A New Discovery of a Large Country in AMERICA by Father Lewis Hennepin

A New Discovery OF A Vast Country in AMERICA, Extending above Four Thousand Miles, BETWEEN New France and New Mexico. WITH A Description of the Great Lakes, Cata­racts, Rivers, Plants, and Animals: Also, The Manners, Customs, and Languages, of the several Native Indians; And the Advantage of Commerce with those different Nations.

WITH A CONTINUATION: Giving an ACCOUNT of the Attempts of the Sieur De la SALLE upon the Mines of St. Barbe, &c. The Taking of Quebec by the English; With the Advantages of a Shorter Cut to China and Iapan.

Both Parts Illustrated with Maps and Figures, and Dedicated to His Majesty K. William.

By L. Hennepin, now Resident in Holland.

To which is added Several New Discoveries in North-America, not publish'd in the French Edition.

LONDON: Printed for M. Bentley, I. Tonson, H. Bon­wick, T. Goodwin, and S. Manship. 1698.

TO His Most Excellent Majesty WILLIAM III. King of Great Britain, &c.


THis Account of the greatest DISCOVERY that has been made in this Age, of several Large Countries, situate between the Frozen Sea and New Mexico, I make bold humbly to Dedicate to your Ma­jesty. Having liv'd Eleven Years in the Northern America, I have had an Opportunity to penetrate farther into that Unknown Continent than any before me; wherein I have discover'd New Countries, which may be justly call'd the Delights of that New World. [Page] They are larger than Europe, water'd with an infinite number of fine Ri­vers, the Course of one of which is above 800 Leagues long, stock'd with all sorts of harmless Beasts, and other Things necessary for the Con­veniency of Life; and bless'd with so mild a Temperature of the Air, that nothing is there wanting to lay the Foundation of one of the Greatest Empires in the World.

I should think my self very happy, and sufficiently Rewarded for my La­borious Travels, if they could any ways contribute to make those Coun­tries better known, under the Glo­rious Name of your Majesty; and if through your Royal Protection I might serve as Guide to your Subjects, to carry into those Parts the Light of the Gospel, and the Fame of your He­roical Virtues: My name would be bless'd amongst those numerous Na­tions, who live without Laws and Re­ligion, only because no body endea­vours [Page] to instruct them; and they would have the Happiness of being Converted to the Christian Faith, and the Advantage of seeing at the same time their Fierceness and Rude Man­ners softned and civiliz'd, by the Com­merce of a Polite and Generous Na­tion, Rul'd by the most Magnani­mous King in the World.

This Enterprize is worthy of your Majesty, who never Frames but Noble Designs, and pursues them with such a Prudence and Vigour, that they are always crown'd with a Glorious Suc­cess.

I dare not presume to give here a particular Account of what your Majesty's unparallell'd Valour and Prudence have done for the Felicity of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the United Provinces; the Happiness of your Kingdoms, and the Mildness of your Majesty's Government, proclaim that Truth to all th [...] World, as also the Tranquility of the United Nether­lands, [Page] amidst a dreadful War, which ravages most Parts of Europe. Your Majesty drove back a formidable Ene­my, who had penetrated into their very Heart, and keeps him since at such a distance, that they have no­thing to fear from his Ambitious De­signs.

The rest of Europe is no less inde­bted to your Majesty than your own Kingdoms and the United Netherlands; for your Majesty exposes every Year your Life, at the Head of your Ar­mies and Theirs, to protect their Coun­try and preserve their Liberties from a fatal Invasion. The Allies know, and own with Gratitude, That your Maje­sty's Prudence, and the great Respect which so many Princes have for your Personal Merit, are the only Cement that was able to maintain the Great Alliance, wherein Europe is enter'd for its Preservation.

Your Majesty's Glorious Atchieve­ments being a Theme above my Pen, [Page] I must not presume to speak of them; but my Religion obliges me to men­tion what I have seen with my own Eyes, and publish to all the World, That I have seen your Majesty Pre­serving, with the utmost Care, Our Churches in the Netherlands, while Others, who, by a Principle of Con­science, were oblig'd to Protect them, left them expos'd to the Inso­lence of their Soldiers, violating in the face of the Sun the Respect all Christians owe them.

It is this great Generosity and Equi­ty of your Majesty, as much as your other incomparable Exploits, which have gain'd you the Esteem and the Hearts of all Christian Princes, one alone▪ excepted; and have engag'd the King of Spain my lawful Sove­reign, the most Catholick Prince in the World, to make so strict an Al­liance with your Majesty.

That Great Monarch being too re­mote from the Netherlands to defend [Page] his Dominions, has found in your Majesty a Valiant and Trusty De­fender; who being Seconded by the Invincible Elector of Bavaria, protects the Spanish Dominions against a Prince who makes all possible Efforts to deprive his Catholick Majesty there­of, notwithstanding their Proximity of Blood, and his Professing the Same Religion.

His Catholick Majesty having therefore so often experienc'd that your Majesty's Royal Word is more firm than other Princes Treaties and Solemn Oaths, could not also but leave his Dominions to your Dis­posal; shewing by that unparal­lell'd Piece of Trust, how much he relies upon your Majesty's Honour, and what Esteem he has for your Royal Vertues, which are mix'd with no manner of Imperfections.

I don't question but many, out of Envy or Malice, will blame me for entring into your Majesty's Service; [Page] but I care very little for what they say, since it is by the Permission of his Ca­tholick Majesty, the Elector of Bava­ria, and the Superiors of my Order. I design to keep the Integrity of my Faith, and serve Faithfully the Great Monarch who has Honour'd me with his Royal Protection. I owe my Services to the Generous Protector of my Country and of our Altars, who besides has so kindly receiv'd me at his Court, while other Princes neglect­ed me, or forbade me their Presence. It is then out of Gratitude that I devote my self to your Majesty's Service, and in order to contribute to the Con­version of the several Nations I have discover'd, and to the Advantage of your Subjects, if they will improve this Opportunity, and make Planta­tions in a Country, which is so fertile as to afford Two Crops every Year.

The Gentleman with whom I be­gan this Discovery, had form'd Great Designs, and especially upon the [Page] Mines of St. Barbe in New Mexico; but his Tragical Death prevented their execution.

I humbly beseech your Majesty to accept this Publick Mark of my Respect and Gratitude; having pray'd the Almighty for the Preservation of your Sacred Majesty's Person, and the Prosperity of your Reign, I beg leave to subscribe my self, with all the Submission and Respect ima­ginable,

Your MAJESTY 's Most Humble, most Faithful, and Most Obedient Servant, F. Louis Hennepin, Missionary Recollect.


I Present here the Reader with the First Part of the Account of the Voyage I made from the Year 1679, to the Year 1682, in the Northern America; in which I dis­cover'd a Country, unknown before me, as large or larger than Europe. I had resol­ved long ago to oblige the Publick with it; but my Resolution was prevented by some Reason, which it would be too long to re­late.

