The Rosie Crucian CROWN Set with Angels, Planets and Mettals &c.
The First Book.
1 Of the Gold Mercury or Argent vive. 2 Purification. 3 Sublimation. 4 Calcination. 5 Exuberation. 6 Solution. 7 Separation. 8 Conjunction. 9 Putrefaction into Sulphur. 10 Fermentation. 11 Multiplication in vertue. 12 Multiplication in quantity.
HE that can make the Stone of Argent vive or ☿ alone, is the greatest searcher out of Art and Nature: because there is all that in ☿ which wise men do seek, for, Quick-silver is the mother and sperm of all Metals and their nearest matter: and it is not onely a spirit but a body, it is also [Page 2]a middle Nature and also a sulphur, it is a lingring ☿, it dieth and riseth again and is fixed with its own proper Elements: wherefore it is first necessary that it be purged from its impurities.
The purgation or purification is on this wise; grind it upon a Marble with a muller or a wodden Pestill in a wodden Morter with common salt and a little vinegar springled thereupon till the salt be black, then wash it well with vineger and dry it easily at the fire, or at the Sun, then strain it through a double cloath or a new skin of a sheep till it be dry and the vineger clear taken away and be of a white colour and clear.
Grind it upon a Marble with a little ☿ sublimate and let it mortifie and in corporate with it: then grind it with its equall weight of salt-Peter and green Coperas till it be like a paste; Then put all into a subliming glass and in Ashes sublime all the ☿ that it be white and clear as snow in the head of the Limbeck sublime it again three times or oftener and i [...] will be pure ☿ and sublimate.
Put one pound of this ☿ sublimate into two pound of common Aqua fortis by little and little at once as by two at a time till all b [...] dissolved like sugar in wine then shut the gla [...] and set it in Balneo to dissolve the space of 1 [...] days then distil away the Aqua fortis in a lenthe [...] in Balneo and the ☿ will remain in the bottom like butter of a white colour. And calcined b [...] corrosive water.
Put this calcined ☿ into an Earthen bod [...] [Page 3]with a Limbeck and in ashes sublime the whole dissolved substance three times which will then be very white and then it is called Mercury Exuberate.
VVhen you have three or four pound of this, receive the third part and fix it by often sublimation till it remain in a hard mass and ascend no more but remain fixed.
VVhich is called the Glue of the Eagle or the prepared body permanent and the volatile made fixed which is to be reserved for the earth of the stone.
Dissolve the other two parts in Balneo or in a cold Cellar or put it in a blader and hang it over suming hot water till it be all come to water.
Take this water thus made, and digest it in a Circulatory well closed the space of nine days then put it in a body with a head and receiver well luted and in ashes or Balneo distill the water of a white coulour or milkie and is called Lac Virginis, dissolving all mettalls and so you have seperated the spirit of the stone which is also called the lingring spirit and the white Tincture of the white stone of Mercury.
Take the third part which before you reserved and fixed called the glue of the Eagle, as much of it as you please and add thereto equal weight of its spirit or Lac Virginis and close up the glass and so you have joined the Man and the woman, ☿ with his own Earth; the spirit with the body. See the Holy Guid.
Set your Lac Virginis thus joyned with his own, Each in Balneo to putrine 150 days and [Page 4]there let it stand unmoved; after forty days it will be black, and it is then called the head of the Crow: then it will be of a green colour after that the Peacocks tail, and many false colours for between this and white it will appear red but at last you shall see it white and then encrease your fire and it will stick to the sides of the glasse like fishes eyes Then have you each in the nature of Sulpher, Read the Holy Guid.
Take of this Sulphur as much as you please and weigh it and add thereto two parts of the white Tincture or Lac Virginis and set it in Balneo to dissolve the space of six days then distill away the Lac Virginis or Tincture and the Sulphur will remain in the form of Liquor for it is the Liquor of the white sulphur of ☿ which is to be joined with the Liquor of the sulphur of Luna or siver.
The Sulphur of the white Luminary or silver or Luna is made as the other whereof we shall speak more in the next Branch. This Liquor of the sulphur is the soul which is joined with the spirit and body which quickeneth the whole stone. The other conjunction before was onely the union of the spirit and the body: but this is a threefold copulation viz. The uniting of the soul, spirit, and body.
Adde equal weight of these two Liquors of sulphur that is to say the liquor of the sulphur of Mercury and of silver and Luna, and close well the glasse and set it in Ashes till it be white, for it will be of all coulours again [Page 5]and at last white; And then is it the perfect stone converting all Mettalls into silver.
This stone or Elixir is thus multiplied in vertue dissolve it in your Lac Virginis and distill it away and dry it and dissolve it again &c. And let it be so often dissolved and dryed till it will drie no more but remain in an incombustible oyl. And is then Elixer of the third Order.
Take one part of this Elixir and project it upon 100 or 1000 parts of melted silver (according to the goodness and vertue thereof) and it will turn the silver into a brittle Mass or substance, which beat to powder in an Iron or brasse Morter or upon a Marble, and project one part of this powder upon 100 parts of ☿ purged made hot, and it will be perfect medicine whereof one part turneth 100 or 1000 parts of other bodies into good silver. And this way is your Medicine multiplyed in quantity.
