AN ALARUM TO PAMPHLETEERS; OR THE DANGER OF AN Habeas Corpus; BEING A serious and seasonable advice to Anti­temporizing Scriblers, to desist in time, least they untimely be forc'd to sing their own Obsequies, and write with their own Pens in Dismall Characters their own EPITAPHS.

By R. B. H.

LONDON: Printed in the Year, 1659.

An Alarum to Pamphleteers; Or the danger of an Habeas Corpus, &c.

NO sooner is the Sun set, and that Twi-light invades our Horizon, but the Owles that are pur-blind by light, flutter abroad, hooping in every Ivie-bush. Whole legi­ons of Beerles hum and buz, kee­ping consort with croaking Froggs in Ditches: Thus it is, when there's a mutation in State Affairs, the Press presently groans in the bring­ing forth such a numberless quantity of Spurious Paper Bratts, by which meanes Paper becomes to be excessive dear, and Gold finders quickly grow rich in the so often emptying of those Privies, State biting or scurrulous Pamphlets dam up: But let them beware they imitate not too much the sil­ly Moths, that never leave flying about the Can­dle [Page 3]till they have (at least) scorcht their wings. I cannot but laugh when I think into what a deep silence and pannick fear, they'l be all thrown into when there shall be one of them caught, and for an example to the rest shall be hanged up with his Pen, in his eare, as a demonstration of his fault: As yet they multiply dayly, and fight stoutly in their Billingsgate-Language; some whereof should they but see a Sword drawn, would be in a far more affrighted and amazed con­dition, then the Indians were in, when they first heard the Spanish-Guns: Nay, I durst say, That it would make some of them run to Pegg-Trantums and that's five miles beyond Hell, with­out so much as once looking behind them. They verisie old Nasis verse.

Tutuis est igitur fictis contendere verbis.
Quam pugnare manu—
'Tis safer far to fight with words,
Then to contend with killing swords.

These fellowes now make it a matter of nothing, to speak Treason in the Superlative degree, as first they must needs forsooth be medling with our Grave, Wise, and Gray-Headed Citizens, for taxing unworthily Alderman T. for having no beard, whereas it may be his Barbers fault: Grant it were not so, and that he never had any, what can he help it? Nam genus & Barbam & quae non fecimus ipsi,

Vix ea nostra voce—

And so likewise Alderman At. that leavs a sweet smel­ling savour of piety behind him where ever he goes. And yet for all their high vaunring & seditious words, would rather hang then act any such thing really, and yet take the liberty upon them to reprehend-others for their dull, slavish, and unactive Spirits. But I smel their intent, they foolishly apprehend Treason is in fashion, and that the Promoters of sedition and con­fusion, are the onely persons that are now regarded or esteemed. And they forsooth must needs [...] in the number, men of the times, and are willing to venter the cracking of a Neck, rather then to want that which must procure Liquor to swill the Gullet: It seems they find this kind of libelling a ready mo­ney commodity, otherwise we should not have half so many of them. Well I can resemble these snar­ling fellowes to nothing so properly as to Currs that (when they have no other object) will bark against the Moon, and retaining the same nature of the beast will bite at that stone that is thrown at them, though they indanger the breaking of their grinders.

Alas poor Pigg-wiggen myrmidons, you must be Jocky like correctors, and consers of every mans acti­ons without the indeavouring to reform your own. Yee are like the rest of the wavering and giddy mul­titude, whose small spark of understanding being dimm'd and obscured with the mist of prejudice, and darkned with the Cloud of passionate affections, judge of matters and persons, (that are so high they s [...]em but very little to you) onely I say by your sen­sitive [Page 5]apprehension; And being not able of your selves to look into the debts of PARLIAMENTA­RY and ARMY politick designs and actions, then the superficial bark will suffer the eye of your internal sense to pierce into them, do by reason thereof even calumninate virtue it self. Because some high persons now have been heretofore low; their stupid sconces thinks no other, but they must needs have the same low minds and uncoath dispositions still. It is not what we have been, but what we are that shall speak for us or against us. True worth may chance a long time to lurk under an obscure cobling bulk, or under a dirty frock, and perhaps in the form of a securing man, or else may be hid under a great heap of Thimbles and Bodkins, or some such light things; but when goodness and virtue shall hack and hew their way through these impediments and obscurities, you may then plainly see (as now we do) goodness, virtue, pi­ety, religion, and zealous, yet profound policy, shine as bright as the Sun in Velvit Jackets, though others indeed by some fatal necessity must easie be con­tent, (since they cannot help it) to shine no brighter then the Sun, when he is eclipsed. If our Rulers were low, and are now risen, it was by some meanes; if so, then teachly it may be by their pro­per worth. But grant that the Devils temptations should be so strong, as to be possibly able to staine their red white soules with any fault; what Man is there that dares come personally to delect or correct them? It may be who so e're thou art that durst doe it, thou hast faults of thine owne, as well as they [Page 6]and therefore can'st not be a convenient Person. For I should think that the presenting of Physick to a sick Patient in an ugly and filthy forme and fashion, may at least occasion distast in the Person, if not utter re­fusall. For [...] Good things loose the grace of their goodnesse, when they are not performed in that manner that is convenient, or when by good and convenient Persons, they be not propounded. Wherefore [...], that it may not be said of thee;