'Tis true, I publish'd part of it in the Year 1684, in my Account of Louisiana; Printed at Paris by Order of the French King; but I was then oblig'd to say nothing of the Course of the River Meschasipi, from the Mouth of the River of the Illinois down to the Sea, for fear of disobliging M. la Salle, with whom I began my Discovery. This Gentleman wou'd alone have the Glory of having discover'd the Course of that Ri­ver: But when he heard that I had done it two Years before him, he cou'd never for­give me, tho', as I have said, I was so mo­dest [Page] as to publish nothing of it. This is the true cause of his Malice against me, and of all the barbarous Vsage I have met with in France; which they carry'd so far, as to ob­lige the Marquis de Louvois to command me to depart the French King's Dominions; which I did willingly, tho' I saw sufficient Grounds to believe this Order was forg'd after Monsieur de Louvois was dead.

The pretended Reasons of that violent Order, were, because I refused to return in­to America, where I had been already Ele­ven Years; tho' the particular Laws of our Order oblige non [...] of us to go beyond-Sea a­gainst their Will. I wou'd have however return'd very willingly, had I not sufficient­ly known the Malice of M. la Salle, who wou'd have expos'd me, to make me perish, as he did one of the Men who accompany'd me in my Discovery. God knows, that I am sorry for his unfortunate Death; but the Iudgments of the Almighty are always just, for that Gentleman was kill'd by one of his own Men, who were at last sensible that he expos'd them to visible Dangers, without any Necessity, and for his private Designs.

I presented some time after a Petition to the French King, while he was encamp'd at Harlemont in Brabant, setting forth my Services, and the Injustice of my Enemies; but that Prince had so many Affairs, [Page] that, I suppose, they hinder'd him from con­sidering my Petition; [...]nd so I cou'd obtain no Satisfaction. I cont [...]'d since at Gosse­liers and Aeth; and just as they were rai­sing another Persecution against me, the Divine Providence brought me acquainted with Mr. Blathwait, Secretary of War to his Majesty William the Third, King of Great Britain; who, by Order of His Ma­jesty, wrote a Letter to Father Payez, Ge­neral Commissary of our Order at Louvain, to desire him to give me leave to go Missio­nary into America, and to continue in one of the Vnited Provinces, till I had dige­sted into Order the Memoires of my Dis­covery. This General Commissary being infor­med that the King of Spain, and the Ele­ctor of Bavaria consented that I shou'd enter into the Service of His Majesty of Great Britain, granted me what I desir'd, and sent me to Antwerp, to take there in our Convent a Lay-Habit; and from thence I went into Holland, having receiv'd some Mo­ney from Mr. Hill, by Order of Mr. Blath­wait.

I design'd to live at Amsterdam for some time; but some Reasons oblig'd me to go to Utrecht, where I finish'd this First Volume of the Account of my Discovery; which I hope will prove advantageous to Europe, [Page] and especially to the English Nation, to whose Service I entirely devote my self.

I cannot sufficiently acknowledge the Fa­vours of Mr. Blathwait, who has so gene­rously provided for my Subsistence, and did me the Honour to present me to His Maje­sty before his Departure for England. I am also very much oblig'd to the Duke of Or­mond, and the Earl of Athlone, for the Civilities I have receiv'd from them: They have often admitted me to their Table, and granted several Protections in Flanders up­on my Recommendation.

I hope the Reader will be pleas'd with the Account of my Discovery; not for the Fine­ness of the Language, and the Nobleness of the Expression, but only upon Account of its Importance, and of the Sincerity where­with 'tis written. The Bookseller has added a Map, and some other Cutts, which are an Ornament to the Book, and very useful for the better understanding of it.

Contents of the Chapters.