A Corollary.
IT remaineth now that we speak of the Medicine or the Elixir of Life, which is called potable silver. But although the Liquor of silver may be made potable silver if it be corroberated before by digestion in Balneo 7 days with the spirit of wine and then distill away the said spirit of wine that the oyl of the silver may remain in the bottome which may easily be given for medicine, Yet the Philosophers would have us do otherwise for they teach us to bring the mettalls first into their quintessence before they be taken inwardly, and that their is no other quintessences but those that are of a second nature according to the old saying,
That is to say the 4 Elements are destroyed and by putrifaction a new body created and made into a stone, which is the quintessence as Ripley would have it; But I do boldly and constantly affirm that there is no true silver or potable silver nor Qintessence unless it be first Elixir and that is done in a quarter of an hour by projection of the Elixir upon silver or pure gold molten according as the Elixir was red or white. If therefore you desire after [Page 7]the first composition of the Elixir to make the Arcanum of Argentum or Aurum potabile project the Elixir or Medicine according to his quality or property upon pure silver or gold molten, and then it is made brittle and frangible and grind it to powder and take thereof so much as you please and dissolve it in distilled vinegar (or rather in spirit of wine) the space of nine days, then distill away the vineger or spirit of wine, that which remaineth in the bottome is the true Medicine, Quintessence, Elixir of life, Ferment of ferments and incombustible oyl converting mettalls and Mans body into perfect health from all diseases of mans body which proceed from Mercury and Luna. And thus is the true potable silver made cureing the Vertigo, Sincope, Spilepsy, Madness, Phrency Leprosie. &c. And this is the right way of making the stone of Mercury alone; but the Elixir cannot be made without the Addition of silver to the white, and of gold to the red.
1 Luna. 2 pure Silver. 3 Calcination. 4 Solution. 5 Putrefaction. 6 The Sulphur. 7 The Liquor of the Sulphur. 8 White Ferment.
HERMES saith, The Elixir is nothing else but Mercury Sol and Luna, by Mercury nothing is understood but the sulphur of nature which is called the true ☿ of the Phylosophers, and that sulphur gotten by putrifaction by the conjunction of the spirit and of the body of imperfect bodyes or mettals.
By Sol is meant gold, by Luna silver, both of them are to be joyned to imperfect bodies, that is to say, white sulphurs and red, whence the same Hermes in his treatise of Sol saith there happeneth a conjunction of two bodies and it is necessary in our Maistry; And if one of these bodies onely were not in our stone it would never by any means give any Tincture, Upon which Morienus saith. For the Ferment prepareth the imperfect body and converteth it to its own nature and there is no Ferment but Sol and Luna, that is, gold and silver. Of which Rosinus Sol and Luna prepared (that is [...]o say their sulphurs) are the ferments of mettles in colour, See the Holy Guid. [Page 9]But this is made more evident by Raymund in his Apertory where he saith there is no ferment except Sol and Luna, for the Ferment of the stone to white is silver and to the red gold, as the Phylosophers do demonstrate because without ferment there doth proceed neither gold nor silver nor any thing else that is of its kind or nature, therefore join the Ferment with its sulphur that it may beget its like, because the Ferment draweth the sulphur to its own colour and nature also, and weight and sound because every like begetteth its like. Because the Ferment even as Sol tingeth and changeth his sulphur into a permanent and piercing Medicine. Therefore the Philosopher saith he that knoweth how to tinge sulphur and Mercury with Sol and Luna, shall attain to the greatest secret. And for this reason it is necessary that Sol and Luna be the Tincture and Ferment thereof. You may read in the Holy Guide.
And so also Arnoldus in his Rosary, There is no body more noble or pure then Sol, or his shaddow that is to say silver without which no tingeing Mercury is generated. He that endeavoureth to give colour without this gold or silver goeth blindly to work like an Asse to a Harp, for gold giveth a golden and silver an argentive colour therefore he that knoweth how to tinge ☿ with Sol and Luna cometh or reacheh to the secret which is called white sulphur, the best to silver which when it is made red, will be red sulphur to gold the best.
Take pure Luna, that is to say silver that is best which is beaten into leaves and bring it into calx with ☿ And it is then called water silver then is the Luna well prepared for Calcination. See the Holy Guide.
When you have your silver thus prepared, take 4 or 6 ounces thereof, and put it in double proportions of Lac Virginis mixed with equall quantity of corrasive water to dissolve in an egge glasse. After it hath dissolved so much as it can in the cold, set in Balneo and there let it stand 9 dayes till the whole substance of the silver be dissolved into a green water, then let the Balneo cool and take it out, and put the dissolution into the body and set thereon a head and distill of the water from the matter remaining which is the oyl of the silver Calcined not into a calx but a Liquor, because this Lac Virginis if it be mixed or joined with common Aqua fortis or alone without it (as it pleaseth the Operator) is so strong that the very Diamond cannot resist it but is dissolved: Therefore this water is called the water of Hell and is the onely miracle of miracles of the World, because it containeth such a fiery nature in it self and propriety of burning of all bodies into Liquor whereas the Elementall fire prevaileth no further then to reduce mettalls into calx or ashes. But to return from whence we digressed I now come to the third operation.
