The Infallible Guide TO TRAVELLERS, OR Direct Independants.

Giving a most Exact Account of the four Principal Roads of England, be­ginning at the Standard in Cornhill, and extending to the Sea-Shore, and Branching to most of the Cities, Corporations, and Market-Towns in England and Wales, with their true distance of Miles and Furlongs, accor­ding to Mr. Oglesby's Dimensuration.

By W. H. Gent.

LONDON, Printed for T. B. and are to be sold by most Booksellers. 1682.

A Traveling Mapp of ENGLAND & Dominon of WALES. by Iohn Seller Hidro. to y e Kings M.E.

Exprest in y e Mapp by a Black Line Independants.

Exprest by a Prickt Line Principal cross Roads.

  • a Rumford
  • b Ingatstow
  • c Thaxted
  • d Walden
  • e Sudbury
  • f [...]odsdon
  • g Barnet
  • h S t. Albans
  • i B [...]ldock
  • k Caxton
  • l Redford
  • m S. Stretford
  • n Iocester
  • o Northampton
  • p [...]arentre
  • q Couentre
  • r Stretford
  • s Bromsar [...]re
  • t Worchester
  • u Lempster
  • w Prestain
  • x Welshpool
  • y Wrexham
  • z Warington
  • 1 Uxbridge
  • 2 Amersham
  • 3 Oxford
  • 4 Banbury
  • 5 Chipping norton
  • 6 Campde
  • 7 Lamber [...]erst
  • 8 Glocester
  • 9 Cirencester
  • 10 Chester
  • 11 Faringdon
  • 12 Malborough
  • 13 Caln
  • 14 Chippenham
  • 15 Whitchurch
  • 16 Basingstoke
  • 17 Guilford
  • 18 Stanes
  • 19 Henley
  • 20 Exeter
  • 21 Chedley
  • 22 Chegford
  • 23 Tavestok
  • 24 Lestith
  • 25 S t. Blai [...]s
  • 26 Brent
  • 27 Crookhorn
  • 28 Winchester

A Scale of Miles. [...]

Direct Independants.

Iter I. The Road from LONDON to ABERISTWITH, On the Sea-Coast in Cardiganshire, South-Wales.

The General Account.
1. THE Point of Bearing W. N. W.
2. The Direct Horizontal Distance 177 M.
3. The Vulgar Computation 145 M.
4. The Dimensuration 199′ 2.

From LONDON Comp. Measure.
to Acton 06 006 08′ 3 008′ 3
Ʋxbridg 09 015 10′ 1 018′ 4
Beconsfield 07 022 08′ 5 027′ 1
High Wickham 05 027 05′ 5 032′ 6
Tetsworth 10 037 12′ 0 044′ 6
Islip 10 047 12′ 5 057′ 3
Enston 10 057 12′ 5 070′ 0
Morton in Marsh 10 067 13′ 2 083′ 2
Broadway 05 072 07′ 5 090′ 7
Pershore 07 079 11′ 6 102′ 5
WORCESTER 06 085 09.5 112′ 2
Bromyard 10 095 12′ 2 124′ 4
Lemster 08 103 11′ 3 135′ 7
Prestain 08 111 12′ 7 148′ 6
to Riadergowy 14 125 21′ 7 170′ 5
Brunant 10 135 13′ 6 184′ 3
Aberistwith 10 145 14′ 7 199′ 2

With the Branch to OXFORD, Thus:

From LONDON Comp. Measure.
to Tetsworth 37 37 44′ 6 44′ 6
Wheatley 05 42 05′ 4 50′ 2
OXFORD 05 47 05′ 4 55′ 6

Counties Including the Road, are Midlesex, Buck­inghamshire, Oxfordshire, Glocestershire, Worcester­shire, Herefordshire, Radnorshire and Cardiganshire.

Rivers crost Over, are the Brent, Coln, Tame, Char­wel, Avon, Severn, Teme, Lug, Ithon, Wye, Istwith and Rydal.

