Richard Swinfeild. |
1317 | 46 | Adam de Orlton, L. [...]. translto Worcest. |
1327 | 47 | Thomas Carlton, Deputy of Ireland, and L. Treas. |
1344 | 48 | John Trilleck. |
1361 | 49 | Lud. Charlton. |
1369 | 50 | Gul. Courtney, tr. to London. * |
1376 | 51 | John Gilbert, L. Treas. tr. to S. Davids. |
1389 | 52 | John Treffant. |
1405 | 53 | Robert Mascall. |
1417 | 54 | Edm. Lacy, tr. to Exeter. |
1420 | 55 | Tho. Polton, tr. to Chichess. |
1422 | 56 | Tho. Spofford. |
1448 | 57 | Rich. Beauchamp, tr. to Sarum, * |
1450 | 58 | Reginald Butler. * |
1453 | 59 | John Staubery. |
1574 | 60 | Tho. Milling. |
1492 | 61 | Edm. Audley, tr. to Sarum. * |
1502 | 62 | Adrian de Castello, tr. to Welles. |
1504 | 63 | Rich. Mayo, Chan. of Oxford. |
1516 | 64 | Charles Boothe. |
1535 | 65 | Edward Foxe. |
1539 | 66 | John Skipp. |
1553 | 67 | John Harley. |
1554 | 68 | Robert Persewe. |
1559 | 69 | John Scorie. |
1585 | 70 | Herbert Westfaling. |
1602 | 71 | Robert Benner, |
72 | Francis Godwin. | |
1633 | 73 | Augustin Lindsell. |
1634 | 74 | Matthew Wrenn. |
1635 | 75 | Theophilus Feild. |
1636 | 76 | Ge [...] Cooke, now Bishop. 1639. |
LLANDAFF, and the Bishops there.
LLandaff is one of the most ancient Bishops Sees either in England or Wales; and claimeth a direct succession from the Arch-Bishops of Caerleon upon Vske, as unto the Bishopricke; though for the Metropolitan dignity it bee content to let S. Davids, have what is left thereof. The first Bishop here, of whom is any good record, is S. Dubritius, consecrate Bishop of this places by Lupus and Germanus, what time they came hither out of France, for the extirpation of the Pelagian heresie. The Church here dedicated to S. Thelians, the next successour to S. Dubritius; founded upon the River Taffi, and thence called Llandaff; Llan, in the Welch tongue, signifying a Church; a Church very well endowed by the munificence and piety of great persons in those times: so well, that as it is affirmed by Bishop Godwin, were it possessed now of the tenth part onely of what once it had, it might be reckoned one of the richest Churches in all Christendome. The ruine of it came in the time of Bishop Dunstan, alias Kitchin, who thereupon is called sundi nostri calamitas by Bishop Godwin; The Diocese containeth onely part of Glamorganshire, and part of Momnouthshire, though the most of each: and in those parts, 177. Parishes, whereof 98. impropriations and for them [Page 110] one▪ Arch-Deacon, which is called of Llandaff. The Bishopricke is valued in the Kings bookes, 154. li. 14. s. 1. d. the Clergy paying for their tenth, somewhat neere that summe, viz. 155. li. 5. s. 4. d. It is to be observed, or may be if it please the Reader, that neither here, nor at Saint Davids, there is any Deane, nor never was in any of the times before us: the Bishop being head of the severall Chapters; and in his absence the Arch-Deacon here, as is the Chanter at S. Davids.
A. | Ch. | |
1 | S. Dubritius. | |
522 | 2 | S. Telian, alias Eliud. |
3 | S. Oudoceus. | |
4 | Ubilwmus. | |
5 | Ardanus. | |
6 | [...]gistil. | |
7 | Limapejus. | |
8 | Comegern. | |
9 | Argwistill. | |
10 | Garvan. | |
11 | Guodioin. | |
12 | Edilbmus. | |
13 | Grecielus. | |
14 | Berrhgwen. | |
15 | Trychan. | |
16 | Elvogus. | |
17 | Cargwaret. | |
18 | Cerenhir. | |
19 | Nobis. | |
20 | Gulfridus. | |
21 | Nudd. | |
22 | Cimelianc. | |
23 | Libian. | |
24 | Marclnith. | |
25 | Pater. | |
982 | 25 | Gogwan. |
993 | 27 | Bledri. |
1022 | 28 | Joseph. |
1056 | 29 | Herewaldus. |
1107 | 30 | Urbanus. |
Vacat sedes Annos. 6. | ||
1139 | 31 | Uhtred. |
1148 | 32 | Galfridus. |
1153 | 33 | Nicolas ap Gurgaur. |
1183 | 34 | Gul. de Salso Marisco. |
35 | Henricus. | |
1219 | 36 | Gulielmus. |
1229 | 37 | Elias de Radnor. |
1244 | 38 | Gul. de Burgo. |
1253 | 39 | John La Wate. |
1256 | 40 | Gul. de Radner. |
1265 | 41 | Gul. de Brews. |
Vacat sedes Annos 9. | ||
1296 | 42 | John Monumeteus. |
1323 | 43 | John Eglescliffe. |
1347 | 44 | John Pascall. |
1362 | 45 | Roger Cradoc. |
1383 | 46 | Thomas Rushooke, translated to Chichester. |
1385 | 47 | Gul. de Bottlesham, translated to Rochester. |
1389 | 48 | Edm. Bromfeld. |
1391 | 49 | Tidemannus, translated to Worcester. |
1395 | 50 | Andrew Barrer. |
51 | John Burghill, translated to Lichfeild. | |
1399 | 52 | Thomas Peverell, translated to Worcester. |
1408 | 53 | John Zouch. * |
1423 | 54 | John Wells. |
1441 | 55 | Nicolas Ashby. |
1458 | 56 | John Hunden. |
57 | John Smith. | |
1478 | 58 | John Marshall. |
59 | John Ingleby. | |
1504 | 60 | Miles Salley. |
1516 | 61 | George Athequa. |
1537 | 62 | Robert Holgate, translated to Yorke. |
1545 | 63 | Anthony Kitchin. |
1566 | 64 | Hugh Jones. |
1575 | 65 | Gul. Blethin. |
1591 | 66 | Gervase Babington, translated to Oxford. |
1595 | 67 | William Morgan, tr. the Bible into Welch. |
1601 | 68 | Francis Godwin, tr. to Hereford. |
1618 | 69 | George Carleton, tr. to Chich. |
1619 | 70 | Thoph. Feild, tr. to S. Davids. |
1628 | 71 | John Murrey, Bishop of Kilfanore in Ireland. |
1639 | 72 | Morgan Owen, now Bishop there 1641. |
LINCOLN, and the Bishops there.
THe Bishopricke of Lincoln, like that of Exeter, was once two Dioceses: the Bishops of the which had their severall seates, the one at Dorchester now a private Village, seven miles from Oxford; the other at Sidnacester, not farre from Gainsburgh, (as Camden thinkes) in the County of Lincoln, the ruines of the which are now invisible. But Sidnacester being in little time united unto Dorchester; the Bishops See was not long after removed to Lincoln: and that by reason of a Canon made about that time, viz. An. 1075. by which all Bishops were enjoyned to live in the most famous and conspicuous place within their Dioceses. Which was the cause, why many of our Bishops did about this time remove their Sees; as we have seene already, and shall see hereafter. For the Cathedrall Church here, its of no more standing then the removall of the Bishops See to this place from Dorchester; that which was once here founded by Paulinus, Arch-Bishop of Yorke, having beene long before this time quite ruined. But when Remigius translated hither the Episcopall Chaire, hee also built this Church for receipt thereof. Which being not long after defaced by fire, was for the most part repaired and beautified by Bishop Alexander, one of his successours: but [Page 115] brought unto that state in which now it is, by Hugh of Burgundy, and certaine other of the Bishops the Church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and All Saints.
As for the Diocese, it is the greatest still for jurisdiction, and was once one of the greatest for revenue in all the Kingdom. But for the jurisdiction that hath been shortned, though at severall times: the Bishoprick of Ely being taken out of it by King Henry the first, as those of Peterburgh, and Oxford, by King Henry 8. yet still it is the largest Diocese in all the Kingdome; containing the whole Counties of Lincoln, Leicester, Huntingdon, Bedford, Buckingham, and part of Herefordshire. In which great quantity of ground, there are 1255. Parishes, whereof 577. are impropriations; for government of which under the Diocesan, there are sixe Arch-Deacons, viz. of Lincoln, Leicester, Bedford, Buckingham, Stow, & Huntingdon. The Clergies tenth is answerable unto this great extent of jurisdictiō, being no lesse then 1751. li. 14. s. 6. d. The Bishoprick being valued at 894. li. 10. s. 1. d. 0b. in the K. bookes. Now for the dignity of this feare, wee will adde but this, that it hath yeelded to the Church three Saints, and to Rome one Cardinall; unto the realme of England sixe Lord Chancellours, and one Lord Treasurer, and one Lord Keeper; foure Chancellours to the University of Oxford, two to Cambridge; And that the Bishops here, were heretofore Vice chancellours [Page 116] to the See of Canterbury, Which being thus premised, I shall proceede in ordering the Bishops here, as I did at Exeter.
A. | ch. | |
678 | 1 | Eadhedus. |
2 | Ethelwinus. | |
3 | Edgar. | |
4 | Kinelbertus. | |
733 | 5 | Alwigh. |
751 | 6 | Eadulfus. |
764 | 7 | Ceolulfus. |
787 | 8 | Eadulfus, II. after whose death this Church being a long time vacant, was joyned to Dorchester. |
635 | 1 | Birinus. |
650 | 2 | Agilbertus. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
737 | 3 | Tota. |
764 | 4 | Edbertus. |
5 | Werenbertus. | |
768 | 6 | Unwora. |
816 | 7 | Rethunus. |
851 | 8 | Aldredus. |
873 | 9 | Ceolredus. |
10 | Halardus. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
905 | 11 | Ceolulfus. |
12 | Leoswinus, who first united the See of Sadnacester, unto that of Dorchester. | |
960 | 13 | Ailnothus. |
14 | Asewinus. | |
15 | Alshelinus. | |
16 | Eadnothus. | |
1016 | 17 | Eadhericus. |
1034 | 18 | Eadnothus. II. |
1052 | 19 | Ulsus Normannus. |
1053 | 20 | Wulfinus, after whose death Remizius his successour removed the Bishops See to Lincoln, who from hence forward are to be entituled |
1070 | 21 | Remigius de Feschamp S. |
1092 | 22 | Robert Bloet. L. Chan. |
1123 | 23 | Alexander, L. Chan. |
1147 | 24 | Robert de Chesney. |
Vacat sedes, Annos 17. | ||
1183 | 25 | Walter de Constantiis, L. Chan. |
1186 | 26 | S. Hugh. |
1203 | 27 | Gul. Bleserrsis. |
Vacat, Annos 3. | ||
1209 | 28 | Hugo Wallis, L. Chan. |
1235 | 29 | Robert Grosthead. |
1254 | 30 | Henry Lexington. |
1258 | 31 | Benedict de Gravesend. |
1280 | 32 | Oliver Sutton. |
1300 | 33 | John Aldbery. |
1319 | 34 | Thomas Beake. |
1320 | 35 | Henry Eurwesh, L. Treas. * |
1341 | 36 | Thomas Le Beck. |
1351 | 37 | John Sinwell. |
1363 | 38 | John Bokingham. |
1397 | 39 | Henry Beauford. * |
1405 | 40 | Phil. de Repingdon, Card. Ch. Ox. |
1420 | 41 | Richard Flemming. |
1431 | 42 | Gul. Grey. |
1436 | 43 | Gul. Alnwick. |
1450 | 44 | Marm. Lumley, Chan. Camb. |
1452 | 45 | John Chadworth. |
1471 | 46 | Thomas Rotheram, Lord Chancel. and Ch. cambr. |
1480 | 47 | John: Russell, Lord Chan. and Chan. Oxford. |
Vacat Annos 5. | ||
1495 | 48 | Gul. Smith, Chan. Oxford. |
1412 | 49 | Thomas Wolsey Almoner, trransl. to Yorke. |
1414 | 50 | Gul. Atwater. |
1521 | 51 | John Longland, Chan. Oxford. |
1547 | 52 | Henry [...] bech. |
1552 | 53 | John Tayler. |
1553 | 54 | John White. |
1557 | 55 | Thomas Watson. |
1559 | 56 | Nicolas Bullingham. |
1570 | 57 | Thomas Cowper, tr. to Winton. |
1584 | 58 | Will. Wickham, tr. to Winton. |
1594 | 59 | Will. Chadderton. |
1608 | 60 | Will. Barlowe. |
1613 | 61 | Rich. Neyle, tr. to Durham. |
1617 | 62 | Geo. Monteine, tr. to London. |
1921 | 63 | John Williams, L. Keeper, now Bishop of Lincoln. 1641. |
LONDON, and the Bishops there.
LOndon was heretofore the principall of the three Arch-bishopricks amongst the Britons, and by Pope Gregory was intended to have beene so too amongst the English: but that Saint Austin whom hee sent to convert the Saxons, liking of Canterbury well, resolved to set his staffe up there, without going further. This had before beene prophecied by Merlin, that Dignitas Londoniae adornaret Doroberniam, and was now accomplished. What, and how many were the Arch-bishops here, we have no good Constat. Sixteene are named by Bishop Godwin, but with no great confidence: but howsoever doe nor come within my compasse, who have confined my selfe to the Saxons time, in the first infancie of whose conversion, this City was designed for a Bishops See. The Cathed, Church built also in those early dayes by Ethelbert, the first Christian King of all the English; but afterwards much beautified and enlarged by Erkenwald, the fourth Bishop. Which Church of theirs being 500. yeeres after destroyed by fire: that which now stands was built in the place thereof, by Mauritius, Richardus his successour, and certaine others of the Bishops; a great part of it at their owne charge, the residue by a generall contribution over all the Kingdome. And when it was defaced by fire in the late Queenes [Page 121] time, An. 1561. the Qu. forthwith directed her letters to the Major of London, willing him (as Iohn Stowe, the City Chronicler reports it) to take order for speedy repairing of the same: which was done accordingly. The Bishop of this Diocese hath precedencie before all Bishops of the Realme, next the two Arch-bishops, together with the dignity and place of Deane, unto the Metropolitan See of Canterbury. The nature of which office is, not onely to preside over the rest of the Bishops at Synodicall meetings, in case the Metropolitan be absent: but to receive his mandats, for assembling Synods, and other businesse of the Church; and having so received them, to intimate the tenour and effect thereof to the Suffragan Prelates. Examples of the which see in the Acts and Monuments. And for this Diocese it selfe, it containeth in it the two Counties of Middlesex, and Essex, with that part of Hertsordshire, which is not in the Diocese of Lincoln: wherein are reckoned 623. Parishes, and of them 189. impropriated: for government whereof there are five Arch-Deacons, viz. of London, Middlesex, Essex, Colchester, and Saint Albans. Valued it is in the Kings bookes 1119. li. 8. s. 4. d. the Clergies tenth amounting to the summe of 821. li 15. s. 1. d. Finally, this See hath yeelded to the Church three Saints, to the State nine Lord Chancellours, sixe Lord. Treasurers, one Chancellour of the Exchequer, two Masters of the Rolls, besides foure Almoners [Page 122] to the Court, and two Chancellours to the University of Oxford; whose names occurre amongst these following.
606 | 1 | S. Melitus, tr. to Cant. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
654 | 2 | Ceadda. |
666 | 3 | Wina. |
665 | 4 | S. Erkonwald. |
685 | 5 | Waldherus. |
6 | Ingualdus. | |
7 | Egwolfus. | |
8 | Wighed. | |
9 | Eadbright. | |
10 | Edgarus. | |
11 | Kenwalchus. | |
12 | Eadbaldus. | |
13 | Hecbertus. | |
801 | 14 | Osmundus, alias Oswinus. |
833 | 15 | Ethelnothus. |
16 | Ceolbertus. | |
17 | Renulfus, alias Ceonulfus, | |
18 | Suithulfus. | |
851 | 19 | Eadslanus. |
860 | 20 | Wulfius. |
21 | Ethelwardus. | |
22 | Elstan. | |
898 | 23 | Theodredus. |
24 | Walstanus. | |
25 | Brithelmus. | |
958 | 36 | Dunstanus, S. tr. to Cant. |
962 | 27 | Alfstanus. |
28 | Wulfstanus. | |
29 | Alhumus. | |
30 | Alwy. | |
31 | Elfwardus. | |
1044 | 32 | Robert Normannus. |
1050 | 33 | Gul. Normannus. |
1070 | 34 | Hugo de Orevalle. |
1087 | 35 | Mauritius, L. Chan. |
1108 | 36 | Richard de Beaumis. |
1128 | 37 | Gilbertus. |
Vacat sedes, Annos 7. | ||
1140 | 38 | Robert de Sigillo. |
1151 | 39 | Richard Beaumis. II. |
1161 | 40 | Gilbert Folior. |
1189 | 41 | Richard Nigellus, L. Treas. |
1199 | 42 | Gul. de S. Maria. |
1222 | 43 | Eustatius de Falconbridge. Chan. of the Exchequer, and L. Treas. * |
1229 | 44 | Roger Nigor. |
1244 | 45 | Fulco Basset. * |
1259 | 46 | Henry de Wingham., L. Treas. |
1261 | 47 | Richard Talbot. |
1263 | 48 | Henry de Sandwich. |
1274 | 49 | John de Chisul. L. Chan. and L. Treas. |
1280 | 50 | Richard de Gravesend. |
1305 | 51 | Radulf de Baldock, L. Chan. |
1313 | 52 | Gilbert Segrave. |
1317 | 53 | Richard Newport. |
1318 | 54 | Stephen Gravesend. |
1338 | 55 | Richard Bentworth, L. Chan. |
1339 | 56 | Radulf Straford. |
1355 | 57 | Nicol. Northbrooke. |
1361 | 58 | Sim. Sudbury, tr. to Cant. |
1375 | 59 | Gul. Courtney, Chan. Ox. transl. to Cant. * |
1381 | 60 | Rob Braybroke. |
1404 | 61 | Roger Walden, L. Treas. |
1406 | 62 | Nicolas Bubweth, Master of Rolls, and L. Treas. |
1407 | 63 | Richard Giffard. |
1421 | 64 | John Kemp. L. Chan tr. to Cant. |
1426 | 65 | Gul. Grey, tr. to Lincoln. |
1431 | 66 | Robert Fitz-Hugh. * |
1435 | 67 | Robert Gilbert. |
1449 | 68 | Thomas Kemp. |
1489 | 69 | Richard Hill. |
1497 | 70 | Thomas Savage. |
1500 | 71 | Will. Warham, L. Chan. transl. to Cant. |
1505 | 72 | William Barnes. |
1506 | 73 | Richard Fitz-James. |
1522 | 74 | Cutbert Tunstall, tr. to Durham. |
1530 | 75 | John Stokesley. |
1540 | 76 | Edm. Bonner, displa. by K. Edw. 6. |
1549 | 77 | Nicolas Ridley, displaced by Qu. Mary, and Bonner restored againe, 1553. |
1559 | 78 | Edm. Grindall, tr. to Yorke. |
1570 | 79 | Edwin Sandis, tr. to Yorke. |
1576 | 80 | John Elmer, Bishop Almoner. |
1594 | 81 | Richard Fletcher, Bishop Almoner |
1597 | 82 | Richard Bancroft, tr. to Cant. |
1604 | 83 | Richard Vaughan. |
1607 | 84 | Thomas Ravis. |
1609 | 85 | George Abbot, tr. to Cant. |
1611 | 86 | John King. |
161 | 87 | George Monteine, Bishop Almoner. |
1628 | 88 | Will. Laud. Ch. Oxford, transl. to Cant. |
1633 | 89 | William Juxon, Bishop of London, and L. Treas. 1641. |
NORWICH, and the Bishops there.
THe Diocese of Norwich, like those of Exeter and Lincoln, was once two Bishopricks: the one of Suffolk, whose seate was D [...]ich on the Sea shoare; the other of Norfolk, whose See was at North-Elmham, now a poore Village not farre from Repeham. The Bishop of the first was Felix a Burgundian, who first converted the East-Angles. The third from him was Bisus, who finding himselfe, by reason of his age, too weake for so great a burden, divided his Diocese into two, making North Elmham the Episcopall seate for that part of the whole which we now call Norfolke. Both of them lay long dead in the times of the Danish furie: that of North-Elmham after an hundred yeeres desolation, reviving onely; the other laid to rest for ever. North Elmham thus possessed of the whole jurisdiction, could not hold it long: the Bishops. See being removed to Thelford first by Herfastus; as afterwards from thence to Norwich by Herebert Losinga. There it hath since continued till these very times, though nothing else continue of it but the See alone, For all the lands thereto belonging were taken from it by King Henry the 8. those which did formerly appertaine unto the Monastery of Saint Bennets in the Holme (by that King dissolved) being assigned unto it by exchange. For which consult, the Statute, 32. H. 8. 47. [Page 127] in the which Statute it is said that the lands given in recompence were of a greater yeerely value then those taken from it. So that the Bishop, as it seemes, got in revenue then, though he lost in priviledge. For whereas the Bishops here had the first fruits of all the Benefices within the Diocese, by an ancient custome: that was united to the Crowne by Act of Parliament, 26. H. 8. c. 3.
Now for the Church of Norwich, it was founded first by him who first removed hither the Bishops See, even by Herebertus Losinga; and by him dedicated to the blessed Trinity: Which being much defaced by fire, (which was it seemes, a common calamity of all the Churches of those times) was afterwards repaired by Iohn of Oxford, the third after him; and once againe being fire-touched, by Bishop Midleton, who brought it to that state in which now it stands. This See hath yeelded to the Church two Saints, to the Realme five Chancellours, one Lord Treasurer, and one Lord Chiefe Justice, one Bishop Almoner to the Court, and to the King one principall Secretary of State. The Diocese containeth in the two Counties of Norfolke and Suffolke, 1121. Parish Churches, whereof 385. impropriate: for better ordering of the which it hath foure Arch-Deacons, viz. of Norwich, Norfolke, Suffolke, and Sudb [...]ry. Finally, this Bishoprick is valued in the King's bookes, 899. li. 18. s 7. d. ob. The tenth of the whole Clergy amounting to the summe of [Page 128] 1117. li. 13. s. ob. Now for the line of Norwich it is thus drawne downe.
A. | Ch. | ||||
630 | 1 | S Felix. | |||
647 | 2 | Thomas Diaconus. | |||
652 | 3 | Bregilfus. | |||
665 | 4 | Bisus, by whom this Diocese was divided into those of | |||
Elmham. | Dunwich. | ||||
1 | Bedwinus. | 1 | Acca. | ||
2 | Northbertus. | 2 | Astwolfus. | ||
3 | Headulacus. | 734 | 3 | Eadfarihus. | |
4 | Eadilfredus. | 4 | Cuthwinus. | ||
5 | Lanferthus. | 5 | Aldberthus. | ||
6 | Athelwolsus. | 6 | Aglafius. | ||
7 | Alcarus. | 7 | Hardulfus. | ||
8 | Sibba. | 8 | Aelphunus. | ||
9 | Alherdus. | 9 | Thedfridus. | ||
10 | S. Humbertus, after whose death, both Sees lay vacant for the space of 100. yeeres. | 10 | Werēundus. | ||
11 | Wilredus. the last Bishop of Dunwich. | ||||
955 | 11 | Astulphus, Bishop of both Sees. | |||
12 | Alfridus. | ||||
13 | Theodredus. | ||||
14 | Athelstan. | ||||
15 | Algarus. | ||||
16 | Alwinus. | ||||
17 | Alfricus. | ||||
1038 | 18 | Alifrejus. | |||
19 | Stigandus, tr. to Winton. | ||||
1043 | 20 | Grinketell. | |||
1047 | 21 | Ethelmar. | |||
[...] | 22 | Herfastus, who removed the See to Thetford, L. Chan. | |||
23 | Gul. Galsagus, L. Chan. after whose death the Bishops See was removed to Norwich, and his successours thence intituled |
1088 | 24 | Herebert Losinga, L. Chan. |
1120 | 25 | Everardus. |
1151 | 26 | Gul. Turbus. |
1177 | 27 | John Oxford. |
1200 | 28 | John Grey, L. Chiefe Justice. |
Vacat Annos. 7. | ||
1222 | 29 | Pandulphus. |
1226 | 30 | Tho. de Blundeville. |
1236 | 31 | Radulphus. |
Vacat Annos 3. | ||
1239 | 32 | Gul. Ralegh, tr. to Winton. |
1244 | 33 | Walter de Sufeild. |
1253 | 34 | Simon de Wantam. |
1268 | 35 | Roger de Skerwing. |
1278 | 36 | Gul. Middleton. |
1288 | 37 | Radul. Walpoole, translated to Ely. |
1299 | 38 | John Salmon, L. Chan. |
1325 | 39 | Robert Baldock, Lord Chancellour. |
1325 | 40 | William Ayermyn, Lord Keeper, and L. Treas. |
1337 | 41 | An [...] de Beck. |
42 | Gul Bateman. | |
1354 | 43 | Tho. Percy. * |
1370 | 44 | Henry Spencer. |
1408 | 45 | Alexander. |
1413 | 46 | Richard Courtney. * |
1416 | 47 | John Wakering. |
1426 | 48 | Gulielmus Alnwick, translated to Lincoln. |
1436 | 49 | Tho. Browne. |
1445 | 50 | Walter Harr. |
1472 | 51 | James Goldwell, principall Secretary. |
1499 | 52 | Tho. Jan. |
1500 | 53 | Richard Nix. |
1536 | 54 | Gul. Rugg, alias Reppes. |
1550 | 55 | Thomas Thirleby, translated to Ely. |
1554 | 56 | John Hopton. |
1560 | 57 | John Parkhurst. |
1575 | 58 | Edm. Freke, translated to Worcester. |
1584 | 59 | Edm. Scambler. |
1594 | 60 | Gul. Redman. |
1602 | 61 | John Jegon. |
1618 | 62 | John Overall. |
1619 | 63 | Sam. Harsnet, tr. to. Yorke. |
1628 | 64 | Fr. White, Almoner, tr. to Ely. |
1632 | 65 | Richard Corbet. |
1635 | 66 | Matthew Wrenn, Deane of the Chappell, tr. to Ely. |
1638 | 67 | Richard Montague, Bishop of Norwich, died 1641. |
OXFORD, and the Bishops there.
THe Bisho prick of Oxford is of new erection, first founded by King Henry 8. and by him endowed our of the lands belonging to the late dissolved Monasteries of Abingdon and Osney. It was before a part of the Diocese of Lincoln: and being now made a Bisho prick, had first the Abbey Church of Osney (being some halfe a mile from Oxford) for its Cathedrall, Anno 1541. from whence it was removed to Oxford about five yeeres after. That which is now the Cathedrall, was anciently dedicated to Saint Frideswide: but being by King Henry made the Bishops See, was entituled Christ Church: the Chapter there consisting of a Deane and eight Prebendaries by him also founded, part of the lands which had been purchased or procured by Cardinall Wolsey for the indowment of his Colledge, being allotted thereunto. This Bisho prick was founded then, An. 1541. and from that time, unto the yeere, 1603. when Doctor Bridges was made Bishop, are 63. yeeres onely, or there abouts: of which it was kept vacant above 40 yeeres even almost all the long raigne of Queene Elizabeth; to the impoverishing of the Church, before well endowed. The Diocese containeth onely the County of Oxford, and therein 195. Parish Churches, of which 88. are impropriated. It hath but one Arch-Deacon, which is he of Oxford; is valued in [Page 133] the Kings bookes, 354. li. 16. s. 4. d. ob. the Clergies tenth comming unto 255. li. 8. s.
A | Ch. | |
1541 | 1 | Robert King, last Abbat of Osney. |
Vacat Ann. 10. | ||
1567 | 2 | Hugh Curwyn. |
Vacat Ann. 20. | ||
1589 | 3 | John Underhill. |
Vacat Ann. 11. | ||
1603 | 4 | John Bridges. |
1619 | 5 | John Howson, tr. to Durham. |
1628 | 6 | Richard Corber, tr. to Norwich. |
1632 | 7 | John Bancrost, died Bishop of Oxford; Anno 1640. |
PETER BURGH, and the Bishops there.
THe Bishoprick of Peterburgh is of new erection, and taken also out of Lincoln, as Oxford was. The Cathedrall Church was anciendy a Monastery, the place or towne of old called Med [...]shamstede; but on the building of the Abby-Church, founded by Wolpher King of the Mercians, Anno 633 and by him dedicated to Saint Peter, it gained the name of Peterburgh. This Church by him thus built, was after ruined by the Danes, and againe built and beautified by Ethelwoldus Bishop of Winton, Anno 960. or there abouts: upon whose mediation it was exceedingly liberally endowed by Edgar then King of England; Adulph then Chancellour to that King, giving unto it also his whole estate. Thus it continued in a flourishing and faire estate, untill King Henry dissolved it: and having so dissolved it, did by his Letters Parents make it a Bishops See, and founded also here a Chapter consisting of a Deane and sixe Prebendaries. The Diocese hereto allotted, containeth the two Countics of Northhampton, (in the which Peter burgh standeth) and Rutland: and in them both 293. Parishes, whereof 91. are impropriate. It hath but one Arch-Deacon, which is entituled of Northhampton: is valued in the Kings bookes 414. li. 19. s. 11. d. the Clergy paying for [Page 135] their tenth, 520. li. 16. [...]. 8. d.
A. | Ch. | |
1541 | 1 | John Chamber, the last Abbat of Peter burgh. |
1557 | 2 | David Poole. |
1560 | 3 | Edm. Scamber, tr. to Norwich. |
1584 | 4 | Richard Howland. |
1600 | 5 | Thomas Dove. |
1630 | 6 | Gul. Piers, tr. to Welles. |
1632 | 7 | Augustine Lindsell, tr. to Heref. |
1634 | 8 | John Dee of Chichester. |
1638 | 9 | John Towers, Dean of Peter burgh, now Bishop here. 1639. |
ROCHESTER, and the Bishops there.
THe Bishoprick of Rochester, is the most ancient next to Canterbury, of all in England: a Bishops See being here erected by that S. Austin, who first did preach the Gospel unto the Saxons, Anno 606. which was about ten yeeres after his entrance into England. The Cathedrall Church here, first erected by Ethelbert King of Kent, when it was first made a Bishops See; and by him dedicated to Saint Andrew: which growing ruinous and dedicated, was afterwards repaired by Gundulphus, one of the Bishops of the same, about the yeere 1080. This Bishoprick was anciently, and a long time together, in the immediate Patronage of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury; who did dispose thereof as to them seemed best; and so continued, till under the pretence of free and capitular elections, the Popes had brought all Churches into their owne hands. However after this, the Bishops of Rochester owed more then ordinary obedience to their Metropolitan: and in all solemne Pompes were commonly their Crosse-bearers. The Diocese hereof is the least in England, containing onely a small part of Ke [...]t, and therein not above 98. Parishes, of which 36. impropriate: for ordering of which jurisdiction, there needed not but one Arch-Deacon, which is he of Rochester. [Page 137] Nor is the valuation much, either of the Bishoprick, or of the Clergy: the one being in the Kings bookes, 358 li. 3. s. [...]. d. q. the other paying for their tenth, the least of any of the English, viz. 222. li. 14. 6 d. ob. q. And yet this little See hath yeelded to this Realme, one Chancellour, one Lord Keeper of the great Seale, and one Lord Treasurer, and to the Church of Rome, one Cardinall. The Bishop of this Church writes himselfe Roffensis.
A. | Ch. | |
606 | 1 | Justus, tr. to Canterbury. |
622 | 2 | Romanus. |
631 | 3 | Paulinus, Arch-Bishop of Yorke. |
644 | 4 | Ithamar. |
656 | 5 | Damianus. |
669 | 6 | Putta. |
676 | 7 | Quichelmus. |
681 | 8 | Gebmundus. |
693 | 9 | Tobias. |
717 | 10 | Adulfus. |
741 | 11 | Duina. |
747 | 12 | Eardulfus. |
13 | Diora. | |
14 | Weremundus. | |
800 | 15 | Beornmod. |
16 | Tadnoth. | |
17 | Bedenoth. | |
18 | Godwinus. | |
19 | Cutherwolf. | |
20 | Swithulfus. | |
21 | Buiricus. | |
22 | Cheolmund. | |
23 | Chireferth. | |
24 | Burrhicus. | |
25 | Alfanus. | |
984 | 26 | Godwinus. II. |
27 | Godwinus. III. | |
1058 | 28 | Siwardus. |
1075 | 29 | Arnostus. |
1077 | 30 | Gundulphus. |
1108 | 31 | Gadulphus, tr. to Cant. |
1115 | 32 | [...]arnulphus. S. |
1125 | 33 | Johannes. |
1137 | 34 | Ascelinus. |
1147 | 35 | Walterus. |
1183 | 36 | Gualeranus. |
1185 | 37 | Gilbertus Glanvill. |
1214 | 38 | Benedictus. |
1227 | 39 | Henry de Samford. |
1238 | 40 | Richard de Wendover. |
1251 | 41 | Laurent. de S. Martino. |
1274 | 42 | Walt. de Merron, L. Chan. |
1278 | 43 | John de Bradfeild. |
1283 | 44 | Tho. de Inglethorp. |
1291 | 45 | Tho. de Wuldham. |
1319 | 46 | Haimo de Heath. |
1352 | 47 | John de Shepey, L. Treas. |
1361 | 48 | Gul. de Witlesey, tr. to Worcest. |
1363 | 49 | Tho. Trilley. |
1372 | 50 | Tho. Brinton. |
1389 | 51 | Gul. de Bottlesham. |
1400 | 52 | Joh. de Bottlesham. |
1404 | 53 | Richard Young. |
1419 | 54 | John Kemp, tr. to Chichester. |
1422 | 55 | John Langdon. |
1434 | 56 | Tho. Browne, tr. to Norwich. |
1436 | 57 | Gul. de Welles. |
1443 | 58 | John Lowe. |
1467 | 59 | Tho. Rotheram, tr. to Lincoln. |
1471 | 60 | John Alcock, L. K. tr. to Worcester. |
1476 | 61 | John Russell, tr. to Lincoln. |
1480 | 62 | Edm. Audley, tr. to Heresord. * |
1492 | 63 | Tho. Savage, tr. to London. |
1496 | 64 | Rich. Fitz-James, tr. to Chichester. |
1504 | 65 | John Fisher, Cardinall. |
1536 | 66 | John Hilsey. |
1539 | 67 | Nic. Heath, Almoner, tr. to Wor [...]. |
1544 | 68 | Henry Holbech, tr. to Lincoln. |
1547 | 69 | Nic. Ridley, tr. to London. |
1550 | 70 | Jo. Poynet, tr. to Winton. |
1551 | 71 | John Scory, tr. to Chichester. |
1554 | 72 | Maurice Griffin. |
1559 | 73 | Edm. Gheast, tr. to Sarum. |
1571 | 74 | Edm. Freake, tr. to Norwich. |
1576 | 75 | John Piers, Almoner, tr. to Sarum. |
1578 | 76 | Jo. Young. |
1605 | 77 | Gul. Barlowe, tr. to Lincoln. |
1608 | 78 | Rich. Neyle, tr. to Lichfeild. |
1611 | 79 | John Buckeridge, tr. to Ely. |
1627 | 80 | Walt. Curle, tr. to Welles. |
1630 | 81 | John Bowle, now Bishop, 1637. |
1637 | 82 | John Warner, Deane of Lichfeild. now Bishop of Rochester, 1641. |
SALISBURY, and the Bishops there.