To the end therefore that this liquor or oyl of silver may be more perfectly dissolved and that all the imperfection of adustion may be [Page 11]taken away, which by the Antients is called the corroberating of the lest humidity. Put this Oyl or liquor into another egge glasse like the former power thereupon so much spirit of wine above it 4 fingers then close well the glasse and set it in balneo to digest 7 or 10 dayes and you shall find the oyl or liquor turned into a thin or rare water oyl: put this water into a still and in balneo draw away the spirit of wine till none of the spirit of wine remain with the silver dissolved. And thus have you your silver prepared for putrifaction.
This Liquor of silver is potable but not the Quintessence put this water into a fit putrifying glasse and seal it up and set it to putrifie in balneo till the time of putrifaction be past which is about 150 days, and when you see the first sign of putrifaction which is called the head of the Crow encrease your fire a little till all colours begin to appear and you see it begin to be white,
When you see it white encrease your fire yet more and it will rise up and stick to the sides of the glasse most transparent like the eyes of fishes which is Sulphur of Nature or salt, or the putrified body of the white Luminary, viz. Luna, which yet is not so hard as a body nor so soft as a spirit but of a mean hardness between a spirit, and a body, and is called the Phylosophers Mercury and the Kay and mean of joining Tinctures.
But to come to the liquor of the white Luminary, this body being brought into Quintessence [Page 12]is prepared for dissolution like the sulphur of the imperfect body, but whereas that is done by the vertue of the white tincture or Lac Virginis I rather do it by vertue of the fire naturall which is the spirit of wine and after the drawing away thereof it remaineth in a Liquor.
Now this liquor of Luna dissolved is the Quintessence which then is the liquor of the white Luminary and the sole as Exinadius saith quickening the whole stone without which it is dead and will neither give form nor colour.
Therefore the fourth part of this liquor of the white Luminary is to be joined to three parts of the former liquor of the sulphur of ☿ and after to be kept in a lent fire of Ashes Well closed till it passe through all colours and at last come to its former colour of whiteness and so the stone is fermented and turned into the white Elixir.
The Residue of the foresaid dissolved sulphur keep diligently and therewith ferment the white sulpher of other imperfect bodies or stones into Elixirs, which when they are thrice dissolved and again congealed and remain in a liquid substance then they are called incombustible oyles and Elixirs of the third order.
And thus the stone is made of ☿ alone.
A Corrollary.
HAving spoken of the white stone it now resteth that we speak of the making of the red Elixir, vvhereof there is two processes the first whereof is from the Radix i. e. the long way: the other an accurtation that is much shorter and more excellent, And this way the Elixir may be made in 80 days and excells all other accurtations neither is there found therein any diminution of the vertue but is a plentifull and perfect fulness of power and vertue having all the properties which the Elixir ought to have. The process whereof these three following Chapters will plainly shew.
1 Vivum. 2 Sublimation. 3 Calcination. 4 Precipitation. 5 Solution. 6 Fixed oyl. 7 Inceration. 8 Desiccation. 9 Contrition. 10 Fermentation. 11 The Red Elixir. 12 The third Table
IT is not necessary to speak in this place of the urgation of ☿ because we spoke thereof before.
The sublimation is to be done otherwise then in the former worke for that which is called sublimation here is not done with vitrioll and salt peter but is only the distillation of the ☿ in an earthen body with a limbeck and that by it self without any addilament.
When the ☿ is once sublimed in ashes wholly into the head of the limbeck having a retainer joined thereto take off the head and with a feather gather the sublimed matter and you shall find your ☿ of a black colour having lost his fairness and like a dust or powder sticking to his body.
Put it again into the body and sublime it as before and reiterate this work 7 or 9 times untill you have a sufficient quantity of this powder that is to say a pound or more. And this is the Calcination.
When you see your ☿ will ascend no more but remain in the bottome of a black colour and that is dead and brought perfectly into calx let it cool and remove your body into sand till it be turned into a red colour; And this is the perfect precipitation prose without the help of any corrosive water, take a little of this powder upon a hot iron plate if it fume, dry it longer, if not it is well.
Take of this red powder as much as you will dissolve and put thereupon at least his double weight of Lac Virginis and set in Balneo till you see your Lac Virginis stained a yellow or red colour then filter it from its feces and keep it by it self in a glass well stopped and dry the matter that remaineth in Ashes and pour thereon new Lac Virginis and do as before till you have drawn out all the tincture. And so your ☿ is dissolved.
Put these solutions into a body luting to a head and in balneo distill away the Lac Virginis and the red oyl precipitate will remain which is fixed and needeth no distillation but is the tinging oyl of red Mercury and the red tincture of the red stone of ☿ and the soul and spirit of the same stone joyned,
Therefore take part of the white Sulphur reserved in the first Table and rubify it in ashes till it be red then imbile it with equal weight of the oyl of the tincture of this red ☿ and set it to dissolve in Balneo, and when you see it is dissolved into a liquid substance take it out.