Forward Ways to be avoided.
M. F.  
At 02′ 1. At the Pound in St. Giles's LON­DON, the forward Way on the Right to Hampsted.
20′ 4. One Mile 3 Furl. beyond Ʋxbridg, the Right to Alesbury.
34′ 5. A little short of West-Wickham, the for­ward Way on the Right.
35′ 0. At the end of West-Wickham, the Coach Way to Stoken-Church on the Right.
49′ 4. A Furl. beyond Wheatley Bridg, the for­ward Way on the Left to OXFORD.
52′ 0. A Furl. beyond Forrest Hill, the Left to OXFORD.
At 53′ 6. Six Furlongs beyond Stanton St. John Church, the Right to Odington.
65′ 2. Two furl. beyond Weston Church, the Right to Barton.
73′ 1. A Mile short of Chapel on the Heath, the forward Way on the Left to Chipping-Norton.
77′ 1. At the top of the Hill, 2 Furl. beyond Little Rolwright Church, the forward Way on the Right to Long Gompton.
81′ 3. At the 4 Shire Stone, the Right to Campden.
91′ 3. Two Furl. beyond Broadway, the Left to Somerfield.
95′ 5. Six Furl. short of Wickenford Bridg, the Left to Hinton.
102′ 0. Two Furl. short of Pershore, the Left to Cheltenham.
103′ 1. At the end of Pershore, the Right to Aulcester.
103′ 3. The Left to Ʋpton.
107′ 0. At the entering Stouton, the Left to Ʋp­ton, the Right to Easton White-Lady.
123′ 0. Entering Bromyard Heath, the Right to Edwin.
124′ 2. Entring Bromyard, the Left to HERE­FORD.
125′ 7. A Mile beyond Bromyard, the Left to Weobley.
136′ 2. A Furl. beyond Lemster, the Left to Weobley.
138′ 2. Nine Furl. short of Kingsland Church, the forward Way on the Left to Kein­ton.
At 140′ 3. At the end of Kingsland, the Right to Knighton.
142′ 4. At the end of Easterton, the Left to Hoobden.
149′ 5. Five Furl. beyond Prestain, the Right to Knighton.
160′ 2. Two Furl. beyond Comaron Fluv, the Right-Hand Way.
162′ 5. Between the Rivers Ithon and Clowedok, the Left to Garthuagh.
169′ 3. Six Furl. beyond Dulas Fluv. the Right to St. Harmon.
171′ 0. Two Furl. beyond Riadergowy, the Left to Llanimdoffry.
175′ 6. Where first appears the River Eland, the Left to Rosefair.
188′ 3. The Left to Cardigan.
190′ 3- The Left to Llanrusted.
197′ 4. In Llanbadern-vaur, the L. to Llanrusted
The Journal.
M. F.  
At 00′ 0. THe Standard in Cornhil LONDON: Whence your Course being West, you proceed along Cornhil, the Poultry, Cheapside, Blowbladder-Street and New­gate-Street, through Newgate and along Snow-Hill and Holborn.
02′ 2. The Pound in St. Giles's where you bear to the Left.
02′ 4. You leave the Town.
02′ 7. The Lord Mayor's Banqueting-House on the Right, where the Lord Mayor of the [Page 5] City of LONDON Riding to View the Conduit-Heads, is annually Treated.
At 03′ 1. Begins Hide-Park Wall on the Left, continuing 9 Furl. a little beyond and at the Issuing out of the Way to Padington stands Tyburn, the Common Place of Execution of Malefactors for the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, and County of Midlesex.
04 6. Enter Kensington Gravel-Pits, a discon­tinued Village of 4 Furlongs.
06′ 7. You pass through Shepperd's Bush, a small Village.
08′ 2. Enter Acton of near 3 Furl. a Village of some Accomodation.
11′ 2. Enter Hanwel, a small Village seated on the River Brent.
12′ 6. Enter Norcoat, another small Village of about 2 Furlongs.
15′ 0. Leave Hays Church on the Left 2 Furl.
15′ 6. Enter Hays, a Village of 2 Furlongs, from the end of which, Hellingdon Heath continues, till.
17′ 1. You enter Hellingdon, a small Village.
18′ 1. Enter Ʋxbridg of a Mile in Length, a large, well frequented and Accomodated Market Town; at the End of which you cross the Coln and Enter Buckinghamshire.
23′ 3. You have Hedgley Park on the Left.
23′ 5. You Descend gently for 4 Furl.
25′ 0. You Enter a Wood of a Mile upon the Road.
27′ 0. Enter Beconsfield of 2 Furlongs, a reason­able [Page 6] well Accomodated Market-Town.
At 28′ 5. You come to a Woody Descent of 4 F.
30′ 0. Loudwater a small Village contiguous on the Left.
32′ 3. Enter High Wickham of 3 Furl. Extent, seated in a pleasant Vale; a large, well built and frequented Corporation, Market and Mayor Town; Electing Burgesses to Parliament, &c.
34′ 6. Enter West Wickham a Village of 2 Furl. and some Reception.
36′ 4. You Ascend for half a Mile, your Road being Woody on each Hand and con­tinuing so to 38 Miles.
38′ 2. Enter Oxfordshire.
38′ 7. You come to Stoken-Church, a small but well known Through-fare.
41′ 1. You Descend for 6 Furl. your Road be­ing Woody on your Left.
44′ 5. Enter Tetsworth of 2 Furl. Length, a well Accomodated Village; whence you have a very direct Way to Wheatley.
49′ 3. You come to Wheatley Bridg, being a fair Stone-bridg of 8 Arches over the River Tame.
49′ 4. Here your Road turning short upon the Right, and the direct or forward Way leading to OXFORD, you prosecute the latter: and
50′ 1. Enter Wheatley, an indifferent good Town of 3 Furlongs length.
50′ 6. Crossing a small Brook you Ascend for 2 Furlongs.
At 52′ 4. You Descend gently for 10 Furlongs, crossing a small Rill in the bottom.
54′ 3. You Descend again for 4. Furlongs.
55′ 1. You cross the fair River Charwel, which rising in Northamptonshire, passes by Ban­bury, and a little below this place unites with the Thames; receiving into it, 1st. the Culen, 2ly. the Come, 3ly. the Tude, and therein the Ornus, Sotbrook and Oke, 4ly. the Swere, and lastly the Reie or Bure.
55′ 2. You actually Enter the Famous City and University of OXFORD, pleasantly seated at the Conflux of the Charwel with the Thames or Isis: A place of great Anti­quity, large, strong and well-built; and adorn'd with 16 Colleges and 8 Halls, shewing a curious Library, a stately Thea­ter and large Cathedral; besides 14 Pa­rish Churches: Is Govern'd by a Mayor, &c. Keeps Courts for all Actions, Elects 4 Burgesses to Parliament, has 2 Markets Weekly; Honor'd in its Noble Chancellor James Duke of Ormond, and in giving Title to the Right Honorable Aubery Vere Earl of OXFORD; in a word, for its stately Schools, Theater and Library, Beautiful Colleges and Halls, Li­beral Endowments and plentiful Salaries, for Number of Students and Excellent Oeconomy, the Christian World affords not its Parallel.
  But to proceed.
At 49′ 4. You bear short on the Right, as afore­said.
51′ 6. Forest Hill, a small Vill. contiguous on the Right only.
53′ 0. Stanton, St. John's Church on the Right a Furlong.
54′ 0. Begin a Wood on the Right for 4 Furl.
55′ 1. You cross a Rill over a Stone-bridg, and 2 Furl. farther another.
55′ 5. Enter Islip Common continuing almost to the Town.
57′ 3. Over a Stone-bridg of 6 Arches you cross the Reie or Bure.
  Here you Enter Islip of a Furlong in length, a small but well Accomodated Town for Reception of Travellers.
60′ 2. Enter Blechingdon, a Village of 2 Furl. length.
62′ 2. Over a Wooden-bridg you cross the forementioned Charwel. Pag. 7
62′ 4. The Right-Hand Way unites again at 64′ 5. but is less frequented: The Left-Hand Ways hereabouts leads to that pleasantly situate Corporation and Mar­ket Town, Woodstock about 2 Miles di­stant.
65′ 0. Wotton Church appears 2 Furlongs on the Left.
66′ 3. You come to Glimton a small Village, the Left-Hand Ways still leading to Wood­stock aforesaid; and here you are equally distant from LONDON and WOR­CESTER.
At 67′ 6. You have Piddington Church 3 Furl. to the Right.
70′ 0. You come to Enston, a small Village of about a Furlong long, yet of good Recepti­on: Whence for 3 Miles together your Road is straight and direct.
73′ 1. The forward Way on the Left is the di­rect Road to Chipping-Norton, a large (though not compact) Corporation and Market-Town, about a Mile and half di­stant.
74′ 0. You have a House contiguous on the Right call'd Chapel on the Heath.
74′ 7. Chipping-Norton lies at Right Angles on the Left about 6 Furlongs distant.
75′ 2. You Descend 7 Furl. Ascending 5 Furl.
77′ 0. Little Rolwright Church lies 3 Furlongs on the Left, in which Parish about a Mile on the Right stands that Circular Monu­ment of great Stones; said to be Erected in Memory of a Battel there fought by Rollo the Dane.
77′ 6. Begins a Hedg on the Right continuing 3 Furlongs, seperating the Counties of Oxford and Warwick.
79′ 1. Little Compton Church appears 2 Furl. on the Left.
79′ 2. You Descend 4 Furlongs, and still pas­sing between the said Counties.
81′ 3. You come to the 4 Shire Stone, the well known Limits of Warwickshire, Oxford­shire, Worcestershire and Glocestershire, which last you here Enter.
At 83′ 1. You cross the Evenlode which rising about a Mile higher, Embraces the Isis a bove OXFORD; and here presently you Enter Morton in the Marsh, Vulgo Morton Henmarsh, of 2 Furlongs; seated on the Foss-way, a good Through-fare, though no Market-Town as formerly.
84′ 6. You Ascend Broadway Hills for 5 Furl.
85′ 0. Enter Burton on the Hill, a well Inhabi­ted Village of 2 Furl.
85′ 6. Burtons-Ash on the Left yielding a ve­ry fair Prospect.
88′ 4. You have a Direction Hand in the Road at the cross Way to Winchcomb on the Left, and Campden & Blockley on the Right.
89′ 3. You Descend Broadway Hills aforesaid, the Descent continuing to the Town.