THe Bishoprick of Salisbury succeeded in the rights of two severall Dioceses, whereof the one had its Cathedrall or chiefe See at Sherborn, in the County of Dorset; the other at Wilton, once the chiefe towne of Wiltshire, but since the growth of Salisbury very much decayed. Of these the ancienter was Sherborn, whose Diocese extended once over all those Countries, which are now subject to the jurisdiction of Salisbury, Bristol, Welles, and Exeter. But Welles and Exeter being made peculiar Dioceses, Anno 905. as we there have shewed, another was erected the same time at Wiston also. Which when it had continued under nine Bishops, and no more, was then againe united unto Sherborne; and both together presently removed to Salisbury, as being the chiefe City of these parts, and consequently more fit for a Bishops See. And yet it stayed not long there neither, being removed againe in little time, unto a more convenient place. For by Hermannus it was fixed upon the hill, in that old fortified towne, now called old Salisbury: which being found by soone experience to be no proper seate for a Bishops dwelling; the See was presently brought lower, and with it the towne. Hermannus who removed the See from Sherborne, did first begin the Church at [Page 141] old Sarum (for so some Latine writers call it) which Osmund his successor finished. Rich. sirnamed Poore, the fourth from Osmund, removed the See into the Valley, and first began that Church which wee, now see standing: whcih being finished in the yeere 1258. by Bishop Bridport, was ded cated to the honour of the blessed Virgin.
Thus was the See of Sherborne removed to Salisbury, where it hath ever since continued in great fame and lustre. As for the priviledges of this Church, the Bishops anciently did claime to be Praecentors to their Metropolitan, and of more late dues to bee Chancellours of the most noble order of the Garter. Which office being instituted by King Edward 4. and by him vested in the person of Rich. Beauchamp of Sarum, and his successors in that See: was after in the new Statutes made by Henry 8. left solely to the Kings disposing, either to Clergy-man or Lay-man, as to them seemed best. Nor hath it beene enjoyed by any Clergy-man since that time, though in the yeere 1608. it was much laboured for by Bishop Cotton. This Diocese containeth in it the Counties of Berks, and Wiltes, (for that of Dorset was dismembred from it by King Henry 8. and laied to Bristol,) and in them two, 544. Parish Churches, of which 109. are impropriations. It hath moreover three Arch-Deacons, viz. of Salisbury, Berks, and Wilts; is valued in the Kings bookes, 1367. li. 11. s. 8. d. the Clergy paying [Page 142] for their tenth, 901. li. 8. s. 1. d. Finally, this See hath yeelded to the Church one Saint, and to Rome two Cardinals, unto the Realme of England, one Lord Cheife Justice, three Lord Chancellours, two Lord Treasurers, as many Masters of the Rolls; two Chancellours to the University of Oxford, and one to Cambridge. The Bishops of this See, we will Marshall thus.
A. | Ch. | |
705 | 1 | Adhelmus. |
709 | 2 | Fordhere. |
738 | 3 | Herewaldus. |
4 | Ethelwaldus. | |
5 | Denefrith. | |
6 | Wilbertus. | |
817 | 7 | Easthanus. |
868 | 8 | Eadmundus. |
872 | 9 | Eheleage. |
10 | Alsy. | |
11 | Asserius, sirnamed Menevensis. | |
883 | 12 | Swithelmus, alias Sigelmus. |
13 | Ethelwaldus, II. after whose death this Diocese was divided into many parts, those of Welles, Cridington, and Saint Germans, (both which now make Exe [...]er) being taken out of it, Anno 905. by Plegmundus Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. At which time also there was another See erected for these parts at Wilton, whose seate was sometimes [Page 143] there, and sometimes also at Ramsbury, and Sunning. |
Sherborn. | Wilton. | ||||
A. | Ch. | ||||
905 | 14 | Werstanus. | 905 | 1 | Ethelstanus. |
918 | 15 | Ethelbaldus. | 2 | Odo. | |
16 | Sigelmus. II. | 934 | 3 | Osulphus. | |
934 | 17 | Alfredus. | 970 | 4 | Alfstanus. |
940 | 18 | Wulfeinus. | 981 | 5 | Alfgarus. |
958 | 19 | Alfwoldus. | 6 | Siricus, tr. to Cant. | |
978 | 20 | Ethelricus. | |||
21 | Ethelsius. | 989 | 7 | Alfricus, tr. to Cant. | |
22 | Brithwinus. | ||||
1009 | 23 | Elmerus. | 998 | 8 | Brithwoldus. |
24 | Brinwin. | 1045 | 9 | Hermannus, the last Bishop of Wilton. | |
25 | Elfwoldus, after whose death Hermannus, who had before beene Bishop of Wilton, and resigned that Church, because the Monkes of Malmesbury would not give him leave to remove his See Episcopall unto their Abby; was made Bishop of She [...]borne: and having joyned both Sees together, did shortly after remove both to Salisbury: of which himselfe, and his successors were afterwards entituled |
26 | Hermannus, the 26 Bishop of this Diocese, and first that had his See at Sarum. | |
27 | S. Osmundus, L. Chan. | |
1107 | 28 | Rogerus, L. Chiefe Justice, Lord Chan. and L. Treas. |
1139 | 29 | Jocelinus. |
Vacat sedes Ann. 4. | ||
1189 | 30 | Hubertus Walter, tr. to Cant. |
1193 | 31 | Herebertus Pauper. |
1217 | 32 | Richard Poore. |
1229 | 33 | Robert Bingham. |
1247 | 34 | Gul. Eboracensis. |
1256 | 35 | Egidius de Bird-port. |
1263 | 36 | Walter de la Wile. |
1274 | 37 | Robert de Wike-hampton. |
1284 | 38 | Walter Scammell. |
1287 | 39 | Henry de Braundston. |
1289 | 40 | Gul. de la Corner. |
1291 | 41 | Nicolas Longespee. * |
1298 | 42 | Simon de Gandavo. |
1315 | 43 | Roger de Mortivall. |
1329 | 44 | Robert Wivill. |
1375 | 45 | Radulph Erghum, tr. to Welles▪ |
1388 | 46 | John Waltam, Master of the Rolls, and L. Treas. |
1395 | 47 | Richard Metford. |
1407 | 48 | Nicolas Bubwith, tr. to Welles. |
1408 | 49 | Rob. Hallam, Card. Chan. Oxford. |
1417 | 50 | John Chaundler. |
1427 | 51 | Robert Nevill. * |
1438 | 52 | Will. Aiscoth, Clerk of the Coun. |
1450 | 53 | Richard Beauchamp, first Chan. of the G. * |
1482 | 54 | Lionell Widdeville, Chancel. Oxford. * |
1485 | 55 | Tho. Langton, tr. to Winton. |
1493 | 56 | John Blythe, Master of the Rolls, Chan. of Cambridge. |
1500 | 57 | Henry Deane, tr. to Cant. |
1502 | 58 | Edmund Audley. * |
1524 | 59 | Laurence Campejus, Card. |
1535 | 60 | Nicolas Shaxton. |
1539 | 61 | John Salcot, alias Capon. |
1559 | 63 | John Juell. |
1571 | 64 | Edm. Gheast, Bishop Almoner. |
1578 | 65 | John Piers Bishop Almoner, tr. to Yorke. |
Vacat Ann. 3. | ||
1591 | 66 | John Coldwell. |
Vacat Ann. 2. | ||
1598 | 67 | Henry Cotton. |
1615 | 68 | Robert Abbot. |
1618 | 69 | Martin Fotherby. |
1620 | 70 | Robert Tonson. |
1621 | 71 | John Davenant, died Bishop of Salisbury. 1641. |
WESTMINSER Bishops, Deans, and Ahbats.
THe Bisho prick of Westminster, as it related to the Saxons, was of late erection; and being so erected was of small continuance: but anciently in the Britons time, the Church there was the See for the Arch-bishop of London. For whereas some had found in some Record, that the Arch-Bishops See was planted in the Church of Saint Peter in Cornbill: certaine it is, that that was a mistake for Saint Peters in Thorney. Now Thorney is the ancient name of that, which is since called Westminster: and being an ancient Saxon name, was farre more likely to be meant by the first reporter, then that of Cornebill, which is meerely moderne. But this Arch-Bishoprick being brought to nothing by the Saxons, Sebert the first christned King of Essex, erected here a Church, where the former was, and dedicated it unto Saint Peter, as was that before, which standing Westward of Saint Pauls, was by the common people commonly called Westminster. This Temple of King Seberts, being in tract of time growne ruinous, and almost deserted, Edward the Confessour againe rebuilt, and liberally endowed, and stored with Monkes, by him removed hither from Exeter. After King Henry 3. taking downe the fabrick of the Confessour, erected it as now it standeth; save that the Abbats [Page 147] much enlarged it towards the West, and that King Henry 7. built that most goodly Chappell at the East end thereof. The Abbats here had Archiepiscopall jurisdiction within their liberties, and had the keeping of the Regalia, and a chiefe service in the Coronation of the Kings of England, and place in Parliament: in all which rights, save that of Parliament, the Deanes now succeed them. For when this Monastery (which at the suppression was valued at 3977. li.) was dissolved by King Henry 8. first he erected here a Deanrie, Anno 1539. then added to the Deane a Bishop, Anno 1541. Thirleby the Bishop, having delapidated all the Patrimony to his See allotted; and robbed S. Peter to pay Paul, as the saying is, was removed to Norwich, and so the Bisho prick determined; having continued nine yeeres onely: and Middlesex, which was the Diocese thereof, was restored to London. Queene Mary afterwards brought in an Abbat, and her foundation being dissolved by Queene Elizabeth, she made it a Collegiate Church, consisting of a Deane and 12. Prebendaries, as it still continues.
A | Ch. | |
1539 | 1 | Gul. Benson, the last Abbat, and first Deane. |
1541 | 2 | Thomas Thirleby, the one, and onely Bishop of Westminster, tr. to Norwich. 1550. |
3 | Richard Coxe Deane, after Bishop of Ely. | |
1553 | 4 | Hugh Weston Deane. |
1556 | 5 | John Fechnam Abbat. |
1560 | 6 | Gul. Bill Deane. |
1561 | 7 | Gabriel Goodman. |
1601 | 8 | Lancelot Andrewes, after Bishop of Chichester, &c. |
1605 | 9 | Richard Neyle, after Bishop of Rochester, &c. |
1610 | 10 | George Monteine, after Bishop of Lincoln, &c. |
1617 | 11 | Robert Tonsou, after Bishop of Sarum. |
1620 | 12 | John Williams, Lord Keeper Bishop of Lincoln, and Deane of West. minster. 1641. |
WINCHESTER, and the Bishops there.
THe Bisho prick of Winchester (Wintoniensis in the Latine) is of good antiquity, and never changed the See since the first foundation, as all the rest have done in the South-West parts. The City once the Regal seat of the West- Saxon Kings. The Cathedrall Church first founded and endowed by Kingil, or Kinegilsus, the first Christian K. of West-Sax: who gave unto it all the land within seven miles of winchester. Kinelwalchin, son unto this Kingil, went forwards with his fathers fabricke, ratified his donation, and added to it amongst other things, the Manors of Alresford, Down [...]en, and Worthy. The Church now standing was begun by Bishop Walkelin, the worke pursued by his successors, but yet not finished till the time of William de Wickham, who built the greatest part of the West end thereof. The Chappels on the East end beyond the Quite, had their severall founders. The whole Church dedicated first unto Saint Amphibalus, then to Saint Peter, after unto Saint swithin, once. Bishop here; and last of all unto the blessed Trinity, as it still continues. The Bishops here are Chancellours to the See of Canterbury, and Prelates of the most noble order of Saint George, called the Garter: which office was first vested in them by King Edward 3. at the first foundation of that [Page 150] Order, and hath continued to them ever since. They were reputed anciently to be Earles of Southampton; and are so stiled in the new Statutes of the Garter, made by Henry 8. but that now otherwise disposed of. Finally what for priviledge, and what for large possessions it was prized so high, that Henry of Bloys, (he was the brother of King Stephen) once Bishop here, had got a faculty from the Pope, to make it an Arch Bishops See; seven of the Suffragans of Canterbury, being allotted thereunto. And William de Edington, one of the Bishops of this Church, being elected unto Canterbury, refused it, saying, though Canterbury had the highest rack, yet Winchester had the deepest manger.
The Diocese hereof contained of old, the Counties of Surrey, and Southampton, and the Isle of Wight: to which was added in Qu. Elizabeths time, the Islles of Iarsey, Garnsey, Sack, and Aldern [...]y, once members of the Bishoprick of Constance in Normandy. Of these the English Isle and Counties containe 362. Parishes, of which, 131. impropriate▪ the Isle of Iarsey, 121. and Garnsey with the other two, as many more. For government of the English part there are two Arch-Deachns, the one of Winchester; and the other of Surrey: Iarsey is governed by a Deane or Commissary, according to the manner of the English Church; and Garnsey with the Isles appendant, follow the fashions of Geneva. The Bishoprick was anciently [Page 151] valued in the Kings books, 3885 li. 3. s. 3. d. ob. q. now at, 2793. li. 4. s. 2. d. q [...]. q. lesse by a thousand pounds then before it was: which plainely sheweth that there hath beene a great abatement of the old revenue; The tenth of the Clergy amounteth unto, 846. li. 12. d. Finally, this See hath yeelded to the Church seven Saints, and to Rome, two Cardinals; to England, one Lord Chiefe Justice, sixe Lord Chancellours, two Lord Treasurers, one Lord Privie Seale, one Chancellour of the University of Oxford, another of the Exchequer, and 21. [...] of the Garter, whose names are to be found amongst these following.
A. | Ch: | |
1 | Wina. | |
2 | Eleurherius. | |
673 | 3 | S. Headda. |
704 | 4 | Daniel. |
744 | 5 | Humfridus. |
756 | 6 | Kinchardus. |
7 | Hathelmardus, tr. [...]o Cant. | |
8 | Egbardus. | |
9 | Dudda. | |
10 | Kinebertus. | |
11 | Alhmundus. | |
12 | Wighthenius. | |
13 | Herefridus. | |
834 | 14 | Edmundus. |
15 | Helmstanus. | |
837 | 16 | S. Swithinus. L. Chan. |
863 | 17 | Adhferthus. |
871 | 18 | Dumbertus. |
879 | 19 | Denewulfus. |
20 | S. Athelmus, alias Bertulfus. | |
905 | 21 | S. Frithstanus. |
931 | 22 | Brinstanus. |
946 | 23 | Elpheus Calvus. |
24 | Elssinus, alias Alfius. | |
958 | 25 | Brithelmus. |
963 | 26 | S. Ethelwoldus. |
984 | 27 | S. Elphegus. |
1006 | 28 | Kenulphus. |
1008 | 29 | S. Brithwoldus. |
1015 | 30 | Elsinus. |
1038 | 31 | Alwinus. |
1043 | 32 | Stigandus, tr. to Cant. |
1070 | 33 | Walkelinus. |
Vacat sedes, Annos 10. | ||
1107 | 34 | Gul. Giffard. |
1129 | 35 | Henricus Blesensis. * |
Vacat sedes, Annos 3. | ||
1174 | 36 | Richard Toclivius. |
1189 | 37 | Godfr. de Lucy. |
1204 | 38 | Petr. de Rupibus, L. Ch. Justice. |
1243 | 39 | Gul. de Ralegh. |
1249 | 40 | Ethelmarus. |
[Page 153]Vacat sedes, Annos 4. | ||
1265 | 41 | John Oxon. |
1268 | 42 | Nicolas Eliensis. |
1280 | 43 | John de Pontisara. |
1304 | 44 | Henry Woodlock. |
1316 | 45 | John Sandal; Chan. of the Exch. L. Chan. and L. Treas. |
1320 | 46 | Reginald Asserius. |
1323 | 47 | John Stratford, L. Chan. L. Treas. tr. to Cant. |
1333 | 48 | Adam de Orlton. |
1345 | 49 | Gul. de Edingdon, L. Treas. and the first Prelate of the Garter. |
1365 | 50 | Will. de Wickham, L. Chan. |
1405 | 51 | Henry Beaufort, Card. L. Ch. * |
1447 | 52 | Will. de Waniflete, L. Ch. |
1486 | 53 | Peter Courtney. * |
1493 | 54 | Tho. Langton. |
1502 | 55 | Rich. Foxe, L. Privie Seale. |
1530 | 56 | Tho. Wolsey, Card. L. Chan. |
1534 | 57 | Stephen Gardiner, displaced, 1549. |
1550 | 58 | John Poynet, who being removed, Bishop Gardiner was restored, 1553. and made L. Ch. |
1556 | 59 | John White. |
1560 | 60 | Robert Horne. |
1580 | 61 | John Watson. |
1584 | 62 | Thomas Cowper. |
1595 | 63 | Will. Wickham. |
1595 | 64 | Will. Daye. |
1596 | 65 | Tho. Bilson. |
1617 | 66 | James Montagu, Deane of the Chap. |
1618 | 67 | Lancel. Andrewes, Deane of the Chap. |
1628 | 68 | Rich. Neyle, tr. to Yorke. |
1632 | 69 | Walt. Curle, now Bishop of Winton, Prelate of the Garter, and Bishop Almoner, 1641. |
WORCESTER, and the Bishops there.
THe Bishoprick of Worcester, (Wigorniensis in the Latine) was founded by Etheldred, King of the Mercians, Anno 679. and taken out of the Diocese of Lichfeild, of which first it was. The Cathedrall Church here, by him also built; but afterwards repaired, or new built rather by severall Bishops of this See. Oswald the eighteenth Bishop here did first undertake it, and casting out the married Priests, first brought in the Monkes, Anno 964. but his foundation being ruined by the Danes, the Church was brought to that perfection wherein now it standeth, by Bishop Wulstan, about the yeere 1030. Since when it hath enjoyed a flourishing and faire estate: and (which is very rare) can hardly make complaint of any vacancie: save that on the exauctoration of Bishop Heath, it was assigned over in Commendam to Master Hooper then Bishop of Gloucester. But it held not long.
This Diocese containeth in it the County of Worcester, and part of Warwickshire: and therein 241. Parishes, of which 71. impropriate: for these there is but one Arch-Deacon, which is called of Worcester. Valued it is in the Kings bookes, 1049. li. 17. s. 3. d ob. q. the Clergy paying for their tenth, 228. li. In point of honour it may [...] pleade thus much, that in the flourishing times of [Page 156] the See of Canterbury, the Bishops here were the peculiar Chaplaines of the Metropolitans: and by their Office to say Masse in all assemblies of the Clergy, wherein he was present. As also that it hath yeelded to the Church foure Saints; five Chancellours to the Realme of England, and one to Norwandy; Lord Treasurers three, one Chancellour to the Queen then being; one L. President of Wales, and one Vice-President: whom, with the residue of the Bishops, take here in order.
A. | Ch. | |
679 | 1 | Boselus, first Bishop of Worcest. |
2 | Ostforus. | |
693 | 3 | S. Egwinus. |
714 | 4 | Wilfridus. |
717 | 5 | Milredus. |
6 | Weremundus. | |
778 | 7 | Tilherus. |
781 | 8 | Eathoredus. |
799 | 9 | Denebertus. |
822 | 10 | Eadbertus. |
844 | 11 | Alwinus. |
872 | 12 | Werefridus. |
911 | 13 | Wilfreth. |
915 | 14 | Ethelhunus. |
922 | 15 | Wilfreth. II. |
929 | 16 | Kinewoldus. |
17 | S. Dunstanus, tr. to London. | |
950 | 18 | S. Oswaldus. |
971 | 19 | Adulfus. |
20 | Wulfstanus. | |
21 | Leofsius. | |
1033 | 22 | Britteagus. |
1038 | 23 | Livingus. |
1049 | 24 | Aldredus. |
1060 | 25 | S. Wulfstanus. |
1097 | 26 | Sampson. |
1115 | 27 | Theolphus. |
1125. | 28 | Simon, Chan. to Qu. Adefize. |
29 | Aluredus. | |
30 | John Pagham. | |
31 | Rogerus. | |
1181 | 32 | Baldwinus, tr. to Cant. |
1189 | 33 | Gul. de Northale. |
1191 | 34 | Robertus. |
35 | Henricus. | |
1196 | 36 | John de Constantiis. |
1200 | 37 | Maugerus. |
1212 | 38 | Walt. Grey, L. Ch. tr. to Yorke. |
1216 | 39 | Silvester. |
1218 | 40 | Gul. de Bloys. |
1237 | 41 | Walt. de Cantilupe. |
1268 | 42 | Nich. de Ely, L. Chan. translated to Wint. |
1269 | 43 | Godfr. Giffard, L. Chan. |
1302 | 44 | Gul. de Gainsburgh. |
1308 | 45 | Walt. Reynold, L. Chan. and L. Treas. tr. to Cant. |
1313 | 46 | Walt. Maydestone. |
1317 | 47 | Thomas Cobbam. |
1327 | 48 | Adam de Orlton, tr. to Wint. |
1333 | 49 | Simon de Montacute. * |
1337 | 50 | Tho. Hennyhall. |
1342 | 51 | Wulstan de Brandford. |
1349 | 52 | Joh. Thursby, L. Ch. tr. to Yorke. |
1352 | 53 | Reginald Brian. |
1362 | 54 | Joh Barnet, L. Treas. tr. to Welles. |
1363 | 55 | Gul. Wittelesey, tr. to Cant. |
1368 | 56 | Gul. de Lynne. |
1375 | 57 | Henry de Wakefeild, L. Treas. |
1395 | 58 | Tideman de Winchcomb. |
1401 | 59 | Rich. Clifford, tr. to London. |
1407 | 60 | Tho. Peverell. |
1419 | 61 | Phil. Morgan, Chan. of Normandy, tr. to Ely. |
1426 | 62 | Tho. Polton. |
1435 | 63 | Tho. Bourchier, tr. to Ely. * |
1443 | 64 | John Carpenter. |
1476 | 65 | John Alcock, L. Chan. tr. to Ely. |
1487 | 66 | Robert Morton. |
1497 | 67 | John Gigles. |
1491 | 68 | Silvester Gigles. |
1521 | 69 | Julius de Medices, after Pope Clement the 8. * |
1522 | 70 | Hieron. de Nugutiis, an Italian. |
1535 | 71 | Hugh Latimer. |
1539 | 72 | John Bell. |
1543 | 73 | Nicol. Heath, displaced by King Edward 6. and the See put over in Commendam to Master Hooper Bishop of Glocester, but restored after by Queene Mary, Anno 1553. and made L. pres. of Wales, tr. to Yorke. |
1554 | 74 | Richard Pates. |
1599 | 75 | Nich. Bullingham. |
1576 | 76 | John Whitgift, Vice-President of Wales, for Sir H. Sidney, transl. to Canterbury. |
1584 | 77 | Edm. Freake. |
1593 | 78 | Rich. Fletcher, tr. to London. |
1596 | 79 | Tho. Bilson, tr. to Winton. |
1597 | 80 | Gervase Babington. |
1610 | 81 | Henry Parry. |
1617 | 82 | John Thornborough, now Bishop of Worcester. 1641. |
YORKE, and the Arch-Bishops there.
YORKE is the ancientest Metropolitan See at this time in England, so made at the first generall admittance of the Gospel in the time of Lucius, the first Arch-Bishop by him here established, named Sampson, and he who held out last in the Britons time, being called Tadiacus. We have a constat onely of two more, viz. Taurinus, and Pyra [...]us: of all the rest no name, or memory to be found amongst our writers. On the conversion of the Saxons, this See was by Pope Gregory designed to its former honour: which not long after took effect, when as Paulinus was made Arch-Bishop of Yorke, Anno 622. In which designment of the said Pope Gregory, the Metropolitan of Yorke, was to have as many Suffragan Bishops, as he of London (for there the See was to be placed by Pope Gregories order) to either of them twelve a peece, which if they ever were erected in this Northerne Province, were certainly of meane estate, not able to support the honour; and consequently, swallowed up by the greater Churches of Yorke and Durham: which two were onely left here a long time together untill Carlile first was made a Bishopricke by K. Henry the first; as Chester afterwards by K. Henry 8. But that which was the greatest addition to the Province of Yorke, was the direct [Page 164] and Metropolitan jurisdiction which it claimed and had over all the Bishops of Scotland, who did from hence receive their consecration, and swore Canonicall obedience unto this See.
In this regard, and that it was conceived that by Pope Gregories in stitution, he of the two Arch-Bishops which was first confirmed, should have precedencie over the other: there grew a great contention there abouts, betweene them, and much recourse was made to the Court of Rome. At last it was determined in savour of the See of Canterbury: yet so that still it might be lawfull to the Arch-Bishop of Yorke to write himselfe Primate of England; as the other taking to himselfe the stile of Primate of all England, as it still continueth. The next misfortune which befell the See and Metropolitan of Yorke, was that the Bishops of Scotland did in fine withdraw themselves from his obedience, and had Arch-Bishops of their owne. This hapned whilest George Nevill was Arch-Bishop here, who was advanced unto this See, An. 1466. not above ninescore yeeres agoe: and then upon pretence, that in consideration of the many and most deadly warres betweene both Realmes, the Metropolitan of Yorke could beare no fatherly affection to his sonnes of Scotland. However the Archbishop still retaines his wonted place, having precedencie before all Dukes, not being of the royall bloud; as also before all the great Officere [Page 165] of state, except the Lord Chancellour.
For the Cathedrall Church of Yorke, it was first built, or begun rather, by King Edwyn, King of the North-Humbers, Anno 627. but finished by King Oswald who succeeded him, and dedicated to Saint Peter. But this of their foundation being destroyed by fire, and by the fury of the Danes, at the first entrance of the Normans: that which now standeth was erected in the place thereof by Arch-Bishop Thomas (the 25. of this See;) and after, by degrees, adorned and beautified by his successors. The Diocese hereto belonging, containeth in it the two Counties of Yorke and Nottingham: and in them both 581 Parishes, of which 336. are impropriations. For government whereof, it hath foure Arch-Deacons, viz. of Yorke, Cleveland, East-riding, and Nottingham. This Bishoprick was at the first rated in the Kings bookes, 2035. li. 14. s. 6. d. but now, since the great diminution made by King Henry 8. 1609. li. 19. s. 2. d. And for the Clergy of the same, their tenth amounteth unto 1113. li. 17. s. 9. d. ob. q. To draw unto an end, this See hath yeelded to the Church eight Saints, to the Church of Rome three Cardinals, unto the Realme of England twelve LL. Chancellours, and two LL. Treasurers, and to the North of England two Lord Presidents. The Bishops write themselves in Latine, Eboracenses, or Eborum, and are these that follow.
A. | Ch. | |
622 | 1 | S. Paulinus, died 644. |
Vacat Annos 20. | ||
666 | 2 | Cedda. |
3 | Wilfridus. | |
4 | S. Bosa. | |
687 | 5 | S. John of Beverley. |
718 | 6 | S. Wilfridus. II. |
731 | 7 | S. Egbertus. |
767 | 8 | Adelbertus. |
781 | 9 | Eanbaldus. |
797 | 10 | Eanbaldus. II. |
11 | Wolsius. | |
832 | 12 | Wimundus. |
854 | 13 | Wilferus. |
897 | 14 | Ethelbaldus. |
15 | Lodewardus. | |
16 | Wulfitanus. | |
955 | 17 | Oskitellus. |
972 | 18 | Athelwaldus. |
972 | 19 | S. Oswaldus. |
993 | 20 | Aldulphus. |
1003 | 21 | Wulfstanus. II. |
1023 | 22 | Alfricus. |
1050 | 23 | Kinsius, |
1061 | 24 | Aldredus. |
1070 | 25 | Thomas. I. |
1101 | 26 | Girardus. |
1109 | 27 | Thomas. II. |
1119 | 28 | Thurstan. |
1141 | 29 | Henry Murdac. |
1153 | 30 | S. Gulielmus. |
1154 | 31 | Rogerus. |
Vacat sedes Annos 10. | ||
1191 | 32 | Geofr. Plantagenet, L. Chan. * |
Vacat sedes Annos 4. | ||
1217 | 33 | Walter Grey, L. Chan. |
1256 | 34 | S. Sewalius. |
1258 | 35 | Godfrey de Kinton. |
1265 | 36 | Walter Giffard, L. Chan. |
1279 | 37 | Gul. Wickwane. |
1285 | 38 | John Romanus. |
1288 | 39 | Henry de Newark. |
1299 | 40 | Tho. Corbridge. |
1305 | 41 | Gul. de Greenfeild, L. Chan. |
1317 | 42 | Gul. de Melton, L. Ch. & L. Treas. |
1342 | 43 | Gul. Zouche, L. Treas. * |
1352 | 44 | John Thursby, L. Chan. |
1373 | 45 | Alexander Nevill. |
1388 | 46 | Tho. Arundel. L. Chan. tr. to Cant. * |
1396 | 47 | Robert Waldby. |
1397 | 48 | Richard Scrope. * |
1406 | 49 | Henry Bowet. |
1425 | 50 | John Kemp, L. Chan. tr. to Cant. |
1453 | 51 | Gul. Boothe. |
1466 | 52 | George Nevill, L. Chan. * |
1477 | 53 | Lawrence Boothe. |
1480 | 54 | Thomas Rotheram, L. Chan. |
1501 | 55 | Thomas Savage. |
1508 | 56 | Christopher Bambridge, Card. |
1515 | 57 | Thomas Wolsey, Card. L. Chan. |
1531 | 58 | Edward Lee. |
1544 | 59 | Robert Holgate, Lord Pres. of the North. |
1553 | 60 | Nicolas Heath, L. Chan. |
1560 | 61 | Tho. Young, L. Pres. of the North. |
1570 | 62 | Edm. Grindall. tr. to Cant. |
1576 | 63 | Edwyn Sandys. |
1588 | 64 | John Piers. |
1594 | 65 | Matthew Hutton. |
1606 | 66 | Tobias Matthewes. |
1627 | 67 | George Monteine. |
1628 | 68 | Sam. Harsner. |
1631 | 69 | Richard Neyle, who died Octob. 31. 1640. |
CARLILE, and the Bishops there.
THe most of that which doth now make the Diocese of Cartile, was in the infancie of the English Church, as I conceive it, part of the Diocese of whit herne, or Casa Candida, in the Province of Galloway [...] now reckoned as a part of Scotland, but th [...] a parcell of the Kingdome of the North-Humbers, But when the Scots had mast [...]d all those countries beyond Tweede and Solway, the towne of Carlile, with the County of Cumberland, in the which it standeth, were severed from that Diocese: Carlile, with 15. miles about it being bestowed upon S. Cutbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, by Egfride, King of the North-Humbers, Anno 679; the residue of the Country submitting to the jurisdiction of the Arch-Deacon of Richmond, then being subordinate the See of Yorke. Thus it continued till the yeere 1133. what time a Bishops See was here first established: and by that meanes, another Suffragan Bishop added to that Metropolitan. The Cathedrall Church here had beene founded not long before, by Walter, Deputy of these parts for King William Rufus; and by him dedicated to the honour of the blessed Virgin: but finished and endowed by King Henry the first, out of that wealth which the said Walter had amassed for that very purpose, by the perswasion of Athulphus or Athelwolfus, whom afterwards, hee made [Page 170] the first Bishop there. The Diocese containes the County of Westmorland, and most part of Cumberland; and therein onely 93. Parishes, but those (as all the Northerne are) exceeding large; and of them 18. are impropriate. Arch-Deacon here was never any, the jurisdiction being claimed by him of Richmond, as anciently to him belonging. The Bishoprick is valued in the Kings bookes 530 li. 4. [...]. 11. d. ob. the Clergies tenth amounting onely unto 161. li 1. s. 7. d. ob. And yet this little See, and so farre remote, hath yeelded to this Kingdome one Chancellour, and two LL. Treasurers, besides three Chancellours unto the University of Cambridge.
A. | Ch. | |
1133 | 1 | Athelwolfus, or Athelwardus. |
2 | Bernardus died Anno 1186. | |
Vacat sedes Ann. 32. | ||
1218 | 3 | Hugo. |
1223 | 4 | Walt. Mau-Clerke, L. Treas. |
1247 | 5 | Silvester de Everdon, L. Chan. |
1255 | 6 | Tho. Vipont. * |
1258 | 7 | Rob. Chause. |
1280 | 8 | Rad. de Ircton. |
1288 | 9 | John de Halton. |
1318 | 10 | John de Rosse. |
1332 | 11 | John de Kirkby. |
1353 | 12 | Gilbert de Welton. |
1363 | 13 | Tho. de Appleby. |
1396 | 14 | Robert Reade. |
1397 | 15 | Tho. Merkes. |
1400 | 16 | Gul. Strickland: |
1419 | 17 | Roger Whelpdale: |
1423 | 18 | Will. Barrowe. |
1430 | 19 | Marm. Lumley, L. Ch and Ch. Ca. * |
1450 | 20 | Nith. Close, tr. to Lich. |
1452 | 21 | Gul. Percy, Chan. of Camb. * |
1362 | 22 | John Kingscore. |
1464 | 23 | Richard Scrope. * |
1468 | 24 | Edw. Storey Ch. of Camb. |
1478 | 25 | Rich. Dunelmensis. |
1496 | 26 | Gul. Sever, tr. to Durham. |
1503 | 27 | Roger Leibourne. |
1504 | 28 | John Penny. |
1520 | 29 | John Kite. |
1537 | 30 | Robert Aldrich. |
1356 | 31 | Owen Ogilthorpe. |
1561 | 32 | John Best. |
1570 | 33 | Rich. Barnes, tr. to Durham. |
1577 | 34 | John Mey. |
1598 | 35 | Henry Robinson. |
1616 | 36 | Robert Snowdon. |
1620 | 37 | Rich. Milborne. |
1624 | 38 | Rich. Senhouse. |
1628 | 39 | Francis White, tr. to Norwich. |
1629 | 40 | Barnabas Potter, now Bishop of Carlile. 1641. |
CHESTER, and the Bishops there.
