Here followeth a true RELATION OF Some of the Sufferings inflicted upon the servrnts of the Lord, who are called QUAKERS, By this generation of Evil-doers, as will appear by the fruits of the Schollars and Proctors of the University of Oxford, who from the very first appearance of the Lord amongst his people in Oxford, until this time, hath mani­fested their fruits, and of what stock and generation they are, which fruits now are laid open, that all may see their Wickednesse, and may depart from them and their evil Works, least they partake of their judgements.

WHen first the servants of the Lord was brought into this City of Oxford, to warn people to repentance and amend­ment of life, this generation of Schollars and Professors, unmoderate, untemperate, like bruit beasts, appeared in much envie and rage, and shewed it forth By cruel mockings and stonings; two of the hand-maids of the Lord, Elizabeth Fletcher, and Elizabeth Homes, were driven by the Schollars into Johns Colledge, and there haled by them to the pump, and the Schollars pumped water in their necks, and [...]nto their mouths so long a time, that they were almost stifled to death, and dr [...]ed and the same time, took one of the maids, and bound her aboue the knees, and set her upon head, and said they would pump the other end. This was the bruitish Schollars, and here was their immodesty and ill-behaviour, which shews their breeding, and which is a shame to Chancellors, Proctors and Fellows: Is this your government? Is this the fruit of your teaching, like a company of sporters? They should have been patterns of sobernesse. And presently after this wicked act, they bound them arm to arm, and drawed them up and down Johns Colledge, and dragged them into a pool, and also a company of Schollars took one of the maids, Elizabeth Fletcher, and threw her over a grave stone, and tumbled her into a grave, where a corps was to be laid, and with the violence of that thrust, over the grave­stone, she received a hurt in her side, which was not recovered till her [Page 2]departure out of the body, in so much, that we heard her say several times, she should carry it to her grave, since which time she is lately dead. Here's murder and blood lies upon them, mad people, the Schollars; which Johns Colledge, and the Town ought to be fined for not taking hold on murderers, who murder the innocent; here is the fruits of their fathers, who persecuted and stoned Christ & the Apostles; and so not like to the Apostles nor Christ, who said, Love your enemies; and shew mercy, and be mercifull, as your heavenly Father is merciful: But like unto the Jewes that persecuted and haled the Apostles out of the Synagogues, that neither knew the Father nor the Son, Joh 16. and so continuing their cruelty upon all in Oxford, in whom the appearance of God was found, that when friends have been moved of the Lord to go to their Steeple-houses, they have been drawn out by the hair of the head, and beat, and stoned, and some of the Schollars have cried, Never let them go home alive; and said, Pump them, and stone them to death: And a Proctor, and a company of Schollars (because friends would not go from their own meeting) haled out a friend by the hair of the head, and forced others our of friends meetings, which shews they neither regard the Law of God nor man, which is to protect peaceable meeting, but con­trary to the Law of the Nation these act: What would their Proctor and Schollars have done, if they had been in Pauls dayes, who preached in his own hired house? and Peter, who taught sometimes till midnight?

They came into a meeting in Oxford, and drew a friend out by the hair of the head; the Proctor himself pulled out John Shakerly by the hair, and out of doors, from Richard Betteris's house, and violently thrust out others, and several times the Schollars have thrown stones and dirt at friends, and broke the door to pieces, and broke the windows several times, and took away the key of the door, and knockt tenter-hooks in the key-hole, and (pulled up part of the portch: and this is the fruits of the young Ministers, the Schollars of Oxford, which titles themselves Ministers of Christ; but are mad, unsavoury, bruitish, who are like mad people, or like Bedlam's; and when friends have been come into the meeting, or going forth, the Schol­lars have squeezed them in the passage of the door, that some hath been hurt, (like wilde horses and colts) and come into the meeting, and turned up the forms and seats which friends sit upon, rid upon the backs of both men and women, like wilde horses; and this is the fruits of the Schollars (who are called young Ministers) in Oxford, against the people of God, dai­ly disturbing their meetings, like wilde Savages, and brought gun-powder, and squibs, and fired them, and set the room of a smoke; and blown among peope under their clothes, like to set the house on fire, undo undo peo­ple; and have shot bullets among friends, to knock out their eyes; and this is their wickednesse and unsobernesse. And the Schollars in Oxford came into the meeting among the people of God, stamping wildly and rudely, like Tavern fellows crying, Give us Beer and Tobacco; and this is the fruits of the Schollars in Oxford, among the people of God, who met together to worship God in the spirit and truth; and this is their carriage in the meeting, which they have born and suffered a long time, which is shamelesse, and a grief, which will make sober people even sick again; and this is their carriage a­mongst them, when they are in the service and worship of God, [Page 3]O! their cruelty is hard to be uttered, as you may read before mentioned, how they bound them with cords, and drew them up and down, and abused them in their