90′ 4. Enter Broadway, a well-built and well Accomodated Town of 5 Furl. Extent.
92′ 6. Childs Wickham Church 2 Furlongs on the Left.
96′ 3. Over a Stone-bridg call'd Wickenford Bridg, you cross a Brook and Enter Wor­cestershire; and a little after the fertile Vale of Evesholm.
102′ 1. Over a Stone-bridg of 6 great and seve­ral small Arches you cross the fair River Avon and Enter Pershore, 7 Furlongs in length; a Town of good Antiquity, large and well frequented, containing 2 Parish Churches, and Enjoying 2 Markets Week­ly.
103′ 4. You have Alesborough an Antient House [Page 11] on the Left, giving the Title of Baron to the Right Honorable the Lord Coventry.
At 107′ 0. Enter Stouton a small Village of about a Furlong; whence you have a direct Way even to WORCESTER.
111′ 4. You Enter the Suburbs, and 3 Furlongs farther through Sudbury Gate, the City of WORCESTER; a City and County of it self, Pleasantly and Commodiously seated on the Severn: Of great Antiquity, and Enjoying divers Privileges and Im­munities, and though a plentiful Sufferer in Calamities, &c. yet still remains a City of much Splendor; sends Burgesses to Par­liament, Gives Title to the Right Noble Henry Marquess and Earl of WOR­CESTER: Is an Episcopal See Number­ing 88 Bishops successively: Is Govern'd by a Mayor, &c. Is Divided into 7 Wards, accounting in all, besides the Cathedral, 11 Parish Churches, has 3 Grammer Schools and 7 Hospitals; Drives a great Trade in Clothing, which Company be­ing Constituted of Weavers and Walkers are Incorporated and Confirm'd by Act of Parliament; who either of Lemster Ore or Spanish Wool make the most and Finest Cloth in England: and has 3 Markets Weekly.
112′ 4. You cross the foresaid Severn and En­ter St. Johns, that part of the Suburbs so call'd, of 3 Furlongs Extent.
113′ 6. You cross the small River Laughern.
At 115′ 7. Cotheridge Church appears 2 Furlongs on the Left.
117′ 3. Enter Broadwaies, a scattering Village of 2 Furlongs
118′ 2. Todnam Chapel contiguous on the Right
119′ 4. Over a Wood-bridg you cross the Temde or Teme, which rising on the Edg of Radnorshire, passes by Knighton, Lud­low and Tenbury; and about two Miles be­low this place falls into the Severn: Recei­ving into it, 1st. the Bradfield; 2ly. the Clune, and therein the Onke; 3ly. the Ony, and therewith the Warren and Bow, Stad­brook and Quenny; 4ly. the Corve; 5ly. the Ledwich; 6ly. the Rea.
119′ 7. Lulsey Church lies a little distant on the Left.
120′ 3. Enter Herefordshire at a little Rill.
121′ 3. You have Houses scattering on the Road.
123′ 0. Enter Bromyard Heath 5 Furlongs over.
124′ 2. Over a Stone-bridg of 2 Arches you cross the Froom and presently Enter Bram­yard alias Bromiard, of 4 Furl. a large well Accomodated and well frequented Market-Town.
127′ 2. You come to Birdonbury, a small dis­continued Village.
130′ 6. Enter Hockly, a long scattering Village.
132′ 2. You come to Stein Bridg over a Brook.
134′ 6. You pass by Eaton a small Village con­tiguous on the Left.
135′ 0. Over a Stone-bridg of 3 Arches you [Page 13] cross the Lug, and afterward 2 Brooks successively.
At 135′ 5. Enter Leominster vulgo Lemster, only of 4 Furlongs this Way, but a Mile trans­verse; a large well built and well Accomo­dated Corporation and Market-Town of about 400 Houses, Divided into 6 Wards; Govern'd by a Bailiff, &c. Elects Par­liament Men, and is Eminent for its Fine Wool call'd Lemster Ore.
139′ 3. You leave Kingsland Church a Furl. on the Right.
139′ 7. You cross the small River Oncy, and presently enter Kingsland a discontinued Village of 4 Furlongs.
142′ 3. You come to Easterton a small Vil­lage of near 2 Furlongs.
144′ 4. You descend 2 Furlongs.
145′ 2. You have two or three Houses on the Road and Hills on your Left.
146′ 6. You cross the small River Wadels, and enter Comb a small Village of about a Furlong.
148′ 3. You enter Radnorshire, and a Furl. beyond, Prestain, Seated on the River Lug, of 4 Furlongs Extent, large, well Built, and well Accomodated; the Shire-Town, enjoying a good Market, and a good Trade in Mault.
151′ 2. Enter Discoyd a scattering Village of 2 Furlongs.
153′ 3. You pass by Cascob a small Village, 2 Furl. farther ascending a Hill of 6 Furl.
At 154′ 4. You have Blethuagh Forest on the Right.
154′ 7. You descend 7 Furlongs, leaving Ble­thuagh Church near a Mile on the Right.
156′ 4. You ascend 5 Furlongs, descending 4.
159′ 2. You pass by 2 or 3 Houses on the Road.
160′ 0. You cross the small River Comaron, as­cending 4 Furlongs.
160′ 7. You descend 4 Furlongs.
161′ 6. You cross the River Ithon, falling in­to the Wye above Bealt.
163′ 2. You cross Clowedok fluv. falling into the foresaid Ithon.
164′ 1. You pass over a little Hill.
164′ 6. You ascend a Hill of 4 Furlongs.
165′ 6. You descend 6 Furlongs.
168′ 5. You cross the small River Dulas.
170′ 3. Enter Riadergowy vulgo Rathader, o [...] 3 Furlongs Extent; Seated on the Rive [...] Wye, but in a Mountainous Part of th [...] Country, whereby 'tis neither large no [...] plentifully accomodated; yet a Market Town, and Govern d by a Bailiff, &c▪
170′ 6. Over a Wood-bridg you cross the Wye
171′ 4. You ascend for 10 Furlongs.
174′ 4. You descend 6 Furlongs.
176′ 6. You ascend 2 Furlongs, and have th [...] River Eland parallell to you at 2 Fu [...] longs distance on the Left.
179′ 1. Crossing Ecomistwith Brook, you enter Cardiganshire, and ascend for 6 Fu [...] longs, equally descending.
At 183′ 0. You pass by the Lead-Mines, and 3 Furlongs farther, a House call'd Mowen-Glowth on the Right; a Woody Descent of 7 Furlongs conveying you to Brunant.
184′ 3. You pass through Brunant a small Vil­lage.
185′ 0. You have 3 or 4 Houses on the Left, and you ascend for 10 Furlongs.
193′ 0. You touch upon the River Rydal on the Right.
194′ 2. You descend for 12 Furlongs.
196′ 7. You cross the River Rydal, and two Furlongs beyond enter Llanbadern-Vawr, of 6 Furlongs Extent, well Built, with a fair Church, formerly an Episcopal See.
198′ 7. Enter Aberistwith, Seated on the Ry­dal near it's Confluence with the Istwith; a Corporation, Market and Mayor-Town, Electing one Burgess to Parliament; for­merly Wall'd about, and still shewing a ruinous Castle: Numbers near 100 Hou­ses; is principally frequented for it's Fish­ing Trade, and is opposite to Arclo in Ireland.
Backward Turnings to be avoided.
M. F.  
At 198′ 6. A Furlong from Aberistwith the Left to Welshpool.
197′ 1. At the End of Llanbadern-Vawr the Left to Welshpool.
194′ 1. At the Top of the Hill the Right to Rosefair.
At 193′ 5 The Right-Hand Way.
187′ 1. Seven Furlongs short of the Descent leading to Brunant, the Left to New-Town.
169′ 0. Eleven Furlongs beyond Ryadergowy, the Left to Montgomery.
164′ 3. Nine Furlongs short of Clowedock fluv. the Left to Ludlow
161′ 6. A little short of Ithon fluv. the Left to Knighton.
155′ 7. At the Foot of the Ascent leading to Blethuagh Forest, the Right to Radnor.
153′ 4. At Cascob the Left to Knighton.
151′ 3. In Discoyd and 3 Furlongs beyond, the Right to Keinton.
148′ 1. Three Furlongs beyond Prestain, the Right to Keinton.
146′ 4. Two Furlongs beyond Comb, the Right to Keinton.
142′ 0. Three Furlongs beyond Easterton, the Right to Arland.
140′ 1. In Kingsland the Left-Hand Way.
139′ 5. Two Furlongs beyond Kingsland, the Right to Lawton.
137′ 1. A Mile short of Lemster the Right to Evington.
135′ 6. In Lemster the Right to HEREFORD.
134′ 4. Four Furlongs beyond Lug Bridg, the Right to Hampton, and a Furlong beyond, the Left to Pidleston.
115′ 7. Against Cotheridg Church the L. to Hallow
110′ 6. Six Furlongs beyond WORCESTER, the Left to Evesholm.
At 106′ 7. At the End of Stouton, the forward Way on the Right to Ʋpton.
105′ 0. At the End of the Common 14 Fur­longs short of Pershore, the Left to Aul­cester.
101′ 6. Three Furlongs beyond Pershore Bridg, the Left to Evesholm.
98′ 3. In the Vale of Evesholm, 2 Miles short of Wickenford Bridg, the Right to Winch­comb.
86′ 5. Upon Broadway Hills, 7 Furlongs short of Burton's Ash, the Right to Stow.
80′ 1. At the Bottom of the Hill, 10 Furl. beyond the 4 Shire-Stone, the Right to Chipping-Norton.
69′ 7. At the End of Enston, the Right to Killington.
67′ 4. A Mile short of Glimpton, the Right to Woodstock.
66′ 3. In Glimpton the Left to Banbury.
64′ 5. Three Furlongs beyond Wotton Church, the Left-Hand Way uniting at 62′ 4.
In the OXFORD Branch.
M. F.  
54′ 4. FIve Furlongs from OXFORD, the Left to Heddington.
51′ 7. Eleven Furlongs short of Wheatly, the Right to Henley.
In the Road.
M. F.  
51′ 7. At Forest-Hill the Left to Haulton.
At 50′ 4. Nine Furlongs short of Wheatly Bridg, the Right to Wheatley.
43′ 0. Thirteen Furlongs beyond Tetsworth, the Right to Henley, the Left to Aston.
38′ 0. Seven Furlongs beyond Stoken Church, the Left to Wickham the Coach-Way.
18′ 1. At the End of Ʋxbridg, the Left to Swakley.
17′ 6. Four Furlongs short of Hellingdon, the Right to Colebrook.
11′ 3. In Hanwell the Right to Brantford.