THe Bishoprick of Chester, as it is here to be considered, is of new erection, one of those founded by King Henry 8. whereof we spake before when we were in Bristol. Anciently it was in the Diocese of Lichfeild, one of the Bishops of which Church, removing his See hither, Anno 1075. as to the more remarkable and noted place; occasioned that his successours many times were called Bishops of Chester. But being severed from that Diocese by King Henry 8. it was erected into an Episcopall See, made up of the revenue and jurisdiction of the two Arch-Deaconries of Richmond and Chester: of which the first had jurisdiction over Richmondshire, and part of Cumberland; the other over Lancashire and Chest-shire. It was at first foundation ordained to be of the Province of Canterbury; and that in the letters Patents of the foundation of the same, 33. H. 8. But the King taking into minde, as well the long distance of the same from the See of Cancerbury, as also that the Arch Bishop of Canterbury had a sufficient number of Suffragans before, whereas the Arch-Bishop of Yorke had but onely two: did in the Ianuary following, by Act of Parliament, annex the same for ever to the Province of Yorke. 33. H. 8. c. 31. The Cathedrall Church here was once a Monastery, [Page 173] founded by Leofricus, once an Officiary Count, in these parts; and by him dedicated to Saint Wereberg: but repaired, beautified, endowed, and stored with Monkes by Hugh, sirnamed Lupus, the first Earle of Chester. These Monkes being ejected by King Henry 8. he brought into their place a Deane and Prebendaries: and made it of a Monastery, a See Episcopall: Whose Diocese containeth, in the Counties before remembred, 256. Parishes, of which 101. are impropriations. The Bishoprick is valued in the Kings bookes, 42 [...]. li. 1. s. 8. d. and for a tenth unto the Crowne, the Clergy pay the yeerely summe of 435. s. 12.
A. | Ch. | |
1541 | 1 | John Bird, removed hither from Bangor. |
1556 | 2 | John Cotes. |
1556 | 3 | Cuthbert Scott. |
1561 | 4 | William Downeham. |
1579 | 5 | William Chadderton, tr. to Lincoln |
1595 | 6 | Hugh Billet. |
1597 | 7 | Rich. Vaughan, tr. to London. |
1604 | 8 | George Lloyde. |
1616 | 9 | Tho. Morton, tr. to Lichfeild. |
1618 | 10 | John Bridgeman, now Bishop of Chester. 1641. |
DURHAM, and the Bishops there.
THe Bishops See now fixed in Durham, was first placed in Lindisfarne, a little Iland on the Sea-coast of Northumberland: and there placed by the first Bishops of this Northerne region, because of the primacie and solitude thereof, which made it thought more fit and proper for devotion. But both the Bishop and his Monkes being driven from thence, by the mercilesse furie of the Danes, (who here raged extremely) about the yeere of Christ, 800. they wandred up and downe from place to place for 200. yeeres, not finding any place where they might repose themselves in safety, till in the end they sate them downe in Durham, Anno 990. or there abouts, where it hath ever since continued. The Church here dedicated to Saint Cuthbers, the 6. Bishop of Lindisfarne, a man of speciall renowne for piety; whose reliques the said Bishops carried up and downe with them in all their wandtings: till at the last they were deposited in this Church, as in a place of rest and safety. The founder of it, that Aldwinus, by whom the See was first here setled. But his foundation being taken downe by William de Carileso, about the first entrance of the Normans: that which now standeth was begun by him in the place thereof; and finished by Ranulpbus Flambard, his next successour. [Page 175] Somewhat hath since beene added to it by Bishop Fernham, and Thomas Welscomb Priour hereof, about the yeere 1242.
Nor did Saint Cuthbert onely give name unto the Church, but also unto all that countrey, which now we call the Bishopricke of Durham, and anciently was called Saint Cuthberts Patrimony. For upon him, and his successours in that See, was all the countrey betweene Teis and Tine, conferred by Alfred King of England: which his donation was confirmed, and in part increased by his successours, Edward, Athelstan, and Cnute the Dane. So fortified it was with priviledges, and royall grants, that at the comming in of the Norman Conquerer, the Bishop was reputed for a County Palatine: and did engrave upon his Seal an armed Chivalier, holding a naked sword in one hand, and in the other the Bishops a [...]es. Nay it was once adjudged in law, that the Bishop was to have all forfeitures & Escheates within the liberties, ut Rex habet extra, as the King of England had without. But these immunities and priviledges were in part impaired by the Statute of King Henry 8. 27. H. 8. c. 25. and altogether with the lands and whole rights thereof, conferred upon the Crowne by Act of Parliament, in the last yeere of the raigue of King Edward 6. But in the second Parliam. of Qu. Maries reigne, that Act was totally repealed, and a reviver made of the said late dissolved Bishopr. and all the royalties therof, [...]. Mar. c. 6.
[Page 176] As for the Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction, the Diocese thereof containeth the County of Northumberland, and that which properly and distinctly is entitiled the Bishopricke of Durham: each of the which hath an Arch-Deacon of its owne; in both, 135. Parishes, whereof 87. impropriate: the Clergy of the which pay for their tenth unto the Crowne, 385. li. 5. s. 6. d. ob. the Bishopricke being valued in the first fruit Office. 1821. li. 1. s. 5. d. qa. The Bishops of this Church doe write them selves in Latine Dunclmenses; of which five have beene dignified with the name of Saints; one with the Patriarchate of Hierusalem, and one with the title of a Cardinall in the Church of Rome. There have been also of them, one Lord Chiefe Justice, five LL. Chancellours, three LL. Treasurers, one principall Secretary of Estate, one Chancellour of the University of Oxford, and two Masters of the Rolls. Which wee will now lay downe in order, even the whole succession, beginning with those who had their See and habitation in the Isle of Lindisfarne.
A. | Ch. | |
637 | 1 | S. Ardanus. |
651 | 2 | S. Finanus. |
661 | 3 | Colmannus. |
664 | 4 | Tuda. |
665 | 5 | S. Eata. |
684 | 6 | S. Cuthbertus. |
687 | 7 | S. Eadbertus. |
698 | 8 | Egbertus. |
721 | 9 | Ethelwoldus. |
738 | 10 | Kenulfus. |
781 | 11 | Higbaldus. |
802 | 12 | Egbertus. II. |
819 | 13 | Egfridus. |
845 | 14 | Eanbertus. |
854 | 15 | Eardulfus. |
16 | Cuthardus. | |
915 | 17 | Tilredus. |
927 | 18 | Witherdus. |
944 | 19 | Uhtredus. |
20 | Sexhelmus. | |
21 | Aldredus. | |
968 | 22 | Alfius, alias Elfinus. |
990 | 23 | Aldwinus, who first setled the See at Durham, from whence both hee and his successors have beene stiled |
1028 | 24 | Eadmundus, |
1048 | 25 | Eadr [...]dus. |
1049 | 26 | Elgelricus. |
27 | Egelwinus. | |
1071 | 28 | Walcher, Earle of Northumb. |
1080 | 29 | Gul. de Carilefo, L. Ch. Justice. |
Vacat sedes Annos 4. | ||
1099 | 30 | Ranulfus Flambard, L. Treas. |
1128 | 31 | Gulfredus Rufus, L. Chan. |
1143 | 32 | Gul. de S. Barbara. |
1154 | 33 | Hugh Pudsey, E. of Northomb. * |
1197 | 34 | Philip de Pictavia. |
1217 | 35 | Rich. de Marisco. |
1228 | 36 | Rich. Poore. |
1241 | 37 | Nich. de Fernham. |
1250 | 38 | Walt. de Kirkham. |
1260 | 39 | Rob. Stitchell. |
1274 | 40 | Rob. de Insula. |
1283 | 41 | Ant. Beck, Patriark of Hierusalem. |
1311 | 42 | Rich. Kellowe. |
1317 | 43 | Ludowick Beaumont. * |
1333 | 44 | Rich. de Bury, L. Ch and L. Treas. |
1345 | 45 | Tho▪ Hatfeild, princ▪ Secretary. |
1381 | 46 | John Fordham; L. Tr. tr. to Ely. |
1388 | 47 | Walt▪ Skirlawe. |
1406 | 48 | Tho. Langley, Card. L. Ch. |
1438 | 49 | Rob. Nevill. * |
1457 | 50 | Lawrence Boothe, L. Chan. |
1476 | 51 | Gul. Dudley. * |
1383 | 52 | John Sherwood. |
1494 | 53 | Rich. Foxe, tr. to Winton. |
1502 | 54 | Gul. Sevier, Chan. of Oxford? |
1507 | 55 | Chr. Bambridge, Master of the Rolls tr. to Yorke. |
1508 | 56 | Tho. Ruthall. |
1523 | 57 | Tho. Wolsey, then Arch Bishop of Yorke. |
1530 | 58 | Cuthbert Tunstall, Master of the Rolls. |
1360 | 59 | James Pilkington. |
1577 | 60 | Rich. Barnes. |
1589 | 61 | Matth. Hutton, tr. to Yorke. |
1594 | 62 | Tobias Matthew, tr. to Yorke. |
1606 | 63 | Gul. James. |
1617 | 64 | Rich. Neyle, tr. to Winton. |
1628 | 65 | John Howson. |
1632 | 66 | Tho. Morton, now Bishop of Durham. Anno 1641. |
HEXAM, and the Bishops there.
THe Bishoprick of Hexam, Hagulstad, or Hextold, was founded in the infancie of the Saxon Church. The seate thereof called by the old Latines Axelodunum, by Beda Hagulstadiensis; by us now Hexam: the first who had the name of Bishop there being S. Eata, the fifth Bishop of Lindisfarne. Ten Bishops it enjoyed successively, and then▪ by reason of the spoyle and ravin of the Danes, it discontinued: the jurisdiction of it being added to the See of Yorke. From this time forwards, Hexamshire was held to be a see of that Arch-Bishoprick, and had reputation, of a County Palatine: but taken from that See by K. H. 8. (of which consult the Statute, 37. H. 8. c. 16) and by authority of Parliament united to the County of Northumb. Now for the Bishops of this Hexam, they are these that follow.
A. | Ch. | |
655 | 1 | S. Eata, Bishop of Lindisfarne. |
685 | 2 | S. John of Beverley, [...]r. to Yorke. |
709 | 3 | S. Acca. |
734 | 4 | Frithebertus. |
769 | 5 | Alhmundus. |
6 | Tilherus. | |
789 | 7 | Ethelbertus. |
787 | 8 | Heandredus. |
809 | 9 | Eanbertus. |
10 | Tidferthus, the last Bish of Hexam. |
MAN, and the Bishops there.
TOuching the Isle of Man, we have spoke already in our first Table. The Bishoprick here of was first erected by Pope Gregory, of that name the fourth, and for its Diocese had this Isle, and all the Hebrides, or Westerne Ilands anent Scotland. The Bishop hath his seate in Russin, or Castetowne, as now we call it; and in the Latine, is entituled Sodorensis. But when this Isle was made a member of the English Empire, the Westerne Isles withdrew themselves from the obedience of their Bishop, and had a Bishop of their own, whom they entitle also Sodorensis, but commonly, Bishop of the Isles. The Patronage of the Bishoprick, was given together with the Iland, by K. H. 4. unto the Stanleys; who still keep it: and on the vacancie thereof they nominare their designed Bishop unto the King, who having given his Royall assent, dismisseth him to the Arch-Bishop of Yorke for his consecration. This is perhaps the reason why the Bish. of Man, is no Lord of Parliament, because not at the Kings disposing▪ none having fuffragt in that house, but those that hold immediately of the King himselfe; nor is it reason that they should. Whether the Bishop of this Isle▪ was anciently a Su [...]ragan to the See of Yorke, I can hardly say. I finde ordered in the Act of Parliament, 33. H. 8. c. 31. wherein the Bishoprick of Chester was made a member of that Province; that that of Man should [Page 182] be reputed of it also: which may perhaps perswade one, that it was otherwise before. The Diocese hereof containeth onely 17 Parishes, of the which five are Market Townes; the rest Villages, the people of them all, being very conformable unto the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. Now for the Bishops of this See, I can meete with few: and therefore shall desire those who are more conversant in the businesse of this Isle, to supply this want, and make a perfect catalogue of the Bishops of Man, out of the fragments here ensuing.
A. Ch. | ✚ ✚ ✚ |
Michael, Bishop of Man. | |
1203 | Nicolas. |
1217 | Reginald. |
1257 | Richard, Bishop of Man, dedicated the Church of S. Maries in Russin. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | |
Henry Mann, who died, Anno 1556, John Merick. | |
George Lloyd, removed to Chester, An. 1604. | |
Forster. | |
Parry, now Bishop of Man, 1641. |
THE THIRD TABLE, OR, A CATALOGVE OF All the Dukes, Marquesses, and Earles, which have been in England since the first entrance of the NORMANS.
TOGETHER With the honourary Offices which they, or any of them have enjoyed in their severall times.
Printed at London. 1641.
The Preface to the ensuing Catalogue of Dukes, Marquesses, and Earles.
THe Kings of England as they are the fountaine of all authority and jurisdiction in their owne Dominions: so are they the fountaine also of all civill honour; which they dispose of and dispence, as to them seemes best. Kings have so much of God in them, whose Deputies they are on earth, as many times where they finde merit and desert, to raise the poore out of the dust, that they may set them with the Princes, even with the Princes of their people. Now for their honourary attributes, which by our Kings have beene conferred upon their Subjects; the ancientest are those of Earle and Baron: the Kings of England, of the Norman race, not giving unto any the stile of Duke, untill that Edw. the third, created his sonne Edward the black Prince, Duke of Cornwall, Anno 1336. As for the title of Marquesse, that was made honourary by King Richard the second, who first created his great favourite, Robert de Ve [...]e, then Earle of Oxford, Marquesse of Dublyn: as afterwards he made his Cosen German, Iohn de Baufort, one of the sonnes of Iohn of Gaunt, by Katherine Swinfort, then Earle of Somerset, the first Marquesse Dorset. [Page 186] But that of Earles hath beene as ancient in this Kingdome, as the line of Normandy: William the Conquerer advancing many to that honour at his first entrance on this State, both to reward them for their service, and oblige them to him. Of which ranke were the Earles of Arundell, Chester, Cornwall, Kent, Oxford, with some others, Anno 1067. being the next yeere after he attained the Kingdome. Which with the other Earles of ancient creation, were commonly endowed de tertio denario placitorum Comitatus, with the third penny of the pleas of that County whereof they were Earles: the other two parts being accompted by the Sheriffe (the Vice-Comes) into the Exchequer, for the Kings use. And though we mean to go no lower in our following Catalogue, then the stile of Earle; yet by the way we may take notice, that Viscount here became an honourary title in the time of K. H. 6. who in the 18. of his raigne advanced Sir Iohn Beaumont unto that honour, and gave him place above all Barons, as Richard 2. gave his new Marquesses precedencie before all Earles. Now at the ennobling of deserving persons into these high dignities, it is, and hath beene of later times the custome of the Kings of England, to give unto them some set pension for the support of their estate: which is now generally brought unto this proportion, that Viscounts have a fee of 20. markes, Earles of 20. li. Marquesses of 40. markes, and Dukes of 40. li. assigned unto them, out of some [Page 187] part or other of the Kings revenues. Which bounty I observe not to have beene used in the creation of a Baron, excepting onely that it pleased his sacred Majesty now being, when hee created the right honourable Montjoy Blount (now Earle of Newport) L. Montjoy of Thurle [...]on, in the County of Darby, to give unto him and his heires, a fee of 20. markes per annum: which I note here, by reason of the singularity and rarenesse of it.
Nor have the Kings of England beene accustomed to frame new honourary titles, for the advancement of those men which are dear unto them: but to preferre them before others of the same honourary ranke and order. Henry the sixth bearing especiall affection unto Henry Beauchamp, Earle of Warwick, first made him the prime Earle of England, or Praecomes Angliae. And when he after made him Duke of Warwick, hee ordered him to have precedencie, next after the Duke of Norfolke, and before the Duke of Buckingham. The same King Henry making his halfebrother Edmund of Hadham, Earle of Richmond, gave him the place above all Earles, and next of all unto the Dukes. Thus did King Iames of blessed memory conferre upon the Earle of Nortingham, (on his surrendry of the place and Office of Lord Admirall) the seniority and precedencie of the Mowbraies, (out of which house he was extracted) during the life of the said Earle. And thus his sacred Majesty now being, when he created [Page 188] the right honourable the Viscount Wallingford, Earle of Banbur [...] ▪ gave him precedencie before all Earles, created since his Majesties happy comming to the Crowne. And in the Patent of creation of the right honourable the Lord M [...]joy, 3. Can there was a clause of precedencie inserted, before all the Barons of [...]hat yeere, by which hee forthwith had the place both of the Lord Craven, and the Lord Falconbriage, though created before him. So absolute a power have our English Monarchs in the dispensing of their honours, and marshalling those persons whom they have advanced to these high dignities.
As for the Female sex, they have no reason to complaine that they have beene neglected or omitted in the distributing of these honourary rewards and dignities: some of them having had the happinesse to taste the bounty of the Prince in the highest honours. For thus the Lady Margaret de Brotherton, daughter of Thomas of Brotherton, Earle of Norfolke, was by King Richard the second, made Dutchesse of Norfolke, Anno 1398. And thus the Lady Anne Bullen, daughter of Thomas Earle of Wilts, was by King Henry 8. made Marchionesse of Pembroke, Anno 1532. as was the Lady Margaret, daughter of George D. of Clarence, created Countesse of Salisbury by the same King Henry; Anno 1514. Thus also the Lady Elizabeth Einch, being by King Iames created Viscountesse Maidstone, [Page 189] was by our gracious Soveraigne Lord now being, created Countesse of Winchelsey, Anno 1628. the dignity entailed on the heires males of her body begotten. And finally, thus was the Lady Elizabeth Richardson, wife of Sir Thomas Richardson Lord Chiefe Justice, created Baronesse Cramont, by his Majesty now reigning not to say any thing of the Lady Mary Fane Baronesse Despencer, or of the Lady Margaret Lennard, Baronesse Dacres of the South; being restitutions rather then creations.
Now for the method which I am to use in this following Catalogue, it shall be after the most naturall of the Alphabet; as being of most ease and speediest use in finding what we have a minde to looke for. And in the same I shall lay downe the just successions of and in each severall title, (premising first a brief description of the place denominating) together with the yeere of Christs nativity, wherein each severall Duke, Earle, or Marquesse either succeeded in the place, or was advanced unto the same. I also shall report in briefe, on what pretext of bloud such and such men attained those honours which they have enjoyed; If any neernesse or descent of blood was pretended by them: and where a family breakes off, and a new comes in, that I have marked with a few crosses thus. ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ I have observed also who and how many of each title have managed any of the great and honourary Offices in the Common-wealth: as those of Lord high Steward, Lord high [Page 190] Chamberlaine, Lord Constable, Lord Admirall; Lord Chancellour, Lord Treasurer, Lord Chiefe Justice, or Lord Privie Seale; together with the Lord Steward, and Lord Chamberlaine of his Majesties houshold, and the LL. Presidents of Yorke and Wates, and Chancellours of either of the Universities. Such of them as have had the honour to be admitted into the Order of the Garter, I have noted with this little Asterisme *. And all this I have done with as much brevity as was possible; professing nothing in this place but a Nomenclator; a bare and naked Catalogue of names and honours, for the more easie understanding of our English History, which was the matter which first moved me to compose these Tables. As for the order of precedencie of the men themselves, that are thus dignified and advanced, as now they stand; that is to be accounted from and by the seniority of their creations in their severall series: save that a course was tooke in Parliament, 31. H. 8. c. 10. for placing those above the rest, which were entrusted with the greatest Offices of State and Court. As, viz. that of the Lord Chancellour, or Lord Keeper, Lord Treasurer, Lord President, Lord Privie Seale, Lord Constable, Lord high Chamberlaine, Lord Admirall, Lord Marshall, together with the Lord Steward, and Lord Chamberlaine of his Majesties houshold. Which manner of precedencie being it is personall, as unto the men, and hath no reference to their [Page 191] place and titles, varieth and changeth with the times, according as they are in trust and favour with their Lord and Soveraigne. But for the places which have given name and title to Dukes, Marquesses, or Earles; and for the men that have beene honoured with those titles, they are these that follow: taking along such Lords, and Viscounts, as have beene dignified with and by the selfe-same titles, and no more but those.
Saint Albans.
S. Albans is the fairest and the goodliest town in the County of Hertford. It arose out of the ruines of old Verulamium, a towne more strong and ancient farre, (as being the strongest Fort of all the Britaines, in the time of Caesar) though not halfe so beautifull. It took both name, original, & Grandour, from Alban, once a Citizen of Verulamium: who suffering Martyrdome for the faith of Christ, during the persecution of Dioclesian; had first a faire Church built in memoriall of him, in that very place: or if you will, Ecclesia mirandi operis, atque ejus martyrio condigna, in the Authors language. (Bedae hist. lib. 1. c. 7.) But this Church and towne of Verulam being both destroyed, in those fierce warres, which were betweene the Saxons and the Britains, Offa the great and puissant K. of the Mercians, built not farre off from the old seate, a Monastery [Page 192] to the honour of Saint Alban; endowed it with a great revenue, and many goodly priviledges, as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall. This in short time, improved the Monastery into a towne: the Abbat in regard of his great possessions, and jurisdiction correspondent, drawing no ordinary confluence of all sorts of people. Pope Adrian, borne at Abbats-Langley, about five miles off, added this honour to the place, that as Saint Alban was the first Martyr of the English nation: so should the Abbat have precedencie of all English Abbats. This house was valued at the suppression, at 2510. li. 6. s. [...]. d. per annum; and was surrendred into the hands of Sir. Thomas Pope, Doctor Petre, and Master Cavendish, for the use of K. H. 8. Decemb. 5. Anno 1639. The Abby Church being a stately and magnificent fabrick is left standing still: townesmen purchasing the same at the price of 400. li. and turning it into a Parish Church, as it now remaines. For the great battels fought about this towne, and in the very streets thereof, between the two contending houses of York and Lancaster; I leave you to the common Chronicles. The persons which it hath ennobled, are these that follow.
1620 | 1 | Francis Bacon, L. Verulam, and L. Chan. of England, created Visc. S. Albans, Jan. 18. |
1628 | 2 | Rich de Burgh, E. of Clan-Ricard in the Kingd. of Irel. creat. E. of S. Albans, Aug. 23 |
1636 | 3 | Vlike de Burgh, E of S. Albans, and Clan-Ricard, now living. 1641. |
ANglesey is an Iland of North-Wales, situate over against Carnarvonshire, from which it is divided by a narrow straight: called in the Latines Mona, by the Britains Mon; but being conquered by the English, obtained the name of Anglesey, as one would say, the Iland of the English-men. It is exceeding fruitfull both in corne and cattell, from whence the Welch are liberally stored with both: And therefore it is said proverbially, Mon mam Cymbri, that Anglesey is the mother of Wales. It was the ancient seate of the Druides, and brought with no small difficulty under the command of the Romans, by Iulius Agricola the people fighting here, ut pro aris & focis, for their religion and their gods. It containeth in it 74. Parishes, the principall wherof is named Beaumarish, being at this time the head towne of the shire: and Abersraw, now an obscure and homely place, but anciently the Royall seate of the Kings of North-Wales. The persons which it hath given title to are onely these.
1624 | 1 | Christop. Villiers, brother of Geo. D. of Buck. created E. of Angles. Sept. 24. |
1630 | 2 | Charles Villiers, now living. 1641. |
ARundell is the name of an ancient towne and Castle in the County of Sussex, pleasantly seated neare the river of Arun: whence it was called Arundale, or Aruntina vallis, in some Latine Authors. The Castle of great fame and strength; but farre more famous for the Lords and Earles therof, then the strength or beauty. A place in this farre different from the rest of England: the title of the Earle of Arundell, being annexed unto the Castle, honour, and signeurie of Arundell; and going along with the possession of the same: as was adjudged in that great controversie, between Sir Iohn Fitz-Alan, being in possession of the Castle, against Iohn Mowbray D. of Norfolke, being the right heire in the nearest degree. The Earles hereof in regard that by ancient Charter they had had the [...]ertium denarium, or the second penny of the Plees of Sussex; and that they sometimes had their residence and abode in Chichester, as the chiefe City of that County: are in some old Charters called Earles of Sussex; and in some others, Earles of Chichester. That which was theirs most properly, hath stayed longest by them: and is of late increased by the addition of the titles and dignities of the Batonies of Fitz-Alan, Clun, Oswaldstree, and Maltravers, with divers other lands, tenements, and hereditaments, annexed unto the title, name, and dignity of Earle of Arundell, by speciall Act of Parliam. An. 3. Car. R. the noble personages which have borne this title, are these that follow.
1067 | 1 | Rog. Montgomery. |
1091 | 2 | Hugh de Montgomery. |
1098 | 3 | Rob. de Montgomery, devested of this honour, An. 1102. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
4 | William de Albeney. | |
1189 | 5 | Will. de Albeney. |
1196 | 6 | Will. de Albeney. |
1199 | 7 | Will. de Albeney. |
1224 | 8 | Hugh de Albeney, died 1243. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1289 | 9 | Rich. Fitz-Alan, descended of the Lady Isabell; sister of Hugh de Albeney. |
1301 | 10 | Edm. Fitz-Alan. |
1326 | 11 | Rich. Fitz-Alan. * |
1375 | 12 | Rich. Fitz-Alan, L. Tr. & L. Adm. |
1397 | 13 | Tho. Fitz-Alan, L. Tr. died 1416. * |
1434 | 14 | John Fitz-Alan, L. Maltravers. * |
1439 | 15 | Will. Fitz-Alan. * |
1487 | 16 | Tho. Fitz-Alan. |
1524 | 17 | Will. Fitz-Alan. * |
1543 | 18 | Henry Fitz-Alan, Ch. of Oxford. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1579 | 19 | Philip Howard, son of Tho. D. of Norfolk, & the La. Mary Fitz-Alan▪ |
1604 | 20 | Tho. Howard, now E. of Arund and Surry, and E. Marshall of Engl. Anno 1641. |
AUmer'e, or Alb [...]marle, is the name of a small town and territory in the Dukedome of Normandy. It belonged heretofore to Stephen, the sonne▪ of Odo, descended from the Earles of Champagne: whom William the Conquerer made Earle of Albemarle, as being the sonne of his halse sister by the mothers side; and gave unto him for the further maintenance of his estate, the territory of Holdernesse in Yorkeshire. This title hee enjoyed, and left the same to his posterity, who enjoyed it also. And when his issue sailed, the Kings of England honoured others with it; though they had long since lost their estate in Normandy; the Dukes and Earles whereof, take thus in order.
1095 | 1 | Stephen, sonne of Odo, Earle of Bloys. |
1128 | 2 | Will. le Gros. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1182 | 3 | Will. de Magnaville, E. of Essex▪ Hawys daught. of Will. le Gros. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1191 | 4 | Will. de Fortibus. |
1196 | 5 | Will. de Fortibus. |
1244 | 6 | Will. de Fortibus. |
1258 | 7 | Tho. de Fortibus. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
8 | Tho. of Woodstock, D. of Gloc. * | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1378 | 9 | Edw. Plantagenet, D. L. Adm. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1412 | 10 | Tho. D. of Clarence, E. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
11 | Rich. Beauchamp, E. of Warwick, created Earle of Aumerle, by King Henry. 6. |
BAnbury is a towne in Oxfordshire, the second both for wealth and beauty in all that County: Most famous in our common Chronicles, for the great battell there-by fought betweene the two great houses of Lancaster and Yorke: in which the victory fell to the Eare of Warwick, then chiefe of the Lancastrian party, who forthwith tooke King Edward prisoner (of that name the fourth) now forlorne and hopelesse. It was not long since much wasted by a devouring fire, but very well repaired and beautified; and still is as it hath beene anciently, case [...] conficiendo notissimum, as Camden notes it, a towne much famed for the best and most delicate sort of Cheeses. It never had but one Earle, and he
1626 | 1 | William, L. Knollys, Visc. Wallingford, created E of Barbury, Aug. 18. and died, Anno 1631. |
BAthe, is the fairest, and the principall City in all Somersetshire, seated in a very low Plaine, and round about environed with hils very high and sleepe: from whence come many rivulets and fresh-water springs, to the great commodity of the people. But that which brings most wealth unto the place, are not the waters from without, but those waters which are within; sending up from them much thinne vapours, and a strong sent withall; which springs are very medicinable unto many maladies. Three of these springs there are in all, the waters of the which being received in large and fitting receptacles for the publick use; they call the Kings Bath, the crosse Bath, and the hot Bath. From bathing in these waters, it was called the Bath; and thence Bathania in the Latine: unlesse perhaps you rather thinke that bathing tooke its hint from hence, and that this place tooke name from Badon, or mons Badonicus, not far off, as certainely Ca [...]r Badon, the old Britains called it: The Greeks and Latines gave it names according to the nature and condition of the waters, or the Baths there being: it being called by Ptolom [...]e, [...], [...] waters; by [...] Aquae solis the waters of the Sunne, on the [...] same reason. Of the faire Church here we have spoke already in out description of the Bishoprick: which being ruined amongst other Monasteries in the time of K. H. 8. hath of [...]are times beene, as it were reedified, but certainely repaired, and [Page] beautified, and made fit for use, by the great costs of Bishop Montague, a late Bishop there. Earle it had none untill the time of H. 7. since it hath had divers; whose names and times we now present you.
1486 | 1 | Philibert de Chandew. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1536 | 2 | John Bourchier, Lord Fitz-Warin, created E. of Bathe, by H. 8. July. 10. |
1539 | 3 | John Bourchier. |
1561 | 4 | William Bourchier. |
5 | Edward Bourchier. | |
1638 | 6 | Henry Bourchier, now E. of Bathe, Anno 1641. |
BEdford is one of those three Counties which anciently were possessed by the Castic [...]bla ni [...] the Countrey indifferently well provided of all necessaries, both for foode and fewell. It taketh denomination from the chiefe town thereof, called Bedford, or in the old Saxon, Bedanford; i. e. Beds, or Innes at the Ford. A towne conveniently seated on both sides of a river which runneth through it; well built, and populous, as having in it no lesse then five Churches. But the chiefe commendations which it hath, is for the antiquity and strength thereof; as being a towne of no small note and consequence, Anno 572. when as Cuthwulf the Saxon vanquished the Britains in the open feild, and became Master of the Countrey. The Castle here being counted very strong, and almost impregnable, brought no small mischeife to the place, being a peece much aimed at by all those in the former times, which either pretended to the Crown, or bare armes against it. But all the fortifications being demolished in the reigne of K. H. 3. the people have since lived in quiet: and the chiefe repuration of it now consisteth in this, that it hath given the title of Dukes and Earles to these persons following, being in their severall ages
1365 | 1 | Ingelram de Cowcy, E. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1414 | 2 | John, son of Henry 4. L. Adm. Const. and Regent of Fr. D. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1470 | 3 | George Nevill, D. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1485 | 4 | Jasp. de Harfeild, E. of Pembroke, halfe brother to King H. 6. D. [...] |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1549 | 5 | John L. Russell, L. Pr. and L. Adm created E of Bedford by Edw. 6. * |
1554 | 6 | Francis Russell. |
1585 | 7 | Edward Russell. |
1628 | 8 | Francis Russell, now Earle. 1641. |
BErkley is the name of a noble and an ancient family, dispersed in many places of this Kingdome. They tooke this name from Berkley Castle, situate neare the Severne bankes in the County of Gloucester, of which they were made Barons by King H. 2. Whereas before that time they were called Fitz-Harding; as being descended from one Robert Fitz-Harding of the bloud Royal of the Danes. Which Robert Fitz-Harding by the name of Robertus filius Hardingi filii Regis Datae, is joyned as a Co-founder with King. H. 2. of the Cathedrall Church of Bristoll, (but then a Monastery onely) as doth appeare by an inscription over the gate of the said Church. William L. Berkley of this house, being descended from the Mowbiaeies, who amongst other ri [...]les were Earles of Nottingham, was in the yeere 1482. created Visc. Berkley by King Richard 3. afterwards Earle of Nottingham, and Earle Marshall by King H. 7. and finally, created Marqu. Berkley by the same King H. Arno 1509. But dying without issue all those titles ended with him: that of the Lord Berkley still continuing in the line collaterall.
1509 | 1 | Will. L. Berkley, created Viscount Berkley, by King R. 3. was created Marqu. Berkley by K. H. 7. mort sans issue. |
BErkshire was anciently in the Saxon times called Berro [...]schire: which name the learned Antiquary Master Camden out of Asserius Menevensis deriveth from Berroc, a certaine Forrest, where grew good store of Box, to which the people used in the time of danger to retire themselves. It lieth conveniently all along the bankes of the river of Thames, which serves them well for the conveyance of their corae, fewell, and other commodities to the City of London: and containeth in it 140. Parishes, of the which 12. are Market townes; the chiefe, Reading, and Abington. But that which gives most lustre to it, is the royall Palace and Castle of Windsore, the principall seate and residence of the most honourable order of the Garter: and indeed the most magnificent mansion of the Kings of England. Camden in his description of this County doth conclude it thus. Thus much of Barksh. which (as yet) hath given the title of Earle to no man. And true it was when he so said it. But since it hath bestowed that title on these:
1620 | 1 | Francis L. Morrys, crea. E. of Berkshire, Jan. 28. mort sans issue masse. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1625 | 2 | Tho. Howard, Visc. Andover, created E. of Berksh. Feb. 7. now living. Anno 1641. |
BRidgewater, but more properly and in the old records Burgh-Walter, that is; Walters Burgh, so called of Walter de Duaco, who came in with the Normans, & had faire lands given him in these parts by the Conquerour; is a town of Somerset-shire. A great and populous town it is, descending by the Chaworths to the Dutchy of Lancaster: and vvas by Hen. 8. the heire of the Lancastrian family, adorned with the tlitle of an Earledome; which hee bestowed on Sir Henry Dawbeney, son of that Giles Dawbeney, who came in with King Hen. 7. from Britaine in France; and was by him made his L. Chamberlaine, and Knight of the Garter. Which Henry dying without issue, this title lying long a sleep, was afterward awakened in another family, ordeined to be a seminary for the Earles of Bridgewater.
