A SOLILOQUY (Wholly Scriptural) Betwixt the afflicted SOUL and the COMFORTER; wherein all, or most of the Objections and Complaints dispersed through the Scriptures, are answered and redress'd by other Consolatory and establishing Scriptures.
The Soul.
I Have sinned, I have sinned against thee, 2 Sam. 12.13, & 23.10, 17. Job 7.20. Luke 15.18, 21. The Great, the Mighty, Jer. [Page 2]32.18. the jealous God, Exod. 20.5, 9. who by no means will clear the guilty, Exod. 3.7. Num. 14.18. What shall I do that I may be saved? Act. 16.30. Thou hast set my iniquities in thy sight, my secret sins in the light of thy countenance, Ps. 90.8. I am lost for ever, Gen. 2.17. Rom. 5.12, 17, 21, 23. Dan. 9.11. O that thou wouldest pardon my transgressions, and take away my iniquities! Joh. 7.21.
The Comforter.
Who is a God like unto thy God? Mich. 17.18. Gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, Exod. 34.6. Chap. 30.9. Nehem. I have sinned against thee. 9.17. Ps. & 117.2. who pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by transgression. He retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy; he will turn again, [Page 3]he will have compassion upon thee, and subdue thine iniquities; he will cast all thy sins in the depths of the Sea, Mich. 7.18, 19. for as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy towards thee; As far as the East is from the West, so far hath he removed thy transgressions from thee, Psal. 103.11, 12. he will cleanse thee from all thine iniquities, and pardon all thy sins, Psal. 103.2. Jer. 33.8. & 37.23. & 1 Joh. 17.9. Rev. 1.5. Thou hast Jesus Christ the Righteous Advocate with the Father, 1 Joh. 2.1. and the Father himself loves thee also, Joh. 16.27. He will not deal with thee after thy sins, nor according to thy wicked ways, and corrupt doings; know that he is God the Lord, Who by no means, &c. that works with thee for his own Names sake, Ez. 20.9, 14. whereunto whosoever flies, Prav. 18.10. And upon which, whosoever calls shall be saved, Act. 2.21. [Page 4] Rom. 10.13. It is his glory to pass over a Transgression, Prov. 19.11. By Grace shalt thou be saved, Eph. 2.5. And by hope. Rom. 8.24. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, VVhat shall I do? &c. and thou shalt be saved, Act. 16.31. For He, even He it is, that blotteth out thy transgressions, as a thick Cloud, Isa. 43.25. &c 44.22. He casteth all thy sins in the depths of the Sea, Mic. 7.19. He putteth away thine iniquities for his own sake, and wil not remember thy sins any more, Jer. 31.34. Heb. 10.17. Is. 103.11, 12. He beholdeth no iniquity in Jacob, and seeth no transgression in Israel, Thou hast set my iniquities, &c. Num. 23.21. For in his Name (through whom God was reconciling the world to himself, 2 Cor. 5.19. Thou hast Remission of sins, Act. 10.43. Yea, thou hast received abundance of Grace, and of the gift of Righteousness unto Eternal Life, through Jesus Christ, Rom. 5.15, 16, 17. hope in the Lord; [Page 5]for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him there is plenteous Redemption, Psal. 130.7. Behold the Lamb which taketh away the sins of the World, Joh. 1.29. who bare thine iniquities, Isa. 53.11. whom God hath exalted with his right hand, to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance and forgiveness of sins, Act. 5.31. to put away thy sins by the sacrifice of himself, Heb. 9.26. The Blood of Christ Jesus cleanseth thee from all sin 1 Joh. 1.7. Which he purged by himself, Heb. 1.3. For he loved thee, and washed thee from they sins by his own blood, Rev. 1.5. And became the propitiation for thy sins, 1 Joh. 2.2. which are forgiven thee for his name sake, O that thou wouldest pardon, &c. 1 Ioh. 2.12. He will abundantly pardon, Is. 55.7. Jer. 33.8. Fear not, for it is thy Fathers pleasure to give thee a Kingdom, Luk. 12.32. Rejoyce, for thy name is written in Heaven, [Page 6] Luk. 10.20. And in the Lambs Book, Rev. 22.27. O Bless the Lord that forgiveth all thine iniquities, Psal. 113.3.8.: Col. 2.13. Which though they were, as Crimson and Scarlet, yet stall they be made as white as Wooll and Snow, Isa. 1.18.
The Soul.
Why hast thou suffered me to err from thy ways, and hardned my heart from thy fear? Isa. 63.17. Why wouldst thou take thine holy Spirit from me? Isa. 49.14. Psal. 51.11. And wilt not deliver me from the power of Darkness, delusions, Isa. 29.10. Col. 1.13. O that I knew where to find thee, that I might come near to thy seat! Job 23.2. And remember thee of the Word of Truth which thou gavest me, wherein thou causedst me to hope! Psal. 119.49. And tell thee [Page 7]how thou didst promise to magnifie thy Truth above all thy Name, Pasal. 138.2. But now my hope is as the giving up of the Chost, Job 11.20. And I am cut off: for my part, Ez. 37.11. Is it good to thee that thou shouldst oppress? Job 10.3. Wilt thou destroy the works of thine own hands? Job 10.3. Psal. 138.8. and Isa. 43.1. and despise Lam. 2.6. the price of thy Sons blood? Act. 20.28. Heb. 9.12. 1 Cor. 6.20. and 7.23. and 2 Pet. 2.1.
The Comforter.
Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his Councellour hath taught him? Isa. 40.13. Rom. 11.34.1 Cor. 2.16. Why hast thou suffered me to erre from, &c. Though darkness encompass his Throne, Psal. 18.9, 11. and he gives no account of any of his maters, Job 33.12. Yet all the wayes [Page 8]of the Lord are mercy and truth, Psal. 25.10. He is only wise, I Tim. 1.17. There is no searching of his understanding, Isa. 40.28. and his love passeth all knowledge, Eph. 3.19. He has left thee to declare unto thee the thoughts of thy heart, Amos 4.13. And that he might humble thee, and prove thee, and do thee good in the later end, Dent. 8.16. But he will give thee a new heart, and write his fear up on it, that thou maist not be able to depart from him, Take thine Holy Spirit from me, &c. Isa. 32.40. He will pour out his Spirit upon thee, Joel 2.28. Act. 2.17, 18. He will put a new Spirit within thee, Ez. 11.19. and 18.31. and 36.26, 27. Thou hast received of the Spirit of God, 1 Cor. 2.12. even the Spirit of Adoption, Rom. 8.15. and the Spirit of his Son, Gal. 4.6. in whom are hid all the Treasures of VVisdom, Col. 2.3. The promise of the Spirit, Gal. 3.14. and [Page 9]the Spirit of promise, whereby thou art sealed, Eph. 1.13. even the Spirit of Truth, and the Comforter, who shall abide with three for ever, Joh. 14.16, 17. That by the spirit of VVisdom that he has given thee, Eph. 1.17. Col. 1.9. and 1 Cor. 12.8. Thou maist be able to comprehend what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and heighth of his love, O that I knew where to find thee! Eph. 3.18. And know when to find him on the Throne of Grace, and cry Abba, Father, Rom. 8.15. For he calls thee, Matth. 11.28. and 25.34. Joh. 7.37.1 Cor. 1.9. Rom. 8.28. And will not hide himself from his own flesh, Isa. 58.7. Yea, he has descended from the Heavens, and came out of the bosom, Fo. 1.28. of the Father, Eph. 4.9, 10.1 Tim. 1.15. Joh. 16.17. and 17.8. to seek thee, Luk. 19.10. Ez. 34.11, 16. to finde thee, Ma. 18.12, 14. Luk. 15.24. and to save thee, Ma. 1.21. and 18.11. [Page 10] Joh. 3.15, 16. and to take thee where he is, that thou mayst dwell with him, and be one with him for ever, Joh. 17.21. Let not therefore his dread, Job 13.21. nor thine own trouble and anguish, Job 15.24, make thee afraid, and think that his faithfulness and loving kindness shall ever fail, And remember thee of the word Psal. 89.33. Isa. 54.10. For, he who is abundant in goodness and truth, Exod. 34.6. the Lord God of Truth, Psal. 31.5. whose words are Truth, Ioh. 17.17. enduring to all Generations, Psal. 100.5. and who is Truth, Ioh. 14.6. will not deny himself, 2 Tim. 2.13. nor give his glory to another, Isa. 42.8. and 48.11. for he will bear testimony to the word of his Grace, My hope is as the giving up of the, &c. Act. 14.3. and albeit thy hopes be well nigh lost, Ez. 37.11. yet thy faithful Creator, 1. Pet. 2.19. who formed thee, Isa. 43.1. and 44.2. and 21.24. the God of hope, Rom. 15.13. who has begotten thee to a [Page 11]lively hope, I Pet. 1.3. which hope thou hast, as an Anchor of the Soul, Heb. 6.19. will sustain thee with the right hand of his righteousness, Isa. 41.10. He giveth strength to him that fainteth, and to him that hath no strength he encreaseth power, Isa. 40.29. He will not forget thee, Isa. 49.15, 19. The needy shall not always be forsaken: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever, Psal. 9.18.
VVill he destroy? No: He loveth the works of his own hand, Wilty thou destroy Iob 14.15. Though he cause grief, yet will he shew compassion, according to the multitude of his mercies, Lam. 3.32. He is the Sovereign preserver of mankind, delights not in the destruction of sinners, Iob 7.20. Psal. 36.6. and 33.11. 2 Pet. 3.9. for mercy pleaseth him, Mich. 7.18. and precious in his sight is the death of his Saints, Psal. 16.15.
The Soul.
O but I am at my wits end, Psal. 107.27. I know not what to do, 2 Chr. 20.12. All refuge fails me, there is none at the right hand to help me, nor at the left hand to care for my Soul, Psal. 142.4. My strength and my hope is perished from the Lord, Lam. 3.18. Psal. 22.14, &c 15. And my Soul refuses to be comforted, Ier. 15.18. Psfal. 77.2.
The Comforter.
He that believes makes no haste, At my wits end Isa. 28.16. Stand still and thou shalt see the salvation of the Lord, Exod. 14.13. who will perfect and perform all things for thee, Psal. 57.2. Psal. 138.8. And make thee likewise able to do all things through his strength, Phil. 4.13. Stay thy self upon the Name of the Lord, [Page 13]and he will keep thee in perfect peace, Isal. 26.3. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, he will not suffer thee to be moved, Psal. 55.22. For, All resuge fails me. he who is thy resuge and thy portion in the land of the living, Psal. 142.5. well knows how to deliver his own out of troubles, 2 Pet. 2.9. Thy help is in the Name of the Lord, who created the Heavens and the Earth, the Sea, and all that therein is; and keeps fidelity for every Psal. 124.8. He is thy help and thy shield, Psal. 115.9, 10, 11. Psal. 121.2. Isa. 41.10, 13, 14. Isa. None at the right hand— 44.2. Hosea 13.9. His left hand is under thy head, and his right hand doth embrace thee, Cant. 2.6. Trust thou always in the Lord, for with the Lord Jehovah there is everlasting My strength and my hope continually, Psal. 71.5, 14. For the hope of Israel, Ier. 14.8. And thy hope in the evil day, Ier. 17.17. VVho is the strength of thy heart, [Page 14] Psal. 27.1. and 73.26. VVill fill thee with all joy and peace in believing, that thou mayst abcund in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost, Rom. 15.13. Let Christ who is the hope of all the ends of the Earth, Psal. 65.5. Be in the hope of glory, Col. 1.27. VVherefore guird up the loyns of thy mind, and hope unto the end, 1 Pet. 1.13. And let not the consolations of God be small with thee, Refuseth to be comforted Iob. 15.11. For the God of all consolation, 2 Cor. 1.3, 4, 5. who comforteth all that are cast down, 2 Cor. 7.6. who sent his Son: to (revive, Isa. 57.15.) And bind up the broken hearted, to give unto them that mourn Beauty for Ashes, the Oyl of Joy for Mourning, the garment of praise, for the spirit of heaviness, Isa. 61.1, and 3. Bids thee arise and shine, and put or brightness and glory, for the Lord shall be a light unto thee in darkness, Isa. [Page 15]60.2. As one, whom his mother comforteth, so will he comfort all that mourn, Isa. 66.13. VVhy should thy Soul then be disquieted? for the Father of mercies, and God of all comfort, 2 Cor. 1.3. speaketh comfortably unto thee, Isa. 40. Hos. 2.14. Isa. 40.1. He will comfort Zion and her Mourners, Isa. 51.3. and 61.2. The Lord thy God will have thee to serve him with joyfulness and gladness of heart, Deut. 28.47. and always to rejoyce in him, Phil. 4.4. Isa. 41.16. For there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoyce in his affairs, because that is his portion, Eccles. 3.12.22. &c 5.17. & 2.24.
The Soul.
He has shewen himself so marvelous upon me, Iob. 5.9. that astonishment has taken me, Ier. 8.21. My soul is sore xexed, Psal. 6.8. and [Page 16]my heart sore pained within me, Psal. 55.4, 5. Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me, Ibid. He has thrust sore at me, till I am fallen, Psal. 118.13. VVo is me, because wrath is gone forth against me, Ruth 1.13. The Almighty has dealt bitterly with me, Ibidem, 20. The joy of my heart is ceased, Lam. 5.15.
The Comforter.