Then set it in ashes or under the fire to fix [Page 16]till the matter being dried remain fixed and fusible standing in a mean heat not over hot which try upon a hot Iron plate and if it fume not it is well, if it do, encrease your fire till it be totally fixed and dry.
If this matter be imbibed again with its oyl till it drink up as much as it will and again dissolved in Balneo and then dried in Ashes, it will shew many colours and lastly appeared. And then it is the stone penetrating and fusible, apt for forme.
Join this imbiled matter (or stone) with the 4th part of the liquor or oyl of the red sulphur of Gold or the red Ferment, and dissolve it in Balneo, and drie it again, and again dissolve it in a glasse hanged in the fume of hot water or Balneum and congeal it again till it stand like honey; Then it is the perfect red Elixir of Mercury.
The Multiplication or Augmentation of the vertue and quantity is shewed in the former Chapter.
1 Gold Sol. 2 Purged Gold. 3 Calcination. 4 Solution. 5 Putrifaction. 6 Filius, solis Coelestis. 7 Filia Lunae Coelestis.
THe putrifaction or purgation of gold is done as the Goldsmiths use to do by melting it with Antimony that the gold may remain in the bottome pure and clear from other mettalls which they call Regulus.
Take 4 or 5 ounces of this refined gold, leaf or fileings and dissolve it in Lac Virginis, mixed with equal weight of Aqua fortis wherein salt Armoniack sublimed is dissolved, and when it is dissolved into a red Liquor or deep yellow then it is well calcined.
The solution and putrifaction is done as before you did with silver in the preparation of the white Ferment.
When you have your white sulphur of nature (after putrifaction) sticking to the sides of the glass, let it cool, and take out your glass and set it [...]n Ashes, and encrease your fire but not too much lest your matter vitrifie, and let your ashes be no hotter then you can hold your hand therein, and so let it stand till the sulphur be of a perfect deep red colour, Then have you the red sulphur of the red Luminary.
If you resolve this red sulphur in spirit of wine or distilled Vinegar into an oyl it is then the Liquor [Page 18]of the, red Luminary, And Auram potabile curing all infirmities if the spirit of wine or vinegar be destilled from it; But for this work it were better to dissolve it in our red Lac Ʋirginis spoken of in the second Chapter of the second Book; distill away the Lac from the sulphur in Ashes, and the sulphur remaining in an oile is the Ferment of all stones to the red. The augmentation of this red Elixir in vertue is with his red Tincture as before in the white Elixir with his white Tincture. The augmentation in quantity is by projection upon the body of gold molten: And that brittle matter of gold upon ☿ and if it be powdered and resolved with spirit of wine inan oyl as was said before of silver then it is the Quintessence of gold, and the great Elixir of life and the spiritual ferment for the transmutation of mettals and for the health of mans body.
The 5 Chapter sheweth the abbreviation of the Red Elixir.
1 The Liquor of the red sulphur. 2 Fermentation.
ALthough Raymund writing to King Robert was pleased to say, That every Accurtation diminisheth the perfection: because Medicines which are made by accurtation have less effect of transmutation, which I also ascent to with him for a truth, if the work be begun from the first fountain: yet because this work hath its beginning from those things which before were brought to a perfect degree of perfection, therefore in this there is no diminution of the perfection as the same Raymund witnesseth lib. Mecur. pag. 103. saying thus.
Therefore it ought to be declared unto thee, that if they be both well prepared (and that thou begin with them) thou wilt do a wonderful work without any great labour sooner then if thou should begin with one thing alone; Therefore my son begin thy work of two things together as [...] shewed to thee in the greater stone, when we spoke of the twofold custody of the actions which are caused by the bodies and spirits.
By that which is caused by the bodies and spirits he means nothing else but sulphur, willing that we should begin with sulphur, to which I do so well agree that I begin this my accurtation [Page 20]with sulphur alone and I add no other body to this Elixir but onely the sulphur of ☿ alone created of his own body and spirit.
Take therefore 2 ounces of the white sulphur that was described in the first Chapter and set it in ashes to rubifie, in 30 days it will be turned into red sulphur.
Which when you have done dissolve that sulphur in the red Tincture of Mecury when it is dissolved draw away the Tincture, in the bottom remaineth the Liquor of the sulphur.
To which if you add a due proportion of the liquor of the red Luminary it will be perfect Ferment, which if you dissolve and congeal as before is shewed, it is then Elixir of very great vertue to the red work and no man can make a shorter abreviation in the world; And when the sulphur of any body is prepared it may this way very speedily be converted into Elixir by adding the liquor of the ferment.
1 The Body. 2 The Spirit. 3 The Lion. 4 The Eagle. 5 The Phylosophers Lead. 6 Antimony. 7 Antimony Mercury. 8 The Glue of the Eagle. 9 Solution of the red Lion into Blood. 10 Solution of the Glue of the Eagle. 11 Solution of the Blood of the red Lion. 12 Conjunction. 13 Putrifaction. 14 The Stone. 15 Fermentation. 16 In the Trinity of The Phisical and Alchimical Tincture The Soul. 17 Is the Ʋnity of the Medicine.