Direct Independants. Iter II. The Road from LONDON to ARUNDEL In Sussex.

The General Account.
1. THE Point of Bearing S. W. b S.
2. The Direct Horizontal Distance 49 M.
3. The Vulgar Computation 46 M.
4. The Dimensuration 55′ 4.

From LONDON Comput. Measure.
to Towting 05 05 06′ 7 06′ 7
Ewell 06 11 07′ 1 14′ 0
Letherhead 05 16 05′ 5 19′ 5
Darking 04 20 04′ 6 24′ 3
Stonestreet 05 25 05′ 5 30′ 0
Billinghurst 10 35 11′ 3 41′ 3
Amberley 08 43 09′ 7 51′ 2
Arundel 03 46 04′ 2 55′ 4

Continued from Arundel to Chichester 10′ 4.

Midlesex, Surrey and Sussex include the Road; the Thames, Mole, Oke, Arun and Lavant, are the Principal Rivers Crost over.

* Note, there are different Ways to Arundel, for some will pass by Horsham, others again more frequently by [Page 20] Stretham, Micham and Sutton, and so to Darking.

Forward Ways to be avoided.
M. F.  
At 01′ 7. AT the End of Newington, the Right to Kingston.
02′ 3 At the Gallows the Left to Croydon.
08′ 4. A Furlong beyond Martin Abby, the forward Way on the Right to Kingston.
13′ 2. Five Furlongs short of Ewell the Left to Nonsuch.
14′ 1. In Ebbesham the Right to the Common.
19′ 4. In Letherhead the Right to Guilford.
24′ 3. In Darking the Right to Guilford.
32′ 7. At the Entring Sussex, the Left along Honey Lane uniting again; and 4 Furl. beyond, the Right to Guilford.
34′ 7. Two Furlongs short of Rohook the Left to Horsham, and 3 Furlongs farther, the Left by Screw Bridg uniting again.
51′ 4. A Furlong beyond Amberley the Left.
53′ 5. Six Furlongs beyond Houghton the R. to CHICHESTER.
The Journal.
M. F.  
At 00′ 0. THe Standard in Cornhil, whence you proceed along Gracechurch-street, Fish-street-Hill, over London-Bridg, and through Long Southwark.
01′ 3. You leave the Town.
01′ 4. Enter Newington a Village of 2 Fur­longs Extent.
At 02′ 3. Leave the Gallows on the Right, the Place of Execution of Malefactors within the County of Surrey, Convicted at South­wark.
05′ 0. You pass over Clapham Heath.
06′ 3. Enter Towting-beck, a small Village of 2 Furlongs.
06′ 7. Enter Towting-Graveney another small Village of 2 Furlongs.
07′ 6. You cross a small Rill, passing after­wards by Martin Abby on the Left.
10′ 2. Enter Moredon a little Village of a Furlong.
13′ 3. Leave Nonesuch 2 Furlongs on the Left, a stately House of the King's, Built by H. 8.
13′ 7. Enter Ewell a small Market-Town of 2 Furlongs.
15′ 2. Enter Ebbesham vulgo Epsom well-fre­quented for it's Medicinal Waters.
16′ 6. Epsom Well lies 3 Furlongs to the Right.
19′ 3. Enter Leatherhead a Town of 3 Fur­longs and good Reception.
21′ 4. Enter Mickleham a Village of 2 Fur­longs.
22′ 6. You cross the River Mole near the Place where it makes a subterranean Pas­sage for a Mile or two.
24′ 1. Enter Darking or Darkin, Situate on a Branch of the Mole, a large, well fre­quented and well-accomodated Market-Town, extending principally towards Guil­ford on the Right.
At 24′ 6. You ascend for 2 Furlongs, equally de­scending.
26′ 1. Ascend again 3 Furlongs, your Road Woody on each Hand.
27′ 0. Ascend Cold Harbor Hill 3 Furlongs, descending 6 Furlongs.
29′ 7. Enter Stone-street alias Stanstreet, a scat­tering Village of 3 Furlongs; whence you have a Causeway of 2 Miles, part of the old Roman Port-way, call'd Stany-street.
31′ 7. You descend 2 Furlongs, and come to Okewood Bridg over the River Oke, equal­ly ascending Okewood Hill.
32′ 7. Having from London-Bridg hitherto been in Surrey (an Earldom in the Per­son of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk) you enter Sussex.
35′ 0. You come to Rohook a small Village contiguous on the Right.
35′ 6. You enter a Wood of 3 or 4 Furlongs.
36′ 4. You cross the River Arun, leaving Det­sum Place 2 Furlongs on the Left between this and the other Way by Screw-Bridg; the Left-Hand Ways hereabouts lead to that handsom Corporation, Market & Shire Town, Horsham, about 2 Miles distant.
39′ 4. You come to Buckman-Corn, 2 or 3 Houses so call'd.
41′ 1. Enter Billinghurst of 3 Furlongs and good Accomodation.
43′ 0. You pass through Mulsey a little discon­tinued Village, and 2 Furlongs farther over New-Bridg.
At 45′ 0. You pass over Pulborow Common.
45′ 5. Descend for 3 Furlongs.
46′ 6. You come to Wickford Bridg, leaving Pulborow Church a Mile on the Right.
47′ 5. Enter Wickenholt a Village of a Furl. length; 2 Furlongs beyond which begins Parham Park contiguous on the Left, ex­tending 11 Furlongs, and enclosing near the farther End the Place or Manor-House of the same Name.
50′ 0. You pass through Parham a small scat­tering Village; whence you have a descent of 2 Furlongs, seconded by 2 others of the like quantity.
51′ 0. Enter Amberley an indifferent Thorough-fare of 3 Furlongs.
52′ 2. Over Houghton Bridg you cross the Arun, continuing thence on your Left to Arundel.
52′ 5. Enter Houghton a Village of 2 Furl.
54′ 0. You ascend for 3 Furlongs.
55′ 2. Enter Arundel by the Way of Mary-Gate, about 6 Furlongs long; an Anti­ent, well-frequented and accomodated Corporation, Market and Seaport-Town, Seated on the N. W. of the River Arun, and having on It's East Side a large and Eminent Castle, on whose Possession is Entail'd the Earldom of Arundel, now in the Person of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk.
The Continuation to Chichester.
M. F.  
At 00′ 0. ENter the Old Fish-Market in Arun­del, proceeding through the Water-Gate.
00′ 4. Begins Arundel great Park on the Right, extending 9 Furlongs.
02′ 7. Descend Amsford Hill of 4 Furlongs.
04′ 0. You come to Mackrel's Bridg.
04′ 7. You pass by Half-way Tree.
06′ 5. You pass through Crockerhil a small Village.
07′ 1. You have Boxgrove Church and Hall a little on the Right.
08′ 2. You pass through Maudlin a scatter­ing Village.
08′ 6. You pass between Hampnet Church on the Right, and the Place on the Left.
09′ 2. You cross the Lavant.
09′ 6. Enter the Suburbs of CHICHESTER, antiently Cissanc-Caster, Seated on the fore­said Lavant near It's Influx into the Sea; a City indifferent large, numbring 4 Pa­rish-Churches within the Walls besides the Cathedral, and 4 Gates respecting the 4 Cardinal Points: Is Govern'd by a Mayor, &c. Elects Parliament-Men, and it's Markets are Noted for the best Fish-Markets in the County.
Backward Turnings to be avoided.In the Branch.
M. F.  
At 08′ 1. AT the End of Maudline the Left to Petworth.
In the Road.
M. F.  
At 51′ 1. IN Amberley the Left.
37′ 5. Nine Furlongs short of Arun fluv. the Right by Screw-Bridg uniting at 35′ 2.
34′ 1. Seven Furlongs beyond Rohook the Right along Honey-Lane uniting at 32′ 7.
24′ 0. A Furlong beyond Darking the Right to LONDON by Stretham.
19′ 4. In Leatherhead the Left to Kingston.
14′ 1. Entring Ewell the Left to Kingston.

Direct Independants. Iter III. The Road from LONDON to BARWICK In Northumberland.

The General Account.
1. THE Point of Bearing N. b. W.
2. The direct Horizontal Distance 280 M.
3. The Vulgar Computation 260 M.
4. The Dimensuration 339 M. 2 F.

Counties past through, Midlesex, Hartfordsh. Cambridgsh. Huntingdonsh. Rutlandsh. Lincolnsh. Not­tinghamsh. Yorksh. the Bishoprick of Durham, and Northumberland.

Rivers Crost over are, the Lea, Granta, Owse, Nine, Welland, Witham, Trent, Meden, Idle, Whitwater, Dun, Went, Are, Wharf, Nid, Your or Owse, Swale, Wisk, Tees, Skern, Were, Tyne, Blith, Wanspeck, Ale, Warn, Tweed.