meeting, and the Schollars have brought strong beer into the meetings, and drunk to friends, and because they have refused to drink, have thrown it on their necks, and clothes, and bands; these are a company of wasters and destroyers of the creation, like a company of tiplers and drunkards. And thus the Schollars are bred up like a company of Tavern­fellows, which is a shame to the Nation that they should have such a com­pany to be their teachers, and such a Nursery, and such trees to bear such fruits, which well may the Nation be amazed to see their fruits brought forth, taking away their goods treble, and haling the people to prison, keep­ing them in prison till death; these plants and trees come out of such a nursery, and puddle, and bad stock, And the Schollars has come into the meetings amongst the people of God, and called for Wenches, or Harlots, like fellows that hunt bad houses: What would the world think, and the Magistrates think, if friends should go into their steeple-houses, and call for such things, which is a shame to mention? And the Schollars came into the meetings of the people of God at Oxford, and sung bawdy songs, and curst, and swore, these were never like Ministers of Christ. And the Schollars seve­ral times came into the meeting blowing and puffing, with Tobacco-pipes in their mouths, cursing, swearing, and stamping, making the house shake again, and saying, this would make them speak, provoking them to answer to their wickedness, (but they meekly suffered all) and proffered to put their hands under womens aprons, and asked whether the spirit was not there; and this is their fruits in the meeting of the people of God, which is a shame to the Nation that such bad, loose, idle fellows should be maintained, who were like hawkers and hunters, riotous fellows, which are bred up in pride and ungodliness, which is a grief to all sober people, to see such a Cage of unclean spirits; And ye that are called wise men of the Nation, and Governors, is it not a dishonour to you to suffer such things? And the Schollars have come into the meeting to act Tobit and his dog and one of them divided his filthy stuff into uses & points, after the manner of the Priests; and another raised doctrines of a Tinker, and a cobler, and many more wicked actions, by mock­ings and scoffings, and filthy language, which would be too tedious to relate, and a shame to modesty, and so loathsom and filthy, and also a shame to lay open such things as have been by them uttered, just like a company of Mountibanks and Stage-players: Are these a good savour of young Mini­sters that must go out to be teachers in the Nations? O loathsom and abo­minable! Such wicked fruits and acts which is hard to relate! These are like unto the croaking frogs spoken of in the Revelation, and like unto the locusts that came out of the smoke of the bottomless pit, bred there, which goes up and down in swarms: And these Schollars has been so shameless that after the meeting they have pressed in by violence, and took meat off from the table; came into the house of a friend where the meeting was, and took the bread, and the pottage out of the pot like greedy dogs, and sapping them up; and this is the carriage of the Schollars among the people of God, which they have suffered patiently, and this has been their shameless car­riage; and stopt a friends mouth like to have stragled him in the meeting, [Page 4]and threw down the woman of the house, and this is the fruits of the Schol­lars: And have stoln or taken away books out of the house and caryed them away; And a friend going to the Proctor to lay some of the practices of the Schollars before him, he denyed them Justice, not correcting them; the friend told him that the people were almost spoiled; & he said he would have nothing to do with them, as much as to say, he would tollerates the schollars: And an other scholar came into the meeting, and cryed out, blas­phemy, ye wicked people of the Lord. And this is their wickednesse, which was never the like heard of, which they make but sport of, yet these must have the name of young Ministers of the Gospel, and the schollars bear the maid of the house where the meeting is, and have forced by violence divers times into the house, and said they would be there in spite of her teeths which things have been done at other times out of the meeting; and these waies, of the schollars are bad examples to people, they have carryed stool out of the house, broke down the wall, & carryed the key of the door away and brought in a dog in a meeting time, in derision to friends, and this to disturb the people of God, and this was their cruelty; and bad the dog speak, and punched him to make him howle; and another dog was brought in by the Schollars, and threw up and downe at friends in their meeting; and these are their wicked fruits, like Hunts-men, Esau's brood and stock, and this hath been their actions like a company of bruits: And some have strived by their filthy actions, (because friends would not answer their fil­thy wickednesse) to make friends speak, & seeing they would not, have by force tryed open a friends mouth, to know whether he had a tongue to speak: and others of the Schollars have plucked a friend by the beard and nose; and have took a friend by the hand, and shook her so much that they sprained her Arme, being rude, wicked, and mad: And these schollars have been so rude and wicked, that when any Minister of the Lord have been speaking, they have made such a noise in his time of speaking, with whooting, yelling, and laughing, and filthy gestures, on purpose to draw peoples minds forth into their image and likenesse, who have had desires to hear the truth, and have used wicked actions to keep their minds from it.