A. | Ch. | |
1538 | 1 | Henry L. Diwbeney created Earle of Bridgewater. 30. H. 8. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1617 | 2 | Iohn Egerton Visc. Brackly, created E. of Bridgewater, May 15 L. President of Wales now living, Anno 1641. |
BRistol the third in ranke of the Cities of England, is situate on the rivers of Frome and Avon, not far off from the entrance of the Severne into the Ocean. In that regard it stands commodioussy for trade and trafick, the ships with full sayle comming up into the bosome of the City; and verily the Cityzens there are wealthy Merchants, and trade into the most part of the world with good faith and fortune. Part of it stands in Somersetsh. and part in Glocester shire, though they account themselves of neither: being a County in it selfe incorporate, and independent upon any other than its own Officers. A town exceeding populous, and exceeding cleanly: there being sinks and sewers made under ground, for the conveyance of all filth and nastinesse, which by them passeth into the rivers. The Castle of it once was a place of strength, and in it K. Stephen was kept a prisoner by Maud the Empresse: but now not able to defend it selfe from the ruines of time. Churches it hath in it, and thereto adjoyning, to the number of 18, or thereabouts, whereof the fairest and most memorable, next to the Cathedrall (of which we have already spoken in our description of the Bishoprick, is S. Maries of Radcliffe, without the wals, esteemed to be the fairest Parish Church in England, yet however it hath long been a town of Fame; [Page 243] it is not full an hundred yeares, since it was made a Bishops see: But lesse since it became a title of nobility, viz. not till King James conferred the honour of Earle of Bristol, on
1622 | Iohn L. Digby of Sherborne, cr. E. of Bristol, Sept. 15. Jac. 20. now living 1641. |
Bvckingham is another of the three Counties, which were once the seate of the Catlieuchlani: and is supposed to take that name from Bucken, that is, Beech-trees, with which the Countrey is well stored. It is generally a very rich and plentifull soyle, equally good for corne, and grazing, and lieth al along on the banke of the Thames, confronting Bark-shire. It conteines in it, 185 Parishes, eleven of the which are market townes; and amongst them the chiefe in name is Buckingham, the head town of the County. A town of no great note, when it was at the best; but more considerable heretofore, than at the present; being once fortified with a Castle, now hardly to bee found in the very ruines, as also with a rampire and certaine sconces, built for defence thereof against the Danes, now more invisible [Page 244] than the Castle. The greatest honour it can chalenge, is that it hath given titles of the highest honour, to many a brave and worthy personage, as well of the bloud Royall as of other families: who by the Kings of England have been hence denominated.
1 | Walter Giffard, E. | |
2 | Walter Giffard. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1164 | 3 | Richard Strongbow Earle of Pembroke. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1377 | 4 | Thom. of Woodstock, D. of Glouc. L Constable. * |
1397 | 5 | Humfrey Plantagener, died 1400. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1444 | 6 | Humfrey Stafford, D. L. Constable; descended from a daughter of Thom of Woodstock. * |
1460 | 7 | Henry Stafford D. L. Consta. * |
1468 | 8 | Edvv. Stafford D. L. Consta. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1616 | 9 | George visc. Villiers, or Earle of Buck. 14 Jac. Jan. 5. Marq. Buck. Jac. 17. Jan. 10. and finally D. of Buck. 21. Jac. May, 1613▪ Lord Admirall and Ch. Camb. * |
1628 | 10 | Geo. Villiers, now Duke, 1641. |
BVllingbroke is an antient town in Lincoln-shire, heretofore belonging to the Lacies E. of Lincolne: and by the marriage with Alice daughter and heire of Hen. Lacy E. of Lincolne, to Thomas E. of Lancaster; this with the residue of the lands of Lincolne, became united and incorporated with those of Lancaster. The greatest fame thereof, was for a Castle built there by William of Romara, E. of Lincoln: but much more famous in succeeding times, in that it was the birth place of K. H. 4. surnamed (according to the fashion of that age) of Bullingbroke.) It hath beene almost eversince his time, one of the honours (as we call it) of the crown of England: but never made an honorarie title unto any family, untill K. James conferred it on Sr. Oliver S. Johns who possibly might affect to bee thence denominated, as fetching his descent from the Ladie Margaret Beauchamp, grand-mother to King Henry the 7, the heire of the Lancastrian Family.
1624 | 1 | Oliver L. S. Iohn of Bletho, created E. of Bullingbroke, Jac. 22. Dec. 28. Now living, 1641. |
CAmbridge-shire was once part of the possessions of the old Iceni, and takes that name from Cambridge the chiefe town thereof; and that derived either from the old town called Camboritum, which Antoninus mentions in this tract, or else, as other have conceived, from a bridge built on the river Cam, on whose banks it standeth. A town that hath beene long since dedicated unto learning: here being a publique Schoole erected An. 630 or thereabouts, by Sebert King, of the East Angles, and that ad morem Cantuariorum, as it is in Beda. But Schooles and studies being overthrown by the Danish fury, it lay long forlorne and discontinued, till it beganne to flourish under the calmer times of the Normans government, that is to say, about the middle of the reign of K. H. the first, the 3 K. of the Norman Kings. Nor was it long before, that of a famous Schoole, or Schola illustris, as we phrase it now, it did become as famous an Vniversity: Robert de Remington affirming, that in the reigne of Edward the 1 [Page 247] it was made an Vniversity such as Oxford is, by the Court of Rome. There are now 16 Colleges and Hals endowed, replenished with such store of students, that unlesse it be in her sister Oxford, the like are not found in all Europe. But we must leave this speculation of it as an Academy; and look upon it next as a title of honour: in which consideration we shall find it no lesse fortunate, than we did before, in these Earles of Cambridge.
1 | William do Meschines, son to Randolph E of Chester. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1342 | 2 | Iohn de Hainalt uncle to Qu. Philip, wife of Edw. 3. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1349 | 3 | William Marq of Iuliers. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1362 | 4 | Edm. of Langley D. of York. * |
1401 | 5 | Edw. Plantagenet D. of York. * |
1414 | 6 | Rich. de Co [...]isburgh, 2 son of Ed [...]. of Langley. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1619 | 7 | Iames marq. Hamilton cr. Earle of Cambridge, 17. Jac. Jun. 15. Lord Steward. |
1625 | 8 | Iames Marq. Hamilton, Master of the horse, and now E. of Cambridge, 1641 |
CArlile is the principall City in the County of Cumberland, situate in the furthest part of the Kingdome toward Scotland, on the Westerne marches: fortified with a Citadel and sundry Bulwarks for a defence against the Scots, as standing in a place of most advantage for the securing of that border. It flourished heretofore in the time of the Romans, and was by them called Lugu-vallum, as standing on the Trench, or Vallum Picticum, the Picts wall, as our stories call it; made by the Romans to defend their Province from the Picts and Scots. So that it seemes of old to have been the boundary betweene the nations: though the Northumbers after, in the Saxon times, enlarged their Empire to the banks of Dunbritton Fryth. From whence, or when it first was called Carlile, our Authors say not; but by that [...]me, and in the Latin by Carleo [...], it hath long been known. The Danes consumed it into ashes, and it lay unrepaired in rubbish, til the time of William Rufus, who rebuilt it. Since which by the accession of the Episcopall See, erected there by H. the first, who succeeded Rufus; it came to be of wealth and credit: and hath given the title of an Earldome to two severall Families, which being of a different quality, have in as different times beene Earles of Carlile.
1321 | 1 | Andrew de Harcla. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1622 | 2 | Iames Hay, Visc. Doncaster, created E. of Carlile, 18. Jac. Sept. 17. |
1636 | 3 | Iames Hay now E. of Earlile, 1641. |
CArnarvon is a shire of North-wales, butting upon the Irish seas, and parted from the Isle of Anglesey by a streit, or Fretum. A mountainous and rocky Countrey: but the defects thereof are plentifully supplyed by the Isle adjoyning. It tooke name from Carnarvon, the chiefe town thereof: heretofore very strongly walled, and fortified with a faire Castle. Edward the 2. K. of England was here borne; and hence according to the custome of those times, entituled Edward of CARNARVON. For the occasion of it I refer you to the common Chronicles. The Princes of Wales had in this place their Chancery and Exchequet for all North-Wales: which was no small improvement to it. Earle it had never any till the present Age, in which our Soveraigne Lord now reigning conferred that title on
1628 | 1 | Rob. L. Dormer of Wing, created E. of Carnarvon 4. Car. Aug. 2. now living, Anno 1641. |
CHester is the principall City of Cheshire, antiently part of the Cornavii. The Country not so plentifull in corne, as in fish and cattell; but fruitfull in no one thing more than the production of ancient Gentry; of which it can still shew more antient Families than any one County in the Kingdome. The City built in form of a quadrant, fouresquare, is enclosed with a wall that taketh up more than 2 miles in compasse, and hath 11 Parishes; the houses being very faire, and well built, and having all along in the chief streets before the doors, a kind of gallerie; through which a man may walk dry from one end to the other. Seated it is upon the river of Dee, on which, to shew his splendor and magnificence, K. Edgar was once rowed by 7 petie kings of the Scots and Britans, to the great joy of the beholders. The Earles hereof were anciently accounted Palatines. William the Conquerour giving this Earldome to Hugh Lupus, a noble Norman; to be holden us freely by his sword, as the King himselfe held England by his own. And though it be now, and hath long beene incorporated into the Patrimony regall; yet it still holds the rights and privileges of a County Palatine: and hath for the administration thereof, a Chamberlaine, a Iustice for the Common plees of the Crown, two Barons of the Exchequer, a [Page 251] Sheriffe, an Eschetour and other Officers; to the great ease of all the country in expedition of their businesse. The Palatines hereof, before it came into the Crown, are these here following,
1067 | 1 | Hugh sirnamed Lupus. |
1103 | 2 | Richard son of Hugh. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1120 | 3 | Randolph de Meschines. |
1129 | 4 | Randolph de Gernoniis. |
1153 | 5 | Mugh Kivilioc, son of Randolph. |
1181 | 6 | Randol. Blondeville son of Hugh. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1233 | 7 | Iohn le Scot, sonne to the Lady Maud eldest sister of Randolph. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1245 | 8 | Edw. eldest son of K H. 3. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1255 | 9 | Simon de Montford, Earle of Leicester, after whose death Chester was laid unto the Crowne; and hath beene since united to the Principality of Wales: so that who list to see the residue of the Earles of Chester, shall find them in the former Catalogue of the Princes of Wales, which have beene of the Royall bloud of England. |
CHesterfield is a town of Darbysh, commonly called Chesterfeild in Scardale. A towne, which by the ruines of it doth seem to be of good antiquity; and therefore likely to have had some more ancient name, which seemes to be now buried in those ruines; or by continuance of time, quite worne out and lost. It glorieth much of being made a free Burrough, in the time of K. John; and for the battaile fought hard by between K. Henry the 3, and his rebellious Barons, in which Rob. de Ferrers, Earle of Darby, being taken prisoner, lost his Estate and Dignity, though not his life. But that in which it hath most cause to glory, is that from an ordinary Market Town, it is become the seate of an Earldome; the stile and title of Earle of Chesterfeild, being conferred by our dread Soveraigne now being, upon
1628 | 1 | Philip Lord Stanhop of Shelford, or Earle of Chesterfeild, 4 Car. Aug. 4 and is now living, Anno 1640. |
CLare is an ancient Town on the edge of Suffolk, where it joyneth to Essex, seated not far off from the banks of the river S [...]oure by which the Counties are divided. A Town that hath not any thing whereof to boast (the Castle and the Collegiall Church being both in rubbish) but that it gave both name and title unto that noble Family, sirnamed De Clare; who in their times were Earles of Hartford, Clare and Gloucester. But the male issue of these Clares being failed, Lionel the 3 sonne of K. Edw. the 3. (having married the sole daughter and heire of William de Burgh, E. of Ulster in Ireland, begotten on the body of Elizabeth, one of the sisters and coheires of Gilbert de Clare, who died Anno 1291, the last E. of Clare and Glocester of that name) was made Duke of Clarence; the termination of the title, being only changed, not the place denominating. And from the change thus made (which I note only by the way) the second king of Armes is surnamed Clarentieux; as apperteining formerly to the Dukes of Clarence: whom with the Earles preceding and succeeding, take in order thus;
1139 | 1 | Gilbert E. of Clare. |
1152 | 2 | Roger de Clare. |
1174 | 3 | Richard de Clare, after whose death, this title lay long drowned in that of Gloucester. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1362 | 4 | Lionel, D. of Clarence, 2 son to K. Edw. the 3. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1411 | 5 | Tho. D. of Clarence, 2 son to K. H. the 4. L. Admirall. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1461 | 6 | Gro. D. of Clarence, brother to K. Edw. the 4. L. Constable. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1624 | 7 | Iohn Hollys Lord Houghton, cr. E. of Clare, Com. Suffolk, 22. Jac. Nov. 2. |
1638 | 8 | Iohn Hollys now Earle of Clare, 1641. |
CLeveland, is a w [...]pon-take or hundred in the northriding of York-shire, taking that name as Camden tels us, of the steepe banks which we call Clyffes, which run all along the side thereof, and at the foot of which the Countrey spreadeth into a plaine ful of fertile [Page 255] fields. It seemeth to be a place of a faire extent, as being one of those 3 Arch-deaconries into which the whole County is divided; and doth give the title of an Earle, to
1625 | 1 | Thomas L. Wentworth created E. of Cleveland, 1 C [...]r. Feb. 7. who doth still enjoy it, An. 1641. |
COrnwall is the most western part of England, and takes denomination from the shape and fashion of it, being like an horne; which the old Britans called Kern, as now the Welch call the countrey Kernaw. The people of it are a remainder generally of the antient Britans; whose language, for much of it, they do still retaine: although by intermixture of the Saxons, not easie to be understood by the Welch themselves. The Countrey very mountainous, as Wales is also; and therefore of the lesse accesse to the Conquering Saxons: but the sea-costs well beautified with goodly townes, able to set to Sea, a good Fleet of shippes. And for the mountaines, they doe recompence their defects without, by their abundant wealth within; as being very full of mines of tinne, which yeelds great profit to the Countrey, and furnisheth most parts of Christendome with that commodity. The Earles of Cornwall [Page 256] heretofore gave great immunities and liberties to those that laboured in these mines; and when this Earldome fell again unto the Crown, Edw. the 3 erected a L. Warden of the Stannaries, to have the government thereof. And at that time of its reverting to the Crown, the L. K. Edw. gave it to his son, surnamed the black Prince; since the which time, the eldest sons of the Kings of England, whether it be by birth, or by the death of their Elder brothers, are ipso facto Dukes of Cornwall, without any creation, and are at age to sue their livery, how young soever. Whom with their predecessors we shall marshall thus,
1 | Robert of Morton, E of Cornwal. | |
1087 | 2 | Wil. de Morton. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1140 | 3 | Reginald Fitz-Harry, base son unto K. Hen. the first. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
4 | Iohn second son of K. H. the 2. | |
1227 | 5 | Rich. Plantagenet, 2 son of K. Iohn K. of the Romans. |
1272 | 6 | Edw. Plantagenet, son of Rich. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
7 | Piers Gaveston. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1336 | 8 | Iohn of Eltham, 2 son of Edw. 2. |
1336 | 9 | Edw. the black Prince. |
1357 | 10 | Rich of Burdeaux eldest son of the black Prince. * |
1399 | 11 | Hen. of Monmouth, eldest son of H. the 4. * |
1422 | 12 | H of Windsore, eld. son of H. 5. * |
1453 | 13 | Edw. of West. eld. son of H. 6. * |
1470 | 14 | Edw of West. eld. son of Edw. 4. * |
1483 | 15 | Edw. of West. eld. son of Rich. 3. * |
1487 | 16 | Arthur eld. son of K. H. 7. |
1503 | 17 | Hen. 1 son of K. H. 7. * |
1537 | 18 | Edw. eld. son of K. H 8. |
1602 | 19 | Hen eld. son of K Iames. * |
1612 | 20 | Char 2 son of K. Iames. * |
1630 | 21 | Charles eld. son of our dread Sover [...]i now being, An. 1641. * |
COventry is a faire and goodly City, within the limits of Warw [...]ck shire, but now within the County of Warwick; heretofore called so from the Convent, by which and the translating of the See Episcop all from Lichfeild hither, it grew exceeding rich and wealthy. And though it now hath neither Convent, nor Episcopall See (more than in ruine and in title) it still continues its old wealth; being the best City of mart and trade in all these parts; commodiously built and seated, and more than ordinarily frequented for an Inland Towne. It belonged once [Page 258] unto the Barles of Chester, and afterward by many meane conveyances to John of Eltham Earle of Cornwall; and so this place became annexed unto that Earldome. Nor lost it any thing, but rather gained much by that annexation: Henry the 6. laying unto it certaine of the adjacent Villages: and making it with them a County corporate, cleerely distinct from that of Warwick. It is now one of the honourary titles of the Duke of Buckingham, George Marquesse of Buckingham, being created Duke of Buckingham, and Earle of Coventry, by letters patents bearing date in May, 21 Jac. and for the remnant of his life he, and since him, his son enjoyed both the title of Dukes of Buckingham, and
1623 | 1 | Georges Villiers, Marquesse of Buckingham. |
1628 | 2 | George Villiers, now Duke of Buckingham, and Earle of Coventry, 1641. |
CUmberland is the furthest Country of England, on the Northwest side, antiently part of the Brigantes. It is called Cumbria in the Latine, and Cumbrorum terra, as being inhabited by the true and naturall Britans, (who in their own language are cald K [...]mri) when as the residue of these Northern parts had yeelded to the conquering Saxon. A Countrey, for the situation of it, neither unpleasant nor unprofitable; the Valleis yeelding corne sufficiently, the Mountaines breeding great flocks of sheep, the Meeres replenished with all kind of wild foule, and the adjoyning Sea affording a variety of excellent fish. It conteineth in it not above 58 Parish Churches, but very many Chappels of Ease, as big and large as any Parish. Of these there are 9 Market Townes, whereof the chiefe (next Carlile) for dispatch of busines, is that of Perith, wherein they hold their Sessions and Assises. Late was it ere this County became an Earldome: viz. when as K. H. the 8. bestowed the stile and dignity of Earle of Cumberland, upon Henry Lord Clyfford, whose issue still continue
1525 | 1 | Henry L. Clifford created Earle of Cumber. 17 of K. H. 8. Iun. 18. * |
1542 | 2 | Henry Clifford. |
1569 | 3 | George Clifford. * |
1605 | 4 | Francis Clifford. |
1640 | 5 | Henry Clifford, Now Earle of Cumberland, 1641. |
DAnby is an ancient Castle in the hundred or Wapontake of Cleveland, in the North-riding of York-shire, seated neare to a large Parke, and a goodly chase of the same name. It belonged anciently unto the L. Latimer, and was sold with other lands belonging to that Family unto Ralph Nevill Earle of Westmerland, who forth with gave the same to his son Sir George Nevil, whom K. H. the 6. not long after summoned to the Parliament by the name of Lord Latimer. His issue male failing in Qu Elizabeths time, and the Estate being divided betweene his two daughters and coheires, this Castle with the lands adjoyning fell unto the share of his daughter Mary, who being married to Sir Iohn Danvers o [...] Wilish. was by him mother of S Hen. Danvers, created by K. Iames L. Danvers of Dantesey, and by our Sovereigne now being the first E of Danby.
1629 | 1 | Henry L. Danvers of Dantesey, cr. E. of Danby, Feb. 7. 10 Car. now living, Anno 1641. |
DArbyshire is a part of the Coritani, and tooke that name of Darby, the chief town thereof. A Town conveniently seated on the River of Derwent, beautified with five Parish Churches, a goodly stone Bridg, and a large Market-place: and no lesse famous for Good Ale, than Banbury for Cakes and Che [...]se. Finally, the Town is well traded, and of good resort; and is the usuall place of holding Sessions and Assisses for all the County. The Countrey of the East and South parts well manured and fruitfull; yeelding a very spacious and pleasing prospect, both out of Tutbury Castle, and that of Boulsover. The West part which they call the Peak, is not so pleasing to the eye, though possible as profitable to the purse; being rich in iron, lead, and coales, which it yeelds abundantly; and grazing multitudes of sheep on the Mountaine tops. It containes in it 106 Parish Churches, of the which 8 be Market towns; the chiefe thereof being Darby, as before is said: the Catalogue of whose Earls now followeth.
1199 | 1 | William de Ferrars. |
1247 | 2 | Wil. de Ferrars. |
1254 | 3 | Wil. de Ferrars. |
4 | Robert de Ferrars. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1131 | 5 | Edm. of Lancaster, 2 sonne to King Henry the 3. after which time, this title was continued in the house of Lancastor. |
1338 | 6 | Henry of Lancaster son of Henry Earle of Lancaster, cr. Earle of Darby in his fathers life, 11. Edw. 3. * |
1386 | 7 | Henry of Bullingbroke sonne of Iohn of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, cr. Earle of Darby in his fathers life, 9 Ric. 2. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1485 | 8 | Thomas Lord Stanley, cr. Earle of Darby by King Henry the 7. L. Constable. * |
1503 | 9 | Tho Stanley. |
1521 | 10 | Edward Stanley. * |
1572 | 11 | Henry Stanley. * |
1593 | 12 | Ferdm. Stanley. |
1594 | 13 | William Stanley, Earle of Darby, 1641. * |
DEnbigh-shire is one of the shires of North-wales, heretofore appertaining to the Ordevices. The Countrey very mounteinous, and as barren generally; though by the paines and industry of the husband-man, it be made in some parts very fruitfull. The chiefe towne Denbigh is well seated on the banks of the river Istrad, which from thence runneth into the Cluyd, the fairest river of this countrey. A town well peopled and inhabited, especially since it became the head of the county; which was not till the 27 of Hen. the 8. what time the five new shires were added to the rest in Wales, of which this was one. But before that it was the head town of the Barony of Denbigh, being conceived to be one of the goodliest territories in all Englind, as having more Gentlemen holding thereof in see, and by service, than any other. Lords it hath had good store, and of severall Families; but none of them a Parliamentary Peere (in reference hereunto) till these later times. Of late it hath given title both of Lord and Earle to two severall Families; viz. to these
1564 | 1 | Rob. Dudley, created B. of Denbigh, & E. of Leicester, Eliz. 6. Sept. 29. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1622 | 2 | William Visc. Feilding, created Earle of Denbigh, 20. Iac. Sept. 14 Master of the Wardrobe, and novv living, 1641. |
DEvonshire is the most Western Countrey of all England, excepting Cornwall, together with the which it made up the possession of the old Danmonii. It is called Devi [...]an by the Cornish Britans, that is, the country of Lovv-valleies, because the people dvvel for the most part beneath in vales. From thence the Saxons had their Devenshire; and the Latines borrow their Devonia A countrey harborous on either side with commodious Havens, enriched with inexhaustable mines of tinne, beautified with fresh and pleasant meadows, shaded again in other parts with greater store of woods, and very well replenished with Towns and Villages; whereof it reckoneth in the whole 394 Parishes, and therein 37 Market townes of good note and trade. The countrey of it selfe not so fit for corne, but that the toyle and travaile of the ploughman supplies that defect, and addes unto it both by cost and industry what it wants by Nature. Earles it hath had of severall Families; of which the Rivers and the Courtneys held the title long: [Page 265] as now the Cavendishes may doe, who have possession of it in the third generation. But how long any of them held it, and who they were that interloped, wee shall best see, by looking over the particular Names and Families of the
1 | Ric. de Rivers or Riparis. | |
1106 | 2 | Baldwin de Rivers. |
1154 | 3 | Ric. de Rivers. |
11 [...] | 4 | Baldvv. de Rivers. |
5 | Rich. de Rivers. | |
6 | Wil. de Rivers. | |
1216 | 7 | Baldvv. de Rivers. |
1245 | 8 | Baldvv. de Rivers. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
9 | Wil. de Fortibus, husband of Isabel, sister of the last Baldvv. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1335 | 10 | Hugh Courtney, next heire of Isabel de Fortibus. |
1340 | 11 | Hugh Courtney. |
1378 | 12 | Edw. Courtney. |
1418 | 13 | Hugh Courtney. |
1421 | 14 | Tho. Courtney. |
1461 | 15 | Hen. Courtney. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1469 | 16 | Humfrey L. Stafford of Southwick, made E. of Devon. by K. Edw. the 4. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1469 | 17. | Iohn Courtney, slaine at Tewksbury. |
1487 | 18 | Edw. Courtney. |
1509 | 19 | Wil. Courtney. |
1525 | 20 | Henry Courtney, Marquesse of Exeter. |
1553 | 21 | Edw. Courtney, died 1556. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1603 | 22 | Charles Blount Lord Montjoy, created E. of Devon, by K. Iames. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1618 | 23 | Wil. Lord Cavendish of Hardwick created E, of Devonshire, 16 lac. Aug. 20. |
24 | Wil. Cavendish. | |
25 | Wil. Cavendish, now E. of Devonshire, 1641. |
THe County of Dorset, abbutteth upon that of Devonshire, having the Sea upon the South, and Somersetshire upon the North. It was inhabited hertofore by the Durotriges, and was all the land they did inhabit. The aire good, and of an healthfull constitution; the soyle fat and rich in many places, and where in that it is defective; it yelds good store of woods and pasture. The Country generally very pleasant, in her situation, as being no lesse beholding to the inner-land Rivers, than the bordering Ocean; the one yeelding merchandise from far, the other the commodity of conveyance to most parts thereof; and both of them good store of fish. It conteines in it 248 Parishes, and in them 18 Market-Townes, the chiefe of which in name is Dorcester, as that which doth denominate the whole Country, and tooke that name it selfe from the Durotriges, whom before I spake of; unlesse you rather think that it comes from Durnium, which Ptolomy placeth in this tract. A Towne not famous for much els, than that it hath long been, and doth still continue the honorary title of these Noble personages, which have beene severally
1 | Osmund de Sees, E. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1397 | 2 | Iohn Beaufort, Marquesse, Lord Admirall. |
3 | Thomas Beaufort, Earle Duke of Exeter, Lord Chancellor and L. Adm. | |
1444 | 4 | Edmund Beaufort Earle and Marquesse. |
1454 | 5 | Hen. Beaufort, Marq. |
1462 | 6 | Edm. Beaufort, Marq. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1474 | 7 | Tho. Grey, Marq. |
1494 | 8 | Tho. Grey; Marq. |
1530 | 9 | Hen. Grey, Marq. D. of Suff. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1603 | 10 | Tho. Sickvill L. Buckhurst, created E. of Dotset. 10. Iac. March 13 L. Tres. and Chanc. of Oxf. |
1608 | 11 | Rob. Sackvill |
1609 | 12 | Rich. Sackvill. |
1625 | 13 | Edw. Sackvill, now E. and Lord Chamberlain unto the Queen 1641. |
DOver, is a well knowne and famous Town, both for the Haven and the Castle, for the security and renown of which and the convenient situation of it over against France, it hath long beene accounted one of the Cinque Ports. Seated it is in the very South-East point of Kent, from whence a man may easily discerne the coast of France as being but 24 miles distant. The Town stands in the bottom between the clyffes, very warme and safe; the Castle mounted up aloft, both to command and to defend it. A place indeed of such impregnable strength and so great importance; that Philip King of France, when Lewys his son being called in hither by the factious Barons against their Soveraigne L. King Iohn, had gotten many Townes and Forts, but yet could not get the mastery of this peece, despised all, saying, verily my son hath not one foot of land in England, if he be not master of Dover Castle. It now gives title of an Earle to
1627 | 1 | Henry Cary, Visc. Rochfort, created E. of Dover 3 Car. Mart. 8, and is now living, 1641. |
ESsex was anciently perteining to the East. Saxons, and made a chiefe part of their Kingdome; hence it took the name. Before it did belong to the Trinobantes. A Countrey large in compasse, fruitfull of corne and other sorts of graine, plentifull in saffron, wel wooded and wel watred also; & that not only by the Sea, and the River of Thams, which washeth all one side thereof, but with faire, and fresh, and fishful Rivers, which do afford no small commodity unto it. The greatest want it hath is of sweet fresh aire; those paris thereof which lye along upon the Thames, (which they call the hundreds) being very aguish and unhealthy. This County conteineth in it 415 Parish Churches, whereof 21 are Market Townes, of which Colchester is farre the richest, fairest and best traded. Yet in regard it standeth in the extremity of all the Countrey, the Sessions and Assisses are held most commonly at Chelmesford, which is almost in the middle of it. But it is time to leave the Countrey, and come unto
1 | Geofrey de Mandeville. | |
2 | Geofrey de Mand. | |
1166 | 3 | Wil. de Mand. |
1199 | 4 | Geof. Fitz-Piers, L. Ch. Iustice. |
1213 | 5 | Geof. de Mand. |
1216 | 6 | Wil. de Mand. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1228 | 7 | Humfrey de Bohun, E of Hereford who married Maud, sister and heire of Wil. de Mand. |
1234 | 8 | Humf. de Bohun, L. Con. |
9 | Humf. de Bohun, L. C. | |
1298 | 10 | Humf. de Bohun, L. C. |
1322 | 11 | Iohn de Bohun, L. C. |
1336 | 12 | Humf. de Bohun. * |
1361 | 13 | Humf. de Boh. L. C. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1461 | 14 | H Visc. Bourchier, L. Ch. & L. T. * |
1483 | 15 | Hen. Visc. Bourchier, * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1539 | 16 | Tho. L. Cromwell. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1543 | 17 | W. L. Parre, Marq. of Northamp. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1572 | 18 | Walt. d'Evreux, L. Ferrars, descended by the Bourchiers from the Bohuns. * |
1576 | 19 | Rob. d'Evreux, master of the horse B. Marsh. and Ch. of Cam. * |
1604 | 20 | Rob. d'Evreux, now E. of Essex, 1641. |
EXeter is now the chiefe City of Devonshire as heretofore of the Danmonii, by Ptolomy called Isca, and so by Antonine, but that the Copies are mistaken, in which, instead of Isca Danmoniorum, we read Isca Dunmoriorum. A faire and goodly Town it is, seated upon the Easterne banke of the river Ex, from whence it had the name of Excester. In circuit it coutrines within the wals about a mile and a halfe, besides the suburbs which every way stretch out to a great length; and in that circuit there are numbred 15 Parish Churches, besides the Cathedrall. The whole environed with deep ditches, and very strong wals having many towrs therein very well disposed, and yet the animosity of the inhabitants is a greater strength unto it, than the wals or ditches; where of they have given notable proofe, in these later times. But for that I refer you to the common Chronicles; and now present you with the
1389 | 1 | Iohn Holland, E of Huntingdon, made D. of Exeter by K. Rich. 2. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1416 | 2 | Tho. Beaufort, E of Dorset, L Ch. and Adm. made D. of Exeter by K. H. the 5. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1444 | 3 | Iohn Holland, D. L. Adm. * |
1474 | 4 | Hen. Holland, D. L. Adm. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1525 | 5 | Hen. Courtney, E. of Devonsh. cr. Marq. of Exeter by K. H. the 8. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1605 | 6 | Tho Cecill L. Burleigh, cr. E. of Exeter, 3 Iac May 4. * |
1623 | 7 | Wil Cecill, 1639. * |
1640 | 8 | David Cecill, now E. of Exeter, 1641. |
FLintshire, is one of the old shires of North-wales, and though augmented somewhat by K. H. the 8. what time the March-ground was appropriated unto severall shires (for which see 37. H. c. 26▪) Yet it is still the lest of all, as not containing above 28 Parishes, and of them only one market Town. The Countrey not so mounteinous as the rest of Wales; exceedingly well furnished both with corne for men, and grasse for cattell; of which it hath good store for number, though for bulke but litle. It tooke denomination from the Castle of Flint, begun by H. 2, but finished by K. Edw 1, for a goodfence against the Welch. This Country hath been always held to bee an appendant on that of Chester, and doth ad gladium Cestriae pertinere, as the old books say: but both united now unto the principality of Wales. Edward of Windsore eldest son of K. Edw. 2 was summoned by his father to the Parliament by the name of E. of Chester, and Flint; since which it hath continued as a title in the Princes of Wales; and there you shall be sure to find who were Earles of Flint.
