A LETTER FROM Sir ARTHƲR HASELRIGGE IN PORTSMOUTH To an Honourable Member of the late Parliament.
Published for general satisfaction.
LONDON. Printed in the year, MDCLIX.
A LETTER FROM Sir Arthur Haselrigge in Portsmouth.
THough I know the surprize of this place (as 'tis termed at Wallingford House that take all for their own) was no novel to you, and therefore 'twas needless to have given you a bare relation of it, yet now since the laet proceedings of the Army have ministred an occasion of writing, I will give you a brief account [Page 4] of the condition of our affairs here, and our thoughts of the transactions there with you, in pursuance of those resolutions that were taken up by the Parliament presently upon the late force, after some intelligence with the Governour here, we were assured of his fidelity to the Parliament, and that the Town was at our Devotion.
We entred here on Saturday the third of December instant, at four of the Clock, my Self and my Son Colonel Morley and Colonel Walton, with divers other Gentlemen, some whereof were neighbouring inhabitants to this place, presently after came in the Governour Colonel Whetham, who had been abroad that afternoon, and came to us to the Lyon Inne, where we quartered that night, and very honourably treated us (and indeed he is a very Noble true spirited Englishman) after a short conference with him, he declared that he would secure the Town and Garrison for the use of the Parliament, and in order thereunto we did presently seize some dissatisfied Officers (whose names I suppose you have had.) The next morning the Magistrats of the Town came to complement us and bid us welcom, to whom we declared, that we intended not to levy or raise any War in the Nation, thereby to open a breach for the Common Enemy to enter, being more concerned against him, then to [Page 5] afford him such advantage, but that the Treaty being on foot betwixt the Army and General Monck the Commander in Chief of the Parliaments forces in Scotland, the gaining of this place might be a means to facilitate it, and ballance the affair, and that we hoped it would produce a right understanding and unity so much desired by all goodmen; they answered us they would afford us all the assistance they could, and would stand by us in these our intentions.
We expected some additional Forces out of Sussex, and the neighbouring Counties, but you here what is become of them, however we doubt not of succor and supply, if they shall offer to attempt us. We hear Coronel Disborough is designed against this place, your Major Cadwel troubles us very little, we scarce know where he is.
Yesterday we had notice of a Proclamation for issuing out Summons for a Parliament to sit down the twenty fourth day of January: 'Tis a meer delusion to amuse the people now the Scotch Army is advancing, and signifies nothing: Besides their fundamentals, as they call them, interpret what a kind of Parliament it shall be; these are like that Engine the Scrue which instead of setling wil violently force & raise the very being of Government from its proper Basis, and remove and set it where [Page 6] their fancy best likes them, nor will the Army abide long by this very form, but as the successe and event of their affairs shall be, so will they be freed from, or obliged to these their elementary constitutions.
We see now the sword must decide the matter, and therefore by all plausible waies they would wind themselves into a better Opinion then to be counted arbitrary and lawlesse persons. We heard of some late Tumults at London, but the relation so imperfect, that we could wish you would correspond with us in some private Character, since all waies are laid to prevent Intelligence. I can assure you from hence, that nothing will be done by Treaty at Newcastle without a preliminary Article of restoring the Parliament to a Free Session without any other condition. This place is so well Fortified and provided, that we shall be able to preserve it against all the Forces and more then they can make; nor do we fear any plots or conspiracies to betray it. We are all well and in health, and I praise God unanimous, and the Townesmen very cheerful and resolute to go through with us and to bear part of the Duty, hoping by their cordial concurrence with us to encourage the rest of the considerable places of the Nation to doe the like.
For our own parts we are resolved to assert [Page 7] our cause, and have therefore adventured all, jacta est alea, and we trust the fortune of the War will answer our Ends, as it hath yet never failed the justice of our Arms, We have reinforced Ports Down-fort with 4 pieces of Artillery more, and have Lodged there a convenient Garrison; we have also 6 Companies of Foot of the Army, and have raised 2 Troops of Horse in the Town, among our selves and servants. Here were at our coming hither 10 Sail of Frigots and Men of War, who have declared themselves for the Parliament, two whereof have set sail with Commission upon our affairs. We do daily and hourly expect the arrival of Vice-Admiral Lawson with the part of the Fleet under his Command to our assistance.
SInce the writing of this Mr. Wallop the most Considerable Gentleman of this County is come in hither, with 50 Horse most of them his Tennants, we have already the liberty of the Sea, and we hope our well begun endeavours will amount to the liberty of the Land.