One of the servants of the Lord going from a meeting to his own dwel­ing, and going by Iohns Colledge, a great company of Schollars drew him into their Colledge, and forced him up into their Hall; and by main strength and much violence thrust him into a Chair, and then used abominable and wicked words, to have drawn the friends mind our of the fear of the Lord; but when they could not prevail, they brought beer, and like slober­ing laughing beasts & swine, proffered to pour it down his neck, and struck, and beat him with many grievous blows, and pinched him, in so much as he was amazed, and natural sense taken away, for a time, with their crulty; and this man about that time, had not eaten a bit of bread in ten days time, be­ing very weak, and they thrust pins into his flesh, and pinehed him, and kept him in there with many wicked scoffs, asking him whether the spirit did not move him now: (and thus did the Jews and Priests to Christ, and then had him prophesie who smote him) these are the same seed. And they had him preach or sing a song, or tell a tale, or let a fart; and this is the sport of the Schollars, that they make of the servants of the Lord, which is a shame to modesty and is this a good report of the young Ministers which should [Page 5]go into the Nation? but the friend being kept from fulfilling any of their wicked desires, sustained much wrong from them, and then three or four of the chief of the Colledge, came to the said friend, and bad him be gon, and pulled him down from that company, but left him among as bad a company of Schollars; and as the said friend was passing, to goe our of that wicked crew, he seeing some of the chief of the Colledge, spake a word to them of their cruel actions, and one of the chief of them came and kicked him with his foot, a bad him be gone. Oh mercilesse cruelty now in the fruits of these, when the chief are so bruitish, and uncivil, what shall be gathered of the rest of them that are under them? And a company of schollars have come into the meeting, walking stamping, stareing, when friends have been met together to wait upon the Lord, on purpose to disturb them. Some of these things before mentioned have been laid before the Rulers and Go­vernors of several Colledges in Oxford, to this end that they might see their fruits, and that for the time to come they might be restrained from such e­vil courses; but as yet we can see no end of their wickednesse. So in obedi­ence unto the Lord we have laid open these things to the view of them that fears God, and moderate and sober people, that they may see whether the carriage of such be fit to make Ministers of Christ, knowing of a truth we must fill up the measure of his sufferings, who is the captain of our salvation, (not rendring evill for evil) by such a generation as these are, ungodly, illiterate in the truth; but the rather have indured with patience these grie­vous mocking, scoffings and contradictions of wicked and ungodly men, & beating, and abuses from time to time, that the mouths of all gain-sayers might be stopped, when the Lord our god shall come forth to give righte­ous judgement on every one of them, for the work done in the body. And these things we leave to the consideration of all moderate sober men, to judge whether these actions be sober, comely, moderate, and of a good re­port, that be before mentioned; and whether such actions of fruits, from such as before mentioned, be fit for to make Ministers for Christ, who was far from doing wrong, or hurting any creature, and these are far from his minde and the Apostles, who wrestled not with flesh and blood; nor strik­ing and abusing the creatures, & how unlike to them these are that wrongs friends in their meetings, and brings in their dogs & their drink, throwing it about upon friends cloathes, bands, necks, with tobaco-pipes in their mouthes and making plaies, and stamping, and calling, give me drink, and tobacco, and wenches, and Whores, and this is the fruites of the schollars of Oxford, raging about the door, pulling down the porch, breaking the windowes, like the Sodomites that crucified the just. So their filthy bruitish carriage is seen, which never was heard the like, their tricks, jests, plaies, sports with their beer, tobacco-pips, stamping, leaping; & their striking of friends, as knowing that friends will not lift up a hand against them. And the schol­lars comes into the meeting of friends with all their gaudy attire, with rib­bans and cuffs dressed and daubed like fidlers and stage-players, which have not the garments of sober men. And the said schollars that comes into the meetings, would turne up the hats of women as they sat in the meeting, in their assemblies, and stare in their faces to provoke them, with bad language. Now you may see how these regards the word of the Lord, as their unsober­nesse declares it.