GLocester-shire, antiently was part of the possessions of the Dobuni. A fruitful and a pleasant Countrey, being honoured with a full course of the river of Severne, and the originall or fountaine of the River of Thames. That part thereof which is beyond the Severne is overspread with woods; all which included in one name, make the Forrest of Deane. That part that butteth upon Oxsordshire, is swelled up with hils, called the Cotswold hils; but these even covered, as it were with sheep, which yeelds a wooll of notable finenesle, hardly inferiour to the best of England. Between those two is seated a most fruitfull Vale, fruitfull to admiration, of all kindes of graine, and heretofore of Vines and Vineyards; the want of which is now supplied by a drink made of Apples, called Syder, which here they make in great abundance. In this so fruitfull Vale stands the City of Glocester, denominating all the Countrey; and taking name from the old Gle [...]um, herein placed by Antonine; for Gleaucester the Saxons stiled it. A fine and neate city I assure you tis, daintily seated on the Severne; with a large Keye or wharfe on the bankes thereof, very commodious to the Merchandise and trade of the place. [Page 276] The streets are generally faire, and the town well built. And which addes no small lustre to it, Richard the 3▪ once Duke hereof, by laying unto it two of the adjacent hundreds made it a County of it selfe; calling it the County of the City of Glocester. A City finally it is, as worthy to denominate so rich a Countrey, as is the Countrey to give title to those eminent persons, that in their severall times and ages, have been the
1100 | 1 | Rob. base son of K. H. 1. E. |
1147 | 2 | William. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1189 | 3 | Iohn sans Terre, son to K. H. the 2 who married Isabel, daughter and coheire of Wil. E. of Gloce. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
4 | Geof. de Mandeville E. of Essex, 2. husband of Isabel. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1216 | 5 | Abmeric de Evreux, sen of Mabell, another coheire of E. Wil. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
6 | Gilbert the Clare, son of Amice another of the Coheires. | |
1230 | 7 | Rich. de Clare. |
1262 | 8 | Gilb. de Clare, who married Ioane of Acres, daughter to K. Edw. 1. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1297 | 9 | Ralph. de Monte Hermer, 2 husband [Page 277] of Ioane of Acres. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1314 | 10 | Gilb. de Clare, son of Gilb. and Ioane. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1337 | 11 | Hugh L. Audley, married Isabell sister and coheire of Gilb. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1347 | 12 | Tho. of Woodstock, D. of Gloc. & L. Constable. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1398 | 13 | Tho. L. Spencer, grand son of Eleanor coheire of Gilb E. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1414 | 14 | Humf. son to K. H. 4. D * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1461 | 15 | Rich. Plantagenet brother to K. Edw. 4 L. Adm. and Const. D. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1640 | 16 | Henry 3 son of our dread Soveraigne L. K. Charles: declared by his Royall Father D. of Gloces. and so now entituled, An. 1641 but not yet created. |
HArtford-shire is another of those Countries, which formerly were inhabited by the Cattreuchlani. A Country, as it is described by Camden, rich in corne fields, pastures, meadowes, woods, groves, and cleere riverets▪ and which for [...] ancient Townes may compare with any of its neighbours; there being no one shire in England, that can shew more places of antiquity, in so small a compasse. It conteines in it but 120 Parishes, and of them 18 are market Townes. The Shire-towne, which doth also give denomination unto all the Country is Hertford, s [...]ted on the banke of the river Lea, by Beda called Herudford, which some interpret the Redford, and others some the Ford of herts. A Towne not much frequented, nor greatly inhabited, as overtopped by Ware, which enjoyeth the throughfare; and by S. Albans, which enjoyeth the trade of all the Countrey. The greatest commendation of it is in the antiquity; and that it hath been longest a title of honour, of any other in this Country: the Family of the Clares and Seymours having been long enobled with the stile of
1139 | 1 | Gilbert de Clare. |
1152 | 2 | Rog. de Clare. |
1174 | 3 | Rich. de Clare. |
4 | Gilb. de Clare. | |
1230 | 5 | Rich. de Clare. |
1262 | 6 | Gilb de Clare. |
1314 | 7 | Gilb. de Clare. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1537 | 8 | Edw. Seymour, Visc. Beauchamp, created Earle of Hartford, by King Henry the 8, after D. of Somerset, died 1551. * |
1558 | 9 | Edw. Seymour. |
1621 | 10 | Wil. Seymour, now E. of Hertford 1641. |
HEreford-shire, was in times past inhabited by the Silures. A Countrey, which besides that it is right pleasant, is for yeelding of corne, and feeding of cattell, in all places most fruitfull, and therewith passing well furnished with all things necessary for mans life; insomuch that it would scorne to come hehind any one County in England, the people using it for a byword, that for three W. W. W. that is, Wheat, Wooll, and Water, it yeeldeth to no shire in all the Kingdome. The name it taketh from Hertford, the chief Town thereof, which rose out of the ruines of old Ariconium, here placed by Antonine; the tract and foot-steps of which name, it doth still retaine. The Town is seated very pleasantly upon the banks of the River Wye, in the middle of most flourishing Meadowes, and no lesse plentifull corne fields: and for defence thereof, had once a strong and stately Castle, which now time hath ruined. The Normans became masters of the place, assoone almost as they had made their entrance into England, and unto them the Castle oweth its original; and 2 yeares after the said Conquest, it was made an Earldom, and hath since given the title of
1068 | 1 | Wil Fitz-Osborn. E. of Heref. |
1072 | 2 | Rog. de Breteville. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1141 | 3 | Miles de Glocest. L. Con. |
4 | Rog. L. Co. | |
1154 | 5 | Walter L. Co. |
6 | Henry L. C. | |
7 | Makel, L. C. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1199 | 8 | Henry de Bohun, grand-child of Marg. daughter of B. Miles, L. C. |
1220 | 9 | Humf. de Bohun, L. C. |
1275 | 10 | Hum. de Bohun, L. C. |
1298 | 11 | Hum. de Bohun, L. C. |
1322 | 12 | Iohn de Bohun, L. C. |
1336 | 13 | Hum. de Bohun, L. C. |
1361 | 14 | Hum. de Bohun. L. C. died 1372. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1397 | 15 | Hen. of Bullingbrooke, D. of Hereford, married Mary daug. and coheire of E. Hum. after the extinction of his line, the Staffords did sometimes use the stile of Hereford. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1547 | 16 | Walt. d'Evreux, Visc. descended by the Bourchiers from the Boh. * |
1558 | 17 | Walt. d'Evreux, Visc. E. of Essex. * |
1576 | 18 | Rob. d'Evreux, Visc. E of Essex. * |
1604 | 19 | Rob. d'Evreux, now Visc. Heref. and E. of Essex, 1641. |
HOldernesse is the name of a large Promontory or head-land, in the East-riding of York-shire, lying on the South-east of the river of Hull: Ptolomy seems to call it Ocellum, a certaine Monk Cavam Deiram, or the Hollow Country of the Denians; expressing in those words the new name of Holdernesse. William the Conquerour gave this territory to Stephen the son of Ode of Champaigue Lord of Aumerle, in Normandy; whose issue did continue Lords hereof, whiles any issue of that house continued. But that line being extinct in Aveline, first wife of Edmund Earle of Lancaster, the Earldome of Aubermarle, and the honour of Holdernesse were seised into the Kings hands, for default of heires. It hath lien dormant since, till these later days; in which K James bestowed this title, on
1620 | x | Iohn Ramsey, Visc. Hadington in Scotland, cr. E. of Holdernesse and Bar. of Kingston upon Thames, 18 Jac. Dec. 30. Mort sans issue. |
HOlland is one of the 3 parts of Lincolnsh. situate on the South-West corner of it, in the fennes and marishes. The ground surrounded much with waters, heretofore yeelded very small store of graine, but great plenty of grasse, and plentifully furnished both with fish and fowle. But now upon the dreyning of this fenny Country, they begin to plough it, and sowe the same so ploughed with rape-seed, which yeelds a very great increase, and is become a rich commodity. The Town of most antiquity is Crowland, heretofore famous for the Abby, valued at the supression at 1217 l. 5 [...]. 11 d. per Annum. That of most trade and note is Boston; a fine Town indeed, and very famous for the lanterne, which is a very excellent sea-mark, and a land-mark too. And this with all, is to be noted of this Country, that howsoever one can hardly find a stone in it (such is the softnesse of the soyle) yet you shall no where finde more beautyfull Churches, all built of square and polished stone. It now giveth title of an E. to
1624 | 1 | Hen. Rich. L. K [...]sington, cr. E. of Holland, 22 Jac. Apr. 3, now living and Chan. of Cam. 1641. |
HUntingdon-shire was heretofore inhabited by the Iceni. A Country generally good for corne and tillage; and towards the East, where it adjoyneth on the fennes, as rich in pasturage: elsewhere it is as pleasant, though not so profitable, by reason of the rising hils, and fine shady groves. It hath been heretofore well beset with Woods, and was indeed a Forest till the time of King Henry the second, in the beginning of whose reigne, disforested. In this regard, the Forest yeelding speciall opportunity, and delight for Hunters, the chiefe Town of it had the name of Hunter downe, we now call it Huntingodn, with very little variation. The Towne commodiously seated upon the northern bank of the River Quse, rising unto the North on the ascent of an hill: adorned with foure Parish Churches, and had a little Abbey once, founded by Maud the Emper. and Eustace Loveloft: the ruines of the which, and of a farre more ancient Castle, built by King Edward the older, Anno 917; are yet to be seene. This County conteineth in it five other market Townes, besides the shire-Towne, and 79 Parishes in the whole: and did become an Earldome presently on the Norman Conquest, as it hath ever since continued in these
1068 | 1 | Waltheof. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1075 | 2 | Simon de Senlys, married Maud the daughter of Waltheof. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
3 | David Pr. of Scotland, 2 husband of Maud. | |
1138 | 4 | Henry sonne of David King of Scors. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
5 | Simon de S. Lyz. | |
✚ ✚ | ||
1152 | 6 | Malcolm King of Scots, sonne of Hen. |
7 | Wil. after K. of Scots. | |
1174 | 8 | Simon de S. Lys, E. |
1190 | 9 | David 3 son of Henry. |
1219 | 10 | Iohn le Scot son of David. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1337 | 11 | Wil. de Clinton. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1377 | 12 | Guiscard d'Angolesme. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1388 | 13 | Iohn Holland, L. high Chamb. 1400. |
1416 | 14 | Iohn Holland, D. of Exct. * |
1447 | 15 | Hen. Hol. D. of Exon. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1474 | 16 | Tho. Grey, Marq. Dorset. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1479 | 17 | Wil. Herb. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1529 | 18 | George Lord Hastings, created Earle of Huntingdon by King H. the 8. * |
1544 | 19 | Fr. Hastings. * |
1560 | 20 | Hen. Hastings. |
1595 | 21 | Geo. Hastings. |
22 | Henry Hastings, now Earle, 1639. |
KEndall, is the name of a Town in Westmorland, called also Candale, and Kirk by Candals, as being seated in a dale neere the river Can. The Town built in the manner of a Crosse, two long and broad streets crossing one another; a Town of great resort & trade, especially for woollen cloaths, which they make there in great abundance, and thence vent through all parts of England. This Town hath been an ancient Barony, descending from the Talboyses, to the Breoses or Bruces; by them unto the Rosses of Wark, some of whose line attained the title of L. Rosse of Kendal, so to distinguish them from the Lord Roos of Hamlake; and so at last unto the Parres, to one of which it gave the title of Baron of Kendall, as it hath done before of E. to others, of more note and eminency; which are these that follow,
1 | Iohn D. of Bedford, 3 son unto K. H. 4, Regent of France, and E. of Kendall. * | |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
2 | Iohn D. of Somerset, E. of Kend. * | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1446 | 3 | Iohn de Foir, cr. E. of Kend. by K. H. 6, since which, those of that Family do write themselves Earles of Longueville and Kendall. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1539 | 4 | William Parre▪ Knight, created Lord Parre of Kendall, 30 Henry the 8. March 9 (created after Earle of Ex. by King Henry the 8. and Marquesle of Northampton▪ by King Edward the 6 the rights and interests of which house are now devolved unto the Herberts, Earles of Pembroke, descending from the Lady Anne, sister and heire of the said Lord Parre. |
KEnt, in Latine Contium; so called as being seated in the Canton or corner of the kingdome, is a very rich and pleasant Countrey, lying between the Thames and the narrow Seas. A Countrey very good for corne, and fit for pasturage, according to the severall plots and parts thereof; and wondrous full [Page 289] of fruitfull and well-ordered Orchards, from whence the City of London is supplied with most sort of fruit. The Villages and Towns stand exceeding thick, being in all 398 Parishes; besides lesser Hamlets, which make up the two Diocesses of Canterbury and Rochester. It hath also divers safe Roades, and sure Harbours for ships; and those exceeding well defended with Forts and Castles. Caesar, when he arrived in Kent, found here 4 kings, (for so they cal'd the Chiefes of the principall Families) and gives this testimony of the people, that they were the most courteous, and civill of all the Britan [...]. In the declining of whose Empire, Vortiger gave this Countrey unto the Saxons, who being Heathens, when the rest of the Isle were Christians, gave an occasion to the Proverb of Kent and Christendome. At that time it was made a Kingdome; as in the entrance of the Normans it was made an Earldom, and so it hath continued in the persons of these
1067 | 1 | Odo B of Baieux, halfe brother to the Conq. L. Ch. Iust. & L. Tr. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1141 | 2 | Wil. of Ypres. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1227 | 3 | Hub. de Burgh, L. Ch Iust. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1321 | 4 | Edm. of Wood stock, son to K. E. 1. |
1330 | 5 | Edm. Plantag. |
1333 | 6 | Iohn Plantag. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
7 | Tho Hol. married the La. Ioane, of Kent, daugh. of Edm. of Wood. * | |
1360 | 8 | Tho. Holland. * |
1397 | 9 | Tho. Hol. D. of Surrey. * |
1400 | 10 | Edm. Hol. L. Adm. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1461 | 11 | Wil. Nevill L. Falconbridge. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1464 | 12 | Edm. Grey, L Ruthyn. L. Tr. cr. E. of Kent by K. Edw. 4. |
13 | Geo. Grey. | |
1506 | 14 | Rich. Grey died 1523. |
1571 | 15 | Reginald Grey. |
1572 | 16 | Henry. Grey. |
1613 | 17 | Charles Grey. |
18 | Hen. Grey. | |
1639 | 19 | Anthony Grey, Clerk, Parson of Burbage in the County of Leicester, grand-child of Anthony, 3 son of George Grey E. of Kent, novv living, anno 1641. |
Kingston, is the name of a well known and eminent Tovvn in the East Riding of York-shire, which standing on the mouth of the river Hull, where it doth fall into the Humber, is better known amongst us by the name of Hull. A town indeed of no antiquity, being first built by Edward the 1, who liking the situation of the place, compounded for it with the Abbot of Meaux, (to whom it formerly belonged) and there built the town, and caused it to be called Kingston. It rose up in a little time to great reputation; so that for faire and sumptuous buildings, strong Slockhouses, well furnished ships, & wealth of trade, it is become the most remarkable town for merchandise in these parts of Eng. Michael de la Pole, the first E. of Suffolk of that Family, being son of Wil. de la Pole, a rich merchant here, obtained great priviledges for the place, which his successors as they grew in favour, did increase and multiply: and in the dayes of H. 6. Wil. E. Marq. and Dof Suffolk, procured it to bee made a County incorporate, as our Lawyers phrase it. Of late dayes of a County it became the Earldome, of
1628 | 1 | Rob. Pierrepont, Visc. Newark, cr. E of Kingston upon Hull, 4. Car-July 25, who is now living, Anno 1641. |
LAncashire, or the County Palatine of Lancaster, was heretofore a part of the Brigants; and lieth upon the Irish sea, to the North of Ch [...]shire. The ground accounted not so fertile as in other places, fitter for oates and such leane corne, than wheate or barley. And yet it is observed with all, that in those parts thereof, in which the husband-man is not wanting to it, in cost and labour, that there it yeldeth corne in a very good measure. The ayre thereof may seem to be very healthfull; and one would easily conjecture so by the complexion of the people, which are faire and beautifull. And yet the Country is not much inhabited, as in the neighbouring shires about them: there being in so large a quantity of ground, as this shire containes, not above 36▪ Parishes, though indeed many Chappels of Ease, equall to Parishes elsewhere for multitudes of people. [...]o takes name from the Town of Lancaster, or more truly Loncaster, seated upon the banks of the river Lonc, whence it had the name; the Saxons adding Ceaster (as in other places) for the termination. The Town not very well peopled, nor much frequented; and yet of that authority / and credit, that it gives name to all the County, and hath obteined this priviledge from K. Edw. the 3, that the Sessions and Assises should be held in no other [Page 293] place. What Lords and Governours it had in the former times, we regard not here. The first time it became an Earldome, was when K H. 3, conferred that title on his 2 son Edm. and it was destinate to greatnesse in the first foundation; there being layed unto it at the very first, besides this County, the whole confiscated estates of the Earles of Leicester and Darby, and the Barony of Monmouth. And into this by marriages accrewed in time, the great estates of Wil. de Fortibus, E. of Aumerle and Lord of Holdernesse, Beausort, and other goodly lands in France; the Earldome of Lincoln, and good part of that of Salisbury, the Lorships of Ogmore and Kidwelly in Wales, which were once the Chaworths. John of Ga [...]nt added hereunto the Castles and Honours of Hertford, and Thickbill, and his son Bulling broke a moyetie of the lands of Bohun. being E. of He [...]eford, Essex, and Northampton: so that it was the greatest patrimony (as I verily thinke) of any subject Prince in Christendome. Lancaster finally was made a County Palatine by K. Edward the 3, and hath been honoured with these
1267 | 1 | Edm. Plantagenet, 2 son of K Hen. the 3, E. of Lanc. |
1295 | 2 | Tho. Plantagenet. |
1324 | 3 | Hen. Planta. |
1345 | 4 | Hen. Planta. first D of L. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1361 | 5 | Iohn of Gaunt son of K Edw. the 3 married the La. Blanch daughter of H. D. of Lanch. |
1399 | 6 | Hen. of Bullingbroke, son of Iohn of Gaunt, after K. of Eng. by whom this County Palatine, and all the lands and honors belonging and incorporate into the Dutchy of Lancaster, were brought unto the Crown of Eng. though governed as an Estate apart, then by its proper Officers, as it continued til the time of K. Edw. the 4, who did appropriate it to the Crown, and dissolved the former government thereof, to which it was restored again by K. [...] ▪ 7, and so still remaineth under the guidance of the Chancellor, and other Officers of the same. |
LEicester-shire is a part of the Coritani, and tooke that name from Leicester the chiefe town thereof; a town indifferent large, and of a reasonable handsom building, and as wel traded as most inland towns that want (as this) the benefit of a navigable river. It had once a very faire Collegiate Church within it, & a faire Abbey close unto it, and a strong Castle therewithall; but all these the iniquity and injury of time hath ruined. Only the Hospitall, of all the antient edifices; stands still undefaced. As for the Countrey hence denominated, it beares corne good plenty, but is bare of woods; the want of which is well supplyed with it-coale, with which the North part of the Country doth store al the rest. It cō cineth in the whole 200 Parishes, and of them 12 are market Towns; the biggest, as in bulke being Leicester, so in title too; as that which hath beene honored even before the Conquest, with the stile and reputation of an Earldome; and hath continued it till now in the names and families of these
1057 | 1 | Algartthe Saxon. |
2 | Edwyn died 1071. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1103 | 3 | Rob. de Bellomont. |
1118 | 4 | Rob. de Bellomont. |
1167 | 5 | Rob. de Beaumont L. Stew. |
1190 | 6 | Rob. de Beaum. L. high Stew. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
7 | Simon de Montf. married Amicia, sister and coheire to the last E. Ro. E. of Lei. and L. high Stew. | |
1239 | 8 | Simon de Mont. L. high Stew. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1267 | 9 | Edm. E. of Lanc. L. high Stew. |
1295 | 10 | Tho. E. of Lanc. L. high Stew. |
1324 | 11 | Hen. D. of Lanc. L. high Stew. |
1345 | 12 | Hen. D. of Lanc. L. high Stew. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1360 | 13 | Wil of Bavaria, E. of Heinalt married the La. Maud of Lanc. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1361 | 14 | Io. of Gaunt, D. of Lan. L. Stew. |
1399 | 15 | Hen. D. of Lanc. L. high Stew. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1564 | 16 | Rob. Dudley, L. Denbigh, L. S. and of the house to Q. E. died, 1588. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1618 | 17 | Rob Sidney, Vise. Lisle, descended of a sister of the last Rob. E. of Leicest. was by K. James cr. E. of Leic. Aug. 2. |
18 | Robert Sidney now Earle of Leices. Ambassadour extraordinary with the K of France, Anno 1641. |
LIncoln-shire antiently belonged to the Coretani. A very large and spacious Countrey, extending almost 60 miles in length, and some 30 in breadth; within which compasse are included 630 Parish Churches, and of them 30 market Towns. It is accounted very kindly ground for the yeeld of corn, and feeding of cartell, and furnished in the lower part thereof with good store of fowle, which from hence are convcied to London in great abundance. It takes name from the principall City, by Ptolomy and Antonine, called Lindum; and after by the Saxons Lind [...]colline, either because it stands on so high an hill (from the Latine Collis) or that it had been formerly some Roman Colony. A Town of great renown and strength in the times of the Britans, and in the Normans time (as saith William of Malmesbury) it was one of the best peopled Cities of England; a place of merchandise and traffick for al c [...]mmers, both by sea and land; insomuch that Remigius then Bishop of Dorcester, thought fitting to translate hither his Episcopall see. From this opinion it then had, first began the Proverb, that Lincoln was, London is, &c. The Bishops of Lincoln what and how they [Page 298] were, we have seen already. We will now look a while on the
1140 | 1 | Wil de Romara, E of Lincoln. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
2 | Gilb. de Gaunt. | |
1216 | 3 | Gilb. de Gaunt. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1218 | 4 | Randal de Meschines, E. of Che▪ whose grand-father, halfe brother unto Wil. de Romara, by the mothers fide. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1232 | 5 | Iohn Lacy descended by his mother from E. Randall. |
1251 | 6 | Henry de Lacy, whose daughter Alice was married unto Tho. E. of Lancaster, and settled all her lands upon that Family. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1354 | 7 | Hen. D. of Lanc. * |
1361 | 8 | Iohn of Gaunt D. of Lanc. * |
1399 | 9 | Hen. of Bullingbroke D. of Lane. after K. of Eng. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1467 | 10 | Iohn de la Pole, son and heire of Iohn D. of Suffolke. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1525 | 11 | Henry Brandon son and heire of Charles D. of Suffolk. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1572 | 12 | Edward Fenys, Lord Clinton, Lord Admirall, created Earle of Lincolne, by Queen Elizabeth. |
1585 | 13 | Hen. Fenys. |
1616 | 14 | Tho. Fenys. |
1618 | 15 | Theophilus Fenys. now Earle of Lincoln, 1641. |
LIndsey is one of the 3 parts of Lincolnshire, (the other 2 being Holland, which we spake of lately, and Kesteven, not yet become an honourary title, as the others are. It conteineth all the Northerne parts thereof, from the river Witham unto Humben, and from the Ocean to the Trent. Happy above the rest, not in bignesse only; but that in this part stands the City of Lincoln, the chiefe denominator of the County, which being the antienly called Lindum (as before I said) gave to this part the name of Lindsey, for by that name of Lindsey, it is now the Earldome of
1626 | 1 | Robert Bertu, Lord Willoughby of Eresby, and Lord great Chamberlaine of England, created E. of Lindsey, 2 Car. Novemb. 29, now living, 1641, |
MAnchester is a good Town of Lancashire, situate on the hithermost part thereof, where it joyneth to the County of Darby. A Town of very great antiquity, known to the Emperour Antonine, by the name of Mancunium; part of which name it still retaines. And still it carrieth a good accompt, and far excels the Townslying round about it, both for the beautifull shew it carrieth, and the resort unto it of the neighboring people, and which allures them thither, the great trade of Cloathing, Manchester Cartans being famous in all drapers shops. It is remarkable also in those parts for the large Market place, for a faire Church, and for the Colledge: which last being founded first be the Lord De la Ware, was afterwards refounded or confirmed by Qu. Eliz. consisting of a Warden and certaine fellows, which notwithstanding, it is yet more famous, in being made the honorary title of
1625 | 1 | Henry Montague, Visc. Mandevi cr. E. of Manch. 1 Car. Feb. 7, being then L. President of the Councel, now L. Privy Seale, Anno. 1641. |
MArch is a name of different nature, from the rest before, as being neither Towne nor County. Vnder that name of March or of Marches rather, our Ancestors did comprehend those batable grounds between Wales and Eng. for governance whereof, and the repressing of the insolencies of either side, there were certaine Lords and Potent men, whose lands lay nearest to these parts, which were called Lords Mar [...]ers, who had great power and jurisdiction in their severall quarters. Amongst these were the Mortimers of Wigmore, men of great authority, who after were advanced above the rest, and made Earles of March. And it continued in that Family, untill it fell by marriage to the house of York; and so by Edw the 4, to the Crown of Eng. Nor was it long before the authority of the Lords Marchers was extinguished quite, by the uniting of Wales to En. & either making new shires of the said March ground; (such [...] are Monmouth, Brecknoch, Radnor, Denhigh and Montgomery) or laying it unto the old, for which consult the Act of Parliament 27. H. 8. cap. 26. However the title of E. of March is revived again 3 only translated from the house of Mortimer, to that of Stewart; out of which houses have been successively, these.
1327 | 1 | Rog. L. Mortimer of Wigmore. * |
1354 | 2 | Roger Morti. |
1359 | 3 | Edm. Morti. |
1381 | 4 | Rog. Morti. |
1399 | 5 | Edm. Morti. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
6 | Edw. Plantagenet, son of Rich. D. of York, and after K. of Eng. of that name the 4. | |
7 | Edw. eldest son of K. Edvv. 4. * | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1619 | 8 | Esme Steward L. Aubigny; created E. of March 17 Jac. Jun. 7. after D. of Lennox. * |
1624 | 9 | Iames D. of Lennox and Earle of March, Anno 1641. * |
MArleburgh is a Town in the North east part of Wilt-shire, seated not, far off from the head of the river Kenet: which runneth thence to Hungerford, and Newbury, and so by Reading into the Thames. The Towne called antiently Cunetio in Antonine's Itinerarium, as the river was: but by the Normans, in whose time this Town revived (out of the ruines of the old) it was called Marleburgh, as being seated in a chaulky foyle, which in some places still we call by the name of Marle. A Town stretched out from East to West, upon the pendant of an hill, and had a Castle once belonging unto John, sirnamed Sans tarre, who afterwards was K. of England, which is still, famous in our Law books, for a Parliament there held, 52. H. 3, in which were made the statutes (from hence called) of Marleburgh, right necessary for the peace and tranquility of the people, as is affirmed in the preamble unto the same. Our Soveraigne at his Coronation made it yet more notable, in making it the honour, as it was the neighbour of
1625 | 1 | Iames L. Ley, L. Tr. cr. E. of Marleburgh, 1 Car. Feb 7. |
1628 | 2 | Henry Ley. |
3 | Iames Ley, now E. of Marleburgh, Anno 1641. |
THe title of E. Marshall is different from the rest of England, all of the which (the title of Earle Rivers excepted only) are locall, or denominated from some place; this only personall: the residue being only honorary, this honorary and officiary, both together. Antiently they that had this office were only Marshals of the Kings house, according as the same is now discharged by the Knights Marshall. But in succeeding times it grew to be a place of great power, and honour; as it still continueth. At first they had the title of L. Marshall only. Rich. the 2 was the first, who by letters Parents advanced them to the dignity of Earles Marshals, and with all gave them power to beare a staffe of gold, enammeled black at both ends, with the Kings Armes on the upper end, and their own Armes on the lower; whereas before that time, the Marshals; had no other than a wooden staffe, as other the Great Officers have at Court. Before this time, they were L. Marshals only, as before I said. For howsoever the title of E. Marshall and Comes Marescallus, doth many times occurre in our antient histories. Yet I conceive that it was only giventhem then by the courtesie or curiality of England, because the Office in those dayes was vested in the person of none but Earles; as by the like mistake [Page 306] or courtefie, we find the title of Comes Seneschallus, and Comes Constabularius▪ [...] some old Records. The manour of Hamsted Marshall in the County of Berkshire, was held of old by Grand Sergianty of the Kings of England; conditioned that the Grantees should for ever be the K. Marshals, according as the Offices of Steward, Constable, and Lord High Chamberlaine, in those times were granted. What the authority and jurisdiction is of this great Officer, we regard not here, it being our undertaking only to lay down the names of those (as many at lest as I have met with in my reading) which in their severall times have borne the title of
1135 | 1 | Gilbert de Clare, L. Marshal, created E of Pembrok by K. Stephen. Anno 1139. |
1149 | 2 | Richard de Clare, si [...]med Strongbovv, E. of Pemb. and L. Marsh. died Anno 1176. |
1176 | 3 | Iohn, sirnamed Marshall, from this Office, which was conferred on him by K. H. 2. upon the death of Rich. E. of Pemb. |
4 | William Marshall, L. Marshall, the grand-child of the former Iohn, who having married Isabel daug. and heire of Ric. Strongbow, was cr. E. of Pemb. by K. Jo. An. 1201 | |
1219 | 5 | William Marshall, the younger, E. of Pemb. |
1231 | 6 | Rich. Marsh. E. of Pemb. |
1234 | 7 | Gilb Marsh. E. of Pemb. |
1242 | 8 | Wal Marsh. E. of Pemb. |
1245 | 9 | Anselm. Marsh. E. of Pemb. |
1245 | 10 | Roger Bigot, E. of Norfolk, L. Marshall, in right of Maud his mother, one of the sisters and heires of the 5 last Marshals. |
1269 | 11 | Roger Bigot Earle of Norfolke, whose estate being confiscated to the Crown, came after his decease to the K. hands. |
1307 | 12 | Robert de Clyfford, made Lord Marshall by K. Edw. 2, durante beneplaci [...]o. |
13 | Nicolas de Seagrave. | |
0315 | 14 | Thomas de Brotherton Earle of Norfolk, was in the 9. of Edw. 2. made L. Marsh. |
1388 | 15 | Margaret, daughter and heire of Thom. de Brotherton, is often honored with the title of La. Marsh. and was afterwards cr. Dutch. of Norf. |
16 | Wil. de Montacute. | |
17 | Tho. Beauchamp. | |
18 | Edmund Mortimer, did severally and successively discharge the Office of L. Marsh. but whether as Deputies for the La. Marga. nondum planè constat. | |
1377 | 19 | Henry Lord Percy, L. Marsh. at the coronation of K. Rich. 2. Earles Marshall. |
1383 | 20 | Tho. L. Mowbray, E. of Notingh. nephew unto the Lady Marg. by her daughter Eliz. was made the first E. Marsh. by K. Rich. 2, and was after D. of Norfolk. |
1398 | 21 | Tho Holland, E. of Kent and D. of Surrey, was made E. Marsh, upon the banishment of the D. of Norfolk. |
1399 | 22 | Tho. L. M [...] wb. E. of Noting. did on his fathers death (at Venice) assume the title of E. Marsh. but the office was exercised by |
23 | Ralp. Nevill E. of Westmerland, made L. M of En. by K. H. 4. for terme of life, in the beginning of his reigne. | |
1412 | 24 | Iohn L. Mowb. brother of Tho. E. M. was by K. H. 5. restored unto the title of E. of Notingham, and E. M. and by K. H. 6. to that of Norfolk. |
1432 | 25 | Iohn L. Mowb. D. of Norf. E. Mar. |
26 | Iohn L. Mo. D. of Nor. & E. M. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1476 | 27 | Ric. D. of York, 2 son of K. Edw. 4, was by his Father cr. D. of N. and E. Marsh. and after married Anne daughter and heire of the last Mow. D of Norfolk. |
1483 | 28 | Iohn L. How. descended from the L. Tho. Mow first D. of Norf. cr. D. of Norf. and E. Marsh. by K. Rich 3. |
1486 | 29 | Wil. L Berkley, E of Notingham descended from another daughter of the said first D. of Norfolk c [...] E. Marsh by K. H. 7. and Marq. Barkeley. |
1497 | 30 | Hen. D. of York, the 2 son of K. Hen 7. cr E. M. by his Father, & was after K. of Eng. |
1509 | 31 | Tho. How. Earle of Surrey, son of Ioh. L. How. D. of Norfolk, was by K H. 8. cr. first E. M and afterwards restored to the Duk. of Norfolk. |
1546 | 32 | Tho. How. D. of Norfolk, and E. Marsh. attainted An. 1546. |
1547 | 33 | Edw. Seymour, D. of Somerset, and L. Protector of K Edw. the 6, was in the said Kings time cr. E. Marshall. |
1553 | 34 | Tho. D. of Norfolk and E. Marsh. restored unto his bloud and honours, by Q. Mary. |
1554 | 35 | Thomas Howard D. of Nor. and E. Marsh. beheaded, 1571. |
1572 | 36 | Geo Talbot, E of Shrewsbury & E. M. died anno 1590. |
1597 | 37 | Rob. d'Evrcux E. of Essex, and E. Mar. died anno 1601. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1603 | 37 | Edw. Somerset, E. of Worcester executed the office of Earl Marshall at the Coronation of K James, after which time the Office was a long time executed by Commission. |
1621 | 38 | Thomas Howard, Earle of Arundell and Surrey, (grand son of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, by his son Philip Earle of Arundell) was by King James created Earle Marshall, as hee still continueth, Anno 1641. |
MIddlesex is a part of the Trinobantes, lying upon the banks of the river Thames. A County not so large as others, but far more remarkable, for sumptuous houses, wel-built villages, a fertile soyle, and temperate aire; and which addeth most unto it, for the great Cities of London and Westminster, which are seated in it, and for the constant residence of the Court, the Receptacle and aboade of the Kings of Eng. who have made this County happy above others with their Royall mansions. Whitehall, and Hampton Court, Somerset house and S. James, still in the possession of the Crown; Enfeild, and Hanworth, aliened now, have either been the chiefe aboades, or retiring places of our Kings and Princes. In which regard, the Kings of E [...]g. antiently (as Camdex notes it) vouchsafed the title of Middlesex unto none, neither D. Marq. E. nor B. although, I know not by what popular error, the Citizens of London reckoned the L. Major elect, for E. of Middlesex. Which whatsoever ground it had, hath none now to stand on, that title being not long since bestowed on
1622 | 1 | Lionel L. Cranfeild. L. Tr. of Eng. cr. E. of Middlesex, 20. Jac. Sep. 17. & now alive, Anno 1641. |
Monmouth-shire is the neerest shire of Wales, though it desires rather to be accounted a part of England, and is indeed included in the circuit of the English Iudges. It lieth upon the North of the river Sevorn, there where it groweth into a Sea, the East parts full of grasse and woods, the West somewhat hilly, and stony withall; yet not unprofitable to the husbandman, if he be not wanting to himselfe. It takes name from the chiefe Town Monmouth, and that from being seated on the mouth of the River M [...], there where it shoores into the Wye. It was the Barony once of Iohn L. of Monmouth, on whose attaindure it was setled in the house of Lancasier; from whom it after did receive great priviledges and immunities, which they still enjoy. Henry the f [...]r, son unto King Henry the fourth (the first of the Lancastrian Family) was in this place borne, (which stiewes that noble Family so highly prized it, to make it their dwelling) and was from hence called Henry of Monmouth. That one particular enough, to renown the place, and therefore we shall adde no more. It is belonging still to the home of Lancaster, as to the possession, being dependent on the Dutchy; and not much aliened from it as unto the title: the Caries, which derive [Page 313] themselves from Lancaster, by the line of Somerset, being now honoured with the title of
1625 | 1 | Robert Lord Cary of Leppington, created E. of Monmouth, a Car. Feb. 7. |
1639 | 2 | Robert Cary now Earle of Monmouth, now living, Anno 1641, |
MOntacute is the name of a very antient & illustrious Family, so called from Montacute, a sharp hill in the South parts of Somerset-shire, between Evill and Martok. The place called Biscopeston by the Saxons, but by the E. of Moriton brother by the mothers side to William the Conquerour (who built a Castle on the top of it) it was called Montacute▪ It afterwards gave name to that noble Family (as before I said) who being Lords hereof came after to be Earles of Salisbury, and since in other Families (but descending from them) hath been the honorary stile and appellation of these
1461 | 1 | Iohn Nevill, grandchild of Thom, Montacute, E. of Salis cr. L. Mon. 1 Edw. 44. and after Marq. Monta. Anno 1470. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1504 | 2 | Hen. Pole, great granchild. of Rich, Nevill, the elder brother of the said Iohn L. Mont. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1553 | 3 | Antho. Brown descen. from the La. Lucy, daugh. of Ioh. Mar. Mont. cr. Visc. Mont. 1 Mar. Sept. 2. |
1592 | 4 | Anth. Brown Visc. Monta. |
5 | Anth. Brow. now living, An. 1641. |
MOntgomery-shire is one of the new shires of Wales, taken out of the March-grounds by K. H. S. Anno 27; of his reigne, so called from the Town and Castle of Montgomery, & that from Roger. de Montgomery a noble Norman, Earle of Shrewsbury, who winning much land herabouts from the Welch, first built it to secure his Conqu. It standeth not far from the banks of the river Severne, upon the rising of a rock; from whence it hath overyfree prospect into a pleasant plaine that lyeth beneath it. The Family of the Herberts is very much diffused, and of great authority in this Country, out of which Family
1605 | Philip Herbert 2 son of Hen. Earle of Pembrok, was cr. E. of Montgomery 3 Jac. May. 4, and is now also E. of Pembrok and L. Cham. An. 1641. |
MOulgrave is an antient Castle in the north riding of York-shire, situate neare unto the sea, and not far from Whitbay. First built it was by Peter de Manley, (or de malo lacu, in the Latine) in the time of Rich. 1, and being in his eye, a very beautifull pile, was by him called Moult-Grace, but being a greivous yoke to the neighbour inhabitants, was by them called Moult-grave, by which name, and no other, now the world takes notice of it. It continued in his line for seven generations, and all of them called Peters too: and then the issue male failing, it passed through severall Families by the heires generall, and now belongeth to the Sheffeilds; out of which house:
1625 | 1 | Edm. L. Sheffeild L. President of the North, was cr. E. of Moulgrave, 1 Car. Feb. 7, and is still alive, Anno 1641. |
NEw-Castle is the hithermost town of all Northumberland, and the chiefe of the North, seated upon the further banke of the river Tine, which is there so deep, and well fenced withall, that it giveth a very safe station to the tallest ships. It standeth on the declining of a very steep hill, adorned with 4 Churches, fortified with strong wals, & beautified with goodly buildings. A town of very great resort,) especially by reason of the trade of Sea cole, which is conveyed hence to all parts of the Kingdome, and many other parts of Christendome. It rose out of the ruines of old Gabrosenlum: and had this new name from a Castle built by Robert son of Wil. the Conq. And thriving by the benefit and entercourse of trade, became at length of such reputation, that by K. H. 6. it was made a County incorporate, as we use to say; and finally thought worthy to give the honour of an E to
1623 | 1 | Ludowick D. of Lennox and E. of Richmond, cr. E. of Newcastle, 2 Joc. in May. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1627 | 2 | Wil. Cavendish, Visc. Mansfield, cr. E. of Newcastle, 3 Car Mar. 7. Now Gover. and Gent. of the Bedchamber of the Prince his high. A. 1641. |
NEwport is the chiefe Town of the Isle of Wight, called in times past Medena, afterwards No [...]us burgus de Meden, and by us now, Newport. A Town well seated and much frequented, and withall populous in it selfe; which most ariseth from the benefit of a little haven capable of vessels of the smaller burden, which come up to the very key. For government within, it hath a Major and Burgesses, being made a Corporation by K. James, and for a further lustre to it, in the world abroad, it pleased our Soveraigne L. K. Charles, to create
1628 | Montjoy Blount, Lord Montjoy, E. of Newport, 3 Car. Aug. 3, who is now Master of the Ordnance, and of the Counsell for warre, Anno 1641. |
NOrfolk is the greatest County of Eng. next to Yorksh. but far more populous than that; [Page 319] as comprehending in the whole 660 Parish Churches, of which 27 are market towns. It antiently was a part of the Iceni, and next the Northern part of the Kingdome of the East-Angles, from whence it had the name of Northfolk, as hath the Southern people of it, the name of Southfolk. The soyle according to the variety of places is of different nature; in some fat, rank, and full of moysture; in others very light and sandy: yet so that one contributing unto the other, and the sea giving help to both, it is a very plentifull country for corne, sheep and fish. The people norably industrious both for plough and manufactures; in somuch that one shall hardly see a begger throughout all the Countrey: And yet (which makes the merveile much the greater) they are notable wranglers, well versed and studied in the quirks of Law, and consequently create more work for the Assises, than almost all the circuit else. But then it is observed withall, that this disposition hath brought some reputation with it, as furnishing the Courts of Iustice with many an eminent man in the laws of Eng: and yeelding generally the best breed of Lawyers. It is observed, by a great antiquary of this Kingd. that in this County are 100 Families of antient Gentry, which never were attainted of high treason, which if it be true, the Gentry of Norfolk have had better fortune than the