Though his wayes be in the dark, Psal. 18.9, 11. and 97.2. which for the present may seem marvelous in thine eyes, Shewen himself marvelous. Psal. 118.23. yet in the end shall they bring forth an excellent and eternal weight of glory, 2 Cor. 4.17. For he is only wise, Rom. 16.27. and his love pasleth all knowledge, Eph. 3.19. If sorrow therefore has filled thy heart for a season, My Soul, &c. 1 Pet. 16. [Page 17]yet let not thy heart be troubled, My heart sore pined, &c. neither fear, Isa. 53.4. and 4.10. and 43.5. Ier. 46.27, 28. for thy heart shall live for ever, Psal. 22.26. And rejoyce in the Lord, Zeeh. Ie. 7. Go to the Saviour of the World, the Prince of Life, Act. 3.15. and 5.31. and he will give thee ease to thy soul, Mat. 11.28. He will rejoyce over thee, Isa. 62.5. Ier. 32.41. And thou shalt rejoyce in his salvation, Psal. 9.14. and 13.5. and 20.5. and 35.9. Why is thy soul cast down, and why is it disquieted within thee? Psal. 42.5. and 43.5. For he, even he it is that comforts thee, that upholds and confirms thee by the right hand of his righteousness, Isa. 41.10. Let not thy heart be trouble, Fearfulness and trambling. Ioh. 14.27. Luk 12.32. Fear not, for thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel is with thee; be not afraid; for he is thy God, Isa. 41.10, 14. Isa. 54.4. and 44.2, 8. and 43.1, 5. [Page 18] Ier. 30.10. Though his wrath lying hard upon thee. Psal. 88.7. should press thee sore, Psal. 38.2. and cast thee down, Psal. 42.6. yet when thou fallest, thou shalt rife again, Psal. 37.24. and 102.10. And through his wrath thou beest now troubled, Psal. 90.7. And his fierce wrath burning like fire, VVo is me because wrath is gone, &c. Psal. 89.46. goeth over thee, Psal. 88.16. yet in wrath will he remember mercy, Hab. 3.2. and take away all his wrath, Psal. 85.3. and turn himself from the fierceness of his anger, Ibid. For when Tribulations have abounded, Consolations shall abound much more, 2 Cor. 15. He will deal with thee bountifully according to his mercy, Psal. 119.17. and 124. Psal. 142.7. Psal. 13.6. Psal. 116.6. And not according to thy corrupt ways and wicked doings, Ez. 20.44. Psal. 103.10. for though he has visited thy transgressions with the rod, and [Page 19]thy iniquities with stripes, nevertheless his loving kindness will he not utterly take from thee, nor suffer his faithfulness to fail, Psal. 89.32, 33, 34. He will not give thee over unto death, Psal. 118.18. But assuredly shew thee greater and mightier things, than thou art able to speak, or think, Ier. 33.3. Let his rod comfort thee, Dealt bitterly with me. Psal. 23.4. and it shall shew thee the secrets of wisdom, Iob 11.6. And the paths of life, Psal. 16.11. For the Statutes of the Lord are right, rejoycing the heart, Psal. 19.8. Though thou art in heaviness for a season, through manifold temptations, 1 Pet. 1.6. yet will he make thee to drink of the rivers of his pleasures; for with him is the fountain of life, and in his light shalt thou see light, The joy of my heart is ceased. Psal. 36.8, 9. Then shalt thou know the joyful sound, and walk in the light of his countenance. In his name shalt thou walk [Page 20]all the day, and in his righteousness shalt thou be exalted, Psal. 89.15, 16. The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, Psal. 64.10. Let them rejoyce before God, yea, let them exceedingly rejoyce. Psal. 68.3. and draw waters with joy out of the Wells of Consolation, Isa. 12.3. and Isa. 66. from the 10. to the 16. Thou shalt obtain everlasting joy, Isa. 35.10. and 51. [...]1. and 61.7. which none taketh from thee, Ioh. 16.22. And sorrow and sighing shall fly away, Isa. 35.10. Then shall thy joy be fulfilled, and remain in thee, Ioh. 15.11. For the kingdom of God doth flourish in righteousness and peace, with abundance of joy in the Holy Ghost, Rom. 14.17.
The Soul.
I am pressed out of measure above strength, 2 Cor. 1.8. And see no way to esape, Isa. 20.6. How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? Psal. 13.1. How long wilt thou be angry? Psal. 79.5. and 85.5. and 80.4. How long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear? Hab. 1.2. Why castest thou off my soul, and hidest thy face from me? Psal. 10.1. Psal. 44.24. Job 13.24. Psal. 89.46. and 88.14. Why are thou so far from helping me, and from the voice of my roaring? Psal. 22.1.
The Comforter.
O No: Faithful is he who will not suffer thee to be tempted above what thou art able to bear, Prested above strength. but with the temptation also make a way to escape, 1 Cor. 10.13. He [Page 22]he will correct in mercy and in Measure, No way to escape. Ier. 10.24. and 30.11. When he afflicteth thee, he will teach thee the good old way, Ier. 6.16. wherein thou shouldest walk, Psal. 143.8. For he leadeth the blind by a way that they know not, Isa. 42.16. He will shew thee light, and the way wherein thou shouldest go, Ps. 32.8. Neb. 9.19. and lead thee forth by the right way, Ps. 104.7. and make straight in the desart an high way, Isa. 49.3. For all the wayes of the Lord are mercy and truth, Psa. 25.10. Can a woman forget her sucking Child, How long wilt thou forget me? that she should not have compassion on the sor of her womb? Yea, she may forget, but he will never forget thee, Isa. 49.15. If he cannot forget one silly Sparrow, whereof five are sold for two farthings, Luk. 12.17. How much less will he forget thee created after his own Image? Ger. 1.26. Col. 3.10. [Page 23]and Eph. 4.24. dignified with the Honourable Title of a Son, Luk. 20.36. Rom. 8.16. and 9.26. Gal. 3.26.1 Joh. 3.2. Isa. 63.16. and 64.8. and Heir, Gal. 4.7. Heb. 11.7. Rom. 8.17. Heb. 1.14. Why castest thou off? Will he cast off his precious Ones? Mal. 3.17. Isa. 43.4. Lam. 4.2. Psal. 49.8. and 72.14. Whom he has bought, 1 Cor. 6.20. and 7.23.2 Pet. 2.1. with that infinite price of his Sons bloud, Act. 20.28.1 Pet. 19. Revel. 5.9. Rom. 8.32. Joh. 3.16. VVill he abandon those of whom the world is not worthy? Heb. 11.38. Nay, he will earnestly remember thee still, Jer. 31.20. Thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it, as waters that are past: Job 11.16. Pro. 31.7. but he will never forget his tender mercies, Psal. 25.6. nor hide himself from thy supplications, And hidest thy face. Psal. 55.1. And thou shalt behold his face in righteousness, Psa. 17. last verse. He shall make his face to shine upon [Page 24]thee, Psa. 31.16. and 119.135. and 80.19. Thou shalt see his face, and his name shall be upon thy forehead, How long wilt thou be angry? Rev. 21.4. Then will he no more cause his anger to fall upon thee, Jer. 3.5. for he is merciful, 12. and Exod. 34.6. 2 Chr. 30.9. Neb [...]m. 9.17, 31. Psa. 103.8. and Psa. 117.2. And will not reserve his anger for ever, Psa. 30.5. His anger endureth but a moment, he will turn himself from the fierceness of his anger, Psa. 78.38. Jos 7.26. Psa. 85.3. and cause it towards thee to cease, 4. For he retaineth not his anger for ever, And wilt not hear? Jer. 3.5. Mich. 7.18, 19. If thou lockest unto the Lord, and canst wait for the God of thy salvation, thy God will hear thy voice, Mich. ibid. Numb. 20.16. Psal. 3.4. and 107.6, 13. and 120.1. and 4.3. and 20.6. 2 Chr. 7.14. and 20.9. He will answer thee, Psal. 138.3. and 18.6. and 22.5, 24. for he hears the cry of the afflicted, [Page 25] Exod. 22.23. Psal. 106.44. Job 34.28. Psal. 99.6, 8. and it comes near before him, Psal. 145.18. and 88.2. and 102.1. He is nigh to all that call upon him, Psal. 145.18. and 34.18. And his salvation a present help in trouble, Psal. 85.9. and 46.1. When the poor and the needy seek water and there is none, their tongue faileth for thirst, the Lord will hear them, the Good of Israel will not forsake them, Why castest thou off, &c. Isa. 41.17. He will never fail thee, he will never, never leave thee, nor forsake thee, Dent. 4.31. Jos 1.5. Psa. 27.10. and 94.14. and 89.30, 32, 33, 34. Heb. 13.5. He has chosen thee, and will not cast thee away, Isa. 41.9. Jer. 33.26. The Lord will help thee, Isa. 41.10, 13, 14. The Lord thy strength will make haste to help thee, From helping. Psal. 22.19. and 38.22. and 40.13. and 70.5. And that right early, Psal. 46.5. He wil regard the prayer of the destitute, [Page 26] Psal. 102.17. He has not despised nor abhorred the afflictions of the afflicted, neither has he hid his face from him, but when he cried, he heard him, The voice of my roaring. Psal. 22.24. Yea, before thou callest, he will answer, & while thou art yet speaking, he will hear, Isa. 65.24. Psal. 32.5. and receive thy prayer; he wil hear thy supplication, Psal. 6.9. And the voice of thy weeping, Ps. 6.8.
The Soul.
I am minished and brought low by oppression, affliction, and sorrow, Psal. 107.10, 39. My confusion is always before me, and the shame of my face doth cover me continually, Psal. 44.15. The Lord has rejected my Confidences, that I have not prospered in them, Jer. 2.37. My heart faints, Psal. 38.10. and 143.7. My faith fails, Psal. and 123. [Page 27] Psal. 143.7. My spirit is overwhelmed within me, Psal. 61.2. and 77.3. and 142.3. and 143.4. My bowels, my bowels, I cannot hold my peace, I am pained at my very heart, my heart maketh a noise within me, Jer. 4.19. because the sword of the Lord has reached unto the soul, Jerem. 4.10, 18. Luke 2.35.
The Comforter.
Though thou be small and despised, I am brought low. Ps 119.141. Yet his gentleness will make thee great, 2 Sam. 32, 36. He will glorifie thee, and thou shalt not be small, Jer. 30.19. He will remember thee in thy low estate, Psal. 136.23. His loving kindness will make thee to encrease, Psal. 18.35. and bring help to thee, Isa. 41.10, 13, 14. and 50.7. and 44.28. Psal. 116.6. The Lord killeth and maketh alive; [Page 28]He bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up; the Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich; he bringeth low, and bringeth up, 1 Sam. 2.6, 7. By oppression, &c. oppressed have no Comforter, Ecclest. 4.1. yet the Lord is their refuge, Psal. 9.9. and will execute Judgement for them, Psal. 146.7. Jer. 21.12. Yea, the Lord executeth Righteousness and Judgement to all that are opressed, Psal. 103.6. He will deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor, Jer. 22.3. He shall break their rods in pieces, Isa. 9.4. Psal. 72.4. and make thee to rule over them, By affliction Isa. 14.2. He will undo all that afflict thee, Zeph. 3.19. and make thee glad, according to the time wherein he hath afflicted thee, and the years wherein thou hast seen sorrow, Psal. 90.15. O thou afflicted, tossed with tempests, and not comforted! Isa. 54.11. In righteousnesS shalt thou be established; [Page 29]Thou shalt be far from oppression, for thou shalt not fear; and from grief, for it shall not come near thee, By sorrow. 14. He has heard and seen thine affliction, Gen. 16.11. and 29.32. and 31.42. Exod. 3.7. Act. 7.34. Psal. 22.24. and 106.44. and 25.18. And he, who in all thy afflictions is afflicted, Isa. 63.9. will turn thy mourning unto joy, Joh. 16.20. He will comfort thee, and cause thee to rejoyce from thy sorrow, Jer. 31.13. Isa. 51.11. and 61.3. Thy soul shall be as a watered garden, Isa. 58.11. And thou shalt sorrow no more at all, Isa. 31.12. Fear not, My confusion. for thou shalt not be confounded, for thou shalt not be put to shame, Isa. 54.4. Thou shalt not be confounded nor ashamd world without end, My shame. Isa. 45.17. Believe and thou shalt not be confounded, 1 Pet. 2.6. Isa. 50.7. For thy shame thou shalt have double, and [Page 30]for thy confusion thou shalt rejoyce in thy portion, Isa. 61.7. Yea, thou shalt be confounded, and never open thy mouth any more, when he is pacified towards thee, for all that thou hast done, The Lord has rejected, &c. Ezek. 16.63. Cast not away therefore thy confidence, Heb. 10.35. But hold it stedfast, Heb. 3.6, 14. For he who is the Confidence of all the ends of the earth, Psal. 67.5. shall be thy confidence, Prov. 3.26. The needy shall not always be forgotten; the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever, Psal. 9.18. God will look on thee, that thou perish not, Jon. 1.6. The Lord thy God will not let thee be ashamed of thy hope, Psal. 119.116. Phil. 1.20. Blessed is the man that trusteth in him, Psal. 34.8. Prov. 16, 20. Psal. 40.4. Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be saved, Prov. 29.25. and 28.25. For the satisfieth the longing soul, Psal. 107.9. And fulfilleth [Page 31]the desire of those that fear him, Psal. 145.19. and 20.5. He will not suffer any that wait on him to be ashamed, Psal. 25.3, and 20. Isa. 49.23. Believe in the Lord thy God, so shalt thou be established, 1 Chro. 5.20. 2 Chro. 20.20. and 16.7, 8. The Lord will send his angel with thee, Gen. 24.7. and prosper thy way, 56. The Lord shall be with thee, and that which thou doest, make it to prosper, Gen. 39.3.23. Delight thy self in the Lord, My heart faints, &c. and he will give thee the desires of thy heart, Psal. 37.4. Rest in hope, Psal. 16.9. Act. 2.26. And against hope believe, Rom. 4.18. and rejoyce in hope, Rom. 5.2. and thou shalt not be ashamed, Isa. 45.17. Psal. 119.6. Rom. 5.5. Wait upon the Lord, and thou shalt renew thy strength, and mount up with Wings, as an Eagle, and not faint, Isa. 40.31. For he giveth power to the faint, and to them [Page 32]that have no might he encreaseth strength, My faith fails. Isa. 40.29. Let nothing have dominion over thy faith, 2 Cor. 1.24. For he that is the Spirit of Truth, Joh. 14.17. and 15.26. and 1 John 4.6. has given thee the Holy Spirit of Promise, Eph. 1.13. The World of Truth, John 17.17. Eph. 1.13. The Word of Faith, Rom. 10.8. and the Spirit of Faith, 2 Cor. 4.13. He that dwells in the heart by Faith, Eph. 3.17. The Author and finisher of thy Faith, Heb. 12.2. He lives for ever to intercede for thee, Heb. 7.25. and prayes for thy Faith not fail thee, Luke 22.32. and that thou maist have the end of thy Faith. even Eternal Life, 1 Pet. 1.9. Rom. 6.22. and John. 17.24. And till then has not only promised never to depart from thee, Isa. 54.10. Heb. 13 5. John 14.18. but likewise bound himself by an everlasting Covenant to write his fear on thy heart, that [Page 33]thou shalt never be able to depart from him, Jer. 32.40. Rom. 8.35, 36.