THE Occasion of undertaking this Voyage,
p. 1.
Chap. 1. The Motives which engag'd the Authour of this Discovery to undertake the Voy­age here related,
Chap. 2. The Means by which the Author accu­stom'd himself to endure the Travail and Fa­tigue of his laborious Mission,
Chap. 3. A Description of those Canow's that they make use of in the Summer-time in America, to waft them along the Country,
Chap. 4. Other Motives that induc'd the Author more forcibly to undertake this Discovery,
Chap. 5. A Description of the Fort Catarockouy, call'd since Frontenac,
Chap. 6. A Description of some Fresh-water Lakes, the greatest and the pleasantest in the Universe,
Chap. 7. A Description of the Fall of the River Niagara, which is to be seen betwixt the Lake Ontario and that of Eriè
Chap. 8. A Description of the Lake Eri [...],
Chap. 9. A Description of the Lake Huron,
Chap. 10. A Description of the Lake call'd by the Savages Illinouack, and by the French Illinois,
Chap. 11. Ashort Description of the Upper Lake,
Chap. 12. What is the Predominant Genius of the Inhabitants of Canada,
Chap. 13. A Description of my first Imbarkment in a Canow at Quebec, the Capital City of Cana­da, being bound for the South-West of New-France, or Canada,
Chap. 14. A Description of my second Imbarkment [Page] at Fort Frontenac, in a Brigantine upon the Lake Ontario, or Frontenac,
Chap. 15. An Account of the Embassie to the Iro­quois Tsonnontouans,
Chap. 16. A Description of a Ship of Sixty Tuns, which we built near the Streights of the Lake Erie, during the Winter and Spring of the Year 1679,
Chap. 17. The Author's Return to Fort Frontenac,
Chap. 18. An Account of our Second Embark­ment from Fort Frontenac,
Chap. 19. An Account of our Third Embarkment from the Mouth of the Lake Erie,
Chap. 20. An Account of what hapned in our Pas­sage from the Lake Erie, unto the Lake Huron,
Chap. 21. An Account of our Navigation on the Lake Huron to Missilimakinak,
Chap. 22. An Account of our Sailing from Mis­silimakinak, into the Lake of the Illinois,
Chap. 23. An Account of our Embarkment in Canows to continue our Discovery, from the Bay of Puans, to the Miamis on the Lake of the Illinois,
Chap. 24. A Description of the Calumet, or Great Pipe,
Chap. 25. A Continuation of our Discovery; with an Account of our Navigation to the farther End of the Lake of the Illinois in our Canows,
Chap. 26. An Account of the Peace made between us and the Outtouagamis,
Chap. 27. An Account of the Building of a Fort and a House near the River of Miamis,
Chap. 28. Continuation of our Voyage from Fort Miamis to the River of the Illinois,
[Page] Chap. 29. An Account of our Embarkment at the Head of the River of the Illinois,
Chap. 30. A Description of the Hunting of the wild Bulls and Oxen, by the Savages; Of the bigness of those Beasts; and of the Advantages and Improvements that may be made of the Plain where they Pasture; and of the Woods thereabouts,
Chap. 31. An Account of our Arrival to the Illi­nois, one of the most Numerous Nations of the Savages of America,
Chap. 32. An Account of what hapned to us while we remain'd among the Illinois, till the Build­ing of a New Fort,
Chap. 33. Reflections upon the Temper and Man­ners of the Illinois, and the little Disposition they have to embrace Christianity,
Chap. 34. An Account of the Building of a New Fort on the River of the Illinois, nam'd by the Savages Checagou, and by us Fort Creve­coeur; as also a Bark to go down the River Meschasipi,
Chap. 35. Containing an Account of what was transacted at Fort Crevecoeur before M. la Salle's return to Fort Frontenac; and the Instru­ctions we receiv'd from a Savage concerning the River Mefchasipi,
Chap. 36. The Author sets out from Fort Creve­coeur, to continue his Voyage,
Chap. 37. The Course of the River Meschasipi from the Mouth of the River of the Illinois, to the Sea; which the Author did not think fit to publish in his Louisiana; with an Account of the Reasons he had to undertake that Discovery,
[Page] Chap. 38. A Continuation of our Voyage on the River Meschasipi,
Chap. 39. Reasons which oblig'd us to return towards the Source of the River Meschasipi, without go­ing any farther toward the Sea,
Chap. 40. An Account of our Departure from Koroa, to continue our Voyage,
Chap. 41. A particular Account of the River Me­schasipi; Of the Country thro' which it flows; and of the Mines of Copper, Lead, and Coals we discover'd in our Voyage,
Chap. 42. An Account of the various Languages of the Nations inhabiting the Banks of the Mescha­sipi; of their Submission to their Chief; of the Difference of their Manners from the Savages of Canada; and of the Difficulties, or rather Impossibilities attending their Conversion,
Chap. 43. An Account of the Fishery of the Stur­geons; and of the Course we took, for fear of meeting some of our Men from Fort Crevecoeur,
Chap. 44. A short Account of the Rivers that fall into the Meschasipi; of the Lake of Tears; of the Fall of St. Anthony; of the wild Oats of that Country; and several other Circumstances of our Voyage,
Chap. 45. The Author and his Canow-Men are ta­ken by the Savages, who, after several Attempts upon their Lives, carry them away with them into their Country above the River Meschasipi,
Chap. 46. Resolution which the Barbarians take to carry the Author and his two Men along with them up into their Country, above the River Me­schasipi,
[Page] Chap. 47. The many Outrages done us by the Sa­vages, before we arriv'd in their Country. They frequently design against our Lives,
Chap. 48. The Advantages which the Savages of the North have over those of the South, in re­lation to the War: As also the Ceremony which was perform'd by one of our Captains, having caus'd us to halt at Noon,
Chap. 49. What Tricks and Artifices were us'd by Aquipaguetin to cheat us handsomely of our Goods; with many other Accidents that hapned in our Voyage,
Chap. 50. The Elders weep for us during the Night. New Outrages done us by Aquipague­tin. The manner how the Savages make Fire by Friction,
Chap. 51. Ceremonies us'd by the Savages when they share their Prisoners. Continuation of our Iourney by Land,
Chap. 52. A great Contest arises amongst the Sa­vages, about dividing our Merchandise and Equipage; as also my Sacerdotal Ornaments and little Chest,
Chap. 53. The Troop approaches the Village. Grand Consult amongst the Savages, whether they should kill us, or save and adopt us for their Sons. Re­ception which we had from them; and the use they made of my Chasuble.
Chap. 54. The Authors Reception by the Relations of Aquipaguetin. They make him sweat to recover him of his Fatigues. The use they make of his Chasuble and other Ornaments,
Chap. 55. The Author is like to be famish'd. The admire his Compass, and an Iron-Pot which he has. He makes a Dictionary, and instructs them [Page] in Points of Religion, in relation to Polygamy and Celebacy,
Chap. 56. The most considerable Captain of the Issati and Nadouessians upbraid those that took us. The Author baptizes the Daughter of Ma­menisi,
Chap. 57. An Embassy sent to the Issati by the Sa­vages that inhabit to the West of them. Whence it appears that there is no such thing as the Streights of Anian; and that Japan is on the same Con­tinent as Louisiana,
Chap. 58. The Issati assemble to hunt the Wild-Bull. Refusal of the two Canow-Men to take the Author into their Canow, in order to go down the River of St. Francis,
Chap. 59. The Savages halt above the Fall of St. Anthony of Padua. They are streighten'd for Provisions. The Author, with the Picard, returns to the River Ouisconsin. The Adven­tures of the Voyage,
Chap. 60. The Hunting of the Tortoise. The Au­thor's Canow is carry'd off by a sudden blast of Wind, which was like to have reduc'd him and his Companions to great Streights,
Chap. 61. We continue our Course in search of the River Ouisconsin. Aquipaguetin finds us, and gets thither before us. We subsist meerly by Pro­vidence,
Chap. 62. Great Streights which the Author and his Companion are reduc'd to in their Voyage. They at last meet again with the Savages at their return from Hunting,
Chap. 63. The Savage Women hide their Provi­sions up and down in private Holes. They go down the River again a second time. Address [Page] of the Savages. Bravery of one of the Savages,
Chap. 64. Arrival of the Sieur du Luth in our Camp. He desires us to return with him and his Followers to the Country of the Issati and Na­douessians. I cast my Coverlet over a dead Man, The Savages are pleas'd at it,
Chap. 65. The Author takes his leave of the Sa­vages to return to Canada. A Savage is slain by his Chief, for advising to kill us. Dispute be­tween the Sieur du Luth and me, about the Sa­crifice of Barbarians,
Chap. 66. The Sieur du Luth is in a great Con­sternation at the Appearance of a Fleet of the Savages, who surpriz'd us before we were got into the River Ouisconsin,
Chap. 67. The Author's Voyage from the Mouth of the River Ouisconsin, to the great Bay of the Puans,
Chap. 68. The Author and his Company stay some time amongst the Puans. Original of the Name. They celebrated the Mass here, and winter at Missilimakinak,
Chap. 69. The Author's Departure from Missilima­kinak. He passes two great Lakes. Taking of a Great Bear. Some Particulars relating to the Flesh of that Beast,
Chap. 70. The Meeting of the Author and a cer­tain Captain of the Outtaouacts, nam'd Talon by the Intendant of that Name, upon the Lake of Erie; who recounts to him many Adventures of his Family and Nation. [...]urther Observations upon the great Fall or Cataract of Niagara,
Chap. 71. The Author sets out from the Fort which is at the Mouth of the River Niagara, and [Page] obliges the Iroquois assembl'd in Council, to de­liver up the Slaves they had made upon the Out­taouacts,
Chap. 72. The Author sets out from the Tsonnon­touans Iroquois, and comes to Fort Fronte­nac,
Chap. 73. The Author sets out from Fort Fronte­nac, and passes over the rapid Stream, which is call'd The Long Fall. He is kindly receiv'd at Montreal by Count Frontenac,
Chap. 74. A great Defeat of the Illinois, that were attack'd and surpriz'd by the Iroquois,
Chap. 75. The Savages Kikapoux murther Father Gabriel de la Ribourde, a Recollect Messio­nary,
Chap. 76. The Author's Return from his Discovery to Quebec; and what hapned at his Arrival at the Convent of Our Lady of Angels near that Town,
A MAP of A NEW WORLD between NEW MEXICO And the Frozen Sea Newly DIScovered by Father LEWIS HENNEPIN Missionary Recollect and Native of Aht in Hainault Dedicated to his Majesety of GREAT BRITAIN WILLIAM III
A MAP of a Large Country Newly DIScovered in the NORTHERN AMERICA Situated between NEW MEXICO and the Frozen Sea together with the Course of the Great River MESCHASIPI Dedicated to his Ma ty WILLIAM III King of Great Britain By Father LEWIS HENNEPIN Missionary Recollect and Apostolic Notary

A CONTINUATION OF THE New Discovery OF A Vast Country in AMERICA, Extending above Four Thousand Miles, BETWEEN New France and New Mexico; Giving an ACCOUNT OF THE Attempts of the Sieur De la SALLE upon the Mines of St. Barbe, &c. The Taking of Quebec by the English; With the Advantages of a Shorter Cut to China and Iapan.