TAke Antimony calcined so much as you please, and grind it to a subtile powder, then take twice so much Lac Virginis and put your powder of Antimony therein and set it in balneo 7 days, then put it into a body, and set it in sand or ashes till the Lac be turned red, which draw of and pour on more and so let it stand, when that is coloured red, pour it to the other and thus do till you have drawn out all the tincture set all this water in balneo or lent ashes to distill with a Limbeck, and distill it with a lent fire and first of all the Lac will ascend, then you shall see a stupendious Miracle because you shall see through the nose of the Alimbeck is it were a thousand veins of the liquor of this [Page 22]blessed minere to descend in red drops just like bloud, which when you have got thou hast a thing whereto all the treasure in the world is not equall; Now you have the blood of the Lion according to Rupesissa, let us here rest a little and speak of the Glew of the Eagle, of which Paracelsus thus saith.
Reduce Mercury so far by sublimation till it be a fixed Christall; this is his preparation of Mercury and his way of reducing it into the Glew of the Eagle, but above all I require that that way be used which is described by me before in the first Chapter, or that hereafter set down after this.
Then saith the foresaid Author, go on to resolution and coagulation, and I again will you to observe the same manner of solution shewed in the first Chapter before.
Now let us come to conjunction after the solution of these two, take equal weight of them and put them in a vessel well shut.
After you have thus joined them together set your glass in your furnace to putrifie and alter the space of certain days. Therefore Paracelsus saith, then at length and presently after your Lili is made hot in your glass it appeareth in wonderful manners (or demonstrations) blacker then the Crow: after that in process of time whiter then the Swan and then passing by yellow to be more red then bloud.
This being putrified and turned into red is to be taken for the stone, and then it is time it be fermented.
Of which Fermentation Paracelsus thus speaketh, one part thereof is to be projected upon 1000 parts of molton gold, and then the medicine is prepared and this is the Fermentation of it. But if the half or one part of the liquor of the sulphur of gold before described be added to it then it would be spirituall ferment, and would be much more penetrating in fortitude and fusible as Paracelsus doth testifie in his Aurora where he would have us to join the star of the sun or the oyl of sol to this stone. And thus the phisical Alchimical tincture is performed in a short time for curing all manner of Infirmities and humane diseases (which is also the great Elixir for mettals) so courtly concealed by the Antients. Which Hermes Trismagistus the Aegyptian, Osus the Gretian, Haly an Arabian, and Albertus Magnus a German, with many others, have sought and prosecuted every one after their own method, and one in one subject another in another, so much desired by the Philosophers onely for prolongation of life.
In this composition Mercury is made a fixed and dissolved body, the blood or spirit of the red Lion is the ferment or soul, and so of trinity is made unity, which is called the Phisical and Alchimicall tincture, never before that I knew of collected or writ in one work And I swear: I had not done this except that otherwise the composition of this blessed medecine had for ever been forgot.
If you desire to make the glue of the Eagle in a breifer way. Take part of the red precipitate prose as is taught before in the table of Mercury and dissolve it in distilled vineger and the vineger will be coloured into a yelow or delightfull golden colour and after you have destilled away the vineger there will remain in the bottome a white substance of the Mercury fixed and fair, which is to be joyned to the oyle of the Lion; And this work is much shorter and less laborious, look more hereof in the third Book.
Take Antimony well ground so much as you please and melt it in naked fire with salt Armoniack, and when it is melted cast it suddainly into a vessel almost full of distilled vineger wherein salt Armoniack hath been dissolved and thus melt it and cast it in three times, then pour off the vineger from the Calx of the Antimony and drie it well and grind it small and dissolve it as before is taught, and so have you the Red Lion of the Philosophers Lead or Antimony.
1 Elixir. 2 Conjunction. 3 Seperation. 4 the Stone. 5 Fermentation. 6 The Earth. 7 Spirit oyl, Blood of the Lambe. 8 Distillation. 9 Resolution. 10 Putrifaction. 11 Solution. 12 Vitrioll. 13 Calcination 14 Copper.
The first Chapter of the Elixir of Copper
MAny have sought out the way of the Mineral stone in vitrioll or green Copperas, but they were altogether received which common vitrioll by the Philosophers is called the green Lion of fools. But this our noble red Lion taketh its original from the Metallick body of Copper. Although I am not ignorant how to draw an oyl out of Romain vitrioll of a more sweet smell and delightfull taste then any balsome if the Tincture be taken out of the calcined vitrioll in spirit of wine, yet the Philosophers will is, and command that it do consist of a Metallick vertue wherewith the transmutaion of mettalls is to be effected. Therefore they say it is to be made of bodies and not of spirits as of vitrioll sulphur as well and the like. Whence I find it written in the [Page 26]Philosophers Turba and in the first Exercitation: But the Philosophers stone is a metallick matter converting the substances and forms of imperfect mettalls, and it is concluded by all the Philosophers that the conversion is not made except by its like, therefore it is necesary that the Philosophers stone be made of a metallick matter, yet if any be made of spirits yet it would be better and much more Philosophical and more near to a metallick nature to be made of bodies then of spirits: but if by Art the body should be turned into a spirit then the same body would be both body and spirit, and not to be doubled but the stone might be made of such a body or spirit. but let us return to our purpose; It being granted that this our vitrioll is such a body according to which Paracelsus testifyeth in his Aurora Philosophorum under this Aenigura or secret of the Antient Philosophers.