1070 | 1 | Ralph. de Ware, E. of Norf. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1137 | 2 | Hugh Bigot. |
1177 | 3 | Rog. Bigot. |
4 | Hugh Bigot. | |
1125 | 5 | Rog. Bigot. |
1270 | 6 | Rog. Bigot. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1312 | 7 | Tho. de Brotherton, first son of K. Edw. 1, E. of Norf. |
1398 | 8 | Marga. daugh. of Tho. of Brotherton, Duch. of Norf. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1398 | 9 | Tho. L. Mowbray son of the Lad. Marg. D. of Norf. * |
1427 | 10 | Iohn Mowb. * |
1434 | 11 | Iohn Mowbray. * |
1461 | 12 | Iohn Mowbray. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1475 | 13 | Rich. D. of York, & Norf. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1483 | 14 | Iohn L. How. descended from the Lad. Margaret daugh of Tho. 1. D. of Norf. died 1486. * |
1512 | 15 | Tho. How. L. Tr. and Adm. * |
1524 | 16 | Tho. How. L. Tr. * |
1554 | 17 | Tho. How. last D. of Norf. died 1572. |
THe County of Northampton, is situate almost in the very middle and heart of Eng. A Champion Countrey for the most part, exceeding populous, and so replenished with Townes and Churches, (being in all 326, whereof 10 are markets) that in some places there are 20 or 30 steeples to be seen at once. The soyle exceeding fertile both for tillage and pasture, maintaining numerous flocks of sheep, and herds of cartell; but somewhat destitute of woods. It takes name from Northampton, the chiefe towne thereof, seated upon the river Nen; which antiently called A [...]fona, but corruptly Antona, bestowed this name upon the town, being indeed built on the Northern bank. A town which for the beauty and circuit of it, may be well ranked with many Cities of the Kingdome: and heretofore so safe and sure by reason of the strong wals, (from whence there is a goodly prospect into all the County) & a strong Castle, no [...] demolished; that once the students of Cambridge had a purpose to remove their Vniversity unto it. This strength however made it obnoxious to some disadvantage, as being a place much aimed at in our Civill wars, and many a battaile fought about it, Yet never were the times so turbulent, or the place so dangerous, but that there were some persons of superior ranke, who did afsect [Page 322] the name, and enjoy the title of
1 | Walt. E. of Huntingdon. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
2 | Simon de Senlis married Maud daugh. of Waltheof. | |
1153 | 3 | Simon de Senlis. |
4 | Sim de Senlis. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1337 | 5 | Wil. de Bohun. * |
1360 | 6 | Humf. de Boh. who being after E. of Hereford, added this title to that house, from whom it came unto the Staff. D. of Buck. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1547 | 7 | Wil. L. Parre, Marq. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1693 | 8 | Hen. How. brother of Tho. last D. of Norf. L. Pr. Scale. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1618 | 9 | Wil. L. Compton, cr. E. of Northa. 16 Jac. Aug. 2. L. Pres. of Wa. * |
1630 | 10 | Spencer Compton, now E. 1641. |
Northumberland is a more contracted namenow, than in former times. Heretofore it included all the Countries on the North of Humber, possessed of old by the Brigantes, and the Ottadini, now only the extreame and most northerne part, betwixt the rivers of Tine and Twede, all which the Ottadini once inhabited. The aire exceeding sharp and piercing, as being often visited with boystrous winds, hard frosts, and tedious snows; to remedy which it yeelds abundance of sea-coale for fuell, and at very cheap rates. The soyle in generall neither fertile for corn or pasturage, as being for the most part exceeding rough and very hard to be manured, only in some parts towards the sea, by the late industry of the ploughman, and benefit of sea-weed, wherewith they do improve their ground, it is become indifferent fruitfull. The Countrey meanly populous, and but ill inhabited; partly by reason of the barrenness: of the Country, as before is said, and partly for the bad neighbourhood of the Scots, as commonly it is in March-lands▪ or frontier countreyes. In this regard, it had almost as many Castles for defence of themselves, as is Parish Churches for the service of God, there being 26 of the one, and but 46 of the other; but then withall the Parishes were and are exceeding large, and have many Chappels of case perteining to thē, which inconvenience of the soyle & seas may possibly [Page 324] have beene the reason why the possession of it held not long in any Family (although the title and possession of it had been given to many) untill the Percyes: who not without some interruption too, have continued long. By reason of which intermixture of severall Families; it hath given to those Families the severall titles of
1065 | 1 | Morcar. E. of Northumb. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1071 | 2 | Gospatrick. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1072 | 3 | Waltheof. E. of Huntingd. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1076 | 4 | Walcher Bish of Durham. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1086 | 5 | Rob. de Mowb. devested 1095. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
6 | Hen Pr. of Scotl. | |
7 | William K of Scots. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
8 | Hugh Pudsey B. of Durham. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1377 | 9 | Hen. Per. L. Const. |
1414 | 10 | Hen, Percy. |
1455 | 11 | Hen. Percy. |
1461 | 12 | Hen. Percy. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1465 | 13 | Iohn Nevill, L. Monta. cr. E. of Northumb. by K. Edw. 4, who after 6 yeares resigned it to the said Hen. Percy. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1489 | 14 | Hen. Percy. |
15 | Hen. Percy died 1537. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1551 | 16 | Iohn Dudley E. of Warwick, and L. Adm. D. of Northumb. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1557 | 17 | Tho. Percy, E. of Northumb. * |
1574 | 18 | Hen. Percy. |
1585 | 19 | Hen. Percy. * |
1633 | 20 | Algernon Percy, now E. of Nort. and L. Adm. 1641. * |
NOrwich is the chiefe City of Norfolk, and took that name as did the County, from the Northern situation of it. It standeth upon the river of Yare, which runs thence to Yarmouth, lying out in length a mile and an half; not above halfe so much in breadth, and in that space conteineth about 30 Parishes; well walled about with many a turret, and 12 gates for entrance. A City which for faire buildings, and resort of people, the painefull industry of the common sort, the great humanity of the richer, and the firme loyalty of all, in seditious times, may justly be accounted the 3 of England. Amongst the buildings those of speciall note (next unto their Churches) are the 2 Palaces of the D. of Norfolk, and earles of Surrey. And for the wealth and opulence, which it now enjoyeth, it standeth much indebted to the Netherlanders, who flying from the D. of Alva, and the Inquisition, brought with them the making of baies and sayes and other manufactures; whereby the poore are set on work, and the rich grow pursie. A place that hath been honored long with a see Episcopall, but never made a title of Civill honour, till
1626 | Edw. L. Denny of Walthan was cr. E. of Norwich, 2 Car. Aug. 24. Mort sans issue masle. |
Nottinghamsh, antiently was a part of the Coritani, well watred with the river of Trent, and many other pleasant streames. The people generally divide it into the sand, and the clay; that being the E. part, taking up the forrest of Sherwood, famous for Rob. Ho [...]d, and his companions, this being the South, and Eastern part, more fruitfull, and more fit for corne; and throughout well furnished both with wood and coale. It conteineth in it 168▪ Parishes, of which the chiefe, and that from whence the shire takes name is Nottingham. A Town well seated on the Trent, though very high upon an hill which overlookes it: for buildings, and faire streets, and a spatious market place, not giving way to many Cities. But that which gave the greatest ornament unto it, was indeed the Castle, a Royall and magnificent building, which for strength, statelinesse, and command of prospect, may justly challenge the precedency of the best in Eng. Of Martimets hole there, who was hence haled to his executiō, and of the long imprisonment which David K. of Scots here suffred, the people areas good as a common Chronicle, and intermixe too, not a few Fables with the truth of story. But that which we have good record for, without fraud or fiction, is that it hath afforded in successive Ages, these
1 | Wil. Peverell, L. of the honour of Nottingham. | |
2 | Wil. Peverell, L. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1141 | 3 | Rob. de Ferrers, married Margar. daughter of Wil. Peverell. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
4 | Iohn, after K. of Eng. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1377 | 5 | Iohn L. Mowbray. |
1382 | 6 | Tho. Mow. E. Mar. after D. of Nor. |
1400 | 7 | Tho. Mow. E. M. and D. N. |
1405 | 8 | Iohn Mow. E. M. and D. N. * |
1432 | 9 | Iohn Mow. E. M. and D. N. * |
1461 | 10 | Iohn Mow. E. M. and D. N. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1475 | 11 | Rich. D. of York, 2 son of K. Edw. 4 married the La. Anno, sole child of Iohn D of Norf. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1483 | 12 | Wil. L. Berkley descended from the L. Isab. daugh. of Tho. 1. D. of Nor. & E. of Nott. |
1597 | 13 | Charles L. How. of Essing & L. Adm. descended▪ by the home of Not from the Mow. |
14 | Charles How. now E. of Nottin. Anno 1641. |
OXford-shire is a part of the Dobuni, situated North-ward of the Thames, which parteth it all along from Berk shire. A plentifull and fruitfull Countrey, wherein the plaines are garnished with cornefields and meadows, the hils well covered with woods and the downes with sheep, and wanting in no kind of pleasure, which either hawke or hound can afford a Gentleman. It conteines in it, being no great circuit, 270 Parish Churches, and 10 market townes, the chiefe of which in name and beauty, giving denomination to the County, is the famous City and Vniversity of Oxford. A faire and goodly City, both for site and building; whether one look on the magnificence of the publique structures, or the compacted uniformity of private houses. And sure it may be said without immodesty and heard without dislike or envy, that for the statelinesse of the Schooles and publique Library; the bravery and beauty of particular Colledges, all built of faire and polished stone; the liberall endowments of those houses, and notable incouragements of industry and learning in the salary of the Professors in most Arts and Sciences; it is not to be parallelled in the Christian world: and for the number of her studens, and the well ordering of those Students by good laws and ordinances, [Page 330] not to be equalled by any but her sister Cambridge. From whencè it had the name of Oxford, is adhuc sub judice: whether of Vad [...] Isidos, the ford of Ouse or Isis, on whose banks it stands, and so called Ousford; or Vada boum, the ford of Oxen (as the Greeks had their B [...] sphori in former times) I determine not. Suffice it that this name is very antient, and that it antiently hath beene an Vniversity or seat of learning; in which respect, it hath co-evity with that of Paris, if not priority above it, as being refounded by K. Alfred, Anno 806, after it had been overborne a while by the Danish fury. Colledges it conteineth in all 18. Hals for students 6, and about 13 Parish Churches. It is moreover a see Episcopall, and it hath withall received no small honour from the noble Family of the Veres, who now for 20 generations have been
1067 | 1 | Edgar Atheling: |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
2 | Aubrey de Vere, L. high Chamb. | |
1146 | 3 | Aubrey de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1214 | 4 | Rob. de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1233 | 5 | Hugh de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1263 | 6 | Rob. de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1295 | 7 | Rob de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1331 | 8 | Iohn de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1358 | 9 | Tho. de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1310 | 10 | Rob. de Vere, D. of Ireland. |
1393 | 11 | Aubrey de Vere. |
1400 | 12 | Rich de Vere. * |
1415 | 13 | Iohn de Vere. |
1462 | 14 | Iohn de Vere, L. high Ch. * |
1512 | 15 | Iohn de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1526 | 16 | Iohn de Vere. * |
1539 | 17 | Iohn de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1562 | 18 | Edw. de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1604 | 19 | Hen. de Vere, L. high Ch. |
1624 | 20 | Rob. de Vere. |
1632 | 21 | Aubrey de Vere, now Earle of Oxon, 1641. |
PEmbrok-shire was inhabited of old by the Dimetae, a Countrey quite surrounded by the Sea, save where it joyneth unto Cardigan and Carmarthen shires. A Countrey plentiful in corne and Cattell, not destitute of pit coale; and which is far above the rest (as Giraldus tels us) considering that it is to neare to Ireland, of a temperate and wholesome Aire. It conteines in it 140 Parish Churches, and 5 Markets; that which is most of note being Milford, renowned for its safe and capacious haven. But that from which it takes denomination, is the town of Pembrok, seated upon a forked arme of Milford haven, and in the best part of all the Countrey. A town consisting principally of one long street on a long narrow point of rock; and hath within the wals thereof, two Churches. The Earles here of in former times were County Palatines, and passed al things that concerned that County under the seale of the Earldom. And it continued so untill the reigne of H. 8. when as Wales was reduced to England, and the authority of the great Lords there, dissolved by Parliament. Since which the Earles of Pembrok have been meerely titular, as of other places, and of each sort were these in their severall Ages, the
1139 | 1 | Gilb. de Calre. |
1149 | 2 | Ric. de Clare, sirnamed Strongbow. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1199 | 3 | Wil. Mar. married Isabel, daughter and heire of Rich. Strongbow. |
1219 | 4 | Wil. Marsh. and L. chiefe Iustice. |
1231 | 5 | Rich. Marsh. |
1234 | 6 | Gilb. Marsh. |
1242 | 7 | Walt. Marsh. |
1245 | 8 | Anselm Marsh. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1247 | 9 | William de Valence halfe brother to King Henry the 3 whose wife was daughter of a sister of Ans. Marshall. |
1296 | 10 | Aymer de Valence. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1341 | 11 | Lawrence Hastings, who married the Lady Isabell de Valence. * |
1348 | 12 | Iohn Hastings. * |
1373 | 13 | Iohn Hastings. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1414 | 14 | Humf. D. of Glocester. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1447 | 15 | Wil. de la Pole; D. of Suff. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1452 | 16 | Iasp. of Hatfeild half brother to K. H. 6, after D. of Bedf. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1468 | 17 | Wil. Herbert. * |
1469 | 18 | Wil. Herbert. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1479 | 19 | Edvv. Prince of Wales, son of K. Edw. 4. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1532 | 20 | Anne Bolen, Marchionesse. of Pemb. wife of K. H. 8. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1551 | 21 | Wil. Herb. L. Steward, crea. E. of Pemb. by K. Edw. 6. * |
1570 | 22 | Hen. Herbert. * |
1601 | 23 | Wil. Herb. L. Steward and Chan. of Oxon. * |
163 [...] | 24 | Philip Herb. now E. of Pembrok and Montgom. and L. Chamberlaine, 1641. * |
OF Peterburgh, as it is an Episcopall see, we have spoke already and have not much to adde of it, as it hath the title of an Earldom. It standeth in the very nooke or angle of Northampton-shire; where formerly had been a gulfe or whirle poole of exceeding depth: but made firme ground by Wolpher K. of the Mercians, when with great paines and diligence, he laid the foundation of the Church. A Town, but for the Church, of no great nore, as standing out of the way for trade and traffick, and seated in no plausible place; whether one look to health or pleasure. Yet by occasion of the Abbey in the former times, and now by reason of the Bishop there; it drawes resort of people for dispatch of businesse, hath a large marketplace, a faire Parish Church, and a handsome streets. Of late unto the Ecclesiasticall relation of it is joyned an honourary, it pleasing he Kings Majesty that now is, to create [...] ▪
1627 | Iohn L. Mordant, E. of Peterburgh, 3 Car. March. 9. who now enjoyes that title, Anno 1641. |
POrtland, was once a little Island, but now adjoyneth to the mainland of Dorset-shire, lieth full against the good town of Weymouth, and seemes to take this name from Port, a noble Saxon, who about the yeare 703 infested and annoyed these Coasts, and made here his station. It is not above 7 miles in compasse; and very scatteringly inhabited; but plentifull enough of corne, and good for pastures. On the East side it hath a Church on the North a Castle, which seems to guard the entrance of Weymouth haven. But however it was in former times, it is now remarkable, it gave and gives the stile of Earle,
1632 | 1 | Richard Lord Weston, L. high T [...] created Earle of Portland, Feb. 15. 8 Car. |
1635 | 2 | Hier. Weston now E. of Portland, Anno 1641. |
RIchmond-shire is no County of it selfe, but a part of York-shire lying towards the North-west, with rugged rocks and swelling mountaines, whose sides in some places be are good grasse, the bottomes underneath not being unfruitfull; and in the hils themselves are found good mines of lead and pit-coale. The chiefe Town of the whole is Richmond, of a small circuit in the wals, but by reason of the Suburbs lying out in length, very well peopled and frequented. A Town first built by Alane E. of Bretagne, the first E. here, after the entrance of the Normans, who fenced it with a wall and a most strong Castle, the better to assure these parts against the English, and having finished, the same according to his own content, gave it the name of Richmount, as a place equally participating of strength and beauty. It standeth on the banks of the river of Swale, which with a mighty noise runneth underneath it: A River reputed very sacred by antient English, for that in it, Paulius the first Archb. of Yorke baptized in one day above 10010 men, besides women and children. The Earles of Bretagne for a long time together continued in the title and possession of this Countrey: Since it hath been bestowed upon other Families, who in their severall times have been adorned with the stile of
1 | Alan the Red, E. of Bretagne. | |
1093 | 2 | Alan the black, E. of Breta. |
3 | Steph. E. of Bret. | |
1104 | 4 | Alan E. of Bret. |
1166 | 5 | Conan D. of Bret. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1170 | 6 | Geof. Plantag. son of K. H. 2, married Const. daught. of Conan. |
1186 | 7 | Arthur, the son of Geof. |
✚ ✚ | ||
1201 | 8 | Guido, Visc. of Touars, 2 husband of Constance. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
9 | Randolph of Chester, 2 husband of Constance. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
10 | Peter of Dreux, D. of Bret. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1241 | 11 | Pet. of Savoy unckle to Qu. Eleon. wife of H. 3. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1268 | 12 | Iohn de Dreux, D. of Bret. |
1305 | 13 | Iohn de Dreux, D. of Bret. |
14 | Iohn de Bret. E. of Richm. | |
1334 | 15 | Iohn de Dreux, D. of Bret. |
16 | Iohn de Montf. D. of Richm. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1341 | 17 | Iohn of Gaunt, after D. of Lanc. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
18 | Iohn de Montf. sirnamed the valiant, [Page 339] D. of Bret. and E. of Rich. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
19 | Ralph Nevill, E. of Westm. cr. E. of Rich. for term of life. * | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1425 | 20 | Iohn D. of Bedford. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1452 | 21 | Edm. of Haddam, halfe brother to K. H 6. |
22 | Hen. E. of Rich. after K. of Eng. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1525 | 23 | Hen. Fitz-Roy base son of H 8. D. of Rich. and Somerset, L. Adm. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1613 | 24 | Lodow. D. of Lennox, crea. E. of Richm. 11 Jac. Oct. 9. and after D. of Rich. 1623, May, L. Stew. |
THe title of Earle Rivers is of different nature from all the rest of England, those being locall (that of E. Marsh, excepted) and this nominall: those taking their denomination from some speciall place, and this from an illustrious Family. The antient name was Redvers, or de Ripariis; thence it came to Rivers. At first they were but Barons of Plimpton in the County of Devon; after they came to bee Earles of Devonsh. which title 8 of them enjoyed successively, and then the masculine issue failing, the name and patrimony both were lost amongst the female or heires generall. From some of these, as [...] conjecture, came S. Rich. Woddeville, whom first K. H. 6. advanced unto the honourable title of L. Rivers, and after Edw. 4. marrying his daughter, advanced him higher, and made him E. Rivers. Which title ending in the 3 E. of this name and Family, was since again revived in the honourable houses of Darcy and Savage, this last deriving a descent hereto by the line of Worcester, & Huntington, from one of the daught. and coheires of the first E. Rivers, whom and his successors take in order, thus
1466 | 1 | Rich. Woodville, L. Tr. and L. Con. father of Qu. Eliz. wife of Edw. 4* |
1469 | 2 | Ant. Wood. * |
1483 | 3 | Rich. Wood. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1626 | 4 | Tho. L. Darcy Visc. Colch. cr. E. Rivers. 2 Car. Nov. 4. |
1639 | 5 | Iohn Savage, son of Tho. Visc. Sav. and Eliz. his wife, eldest daught. and one of the coheires of Tho. E. Riv. by vertue of a speciall entaile in the said creation, succeeded him in the titles of Earle Rivers, and Visc. Colchester, is now living, 1641. |
RUtland, for quantity, is the least Country of Eng. for quality not inferior to the very best, as being a pleasant and fruitfull Countrey, especially about the vale of Catmosse. The earth thereof is generally very red of colour, so red that even the fleeces of the sheep are coloured with it; in which regard it had the name of Rudland, the Saxons calling that Rud, which we now call Red, as we retaine the use of Ruddy still; in the selfe-same sence. Heretofore it was reckoned for a part of Northampton-sh. not made a County till of late; and now again is laid unto Northampton-sh the better to make up a Diocesse for the see of Peterburgh. It contineth in it but 48 Parish Churches in the whole; the chiefe of which are Uppingham and Oakham, two small market towns, of which the last is the shire town for the Assises, Sessions, and all publique businesses. Yet small and little though it be, can shew the seats and titles of 4 Parliamentary Barons; and besides that hath honored many a noble person with the name and title of
1390 | 1 | Edw. Planta. eldest son of Edm. of Langley D. of York * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
2 | Ed [...]. Plantage. 2 son of Rich. D. of York. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1525 | 3 | Tho. Mannours, L. Roos, descended by the L [...] Anne his mother from the said Rich D. of York, cr. E. of Rutland by K. H. 8. * |
1543 | 4 | Hen. Man. * |
1563 | 5 | Edw. Man. * |
1586 | 6 | Iohn Mann. |
1587 | 7 | Rog. Man. |
1612 | 8 | Franc. Man. |
1632 | 9 | Geor. Man. |
1641 | 41 | Iohn Man. now Earle of Rutland, 1641. |
SAlisbury is the chiefe City of Wilish. antiently called Sorbiodunum, which name it held untill the entrance of the Saxons, who gave new names and laws to all parts of Eng. It was at first seated high upon an hill, as being a place designed for strength and war, yet honored for a while with a Bishops see, and a faire Cathedrall. But the Bishops and the Clergy finding no good quarter amongst the Souldiers, which were there in garrison, and being destitute of water on so dryan hill; about the time of Rich. 1, began to leave it, and plant themselves down lower by the water side. Being once setled there, and raising a new Minster for Gods publike service, the people also followed after, and left old Sarum to it self, which in short space became so totally deserted, that now the ruines of it are hardly visible. But for new Salisbury, that grew up presently into great renown, pleasantly seated on the river, which watreth every street thereof, and for the populousnesse of the place, plenty of provision, a spacious market place, and a faire Townhall, is esteemed to be the second City of all this Tract. And which addes no small lustre to it, a place that hath been very fortunate in those ominent persons, on whom the Kings of England have bestowed the title of
1 | Patrick d'Evreux. | |
1168 | 2 | Wil. d'Ev. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
3 | Wil. Long-espec; base son of K. H. 2 who married Ella, daughter of Wil. d'Ev. | |
1225 | 4 | Wil. Long-espee. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1333 | 5 | Wil. de Montacute. * |
1343 | 6 | Wil. de Mont. [...] |
1396 | 7 | Iohn de Mont. |
1400 | 8 | Tho. de Mont. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1428 | 9 | Rich. Nevill, who married Eleanor daughter of Th. Mont. L. Ch. * |
1460 | 10 | Rich. Nevill, E. of Warwick. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1472 | 11 | Geo. D. of Clarence, who married Isab. daugh. of Rich. E. of War. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1477 | 12 | Edw. eldest son of K. Rich. 3. and Anne, the 2 daugh. of Rich. Nev. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1514 | 13 | Marg. daugh of Geo. D. of Clar. cr. Countesse of Salisb. by K. H. 8. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1605 | 14 | Rob. Cecil, Visc Cranborn, cr. E. of Salisb. 3 Jac. May 4 [...] L. Tr. * |
1612 | 15 | Wil. Cecil now E. of Salisbury, and Captain of the Pensioners, 1641. * |
SHrewsbury is the principall town in Shropshire, called by our Ancestors the Saxons Scrobbesbyrig, for that it was of old a very thicket of shrobs. A place that rose out of the ruines of old Uriconium, seated not far off; but grew not into any great request till the Norman Conquest. The town stands neatly on a hill, and is almost incompassed round by the river Severn: that part thereof which is not fenced by the River, being fortified with a very strong Castle built by Roger de Montgomery, the first E. hereof. A faire and goodly Town it is, well traded and frequented by all sorts of people both Welch & Eng. by reason of the trade of cloth, and other merchandise; this being the common mart or empory between Wales & Eng. It standeth in the very midst or center, as it were, of the whole County, which generally is inferiour unto none about it, for delight and plenty; and for the number of Townes and Castles standing exceeding thick on every side (as having formerly been a frontier-Country) very far above them. It belonged antiently to the Cornavii, and presently on the Norman Conquest, was bestowed on Roger de Montgom, whom before I spake of, who and his successors, and since them the honorable Family of the Talbots, enjoyed the stile and title of
1067 | 1 | Rog. de Montgomery. |
1093 | 2 | Hugh de Montg. |
1098 | 3 | Rob. de Montg. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1442 | 4 | Iohn Talbot Marsh. of France, cr. E. of Shrewsbury by K. H. 6. * |
1453 | 5 | Iohn Talbot, L. Tr. * |
1460 | 6 | Iohn Talbot. |
1473 | 7 | Geo. Talbot. * |
1541 | 8 | Francis Talbot. * |
1559 | 9 | Geo Talbot. * |
1590 | 10 | Gilb. Talboy. * |
1616 | 11 | Edw. Talbot. |
1618 | 12 | Geor. Talbot. |
1630 | 13 | Iohn Talbot, now E. of Shrewsbury, 1641. |
SOmersetsh, antiently was inhabited by the Belgae. A Country of a fertile soyle, hoth for corne and pasture, exceeding populous (as comprehending in the whole 385 Parish Churches, where of 33 are market towns) & furnished also with commodious havens for trade and traffick. A Country howsoever pleasant in the Summer season; yet in the Winter time so deep & miery, that it is scarce passable; from whence the people have a proverb, that it is bad for the Rider, but good for the abider. Yet in some parts thereof, those specially which are towards Wiltsh. it is both hilly and stony; but in the bowels of those hils, particularly in those of Mendip, they find rich veines of lead, to the great enriching of the Country, and benefit to all the Kingd. It took this name from Somerton, once the most famous and considerable in all the County, now a small market Town of no note nor credit, but for a faire of Cattell which is kept there yearely; in which respect Asserius calls it, Comitatum Somertunensem, or Somertonsh. But by the name of Somerset it is now best known, and by that name hath given the honorary title of
1 | Wil. de de Mohun, E. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
2 | Wil. Long-espee; E. of Salisb. and Somerset. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
3 | Reginald de Mohun. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1396 | 4 | Iohn Beaufort eldest son of Iohn of Gaunt by his 3 wife, E. * |
1409 | 5 | Henry Beauf. |
1419 | 6 | Iohn Beauf. D. of Somer. * |
1442 | 7 | Edm. Beauf. E. and D. * |
1454 | 8 | Hen. Beauf. D. |
1462 | 9 | Edm. Beauf. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1499 | 10 | Edm. 3 son of K. H. 7. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1525 | 11 | Hen. Fitz-Roy, base son of K. H. 8. D. of Somer. & Rich. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1546 | 12 | Edw. Seym, L. Pro. of K. E. 6. D. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1614 | 13 | Rob. Carre, Visc. Rochester, cr. E. of Somer. 12 Jac. now living, 1641. * |
SOuthampton is the 2 Town of Hamp-shire, in bignesse and circuit, but not inferiour to the first for wealth and riches. A Towne commodiously seated on an arme of the sea, and capable of ships of burden to the very Keie; the opportunity whereof hath made it very faire and populous, as having in it [...] Churches for Gods publique service, fenced with strong wals and a double ditch, and to secure the haven with a right strong Castle, which now time hath ruined. It standeth on the banks of the river of Anton, (which rising about Andover, runs here into the Sea) from whence it had the name of Southampton and by that name hath given denomination to the whole Countrey, though generally it be called Hamp-shire. A Country rich in all commodities, both of sea and land, and in the upper parts thereof, those which are farthest from the sea, of a very pure and excellent aire. It conteines in it 253 Parishes, many of which have Chappels of ease as big as Parish. besids those in the Isle of Wight, which is reckoned for a part of Hantshire. To return back unto the Town, which though it bee within the County, yet is a County in it self (for which it stands beholding to K. H. 6.) And both before and since hath been counted worthy to be the highest honourary title of
1067 | 1 | Beauvois of Hampton, that famous Soldier so much talked of. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1527 | 2 | William Eitz-Williams, Lord Adm. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1547 | 3 | Thomas Wriothesley, Lord Chancellour, created Earle of South. by K. Edw. 6. |
1550 | 4 | Henry Wriothesley |
1581 | 5 | Henry Wriothesley. * |
1624 | 6 | Thomas Wriothesley now Earle, 1641. |
STaffordsh. apperteined antiently to the Cormibii; a potent people in these parts, which afterwards by Beda, were called Angli mediteranei, or the midland Englishmen. A Countrey on the north part full of hils, and woods; on the South; stored with coales and mines of iron; and in the middle part where it is watred with the Trent, bravely adorned with meadows, & faire fields of corn It conteineth in it 120 villages with Parish Churches, the City, or Episcopal see of Lichfeild. & 12 other market Towns, of which the chief is Staff. on the river of Owe; the head Town of the shire, which from thence taketh name. A Town exceedingly beholding to the Barons of Staf. who were once Lords hereof and were hence denominated: who both procured it to be made a Burrough, with ample priviledges, by K. John, and also fenced it with a wall, save where it was secured by a large poole of water on the East and North. And on the other side, the Town by way of thankfull retribution, honored that noble Family with the stile of E. who were from hence entituled in their severall ages,
1353 | 1 | Ralph Stafford, E. * |
1372 | 2 | Hugh Staff. |
1383 | 3 | Tho. Staff. |
4 | Wil. Staff. | |
5 | Edm. Staff. * | |
1403 | 6 | Hen. Staff, D. of Bucking. * |
1444 | 7 | Hum. Staff E. |
1460 | 8 | Hen. Staff. D. of Buck. * |
1486 | 9 | Edw. Staff. D. of Buck. * |
1521 | 10 | Hen. Staff. L. |
11 | Edw. Staff. L. | |
12 | Hen. Staff. L. who dying An. 1639 the Family of the Staffords died also with him, and is quite extinguished. | |
1640 | 13 | Wil. How. Knight of the Bath, 2 son of Tho. E. of Arundel and Surrey, having to wife a sister of the last L. Staff. was by his Majesty now being cr. Visc. Staff. in Nov. 1640, and is now living, Anno 1641. |
STamford is the hithermost Town of Lincoln-sh. seated upon the river W [...]lland, by which it is there parted from Northampton-sh. It standeth in that part thereof, which is called Kesteven, of which it is the principall town. A town vvell peopled and of great resort, conteining about 7 Parish Churches. But that which gives it most renown, is that upon some quarrell and contention between the Southern and Northern men in the Vniversity of Oxford, the Schollers in the reign of King Edw. 3 removed hither, and here held publique schooles of al sorts of learning. Nor did they leave the place, or return again, untill they were commanded so to do by the Kings Proclamation, and thereupon it was ordeined in the Vniversity, that the Schollers in the taking of their degrees, should make oath, not to reade publiquely at Stamford, to the prejudice of Oxford. Neverthelesse Tovvn still flourished in trade and merchandise, and doth now give the title of an Earle to
1628 | Hen. L. Grey of Groby, cr E. of Stamf. 3 Car. March. 26, now living. Anno 1641. |
STrafford, or Strasforth is the name of a Wapontake, or hundred, in the West-riding of York-shire, and lieth on the South therof, where it abutteth on the Counties of Nottingham and Darby. A territory of a large extent, conceived to be almost as big, as the whole County of Rutland, and in it comprehending the good towns of Sheafeld, Rotheram, Doncaster, and the honour of Tickhil, besides many smaller Villages and Hamlets. The ancient Family of the Wentworths, out of which cometh the Earle of Cleveland, have long flourished here, and have their seate at Wentworth-Wood house, and many a faire and large possession in this Wapontake. In which consideration, it was selected purposely for the highest title of
1639 | Tho. Visc Wentworth, L. Newmerch and Oversley, and L. Deputy of Ireland, cr. E. of Strafford and Baron of Raby, with great solemnity at Whitehall, 15 Car. Jan 12, and shortly after L. Lieut. of Ireland. |
SVffolk was antiently part of the Iceni, and afterwards together with Cambridg-sh. and Norfolk, made up the Kingdome of the East Angles, of which this being the Southerne part gave to the Count. and the people both the name of Southfolk. A very large and spacious countrey, conteining 575 Parish. Chur. of the which 28 are market townes, with many a safe and capacious haven. Of those the most remarkable towards the sea, is Ipswich, a very faire and spacious town, well peopled and well traded too: adorned with 14 Churches for the service of God, & many a faire and goodly edifice for private use. That of most credit in the Island is Bury, or S. Edmundsbury, heretofore famous for the Abbey, valued at the suppression at 23361. 16 [...]. per ann. a fine neat town, and much inhabited by the Gentry, who resort thither from all parts of the Countrey. As for the Coun. it selfe it sheweth in every place most rich & goodly fields of corne, with grounds as battaille and rich for the feeding of Cattell, wherof there is good plenty out of question, as may appeare by the great store of cheese here made and vented to the great commodity of the inhabitants, not only into all parts of Eng. but Spain, France and Germany. Long time it was, before the title of Suffolk was conferred on any. But when the Gapp was opened once, it hath been severally conferred on several Families, who as they stood in grace and favour with their Princes, attained the titles of
1335 | 1 | Rob de Vsford, E. * |
1369 | 2 | Wil. de Vsford. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1385 | 3 | Mich. de la Pole, L. Ch. |
1389 | 4 | Mich. de la Pole. |
1414 | 5 | Mich. de la Pole. |
6 | Wil. de la Pole, first E. after Mar. & at last D. of Suff. * | |
1450 | 7 | Iohn de la Pole, D. * |
1491 | 8 | Edm. de la Pole, E. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1513 | 9 | Char. Brandon, D. of Suff. L. great Master. * |
1545 | 10 | Hen. Brandon. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1551 | 11 | Hen. Grey, Marq Dorset, married Frances daugh. of Ch. Brandon, and was D. of Suff. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1603 | 12 | Tho. L. How. of Walden, cr. E. of Suff. 1 Jac. July 21, L. Tr. and Ch. of Camb * |
13 | Theo. How. E. of Suff. and L. Warden of the Cinque Ports. * | |
1640 | 14 | Iames L. How. now E. 1641. |
SUnderland is a demy-Island in the North-East part of the Bishoprick of Durham, over against the mouth of the river of Were; which being pulled a sunder from the land, by the force of the Sea, hath the name of Sunderland. A place of no great note or reputation, till it was made the title of
1627 | Emanuel Lord Scrope of Bolton and Lord President of the North, created Earle of Sunderland, 3 Car. Jun. 19. Mort sans issue. |
SUrrey and Sussex antiently were inhabited by the Regni, and afterwards made up the Kingdome of the South-Saxons. This lieth on the South of the river Thames, whence it had the name; the Saxons calling that Rea, which we call a River: and so from Suthrea, came the name of Surrey. A Countrey on the outward parts thereof very rich and fruitfull, [Page 359] especially on that side which is towards the Thames, where it yeelds plenty both of corne and grasse; but in the middle part, somewhat hard and barren. From whence the people use to say, that their Countrey is like a course peece of cloth, with a fine list. And yet the middle parts thereof what they want in riches, they supply with pleasures as being famous for good aire, and well stored with parks; the downes affording excellent opportunity aswell for horseraces, as hunting. A Country finally it is of no great quantity, and yet conteines 140 Parishes (of the which 8 are market townes) and amongst them the Royall mansions of Richmond, Otelands and None-such. The chiefe town of the whole is Guilford, a fine neat town, seated on the declining of an hill toward the river Mole, consisting of 3 Parish Churches; which notwithstanding never gave title unto any, of Lord, Earle or higher. But that defect hath beene supplied by the whole body of the County, in the name of Surrey, with which our Kings have dignified these
1 | Wil. de Warren, E. | |
1088 | 2 | Wil. de War. |
1138 | 3 | Wil. de War. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1148 | 4 | Wil. de Blois son of K. Steph. first husband of Isa. de War. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1164 | 5 | Hameline Planta. base son of Geo. E. of Anjou, and halfe brother to K. H. 3, 2 husband of Isa. de War. |
1202 | 6 | Wil, Plantag. |
1240 | 7 | Iohn Planta. |
1305 | 8 | Iohn Plantag. died 1347. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1347 | 9 | Rich. Fitz-Alan, E. of Arund. son of Alice, sister and heire of Ioh. Plantag. |
1375 | 10 | Rich Fitz. Alan, L. Tr. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1398 | 11 | Tho. Holland, E. of Kent, and D. of Surrey. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1461 | 12 | Iohn L. Mowb. son of Iohn Lord Mow. D. of Nor. aft. D. of Norf. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1475 | 13 | Rich. 2 son of K. Edw. the 4, D of York, and Norf. & E. of Sur. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1483 | 14 | Tho. How. L. Tr. aft. D. of Norf. * |
1514 | 15 | Tho. How. L. Tr. & D. of Nor. * |
1554 | 16 | Tho. How. E. Marshall and D. of Norf died 1572. * |
1604 | 17 | Tho. How. grand son of Tho. D. of Norf. now E. of Arund. and Sur. and E. Marsh, 1641. * |
SUssex is the other part of the old possessions of the Regnians after that of the South-Saxons, from whom it took the name of Suthsex. A Country that lyeth all along the Ocean in a goodly length, extending East and West above 60 miles; and yet for all so long a Coast hath very few havens, the shore being full of rocks and shelves, and the wind impetuous. The Northerne parts towards Kent & Surrey are well shaded with woods, as was all the Country heretofore, untill the Iron works consumed them. The Southerne parts which are towards the sea, lying upon a chalke or marle, yeeld corne abundantly; with a delightfull intermixture of groves and meadows. It conteines in it to the number of 312 Parishes, of which 18 are market towns. And amongst these the chief of note is Chichester, of which we need say nothing here, having spoke of it in its proper place, amongst the Bishopricks. It now rests only that I give you a compendious Catalogue of the
1 | Wil. de Albeney, E. of Arundell. | |
1178 | 2 | Wil. de Alb. |
1191 | 3 | Wil. de Alb. |
1199 | 4 | Wil. de Alb. |
1224 | 5 | Hugh de Alb. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1243 | 6 | Iohn Plantag. E. of Surrey. |
1305 | 7 | Iohn Plantag. E. of Sur. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1529 | 8 | Rob. Radclyffe, Visc. Fitz-Walter, cr. E. of Sussex by K. H. 8. [...] |
1542 | 9 | Hen. Rad. [...] |
1559 | 10 | Tho. Rad. L. Ch. [...] |
1583 | 11 | Hen. Rad. [...] |
1593 | 12 | Rob. Rad. [...] |
1630 | 13 | Edw. Rad. now E. of Sussex, Anno 1641. |
THanet is a little Island in the North-East of Kent, environed on 3 parts by the sea, & towards the West, severed from the mainland of Kent, by the river of S [...]ourc, which is here called Yenlade. An Island by Solinus called Atlanatos, in some copies Thanatos; from whence the Saxons had their Thanet, famous as in other things, so in these particulars, that it was here the Sax, landed when they came first for Britani; and that S. Austin the Monk here landed also, when he brought the Gospel to the Saxons. The whole about 8. m. in leng. and 4 in brea, was reckoned then to hold about 600 Families: and is now very populous for the bignesse, and very plentiful withall of all commodities necessary, but of corn especially. The people generally are a kind of Amphibii, and get their livings both by sea and land, being well skilled according to the year, aswel in stearing of a ship at sea, as holding of the plough at land; & in both courses notably industrious. Such is the Isle of Tha [...]et, which was of late times made the title of an Earldome, in the persons of
162 [...] | 1 | Nico. L. Tufton. cr. E. of Thanet, 4. Car. Aug. 5. |
2 | Iohn Tuf. E. of Thanet now living Anno, 1641. |
TOtnes is a Town in the Southwest of Devonshire, situate on the banks of the River of Dert, about 6 miles from its influxe into the Sea. An ancient little Town it is, and standeth on the fall of an hill, lying East and West. It hath a Major for the chiefe Magistrate, and so hath had ever since the time of K. John; and being a burrough town withall, hath a vote in Parliament. The greatest reputation which it had in the former times, was that it gave the title of an Arch-deacon, to one of 4 Arch-deacons of the Diocesse of Exeter, who is hence called Arch-deacon of Totnes, And by that name George Carew, Doctor in Divinity (after Deane of [...] subscribes the Acts of Convocation, [...]