By L. Hennepin, now Resident in Holland.

To which is added, Several New Discoveries in North-America, not publish'd in the French Edition.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1698.

TO WILLIAM III. KING of Great Britain.


BEing come with your Majesty's Ap­probation, and by Permission of my King, of his Electoral High­ness of Baevaria, and of my Supe­riours, into these happy Provinces of Hol­land, in order to publish an Account of our great Discovery; I hope that since Your Majesty did me the Honour to re­ceive the First Volume, You will also be graciously pleas'd to accept of this Conti­nuation, which I presume to lay at Your Majesty's Feet.

I relate in it the Voyages of a Man, whom I have accompany'd for several Years in America, and whose sudden Death, oc­casion'd by the Fury of his own Soldiers, prevented the Designs he had upon the Mines of St. Barbe in New Mexico. The Observations I make upon this last Voyage [Page] will shew to Posterity, that a Man must ne­ver be ungrateful to his Friends: and that in imitation of Your Majesty, we never ought to be reveng'd of our Enemies any farther than it concerns the Publick Good, which should always prevail over a private Interest. This Maxim, GREAT SIR, is the distinguishing Character of Your most Illustrious House of Nassau, which has heretofore fill'd the Imperial Throne, whose Triumphs you pursue in the Field of Honour and Glory, and which we now see vested with Sovereign Authority over Three great Kingdoms in Your Majesty's Royal Person.

SIR, All the Universe does avow, that by a Concurrence of Nature and Grace, a perfect Idea of all the Christian, Politick, and Military Virtues of Your Ancestors, is happily reconcil'd in Your Majesty's Per­son. I mean the Sublimity and Extensive­ness of an Universal Genius, in which no­thing appears but what's Noble and Great; a Heart Magnificent and Bountiful, so wor­thy of Your Majesty's Birth; a Temper ever good and kind, even to Your own Enemies; a winning Sweetness which gives a free and easie Access to Your Majesty; a Greatness of Soul, which alone has suppor­ted You in all the Changes of Fortune; in which You have shew'd Your Valour, Ju­stice, [Page] and Uprightness; an Evenness of Temper both in Prosperity and Adversity; and a Mind full of Piety, always Superiour by Courage and Resolution. All these, SIR, are the Paramount Qualities which have been, as it were, the Soul of Your Majesty's Conduct in the Management of Publick Interest, ever since two and twen­ty Years of Age, when You begun, GREAT PRINCE, to shew Your self at the Head of Armies; and freed these Potent States of Holland from a fo­reign Yoke; giving every where signal Proofs of Your Valour, and of the deep­est Wisdom of the greatest General of our Age; appearing even then, like a Tre [...] loaden with Fruit in the Spring, that pro­mises still a greater Crop in the Au­tumn.

Never did any Prince know better how to soften the Humour of so many different Nations; manage their several Interests; watch their Designs; dissipate their Facti­ons; fix the Instability of stirring, restless Minds; and create at once in them both Love and Fear, Obedience and Respect: So that during the Presence or Absence of Your Majesty, no Man ever durst make any Rupture among Your Subjects, altho' they have been powerfully sollicited to it by Your dreadful Enemies.

[Page]All these Advantages, SIR, have been gain'd without Effusion of Blood in Your Dominions, and therefore they are only owing to Your Majesty's Wisdom and Vi­gilance, and those great Blessings which GOD has been pleas'd to bestow on the Uprightness of Your Intentions; His only Honour having been the Chief Spring of Your Majesty's judicious Conduct, without the least regard to Your private Interest. If GOD Almighty, SIR, has permitted that so Just, so Equal, and Peaceful Con­duct should be obscur'd by some interpo­sing Clouds, through the wicked Designs of some disaffected Persons; 'tis only the better to establish the solid Merit of Your shining Virtues, heighten Your Glory with a new Lustre, and give an Opportunity to all the High Allies of expressing publickly their Approbation of Your Majesty's Wis­dom. GOD Almighty had also reserv'd to Your Majesty the greatest Share in the Honour of saving Europe from being rui­ned in the Present Wars, after You had so happily contributed to dispose all things for a lasting Peace, for which all the World will be eternally oblig'd to Your Majesty.

Your Glory, SIR, shines with so bright a Lustre, that it will never be in Your Enemies Power to obscure it. We behold every Year Your Majesty at the Head of [Page] Your own Armies, and those of the other Potentates Your Allies, toiling for the Li­berty of Europe, which was ready to be oppress'd. You maintain the good Under­standing which makes the Strength of their great, long, and unparallel'd Union, and which alone can keep so many Countries from falling under a foreign Yoke.

Your Wisdom like that of Caesar, Your Valour which surpasses that of Alexander, and Your rare Prudence, SIR, whereby like another Annibal, You lead those great Armies in so admirable a Manner, keep up that Glorious Alliance, and will give it a happy issue for the Tranquillity of droop­ing and exhausted Europe.

GREAT SIR, Providence that over­rules the Universe, and entertains the Or­der and Beauty of this great World, amidst the Changes and Revolutions which conti­nually alter its Face, has rais'd Your Ma­jesty, and plac'd You at the Head of Three Powerful Kingdoms, that whilst You pro­mote the Good of Your own Subjects, You may at the same time procure the Felicity of Europe, and deliver its several Nations from this dismal and bloody War.

SIR, I beg Your Majesty's Pardon, for presuming to take this Occasion to com­plain to You of some private Persons of this City, who though professing the same [Page] Religion as I do in outward appearance, industriously endeavour to render me odi­ous, and defame me among the simple un­der the colourable Pretence, That a Fran­ciscan Friar prints in this City Two Vo­lumes dedicated to Your Majesty, of the History of the great Discovery I have made in the Northern America.

Yet since I do it with Your Majesty's gracious Approbation, and by Permission of the High and Mighty States of this Pro­vince, those Persons do not reverence as they should, the sacred Authority of Your Majesty, and the Protection You were pleas'd to grant me, no more than the Honour which their Lordships have done me.

Those Persons now prejudic'd by Passi­on and Interest, will one day acknowledge their own Errour. I have no other Aim in what I do, than to promote GOD's Glo­ry, and to go under Your Majesty's Com­mands to view the new Passage to China and Iapan, so often attempted by the Eng­lish and Dutch through the Frozen Sea, in order to avoid going twice over the Line, which is so tedious and troublesome. I hope, SIR, to have a share in that Great Work, which through GOD Almighty's Assistance, I am morally assur'd may be ac­complish'd before the beginning of the [Page] next Age, by the Help of our Disco­very.

By the same Means, SIR, the Name of the True GOD will be prais'd among a vast Number of Nations hitherto unknown to our Europeans; And as the SON of GOD has foretold, that his Gospel would be pre [...]ch'd over all the Universe, the Pi­ety of the Faithful has always increas'd, and been concern'd in the Accomplishment of that Prophecy with respect to barbarous Nations.