Out of the first letter of every word of this Aenigura is gathered this word VITRIOLUM by which is meant that thereof the stone or medicine may be made.
Therefore Paracelsus saith, the inward parts of the Earth are to be visited; not onely the Earth which is vitrioll, but the Inward parts of the Earth, he meaneth the sweetness and redness, because there lieth hid in the inward parts of vitrioll a subtill noble and fragrant juice and pure oyle.
And this is especially to be noted the production of this Copper into vitrioll is not to be done neither by calcination of the fire nor distillation of the matter, lest it be deprived of its greennesse which being lost it wants both power and strength.
Paracelsus speaks not one word of the preparation of this vitriol by whose silence many have erred, therefore I determined to leave him here a little and to prosecute and follow the order of the Table wherefore: begin with the calcination of the metall. And note that this calcination of Copper is made that it may be turned into vitrioll and not the calcination of vitrioll made of copper.
Take therefore as much copper as you please and dissolve, Calcination it in Aqua fortis to a fair green water, then set it 3 or 4 days to disgest till the matter be clear which pour out into a limbeck and in Balneo draw away the corrasive water so that the matter remain dry for then it is calcined.
Then upon every 2 pound of this calcined matter pour a gallon of distilled Vinegar and lute it up in a glass, and set it in balneo almost boyling the space of 7 days, when it is cold put into a limbeck to distill away all the vinegar in balneo, and in the bottom of the Alimbeck you shall have your vitrioll very well congealed far fairer then Romain vitrioll which is corporeal and metallick vitrioll.
Which Vitrioll I do not dissolve in rainwater like the Paracelsians, but rather with [Page 28] Lac Virginis as before is taught in the former Chapters or in Raymunds Calcination water, and after its dissolution and perfect digestion, that is to say 15 days I put it into a limbeck and balneo draw off the Lac virginis, which being done you shall find an oylie water green and clear upon which pour the spirit of wine and after it hath been digested 7 days and the spirit of wine distilled away in balneo you shall find your green water perfectly rectified made pure subtile and spiritual, and apt for putrifaction, for if it be not well dissolved and rarified it will not putrifie.
But now that I may join with Paracelsus in the manner of putrifaction I return to him and say with him commanding to disgest in a warm heat in a glass well closed the space of some moneths, and so long till diverse colours appear and be at length red which sheweth the termination of its putrifaction.
But yet in this process this redness is not sufficiently fixed, but is to be more fully purged from its feces in this manner.
Resolve it or rectifie it in distilled vinegar, till the vinegar be coloured then filler it from its feces. This is its true Tincture and best resolution and rectification out of which a blessed oyl is to be drawn.
This Tincture being thus resolved and rectified, is to be put into a body with a limbeck and in balneo distil the vinegar gently away.
Then in sand or ashes lift up the spirit gently and temperately, and when you see a fume ascend into the glass and red drops begin to fall out of the nose of the limbeck into the receiver, then the red oyl beginneth to distil, continue your distillation till all be come over, when it is done you shall have the oyl in the receiver lifted up and separated from its Earth more delightful and sweet then any balsom, or Aromatick without any sharpness at all, which oyl is called the blood of the Lamb. In the bottome of the body you shall find a white shining Earth like snow, which keep well from dust and so you have the clear Earth seperated from its oyl.
Take this white Earth and put it in a glass viol, and put thereto equal, weight of the oyl or soul and body, will receive it and embrace it in a moment.
But that it may be turned into a stone when you have joined these two together, set it into our furnace the space of 40 days and you shall have an absolute oyl of wonderful perfection wherewith Mercury and other imperfect mettals are turned into gold. As Paracelsus was pleased to say.
The stone being thus made, I now come to the fermentation without which it is not possible to give form to it neither will I adhere to the opinion of one man alone contrary to all the Philosophers alone, that is to say, Paracelsus repugnant to the rest of the Philosophers because they all of necessity have decreed to give form to the [Page 30]stone by ferment and union, that is to say, of an imperfect body, and by how much the ferment is more spirituall the stone will be of so much more penetration and transmutation.
These things being promised I do not think it sit that you should proceed to projection upon Mercury instead of fermentation as Paracelsus teacheth, or that the stone should be fermented his way with gold either corporeall or spiritual.
Which gold will be the foundation of the first projection. but what do the Philosophers command us to do? that projection that is to say fermentation, be made of a perfect foundation, and that upon imperfect bodies that medicines may be made which foundation of the stone or Elixir is not except it be onely the white or red ferment, in respect of which both gold and silver are said to be imperfect bodies, therefore this stone is to be fermented before it be projected upon the corporeal foundation or imperfect, that is to say corporeal gold.