The Journal.
M. F.  
At 00′ 0. THe Standard in Cornhil, LONDON, whence you proceed along Bishops-Gate-street within, through Bishops-Gate, Bishops-gate-street without, and Shoreditch.
At 01′ 0. * At Shoreditch Church the Right to Hackney.
01′ 2. Leave the Town, Hogsdon appearing a Furlong to the Left.
02′ 2. Enter Kingsland a Village of a Fur­long.
02′ 4. ** The Right to Istington.
03′ 1. Enter Newington a Village of 2 Fur­longs, the Church about a Mile on the Left.
03′ 4. You come to a gentle Ascent for 4 Furlongs call'd Stanford-Hill, as gently descending to 4′ 5.
04′ 0. ** On Stanford Hill the Left to Hack­ney.
95′ 0. Enter Tottenham-High-Cross of about 3 Furlongs, a Village well-frequented by Citizens.
06′ 5. Having first past several Houses on the Road and the Church on the Left, you enter Tottenham-Street of near 2 Furlongs.
07′ 0. Enter Edmonton a long discontinued Village, the Church on the Left 2 Fur­longs.
08′ 5.. You come to Ponders-End a small Village.
09′ 1 You enter Lackmore-End another Ham­let of about 2 Furlongs.
10′ 0. Enter Enfield-Wash a long disunited Village.
10′ 4. ** In Enfield-Wash avoid the Right.
12′ 0. First leaving Tuttle-street on the Left half a Mile, you enter Hartfordshire, [Page 26] [...] [Page 27] [...] [Page 28] and therewith Waltham-Cross of 3 Furl. near a Mile to the Right of which, and on the other side the Lea, is the Mar­ket-Town of Waltham-Abby.
At 13′ 0. Having left Theobalds a House of the Kings on the Left, you come to Cross­brook, and 2 Furlongs beyond, Turners-Hill, small Villages.
13′ 7. ** In Turner's Hill avoid the Right.
14′ 1. Enter Cheston-street 2 Furl. the Church half a Mile on the Left.
16′ 1. Enter Wormeley-End of 2 Furlongs, the Church a quarter of a Mile on the Left.
16′ 4. Cross the New River discourst of in the beginning of the Road from LON­DON to Holyhead.
16′ 7. You come to Brockton a Village of a Furlong Extent.
17′ 6. After an easie Descent you enter Hods­don of above 6 Furl. Extent, Seated on the West of the Lea, a well-frequent­ed Market-Town.
17′ 7. * To Broctonbury-Hall.
19′ 2. Leave Hayley Church a little on the Left.
20′ 5. Enter Amwel a small Village, from which and Chadwel another adjacent Vil­lage, the foresaid New River is convey'd to LONDON. The Left-Hand Ways hereabouts lead to Hartford the Shire-Town, about 2 Miles distant; a Marqui­sate and Earldom in the Person of Wil­liam Seymour Duke of Somerset.
  * Avoid the Right-Hand Way.
At 21′ 3. ** The Right to Hartford.
21′ 4. Enter Ware a Mile in Length, at the hither End whereof, you first cross the said New-River, and next the foresaid Lea; for which vid. the Road from Lon­don to Harwich: The Town is large, of good Reception and a handsom Mar­ket.
23′ 5. You pass by Wades-Mill, where you cross the Mimer a Branch of the Lea.
24′ 6. Pass through High-Cross-End a small Village.
25′ 5. After an easie Descent you pass through Colliers-End another Village.
  * The Right to Standon.
27′ 3. Enter Puckrich or Puckeridg of 3 Fur­longs Length; a Mile to the Right of which is Standon a Market-Town.
27′ 6. Leaving Puckrich, the Road to Cam­bridg and Kings-Lyn on the Right.
29′ 0. Repass the Mimer.
31′ 5. You come to Buntingford a Market and good Thorough-fare Town of 3 Fur­longs.
33′ 0. through New-Chipping a Village.
34′ 1. You come to Buckland another Village.
38′ 0. After an easie Descent you enter Roy­ston, Seated upon the Ermin-street, near the Edg of the County, Part of it being in Cambridgshire; a large Town of 4 Furlongs Extent, enjoying a good Mar­ket for Corn: Here the Post goes off to Cambridg, &c.
At 39′ 7. Enter Cambridgshire.
40′ 5. You come to Kneesworth a Village.
43′ 2. Cross the Grant or Cam which runs by Cambridg.
44′ 5. You come to Arrington a Village of a Furlong.
45′ 4. Leave Wimple a little on the Right, and at 46′ 2. Cungrave on the same Hand.
47′ 5. * The Left to Packston.
47′ 6. Enter a little Wood of 4 Furlongs.
48′ 4. ** The Right to Packstone.
  You pass through Holm a Village.
49′ 3. ** The Left-Hand Way to Bourn.
49′ 6. Enter Caxton of 3 Furlongs Length, a Market and Post-Town.
51′ 6. Enter Papworth Everard a Village of 2 Furl. and at 53′ 3. leave Neather Pap­worth or Papworth Agnes, about half a Mile on the Left.
53′ 6. Enter Huntingdonshire.
55′ 4. You pass by Beggars-Bush, Seated on an Eminence, a Bush so call'd.
56′ 2. After a small Descent you enter God­manchester of 4 Furlongs; a Corporation large and antient; and here you have a Way to Cambridg 12 Miles off.
57′ 2. You cross the River Owse, for which ( vid. LONDON to King's-Lyn) and en­ter Huntingdon, a well-frequented Cor­poration, Market and Shire-Town, con­taining 4 Churches, heretofore 15. Ex­tends about 6 Furlongs on the Road; [Page 31] Elects Parliament-Men, and gives Title to the Right Honorable Theophilus Hastings Earl of Huntingdon.
At 58′ 0. * At the End of Huntingdon Leave the Right.
59′ 6. Enter Great Stukely a Village of 2 Furl.
60′ 5. Pass through Little Stukely.
64′ 2. Pass by Stonegate-Hole a House on the Left; and at 65′ 0. Stonegate a House on the Left also.
65′ 0. ** The Left to St. Ives.
66′ 0. Leave St. Andrews Chapel a little on the Right.
67′ 2. Leave Cunnington 2 Furlongs on the Right.
69′ 1. Enter Stilton of 3 Furlongs Extent, a Post-Town.
  ** The Right to Oundle and the Left to PETERBOROƲGH.
73′ 1. You pass between Chesterton on the Left, and Allerton on the Right.
73′ 2. * A Way to Allerton.
  You come to Washington Corner.
73′ 7. ** The Left forward Way to PETER­BOROƲGH.
74′ 7. Enter Water-Newton a Village of two Furlongs, Situate on the Southern Banks of the Nine.
76′ 0. You pass through Sibson a Village.
77′ 2. Cross the Nine aforesaid, and enter Northamptonshire, and therewith, Walms­ford of 2 Furlongs Extent.
77′ 2. ** The right-forward Way to Stilton a different Way.
At 80′ 0. Leave Wittering 2 Furl. on the Left; and at 81′ 4. the Left forward.
82′ 5. Having first past between Wolthrop and Burleigh Halls, you enter Stamford, Seat­ed on the Welland, and in the County of Lincoln at It's Conjunction with Rutland and Northamptonshire; an antient, large and florishing Corporation and Market-Town, of 5 Furlongs Length, Electing Parliament Men; was formerly an Uni­versity, and now gives Title to the Right Honorable Henry Grey Earl of Stamford.
83′ 2. ** The Left to Ʋffington.
83′ 5. Enter Rutland.
84′ 2. ** The Right or forward Way which unites again at 81′ 4.
85′ 0. Crossing a small Rill you enter Bridg-Casterton of 2 Furlongs Length.
86′ 7. You have Tickingcote 2 Furl. on the Left; and at 89′ 6. Greetham at the like distance on the same Hand.
90′ 0. Pass through a small Wood.
91′ 2. Leave Stratton 2 Furl. on the Right.
91′ 3. ** Opposite to Stratton avoid the Right, and the Left to Stratton.
92′ 4. Pass through another little Wood.
92′ 6. Enter Lincolnshire.
94′ 4. Through Post-Witham alias North-Wi­tham, of 2 Furlongs; or you may leave it half a Mile on the Left.
96′ 1. ** The Right to Buckminster, the Left to Corbey.
96′ 3. Through Coltsworth a Village.
At 97′ 2. Cross the River Witham, taking it's Rise a Mile or two above.
97′ 7. * The Right to Easton.
98′ 4. You have a small Descent and a Rill in the Bottom.
98′ 5. ** The Right to Kirk-Stoke, the Left to Easton.
101′ 1. You come to Great Paunton a Village of near 2 Furlongs, Seated near the Wi­tham, and of good Antiquity.
102′ 0. Leave Little Paunton 2 Furlongs on the Left.
103′ 7. ** The Left to Boston.
104′ 0. Pass by the Spittle or Hospital on the Left, and a few Houses on the Right.
104′ 3. Enter Grantham, Seated low, and on the Western Banks of the Witham; a large and well-frequented Corporation and Market-Town of 4 Furlongs Extent, with a fair Church and good Free-School, and the Election of Parliament Men.
104′ 7. * The Left to Barobey.
105′ 0. You ascend gently 3 Furlongs, and then cross a small Rill, passing between the Gal­lows on the Left, and a Wind-Mill on the Right.