Permit me, SIR, to tell all the World that GOD Almighty has reserv'd to Your Majesty's pious Endeavours, the Honour of Carrying the Light of the same into Gospel those many Countries we have discover'd, which are still in the Shades of Ignorance. I should account my self Fortunate, if at this happy juncture I could my self have a share in Opening the Eyes of so many blind-folded Nations, and instructing them in the Truth.

Those numberless Nations, GREAT SIR, would undoubtedly be extreme glad to submit themselves to Your Majesty's Em­pire, which would be so great an Advan­tage to them; They would be Faithful and Obedient, deeply affected with Gra­titude [Page] and Love, for a Monarch so Gene­rous and so Tender of his Subjects. They would at the same time most happily be brought to the Light of the Gospel: And so many Nations who have hitherto been depriv'd of the Word of One God-and-Man, CHRIST, would henceforwards acknowledge him for the Sovereign Judge of the Quick and the Dead in Heaven, and Your Majesty would have the Satisfaction to see his Sacred Name rever'd in all this New World on Earth.

I pray Heav'n, SIR, ever to accompa­ny the Justice and Uprightness of Your great Actions, ever to prosper with Suc­cess Your Majesty's Glorious Enterprizes, and preserve Your Royal Person in the Promotion and Defence of the Interest You have espous'd of my King, his most Catholick Majesty, and all his August Al­lies, for the Happiness of Your own Sub­jects, and of all Europe, now e'en crush'd by this Fatal War.

These are the continual Wishes I make from the bottom of my Heart; my great­est Passion being to worship my GOD, and continue my most humble Services to Your Majesty with Zeal and Affection: I shall ever faithfully execute the Commands [Page] You will be pleas'd to lay on me; and in a deep Sense of Gratitude, I leave this Publick Mark of the most profound and inviolable Respect with which I am,

Your MAJESTY 's Most Humble, most Obedient, and most Faithful Servant, F. Louis Hennepin, Missionary Recollect, and Apostolick Notary.


'TWould be to no purpose to Preface the Reader to a good Liking of this Continuation; for as Truth is the Soul and the proper Es­sence of the Descriptions of New Disco­veries, this Book of mine, which I leave to Po­sterity, needs no other Support and Authority. Novelty and Variety have peculiar Charms, even in a rude and unpolish'd Barbarity. The Draught of near Two hun­dred Nations, differing one from another in Language, of which I have given an Account in my Description of Louisiana, and in this Continuation, and which we have discover'd and run through with the Sieur Robert Cavelier de la Salle, will, I hope, present the Curious with an agreeable Entertainment.

But before I answer all the Objections that have been made against the Books I have publish'd, I think it proper to give the Publick a Copy of the following Approbations and Certificates of the Friars of my Or­der, of which I keep the Originals by me.

I have read and examined a Book, entituled, The Description of Louisiana, lately discover'd on the South-West of New-France; with the Manners of the Savages of the same Coun­try: Compos'd by the Reverend Father [Page] Lewís Hennepin, a Recollect-Preacher and Apostolical Missionary; in which I have found nothing repugnant or contrary to Faith or Good Manners; but rather full of several Reflexions and Remarks very useful not only for the Conversion of the Salvages, but also for the Welfare of the State and Kingdom.

Signed, F. Cesareus Harveau, Reader in Divinity, Provincial Father, and Warden of the Recollects of the Pro­vince of St. Denis in France.

I have perus'd a Book, entituled, A Description of Louisiana, lately discover'd on the South-West of New-France, with the Manners of the Salvages of those Countries, which not only I have found to be agreeable to the Faith of the Roman Catholick and Aposto­lick Church, the Laws of the Kingdom, and Good Manners, but also that it gives good Hints and Directions to establish the Faith of Iesus Christ in that New World, and extend the Dominions of our Invinci­ble Monarch in a Country abounding with all sort of Goods.

Signed, F. Innocent Micault, Defi­nitor of the Recollects of the Pro­vince of St. Denis in France, and General Commissioner in the Province of the Recollects of St. Anthony in Artois.

[Page]1. I am perswaded, that several People of our Roman Catholick Religion, either jealous of my good Fortune, or prejudic'd by Passion, endeavour to render me Odious, under the specious Pretence, That a Fran­ciscān Friar wishes that a Protestant King should fa­cilitate to him the Promulgation of the Gospel, in those vast Countries we have discover'd. It is an easie matter for me to baffle those Artifices. These Criticks know, that all Things have two different Fa­cings, and are capable of a double Construction, ac­cording as one is pleas'd to consider them: But can they in Conscience blame the Potentates of Europe, who act and live in good Intelligence, for the Good of their Do­minions, with WILLIAM III. King of Great Britain? And supposing his Britannick Majesty should extend his Monarchy over so many Barbarous Nations, Is it not much better that a World of People should be call'd Christians, than to live without Faith, Laws, or God? Those Censurers ought to be glad, that by making our great Discoveries known, I give an Opportunity to the English Nation, and the States of the United Provinces, to bring out of Atheism so many Barbarians, buried in dark Ignorance. And those very Persons who take upon them to censure me, do they not enjoy the Liberty of our Religion, under the gracious Pleasure of WILLIAM III. King of Great Britain, with whose Consent and Approbation I hope to contribute to the Extension of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ? Besides, I would be guilty of Ingrati­tude, if I did not acknowledge to this great En [...]lish Monarch, the many Kindnesses the Englis [...] [...] done to our Missionaries Recollects [...], and the advantageous Offers they made [...] Reader may see towards the end of this [...] In [Page] short, My King, his most Catholick Majesty, his Ele­ctoral Highness of Bavaria, the Consent in Writing of the Superiours of my Order, the Integrity of my Faith, and the Regular Observance of my Vows, which his Britannick Majesty allows me, are the best Warrants of the Uprightness of my Intentions, and will secure me against my Persecutors and Censurers.

2. There are some that cannot well understand, how I could go so great a Way in so little a Time, along the River Meschasipi: But they must know, that one may with a Canow and a pair of Oars go Twenty, Twenty five, or Thirty Leagues every day, and more too, if there be occasion. And tho' we Three, that were then together, had gone but Ten Leagues every Day, yet in Thirty Days we might easily have gone Three hundred Leagues. And if, during the Time we spent from the River of the Illinois to the Mouth of Meschasipi in the Gulf of Mexico, we had made a little more haste, we might have gone the same way twice over.