Therefore joyn this oyle to the fourth part of the oyle of the sulpur of gold, and this is the true fermentation or conversion unto the Elixir.
Then Augment it in vertue by solution and coagulation, and in quantity by projection first upon the corporeal foundation that is to say gold, then that upon purified Mercury and that medicine upon other bodies which are most sit for projection, that is to say most fusible [Page 31]as Lead or Tinne, which after they are purified are most apt by reason of their easie melting.
And thus the Inward parts of the Earth are visited and by reflection the hiden stone is found, the true Medicine out of the green Lion of the Philosophers, and not of fools, and out of Corporeal and metallick vitrioll not terrestrial and made of mineral coperas.
The Second Chapter of Augmentation and projection of the STONE.
FIRST, Let us speak of the Augmentation of the vertue or quality; of which Raymund saith, The Augmentation in quality and goodness is by solution and coagulation of the Tincture, that is to say, by imbiling it with our Mercury and drying it. But let us hear Arnoldus more attentively, take one part of your prepared Tincture, and dissolve it in three parts of our Mercury, then put it in a glass and seal it up and set it in ashes till it be dry and come to a powder, then open the [Page 32]glass and imbile it again, and dry it again And the oftener you do the thus so much sha you gain and giveth more tincture.
And also as it is found in Clangor Buccinae, Dissolve it in the water of Mercury of which the Medicine was made till it be clear then congeal it by light decoction and imbile it with its oyl upon the fire till it flow by vertue whereof it will be doubled in tincture, with all its perfections as you will see in projection because the weight that was before projected upon a thousand, is now to be projected upon ten thousand, and there is no great labour in this multiplication.
Again the medicine is multiplyed two manner of ways.
By solution of calidity and solution of varity. By solution of calidity, is that you take the Medicine put in a glass vessel and burie it in our moist fire seven days or more, till the medicine be dissolved into water without any turbulency. By solution of rarity, is that you take your glass vessel with your medicine and hang it in a new brass pot full of water that boileth and close up the mouth of the pot that the medicine may dissolve in the vapour of the boiling water.
But note that the boiling water must not touch the glass wherein the medicine is but hang above it three fingers, and this solution will be above it in 2 or 3 days after your medicine is dissolved, take it from the fire to cool fix and [Page 33]congeal and be hard and dry this do often and and how much the more the medicine shall be dissolved it will be so much more perfect, and such a solution is the sublimation of the medicine and its virtual sublimation, which the oftener it is reiterated so much more abundantly and more parts it tingeth.
Whence Rasis saith the goodness of this multiplication consisteth in the reiteration sublimation and fixation of the medicine and by how much more this order is repeated it worketh so much more and is augmented for so often as you sublime your medicine and dissolve it you shall gain so much every time in projection one upon a thousand and if the first fall upon a thousand the third upon a hundred thousand the fourth upon a million and so infinitely. For Morienus the Philosopher saith; Know for certain that the oftener our stone is dissolved and congealed the spirit and soul is joined more to the body and is retained by it and in every time the Tincture is multiplyed.
Whence we thus read in Scala Philosophorum, which also the Philosophers say. Dissolve and congeal, so without doubt it is understood of the solution of the body and soul with the spirit into water and congealation makes the soul and spirit mix with the body and if with one solution and simple congealation the soul and spirit would be perfectly joined to the body the Philosophers would not say dissolve again, and congeal, and again dissolve and congeal that the Tincture of the stone may grow [Page 34]if it could be done with one congealation only.
The Medicine is another way multiplyed by fermentation and the ferment to the white is pure silver and the ferment to the red is pure gold, therefore project one part of your medicine upon a of the ferment (but I say 3 parts of the medicine upon one of the ferment) and all will be Medicine, which put in a glass upon the fire and so close it that no air go in nor out, and keep it there till it be subtiliated as you did with the first medicine and one part of the second medicine will have as much vertue as one part, of the first medicine had (but here again Clangor Buccinae hath erred for it should be write thus) one part of the second medicine will have as much vertue as ten parts of the first medicine had. And thus by solution and fermentation the medicine may be multiplied infinitely.
We have spoken enough of this multiplication, we now come to the other way of augmentation which is called corporeal multiplication and according to Raymund is thus defined.
Augmentation is the Addition of Quantity; whence Anicen writeth, It is hard to project upon a million and to preducate it incontinently wherefore I will reveal one great secret unto you, one part is to be mixed with a thousand parts of its nearest in kind (I call that nearest that is the body of the same mettal whereof the medicine was made or perfected) [Page 35]but to return again to Anicen, close all this firmly in a fit vessel and set it in a furnace of fusion 3 days till it be wholly joined together. Whereof it is more largely and better set down by the said Author and the manner of the work is thus projected, one part of the foresaid medicine upon 100 parts of molten gold and it makes it brittle and will all be medicine whereof one part projected a hundred of any melted mettall converteth it into pure gold and if you project it upon silver in like manner it converteth all bodies into silver.