Now are the people as they were in the dayes of Iob, poyson drinks up their spirits. And now are the people as they were in the daies of the Prophets, which drink up iniquity as water and in that doth rejoyce: And now doth the people drink up scorning as water; for look in every Town, market and county, you shall see a company of scorners, and people drink it up, & he that is the aptest and the wittiest, that will please people best, that they drink up like water, ther's their joy: nay you shall see the young Ministers & Priests scorne, and the other will drink up their scorne like water; so the one scorneth, and the other drinketh it up, and the other doth iniquity, and the other drinketh that up as the Oxe drinketh water, and the poyson thereof drinketh up their spirits; and how all people hath, and doth prac­tice evil works upon their beds, and when the daylight cometh, doth act it? Now these scholars of Oxford are like unto the raging Sodomites, who rounded Lots house in temporal Sodom, which God delivered them out of their hands, & in spiritual Sodom and Egypt, that is, darknesse and filthiness. Now the E­lect, and royal feed and Plants of the Lord God, has the spiritual Sodomites & the spiritual Aegyptians to deal with, which are spiritually blind, which cru­cifies Christ. Now these spiritual Sodomites have the scriptures, the sheeps cloathing, but cannot deceive the Elect. Now the spiritual Sodomites & Aegyp­tians will tell the people that they have the Original, and Hebrew, Greek, and Latin is the Original, and they are the Orthodox men that have it, and the Pillars of the Church; but Moses will tell the spiritual Aegyptians and Sodo­mites, that all the World was of one language before Babel; and he that did begin to build Babel, came out of Ham's stock, whom God confounded into many languages: But they that are the royal and elect seed, will tell you In the beginning was the word, before Babel was. And Luke the Evangelist will tell you (spiritual Sodomites & Aegyptians that tels the World Hebrew, Greek, and Latin is the Original) that Pilate the murtherer and persecutor set that upon Christ, so there stands your original over the just, and he is your Orthodox man and your pillar, and he knew not scripture, nor Christ the just; but murthered him, he who had the original, who set it upon Christ when he had murthered him, Luke 23.38 [mark] a superscription was writ­ten over Christ is: Hebrew, Greek, and Latin; here Pilate and the Jewes had the Original (as you call it) that killed the just (Can you hear this, Priests?) and he could not open scriptures: did Luke say these were the Original that was set on top of Christ? Now the Original is the Word which was in the beginning, but your many languages is since the beginning, and there stands your Original. Mark, again you Doctors and scholars, Christ said false prophets should come, And Antichrist should come, they that were against Christ, that if it should be possible should deceive the Elect, which false prophets should be inwardly ravening, Mat. 7.24, chap. Christ said they should come to his disciples, and in 1 Iohn 2. chap. and 4. and. John said they were come, and went forth from them into the world: and in the Revelation, all the World went after them; so these inwardly ravening from the spirit of God, having the sheeps cloathing, having gotten a head, turned against the Saints that was in the spirit of God, and killed them, and over­came them, and when they had overcome the Saints, power was given to the beast over all Nations, Tongues, and Kindreds; marke, ye Doctors, [Page 7]Ministers and young scholars; what, hath the beast power over your Tongues, Orthodox men, original? Yes, Why not the beast power over the Tongues, as well as Pilate that killed the just? So the beast, over the Tongues, and Orthodox men; ye Doctors and schollars whose Original is Tongues, so not the spirit, [mark] Pilate your elder brother that set them on top of Christ; was Pilate a preacher of the Gospel, that murtherer, that had the Tongues, and set them on top of Christ? Was the beast a preacher of the Gospel, that killed the Saints, that had power over the Tongues? What o­ver your Orthodox men? over our original has the beast power? Yea, who turnes against the Saints and kils them that kept the Testimony of Jesus, Rev. 13.7 and the beast, and his marks, and his hornes, and his Images which turns against the saints; and see how you Orthodox men are raging about the doors of the Saints, which the beast has power over, how you are raging about the doors of the Saints, like a cage of unclean birds, a habi­tation of unclean spirits. Is not Babylon faln, and become a habitation of Devils, and the Whore she sits upon the beast, and all Nations have drunk of her fornication, and the Kings of the earth have commited fornication with the Whore, and hath corrupted the whole Earth, and the whore sits upon the waters, and the waters are Nations, multitudes, and Tongues? Marke Priests, is the Whore on the Tongues? what, our ministers? what, our orthodox men? what our Original? is the whore on them? and are they waters? Yes, Iohn tells you they are waters, Rev 17. Come Priests let's reckon with you; Have you not told people that false Prophets are come but now? and they must come to Mat. 7. Mat. 24. And what has the beast power over you, and the beast upon you, and the whore upon you, and are they come but now? Now Priest you are discovered to be the false Prophets. what