The God of the Spirits of all flesh. Numb. 16.22. by his visitation shall preserve thy Spirit, My spirit is overwhelmed. Job 10.12. He will put his Spirit in thee, Ezek. 37.14. Is. 42.1. Ezek. 36.27. When thy spirit is overwelmed, pour out thy complaint unto the Lord, Psal. 142.3. who is thy refuge, and thy portion in the Land of the Living, vers. 5. and he will assuredly deal bountifully with thee, My bowels, &c. vers. 7. For his bowels and inward parts do sound for thee, like and Harp, Isa. 16.11. The sounding of his bowels and mercies towards thee shall not be restrained, Isa. 63.15. his bowels are troubled for thee, he will furely have mercy upon thee, Jer. 31.20. And therefore refrain thy voice from weeping, I cannot hold my peace. and thine eyes from tears, Jer. 31.16. For in quietness [Page 34]and confidence shal be thy strength, Isa. 30.15. He looketh upon thy affliction and thy pain, Ps. 25.18. And for thy hurt he is so sore hurt, that astoinshment has taken hold on him, Jer. 8.21. He that wounds and heals, Job 5.18. will heal thee of thy wounds, Jer. 30.17. Psal. 47.3. Hos. 6.1. Luk. 4.18. and 10.34.. Note: The sword of the Lord. He will command his own sword to be quiet, and put up its self into the scabbard, Jer. 47.6. neither shall any weapon that is formed against thee prosper, Isa: 54.17.
The Soul.
He has made my habitation desolate, Jer. 9.6, 19. Job 15.13. Lam. 3.11. And given my Inheritance to reproach, Joel 2.17. They have called me an Outcast, Jer: 30.17. I am a derision to all my people, Lam. 3.14. and an abomination [Page 35]to my friends, Psal. 88.8. For they have spoken against me with lying tongues, Psal. 109.3. and devouring words, 52.2, 4. which they belch out with their mouths, Psal. 59.7. The arrows of the mighty man, Psal. 102.4. who has whet his tongue as a sword, Psal. 64.3. and 57.4. do stick fast in me, Psal. 38.2. and are sharp in the heart, Psal. 45.5. They have set me as a mark for their arrows, Lam. 3.12. wherewith they have pierced me through, Numb. 24.8. They have helped forwards my affliction, Zach. 1.15. Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness: I looked for some to take pity, and there was none, and for Comforters, but I found none, Psal. 69.20. Ah my Lord, if thou be with me, why then are all these evils come upon me! Ju. 6.13.
The Comforter.
The Lord hath establisht an everlasting Covenant with thee and thy posterity, Made my habitation desolate. Gen. 17.7, 9. Act. 2.39. Jer. 32.38, 39, 40. He will bless the fruit of thy womb, Det. 7.13. Prov. 20.7. Thy Childrens Children to many Generations shall be blessed, Psal. 37.25, 26. Prov. 11.21. Psal. 110.2. The Lord Redeemeth the souls of his servants, and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate, Psal. 34.22. He will delight in them, to do them good, and to plant them again, with his whole heart and his whole soul, Jer. 32.37. &c 41.44. He will be merciful unto thy dwelling place, that out of it may proceed thanksgiving, and the voice of them that make merry, Ier. 30.18, 19. No evil shall befall thee, neither shall any plague come near [Page 37]Thy Tabernacle, Psal. 91.10, 20. Thy children shall be, as aforetime, My inheritance to Reproach. Ier. 30.20. Psal. 128.3. and 90.16. And their Congregation shall be established before the Lord, Ier. 30.20. who will punish all that oppress them, ibid. He will pour his Spirit on thy seed, and his blessing on thy offspring, and the glory of the Lord shall appear unto thy children, Psal. 90.16. He will no more make thee a reproach amongst the people, Joel 2.19. Thou shalt be as a Tree planted by the Rivers of Water, whose leaves fade not, Psal. 1.3. After he has caused thee to bear thy shame, and all thy transgressions, then will he be jealous for his holy Name sake; then will he bring again thy captivity, and no more hide his face from thee, Ezek. 39.25, 26, 29. Thou shalt no more be termed forsaken, An Outcast. Isa. 62.4. He will restore health unto thee, and heal thee of [Page 38]thy wound, because they call thee an outcast, Jer. 30.17. Thou shalt not be utterly forsaken, Isa. 62.4. Jer. 51.5. Psal. 9, 10. Lam. 3.3. And whereas thou hast been slanderously reported, An abomination— Psalm 31.13. Romans 3.8. yet the Lord knows thy reproach, and thy shame, and thy dishonour, Psalm 69.10. A wholsome tongue indeed is as a Tree of Life, Prov. 15.4. And the anwswer of the Tongue is from the answer of the Tongue is from the Lord, Note: place=marg Spoken against me— Prov. 16.1. But though a lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it, Prov. 26.28. Yet the Lord will recompence tribulation to them that have troubled thee, 2 Thes. 1.6. Yea, the Lord will deliver thy soul, and hide thee from the scourge of a deceitful tongue, Psal. 120.2. Job 5.21. A froward and lying tongue that speaketh proud thing (devising mischief, Psal. 52.2. & 50.9.) shall be cut off, Psal. 12.3. Prov. [Page 39]10.20. for a lying tongue is but for a moment, Prov. 12.19. if they have spent their Arrows upon thee, made drunk with thy blood, Arrows of the Mighty— Deut. 32.23, 42. The gentle and tender-hearted Samaritan will comppassionate thee, and pouring in Oyl and Wine, bind up thy wounds Luke 10.33. Though they have possibly stript thee of thy Garment, wounded thee fore, and departed, Pierced me. leaving thee hals dead, vers. 30. Yea, though Father and Mother should forsake thee, yet the Lord will gather thee up, Psal. 27.10. He will cover thee with the robes of his righteousness, Isa. 61.10. And bring forth thy righteousness, Jer. 51.10. Causing the light of thy Cloud to shine, Job 37.15. The integrity of the upright shall preserve them, Reproach has broken my heart. Psal. 15.21. and Prov. 11.3. It shall be clearer, than the Noon-day; thou shalt shine forth as the Morning, Job. 11.17. [Page 40]and lift up thy face without spot, vers. 15. An then shalt thou know that better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, that he that is perverse in his lips, and a fool, Prov. 19.1. All those that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded, they shall be as nothing; and they that strive against thee shall perish, Isa. 41.11. But thou shalt be honoured in the day of Christ, 1 Pet. 1.7. Thy reward shall be great in Heaven, Matth. 5.12. In the mean time he will hide thee from the strife of tongues, Psal. 31.20. Job. 5.21. Surely men of low degree are vanity, I looked for some— and men of high degree are a lye: they are altogether lighter than vanity, Psal. 62.9. and 39.5, 6. But happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God, Psal. 146.5. Wait thou only upon God, Psal. 62.5. Trust in him at all times, vers. 8. [Page 41]and Isa. 26.4. for in God is thy salvation, and thy glory, the rock of thy strength, and thy refuge is in God, Psal. 62.7. And now that he hath filled thee with bitterness, and made thee drunk with Wormwood, Lam. 3.15. Confider this in thine heart, vers. 21. and Eccl. 9.1. Thy way and thy doings have procured all these things unto thee, Ah my Lord! Jer. 4.18. and 50.1. Fools, because of their transgressions and iniquities are afflicted, Psal. 117.17. Yet seeing no man knows either love or hatred by all that is before him, Eccl. 9.1, 2. Mal. 3.14. Do not thou despise the chastisements of the Almighty; for blessed are they whom he chastneth, Job 5.17. Psal. 94.12. s Prov. 13.24. Heb. 12.6, 7. And if thou wert without chastisements, then shouldst thou be a Bastard and no Son, Heb. 12.8. By partaking of the afflictions of the Gospel, 2 Tim. 1.8. And suffering [Page 42]with Christ, thou shalt also be glorified with him, Rom. 8.17. Who though he many times takes vengeance on his Children for their inventions, yet will they find him a favourable God unto them, Psal. 99.6, 8. making every thing won together for their Good in the end, Deut. 8.16. Rom. 8.28. If happily thou knowest not now what thy Lord and Master is doing to thee, yet thou shalt know it afterward, Ioh. 13.7. The man of wisdom shall see the name of the Lord, Mich. 6.9. who has given thee fair warning, that in the world thou shouldest have tribulation (An evident token of his love) Rev. 3.19. Prov. 13.24. Eccl. 12.6, 7. And of thy salvation, Phil. 1.28. And that thou art in the right way to the Kingdom of heaven, Act. 14.22.) But in him thou shouldst have peace, Joh. 16.33. And that as a woman after the pain of her labour, forgets he sorrow, [Page 43] Io. 10.16.21. so shalt thou likewise rejoyce, and thy joy shall no man take from thee, Ioh. 16.22. Thy heart shall rejoyce in his salvation, Psal. 13.5. The Lord will have pity for his holy name, Ez. 36.31. Ioel 2.18. He will pity thee, as the father pitieth his son, Psal. 103.13. And all these evils are but come upon thee, that he may do thee the more good in the later end, Deut. 8.16. And that where sin and sufferings did abound in thee, grace and joy might abound much more, Rom. 5.20. 1 Cor. 1.5.
The Soul.
Thou hast brought me to darkness, and not into light, Lam. 3.2. I sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron, Psal. 107.10. Watch-man, Watch-man, what of the night? Isa. 21.11.
The Comforter.
When thou sit'st in darkness without light, Into darkness, and not into light. stay thy self upon the name of the Lord, Isa. 50.10. And he shall be a light unto thee, Micah 7.8. Isa. 42.6. and 60.19. Light is sown to the righteous, and joy to the upright of heart, Psal. 97.11. He that has delivered thee from the power of darkness, Col. 1.13. will make thy light to break forth, Isa. 58.8. and to rise in obscurity, vers. 10. The Lord shall be thy everlasting light, Isa. 60.19. He that creates darkness, and forms the light, Isa. 45.7. will make darkness light before thee, Isa. 42.16. He will light thy candle, Psal. 18.28. and not quench it, Isa. 42.3.2. Sam. 21.17. The Lord thy God will enlighten thy darkness, Psal. 18.28. and it shall break forth, as the light of the morning, [Page 45] Isa. 58.8. The Lord is thy light and thy salvation, Psal. 27.1. He will lift up the light of his countenance upon thee, Psal. 4.6. In his light shalt thou see light, Psa. 36.9. Fear not, Isa. 35.4. Thy Lamp shall not be put out in obscure darkness, Pro. 13.9. Psal. 27.1. Stay a little, Isa. 48.2. Isa. 28.16. and 50.10. An Christ shall give thee light, Eph. 5.16. Act. 26.18, 23. Rev. 22.5, 11. Eph. 5.14. Luk. 1.79. VVatchman, VVatchman, &c. The Watch-man saith, the morning cometh, Isa. 21.12. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning, Psal. 30.5. For the eye-lids of the morning, Job. 41.18. shall make thy seed to flourish, Prov. 11.28. and Isa. 66.14. He that turns the shadow of death into the morning, Amos 5.8. shall cause thee to hear his loving kindness, Psal. 143.8. and 92.2. He will bring thee out of darkness, and the shadow of death, Psal. 107.14. In the [Page 46]morning thou shalt see the glory of the Lord, Exod. 16.17.
The Soul.
To him that is afflicted pity should be shown of his friend, Job. 6.14. But though mine eyes have powred out tears unto God, Job. 16.20. yet he laughs at my calamity, and mocks when distresss and anguish cometh upon me, Prov. 1.20, 27. And he is cruel to me as the Ostrich in the Wilderness, Lam. 4.3.
The Comforter.
The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercies, To him that is afflicted — Jam. 5.11. Though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion, according to the multitude of his mercies, Lam. 3.32. Thy everlasting friend Ier. 31.3. Iohn 15.13. Rom. 8.23, 31. Isa. 54.10. [Page 47]who changeth not, Mal. 3.6. Iant. 1.17. is afflicted in all thy afflictions, and in his love and pity has he redeemed thee, Isa. 63.9. The God of all pity is full of compassion, Psal. 86.5, 15. and 78.38. and 111.4. and 112.4. and 148.5. Ioel 2.13. Psal. 103.8. Deut. 34.6. Num. 14.18. Nebem. 9.17. In him compassions (which never fail, Lam. 3.42.) do plentifully flow, Psal. 78.38. and 111.4 and 145.8. and 112.4. He will have compassion upon thee, Mich. 7.19. Lam. 3.32. and wipe away all tears from thine eyes Poured out tears Isa. 25.8. Rev. 7.17. He has put thy tears into his bottle, and in his register, Psal. 56.8. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy, Psal. 126.5. And now behold how he loves thee, for he himself, weeps over thee, Iob. 11.35, 36. Lam. 19.41. Neither is the Lord cruel, He is cruel unto me but meek, Math. 11.29. and 21, 5. slow to anger, Neb. 4.17. Psal. 103.8. [Page 48]And of great kindness, Ioel 2.13. Ion. 4.2. since he spoke against thee, he doth earnestly remember thee still, he will surely have mercy upon thee, Jer. 31.20. As the Hen gathereth her Chickens under her wings Matth. 23.37. so will he cover thee with his feathers, Psal. 91.4.
The Soul.
But alas, I fear he has not set his love upon me, Deut. 7.7. He has alienated his mind, Ezek. 23.18. And taken away his peace, even his loving kindness and mereies, Ier. 16.5. Wherefore came I forth out of the womb to see labour and sorrow? That my days should be consumed with shame, Jerem. 20.18. Job 3.11.
The Comforter.