1536 | which possibly may be the reason, why |
1625 | George L. Carew of Clopton, son of the said George, desired, as hee enjoyed, the title of E. of [...], unto the which he was advanced, [...] C [...] ▪ Feb. [...] [...]s issue. |
WArwickshire heretofore was part of the Cornavii, a Country which for aire and soyle, wants nothing for the profit or pleasure of man. It is divided into two parts by the river Avon, that on the South side being cald the Feldon, which yeelds good store of corn, and grasse, and makes a lovely prospect from the neighbouring hils; that on the North being called the Woodland, from the great plenty of woods which grew here formerly, but nowgrown thin enough by the making of iron. It conteineth in it 158 Parishes and market towns; of which the chief (if one exclude Coventry as a County of it selfe) is that of Warwick, called by the Romans antiently Praesidi [...], from the garrison there, which name it still retained in a different language. A town adorned with very faire houses, a strong and well compact stone bridge on the river Avon, and two goodly Churches▪ But the chief beauty of it heretofore, as now, is a most stately and magnificent Castle; which as it was of late repaired at the great cost and charges of Sir Fulk Gre [...]ill, the late L. Broks, who therein dwelt; so was it antiently the seat and abiding place of the
1067 | 1 | Hen. de Newburgh, E. |
1123 | 2 | Rog. de New. |
1153 | 3 | Wil. de New. |
1183 | 4 | Waleran de New. |
1200 | 5 | Hen. de New. |
1233 | 6 | Tho. de New. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1242 | 7 | Iohn Marsh. first husb. of Margery sister and heire of Tho. de Nevv. |
1243 | 8 | Iohn de Plessetis, 2 husband of the said Margery. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
9 | Wale. de New. uncle and heire of the said Margery. | |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1262 | 10 | Wil. Miuduit son of Alice sister & heire of Waleran. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1258 | 1 | Wil. Beauchamp, son of the La. Isa. sister and heire of Wil. Maud. |
1291 | 12 | Guido Beauch. |
1315 | 13 | Tho. Beau. E. Marsh. * |
1369 | 14 | Tho. Beau. * |
1401 | 15 | Rich. Beau. Regent of Fr. * |
1439 | 16 | Hen. Beau. D. of Warw. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1446 | 17 | Rich. Nevill, who married Anne, sister of Hen. D. of Warw. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1471 | 18 | Geo. D of Clarence, who married Anne, daughter of Rich. Nevill, E. of Warw. |
1478 | 19 | Edw. Plantag. son of George D. of Clarence. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1547 | 20 | Iohn Dudley, Visc. Lis. descended from the Lady Margaret, daughter of Rich. Beauchamp, E. of Warw. * |
1562 | 21 | Amb. Dudley. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1618 | 22 | Robert L. Rich of Leeze, created Earle of Warwick, 16 Jac. Aug. 2. |
23 | Rob. Rich, now living, 1641. |
WEst morland was a part of the possessions of the old Brigantes, and lyeth on the West of York-sh. from whence and from the Mores, as they call them here (that is, those barren heathy grounds, which are not tractable for corn) it was named West-more-land. The ayre accounted sharp and piercing; the soyle in most parts barren and unprofitable; yet in the Vales, which are neither large nor many, indifferently fruitfull. So that the greatest profit and commodity, which here the people make unto themselves, is by the benefit and trade of cloathing. It containes in it only 26 Parishes, which plainly shews that either the Countrey is not very populous, or that the Parishes are exceeding large, as generally indeed they are, in these Northerne parts; 4 of those 26 are market towns, the chiefe of which next Kendale (which wee spake of formerly) is called Appleby, and passeth for the shire town or head of the Countie. The Viponts antiently, and by them the Clyffords were the hereditary Sherifs hereof; which notwithstanding, it pleased K. R. 2, to adde unto the titles of the Nevils of Raby, the higher and more eminent stile of
1398 | 1 | Ralph Nevill, L. of Raby, E. Marsh. |
1425 | 2 | Ralph Nevill. |
1484 | 3 | Ralph Nevill. |
4 | Ralph Nevill. * | |
1523 | 5 | Hen. Nevill. |
1564 | 6 | Charles Nevill. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1624 | 7 | Francis Fane, eldest son of Mary La. Despencer, descended from the Nevils E. of Westmorland, cr. E. of Westmorland, 22 Jac. Dec. 29. |
1628 | 8 | Mild may Fane, now E. of Westmorland, 1641. |
WIlish belonging to the Relgae in the former times, took this new name from Wilton, once the chief town of it; like as it of the river Willy, on the which it standeth. A region which as it breeds a race of hardy men, who in old time, with those of Devonsh. & Cornwal, chalenged the seconding of the main battaille in our Eng. armies; so is it very plentifull and fruitfull, and withall very pleasant and delightsome. The middle parts thereof, which they call the Plaines, are most scant of corne; but those plaines being large and spacious, & reaching round about to the horizon, do feed innumerable flocks of sheep, which bring as great commodity to the inhabitants by their fleece & wool, and the most gamefull trad of cloathing, as other parts that are more fertile. It conteineth in it 304 Parish, & is traded in 19 market towns; the chiefe and fairest are Salisbury and Marlborough, which before we spake of Wilton was formerly the principall, & heretofore a Bishops see, honored with the residence of 9 severall Bishops: But by translating of the see to Salisbury, and carrying thither therewithal the throughfare into the West countrey, which before was here, it fel by little and little to decay, and is now hardly worth the reputation of a poor market town, yet still it gives denomination to the Country: as that the stile and honor to these
1397 | 1 | Wil. L. Scrope L. Tr. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1458 | 2 | Iam. Butler, E. of Ormōd, & L. T. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1470 | 3 | Iohn Stafford. 2 son of Humf. D. of Buck. * |
1473 | 4 | Edw. Staff. died, 1499. |
1510 | 5 | Hen Staff. 2 son of Hen D. of Buck. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1529 | 6 | Tho. Bollen, Visc. Rochf. father of the La. Anne Bollen. * |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1550 | 7 | Wil. Pawlet, cr. after Mar. of Winchester, Anno 5. Edw. 6. * |
1571 | 8 | Iohn Paw. |
1576 | 9 | Wil. Paw. |
1598 | 10 | Wil. Paw. |
1628 | 11 | Iohn Paw. now Marq. of Winche. and E. of Wiltsh Anno 164 [...] ▪ |
WInchelsey is a sea. Town in the East part of Sussex, where it adjoyneth upon Kent, accounted' by a general error to be open of the Cinq Ports; whereas indeed it is no Cinq port, but a member of them, as Rhit and [...] sham, and others are. A Towne in former times of great strength and beauty, inclosed with strong wals, and a well placed Rampier, for the defence thereof against forreign force: but the sea shrinking from it by little and litle, brought the town by the like degrees into great decay, though still it beare the shew of a handsome town, and hath a Blockhouse for defence raised by H. 8. But what it lost in wealth, it hath got in honour, being advanced unto the reputation of an Earld. in the names and persons of
1628 | 1 | El [...]. Finch. Vise. Maidstone, cr, C. of Winchel. 4 Car. July 11. |
1634 | 2 | Hen. Finch, son of the said Eliz. |
1639 | 3 | Henneage Finch, E. of Winchelsey. now living, 1641. |
WInch, is the chief City of Ha [...]sh. & heretofore the seat Royal of the West-Saxon K. By Antonine and Ptolomy called Venta Belgarum; and then accounted the prime City of all the Belgae, out of which Venta, adding ceaster to it, (according to their wonted manner) the Saxons hammered their Vent-ceaster, and we our Winchester. In these our dayes, it is indifferently wel peopled, and frequented, commodiously seated in a Valley betweene high steep hils, by which it is defended from cold and wind. It lyeth daintily on the banks of a pleasant river, stretching somewhat in length from East to West, and conteineth about a mile and a halfe within the wals, besides the suburbs; but much within the wals is desolate and altogether unbuilt. Many things certainly thereare which may conduce unto the reputation of it, especially a beautifull and large Cathedrall, a goodly and capacious Palace for the Bishops dwelling, which they call Wolvescy house; a strong and gallant Castle bravely mounted: upon an hill, with brave command on all the Countrey; a pretty neat Colledge neare the wals, buile and endowed by Wil. of Wickham, for a seminary to his other in Oxford; and not far off a very faire Hospitall, which they call Saint Crosses. And yet lest all this might not raise it high enough, our English Monarchs have [Page 374] thought fit to dignifie these following persons with the stile and title of
1207 | 1 | Saer de Quiney, E. |
1220 | 2 | Rog. de Quin. died 1264. |
✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1322 | 3 | Hugh Despencer, 1326. |
✚ ✚ | ||
1472 | 4 | Lewys de Bruges. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1551 | 5 | Wil. Pawlet; E. of Wil [...]sh. and L. Tr. cr. Marq. of Winch. by K. Edw. 6. |
1571 | 6 | Iohn Paw. |
1576 | 7 | Wil. Paw. |
1598 | 8 | Wil. Paw. |
1528 | 9 | Iohn Paw. now Marq: of Winchest. and E. of Wil [...]sh. Anno 1641. |
Worcestersh. is a part of the Gornavii, once a great nation in these parts. A Coun. of an aire so temperate, and a soyle so fortunate, that it gives place to none about her, for health and plenty. Abundant certeinly it is in all kinds of fruits; and of peares especially; wherewith, besides the use they have of them for the table, they make a bastard kind of wine, which they here call Pirry, which they both sell and drink in great abundance. Salcpits it also hath in some parts thereof, and about Powyck, and many places else good store of Cherries: and every where well watred with delicious rivers, which afford great variety of fish. A Country of no great extent for length and compasse, as not conteining above 152 Parish Churches, and amongst them 10 market towns. Of these the principall is Worcester, and gives denomination to the whole. A City delectably seated on the banks of S [...]v [...] (which runneth quite through the County from North to South) over which it hath a faire bridg with a tower upon it: and thence arising with a gentle ascent, affordeth to the upper parts, a very goodly prospect in the vale beneath. A City every way considerable, whether you looke upon it in the situation, or in the number of its Churches, or the faire near houses, or finally on the inhabitants, which are both numerous and wealthy, by reason of their trade of cloathing, which doth there flourish very much. Of the Cathed. here we have spoke [Page 376] before, and of the Castle we shall now say nothing, as having nothing left of it but the name and ruines. All we shall adde is a briefe nomenclature of
1144 | 1 | Waleran de Beaumont. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1397 | 2 | Tho. Percy, L. Adm. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1420 | 3 | Rich. Beauchamp. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1450 | 4 | Iohn. Tiptoft, L. Tr. and L. Con. * |
1471 | 5 | Edw. Tiptoft. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1514 | 6 | Char. Somer. L. Ch. cr. E. of Worcester by K. H. 8. |
1526 | 7 | Hen. Som. L. Herb. |
8 | Wil. Somerset. | |
1589 | 9 | Edw. Som. Master of the Morse, & L. Privy Seale. * |
1627 | 10 | Hen. Som. now living, Anno 1641. |
York-shire is past all peradventure the greatest County in England, conteining 70 miles in length from North to South, and 80 miles in bredth from West to East; the circuit being above 300. In this great quantity of ground, are not above 563 Parish Churches, which is no great number, but then withall there are great plenty of Chappels of Ease, equall for bignesse and resort of people, to any Parish; elsewhere. The soyle is generally fruitfull in a very good measure. If that one part therof be stony and barren ground; another is as fertile and as richly adorned with come and pasturage: If here you find it naked and destitute of woods in other places you shal find it shadowed with most spacious forrests: If it be somwhere moorish, mirie and unpleasant; elsewhere it is as beauteous and delightsome as the eye can wish. It is divided ordinarily into 3 parts, which according to the quarters of the world are called East-Riding, West-Riding, and North-Riding; Richmondsh. comming in to make up the 4, which is a part of York-sh. as before was said. The whole was antiently possessed by the Brigantes, who were diffused all over those Northerne parts, beyond the Trent; and for their capitall City had Eboracum, seated upon the river Vre which we now call Ouse) in the Westriding of this County; and by a later Saxon name [Page 378] is now called York. This is the 2 City of all Eng. both for fame and greatnesse; A pleasant large and stately place, well fortified & beautifully adorned, as well with private as publike edifices, and rich and populous withall; Seated (as erst was said) on the river Ouse, which cutteth it, as it were, in twaine; both parts being joyned together with a faire stone bridge, consisting of high and mighty Arches. A City of great fame in the Roman times, and of as eminent reputation in all Ages since; and in the severall turnes and changes, which have befallen this Kingdome under the Saxons, Danes and Normans, hath still preserved its antient lustre. Adorned it was with an Archiepiscopall see in the times of the Britans; nor stooped it lower when the Saxons received the Faith. Rich. 2, laying unto it a little territory on the Westside therof, made it a County of it selfe, in which the Archbishops of York enjoy the rights of Palatines. And for a further lustre to it, H. S. appointed here a Councell for the governance of the Northern parts, consisting of a L. P. recertaine Councellors, a Secretary and other Officers. And yet in none of these hath York been more fortunate, than that it adorned so many Princes of the Imperiall line of Germany and bloud Royall of England, with the stile and attribute of
1190 | 1 | Otho of Baveria E. of York. |
✚ ✚ ✚ | ||
1385 | 2 | Edm. of Langley 5 son of K. Edw. 3 E. of Camb. and D. of York. * |
1401 | 3 | Edw. Planta. son of Edm. of Lang. E. of Rutl. and D. of York. * |
1426 | 4 | Rich. Planta. nephew of Edm. of Lang. by his son Rich. E. of Cam. D. of York. * |
1474 | 5 | Rich. of Shrews. 2 son of K. Edw. 4. D. of York. * |
1495 | 6 | Hen. 2 son of K. H. 7. after K of En. |
1604 | 7 | Char. 2 son of K. James, now the [...] Monarch of Gr. Brit. * |
1633 | 8 | Iames, 2 son of K Charles, declared D. of York, by his Royall Father, and so instituted, but not yet created. |
A Supplement to the former Table, containing the Successions and Creations of the Dukes, Marquesses, and Earles of
England, from the yeare 1641, to the yeare 1652.
Together with The Names and Rankes of the Viscounts and Barons, as they Stand at this present,
Jan. 6. 1652.
- 1647. HEnry Howard, Lord Mowbray, succeeded Thomas Howard his Father in the Earledome of Arundel, and the rest of his Estates and Honours.
- [Page]BANBURY.
- 1641. Charles Knollis, son of William Lord Knollis Earle of Banbury, upon the death of the said William became Earle of Banbury.
- 1641. William Russell, Eldest son of the Lord Francis Russell on the decease of his said Father succeeded in the Earledome of Bedford.
BRentford a well known Town in the County of Middlesex, tooke name from the River Brent, which rising out of a fountaine now called Brawns-wed, but more truly Br [...]n-well, and passing betweene Henden and Hamsted hils, falleth at this place into the Thames. Of most renown in former times for the good successe which Edmund Iron-side King of England had against the Danes. Anno 1116. which he compelled hereby to rise from the Siege of London. Now of most note for the thorow-fare betwixt London and the westerne Countries, the passage up and down by water for the ease of travellers, a rich and well-frequented Market; and that it giveth the title of Earle
1641 Patrick Ruthen Earle of Forth in Scotland created Earle of Breniford at Oxon May 27. in the 20 year of King Charles, the second Monarch of Great Brtitaine.
- 1646. John Egerton succeeded his Father, of the same, name, in the Earledome hereof.
- Oliver Saint-John, the grand child of Oliver Lord Saint-John, Earle of Bullingbrook, by Pawlet his second Son (Oliver Lord Saint-John the eldest Son being slaine at the Battell at Edgehill) succeeded his Grand-Father in this Title.
- 1649. William Hamilton Earle of Lanarick in the Realme of Scotland, brother of James Duke of Hamilton and Earle of Cambridge, succeeded after his decease in all his Honors and Estates. But dying without issue male not long after the great fighter Worcester, the Title of Earle of Cambridge was extinguished with him.
- 1643. Charles Dormer succeeded in this Earledome on the death of the Lord Robert Dormer his Father, slain at the first fight neare Newbery.
CHichestr the chief City of Sussex, built by Cissa the second King of the South-Saxons, and by him called Cissanc-easter, or the City of Cissa, whence the present name. A City large enough, of a circular forme, and well walled; the buildings generally faire, and the Streets capacious: foure of which leading from the foure Gates of the City cross one another in the middest: and in or neare that Crosse a very beautifull Market place, supported with Pillars round about, built by Bishop Read. Of no esteeme till the Norman Conquest, known only by a small Monastery of Saint Peter, and a little Nunnery. But on the removall of the Episcopall See from Sealesey hither, in the time of the Conquerour, it encreased both in wealth and greatness, and would be richer then it is, if the Haven not far off were made more commodious. At the present there is no small addition made to the honour of it, by giving the title of an Earle to
1643. Francis Leigh Lord Dunsmore created Earle of Chichester in the 19th. yeare of King Charles, the second Monarch of Great Brittaine.
- 1643. Rupert Count Palatine of the Rhene, second Son (living of Frederick Prince Elector Palatine, and the Princess Elizabeth his wife, the only Daughter of King James, was by King Charles his Uncle created Duke of Cumberland, (the Family of the Cliffords ending in Henry the last Earl hereof) and Earle of Holdernesse, January 24. 19. Caroli.
1642. James Stanly Lord Strange, succeeded his Father William in the Earledome of Darby.
1651. Charles Stanley Lord Strange, on the death of James his Father, became Earle of Darby.
- 1643. Basil Lord Feilding after the death of William his Father was Earle of Denbigh.
DOrchester is the chiefe Town of the County of Dorset, so called from the Durotriges the old Inhabitants of these parts in the time of the Romans, or from the Durnium of Ptolomy, the word Chester being added by the Saxons afterwards. A Town of great Antiquity, as appeareth by many peeces of Roman Coine found neare unto it: once walled, and beautified with a strong and goodly Castle: but the wals many Ages since pull'd down by the Danes; and the Castle being decaied and ruinous, converted into a Covent of Friers, now demolished also. Once of large compasse as may be well conjectured by the tract of the wals and trenches; but in the time of the Danish furies so spoiled and plundered, that it never could recover the wealth and beauty which before it had: yet it hath still three Parish Churches, and seemeth in some sort to have recovered its former dignity, in giving the title of a Marquesse to
1645. Henry Lord Pierre-point Earle of Kingston, created Marquesse of Dorchester, in the [...]20 yeare of King Charles March 25.
- Iohn Cecil, son of David Cecil succeeded his Father in this Earledoms.
GLamorgan is one of the Shires of South-wales, Lying along the Sea-coast, betwixt the Counties of Monmouth and Pembroke: once part of the Siluris, and by the Welch called Glath-Morgan, from Morgan a great Prince hereof, as some conceive, but rather from the word Mor, which in the antient British Language signifieth a Sea; agreeable to the scituation of it, all along the Shores. The northern parts hereof very rough and mountainous, but the Southerne of a better composition, beautified with many pleasant valleyes, and traded on every side with a number of Townes, there being reckoned in it 118 Parishes, the chiefe of which for strength and beauty is the Town of Caerdiffe, the Barony at this time of the Earles of Pembroke. Reduced to the obedience of the Crown of England in the time of William Rufus by the valour of Robert Fitz-Haimon Lord of Corboile in Normandy, and 12 adventurous Knights, whom he brought in his company; betwixt whom the Country was divided (with the Kings consent) as soone almost as conquered by them. But the Posterity of most of these Adventurers being quite worne out, the greatest Lords hereof were of the Family of the Herberts; in which respect,
[Page]164 [...] ▪ Edward Somerset Lord Herbert obtained of King Charles the title of Earle of Glamorgan, his Father the Lord Marquesse of Worcester being then alive.
- 1641. William Seymore Earle of Hartford, was by King Charles in the 17th of his Reigne made Marquesse of Hartford.
- 1646. Walter Devereux Knight, on the death of Robert Devereux Earle of Essix, (the last Earle of that Family) succeeded in the title of Viscount Hereford.
- 1643. Rupert Count Palatine of the Rhene, created Duke of Cumberland, and Earle of Holdernesse, Jan. 24. of whom more in Cumberland.
- 1649. Charles Rich, son of Henry Rich Earle of Holland succeeded his Father in that honour.
- Ferdinand Lord Hastings succeeded his Father the Lord Henry Hastings, in the Earledome of Huntingdon.
- 1642. Henry Grey son of Anthony, Henry Grey son of Henry.
- 1644. Henry Pierre-point Viscount Newark, on the death of his Father Robert▪ Lord Pierre-point Earle of Kingston succeeded him in his title of Earle, and was afterwards created Marquesse of Dorchester.
- 1642. Montague Bertu, Lord Willoughby succeeded in this title on the death of the Lord Robert his Father, slaine at the battle of Edgehill.
LIchfield the chief City of Stafford-shire, signifieth in the old Saxon tongue, the field of dead bodies, so called from a number of Christian bodies which there lay unburied in the Persecution raised by Dioclesian. Situate in a low and moorish ground, on a shallow pool, by which divided into two parts, but joyned together by a bridge and a causey both together making up a City of indifferent bigness. In the South part, which is the greater of the two, stands a Grāmarschool for the education of their Children, and an Hospital dedicated to S. Iohn for relief of their poor. In the other parts not anything considerable but the fair Cathedrall, though that sufficient of self to renown the place. But hereof we have spoke already when we looked on Lichfield as honoured in the first times of Christianity among the Saxons with a Bishops See. Not made an honorarie Title till these Late daies, in which it gave the title of Earl to
1645. Barnard Steward, youngest son of Esme Duke of Lennox and Earl of March, created Earl of Lichfield, and Baron of Newbery, in the 21. year of the reign of King Charles.
- 1642. Edward Montague Lord Kimbolton succeeded his Father Henry in this Earldom.
- 1647. Henry Howard, son and heir of Thomas Earl of Arundel, and Earl Marshal of England, enjoyed these with his other Honours, after his decease.
1646. James Cranfield succeeded his Father Lionel Cranfield in the title of Middlesex.
1651. Lionel Cranfield the Brother of James.
- 1650. Philip Herbert son of Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomerie succeeded his Father in both titles.
- 1648. Edmand Scheffield Nephew of Edmund Lord Sheffield Earl of Mouligrave, by Sir John Sheffield his second son, succeeded his Grandfather in the Earldom.
- 1643. William Gavendish Earl of Newcastle created Marquess of Newcastle, Octob. 27. By Charles the second Monarch of Great Grittain.
1644. Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel and Surrey, to prevent the alienation of this honour from his Family obtained to be created Earl of Norfolk, June 6.
1647. Henry Howard son and heir of Thomas.
- 1643. James Lord Compton on the death of his Father Spencer Lord Compton stain in the Moorelands of Stafford-shire, succeeded in his estates and honours:
- 1644. George L. Goring, Novemb. 28. In the twentieth year of King Charles made Earl of Norwich.
- Charles Howard, half brother to Charles Howard the last Earl of Notingham, suceeded him in estate and title.
- 1650. Philip Herbert son of Philip Earl of Pembroke and M [...]ntgomcrie, enjoyed both honours on the death of his Father.
- 1643. Henry L. Mordant, son of Iohn Lord Mordant Earl of Peterburgh, succeeded him in Estate and honours.
- 1641. Iames Stewart Duke of Lennox and E. of March by Charles the second Monarch of Great Britain made Duke of Richmond. August 8.
SCarsdale is one of the Divisions of Darbyshire, a valley compassed round about with Rocks and Mountains, as the name imports: Dale in the Saxon and in old English signifying a valley; and Scarre the cragginess of a Rock. The chief Town of it, Chester field, (the Earldom of the L. Philip S [...]anhop) from hence called Chester field in Scarsdale. Not else observable, but forgiving the title of an Earl to
1645. Francis Leak, L Deyneourt created E. of Scarsdale, Novemb. 15. 1645.
- 1641. William Wentworth son of Thomas L. Wentworth Earl of Strafford, succeeded his dead Father in this Earldom.
- 1643. Henry L. Spencer (the L. Scrope E. of Sunderland dying without Lawfull issue) was by K. Charles honoured with this title, Iune 8. Robert Lord Spencer son of Henry.
- [Page]SURREY.
- 1647. Henry Howard, succeeded the Lord Thomas Howard his Father in the title of Surrey, as in these also of Earl of Arundel, Norfolk, and Earl Marshal.
- 1644. Thomas Lord Savil of Pont-fract (the families of the Ratcliffes ending in Edward the, Last Earl of that house) was on the 25. May made Earle of Sussex.