3. There are some private Unchristian Men, who out of Self-interest have conspir'd my Ruin, because I stood in their Light. And to hinder me from printing my Discoveries, they have told, or caused to be told to my Booksellers at Utrecht, That all I gave them now to Print, was nothing but a Repetition of the Description of our Louisiana, of which they had seen a Translation in Dutch. Those Men, blindfolded by Passion and Interest, are at once both to be pitied and blamed: but it is an easie Matter to ex­pose [...] Impostures. How is it possible, that out of a Boo [...]neteen or Twenty printed Sheets, such as my [...]a is, I could have made Two Volumes, con [...]ne in Twenty five, and the other in Twenty Sheets, as it plainly appears? The First being dedica­ted [Page] to the King of France, and my Two last to WILLIAM III. King of Great Britain. Ve­rily, a Man must have a Brazen-face, thus to pretend to impose upon People. 'Tis true, I have mention'd my Louisiana in my Two last Volumes, being under an in­dispensible Necessity to do it, at the Desire of those So­vereigns that have employ'd me; and that's enough to bear me out: But those Calumniators had no other De­sign in stopping my Work, than to turn me out of Utrecht. However, I will condescend to argue the Matter with those Impostors, and desire them to shew me, if they can, in my Louisiana, either the Disco­very I have made from the Mouth of the River of the Illinois on the Meschasipi, to the Gulf of Mexico; or the Voyage of Monsieur la Salle, which I have in­serted, with my Reflexions upon it, in my two last Vo­lumes, and several considerable Additions of my Me­moires, never publish'd before. But suppose I had given a transitory Account of my Louisiana in these Two last Tomes, that being my own Work, I may and ought to mention it, to give a full Account of my Dis­coveries. I am not the first Author, that has made se­veral Editions of a First Book, to which he has after­wards added Memoires, which he had omitted on purpose, as I have done in effect in my Two last Vo­lumes, which I dedicate to a King, who is not to be impos'd upon, as the Simple are bubbl'd by those Cob­web Wits and Criticks, which because they never did any thing but mean and common in their Lives, are angry when others do something extraordinary.

4. There is a Learned Critick in this City, who has taken the pains to make Reflexions upon the Eleven Years Time of my Discovery; but he does not consider, that I reckon all the Time I have spent in going back­ward and forward, and the particular Stay I was [Page] oblig'd to make, before I could give the Publick a perfect Knowledge of our Great Voyages. So that by reckoning from the Year 1674. when I first set out, immediately after the Battel of Senef, (where I was often in danger of my Life) to the Year 1688. when I printed the Second Edition of my Louisiana, it ap­pears that I have spent Fifteen Years either in my Travels, or printing my Discoveries; which is Four Years more than I have taken notice of to the Publick: But, as they say, Scaliger is sometimes out in his Criticisms; and there never was yet an Author free from Censure. Yet I have met in this City of Utrecht, with more ill-natur'd Criticks, who did, and do still endeavour to ruine me: These are far more dangerous to me than that Learned Man, who is distinguish'd by his Merit, and who was so civil, not to tell me any thing of it, in a Private Conference I had with him.

5. There is still another sort of peevish, humour­som Criticks, who carp at what I have said, That among the Salvages where I have been, those Barbari­ans call the Sun by the Name of Louis; as if I had said it on purpose to flatter the King of France. Truly, Lewis XIV. may have other Panegyrists be­sides me, and ought not to expect that Complement from me; and after all, there can be no better Pane­gyrick of Great Men, than their own Actions. I here repeat what I have said before, That being among the Issati and Nadouessans, by whom I was made a Slave in America, one of the Chief of those People, named Aquipaguetin, who had adopted me for his Son, during the Stay I made with him, and those Barbarians, in order to learn their Language, I never heard them call the Sun any other than Louis. 'Tis true, those Salvages call [Page] also the Moon, Louis; but with this Distinction, that they give the Moon the Name of Louis Ba­satche, which in their Language signifies, The Sun that shines in the Night. If those Criticks will not believe what I say, I shall apply to them the Words of the Apostle, Quod ignorant, blasphemant; They blaspheme, what they do not understand.

6. Others no less censorious, having no more to say to my First Volume, which I have dedicated to Wil­liam the Third, King of Great Britain; After all, say they, Father Hennepin tells us nothing extra­ordinary in his Book. I wonder how those Animals can make themselves so contemptibly ridiculous: For, what can be more extraordinary, tha [...] to mention, as I do, Four or Five Lakes, some Three, others Four and Five, and one Seven hundred Leagues in Circumfe­rence; which we may call Seas of Eresh Water, and where no Ship ever appear'd, before that of Sixty Tun, which we built there, and in which we sailed from Lake to Lake, above Five hundred Leagues, to the Admiration of the Salvages of that Continent, who could not comprehend that Moving Fort; and when they heard the Noise of our Guns, those Barbarians cry' [...] out, That the Thunder was going to destroy them? Can any thing be more extraordinary than the Fall of Water of Niagara, of which I have given a Description, and which is the most prodigious Cas­cade in the Universe, since it falls Six or Seven hun­dred Foot deep, and issues from those great Lakes which form the great River of St. Laurence? What's more extraordinary, than to describe a Country, by us discover'd, larger than Europe, and inhabited by above Two hundred Nations of different Language, never mention'd by any Historian before me, and not to be found in any particular or general Maps besides [Page] mine? Those Criticks would do much better to admire what they cannot apprehend, and adore in silence what they cannot express by Discourse, because they never saw any thing uncommon, as living in a narrow li­mited Corner of the World?

7. Men of narrow Understanding, and little ac­quainted with the Knowledge of Foreign Countries, are generally apt to blame what they cannot apprehend. They think themselves impos'd upon, when we speak to them of a Country larger than Europe, because they can fancy nothing of greater Extent than this part of the World which they inhabit. They are also apt to imagine Canada as circumscrib'd within the nar­row Bounds of the least Part of America.

Those who peruse the Relations of divers Voyages through the several Parts of the World, in order to discover them, are perswaded to the contrary, and that nothing can be more false than that Conceit. In effect, I have shewn in the foregoing Volume, That Canada, for an Example, is a Country of above Se­ven hundred Leagues extent, from the Pierced Island and the Great Bay, up the great River St. Lau­rence. I have travell'd up to its Fountain-head, and have found, that it is formed out of several great Rivers, and the foremention'd Five grea [...] Lakes, or Fresh [...]water Seas, which we have sail'd over in Ships, or Canows of Bark, as may be seen in our Maps.

I may say the same of the incomparable River Meschasipi, which is still of greater Extent than that of St. Laurence. I have set down also in the General Map of my Discovery the great River of the Amazones, which is beyond the Aequinoctial Line, in the Southern America; but I do not think it to be either s [...] great or extended as the Meschasipi, nor [Page] so rapid as the River of St. Laurence. The Reason of it is, That on the Side of these Two last Rivers are to be found vast Provinces, inhabited by above Two hundred Nations, of different Speech: All which in­clines me to believe, that the Continent I have lately discover'd, is of much greater Extent than all Eu­rope together; and that in effect there may be found­ed the greatest Empire in the World.

My Design in this Volume is to describe the several Countries I have survey'd, and give an Account of their Soil, the Fruits that grow in them, the Trade and Commerce one may drive there, and at the same time the Genius and Manners of the Inhabitants, at least as far as 'tis necessary for the understanding of the Matter I treat of. To which purpose, I think it also proper to add to it the Voyage which the Sieur la Salle has made since me. I shall give here, in the mean time, a summary Account of all Things, for the Di­rection of the Reader, and divide this Volume into Chapters, as I have done the former.