106′ 0. Your Ascent continuing hitherto, you come to Gunnerby a Village.
106′ 2. You descend Hoocliff Hill for 2 Fur­longs.
109′ 0. Leave Allington 2 Furl. on the Left.
109′ 5. ** The Right forward Way.
109′ 7. Enter Foston of near 3 Furlongs Extent.
At 111′ 3. ** The Left to Westburrow.
111′ 4. You arrive at Bennyngton a discontinu­ed Village of a Mile in Length.
112′ 5. * The Right to Dodington.
113′ 6. ** The Left to Dodington.
114′ 5. Enter Nottinghamshire.
116′ 2. You come to Balderton a Village.
117′ 7. ** Avoid the Right.
118′ 0. First passing by the Gallows, avoid­ing the Way on the Right to Codington, you enter Newark Seated on the South-East Side of the Trent, a large, well-fre­quented Corporation and Market-Town of 6 Furl. in Length; hath it's Representa­tives in Parliament, and the Ruins of a once stately Castle.
118′ 7. Over a fair Bridg you cross the Trent aforesaid.
119′ 4. * The Left to Kellum.
120′ 0. ** The Right to Kellum.
120′ 3. You pass a separated Branch of the Trent, which uniting again, forms an I­sland of 2 Miles long, and half so broad.
121′ 0. You come to South-Muscomb a Village.
122′ 2. You pass by North-Muscomb conti­guous on the Right, Seated on the Banks of the Trent.
123′ 6. Enter Crumwell, on the Banks of the Trent also, a Village of 2 Furlongs.
124′ 7. You cross a small Rill falling into the adjacent Trent.
125′ 4. You come to Carlton upon Trent, a small Village.
At 125′ 4. ** The Right to Norwel.
127′ 0. You pass through Sutton another small Village, Seated likewise on the Trent, which afterwards winds off to the Right.
128′ 0. You pass through Weston a small Vil­lage.
130′ 0. * The Right to Normanton.
130′ 6. ** The Left to Normanton.
131′ 1. Enter Tuxford in the Clay of 3 Furl. Length, an indifferent Market and Post-Town.
132′ 3. Leave Little Markham 2 Furlongs on the Left.
133′ 0. You have a small Descent and a Bea­con on the Right.
  ** On the Beacon Hill avoid the Left.
133′ 5. You cross the Idle falling into the Dun.
134′ 0. Through West (or Little) Draiton a Village.
134′ 4. ** Avoid the Right.
134′ 5. Cross a small Rill falling into the ad­jacent Idle, and enter the Forest of Sher­wood.
134′ 7. * The Left to Elsey.
135′ 0. Leave Elsey Church a little on the Left.
137′ 0. Pass by the 4 Oaks.
138′ 0. Leave Babworth a little on the Right, and Redford a Market-Town at about a Miles distance on the same Hand, upon the foresaid Idle.
141′ 1. * The Right to Sutton, the Left acute.
141′ 3. Enter Barnby on the Moor, a Village of 2 Furlongs.
At 142′ 7. Through Turworth a Village, leaving Blith a Market-Town a Mile to the Left.
143′ 5. You come to Ravenskel a Village.
145′ 3. Enter Scrooby a Village of 2 Furlongs.
145′ 7. ** Avoid the Right-Hand Way.
146′ 6. You cross Whitwater Fluv. near its Conjunction with the Idle, and Enter Yorkshire, and Bautre a small Market-Town of 3 Furl. Traded unto for Mill­stones, &c.
148′ 0. You pass through a little Wood.
151′ 0. Open Way conveys you to Rossington a Village.
151′ 1. * The Right to Cantley.
151′ 1. ** In Rossington the Right to the Church
151′ 7. ** The Right.
153′ 2. Leave High Eaders 2 Furl. on the Left.
153′ 5. ** The Left to Cantlow.
155′ 0. Enter Doncaster of 5 Furlongs length, situate on the River Dun, an Antient, large, well-built and well frequented Corporati­on and Market-Town; Traded unto for Knit-Wastcoats, Stockins, &c.
155′ 5- You cross the Dun aforesaid, falling in­to the Are near Snathe.
156′ 5. You leave Cusworth 2 Furl. on the Left, at 157′ 2. Scausby, and at 158′ 0. Pigborn, all at the like Distance and on the same Hand.
156′ 7. * The Left to Scausby.
160′ 0. ** The Right the Street Way, the Left to Adam-street.
161′ 7. You pass by Robin-Hood's Well.
At 162′ 6. ** The Right to Skelburrow.
165′ 4. Enter Wentbridg a Town of 2 Furl. in the midst whereof you cross the Went falling into the Dun near Snath aforesaid.
166′ 1. You descend 2 Furlongs.
167′ 1. * The Right to Womerley.
167′ 2. You pass through Darrington a Village.
170′ 2. Enter Ferrybriggs of 3 Furlongs, a Post Town Situate on the South Side of the broad River Are (which falls into the Owse near Howden) passable by a fair Stone-Bridg, beyond which the Left-Hand Way to Boroughbridg by Abyforth and Wetherby measures 9 Miles less than that by YORK.
171′ 0. * The Left to Brotherton.
  You leave Brotherton 2 Furlongs on the Left, and at 172′ 2. Burton a like distance on the same Hand.
172′ 4. * The Right to Hillum.
172′ 5. ** The Left to Pool and a Furlong far­ther the Right to Burton.
173′ 2. You descend Betteress Hill of 2 Furl.
174′ 7. Enter Milford a Village of 2 Furlongs.
176′ 0. First crossing a Branch of the Wharf, you arrive at Sherborn 4 Furl. Long; a Market-Town, with a good Free-School, and a­bounding in Cherries.
177′ 5. You leave Barkston, and at 178 Scar­thingwel Hall, each 2 Furl. on the Right.
179′ 5. You arrive at Tolton vulgo Towton, a Village of 2 Furlongs, Eminent for a great Battel between the Houses of York and Lancaster, Anno 1461.
At 182′ 1. ** The Right to Wingate.
182′ 3. Over a Stone-Bridg you cross the fair River Wharf, falling into the Ows near Ca­wood, and enter Tadcaster an antient well-provided Market-Town of 3 Furl. Length, and affording plenty of Lime-Stone.
185′ 4. ** The Right to Tadcaster the Street-Way.
185′ 6. You come to Street-Houses a Village of 2 Furlongs: whence little occurs till at
190′ 4. You reach Ring-Houses a Village of near 2 Furlongs.
191′ 1. You have the Gallows on the Right, and a little after 2 Wind-Mills on the Right and one on the Left.
191′ 3. ** The Right to Green-Hammerton.
191′ 5. You enter the Suburbs of the City of YORK.
192′ 0. You enter Mickle-Gate and therewith the City it self; 2 Furlongs farther you come to Owse Bridg, and at 192′ 4. you arrive at the Pavement or Midle of the Ci­ty:
  The Second of the Kingdom, Seated on the Navigable Your or Owse; well-built, and Fortify'd with a Castle and Walls, ex­tending each way about 12 Furl. containing within it's 4 Wards 32 Parish Churches and the Cathedral, a large and Magni­ficent Structure with a curious Chapter-House: Govern'd by a Lord Mayor, 12 Aldermen, Justices, &c. Is represented by two Burgesses in Parliament; and gives [Page 39] Title to the most Illustrious James Duke of York.
At 192′ 3. * The Left forward to LONDON.
  Continuing our Dimensuration from Mickle-Gate aforesaid, you repeat 3 Fur­longs of the Road back again.
194′ 2. * The Right to Popleton.
194′ 4. Leave Popleton 2 Furl. on the Right.
195′ 4. You pass by a Blue Stone adjoyning the Road on the Right.
196′ 0. Leave Hesley 3 Furlongs on the Left.
198′ 4. ** The Right to More-Monkton.
199′ 7. Over Skip-Bridg you cross the Nid, falling into the Owse a little below.
201′ 0. Leave Kirk-Hammerton 2 Furl. on the Left.
201′ 2. ** The Right to Kirk-Hammerton.
201′ 5. Through Green-Hammerton a Village.
202′ 6. Leave Whixley 2 Furlongs on the Left.
204′ 4. Leave Little 2 Furlongs on the Right, near which the foresaid Owse takes Rise, and presently unites with the Your.
206′ 0. Leave Branton-Green on the Right, and at 206′ 5. Grafton on the Left, equally 2 Furlongs distant from the Road.
208′ 6. ** Avoid the Right; and at 209′ 2. the Right to Wetherby.
209′ 2. Having first left Aldborough, that old Roman City 3 Furlongs on the Right, you fall in with the Road from Ferrybriggs by Wetherby aforemention'd, and enter Bo­roughbriggs of 3 Furlongs Length, a Cor­poration [Page 40] and Market-Town, with the E­lection of Parliament Men; at the End of which you cross the Your aforesaid.
At 209′ 3. * The Left to Wetherby, the Right to Aldborough.
210′ 4. ** The Left to Humberton.
213′ 5. You pass through Disford a small Vil­lage.
  * The Left to Rippon.
214′ 6. In Leeming Lane you fall in with a Right-Hand Way from YORK, which coming to LONDON is your Left-Hand Way to be avoided.
214′ 6. * The Left to Rippon.