1642. Henry Somerset Earl of Worcester created Marquesse of Worcester.
1649. Edward Somersert Earl of Glamorgan, son and heir of Henry, Earl and Marquesse of Worcester.
- 1643. JAMES the second son of CHARLES, the second Monarch of Great Britaine, entituled Duke of York from the time of his birth; but not created so till the 27. of Janu. 1643. being the 19. year of his Fathers reign.
A SUPPLEMENT To the Table of Bishops.
1642. 10 Tho. Westfield Archdeacon of S. Albans, on the translation of B. Skinner to the See of Oxon, succeeded him in the Church of Bristol.
1644 11. Thomas Howell Prebend of Windsor.
- 1641. 73. Henry King Dean of Rochester, on the translation of B. Duppa to the See of Sarum, succeeded in the Church of Chichester.
- 1644. 75. Accepted Frewen Dean of Glocester, and President of Magdalen Colledge in Oxon, on the death of B. Wright was made Bishop hereof.
- 1641. 42. Ralph Brownrig, Master of Catharine Hall in Cambridge, on the translation of B. Hall to the See of Norwich, succeeded Bishop of this Church.
- 1641. 65. John Winnyffe, Dean of S. Pauls, in London, on the translation of B. Williams to the See of York, was made Bishop of Lincoln.
- [Page]NORWICH.
- 1641. 68. Ioseph Hall B. of Exeter, on the death of B. Montague translated to Norwich.
- 1641. 8. Robert Skinner Bishop of Bristol, on the death of B. Bancroft translated to Oxon.
- 1641. 72. Brian Duppa B. of Chichester, and Tutor to the Prince his Higness on the death of B. Davenant was translated to Salisburie.
- 1641. 83. Iohn Prideaux Publick Professor of Divinity in the Vniversity of Oxon, on the death of B. Thornborough was made Bishop of Worcester.
- 1641. 70. Iohn Williams B. of Lincoln and Dean of Westminster after the death of Arch. B. Neile succeeded in the Metropoliticall See of York.
- 1625. April. 12. SIr Morr is Abbot Merchant. London.
- 22 Sr Abraham VVilliams.
- 25 Sr Iames Lasly.
- Sr Paul Harris of Boreatton.
- May 6. Sr Iohn Meller of Little Breda Dorset.
- Sr Charles Glenham.
- 15 Sr Edward Clarke of Reading Berks.
- 20 Sr Edward Griffin of Braybrooke Castle North.
- 24 Sr Iohn Halts.
- 26 Sr VValter Long of VVarall Wilts.
- Sr Truston Smith of VValpotSuffolk.
- Iane 15. Sr Christopher Man of Canterbury Kent.
- Sr Iohn Finch of Canterbury.Kent.
- Sr Robert Hony-wood of PetKent.
- 18 Sr Thomas Power of Newcastle.
- 20 Sr Hugh Stukeley Hamp.
- 27 Sr Roger Martin of Long Milsord. Suffolk.
- July 4. Sr VVilliam Gourdon Scotus.
- [Page] 9 Sr Martin Lister.
- 10 Sr Morris Drummon Scotus.
- 16 Sr Nich. Row of Mousewelhill. Middle.
- 17 Sr Rich Hutton of Gouldesborow.
- 19 Sr Morgan Randell of Oxonford Surry.
- Aug. 2. Sr Thomas Pope of VVioxton Oxon.
- 7 Sr Thomas Morton of Eastnon Kent.
- Sr Thomas Yorke of Brackley Northamp.
- 8 Sr Thomas Baker
- 15 Sr Henry Killegrew Lincoln.
- 31 Sr VVilliam Sanderson
- Sr Thomas Brodery of Arnbury Lincoln.
- Decem 4. Sr VVilliam Morley.
- Sept. 12. Sr Iohn Ashburnham of Bromham Suffolk.
- 13 Sr Edward Barkley de Bruton Sommet.
- 15 Sr Richard Reynell of East Ognel Devon.
- Sr Thomas Reynell his Brother Devon.
- Sr Iohn Young
- 16 Sr Iohn Chichester Devon.
- 17 Sr Iohn Carew Devon.
- 19 Sr Iames Bagge of Plimouth Devon.
- 28 Sr Thomas Thornix Kent.
- Sr William Courtney Devon.
- Sr Henry Sprey Devon.
- Sr Iames Scot.
- Sr Sheffield Chapham.
- Sr Iohn Gibson.
- Sr Henry VVilloughby.
- Sr Thomas Love.
- Sr Michael Geare
- Sr Iohn VVatts.
- Sr Iohn Chidley Capt. Devon.
- 26 Sr Simon Leech. Devon.
- [Page] 27 Sr Francis Dodington Somerset.
- Sr Thomas Pawlet Somerset.
- Octob. 3. Sr Tho. Jay of Neiheihaven W [...]lts.
- 18 Sr Robert Cock.
- 31 Sr Richard Shelden.
- Nov. 3. Sr Edw Bathurst of Horton Kirby Kent.
- Decem. 18. Sr Edw Bishop of Parham Suffolk
- 27 Sr Edw. Spencer of Batton Middle.
- 29 Sr Peter Killigrew.
- 1626. April 12. Sr Dodmore Cotton.
- May 12. Sr William Killig. ew.
- May 19. Sr Hugh Cholmondley.
- June 6. Sr John Loder of Loder Westmer.
- 14 Sr John Gore late Lord Maior of London.
- Sr Allen Cotton then Lord Maior of London.
- Iuly 2. Sr Francis Harvy of Cotten end North.
- 22 Sr John Underhill.
- Sept. 7. Sr Will. Gardener of Peckham Surrey.
- Nov. 27. Sr George Cenit.
- 30 Sr Thomas Huncks.
- Decem. 2. Sr Thomas Richardson of Throp-Market Norf.
- 3 Sr Walter Leech of Cadley Devon
- 6 Sr Simonds D' Ewes of Scowlangtoft Suffolk
- 9 Sr Miles Sands of VVilberton Cambr.
- 11 Sr Richard Minshall Chesh.
- Sr Robert Sands.
- 16 Sr Peter VVich.
- Ian. 28. Sr Nicholas Hide.
- Feb. 8. Sr Francis Clarke of Hitcham Bucking.
- 11 S [...] George Kemp of Pentlow Essex.
- March 4. Sr VVilliam Craven London.
- 6 Sr VVilliam Carre.
- [Page] 21 Sr VVilliam Poshall.
- 22 Sr VVilliam Alexander.
- 1627. April. 9. St Christopher Trentham Staff.
- 10 S [...] Edward Seabright Wigor.
- 14 Sr Robert Barkely of Pe [...]sley Wigor.
- 19 Sr Thomas Kelleyon Scotur.
- 21 Sr Toby Cage.
- 29 Sr John Hanbery North.
- Sr VVilliam B [...]iers Bedford.
- May 20. Sr Cutbert Hacket
- 23 Sr Martin Snowkers of Flanders.
- June 22. S [...] Iohn Savill of Lupsil York▪
- 20 Sr Richard Greenvile.
- Sr Thomas Fryer.
- Sr VVilliam Cunningham.
- Sr Iohn Tolcarne.
- 26 Sr Simon Harcourt.
- July 7. Sr Robert Honywood.
- 17 Sr Drew Dean [...] of Dinshall Essex.
- 22 Sr George Russell of Richmonds Bedf.
- 23 Sr Henry A [...]trey of VVoodend.
- 29 Sr Lawrence VVashington.
- Aug. 7. Sr Edward Clarke of Arlington Berks.
- 22 S [...] Cope Doyley of Greenland Bucking.
These six following were Knighted by the King of Sweden.
- Sept. 23 Sr Peter Young.
- Sr Henry St George. Richmond Herald.
- Sr Patrick Rutbin a Coll. Scotus.
- Sr Alexander Lesley a Coll. Scotus.
- Sr Thomas Muschamps a Coll. North.
- Sr Iohn Heybron Stotur.
- [Page] Octob. 8. Sr Henry Morison of Tuly Parke Leicest.
- 13 Sr VVilliam Blake of Kensington Middle.
- 31 Sr Garret Rainsford
- Sr VVilliam Denny of Norwich Norfolk▪
- Decem. 5. Sr Iohn Tufton.
- 23 Sr George Vernon of Hassington.
- Ian. 20. Sr Francis Radcliffe of Newcastle Northumb.
- 27 Sr Iohn Terrill Essex.
- Feb. 1. Sr Phillip Oldfield of Somerford Chesh.
- 5 Sr Marmaduke Langdale of Pighall York.
- 15 Sr VVhite Beconshaw of Moyls-Court Hamp.
- 18 Sr Ba [...] Dixwell of Folson Kent.
- April 1. Sr Timothy Featherston North.
- 14 Sr Thomas Lucas of Colchester Essex.
- 16 Sr Iohn Sackvill of Sudlescomb Sussex.
- 29 Sr Thomas Lewis of Penmalk Glamor.
- May 12. Sr Charles Crofts of Bardwell. Suffolk.
- 20 Sr Edw. Richard of Southampton Hamp.
- 23 Sr Iohn Lyster York.
- 25 Sr Hugh Bethell of Alne York.
- June 3. Sr Robert Morton of Easture Kent.
- 4 Sr Thomas Hope Scotus.
- 8 Sr Hugh Hamersley Lord Maior of London.
- 29 Sr Thomas Gerard of Asbydelazouch Leicest.
- Sr Iohn Trelawney of Trelawney Cornw.
- Sr VValter Langdon of Kaverell Corn.
- July 11. Sr John Fotberby of Canterbury Kent.
- Sr Iohn Rowth of Romley Darby.
- Sr VVilliam Hopkins of Coventry Warwick.
- Aug. 5. Sr Iohn Miles of Devington Kent.
- Sr Thomas Ismond
- Sr Iohn Crosby
- Sr Iohn Langworth
- [Page] [...] Sr Iohn Harvy.
- Septem. 1. Sr Iohn Leigh of Newport Southam▪
- 8 Sr Thomas Culpepper Sussex.
- 13 Sr George VVilmot of Charleton Berks.
- Octob. 29. Sr Edward Dodsworth of Trowtsdaile Ebor.
- Novem. 2. Sr VVill. Salter of Ritchking Bucking.
- Sept. 25. Sr Cornelius Faire-Madow of Fulham Middl.
- Novem. 8. Sr Iervis N [...]vill of Haddington Lincoln.
- Decem. 6. Sr VVill▪ Catchmay of Bixweere Gloucest.
- 9 Sr VVill. Ashton of Tingery Bedfordsh.
- 10 Sr VVill. Quadring of Iraby Lincoln.
- Sr George Grimes of Peckam Surrey
- 23 Sr James Harrington of Merton Oxon.
- Ian. 1. Sr Iohn Bracking of Eaton Bedf.
- 6 Sr Cornelius Vermuden of Hadfield Ebor.
- 7 Sr Iohn Heydon of Backenstrop Norf.
- 9 Sr Richard Grimes.
- 27 Sr Richard Manley:
- 22 Sr VVill. Rowe of Higham Hill Essex.
- 25 Sr Lewes Morgan.
- 1629. April 29. Sr Iervis Elwis Notting.
- 28 Sr VVill. Dalton of the City of Yorke
- 31 Sr Richard Deane Lord Maior of London.
- Sr VVill. Acton Sheriffe.
- Iune 11. Sr VVill. Calley of Burdrop W [...]lt [...].
- Sr Balthazar Gerbeir.
- 21 Sr Cranmer Harris of Crixsey Essex.
- 28 Sr Iohn Lee of Lawshall Saffolk.
- Iuly 6. Sr Hardres VValler Kent.
- 19 Sr Anthony Mansell of [...]retton Gloucest.
- Aug. 11. Sr Popham Southcot.
- 14 Sr Henry Cason of Poyton Sussex.
- [Page] 18 Sr Iohn Yate of Buckland Berks.
- 23 Sr Nathaniel Brent Doctor at Law.
- 27 Sr VVill. Spencer of Yarnton Oxford.
- 28 Sr Iohn Stonehouse of Rudley Berks.
- Sept. 24. Sr Thomas VVortley.
- Octob. 4. Sr Thomas VVarner.
- 16 Sr Christopher Abdy of Belgat Kent.
- Decem. 9. Sr Leonard Feerby of Pauls Cray Kent.
- Sr Edmund Mounford of Fel [...]wall Norf.
- Sr Thomas Gawdy of Gawdy Hall
- Feb. 6. Sr Ferdinando Cary.
- 11 Sr Thomas Thornborough of Elmly Wigon.
- 12 Sr Nicholas Byron.
- 15 Sr Edmund Scot of Lambeth Surrey.
- 21 Sr Peter Pawle Rubens.
- Feb 7. Sr Ralph Blackstone of Blackston Ebor.
- March. 1. Sr Dudley Carleton of Holcombe Oxon.
- 21 Sr George Herbert of Dorrow Hiber.
- 1630. April 17. Sr Lawrence De la Chamber of Rodmill.
- 25 Sr George VVentworth of VValley Ebor.
- May 1. Sr Iohn Morley of Chichester Sussex.
- 3 Sr Oliver Nicholes of Manningford Bruse.
- 23 Sr Iames Cambell Lord Maior of London.
- 25 Sr Philip Stapleton of VValrer Ebor.
- Iune 1. Sr VVilliam Fairefax Ebor.
- 4 Sr Robert Needham.
- 6 Sr Philip Langdon of Handleby Lincoln.
- 7 Sr Edw. Masters of East Handon Kent.
- 24 Sr Thomas Gower of Sillingham.
- Sr VVilliam Strickland of Hildingley Ebor.
- 27 Sr Iervis Scroope of Ackrinton. Lincoln.
- 28 Sr Edward Floid of Berthloid Montgom.
- [Page] Sr VValter Pye.
- Sr Iames Steward Duke of Lenox.
- Iuly 4. Sr Stephen Scot of Haies Kent.
- Sr Iohn Harper of Swarson Daiby.
- 7 Sr Iames Montgomery Scotus.
- 9 Sr Richard Pigot of Dothersoll Bucking.
- Sept. 19. Sr Thomas Bows of Much Bromsey Hall Ess.
- 4 Sr Iohn Thorowgood
- 27 Sr Henry Dawfrey of More.
- Sr Henry Atkins London.
- Octob. 5. Sr Iames Hamilton M. Hamilton.
- 16 Sr Thomas Carleton of Carleton Cumb.
- Decem. 2. Sr Fredricke Cornwallis of Bromehall.
- 7 Sr VValter Alexander of St Iames Middle.
- 19 Sr Iohn Sucklin of VVitham Middle.
- Ian. 11. Sr Thomas Swan of Southfleet Kent.
- Febr. 15. Sr Arthur Robinson of Deighton Ebor.
- 1631. April 25. Sr Martin Barnham of Hellingborne:
- May 21. Sr Iames VVeston of Castle Campe Cant.
- Iune 5. Sr Robert Ducy Lord Maior of London
- Sr Iohn Banks of Graies Inne Middle.
- 12 Sr Robert Yelverton.
- 13 Sr VVilliam Polcy of Bicksteed.
- Octob. 30. Sr Iohn Caswell,
- Novem. 21. Sr Edward Powell.
- 27 Sr Thomas VVindham of Renssord Somer.
- Feb. 6. The Ventian Embassador.
- March. 19. Sr VVilliam VViddrington of VViddrington.
- 22 Sr George Devereux of Sheldon.
- 1632. April 30. Sr Iohn Somerset of Plantley Court.
- May 23. Sr Richard Prince of Salop.
- [Page] 27 Sr George VVhitmore Lord Maior of London.
- Iune 3. Sr George Fleetwood Collonel.
- 6 Sr George Carnegay Scotus.
- Sr Francis Windebanke
- 22 Sr Francis Rainsford.
- July 2. Sr James Carmichadell.
- 3 Sr George Cary of Bradford.
- 5 Sr Anthony Vandike.
- 29 Sr John Hall.
- Aug. 4. Sr Robert Paine of Barton Stacy. South.
- 24 Sr Nicholas Slanneing Devon.
- Sept. 11. Sr John Melton Yorke.
- Nov. 4. Sr Francis Crawley of Luton Bedf.
- 22 Sr Thomas Honywood of Markhall Essex.
- Decem. 8. Sr Edward Alsord of Offonington Sussex.
- Feb. 24. Sr William Brockman of Bitchborow.
- March 4. Sr Arnold Wareing of Sivingson Buck.
- Sr John Coult of Rickemersworth Hertf.
- 1633. April 21. Sr Henry Knowlis.
- Sr John Ramsay.
- May 2. Sr Alexander Hall of Allemerhall.
- 5 Sr Nicholas Rainton Lord Maior of London.
- Sr John Wolstcnholme of London. [...].
- Sr Abraham Daws of Putney.
- Sr Iohn Iacob of London.
- Sr George Douglas Scotus.
- 26 Sr William Allenson Maior of Yorke.
- Sr William Belt Recorder of Yorke.
- 27 Sr Paul Neale.
- June 4. Sr Lionel Maddison Northumb.
- 8 Sr William Boswell.
- 17 Sr William Robinson.
- [Page] July 4. Sr Edmund Boweur of Camberwell.
- 16 Sr Pelham Cary.
- Sr Iohn Coke.
- Sr Patrick Abereromy.
- Sr Thomas Hopton.
- Sr Thomas Alston.
- Sr VVilliam Lyre.
- Sr Iames Achmoti.
- Sr Francis Siddenham.
- Sr Robert Wood.
- Sr Mathew Howland.
- Sr George Theobals.
- Sr Iohn Saltinston.
- Sr George Windham.
- Sr David Kirke.
- Sr Thomas Tresse.
- Sr John Thoroughgood.
- Sr Nicholas Servin.
- Sr John Temple.
- Sr Roger Higgs.
- Iuly 17. Sr Thomas Dakers.
- Sr VVilliam Riddall Northum.
- Aug. 5. Sr Richard Howbart.
- Sr Selwin Parker.
- 27 Sr Thomas Coghill Oxon.
- Sr Francis Norris Oxon.
- Feb. 4. Sr Tho. Dayrell of Eillington Dayrel Buck.
- 1634. April 4. Sr Iohn Pennington.
- 23 Sr VVilliam le Neve Nors.
- Iune 1. Sr Thomas Moulson Lord Maior of London.
- 17 Sr Anthony Cage of Stow Camb.
- 25 Sr Edward Hartop of Euckminster Leicest.
- [Page] Novem. 24. Sr Iohn Brampston Essex.
These 4 came over with the Swedish Embassador.
- Sr Iacob Skitt [...]e.
- Sr Iohn Crus.
- Sr Gustavus Banir.
- Sr Gabriel Oxensterne.
- May 10. Sr Iohn Skittee.
- 24 Sr Robert Earkehurst Lord Maior of London.
- June 6. Sr Edw. Littleton.
Sept. 23.
These six Knighted by the Earle of Lindsey on Shipboord.
- Sr Iohn Lord Pawl [...]t.
- Sr Iohn Pawlet his Son.
- Sr Iames Douglas.
- Sr Iohn Digby.
- Sr Charles Howard.
- Sr Elias Hicks.
- Octob. 4. Sr Ralph VVhitfield of Tenterden Kent.
- 11 Sr Thomas Corbet of Sprouston Norf.
- Sr Richard VVeston Decem.
- Ian. 14. Sr Iohn Dalton of VVest-VVretting Camb.
- March 1. Sr Richard Vivian of Treloteren Cornw.
- 8 Sr Henry Calthrop of Cockthrop Norf.
- 1636. 28. Sr VVilliam Shelley of Michelgrove Sus.
- May 29. Sr Charles Herbert of Moore Hertf.
- Aug. 30. Sr Symon Baskervile of London.
- Octob. 11. Sr Mathew Lister of London.
- 16 Sr Thomas Ingram of Yorke.
- Ian. 15. Sr Christopher Clethero Lord Maior of London.
- Feb. 7. Sr William Howard of B [...]vor York.
- 1637. Iune 4 Sr Edw Bromfield Lord Maior of London.
- Aug. 7 Sr Charles Mordant of Massinghall Norf.
- [Page] Decemb. 4. Sr Job Harvy of London.
- Feb. 2. Sr Arthur Hopton of Witham Somer.
- 12 Sr Rowland Wandesford of Haddegly York.
- March 24. Sr Thomas Milward of Eaton Dovedale Der.
- 1638 Sr John Barrington of Barrington Essex.
- May 8. Sr John Lucas neare Colchester Essex.
- 27 Sr Richard Fe [...] Lord Maior of London.
- June 23. Sr Thomas Bedding field of Halborne Middle.
- Octob. 2. Sr Balihazar Garbeire.
- Ian. 8. Sr Edmund Williams of London.
- 1639. March 26. Sr Arthur Jenny of Know [...]shall Suff▪
- Sr Richard Allen.
- Sr Gillam Merricke.
- April [...]. Sr Roger James of Yorke Lord Ma [...]or.
- Sr Thomas Widdrington Recorder.
- 30 Sr Alexander Davison of Blackston Du [...]
- Sr Thomas [...]ddel of [...]
- June 23. Sr John Hele of [...] Devon.
- Sr [...] Thinne.
- Sr [...] of Sto [...] Co [...]
- Sr Edward Savage of west minster▪
- Sr William Darcy of Witton Castle Durh
- July 6. Sr Charles [...] of Crossehall Su [...]
- 26 Sr William Selby of Twisle North.
- 27 Sr Vivian M [...]llencux.
- Sr Iohn Pawlet.
- Sr Humphrey Sidenham.
- Sr Peregrine Bertu.
- Sr Charles Howard
- Sr Richard Bellars.
- Sr Iohn Morley.
- Sr William Gun.
- [Page] Sr Charles Lucas.
- Sr Michael Earnly.
- Sr Douglas.
- Sr Iohn Barkley.
- Sr VVilliam Barkley.
- Sept. 4. Sr Thomas Not.
- 26 Sr Iervis Eyr of Rampton Notting.
- 29 Sr William Craven of Com Abbey Warwic.
- Octob. 12. Sr Edmund Reve of Stratten Norf.
- Decem. 31. Sr Thomas Daws of Putney Surrey.
- Ian. 1. Sr Nicholas Cri [...] of London.
- Sr Iohn Nuls of London.
- Ian. 30. Sr Robert Foster of Fosters Egham.
- March 21. Sr Henry Blunt.
- 1640. March 31. Sr Thomas Fotherley.
- April 2. Sr George Sayer of Bewsers Hall Essex.
- May 12. Sr Nathaniel Finch of Ash Kent.
- 31 Sr Henry Garraway Lord Maior of London.
- June 23. Sr Henry Vane.
- 30 Sr Thomas Ashton of Weedhill.
- Nove. 22. Sr George Vane.
- Ian. 4. Sr Iohn Harrison [...]
- Decem. 24. Sr He [...]neage Proby.
- Ian. 9. Sr Martin Lumley Kt and Bar.
- 25 Sr Iohn Gore.
- 28 Sr Thomas Fairfax.
- Sr Edward Herbers.
- Feb. 1. Sr Robert Wildgoose.
- 11 Sr Simon Fanshaw.
- Sr Nicholas Coat-Cole Kit and Bar.
- 15 Sr Arthur Ashton.
- 16 Sr Iohn Witterong.
- 25 Sr Thomas Meautis is of Gorambury Her [...].
- 26 Sr Wilford Lawdson. Sr Ralph
- [Page] March 8. Sr Ralph Varney.
- 21 Sr Nicholas Miller.
- 1641. 26. Sr Richard Howell.
- April. 18. Sr William Palmer.
- 19 Sr William Poele.
- 27 Sr Edmund Pye.
- 30 Sr Peter Rickard.
- May 13. Sr Samuel Owefield.
- 24 Sr Iohn [...]key.
- 29 Sr William Butler.
- 31 Sr Nicholas Kemish.
- June 1. Sr Robert Therold.
- 4 Sr Simon Every.
- Sr Iohn Wortley.
- Sr George Winter.
- 5 Sr Robert Fielding of Barnacle Warw.
- 6 Sr Peter Temple.
- 18 Sr Harbert Whitfield.
- 19 Sr Thomas Dike.
- 20 Sr Edmund Wright Lord Maior of London.
- 23 Sr George Courtup.
- Sr Robert de Gray.
- Sr Christopher Athoe.
- 24 Sr Thomas Cave.
- 25 Sr Iohn Evelin.
- 26 Sr Iohn Cotton.
- 28 Sr Thomas Whitmore.
- Sr Iohn Palgrave.
- 26 Sr Vincent Corbit.
- 29 Sr Iohn Mayne.
- Sr Gerrard Nappard.
- 30 Sr Rowland Barkeley.
- July 2. Sr Valentine Pell.
- 4 Sr William Butler.
- [Page] Sr Anthony Augher:
- Sr Richard Napper.
- Sr Thomas Bernard [...]ston.
- 6 Sr Thomas Mallet.
- 8 Sr Thomas Abdy.
- July 8 Sr Samuel Sly.
- Sr William Doy [...] [...]
- 11 Sr Edward Duke.
- Sr Thomas Gibbon. [...]
- 10 Sr Thomas Hewyt.
- 13 Sr Roger Smith.
- 14 Sr Robert Litton:
- Sr William Drake.
- 19 Sr Iohn Herwich.
- Sr Iohn Curson. Aug. [...]
- Sr Iohn Rolt. [...]
- Sr. George Ascough.
- Sr Francis Williamson.
- Sr Robert Fen.
- Sr Mi [...] Hatchinson.
- Sr Isaac Sidney.
- 21 Sr Roger Burgoyne.
- Sr Thomas Godfrey.
- Sr Peter Godfrey.
- 22 Sr Thomas Woolridge.
- 23 Sr Thomas Eversfield.
- 25 Sr Iohn Wild,
- 26 Sr Henry Prat Kt and Bar.
- 27 Sr Iohn Henden.
- Sr Iohn Gore.
- 29 Sr Thomas Bridges.
- 30 Sr Norton Knatchbutt.
- Sr George Stroud.
- 31 Sr William Dalstone Kt and Bar.
- [Page] Sr Edward Partridge.
- Aug. 5. Sr Robert Barkeham.
- 7 Sr Robert Kempe.
- Sr Sampson Eure.
- Sr Henry Hamond.
- Sr Iohn Glancile.
- 8 Sr Thomas Hamersly.
- 9 Sr Francis Rhodes.
- Sr Robert Crooke.
- Sr Iohn Pets.
- Sr Thomas Bishop.
- 10 Sr Hugh Owen.
- Sr Hugh Windbam.
- Nov. 26. Sr Edward Nicholas.
- 25 Sr Richard Gurney L. Maior.
- Sr Tho. Gardiner Recorder.
- Sr Iohn Petus.
- Decem. 3. Sr Iohn Cordell.
- Sr Thomas Soame.
- Sr Iohn Gayre.
- Sr Iacob Gerrard.
- Sr Iohn Wollaston.
- Sr George Garret.
- Sr George Clarke.
- 5 Sr Edward Astley.
- 8 Sr Anthony Piercivall.
- 12 Sr Thomas Trever.
- 18 Sr Iohn Spelman.
- 20 Sr Iohn Roberts.
- 21 Sr Iohn Tusion.
- 23 Sr Iohn Mallery.
- 27 Sr Henry Cholmelcy.
- 28 Sr Thomas Lunsford.
- [Page] Jan. 5. THe Martin.
- Rich. Halford.
- 12 Iohn Darrell.
- 21 Isaac Astley.
- Iohn Rayney.
- Feb. 10. William Springate.
- Iohn Gennet.
- 14 Henry Palmer.
- 15 Edward Philmore.
- Henry Scradling.
- Iohn Menys.
- William Man.
- Martin Van Trumpe.
- Mar. 1. William Cooper.
- [...]William Cawley
- 12 Iohn Read.
- Robert Crampton.
- For [...].
- 14 Richard Stone.
- 20 Edmund Cooper.
- 1642. April 1. The Duke of York.
- Earle of Carnarvan.
- Lord Obignie.
- Lord Iohn.
- Lord Bernard.
- 21 Brian Palmes.
- Thomas Nortcliffe.
- 23 Iames Pennyman.
- May 1. Francis Butler.
- 2 Thomas Boswell
- Iordan Mctham.
- 21 Richard Trencard.
- Iune 6. Iohn Girlington.
- 7 Thomas Williamson.
- 25 Ingram Hopton.
- Francis Munkton.
- 26 George Middleton.
- 27 Edmund Duncomb.
- 28 Peter Courting.
- Iuly 12. Iohn Digby.
- 14 Charles Dallison.
- William Coney.
- Robert Tredway.
- Richard [...]
- Iohn Burrell.
- Iordan Cros [...]land.
- 26 Eus [...] [...].
- 28 George [...].
- Anthony Sellenger.
- 30 Francis Cob.
- Aug. 8. William Clarke.
- 9 Edm. Fortescue.
- 13 Edw. Iarret.
- 19 George Theaine.
- 21 Robert Leigh.
- 22 Thomas Leigh.
- 24 John Middleton
- [Page] Sept. 7. Henry Jones.
- 13 Robert Stapleton.
- 19 John Wild.
- 31 Francis Otley.
- 22 John Wild Iun.
- 25 Hugh Calveley.
- 26 Richard Crane.
- 21 Thomas Byron.
- 29 Arnold de Lille.
- Thomas Screven.
- Oct. 1. Richard Willis.
- Thomas Lister.
- Richard Byron.
- [...]Richard Floid.
- 9 Gerrard Eaton.
- 11 Thomas Eaton.
- 21 Anthony Morgan.
- 22 Rich. Shugburrough
- 24 John Smith.
- 25 Robert Welch.
- Nov. 2. William Palmer.
- [...].Wingfield Bodenham.
- 9 Edward Sidenbam.
- 10 Henry Hen.
- 12 Iohn Tirringham.
- 29 Tho. Maynwaring.
- Dc. 27. Tho Blackwell.
- Ian. 1. Henry Huncks.
- 9 Edward Chester.
- 10 Robert Murray.
- 14 Henry Vaughan.
- Feb. 1. William Mallery.
- 3 William Neale.
- 6 George Vaughan.
- 22 Edward Hyde.
- 23 Isaac Astley.
- 24 John Pen Rudduck.
- 26 John Winford.
- Mar. 2. Henry Hunlock.
- 5 Tho. Bad.
- Iohn Penruddock.
- 22 John Scudmore.
- 24 Walter Floyd.
- Francis Floyd.
- 1643. Ap. 12. William Blackston.
- 23 Lewis Kirke.
- May 17. Edward Lawrence.
- June 1. James Murray.
- 13 Charles Kemish.
- Edward Stradling.
- John Hurray.
- 24 Humble Ward.
- 25 Butler.
- Aug. 3. Charles Mobune.
- John Greenfield.
- Sam. Cosworth.
- Christopher Wray.
- 15 Richard Chowley.
- Sept. 8. William Morton.
- 9 William Howard.
- 22 Michael Woodhouse.
- 24 Timothy Terrell.
- 28 George ap Roberts
- 30 Edward Alston.
- Oct. 4. Edward Ford.
- [Page] 7 Peter Ball.
- 26 Francis Chock.
- Nov. 9. Arthur Blayney.
- 10 Otley.
- 11 Joseph Seamore.
- 17 Orlando Bridgman
- 22 Henry Bare.
- 24 Edw. Vaughan.
- Dec. 6. Robert Breerwood.
- 9 Edmund Varney.
- 12 Charles Compton.
- William Compton.
- Spencer Compton
- 28 Marmad. Royden.
- Ian 4. Richard Lane.
- 9 William Manwaring.
- 29 Robert Holborne.
- Feb. 5. John Read.
- 1644. Mar. 25 Thomas Gardner.
- Apri. 9. VVill. Courtney.
- 2 Hugh Cartwright.
- 16 Henry VVood.
- 19 Thomas Cheddle.
- 24 George Villers.
- May 6. VVill. Godolphin.
- 12 Robert Byron.
- George Parry.
- Iune.Martin Sands.
- 18 Barnard Astley.
- Daniel Tyers.
- Iuly.Hugh Crocker.
- Robert Howard.
- Thomas Basset.
- Francis Basset.
- Charles Trevanian.
- John Arundell.
- Iohn Grills.
- Aug. 25. Francis Gamull.
- Ioseph VVagstaffe.
- Edward Brett.
- Sackvill Glenbam.
- VVilliam Ratcliffe.
- Thomas Prestwich.
- Nov. 1. Hugh Gage.
- Charles Floyd.
- 2 Peter Brown.
- 7 VVill. Campion.
- Deo. 17. Iohn Owen.
- 18 Chichester Luteno
- Ian. 14. Gilbert Talbot.
- 17 The Lord Capell.
- Lord Henry Scam
- 23 Henry Chichley.
- 27 Richard Hatten.
- 30 George Bunckle.
- Feb. 1. Iohn Dabridge.
- 2 Edward VValker.
- Stephen Hawkins.
- Mar. 20. Thomas Rives.
- 21 Charles Cotterell.
- Richard Breme.
- 1645. Mar. 28. Richard Malev [...]
- Robert Peake.
- April 3. Iohn Ratcliff [...]
- [Page] 29 Lodowick VVyrc.
- May 5. Barthol. la Roche.
- 14 Edward Barret.
- Iune 2. Richard Page.
- VVilliam Bridges.
- Mathew Appleyard.
- 4 Edward Hapton.
- 25 Dudly VVyat.
- 31 Henry Lingham.
- Iuly 6. Herbert Lunsford.
- 10 Edmund Peirce.
- 31 Iohn VVallpoole.
- Sept. 5. VVill. Layton.
- Barraby Sc [...]damore.
- 15 Henry VV [...]oth.
- 23 Iohn VVales.
- Oct. 27. Theophilus Gilby.
- Dec. 20. Edward Cooper.
- 21 George Lisle.
- Ferdinando Fisher.
- 28 Charles Lee.
- Feb▪ 2. Iohn Ogle.
- 4 Anth. VVilloughby.
- 16 Allen Butler.
- 17 Iohn Surcot.
- 25 Thomas Sherley.
- VVilliam Byron.
- 1646. April 2. George Englandby.
- 4 Francis Rouse.
- 8 James Bridgmam.
- 11 Edmund Polcy.
- Iohn Knottessord.
- Ioseph VVagstaffe.
- Tho. Longue [...]vile.
- Edward Bathurst.
- Edmund Bray.
- Edw. Pridcaux.
- Allen Zouch.
- Allen Apsely.
- Edw Clarke.
- George Probat.
- VVill▪ Morgan.
- Edw. VValgrave.
- Henry Iones.
- Iohn▪ Norris.
- Gamalicl Dudle [...].
- Iohn Duncomb.