The faithful God Who keepeth Covenant and mercy He has not set his love, Deut. 7.9. has said that he will love thee freely, Hos. 14.4. That he will love thee with an everlasting love, Fer. 31.3. 2. Thes. 2.16. Greater love could no man have, than this love, that made him lay down his lise for his friends, John 15.13. Herein has he commended his love towards thee, in that when thou wast yet a sinner, he died for thee, Rom. 5.8. God so loved thee, that he gave thee his only begotten Son, through whom thou mightest be saved, John 3.16, 17. No man knoweth either love or hatred by all that is before him, Eccl. 9.1. But in this was the love of God manifest to thee, that he sent his only begotten into the world, that thou mightest live through him; [Page 50]and that he might be a propitiation for thy sins, I John 3.9, 10. Hereby mayst thou well perceive the love of God (who is the God of love, 2 Cor. 13.1. and all love, I John 4.8, 16.) That he laid down his life, and gave himselt for thee, 1 John 3.16. Gal. 2.20. Wherein thou mayst behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon thee, that thou shouldst be called one of the sons God, I Joh. 3.1. He is thy Father doubtless, he is thy Father, 2 Cor. 6.18. Isa. 63.16. and so chastiseth thee, not because he is cruel, but even as a Father doth the Son in whom he delights, Prov. 3.12. Heb. 12.5, 6. Rev. 3.19. He that cannot lye Num. 23.19. has said, That he will be thy Father, Isa. 9.6. Jer. 3.9. Luke 12.32. Isa. 64.8. Ma. 6.9. Be strong in the Lord therefore, and in the power of his might, Eph. 6.10. And be thou perswaded, that nothing [Page 51]shall be able to separate thee from the love of the God which is in Christ Jesus, Alienated his mind. Rom. 8.38, 39. In him there is no varriation, nor shadow of change, Mal. 3.6. Jam, 1.17. And therefore his loving kindness shall never depart, Psal. 89.32, 33, &c. Isa 54.10, 11. The FAther himself loves thee, John 16.27. whose good pleasure it is to give thee the Kingdom, Luke 12.32. & 22.19. Seeing therefore his gifts and graces are without repentance, Rom. 11.29. He will not take away his feace from thee, Take away his peace. but enlarge it as a River, Isa. 66.12. He will reveal to thee abundance of peace, Fer. 33.6. And none shall take thy joy from thee, John 16.22. and 15.11. For his sure mercies, Isa. 55.3. are everlasting Pfal. 138.8. And his loving kindness shall never fail, Even his loving kind uesss Psal. 89.33. He is of thy flesh and bones, Fohn 1.14. Rev. 1.3.2. COR. 4.11. And no man ever yet hated, [Page 52]but rather cherished his own flesh, Eph. 5.29, 30. So that well mayst thou be perswaded of the Eternal Love of God in Chrifst Jesus, Rom. 8.38, 39. Jer. 31.3. And blessed art thou of the Father, who for thee prepared an everlasting kingdom. Mat. 25.34. Who created thee, VVherefore came I out of the womb? and took thee out of the womb, Job 10.18. Psal 22.9. that thou mightest see thae goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living, Psal. 27.13. That being guided by his Council, Psal. 73.29. Through the many Tribulations, Fohn 16.13. Act. 14.22. of an evil world, Gal. 14.22. of an evil world, Gal. 1.4. thou mightest have Grace, Psal. 84.11. Rom. 1.5. Eph. 2.7. to see his manifold wisdom, Eph. 3.11. and afterward be received into glory, Psal. 73.24. and 84.11. For he created thee, that thou mighst glorifie him, 1 Cor. 10.31. Rom. 11.36. Psal. 145.1, 2, 21. and be glorified o him, Rom. 8.30. [Page 53] Iohn 17.24. and enjoy him for ever, Psal. 73.24, to the end. That he might so make known the richness of his glory on thee a verssel of mercy, whom he had before prepared unto glory, Rom. 9.23.
The Soul.
Hast thou indeed utterly rejected, hast thou made thy soul to loath me? Ier. 14.19. Are thy mercies quite gone for ever? Wilt thou be favourable no more? Has the word of Promise failed for ever more? Psal. 77.7, 8, 9. Did not my Lord and Saviour, Psal. 110.11. Isa. 45.14, 21. and 49.26. & 60.16. & 63.8. Ier. 14: 8. Hos 13.4. Luke 1.47. and 2.11. Iohn 4.42. I Iohn 4.14. (who professed that he was troubled in all my troubles, Isa. 53.4. and bade me also believe in him, Iohn 14.1. and I Iohn 3.23. Act. 16.3.) Did he not tell me that he [Page 54]would pray the Father, and he would send the Comforter to abide with me for ever, Iohn 14.16. But alas, where is the promise of his coming? I Pet. 3.4. The Comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me, Lam. 1.16. The Harvest is past, and the Summer is gone, and I am not saved, 10.8.20. I looked for peace, and there is no good; and for the time of healing, and behold trouble, Ier. 14.19. My soul fainteth for his salvation, Psal. 119.81. And will he be altogether to me as lyar, and as the waters that fail, Ier. 15.18.
The Comforter.
No, no: the Lord will not cast off his people, Hast thou utterly rejected? Psal. 94.14. The purpose of God according to Election shall stand, Rom. 9.11. He will not abhor thee for his Name sake; He will not disgrace the [Page 55]Throne of his glory; He will remember, and not break his Covenant, Ier. 14.21. The Covenant of his peace shall not be removed, Isa: 54.9, 10. Ier. 33.20, 21, 22. and 31.33, 34, &c. Ezek. 37.26! For he is God, the faithful God, that keepeth Covenant and Mercy, Deut. 9.4. His soul delighteth in thee, Isa. 42.1. and 62.4. Deut. 7.8. yea, he will rejoyce over thee, to do thee good, with his whole soul, and his whole heart assuredly, Ier. 32.41.
The Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting, Are thy mercies quite gone? and his truth endureth to all Generations, Psal. 100.5. & 103.17. Isa. 45.17. and 54.8. He will not fail thee, Deut 31.8. Ios. 1.5. Heb. 13.5.1. Chr. 18.20. But assuredly remember his holy promise, Psal. 105.42. I Iohn 2.25. Wait thou therefore upon the Lord, and be of good courage, Psal. 27. last. Isa. 25.9. For the [Page 56]Father has put the Times in his own power, Act. 1.7. And will not leave thee comfortless; he will come unto thee, Iohn 14.18. The Prince of peace, Isa. 9.6. has left his peace with thee, Iohn 14.27. despise not therefore the consolations of the Almighty, Iob 15.11. For he will restore health unto thee, he will heal thee of thy wounds, Jer. 30.17. His salvation is gone forth, and his righteousness shall not be abolished, Isa. 51.6. and 54.10. Jerem. 31.35, 36. He will bring thee health and cure, he will cure thee, and reveal unto thee the abundance of peace and truth, Jerem. 33.6. Behold, the day is come, Has the word of promise sailed? that he will perform the good things that he hath promised, Jer. 33.14, 20. For he satisfieth the longing soul, and silleth the hungry soul with goodness, Psal. 107.9. Isa. 41.17. The needy shall not alwayes be forgotten, [Page 57] Psal. 9.18. I looked for peace. He that has made an everlasting Covenant of peace with thee, Ezek. 37.36. Isa. 51.6. and 54.10. and is become thy God, Psal. 63.1. Is the God of Truth, John 14.6. Psal. 31.5. Psal. 146.6. I John 5.6. Rev. 3.7, 14. and 6.10. and no lyar, Num. 23.19. His faithfulness reacheth to the Clouds, Ps. 36.5. He will be justified in all his sayings, Rom. 3.4. Faithful is he that has promised, VVill he be unto me as a lyar? Heb. 10.23. and I Thes. 5.24. He is full of grace and truth, Joh. 1.14. In him are all the promises, Yea, and Amen, 2 Cor. 1.20. and 17. He will assuredly perform his mercy and his truth, Psal. 138.8. Jer. 33.14. Psal. 146.6. And what he has said, that will he do; what he has spoken, that will he make good, Num. 23.19.
The Soul.
The sorrows of my heart are enlarged, for I am desolate, and fore afflicted, Psal. 25.16, 17. The Lord has wounded me with the wounds of an enemy, and chastised me with the chastisements of a cruel one, Jer. 30.14. He has taken from me my strenth, the joy of my glory, the delight: of mine eyes, and that whereupon I set my mind, Ez. 24.25. Verily verily, he has caused me to pass under the Rod, Ez. 20.37: I have found trouble and sorrow, Psal. 116.3. For I am poor and needy, Psal. 86.1. and 70.5. And my heart is sore pained within me, Psal. 55.4. Jer. 4.19. Psal. 6.4.
The Comforter.
The Lord will not forsake for ever, The sorrows of my heart. but though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies, Lam. 3.31, 32. Sorrow is better than laughter, Eccles. 7.3. Yet the Lord shall even give thee rest from thy sorrow, Isa. 14.3. Ma. 11.29. which shall be turned unto joy, John 16.20. And thou shalt have no more sorrow, Rev. 21.4. Jer. 31.12. He who beholds thy desolations, I am desolate. Dan. 9.18. Exod. 3.7. and 4.31. will deliver thy desolate soul, Psal. 22.20. and 25.16. and 35.17. He will give thee a reviving, and repair thy desolations, Ezra 9.9. Count it therefore exceeding joy, when thou fallest into divers temptations, Jam. 1.2. For whom the Lord loveth he chast'neth, Pro. 3.4. And as thou art partaker of these [Page 60]sufferings, so shalt thou be likewise of the consolations, Sore afflicted. 2 Cor. 1.4, 7. By afflications art thou magnified, Job 17.17. that the trial of thy precious faith may be manifest, 1 Pet. 1.17. and Patience may have her perfect work, James 1.4. and be found unto praise, and honour, 1 Pet. 17. and to thy rejoycing with joy unspeakable, and full of glory, 1. Pet. 18. Like as he has watched over thee to pluck thee up, and cast thee down to afflict and destroy thee, Jer. 31.28. and has brought all this evil upon thee, so will he bring upon thee all the good that he has promised thee, Jer. 32.42. And thou shalt not remember thy reproach any more, Isa, Chastised me. 54.4. If thou be smitten of God and afflicted, Isa. 53.4. it was good for thee (and also needful, I Pet. 2.) that thou hast been so, Psal. 119.71. He that delivereth the poor in all their afflictions, Job [Page 61]36.15. Psal. 132.1. regardeth, Psal. 102.17. and is sore troubled at thine, Isa. 63.9. He will have mercy upon thee, Isa. 14.1. and 49.13. and 54.8. and 55.7. And happy art thou whom he corrects, Job 15.17. For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth, as a Father doth the Son in whom he delights, Prov. 3.12. Heb. 12.6. Rev. 3.19. And though thou be now in heaviness for a season, through manifold tribulation, I Pet, 1.6. yet the Scorpion Rods wherewith thou hast been chastised, I King 12.11. and 2 Chro. 10.11, 14. shall blossom as the Rose, Isa. 35.1. shall blossom abundantly, vers. 2. For as the Earth bringeth forth her Buds, and as the Garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord will cause thy righteousness, and thy praise to spring forth, Isa. 61.11. Doest thou well then to be angry, that God has [Page 62]prepared a Worm to smite thy Gourd, Taken from me my strength, &c. whereof thou wert so exceeding glad, Jonah 4.6, 7, 8. When he had pity on thee, to deliver thee out of the belly of Hell, Jonah 2.2, 10: And the Lord thy God brought up thy life from corruption, Jonah 2.6. Thy true joy shall no man take from thee, Iohn 16.21. A mans life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth, Luk. 12.15. The Lord knoweth the thoughts of men, that they are all vanity, Psal. 94.11. 1 Cor. 3.20. Let him therefore that glorieth, glory in the Lord, Ier. 9.24. 1 Cor. 1.31. In whom all things are ours, 1 Cor. 3.23. And think that blessed is he alone whose God is the Lord, Psal. 144.8. and whose hopes is in the Lord his God, Psal. 146.5. who trusteth in the Lord, in whom there is everlasting strength, Isa. 26.4. For surely goodness and mercy shall follow him all [Page 63]the dayes of his life, and he shall dwell in the house of God for ever, Psal. 23.6. In the mean time with his Rod will he feed thee, Mic. 7.14. and comfort thee, Pass under the Rod— Psal. 23.4. Many indeed are the Tribulations of the Righteous, but the Lord deivereth them out of them all, Psal. 34.6, 17, 18. Iob 5.19. Though thou walkest in the midst of troubles, Psal. 138.7. yet he who is thy strength in time of trouble, Psal. 37.39. and a very present help, Psal. 46.1. is with thee, Psal. 91.15. to give thee help, Psal. 60.11, 12. to deliver thee, I found trouble. Psal. 91.1.1 and 54.7. and 91.15. and bring thy soul out of trouble, Psal. 143.11. Thy sorrows shall fly away, Isa. 35.10. and 51.11. Rev. 21.4. Thou shalt sorrow no more at all, Ier. 31.12. Thy heart shall rejoyce; yea, it shall rejoyce in the Lord, Zech. 10.7. and thou shalt remember thy miseries no more, [Page 64] Psal. 31.7. And though thou be now poor, I am poor and needy. & sorrowful, Ps. 69.23. Ps. 86.1. & 109.22. Though the encrease of thy house be departed, and all thy goods be fled away in the day of Gods angew with thee, Job. 20.28. yet the Lord is able to give thee much more, than all these things, 2 Chro. 25.9. He setteth the poor on high from affliction, Psal. 107.41. He delivereth the needy when he cryeth, the poor also, and him that hath no helper, Psal. 72.12. Jer. 20.13. Seeing then he has freely given thee all things, Rom. 8.32. and has promised to make all things work together for thy good, vers. 28. how can poverty separate thee from the love of God in Christ Jesus? Rom. 8.35. And therefore, although the Fig-true should not blossom, neither should fruit be in the Vine, the labour of the Olive should fail, and the Field should yeeld no meat, the flecks should be [Page 65]cut off from the fold, and there should be no herd in the stalls, rejoyce thou notwithstanding in the Lord, and joy in the God of thy salvation, Habak. 17.18. Nothing shall be wanting, Psal. 34.9. All good things shall be ministred, Mat. 6.33. and God shall supply all thy needs, Phil. 4.19. Psal. 34.8, 9, 10. and 84.11.
The Soul.
He had broken me with his Eastwind, in the midst of the Sea, Ezek. 27.26. I sink into deep waters, where the floods overflow me, Psal. 69.2. The sea is come upon me, I am covered with the multitude of the waves thereof, Jer. 51.42. The waters compassed me about unto the Soul, Jer. 2.5. all thy surges, and all thy waves passed over me, vers. 3. Psal. 42.7. and 88.7. I cryed in my affliction unto the Lord, [Page 64] Psal. 18.6. & 30.2, 3. Psal. 119.145, 156. and 130.1. Out of the belly of Hell cryed I, Jonah 2.2. What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Psal. 30.9. But my Rock and my Lord was silent unto me, and answered me not, Prov. 1.28. Psal. 28.1.2 Sam. 22.42. Psal. 18.41. He careth not that I perish, Mark 4.38.
The Comforter.