I shall take notice towards the end of this Book, how few the Conversions of the Savages have been, notwithstanding the pious and constant Endeavours of zealous and skilful Missionaries, who have toil'd and labour'd almost an Age in the Vineyard of the Lord in Canada. Which Consideration obliges us to acknow­ledge, with a Religious Respect, the incomprehensible Goodness of God, who has been pleas'd to call us to his Knowledge, whilst he leaves so many Nations in Darkness and Ignorance, being without either God, Faith, or Hope, and having their Eyes shut to the Light of Evangelical Truths.

As for the rest, I am morally convinc'd, that all the Nations we have discover'd along the River Mes­chasipi, will be more susceptible of Christianity, than [Page] the others, because they are more docible and tractable, and less fierce than the Nations that live towards the North. These, on the contrary, are generally more wild and fierce, and consequently more difficult to be perswaded, and more obstinate than the Northern Nations.

To render this Volume the more intelligible to the Reader, I have made some Remarks upon the last Voyage of the Sieur la Salle, of which I give an Account, because I am better acquainted with those vast Countries than the Reverend Fa [...]her le Clercqz, now Definitor of our Recollects in Artois, who has pub­lish'd the History of it. This Father (for whom I [...]ver had an Esteem [...]nd Friendship) has a perfect Knowledge of the Gaspesian History, which he has given to the Publick, and of Canada, where we have lived in great intimacy together; but he could not speak so knowingly as my self of the People of our Louisiana. He never went further than Canada and Gaspea, which lies betwixt Baston and the Pierced Island, where I lived in quality of Missio­nary during a whole Summer, on account of the Fish­ermen that come there every Year with several Ships; so that he could not speak of a Country he had never been in, but only by Relation. The great Bay of Gaspea in Cadia, betwixt the Ocean and Canada, where the said Father le Clercqz has been Missionary, is above Twelve hundred Leagues distant from the Lands of our Louisiana. Besides, Father le Clercqz has had the Iournal of my Discovery communicated to him by the Reverend Father Valentine le Roux, Provincial Commissioner in Canada, whom I had suffer'd to take a Copy of it, as I have already men­tion'd in my former Volume: To which Father le Clercqz has added what he has been able to gather [Page] from the Memoires of Father Zenobe Mambre, a Recollect, whilst he was at Quebec. And further­more, it is plain, that Father le Clercqz's Style is Word for Word the same as that of Father le Roux.

I do not at all think it strange that Father le Clercqz should eadeavour to advance, the Credit of Father Zenobe, his Cousin, who had been my Com­panion in the beginning of my Voyage; but he went no farther with me than the Illinois, where he staid, while I was pursuing my Discovery, as I have hinted in my other Volume. I am glad to let the World know, that Father Zenobe was my Friend, and that upon that account I do not pretend to wrong his Re­putation. There ever was betwixt him and me a cor­dial Affection and Intimacy; and Father Zenobe, upon his Return from America, made me a Visit in our Convent of the Recollects of Chasteau Cambre­sis, where I was then Vicar and actual Superior. Having given him a very kind Reception, he told me he was going back into those Countries with the Sie [...]r la Salle, in order to go down the River Meschasipi, from the Illinois to the Mexican Gulf; and that when he came there, he would have an Opportunity to make more exact Observations than I had been able to do in 1680. because they design'd to go thither with a great Force, to secure them from the Insults of the Savages.

The Voyage of the Sieur la Salle from that River of the Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico, was made only Two Years after mine, viz. in 1682. Besides, after the Sieur la Salle had been so unadvis'd as to do me such an ill Office, with respect to Father Hya­cinth le Fevre, who (as I have said before in my Advertisement to my foregoing Volume) procured my Banishment from France, upon pretence that I was [Page] a Subject to the King of Spain; after all that, I say, he could not imagine but that I would impart the Knowledge of our great Discoveries in America to those who would have more Charity for me than the said Father Hyacinth and the Sieur la Salle. Af­ter all, Men are only for a time, and all their In­trigues shall have quite another Face before God Al­mighty's Tribunal.

By all this it appears, that they never saw any thing but what I had seen before them, and that most of their Relations are taken out of my Iournal, which they have in their Hands by means of the said Reve­rend Fathers Hyacinth le Fevre and Valentine le Roux: Therefore the Reader may depend upon the Truth of my History, and all I relate of those vast Countries, which I have viewed first of any Eu­ropean.

'Tis true, I have had there many Monsters to over­come, and Precipices to go over; but through God Almighty's Assistance I have at last surmounted all. There's a Place in the Island of Montreal in Canada, which is Twenty five Leagues in Circumference, where the Sieur la Salle begun some Settlements, which [...]nce are increas'd to a great Village, now ironically call'd China, because while he liv'd there, the Inha­bitants had often heard him say, That as soon as he had made himself Master of the Islands of St. Barbe in New Mexico, he design'd to go to China and Japan, through the Discoveries we have since made together, without going over the Equi­noctial Line; and that he would find a Way to go to the South-Sea, which bounds the Lands of our Louisiana, as the Reader may see in the General Map of my former Volume. And the Hopes, which were the predominant Passion of this great Traveller [Page] during our Stay in the Fort of Frontenac, did run upon nothing else but upon the great Design of possessing himself of the Mines, and going to the Pacifick Sea, contiguous to our Louisiana: And those who understand my Maps, will easily acknowledge the Truth of what I say. There are several Authors skill'd in the Mathematicks and Geography, who assure us, that Japan is contiguous to the Lands of the Northern America and the Famous Monsieur Graevius, one of the most Learned Historians of our Age, having maturely consider'd our great Discovery, did me the Honour in an Assembly of Men of Learn­ing and distinguish'd Merit, in this City of Utrecht, to tell me, That he thought in effect, that Japan is no Island, as they commonly make it; but that the Lands of that vasts Empire border upon the Continent of our Louisiana

To all these Opinions of Great Men, I have added in the 37th Chapter of the foregoing Volume, a Proof of that Truth, drawn from the Savages who came upon an Embassie from the Western Lands, to the Issati and Nadouessans, where I liv'd as adopted Son to one of the first Captains of those Barbarians, in whose great Hutt, those Embassadors have assur'd me by an Interpreter, That there was no such thing as the Streights of Anien, as 'twas generally be­liev'd: Which is a good Argument, that the vast Countries of the Northern America are contiguous to Japan. I have said before, That whatever Endea­vours the English and Dutch (the greatest Sailers in the Universe) have used before, to go to China and Japan through the Frozen Sea, they could never bring it about: But if the Sovereign Princes and States, that have done me the Honour to employ me, send us again into our vast Discoveries, we will infallibly find an [Page] [...]asie Passage from our Louisiana into the Pacifick Sea, through great Rivers, that carry Ships of great Burden, which run beyond the famous River Mescha­sipi; from whence it will be easie to go to China and Japan, without sailing twice over the Equinoctial Line, as they are oblig'd to do hitherto, with the loss of a great many Men.

Now, to shew how far I believe the Possibility of bringing this laudable Undertaking about, I readily of­f [...]r my self to return to our great Discoveries: In which generous Design of promoting God's Glory, I ought to shew my self no less zealous, than our former Recollects have done in the Kingdom of Voxu, in the Eastern Part of Jap [...]n; the King of which Country, by means of their Sermons, acknowledg'd the Religion of the True God, caus'd above Eight hundred Idols to be burnt all over his Empire, and sent a famous Em­bassie of a Hundred Gentlemen, who embark'd on the 28th of October, 1613. and landed in Spain the 10th of November, 1614. under the Conduct of the Reverend Father Lewis de Sotello, a Recollect, who presented the Embassador of the said Kingdom of Ja­pan to our most Catholick King, and afterwards to His Holiness, assuring them, That his King and Sub­jects acknowledg'd the True God of the Christians, and renounc'd Idolatry.