Cladius accusat Machos, Catalina Cothegum.

It is an excellent harmony paralell with that of the Spheres, to see a mutuall concent of workes and words, I speak in generall; and that they walk hand in hand, accompanyed with verity and sincerity, The Devill (you have heard) hath transform'd himselfe into an Angell of light, for a time, but it would have argued a strong delusion, and very great folly to have then took him to be a Saint, or belonging to some holy order, but the Devill a Monk was he. Therefore I should advise you not to look on things as they seeme to be, but as they really are. The Harpies have vultures talons, yet they have Virgin faces, why then may they not have innocent hearts; And as for the Hyaena, it hath continually the lookes of a friend, though it devoure like a face, and yet it may not prove so. Though perhaps our Governours seem like Watermen, that look one way and row the other; you must not therefore rashly judge they will never arrive to their desired and intended port. But you will object, and say that there are too many Scullers in one Boat, which by reasons of their severall opini­ons, [Page 7]one going this way, the other that way, the third contrary to them both, and perhaps the fourth he knows not whither, the fifth it may be would do some thing, if he knew what. To which I answer, that by the m [...]ltitude of counsell a Nation is oft times pre­serv'd, for every single Person cannot performe every act, but many together may doe — what may they doe? why — I forgot what I was going to say. But let me tell you what e're I think, that the power­full hand of irreprovable wisedome hath divided suf­ficiency in all things into severall persons, and 'tis im­possible to finde it epitomiz'd in one single person. And therefore that man doth but manifest his pre­sumptuous arrogancy, that dares to challenge super-excellency in the performance of all things; as did our P. Monarch K. C. take the P. which way you will, either Proud or Pious. He that will confidently give out that he is eminent in all things, doth thereby se­cretly insinuate, that he is deficient in most things. But me thinks I hear some privately whispering, that had not our Common-wealths-men been ambitious, they would have rested contented in their former states and conditions. Suppose it to be true, what then? are they not here in most like the noble Romans, who be­ing emulous of praise, and extraordinary ambitious, were thereby carried on to the effecting of those things, that might be thought impossible for humane weaknesse to attain to. Death though disguiz'd in the most offrighting vizard, could never defer them from any high archievement, whither pious or impious. So that I shall think with Tacitus, Optimi qui (que) mortali­um [Page 8]altessima cupiunt. To conclude glory, and wealth that they might inrich their poor friends, were the on­ly subject of all their differences, and contentions. Why then should we cast an opproprium on our Go­vernours, for that they are somewhat like so victorious and conquering Nation: I must not goe beyond the bonds of the Booksellers prescriptions, not to exceed one sheet; wherefore to fill it up, I shall conclude with some few Queries on some new Books, though I intended to discant on them all.

1. Whither he that wrote the 36. Queries, did not like a judicio is Asse, propound more in one hower, then all the Common-wealths-men could answer all their life time.

2. Whither a word to the purpose, or a Parthian Dart, may not be termed the Fooles bolt that is soon shot.

3. Whither he that wrote the 44. Queries, is not more Foole then Knave, since there is seen in them so much of the first, but very little of the other.

4 Whither the Inquirers will not 'ere long verifie the old Proverb, 'Tis good sleeping in a whole skin, since.

5. Lastly, Whither he that tendred 19. Cases for Con­science to Hugh Peters, did not do preposterously and absurd­ly, since all the World knows, that one little Case would have contained all that he ever had. I should have added this Querie, whither the Bookseller that printed this sheet, and my Selfe, have not more honesty then we can tell what to doe with all.


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