Be of good cheer. John 14.1. and encourage thyself, He has broken me— 1 Sam. 30.6. O thou of little faith! Mat. 8.26. and 14.31. and 16.8. He will not break the bruised Reed, Isa. 42.3. nor a leaf driven to and fro, Iob. 13.25. Believe God that it shall be, even as it was told thee, Act. 27.25. When thou passest through the waters, he will be with thee, Is. 43.2. The water-floods shall not overflow [Page 65]thee, Sink in deep waters— Psal. 22.6. The deep shall not swallow thee up, he will not let the horrible pit shut her mouth upon thee, Psal. 69.15. Though innumerable evils do compass thee about, The waters compassed me. Psal. 40.12. As the multitude of many waters, Jonah 2.5. Psal. 42.7. and 88.7. yet he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about also, All thy waves. Psal. 32.10. He will rebuke the winds and the waves, and speak unto the sea, Mark 4.39. For he is the confidence of all those that are afar off upon the sea, Psal. 65.5. And when thou cryest unto the Lord, I cryed in my affliction: he will restore thee, Psal. 30.2. He will bring thy soul out of the grave, and will revive thee from them that go down into the pit, vers. 3. The Lord thy God will bring up thy life from the pit, Jonah 2.6. The Sea shall render up her dead, Rev. 20.13. The hearer of prayers, Psal. 65.2. will regard, [Page 68]and not despise the prayers of the afflicted, Psal. 102.17. He will hear thy voice; for salvation is of the Lord, Ionah 2.2, 6, 7, 9. Psal. 10.17. and 17.6. Mic. 7.7. and 145.19. Thy heavenly Father, Mat. 6.14. and 26.42. The Sovereign preserver of men, Iob. 7.20. who delights not in the destructions of sinners, Ezek. 37.11. will hear the groaning of the prisoner, Psal. 102.20. and 10.7. and 17.6. His ears are open to thy cry, Psal. 34.15. When thou cryest he will answer thee, Psal. 91.15. and 99.6. and 50.15. Ier. 19.12. He that cannot forget thee, Isa. 49.50. and 49.15. careth for thee, He careth not— 1 Pet. 5.7. He remembreth thee carnestly still, therefore his bowels are moved for thee; he will surely have mercy upon thee, Ier. 31.20. He that has so loved thee, as to give his dear Son (who did also pour out even his foul unto the [Page 69]death for thee, That I preish. Isa. 53.10, 12.) that thou mightest not perish, will he now abandon the works of his own hands? Rom. 8.31, Which he has bought with a price of so infinite a value, 1 Cor. 6.20. and 7.23. and 2 Pet. 2.1. If he reconciled thee to God his Father, while thou wert yet an enemy, how much more being now joyned to him by affinity, Isa. 9.6. and 63.16. Ier. 31.9. Rom. 8.5. Gal. 4.6. Eph. 5.30. and consanguinity, Ier. 3.14. Hos. 1.10. Can. 4.9. and 5.1. Will he care for thy soul? 1 Pet. 5.7. Rom. 5.10. Now that she is so precious in his sight, Isa. 43.4. purified, beautified with his Graces, Can. 7.1, 2, &c. covered with the Robes of his Righteousness, Isa. 61.10. 1 Cor. 1.3. and 2 Cor. 5.21. and one with himself, Joh. 17.21. And that thou mayest know what manner of love he carrieth to thee, 1 Iohn 3.1, 2. He has given thee [Page 68]the earnest of the Spirit of Adoption for a pledge, Rom. 8.15, 16. Eph. 1.5.2. Cor. 1.22. Gal. 4.6. The Oyl of joy for Mourning, the garments of Gladness for Heaviness, Isa. 61.3. And the first fruits of Life Eternal, Rom. 8.23. Yea, if the Son of God dwell in thee himself, 1 Ioh. 4.13. Eph. 3.17. And the holy Ghost make a Temple of thy body, 1 Cor. 3.16. and 6.19. 2 Cor. 6.16. How canst thou but be beloved, precious and honourable in his sight? Isa. 43.4. Psal. 116.15. If a good man regardeth the life of his beast, Pro. 12.10. How much more will he, who preserveth man and beast? Psal. 36.6. that feeds the fowls of the air, and cloaths the grafs of the field, Mat: 6.25, 26, 30. who cannot forget the silly Sparrows, Luke 12.4. and has numbred the hairs of thy had, vers. 5. deliver thine eyes from tears, and thy soul from death? [Page 69] Psal. 116.8. seeing he has made thee a little lower than the Angels, crowned thee with honour and glory, and made thee to have dominion over the works of his hands, putting all things under thy feet, Psal. 8.5, 6.
The Soul.
O he is holy, and I am but a worm, Psal. 22.3. Isa. 41.14. Job 25.6. Though I have made him my everlasting Joy, my Glory, and my God, Isa. 60.19. yet has he filled me with bitterness, and made me drunk with Wormwood, Lam. 3.15. He has made me the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people, Lam. 3.45. and broken me, Psal. 38.8. and 44.19. Ez. 27.26. with a tempest, Iob 9.17. Psal. 11.6 and 83.15. Of his indignation poured out upon me, Psal. 78.49. Ez. 22.31: Zeph. 3.8. He bade [Page 72]me come unto him, that I might have peace and rest to my soul, Mat. 11.28. and that I may get life, Ioh. 5.40. yet when I engaged my heart to approach unto him, Ier. 30.21. and poured out my complaint before him, like the waters, Iob 3.24. Psal. 142.2. And looked up unto my Father, Psal. 5.3. Isa. 45.22. Mich. 7.7. till mine eys failed, Deut. 28.32. Iob. 11.20. making my supplication to my Judge, Iob 9.15. He notwithstanding covereth himself with a cloud, that my prayers should not pass through, Lam. 3.44. He puts away his Servant in anger, Psal. 27.9. and casts me out from his presence, Psal. 51.11. to the loathing of my person, Ez. 16.5. Zech. 11.8. Pro. 13.5. Lam. 2.6. O did ever man thus hate his own flesh! Eph. 5.29. And shall his faithfulness even fail in my destruction? Psal. 88.11.
The Comforter.
And wilt thou indeed thus foolishly charge, I have made him my everlasting joy, &c. But he made me the offscouring. Iob. 1.22. the Lord God of Truth, Deut. 32.4. Psal. 31.5. 1 John 5.6. and make one of so glorious, so precious, so near, and so dear relations, Isa. 43.1, 21. and 44.21. Eph. 2.10. Isa. 63.16. a lyar, Num. 23.19. Tit. 1.2, Rom. 3.4. 1 John 5.10. Wilt thou belie the Lord? Jer. 5.12. thy Creator? Isa. 43.1. and 48.12. Rev. 4.11. thy Father, Mat. 6.9. Rom. 1.7. 1 Pet. 4.19. Luke 12.32. Eph. 12. Col. 1.2 Gal. 4.6. thy Redeemer, Psal. 31.5. and 71.23. and 74.2. Isa. 41.14. and 43.14. and 44.22. and 49.26. and 60.16. Tit. 2.14. 1 Pet. 1.18, Rev. 5.9. thy elder Brother, Heb. 2.11. Rom. 8.29. The Husband, and Bridegroom of thy soul, Cant. 4.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, &c. 2 Cor. 11.2. Jer. 3.14. Isa. 54.5 and 62.5. and [Page 72]not stay the self upon his Nature and his Name, Isa. 10.20. and 50.10. 2 Chro. 30.19. Nehem. 9.17. Ps. 86.15. and 111.4. John 2.13. Psal: 145.8. Isa. 42.8. Jer. 16.21. Psa. 54.6. and 79.9. and 138.2. Jer. 11.5. Nor be comforted by the great Oath of the everlasting Covenant, Heb. 6.13, 14, 17. Isa. 45.23. Gen. 17.2, 4, 7. Isa. 55.3. and 61.8. Jer. 32.40. Ezek. 16.60, 62. Heb. 13.20. Jer. 31.33. Ezek. 37.26, 27. Has he not said, though he be high, yet will he have respect to the lowly, Psal. 138.6. The high and lofty One, who inhabiteth Eternity, whose name is holy, though he dwell in the high and holy place, he dwells also with him, who is of a broken and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones, Isa. 57.15. He has always heard the desires of the humble, Psal. 10.17. And he will [Page 73]regard the prayers of the destitute, He covereth himself with a cloud and not despise their prayers, Psal. 102.17. Verily God will hear, he will attend to the voice of thy prayer,, Psal. 66.18, 19. In the day when thou cryest, he will answer thee, and strengthen thee with strength in thy soul, Psal. 138.3. Wait therefore patiently upon the Lord, and he will incline unto thee, and hear thy cry, Psal. 40.1. He never yet prepared any heart to pray, but the caused also his ear to hear, Psal. 10.17. Whosoever cometh unto him, these will he no ways cast out, Joh. 6.37. though for the present, thou be drunk indeed, but not with Wine, Isa. 29.9. and 51.21. And through many a sad stroke, Iob. 23.2. Isa. 14.6. staggering like a drunken man, He has made me drunken with wormwood. Psa. 107.27. yet mayst thou repair when thou wilt to the Wells of Salvation, and draw waters of joy with gladness, Isa. 12.3. Yea, thou [Page 76]shalt one day drink of the rivers, of these pleasures, Psal. 36.3. which are at his right hand, and lasts for evermore, Psal. 16.1 [...]. Of the pure River of the water of Life, clear as Crystal proceeding out of the Throne of God, and of the Lamb, Iob. 4.10, 14. Revei. 22.1. His fruit shall be sweet unto thy taste, Cant. 2.3. His words and his ways shall be sweet to thy soul, as the honey comb, Pro. 3.17. and 16.24. Iohn 6.63, 68. Psal. 25.10. Though thou art become vile, Lam. 1.11. and men now ride over thee, Psal. 66.12. yet art thou honourable in Gods account, Isa. 45.4. He who exalteth the low Tree, making it to flourish, Ezek. 17.24. and lifteth the needy out of the dung-hill, 1 Sam. 2.7, 8.1 [...]sal. 113.7. and 147.6. will cause thee to shine forth, and thou shalt be as the morning, Iob. 11.17. He will bring forth thy r [...]ghteousness [Page 77]as the light, and thy Judgments is the noon-day, Psal. 37.6. Though thou hast been amongst the pots, yet shalt thou—as the wings of a Dove covered with Silver, and their feathers with yellow Gold, Ps. 68.13. For God will bless the name of the righteous, with favour will he compass them, as with a shield, Psal. 5.12. and honour them that honour him, 1 Sam. 2.30. He has but affrayed thee with his storm, Broken me with a tempest. Psal. 93.15. but he will make the storm a calme, Psal. 107.29. He is a covert, Isa. 4.6. and refuge from the storm, Isa. 25.4. His indignation and his anger shall cease. Is. 10.2. Psal. 85.3, 4. and 103.9. Jer. 3.5, 12. Mic. 7.18. For he has not said to the house of Jacob, Seek ye my face in vain? Isa. 45.19. Nay, That my prayers cannot pass thorow. he is found of them that seek him not, Rom. 10.20. And while thou art yet a far way off, he shall meet thee, Luk. 15.20. yea, while thou [Page 76]art speaking and presenting thy supplication before the Lord thy God, he will answer thee, Dan. 9.20, 21. Verily he will hear thee, he will not turn away thy prayer, nor his tender mercies from thee, Psal. 66.20. He will receive thy prayer, Psal. 6.8. and attend to the voice of thy supplication, Psal. 31.22. He will be very gracious to thee at the voice of thy cry, when he shall hear it, Isa. 30.19. For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry, Psal. 34.15. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth them, and deliveteth them out of all their troubles, Psal. 34.17. and 107.6, 13, 19, 28. and 50.15. Shall the Hen gather her Chickens under her wings? Matth. 23.37. Luke 13.34. and the Sea-Monster draw forth her breasts to her young ones? Lament. 4.3. And will thy Emmanuel, Isa. 7.14. Matth. 1.23. [Page 77]hide himself from his own flesh? Did ever man thus hate his own flesh? Isa. 58.7. and 65.4. will he hide his face from thee? Ez. 39.29. Psal. 69.17. Nay, he will rather cause his face to shine, Psal. 31.16. and 67.1. and 80.1, 3. And lift up the light of his countenance upon thee, Psal. 4.6. and 43.3. and 44.3. He will hide thee under the shadow of his wings, Psal. 17.8. and in the secret of his presence, Psal. 31.20. For the Lord despiseth neither thy person, From his presence, to the loathing of my person. Psal. 69.33. and 40.17. and 70.5. nor thy prayers, Psal. 102.17. His precious Jewels, Mal. 3.17. will he hide in the secret of his Tabernacle, Psal. 27.5. and his tender Lambs will he carry in his bosome, Isa. 40.11. And though thou shouldst not believe, yet abideth he faithful, and will not deny himself, 2 Tim. 2.13. Heb. 10.23. Lament. 3.23. Psal. 119.138. 1 Tim. 5.24. 2 Thes. 3.3. In the Eternal thy righteousness, [...] [Page 80] Isa. 23.6. to whom righteousness belongeth, Dan. 9.7. shalt thou have righteousness, Isa. 45.24. He is the faithful God which keepeth covenant, Shall his faithfulness— Deut. 7.9. Isa. 49.7. Heb. 10.23. Rev. 19.11. His faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds, Psal. 36.5. And he will not suffer it to fail, Psal. 89.33. unto all generations, Psal. 119.19. Faithful and just is he to forgive they sins, and cleanse thee from all thy unrighteousness, 1 Iohn. 1.9. The Lord is faithful which shall stablish thee, 2 Thes. 3.3. and will not take his loving kindness from thee, Psal. 89.33.
The Soul.
The Lord has punished me according to my ways, Hos 4.9. and 22.2. And recompensed me according to the fruit of my doings, Jer. 21.14. He has filled me with [Page 81]the fruit of my own way, Pro. 1.31. till I am even wasted away, Job. 14.10, 20. The Lord has sent upon me vexation and rebuke, in all that I set my hand unto for to do, Deut. 28.20. He has smitten me with blindness, and astonishment of mind, 28. He has made my plague wonderful, even great plagues, and of long continuance, vers. 59. He has given me a trembling heart, failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind, vers. 65. He has vexed me in his sore displeasure with all adversity, 2 Chro. 15.6. Psa. 2.5. Job 27.2. And as he once rejoyced over me to do me good, so doth he now rejoyce over me to destroy, and bring me to nought, Deut. 28.63. See, O Lord, and consider, for I am become vile, Lam. 1.11.