215′ 2. You enter Topcliff eminently Situate on the Banks of the Swale, a Thorough-fare of about 5 Furlongs length.
215′ 3. ** A little beyond the Bridg avoid the Right.
217′ 0. Leave Newby Hall 2 Furlongs on the Left.
218′ 2. Enter Catton on the Moor a Village of near 3 Furlongs.
220′ 0. You leave Skipton on the Left 3 Furl. and Carleton a little distance on the Right.
221′ 0. You pass through Sand-Heuton, leav­ing Thresk a Market and Burrough-Town 12 Furl. on the Right.
223′ 0. Leave Newsom, and 6 Furlongs beyond, Kirkby, each 2 Furlongs on the Left, and upon the Banks of the Wisk.
225′ 0. Leave Great (or South) Ottrington, and at 226′ 3. Little Ottrington, each 2 Fur­longs [Page 41] on the Left, and on the foresaid Wisk.
At 229′ 0. ** The Left to Thresk.
229′ 1. Enter Northallerton Seated on a Branch of the Wisk, a large, well-built, Market, Borough and Post-Town; Electing Bur­gesses to Parliament.
231′ 0. ** The Right to Danby.
233′ 0. You come to Lowsey-Hill a Village close on the Left.
235′ 0. Enter Little Smeton of near 2 Furlongs, at the End of which you cross the fore­mention'd Wisk.
235′ 6. You come to Great Smeton another Village.
239′ 0. You descend Break-Horse Bank, and 4 Furlongs beyond, leave Erey Hall a little on the Left.
240′ 0. You pass the Tees, enter the Bishop­rick of Durham, and therewith Nysome a Village of near 2 Furlongs.
242′ 4. ** The Left to Yarum.
243′ 1. You cross the Skern, a little below fall­ing into the foresaid Tees; and enter Dar­lington vulgo Darnton of 5 Furl. length, a Market and Post-Town.
245′ 4. * The Left to the Coal-Pits.
  ** The Left to Barmetton.
247′ 5. You enter Coleham or Coton Mundhil, of near 2 Furlongs, Seated on the foresaid Skern.
249′ 0. ** Avoid the Left.
249′ 3. Enter Acle or Ackham a Village of near 2 Furl. also.
At 252′ 0. You come to Woodham a Village.
253′ 3. You arrive at Rushy Ford over a small Branch of the adjacent Skern, half a Mile to the Right of which appears Windlestone, and about 2 Miles distance on the same Hand, at the Confluence of the Gaunless with the Were, lies Bishops Aukland, a Market-Town with a fair Seat of the Bi­shops of Durham, curiously repair'd, and and a stately Chapel Built by the late Worthy and Reverend Father Doctor John Cozens Bishop of Durham.
254′ 1. * The Left to Great Merington.
255′ 0. Leave West Close House a little on the Left.
255′ 7. Leaving Little Chilton 2 Furlongs on the Right; you enter Ferry super Montem, vulgo Ferry-Hill, a Village of 2 Furlongs, Seated on the Pitch of a Descent.
259′ 0. You come to Sunderland a Village con­tiguous on the Right, at the End of which you cross the foremention'd Were.
262′ 0. ** Avoid the Left forward.
262′ 3. Enter the Western Suburbs of DƲR­HAM, extending 5 Furlongs on the Road, the City it self lying on the Right, Emi­nently situate upon (and almost encom­past by) the River Were; a neat com­pact Place, accounting 6 Parish-Churches and a Cathedral: ′Tis Wall'd about, Strengthned with a Castle; Govern'd by a Mayor, &c. and well supply'd with Provisions of all kinds.
At 263′ 2. You have the Gallows on the Left, and Cokehal on the Right.
263′ 6. A small Ascent conveys you to Dur­ham Moor a Village of 2 Furlongs.
266′ 1. You come to Plausworth a Village con­tiguous on the Right.
267′ 1. * The Right acute.
267′ 6. Lumley Hall on the Right.
278′ 0. Enter Chester in the Street of 4 Furl. Extent, an antient Thorough-fare Town, Seated on the Western Banks of the Were, and upon the old Roman Street-Way.
269′ 2. Leave Peloo Hall, and at 271 Miles, Birtley, each 2 Furlongs on the Right.
274′ 0. You leave the Beacon; and at 274′ 5. a Wind-Mill, both on the Right.
275′ 6. ** The Right to Redhough.
  You enter Gateshead vulgo Gateside, joyn'd to New-Castle by a stately Stone-Bridg over the Navigable Tine; having past which, you enter Northumberland, and withall, New-Castle upon Tine: A Town and County as well as the Shire-Town, large, strong, Rich and Populous; driving a great Trade by Sea and Land, especially in Coals: Is Govern'd by a Mayor, &c. Sends Burgesses to Parlia­ment; hath 2 great Markets Weekly, and gives Title to His Grace, William Caven­dish, Duke, Marquess and Earl of New-Castle.
276′ 6. You leave the Town.
At 277′ 3. Leave Old Heton, and at 278′ 6. Great Bentham, each about a quarter of a Mile on the Right.
280′ 2. Enter North-Gosford a Village of 2 Fur­longs.
285′ 6. Having before past between Bladedon and Shotton, you come to Blith-Bridg over the River Blith, which rising about 5 Miles higher, receives the Pont (from the Picts Wall) a little above this Place, and at Blith's Newk falls into the Sea.
286′ 2. Enter Stannington a Village of 2 Fur­longs Extent.
289′ 0. Leave Catchborn Castle a little on the Left.
290′ 6. ** The Left to Shields.
290′ 7. Enter Wanspeck, Seated on the River Wanspeck, which (rising about 8 Miles higher) receives the Font a little above this Place, and 5 Miles lower falls into the Sea; over which a Stone-Bridg leads you into Morpeth, a Corporation, Mar­ket and Post-Town, of 4 Furlongs Extent; Elects Parliament Men, &c.
291′ 6. Leave the Town.
292′ 6. You leave Heborn, and at 295′ 0. Espe­ley, each half a Mile on the Left, and cross the small River Line.
292′ 7. * The Left acute.
301′ 2. Enter Cocket a Village of 2 Furlongs, at the End of which, over Felton-Bridg, you cross the River Cocket, which rising on the Borders of Scotland, receives the Ʋsway, [Page 45] Ridley and Ridland, embracing the Sea near Cocket Island.
At 301′ 7. Enter Felton a Village of 2 Furlongs.
302′ 5. Leave Acton 2 Furl. on the Right.
304′ 3. You come to Newton on the Moor a Vil­lage contiguous on the Left.
308′ 2. You pass through a small Wood and o­ver a Rill or two.
309′ 2. ** Avoid the Left.
309′ 6. Enter Alnwick of 2 Furlongs Extent, Seated on the South Side of the River Alne; a Market-Town, shewing the Re­mains of a once large Castle and Abby.
310′ 3. You cross the Alne, rising about 10 Miles Eastward, and falling into the Sea at Ayl­mouth about 5 Miles below.
  You descend 2 Furlongs.
311′ 2. ** Avoid the Right.
  You descend again the like quantity.
312′ 0. * The Left acute.
312′ 7. ** Avoid the Left.
315′ 2. You come to Carleton a Village.
315′ 5. * The Left acute.
319′ 4. ** Leave the Right.
319′ 6. Enter Warnford a Village of 2 Furlongs, Seated near the small River Warne, four Miles from it's Influx into the Sea.
  Leave Edderston a Furl. on the Right.
321′ 0. * The Right acute.
322′ 4. You leave Mowsewel 2 Furlongs on the Left.
323′ 0. Leave Newland 2 Furlongs on the Right.
At 323′ 4. Enter Belford a Post-Town of reason­able Reception.
324′ 0. You leave the Chapel a Furlong on the Left.
326′ 0. You leave Midleton about 3 Furlongs; and at 327′ 6. Detcham 2 Furlongs on the Left.
328′ 0. You come to Buckton a Village conti­guous on the Right, 12 Furlongs distant from the Sea, and opposite to Holy Island.
329′ 4. Leave Fennick a Village 2 Furlongs on the Left.
330′ 4. * The Right acute.
331′ 2. Enter Haggerston a Village of 2 Furl.
332′ 3. Leave Broom-House, and at 333 Miles Bridg-Mill, each a small distance on the Left.
334′ 0. You leave Cheswick, and at 335′ 6. Skrimerston, each about 3 Furlongs on the Left, and a Mile from the Sea Side.
334′ 5. * The Left acute.
338′ 2. You enter Twedemouth a Village of 2 Furlongs.
338′ 4. ** The Right to Cailsho and Jedbrough, and so to CARLISLE.
338′ 6. You come to Barwick Bridg over the fair and Navigable Tweed, which rising in Scotland, receives One and Twenty Ri­vers or Prime Branches, and about fif­teen Miles higher becoming the Limits of the two Kingdoms, dischargeth it self into the Seat at this Place.
339′ 0. Enter Barwick, or Berwick, a Town [Page 47] and County of great Strength, Natural­ly Fortify'd by the Sea and River Tweed, and Artificially by a Wall and Castle; Is a large, Populous, and well-built Cor­poration and Market-Town; Electing Par­liament Men, and well serv'd with all sorts of Provisions.