has the beast power over you, and over your Tongues, and have you not told us that Christ would be with you to the end of the world, and the beast and whore has power over you, as Pilate had over the tongues? And so you have got the sheeps cloathings, and ravened from the spirit of God; and the beast hath killed the Saints and the Prophets, and the man-child was caught up to God, and the woman fled into the wildernesse, and the whore has drunk the blood of the Saints, that has power over the Tongues; Orthodox men, pillars of the Church, and there came up the false Church, the whore, when the true woman fled into the wildernesse; but the judge­ment of the great whore shall come again, and the marriage of the Lamb shall be known again, the bride and the Lambs wife: And Iohn calls you waters, as you may read, Rev. 13. and 17. chap. Which scriptures you can never get over. Alack for you poor silly ones! has not the Church been in the wildernesse since the dayes of the Apostles? And has not the beast fought his honour? And was not the cry again, Fear God, and give glory to him? and must not the beast be taken, the false Prophet and the Whore, and cast alive into the Lake of fire, and Babylon confounded, and the judge­ment of the great whore come? and this is witnessed in these our daies. So Babel is the beginning of Tongues, on the top of Christ, Pilate he set them, the murtherer and persecutor; and the beast, the whore has power over them, and sits upon them. So hear is the path of the Orthodox men, that they work in Babel, and Pilate, the beast, and the whore, that murthers [Page]and kills the Saints and Christ, who cries the tongues is the Original, which wants the Original, the Word which was before Babel was, and now Priests we shall teach you, the beast hath power over tongues, and the Whore, and Pilate that set them a-top of Christ; but Christ is risen that was before Babel was, or Pilate▪ and is, when beast, and Whore, and Babel is not; so he that was dead, is alive, and lives for evermore, and will stain your glory and pride, who has told the world that Hedrew, Greek, & Latin was the Original, but he is risen who will stain your glory, mar your pride, and deface your beauty which you have had in your naturals, and the Gospel must be preached again to all Nations, Tongues and kind­reds, and all that dwell upon the Earth, What, (say you Orthodox men) have we not had the Gospel before now? Nay, you ravened from the spirit of God, you had the sheeps cloathing, and so set up that for your Original, that Pilate set on Christs you ravened from the spirit of God, who went our from the Apostles, and so went into the World, and set up the Tongues to be the Original, which the beast has power over, which killed the Saints; so you ravened from the power of God which is the Gospel, Rom: 1. so the beast shall be taken, your Master, and the Whore, your mother, and yee the false Prophets, and the old Dragon your Father, shall be taken alive, with Babylon that you sheltered in, and all cast alive into the lake that burns; and the everlasting Gospel shall be preached again to them that dwel upon the Earth, which is the power of God; and now it is going forth again, glo­ry to the Lord in the highest for ever: And the Schollars of Oxford are like Iewes, the baser sort that made an uproar and assaulted the house of Jason; lewd fellowes, the bas [...]r sort, and brought Jason before the Rulers, and said they turned the World upside down: Now see, the lambs and the sheep were alwaies sufferers; see who assaulted Lot's house, and who was it at Ja­son's house, but the rude fellowes, and who at Rich. Betetis's House in Oxford that pulled up the porch, and broke the Windowes, came in with dogs and Tobacco pipes but rude schollars and who would have thought the schol­lars of Oxford would have come to Rich Bete [...]is's house to aske for lasses, whores, wenche [...]? surely they mist the house & this is the work and the acti­ons of the b [...]ser fellowes in the nation who would think that these schollars should grow to such a hight of lustfulnesse, fleshlinesse and ungodlinesse. And who would have thought that the scholars of Oxford had been like such Tavern fellowes, to come into Rich. Beteris's house and cry give me some Ale, give me some tobacco, stamping up and down? surely they [...]re more like Swine, with their noise in the though, then like Minis [...] [...] so hot in their lust of ungodlinesse, that they tumble and lye do [...] the mire, and are said to call for Lasses; and whores, and wenches among the people so God; s [...]rely they are worse then the common savage beasts; and Doctor Owin who hath spewed out some thing, and vomited up a lothsome thing against the people of God called Quakers; which loathsome vomit is enough to poy­son several people that is not in the wisdome what to eat, which vomit is like unto the works of his fellowes abovementioned? So see whose steps you walke in; and what do you think▪ that they that are come into the word of God, cannot see over the tongues and Pilate, and Babel, and these schollars also, they do not know the word in the beginning which abideth for ever, the beast and the fals prophet doth not, but they that are come to the word doth, and are in that which doth endure.

  • Jeremiah Haward.
  • Abraham Allin.
  • Thomas Ryland
  • Henry Traine,
  • Lawrence Willyer.
  • Thomas Swan.
  • Alex Green
  • Abra Badger.

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