The Comforter.
Why shouldest thou, The Lord has punished me. a living man, complain for the punishment of thy sin? Lam. 3.31. and not rather think it exceeding joy when thou fallest into divers temptations, Jam. 1.2. Believing that thou art blessed, because chast'ned, Psa. 94.12. Heb. 12.6.7. If he has chastned thee sore, yet has he not given thee over to death, Psal. 118.18. chast'ned thou art indeed of the Lord, that thou mayest not be condemned with the world, 1 Cor. 11.32. And if thou be without chastisement, then art thou a Bastard, and not a Son, Heb. 12.8. Thy God has punished thee, and exacted less than thy iniquities deserve, Ezr. 9.13. Job. 11.6. If thou acceptest of the punishment of thy iniquities, then will he remember his Covenant, Levit. 26.41, 42. The Lord [Page 83]will have mercy upon thee after thou hast born thy shame, Ez. 39.25, 26. And will not hide his face any more from thee, vers. 29. The man of sorrows, Isa. 53.3. Upon whom was laid the chastisements of thy peace will wipe away the tears, and take away the rebuke, Isa. 25.8. of those, for whom he was stricken, Isa. 53.8. Sent upon me vexation— He will heal and deliver thy soul from vexation, Psal. 6.2. and 55.18. and keep thee in perfect peace, Isa. 26.3. He who is thy peace, Eph. 2.14. has sent to thee also the Gospel of peace, Rom. 10.15, 16. Eph: 6.15. The Lord of peace himself, 2 Thes. 3.16. Rom. 15.33. has given to thee the peace of God to rule in thy heart, John 14.27. and 16.33. Col. 1.2. and 1 Thess. 1. Psal. 29.11. and 85.8. Isa. 26.12. and 66.12. Jer. 14.13. and 33.6. He that opened the eyes of the blind, Smitten me with blindness. Psal. 146.8. Mat. 9.30. Mark 8.22, &c. Jo. 9.1, 2, 3, &c. will [Page 84]enlighten thy darkness, Psal. 18.28. and deliver thee from the power thereof, Col. 1.13. that in his light thou mayst see light, Psal. 36.9. and walk through darkness, Job 29.3. and that the eyes of thy understanding being enlightned, thou mayest then be astonished at the richness of the glory of his Inheritance in the Saints, With astonishment. Eph. 1.18. If he has shewed himself marvelous upon thee, My plague wonderful. Job 10.16. by great plagues and sore afflictions, Psa. 71.20. and 118.18. and 119.107. Heb. 10.32. by enlarged troubles, and multiplied vexations, Psal. 25.17. and 34.19 and 42.7 and 88.7 by consuming stroaks, Psal. 39.10. and 37.19. and 90.7. and continued sorrow and grief, Psal. 13.1, 2. and 77.8, 9. yet will he remember the word of Truth which he has given, Psal. 119.49. Heb. 10.16. Ezek. 16.60. Isa. 43.25. Jer. 31.34. Joh. 17.— and make every thing work [Page 85]together for thy good, Rom. 8.28. He will not forget, Isa. 49.15. and 54.9. Psal. 25.6. the greatness of his mercies, Psal. 57.10. and 86.13. and 108.4. Isa. 54.7. and multitude of his compassions, Psal. 69.13. and 51.1. and 78.38. and 86.15. and 111.4. and 145.8. and 112.4. But as thy sufferings abound, so shall thy consolations abound also, 1 Cor. 2.5. And though he should bring thee to nought, Bring me to nought. yet he that creates new Heavens, Isa. 65.17. he that forms the light, Isa. 45.7. will create thee a rejoycing, Isa. 65.18. The God of thy salvation, Psal. 65.5. and 68.19, 20. and 79.9. and 85.4. to whom belong the issues from death, Psal. 68.20. will create a defence upon all thy glory, Isa. 4.5. And for thy momentany and light afflictions, thou shalt have a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 2 Cor. 4.17. He shall satisfie thy longing soul, Psal. 107.9. [Page 86]and 145.16. and 103.5. with fulness of everlasting joy, Isa. 61.7. John 17.13.—For in his presence is fulness of joy, at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore, Psal. 16.11. Be of good courage therefore, and wait upon the Lord, Psal. 27.14. and 31.24. For he has seen, he has seen thy afflictions, Exod. 3.7. Deut. 26.7. Acts 7.24. which have not made thee vile, I am become vile. Job 7.17. Jer. 31.20. Yea, thou art precious and honourable in his sight, who loveth thee, created thee for his glory, and formed thee, Isa. 43.3, 4, 7. who thought not the world worthy of thee, Heb. 11.38. and spared not his own Son, but gave him to die for thee, Rom. 8.32. and has made thee Son and Heir of God through Christ, Tit. 3.7. Gal. 4.7.
The Soul.
My dayes are consumed in vanity, and my years in trouble. Psal. 78.33. My life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing, Psal. 31.10. Innumerable evils have compassed me about, Psa. 40.12. and my sorrow is continually before me, Psa. 38.17. and 44.15. O my God, my soul is cast down within me! Psa. 42.6. It is poured out upon me, Job 30.16. Because thou hast cast off, and put to shame, Psa. 44.9. Thou hast hid thy face from me, and consumed me, because of mine iniquities, Is. 64.7.
The Comforter.
Yet the Lord is with thee in trouble, My days are consumed in vanity— Psa. 91.15: thy refuge in the day of affliction, Psa. 9.9. and 57.1. and 59.16. and 62.7, 8. Is. 25.4. [Page 88]and 4.6. Jer. 16.19. and thy hope the evil day, Jermiah 17.17. Surely mercy and goodness shall follow thee all the days of thy life, Ps. 23.6. In the time of trouble he will hide thee in his Pavilion, Psa. 27.5. He will make thee glad, according to the days wherein he has afflicted thee, and the years wherein thou hast seen evil, And my years in sighting. Psa. 90.15. The sighings of the Prisoners shall come before him, Psa. 79.11. For the sighing of the needy will he arise, Psa. 12.5. Though thou faint in thy sighing, and can find no rest, Jer. 45.3. yet there remaineth a rest for the people of God, Heb. 4.9. The Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, Isa. 14.3. Thou shalt find rest for thy soul, Jer. 6.16. Ma. 11.28, 29. He will recompense rest to thee for thy troubles, 2 Thes. 1.6, 7. Innumerable evils have compassed me. Wherefore shouldst thou fear in the days of evil, when the iniquities of thy heels do compass thee about [Page 89] Psal. 49.5. For he will chase them away as a cloud, Isa. 44.22. and remove them from thee, as far as the East is from the West, Psal. 103.12. Fear not; for if thine eyes were opened — thou shouldst see more with thee, than against thee, 1 Kings 6.16, 17. The Angel of the Lord encampeth about them that foar him, and delivereth them: Psal. 34.7. He will help and deliver thee, Psal. 50.15. and 37.4. The Lord is with thee, to save thee, Isa. 63.1 and 35.4, Jer. 15.20. and 30.11 and 46.27. Thou shalt be saved in the Lord, with an everlasting salvation, Isa. 45.17. He will save thee unto the uttermost, Heb. 7.25. Thy sighing shall fly away, Isa. 34.10. My sorrow. And thy sorrow shall be turned unto joy, John 16.20. for be that replenisheth every sorrowful soul, Jer. 31.25. will fill thee with joy, John 17.13. and thou shalt sorrow no more at all, Jer. 31.12 [Page 90]O thou of little faith! My soul is cast down. Mat. 8.26. & 14.31. & 16.8. and of a fearful heart, Isa. 35.4. Why is thy soul cast down? why is it disquieted within thee? Psal. 42.5, 11. & 43.11. He will exalt thee in due time, 1 Pet. 5.6. The Lord bringeth low, and lifteth up, 2 Sam. 2.7. Ps. 113.7. & 147.6. He will deliver thy soul from the hand of the grave, Psal. 89.48. & 49.15. The Lord will not cast off for ever, Psal. 77.7. Jer. 31.37. He will not cast off his people, Psa. 94.14. Lem. 3.31. The Lord thy God shall hear thee, and thou shalt be, as if he had not cast thee off, Zech. 10.6. Thou shalt never be ashamed, Put to shame. Joel 2.26, 27. Thou shalt not be ashamed in the evil time, Psal. 37.19. Whosoever believeth, Rom. 9.33. and waiteth on him, shall not be ashmed, Isa. 49.33. and 54.4. Thou shalt not be put to shame, ibid. The Lord knows thy reproach & thy shame, Pst 69.19 [Page 91]And for thy shame thou shalt have double, Isa. 61.7. He that made an everylasting Covenant with thee, Jer. 31.35, 36. Ezek. 37.26. Isa. 55.3 & 61.8. Jer. 32.40. Ezek. 16.60. Heb. 13.20. Thy everlasting Light, thy God, and thy Glory, Isa. 60.20. will not hide his face from thee, Hide thy face. Ezek. 39.29. He that sent his only begotten Son out of his bosome unto the world, Joh. 3.16. Gal: 4.4, 5.1 John 4.9, 10.1 Tim. 1.15. The Sovereign Preserver of men, Job. 7.20. and the Holy One of Israel thy Saviour, Consumed because of mine iniquities. Isa. 43.3. Jer. 14.8. John 4.14. 1 John 4.14. who redeems thy life from destruction, Psal. 103.4. will not destroy thee, Isa. 45.17. for those sins which he had blotted out, Isa. 43.25. Col. 2.14. and taken away, John 1.2, 36. Thy sins are forgiven thee for his Names sake, 1 John 2.12.
The Soul.
If I say I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my heaviness, and comfort my self; then am I afraid of all my sorrows, Iob. 9.27, 28. When I would comfort my self against sorrow, my heart is faint within me, Ier. 8.18. For through sorrow of heart my spirit is broken, Pro. 15.13.
The Comforter.
Encourage thyself in the Lord, 1 Sam. 30.6. whose delights are with the Sons of Men, Pro. 8.31. In the multitude of thy thoughts, A fraid of all my sorrows. let his comforts delight thy soul, Psa. 94.19. For he delighteth, Isa. 62.4. and will have his joy fulfilled in thee, Iohn 17.12. that thou mayest always rejoyce, Phil. 3.1. and 4.4. Psal. 33.1. and 97.12.— Isa. 41.16. [Page 93]The Lord comforts all that mourn, Isa. 61.2 and 66.13. and 49.13. Isa. 51.12. and 66.13. 2 Cor. 1.4. and 7.6. Hold fast thy confidence, and the rejoycing of thy hope firm unto the end, Heb. 3.6. Do not quit the Crown of thy rejoycing in the hour of temptation, Rev. 3.11. If the arrows of the Almighty be within thee, and the poyson thereof drink up thy spirit, Iob. 6.4. Psa. 45.5. 1. Thes. 2.19. There is Balme in Gilead, and a Physician there, Ier. 8.22. The tender-hearted Samaritan will pour in Oyl and Wine into thy wounds, and have compassion upon thee, Luke 10.33, 34. The great Comforter, John 14.16. who in all tribulations, 2 Cor. 14. comforteth those that are cast down, 2 Cor. 7.6. And revives the heart of the contrite ones, Isa. 57.15. will anoint thee with the Oyl of gladness, Isa. 45.7. and cherish thee, Isa. 51.12. with the sweet [Page 94]Wine of his Consolations, Amos 9.13. Can. 2.5. He that was sent to bind up the broken-hearted, and to comfort all that mourn, When I would comfort my self— Is. 61.1, 2. will not leave thee comfortless, Joh. 14.18. He will restore comforts unto thee, Is. 57.15. and make thy consolations to abound, 2 Cor. 1.5. in everlasting joy, Is. 61.7. The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, Pro. 20.27. which he has quickned, John 6.63. 1 Pet. 3. [...]8. Eph. 2.1. and lighted, Ps. 18.28. And seeing he is become thy everlasting light, Is. 60.19, 20. My heart is faint, and thou art made one spirit with him, 1 Cor. 6.17. and Iohn. 17.21. having received the Spirit of Adoption, My spirit is broken. Rom. 8.15. and the Spirit of Faith, 2 Cor. 4.13. Gal. 3.14. and art thereby strengthned with might, Eph. 3.16. Why shouldst thou faint? 2 Cor. 4.16. and suffer thy spirit to be broken? Psa. 42.5, 11. and 143.7. and not rather be glad in the Lord, Psa. 32.11. Phil. 1.4. [Page 95]and 3.1. and rejoyce with him, who (though he was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, Is. 53.35. yet) rejoyced in spirit, that the Father should have revealed the Eternal Counsel of his Good Will to be the matter of thy continual joy, Luk. 10.20, 21.
The Soul.
What shall I say then after this? Ezra 9.10. Rom. 6.1. He who did bear my iniquities, and carried my sorrows; he who was wounded for my transgression, and broken for my iniquities, Isa. 53.4. Is he not able to justifie me? verse 11. Shall not his soul which he poured out unto death, verse 12. be a sufficient offering for my sin? verse 10. Is not he that did tread the Winepress of the fierceness and wrath of the Almighty God, Rev. 19.15. the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, v.16 [Page 96]able to save me? Heb. 2.18. Jam. 4.12. O will not he, that so loved me, that he gave himself to death for me? Joh. 15.13. Deliver me from all my transgressions? Psal. 39.8. and from the wrath to come? 1 Thes. 1.10. seeing the Father has given him power over all flesh, Joh. 17.2.
The Comforter.
