The Queens Majesties Message and Letter from the Hague in Holland, directed to the Kings most excellent Majesty, &c.
Being sent in that Ship which was forced to put in at Yarmouth by reason of a Leake which she sprung at Sea, and was bound for Newcastle, who had in her fifty Commanders, besides other common Souldiers, 400. Barrels of powder, ten peeces of Ordnance, and great store of other armes and ammunition, all which was sent to his Majesty.
And now comming up to London to be disposed of by the Parliament for the Kingdomes safety and security, which Letter, with divers others, are in the custody of —Henry Elsing Cler. P. Dom. Com.
All which Letters were cast over-board into the Sea, and miraculously saved by a Sailor in the said Ship.
Also the Declaration and Petition of the Palsgrave and the Queene his mother to both houses of Parliament for their annuall pension, withall denying and disclaiming in having any hand or consent in Prince Roberts unruly actions, against the Parliament.
London printed for 1. Vnderhill. Octob. 14.
The Queenes Message and Letter sent to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie, from the Hague, the eight of October.
MOst Royall and Illustrious Monarch of great Brittain, my great, my good and worthy Liege, the most regall object of my loving heart, best affections and utmost endeavours; Be pleased to let this paper in all humilitie salute your Princely hands, and to give your Princely cogitations some account of my endeavors, (as I am bound in duty, and as I am your Spouse and loyall wife) for your Majesty in my absence, my love having now no other wayes left of expectation, but by being Your humble and faithfull Agent in accommodating and promoting your high affaires, wherein if my words, the pledges, and earnest solicitors for the improvement of Your present Fame and glory, may cary in them any strength of perswasion, I [Page 2] would earnestly encite your Princely thoughts to a remembrance of your Majesties Resolution to carry forward your designes untill they grow to a famous maturity and ripenesse: maintaine and continue your cause and complexion in the hardy prosecution of your affaires without any mittigation, unlesse an honourable satisfaction may make you disbandon and rayse your former Intentions: Now you have a large field given you, wherein the illustrious vertues inherent in your Royall Person may be actually expressed, and give the whole Christian world which are now spectators, and the eye of all Christendome upon your Person, a cleare approbation and testimonie that Your Majesty merits that noble attribute annexed to your Royall Title, Defendor of the Faith: for by such like actions as these, Princes live when they have paid their debt to Nature, and will be their own monument which shall be everlasting, and more durable then that of Marble. Be therefore constant in your Princely resolutions, full of your own Cause and your Majesty shall never want external accommodations and Forreign compliances, which by my earnest endeavours and solicitations have of late bin somewhat advanced, having obtained a list from our Brother the Prince of Orange, from whence as the speciall merit did distinguish them in worth, I have selected out of that number some choyse, well experienced and serviceable souldiers, such as shall bee forward with couragious affections to maintaine Your Princely affaires, and to amplifie your renowne and glory in the engagement of present actions: and out of these deserving men, I have sent fifty stout Commanders, [Page 3] who will be alwaies be ready to doe your Majestie service in your Army, and that I might further supply and serve your present occasions, I have caused 400. barrells of powder, and 10. pieces of ordnance; to be conveighed to your Majesty, besides good store of all other ammunition, necessary upon all warlike occasions. The complyance of our noble Brother the Prince of Orange is so setled in a firme complexition, sympathising, and affectionately agreeing with the present condition of affaires, that he hath by many demonstrations given testimony thereof, and by raysing divers sums of money for my use, hath endeavoured the inclination of his particular affections, amongst other accomodations least your Majestie should be any ways necessitated, I am to certifie your Majesty, that the Iewels of your Crown are for present receipts engaged to some certaine Iewes of Amsterdam. Moreover I am to give your Highnesse cause to esteeme the cheerefull undertakings and forward alacritie of our Brother the Prince of Orange, who will with all carefull vigilancy be ready to take all opportunities for your Majesties advantage, and will with cleere intentions wherein you may repose trust, bee ready to expresse himselfe in all Christian Offices: My acknowledgment of Prince Robert's valiant courage and love exprest in personall actions, & those adhering to your Majestie, being arrived to my knowledg by a letter lately sent to Mr. Iermin, must needs deserve my approbation and highest commendation, since his worth and noble actions are of such transcendent expression of Princely merit. Amongst the other endeavours of my affectionate desires, [Page 4] the States haue been earnesty solicited for their ayde and assistance, which as yet cannot bee induced upon them to grant, nor can I by any perswasion obtayne the effect of my urgent motion, though I hope my Letters sent unto my Brother the French King, shall infuse a Royall flame into his breast, and make him through accompable fullnesse of your Highnesse Cause, give such ayd unto your Majesty, as may expresse him Royall in his thoughts, and tender of his Regall relation unto your Highnesse; but if my Letter should be so unhappy as not fully to inflame and instigate his minde to awake his power in Your ayd and defence, I cannot nor will not see your actions brought on with so much expectation any way disanimated, but since the Ages hopes must be the production and businesse of Your weighty affaires, my personall solicitation shall at my going into Fraunce enduce and incline my most Christian brother to appeare in promoting and assisting your Majesties cause and actions, which are so full of honourable Justice: though absent till wee bee resident in your Princely heart, and beleive my affections and endeavours are ever ready to serve your Majesty.
The Declaration and Petition of the Prince Palsgrave of the Rhyne, and the Queene his Mother, disclaiming and discountenancing Prince Robert in all his uncivill actions which he useth in this Kingdome, desiring both houses of Parliament not to stoppe their annuall pensions due to them for his cause which they cannot help.
Their Protestation and Declaration, &c.
WE do in the presence of Almighty God, and to all the whole World, and in the sight of all good men, in no manner approve, allow, give consent, or any way countenance the unjust and unruly actions of my Son Prince Robert now in England; and so do I the same with the Queene my deare mother, by the same vow disrellish and hate all those outrages and cruelties of my brother Prince Robert, and it grieves us at our very Soules for his unhnmane cruelties we heare he commits, whose passion wee cannot [Page 8] confine, and whose hot spirit we cannot calme nor diswade him from acting, by all the lawfull meanes which we have used, as by Letters, Messages, and intimate friends.
And our petition and desire is to the honorable houses of Parliament, that our annual pensions may be duely payd us, which is our chiefest lively-hood under God, and that wee may not suffer and languish for his sake, whose actions and behaviour we cannot helpe. Hoping that both Houses of Parliament will speedily consider of our petition which we have sent unto them, having continually found that favour from this Kingdome of England, for their reall loves in our distresse, that we are bound to assist you & your Nation both with our prayers and thankes, which is only acceptable and best pleafing unto God, and to all righteous men.
And for my particular, I take God to witnesse, so long as I was in England with his Majesty, I laboured for peace, and a Reconciliation betwixt his Majesty and his Parliament, but finding that I could not prevaile, but I was over-borne by a strong faction who had his Majesties care, I took my leave, and went from Holland, obeying and hearkning unto my deare mothers counsel, whom I shall willingly obey and abide with.
From the Hague 5. Octob. 1642.