In Scala Philosophorum all sorts of projection is set thus down in few words. You must know that first it is said project, that is to say one upon 100 &c. yet it is better to project nunc dimittis upon fundamenta and fundamenta upon verba mea and verba mea upon diligans te Domine and diligam te upon attendite. This breif Aenigua is thus expounded it is nothing else but the words and opinion of the former Author concealed under the Aenigura. Therefore let us repeat the words of this Aenigura or Oraccle.
These are trifles for the hiding and concealing the perfection of the Art if the expert Artist could be diverted with such simple words which though they are hard at first to young Artists, yet they are thus explained. We therefore begin with the first sentence.
This is here Allegorically taken for the last action almost of the work which is called the medicine or stone, which medicine is to be projected upon the ferment that is to say upon the oyl of Sol or Luna, which are the ferments or foundations of the Art in spiritual augmentation (as before was said) upon molten gold and silver. And that spiritual ferment converted into medicine is to be projected upon molten gold or silver which are corporeal ferments in corporeal Augmentation and the corporeal fundaments of the Art upon quick silver.
This is also spoken allegotically because in the Adage it is said words are wind, as if a word were nothing else but the motion of the lips and exhaltation of the lungs which no sooner arise from motion but fly away and are turned to air so likewise Quick silver or Mercury goeth out of the bodies of other [Page 37]mettalls and is so volatile in the fire or hear as words in the air. And therefore Mercury is likened to words upon which the fundaments are to be projected, ‘Verbes mea (vir Mercury) super diligam te.’
That is to say upon other mettalls which have most affinity with quick-silver, and easie of fasion as Saturn and Jupiter that is to say Lead and Tin, which by this concord and love are easily by the penetration and amiableness of the medicine converted into medicine. And one part of this medicine converteth other parts of mettalls into gold or silver according to the force and power of the Elixir, which other mettalls because they are the substances of the former bodies whereof the medicines were made. They are the attendants of those medicines wherefore the Philosopher commandeth that.
Diligam te be projected upon attendite that the second medicine or this last projected upon mettal especially that whereof the medicine (that is to say the stone) was made, should turn that mettall into gold or silver according to the proverty and quality of the medicine.
But to put an end to this projection, take it according to the opinion of Arnoldus gathered out of the 31 Chapter who willeth to project one part of the Elixir upon 100 of Mercury purged and all will be medicine upon other 100 parts of Mercury purged and all will be medicine, afterward project one part of this [Page 38]medicine last congealed upon 100 parts of Mercury washed and all will be gold or silver, in all tryalls according as the Elixir is white and red. Lastly that I may briefly rehearse the absolute manner of projection. First the medicine is to be projected upon gold or silver molten, then upon quicksilver purged so long till it turns it into medicine and lastly upon mettals most near, that they may be converted into pure gold or silver according to the properties and qualities of the medicine.
Because we have said something of the propinquity of mettalls that is to say, that the Elixir is to be projected upon that imperfect body out of which its Mercury and sulphur was first extracted, therefore it will not be unnecessary to set down one example that is to say if the medicine was made of Mercury then it is to be projected upon quick silver for makeing gold or silver because quick silver is a near body to Mercury and so of the rest. Yet it is to be noted, that all Elixirs may and ought to be projected upon quicksilver, because quicksilver is the Mother and sperm of all mettals therefore quick silver made and turned into medicine, is to be projected upon a body, most near to it; Which is Lead or Tinne; Upon which the medicine is always to be projected, whether white or red for the making and transmuting of mettals, but both the quicksilver and lead are first to be purged that they may be purified and deprived of their filth. [Page 39]Enough hath been said before of the purgation or putrification of Mercury. We will now speak of the putrification of Lead.
Melt your Lead in a Crucible and when it is melted let it stand in the fire a quarter of an hour and put therein a little salt Armoniack and let it stand a while in the fire and stir it with an Iron spatnla till all the salt Armoniack be gone away in sume then scrape the skin away out of the crusible, that is upon the lead, then let it stand to cool and it will be much whiter and fairer. And thus you must purifie your lead or tinne, before projection, because no other bodies are so fusible and apt to melt wherefore every Elixir ought to be projected upon quicksilver and upon Lead or Tinne for making or transmuting of mettals.
But to the end the manner of projection may be yet more plain I will set down two rules which must be carefully observed.
The first whereof is that the first medicine that is to say the stone be projected upon the ferment always three parts of the medicine upon one of the ferment and one part of this upon 10 or 100 of pure molten gold, and one part of this medicine thus made upon 100 parts of an imperfect body, that is to say, of Mercury for medicine. The later is that you must always consider the fortitude and debility of your medicine for it is to be projected so often upon quicksilver as it bringeth it into a brittle medicine and when it faileth then [Page 40]Project one part thereof upon Lead or Tinne for making transmutation, according to the order and form of the Elixir.
These being remembred you may easily conceive the order of Augmentation in vertue and quantity.
These Chapters being ended the other three which follow are set down in the next book, because we have spoken before of potable gold and silver, it is therefore necessary after we have made an end of projection to set down another table of the Elixir of life in the next place, and after speak of its vertue and power as we find it among all the Antient and modern Philosophers and so make an end of the first Book.