Yes verily, He who did bear my iniquities, &c. Is he not able?— he is able and willing also to save thee to the utmost, Heb: 5.7. and 7.25. and 7.18. John 17.24. Eph. 3.20. for he justifies the ungodly, Rom. 4.5, 25. Isa. 50.8. Rom. 8.33. and 5.16, 18. and giveth Eternal life unto them, Iohn 1.28. And this is the will of God, That whosoever believes in his Sor, should have life everlasting, Iohn 6.40. & 20.31. In him shalt thou be justified and shalt glory, Isa. 45.25. Rom. 3.24, 28. and 5.1. Tit. 3.7. Thou wast bought with a price, 1 Cor. 6.20.— [Page 97]purchased with the precious blood to Christ, A sufficient effering. Acts 20.28.1 Pet. 1.19. Rev. 5.9. and God has given his own Son to be the propitation for thy sins, 1 Iohn 2.2. and 4.10. Rom. 3.25. so that thou maist now joy in God, being reconciled to him through the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom thou hast received the atonement, Rom. 5.10, 11. and 3.25. The offering of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, as an everlasting sacrifice has perfected thee for ever, Is he not able to save me? Heb. 10.10, 14. Thy redeemer is mighty, Pro. 23.11. Isa. 59.1. Dan. 3.17. to deliver thee, Heb. 7.25. and Ia. 1.21. for he is God the Lord, to whom nothing is unpossible, Gen. 18.14. Ier. 32.17, 27. Rev. 1.8. The Lord thy God will deliver thee, Psal. 50.15. 2 Cor. 1.10. He whom God has exalted to be a Saviour, Acts 5.31. and 13.23. by his grace shall save thee, Acts 15.11. Psal. 80.3, 7, 19. Psal. 106.8. Fph. 2.5, 8. [Page 98] Tit. 3.7. Ps. 55.16. 1 Tim. 1.15. Ier. 30.11. & 15.20. Rom. 3.24. He that was anointed to preach the Gospel to the poor, sent to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the Captive, Luke 4.18. and the opening of the prison to them that are bound, Isa. 61.1. He will deliver thee, and honour thee, and thou shalt glorifie him, Psal. 50.15. and 91.5 Rom. 4.25. 2. Cor. 1.10. Col. 1.13. He that was delivered to death for thy offences, Rom. 4.25. is the God of thy Salvation, Ps. 18.46. & 24.5. & 3.8. Ionah 2.9. 2. Sam. 22.4. Acts 4.12. and will deliver thee from the wrath that is to come, 1 Thes. 1.10. Rom. 5.9. Eph. 1.3, 4, 5. Thou shalt be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation, Isa. 45.17. He whose name is Jesus shall save his people from their sins, Matth. 1.21. Luke 3.6. The son of man did come to seek, and to save that which is lost, Luke 19.10. God [Page 99]sent his Son into the world, that the world through him might be saved, Ioh. 3.17. For a faithful saying it is, and worthy of all acceptation, That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, 1 Tim. 1.15. in whom thou hast redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins, according to the richness of his Grace, Ephes. 1.7. And the Glory which the Father gave him, has he vouchsafed on thee, Iohn. 17.22. Nor can he have any rest, till thou be, where he is, that thou mayest partake of the fulness thereof, vers. 24.
The Soul.
O when shall Mortality put on Immortality! 2 Cor. 5.4. That I may know the blessedness of those that die in the Lord, Rev. 14.13. And the good of his chosen, Psal. 106.5. When shall I enter into my [Page 100]Masters joy, Matth. 25.21. and my Fathers Kingdom, Matth. 25.34. Who will bring me unto the City where the Lord is? Ez. 48.35. that I may be with him for ever, Rev. 22.5. John 17.24. And see light in his light, Psal. 36.9. and know the richness of his glorious Inheritance in the Saints, Fph. 1.19. When shall I drink of the Rivers of these pleasures which are at his right hand, and taste of these joys that last for ever more? Psal. 16.11. When shall I know that love of Christ that passeth all knowledge? Eph. 3.19. O when shall I praise God, and magnifie his name together! Psal. 34.3. with those who were killed for the Word of God, and for the Testimony which they maintained! Rev. 6.9. How long, O Lord, which art holy and true, Rev. 6.10. wilt thou forget, Psal. 13.1. the prisoner in the pit! Zech. 9.11.
The Comforter.
Yet a little while, and he that came, When immortality— will come and not tarry Heb. 10.37. Behold he comes quickly, Rev. 3.11. and 22.7. and 12.20. to render unto thee Immortality, and Eternal Life, Rev. 2.7.1 Cor. 15.53, 54.2. Tim. 1.10. Thou shalt stand up in thy Lot at the end of thy days, Dan. 12.13. and then shall the Lamb that was killed and redeemed thee unto God by his blood, Rev. 5.9. present thee holy and unblameable in the presence of his Fathers glory with exceeding joy, Jude vers. 24. Then shalt thou awake unto everlasting Life, and shine as the brightness of the Firmament, and as the Stars for ever and ever, Dan. 12.2, 3. and know the exceeding richness of his Grace through his kindness towards thee in Christ Jesus, That I ma know the blessedness— Eph. 2.7. Through [Page 102]whom thou hast entrance unto the Father, and shall be no more a Stranger, but a Citizen with the Saints, and of the Houshold of Faith, Who will bring me into the City? Eph. 2.18, 19. He that has upon his garment, and upon his thigh, a name written (a name which no man knoweth but himself, Rev. 19.12.) The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, vers. 6. The Prince of the Kings of the Earth that loved thee, and washed thee from thy sins with his own blood, Rev. 1.5, 6. The Almighty, vers. 8. who has the key of Hell, and of Death, vers. 18. He that is holy and true; he that hath the key of David, and openeth, and no man shutteth, Rev. 13.7. shall bring thee to the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, Revel. 21.2. As thou hast heard, so shalt thou see in the City of thy God, Psal. 48.8. The gladness of his Nation, and thou shalt glory with his inheritance, [Page 103] Psal. 106.5. Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty, Isa. 33.17. Psal. 27.4. Thou shalt behold the Land, though yet afar off, ibid. There shalt thou be as the Angels of God, Mat. 22.30. Nay, like Christ himself, 1 John 3.2. to whose Image thou shalt be made conformable, That I may be with him, and see light in his light. Rom. 8.29. With him shalt thou be, John 14.3. and 17.24. 1 Thes 4.17. And see his face, Rev. 22.4. and behold his glory, Ioh. 17.22, 24. and 1 Thes. 2.12. He that is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Iohn 4.6. The bright Morning Star, Rev. 22.16. and the Son of Righteousness, Mal. 4.2. shall lead thee into the land of uprightness, Psal. 143.10. where thou shalt inherit, and partake all the Promises, Eph. 3.6. Heb. 11.33. and 6.12, 15. which thou shalt then find to be no cunningly devised Fables, 2 Pet. 1.16. but the day-spring of that glorioas Light, and the seals of that Harvest [Page 104]of Joy which is sown for the rightteous, Psal. 97.11. 2 Chron. 1.22. Rom. Cor. 5.5. Gal. 3.14. Eph. 1.13. Acts. 20.32. Phil. 2.16. 1. Pet. 1.18, 19, &c. The Word of Truth, Col. 1.5. Iohn 17.17. Iames 1.18. Eccles. 12.10. Pro. 22.21. in the everlasting Gospel, Rev. 14.6. The pouring out of the name of God as a precious Oyntment, Cant. 1.3, The riches of his glorious inheritance. for in that day he will shew thee greater and mightier things, than thou couldest have asked or thought of, Ier. 33.3. Isa. 64.4. Eph. 3.20. He hath promised thee a Kingdom, Mat. 25.34. An Heavenly Kingdom, Mat. 7.21.2 Tim. 4.18. An Eternal Kingdom, 2 Pet. 1.11. A Crown, Rev. 3.11. A Crown of Life, Iames 1.12. Rev. 2.10. A Crown of righteousness, 2 Tim. 4.8. An immarcessible Crown of Glory, 1 Pet. 5.4. Pro. 4.9. Thus being crowned with glory and honour, Psal. 8.5. Heb. 2.7, 9. [Page 105]And with his loving kindness, Psal. 103.4. And being fill'd with the fulness of God, Eph. 3.19. Thou shalt be more able to comprehend the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of the love of Christ, Eph. 3.19. who is the God of love, 2 Cor. 13.11. and all love, 1 John 4.8, 16. who so loved thee, that he would give himself for thee, VVhen shall I drink of the River? — Gal. 2.20. Then shalt thou find how sweet, and how gracious the Lord is, Psal. 34.8.1 Pet. 2.3. Cant. 2.3. who will give thee freely to drink of the Waters of life, Rev. 21.6. Isa. 12.3. and 45.8. and to eat of the Tree of Life, Rev. 22.2. and of the hidden Manna, Rev. 2.17. In that day shalt thou drink of the pure Rivers of the Waters of Life, clear as Crystal, proceeding out of the Throne of God, Rev. 22.1. Then shall the faithful and true Witness, Revel. 1.5. and 19.11. who chast'ned [Page 106]and rebuked thee in the world, because he loved thee, Rev. 3.19. When he has brought thee through many tribulations and given thee a long and white Robe, made white in his blood, Rev. 6.11. and 7.9, 14. with a Crown of Glory on thy head, Rev. 4.4. And a Palm of victory in thy hand, Rev. 7.9. and set thee down upon the Throne with himself, When shal I know that Love? Rev. 3.21. let thee know what manner of love he hath bestowed upon thee, 1 Joh. 3.1. For thou shalt inherit all things; God shall be thy God, and thou shalt be his Son, Rev. 21.7. And thus being taken up into the New Heavens, Isa. 66.22. Rev. 21.1. 2. Pet. 3.13 the New Jerusalem, Rev. 21.2. When shal I magnifie his Name? He will write upon thy forehead his New Name, Rev. 3.12. He will also put a New Song in thy mouth, which no man can learn but the Redeemed from the Earth, Rev. 14.3. The first [Page 107]fruits unto God, and unto the Lamb, vers. 4. And thus exalted in the righteousness, Psal. 89.16. of him that set his heart upon thee to choose thee, Deut. 7.7. before the foundations of the world were laid, 1 Pet. 1.20. Thou shalt sing the song of Moses, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty, just and true are thy wayes, thou King of Saints, Rev. 15.3. Who will not fear thee, and glorifie thy Name? For thou only art holy, and now thy Judgements are made manifest, verse 4. Thou shalt sing with those who overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony, Rev. 22.11. saying, Now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ, verse 10. Blessing and Glory and Wisdom, and Thanksgiving and Honour, and [Page 108]power and might, be unto our God for ever and ever, Rev. 7.12. and 5.12, 13. We give thanks, O Lord God Almighty, because thou hast taken unto thee thy great power, and has rainged, Rev. 11.17. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and liveth for ever and ever, Rev. 4.8, 9. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive Honour, and Glory, and Power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created, vers. 11. Rejoyce therefore in the hope, How long O Lord? Heb. 3.6. of that Glory, Col. 1.27. whereunto thou art begotten by the in mortal seed of the Word, 1 Pet. 1.23. which is shortly to be revealed, 1 Pet. 1.5. and 5.1. for the time is at hand, Rev. 22.10. wherein thou shalt be, as thou art seen, and know, as thou art known, 2 Cor. 13.12. for, though thine eyes, while thou art in the World, cannot be satisfied with [Page 109]seeing, nor thine ears with hearing, Eccl. 18. And it cannot enter into thy heart what great and mighty things God has prepared for his beloved ones, Isa. 64.4. 1 Cor. 2.9. Yet when thou shalt be admitted to sup, Rev. 3.20. with the Eternal, 1 Tim. 1.17. Jer. 10.10. Gen. 21.33. with the Living God, that everlasting King, Jer. 10.10. Isa. 40.28. at the Marriage of the Lamb, Rev. 19.7, 9. thou shalt make an Eternal Feast, Isa. 35.10. and 51.11. and 61.7. of fat things, Isa. 25.6. and eat and drink abundantly with the Bridegroom and his friends, Cant. 5.1. Then shall thy-joy be full, Joh. 17.13. Thou shalt rejoyce with Jerusalem, and be glad with her; thou shalt suck and be satisfied with the breasts of her Consolation, and be delighted with the brightness of her glory, Isa. 66.10, 11. Thou shalt be abundantly satisfied with the fat things of his [Page 110]house, and he will make thee to drink of the Rivers of his pleasures, Psal. 36.8. Then shalt thou taste the blessedness of that people, who rejoyce in their God; thou shalt walk in the light of his countenance, and rejoyce in his name continually, Psal. 89.15, 16. and with all the Creatures which are in Heaven and in Earth, shalt thou give praise, and honour, and glory, and power, unto him that sits upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever, Rev. 5.13. and 7.13. He that confirmed the Word, Wilt thou forget? and performeth the counsel of his Messenger, even the Lord that formed thee ha not forgoten thee, Isa. 44.21, 24, 26. The Lerd has sent (thy Lord Psal. 110.1.) to bind up the broken-hearted, and to open the prison to those that are bound, Isa. 61.1, 2. and 42.7. Has he not graven thee on the palms of his hands? Isa. 49.16. and set thee as a [Page 111]Seal on his heart? Cant. 8.6. Thou art continually before him, how can he forget thee? Isa. 49.15, 19. Nay, out of his love to thy Soul, be hath delivered it from the pit of corruption, Isa. 38.17. Psal. 40.3.
The Soul.
I long to see that City whereof so glorious things are spoken, Psal. 87.3. Rev. 21.15. And the people that have no Sun, Rev. 21: 3. no Temple, 16.22. no Winter, 16.23. no. Woe, 16.4. I long to see the Antient of Days, Dan. 7.3. my everlasting Friend, Jer. 31.3. Joh. 15.14, 15. and my Father — Eternal, Isa. 9.6. I long to see my Elder Brother, Rom. 8.29. And to meet with the Spouse of my Soul, John 3.29. Jer. 3.14. and to see the thousands of my brethren standing with the Lamb in mount [Page 112] Zion, Rev. 14.1. I long to hear the voice of Joy and Gladness, Isa. 51.8. the voice of my Beloved, that made my Soul many tirnes to fail, when he spoke to me, Cant. 5.6, 16. and the harping of the Harpers about the Trone, Rev. 14.2. I long to smell these Oyntments for which the Virgins love him, Cant. 1.3. I long to taste of the Tree of Life, Rev. 22.2. and the food of Angels, Psal. 78.25. Jo. 6.31. I long to be embraced, Cant. 2.6. and 8.3. of the beauty of Holiness, 1 Chro. 16.29. 2 Chro. 20.21. Psal. 29.2. and 99.9. and 110.3. and to enjoy Psal. 73.24. Rev. 14.10. and praise him for ever, 1 Cor. 10.31, &c.
The Comforter.