The Reader ought to take notice, That in the Years 1540 and 1541, Spain had already conquer'd above a hundred Kingdoms, and a vast Tract of Land, three times as large as all Europe together, whilst our Franciscan Friars, the first and only Evangelical Labourers, had submitted part of the Subjects of Ja­pan to the Empire of Jesus Christ.

I ought to shew no less Emulation for the accomm­plishing of our great Discoveries, than did the famous [Page] Christopher Columbus; who being accompanied by our Franciscans in 1492 and 1493, made the great Discovery of the West-Indies, otherwise Ame­rica.

The Short Cut to China and Japan by means of our Discoveries, will be as much and more profitable to future Ages, as any Discoveries that have been made hitherto in the East-Indies, New Mexico, West-Indies, and Northern America.

And as, through God Almighty's Grace, I have Patents and Leave from my General, and the Senior Superiors of my Order, to return into all the Parts of America, in quality of Missionary; the Issue of my Return into so many vast Countries, if the Higher Powers desire it, will, I hope in God, make known to all the World the Uprightness of my Intentions. And I may averr, without any Vanity, That if we can find at our Return (as I am morally assur'd we shall) a Short Cut to China and Japan, This Discovery of mine, which I hope to accomplish with God's Help, will be one of the finest and the most memorable of this present and future Ages.

The Reader may also observe, That the Settlements of the New Colonies in our Discoveries may be made by Degrees by Secular and Laick Persons: So that Poople may be assur'd, that after a great many Ages, the Franciscan Friars shall have no more Right, than they have at Present, to the Ground and Lands of those vast Countries: Whereas if there were sent a great number of Missionaries, they would in time be possess'd of the principal Mannors, and best Lands, and grow Masters both of the Temporality and Spirituality, as we may shew in another Volume in this City Utrecht, if it be thought proper for the Good of the Publick; which I shall ever prefer to my Private Interest.

[Page]My Design is not in all this to give Offence to any body, no not to those very Persons who have a Spite against me without any manner of Cause, and who have been so base and ungrateful to me, as to blemish my Reputation, and with-hold the Money I had put in their Hands for my Subsistence; for which I stand oblig'd to His Majesty of Great Britain, with whose Approbation I am now in this City, and who did me the Honour to demand me of my Superiors.


  • Chap. I. THE Sieur la Salle undertakes the Disco­very of the Meschasipi through the Gulf of Mexico, and plants a sort of Colony at the Bay of St. Louis.
  • Chap. II. Vnfortunate Adventures which befall the Sieur la Salle.
  • Chap. III. Vnfortunate Adventures of the Two Voyages the Sieur la Salle undertakes to go to the Illinois.
  • Chap. IV. The sequel of the Sieur la Salle, who sought the River Meschasipi. He is kindly receiv'd by the Cenis, from whence he pursues his Discovery.
  • Chap. V. A Short Description of Fort St. Louis: Of its advantageous Situation, and adjacent Lands.
  • Chap. VI. The Sieur la Salle's Departure from the Bay of St. Louis, to go to the Illinois.
  • [Page] Chap. VII. The Sieur la Salle is unfortunately murder'd by the Men under his Conduct. Three Men kill'd be­fore him.
  • Chap. VIII. Reflections of the Author of this Work, up­on the Life and Death of the Sieur la Salle, whose Murderers kill'd one another.
  • Chap. IX. The Cenis put the Sieur Cavelier a Priest, Father Anastasius, and their Companions, in a way of pursuing their Iourney through several barbarous Na­tions.
  • Chap. X. A Voyage of the Sieur Cavelier a Priest, and Father Anastasius a Recollect, in a Canow, in order to go to the Illinois; and several other Circumstances concerning their Return.
  • Chap. XI. Reflections of the Author upon the Voyage to China. The Belief of most Savages in the Northern America, touching a sort of Creation of the World, and the Immortality of the Soul.
  • Chap. XII. Means whereby Savages may be converted. Who are those which ought, or ought not, to be Bap­tiz'd.
  • Chap. XIII. The Savages of the Northern America ac­knowledge no Deity. Of the pretended Souls of Terre­strial Animals.
  • Chap. XIV. Of the great Difficulties in Converting of Savages. Of the Prayer by Rote, and Martyrdom.
  • Chap. XV. How the Savages Feast among themselves.
  • Chap. XVI. How Europeans are Adopted among the Savages.
  • [Page] Chap. XVII. Marriages of the Savages in the Northern America.
  • Chap. XVIII. The Remedies us'd by the Savages when sick. There are Quacks amongst them. The Opinion they had of the Christening of a Child, whilst the Au­thor was amongst them.
  • Chap. XIX. Of the Complexion, or Temper of the Sa­vages.
  • Chap. XX. Description of the Savages that are cloth'd, and those that are not.
  • Chap. XXI. Of the Games and Diversions of the Sa­vages.
  • Chap. XXII. How the Savages wage War. They are very revengeful.
  • Chap. XXIII. Cruelty of the Sav [...]ges in general, and of the Iroquois in particular.
  • Chap. XXIV. Policy of the Savage Iroquois.
  • Chap. XXV. How the Savages hunt De [...]r. Admirable Industry of Castors.
  • Chap. XXVI. How Savages are us'd to Fish.
  • Chap. XXVII. Vtensils us'd by the Savages in their Hutts. Extraordinary way of striking Fire.
  • Chap. XXVIII. How Savages interr their Dead. Of their Feasts of the Dead; with some Reflections upon the Immortality of the Soul.
  • Chap. XXIX. Of the Superstitions of the Savages, and their ridiculous Opinions.
  • [Page] Chap. XXX. Obstacles which occurr in the Conversion of Savages.
  • Chap. XXXI. Barbarous and rude ways of the Savages.
  • Chap. XXXII. Of the indifferent Humour of the Savages.
  • Chap. XXXIII. Of the Beauty and Fertility of the Country of the Savages. That great and powerful Co­lonies may be planted in the North and South.
  • Chap. XXXIV. How the Savages hold their Councils. Their Policy and Stratagems against their Enemies, and Cruelties against the Europeans. How they are to be stopp'd.
  • Chap. XXXV. Proper means to plant good Colonies. Thoughts of the Savages about Heaven and Earth.
  • Chap. XXXVI. History of the Irruption of the English into Canada, in 1628. The Taking of Quebec, the Capital City of that Country, in 1629. The very civil Vsage they shew'd to the Recollects of that City.
  • Chap. XXXVII. How Franciscan Friars have out-don [...] the Jesuits in their Missions, over all the Habitable World.
  • Chap. XXXVIII. Sentiments a Missionary ought to have, in the small Progress he meets with in his Labours.

Several other Accounts of New Discoveries in America.


AN ACCOUNT OF SEVERAL New Discoveries IN North-America.

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