Direct Independants. Iter IV. The Road from LONDON to BRISTOL.

The General Account.
1. THE Point of Bearing W. b. N.
2. The Direct Horizontal Distance 107 M.
3. The Vulgar Computation 94 M.
4. The Dimensuration 115′ 2.

Counties Pass'd through are, Midlesex, Bucking­hamshire, Barksh. Wiltsh. Glocestersh. and Somersetsh.

Rivers Cross'd over are, the Brent, Coln, Thames, Kennet and Avon.

The Journal.
M. F.  
At 00′ 0. THE Standard in Cornhil, whence you proceed through Cornhil, the Poul­try, Cheapside, St. Pauls Church-Yard, Lud-Gate Street, Ludgate, down Lud-Gate Hill, through Fleet-Street, Temple-Bar, the Strand, the Hay-Market, and Pickadilly.
02′ 6. Begins St. James's Park Wall on the Left.
02′ 7. The Buildings terminate on the Right.
At 03′ 0. Over a Stone-Bridg you pass a Rill supplying the Cana'l in St. James's Park.
03′ 1. You leave St. James's Park aforesaid, by the Side whereof, the Way to Westminster by St. James's- Street, Petty-France, and Tuttle-Street turns down on the Left, and Hide-Park begins on the Right.
03′ 4. You come to Knightsbridg a small Vil­lage.
04′ 4. Hide-Park terminates, where entring Kensington a Village of 2 Furlongs, you pass by the present Lord Keepers House on the Right; and passing the Church, at the other End of the Town Campden-House.
05′ 2. Leave the Earl of Holland's House 2 Furlongs on the Right.
06′ 1. Enter Hamersmith of 5 Furlongs Ex­tent, Seated near the Banks of the Thames; in the Summer possest chiefly by the Gentry and Citizens.
07′ 3. Leave Cheswick 3 Furlongs on the Left.
07′ 5. You come to Turnham Green, passing the Wind-Mill on the Right, and the Houses on the Left, you have at the far­ther End, the Seats of the Marquess of Worcester and Lord Crofts.
08′ 5. You pass by a fair Seat of Sr. John Mainards a Furl. on the Right.
09′ 1. Enter Old Brentford, situate on the ve­ry Brink of the Thames, and extending 4 Furlongs.
09′ 6. Enter New Brentford of 4 Furlongs like [Page 50] wise; a good Market-Town, at the End of which you cross the Brent, rising a­bout Edgworth towards Hartfordshire, and here embracing the Thames.
At 10′ 4. You leave the stately Sion-House, and at 10′ 7. Istleworth Church, each 2 Furl. on the Left.
11′ 2. You come to Small-beer Green.
12′ 1. Enter Hounslow of 4 Furl. length, a well-accomodated Thorough-fare.
  * At the End of the Town, the Left or forward Way leads to Stanes.
12′ 6. You enter Hounslow Heath, distinguish'd into one, two, and three Mile Heaths; leaving Harlington about half a Mile on the Right, giving Title to the Right Ho­norable Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, &c.
16′ 6. You come to Longford a Village of 4 Furlongs, and cross 4 separated Bran­ches of the Coln, and among them, the Cut that supplies the Cana'l at Hampton Court.
18′ 5. You cross the Coln, which rising about the Hempsteds in Hartfordshire, receives the Ver (from Verulam by St. Albans) at Rickmansworth; when limiting Midle­sex from Buckinghamshire; It passes by Ʋxbridg and this Place, and a little a­bove Stanes falls into the Thames. Here you enter Colnbrook of near 4 Furlongs, a Market-Town, full of Inns, and of ve­ry good Reception.
At 19′ 2. * The Way on the Left is the Way by Datchet-Ferry to Windsor; Dignify'd with a stately Castle, the Kings Pallace, St. George's Chapel, a College, &c. and here is kept the splendid Feast at the In­stallation of Knights of the Garter.
21′ 6. You leave Ʋpton 2 Furlongs on the Left.
22′ 2. You come to Slow, a Village with some Inns, in which the Road to Windsor, by Eaton College, turns down on the Left.
27′ 0. Having first past by Burnham, Hicham, and Toplar Churches successively, about 3 Furl. distance; leave Sr. Denis Hamptons House on the Right also, and over a fair Wooden-Bridg cross the Thames and enter Barkshire, an Earldom in the Per­son of Charles Howard Earl of Barkshire.
27′ 3. Enter Maidenhead of 4 Furl. length, a very considerable Market-Town for Corn, &c.
28′ 3. * The great Road to Glocester by Hen­ley, &c. bears forward to the Right.
30′ 4. You enter Maidenhead-Thicket.
31′ 3. ** An obtuse Way from Merloe falls in on the Right.
33′ 4. You come to Harehatch a Village.
33′ 6. * The acute Way on the Right leads to Wargrave.
35′ 1. Enter Twiford a Village of 2 Furlongs and good Accomodation.
35′ 5. You cross the Loddon, which rising in Hampshire, receives the Ditford, and di­viding [Page 52] it self here into 4 Branches, falls into the Thames about 2 Miles below.
At 36′ 2. * The acute Way on the Right leads to Sunning, a Market-Town about a Mile distant.
39′ 1. ** Falls in an obtuse Way on the Left from Ockingham, another Market-Town, about 4 Miles distant.
39′ 7. You come to Reading, Seated on the Kennet, near It's Conflux with the Thames; a fair Corporation and Market-Town, of 5 Furlongs Extent, with 3 Churches, and the Election of Parliament Men.
43′ 3. * Upon Tyleherst Heath you omit the acute Way on the Right.
44′ 0. ** An obtuse Way falls in on the Right.
  You enter Theal, i. e. The Vale, a scat­tering Town of 3 Furlongs; at the End of which you leave Inglefield, the Seat of the Marquess of Winchester, half a Mile on the Right.
50′ 2. Descend a little Hill, and enter Wool­hampton vulgo Wollington, a Village of 2 Furlongs.
53′ 4. Enter Thatcham of 3 Furlongs.
55′ 5. You have the Kennet close on the Left.
56′ 5. Enter Spinhamland, that Part of New­bury so call'd; whence a fair Street on the Left leads to Newbury, pleasantly Seated on the foresaid Kennet; a Cor­poration and Market-Town, with a Free-School, 3 Alms-Houses, and an Hospital.
57′ 4. You come to Spein a Village contigu­ous [Page 53] on the Left, ascending gently, two Furlongs.
At 58′ 6. You have Craven Park on the Left, and Wickham Heath or Common on the Right.
59′ 0. You descend 3 Furlongs.
62′ 2. * The forward Way proceeds directly to Hungerford.
64′ 2. You pass through a small Wood.
65′ 2. Enter Wiltshire.
65′ 5. * The forward, or Right-Hand Way leads to Lamborn.
66′ 1. You come to Chilton a discontinued Town of 4 Furlongs.
67′ 4. You leave Littlecote House 3 Furlongs on the Left, on the other side of the Ken­net.
69′ 1. Enter Ramesbury a scattering Town of 4 Furlongs.
70′ 4. You pass close by Ramesbury Manor, the Earl of Pembroke's, on the Left; where you ascend gently 2 Furlongs, equally de­scending.
71′ 0. * The acute Way on the left yields a different Road to Marlborough.
72′ 0. You have a small Wood on your Right.
72′ 3. You ascend 2 Furlongs and a Chalk-Hill; at 73′ 1. passing through Woody Land, descend again.
73′ 5. Enter Mildenhal a Village.
74′ 6. ** An obtuse Way on the Right falls in from OXFORD.
75′ 0. By rising Ground enter Marlborough, [Page 54] 2 Furl. more bringing you to the Market-House, where comes in the Coach-Way to BATH, and the Way by Hungerford; extending in the Whole 6 Furlongs: A Corporation and Market-Town, Electing Burgesses to Parliament; and giving Ti­tle to the Right Honorable William Ley, Earl of Marlborough.
  But prosecuting the directer Way by Hungerford, from 62′ 2.
At 64′ 4. You cross the Kennet, and at once enter Wiltshire and Charnam-Street, that Part of Hungerford so call'd; the Town it self extending 4 Furlongs on the Left; a Market and Post-Town.
67′ 0. * You have an acute Way on the Right to Froxfield and Ramesbury.
67′ 3. You have Froxfield Church on the Right 2 Furlongs.
69′ 0. You enter Savernake Forest.
71′ 5. You ascend easily 7 Furlongs; and at 72′ 6. descend again 2 Furlongs.
73′ 5. You cross the Kennet and enter Marl­borough; 2 Furl. more bringing you to the Market-House and Cross-Way aforesaid; so that this Way is less by 11 Furlongs than by Ramesbury: But proceeding,
75′ 6. Accounted by Ramesbury, you leave Marlborough and the Duke of Somerset's House and Mount on the Left.
76′ 0. You leave Preshuter Church, and after­wards Manton and Clatford about 2 Fur­longs on the Left, all beyond the River.
At 78′ 1. You Leave Fifield 2 Furlongs on the same Hand, on this side the Kennet.
78′ 2. You descend 2 Furlongs.
79′ 7. (Having ascended 2 Furlongs) you de­scend the like quantity.
80′ 3. You come to Little Kennet a Village.
81′ 0. * You Ride close under Sidbury Hill, an artificial Mount; where the Road to the Devizes branches out on the Left.
81′ 5. You come to Beckhampton vulgo Beck­ington, a Village.
82′ 2. * Being entred Marlbrough Downs, the Road to BATH by Sandy Lane, bears forward on the Left.
85′ 0. Having past two Ascents and one De­scent, you leave Cheril a Furlong on the Right.
87′ 1. You come to Cumberford Bridg over the River Coln.
87′ 6. Enter Caln, Seated on the foresaid Coln, of 5 Furlongs extent; a Market-Town, with the Election of Parliament Men; to­wards the farther End of which, the for­ward Way on the Right leads to Malms­bury.
89′ 2. You come to Studley Bridg over the foresaid Coln; whence you ascend 3 Fur­longs.
90′ 2. You come to Studley a Village.
90′ 7. ** An obtuse Way from the Devizes falls in on the Left, where you descend 2 Furlongs.
63′ 3. Enter Chipenham, of 7 Furlongs length, [Page] Seated on the Avon, which you cross in the Town over a fair Stone-Bridg; a Mar­ket-Town, with the Election of Mem­bers to Parliament.
At 93′ 3. * A little beyond the Bridg, the Road to BATH by Pickwick, &c. turns out on the Left.
96′ 2. * The Right-Hand Way leads to Sodbu­ry, and thence over into Wales by Aust-Ferry.
98′ 2. You descend 3 Furlongs, and at 98′ 7. ascend alike, leaving Castle-Comb a Mar­ket-Town, about 2 Miles on the Right.
100′ 3 Wraxhal Church close on the Right.
101′ 3 Enter Glocestershire.
102′ 5. Enter Marshfield 4 Furlongs in length, bleakly situate on the Wolds, with a great Corn-Market.
104′ 5. Cold Aston Church 2 Furlongs on the Left.
106′ 0. You descend Tug-Hill of 3 Furlongs.
107′ 0. ** The Plough-Way falls in on the Right.
107′ 1. ** A Road from BATH falls in on the Left
108′ 1. You ascend 3 Furlongs descending alike.
109′ 1. ** An obtuse Way from Deinton falls in on the Right.
110′ 4. Ascend Barton Hill for 6 Furlongs, pa­ssing through Kingswood and by the Coal-Pits.
113′ 0. You come to Dungeon Cross.
114′ 2. ** An obtuse Way from Stapleton falls [Page 57] in on the Right, where you enter the Suburbs of the City of BRISTOL.
14′ 5. ** The Road from GLOCESTER falls in on the Right, and you arrive at Lawfords-Gate, whence through Law­fords Street, Castle-Gate, and Vine-Street, you Measure 115′ 2. to the High-Cross of the City.
  BRISTOL, a City and County, Seat­ed on the River Avon; large, Populous and well Built, esteemed the Second of the Kingdom for Trade and Traffique; contains 18 Parish-Churches besides the Cathedral; made an Episcopal See by King H. 8. Wall'd about; Govern'd by a Mayor, &c. Sends Burgesses to Par­liament; and gives Title to the Right Honorable George Digby Earl of Bristol.

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