He that hath mercy upon thee will lead thee, I long to see that City— Isa. 49.10. by the way everlasting, Psal. 139.24. into the land of upringhtnness, Psal. 143.10. [Page 113]He will bring thee in through the Gates unto that great, Rev. 21.10. and Holy City, 16.2. And in due season, Gal. 6.9. when thou hast finished thy course, 2 Tim. 7.8. and run the race that is set before thee, Heh. 12.1. he will shew thee the New Jerusalem preparced as a Bride adorned for her Husband, Revel. 21.2, 10. That City of pure Gold, like unto clear Glass, vers. 18. and her great and high Walls, vers. 12. whose foundations are garnished with all manner of precious stones, vers. 19. and her twelve Gates which are twelve Pearls, and the Streets of the City which were of pure Gold, as it were transparent Glass, vers. 21. wherein there is no Temple for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it, No Temple. vers. 22. and the City has no need of the Sun, No Sun— neither of the Moon to shine in it, for the glery of God [Page 114]doth light it, and the Lamb is the light thereof, vers. 23. and all the Citizens are children of light; Luk. 16.8. Eph. 5.8. 1 Th [...] 5.5. Rev. 21.23, 24. and 22.4. who have obtained a Crown of life, Jam. 1.12. and the Joy of their salvation, Psal. 16.11. Jo. 16.24. and 17.13. 1 Pet. 1.9. Heb. 9.15. and all tears being wip't from their eyes, Rev. 7.17. Isa. 25.8. do know no more sorrow nor crying. Rev. 21.4. for God himself dwelleth with them, they are his people, and he is their God, Rev. 21.7.3. who has put everlasting joy upon their heads, Isa. 35.10. and 51.11. and 61.7. which is also prepared for thee, when thou comest to thy Fathers Kingdom, Matth. 23.24. and to Mount Zion, and to that City of the Living God, the Celestial Jerusalem, and to the company of innumerable Angels, and to the Assembly and Congregation [Page 115]The First-born, which are written in Heaven, and to the Spirits of just and prefect men, I long to see theAntient of Dayce. Hebr. 12.22, 23. If thou longest to find out the Almighty, Job. 11.7. who is excellent in Power, and in Judgment, Job 37.23. and the most High whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, Dan. 7.27. Thou shalt then behold him to thy prefection, [...] John 3.2. 1 Cor. 13.12. He will no more shew himself through the Lattice, Cant. 2.9. but the wall being removed, 2 Cor. 3.18. Heb. 10.20. Thou shalt see his face, Revel. 22.4. as the Sun in the strength of his Glory, Matth. 17.2. with those eyes of thine shalt thou see thy Redeemer, Job 19.25, 27. Thy everlasting joy, Isa. 35.10. and 51.11. and 61.7. thy glory, Isa. 60.19. and thy God. Psal. 18.2, and 22.1, 2, 10. and 48.14. Isa. 61.10. Mitab 7.7. whose delights were with the [Page 116]Sons of Men before he prepared the Heavens, Prov. 8.27, 31. Thou shalt meet with him in the banquetting House, To meet with the Bridegroom. Cant. 2.4. In the secret of his Tabernacle, Psal. 91.1. and 27.5. and nothing shall ever be able to separate thee from the Love, Rom. 8.39. of thy Bridegroom, who has married thee to himself in Righteousness and tender Mercies, Hosea 2.19. Then being admitted to that Fellowship and Communion with the Father, and the Son, 1 John 1.3.1 Cor. 1.9. and the Holy Spirit, Phil. 2.1. thou shalt see and know that Wisedome which the Lord possessed in the beginning of his. Way before his Works of Old, Proverbs 8.22. Thou shalt see the Assembly of Saint, Psal. 89.7. The thousands of my brethrew. Revel. 14.1, 2, 3, &c. joyful in Glory, Psal. 149.5.— and shouting aloud for joy, Psal. 132.9, 16. having the high praises [Page 117]of God in their Mouth, Psalm 149.6. saying, Hallelejah, Salvation, and Glory, and Honour, and Power be unto the Lord, Revel. 19.1, 6. He that satisfieth the longing soul, Psalm 107.9. will perfect and perform whatsoever concerns thee, Isa. 138.8. and supplying all thy needs according to his glorious Riches in Christ Jesus, Phil. 4.19. If thou delightest thy self in the Lord; he will give thee all the desires of thine heart, Psalm 37.4. and being crowned with loving kindness, Psalm 103.4. Thou shalt reign with him for ever and ever Revel. 22.5. John 17.24. Then shall he be thy portion, Psalm 73.26. Thou shalt be One in him, and he in thee, John 17.21. Thou shalt praise and walk in the Name of the Lord thy God for ever and ever, Micah 4.5. [Page 118] Gal. 1.5. Phil. 4.20. Then shall Christ be All in All, Col. 3.11. 1 Cor. 15.28. And all things shall likewise be thine, 1 Cor. 3.21. Rom. 8.32.
The SOUL comforted, and confirmed by the Right Hand of the Lords Righteousuess, and the Spirit of the Holy Promise, breaks out in this following Divine Rapture, and Valedictory to the world.
ONce have I spoken, but I will not answer; yea, twice, but I will proceed no further: Behold, I am vile, what shall I answer? I will lay my hand upon my mouth, Job 40.4, 5. I have hear'd, I have hear'd the still soft voice of the Lord, 1 King. 19.12. the voice of him that spoke, as never man did; Joh. 7.46. which makes the Soul to burn, Luk. 24.32. [Page 120] Cant. 5.6. The voice of my Beloved, Cant. 2.8, 10. whose Lips are like Lillies, dropping sweet-smelling Myrrhe. Cant. 5.13. Enter into the Rock, and hide the self in the dast, my Soul, Isa. 2.10. Cover the face with a Mantle, while the Lord Jehovah proclaims his Name, and maketh all his goodness to pass before thee, Exoad. 33.22. Bow thy self to the ground, Micah 6.6. and rejoyce with rembling, Psal. 2.11. for in his month is the Law of kindness, Prov. 31.26. And he hath published the glad tidings, Isa. 52.7. and 66.12. He hath revealed the abundance of his peace unto thee, Jer. 33.6.
This, this indeed, in the power of God unto Salvation, Rom. 1.16. the light of that glorious Gospel, which hath shined, 2 Cor. 4.4. and is come unto me, not in word, but also in Power, and in the Holy Ghost, 1 Thes. 1.5. This is that [Page 121]Spirit of Wisedom, and Revelation, which the God of our Lord Jesus Christ hath given to me in the knowledge of him, Eph. 1.17. and of the mystery of his Will, according to his good pleasure, which he had purposed in himself, Eph. 1.9. And this Word of Truth, Joh. 17.17.1 Joh. 5.6. Gal. 2.5, 14. (through the riches of his free Grace, by whom I have Redemption, Eph. 1.7.) will I receive, with much assurance, and joy of the Holy Ghost, 1 Thes. 1.5. for he hath put gladness in my Heart, Psal. 4.7.
And now methinks I hear a voice falling from Heaven, Mat. 3.17. Luk. 9.35. Act. 10.13. and Dan. 4.31. A voice of joy and gladness, Psal. 51.8. and 105.43. and 106.5. saying, Come unto me, and I will give thee peace, and rest, Mat. 11.28. and 25.34. I'le show thee, I'le give thee greater, and mightier [Page 122]things than ever thou wert able to speak or think of, Jer. 33.3. Come enter into thy Masters joy, and Fathers Kingdom, Matth. 25.21. where thou shalt inherit all things. Rev. 21.7. and 1 Cor. 3.21. and Rom. 8.32. Methinks I see a Door opened in Heaven, and hear a voice, as it were, of a Trumpet, talking with me, and saying, Come up hither, Revel. 4.1. and I will shew thee the path of Life, Psal. 16.11: I'le shew thee my Salvation, Psal. 91.16. I'le shew thee the exceeding riches of my Grace, Eph. 2.7. and my marvelous loving kindness Psal. 17.7. I'le shew thee the Bride, and the Lambs Wife, Rev. 21.9.
O that I had wings like a Dove, that I might fly, and be at rest! Psal. 55.6. for I have seen an end of all perfection, Psal. 119.96. like as the Hart panteth for the Water. Brooks, so panteth my soul for thee: Lord, when shall I come [Page 123]and appear before thee? Psal. 42.1, 2. I had rather be a Door-keeper in the House of my God, than dwell here, though in Chambers of pleasure, Psal. 84.10. Come Lord Jesus, Rev. 22.17. and hasten the coming of thy Promise! 2 Pet. 3.4, 12. Come quickly, Rev. 22.7, and 20. for I have waited, Gen. 49.18. I have hoped, Psal. 119.166. I have longed for thy Salvation, Psal. 119.174. O Let thy Servant depart in peace! Luke 2.29. for I know whom I have believed, Isa. 31.3. 2 Tim. 1.12. and that thy glory will also be great in my falvation! Psal. 21.5. Now let the Prince of this world, John 12.31. and 14.30. and 16.11. shew me all the Kingdoms of the Earth, and give me all the power and glory thereof, Luke 4.5, 6. I count all things but dung and loss, compared with the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, Phil. 3, 4. [Page 124]and that love of his which passeth all knowledge, Eph. 3.19.
And indeed, who would dwell in houses of clay? Job 4.19. that have eternal Mansions prepared for them in the Heavens, not made with hands? Joh. 14.2, 3. Heb. 11.10. who would choose rather to remain still in Mesech, and in the Tents of Kedar, Psal. 120.5. than to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of his Wings? Psal. 91.1. In a Babylon of Confusion, the Mother of Harlots, Rev. 17.5. appointed unto destruction, vers. 18.10, 22. rather than in that City of my God: The Heavenly, Heb. 12.22. the New, Rev. 3.12. and the Holy Jerusalem, Rev. 21.2, 10. which is the Mother of the beloved Ones, that are redeemed from the Earth? Rev. 5.9. and 14.3, 4. and to have their conversation with the men of this world, [Page 125] Joh. 14.17. and 18.36.1 Pet. 1.14. Rom. 12.12. and 5.10. With the Children of Belial, 2 Sam. 16.17. and 2 Chro. 13.7. and 2 Cor. 6.15. Rather than with the Angels, and Glorified Saints, which are without fault before the Throne of God, Rev. 14.5. Now depart from me, Psal. 6.8. All creature comforts, Eccl. 1.14, 17. and 9.9. and 3.18, 19. Too long have you bewitched me, with your Vanities and Delusions, Ps. 4.2. Wasting and Destruction are in your crooked paths, Isaia. 59.7. Whosoever walketh therein, shall find nothing but folly and madness, ibid. 8. Ec. 9.3. and 10.13. Your Vine is of the Vine of Sodom, and of the Fields of Gomorrah; Your Grapes are of Call, and of the Poyson of Dragons; Your Clusters are bitter, and as the cruel venom of Asps, Deut. 32.32, 33. For I did take hold of folly, till I might see that goodness of the [Page 126]Children of Men, which they enjoy under the Sun, the whole number of the days of their life, Eccl. 2.3. And behold all is Vanity, and vexation of Spirit: There is no profit under the Sun, ibid. 11. For all the Days of Man are sorrow, and his Travel grief, ibid. 2.3. But exalted be the God of my Salvation, 2 Sam. 22.47. Ps. 18.46. In whom I will rejoice, Hah. 3.18. For he hath spread the Banner of his Love over me, Cant. 2.4. He hath annointed me with the Oyl of gladness, Psal. 45.7. And fed me with Honey taken out of the carkase of the strong Lyon. Judg. 14.9. So that though the iniquities of my heels do compass me about, Ps. 49.5. And all the world should forsake me, Psal. 27.10. Yet being justified by Faith, Rom. 5.1. And kept by the power of God unto Salvation, 1 Pet. 1.5. and 1 Joh. 5.4. I will not fear, Gen. 15.1. and 26.24. [Page 127] Isa. 35.4. and 41.10, Ps. 27.3. But even glory in my Tribulations, Rom. 5.3. Therefore awake up my Glory, awake Psaltery and Harp, Ps. 57.8. And meet the Deliverer with Triumoh, 2 Sam. 22.2. Psal. 18.2. and Ps. 4.17. Ps. 70.5. Ps. 144.2. Rom. 11.26. for his right hand, and his holy Arm hath gotten thee the Victory, Ps. 98.1.2. And because he hath made me an eternal excellency, Isa. 60, 15. I will therefore offer Sacrifices of immortal praises in the Temple of Eternity, Rev. 10.11, 12.
Come unto me then, O Death, thou King of Terrour, triumphing upon thy pale Horse, with Hell following after thee! Rev. 6.8. I now defy thy Impotent, 1 Cor. 15.54, 55, 56. and Tim. 1.10. I provoke thy welcom Dart, Ps. 55.6, and 1 Cor. 1.7. and 2. Pet. 3.12. for I am covered with the shield of Faith, 1 Thes. 5.8. And armed with [Page 128]the Breast-plate of Righteousness, Ephes. 6.14. wherewith I am able to quench it, ibid. 6.16. I have also received the Spirit of Adoption, Gal. 4.6. and the pardon of my sins, Luke 5.20. Acts 5.31. Ephes. 1.7. and 4.32. As the Watch-man watcheth for the Morning, Psal. 130.6. and the Husband-man waiteth for the precious Fruit of the Earth, Jam. 5.7. so have I waited for thy coming, Job 14.14. so do I long to pass through thy silent Valeys, Phil. 1.21, 23. Psal. 55.6. Luke 2.29. that I may reap the Harvest of joy, Isa. 9.3. and 35.10. and 61.7. John 16.24.1 John 1.4. and 2 Joh. 12. Shall the souls under the Altar be still crying with a loud voice, How long, O Lord, Rev. 6.10. and the whole Creation travel in pain, to be delivered from the bondage of Corruption, into the glorious liberty of the Children of [Page 129]God? Rom. 8.21, 22. And shall not I, who have received the First-fruits of the Spirit, even groan within my self, waiting for the Adoption? ibid. 23. And for the appearance of Christ, who is my life? Col. 3.4. for I am sure that my Redeemer liveth; and though worms destroy this body, yet shall I see God in my flesh, whom I my self shall see, and mine eyes shall behold, and none other for me, Job 19.25, 26, 27. Then shall that word be fulfilled, 2 Thes. 1.11. and 1 Pet. 1.9. Death is swallowed up in Victory, O Death, where is thy sting? O Grave, where is thy victory? 1 Corinth. 15.55. Hosea 13.14. Psal. 16.10. And now Holy Father glorifie thy Servant with the selfe (according to these Testimonies of thy Grace, Acts 14.3. and 20.32. and all these precious words of thy Righteousness, [Page 130]that thou hast given him, on which thou hast caused him to hope, Psal. 119.49.) that his joy may be full, and he may also glorifie thee for ever.